What Is the Gap in A Sales Growth Company’s Gap Selling?

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What Is the Gap in A Sales Growth Company’s Gap Selling?

What Is the Gap in A Sales Growth Company’s Gap Selling? The world of sales has changed drastically in the previous decades, and it’s time for your sales methodologies to evolve. A Sales Growth Company is here to help. They use their Gap Selling method to transform sales teams and teach salespeople how to address problems the right way, improving their close rate and boosting their average sales price along the way. It all starts by understanding the gap and selling to it. Here is a breakdown of the gap’s role in A Sales Growth Company’s sales methodologies.

The Gap Is Between the Buyer’s Current and Future States The presence of a gap means there is a desired future state on the other side of the gap. B2B and SaaS sales training from A Sales Growth Company teaches that the gap is between a buyer’s current state and ideal future state. In other words, where they are and where they want to be.

Take a fitness instructor, for example. Their client comes in, and they have a current state, which is their fitness level right now. Then, they have a future state where they are fit and can run a 6-minute mile. The personal trainer can then sell their services to help bridge the gap between couch potato and avid runner—the client’s current and future states. It’s Up to You to Discover This Gap As a salesperson, it’s up to you to discover this gap. Whether your buyer knows about it or not, you must ask the right questions to uncover this gap. Thankfully, A Sales Growth Company can help teach you how to do this. They have designed training programs that lead salespeople through the gap selling process step by step. This training teaches you how to ask the right questions to help you learn about a buyer’s current problems, diagnose the root cause of the problems, and sell your product or service as the solution to fill the gap. What do the right questions look like? With our fitness trainer, they might ask their client about their lifestyle and habits. Do they experience low energy and inadequate sleep? Have they dropped old hobbies because they were too physically demanding? Suddenly, the client realizes how big the gap between where they want to be and where they really are is. Value Lies in the Gap The gap is where all the value in a sale is. By teaching Gap Selling, A Sales Growth Company can help you increase your average sale price, reduce closing times, and even improve your objection handling in sales. The gap may seem small to begin with, like with our fitness coach. If the client comes in and just says, “I want to get in shape,” their gap isn’t worth much. Maybe $50 a month. If the trainer keeps digging and discovers that they want to strengthen their knees so they can play with their kids, improve their cardiovascular health so they can live longer, and reach their lifelong dream of running a marathon, their gap is a lot bigger. All because the trainer knew how to ask the right questions and widen the gap. These are the type of results worth a premium. With A Sales Growth Company, you too can learn this skill and start selling to your customer’s gap and achieve success. Learn how A Sales Growth at https://salesgrowth.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3L9HaBV







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