Legendary designer Yves Saint Laurent once said that “fashions fade, style is eternal.” It’s a sentiment that I agree whole-heartedly with, and also one that the young Cambodian designers in this month’s cover feature embody.
They may all have different aesthetic visions, inspirations and life experience, but each individual
possesses an innate sense of style that is evident in their designs. From punk chic to statement jewellery and tailored menswear, I get the sense that they are determined to make Cambodia sit up and pay attention to an impressive young generation of home-grown talent.
In years to come, I hope that they go onto achieve great things, and continue to make local fashion cutting edge, whatever trends come and go over the years. With Asia, and especially China, South Korea and Japan, currently making waves on the international style scene, who knows what the future might hold for new Cambodian talent. Perhaps the next Alexander McQueen or Coco Chanel is among them.