A Sales Growth Company Will Help You Master These 4 Types of Discovery Questions

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A Sales Growth Company Will Help You Master These 4 Types of Discovery Questions

A Sales Growth Company Will Help You Master These 4 Types of Discovery Questions If your sales team is struggling to close sales and your average sale price is dropping, it probably isn’t your product. To find the cause of your team’s struggles, you have to look to the beginning of the sales process. The discovery period is crucial, and could be the source of your sales problems. Thanks to A Sales Growth Company and their in-person and virtual sales training, you can improve your discovery process one question at a time. These are four critical types of discovery questions that can transform the way sales are made.

Probing Questions to Survey the Situation A Sales Growth Company can teach your team how to ask probing questions. These questions set the tone for a successful discovery process. They allow you to find out the big picture story about your potential buyer. For example, when a lawn care business sells their services, they need to know essential information about their client’s lawn. How big it is, how many features there are, and if there are bushes and trees to trim. If they didn’t ask probing questions, they couldn’t sell effectively. They might be selling lawnmowing services to a client who has a gravel xeriscape yard. It’s your job to ask these types of questions, so you have a clear-eyed view of the entire situation. Use Process Questions to Find Out the “How” Asking “how” questions is vital in positioning your product or service in the context of your buyer’s business. A Sales Growth Company can help your salespeople learn to use “how” questions to determine where your product will fit. When the previously mentioned lawn care

business explores new clients, they need to know how the prospect currently cares for their lawn so they can better position their own services. Do they expect it to be fertilized? How often do they mow it? How often is it watered? All of these answers can help the company better understand how to convince the prospect it’s worth hiring them. Get Your Buyer to Consider the Future with Provoking Questions The right provoking questions can gently push prospects to consider their current state from a different perspective. These questions are important because they are not always immediately apparent. B2B and SaaS sales training from A Sales Growth Company will help your salespeople better ask provoking questions. For example, the lawn care prospect might think they’re hiring the company to help them save time on yard work. But the company starts asking provoking questions like “How do you feel your yard compares to your neighbor’s?” and suddenly, the prospect is more concerned with having the nicest yard on the block compared to saving time. Your job as a salesperson is to convince buyers to shift perspectives and consider the bright future they’ll have when they purchase your product or service. Validating Questions Eliminate Ambiguity If you want to stay on the same page as your buyer and ground your discussion, validating questions are important. They are one of the few yes or no questions that A Sales Growth Company will help your salespeople learn to use. For example, if we are still looking at the lawn care business, they might ask a buyer, “If I understand your problem, you are part of an HOA, and you need yard work done twice a week in the afternoons?” It helps keep both parties on the same page with specific details and helps improve your salespeople’s objection handling in sales. A Sales Growth Company can teach your sales team how to effectively use these validating questions to eliminate ambiguity. A Sales Growth Company can help transform your sales team at https://salesgrowth.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3GQvocD

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