Why A Sales Growth Company Prioritizes Gap Selling

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Why A Sales Growth Company Prioritizes Gap Selling

Why A Sales Growth Company Prioritizes Gap Selling Gap Selling was introduced in 2018 by the founder and CEO of A Sales Growth Company, Keenan. Gap Selling is a modern technique that throws away old and outdated sales procedures. A Sales Growth Company helps organizations redefine the traditional relationship between buyer and seller with their revolutionary B2B and SaaS sales training.

Put simply, it isn't about the salesperson anymore or even their product. If you're struggling with long sales cycles, low ASP, and just can't seem to find success in today's sales environment, you need Gap Selling. Here are a few things you and your team will learn when you partner with A Sales Growth Company. Bust Age-Old Sales Myths That Just Don't Work Anymore Too many companies and sales teams base their entire system on sales methods created decades ago. Do you think techniques formed before smartphones and computers are still viable in today's world? Absolutely not! A Sales Growth Company recognizes the new world we live in and has incinerated the myths that still permeate modern sales culture. Myths like "I need to be liked to make a sale" and "I need to pitch the features of my product" will crater your sales. Buyers don't have the time or the interest to listen to your endless pitches, and they're too smart for your sales games. They have problems, and you have to diagnose those problems in order to make the sale and get them to change. A Sales Growth Company is here to flip the script and show you the new, better way to sell.

Discover the Value in the Life of the Potential Buyer Sales are all about value and value is determined by the size of the problems you can solve. Imagine you just stained your shirt, and to your surprise, there is a shirt vendor nearby. He's selling his tops for $500. You think that's crazy. But what if you are five minutes away from an interview for the Sales Director position at a Fortune 500 company and you have ketchup all over your shirt? Suddenly, that shirt might be worth $500 (if not more) to you. That's where the true value lies—not just in having a stain-free shirt, but the life-changing benefits of landing your dream job. It’s time for you to demonstrate this type of existential, life-changing value to your buyer. Once you have successfully demonstrated your ability to solve the problem your buyer is having, objection handling in sales falls by the wayside. Price? Time? Likability? These things don't matter if the buyer clearly understands how you can help them overcome the gap between where they are in their current state and where they want to go, their future state. A Sales Growth Company will help you and your team better uncover your prospect's gap and demonstrate value to future buyers. Bridge the Gap Between the Buyer's Current State and Future State The "gap" in Gap Selling is about the difference between a buyer's current state and their future state. Through their in-person and virtual sales training, A Sales Growth Company can help your team recognize these points, identify the gap, and make sales based on this information. Once you stain your shirt, your current state is someone with a noticeable ketchup stain on their chest. A regular T-shirt vendor might sell you a new shirt just because it is a new shirt. The T-shirt vendor from our last example recognizes that you have a desired future state they can help you reach. Your future state is looking presentable at a job interview and landing a sixfigure salary at an impressive company. The gap between your current and future state is now worth so much more than a $20 shirt. A fresh shirt could change your life for the better or at least help you get closer to your future state. Once the current state is addressed and understood, a salesperson can use their knowledge of Gap Selling to convince a buyer of the dangers of continuing the status quo and help them reach their ideal state. This is how A Sales Growth Company wants to help you master selling. Find out more about Gap Selling and A Sales Growth Company at https://salesgrowth.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3AlY1N6

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