Tired of Dealing with Long Sales Cycles? Partner with A Sales Growth Company

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Tired of Dealing with Long Sales Cycles? Partner with A Sales Growth Company

Tired of Dealing with Long Sales Cycles? Partner with A Sales Growth Company Long sales cycles can clog up your entire pipeline. When you expect to have a deal done in a month, but that month turns into two or six, all of your projections and plans get skewed. What you thought would be a sale for Q1 doesn’t happen until Q3, if you are fortunate enough to close the deal at all. Long sales cycles are the bane of sales teams everywhere.

A Sales Growth Company can help teach you and your sales team how to shorten sales cycles with their in-person and virtual sales training. With energetic and enthusiastic coaches and the innovative Gap Selling approach, you can’t beat the training offered by A Sales Growth Company. What Is the Cause of Your Extended Sales Cycles? Before you can fix it, you need to know what is causing your long sales cycles. For starters, the problem probably isn’t your product. After all, your buyers need your product even if they don’t know it yet. The problem is they are comfortable where they are, and it takes a great deal of effort to convince them they need to change. Imagine someone is trying to sell you a new cell phone. But you don’t think you need a new phone. Your current phone works well enough, and you really don’t want to go through the hassle of moving all your information over. In other words, you’re happy to stick with the status quo. Your buyers are stuck in this mindset too, and thus, it takes longer for them to move through the sales process. If your sales cycles are long, it means you aren’t highlighting the urgency your buyer needs to make a change. You need to get control of the sale, and A Sales Growth Company can help through their innovative training.

Highlight the Urgency for Change To learn to shorten your sales cycles, you need to understand why you can’t convince your buyers to change. A Sales Growth Company can help you get to the bottom of this problem with their SaaS and B2B sales training. Most likely, you aren’t building an urgency to change because you don’t have specific details about your buyer’s current and future states. A Sales Growth Company can help teach you how to get these details. It would be like the cell phone rep doing a line of discovery that helps them figure out that your phone’s battery dies in the middle of the day. They also learn that your phone is running out of storage. However, the most crucial factor is that you have an important business trip coming up. Now, they have a better understanding of the situation. They’ll make you realize your current phone might have a problem that you urgently need to fix. Now you understand that you’re not just in the market for a new phone—you’re in the market for convenience and reliability. The last thing you need is your phone dying right before you need to call for a ride from the hotel to the office. This is the sense of urgency you should create for your buyers. Focus on Helping the Buyer If everyone could easily shorten their sales cycles, they would do it. However, you have to put in the work and effort to highlight a buyer’s urgency and explain how they will benefit in the short and long term by committing to change. You need to focus on the business problems causing headaches for your buyer. They are held back from reaching their goals, but your product can help them get there. In other words, you’re not there to sell to them, but to help them achieve their ideal future outcome. A Sales Growth Company can teach you the techniques you need to fix your sales cycles. Their training can help improve objection handling in sales, so you can quickly move the deal down the pipeline instead of waiting months to settle a price objection. With A Sales Growth Company, you can evolve your approach to selling, helping you shorten the sales cycle and land more deals. See how A Sales Growth Company can help with long sales cycles at https://salesgrowth.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3NwY4uU

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