Archetech - Issue 21 2015

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ARCHETECH Turning Dreams into Reality

Issue 21

Archetech Media Ltd Tel: 020 7193 4095

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H C E T E H C e AR n i z a g a M e 21

ice - 29 Cho s r o t s 28 e c Edi i rv - 39 al Se ens 30 r u t 3 itch itec nts 4 Arch oms & K ts & Pai - 58 n ro 4 eala ttings 4 Bath 1 i gs, S F n 9-6 i t & ng 5 - 67 i Coa indows b um 65 rs, W & Pl oring 8 - 69 Doo ainage o l F 6 Dr rs & tion 83 Floo sula n 70 I n & g i n s e - 94 tio ntila Interior D orks 87 e V , W - 96 & ting rnal s 95 iors r e e t e Hea x d t E 05 a In g& lustr 7-1 n 9 a i l B p a 109 sca tric irs & Land Lifts, Sta g & Elec ng 106 - 11 i d tin -1 Ligh Clad ion 110 114 & t fing otec Frames 15 Roo e Pr r 1 i er F b im yors y& T t i r & u r urve c S e e b S ty, Tim Safe

Issu Studies

Publishing Director Martin Holmes Editor Isabelle Hart Sales Director Steve Hawkins Sales Manager Elizabeth Wright Creative Director Josh Holmes Designer James Sayer Digital Manager Alex Forbes

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Archetech Magazine, however, the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic (including printing), recording or stored in any information retrieval system without the express prior written consent of the publisher.

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Archetech - Page 4

The Investcorp Building / Zaha Hadid Architects Founded in 1957, the Middle East Centre at St Antony’s College serves as the University of Oxford’s facility for research and teaching on the Arab world, Iran, Israel and Turkey from the 19th century to the present day, with its focus on the research of humanities and social sciences. The centre has been housed at 68 Woodstock Road (the former rectory of the Church of St Philip and St James, built in 1887) since 1978.

The Middle East Centre holds Oxford University’s primary collection on the modern Middle East, a world-class archive of private papers and historic photographs used by scholars and researchers with an interest in the region. The centre’s research core is the specialised library, document and photographic archive covering material from the 1800’s onwards. The archive was set up in 1961 and has grown to over 400 collections of private papers and holds more than 100,000 historic photographs. The new Investcorp Building for the Middle East Centre provides 1,127 square metres of additional floor space and a new 117-seat lecture theatre; doubling the space available for the Middle East CentreWs expanding library & archive, and providing optimum conditions to conserve and manage the centre’s collections that were previously stored in the basement of 66 Woodstock Road. As an integral part of the college’s ongoing expansion plans, the Investcorp Building incorporates essential new facilities to meet the Middle East Centre’s increasing demand for research and academic activities. The need to expand the teaching space at the centre has become increasingly acute with student numbers growing dramatically in recent years, including many additional masters’ students and doctoral candidates.

The new lecture theatre will allow the

that conveys the past, present and future

exists beneath the library archive room

Middle East Centre to expand its popular

evolution of the college, university and

to achieve the essential environmental

programme of seminars, lectures and


controls and mitigate the need for

debates - much of which is open to both

heat pump provides active ground

to the existing buildings of 66 & 68

coupling controlled for both temperature

The Invescorp Building complements

Woodstock Road. The curved form of

and humidity, creating a secure

the college’s ongoing development. Its

library reading room’s western façade

environment to conserve the centre’s

design weaves through the restricted

accommodates the century-old Sequoia

renowned collection.

site at St Antony’s College to connect

tree and its extensive root network; while

and incorporate the existing protected

a drainage system has been installed

The work of the Middle East Centre

buildings and trees; while its stainless

below the foundation slabs to ensure

contributes to the global discourse and

steel façade softly reflects natural light to

the tree receives enough moisture.

greater understanding of the region.

echo the building’s context.

To the east, the archive reading room

The new Investcorp Building connects

the University and the general public.

Archetech - Page 6

mechanical air-handling. A ground source To the west, the project’s scale defers

and librarians’ offices rise towards the

disparate buildings within the college,

The building integrates new academic

height of the 1970 brutalist Hilda Besse

defining a series of spaces for the centre’s

and research facilities within a design

Building it faces, yet the new Investcorp

renowned archive, library and seminar

defined by the existing built and natural

Building remains below the roofline of the

programmes; allowing the Middle East

environment of the college. The project

adjacent 66 Woodstock Road.

Centre to expand its commitment as a

maintains the detached character of the

vital forum of research, understanding

college’s current buildings, allowing them

The 117-seat lecture theatre is located

to be read as separate elements, while

below ground and is ventilated through

introducing a contemporary building

a thermal labyrinth. A similar labyrinth

and open debate.

Architects: Zaha Hadid Architects Location: Saint Antony's College, University of Oxford, Saint Antony's College, Woodstock Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 6JF, UK Design : Zaha Hadid Project Director : Jim Heverin Project Associates: Johannes Hoffmann; Ken Bostock Project Architect: Alex Bilton Area: 1127.0 sqm Project Year: 2015 Photographs: Luke Hayes

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Koster Long Lasting TPO Roofing Now in the UK Koster are now selling TPO single

Koster laboratories in Germany

Alex Lynn, Koster Aquatecnic Technical

ply roofing membranes under the

recently tested a 14 year old piece of

Manager explains, “Over the last fifteen

Koster brand name, having previously

the TPO membrane recovered from a

years Koster Aquatecnic have delivered

manufactured exclusively for another

deconstructed roof. The results proved

unbeatable levels of service and support in

well know brand. With decades of

to be extremely impressive: after 14 years

the field of structural waterproofing. This

manufacturing experience Koster have

of service the product showed no surface

will be no different for the TPO roofing.

developed a product that is long lasting

deterioration and the old material was still

From CPD seminars for architects to

and guaranteed for up to 25 years, as well

within specification. A weld test between

training of applicators, we always provide

as being environmentally friendly and

the old and new TPO, resulted in a perfect

the information and advice needed to

plasticiser free.

weld. Nigel Day MD of Koster Aquatecnic

ensure that our membranes are specified

said, “We are very proud of these test

appropriately and installed to the highest

Koster TPO single ply roofing membranes

results as they demonstrate that after a


are flexible and easy to work with,

time period when many roofing systems

ensuring a quick and reliable application.

are starting to fail, Koster TPO is unscathed

With proven, long lasting TPO membranes,

The products are resistant to UV rays and

and looking good for many more years of

a network of experienced roofing

high mechanical stress: the crack bridging

trouble free service.”

contractors and a commitment to

ability withstanding temperature induced

providing world class training and advice

movement. The flexible TPO membranes

With sustainability now being an

to architects, Koster Aquatecnic look set

are mechanically fixed, fully bonded or

ecological and economic reality for

to become a major new player in the UK

ballasted and in each case the seams

architects and builders, Koster TPO roofing

roofing industry.

are hot air welded (the thermoplastic

provides a long lasting and durable

characteristics of the membrane create an

solution. TPO membranes are free of

inseparable, durable and homogeneous

PVC and plasticiser; contain no harmful


halogens, are non-toxic in water and can

Archetech - Page 10

be continually recycled.

Koster Aquatecnic Ltd Tel: 01387 270252 email: Web:


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ARCHITECT REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL SECTOR SOUTH EAST ENGLAND We are seeking to appoint a full time Part 3 qualified Architect in the South East with at least 10 years post qualifying experience. We provide bespoke design and management services to private clients building high quality residential properties. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and expanding our activity in the South East. A strong head office support team is available to help achieve these goals.

We expect the successful candidate to have face-to-face client experience and to have run individual projects. Candidates must be ambitious, energetic, self-motivated, personable and be able to work on their own initiative. They should have excellent communication and presentation skills and possess a good knowledge of Word and AutoCAD. Some marketing experience would be useful. Car user is essential.

This is a great opportunity to join a well-established company with a proven track record and to work with an experienced, friendly team. We are offering an attractive package and the successful candidate will be given the opportunity to share in the company’s success. Apply with full CV to Bruce MacDonald, Managing Director, Design & Materials Ltd:

Archetech - Page 12

Cutting Technologies A South Yorkshire laser cutting specialist has teamed up with decorative lighting experts Northern Lights to create a dazzling feature in one of the country’s busiest shopping malls. Cutting Technologies, based in Barnsley, laser cut 6,400 delicate shapes which are now captivating shoppers in a stunning display in Meadowhall’s Upper Mall.

with a further two at the mall entrance.

The concept was designed by Wakefield-based interior designers The Harris Partnership, who approached Chesterfield-based Northern Lights to bring their idea to life.

Paul Wade, Managing Director at Northern Lights, added: “We’ve worked with Cutting Technologies on a range of projects now, some as far afield as Dubai. But it’s been good to work on a project a little closer to home this time. “Cutting Technologies always offers us a first rate service and understand the challenges of the design process. “

The Cutting Technologies team was given the job of laser cutting the thousands of abstract shapes from clear Perspex™ and shiny stainless steel, which give the impression of falling leaves cascading from the centre’s iconic glass roof. Eight sculptures were installed in the main hall

Jane Robinson, director at Cutting Technologies, said: “It’s always a pleasure to work on Northern Lights’ fantastic projects, and the delicate nature of this design is perfect for laser cutting. Our recent investment in state of the art technology, makes jobs like these easier than ever.

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Until CRL’s ten-year structural defects insurance products were recommended to Nordic Construction UK, the national developer and contractor had been paying over-the-odds for the same level policies that were attached to household name providers. Nordic Construction UK has been using

accommodation, residential, healthcare

structural defects policies would not let

CRL’s structural defects insurance cover

and commercial sectors, with plans to

them down.

on all its major national projects for the

grow in the education sector.

last two years. When its newly appointed project manager was asked who he’d

Nordic’s challenge

previously used for insurance provision,

Nordic, a new company starting out in

he was quick to commend the products,

2009, had ambitious growth plans. At

service and cost of CRL’s compared to the

a time when the property industry was

obvious high street providers.

suffering considerably, Nordic knew it

About Nordic Construction UK

was essential to scrutinise all outgoing

Archetech - Page 14

costs and keep up its values of high Guilford-based Nordic Construction UK,

standards. Its insurance policies had to

established at the start of the UK economic

be comprehensive and exact, and quickly

recession in 2009, has continued to grow,

underwritten to prove Nordic’s security.

achieving more than a seven-fold increase in turnover over the last few years, with a

Nordic had to demonstrate unequivocally

total project value of £44million to date.

that it was a trustworthy and cost-effective

Its major projects include multi-storey

contractor, delivering its clients’ schemes

residential and mixed-use developments

on time and within budget. Therefore,

across the UK, for clients in the student

it had to be certain that its ten-year

Mohammed Afzal, commercial manager, Nordic Construction, said: “Our sector is competitive and overrun with rogue contractors so it is vital for our fairly young company to sustain the highest construction standards, to assure clients of the long-term quality of the buildings.” In 2013, the developer won a significant £16million construction project to build a 339-bed mixed use student facility at Hope Street, Liverpool for which a reliable and competitive insurance provider was crucial.

Why CRL?

providing supportive advice to ensure

our business.

we complied with the most up-to-date Nordic’s project manager recommended

structural defects insurance guidelines.”

CRL to the commercial manager,

“CRL has been a genuine partner on this project, with us every step of the way from

Mohammed Afzal. From previous

CRL went on to provide its evolving

tender stages to the completion of each

experience, the project manager knew

services and products under one standard

project. They are more than a product

that CRL competed positively with the

level of cover, at the most competitive

supplier, they are a valuable addition to

well-known providers.

price compared to other brokers.

our project team, offering their advice and

CRL’s standard ten-year structural defects

Its team of surveyors made regular

insurance cover not only offered all the

inspections: completion of the

“Our relationship with CRL has already

covenants of the well-known providers’ but

foundations, pre-plaster stage and

proven to be effective and profitable and

its on-hand service was the reassurance

completion. The relationship manager

they will remain on our preferred supplier

project managers, architects, quantity

and surveyors maintained regular

framework as our go-to provider for

surveyors and funders needed to ensure

communication with the project

structural defects insurance.

the success of a major construction

management team over the course of the


building works, including on-site meetings

“CRL is now definitely Nordic’s number one

and telephone calls.

choice of provider.”

support along the way.

When Mohammed Afzal called CRL’s Vice Mohammed said: “We are confident that

Jacqueline Penfold, at the early tender

by using CRL as our provider, our projects

stages of the Liverpool project, he was

are inspected and continuously monitored

confident in the personal advisory service

to ensure they are being handed over

CRL gave.

structurally sound for our clients.”

Mohammed said: “Even at such an

He added: “Using CRL’s insurance cover has

early stage, CRL went the extra mile

assisted us in keeping within construction

to understand our project and needs,

budgets, and ultimately realising profit for

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Page 15 - Archetech

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Page 17 - Archetech

And with imagination they can be used in various decorative scenarios – not just as wall lighting. Our dimmable (European made) LED bars are available as both low lumen and high lumen options with identical and exact individual bulb output over 30,000 hours so there are no issues of bulb variance or failure shadowing. New brochures now available.

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It is very quick and easy to apply by trowel or spray application, has fantastic levels of adhesion to most substrates including old bitumen and dries very quickly in less than 18 hours.

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ARS POETICA Working at the boundaries of the known, the unknown and the unknowable, I prioritize the two latter notions. Intend to excavate the preconscious from the subconscious strata. My tools are my pen and lately my stylus (for drawing on digital tablets).

Archetech - Page 18

The material starting point is the epidermis of the place, but from there one has to ascend to the

rarefied spheres of thoughts and even feelings. This floating in the domains of the unknown and unknowable, unfortunately, during the design process and as the straight consequence of the same, shifts more and more towards the domain of the known, and in the constructed reality, every unknown must be excluded.

My process drawings aim to serve the prolongation of the floating phase, and interrogate that hope, whether the materialized reality could convey anything at all from the Icarusean gift, provided by the design-experience for its enthusiastic laborer.

Essence by BOMP ESSENCE Skyscraper by BOMP was chosen

15 honourable mentions. The first place

height modules (30, 60, 90 meters) organise

to be awarded the first place from among

was awarded to BOMP for the project titled

the sequence of the levels in accordance with

480 projects received from the world over.

ESSENCE Skyscraper.

a type of a landscape they host. The tower is wrapped with semi-transparent façade.

According to the official statement, the internationally acclaimed jury selected the

Enter the secret garden

It’s goal is to blur the interior view from the

project due to its creative response to the

The idea behind the project was to create

outside while neutralising the horizon from

dynamic conditions of vertical communities.

an audacious theoretical vision of an urban

the visitor’s perspective.

The team of architects from Poland proposed

garden appropriate for rapidly changing

a vertical garden composed of variable

environmental conditions regarding a

natural habitats in a form of a skyscraper.

cityscape. Located in a centre of a dense

By entering the garden, using one of two

urban fabric, eleven natural habitats captured

mammoth ramps, the visitor begins the trip

The competition

Follow the landscape

by the tower would become a mysterious

through diverse complex natural habitats.

The annual eVolo Skyscraper Competition

place open to the public and offering

Starting from an ocean arranged above the

has been run continuingly since 2006. It is

the visitors a wide range of complex and

ground floor topped with the spectacular

an architectural competition focused on the

inspiring experiences.

fish tank, through the jungle thicket - moist, dense and foggy – the wanderer receives

subject of skyscrapers and raising a question of the future of vertical communities. In 2015 year’s edition, the competition jury formed by Massimiliano Fuksas (principal Studio Fuksas), Michael Hansmeyer (CAAD group at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Richard Hassell (principal WOHA), Alvin Huang (principal Synthesis Design + Architecture), Yong Ju Lee (winner 2014 eVolo Skyscraper Competition), Wenchai Shi (project manager MVRDV), Wong Mun Summ (principal WOHA) and Benedetta Tagliabue (principal EMBT Miralles Tagliabue) selected 3 winners and

The structure

sensual attractions on many different levels.

The rectangle-shaped floor plan measures

One by one – the narration written by the

100 by 300 meters. The very core of the

landscapes appear, flourish and finally -

building is an exorbitant system of ramps

implicitly mellow, in order to make a place

and platforms, while the shell is ten meter

for another scene. And so the travel goes

wide belt containing staircases, elevators,

on: a swamp, a dessert, a steppe, a river,

technical facilities, shafts and so on. The body

grasslands, a huge waterfall, mysterious caves

of the building is 630 meters tall and it is

and the rocky mountains. To complete the

divided vertically into eleven stages. They are

range of sensations, there is a glacier at the

interconnected seamlessly. Three additional

top of the tower. These eleven sceneries can

levels are destined for technical facilities.

easily become a playground for a marvellous

They split the tower into four segments, while

adventure, a place for a few days camping or

not interfering with the general space. Three

a route for a wanderer. Any person willing to take a rest from a daily life is welcome. Win new business with Local Architects Direct, one of the UK’s leading price comparison websites for property services. Founded in 2005, the aim was simple: to help home buyers and owners find service providers in their local area. To do this, the company built up a database of nearly 4,000 architects, surveyors, structural engineers, estate agents, conveyancers, energy assessors, electricians, drainage contractors and removals firms. Customers looking for a particular service enter their contact details on website and instantly receive a list of suppliers in their local area and, in most cases, an initial estimate. Meanwhile customer details are forwarded to service providers to follow-up. Companies pay a small sum per sales lead generated. If you are interested in joining, please contact JJ Heath-Caldwell for a free trial Email: Tel: 01962 761565. See also

Evola collection wins German Iconic Award! different solid colours in addition to a line of highly realistic-looking metallic and concrete designs.

The German Iconic Awards are the leading accolades in areas such as architecture, interior & product design.

Evola is fully designed in-house by UNILIN and consists of a collection of exclusive, unique designs and surface structures.

Each year, the Iconic Awards recognise the most innovative products, both in terms of design and functionality.

UNILIN Panels Division has won this award in the “product > special” category that recognises the amazing functionality of the entire Evola collection. The designs meticulously imitate every single feature of the original materials. UNILIN not only expanded its existing range of wood designs, but also extended it with eight

Smart Fire Launches Innovative New Heater



Supporting new-build and refurbishment projects

Archetech - Page 20

Smart Fire has launched a revolutionary heater, offering minimalist design and outstanding performance for both indoor and outdoor areas. The Platinum Smart-Heat Electric is designed by Bromic Heating and has just hit the UK, and is available from Bromic’s only British distributor, Smart Fire UK. “We really do value our partnership with Bromic Heating. They’re first in terms of design and quality and their innovative new releases always have features we haven’t seen before.” Other Bromic heaters stocked by Smart Fire UK include the gas and electric Platinum Smart Heat as well as the gas and electric Tungsten Smart Heat. For more visit:

ArjoHuntleigh is the world leader in providing integrated solutions for the care of people with reduced mobility and related conditions in both hospitals and long term care facilities. For over 60 years we have been working closely with contractors, specifiers, architects, designers and surveyors across many different healthcare settings. ArjoHuntleigh use a project management approach to ensure a full and consistent service for the client. This brings together our extensive experience of

each healthcare setting and ensures that all the relevant ArjoHuntleigh Departments are involved in meetingthe exact needs of each client. We can hand hold you through your project from conception to completion and can offer you a dedicated Project Manager with a Design team for CAD drawings (soon to be BIM ready) and all the support that you would expect. We also offer RIBA accredited 2 CPD presentations, more details can be found on our website. Contact the Project design team on 01452 428381.

Bespoke Joinery for the luxury home market Chilfen Joinery are continuing to expand their existing work in the luxury home market. Delivering consistently complex high-end projects, Chilfen utilise quality craftsmanship combined with modern technologies. Their work includes many aspects of custom made bespoke joinery, made to the highest specifications and tolerances. Full project management is provided as a standard service. Typical projects include bespoke panels, designer wardrobes and storage, custom made furniture and seating, kitchens, bathrooms,

libraries, studies, cinema rooms and more. Work can include many different finishes such as exotic veneers, leather, glass or metalwork. These can often play a part in the overall scheme coordinated by Chilfen’s dedicated projects team. For more information, or to view our full range of services visit Alternatively if you would like to speak directly to our sales office you can contact; David Sagnella Email: Tel: 07774 017023

Dulux Trade Dulux Trade has revealed that the Colour of the Year for 2016 is Cherished Gold. It is supported by four separate trend stories; Heritage & Future, Words & Pictures, Dark & Light and The Grid & Letting Go, each with their own palettes. ‘Cherished Gold’ is a gold influenced ochre that is inspired

by recurring colour themes and materials that are seen in the design world. Cherished Gold is both bright enough to attract attention and combines well with other tones. To view the new ColourFutures16 palette and download the trend book, visit the Colour Futures website:

Osmo’s Multi-purpose Wood Filler

Osmo’s Wood Filler is the ideal product to remove abrasions on wooden floors, helping to achieve a floor’s ‘as-new’ appearance. Osmo’s Wood Filler is a multipurpose, easy to use, fast drying solution which is used on interior floors to remove scratches and dents in the wood. It acts as an edge filler, wood putty, crack filler and sanding sealer, eliminating the need for several different products. As with all Osmo interior products, Wood Filler offers excellent quality, has an unlimited lifespan and is safe and environmentally friendly. Made from non-toxic natural materials, Wood Filler is compliant with recent VOC legislations.

Vicaima have launched 22 coloured laminate faced options with their new Dekordor HD Colours range. Dekordor HD Colours offer a continuous pressure laminate face which is both scratch and UV resistant, offering a colour consistent and durable solution for areas which are more demanding such as; leisure or medical centres, student accommodation, social housing, educational facilities, hotels, commercial offices and public buildings. The products, which are made to order, are available in a full range of performance options including; Fire rated, Severe Duty Rated, SBD entrance systems and sound reduction. Configuration possibilities make specification easy, with glazed options, pairs, over height dimensions, mobility widths and completely matching door and frame kits and sets, to ensure complete flexibility. For more details about Dekordor HD Colours visit the Vicaima website or call 01793 532333.

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Available in 14 different colours and designed to be used across a wide range of wood surfaces, there is no reason for inconsistency of colour on the floor. Wood Filler can even be mixed with any suitable tint or stain to achieve a custom colour.

Refresh your colour palette with Vicaima Dekordor HD

CA Group delivers colourful solution for H&M H&M Roxhill

Building envelope specialist, CA Group, has completed work on a major distribution centre for H&M. The Roxhill development forms part of Rugby Gateway, a 120-acre site offering industrial, warehouse and distribution facilities, suitable for a variety of occupiers. Long-associated with alternative types of cladding system, the graduated green colour scheme, which gives the warehouse its distinctive look, is incorporated into the facade through the use of CA Group’s innovative Twin-Therm® built-up system, which delivers multiple sustainability benefits including the addition of continuous liner and insulation within the building, maximising airtightness and minimising the fire risk. Ian Hooke, Construction Director for Roxhill, commented: “We’re always looking for the best solution to enable the architect to meet the aspirations of our clients. This development demonstrates that it is possible to incorporate all the sustainability benefits of the built up system, at no cost to the aesthetics.” Email: Phone: 01388 83 42 42

Aperam stainless steel shingles for Borders rail link Aperam UGINOX® TOP has been installed as shingles to provide a durable matt façade on the new Galashiels Transport Interchange. As the tourism entry point to the Scottish Borders for bus, rail and road it was designed as a ‘statement building’. In addition to being specified for its lasting appearance and sustainability, however, stainless steel was also chosen in preference to aluminium as the installed cost was considerably less. Considered to be the most sustainable of the hard metals, it does not oxidise or cause problems with run off, is easy to work and has very low maintenance requirements. Aperam Stainless Services & Solutions UK Limited 9 Midland Way, Barlborough Links, Barlborough, Derbyshire S43 4XA T: 01246 571660 E: XTRALITE OFFERS EXTRA LIGHT TO BRITISH AIRWAYS Leading UK manufacturer of rooflights, Xtralite, has supplied a range of bespoke glazing units to the British Airways Flight Training base at Heathrow.

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NEW SYSTEM TO SUPPORT VERTICAL ELEMENTS FROM NVELOPE NVELOPE, the market leader in rainscreen cladding support systems, recently introduced NH2, a system that can be used to support vertical elements. Satisfying safety standards, the NH2 cladding support system plays a major role in the aesthetic envelope of a building and provides added performance benefits. Architects simply need to access the Project Checklist section at and complete the simple two step data entry process. This demands project information on façade type, façade weight, average panel size, building height and storey height, substrate type, fixing method and cladding zone. They can then submit

this information together with their elevation and plan AutoCAD drawings. NVELOPE’s technical support team will provide a full Project Checklist response detailing the static calculations and setting out information for the support system, thermal calculations and indicative m2 price. Manufactured in the UK and developed using the highest specification alloys, NVELOPE products and systems are ideal for supporting a wide variety of façade materials. For further information on NVELOPE, visit or call the company direct on +44 (0)1707 333 396.

Home to 16 state-of-the-art simulators the Flight Simulator Training Hall located within a Grade II listed structure boasts an impressive architectural pedigree and a stunning arched concrete roof on canted trusses. During a recent refurbishment it became apparent the existing Georgian wired glass rooflights did not meet thermal requirements and were leaking into the hall. The water ingress along with the thermal inequalities could have caused a major problem to the simulators due to the specific temperature range they operate within. A specific environmental heating and lighting strategy was developed for the simulator hall to ensure energy efficiencies

were taken into account. Considerations were also given to the weight of a roof structure and its design as there were no recorded drawings advising of the existing roof’s structural integrity. This resulted in Xtralite developing a bespoke polycarbonate light weight system that also complemented the building’s aesthetics. The unique aluminium framed polycarbonate glazing system designed by Xtralite incorporated Lumira® technology which offers excellent light transmission and diffusion for shadow less-light quality. Additional to this the system offers substantial insulation performance due to the limited heat conduction of the Lumira® translucent aerogel granules. Overall with this system a typical Ud value as low as 0.91 W/m²/K. can be achieved. Further information can be found by visiting or by calling 01670 354 157.

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The free-to-attend 2 day Exhibition, Conference & Networking Reception for the UK Architecture & Building Design Industry Dear Industry Colleagues Whether you wish to exhibit with us to sell your products and services or establish new business contacts and relationships, visit to meet potential suppliers or partners, or attend the conference to discuss and debate the hot topics in UK Architecture & Building Design, ArchitEx 2015 offers something for everyone involved in the industry.

Archetech - Page 24

1. The Exhibition For exhibitors, ArchitEx 2015 will provide significant sales and business development opportunities whilst also offering an outstanding networking platform. An anticipated 1,500 Architecture & Building Design Industry professionals from all the following sectors will include … • Architects, Specifiers, Building Designers, Technologists, Surveyors & Engineers • Commercial, Industrial & Residential Property Developers • Town, City & County Councils, Local Planning Authorities, Town & City Planners • Construction Companies, Builders & Contractors • Products & Services Industry Suppliers

2. The Conference The 2 day, uniquely free-to-attend conference programme, with 24 industry leading speakers, will become the leading annual forum for the UK Architecture & Building Design Industry. It will bring delegates together with many of the industry's key organisations and people, including winners of the RIBA Stirling Prize for Architecture, and will address the issues, legislation and many key successes in recent, current and future planning, architecture and building design projects. 3. The Drinks Reception / Networking Evening Free–to–attend, complimentary 2 hour champagne drinks reception & networking evening on Tuesday 1 December 5.00pm 7.00pm, with hundreds of industry colleagues. ArchitEx 2015 is your opportunity to join the UK’s leading Architecture & Building Design event. The ArchitEx 2015 Team

0845 467 3303

Register now ……. Free–to–attend, 2 day exhibition, 24 speaker conference programme and complimentary 2 hour champagne drinks reception & networking evening • Architects, Specifiers, Building Designers, Technologists, Surveyors & Engineers • Commercial, Industrial & Residential Property Developers • Town, City & County Councils, Local Planning Authorities, Town & City Planners • Construction Companies, Builders & Contractors • Products & Services Industry Suppliers

Photo credit: Chevalier Morales Architectes

Saul-Bellow Library Following anarchitectural competition

Imagining the future

Archetech - Page 26

in 2011, the firm Chevalier Morales

Imagining possible futures allowed to propose solutions and to place certain

Architectes received the mandate to

Chevalier Morales Architectes imagined

program functions that, in the long term,

expand, redesign and bring to compliance

what the library and its neighbourhood

would reduce costs and environmental

the old Lachine borough library, dating

could become, in 20 years, if the

impacts while avoiding a decrease in

back to 1974. This neighbourhood library

densification, greening and transportation

the library’s spaces quality. For example,

not meeting user and employee needs

improvement principles mentioned

light inlets were strategically positioned

anymore, the architects Stephan Chevalier

in the urban plan were achieved and

to take into account a foreseen potential

and Sergio Morales made this location a

implemented. What would happen to

expansion. A development integrating

21stcentury library: attractive, luminous

the library, its parking lot and Patterson

a long term vision brings added

and stimulating conversation. The project

Park? The firm tried to contribute to

thoroughness and relevance to the

aimed for a LEED certification as well as to

the enrichment of these principles by

proposed design. The design approach

be an example of sustainable development

proposing possible solutions for the year

seeks to be global and evolutionary; it



proposes paths to address real societal issues instead of lingering on immediate

issues. The 21st century library is imagined

eat and drink in all areas of the library. The

a focal point of the library as a privileged

as a pivot for a dense and dynamic area

café’s patio extends onto the intersection.

interaction location. The loan counter

were many mixed daily activities occur.

Imagining the 21st century library as a

being positioned on the main level, in

pivot for a dense and dynamic sector with

the heart of the building to allow it to be

many daily mixed activities appeared as

visible from all areas, makes it possible

highly beneficial for this current project as

to see the entire interior space as well.

well as being economically viable in a long

At the bottom of the gentle gradient

term urban planning vision.

ramp, in front of the café, close to vertical

Ideas store, entrance and café It was also imagined that, as an idea store, the library would benefit from neighbouring commercial space traffic

circulations and to the youth library From trading counter to loan counter

route. The positioning of entrances to the library, with one close to the café,

Although its purpose has quickly

supports the integration of the library

evolved in recent years with the arrival

in the residents’ daily wandering. This

of new technologies and the evolution

café was designed to make the user’s

of librarian’s traditional roles, the loan

experience complete. It is now possible to

counter, greatly reduced in size, remains

entrance, the loan counter becomes the ensemble’s organizational pivot. It consists of multifunctional and adapted sectors that exude an impression of accessibility and openness.

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by positioning itself in the residents’ daily

With the recent launch of SketchUp 2015, the latest edition of the 3D modelling platform from Trimble Buildings Group. Designed for architects, engineers, design and construction professions and with more than 30 million unique activations in the past year, SketchUp is the most widely used 3D modelling software in the world today. The latest launch features a new 3D Warehouse and some interesting integrations with BIM (Building Information Modelling). Elmtec is the UK distribution partner in the UK and our dedicated team can offer you advice, support, and provide you with the latest updates. SketchUp Pro is a powerful tool for exploring and presenting your ideas in 3D. SketchUp is intuitive, allowing anyone to model in 3D quickly and accurately. Using 3D models, professionals can make informed decisions, communicate project details and share ideas with colleagues and customers. LayOut – part of the SketchUp Pro suite, lets you combine SketchUp models with text and 2D graphics to produce multi-page presentations, professional design documents and permit, construction and other dimensioned drawings. People from many disciplines use SketchUp to help them imagine their world in 3D, these include; Architecture and Design, Construction, Engineering, Digital Entertainment, and Education. SketchUP Pro’s interoperability with other commonly used CAD/3D tools and data has been improved significantly with the latest version. In incorporating three new features to export and classify models, the program is making key steps into the world of integrating design.

IFC Export – since the information embedded in information models is often used by other software programs SketchUp Pro 2015 now includes another important industry standard to its roster of supported exports – the IFC 2X3 file type. Classifer – this feature allows users to classify objects with the preloaded IFC classification, use alternate classification types or create a customised system for specific needs. Component Options – provides editable options relevant to an object’s classified type, allowing pertinent data about each object to be managed throughout the information modelling process. “BIM workflows are often complex and rigid processes, and we believe they don’t need to be,” said John Bacus, director of SketchUp product management at Trimble. “With the new release, we are enabling users to participate more effectively at any point in the information modelling process. We’ve added simple tools for adding structured others on their project teams, regardless of the tools being used.” SketchUp Pro licensing is now friendlier than ever before. Every SketchUp 2015 download starts with a 30 day trial of Pro features. Even better, 2015 Pro licenses can be used on a Mac or PC. For more information please contact Elmtec on 01844 263750, email or visit

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Our full-height Flow cubicles go up to 2.7m, have no outwardly visible fixings to spoil their impeccable flush fit and they are now available with our patented touchless intelligent glass doors. The discrete sensor also acts as an indicator removing the need for a conventional lock, therefore once an approach is made, the doors will elegantly open, lock, and re-open. It’s not quite magic, just perfect engineering. Concealed behind glass is the tough anodised aluminium framework, and unique pivot system that ensure that Flow is a cubicle system that works as well as it looks, as demonstrated by Flow’s market leading 15 year warranty. Please give us a call on: +44 1244 520 677


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GROHE GROHE is Europe’s largest and the world’s leading single-brand manufacturer and supplier of beautiful sanitary fittings, including taps for the bathroom and kitchen, showers from thermostatic mixer to electric, concealed valves and WC systems. GROHE’s products feature in a range of projects globally, chosen for their outstanding quality and luxurious aesthetics. The product lines are made up of award-winning stylish designs crafted for a lifetime of performance and enjoyment. All of GROHE’s products feature innovative technologies designed to make life easy for the user, conserve precious resources and maximise product performance. Many products are finished in a Starlight coating, ensuring the product will remain looking as good as new for years to come, and reducing the need for maintenance. Through GROHE’s innovative EcoJoy technology, water consumption is reduced without compromising on the performance of the product. This delivers the ultimate in water satisfaction while decreasing energy and water bills. GROHE’s products feature in a range of beautiful projects from the Marriott Hotel Park Lane, London, to cruise shipssuch as the Quantum of the Seas, the largest cruise liner of its kind built in

Germany. As well as innovative and cost cutting technologies, GROHE’s products offer the ultimate in luxurious styling, complementing any room décor from modern to traditional, and are therefore the perfect choice for a project. GROHE offers bespoke solutions for its partners, and so is also able to cater for boutique hotels as well as larger chains. This includes a sizing service offering mixers from extra small to extra large, providing a solution for all space requirements. GROHE has also just launched a new colours range available from Spring 2016, offering mixers in four brand new finishes including Warm Sunset, Cool Sunrise, Hard Graphite and Soft Graphite, to create a stunning focal point in the bathroom. GROHE is delighted to be the Founder Sponsor for the Sleep Hotel Design event, returning for the tenth consecutive year, and will be displaying a variety of its beautiful product designs at the show. GROHE will also be once again hosting an invitation-only luxury VIP Business lounge perfect for networking, recharging your batteries and enjoying GROHE hospitality at the event. For the full range of GROHE’s beautiful products, and to learn more about the company, please visit the website here



Classic lifestyle, gently interpreted. For people who are attracted by clear, visually pleasing designs, GROHE Essence brings aesthetics without pretension. Complete bathrooms in this range use balanced, modern styling and create space for inventive furnishing ideas and innovative technologies. This collection features many of the leading GROHE innovations, including AquaGuide and GROHE SilkMove速.

Seamless Integration The Built-in series minimises gaps through heavy-duty inline hinges and adjustable doors enabling minimal 4mm gaps to create consistent lines throughout your kitchen. The series fits flush with cabinetry to minimise disruption and deliver design freedom through stainless or custom panel options.

Sized to Suit


The spacious 900mm French Door fridges are designed for family life, with double doors for easy access to uninterrupted fridge space.

1. Seamless Integration The Built-in series minimises gaps through heavy-duty inline hinges and adjustable doors enabling minimal 4mm gaps to create consistent lines throughout your kitchen. The series fits flush with cabinetry to minimise deliver design freedom through Fresherdisruption Food for and Longer stainless or custom panel options. ActiveSmart™ foodcare helps keep your food fresher

2. Sized to Suit

for longer by constantly monitoring how you use your

The adapting spacious 900mm French Door fridges are designed fridge and to maintain a controlled environment for family life, with double doors for easy access to and optimum temperature. uninterrupted fridge space. 3. Fresher Food for Longer ActiveSmartTM foodcare helps keep your food fresher for longer by constantly monitoring how you use Easy Cleaning your fridge and adapting to maintain a controlled environment and optimum temperature. Removable, spill-safe cantilevered glass shelves are designed

4. Easy Cleaning

to contain drips and spills that can be simply wiped away, while leaving the interior walls completely smooth and Removable, spill-safe cantilevered glass shelves areeasy

designed contain drips andstainless spills thatsteel can doors be simply to clean. Storageto bins and EZkleen just away, leaving the interior walls completely need a wiped wipe to keepwhile spotless. smooth and easy to clean. Storage bins and EZkleen stainless steel doors just need a wipe to keep spotless. 5. Flexible Living FlexibleThese Living fridges adapt to suit your lifestyle by

streamlining food preparation and organisation with

These fridges adaptcontrols, to suit your lifestyle by streamlining SmartTouch flexible shelving and storage

food preparation and organisation with SmartTouch controls, options, and slide out bins and trays. In Ice and Water

the water filter options, is easily accessible flexible models shelving and storage and slide for outquick bins cleaning replacement. Crisp LED lighting and trays. In Ice or and Water models the water filterinisalleasily

compartments lights up all the shelves, bins and trays.

accessible for quick cleaning or replacement. Crisp LED lighting6.inEfficient all compartments lights up all the shelves, bins and trays.

Archetech - Page 36

These ActiveSmartTM fridges intelligently adapt to daily use to help save energy, cooling and defrosting only when they need to without compromising on foodcare. Efficient These ActiveSmart™ fridges intelligently adapt to daily use to help save energy, cooling and defrosting only when they need to without compromising on foodcare.

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Its innovative ‘Microslot’ technology creates a cascading wall of water from the top of the toilet bowl, with two powerful plumes to energise the flush, with optimum water flow keeping the bowl immaculately clean.

It is surprisingly quiet because all the flows are streamlined with the bowl surfaces, reducing turbulence. Its beautifully smooth design greatly reduces splashing, with fewer bacteria particles released into the air upon flushing – and with no overhanging rim, all surfaces are exposed, making it easier to clean.

A New Range of

Ideal Standard’s exclusive and patented AquaBlade technology is available across close-coupled, wall-hung and back-to-wall WCs.

■ Quick Installation ‘QI’ range ■ Thermostatically controlled for total safety ■ Stylish looks and attractively priced The MX Group* Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8JF Tel: 01684 293311

Page 39 - Archetech

QI Thermostatic Electric Showers

Keith Boad, Ideal Standard’s Managing Director, said: “AquaBlade not only offers best in class flushing performance, but outstanding aesthetics – it embodies everything we stand for.”

*Marleton Cross Limited Trading as The MX Group

Leading bathroom solutions provider, Ideal Standard, has launched its revolutionary AquaBlade toilet system, with superior flushing performance, even at low water volumes.

National Graphene Institute /

Jestico + Whiles

Jestico + Whiles was appointed lead architect for the new National Graphene Institute at The University of Manchester in 2012, working closely with Sir Kostya Novoselov – who, along with Sir Andre Geim, first isolated graphene at The University of Manchester in 2004. The two were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.

Jestico + Whiles’ design delivers a world-leading research and incubator centre which is dedicated to the development of graphene and will be an essential component in UK’s bid to remain at the forefront of the commercialisation of this pioneering and revolutionary material. Located in the University Campus’ Science Quarter, the National Graphene Institute is housed in a compact 7,825m2 five-storey building, with the main cleanroom located on the lower ground floor to achieve best vibration performance. The ceiling of the clean room is cleverly angled all the way around the outside of the building so that from the pavement, the cleanroom and scientists are visible to the public. The building also includes a second cleanroom in addition to laser, optical, metrology and chemical laboratories, offices and ancillary accommodation such as a seminar room that opens out on to a roof terrace with a bio-diverse roof garden.

Architects: Jestico + Whiles Photographs: Hufton+Crow, Daniel Shearing

National Graphene Institute / Jestico + Whiles

Offices and labs are intermixed on

Led by EC Harris through the OGC

all floors to offer individual research

Framework, the design team also

teams the facilities needed to operate

includes CH2M Hill, which has provided

coherently in one area. These teams are

specialist architectural laboratory

expected to include industry partners

design and M&E consultant services,

that will collaborate on research with

and Ramboll, which provided Civil and

the University. More than 35 companies

Structural services.

from across the world have already chosen to partner with The University of Manchester on graphene-related projects. The building is enclosed by an economic inner skin comprising a proprietary composite cladding panel system that provides weather tightness and thermal insulation and accommodates flush windows and other openings as required. Fixed to the outside of this inner skin is a separate perforated stainless steel ‘veil’ which wraps around the volumes of the disparate elements of the building continuously to provide a unifying texture and coherent, fluid shape. The ‘veil’ is made of hundreds of black mirror stainless steel panels, each one containing thousands of perforations that make up the equations used in graphene

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Silicone Coloured Renders

Silicone Coloured Renders Water Repellent Low Maintenance Allows breathability Natural Finish Extensive Colour Range

Page 43 - Archetech Scan for info

Architects: GA Studio, Manchester Fabricator: Window & Door Solutions (WDS), Cheshire Main Contractor: Denton Construction, Manchester Project Value: ÂŁ550,000 System Used: Comar 6 EFT & 7 Auto Sliding Doors Location: Ashton under Lyne

Archetech - Page 44

Ashton 6th Form College Reception Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems; with their approved fabricator Window & Door Solutions (WDS) completed a striking and memorable new entrance and reception area at the Ashton 6th Form College. This main road entrance features a series of dramatic fins showcasing the point of arrival and bringing together the old and the new architecture, creating a dynamic and naturally lit space.

are they available in swing, pivot, sliding, auto-sliding and sliding folding, they have been designed specifically for applications where high traffic solutions are required. For safety, the Comar 7 doors were fitted with anti-finger trap stiles, Axim soft touch panic exit devices and Axim concealed transom closers which were hung directly from the Comar 6EFT frame and complied with the Disability & Equality Act 2010.

Comar 6EFT stick build curtain walling was specified for this project. Comar 6EFT provides a capped curtain walling solution and offers architects the opportunity to maximise large glazed areas as it has the slimmest sightlines available making it the perfect choice for the quirky glazed facade of this new reception and entrance.

All Comar approved fabricators are required to have the technical expertise to attend pre-site meetings and provide detailing. WDS liaised closely with the specifiers to provide design advice and detailing which ensured the project ran smoothly and met site deadlines.

In a busy education environment, Comar 7 doors sets are a natural choice. Not only 0208 685 9685

Notes from the Comar design team... BIM ready. With thermal foam and triple glazing, U-values are reduced to 0.77, creating a future proof solution. The latest thermal break technology including foam.

Large 62mm glazing pocket for acoustic or triple glazed glass.

Slim sight lines for both the casement and tilt/turn.

Fast-track semi unitised construction for floor to ceiling glazing.

Windows hang direct from the Comar 9P.i Frame as well as rebated doors.

comar 5P.i


Latest Thermal Break Technology Produces the Next Generation of Windows. Comar’s Design Team brief was to specifically meet architectural demands; low U-values, matching slim sight lines for both the casement and tilt/turn windows, large glazing pocket for acoustic glass, Secured by Design and large sizes. For our fabrication and contractor partners, performance with built in fast-track fabrication and installation.

For more information about comar5P.i ADVANCED please contact us: Tel: 0208 8685 9685 Email: Web:

The technology from the Comar 9P.i system has been incorporated into the Comar 5P.i window range. This ensures the Comar 5P.i Advanced Casement and Tilt/Turn window system integrates seamlessly into Comar 9P.i framing and creates the option for standalone high performance windows, up to 2.5m high with U-values as low at 0.77. BIM Models available at Comar Partners: ARCHITECTURAL ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS

Designer Range showcase their excellence in glazing It’s astonishing how far the world of home improvement has come in the last 10 years. The airtime that TV has attributed to home improvement which started with shows like Changing Rooms, highlights the thirst of the consumer for inspiration and quality. In today’s TV world, DIY SOS, 60 minute makeover and of course Grand Designs, now pushes what is possible to the very limits. Keen to further challenge the conceptions of the customer of what is possible, we at Designer Range have concentrated our efforts on the glazing aspects of home improvement. And to stunning effect. As suppliers and installers of well-respected brands such as Internorm, Solarlux and PanoramAH!, to name but a few, we have taken our clients properties to another level. Our approach at Designer Range is somewhat different and this is mainly due to the wealth of product options at our disposal. Many of our clients on many occasions have a predetermined idea of what they want, sometimes led by their architect or builder. However, when talking through the project with our Designer Range Consultants, we often find an alternative solution that in many ways, suits the application and the home in a much more considered way. As you can see from some of the accompanying images, our glazing presents the perfect façade that houses stunning interiors. We consider it a privilege to be involved in all of our projects regardless of the size of the installation. We have worked on complete new builds on houses that are immense in size and high in quality, to replacement installs for more modest homes who are looking for a modern wow factor. Our Designer Range team work with architects, self-builders and builders alike to help survey, design and install our amazing range of products. Operating from our base in Stoke on Trent, our fully accredited installation team are always on hand to help turn your ideas into reality.

Archetech - Page 46

We’d love the opportunity to talk to you about your project and for more ideas and inspiration, please feel free to pop into our showroom or visit our website.

Designer Range Showroom, Listers Unit 2 Govan Road, Fenton Industrial Estate Stoke On Trent ST4 2RS T: 01782 391960

Manufactured in Great Britain from a premium grade aluminium for a secure, visually exquisite and maintenance free window

Aluminium’s innate strength enables incomparably slim sightlines, allowing for less window and more light to be achieved Unrivalled 1 week lead time, enabling more flexibility in scheduling as well as catering for clients on stricter time frames

The Origin Window has now been launched with 2 industry firsts a twin flush casement and the introduction of Aerogel.


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Bi-fold Doors



Structural Engineer: Price & Myers MEPH Engineer: GDM Fire Engineer: Exova Sustainability Consultant: Darren Evans Planning Consultant: DPP Project Manager, Cost Consultant: Jackson Coles
 Main Contractor: Kind & Company CDM Coordinator: Jackson Coles Acoustic Engineer: Sandy Brown Associates

Two Tabernacle Street Piercy&Company A refined interpretation of the original period

out shell of the original building was all that

elevation was
then painstakingly constructed,

stood on the site of Two Tabernacle Street. The

to be in keeping with the surrounding

building’s owner, Durley Investment Corporation,

Victorian warehouse character and that of the

sought to redevelop the site into offices suited

conservation area in which it sits and to align

to Shoreditch’s media and technology sector.

with the revised internal floor levels. Imperial

Piercy&Company’s response was to approach

brickwork with weathered pointing and

the challenging L-shaped site as two distinct

stonework cills, cornices and column capitals

elements: the re-instatement of the narrow

bear on one another to create an authentic

Victorian façade to Tabernacle Street; and brass-

Victorian masonry frame. Openings are spanned

clad office spaces in the centre of the site. Details

with steel beams and infilled with traditionally

of the surviving features of the Victorian façade

detailed double glazed sash and casement

to Tabernacle Street were carefully measured

windows. At street level a 3m x 4m frameless

and catalogued.

glazed picture window to the reception space provides a contemporary touch.

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Following a fire in March 2010, the burnt

On entering the building, period elements such as plaster cornices, picture rails, a ceiling rose and exposed imperial brickwork in the reception act as a foil to minimalist features, including an angular chandelier (by New York designer Bec Brittain), simply detailed oak wall panelling and large format floor tiles. A generous 6m floor to ceiling height and a small first floor gallery provide an unexpected volume given the narrow street elevation. Much of the exterior of the building is hidden from the street, only visible to occupiers of the neighbouring buildings. Due to the proximity of existing buildings, rights to light angles carved through the potential building volume. Following many iterations, the final response of cleverly folded planes clad in brass Tecu and punctured by panels of glazing emerged. The use of brass cladding suited the angular, faceted form whilst making subtle

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reference to the building’s industrial heritage.

Maximising natural light in and views out of all the six office floors was challenging on the tight site, further complicated by boundary and party wall matters. Generous lengths of curtain walling were set low to the floor, while strategically placed rooflights flood the floorplates with surprising levels of daylight. At ground level natural light levels are elevated by an atrium and rooflight, illuminating the otherwise windowless space. Throughout the office spaces floor to ceiling heights have been maximised to over 3m by locating services within a central bulkhead and leaving the concrete soffit exposed either side. Stacked above the double height reception, the upper three floors at the front of the building accommodate meeting rooms, which look out over Tabernacle Street through large traditional sash and casement windows. Oak cladding, exposed brickwork and concrete soffits and dark floor tiles make up the the white walls and expansive glazing of the office floors. Architects: Piercy&Company Photographs: Jack Hobhouse

Page 53 - Archetech

material palette of these areas, a gentle contrast to

A Window With Beauty And Brains

As a British manufacturer, Origin is

fixed, side or top hung, dummy sash and

The Origin Window has complete

known for its investment in research

gable, while the strength of the aluminium

exclusivity of Aerogel usage within the

and development. From the start the

frames allows for incomparably slim

fenestration industry. As a result, the

company has had its roots in design. The

sightlines. With the edge of the frame as

system has the best thermal efficiency of

company was started when Neil Ginger

little as 50mm from the glass, it means less

any aluminium window on the market.

found he could not source high quality

window and more light can be achieved. A Choice for Every Home

bi-fold doors for his father’s swimming pool business in the UK. His solution? To design and manufacture the Origin

A New Thermal Technology The Origin Window was introduced in New thermal developments give the

response to demand from trade partners

Origin Window superior thermal efficiency,

who were seeking a window to match the

making it capable of achieving an energy

quality and aesthetics of Origin’s bi-folding

rating of A +21. Available as an optional

door system. It’s therefore important

The Origin Window, launched on 1st

upgrade, the Origin Window can be

that a wide variety of choice is available

October 2015, has a twin flush casement

insulated with Aerogel, a ground-breaking

to our trade partners and, of course,

that’s completely unique to the industry.

material that boosts the window’s thermal


We wanted to design a window void of

efficiency to achieve a certified 1.0 U value.

Bi-fold Door. A Twin Flush Casement

The Origin Window is available in ten

Archetech - Page 54

the bulky overlapping framework that is synonymous with aluminium rebated

Aerogel is a lightweight solid with an

popular colours, as well as a wide range

systems, so all that remains is a sleek

extremely low thermal conductivity,

of colours from bright primary shades to

shadow line where the sash sits inside the

making it one of the most insulating

deeper earthy tones and dual colours. The


materials on the planet. It has been utilised

window handles are available in brushed

across an array of industries, from NASA

graphite, chrome, satin or gold, and in

The clean finish of the Origin Window

spacesuits to construction and appliance

Origin’s industry first colour match option,

is ideal for installation in traditional

insulation. Its composition means that

whereby the handle is uniquely powder

townhouses, new builds and projects

a single 10mm thickness of Aerogel

coated to match the colour of the window.

under strict planning regulations in

increases the insulation factor by up to

conservation areas. The window is

67%, so homeowners can benefit from

For further information on the

available in a number of configurations;

reduced energy bills.

Origin Window, please visit


Concealment when you want it Performance where you need it

Designed and manufactured in the UK, Powermatic controlled, concealed door closers deliver exceptional performance as well as a host of benefits that surface-mounted closers cannot match:• Superior aesthetics • Reduced risk of vandalism • Suitability for anti-ligature applications • Compliance with relevant fire performance standards for one-hour and half-hour fire doors

• Enable doors to meet accessibility requirements • Perfect for hotels, healthcare, education, care homes, sheltered accommodation, commercial and many other situations. • Available in standard and Free Swing models

Visit our new website: Tel 0121 766 4200

Bustling night life on its doorstep; Ham Yard Hotel still offers a peaceful night’s sleep with Selectaglaze Located in one of the most vibrant parts of London, lies the stunning boutique Ham Yard Hotel. Centred around a pedestrian thoroughfare connecting Great Windmill Street and Demark Street, Ham Yard Hotel has everything guests could want on its doorstep. Many plans were put forward over the years to develop the site, but all were rejected until, finally permission was granted for Firmdale hotels to redevelop the area. However, building a hotel in the centre of an area with such vibrant night life does come with its drawbacks. Although new double glazed windows were installed throughout the hotel, the corner of the hotel on Great Windmill Street still had trouble with external noise levels. Firmdale Hotels

approached Selectaglaze to help deliver a solution with their bespoke secondary glazing systems. The introduction of secondary glazing, which is fitted to the room side of a building, is one of the most effective solutions for combating outside noise, and a reduction of 45dB is achievable when there is a gap of at least 100mm. Three different unit styles were used, one of which was the S80 horizontal slider, typically used for larger windows as it can hold glass up to 12mm thick glass. Acoustic laminated glass was used, which absorbs the outside noise levels, to assist in creating a more peaceful and relaxing environment – as well as a good night sleep.

in a dark grey colour to match the existing primary windows, making them as inconspicuous as possible. As testament to the detailed planning throughout the design and build phases, their efforts were rewarded with the Hotel gaining a BREEAM Excellent rating. Established in 1966 and granted the Royal Warrant in 2004, Selectaglaze has a wealth of experience, working closely with clients on all different building styles from Listed buildings, to new build. For further information, literature and test results, please contact Selectaglaze on 01727 837271

A total of 37 openings were treated with the secondary glazing being finished

Brio Clears The Way For State Of The Art Single Run Sliding Doors

Archetech - Page 56

Brio, the leading architectural sliding and folding door hardware manufacturer, has developed a wide range of hardware for exterior and interior sliding timber or glass doors that enables architects and specifiers to take another step forward to successfully achieve their vision. No product range offers more cutting edge options for designers than Brio Single Run and Single Run Zero Clearance architectural hardware, designed specifically by Brio for today’s light and airy buildings. The striking appearance achieved with floor to ceiling doors presents its own unique challenges when it comes to sliding door hardware, which has led Brio to design and manufacture its Single Run Zero Clearance range, including glass panel options, to achieve clearances of just 2.5mm between the track and top of the door. Brio’s Single Run Zero Clearance option makes floor to ceiling sliding doors more streamlined and compatible with today’s uncluttered minimalist interiors.

The Zero Clearance option, available across Brio’s Single Run 80 – Single Run 350 product portfolio, and Single Run Glass range, eliminates distracting sight of the ceiling mounted sliding gear with hardware that is discreetly hidden from view. Ultimately, Single Run Zero Clearance offers a pleasing aesthetic finish to floor to ceiling installations. With no hanger plates or screws protruding above the top edge of the door, Single Run Zero Clearance has been designed to achieve clearances of 2.5mm between the track and the top of the door. At the same time, the new spring loaded guide and bottom rail can also be concealed within the bottom edge of the door thereby extending Zero Clearance benefits from floor to ceiling. All Brio Single Run systems offer quiet finger-tip control through the combination of track profile, precision bearings and appropriately-tyred wheels.

Reynaers at Home builds on green credentials with Green Acres

A brand new development in Princes Risborough has used an array of innovative products from aluminium systems company Reynaers at Home. Unusually for a domestic project, curtain

curtain wall systems are particularly well

Reynaers at Home’s products are robust,

walling product CW 50 has been used to

equipped to enhance the living and

thermally efficient and strong. Its full

maximise light and space, along with CF

working environment of a residential

curtain walling range complies with the

77 bi-folding doors and CS 68 aluminium


highest standards in energy efficiency

windows and doors. This curtain wall has

and security too and is fully compatible

made it possible to have a feature wall of

“We offer a range of solutions, such as

with its aluminium windows, aluminium

glass that is two storeys high.

different styles of face caps from horizontal

doors, aluminium roof systems and even

to vertical lining, to a more minimalistic

photovoltaic panels to offer a complete

The aptly-named Green Acres not only

look using structural glazing or clamping

solution combined with endless design

boasts advanced and highly energy-



incorporate triple glazing and other

“Reynaers at Home also offers tailored

A 10-year insurance backed system

sustainable elements, but also has

solutions for those projects that require

guarantee is available for all of Reynaers at

wonderful views across the beautiful

a specific architectural design for their

Home’s aluminium curtain walls.

surrounding countryside.

aluminium facade.

Green Acres was constructed this year and

“Our aluminium façade products are

dedicated to offering the very best

the fabricator was Fusion Glazing.

available in a hundred different colours

architectural glazing products and

and finishes for both inside and outside,

service to the discerning householder.

Marketing Manager at Reynaers Rebecca

ranging from a matt, gloss or anodised

For more information see the website

Cope said: “Reynaers at Home’s range of

finish, to a special low maintenance and,

made-to-measure aluminium windows

scratch resistant Coatex finish. Even a


and doors draws on 50 years of design and

realistic wood effect is available.”

or call 0121 421 9707.

efficient materials, with the ability to

Reynaers at Home is a premium brand Page 57 - Archetech

engineering excellence. The aluminium


TREND FOR LARGER WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS DRIVES SALES OF 22MM AND 27MM CAVITY SOLUTIONS FOR INTEGRAL BLINDS BY MORLEY GLASS Morley Glass and Glazing, the UK’s largest manufacturer of ScreenLine® integral blinds, has seen 29% annual growth in sales of its Uni-Blinds® sealed units with 22mm and 27mm cavities due to increased demand for larger windows including sliding patio and bi-fold doors. Ian Short, managing director, explains: “Typical domestic windows and doors feature 28mm sealed units with a 20mm cavity, into which we can fit ScreenLine® integral blinds, in a wide range of colour options. However, there is growing demand for larger windows and doors – both for the domestic and commercial markets – which

require 22mm or 27mm cavities. Our integral blinds inside can be fitted into doors and windows as large as 2 metres high and 2 metres wide – and they are available in just 10 days. Sealed from any ingress of dirt, dust and moisture, integral blinds offer an easy to use, low maintenance and safe solution that can help to reduce the effect of direct sunlight and heat loss, offering protection from overheating in the summer and improved thermal insulation in the winter. For more information visit









Zero Seal Systems Ltd Units 43 - 45 Ladford Covert, Seighford, Stafford, ST18 9QG, United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0)1785 282910 E-mail :


Archetech - Page 58

See more of the great outdoors...

Our top quality windows and stunning bi-fold or sliding doors will enhance your extension, renovation or self-build beautifully, giving a clear view of your outside space. Our experienced team offers free advice and a quotation so you can confidently choose the best. Nationwide delivery. Visit or call Toby Golding/Antony Jackson on 01284 764045.

Business Park Gets Sustainable SuDS Treatment Aberdeen’s new International Business Park, next to the City’s Airport, is delivering a Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) scheme using Up-Flo™ filtration units and Hydro BioCell™ biofiltration units from Hydro International to meet strict planning and pollutant removal criteria. A wide-variety of SuDS components were included in the first phase of the development to meet stringent planning requirements and achieve the level of treatment required by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA). “Finding small footprint solutions to achieve high treatment levels was limited,” explains project engineer Nick Watson of Mott MacDonald. “The six Hydro BioCell™ units are installed in a landscaped courtyard garden around three linked commercial blocks. Runoff from the two-storey car park is treated via four Up-Flo™ Filters in concrete manholes. “There are some occasions where the more natural engineering approach is less suitable due to a lack of space and having an option like Up-Flo™ can be useful.” For more information about the Hydro Up-Flo™ and Hydro BioCell™ and other stormwater and wastewater management products, please call 01275 337955, email or visit

• • • • • • • • •

Suitable for homes without access to mains drainage Discreet solution to on-site sewage treatment 10 models in the range with a capacity up to 50pe CE Marked and EN 12566-3 Certified Uses the extended aeration method to treat sewage 96% efficiency allows a typical 3-5 year emptying interval Visually unobtrusive and odourless 25 year warranty on GRP & 2 year warranty on the air pump Deal direct with the UK Manufacturer

0800 731 9421

Page 59 - Archetech

5 Real Reasons to Choose Steel

We often get questions about comparisons of different materials. Very frequently the choice is between steel versus plastic or aluminum. Our choice at Lindab is, and has always been, steel. We will give you 5 real reasons to choose steel for your rainwater system rather than PVC or aluminum. Most of these arguments go for all steel systems, but we think that we add even more to this fantastic material. We have been processing

A rainwater system made of steel can last in excess of 70 years. To aid to the lifespan we rustproof the material with a 275 grams zinc coating. This gives the system a selfhealing quality where scratches and cuts are automatically sealed by zinc ions that migrate to re-coat the uncovered steel. 4. Strong as steel

steel for more than 50 years and we buy over

Steel is the foundation of all modern

200 000 tonnes of steel every year, so we feel

construction, and there is a reason for that.

that we know what we are doing. We also put

Steel is strong. Snow, hail, falling tree branches

our products through rigorous testing.

and other circumstances can easily break

1. Steel has the lowest carbon footprint of all rainwater systems materials

a rainwater system made from aluminum or plastic materials. And even though we recommend that you are careful during the

With steel you get a cost effective and

installation, a steel system is much more heavy

environmental friendly installation that is 100

duty than its competitors.

% recyclable. Our Rainline system is made from sheet steel, a raw material that has a natural place in today’s approach towards sustainability. 2. Steel stays in shape

Archetech - Page 60

3. It’s really long lived

5. Steel is actually cheaper than plastic or aluminum The initial cost for a steel rainwater system is higher. We’re not saying that it’s not. But if you take into consideration the lifespan

Virtually all materials are affected by differences

and maintenance needed for the respective

in temperature and grows and shrinks as the

systems, you actually save money. The lifecycle

weather changes. Compared to aluminum

cost for a steel system is considerably lower

and plastic, steel has a lot smaller movement

than any other system out there.

factor. This means that your installation is much more likely to last as connections and fixation points won’t take such a beating as with other materials.

For more information contact Telephone 0121 585 2780 or E-mail: Web-

l i nd ab rai n li n e | t h e ste el ra i n w ater sy ste m

It’s Rainbow Season at Lindab!

Upgrade your Rainline™ to our extra durable colours and only pay for standard galvanised • Available in 10 standard colours – including new Coffee Brown • Covered by a 15 year extended warranty • High-build polyester paint finish ensures colours won’t fade • Suitable for contemporary or traditional buildings • 70 years life expectancy

For more information: T: 0121 585 2780 E: NB: • Not applicable to Black, Aluzinc, Natural Copper or Stainless Steel finishes • Please check availability, extended lead times may apply • Promotion available on orders received by Lindab 1st September 2015 to 23rd December 2015 • Terms and Conditions apply


The plot is located in the city of Seville, in the scope of its historic centre and particularly in the sector of Murillo Gardens, in San Bernardo neighbourhood. The street facade has northeast orientation.

Building For 21 Houses Roman Y Canivell Architects: Roman y Canivell

Photographs: Miguel de Guzmรกn

The urban environment in

second floor and penthouse.

and distributed around the

which we find our building

There are 21 apartments

perimeter of the site. These

is the typical historic house

with 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms,

courts contribute, together

of Seville. This type has three

spread around a large central

with the principal, to provide

floors often. In front of it is the

courtyard that is shaped as the

cross ventilation throughout

City Hall of Provincial of Seville.

star of the project.

the promotion.

We propose a project with a

Keeping in mind that most

There are two cores of

modern design but according

of the houses are inside, we

vertical communication and

to the characteristic buildings

understood that the design of

distribution is done through

in the area. A premise is to

the main courtyard had to be


"integrate" a contemporary

treated with the importance of

architecture with a

exterior facade.

floors for garages and storage

consolidated historic site.

Archetech - Page 64

It also has two underground

For proper ventilation and

use. In the rooftop there is a

It is a multi-family building

adequate lighting we have a

small community pool.

with garages and storerooms.

series of secondary courtyards

It is consists of ground, first,

that are attached to medians

Now Heckmondwike FB shape up with the Plank, designed to inspire specifiers and designers in the office, commercial and educational sectors. The new Plank range replicates the size and shape of contemporary planked flooring, but with the aesthetics and comfort of fibre bonded carpet.

in st

The overall effect is stunning, creating a modern, vibrant interior that is available in a wide choice of colours. Available in 5 ranges: Array - 12 colours Night Sky - 9 Colours Iron Duke - 16 Colours Broadrib - 24 Colours Supacord - 42 Colours

Heckmondwike FB. Wellington Mills, Liversedge, West Yorkshire WF15 7FH T: 01924 406061 E:


NEW : Striking decors and designs from EarthWerks速 Our new OP 800 Series seamlessly compliments our best-selling line of Tempo, adding both depth and sophistication. OP 800 has 12 new and refreshing options in fashionable 1.2 m long planks, and a long lasting commercial specification of 2.5 mm thickness, with a 0.55 mm wearlayer. EarthWerks速 Design and Innovation in everything we do. High-quality Dry-Back LVT No internet selling No mass saturation of brand Partnership agreements that truly benefit both customer and supplier EarthWerks速, flooring inspired by nature. Design and innovation - the hallmark of everything we do. Please contact us on our free phone number to discuss these exciting new ranges. Free phone : 0800 689 1657 E-mail : A Proud member of CFA

Levato Mono porcelain paver system has recently been installed on the new roof terrace at Bristol Airport East Terminal extension. Circa 400m2 of the system was specified in order to conquer a number of challenges; covering EPDM membrane laid with multiple falls; to hide services and drainage gulleys but still have accessibility for future maintenance; cutting around the numerous stainless steel posts and glazed partition with accuracy for the shroud detail. The finish the Architect specified was Teknotimber Dark oak – offering the Client an attractive, flexible and well designed raised flooring solution and with incredible technical properties; R11 slip rating; lightweight at just 45kgs per m2; Non porous surface and 1000kgs loading per 600x600x20mm paver to name but a few of the benefits. Our Self-levelling head / height adjustable pedestals were used on this project to facilitate a speedy installation and enabling the installers to adjust the pedestal heights to millimetre accuracy, thus creating a perfectly level deck. Available in 40+ colours and finishes in both ultra-realistic timber and stone effect, by combining 3D printing

and mould making technology to reproduce identical copies of natural materials and with up to 30 prints available for each paver range. Once laid, the eye is unable to discern any replicated pattern allowing for a completely natural looking surface. Recently specified for external dining areas at London Zoo, LIDL HQ Northfleet and the new Portico Terrace at Theatre Royal Drury Lane - where Levato Mono sandstone effect paver ranges were considered so similar to natural sandstone material that is was sanctioned for use on a Grade I listed building by English Heritage. Used in conjunction with height adjustable fixed head or self- levelling pedestals or fixed height paver support pads, the Levato Mono system makes it possible to create perfectly level surfaces over uneven sub-surfaces. Ideal for installation over all waterproof membranes our support systems cover height ranges from 9mm to 550mm and incorporate a patented selflevelling slope correction facility with the convenience of height adjustment after the pavers are installed.

Levato Mono porcelain paver system benefits at a glance… •

‘Floating floor’ – installation over single ply membranes

Eternal product - zero maintenance required, offering massive over-life savings

Highly abrasion and stain resistant

Highly slip resistant; R11 and achieved up to +65 wet in the BS pendulum test

Lightweight – 45kgs per m2

High load bearing and impact resistance

Timber & stone effects; 40+ finishes available

Ideal for balconies, roof terraces and piazzas, for both commercial and residential use

Completely non porous

Fire & frost proof

Height adjustable supports to raise surface from 9mm up to 550mm

LEVATO MONO porcelain paver system The Levato Mono porcelain paver system is the pinnacle of external raised flooring technology; enabling the specification of lightweight, slip resistant and attractive raised flooring solutions, combining incredible technical properties with uncompromising aesthetics; making them the ideal choice for commercial and domestic use alike.

• 20mm porcelain pavers 40x80 45x90 60x60 75x75 30x120 40x120 60x120 • ‘Floating floor’ – installation over single ply membranes • Eternal product - zero maintenance required – offering massive over-life savings • Highly abrasion and stain resistant • Highly slip resistant ; R11 and achieved up to +65 wet in the BS pendulum test • Lightweight – 45kgs per m2 • High load bearing and impact resistance • Timber & stone effects ; 40+ finishes available

• Completely non porous • Fire & frost proof

t: 0845 2700 696 e:

• Height-adjustable support from 9mm up to 550mm

Page 67 - Archetech

• Ideal for balconies, roof terraces and piazzas, for both commercial & residential use


MHS Radiators has added the modern and elegant Tratto to its collection of radiators and towel rails. This graceful and flowing heat emitter makes an immediate and striking impression, thanks to its vibrant and fluid three-dimensional design. Utilising seductive curves and stunning optional LED side strips, the Tratto creates a warming halo effect, becoming the centrepiece of a modern bathroom. Made from steel, not only is Tratto an artistic focal point for a room, its unique angular structure also provides a functional shelf for towels. The radiator offers outputs up to 887 Watts, can operate up to 4-bar and is finished in a variety of

classic and special colours. The radiator also has a transparent towel holder, which can be installed at three different heights, while its valve connections are cleverly hidden from view. There are two sizes available in the Tratto range, measuring 1,200mm x 450mm and 1,600mm x 450mm respectively. Each model is available with or without the LED side strips, as well as an electric option. All Tratto radiators are supplied with a five-year guarantee as standard. For more information about MHS Radiators and its portfolio of designer, multi column, period cast iron radiators and towel rails, please telephone 01268 546700 or visit

Archetech - Page 68

Consort Claudgen Panel Convector Heaters The very latest collection of Consort Claudgen’s designer panel convector heaters offer so much more with its cleverly designed features. The white and stainless steel panel heaters now have strengthened grilles to increase durability. The wall mounting system features a new snap-on bracket which allows easy installation and mounting on/off for cleaning and decorating. With wireless control option available, this slimline and energy saving range makes a perfect choice for both commercial and domestic use where space saving and efficiency with style are paramount. They are ideal for hotels, offices, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and laundries. To request copies of the latest catalogue, Email:, Tel: 01646 692172 or Fax: 01646 695195.

True beauty requires no explanation! The Vision Trimline range from Percy Doughty are skilfully engineered to allow a truly trimless fire. Combined with the meticulous attention to detail of the realisation of our fuel bed and flame patterns, ensure a perfect recitation of a natural living fire. This year we have introduced new lines, and for the first time we are giving more flexibility with the TL73 mantel kit, enabling customers to create their own unique fireplace. This year the Vision Trimlines* are equipped with an innovative double burner system. This clever feature staggers the flame pattern in two rows and gives an extra sense of depth and realism, whilst offering a more economical way to use your fire. What’s more, we’ve teamed up with Capital Fireplaces, Heat Design, MAC and Tiletec, offering full UK and Ireland distribution.

A Great British Company since 1952.

Page 69 - Archetech

*Single burners on the TL38, TL46 and TL73 models

red edition Founded by Cyril Laborbe in 2006, Red Edition is a Parisian company that designs and manufactures exquisite 50s-inspired furniture, distributed worldwide. After living in Vietnam for several years, Cyril became very attached to its people, their culture and their incredible savoir-faire. This feeling has not left him since, and is the reason he made his adopted country the cornerstone of his project. Placing lacquer and woodwork at the heart of his creations and embracing Vietnamese savoir-faire, Cyril founded Red Edition, a furniture company that designs and creates beautiful neo-vintage furniture that boasts remarkable quality and style.

Archetech - Page 70

Being a real design enthusiast himself, Cyril and his team came up with a collection of unique designs that are

adored by generations of all ages. Indeed, Red Edition’s ingenious use of proportions and wide selection of colours and materials all combine to make Red Edition a brand to remember. Permanently dedicated to innovation, the Red Edition team is accessible, ultraconnected and always seeking new ways to communicate, work, and develop their universe. The creative team, consisting of Cyril Laborbe, Marie De Sigalony and Marion Misbach contributes to the identity of Red Edition. Their wide collection includes their very popular coffee table and loveseat, whose stunning Mid-Century details would make a statement in any home. Thanks to their very recognisable design aesthetic, many professionals are now

calling on Red Edition’s services to design their interior projects, pop-ups, hotels and restaurants: notably, the Hotel Crayon Rouge in Paris and Hotel Kouros in Mykonos – as well as their own showroom, the Red Edition Apartment, a true concept store in the heart of the Parisian Soho, Le Marais. Having started as an e-commerce store and now distributing to outlets worldwide, this year Red Edition have unveiled their very own boutique in the form of the Red Edition Apartment. This beautiful showroom is a true experience for customers and interior designers alike, reflecting all that the brand stands for and more. The Red Edition Apartment, which also functions as the brand’s creative studio and headquarters, offers a personal, warm and welcoming experience to everyone who walks through its doors. “Ever since Red Edition was founded, I’ve been committed to creating simple, beautiful, colourful, modern furniture. And to working the way I love to: surrounded, supported, motivated and inspired by friends and talents from all walks of life... This is the singularity – and the wealth – of Red Edition. We appreciate trends but prioritise practicality; we conceive our furniture for your interiors; we respect your desires and sustain our friendship; we always remember that Red Edition is your brand.” – Cyril Laborbe

Page 71 - Archetech

orcom f m a f or o f designed to suit you!

FOAM CUSHIONS FOR COMMERCIAL SEATING Many times “off-the-shelf” seating simply doesn’t cut it. It’s in situations like this when Foam for Comfort can step in and create beautiful cushions with fitted covers designed specifically for you. We have an extensive range of fabrics in some truly stunning styles many of which are water resistant making them perfect for use outdoors giving your establishment a unique look and feel. Get in touch, let’s discuss your next project.










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Best Of British Showcased At January Furniture Show Flying the flag for Britain, the January

“Not only that, we’re starting to see

Duresta, Willis & Gambier and Stone the

Furniture Show 2016 will be the place to

confidence grow in the market which

Crows and are just some of the renowned

be for architects, designers and specifiers

has resulted in the event booking up fast

British brand names that are taking bigger

to see the Best of British designs.

with new exhibitors alongside an 85%

and better stands for the 2016 event ready

re-booking from last year. It all goes to

to showcase their wares to the UK architect

Following the success of last year’s event,

confirm our position as the UK’s number

and interior design market.

the January Furniture Show is set to be

one furniture and furnishings event.”

bigger and better as it celebrates taking

Said Laraine: “Those who are interested

on additional space for its all-star line-

Architects and designers visiting the

in sourcing products for commercial

up - with over 85% of its exhibitors being

2016 January Furniture Show will gain a

or domestic projects can see all their


wide range of furniture and furnishings

main suppliers under one roof in a day.

inspiration with the newly added Fabric

The January Furniture Show is the first

The show, which runs over four days (24-27

Pavilion and Flooring Showcase which

opportunity of the year to see a selection

January) has expanded into Hall 5 as more

includes some of the best known names in

of the very latest new and exclusive

quality industry names join up creating a

the business.

developments and even meet the design

one-stop shop of the latest furniture and furnishings.

teams on the stands to discuss any The unrivalled exhibitor list of over 400

upcoming projects.”

Archetech - Page 74

major names attracts retailers, interior Said Laraine Janes, co-director of the

designers, contract buyers, architects and

The January Furniture Show was recently

January Furniture Show: “There has been a

developers to the NEC in Birmingham – an

named 2015 Best New Show by readers of

huge emphasis on buying British and the

ideal venue for the furniture industry’s

Interiors Monthly.

promotion of home-based businesses over

annual showcase event.

the past decade. The January Furniture

Online registration for the January

Show provides a fantastic platform for

Parker Knoll, Ultra Furniture, Serene

Furniture Show is open and visitors can

those companies to showcase their

Furnishings, TCS, Rauch, Alstons,

see the full list of exhibitors for 2016 and

products to a range of key national and

Sherborne, Buoyant Upholstery, Baker

secure their free badge by visiting

international buyers.

Furniture, Gallery Direct, Blue Bone,

HBY16 FullPages_Layout 2 29/09/2015 18:06 Page 38

picture hanging systems ltd




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Bespoke Oak Flooring Inspiring Graphic Tiles

… the perfect finish for any room

Archetech - Page 76

> Esco engineered oak flooring > Eight colour options > Varied surfaces available - aged, wire brushed

and Harfa rough sawn effect

Ultra is a unique new tile range at Solus Ceramics influenced by concrete textures and contemporary, urban colours. Themed around a modern palette of soft greys, Ultra provides designers with a choice of four cool, crisp colours that evoke a chic and trendy mood

> Pre-finished with Osmo Polyx-Oil

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New Retrofittable Work2 Sit-Stand Workstations Help Combat ‘Oversitting’, One Position At A Time.

he provision of sit-stand workstations across the UK is rapidly becoming common practice as the dangers associated with ‘oversitting’ become common knowledge. While sit/stand puns are quickly exhausted, organisations continue to redefine their workplace strategies, prioritising worker wellbeing alongside cost efficiency in order to create happier, healthier, high performing office environments.

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The latest evolution of KI’s Work2 workstation range allows organisations to introduce the benefits of powered sit-stand workstations in a selective, cost-effective and practical way. Back-to-back workstations can be initially specified at fixed height, sit-stand, or a blend of the two, offering the flexibility to accommodate any future reconfigurations. Changes can be made quickly and easily, one position at a time with minimal disruption to neighbouring positions. This flexibility gives companies the opportunity to not just spread the cost of this investment over time, it also allows thorough analysis of employee adoption of this new working style.

Designed and manufactured in the UK, the Work2 sitstand range features the latest technology in powered sit-stand actuator design with a built in obstruction sensor safety mechanism. It is available as a back-to-back, linked bench or single desk, making it suitable for multiple applications including open plan, executive suites and small meeting rooms. Its complete design cohesion with KI’s portfolio of screens, storage and third space systems, as well as Work2 cantilever benches, helps create a functional and aesthetically harmonious office landscape. KI Europe is a local manufacturer of high quality furniture for workplaces and educational institutions. Bringing together good design, advanced engineering and sustainable resources, KI’s products are durable, flexible and offer excellent value. KI Europe is headquartered in London and is part of one of the world's largest independent furniture manufacturing groups, KI (Krueger International, Inc.). Please visit the KI Europe website at or telephone 020 7404 7441 for more information.

Amari Plastics, the UK’s leading distributor of plastic sheets, rods, films and tubes are always on the lookout for additional products to ensure that their product offering to the retail and interiors market is as broad as can be.

Kerrock – the material with infinite possibilities.

esigners and architects are constantly on the search for products which allow them to make their ideas a reality, whilst also providing functionality and ease of care. Kerrock solid surface material fulfils all of these requirements and is set to make a huge impact on the UK market for retail design.


Whether it is for food service areas, checkout counters, display cases, wall cladding, furniture or changing rooms, Kerrock has the versatility and durability to offer the perfect solution. The colour and texture options are unlimited and its non porous structure means that when properly cleaned, it won`t allow the growth of bacteria. It can also withstand the rigours of high volume traffic areas in your store or shopping centre. Kerrock is a composite material that looks and feels like stone but is actually acrylic based. The composition is made by mixing acrylic polymer with aluminium hydroxide both of which are completely safe to both humans and the environment as a whole.

Kerrock benefits At a Glance • Acrylic based composite material • Non porous • Durable enabling use in high volume traffic areas • Flame retardant fire classification class B, s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1, the new European standard norm. • No halogenated fire retardants making the material non-toxic • Ability to carry out all normal wood working processes • Hugely versatile product – a designers dream

It has been given the fire classification of “fire retardant”, meaning it meets fire classification class B s1-do according to EN 13501-1 the new European standard norm. This classification is achieved without the addition of halogenated fire retardants, making the material non-toxic.

Kerrock is a fabricators dream as it can be processed in a multitude of ways. Bend it, shape it, thermoform it, engrave it! What you do with Kerrock is really down to your imagination! Its fire rating means that it can be used in domestic or commercial applications where increased fire regulations are in place such as airports, metro, shopping malls, shops, exhibitions or interior panelling. Kerrock is a fabricators dream as it can be processed in a multitude of ways. Bend it, shape it, thermoform it, engrave it! What you do with Kerrock is really down to your imagination! Kerrock can be processed in the same manner as wood, using the usual woodworking machinery. You can use nearly all wood processing methods: sawing, drilling, cutting, grinding, milling, polishing, gluing and thermal designing. Kerrock allows you to create virtually seamless structures and sculptures, to match the design you desire.

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Kerrock Lumino, offers a range of bright, highly translucent colours which can be used to create ambience in your retail space and opens up new possibilities for designers and architects. As Kerrock is solid the whole way through, you have the ability to engrave patterns into Kerrock to show store logos or create signage which can be back lit to reveal your design.

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Archetech - Page 80

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Tata Communications Saracen Interiors designed and delivered a full fit out for the new offices of this global network services provider at Vintners Place on the north bank of the River Thames by Southwark. The design, reflecting Tata Communications’ vision of a mobile, flexible working environment that encourages innovation through collaboration, is now expected to be rolled out globally. “Saracen worked in challenging circumstances as there are certain logistics to consider when carrying out any alterations to a historic building of such prestige in this location. The team designed according to what it had absorbed from us during the early stages to deliver outstanding results that best promote our brand while fulfilling the needs of our staff. We look forward to working with them closely again in the future as a trusted partner.� Kathryn Partridge, vice president of brand and corporate

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communications at Tata Communications

The turnkey project comprised the full fit out of the South East wing on the second floor of the building. Work to the reception area included a combination of exceptionally high quality walnut, graphite and stone finishes. A bespoke feature desk of graphite and stainless steel was installed along with elevated ceiling sections with uplighters, an integrated media wall and natural stone porcelain floor tiles with Pantone branded mosaic insert tiles. Fittings and furniture include Senator work stations, Knoll seating booths, with integrated plug and play technology and varying work station heights, to increase vitality and promote collaborative working. A 30-metre feature ceiling raft also marks a centralised zone designed to change office dynamics, reflecting different levels and dimensions in the use of the open space. “We’re developing a strong reputation across the industry for our design work and this job perfectly illustrates what we do, reflecting the quality of our work and an attention to detail that reinforces the professionalism and high standards of our team. We’ve worked full-time, seven days a week, on this project to ensure all of the client’s needs have been met and we’re pleased to have fully delivered for this company.” Michael Page, joint managing director of Saracen Interiors

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Client: Tata Communications Sector: Commercial Project: Design and full fit out Time: 12 weeks Location: North bank of the River Thames

Shenzhen tower design unveiled

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners has unveiled its design for an iconic tower to be erected on the gateway site of a planned business development in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen, China. The new building, which will be completed in 2017, will house the South China offices of China Minmetals Corporation, one of the world’s leading metal companies and the largest iron and steel trader in China. The architects have carefully sited the new 29-story tower to be respectful of its neighbors and allow for extensively landscaped public space at ground level. The tower is distinguished from its strictly orthogonal neighbors by its gently sloping north and south facades, which extend above the main roof to form expressive apexes at the northeast and southeast corners. Resembling wind-filled sails, these arcing facades are balanced by a contrasting parallelogram geometry that creates mast-like silhouettes on the other two sides. “Our aim was to evoke a timeless form,” says Yvonne Szeto, design partner for the project. “A sail is both graceful and auspicious, taking its energy freely from nature.”

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The material qualities of the building expand on this theme. The curtain wall system enclosing the sail forms includes floor-to-ceiling vision glass and matching shadow-box glazing at the spandrels, creating a light and open effect. The mast forms combine vision glass and stone spandrels, with larger expanses of stone at the base that suggest ballast for the sails and bring a sense of solidity and dignity to the entry levels of the tower. The structural design adds its own expression to the sail imagery through exterior lateral bracing: two X-braced groupings of 12 floors each are separated by three horizontal single-story braced truss floors, recalling a framework of nautical ties and battens. Four-story-high porches on the tower’s north and south sides serve as signature gateways, leading to a generous public open space with a terraced landscape that incorporates water features and public art, integrating active uses on the ground floor with retail on the floor below. The extensively developed Archetech - Page 86

landscape is part of an overall sustainable strategy that includes a high-efficiency exterior wall, operable windows, and internal shading devices. The building is expected to achieve LEED Gold. Photo credit: Pei Cobb Freed & Partners

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Manchester, UK


QWICKBUILD Sub-Structure Sea Salt RESORTDECK Composite Decking Frameless Glass Balustrade

A local customer came to us looking for a complete outdoor solution for her spacious garden in Manchester. The client had just started the construction of a new kitchen and dining room extension to the back of her property. They were looking to create an outdoor space that would expand on the extension and allow easy access to the large garden. We arranged a site visit and met with the client and builder where we discussed their design ideas and what solutions we could offer. The client wanted two areas creating, one outside their large bi-folding doors leading to a secure balcony overlooking the garden, and a lower area to the side of the property leading down to the garden. The total area covered was 42 sq. metres including steps from the garden and up to the property: the steps to the property were designed so they could also be used as a seating area if required.

Our products working perfectly together The frameless glass balustrade was manufactured using one of our four standard glazing channels which was secured to a concrete block wall. We worked closely with the builder ensuring the wall was constructed to an exact height to give a seamless look once the glazing channel and decking were installed. Our products have built a reputation in the market for simplicity and ease of use which allowed us to complete the project quickly as all parts were manufactured and pre-assembled in our UK workshop to strict quality assured standards, then transported to site as made-to-measure kits.

The finished project

The area outside the bi-folding doors was installed and completed within 2 days, including the toughened glass panels. The lower decking area and steps was a bit more of a challenge due to the different levels we had to work with an the intricate details required to ensure a quality finish once complete. This project has enabled us to demonstrate how seamlessly our balcony solutions work with our decking systems and challenged us in the process to create this state of the art garden design.

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The versatile and lightweight cost effective solution TERRAM™GEOCELL is a 3D cellular confinement solution ideal for use in construction and civil engineering projects for erosion control, soil stabilisation on flat ground and slopes, load platforms, tree root protection, channel protection, and structural reinforcement for load support and earth retention. Supplied as flat pack panels, which are expanded on site to form a honeycomb-like structure, TERRAM™GEOCELL can be filled with local compactable infill such as sand, soil, rock or other site material, reducing transport and installation costs. Flexibility and strength eliminate the potential for cracking, spalling, splintering and corrosion commonly seen in alternative concrete, steel and timber systems. TERRAM™GEOCELL’s are perfect for highway applications and can be seen on the 6m high embankment between junctions 16 to 23 and 27 to 30 of the M25. Approximately 1,800m2 of TERRAM™GEOCELL was supplied to contractors Skanska and Balfour Beatty, working for Highways England, for stabilisation and erosion control where the motorway was widened,which, once installed, was filled with a layer of topsoil and hydro-seeded.

TERRAM™GEOCELL’s have also been used in Kent for the construction of an access road for a new housing development, which crossed over an area where tree roots were at surface level. Spread laterally to reduce loads on the underlying soil and protect the tree roots from damage, GEOCELL’s were installed on top of a geotextile and filled with type 1 road stone before being compacted flat. A geotextile and binding layer were then added on top of the cells and the surface finished with small granular gravel. Offering the perfect solution for tree root protection, TERRAM™ GEOCELL stops compaction from vehicle tyres whilst also allowing for the passage of airflow and water to provide essential nutrients to roots and preventing root rot-making them ideal for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS).

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TERRAM pre-design software

As TERRAM™GEOCELL is made from permeable material, it allowed for the free flow of water, promoting a healthy growing environment for vegetation. This vegetation, coupled with the strong and flexible structure of the GEOCELL, ensured the constructed embankment was stable, protected from weather erosion and blended into the natural environment.

TERRAM has launched a GEOCELL pre-design software tool to aid users in selecting the correct product for erosion control and retaining walls. By entering application information into the user-friendly tool, users will be given fast and specific information regarding the suitability of GEOCELL for their project. If applicable, the user will be given the product code and pin density for the most suited GEOCELL product.

For more information on TERRAM™GEOCELL please visit or email us on


The ideal solution for Erosion Control and Tree Root Protection



A lightweight, permeable Geocell that is easy to install, allows free flow of water, whilst offering cost savings.


Piercy & Company Work has completed on architect Piercy&Company’s new building, Turnmill, for developer Derwent London. The building sits on a prominent corner site inLondon’s Clerkenwell Green Conservation Area and provides over 70,500 sq ft of high quality office space with two large restaurant units on the ground floor and basement. 63 Clerkenwell Road was built in the

The new building successfully negotiates

1860s as a stable for the adjacent railway.

the complex relationship between new

More recently it had been used as office

and old, referencing the historic and

studios, a nightclub, a gym and restaurant.

the contemporary. This is most clearly

Originally, Derwent London commissioned

demonstrated by the brick façade which

Piercy&Company to refurbish the existing

is both sensitive to its context and

building, seeking to improve both the

visually striking. Handmade bricks were

ground floor relationship with the street

sourced from Petersen Tegl in Denmark

and the quality of internal spaces. Planning

in three bespoke shades, developed to

permission for this scheme was granted in

be sympathetic to the neighbouring

2007, but detailed design revealed a series

Grade 1 listed Sessions House. The Roman

of complex and costly issues with the

format bricks create a horizontal emphasis

existing structure which would have led to

across the façade and reflect the sturdy

severely compromised spaces. A new build

masonry characteristic of the area, whilst

scheme offered a significant improvement

the handmade nature of the surface is

to the public realm and also much better

exploiting by using the brick on edge to

volume and light to the office floors.

create sills and soffits and handsetting all the brickwork with the exception of the

Turnmill draws inspiration from the historic

pre-cats soffits. A range of special moulds

fabric of Clerkenwell and its present day

were fabricated to create curved and

incarnation as the centre of London’s

angled bricks which achieve the complex

creative media industries. The curved plan

geometry of the plan.

Archetech - Page 92

form is a direct response to the movement of people around the busy site which is

To emphasise the feeling of movement,

set to intensify as Farringdon Crossrail

the mortar joints are recessed horizontally

opens in 2018. Clerkenwell’s quintessential

and filled the vertically, creating variation

robust yet refined warehouse buildings

dependent on the height of the sun

provide a guiding template, while the

and depth of the mortar joint shadow.

concept is inspired by Barbara Hepworth’s

To form a more vertical fenestration

renowned sculpture ‘Curved Form Delphi’

pattern and add further articulation, the

comparing the vernacular of ancient and

window reveals are deep and chamfered

modern Greece. The skin on the outside

on plan fanning out from the centre of

of Hepworth’s sculpture is textured and

the office floors to take advantage of the

articulated, yet inside it is pure white and

unusually panoramic views. En-masse, the

carved from the overall form.

varied chamfers animate the façade and create variation, often a challenge with speculative office development.

On Turnmill Street, the brickwork

Many of the fine details of the building

continues inside through the curved

repeat internally with curved reception

entrance where it gives way to a palette

walls, lifts and balustrades; the chamfered

of polished concrete, polished plaster,

window reveals also appear within walnut

and brass detailing. The double height

cabinets in the washrooms. The offices

reception space and glazed link above

have low level fresh air supply system

break the massing into two elements

similar to displacement ventilation

in order to preserve the established

coupled with openable windows.

grain of Clerkenwell. The curves and

The lighting utilises a flexible track

inset glazed link create more informal

arrangement which is recessed into the

and varied internal spaces adding to

soffit combining lighting and detection.

the character and personality of the

Ground source heat pumps provide free

building. A continuous ribbon of external

heating/cooling throughout the year.

terrace celebrates the spectacular views from the set-back top floor and a similar

Architects: Piercy&Company

arrangement of street level restaurants

animates Turnmill Street and the junction

Photographs: Hufton + Crow

with Clerkenwell Road.

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High Quality Composite Decking Becomes Architects Choice

Archetech - Page 94

Trex, the high performance composite decking brand is increasingly becoming a popular choice with architects and house builders alike who are looking to use WPC in forthcoming builds. Comprised of 95% recycled materials, Trex won’t rot, warp, crack or splinter thanks to its advanced design. With a shell on the surface protecting it from moisture, Trex decking can last well over 20 years without degradation. A strong and durable decking with scratch and stain resistance properties, it is a home owners dream as it never needs sanding, staining or painting, making Trex a cost effective and eco-friendly choice. No longer do builders or designers have to rely on imported tropical wood, with all its flaws, fading and maintenance issues. With natural tropic looks, Trex Transcend comes in a wide variety of shades. Trex is available nationwide from with prices starting from £75 m².

All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber.

STOMMPY ® back floor anchorage system with a 5 year guarantee STOMMPY® Srl, who had the vision to bring innovation to the barrier protection market, knew the importance of strong and efficient floor anchoring of shockproof protection systems when they developed STOMMPY® products. They opted for a combination of Tecklene® a high-performance, non-toxic polymer material, with a deep – floor revolutionary anchoring system that they named FIXA Block System ®. It guarantees maximum tear resistance and safeguards the floor in case of extraordinary impacts. With this patented floor anchoring system that has undergone rigorous testing, the manufacturer is now

offering a 5 year guarantee against resulting floor damage due to a collision with any STOMMPY® shockproof barrier system. The STOMMPY® shockproof bumper system is unlike any other system available. It is designed to provide hygienic solutions and protect machinery, storage equipment, doors, and walls in the workplace and more importantly, safeguard the health and safety of workers at minimal costs. The system is also designed to prevent the egress of contaminants and so can be specified in food and pharma applications. STOMMPY UK LIMITED Unit 19, Lime Square Business Park Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 9SN Tel: 01476 542739 Web:


balustrade with LED underlighting ENQUIRY-Card 104 ENQUIRY-Card 105 ENQUIRY-Card 106 ENQUIRY-Card 107

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Archetech - Page 96

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Going back to Glass

Integral LED gives their new GU10 range a halogen look Integral LED has once again targeted the retro-fit lamp market by focusing on aesthetic detail. The UK LED manufacturer has championed products that look identical to the original halogen or incandescent bulb that they are designed to replace. Over the last couple of years, classic GLS equivalents have been a highlight of their expanding range. Now Integral’s new LED GU10s have taken a retro-step back to glass.

Integral’s new Classic Glass range of glass bodied LED GU10s have revived

“Our design team aim to remove the barriers that hamper customers choosing LED retrofit lights. The Classic Glass range of GU10 lamps offers a real alternative to the good looks of the Halogen dichroic GU10s they are destined to replace” commented Samik Halai, Senior Product Manager. The Classic Glass range also features a derivative of the popular ‘fly-eye’ lens that reduces glare by focussing the light beam through a collimated prism. The source consists of several LED chips or surface mounted devices that combine to generate a ‘COB-like’ light that decreases the heat profile of the lamp thus allowing for the use of glass. Integral LED has initially launched four non-dimmable versions of the GU10s 3.6w equivalent to 35W existing spotlight and a 4.4W lamp which exceeds the lumen strength of a typical 50W halogen

equivalent at 375 (useful lumens). Hence, the new top specification Classic Glass GU10 delivers a strong light whilst breaking the 5 watt power barrier which qualifies the lamp as domestic building part L1 compliant. The Integral Classic range is an ideal choice for bathrooms and kitchen where low profile lamp-holder luminaires often feature. A choice of 2700 and 4000 colour temperatures is also a useful way to deliver a functional light for a work surface or alternatively a more ambient illumination over a dining or lounge area. Effectively, the silver mirrored exterior of the GU10 presents a universal finish which does not clash with any luminaire, whether it is silver, bronze, black or white. The Classic GU10 range is available now through electrical wholesalers and distributors including Lyco, International LEDs, Lighting Direct, CLD Distribution and Ryness, with a dimmable version of the range launching early 2016.

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Luminaires in the halogen era were designed to allow light to pass through the wall of the globe – effectively shining light backwards. This feature was intended to spill infra-red and ultra-violet light sideways in order to dissipate the intense heat that is emitted by a tungsten filament. Many luminaires (especially in bathrooms) are designed to allow this attractive iridescent and multi-coloured light to be pooled on the ceiling and other adjacent surfaces. To enable this effect, the lamp holder in many fixtures was cut back to surround the stem or cylinder of the lamp itself.

the aesthetic look of a dichroic halogen spotlight. The solid therma-plastic body of current LED models has been replaced by glass which is a perfect complement for many existing decorative luminaires.

MK Electric leads the way in design and functionality Until recently, plug sockets and

extensive selection of customisable and

these devices via USB ports is critical. USB

light switches were just an accepted

bespoke colours, materials, and finishes,

charging capabilities are also available

compromise in a consumer’s otherwise

presenting designers with the opportunity

in MK’s Aspect, Edge, Metalclad Plus, and

perfect bedroom, bathroom or lounge.

to create a space that they can claim is

Logic Plus ranges.

However, as the trend for technology

truly unique. A key innovation is the arrival of Dynamic

products focuses more and more on design and ease of use, the notion that

Hand-in-hand with the designer’s quest to

Device Recognition (DDR): a ‘smart’

function must always trump form has been

create something individual is the user’s

approach to charging devices via USB,

completely turned on its head. This trend

expectation of the latest in technology, a

developed by MK Electric. DDR ensures

has had a transformational impact on the

demand experienced in both the luxury

that whichever make or model you are

electrical industry too.

hotel and residential sectors. Specifiers

charging, that device recognises the socket

are looking for functionality in wiring

or module as it would its own charger,

accessories that is high-tech but also instinctive, such as the touch technology for on-off switching and dimming functions used in the Elements range. The technology and design of the Elements Collection complement one another to produce a range that not only embodies smart technology but also looks smart and chic too. As electrical manufacturers start to raise

The Elements Collection now includes a

their game – offering a wide selection of

new range of combination plates, offering

and draws current from the USB charging

customised finishes matching seasonal

a comprehensive multimedia solution for

socket in the way that best suits its design.

trends – architects and designers are

interior architects and designers to specify

Designed with versatility in mind, the USB

running out of reasons to accept that

on their projects. The combination plates

ports in MK’s sockets are vertically stacked

wiring accessories are just an inevitable

can accommodate a number of power and

under the rockers, allowing for each of

eye sore to be hidden away, covered up or

the USB outlets to be used simultaneously


even when transformer plug tops are in use. MK Electric’s Elements Collection,

Ranges like MK Electric’s Elements

combination plates, and USB charging

Collection of wiring accessories offer

sockets are all made in the UK.

designers the ability to keep up with the ever-changing trends and colours

Wiring accessories are a small part of

in interior design, combined with the

interior design, but an important one: that

latest technology. The dimmers and

first touch of a switch can set the tone for

sockets in the collection can take on the

the whole room experience.

appearance of glass, wood, metallics, or hide to complement or contrast with their

data configurations to solve just about any

surroundings. The collection offers an

modern specifying dilemma, while fitting the style and expression of a room. The combination plates are also offered in MK’s

Archetech - Page 98

Aspect, Edge and Logic Plus ranges. Another recent innovative addition to the Elements range is integrated USB sockets which provide an optimised and efficient charging performance for users. As smartphones and tablets are increasingly used by consumers in both the home and workplace, the ability to charge

Switch on your imagination

MK ELEMENTS COLLECTION SYNTHETICS I METALLICS I GLASS EFFECT I NATURALS MK Electric has always been switched on to new possibilities, which is why today we’ve reinvented the humble light switch. Our new MK Elements Collection is a revolutionary range of switches, sockets and touch-control dimmers, customisable to suit any environment.


From warm, earthy oak to cool, contemporary steel, the unique range of finishes and textures complement any interior design, from vintage villa to boutique hotel. We can even create bespoke options to suit your needs. So if you can imagine it, MK can make it.

Visit to discover more.

New Solutions for Traditional Problems The lighting landscape has fundamentally

output and colour temperature to match

predictably smooth dimming, simplified

changed. Regulatory pressure

the needs of a space. This might mean

cable architecture and greater design

accompanied by technical development

filling a cathedral-like barn with light

flexibility make it a natural partner for LED

has seen LED transform from a supporting

from high-output yet discreet uplights

based schemes.

light source to being the mainstay of new

(which are far punchier than a retro fit

build and renovation lighting schemes. It

lamp) or using filters to tune the colour

Lighting design is not all about the light

hasn’t been a pain-free transformation.

temperature of specific picture lights to

source; it’s about delivering light that

Designing with LED requires a different

match the characteristics of individual

changes the way we feel about a space

approach and failing to understanding the

canvases in a collection.

is used and supports how we use it. Understanding the light sources however

characteristics of the light source can lead to problems with quality of light, colour

Similarly we can customise the size and

is critical to the process, and should be

rendering, dimming performance and

shape of fittings to integrate lighting into

considered at a very early stage, long

cabling architecture. Yet carefully chosen

the fabric of the building. Small sizes,

before electrical first fix starts. We talk

and well controlled LED can offer fabulous

cooler (but not cold!) fitting temperatures,

about lighting design being a blend

new solutions to traditional lighting

and longevity all give the designer more

of art and science: understanding the


freedom, although it’s imperative to ensure

characteristics of LED is one element of

that designs are maintainable over time.


halogen and then swapping MR16 or GU10

LED might not dim like traditional

Brilliant Lighting is an award-winning

halogen lamps for LED ones. An integrated

incandescent sources but if carefully

lighting design company offering

LED fitting (where the whole assembly is

designed LED and specific remote drivers

inspirational lighting design across the UK.

the light source) enables greater creativity

can benefit from a full range of dimming

and excellent technical performance.

protocols including 0-10v, DMX and DALI.

Archetech - Page 100

The key is not designing as you would with

DALI is long established in the commercial Using dedicated LED fittings rather than

sector but we’re increasingly using DALI in

retrofit LED lamps enables us to tailor

residential projects. The combination of

Tel: 01845 525664 Web:

Inspirational Lighting Design

t: 01845 525664 w:

Mike Niven Interior Design Inc.

Archetech - Page 102

Wins 2015 ARIDO Award of Merit for NOIR Presentation Centre Mike Niven Interior Design Inc. has won an ARIDO (Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario) Award of Merit for their Noir Presentation Centre in downtown Toronto.

Noir Presentation Centre is set on an urban downtown street front setting. On the west side is the site of this presale presentation centre for a new 49-storey condominium building.

ARIDO has held an annual program for all registered members.

Already on the market, the client needed a site presence to increase the success of the presale phase of the project, and to compete with surrounding projects. It was a small site, but needed a large personality.

These annual awards are one of the most highly regarded honours in the interior design community. They showcase excellence, innovation and originality in interior design.

The centre consists of a very dramatic entrance, admin area, product/scale model, open/ closing areas, vignettes depicting kitchen & bath finishes. It took its cue from the marketing campaign, which had a fashion oriented composition on the dark side, conveying avant garde design sensibility. The project targeted towards a more sophisticated clientele. Key characters of the campaign were dressed in neo Victorian creations with a splash of Goth. The project was named NOIR.

Although glazed across the front of the presentation centre, the only visible cue to the inside is the glass doors to the entrance. A backlit black lace canopy is the only reference to the marketing campaign. This enticing and dramatic entrance, visible to street traffic. The desk is of polished bronze panels, simple in design, reflects textured herringbone floors, the “lace� canopy and offsets the neo Victorian desk lamps. Open sales area was exact opposite, conveying more of the sensibility of the suites. A scale model, perched on a bronze metal base at

centre stage, closing stations nearby, marketing visuals both static & virtual reality are neatly organized around perimeter. Vignettes of suite standards plus casual closing area make up the rest of sales area. For more information: Photo credit: Paul Casselman Photography

Intelligent Lighting Solutions The Leading Provider of Lighting Solutions with Integrated Security Features

Apollo Metro offers an all-in-one technology platform that combines intelligent lighting solutions with built-in security cameras and live video surveillance.

Hidden, high-resolution security cameras Receive alerts, record and view camera feed remotely - even from your smartphone

Reduced Energy Cost Intelligent LED lights that include energy optimization features to reduce cost

Superior Light Quality Daylight-like lighting even at night ensuring optimal recognition

High Performance and Durability Stable light output over 10+ years due to optimal heat management

Learn more at | | +1 239 444 6934

Lining Systems The importance of Fabrication By R D Mantle FIoR Managing Director of Ampteam Limited Sometimes a spark of clarity will result in a “eureka” or “light bulb” moment and an idea will evolve into a unique product. I don’t know how many people get such moments but it is certainly not uncommon as it is one of the things that makes us Human, our inventiveness! Such was the case many years ago when the idea for the Unifold® hinge was born, only I called it my “beer mat” moment, because at the time I was bending a beer mat and you can probably guess where I was when I was doing it! Since those early days of trials, tests, disappointments and triumphs, Unifold® has become a complete system and this has been achieved through an evolutionary process more by necessity than design, most often encountering a problem on site and returning to the factory and solving it in the workshop, employing fabrication techniques and whatever tests were necessary to prove the solution. Most of the fabricated components which are vital to the Unifold® system were designed in the early years of product development and we had many “light bulb” moments in that process along the way, such as the patented Clip Joint used for difficult and narrow applications. We learned the use of our hinge principle in so many ways to aid the fabrication process and to produce components which would be impossible any other way. From the outset this produced fabricated components fit for purpose and of exemplary quality.

We also realised early on that site working inside a gutter cavity could often be very difficult and to expect site operatives to “cut and carve” and then effectively seal a lining system was too much to ask, so our intention was and has been throughout for us to provide all fabrication, factory manufactured with simple gutter joints so the installation is constant and repetitive and as easy as we can make it. We became a “single product company” concentrating on providing product and service excellence. The system has proven to be entirely versatile with the ability to correctly line almost any existing system whether it is a level gutter or laid to falls. Some of our fabricated components are corners, tees, side boxes, sumps and expansion joints and these are just a few! In fact there are solutions for any circumstances however difficult or complex. For quite some time now we have insisted that anyone who installs Unifold must be trained to install the system. This is to ensure conformity and continuity of the system quality on site. This supports our 25 year comprehensive guarantee that includes the installation as well as quality of materials and manufacture. An industry first in gutter lining applications. It is also without doubt that Unifold® is a technical product which the following photographs clearly demonstrate.

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This first photograph shows part of a fabrication that was probably one of our most complex and certainly one of our largest.

This is a two piece corner detail with an intruding pier section.

And this is the complete fabrication in situ, 18 pieces in total! And five gutters entering a single space! Not easy, and not a common occurrence, but if you are going to “set your stall” to line gutters then the ability to cope with such circumstances is elemental and vital. This photograph shows a sump unit with two coned outlets and demonstrating that each end is a gutter section for ease of installation. Can you imagine attempting the manufacture of this on site?

The message is clear, any lining system must be able to cope with whatever the site conditions dictate and if a 25 year guarantee is offered then this must warranty that the system is going to work, without leaking, for that period of time and beyond. Our quality and fabrication expertise means we are content with our promises.

It takes a long time to create perfection.

Once in a while a product comes along and changes everything, from the way it’s crafted to the way it works. Products are often copied and many are great ideas that never really see true success in their application. Many years are spent searching for a product that will ultimately surpass expectations, stand the test of time and become recognised as the leader in its field. We created one of those successful products nearly two decades ago and still today it has never been equalled. Why? Because we have never compromised on quality.

UNIFOLDÂŽ Unrivalled excellence in gutter lining technology.

Roof Maker Rooflights, skylights and roof lanterns play an important role in the design of modern buildings. They bring a sense of light, space and a visual appeal to building projects, as well as helping to create a more sustainable, energy efficient and comfortable interior environment. As rooflights can provide up to three times as much natural daylighting as conventional windows of a similar size, they offer enormous design potential to any architect or designer. Delivering unique design solutions At Roof Maker we understand not only the potential of rooflights within the structure of a building, but the technical and design requirements of architects. That is why we do more than just manufacture high specification products that exceed industry performance standards and meet the current needs of the market. We are always looking to the future. By constantly pushing the boundaries of rooflight technology with new marketleading concepts, industry changing approaches and pioneering technologies we offer added value and greater design freedom.

Opening Up Design Potential

Sun-Tint dynamic smart glass

Slimline designs

Roof Maker is the first UK manufacturer to incorporate self-tinting thermochromic glass into its rooflights. Available initially across our Flat Fixed range, Sun-Tint automatically adapts to the intensity of the sunlight in order to control solar gain and maintain pleasant levels of natural interior daylight. Ideal for both domestic and commercial projects, Sun-Tint not only saves on the energy and costs associated with artificial lighting, heating and air conditioning, but it also helps to prevent the premature fading of interior furnishings.

Roof Maker is renowned for its superslim contemporary rooflights and roof lantern designs. With glazing bar connectors that are the slimmest on the market, this elegant range maximises natural daylighting making it suitable for both modern buildings and period properties.

Heat MirrorŠ Technology

All Roof Maker skylights, roof lanterns and rooflights are designed and manufactured in the UK and come with a 20 year unit seal warranty as standard.

Another industry first for roof windows, Heat MirrorŠ is a new generation high tech low emissivity film, which offers dramatically lower u values and has a 100% block on uv light. Available initially across our Flat Slider range, Heat MirrorŠ Insulated Glass Units weigh up to 33% less than comparably sized triple glazed units, increasing the potential for larger glazed areas.

With its architecturally inspiring designs and market leading technologies, Roof Maker is able to deliver the innovative rooflight solutions that will enable architects and designers to achieve their vision.

For more information, contact Roof Maker Ltd., 1 Pinfold Road, Thurmaston Leicester LE4 8AS. Tel: 0116 269 6297. Fax: 0116 269 6291. Email:, Web:

“Designing the lifestyle DREAM�

We focus on innovation and excellence to bring you eco friendly designed rooflights that give an architecturally inspiring and minimalistic beautiful finish to any living space allowing a flood of light to flow in from above.

Our range of rooflights come with a 20 year unique seal warranty to give you total quality assurance and added peace of mind. Interior designers, architects and installers continually recommend us to their clients.

CALL US FOR HELP ON 0116 269 6297 or email

Reassuringly inexpensive rooflights with a touch of class!

Pioneers of anti-slip stair-nosings Safetytread products are a range of bespoke, premium, high quality anti-slip stair nosings manufactured in the UK. The products are long lasting: made from recycled aluminium profiles and either a ‘carborundum’ or PVC-Composition filler. Safetytread is environmentally friendly and provides a more economical solution than cheaper plastic materials. The treads will add excellent slip resistance to any staircase (internal or external); can be tailor-made to fit the exact dimensions of a stair tread and are available in a wide range of colours. Not only do they give an extremely professional finish; they also highlight the importance of the health and safety of staff and customers. We will meet your stair nosing requirements with a tailor-made, bespoke solution, filled in your desired colour.

 Chartered Architect  Chartered Arbitrator  CIArb Accredited Adjudicator

Specialising in health and safety, fire management and fire risk assessments, CDM Regulations, construction and dispute management. Bernadette Barker

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20 Kendal Place, Putney, London SW15 2QZ

t. +44 (0) 20 8874 7000 e.

Trainer for:

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For more information please visit, email or call us on 01202 625596.

Chartered Architect Chartered Arbitrator Accredited Adjudicator

SAFE STORAGE ASSURED WITH THE SECURE STOR FROM SECURIKEY Leading supplier Securikey has further expanded its comprehensive range of physical security products with the new Secure Stor range of security cabinets. Independently tested and certified for ultimate peace of mind, the Secure Stor range is the ideal security solution for storing large, bulky items in commercial environments such as hospitals, schools and retail premises. Built to the same high quality standards as Securikey’s popular Steel Stor range, Secure Stor security cabinets are fully tested to EN 14450 S1 by leading testing house VdS and are also Sold Secure approved, giving independent assurance of their optimum reliability. Manufactured using robust 3mm steel, the Secure Stor features hardened steel plates that have been added to protect all potential attack areas and incorporate an innovative 3 way locking system for additional security.

Archetech - Page 110

Available in five sizes to meet a wide range of space and storage requirements, all models are fitted with a double bitted key lock as standard or, if required, Securikey can deliver cabinets fitted with an electronic lock to allow straightforward access for more than one authorised user. Securikey is a market leading supplier of safety and security products in the UK, offering an innovative, high quality and comprehensive range including cash safes, fire safes, key cabinets, digital door locks, modular vaults, mirrors and padlocks, with a solution to meet practically any requirement.

Reef Villa & Spa, Sri Lanka, a seven suite luxury boutique hotel and spa designed by Bernadette Barker of Barker Consultants. |

For more information on the Steel Stor range or any other Securikey product, please contact Securikey on 01252 311888, email or go to

Hochiki Europe - the UK’s First Fire Detection Manufacturer to offer BIM Objects via the NBS National BIM Library 3D BIM objects contain key product information BIM enables the user to estimate costs throughout the entire life cycle of the building BIM Allows an easy exchange and storage of information BIM ensures consistency of information Download free from NBS National BIM Library To learn more please visit

Eltheto Housing and Healthcare Complex 2by4-architects In the small town of Rijssen 2by4-

housing program that one would find in a

has become a major issue among elderly,

architects designed the new healthcare

suburb. They are open and social housing

especially if one of the partners has

and housing complex ‘Eltheto’ for elderly

blocks where the main focus is on the

passed away.

people. Until recently elderly people were

quality of life and staying part of the

seen as a group that functions outside

social context. For the less independent

Eltheto’s goal is to keep elderly part of

of modern society and are only in need

inhabitants the housing program is

modern life and society by providing the

of care. The contemporary healthcare

adjusted according to their needs, but still

right healthcare and housing that fits

centers and housing for elderly people are

the focus on quality of life remains.

their current needs. If their needs will change they are able to receive health

Archetech - Page 112

still designed according to his idea. Over the past decennia this resulted in a range

The focus of the design comes from a life

care at home or move to one of the other

of introvert buildings where the main

style research that looks at the different

Eltheto buildings that are designed to

focus is healthcare instead of the quality

needs and characteristics of elderly. Part

provide more specialized health care. This

of life itself.

of the research indicates that if elderly

way they can stay home longer and when

have to move away from their life style,

they eventually need to move they’ll stay

For Eltheto 2by4-architects inverted

in order to receive health care, their life

within the same neighbourhood.

this concept and separated the housing

expectancy will decrease. They become

and healthcare program. The housing

less mobile, more dependant and

The 4 housing blocks at the Eltheto

program functions like a particular

eventually socially isolated. Loneliness

complex provide housing for

independent elderly singles and

outdoor events and meetings, play games

some public services, such as a restaurant,

couples, elderly with Alzheimer’s,

like PĂŠtanque or just sit under one of the

a library, a shop for daily groceries, a

elderly with somatic disabilities and

trees and enjoy the things happening

meditation centre, day care, hair salon

mentally disabled elderly. These 4

around them. The public space acquires

and numerous activity areas and office

housing blocks are situated around

its green character by its numerous trees


several public spaces. The public

and plants, all carefully chosen by colour,

spaces interact between the housing

shading amount, flowering period and

The centre is accessible directly from

blocks, the centrally located healthcare

fruit types criteria. All this contributes

the public space in order to strengthen

centre and the neighbourhood. The

to the so-called natural healing

even more the relationship between the

public space is owned by the client, a


indoor and outdoor spaces as well as the overall public character of this modern

housing corporation and a heath care The communal healthcare centre is

the public space according to their own

located in the centre of the public space


and can be seen as the heart of the whole complex. It provides health care services

The elderly are stimulated to organize

not only for the people living at Eltheto,

themselves and use the public place for

but also for the neighbourhood. Besides

programs like communal gardening,

health care the centre incorporates many

healthcare complex. 2by4-architects -

Page 113 - Archetech

organization, who want the elderly to use

Tread carefully with composite deck boards? The Timber Decking and Cladding Association (TDCA) is urging specifiers and users of wood plastic composite deck boards (also known as wood polymer composite, WPC or composite) to do their research before committing to a product. Equally installation in strict compliance with supplier guidance is a must. The concern stems from a number of poor performance issues reported to the association which appear to be limited to a particular type of hollow form WPC boards. Installation errors were a feature in many cases although product quality issues remain in question. Concern has also arisen about new composite deck boards being installed over often unsuitable, existing substructures. The Timber Decking and Cladding Association offers advice on how to build a durable timber substructure for wood plastic composite deck boards on its website at You can also contact TDCA if you need help with existing decking that is not performing to expectations on 01977 558147.

DBB315135 Sioo Wood Protection HP:RRN Quarter Page Template



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Avoid these issues by choosing the right product and installing it correctly.

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