Arabian Horse Life Magazine; mini issue 6 2018

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Issue 6 • 2018

The Official Magazine of the Arabian Horse Association

CONTENTS Issue #6. 2018

On the cover: When you win a National Championship you get a kiss on the nose! But win or lose, we all love our Arabian horses.

42 52 GET INVOLVED Vacation! Horseback riding in national parks, on dude ranches, and beyond.

By Janet de Acevedo Macdonald Arabian Horse Foundation Equine Research Program, 10 Years of Progress.

By Beth Minnich

IN EVERY ISSUE 8 10 17 18 22

President’s Letter EVP’s Letter Corporate Partners & Sponsors Jibbah Jabber Praiseworthy

26 AHYA 74 Stallion Directory 76 AHA Listings 77 Advertisers’ Index 78 FOCUS Life 4

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Issue 6. 2018

20 30 34 36 40 42 48 52

PARTNERSHIP Equine Athlete Veterinary Services This month’s column addresses pre-purchase examinations.

By Brad Hill, DVM

IMPACT The Amazing Antez: Grandsire of Mister Ed Before American’s favorite talking horse, Mister Ed, galloped onto television in the 1960s, his maternal grandsire Antez was a star in his own right.

By Tobi Lopez Taylor China Show First China Arabian Horse Show Makes History.

By Elizabeth Kaye McCall

WHOA Winter Training Tips on keeping our horses healthy during the colder months and determining how much of their training regimens we’ll be able to keep up.

By Linda Carroll 4 Faves A section covering products used by our National-level trainers in the Arabian-horse community.

By Deb Witty

30 HERITAGE Crabbet Stud Import:

The Cornerstone of Our Nation’s Arabians Part 6 of a yearlong series focusing on different Arabian countries of origin.

By Andrew Steen

60 66 70

THE NOW Show Season: Part 1 2018 Nationals – Highlights from Youth, Sport Horse and Canadian National Shows

Youth Nationals July 21-28, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Canadian Nationals August 12-18, Brandon, Manitoba

Sport Horse Nationals September 18-22, Nampa, Idaho


issu ng in s Comi ilboxe g Ma ary n i t t i H anu this J

n from the president

Upcoming Safe Sport Compliance Policy providing the training and education on the reporting requirement, our members could subject themselves to criminal penalties for the failure to report under federal law. Here are some bullet points from USEF for your reference: • Senate bill S.534 designated the US Center

for Safe Sport as the independent national Safe Sport Organization for US Olympic and Paralympic Organizations. “The Center” receives reports, conducts investigations, determines sanctions and informs National Governing Bodies (like USEF) of sanctions for Safe Sport Violations. • USEF is the National Governing Body (NGB) desig-

DEAR MEMBERS: As you may know, as of January 1, 2019, all Senior members of US Equestrian (USEF) must pass Safe Sport training through the Center for Safe Sport. I am devoting this letter to give you some information on these requirements and some background on them. As an affiliate of USEF, we are required to follow these procedures. Please note — these requirements do not include a background or criminal check. USEF has had a Safe Sport policy in place since 2013. They instituted mandatory training and criminal background checks for certain categories of individuals. The requirement covered staff, Board, Licensed Officials, and any person who was approved or appointed by USEF to have frequent contact with athletes or was in a position of power. They have now broadened the training requirement to include all adult competing members, which must be completed by January 1, 2019. Why should an organization do all this other than the fact that it’s required? Well, remember that one of our most important responsibilities is to help foster a positive sport environment where misconduct is less likely to occur. Educating participants about positive behaviors and what to do when they see behaviors that don’t fit within a safe, supportive sport environment is critical to achieve the aim. Do not forget too that State and Federal law identify certain adults as mandatory reporters. Federal law also requires that certain adults within national governing bodies and amateur sport organizations report suspected child abuse within 24 hours to law enforcement. Without 6

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Issue 6. 2018

nated by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) for Equestrian Sport and, therefore, under Senate bill S.534 “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017,” the USEF must offer and provide Safe Sport Training. • As an affiliate of USEF, whether our members partici-

pate in Olympic disciplines or not (AHA, ASHA, AMHA for example), we are required to uphold the sanctions imposed by Senate bill S.534. • A new United States Equestrian Federation (USEF)

Rule, GR1303 Safe Sport Requirements, was approved by the USEF Board of Directors on August 27, 2018. • ALL USEF Competing Adult Members (amateurs,

professionals, owners) MUST take Safe Sport Training in order to be eligible to compete in 2019. This includes Annual, Three Year and Lifetime Members. Safe Sport Training MUST be completed by January 1, 2019, or within thirty days of renewing your membership, or you will be ineligible to compete at a USEF Competition. • Additional information on Safe Sport can be found at under the Safe Sport heading. I hope this helps with understanding these new requirements from USEF. Regards,

Nancy Harvey AHA President

There is



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There are no known contraindications to the use of intramuscular Adequan® i.m. brand Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan in horses. Studies have not been conducted to establish safety in breeding horses. WARNING: Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Not for use in humans. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children. CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Please see Full Prescribing Information at Adequan® and the Horse Head design are registered trademarks of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. © Luitpold Animal Health, division of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2017. PP-AI-US-0057 7/2017

n from the EVP

Our National Events: Spotlighting the Best of the Best


The Arabian Horse Association recognizes 347 show competitions and 48 distance rides each year. Our five National Championships then spotlight competitors from these events that make it to our Nationals — Youth Nationals, Canadian Nationals, Sport Horse Nationals, U.S. Nationals and Distance Nationals. There are 18 Regional Championships plus 329 qualifying shows, including the granddaddy of them all, the Arabian Horse Association of Arizona’s Scottsdale Show — our equivalent to Quarter Horse Congress. Breed competitions are actually what drive registrations and transfers as opposed to open discipline competitions. In 1990, our youth participation in U.S. Nationals had grown to the point where they warranted their own show. That first Youth National Championship was in Oklahoma City, later moving to Albuquerque, and in 2016 returning to Oklahoma City and the State Fair of Oklahoma. Held in July, this year’s show had 707 horses entered and 2,272 entries, meaning each horse averaged showing 3.21 times. This is down from 753 horses entered in 2017, which is a continued decline. Total owners were down from 561 in 2017 to 516 this year. There is some speculation that Canadian Nationals may be a beneficiary, with trainers electing to fill trailers going there with both youth and amateurs. In addition, our youth membership has been in decline so there could be an effect from both circumstances. AHA is also studying other possible reasons for the decline. Canadian Nationals began in 1957 in Calgary, AB and was run by the Calgary Arabian Horse Club. In 2011, the show moved from Regina, SK, Canada to Brandon, MB. Since moving to Brandon, the show has enjoyed great growth. Held in August, this year’s show had 772 horses entered and 2,344 entries, meaning each 8

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Issue 6. 2018

horse averaged showing 3.04 times. This is up from 717 horses entered and 2,263 entries in 2017. Total owners showing were up from 561 to 623. Our Sport Horse Nationals also spun off from U.S. Nationals. This took place in 2003 with the first show being in Lexington, Va. Since that time it has rotated east and west annually. Last year’s show was in Raleigh, N.C., with this year being back in Nampa, Idaho. Next year it will be at Balmoral Park in Crete, Ill. Held in September, this year’s show had 398 horses entered, and 1860 entries, meaning each horse averaged showing 4.67 times. This is up from 386 horses entered and 1,874 entries in 2016 when it was last in Nampa. Total owners showing were up from 291 to 300. Distance Nationals, held near Henryville, Ind., occurred while U.S. Nationals was going on in October. AHA sanctions 48 rides per year and is now hosting the National Championship ride not only for Arabians, but also for Appaloosas, Morgans, Paso Finos, Shagya Arabians, and Akhal-Tekes. With the addition of many of our sister breeds, the competition has become more and more successful. This year’s ride had 95 riders and 100 horses. Finally, to end the year is the U.S. Nationals show. It was first held in Estes Park, Colo., in 1958. It then moved around and for years alternated between Albuquerque, N.M., and Louisville, Ky. Beginning in 2008, it has been held at ExpoSquare in Tulsa, Okla. This show fills up the entire grounds with roughly 3,700 stalls. The Tulsa Convention and Visitor’s Bureau published in its annual report that the show brings in $104 million annually into the city, making the show second only to the Tulsa State Fair. This year’s show had 1,772 horses entered and 3,548 entries, meaning each horse averaged showing 2.00 times. This is up from 1,726 horses entered and 3,348 entries in 2017. Total owners showing were steady — up slightly from 1,170 to 1,175. We are pleased for our National Championships to be venues to spotlight our wonderful and talented Arabians, Half-Arabians, and Anglo-Arabians and want to thank all our volunteers, show officials, AHA staff, and Commissions who produce these five impressive shows!


Glenn T. Petty Executive Vice President

Johanna Ulstrom Photo


CORPORATE SPONSOR The Original Designer of Fine Equestrian Jewelry

AHA Corporate Partners and Sponsors support expanded opportunities for all who participate in Arabian horse activities. AHA would like to thank our 2018 Corporate Partners and Sponsors. By purchasing products and services provided by these companies you are supporting the horse you love—the Arabian!


The Arabian Horse Association offers several different levels of sponsorship including fulfillment at National events, in our membership magazine, Arabian Horse Life, on our website, and so much more. For information on how your company can take part in The Arabian Horse Association’s rewarding sponsorship programs, please contact the Arabian Horse Association 303.696.4500 •


n jibbah jabber

MFA Hullabaloo By Pamela L. Maynard, PhD IN 2014, I ACQUIRED A HALF-ARABIAN GELDING by the Arabian stallion MFA Hullabaloo out of a Selle Francais mare. My Je Suis Baloo is very dominant, likes to run off, sometimes won’t let me catch him and is one of the most rewarding horses I have ever owned. Despite all of his faults, he is the reason I fell in love with Dressage, and every day he makes me a better horsewoman. Before he came to live with me, Je Suis Baloo never had his own person. It took some time to earn his trust, but now we are bonded. This wasn’t easy when he would run around bucking and kicking when I needed to get him loaded in the horse trailer to go to riding lessons. His sweetness now comes through, and he knows he is loved. I love him so much that when I had the opportunity to acquire his mother’s half-sister I said, “Absolutely!” She was an 18-year-old Selle Francais mare that could no longer be shown, but could be bred. So, I set out to find the perfect Arabian stallion to breed to my maiden mare. MFA Hullabaloo Long story short, my search led me right

back to MFA Hullabaloo. I found out that he was alive and well, and still sound and breeding at 27! I was so excited and certain it was meant to be, so I immediately booked a breeding and arranged for my mare to be covered by him the next breeding season. This past spring, on the way to see my mare, I would walk by Hullabaloo’s stall every day, and each time he would show me his teeth and greeted me with a smile. His eyes were bright, and his ears always pricked forward. I never saw him display any ill manners or stallion behavior. We easily got my mare bred, and after 30 days of not coming back into heat we had her checked by the vet. That day the vet did not find anything on the ultrasound. The next day Hullabaloo died, and unfortunately they didn’t freeze any of his semen. 10

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Issue 6. 2018

Determined to not miss a breeding season, I left my mare there to be bred to another stallion. However, she never came back into heat and was never bred again. I called the vet and she said, “Well, I have been known to miss one!” I took my mare home, crossed my fingers, and prayed for a miracle baby. Every day that went by was more and more encouraging. And then, on day 93, I walked out to feed and saw my mare flirting with the geldings across the fence. My heart sank and then shattered to a million pieces. That foal would have been Hullabaloo’s last and 100th foal. Owners Barbara Diaz and Sam Hernandez both agreed that Hullabaloo was indeed a special horse. When I asked Sam (who had been his trainer most of his life) what made him that way, he replied, “Baloo was my favorite. Nothing bothered him. He took care of the kids. When he was working — he was working. As soon as you put a saddle on him, he became a gelding.” I can attest to that because Hullabaloo would stand tied in the grooming area, right next to my mare, like a perfect gentleman. After his extensive Halter career, which included multiple wins and a Canadian National Top Ten, Hullabaloo was started under saddle at the age of ten. Because he was so easy going, he then went on to Je Suis Baloo and be shown by an adult amateur in the Pamela Maynard Hunter Pleasure classes. When Hullabaloo’s show career was over, he continued to give lessons and was sound up until the day he died. One little girl especially loved Hullabaloo; so much so that her parents bought her her own Hullabaloo gelding — Diamond Baloo. The day after Hullabaloo left the planet, this little girl left a bouquet of flowers and a card addressed to Hullabaloo in his stall. We will never know what was written in that card, but if I had to guess I believe it would go something like this: “Dear Baloo. You have given me more than you will ever know. Not only did you teach me how to ride, but you also taught me how to love and appreciate Arabians. I will always miss you.” In addition to his own extensive show record, Hullabaloo has sired 99 progeny that also have substantial show records — including two non-registered foals that went on to do endurance competitions. As I reflect on knowing Hullabaloo personally, all I can think of is how he touched so many people both young and old. Little girls came to the barn to learn how to ride on him. Children fell in love with the Arabian breed because they were introduced to the beautiful ‘white’ stallion — MFA Hullabaloo. Now that he is gone, his show record no longer matters. As wonderful as blue ribbons and trophies may be, nothing means as much as how we were touched by a horse.


n letters to AHL DEAR STEPHANIE, I'm writing to protest Stuart Vesty's lovely photograph on the cover of the latest issue of Arabian Horse Life magazine, Issue 5. The touching story and image of Susan Durr, her magnificent and famous stallion Apaladin, and her daughter Rebecca is ruined by one glaring fact: Susan is riding without a helmet. I realize there are some show disciplines in which helmets are not worn; a tradition that is not safe and that many think should change. But to get on a horse for pleasure and not wear a helmet is dangerous and should not be encouraged by featuring it on the cover of our breed magazine. My life was saved by my wearing a helmet when, long ago, my wonderful horse threw me into a wall. I landed on my head but did not break my neck because I was wearing a helmet. Please, please, please do not encourage people to ride without a helmet. You never know what can happen, even in a moment. Thank you. ~Josephine Thomas

Arabian owner who has bred and shown her Arabian mare for 15 years

Dear Josephine. Thank you for your email. I understand how the decision to wear a helmet is an important one, and our intention with this cover was not to advocate for riding without one. While the subject was not wearing a helmet, she did at least have a ground person. It is undoubtedly a topic that requires education so that people will hope-

fully be as safe as possible when they ride. In Issue 5 of Arabian Horse Life in 2017, we published an article on concussions/ traumatic brain injury and the effect helmets can have on them. We certainly could look at doing a future article on the importance of selecting and properly fitting a helmet. I can say that in the future we will certainly give our covers more thought as to the impact they could have on our members. We thank you for your commitment to safety and dedication to the Arabian horse.

I received the September issue of Arabian Horse Life. As always, I enjoyed the magazine. It is both informative and entertaining. It was quite an honor to have Arabian Horse Life include my Arabian and myself in the article about Seniors and their Arabian experiences. We often share with non-horse acquaintances stories about our horse life as Seniors. Of course, we shared the article L.A. [Sokolowski] wrote. My wife and I both enjoyed speaking with L.A. Our Arabians are certainly doing their parts in enriching and enhancing our lives. Sarah Sanders, my trainer, just returned from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where she was helping to establish a new equestrian center. She was, of course, quite thrilled to be mentioned in such a great article. Thank you again for sharing the story in your magazine.

~Stephanie J. Ruff

~Edmond P. DeRousse

Managing Editor, Arabian Horse Life


in memoriam

November 5, 2018

Cathy Gage IT IS WITH A HEAVY HEART that the Arabian horse community has to announce that it lost one of its own, Catherine Gage. She was the AHA Region 13 Director, a USEF Steward, Chair of the Sport Horse Nationals Show Commission, a C2 Steward, and managed various Arabian shows over the years. She was a breed ambassador who was active in the Sport Horse and Dressage communities. She will be remembered as a great friend and mentor and someone who loved and cherished her Arabian horses. "Cathy was a tireless worker for the Arabian Sport Horse, and she loved her horses, the discipline of Dressage and her Arabian family. She was always quick with a smile and a supportive word. She loved Dressage because she could always work with her horse to improve as a team. She truly died doing what she loved and will be missed by all who knew her, loved her and were mentored by her," said Nancy Harvey, President of the Arabian Horse Association. A celebration of life will be held; time to be announced at a later date. Our condolences to the friends and family of Cathy Gage. Issue 6. 2018

arabian horse



Join now!


TO REMEMBER November 22 ~ HAPPY THANKSGIVING November 30 ~ Regional Youth Team Tournament Results Close December 15 ~ RYTT Results Due to AHA December 25 ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS February 1 ~ RYTT Entries Due to AHA February 14-24 ~ Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, Scottsdale, Ariz. March 8-10 ~ AHYA Board Meeting, Denver, Colo.

Connect at 12

arabian horse


Issue 6. 2018

I became an AHYA member because…

“Arabian horses are incomparable to any other breed. They are the most loving, beautiful, smart, and talented horses. I became a member to connect with other Arabian horse enthusiasts my age in order to have an impact on the future of the breed we are all so passionate about.” AHYA member from California for 10 years




Ashley Lounsberry Region 11

Runner-Up: Marianna Graziadio Region 1


Hippology Contest Winners • High Individual: Olivia Charles, Midwest AHC • Reserve High Individual: Liz French, Boulder County 4-H • High Team: Indiana 4-H

Judging Contest Winners 4-H/FFA Division • High Individual: Marty Kacsh, Colorado 4-H • Reserve High Individual: Claire Deplazes, Virginia 4-H • High Team: Virginia 4-H Jr. AHA Division • High Individual: Melanie Hansen, Jr. Colorado AHC/Region 8 • Reserve High Individual: Olivia Charles, Midwest AHC • High Team: Jr. Colorado AHC/Region 8 Sr. Division • High Individual: Erin Garlock, Colorado State University • Reserve High Individual: Morgan Offutt, Colorado State University • High Team: Colorado State University



Miller International Inc.

Laura & Gil Metzger

The Hat Lady

Kristi & Phyllis White

Patricia Gerdes

Candy Conway

Be Dazzled By Dixie

Region 9/ Kay & Howard Porter

Montana Silversmith San Diego AHA Karma Arabians Oklahoma City CVB

Rebecca & Robert Nash Michele Moss Lori-Kay Frye

Friends of Vail Issue 6. 2018

arabian horse



n from the veterinarian

The Pre-Purchase Evaluation

Equine Athlete Veterinary Services HORSE SALES ARE ONE OF THE MANY THINGS THAT HELP keep the equine industry flourishing and therefore are a common topic of discussion. As horses are both a personal and financial investment, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the purchasing process. Equine Athlete is a practice specializing in sports medicine, and the one area our doctors tend to see both the buyer and seller approach with some trepidation is the pre-purchase evaluation (PPE). Though every situation is unique, there are a couple of steps you can take to ensure you’re in a position to make an informed decision. Work with a professional. Professional trainers not only have valuable insight on horse selection, they are also an advocate who can help you judge the significance of the PPE findings. Hire a veterinarian who understands your goal. It is important to have the horse evaluated by a veterinarian who is familiar with the expectations for what your new horse will be doing in its career. If time and location do not make that possible, throughout the process be sure to consult with one who is. A standard PPE should include a thorough physical evaluation, checking all of the body’s major systems, followed by an in-depth lameness evaluation and radiographs. The number of radiographs taken is very case dependent. As a veterinarian, I’m not looking to necessarily “pass” or “fail” a horse during the pre-purchase process. I am on a factfinding mission to give the buyer as much information as possible, allowing him/her to make an educated decision about moving forward with the purchase of a horse. That being said, the PPE process and level of involvement can vary based on the type of horse we’re evaluating. THE YOUNG, UNPROVEN HORSE. When looking at a young, unproven horse, I’m trying to find any congenital abnormalities that are unfavorable, as well as discover any developmental conditions that may impact the horse’s immediate performance or longevity. I strongly recommend getting survey radiographs of all the major joints to screen for osteochondrosis, which includes both bone cysts and OCD fragments. These are developmental abnormalities and can be a somewhat common finding in pre-purchase evaluations. Simply put, OCDs fall into one of three categories: those where surgery is strongly advised, those

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arabian horse


Issue 6. 2018

As a veterinarian, I’m not looking to necessarily “pass” or “fail” a horse during the pre-purchase process. I am on a fact-finding mission to give the buyer as much information as possible, allowing him/ her to make an educated decision about moving forward with the purchase of a horse.

which can’t be removed, and those that will be noted and monitored as the horse gets older. Cases we recommend monitoring have no strong indication for surgical intervention; however the OCD can be addressed later if deemed problematic. When found early and addressed appropriately, you can take preventative measures to avoid issues later in the horse’s career. No matter the findings, this is an important bit of information to be gained, as it can have different implications for both the horse and buyer. THE YOUNGER SHOW HORSE. When evaluating a younger show horse, I’m still looking for developmental and congenital abnormalities. However, now I’ll also be on the lookout for injuries that may have been sustained through the course of training leading up to competition. In addition, I’m scrutinizing for degenerative processes beginning in joints that may need to be maintained throughout the horse’s show career. A thorough PPE on a proven show horse is a great opportunity to establish a physical and radiographic baseline that can be used comparatively later in a horse’s career. In essence, it’s all about getting as much information as possible to be a better caretaker for your horse over the course of its athletic career and beyond. THE OLDER SHOW HORSE. When evaluating the older show horse, one with an established show record and being evaluated in his prime (or just past his prime), we’re looking to formulate a plan for managing this horse through the back half of his career. My goal during the PPE is to define what issue(s) the horse has, as well as establish a care plan to increase career longevity and to set up for success into retirement. I’m also scrutinizing these horses for signs of medical issues, such as metabolic disfunction or PPID; these can be critical issues facing older horses and knowing if they will need to be addressed is of significant importance. In conclusion, there is no such thing as a “perfect” horse. There will be situations where the findings lead to difficult decisions on whether or not to move forward with a purchase. However, more often than not, the solution is in using this information to formulate a plan for care and management. With that said, it’s also important to keep in mind that just because your horse may get a clean bill of health on the day of the pre-purchase, new issues and unforeseen events can and will come up throughout your horse’s career. A pre-purchase is not a guarantee; it’s an opportunity to evaluate the horse during a specific window of time and make an educated guess about what the future holds for that individual. Understanding this information only touches on a fraction of the different medical findings that can surface in these evaluations. I’m hopeful our philosophy on the approach and the purpose of performing a pre-purchase evaluation has provided some insight you’ll find useful in the future. ~ Brad Hill, DVM Partner, Equine Athlete Veterinary Services

n impact

Cheers to

China By Elizabeth Kaye McCall

Supreme Gold Champion Mare win shot. Gary McDonald with 2012 mare REALISTICA (SF Sir Real x MC Adoniia).

First China Arabian Horse Show Makes History

L Shirley and Murray Popplewell, owners of Rae-Dawn Arabians, with Jiawei Lin at the First China Arabian Horse Show, held at the Longines World Equestrian Academy in Beijing.

egend says the Prophet Mohammed’s friend introduced the Arabian horse to China. Centuries later, Ran “Eric” Xu, brought the first China Arabian Horse Show to his homeland on August 4-5, 2018, in Beijing, at the Longines World Equestrian Academy. Captivated by Arabians thanks to his wife Phoebe, Eric plunged into learning about the breed, meanwhile founding Dynasty Arabians. After witnessing the 2016 U.S. Nationals, he traveled the globe’s top competitions, envisioning a first-time event in the 22-million strong Chinese capital, where people could learn and see. Meantime, noted names from the Arabian industry made discoveries of their own in Beijing. Murray Popplewell, Mary Ellen Chavez, and Gary McDonald shared their experiences...

Murray Popplewell Rae-Dawn Arabians Saskatoon, Canada and Scottsdale, Ariz.

Photos courtesy of Murray Popplewell

Q What made you go? A Just to be part of it. Three years


ago, we met a fellow from China. We sold him two horses. We still have one in Scottsdale. One has since traveled to Mongolia. This was the first Arabian horse show. That was the attraction.

Q You got quite an introduction Looking cool as a cucumber despite 100F degree temps and high humidity, Murray Popplewell’s passion for the Arabian horse never waned. At right is Li Chen. arabian horse


Issue 6. 2018

If you were to move, it was a fullon sweat!

Q How was the event? A The first day was kind of an open house where everyone came, walked around, and talked to the different barns. We had our own set up. It was very informative. We made good connections, good contacts. There are not a lot of Arabian horses in China. [Estimates range from only 200 to 2,000 Arabians.]

A When we arrived, it was hot and

Q Was communicating hard? A We hired an interpreter prior to

humid, about, about 100 degrees Fahrenheit and humid as could be.

going over, and she was there the entire show. It worked out very well.

to Beijing!

Q What did people ask about? A Mostly, they wanted to see what the horses looked like. We had videos running all day. They asked how many horses we had, how we showed, and where we’d sold horses before. They are very interested in getting things going, promoting sales, and making money.

Q How was the show? A The championship night was very well done. Eric should get full marks for it. Lots of entertainment between each class. There were 20-25 sponsors from the U.S., Canada and Saudi Arabia. I think the judging was very fair. Keeping in mind it was the first Arabian horse show, what we saw was very impressive.

Q Any surprises? A To be honest, I think the Arabian horse is a bit premature there. I think it is a market that is going to develop, but it’s not going to just pop up overnight. In America, the Arabian horse has pretty much ideal conditions. We have the feed and supplements. They don’t. As long as we don’t have the idea ships are going to sail full of horses, I think we will be fine.

Q Was the trip worthwhile? A We didn’t go there with the idea we were going to sell a ton of horses. We went with the idea that this could be a start. The connection definitely is worth the effort we made to go over there.

Q Any more insights? A It’s a market that’s going to develop.

Gary McDonald’s Supreme Surprise


mceeing the first China Arabian show brought Gary McDonald a supreme surprise. The elite Scottsdale, Ariz., trainer whose legacy is McDonald Arabians, wrote the following on his Facebook page. “Jen and I arrived on the show grounds Saturday morning to see a layout for the show and to meet with Eric to discuss his expectations of my duties as the English Speaking Announcer. As Glenna Gruppen was giving me a tour of the barns and the horses being prepared for the show, we came across a mare who had just arrived hours before. I recognized those eyes instantly! It was a second generation McDonald Arabians-bred mare who was born, trained, and marketed as a young filly at McDonald Arabians. She has been in China with her owner for over five years now. The owners asked me if I would be willing to show her. After gaining permission and blessing from the show management, I agreed to handle this one horse. Keep in mind, she had not had a halter schooling session since she left McDonald Arabians five years before. I did not attempt to work with her at all on the show weekend. I felt that any expectations or training I would attempt would not be fair to her.

They have a love for a horse, and they’re very competitive. They’ve got to get the infrastructure and the Association has got to take command. It can’t be Eric all the way. I think the Association should be putting on the show.

So, the first stand up attempted was at class time. Entering the arena with her tail held high and much energy, she performed as if she’d never missed a day of training. She won her age division, and then on Finals night, under the spotlights, REALISTICA (SF Sir Real x MC Adoniia), was awarded Supreme Gold Champion Mare.

Mary Ellen Chavez,

I am grateful to God for this little gem of a reminder that my love of the Arabian Horse and my efforts in creating a breeding program has the ability to touch other lives throughout the world!” n

Sonrisa Farms Peralta, N.M.

Q What were your impressions? A I was representing The Pyramid Society. The first day was kind of an

exhibition for the public to be introduced to the horses. Not too many local Chinese attended on such a hot day, but we met some nice people there to learn more about the Arabian horse. It was difficult for me to communicate. The interpreter I was supposed to have only showed up a few hours.

Q How many horses were in the show?

A Forty, plus or minus a few. Most of what I saw there came out of Scottsdale, and there were several from Belgium.

Q How was the evening? A They had the Chinese Dragons in the Opening Ceremony, which is something I’d never seen. There were acrobats and things we haven’t done at our horse shows in the U.S. that were very cultural for them. There were tables all around the arena. We were served dinner, which was really nice.

Q What else stood out? A This was all new to most of the Chinese people at the show. Some weren’t really sure what they were supposed to be doing. Gary McDonald [Scottsdale’s McDonald Arabians] was the emcee. He let people know it was okay to cheer and get loud and clap for the horses. You could tell that was really odd for them. Once they realized it was okay, some people got excited. They have to get used to it and establish their own kind of normal.

Q Any other observations? A I think there’s a lot of growth potential. It’s amazing what Eric did to put this show together. He basically did it single-handedly. Eric is really promoting the Arabian horse in China. An author, journalist and media consultant based in Southern California, Elizabeth Kaye McCall worked as the horse industry liaison for Cavalia on its inaugural North American tour. A contributor to diverse equine and mainstream outlets, she authored “The Tao of Horses: Exploring How Horses Guide Us on Our Spiritual Path” and the young adult tale “RAJALIKA SPEAK.” Issue 6. 2018

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WINTER training

Winter trail riding is a wonderful way to keep your horse fit. Photo courtesy of Beth Thomas.


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Issue 6. 2018

By Linda Carroll


rey skies and bare trees signal that winter and frigid temperatures are on the way for much of the country. For the lucky ones, the changes are a sign that it’s time to buy airline tickets, get the trailers ready and flee to southern, warmer destinations. For the rest of us, it’s time to hunker down and make plans to keep our horses healthy during the colder months and to determine how much of our training regimens we’ll be able to keep up. To help with that, Arabian Horse Life checked in with vets and trainers to see how they recommend coping with winter. Ice, snow and frigid temperatures can lead to a host of problems if we’re not careful, says Dr. Elizabeth Arbittier, a clinical assistant professor with the equine field service of New Bolton Center at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine in Kennett Square, Pa. One big issue, especially for older horses, is making sure enough calories are consumed, experts say. “Frequently, owners remove a horse’s blanket and feel that the horse has dropped a dramatic amount of weight overnight,” Arbittier says. While that is rarely the case, horses can lose weight quickly in the winter, she says. “And it takes many more weeks, or months, to put it back on, so it’s best to avoid the issue at all,” she adds. Older horses need special attention, Arbittier says, since they can lose weight easily. That’s something Stephanie Desiderio observed last winter when temperatures in New Jersey plummeted. “We noticed that all our older horses were not storing their food well,” says the trainer and co-owner of Tranquility Farm in Chester. “We had to keep upping their food.” There are, however, some horses that will benefit from the thinning pastures. It gives the “air ferns” a chance to slim down. Worries about adequate calories shouldn’t stop you from working your horse in the winter, since there are some substantial benefits to the horse that come from exercise, Arbittier says. It just means you’ll need to feed them even more to keep their weight up.

In more temperate weather, turnout can be sufficient to keep a horse healthy. But that’s often not true when temperatures drop below freezing. “Movement during the winter is usually curtailed by footing,” Arbittier says. “Even though they may be in a big field, many horses hardly move around if the footing is deep mud or frozen ruts.” Lack of movement can cause digestive problems and less motility in the gut, Arbittier says. “Motility means the amount of activity in the horse’s gastrointestinal tract. Movement is good for motility, and horses who are stall bound are more likely to suffer from impaction colics than horses who are moving.” If you’re concerned about motility, you can put your ear against your horse’s belly and listen for gut sounds, Arbittier suggests. “You can also pay attention to what kind of manure production your horse has,” she says. “In 12 hours, one horse may pass eight small piles of manure, and another may pass four or five large piles. Neither is abnormal unless it changes in a horse who is normally reliable. It is very useful to monitor how much manure horses are passing every day as even a small drop may indicate a brewing problem.” Trainer Josh Edwards, who faces frigid Michigan winters at Ambiance Arabians, sends his halter horses down to Scottsdale for the winter, while the performance horses remain up north. He makes sure the Michigan horses get turned out “so long as the wind chill is above 15 or 20 degrees. I am one of the few trainers who firmly believes in having the horses go outside. If they get a little scratch because they’ve been outside, I’ll deal with that. I’d rather they be

Issue 6. 2018

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“Typically if the wind chill is below zero, we’re not riding,” he says. “If it feels like it’s less than 20 degrees things are going to be very, very light. And from 20 to 30 degrees we’re going to do light work.” ~ Trainer Josh Edwards

happy and healthy. So we try, no matter what the weather, to get them out at least a couple of hours a day. Usually it’s around six.” While Stephanie Desiderio also tries to get her horses out every day, she keeps them in if the footing is icy, and that’s exactly what Arbittier would recommend. “Ice is impossible for horses to safely negotiate,” she says. “It’s a high risk factor for fractures.” In fact, “we do see more ‘slip and fall’ type injuries in winter than we do when the footing is good,” Arbittier says. “Snow tends to be safe for horses, but ice categorically is not. We tend to see more upper hind limb fractures, such as in the femur or pelvis.” Another danger associated with ice is horses that fall and can’t get back up, Arbittier says. “We see horses who are down year round, but when the footing is icy or difficult our success in getting them up may be decreased.” There are ways around the problem, though. “If a horse needs to be ambulating on slick surfaces, they can have traction applied to their shoes, such as borium, which may help. Edwards has devised a set of temperature rules that determine whether the horses will be worked on a given day. “Typically if the wind chill is below zero, we’re not riding,” he says. “If it feels like it’s less than 20 degrees things are going to be very, very light. And from 20 to 30 degrees we’re going to do light work.” When it’s too cold to ride, Edwards makes use of the farm’s Theraplate. “It helps keep the blood flow going,” he says. Edwards’s main concern while working in the winter is damage to the horse’s esophagus. That’s a real issue, depending on how cold it gets, Arbittier says. “Research has shown that exercising horses in subfreezing temperatures can provoke multiple negative airway changes in the horse,” she says. “In terms of just breathing at rest, they can tolerate extremely cold temperatures if they are exposed gradually as winter arrives.” At Tranquility Farm, horses don’t get turned out when it’s icy, but “we get everybody out doing something each day,” Desiderio says. “We have a EuroXciser and a treadmill in our indoor. We try not to longe too much.” Some of the horses get sent down to Florida so they’ll be fit and ready for the first shows in the spring, Desiderio says. The ones that stay in New Jersey get toned-down workouts in the indoor. “We don’t work 20

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Issue 6. 2018

as hard, and we walk a lot longer.” Horses at Stone Hollow Farm in Johnstown, Pa., work through most of the winter, though they get a few weeks off in late December through early January. The farm’s owner and trainer, Beth Thomas, does, however, change the way she teaches when temperatures drop. “I give power lessons,” Thomas says. “Power lessons are all moving, with very little, if any, walking. Depending on the level of the horse and rider, there are lots of quick transitions and circles, turns, and changes of direction. I have them do leg yields, turns on haunches and forehand, shoulder-in and haunches-in. I like to see them flow from one move to another.” During those power lessons, Thomas is looking for obedience on the part of the horses and quick reaction times from the riders. “The work often times is without stirrups,” she says. “I don’t really plan ahead, I just go with what hits me, or I focus on a weakness I see. The idea is to learn things and stay warm!” Another issue is how hard you should be working horses in the cold. Arbittier cautions riders not to let their horses get too sweaty, especially the hairy ones. For trainers like Thomas, there’s a delicate balance between working enough to stay warm, but not so much that the horses turn into a hot mess. While she does have the horses do some gymnastic jumping exercises — using a pole seated between two five gallon buckets — she’s careful not to let the horses get too hot. “I have them do it a couple of times and then take a break,” she says. It’s not just the horses she worries about. “It can be hard for the riders to stay warm,” Thomas says. “I tell them to get heaters for their feet and lined britches. Our first show is usually the end of April.” With some careful planning and dedication to get out there, even when it’s cold, horses and riders can stay fit and healthy through the long, winter months. Linda Carroll is a Peabody Award winning writer who covers health and medicine for NBC News. She is co-author of “Out of the Clouds: The Unlikely Horseman and the Unwanted Colt who Conquered the Sport of Kings,” “The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic,” and “Duel for the Crown: Affirmed, Alydar, and Racing’s Greatest Rivalry.”

n whoa



A section covering products used by our National-level trainers in the Arabian horse community.


By Deb Witty High Country Training (HCT) is the creation of two horsemen with very unique and diverse backgrounds. Kim and Deb Witty came together to form HCT with a common goal in mind: To produce quality and competitive show horses and to have fun at the same time. Deb Witty grew up as Debbie Bevan in western Washington. Showing Arabians all though her youth, Deb’s family had long been into Thoroughbred race horses. A third generation horse trainer, Deb combines a racetrack knowledge base of conditioning and nutrition with a show horse outlook on training and presentation. Specializing in Arabian and Half-Arabian performance futurity horses and helping an occasional amateur, Deb Witty focuses on foundational training in young horses that will lead to a long and successful performance career.

I do not believe in supplementing horses a lot. I feed them a wellrounded diet so they should not need a lot of extras. The one that I do always fall back on is Ulc R Aid powder by AniMed Horse Care. I have been using it for close to 20 years now. It never lets me down. Not only do I feel like I am caring for a horse’s stomach, it offers stress relief from training, immune boosters and coat and hoof benefits. Every horse that I have ever put on this product begins to “bloom” within 30 days. They are happier, healthier, look great and train better.

BILL BLACK HACKAMORES I love to train futurity horses. Regardless of whether it is a Pleasure horse or a Working Western horse, a good hackamore horse is a joy to ride. For a long time, I struggled with finding hackamores that fit well. “Off the rack” hackamores tend to be too big for most Arabian faces. Then I came across Bill Black custom braiding. Bill hand-makes each of his hackamores and worked with me to size one to fit the smaller Arabian heads. In addition to the shorter sides, he built a wider nose piece to accommodate the Arabian’s wider set eyes. Since then I have had him make many in different degrees of softness.

SPURS About 25 years ago, my husband bought me a pair of spurs with my name on them. They were made by Greg Darnall, and to this day I cannot train a horse without my “Deb” spurs. They have a five point dull rowel on them. They fit every pair of boots I have ever owned, and I cannot imagine being without them. I am not sure if Greg makes custom spurs any more, but I am grateful for the pair I have and hope they never wear out.

THE HAT LADY One of my favorites and my go to person when I need anything at a show is The Hat Lady. Be it Tylenol or hair ties, boots or buttons, Terri Deering has it all. She thinks of the needs of the exhibitor on the road, and if she doesn’t have it she will get it for you. Being from the Northwest, I am fortunate to have The Hat Lady at many of our local shows. The ones I attend that she is not at always feel like something is missing. Whether she is making you a hair bun, or just listening to you vent about an issue in the industry, Terri is always there for you. 22 22

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• Issue Issue5.6.2017 2018

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arabian horse


Issue 6. 2018

10 Years of Progress

Equine Research Program

By Beth Minnich: Chair, Research Advisory Panel, Arabian Horse Foundation


he Arabian Horse Foundation is celebrating its first decade of supporting equine veterinary research, and the results from this effort are having an impact. The Equine Research Program is committed to aiding projects directed at improving equine health, with a focus on issues of particular interest to the Arabian breed. During the last 10 years, the Foundation has provided $75,000 in funding for a variety of projects, including collaborations with some of the top veterinary research programs in the world including: UC Davis, the University of Florida, Cornell University, and the Morris Animal Foundation. Even with an extremely limited budget, the Foundation has been successful in not only supporting, but also moving forward, important research in genetic conditions affecting the Arabian horse. In 2007, when the Foundation added the research arm, the test for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) was the only genetic test available for Arabians. Since that time, the Foundation has been involved with studies that have resulted in the development of direct DNA tests for Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) and Lavender Foal Syndrome (LFS). Through commercial availability of these two tests, the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory and the VetGen Laboratory combined have tested over 13,600 horses for CA and more than 4,300 for LFS. In 2017, none of the horses tested at either lab were CA or LFS affected; a strong indication that breeders are utilizing genetic testing as a tool to help prevent the production of affected foals. The Foundation has also funded studies investigating the genetic basis of Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy (JIE), Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation (OAAM), Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS), and equine melanoma.

Current Project Updates: Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy (JIE) Dr. Samantha Brooks (University of Florida-Gainesville) Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy is a seizure condition that can affect very young horses. In 2014, the Foundation and Brooks Equine Genetics Lab initiated a project focused on identifying the mode of inheritance and mutation(s) associated with JIE; with the goal of developing a genetic test to assist breeders in managing their breeding stock. Preliminary data suggests that JIE is due to more than one site in the genome; which may explain the wide range of severity exhibited by foals with this condition. To identify these genetic regions, the project is in desperate need of additional samples. The Foundation is grateful for the interest and participation from breeders around the world, and further assistance from the Arabian horse community is requested. DNA samples are needed from horses that have been previously diagnosed with JIE, as well as horses that have had an offspring with JIE. All studies are confidential, so participant and horse identity will not be released. Please contact the Brooks Equine Genetics Lab for more information: phone (352) 273-8080 or email,

Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation (OAAM) Dr. Carrie Finno (University of California-Davis) Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation is a neurologic disorder caused by a malformation of the skull and first two cervical vertebrae, resulting in spinal cord damage which leads to varying levels of incoordination and weakness. To support expansion of work previously done by Dr. Finno in identifying the HOX mutation associated with OAAM1, the Foundation has provided project funding aimed at determining additional mutations associated with other forms of OAAM. The goal of the project is to develop additional genetic tests to assist breeders in identifying carrier breeding stock. Current work on this project includes whole-genome sequencing from two Arabians and one Arabian/Appaloosa cross that were affected with OAAM but did not have the OAAM1 mutation (DNA was also sequenced from their dams.) Based on the results from this sequencing, two variants are being further studied as possible additional mutations for OAAM in Arabian and Arabian-crosses. While OAAM is presumed to be inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder in Arabian horses, different mutations appear to be involved. As explained further by Dr. Finno: “OAAM demonstrates genetic heterogeneity, or different

mutations that lead to a similar clinical picture. While all three affected Arabian/Arabian-crosses had evidence of malformations at the base of the skull and first cervical vertebrae, there were variations on the presentation. One full Arabian was never able to stand and had an additional malformation at the fourth cervical vertebrae. The second full Arabian also never stood, but the abnormalities were restricted to the base of the skull and first cervical vertebrae. The Arabian/Appaloosa cross had difficulty getting up and a large swelling on the right side of his neck. In this colt, the second cervical vertebrae had rotated 180 degrees. Therefore, we should consider the term ‘OAAM’ to represent a spectrum of different genetic mutations, leading to changes at the base of the skull and neck vertebra.” With research on OAAM having been essentially nonexistent since the 1980’s, having a researcher interested in studying this condition is a tremendous opportunity for the Arabian breed. As part of this study, Dr. Finno is interested in obtaining additional DNA samples from OAAM affected horses, as well as unaffected relatives. Interested owners should contact Dr. Finno at cjfinno@ for further information.

How you can help! The Arabian Horse Foundation thanks all its donors, as well as the owners who participate in the studies, for their ongoing support. Without it, these projects would not be possible. Whether it is a little or a lot, every donation matters; even $5/year from each AHA member would greatly increase the funding base and the scope of supported studies. Tax-deductible donations can be made by using the donation check box on the AHA membership form when renewing or joining. Donations can also be made online with PayPal or credit/debit card at the Foundation’s website,, or by sending a check to the Foundation’s Treasurer at 1024 K Street, Lincoln, NE, 68508. Donors can also designate their funds to a specific area of Foundation activity, such as research. Additionally, donors can designate the Arabian Horse Foundation as the charity they would like to support when they buy through Amazon at Amazon Smile, and a portion of their purchases will go to the Foundation. Beth Minnich has served as Chair of the Arabian Horse Foundation’s Research Advisory Panel since inception of the research program in 2007. A graduate of the Colorado State University Equine Sciences Program, Beth has had a longstanding interest in equine veterinary research, with a particular focus on genetics. She has served as a member of the AHA Equine Stress, Research and Education Committee, and as Chair of the AHA Presidential Task Force on Genetic Diseases. Issue 6. 2018

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n the now

2018 YOUTH


Photography by Mike Ferrara The future of our Arabian competitors can be seen in the UPHA Arabian Breeds Walk/Trot 10 & Under Challenge Cup Championship. This year it was won by Cash Roberts riding the 14-yearold Half-Arabian JMJ Gold N Fizz (Scrimmage x Nonchalant), owned by Rushlow Arabians. This combination also won the HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under Championship.

Arabian Park Horse JTR shows off spectacular strutting performances. The 18 & Under Championship was won by Supreme Sensation SMP (Baskghazi x A Love Supreme) ridden by Falan Alpert. The 7-year-old gelding was bred by Rodney and Jacqueline Thompson and owned by Alpert Arabians LLC.

July in Oklahoma City is hot, but the competition at Youth Nationals is hotter. However, this show is about more than competition. It is about camaraderie, sportsmanship and fellowship. Champions are crowned, but everyone there is a winner. 28

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Issue 6. 2018

HMF Nagid Fadl++/ (Prince Shazar x SRF Fahim Starziz) a 14-year-old gelding, with Logan Thomas won both the Arabian Regular Working Hunter JTR and Hunter Hack JTR 18 & Under Championships for owner Ricci Desiderio of Chester, N.J.

AHA’s 2018 Youth of the Year, Morgan “Danika” Overstreet, claimed one championship with her Purebred Decyned For Gold++/ (Out Of Cyte x KM Chanel) in the Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack JTR Championship.

The Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Elite Championship and the Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 14-18 Championship were won by rider/owner Rebecca Marr from Benbrook, Texas. Her mount was the 9-year-old gelding H Verdykt H (Versace x Ekzotyka) bred by Hennessey Arabian LLC.

The competition was tough in the Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 14-18 Championship — a very large class. After some intense riding, Bonfire ROF, ridden by owner Alycia Boucher, came out on top. The 15-year-old gelding is by Baske Afire and out of Sing For Joy.

Owner/rider Noah Rooker from Fenton, Mich., piloted GSF Magdelena (VCP Magnifire x Plenora) to victory in the HA/AA Park Horse JTR Championship. The 13-year-old mare was bred by Linda Pizzonia.

The well-appointed combination of Luciana Hernandez and Elle Yes (Baske Afire x Showtime’s Daddy’s Girl) won both the HA/AA Mounted Native Costume JOTR 18 & Under and the HA/AA Mounted Native Costume JTR 14-18 Championships.

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helby Howey, a 17-year-old senior at Philomath High School in Philomath, Ore., has been riding with her grandmother for as long as she can remember. She started taking formal lessons at Harmony Training Center in Corvallis, Ore. at age ten. For the last year and a half she has partnered with Samantha Gough (HDEF Jasper x SS Kharilian Sky), a Morgan-Arabian cross mare. “She is easy to ride in a way that anyone could ride her, but since she is still learning there is always work to do,” says Shelby. “Samantha loves attention and if she’s not out in pasture you will always see her head out the stall window asking for a treat or rub. When we were in Oklahoma at the show, I was leading her around exploring and she had her nose down on the ground smelling every step of the way, like a dog. She has so much personality and likes people more than other horses. “I’ve only been riding her for a little over a year and a half, and in that time, I’ve trained her how

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Issue 6. 2018

to show. We have a very strong connection, and that’s the part I love the best about showing her. Samantha truly has the biggest heart, while constantly wanting to please and learn.” This was Shelby’s first time

at Youth Nationals, and she quickly realized it was much bigger than she imagined. Initially she felt completely out of place, but the show organizers put on a wide variety of activities “to get us all interacting together and supporting one another. That’s what it’s really about.” While this may have been their largest show together, Shelby and Samantha performed liked seasoned competitors. In the end, they were victorious in the HA/AA Western Trail JOTR 18 & Under, HA/AA Western Trail JTR 14-18 and HA/AA English Trail JTR 18 & Under Championship. Shelby was understandably thrilled. She described her show experience as “beyond my wildest dreams. I could not be more proud of Samantha for being such a good girl and trying her hardest at everything I asked of her. We never would’ve expected to leave with three National Championships!” n

Riders aged 14 to 18 competed for the Championship in the Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14-18 class. Winning the trophy was Nora Shaffer riding Prosuasion, a 10-year-old stallion by SF Specs Shocwave out of Mz Kitty owned by Laura and Nora Shaffer and bred by Lindsay Rinehart.

Zachary White took the lines of Love Sick (VCP Magnifire x Morning El Ghaza++++/) and drove the 9-year-old bay gelding to victory in the Arabian Country Pleasure Driving JTD 18 & Under Championship. Love Sick is owned by Peter Marsh and bred by Peggy or James Kemmler. GE ERA COV .S. & U E OF S ANC DIST L SHOW A N O 19 I 0 2 T NA ue 1,

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Ricci Desiderio brought many horses to Youth Nationals and won quite a few championships. Just one was Superstarr JLP (HF Mister Chips+ x Uta M), a 12-year-old mare who was shown to victory in the HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand JTH 18 & Under Championship by Grace Daggett. Reserve Champion went to another Desiderio horse, RSD Show Stopper, shown by Vincent Desiderio.

Whata Tiny Dancer+// (Winterprinz x English Rose RM) with rider Jaeda Isley won the HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Elite Championship. Bred by Jim or Marilyn Hodgson, the 9-year-old chestnut mare is owned by Jaeda or Erika Isley.

Want to See All the Winners? Due to space constraints, we were only able to show a few of the National Champions. The complete list of all the 2018 winners and reserve champions can be found at Issue 6. 2018 • arabian horse life


n the now

Saige Sellman with Casttaspell

Alejandro Vigil De Ovando with Oula Aljassimya

Side saddle is an elegant way to sit astride a horse that harkens back to a different time. In the Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western JTR 18 & Under Championship, owner Brianna Mullen rode JLM Farraoh+ (Farrada x Crimson Confetti) to victory. Reserve champion went to Shahraide (Om El Shahmaan x Noble Radiance) and Sarah Anderson.



wo young handlers squared off and traded wins in the Arabian Mare Breeding JOTH 18 & Under Championship and the Arabian Mare Breeding JTH 18 & Under Championship. The JOTH class was won by Saige Sellman showing the 7-year-old mare Casttaspell (OFW Magic Wan x Crysstal Echo). Reserve Champion was Alejandro Vigil De Ovando with Oula Aljassimya, an 8-year-old mare by Marwan Al Shaqab out of El Sanadika IA. The positions were reversed in the JTH 18 & Under class with Alejandro and Oula Aljassimya getting the nod over Saige and Casttaspell. n


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Issue 6. 2018

Ricci Desiderio’s RSD Show Stopper, by the Desiderio’s superstar stallion Oration++++// out of the grade mare Victoria Secret, won the HA/AA Regular Working Hunter JTR Championship with rider Devon Thomas. The 7-year-old mare also carried Thomas to the championship in Hunter Seat Equitation Over Obstacles JTR 18 & Under Championship.

Submitted by Jill Webster Summertime and Arabians, what could be better? Submitted by Susan Masters Carrying precious cargo.

Submitted by Hallie Sharman A perfectly posed pair!

Submitted by Cindi Luten There’s always time to hug your Arabian horse.

Submitted by Michelle Morgan Sharing a quiet moment

Submitted by Ania Ake Moments like these...

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