ASID OC - Outside the Box Fall Issue

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FALL 2019

Cheers from the Incoming ASID OC Board of Directors!


Table of Contents Presidents Message


President Elects Message P.7 Board of Directors


New Members


Outside The Box ASID CA OC Chapter Magazine Fall 2019 Editors

Celebration Gala


Design Awards


Mingles & Pop Ups P.34 Committee Chairs

Julia Alt, Allied ASID Kasey Sterling

Cover : Incoming 2019-2020 ASID OC Board Members at the 2019 Celebration Gala, Dana Point Yacht Club, Dana Point ,CA. Photo by Reza Allahbakshi ASID CA OC Office 23807 Aliso Creek Rd. Suite 205 Laguna Niguel CA 92677 3


Farewell from


t’s been an energizing term to say the least!

I would say it was similar to being launched on a rocket accompanied by non-stop thrilling moments that catapulted our chapter into programming nirvana! It took a village, of course, to launch this rocket with my fellow Board of Directors, Chairpersons, Industry Partners and Sponsorships, Media Partners, our Administrator, and all participants to make it happen the way I envisioned our Strategic Plan could be! One full of celebrating, elevating, educating, giving back to our community and creating something of value for every member. If there is one thing I feel about our term together, it is that it has been spent filled with satisfaction and I am proudly leaving our momentum as part of our chapter legacy. We spent hours taking on our roles to create a fresh approach. I was never so absorbed in our chapter until I became its elected leader. I loved every moment including the hurdles because of lessons learned that only led to sharpening leadership skills and problem solving that I now apply to my interior design business practice. I learned a lot about myself by learning about others. I wanted to inspire instead of delegate tasks which took some adjusting but it was in those moments that we became one, working for the greater good of our chapter. I am happy with a creative approach from our Financial Director, Carolyn Scroggs, to help win term sponsorships that went above and beyond. Including our Titanium Sponsor Pacific Sales for both Expo, Gala, the Luxe with CHOC’s Dream Tree decorations, new office furnishings, funding a student to join me at President’s Forum and SCALE, and also funding via their brands for our Dining By Design and our last Dynamic Duo! We were able to accomplish publication of our digital magazine Outside the Box including ads for IP sponsorships and social media postings through our Communications Director, Julia Alt’s perseverance and steadfast Chairpersons to get articles, photos, logos and ads collected for her quarterly publication promise. Our President Elect, Bill Elson went to bat whenever I asked him to help me deliver results whether it was getting our acclaimed Expo speaker while overseeing his two lovely Chairpersons or doubling up with me to spend our time wisely searching for solutions and learning a lot along the way. Our Membership Director, Linda Tom and her tenacious Chairperson went to town on bringing new membership and had a special aim for winning more students and industry partners. Getting a donated Revolution Fabrics beach tote for Gala which our Chairpersons gladly filled with swag along with incredible planning for our Celebration Gala. Our trophy designed with wave top and our renown designer judges that our design awards Chairperson found for our new categories for more chances for all levels of experience 4

the President! to win this term. We had a winning team of three Program Chairpersons that followed our direction for showrooms and speakers overseen by our Professional Development Director, Elisabeth D’Angelo so we could together accomplish our amazing array of Mingles and Pop Ups. We increased attendance at each of these events and even offered an evening of three CEU’s too! Our At Large Director, Derek Fisher did a wonderful job with our IP Liaison for our IP Appreciation Mingle and was able to assist our Dining By Design Chairperson to help accomplish our successful plan for a pertinent to design event and one that will be carried into the next term. Our Student Rep, Angela Blake was extraordinary with her idea for a reality- based student design challenge that increased our chapter’s awareness on school campuses along with her Student Affairs Chairperson. We also planned something for historic preservation which was part of my vision that will begin next term because we just plain old ran out of time in our calendar. We made an impact on students in my term by offering them free attendance to our events, offered sponsored student chapter membership, scholarships for design award winners, an essay contest to win to travel to NYC with me to President’s Forum and SCALE, and an out of town factory trip. I was gifted by one of these special students with a Nordstrom’s thank you gift card and I applied it to my Gala outfit. As a leader, one has to be neutral and diplomatic not taking sides but it’s good to voice an unpopular opinion from time to time to keep it real. In the long run, we learned to celebrate our differences and hope for the best on behalf of our chapter. So, when I tell you it took a village it really is true, and we created a memorable term together. You may ask yourself, why do we belong to ASID and why do we volunteer our time? It’s because we are interested in the advancement of our profession and how we can communicate the impact of the human experience with how we design. Now my years of volunteering with our chapter will definitely slow down now as I begin to plan my nuptials to Richard Downes of Style Bath Enclosures who I was lucky to meet over 10 years ago at a meeting. He is a beloved Industry Partner that has loyally participated as a sponsor and attendee of all ASID OC events. Together we have built our businesses and found long lasting industry friendships! As Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said and will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. So, at the end of my term I leave you all forever humbled in my leadership and thank you for your spirited support!

Truly, Michele

Michele Prata, Allied ASID Chapter President 2018-2019 5


Goodbye from the


President Elect!

ello there members!

It’s sad to say goodbye as your President Elect. But, it’s a happy hello as your incoming President!!! This is all very exciting for me. Remember when you were in junior high and going into high school? Then as a senior in high school going into college… and finally graduating from college and going into your new life? Well, that’s what this all feels like in one swoop! Thank goodness I had the very knowledgeable Michele Prata to help guide and direct me in all this. There’s a lot going on in our chapter every month and we want and need your support. From our popular Pop Ups, our mighty Mingles, Dining By Design, our excellent Expo which will be focusing on Wellness, Health, and Happiness, and now during my term, we are adding a “Living History Series” of historical buildings in Orange County, a membership and industry partner outreach to be held at Canaletto in Fashion Island, and of course, our real life design student projects including LGBTQ Community Center, a shelter for abused people and finally, our special design awards gala, “A Night in Shangri La.” This is ASID Orange County at its best, all for you, our amazing members, industry partners, students, and media sponsors. Because if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be here! Thank you all for an amazing year and a brand new one coming up!

William Elson, Allied ASID President Elect 2018-2019


Board of Directors President

President Elect

Michele Prata, Allied ASID

William C. Elson, Allied ASID

Financial Director

Professional Development Director

Carolyn Scroggs, Allied ASID

Elisabeth D’Angelo, Allied ASID

Communications Director

Membership Director

Julia Alt, Allied ASID

Linda A. Tom, Allied ASID

At large Director

Student Rep to the Board

Derek Fisher, Industry Partner

Angela Blake, Student ASID


Communications Update


elcome to the final issue, for this term, of our chapter magazine.

It has been a pleasure to collaborate with the design magazine chairs and our amazing and talented administrator, Kasey Sterling. I would like to thank the Board of Directors and our wonderful chairs for their contributions to the success of the magazine. You all have worked so hard to create and support incredible events and I appreciate your efforts and timeliness in turning in your articles. I have also enjoyed the media partnerships. Working along side professionals such as Linda McCall and Susan McFadden of California Homes, Shannon Ratcliffe of Luxe, Shonnie Gilmer and Diana McBride of Modern Luxury California Interiors, and Chris Schultz of Orange Coast has been incredible. We thank you for your ongoing support of our chapter. Tim Manning, I thank you for your lovely coverage of the chapter events and for providing many of the photos for the magazine and the chapter archives. We appreciate that you always greet us with a charming smile and for your continued assistance to the chapter. Stacy Vieth, thank you for getting the magazine up and rolling. Your beautiful work and incredible talent are beyond words. Sue Rexroth, thank you for the arduous work of chasing down ads. You and I have collaborated on a few committees and events over the years and I am grateful for your support, your laughter, and your hard work. Steve Huang, Technology chair, thank you for always having it handled. Lastly, I would like to say a very special Thank You to Michele Prata. Your energy and vision has been incredible this past year. Thank you for believing in me to get the job done. Its been a wild ride learning to do so many things in a short amount of time, but we did it.

And Kasey Sterling, our administrator extraordinaire. I cannot Thank You enough for always being there to answer my questions, find those logos, edit the edits, and you jumped in when we really needed you. I am eternally grateful that you tackled the ever daunting Issuu. To the chapter members, thank you for allowing me to serve this incredible forward- thinking chapter. My goal as your Communications Director has been to not only make ASID OC shine but also, each and every member shine as well. Enjoy this issue!

Julia Alt, Allied ASID Communication Director 2018-2019 9


Pizza & Pinot End of Term Farewell Party “Just ask and you may receive” as it happened for planning of my End of Term President’s Farewell Party. Sponsorship was generously provided by one of our lovely Industry Partners, Monogram. Senior Area Sales Manager and trade representative, Juliana Adams, and Designer Engagement Leader, Elise Raydo-Kersh, who along with Fergusons showroom manager, Erica Lynn, hosted this incredible party. Featured during the event was Monogram’s pizza wall oven where delicious stone oven pizzas were created for my Board, Chairpersons, attending Past Presidents, my Dynamic Duos partner NKBA So Cal Chapter President Nichole Cooper, our exclusive Titanium sponsor Pacific Sales Shaun Ayala and Media Partner California Homes Magazine, Linda McCall and Susan McFadden. This special party was my way to say thank you for all their efforts in achieving together what I set out to do in our term’s strategic plan. At the party, I mentioned that all who were present composed a vast puzzle that put together a completed picture of our chapter from year to year. Giving thanks in a meaningful way with my personal sentiments for each person is as important as giving gifts and printed certificates of appreciation. I hope to always elevate, encourage and mentor those who helped me serve as chapter leader and more! Over 30 certificates were handed out to those that served and continue to do so diligently. Giving a special thanks to our administrator, Kasey Sterling, with a bonus was very meaningful and near to my heart for her service beyond her salary. What a great way to leave my chapter with a Pinot & Pizza farewell party to enjoy with Sommelier Adam and local Chef Tyler Hanson who created pizzas and mixed pairings for specially invited guests to partake. Thank you to those who gave me gifts including our Program Chairs, Jessica Jones and Pamela Barthold, for the thoughtful gold painted stemless set of wine glasses which say “happy mingles” and more, to Zoya from our Living History Committee for the beautiful sparkling rhinestone wedding frame, and to Rebecca Pelletier, our Expo Chair, for a bottle of J Pinot Noir! A special thanks to our incoming President Bill Elson for making a toast of gratitude in my honor too!

Michele Prata, Allied ASID 11

Financial Update


his is my final update as Financial Director, and I wanted to THANK ALL OF YOU, our Designer Members and Industry Partners for helping to make this year such a success.

We have had a wonderful term due to all of you, and your participation in the Monthly Mingles, Pop-ups and other events. It’s really been outstanding. New and long-term Industry Partners have hosted us at their showrooms, and given us valuable information, and shared their product knowledge with us. We continue to receive strong support from Industry Partners in their sponsorship of our events. Without their sponsorship our chapter wouldn’t be able to thrive and grow. A special THANK YOU to Pacific Sales, our TITANIUM Sponsor. They’re generosity and support to our chapter was unprecedented. They played a large part in our success! I wish the incoming board all the success in the world, and I know they will be successful in continuing to grow this chapter.

Carolyn Scroggs Allied ASID 2018-2019 Financial Director



Membership Update



quarter summary and a year in review...

It’s been a busy and an amazing year to serve as Membership Director for 2018-2019. It been my greatest joy to invite interior designers, industry partners, and students. I have an amazing team of people working with me to welcome our members and those visiting for the first time to one of our many Monthly Mingles or Pop-Up mtgs. I would like to acknowledge our team: Membership Chairperson Miko Krisvoy, Allied ASID Brand Ambassadors - A dedicated group of past Presidents, Industry Partners, and Interior Designers. They helped me welcome our members to our Monthly Mingles and Pop-ups acting as a guide to first time attendees to ensure they enjoyed everything we have to offer. •Derek Fisher, Industry Partner ASID of Fiberseal •Gigi Harris, Allied ASID •Marianne Kreter, ASID •Jamie Namanny, Allied ASID •Farrah Smith, Allied ASID •Richard Downes Industry Partner of Style Bath Enclosures

•Adriel Cogdal, ASID Membership has many dimensions to the alignment with American Society of Interior Designers. It is having relevant conversations, content for each of us and within the group. Interior design is a lifelong learning, networking and creative process. For our students it’s learning about the advantages of student ASID membership at $85.00 for the duration of schooling up to 5 Years. It’s also knowing about Advancing to Allied- allowing students a financial advantage in their membership to have graduated membership increase over a five- year period. Advantages of networking, alignment with industry partners and professional growth through many planned continuing education meetings. Thank you all for an amazing year to be your Membership Director.

Linda Tom. Allied ASID Membership Director 2018-2019


Membership Drive


n October 2018, I had the opportunity to be Membership Chairperson of ASID California Orange County with our Membership Director, Linda A Tom; to meet our members; invite new designers, Industry Partners and students to collectively learn from our many industry professionals though continuing education at our Monthly Mingles and Pop ups.

It was an opportunity to welcome new and returning members to each of our Monthly Mingles and Pop Ups meetings. A time to socialize and network. And to work with our many Brand Ambassadors to ensure individuals new to our chapter our included and make new connections along the way. A typical day as Membership Chairperson, would entail working throughout Orange County to utilize our ASID CA OC industry partners in my business, Krisvoy Interiors. In addition, meeting new trade companies along my daily travels to discuss the value and opportunities to grow their business visibility and network within our chapter as an IP (Industry Partner) member. For our students, it was wonderful to meet our newest student members at their schools and encourage participation in ASID California Orange County’s Monthly Mingles and Pop-ups meetings as they advance their experience and network. I encouraged students to come as often as their busy schedules allowed, too. I had opportunities to mentor newly job seeking individuals and facilitate introductions to companies who were seeking interior designers for open positions. Overall, a busy year of welcoming one and all to our chapter. So, again-join us to growing your business, stretch your knowledge of interior design though continuing education courses and network with fellow interior designers and industry partners at ASID California Orange County!

Miko Krisvoy, Allied ASID

Welcome New Members Allied Practitioner Anna H. Fane, Allied ASID Nicole Hall, Allied ASID Ana Maria Martinez-Stumpo, Allied ASID Kayla Harrah, Allied ASID

Morraika R. Simonds, Allied ASID Candace Nicole Allen, Allied ASID Loretta H. Griffiths, Allied ASID Maria Cecilia Saturno-Ratto, Allied ASID

Associate Sheila H. Cuenco, Associate ASID

Professional Nancy C. Petrenka, ASID

Student Katrina Zyra Geronimo, Student ASID Quyen M Pham, Student ASID Christina Heinl, Student ASID

Hayley Margaret Slye, Student ASID Hilary B. Lepak, Student ASID Roshi Kalesi, Student ASID Soraia Desouza, Student ASID Katherine Perez, Student ASID Avery Salleh, Student ASID Alex Picas, Student ASID


Industry Partner Baker Interiors Furniture Company Project Build Construction and Interiors Cabinets Quick Pacific Landmark, Inc.


Leadership Experience


olunteering for our wonderful organization (ASID) means more than planning and attending our monthly mingles, EXPO and Gala. Volunteering to chair a committee and running for a Chapter leadership position means acquiring training and exposure in a national organization in which the Orange County Chapter has gained a very respectful reputation and has become the benchmark for other chapters in executing very successful and well-attended chapter events. This was the buzz at the recent ASID Chapter Leadership Training held in Atlanta, Georgia July 18th through July 20th at the Lowes Hotel Atlanta. Not only does ASID require each Chapter to hold Chapter Leadership Strategy sessions to plan for each upcoming ASID Fiscal Year (October through September), ASID National invites each incoming Board Member to a Leadership Training Experience that allows for networking and learning about the national strategy of ASID, changes in the interior design industry, and networking with other chapters around the nation. Our chapter leadership, Bill Elson, incoming Chapter President, Julia Alt, incoming Finance Director, Elisabeth D’ Angelo, President-Elect, Alix Flamm, Professional Development Director, Angela Eason, Communications Director, Raad Ghantous, Membership Director, Jayne Jacobson, Student Representative to the Board, and Kasey Sterling, our Chapter Administrator, were all in attendance at this years’ Leadership Experience in Atlanta. Our two National Medalists, Educator Farida Gabdrakhmanova , and past president Adriel Cogdal were also in attendance to receive their awards. This Experience included focused break out training sessions in each Chapter Leadership area as well as general learning sessions on Leading Yourself, Leading Your Team, and Leading Your Firm. No matter what session was attended, Our Orange County Chapter was looked as a benchmark for ASID! Just like any ASID event, the focus was on learning and development, with a little bit of fun planned as well! One of the highlights of the Leadership Experience was behind the velvet ropes tour of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium, the 1,900,000 sq. feet stadium of the NFL Atlanta Falcons and MLS Atlanta United, designed by HOK.

Angela Eason, Allied ASID


2019 ASID National Medalist Award Winner Adriel Cogdal, ASID, NCIDQ, CID, CAPS During the February COPP’s (Council of Past Presidents) meeting, we were discussing who deserves an ASID award this year and behold one of the committee members suggested Adriel Cogdal as an ASID National Medalist award recipient. Adriel, who was in attendance, said: I’ll assemble my ASID contributions and see if I qualify. Once Adriel submitted her list of ASID accomplishments to the Awards Committee, it was obvious she had met the criteria for this award. Having said that, this National award is very competitive, but Adriel prevailed! Since I would have to write a novel to describe her accomplishments, this is a numbers-overview of Adriel’s 20 plus years of ASID dedication: Chapter President twice, 2006/7 & 2015/16 Chapter Board member 5 times Committee Chair, 16 committees/21 participations Committee Member, 13 committees/32 participations Other ASID/Design related committees, 22 committees/24 participations Representing ASID speaking engagements, 11 events/17 participations ASID/OCASID committee collaborations, 14 committees/21 participations Publications 8 Awards/Citations 4 Interior Design Certificates 5 There were more details of Adriel’s stellar commitment to ASID, both with the local Chapter and ASID National, during the September Orange County ASID Chapter Gala. If you see Adriel, please thank her for helping to create a better ASID Chapter. Jamie Namanny, Allied ASID


2019 ASID National Educator Medalist Award Winner Farida Gabdrakhmanova, ASID, CID, LEED AP As the Chair of Council of Past Presidents (COPPs), it was my utmost pleasure and honor to nominate Farida Gabdrakhmanova for ASID National Educator Medalist Award. The ASID Medalist Award recognizes members who have demonstrated outstanding service to ASID, have provided significant contributions to the interior design profession, and have made significant contributions that have enriched the human experience. Farida, ASID, NCIDQ, CID, LEED AP ID+C, who is now the Chair of Interior Design Department at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, CA, has received a Master of Science in Physics (Diploma with Honors from Moscow, Russia), Professional Certificate in Media Design (Moscow, Russia), Associate of Science in Interior Design (Saddleback College), and Master of Interior Architecture (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona/ UCLA Extension, Los Angeles). She is a professional Educator of ASID, Professional Educator of IIDA, Associate Educational Member of NKBA, Member of USGBC, and Individual Associate Member of IDEC. Farida has taught a variety of courses at San Diego Mesa College and Saddleback College, and has proposed, received and managed the funds for numerous grants for students in both colleges. With her help, support, and supervision over 25 of her students (and/or groups of students) have received Scholarships, Prizes and Student Awards with ASID, IIDA, NKBA, IFDA, NEWH, and other local and National organizations. Farida has re-established ASID Student Chapter at Saddleback College and coordinated their Interior Design Club’s events and travels. She believes in student mentorship and has done a wonderful job with preparing students for local and national competitions, advising students on Community Engagement projects and coordinating field trips to various design centers, Student Career Days, Design Shows, etc. We value Farida as an ASID Educator Member at ASID and are so proud to have such an inspiring person in our community! Congratulations, Farida, for receiving a very well-deserved ASID National Educator Medalist Award! Nazgol Seyedi, Allied ASID 2019 Awards Committee


Docktail Party


t was a great way to “Launch” our 2019 Celebration Gala, Installation and Design Awards!

Hosted by our Gala Chairperson Sophie Lentini of Materials Marketing, in their beautiful stone quarry showroom displaying the multiple methods of tile, mosaic and mantels with limestone and marble. A truly fun filled gathering of over 100 attendees enjoyed an ‘SOS’, aka Sophie’s Own Sangria cocktail, her famous cheese table complete with charcuterie and more, followed by the mosaic tile sample room buffet of pulled pork sliders, coleslaw, assorted salads, ceviche and desserts! Guests also toasted with glasses of turquoise champagne in honor of our Atlantis theme for our 2019 Celebration Gala! Media partner Linda McCall attended on behalf of California Homes with our featured ad page printed in their publication for all to see. Our design award winners and Celebration Gala will be published in a later issue! Many of our Gala sponsors were also there to hear about the progress of our planning for the big event on September 22nd at the Dana Point Yacht Club, the anticipation for a fabulous time heightened by the atmosphere this evening! Thank you so much to Sophie for creating a first Docktail Gala Launch!



2019 Celebration Gala


ur 2019 Celebration Gala, Installation & Design Awards presented by Pacific Sales Titanium Sponsor along with Pirch Emerald Sponsor, our Media Partner Sponsor California Homes Magazine, and our Design Awards Sponsor Cosentino on September 22nd held at the Dana Point Yacht Club was an end of term sensational event. The sunset views and end of summer season set a beautiful backdrop for our signature cocktail choice of a turquoise MicheleTai and or Peach Bill-lini that was sponsored by Mode Distributing Ruby Cocktail Sponsor with a cheese and fruit table set upon a piano during the installation of the 2019-20 Executive Board of Directors and Incoming President. It was a lovely moment witnessed when Past President Adriel Cogdal, ASID installed our Incoming President and then we watched the installation of the incoming board with a champagne toast ending. Congratulations to the incoming President Bill Elson, Allied ASID, PresidentElect Elisabeth D’Angelo, Allied ASID, Finance Director Julia Alt, Allied ASID, Communications Director Angela Eason, Allied ASID, Professional Development Director Alix Flamm, Allied ASID, Membership Director Raad Guantous, Allied ASID, At Large Director Derek Fisher, ASID Industry Partner, and Student Rep to Board Jayne Jacobsen, Student ASID. While dining on choices of 4 entrees beginning with Waldorf salads, attendees were graced with a beautiful ballroom decorated for the Atlantis themed evening. Co-Chairperson Angela Eason, welcomed everyone and eloquently introduced our President Michele Prata, Allied ASID who gave her sweet Farewell speech thanking all who made the term successful. Then we enjoyed a lovely Incoming President’s speech from our Incoming President Bill Elson. Together, Michele and Bill gave Pacific Sales a Chapter Merit Award for their Titanium Sponsorship and it was accepted by Shaun Ayala. Michele also awarded a Chapter Legacy for Excellence in Interior Design to over 30 year member Jeffrey D Hatch, ASID of the Hatch Design Group renown for their superb hospitality restaurant design in Newport Beach. Because our chapter nominated and was graced with 2 National Medalist awards this term we welcomed both Medalist Adriel Cogdal, ASID and Educator Medalist Fariba Gabdrakhmanova, ASID up to the podium to share their appreciation.


Installation and Design Awards During dessert our Chairperson Suzanne Ceavatta, Associate ASID announced our 18 impeccable design award winners who received from Cosentino our Design Awards Sponsor a trophy and half page publication in California Homes Magazine our Media Partner Sponsor. Our 2 Student ASID members received a trophy plus a $500 chapter scholarship. Thank you to Melinda Ritz for being an honorable judge of design awards and it was lovely having you present alongside of us. We gave Certificates of Appreciation to all of our sponsors and award recipients with a photo opportunity in front of our Step and Repeat. The evening was both exciting and exhilarating with our Yacht Club attire dress code to be comfortable, birds of paradise florals provided by A Seed and Stone, a fun DJ, the Pinch Me live band, an assorted dessert table consisting of a donut wall, macaroons and mini cupcakes to enjoy! We are grateful for the support of our multi Gem level Industry Partner Sponsors is we could plan this magnificent outlay of cocktails, dining, dessert, DJ and live band to help make it memorable for all. Including our Sapphire Sponsors Bellissima Art and Frame & Sunset West, our Topaz Sponsors Ferguson, CS Wo & Sons, Essentials for Living, DJ Sponsor California Closets, and Live Band Sponsor Creative Window Designs, our Pearl Sponsors Monogram, Style Bath Enclosures, Brizo, Benjamin Moore, Ethan Allen, Pacific Shore Stones, Audio Concepts, Dacor, Houzz and Emser Tile. Thanks to Revolution Performance Fabrics for our donated Swag Bag filled with gift swag including Toffee from Materials Marketing, Susie Cupcakes from Modul Marble and Ma and Pa Kettle Popcorn from Rugs Plus! A special thanks to Linda Mccall and California Homes Magazine for their special sponsorship support and event publication. Thank you to the Gala committee with Miko Kirsovoy for all work including for great raffle prizes and Steve Huang our Technology Chairperson for providing AV and our slide show over the years.

Chairperson Sophie Lentini, ASID Industry Partner and Co-Chairperson Angela Eason, 23

2019 Design Awards


hank you President Michele Prata for the honor of having me as your Design Award Chairperson. It was a privilege and an honor. Thank you for your direction and expertise along the way.

2019 was an exciting year for the Design Awards! We had four fabulous, highly esteemed Judges, Cosentino as a Sponsor, and California Homes Magazine as our media sponsor. But, before we get started about the Judges and the Design Award Winners, we want to tell you about our sponsors. Many thanks to Cosentino! They are an industry leader in surface materials. Their brands are Silestone, Sensa, and Dekton. This year our trophy bases were made from their product Dekton and were simply gorgeous! These beautiful quartz products can be found at your local tile showroom or at Cosentino’s corporate showroom in Anaheim, CA. We are also thankful and grateful for California Homes as our media sponsor. They were wonderful and quite generous. Look out for our special Design Awards section in an upcoming issue! Our fabulous four Judges were Candice Olson, Jeff Andrews, Karen Butera, and Melinda Ritz. Candice Olson is a designer, TV host, author of six interior design books, and has designed multiple products for many Brands. Jeff Andrews is a celebrity designer, author of a new book, “The New Glamour. Interiors With Star Quality”, and has designed for the Kardashians and Kaley Cuoco. Karen Butera is an award winning designer for model homes and residences, on a local, national, and international level. Melina Ritz is a 3-time Emmy Award Winning Set Designer and was Nominated 7times for the TV show “Will & Grace.” She has designed for many celebrities including Ellen Degeneres. We are thrilled that Melinda joined us as a special guest at the Gala and graciously announced some of our Design Award Winners! Thank you Sponsors, Judges, Industry Partners, Guests, and to all of our Designers that participated. Congratulations to our 2019 Design Award Winners! All the Best,

Suzanne Ceavatta, Associate ASID, CID 2019 ASID-CAOC Design Awards Chairperson


And the Winner is... Platinum Award, Best Bedroom John Henry Kaufman, Associate ASID

Platinum Award, Best Bath, 0-25 Years of Experience Noosha Salemi, Allied ASID Gold Award, Best Bath, 0-25 Years of Experience Anna Shay, ASID Platinum Award, Best Bath, 26+Years of Experience Frank Pitman, Allied ASID

Platinum Award, Best Kitchen, 0-25 Years of Experience Anna Shay, ASID

Gold Award, Best Kitchen, 0-25 Years of Experience Deirdre Eagles, Allied ASID 25

Design Excellence Single Entry Award, Kitchen, 26+ Years of Experience Kelley Crawford, ASID Platinum Award, Best Great Room, 0-25 Years of Experience Sonya Zamora, Associate ASID

Platinum Award, Best Great Room, 26+ Years of Experience Frank Pitman, Allied ASID

Platinum Award, Best Home, 0-25 Years of Experience Valeria Pizzetti, Associate ASID

Gold Award, Best Home, 0-25 Years of Experience Anna Shay, ASID

Platinum Award, Best Home, 26+ Years of Experience Frank Pitman, Allied ASID


Award Winners Single Entry Award, Hospitality, Kimberly Kolcz, ASID

Platinum Award, Best Showroom C. S. Wo & Sons, Industry Partner

Gold Award, Best Showroom California Closets, Industry Partner

Platinum Award, Best New Product California Closets, Industry Partner Platinum Award for Student, Final Project, Associate Degree Soraia De Sousa, Student ASID, Saddleback College

Gold Award for Student, Final Project, Associate Degree Catherine Pimentel, Student ASID, Interiors Design Institute

View the complete Winners Gallery online at 27




Thank you Pirch!


SID CA-OC is thrilled to have the loyalty, support and partnership of our 2019 Emerald Sponsor, Pirch.

Our events would not be possible without the support of such wonderful industry partners, and Pirch is second to none in that field. The Gala, being held on September 22nd, at the Dana Point Yacht Club in the beautiful Dana Point Harbor, will be a fun filled night to remember. One where the design community honors not only it’s peers but also the partners that provide amazing products to our clients. Since the first showroom opened in San Diego ten years ago, Pirch has exceled at creating innovative and welcoming spaces where other brick and mortar stores have failed. In-house Baristas, “test driving” capabilities, and private meeting rooms for design consultations, among countless other services such as managing deliveries, installation, and warranty services in house. It is no wonder Pirch was named one of America’s 100 Most Promising Companies by Forbes in 2015. The array of luxury lines including La Cornue, Kallista, Wolf, Gessi and Viking, just to name a few, have raised the bar far above the accessibility limitations that once made up a typical appliance or plumbing center. Pirch set the bar high. Being able to experience such well-made products in a showroom setting similar to your own home is key. Having the ability to turn a shower head on and feel the water flow alongside a beautiful convection oven heating up in minutes allows you to know what you are purchasing well before it’s ever delivered adds so much more to your investment. Focusing on people rather than stainless steel and porcelain is noted on the website’s global statement along with wanting to inspire and educate, knowing our homes serve as the cornerstone to our families and community. Taking pride in the details from the moment you walk into Pirch is the reason you wouldn’t want to shop anywhere else.

Please visit Pirch in Costa Mesa for your next project. We thank you for your constant support of the Orange County ASID community and commitment to helping make our 2019 Gala unforgettable.

Sophie Lentini, Industry Partner


Professional Development


s this term is ending, I personally want to thank all our members and IP’s for attending and participating in our Mingles and Pop Ups and making this term a success.

Our Mingles have been nothing but fun, with exciting new topics and the opportunity to learn about what our industry has to offer. None of this would have happened without our committees. As Professional Development Director, I want to thank my committees, Mingles, Pop Ups, and Hospitality for everything they have done. They worked hard in making sure our Orange County chapter is getting the best and is the best. Continuing our education is very important because things are constantly changing and we have to be on top of the new trends and designs. Know that our chapter and our board members are happy to answer any of your questions with what is going on in our profession. Thank you to the following Chairs, Co-Chairs, and Committee Members, Monthly Mingles, Jessica Jones, and Pamela Barthold, Educational Pop Ups, Alix Flamm and Laura Yorba, and Hospitality, Angela Eason and Zara Estakhr. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thanks to you all for this term and see you all next term,

Elisabeth D’Angelo, Allied ASID Professional Development Director 2018-2019



July Mingle


uly was really HOT, but not too hot in the kitchen for our July Monthly Mingle at the Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove showroom! Tracy Burge hosted the amazing journey of the senses as we discovered the role of the 5 senses and how they play in designing kitchens from Chef Bridget Bueche. They put on an amazing spread of delicious food from tri-tip to grilled eggplant and every morsel was cooked on the fabulous appliances in the showroom. Acclaimed Subzero/Wolf showroom Chef Molly did all the cooking as well as creating a charcuterie and cheese board accompanied with wine sponsored by Luxe Magazine for the evening. It was also Chef Molly’s birthday! Guests sang happy birthday to her and she received a wonderful gift. After the evening was kicked off by chairs, Jessica Jones and Pam Barthold, President Michele Prata invited everyone to enter their beautiful designs into the annual design contest and she encouraged members to join her in celebration of a fabulous year at the upcoming Gala. Fresh from ASID National’s Leadership Experience, the incoming board members were introduced to guests and award winners Adriel Cogdal, National Medalist, and Farida Gabdrakhmanova, Education Medalist, were asked to speak about their honors. The evening was wrapped up with incredible raffle prizes including a Wolf Toaster Oven, a gift certificate from Luxe Magazine, and a Brizo Kitchen Faucet donated by our chapter President, Michele Prata. Thank you to Shannon Ratcliffe of Luxe Magazine for sponsoring this special evening and allowing the designers and our industry partners a first glimpse at the latest beautiful issue of Luxe Magazine, to Tracy Burge for hosting the evening in their gorgeous showroom , and to Chef Bridget Bueche, for her amazing insight on food and how it effects our senses.

Pamela Barthold, Associate ASID 34



Educational Pop Up


his term has been a busy one for ASID CA OC Pop-Ups. On July 11th, 2019, we held another Pop -Up at Scavolini an Italian kitchen and bath showroom. We had a great turn out of over 30 members and potential IP’s. Guests were treated to delicious appetizers and a variety of drinks. There was plenty of time to roam the showroom to see the many kitchen and bath displays. Scavolini is an Italian manufacturer of kitchen and bath cabinetry, with a multitude of options for design, style, lighting, hardware, and materials. Lene Vineyard designer talked about the Italian approach to design which is attention to detail and quality. Scavolini strives to satisfy consumer trends in terms of style, functionality, safety, and durability.

Mase Kazerani, Manager at Scavolini, discussed how they work with Designers. The designer is always a part of the project. However, you can be involved in all aspects of the process, or whatever parts you want to work on. They can assist in designing and installation. Consequently, you can use your own contractors, and you charge the client. Overall, everyone enjoyed exploring all the kitchen and bath vignettes in the showroom, and the new and interesting materials used. Thank you to Mase Kazerani, Lene Vineyard, and Riga Qadir for hosting ASID CA OC at the Scavolini showroom. Also, for educating us on the Italian approach to kitchen design, and your generous hospitality.

Alix Flamm, Allied ASID 37

August Mingle


he last Monthly Mingle of the term turned out fabulous at the Essentials For Living showroom in Foothill Ranch. The space was beautifully decorated for the event with lovely balloons and signs. Appetizers and drinks were served as guests arrived along with a delicious Italian dinner. The evening began with Jessica Jones, Programs Chair, thanking the wonderful Industry Partners who helped she and her CoChair, Pamela Barthold, plan and host such incredibly successful monthly mingles. She also recognized AV Chair, Katie Forester, and photographer, Tim Manning for their contributions to each event along with Kasey Sterling, Chapter Administrator, for her creative marketing campaigns, and Angela Eason, Hospitality Chair, for her dedicated support at the registration table. Essentials For Living’s showroom owner and Vice President of Design, Anna Schweiss introduced her amazing trade rep team and shared the history of their family owned company. The highlight of the evening was a very special CEU on Flame Retardants. Speaker Barry Cik of Naturepedic, a Board-Certified Engineer, informed guests about the importance of natural flame retardant materials, such as cotton and wool, in home furnishings. The subject matter along with his great sense of humor really got the guests involved and they asked a lot of really good questions. Barry and his company, Naturepedic, generously offered to raffle off one of their gorgeous organic luxury mattresses, valued at $6,000, to one of our guests at the end of the night. Other raffles were provided by Essentials For Living including a beautiful framed photograph from Ryan Garvin, a gorgeous Loom outdoor chair, a sample pack of their materials and stains, a nice bottle of wine, pillows form Naturepedic and a photo session from photographer Timothy Manning. It was a fun filled evening with lots of laughter and smiles among the guests. Programs Chair, Jessica Jones, and Co-Chair, Pamela Barthold, enjoyed getting creative with the mingles, thinking outside of the box, and they are looking forward to repeating their success in the next term. Many thanks to the showrooms, Industry Partners, speakers, caterers, photographers, media partners, the ASID OC board, and the members for a great year!

Jessica Jones, Allied ASID 38



Educational Pop Up


ur August 13th Educational Pop Up hosted at Audio Visions showroom was a spectacular event featuring different lighting products with staged settings installed in vignette rooms for all to enjoy demos while we enjoyed their wonderful offerings of wine, cheese, veggies, charcuterie and delectable cookies! Our AV Chairperson Katie Forester was there to assist of course in her own showroom. Our speaker Shaun Ayala, Sales and Marketing at Best Buy/Pacific Sales and also one of our favorite industry partners as our Titanium Sponsor this term, spoke on the formidable topic of social media with a distinctive slide show demonstrating key take away points for all attendees. He told us to ask and answer ourselves “who are you” then ask “who is your customer” and always seek to Inspire, Educate or Entertain when posting. He showed us ways to execute in a post whether it be via video, vocal or written so that our content could capture our specific audience daily. He spoke about social media strategy and on building off from one relatable post to the next as a story to keep interest. A lot of good information was given within 45 minutes on social media statistics especially how to invest in ads on Facebook and Google. Thank you Shaun for your insights, we can’t wait to use your tips and tricks to improve our Social Media Presence!


Educational Pop Up


he last Pop-Up for the 2018-2019 term took place at Monark Premium Appliances on September 11th, 2019. This term our Pop-Up events have been very successful with a great turn out of ASID CA OC members and IP’s. The Monark event was also excellent. Members were treated to an elegant array of mini sandwiches, veggies, dips, hummus, and Champagne, as well as, other drinks as they roamed the large showroom of premium appliances. Donald Prevette, Regional Sales Manager of Liebherr Refrigerators and Freezers gave the CEU. Mr. Prevette’s PowerPoint presentation showed the different configurations of refrigeration and freezers Liebherr offers, and the customizable ways designers can create for their client’s kitchen and pantry. Furthermore, they can work with any type of panel one might design with cabinets for a totally seamless look. He mentioned Liebherr has been around for decades and is very popular in Germany where the products are made, as well as Europe. They have been available in the American market for many years. Liebherr is always working on the quality and variety of their product lines. Mr. Prevette and Monark are available to help you integrate Liebherr products into designer’s projects. Overall, OC ASID members enjoyed the Pop-Up event with fabulous food catered by La Creme, a CEU, some wonderful raffle prizes, and swag bags. Thank you to Chris Arnold at Monark Premium Appliances for hosting, and Susan McFadden of California Homes Magazine for sponsoring the food, and CEU Liebherr Refrigerators and Freezers. Thank you,

Alix Flamm, Allied ASID 42


Member At Large


hat a ride!

It’s hard to believe that the year is coming to an end. Michele Prata and the Board have been a pleasure to work with. The amount of dedication and effort put into making this year successful is nothing short of amazing.

As the Member at Large, my primary responsibilities have included assisting with the Expo and Dining by Design. Expo, as you know, set the bar pretty high for the future. President Elect Bill Elson organized and ran a fantastic event. The load-in of over 50 vendors was no small task. A very special thank you to Carolyn Scroggs who was the “good cop” to my “bad cop!” We got it done without a hitch. Everyone enjoyed exquisite food and wine while showcasing all of our Industry Partner Exhibitors. The evening was capped off by Keynote Speaker Rodger Thomas. It will be hard to top this year’s Expo. Dining by Design was yet another impressive event. Chaired by Sandra Maddox, this gathering at the Water Grill in South Coast Metro was as delicious as it was informative. The Water Grill’s design firm, lead by the Hatch Design Group, walked us through the extensive design and remodel of this beautiful restaurant. The amount of talent shown by the Board and Chairs this year has been remarkable. The ASID Orange County Chapter is the benchmark for all other chapters in the country. I would encourage anyone looking to serve alongside some of the best people in the industry, to find out how to become involved. We would love to have you! Just remember, the bar has been set pretty high for 2019-20!

Derek Fisher, Industry Partner Member At Large 2017-2020


Student Rep to the Board


he past year has been one of growth and learning opportunities. I have not only had the chance to serve with incredibly talented individuals but have been fortunate to call these passionate and dynamic people family.

Throughout this year the SRB position has allowed me to meet and interact with students from all over the Orange County area. We have met and mingled through the Student Design Challenge in Anaheim, worked alongside ASID school members for Fabric Sales, attend local functions for ASID members, and have met with representatives from many of the local schools to see how we can further the student experience and the knowledge of ASID and its benefits. Most of all, I’ve considered myself genuinely appreciative to have interacted on various teams throughout this year where I have met vendors, other designers, and students who are ardent believers in their craft and in ASID. It is a strong community that is focused on pushing quality and creating genuine connections with others. We are currently finishing out our season of excitement with a challenge for the students. The competition is challenging students to design a 10x10 room (Living or Bedroom) showcasing materials they find from the Laguna Design Center. The Center has agreed to partner with us in allowing the students to work with the showrooms and display the top 3 winners designs. The winner will be receiving a paid ASID student membership, plus an additional surprise! It is opportunities like the above mentioned, and the relationships that have formed, that I am incredibly grateful to ASID for allowing me this year of experience. I look forward to remaining on as a chair next year to see the new challenges and experiences blossom in 2020.

Grateful, Angela Blake, Student ASID Student Rep to the Board 2018-2019



Dynamic Duo II


osted by our term’s chapter Titanium Sponsor Pacific Sales, we had a wonderful opportunity to join forces again with NKBA SoCal President Nichole Cooper to plan for another Dynamic Duo Experiential Experience, this time at BSH Experience & Design Center before leaving my position as President at the end of September! We enjoyed an incredible hosted event by Best Buy/ Pacific Sales along with Thermador and Bosch in their newly renovated Irvine Showroom for a Duo of cooking demos to enjoy many Appetizers prepared by their Chefs utilizing their brand’s induction, wall ovens, steam, grill and 5 Star burners and new Bosch refrigeration for a dessert presentation for over 150 attendees! We were presented with selections of white or red wine throughout the spaces as we enjoyed grilled lamb, an array of vegetables, charcuterie and sautéed shrimp while learning about their automation system called Home Connect for ease of use of appliances for cooking, dishwashing and refrigeration. Incredible raffles including 2 Bosch Dishwashers and pots and pans available to win for all attendees who walked each area of the extensive showroom to visit a chef cooking demo to enter raffle drawing. I was surprised when suddenly Incoming Bill Elson came up and presented me with a parting gift from my Board of Directors and Admin for my service as their chapter President! I will forever enjoy the beautiful rose gold duo of necklaces with gems. I also officially passed leadership on with the traditional passing of the gavel! We are so honored to share the love with our fellow design industry organization. We are both grateful for our industry partners for their generosity. Thanks to Shaun Ayala of Pacific Sales and Cindy Ferris or Best Buy Thermador & Bosch for all of the ingenious planning for the unforgettable experience. We learned how to become a Star with the information for professional interior design trade program for our Swag Bags filled with a red cooking mitt also to take away. Thanks to our media partner California Homes Magazine for being a part of this event publication.

Michele Prata, Allied ASID President 2018-19


Throwback to ASID OC’s Past!


Are you Interested in Advertising with ASID CA OC? Contact us at We have competitive rates for Digital Ads in both Full and Half Page Sizes Industry Partners looking for more direct exposure to our ASID OC Members ask for more information on our Social Media Videos and E-blast Packages! 49

Thank you to our 2018-2019 Committee Chairs! Monthly Mingles Chair & Co-Chair

Membership Drive Chair

Jessica Jones, Allied ASID Pamela Barthold, Associate ASID

Miko Krisvoy, Allied ASID

Holiday Party

Sandra Maddox, Allied ASID

Sue Rexroth, Allied ASID

Design Magazine-Ad Sales Sue Rexroth, Allied ASID

Dining By Design Student Affairs Chair John Henry Kaufman, Associate ASID

Emerging Professionals Chair

Pop-Up Events Chair & Co-Chair

Alix Flamm, Allied ASID

Alix Flamm, Allied ASID Laura Yorba, Allied ASID

Technology Chair

Hospitality Chair & Co Chair Angela Eason, Allied ASID Zara Estakhr, Allied ASID

Gala Chair & Co Chair

Steve Huang, Industry Partner

Government Affairs Chair Adriel Cogdal, ASID

Industry Partner Liaison

Sophie Lentini, Industry Partner Angela Eason, Allied ASID

Guy Paul, Industry Partner

Design Awards Chair

Katie Forester, Industry Partners

Suzanne Ceavatta, Associate ASID

Expo -Logistics Chair Jenna Robitaille, Industry Partner

Expo- Marketing & Attendance Chair Rebecca Pelletier, ASID

A/V Chair COPPS & Nominating Nazgol Seyedi, Allied ASID

Living History Tour Chair Raad Ghantous, Allied ASID


Calendar October Oct. 2 Board & Chair Training Oct. 3 Arrive at the LDC

Oct. 10 Board Meeting Oct. 23 Monthly Mingle at Unique Hardwood

November Nov. 6 Pop Up at RenWes Nov. 14 Board Meeting Nov. 20 Monthly Mingle Nov. 28-29 Thanksgiving Break

December Dec.11 ASID OC Holiday Party Dec.12 Board Meeting Dec. 24- Jan.1 Winter Break



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