Erasmus+ meeting in France diary

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P The first day we went to Paris, the capital of France, there we visited the Eiffel Tower, one of the most important symbol of France. After we went to the train station to go to Saint-Avold.



After the travel on two different trains we went to Saint-Avold: the town where we spent that week for the Erasmus+.





The first day, in the morning, we did some funny and interesting activities for breaking the ice and working on the topic of the meeting, like an escape room, a t-shirt painting and a quiz on some important women in maths.

T In the afternoon we moved to the centre of the town, in front of the town hall, to do an exciting treasure hunt rebuilding the story of Saint-Avold.We also met the Major of the city

I think that it was one of the most interesting, funniest and important experience of my life, I enjoyed a lot meeting with other guys from foreign countries, I liked all the activities that the French team proposed and I liked visiting new places around France and Germany. In the end I would like to take part in another Erasmus project and I would like to meet all my foreign friends of this project. I miss them !!!

Green Tuesday In the morning, after arriving at school at 8:30 am, we immediately started with the presentation of the Unicef volounteers against gender discrimination. We had an initial conference about a little video we saw which showed the actual situation especially in India of little girls, who get married at the age of 14, have kids at the age of 16 and the same who never got to school. We even talked about Malala Youszafai, a famous Pakistan activist. She got known worldwide thanks to her blog where she used to write about Pakistan Taliban, she also won a Nobel Prize for peace. After some songs and even games, we finally started presenting to everybody the presentations of every country with a main topic about “a famous woman in your country�, our in particular was about Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut who became famous for being the first Italian woman on space. After we had the lunch in the canteen near the school, we were divided in eight groups for playing wheelchair basketball. It was very funny because it was the first (and probably the last) time I played basketball in that way, at the beginning a little bit difficult but at the end my team won! It was only the second day but it was the right occasion to become friends with everybody. After the prizegiving (and eating cakes during the break) we left the school at 5:00 pm for going to a pub in the center to stay with all the other friends. At the end, me and my host came back home.

Red Wednesday Wednesday was really a day full of things, in fact, after arriving at school at 8:00 am, we caught the bus for going to Metz, a very nice city situated on the North-East of France, chief town of the Moselle departement, about 118.000 inhabitants and very close to Luxembourg. In the morning we made a city tour, we visited the main square and a street full of shops. We visited the Metz cathedral (Saint-Etienne), the main church of the city. Inside it was really beautiful, one of the most famous French-Gothic structures, full of coloured windows and some decorations. 42 metres of height and 6500 metres of size. We also had a free hour and a half where we had lunch, we chilled along the main street, I also bought a Kenzo shirt! In the afternoon we all visited the Pompidou centre “colours adventures� , a very big museum dedicated to modern art. In my opinion the exposed works were beautiful, but really strange, I was not even able to understand some of the works, but me and my friends had a lot o fun together watching to them! The coming back trip in the bus seemed to last less than in the morning because we sang all the time, it was amazing! We came back at school at 6:00 pm and we finally got back home.

Yellow Thursday The 4th day was called Yellow Thursday. In the morning we finished the activity with the UNICEF volunteers talking about Malala and then later we carried out another activity on some of the pictures given to us by the teachers about discrimination problems. We were in groups of two , I was with a Romanian girl and we had to explain an image of a Muslim girl who was studying in a school different from that of her country, because there she could not attend the school. We ate in the canteen at lunch . There was kebab meat with fried potatoes and salad.We ate with the Portuguese girls and some French girls.After lunch we were divided by nationality and we learned the song written by all the delegations and then sang it with the music of guitarists. Then we recorded a video in which all the boys took turns singing their song. In the evening, my Italian group and other boys and girls went to the trampolines. That was really cool especially because it was possible to do some very difficult acrobatics without using the tramples.

Black Friday Our last day of the trip to France was my favorite because I spend a lot of my time with a Portuguese girl. On the morning we went to visit the American cemetery by the bus, where there were many tombstones to commemorate the dead of World War II. I liked it a lot because as exterior beauty it was really well done and very nice to see. But staying in that place made me think of all those people who died for the country and I regret that today many people go to visit the cemetery just as a tourist attraction and many do not even think of the people to whom it was dedicated. After we went back on the bus and we arrived in Sarrebruck where there was an exhibition dedicated to the queen Elizabeth. This exhibition has been placed inside an old steel industry.

Black Friday After that we visited the industry from the external side and in my opinion the view from that place was really beautiful. We spent the afternoon in the city center where my Italian group went with other girls in a supermarket where they bought so many clothes. I bought 3 pairs of socks and a white hat. Outside the supermarket we recorded a video where we sang our song. Back from Germany and arrived at school everyone started to say goodbye because it was the last day. Leonardo, other girls and boys and me went to eat at a Mexican restaurant in the evening , it cost a lot but going there was worth because I spent more time with Ana, the Portuguese girl who at the time of greetings I greeted in special way;) As a conclusion I would like to say that this trip helped me to understand how important it is to learn English and I think this trip was an incentive to concentrate more on languages.

bye bye

by LeonardoLorenzoRiccardo

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