Art Hive Magazine /// #20 /// Winter 2016

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If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

-Wayne Dyer Photo Credit: Andrew Scott

A New Perspective As we approach the new year, it may be defeating to think about what we didn’t accomplish. Not enough time spent with our family or friends; not enough time honing our craft or reading those books we bought months ago; not enough time on ourselves. In looking to the future, it’s important to be grateful and realize that we do in fact have control over something—what we do with, and how we manage our time. Thomas Edison said it best: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” For this new year, we decided to never give up. As cliché as that might sound, it’s that steady perseverance that gets us one step closer to our purpose. To achieve our goal, a habit must be formed. A habit is not something that can be born overnight. It must be practiced over time and with repeated consistency, even in times of difficulty. That’s the power of habit. Make this year, the year you choose to reach a goal directed at your passion. It can be as simple or complex as you want, all that matters is that you’re working towards your destiny, one small step at a time.

Our Current Creative Obsessions • Apps: Who knew that you can download an app on your phone and help out the world! We picked out some of the most interesting and charitable apps we could find. • Companies that give back: With the shopping season in full swing, it’s exciting to know you can buy your holiday gifts from companies that give back whenever you buy their products. From bamboo toothbrushes that plant a tree every time you buy, to luxury handbags that color coordinate their purses with a nonprofit. Its nice to know you can give back not just in December, but all year round with these socially conscious businesses. We thank you for your continued support and hope you will stay creative everyday! XOXO, Jessie & Angela



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