World Trade Center - NL 3e editie 2016

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A VIEW PROVIDES INSIGHT So here I am. Dozens of metres above the ground, I gaze round from the rooftop terrace at Accenture. I understand perfectly why Quote named this company as having one of the eight best offices in the world at which to spend the summer! Surrounded by the cool architecture that the Zuidas area of Amsterdam boasts, my eyes scan over the Zuid railway station and the A10 motorway, the WTC Amsterdam, the historic city centre, and lastly in the distance the brand new city icon A’DAM: the recently renovated former Shell tower standing proudly beside the river IJ, with its revolving restaurant. I suddenly realize that this view is a wonderful metaphor for the topics addressed in this WTC-NL magazine: being at the top, innovative entrepreneurship, and logistical activity.


Let’s start with the first point: being at the top. It was a privilege for me to speak to Manon van Beek, the woman in charge at Accenture, about this. With typical Dutch matter-of-factness, she set aside the men-versus-women notion. After all, she said, “a woman at the top is not something unique. I know a hundred such women!” According to Manon, successful leadership is a combination of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ qualities, allowing you to innovate and inspire. The themes of innovation and inspiration also arise in the interview with the mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb about cooperative trade agreements with India, and in the conversation I had with entrepreneur Dennis van Noord, who has set up an online community platform for expats in Singapore. These are all people with an enormous drive to be innovative and who have the capacity to connect people. That connection of social networks forms another wonderful link with logistical cooperation on a global scale. You can read more about this in the special International Logistics in which various people have their say, including the CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Allard Castelein who describes the port as “reflecting the movements of the international economy.” This third edition of WTC-NL magazine also nicely reflects the international developments of the business world in which the Dutch WTC community operates. I hope you enjoy the read!

Drs. Milou Peeters Editor-in-chief WTC-NL magazine 7



Accenture is a name that not everyone knows. What exactly does the company do? “We are currently growing worldwide towards 400,000 employees, and we operate in more than 120 countries. In the Netherlands, we work with approximately 2,500 professionals. Accenture is driven by the ambition to help businesses and government bodies perform better. We do so in three ways. First of all, as a consultancy we are happy to share our insights into how strategies could be improved. These insights are based on the trends and developments that we see in other sectors and countries. Secondly, we help clients with the execution of measures, in order to achieve the desired transformation. This often involves a large amount of technology and many processes and competences. Lastly, we help clients to run their organization themselves in line with the new strategy, or we carry out the processes for them. The latter is often the chosen option; almost a third of our turnover comes from these ‘operations’. To some extent, it’s a case of ‘practice what you preach’: as we execute the processes ourselves and continually optimize them, this allows us to give our clients even better advice.”

‘You are a role model for others’

What does the company focus on? “Digitization is a core aspect of everything we do. We help more and more clients to use digital strategies within their markets. We do so by digitizing their internal organization and their core processes. We also like to build long-term working relationships with our clients, who are often large companies such as Shell, Unilever, and Philips. I believe more than 80% of our Dutch client database has been with us for at least fifteen years. More and more, we are becoming part of the everyday lives of the consumer, the clients of our clients. This fits in seamlessly with the global vision of Accenture: ‘We want to change the way the world works and lives’. Look at all the software behind the ticketing for airlines, at mobile banking, and at interactive television on your iPad: they are in fact all projects of ours.”

Your company also addresses the refugee issue. What does that involve? “Globally, we have the vision that we are responsible for contributing to the social agenda. For instance, through our CSR programme Skills to Succeed we have the ambition to help three million people in the world to develop the skills needed to find a job and be economically independent. This initiative has also been translated into a Dutch agenda in which we focus on what we like to call ‘talent along the sidelines of the employment market.’ The refugee issue is very current. There are plenty of opportunities to make good use of the talents of refugees. These people have such an incredible drive! I see that in my work as ambassador of the Foundation for Refugee Students UAF (Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF) and within Accenture. We currently employ ten refugees, and are keen to double that number this year, not only because we consider this to be our social responsibility, but also because it is an opportunity in view of the current scarcity of highly-educated technical talent.” There are probably other companies that would be interested too, aren’t there? “It is a real eye opener for many organizations. When you tell them this story, companies realize that they could also turn their attention to this group of talented people. >>

Text: Milou Peeters | Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde | Make-up artist: Christel Mijers


Together with a number of organizations, we are currently working on the launch of a Refugee Talent Hub: a virtual platform through which we match talented refugees with the needs and required skills of companies. It is important not to view refugees in the standard way; you may see career gaps in their CVs, or spelling errors. The focus should be on their skills, experiences, and competences, and this platform allows us to map these attributes out much better. In the Netherlands, 25 companies have already made a commitment to this at management level. We are now in discussions with the Municipality of Amsterdam with the aim of setting up a pilot project. It is our joint ambition to launch a platform of fifty companies before the summer. Setting up this kind of network and making connections like this are things I immensely enjoy. It means a lot to me that my work can really make an impact in areas that matter.” What are your talents as ‘woman at the top’? “I have always been incredibly curious and eager to learn. I think these character traits have helped me during my career. Last year I was one of the nominees for ‘Top Woman of the Year,’ and ultimately I was in the top three. The term ‘Women at the top’ is a little strange, as if it’s something unique. I know a hundred women at the top! There are a huge number of top businesswomen active in many fields in the Netherlands. After that nomination, I was asked to join the Supervisory Board of the ‘Top Woman of the Year’ foundation (Topvrouw van het Jaar 2016). I said yes to that invitation, because I think it’s important to extend the scope of your top position outside your company too. It’s important to take on an ambassador’s role


within a number of larger areas outside your own field of work, for instance through promoting opportunities for women to take roles at the top of organizations and promoting sustainability and labour participation. After all, you are a role model for others. That responsibility is held not just by me but by everyone at the top. Personally, I am very active in the theme of sustainable energy. I have been working for the energy sector within Accenture for twenty years, but outside work I also think green and I drive an electric car.” What do you think makes someone a top manager, or more specifically a top woman? “For me, a top woman is someone who has set a clear goal for themselves, is willing to share her vision with others, and knows why she is doing what she is doing. She thinks from the perspective of a big vision yet still has both feet on the shop floor, where she sets things in motion. A top leader is someone with the ability to connect people, both within and outside the company. You also need to be considerate. That may be seen as a typically feminine quality, although I don’t like that kind of debate about ‘men versus women.’ So-called masculine and feminine qualities can be found in everyone. To be a successful leader, you need a certain combination: you need to be hard in terms of the business and the selection of the right people, but within that you need to create an atmosphere of security, empathy, and openness, because otherwise you will be unable to innovate and inspire.”

Dutch adventurer

clients to express their preferences, and that ultimately results in a database of valuable suppliers. We then present those parties to the community, and the community members then give a ranking and share their experiences. This creates a top selection for our members.” What is your revenue model? “We work with sponsored partnerships. That means that we invite our partners to participate in the campaigns that we run via and our other social media platforms. The Facebook campaigns that I mentioned before have resulted in more than 6,000 followers. We are also very active on Instagram, and our number of followers is growing steadily. At, I learned that you have to earn your marketing funds online. If you want to ‘draw in’ a target group through a digital channel, your entire strategy must be online-oriented. The model is also built up in such a way that it’s easily marketable in other cities, allowing us to build up a network of members there too. Let’s see if we can perform the trick in the expat world too!” How are you enjoying life in Singapore? “They call this place ‘Asia for beginners’. It’s an incredibly international city with more than five million inhabitants. The main language of communication is English, and the place is clean, safe, and well organized. The cost of living is high, but it’s in proportion with incomes after tax. You only pay between ten and twenty per cent income tax here, depending on how much you earn. You can use that money to do all kinds of fun things. For instance, I started out with a Dutch business partner Trilight Holdings, from which basis we went on to make the investments in the five start-ups we now have. For the time being, I will continue to live here. My wife and children love it here. It’s great that the Dutch community is quite large, with more than 5,000 people. During the football World Cup or European Championships, you always see a lot of Dutch people, wearing their orange shirts. That gives an extra sense of being ‘at home’.”

‘The best tip for expats is to get networking’

idea for expatgogo came from: a global online community platform, where expats can interact with each other, share their experiences and tips, and read articles about everyday life in the cities in which they live. The concept is starting in Singapore, and we will expand it further across borders as soon as we are ready to do so.” How do you determine which information and companies are relevant? “We are really cherry picking, getting all the best bits. We make a selection of the best restaurants, spas, doctors, estate agents, schools, et cetera. We get all that information from the expats. We have been working on Facebook campaigns for about a year now, calling upon our future

Text: Milou Peeters | Photography: Daan Prince


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Photography: JustJusta


Fortunately, the number of women in upper management roles has increased in recent years, although further improvements can always be made. Wendy Broersen inspires and informs businesswomen through events, a digital magazine, a television programme, and an academy via her platform Supervrouwen (Superwomen). I am pleased and proud to be involved with her initiative, for instance by giving training in presentation and media skills at the Supervrouwen Academy. For the television programme Supervrouwen, I have met women who have done exceptionally well in the business world, and who have truly fulfilled their potential. And then the cameras started rolling, and they turned into insecure teenage girls. Were they really the same women as five minutes before? Are you kidding me?! Women apparently don’t yet have the courage or confidence to show the world their strength and to stand up for themselves. The training options offered by the Academy are therefore focused on improving skills such as negotiation, finance, time management, and presenting yourself as the strong and capable person you are. I help them to present themselves and to develop greater confidence. The key is to focus your attention on the other person rather than yourself. That is the switch that I try to bring about. Make the other person a partner in your professional expertise and experience, and have the confidence to stand up and be counted, whether you have children or not!

The two roles require the same qualities: consistency, and having the courage to sometimes make hard decisions, though always with love and care. These two matters generally combine very well! I fully endorse what Manon van Beek - the woman in charge at Accenture - said in her interview for this magazine: that a successful leader needs both hard and soft characteristics. The softness is not too tricky for many businesswomen, but the hardness can be more of a challenge for women. A lack of self-confidence can also prove troublesome. Of course, here and there we still encounter a thin glass ceiling. And yes, it would certainly help if our government and employers were to invest in better leave entitlement schemes and childcare facilities. In the Scandinavian countries, these things are arranged perfectly. In the Netherlands, you see many women going back to work part-time after becoming a mother. This has to change! Women shouldn’t have to choose between motherhood and a career. You can be both a good mother and have a top role in business. Just look at women like Jacqueline Zuidweg (Zuidweg & Partners), Patricia van Drongelen (WTC Almere), and Wendy Broersen (Wennies Advertising, Supervrouwen). I have great admiration for how they keep all their plates spinning and all their balls in the air so well. Speaking for myself, I raised a child by myself while still pursuing my busy career, and both my child and my career turned out pretty well!


Tineke Verburg

Tineke Verburg is well known in the Netherlands for her television work as an announcer and presenter of programmes including TROS Aktua, TROS Triviant, and the RTL 7 programme Supervrouwen (Superwomen). She currently puts her many years of media experience to good use by providing coaching and training for businesses. 19


Post event report


On March 16 WTC Rotterdam hosted the ‘Make in India’ symposium organized by the Europe India Chamber of Commerce (EICC), ASSOCHAM and Rotterdam Partners. Mayor Aboutaleb of the City of Rotterdam, His Excellency Mr. Mukul, the Indian Ambassador to the Netherlands and Mr. René van Hell, director of International Enterprise at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered key note speeches. Dr. Vikas Chaturvedi moderated the symposium where over 110 people were updated about the ‘Make in India’ campaign that will have an impact on global logistics. The Port of Rotterdam is already cooperating with Adani Ports in India, and Jet Airways has chosen Amsterdam Schiphol as its European hub with two direct flights a day to India. The conclusion of the symposium: it’s time to take business between India and the Netherlands to the next level.

Text: Rotterdam Partners | Photography: Rob Glastra


INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS THE NETHERLANDS IS A DESIRABLE LOGISTICS LOCATION IN EUROPE A study by Prologis, examining ‘Europe’s Most Desirable Logistics Locations’ showed that the Netherlands scored very well. This is primarily due to the good infrastructure and the proximity of clients and suppliers. In a ranking of the most attractive logistics locations in the future (2018), Venlo emerges as the most popular location, followed by Rotterdam, and with Antwerp-Brussels in third place.


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On the move

From +30 to -10 degrees: when Yean-Sheng Yong arrived in the Netherlands from Malaysia in February 2012 there wasn’t a particularly warm welcome awaiting him, at least in terms of the weather. The Netherlands was in the grips of one of its coldest ever winters. Nevertheless, the harsh winters haven’t put him off staying here. His wife Wai-Ying Yip has now joined him in Enschede. The two of them very much enjoy their new life here. Settling in Having gained his Master’s degree at one of the universities in Kuala Lumpur, Yean-Sheng was keen to gain a PhD abroad. This ambition brought him to the Optical Sciences Group at the University of Twente, where he is conducting research into the interaction of light and matter at the nanoscale. Wai-Ying Yip remained in Kuala Lumpur at that time. “We wanted to be sure that we could really settle in here”, explains Yean-Sheng. Like a warm bath Settling in was no problem. Although Yean-Sheng had to get used to the cold, the university environment was like a warm bath. “Everyone on campus was incredibly helpful and hospitable. Studying in the Netherlands is wonderful. Cooperation between various projects is greatly encouraged, and everyone helps each other. The Dutch are very direct. They will tell you straight away if they don’t agree with something or don’t like something. We’re not like that in Malaysia. That took a bit of getting used to, but now I actually value it. You know where you stand with people.” Expat Center Twente Wai-Ying now lives with him in Enschede. She found it rather more difficult to find her feet. “I didn’t have a job, I wasn’t studying here, and I had no friends here when I first arrived. I only had my husband. That was a difficult period for me. But then we were invited to a workshop on filling in tax returns by the Expat Center Twente. They help expats in the region learn how things work here. After the workshop, I received an e-mail saying

that they were looking for volunteers who were willing to tell others about their experiences as an expat in the Netherlands. I ended up spending two and a half years working as a volunteer at the Expat Center, and made lots of new friends!” Feeling welcome The Expat Center Twente is part of the WTC Twente, which is the main point of contact in the region for international business. The people there have become a kind of second family for Wai-Ying. “WTC Twente has given me great support. It is always nice when people in a foreign country understand you and help you. I wanted other expats to feel just as welcome as I do. When Enschede gained its own branch of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service in 2014 for expats, I decided to do something in return. I soon found myself at the city hall every week, helping newly-arrived expats with my knowledge and experience, from finding language courses to the best way of travelling to Germany. Due to my new job as a lecturer at HAN University of Applied Sciences, I don’t have time to do this at present, but I hope to be able to do it again in the future.”

‘I sometimes joke to my family in Malaysia: cycle paths here are wider than their motorways’

Cycling The couple is not currently considering leaving the Netherlands. Next year, when he’s finished his PhD, Yean-Sheng wants to find work in the Netherlands. “We love it here, and have made lots of friends. We often go cycling in our free time. I sometimes joke to my family in Malaysia that the cycle paths here are wi-der than the motorways back home. We can better appreciate the weather here now. In Malaysia, it’s always summer. Here, you can see the seasons changing.” Text: Kika Samsom | Photography: YourStyle Fotografie


WTC-NL goes gobal


Iran: the country where nothing is allowed but everything is possible The long-awaited agreement between Iran and the world’s six major powers has finally been reached. This development opens doors for entrepreneurs from the Netherlands. On 17 March this year, WTC Leeuwarden held its 21st WTC Business Academy programme. Fifty entrepreneurs from all over the Netherlands attended. The content of the programme was determined by Innovate Go2Market Iran, Iran Partner and the WTC Business Academy. Holland Water, the first company from the Netherlands to attract a significant order following the agreement with Iran, presented its business case. All participants evaluated the day as very successful. Text: WTC Leeuwarden | Photography: Peter de Jong


#WTC Wim Joost @wimjoost: My picture(s) of today. Views from #WTCTwente in @Hengelo at it’s final position in @hartvanzuid. Will open in May!

WTC The Hague @WTCTheHague: We Are Working On... an improved WTC The Hague! Stay tuned, check the new 360° photos on @JeeeM: Touchdown for spring in Amsterdam #spring #amsterdam #wtc #1april #goodmorning @World Trade

Frank van Ardenne @frankvanardenne: Kantooringang @vArdenneCrince loopt zich warm #MR16 @WTCRotterdam Marathon Rotterdam

High Tech Campus @hightechcampus: Backstage Silicon Valley met @JorusEveraerd en daarna netwerken! 140 deelnemers van @hightechcampus @WTCEZs @WTCEYP

LiannevandenBoogaard @LiannevdBoogaar: @WTCEYP #leiderschap Harde #competenties combineren met zachte. Weet de juiste #snaar te raken, #inspireren

KJ van Woerkom @kjwoerkom: Now that’s what I call a ‘room with a view’... #schiphol #wtc

WTCA @WTCA: A warm welcome to the two newest Members of the WTCA Network: WTC Aruba and WTC Merida, Mexico!

WTC Rotterdam Club @wtcclubrdam: Kennissessie Next Economy, Next City in #WTC #Rotterdam Business Center op 12 april. Volop #kansen in Rotterdam

Chantal Roest @Chantal_Roest: Key notes van Burgemeester op India Summit. Prikkelend en uitdagend business seminar. @RdamPartners @WTCRotterdam

Dian Slegers @DianSlegers: Interactief seminar #FutureProof ondernemen met #SocialMedia ism @Communiteers @Jorisknoops @WTCEYP @WTCEZs WTCA @WTCA: WTCA has arrived in Algiers! Beautiful weather and exciting business opportunities await at #GA2016Algiers! WTC Twente @WTCTwente: Mooi artikel @OndernemerOV @tubantia #HitecPowerProtection - wereldwijd actief en uiteraard lid van #WTCTwente BC Jelle Kok @jgkok: Pitches zijn van start met strenge doch rechtvaardigde jury #joVC16 @jpmorgan @Jong_Ondernemen @WTCAmsterdam

Henriet Speth @henrietSpeth: 28e verdieping #wtcalmere. Als dit uitzicht niet zorgt voor een inspirerende conferentie over #vsv weet ik het ook niet meer.


WTC The Hague @WTCTheHague: Almost #EarthHour 2016 - WTC The Hague and several members of @GBCBeatrix participate!

WTC Dublin @DublinWTC: Did you know that 45% of US consumers would pay more money for recyclable packaging? #GreenIsGood Tjerk Bruinsma @TPJBruinsma: @zdlkrndstd nu in #WTC in Rotterdam, over gezamenlijke inzet World Expo in 2025. @rotterdam2025 Claire Laarman @clairelaarman: Wat wordt t mooi! Nieuwe #hotspot #DenHaag in wording! Vernieuwde entree @WTCTheHague

WTC Mumbai @WTCMumbaiIndia: “There is need for social response to water & sanitation, not just a technological one.“ Manish Kumar - World Bank Group

Edwin Hof @edwinhof: Gaaf! In de ochtend op je werk je boodschappen bestellen en einde dag ophalen bij pick-up point! #wtcschiphol

René Venendaal @renevenendaal: Vandaag volop met #duurzaamheid bezig geweest #Green #Business #Club #Twente #Board #WTCTwente #Energy #arbeidsmarkt

Evert Jan Schouwstra @ejschouwstra: Vandaag volle bak in WTC Leeuwarden met cursus over Iran. Veel vraag naar Iran.

Ronald Spoelstra @RonaldSpoelstra: Uitreiking #ondernemers prijs in het #FEC bij de #BCDN #Leeuwarden #CCL #WTC

One World Trade @OneWTC: #OneWTC is lighting it up blue in honor of #AutismAwarenessDay @autismspeaks #LIUB

Roelie Bosch @roeliebosch: Ik stond bij 2 journalisten. Heb hen uitgedaagd ook met team mee te doen aan #trappenloop #WTC @Almere! Wie is sneller?

Myra de Groot @MyradeGroot: Tante TEE; fijn om bij Patricia te zijn, morgen meer foto’s van onze missie van vandaag #Secretaressedag #WTCAlmere

Inga Sarda-Sorensen @isardasorensen: World Trade Center shimmers under today’s wispy clouds & clearing blue skies. #NYC #NewYorkCity #WTC

Claudia Reiner @claudiareiner01: Congres @vjprofs & @PlatformDH #WTC. @ABNAMRO bouwt circulair paviljoen op Zuidas als verbinding naar maatschappij

WTC Seattle @WTCSeattle: “#Millennials are everything you’d want in an employee, but they won’t get on board without a purpose.” - Darryl Rawlings #WTCSeattle


BUSINESS TALK WTC-NL magazine asked 8 entrepreneurs the following: 1. Describe your most memorable international business trip. 2. Who is your source of inspiration in business? 3. What role do logistics play in your company?

WTC LEEUWARDEN Ali Sarac Partner of Intro2Turkey

WTC THE HAGUE Simon Adriaan Visscher Managing Director at Yeemm

1. Since 2004, we have been organizing outbound trade missions to promote Dutch exports. We do so on the instructions of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Chambers of Commerce, and the WTCs. Our target country is Turkey, a country that has taken action to bring about strong development, for instance with the construction of roads, airports, and railways. This offers great opportunities for Dutch companies. It always amazes me that people have such a stereotyped impression of the country. Companies imagine something out of the Arabian Nights stories. The reality of the country always surpasses their expectations. I’m in Turkey every week, and I’m continually positively surprised. 2. I am inspired by various people, primarily due to their perseverance, their ability to think outside the box, and their courage. I can’t give you just one example; my impression is based on a collection of different characters. I see great and inspiring things in many different people, from Nelson Mandela to my business partner. 3. Alongside trade missions and tailored company advice, we also have a trading house. With this we represent various Dutch companies in Turkey. We generally opt for road transport to Turkey, but we also use transport by water and sometimes air. We export a diverse range of goods, from agricultural crop sprayers to aircraft components and complete buildings made from containers.

1. In 2008, I spent a month in China organizing and presenting a benefit concert. In cooperation with the Chinese government and film star Jackie Chan, we raised money for the victims of the earthquake in Sichuan province. The concert was a great spectacle, and was watched by around 1.3 billion people in Asia. The idea of Yeemm also came into being in China. It was always such a hassle to use SIM cards, so we started looking for a solution to make international calls cheaper and more manageable. 2. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is a great example for me. He is someone who has set up a fantastic business in various different sectors and has done a fantastic job in terms of publicity too. I find it inspiring how he has managed to create something with a great philosophy and has expanded it into something so big. 3. We are active in 225 countries, and with more than 500 network providers our clients can make calls and use the internet at local rates. If you travel to a different country, your SIM card travels with you and you are automatically connected with the local network. You can also be reached worldwide on a single +44 number. Latest news: in cooperation with WTC The Hague, we will be offering a SIM card for the international business centres network.


Business talk

WTC AMSTERDAM Yaron Perets CEO at Ace Tankers

WTC ROTTERDAM Ejal Breeman Managing Director at Gamila Secret

WTC EINDHOVEN Hans Claessens Director of Claessens Drukkerij

1. That would have to be a business trip to Vietnam in 2004, during which I visited a few upcoming shipyards in Ha Long Bay. What made the biggest impression on me was the fact that the scaffolding used for the construction of the ship, sometimes up to 50 meters height, were made of bamboo. And yet the ships featured the very latest technology when completed. 2. Warren Buffett has been an inspiration for me. I follow his (reported) moves since many years and his investment and diversification strategies. As one of the most successful investors in the world, he is incredibly modest and generous in sharing his wealth. 3. We own twenty chemical tankers, and transport millions of tonnes of cargo worldwide. Our global exports include liquid bulk chemicals, CPP, DPP, aromatic substances, acids, oils, and fats. We take care of international transport for major clients such as Shell, Vitol, Exxon, BP and others.

1. That would be my trip to Japan, I was greatly impressed by the organizational skills of the Japanese people I encountered. Throughout my trip, everything was arranged perfectly, right down to the last detail. A good example of this was the wet hand wipes with which to freshen up, handed out upon arrival at Tokyo airport. 2. That has to be Gamila Hiar, the founder of the brand Gamila Secret. She is set to open her first concept shop at Beursplein in Rotterdam in May. Gamila has always believed in the power of herbs, and in the first cold pressing of oils. With great perseverance, she finally found the right synergy between herbs and oils. The first Original Cleansing Bar was born, with very effective results for the skin. With a lot of hard work and experimentation, she chased her dream and achieved it, and I admire the fact that she has always stayed true to herself. She has also created work for women in the village where it is produced, where all four major religions come together. She only employs women at her factory, in order to give them their own incomes and allow them to be independent. 3. We transport products from the Gamila Secret brand: 100% natural cosmetics. We generally take care of this transport by means of shipping or air freight.

1. My visit to the Iggesund paper factories in Sweden last June made a big impression on me. Iggesund Paperboard propagates and cultivates its own trees, which are required for the manufacturing of paper, and has its own water purification plant, making this factory one of the cleanest and most environmentally-friendly in Europe. The quality and the environmentally-friendly production hold great appeal for us and for many of our clients. 2. There isn’t one particular person I see as an example that I want to follow. What inspires me about people is a no-nonsense mentality and honesty. The long-term relationship absolutely takes precedence over quick wins. 3. We supply printing work primarily within the Netherlands and to a small number of clients in Belgium and Germany. We deliver 80% of our printing work to our clients ourselves. We offer ‘Just-in-time’ delivery, with deliveries often scheduled to the hour. We send the rest via parcel delivery services or we make use of the services of a local transport company. >>


WTC ALMERE Rens Fatels Managing Director at Dutch Vegetable Group (DVG)

WTC TWENTE Gerco Linthorst General Manager at Combi Terminal Twente (CTT)

WTC SCHIPHOL AIRPORT Renske Goezinne Manager Facilities at Danone Place Schiphol

1. My best memories are from the start-up of our plant nursery in southern Spain, eight years ago. We started on a small-scale, but we now have 160 hectares of cauliflower crops. The Spanish culture really appeals to me. Spaniards are much more focused on personal contact. Doing business everywhere is dependent on trust, but in Spain that is even more the case. The business relationships that you build up there will last a lifetime. 2. From a young age, both my uncle and my father have been sources of inspiration for me to join the family business that my father set up many years ago. My uncle, who unfortunately passed away, had a similar business producing fruit and vegetables. He had a great drive to get ideas off the ground. He and my father really made me enthusiastic about entrepreneurship. 3. We have our own refrigerated transport company, Fatrans, which is based in Amsterdam, Dronten, and Venlo. From there, we take care of transport for third parties, but we mainly transport our own fresh products to retailers in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. The products that we grow in Spain are transported for us by local transport firms. Thanks to the modern technology in our vehicles, we are able to monitor everything in real time, to communicate with our drivers, and to monitor the temperature in the loading space.

1. In a business context, my trip to Poland was the most interesting. Poland is an important market for our branch in Rotterdam. Trains run between CTT Rotterdam B.V. and Poland every day. That trip gave me a completely new impression of the country, for instance due to the many university-educated young people I met there. They were all incredibly motivated. They had great drive and ambition. 2. Further growth and becoming an even bigger player within Europe has great appeal, so I see the big terminals in Rotterdam as a source of inspiration. 3. We are a modern inland terminal in Hengelo, with own storage and transshipment terminals in Rotterdam, Almelo, and Bad Bentheim in Germany. Maritime containers are transported all over the world, departing from and arriving in Rotterdam. Our activities are optimally tailored to the needs of the Port of Rotterdam. We specialize in transport for the port’s hinterland in European countries. We do that by means of container transport by road, container transport over water, and goods transport by rail. We also make active efforts to make the logistics process more sustainable.

1. I will always remember my trip to Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest. We were with four colleagues, all from different nationalities: UK, Australia, American, and me from the Netherlands. We flew to Vienna, took the train to Bratislava and crossed the border to Slovakia where military police checked all the passengers while holding guns in front of their chests. My colleague from Australia didn’t have the right visa, so he had to go back. It was an experience to see how we in Europe can travel so freely, but at the same time how well you need to prepare your travel. 2. I have a couple of sources of inspiration. First of all, my father. He is 93 years old and has a tremendous amount of life experience. Second is my first boss Neil Hunt from the UK. We started together at UPC and had to roll out a glass fiber network in Amsterdam. The main lesson he taught me was: ‘Doing nothing is not an option’. Third is Jane Fonda, an actress who is interested in many areas. Her message is: ‘Always make the best of your life, despite the ups and downs’. 3. We use all types of transportation and have dedicated teams to organize the logistics worldwide with our partners. We transport the full scope of materials: Raw materials to end products. We do business around the world: France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand and more.


Luxury shopping Enjoy Amsterdam’s finest shopping treats O FRIDAY T Y A D N O M

Ep.N P O . m 7 l l i t






COMPX: YOUR FLEXIBLE ICT PARTNER AT HOME AND ABROAD As an entrepreneur with multiple branches, perhaps with branches abroad, you want to work when it is convenient to you. You want problem-free access to your data, and a service desk that you can turn to for help with any ICT problems. You want to make use of a VoiP telephony solution and you want to know exactly what this means for you financially every month. Is that possible? It is with CompX ICT & Telecom working in the Cloud.


ne minute you may be working on a complex offer from your airline seat, the next you are at an important meeting at headquarters, possibly outside the Netherlands. And the next day you are back on Dutch soil and need to continue with what you were working on. Sven Weeda, business manager: “With CompX as your ICT partner, it doesn't matter where you are: Log in from anywhere, any time. You can also work in your own language, which is of course far more convenient and efficient.”

financial surprises. You simply pay a fixed amount for each workspace each month. This payment covers unlimited contact with, and assistance from, your ICT partner.” Big plans and great ambitions Accessibility, ease of contact, and a personal approach are important values for CompX. The company therefore opened a branch in Rotterdam on 1 April. And to allow an even more regional approach to operations, the Amsterdam branch will open in the autumn, with a Belgian branch planned for early 2017.

Hello, who am I speaking to? In the past, you would use an old-fashioned telephone line to call a number in your home country from a different country, or vice versa. “The telephone bills could skyrocket if you weren't careful. With VoiP telephony, however, you can put an end to those high telephone bills for good. A VoiP system works within the same telephone switchboard, and the connection is made over the internet. Should you unexpectedly run into ICT problems, there is a service desk with professional, experienced, English-speaking advisers who can offer you direct assistance.” Text: Katja Tremio | Photography: Jesse Kraal


A central point of contact Nothing is so irritating as arranging all kinds of ICT services separately through different providers. It also means a pile of invoices each month. “At CompX, you will find all Cloud solutions under one roof: Online working (Online Werken), Online telephony (Online Bellen), Online back-up (Online Backup), and Online administration (Online Beheer). You also don't need to worry about any




WTCA abroad

The Bahrain World Trade Center (BWTC) is one of Bahrain’s largest buildings, and is located in the capital, Manama.

The two towers are each 240 metres tall (787 feet) and have 50 storeys, 34 of which are used for offices. The building is the world’s first skyscraper to incorporate wind turbines.

The two towers are connected by three bridges. Each bridge features a wind turbine with a diameter of 29 metres. Each tower is built in the form of a sail, resulting in the wind being ‘pressed’ between the two towers so that maximum use can be made of it.

The Bahrain World Trade Center cost 150 million dollars to build, and was designed by the architectural firm Atkins. It was completed in 2008. The turbines supply between 11 and 15% of the tower’s total electricity requirements. Overlooking the Manama waterfront, this state-of-the-art structure also comprises the five-star Sheraton Hotel, as well as Moda Mall: Bahrain’s only luxury shopping destination which is home to over 150 high profile retail brands as well as a host of modern cafes and exciting fine dining eateries.

The BWTC has won a number of awards for its sustainable architecture and ground breaking design.

Around 18,000 tonnes of steel and 120,000 cubic meters of concrete went into its construction.


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