Discovering Pellegrino Artusi

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CASA ARTUSI Via A. Costa 27 FORLIMPOPOLI (FC) ITALY (+39) 0543 743138 mobile (+39) 349 8401818

Casa Artusi nasce nel nome di Pellegrino Artusi (Forlimpopoli 1820-Firenze 1911), letterato e gastronomo forlimpopolese universalmente presente nelle cucine italiane con il suo manuale La Scienza in Cucina e l'Arte di Mangiar Bene. La Casa, ricavata dalla ristrutturazione del complesso monumentale della Chiesa dei Servi, è una struttura di 2800 metri quadri, suddivisa in spazi con funzioni diverse, ma tutte riconducibili alle differenti espressioni della cultura gastronomica. La Biblioteca Pellegrino Artusi comprende: la Biblioteca Civica di Forlimpopoli, la Collezione Artusiana, la Raccolta di Gastronomia Italiana, biblioteca dedicata alla cucina domestica italiana.

GUIDED VISIT of Casa Artusi INDIVIDUAL: on reservation € 5,00 each person ROMAGNA VISIT CARD: € 3,00 each person GROUPS: every day on reservation (minimun 15 persons) € 3,00 each person

La Scuola di Cucina, comprende una sala didattica con 20 postazioni attrezzate e ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la conoscenza delle diverse tradizioni e cucine locali, i prodotti del territorio, l’educazione al gusto e l’insegnamento eminentemente pratico del saper fare. (tel 0543 743138 segreteria organizzativa) Il Ristorante Casa Artusi di Andrea Banfi e C. porta in tavola, con buon gusto, la cucina di casa; particolare attenzione è riservata alla pasta fresca e alle ricette della tradizione emilianoromagnola. E' suddiviso in piccole sale disposte su due piani, e può servire un centinaio di ospiti. (tel 0543.748049 chiuso il martedì) La Cantina è affiliata all'Enoteca Regionale Emilia-Romagna. Nello Spazio eventi Casa Artusi ospita meeting, assemblee e incontri, dispone di sale convegni da 15, 50, fino a 130 posti, dotate delle più moderne tecnologie. Casa Artusi offre consulenza per la creazione e l’organizzazione di eventi, anche per le aziende che desiderano motivare e premiare i propri clienti o collaboratori. (tel 0543 743138 segreteria organizzativa)

Casa Artusi è gestita da una società consortile, di cui fanno parte il Comune di Forlimpopoli, la Provincia di Forlì-Cesena e la Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, a sostegno di progetto condiviso di promozione e di sviluppo culturale ed economico del territorio.


Romagna Fulltime Soc.Coop.Consortile P.le Vittoria 23 - 47121 Forlì Tel.0543 378075 - Fax 0543/378036 P.Iva/ C.F. e n. R.I. Forlì-Cesena 03743870408 - A.Coop.M.P. n. A193705


Pacchetti turistici ROMAGNA FULL TIME Valid through: all year 2012 round minimum 2 people Avaliable on request INFORMATION, CONDITIONS and RESERVATION For GROUPS we are at your disposal FOR “TAILOR MADE” packages on request. DISCOVERING PELLEGRINO ARTUSI (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from euro 139,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at ***/**** hotel in Forlimpopoli, Bertinoro o Forlì Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Short cooking class with degustation on specific and suggestive recipes by Artusi: Principii, Fritti, Rifreddi, Tramessi … (1 hour long) Insurance, taxes and service fees WELCOME TO CASA ARTUSI (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 89,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at ***/****hotel in Forlimpopoli, Bertinoro o Forlì Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) “Artusiana” dinner at Casa Artusi restaurant (drinks not included) Insurance, taxes and service fees ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (A) (3 days/ 2 nights) Package price: starting from € 250,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 HB at the restaurant hotel “Al Vecchio Convento”, slow food inn and renowned hotel in Portico di Romagna, a medieval village situated in Romagna-Toscana, which was supposed to be Beatrice’s hometown (the beloved women of Dante Alighieri), with a typical artusiana dinner (drinks not included) Guided tour in Portico and meeting with the magician who will invite you to drink a glass of “laurino” 1 FB at the agriturismo “Conte di Campiglia” in San Godenzo (FI), with lunch and beer tasting and dinner with wine tasting Visit to San Godenzo Abbey and to the Church of Castagno d’Andrea Visit and tasting at the Vine and Wine Museum at the Villa di Poggio Reale in Rufina Insurance, taxes and service fees

ROMAGNA LAND OF TREASURES (UNESCO tour) (4 days, 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 340,00 per person in double room Price includes: Overnight stays and breakfast in a ***/****/****Sup hotel in Forlì an surroundings Guided tour to the UNESCO monuments in Ravenna (admittances included) Guided tour to the Malatestiana Library in Cesena and to the city centre (admittance included) Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and to Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Guided tour to Faenza and the International Museum of Ceramics (admittance included) 1 traditional lunch of Romagna 1 visit to a local farmhouse and traditional food and wine tasting Taxes, insurance and service fees ARTUSI AND TASTES OF ROMAGNA (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 125,00 per person in double room

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (B) (4 days/ 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 480,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Il Borghetto di Brola Relais du Silence**** in Modigliana Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Lunch with the special Artusiano menu Traditional dinner with La Casetta dei Frati wine tasting 2 nights in apartment with 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, private garden (all ordinary charges included: heating, bed and table linen, home breakfast basket) at Castello del Trebbio in Pontassieve Visit to the centuries old ageing cellars with wine tasting and Tuscan horsd’oeuvre tasting 1 romantic dinner with 4 course and 3 glasses of different wines Castello del Trebbio restaurant Insurance, taxes and service fees

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (C) (4 days/ 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 480,00 per person in double room

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Hotel Panorama, a charming hotel with a breathtaking sightseeing from the square “Balcony of Romagna”, Bertinoro. Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and to Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Guided tasting of typical products of Romagna in Casa Artusi A guided visit to a winery with wine tasting Taxes, insurance and service fees

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at *** hotel in Forlimpopoli Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Lunch with the special Artusiano menu at Casa Artusi restaurant 2 overnight stays and breakfast at B&B Fattoria Lavacchio in Pontassieve A 4 course dinner with 3 bio different wines (DOCG and IGT) by Lavacchio farmhouse Insurance, taxes and service fees

ROMAGNA HISTORY AND FLAVOURS (4 days, 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 280,00 per person in double room

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (D) (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 250,00 per person in double room

Price includes: Overnight stays, breakfast and dinner at agriturismo/hotel **/***/****/ ****Sup. in Forlì and surroundings Visit and tasting at a winery Visit and tasting at a oil farmhouse Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Guided tour of Faenza and of the International Museum of Ceramics (admittance included) 1 traditional dinner at a local restaurant Taxes, insurance and service fees

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at a central **** hotel in Firenze Guided tour to the Artusian places 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Il Borghetto di Brola Relais du Silence **** a Modigliana La Casetta dei Frati wine tasting with a food combination Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Traditional dinner (drinks not included) Insurance, taxes and service fees

On request we can provide quotations for single room, children reduction and 3rd bed

Pacchetti turistici ROMAGNA FULL TIME Valid through: all year 2012 round minimum 2 people Avaliable on request INFORMATION, CONDITIONS and RESERVATION For GROUPS we are at your disposal FOR “TAILOR MADE” packages on request. DISCOVERING PELLEGRINO ARTUSI (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from euro 139,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at ***/**** hotel in Forlimpopoli, Bertinoro o Forlì Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Short cooking class with degustation on specific and suggestive recipes by Artusi: Principii, Fritti, Rifreddi, Tramessi … (1 hour long) Insurance, taxes and service fees WELCOME TO CASA ARTUSI (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 89,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at ***/****hotel in Forlimpopoli, Bertinoro o Forlì Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) “Artusiana” dinner at Casa Artusi restaurant (drinks not included) Insurance, taxes and service fees ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (A) (3 days/ 2 nights) Package price: starting from € 250,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 HB at the restaurant hotel “Al Vecchio Convento”, slow food inn and renowned hotel in Portico di Romagna, a medieval village situated in Romagna-Toscana, which was supposed to be Beatrice’s hometown (the beloved women of Dante Alighieri), with a typical artusiana dinner (drinks not included) Guided tour in Portico and meeting with the magician who will invite you to drink a glass of “laurino” 1 FB at the agriturismo “Conte di Campiglia” in San Godenzo (FI), with lunch and beer tasting and dinner with wine tasting Visit to San Godenzo Abbey and to the Church of Castagno d’Andrea Visit and tasting at the Vine and Wine Museum at the Villa di Poggio Reale in Rufina Insurance, taxes and service fees

ROMAGNA LAND OF TREASURES (UNESCO tour) (4 days, 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 340,00 per person in double room Price includes: Overnight stays and breakfast in a ***/****/****Sup hotel in Forlì an surroundings Guided tour to the UNESCO monuments in Ravenna (admittances included) Guided tour to the Malatestiana Library in Cesena and to the city centre (admittance included) Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and to Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Guided tour to Faenza and the International Museum of Ceramics (admittance included) 1 traditional lunch of Romagna 1 visit to a local farmhouse and traditional food and wine tasting Taxes, insurance and service fees ARTUSI AND TASTES OF ROMAGNA (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 125,00 per person in double room

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (B) (4 days/ 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 480,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Il Borghetto di Brola Relais du Silence**** in Modigliana Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Lunch with the special Artusiano menu Traditional dinner with La Casetta dei Frati wine tasting 2 nights in apartment with 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, private garden (all ordinary charges included: heating, bed and table linen, home breakfast basket) at Castello del Trebbio in Pontassieve Visit to the centuries old ageing cellars with wine tasting and Tuscan horsd’oeuvre tasting 1 romantic dinner with 4 course and 3 glasses of different wines Castello del Trebbio restaurant Insurance, taxes and service fees

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (C) (4 days/ 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 480,00 per person in double room

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Hotel Panorama, a charming hotel with a breathtaking sightseeing from the square “Balcony of Romagna”, Bertinoro. Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and to Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Guided tasting of typical products of Romagna in Casa Artusi A guided visit to a winery with wine tasting Taxes, insurance and service fees

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at *** hotel in Forlimpopoli Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Lunch with the special Artusiano menu at Casa Artusi restaurant 2 overnight stays and breakfast at B&B Fattoria Lavacchio in Pontassieve A 4 course dinner with 3 bio different wines (DOCG and IGT) by Lavacchio farmhouse Insurance, taxes and service fees

ROMAGNA HISTORY AND FLAVOURS (4 days, 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 280,00 per person in double room

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (D) (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 250,00 per person in double room

Price includes: Overnight stays, breakfast and dinner at agriturismo/hotel **/***/****/ ****Sup. in Forlì and surroundings Visit and tasting at a winery Visit and tasting at a oil farmhouse Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Guided tour of Faenza and of the International Museum of Ceramics (admittance included) 1 traditional dinner at a local restaurant Taxes, insurance and service fees

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at a central **** hotel in Firenze Guided tour to the Artusian places 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Il Borghetto di Brola Relais du Silence **** a Modigliana La Casetta dei Frati wine tasting with a food combination Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Traditional dinner (drinks not included) Insurance, taxes and service fees

On request we can provide quotations for single room, children reduction and 3rd bed

Pacchetti turistici ROMAGNA FULL TIME Valid through: all year 2012 round minimum 2 people Avaliable on request INFORMATION, CONDITIONS and RESERVATION For GROUPS we are at your disposal FOR “TAILOR MADE” packages on request. DISCOVERING PELLEGRINO ARTUSI (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from euro 139,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at ***/**** hotel in Forlimpopoli, Bertinoro o Forlì Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Short cooking class with degustation on specific and suggestive recipes by Artusi: Principii, Fritti, Rifreddi, Tramessi … (1 hour long) Insurance, taxes and service fees WELCOME TO CASA ARTUSI (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 89,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at ***/****hotel in Forlimpopoli, Bertinoro o Forlì Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) “Artusiana” dinner at Casa Artusi restaurant (drinks not included) Insurance, taxes and service fees ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (A) (3 days/ 2 nights) Package price: starting from € 250,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 HB at the restaurant hotel “Al Vecchio Convento”, slow food inn and renowned hotel in Portico di Romagna, a medieval village situated in Romagna-Toscana, which was supposed to be Beatrice’s hometown (the beloved women of Dante Alighieri), with a typical artusiana dinner (drinks not included) Guided tour in Portico and meeting with the magician who will invite you to drink a glass of “laurino” 1 FB at the agriturismo “Conte di Campiglia” in San Godenzo (FI), with lunch and beer tasting and dinner with wine tasting Visit to San Godenzo Abbey and to the Church of Castagno d’Andrea Visit and tasting at the Vine and Wine Museum at the Villa di Poggio Reale in Rufina Insurance, taxes and service fees

ROMAGNA LAND OF TREASURES (UNESCO tour) (4 days, 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 340,00 per person in double room Price includes: Overnight stays and breakfast in a ***/****/****Sup hotel in Forlì an surroundings Guided tour to the UNESCO monuments in Ravenna (admittances included) Guided tour to the Malatestiana Library in Cesena and to the city centre (admittance included) Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and to Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Guided tour to Faenza and the International Museum of Ceramics (admittance included) 1 traditional lunch of Romagna 1 visit to a local farmhouse and traditional food and wine tasting Taxes, insurance and service fees ARTUSI AND TASTES OF ROMAGNA (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 125,00 per person in double room

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (B) (4 days/ 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 480,00 per person in double room Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Il Borghetto di Brola Relais du Silence**** in Modigliana Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Lunch with the special Artusiano menu Traditional dinner with La Casetta dei Frati wine tasting 2 nights in apartment with 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, private garden (all ordinary charges included: heating, bed and table linen, home breakfast basket) at Castello del Trebbio in Pontassieve Visit to the centuries old ageing cellars with wine tasting and Tuscan horsd’oeuvre tasting 1 romantic dinner with 4 course and 3 glasses of different wines Castello del Trebbio restaurant Insurance, taxes and service fees

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (C) (4 days/ 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 480,00 per person in double room

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Hotel Panorama, a charming hotel with a breathtaking sightseeing from the square “Balcony of Romagna”, Bertinoro. Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and to Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Guided tasting of typical products of Romagna in Casa Artusi A guided visit to a winery with wine tasting Taxes, insurance and service fees

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at *** hotel in Forlimpopoli Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Lunch with the special Artusiano menu at Casa Artusi restaurant 2 overnight stays and breakfast at B&B Fattoria Lavacchio in Pontassieve A 4 course dinner with 3 bio different wines (DOCG and IGT) by Lavacchio farmhouse Insurance, taxes and service fees

ROMAGNA HISTORY AND FLAVOURS (4 days, 3 nights) Package price: starting from € 280,00 per person in double room

ARTUSIANA ROAD FROM ROMAGNA TO TUSCANY (D) (2 days/ 1 night) Package price: starting from € 250,00 per person in double room

Price includes: Overnight stays, breakfast and dinner at agriturismo/hotel **/***/****/ ****Sup. in Forlì and surroundings Visit and tasting at a winery Visit and tasting at a oil farmhouse Guided tour in Forlimpopoli, Pellegrino Artusi native town, and in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking Guided tour of Faenza and of the International Museum of Ceramics (admittance included) 1 traditional dinner at a local restaurant Taxes, insurance and service fees

Price includes: 1 overnight stay and breakfast at a central **** hotel in Firenze Guided tour to the Artusian places 1 overnight stay and breakfast at Il Borghetto di Brola Relais du Silence **** a Modigliana La Casetta dei Frati wine tasting with a food combination Guided tour in Casa Artusi, a cultural gastronomic centre dedicated to the Italian homemade cooking (45 minutes) Traditional dinner (drinks not included) Insurance, taxes and service fees

On request we can provide quotations for single room, children reduction and 3rd bed

CASA ARTUSI Via A. Costa 27 FORLIMPOPOLI (FC) ITALY (+39) 0543 743138 mobile (+39) 349 8401818

Casa Artusi nasce nel nome di Pellegrino Artusi (Forlimpopoli 1820-Firenze 1911), letterato e gastronomo forlimpopolese universalmente presente nelle cucine italiane con il suo manuale La Scienza in Cucina e l'Arte di Mangiar Bene. La Casa, ricavata dalla ristrutturazione del complesso monumentale della Chiesa dei Servi, è una struttura di 2800 metri quadri, suddivisa in spazi con funzioni diverse, ma tutte riconducibili alle differenti espressioni della cultura gastronomica. La Biblioteca Pellegrino Artusi comprende: la Biblioteca Civica di Forlimpopoli, la Collezione Artusiana, la Raccolta di Gastronomia Italiana, biblioteca dedicata alla cucina domestica italiana.

GUIDED VISIT of Casa Artusi INDIVIDUAL: on reservation € 5,00 each person ROMAGNA VISIT CARD: € 3,00 each person GROUPS: every day on reservation (minimun 15 persons) € 3,00 each person

La Scuola di Cucina, comprende una sala didattica con 20 postazioni attrezzate e ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la conoscenza delle diverse tradizioni e cucine locali, i prodotti del territorio, l’educazione al gusto e l’insegnamento eminentemente pratico del saper fare. (tel 0543 743138 segreteria organizzativa) Il Ristorante Casa Artusi di Andrea Banfi e C. porta in tavola, con buon gusto, la cucina di casa; particolare attenzione è riservata alla pasta fresca e alle ricette della tradizione emilianoromagnola. E' suddiviso in piccole sale disposte su due piani, e può servire un centinaio di ospiti. (tel 0543.748049 chiuso il martedì) La Cantina è affiliata all'Enoteca Regionale Emilia-Romagna. Nello Spazio eventi Casa Artusi ospita meeting, assemblee e incontri, dispone di sale convegni da 15, 50, fino a 130 posti, dotate delle più moderne tecnologie. Casa Artusi offre consulenza per la creazione e l’organizzazione di eventi, anche per le aziende che desiderano motivare e premiare i propri clienti o collaboratori. (tel 0543 743138 segreteria organizzativa)

Casa Artusi è gestita da una società consortile, di cui fanno parte il Comune di Forlimpopoli, la Provincia di Forlì-Cesena e la Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, a sostegno di progetto condiviso di promozione e di sviluppo culturale ed economico del territorio.


Romagna Fulltime Soc.Coop.Consortile P.le Vittoria 23 - 47121 Forlì Tel.0543 378075 - Fax 0543/378036 P.Iva/ C.F. e n. R.I. Forlì-Cesena 03743870408 - A.Coop.M.P. n. A193705


CASA ARTUSI Via A. Costa 27 FORLIMPOPOLI (FC) ITALY (+39) 0543 743138 mobile (+39) 349 8401818

Casa Artusi nasce nel nome di Pellegrino Artusi (Forlimpopoli 1820-Firenze 1911), letterato e gastronomo forlimpopolese universalmente presente nelle cucine italiane con il suo manuale La Scienza in Cucina e l'Arte di Mangiar Bene. La Casa, ricavata dalla ristrutturazione del complesso monumentale della Chiesa dei Servi, è una struttura di 2800 metri quadri, suddivisa in spazi con funzioni diverse, ma tutte riconducibili alle differenti espressioni della cultura gastronomica. La Biblioteca Pellegrino Artusi comprende: la Biblioteca Civica di Forlimpopoli, la Collezione Artusiana, la Raccolta di Gastronomia Italiana, biblioteca dedicata alla cucina domestica italiana.

GUIDED VISIT of Casa Artusi INDIVIDUAL: on reservation € 5,00 each person ROMAGNA VISIT CARD: € 3,00 each person GROUPS: every day on reservation (minimun 15 persons) € 3,00 each person

La Scuola di Cucina, comprende una sala didattica con 20 postazioni attrezzate e ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la conoscenza delle diverse tradizioni e cucine locali, i prodotti del territorio, l’educazione al gusto e l’insegnamento eminentemente pratico del saper fare. (tel 0543 743138 segreteria organizzativa) Il Ristorante Casa Artusi di Andrea Banfi e C. porta in tavola, con buon gusto, la cucina di casa; particolare attenzione è riservata alla pasta fresca e alle ricette della tradizione emilianoromagnola. E' suddiviso in piccole sale disposte su due piani, e può servire un centinaio di ospiti. (tel 0543.748049 chiuso il martedì) La Cantina è affiliata all'Enoteca Regionale Emilia-Romagna. Nello Spazio eventi Casa Artusi ospita meeting, assemblee e incontri, dispone di sale convegni da 15, 50, fino a 130 posti, dotate delle più moderne tecnologie. Casa Artusi offre consulenza per la creazione e l’organizzazione di eventi, anche per le aziende che desiderano motivare e premiare i propri clienti o collaboratori. (tel 0543 743138 segreteria organizzativa)

Casa Artusi è gestita da una società consortile, di cui fanno parte il Comune di Forlimpopoli, la Provincia di Forlì-Cesena e la Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, a sostegno di progetto condiviso di promozione e di sviluppo culturale ed economico del territorio.


Romagna Fulltime Soc.Coop.Consortile P.le Vittoria 23 - 47121 Forlì Tel.0543 378075 - Fax 0543/378036 P.Iva/ C.F. e n. R.I. Forlì-Cesena 03743870408 - A.Coop.M.P. n. A193705


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