IFES WorldView 4 / 2020

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The Official Publication of the International Federation of Exhibition & Event Services


Fresh impetus for the industry


62 Find your right partner around the globe

No. 4 | 2020 global collaboration network.
of Excellence of Excellence 1992-2019 1992-2019 years Vision, is a proud member of IFES and a full service exhibit company which has been offering exhibition stand designs, fabrication, installation, and storage of custom & portable stands, since 1992.
worldwide clients have allowed us to build a solid reputation for quality & long-term partnership, based on open communication & mutual respect. Visit our website at www.vision.gr and find out how we can inspire you in order to carry out your next project with devotion & responsibility!
46 INDEX 36 05 Editorial 06 What a year 0 7 Wha t is the biggest challenge in the upc oming decade? 1 4 What is y our goal? 18 People are social 20 IDIA – IFES Development + Innovation Award 36 IFES – Insights 54 Inspirations in 2019 62 Members List 2020 98 Imprint 20 50 03

Winds of Change

2019 was a year in which we were able to reach out to each other more, interchange more projects among our fellow members and most importantly, remain devoted and passionate on what we do daily. Masterclass 2019 was held in Rotterdam in December and it was a total success with attendees coming from all over the world.

YIFES w as launched this year, and the “millennial generation” is ready to make the necessary steps to continue the passion we have all so hard worked on and made possible all these year s.

New challenges lay ahead of us as a community this new decade, and together, we are confident that we will be able to surpass any ob stacles we may encounter.

The year will commence with EuroShop in February, where IFES no t only will have one of the largest booth spaces in the fair, but will be able to present to our industry the winner s of the IDIA Award and show wh y we remain the most prominent and largest association within our market.

A few week s later, we will attend EXHIBITOR LIVE in Las Vegas, where together, we shall meet and encounter the new trends the next few year s will dominate the global exhibition sector.

Our World Summit will take place in the vibr ant city of Ams terdam, where from inspiration, we shall discover the “Winds of Change”, and wha t we shall expect to confront the next few year s.

Our collaboration with the National A ssociations members of IFE S will continue to grow, and altogether we will be able to share more information to all of you.

The year could not end withou t our attendance at EXPO 2020 in Dubai, where we shall reach out to make our visits to the v arious pavilions a unique experience.

We are curious about the things to come!


What a year

The new decade starts for IFES with two major Shows –EuroShop and EXHIBITOR LIVE !

Nobody knows if we will have roaring twenties again, like in the last century, but the omens are favourable.

For sure the upcoming year s will be challenging. Sustainability, Digital Disruption, Gen X,Y,Z, Globalization – just to name some of the buzz-words. For sure the whole industry is expecting some Winds of Change.

In this times it is good that there is a partner who goes one step further, who points a direction, who explains the c onnections in excited times. IFES is such a partner: Together with all its members the association is collecting inf ormation, analyses them, asks for some advise from ou tside and points a direction. So its members are one step ahead when taking their decisions.

We wish you a joyful read and hope to meet you in per son real soon. UTA


IFES Board on:

Wha t is the biggest challenge in the upc

oming decade?

Different countries, different people, different expectations: A ll IFES Board members give there own perspective on the ques tion: Wha t is the biggest challenge in the upcoming decade. The answers are exciting and diverse, just like our indus try:

R abindranath Tagore, the first non-E uropean to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, once said “Inspir ation follows Aspiration” and with this motivating quote, I would like to share with all of you wha t my aspirations for the new decade ahead of us are.

Being over a decade with IFES now, and having gone through the channels of Marketing and PR Committee Chair as well as Member ship Committee Chair to finally reach the Presidency, has all owed me to understand how t o actively contribute with all the world, the true v alue of this associa tion.


With this in mind, my dream of executing and being able to c ontinue “sharing knowledge” w as made possible for those that t ook part in the successful IFES World Summit in Athens, Greece, “The Summit of Inspiration”.

Based on the above, I will c ontinue “inspiring” and looking in to new challenges by “aspiring” in making even more success ful projects the year s to c ome.

With major issues within our indus try such as new methodologies in logistics for the services we provide, sustainability playing a major role and how we can all contribute in this factor, and more importan tly, the ability to keep the human factor “alive” in order to avoid losing touch with one another, I aim to continue passionately and with more per severance, make this association even bigger and stronger by under standing and providing vital information to all of you.

The obstacles and challenges ahead of us can only be surpassed by comprehending our peer s and the developments in our market, which is wh y I plan to c ontinue having open communication and mutual respect for our partners worldwide.

No challenge will be easy, and e ven more, no goal will be met withou t a struggle, but just as I have worked and all these year s t ogether with all of you, I can only contemplate that we shall make this new decade an even more commendable one.

To my opinion the toughest challenge of this decade will be manpower. Attracting and re taining talen ts, both on the fl oor and in the office. Finding the right incen tive for new generations to turn to the exhibition industry and ge t “the fever”.

drive for change will escalate. O ur planet is on fire and the realisa tion that we have limited resources is fast sinking in. We are a very adaptable industry and I believe we can work t ogether to make exhibitions much more resource-efficient.

The exhibition industry is a huge w aster of resources. People fly in from far away to visit expos, they a ttend shows in venues that are massive consumers of energy, and they stay in venues that keep all the lights on day and nigh t. There is always more food ca tered for than is needed, and exhibition stands are often designed and built for a single applica tion. A ll of these factors make our industry very w asteful.

I believe in the next decade our industry’s ability to offer sus tainable solutions will be seriously questioned, and the

Vice President Marketing & Membership

It’s really really tough to pick just one. This new decade will again be a decade of tremendous change. Political instability, climate change, population migrations and technology will all significantly affect global business. Adapting to change will be the biggest challenge. Perhaps the one we have most control over is how we embrace and adopt new technology.

Over the last decade we’ve seen the emergence of tremendous technological innovation that has fundamentally redefined indus tries and businesses and altered the way we live and work. The rapid introduction and application of this wave of new technol ogy is going to accelerate in the next ten year s. Forward-thinking businesses and indus tries that keep abreast of new developments and trends will be the winner s. A lmost every business needs to now think of itsel f as a digital enterprise.

08 | IFE S Board

Torsten Heinze Vice President Strategy

Over the last century, our indus try has evolved and expanded into a professional service that is able to deliver, at an y time and any place in the world, solid and functional booth c onstruction. However, within the same period, we have only de veloped technologies and ma terials to achieve this demand, which w as marked by the ques tions “doable?” to “priceworthy?”. Thusly, up to the presen t day, we have followed clien t-driven requests withou t ques tioning wha t the impact of our collective project(s) is on our en vironment. Only in just the last t wo decades have we started implemen ting within our products and certifications services tha t allow us look a little more “green” beyond wha t we can readily admit. This mission is no t yet completed: instead of squee zing prices, we need a chip to bargain with in order to nego tiate a less impactful CO 2 emission than over cost-savings. CO 2 has become a trading good in other industries, which already carries a “value”, and the trade show industry has the knowledge and common power to de velop such a system; hand in hand with organizers, venues, supplier s, and stand builders.

The other change we will see

Carbon footprint by emails

A standard email: 4 g CO 2

An email with “long and tiresome attachments”: 50 g CO 2

It is estimated that the average office worker receives 121 emails per day and that half of these will be spam.*

Based on my own emails, the remaining half is almost equally c omprised of those with and withou t attachments (those with a ttachments predominantly have more than one). So…

60.5 spam emails x 0.3 g CO 2 = 18.5 g CO 2

30.25 standard emails x 4 g CO 2 = 121 g CO 2

30.25 emails with attachments x 50 g CO 2 = 1512.5 g CO 2

This means that a day’s worth of emails received is equal t o 1,652 g CO 2

And that one year’s worth of emails received equals 603,393 g CO 2 = 0.593863329 or 0.6 tons CO 2

To put this into perspective, the total yearly carbon footprint of the average person living in India is approx. 1.5 tons CO 2 .*

These are current figures which consider the v arious sources of energy, and they will certainly improve over the next decade, but it will not be reduced anywhere near 50% by the end.

The key to finding a solution in avoiding CO 2 emission is by employing local resources (IFES is a perfect tool for this), re-using constructions and materials, and by smart design c oncepts – hopefully with the support and commitment of tho se who need the exhibits: our clients. By the w ay, have you ever heard of NEON Core R3? Maybe we’ll have a digital t win soon to help us in achieving our mission quicker than we thought.

* h ttps://globalnews.ca/news/3395457/this-is-how-much-time-you-spend-onwork-emails-every-day-according-to-a-canadian-survey/

** h ttps://climateoutreach.org/resources/walking-the-walk/

over the next few year s is the impact of digitalization incorporated into the live experience and around events. We already can feel and see the changes in our per sonal lives, and we use these new technologies for our projects. The next level that is hit ting our industry will support our logistics, will help to automat-

ically construct and measure, and will bring our communications into a new dimension. While we are all so focused on our carbon emission, we should not forget that even digital tools create a carbon footprint by their sole use apart from just the physical production of the hardware.


S upplier and service commoditisation – Gradual commoditisation of partnerships with a fix ation on price over service and rela tionship between clients and supplier s. A race to the bottom in some areas of the supply chain that in some cases is opening the door for poor quality and lower operating standards.

S ustainability – In more de veloped economies, this is an area that if not already will rival qualit y, design and H&S standards/requirements as a clear benchmark for successful tendering and how as a sector will we respond when every indus try seems to be behind the curve of a client’s expectation.

world provides us today. The demand for the exhibitions is still going strong, maybe not as much as a platform for presenting products or telling about novelties, but as building your ne twork and connecting with people. We have had a natural need to get to know our clients in the real life, to build trust in the business relationships.

The question I have is, wha t is the status for exhibitions when the next generation, generation Z, will be actually the ones c oming to the shows in this decade ?

As the generation Z has access to social media platforms, web site builders, 3D printers, and drop shipping platforms which provides them with additional opportunities to start a business at a young age. The internet has provided a store front for Generation Z to sell their ideas to people around the world withou t ever leaving their house. This is a fact that will also influence our conventional marketing media. These young people are grown to communicate and build trust be tween each other online, like none of us before.

There are many far more significan t issues facing us gl obally in today’s world such as the environment, the consumption of natural resources, rapid growth in population, poverty, as well as many geopolitical circums tances that far outweigh tr ade show challenges. However, from a trade show perspective, my feeling is that one of the bigger challenges we will face in the new decade is engagement and relevancy with the generation entering the workforce t oday. Young people today do more research/shopping on their mobile devices on the products or services they seek and are not a ttending trade shows and e vents as much as previous gener ations have.

Ninni Arion Board Member Young IFES

I have been thinking how our indus try, in general, will develope in the future. Generations up till millenials have prefered f ace to face meetings despite the digital opportunities our

Will their companies marketing mix need exhibitions as our generations businesses do? What is the distruptive digital solution that will change our industry and when this change will happen? What I am afraid of is, that the change will be very fast. Are we read y for that?

This seems to be more pre valent with consumer shows than trade shows. Budgets are being frozen or reduced in order t o make room for searching out o ther methods to reach the c onsumer. Wha t is interesting is tha t those young people that do bec ome engaged with trade shows realize the v alue in face to f ace engagement, but it’s some thing that they have to experience before they can really see the potential.

Andrew Harrison Board Member Associations
10 | IFE S Board

Trade shows have been around since earlier than the silk road trade routes. Tr ade shows are still strong, and in my opinion will continue to be relevant. However, exhibits must now be more customer-centric, mul ti-sensory experiences that take advantage of “considered” technol ogy (not technology for the sake of technology) in order t o engage with the next generation audience. We, as promoters o f face-to-face marketing, will need to ensure that we determine w ays to continue to engage this particular audience and ensure that we stay relevant to their w ay of absorbing knowledge and making their buying choices.

To offer the best experience t o exhibitors and visit ors.

To crea te a world o f exhibitions and business meetings more rewarding, profitable, always more magical and appealing.

But sustainable development can also become a fantastic opportunit y for all of us.

Together, we can change our w ays to do our job, our w ays to work, our w ays to meet.


And above all for a more e thical world, that also has a meaning in our society, consistent over time.

So, it’s also essential to do things in good faith.

To perpetuate, and keep alive our trade (profession) that makes people meet on the exhibitions.

Do things properly, with respect for the environment, f or the social role of work.

This, we have all understood; so this new decade bears the hope of a better world.

En Français, beaucoup plus romantique


In other words, “what matters is not wha t you do, but the w ay you do it.”

Do things with pleasure, with passion.

To take into account the great challenge that concerns us all: sus tainability.

Sustainable development is certainly the greatest threat to our industry: We will change or we will decline.

« Le bonheur ne se trouve pas au sommet de la montagne, Mais dans la f açon de la gravir »


is not at the top of the mountain, but in how to climb. ”
12 | IFE S Board

What is y our goal?

Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary-General from 2007 to 2016, has stated in a November 2016 press conference that: “We don’t have plan B be -

The UN SDGs are not the reduction of CO 2 or “I refrain fr om eating beef”. The y are much wider and take into c onsideration that development is needed – even in the industry (SDG 9) which seems to be f orgotten in our days when the Media are concentrating rather on “Fridays for future” instead of

e xplaining the complexity in fu ture developments.

Ne vertheless, we have to take care of resources we spend. And we have to decide which are the s teps we are about to take when we decide of the w ay of travelling or the food we are offering during a convention.


the exhibition industry can contribute to the SDGs?

The industry has huge scale as each exhibition reaches tens of thousands of people. Exhibitions enc ompass all sectors of business, government, and civil socie ty, and a large v alue chain o f partners and stakeholders c ome together to put the

cause there is no planet B. This thought has guided the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”
14 | Wha t is your goal?

exhibition together. With such a wide audience and reach, the exhibition industry can have meaningful collective impact. The SDGs are touched in many differen t w ays: Through an exhibition’s theme, the w ay it is organized and operationalized, and the w ay it is supported by its supplier s and partners.

What is UFI doing in this initiative to support industry participation?

Early 2019, UFI started gathering bes t practices to spread awareness of the SDGs and how the indus try players are contributing t o catalyze a sustainable future f or all. Three templates were proposed:

Type I: Exhibition Theme: How the theme of the exhibition c ontributes to the SDGs

Type II: Exhibition Operation: How the operator of the exhibition contributes to the SDGs

Type III: Company’s Operations: How a company’s own operations contribute to the SDGs

A first summary report w as released in J une 2019, around Gl obal Exhibitions Day, and a sec ond data collection process le t to a new ver sion of the report produced in 2020. This report is freely available for download ufi.org/industryresources/research/

The whole concept w as also shared for use by the J oint Mee tings Industry Council, to expand the compilation to other segmen ts of the event industry.

Another approach for S ustainability in the Exhibition Industry: ISO 20121

To tackle the world’s problems mo st effectively, people need to c ombine their energy and act t ogether. The visual world of the In ternet and social media crea tes grea t new possibilities, but does no t remove the efficiency, buzz and sheer enjoyment of the f ace-to-face contact offered by e vents. And, by the w ay, virtual ne tworks are with impact on Carbon footprint.

Events come in all shapes and sizes. From rock concerts to the Olympic Games. The annual mee ting of an association of small and medium-sized en terprises, to international trade f airs. A village barbeque to raise money for a school outing, to a political summit of global

leaders. Events can be “just for a good time” (and there’s nothing wrong with that!), or they can provide the occasion for the signing of international treaties or commercial contracts, achie ving sporting records, or crea ting understanding between differen t communities, countries and cultures.

However, there can be a downside to events. The “great time we had today” can leave an a ftermath of problems for tomorrow. When people get together, particularly in large numbers, they can put a strain on local resources such as w ater and energy, and create significant w aste, or tensions related to cul ture or sheer proximity with neighboring communities. An added challenge is the number o f different partners and supplier s involved in organizing and servicing an event. In response, individual event professionals and companies


have begun developing tools to address one or several of these challenges.

This is the point where ISO 20121 comes in. It has been de veloped by representatives of this same sector on an international scale. It tackles the event indus try’s challenges in all three dimensions of sustainability, at all stages of its supply chain.

Wha t makes it so difficult t o use is the “one size fits all” problem since it is reaching ou t to all actors involved in the organiza tion of an event, at all stages of the supply chain, including the following:

Event organizers

Event owners


S upply chain (such as ca terers, stand constructors, tr ansport companies)



Regulatory bodies Communities.

So, it helps to improve the S ustainability of a company or an event a lot. On the other hand, t o run through the whole procedure is extremely time

consuming and frightens off a l ot of companies to take this process management into c onsideration.

So, if a company asks itself: which are the steps that helps to support UN SDG 12 “Responsible C onsumption and Production”

mo st, the look at figures in the priv ate sector can help:

A lmost nobody is discussing it: B ut to lower Carbon footprint Service companies should take

their own energy management in consideration for a change. How are offices heated or chilled? Are solar plants existing on flat roofs? Wha t kind of windows are used: single glass or triple isolated glass?

And there is another approach: IFE S in itself is a sustainable acceler ator. Connecting members helps sourcing locally, avoids transports and respects social labor rules.

Carbon footprint of private households

12,2 % other services

36 % living

13 % other products

12,3 % nutrition

26,6 % transportation

© Statistisches Bundesamt
16 | Wha t is your goal?
D ' \\\ MEISSNERCONCEPT. Analysis + Conception Design + Architecture Presentation + Media MEISSNER EXPO. lndustriestroBe 11 25469 Holstenbek Germany Fon: +49 (0)4101-30047-0 moil@meissner-expo.de www.meissner-expo.de ,{" .....-: ""' \<t;,, '..:.'(, .,, + ...,,._v; /, ,. MEISSNER EXPO. Planning + Implementation Production + Logistics Storage + Full Service I..... MEISSNER EXPO CONSULT. Workshops + Training Evaluation + Optimization Consulting+ Monitoring MEISSNER EXPO.

People are social

The Future Report 2020 of the Zukunftsinstitut, an ins titution in which a number of people work with “Horx” in their surnames, is entitled “Our Fucking Future” and deals with the attitude to life of millennials in the wil d times of climate conflict.

Tristan Horx, a cultural and social anthropologist, puts forward three theses that can help to rethink the generational discourse.

1 Generations are part of a continuum – and are becoming less and less important in the social debate. The first two digital generations will come together to fight for their future.

2 The future affects everyone, young and old, and in the rapidly changing society “digital” skills play a major role. The adaptations that younger generations have already produced are important. For example, the “bullshit filter”: the ability to sense and “sort out” fakes, exaggerations and

functionalizations of the media. The generations should learn to appreciate this together.

3 It is good that generations Y and Z finally have something to rebel for. For people who have been looking for a good reason to rebel for a long time, the climate crisis seems damned suitable for it. The Friday-forFuture feeling also unites with the generations to come. So, when we speak of “our” future, we mean humanity as a whole – and the youth of tomorrow who will inherit the world.

In particular, Horx challenges the cliché that “generations Y and Z basically hate people because there was no “real” interaction on

WhatsApp and Facebook, and the human factor would somehow be “l ost”. Studies show that younger people even prefer analog communication at work.

Perhaps it is necessary t o bring t ogether the abilities of analog and digital communication in order to achieve a promising c ooperation in our medium, live c ommunication. Because one thing is clear, people born around the turn of the millennium are increasingly finding themselves as visit ors, exhibitors and service providers at trade f airs and events.

So, it takes a little more than smartphones to change the fundamen tal way people are connected. People remain social beings at the end.

18 | People are social


Development + Innovation Award

What is the IFES Developmen t + Innovation Award?

The IFES Development + Innovation Award (IDIA) honour s products, projects and services that represent ou tstanding ne w de velopments f or the tr ade f air and event industry. The focus here is on the benefits in daily use as well as innovative strength, costeffectiveness and sustainable use.

The applications were awarded under the following criteria:

Gr ade of Innovation / Development

Please rate here how high the innovation performance or the further development through the submission is.

Ec onomical benefit / Advantage of use

ment should also take into acc ount how long the period of time until early adopters can imita te the submission is likely t o be.

The award celebrates groundbreaking innovations, developmental improvements, outstanding implementations and visionary plans and studies that “s tand out from the crowd.” IDIA focuses on the development, planning and use of special materials, outstanding production processes and innovative services.

The award not only celebrates the developers of products or solu tions, but also companies tha t improve processes and make innovative use of existing products and services.

How economically sensible is it to use the submission?

What is the economic advantage? These are the questions tha t should be included in the e valuation.

S ustainability / Ecological Impact

The point here is to assess the sus tainability of the submission. The focus will be on ecology, bu t also on CSR.


The USP aims to evaluate the c ompetitive advantage offered by the submission. The judge -

Hannes Bäuerle is co-founder

o f the materials agency raumPROBE OHG, Stuttgart, Germany, a leading institution in the field

o f materials consulting for architects, planners and the c onstruction industry.

The independent IDIA Jury
22 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award
accordex.com Exhibits Events Retail If you’re reading this, you’ve already helped us increase our brand visibility. Now it’s our turn to help you. accordex.com Exhibits Events Retail If you’re reading this, you’ve already helped us increase our brand visibility. Now it’s our turn to help you.

In the Stuttgart exhibition, more than 50,000 sample exhibits can be proverbially understood.

Bäuerle is active at the na tionwide chamber of architects as a specialist consultant, a t universities with teaching assignmen ts, and regularly lectures on a v ariety of material topics.

Silke Schulte has been working in the trade fair industry for more than 30 year s. Her interdisciplinary knowledge distinguishes her as an industry expert.

Schul te worked as graduated associa tion manager for the FAMAB Kommunikationsverband e.V. for 28 year s, serving 8 year s as deputy managing director. S he steered FAMAB’s ADAM & EVA Award program (today’s Br andEx Award) in the field of architecture, from category iden tification to evaluation criteria to jury selection and adjudica tion. A s part of the de velopment of the SUSTAINABLE COMPANY industry certifica te, she gained insight in to the importance of economic, ec ological and social sustainability which she views as a challenge for temporary architecture.

Benedict Soh , Chairman of Kingsmen Creatives Ltd, Singapore, is the recipient of the pres tigious EDPA Hazel Hays Award in recognition of outstanding service to the exhibition industry. Soh is dedicated t o opening new business opportunities and has more than 40 year s’ experience in the design and production of in teriors, exhibitions and marketing communications. Soh also serves on private and public bodies, and committees for educa tion and general business. In 2012, he received the Singapore Tourism Board Award for ou tstanding contributions to life time tourism.

responsible for customer de velopment at Bray Leino Events in North America. She has lived and worked in the events indus try on both sides of the Atlantic since 1991. Her experience helps clients understand the unique differences in parti ci pa tion abroad and ensures tha t they create experiences for optimal success in building their br and worldwide. J amie holds a po sition on the EDPA Board.


Peter Theodorides is President o f IFES (International Federation of Exhibition and Events Services) with over 30 year s’ experience in the exhibition and c onvention business. Born in Car acas, Vene zuela, he graduated from the American School in Vene zuela and has been running a company in Greece for over 27 years.

Please find the winner s at the f ollowing pages.

Zavoral-Brown , Business De velopment Director, North America-Br ay Leino Events, is
24 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH P.O. Box 10 10 06 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany Tel. +49 211 4560 01 Fax +49 211 4560 668 www.messe-duesseldorf.de www.euroshop.de Euro Shop YOUR LIVE COMMUNICATION WOODSTOCK – GET THE FEELING AT THE NO . 1 ! THE EXPO & EVENT MARKETING DIMENSION AT EUROSHOP 2020. THE WORLD’S BIGGEST TRADE FAIR FOR LIVE COMMUNICATION. 16 – 20 FEB 2020 DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY IT’S YOUR LIVE!

1 st

place: mon tECOlino RECYCLING CARPET

Montecolino has developed a carpet management s ystem for Fiera Milano where they have obtained the certificate of 100% recyclability of their products. A fter the exhibition or the event the products are turned into new plastic products. Stop to the dumps f or a sustainable future in the fair sector, following the concept of Circular economy as defined by Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation.

26 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award

For this project Montecolino has de veloped a carpet management system for Fiera Milano. At the show ground are over 1,5 million m 2 of carpet installed per year The developed system all ows to install over 80.000 m 2 and the removal of over 120.000 m 2 in a working-night.

The activity of carpet removal begins immediately after the end o f the show before the stand buil ders begin to dismantle the boo ths.

The carpet is picked up having care to turn it upside-down to remove foreign matter. The carpe t is folded up and grouped in specific points of the halls.

The delivery to the pressing cen ter takes place in the same nigh t of the show ending.

The material is compacted bef ore the delivery to the rec ycling facilities in order to reduce freight cost. The collected material is compacted for reducing the volume of transport and it is worked in a ray of 1 00 kms by the fair site to be turned into PP granulate that will be transferred to the plastic indus try as raw material.

Statement of the Jury


C ARPET shows exemplarily how sus tainability can work in the exhibition industry: Ecological and economic advantages reach ou t to each other, creating a fu ture-oriented process.


2 nd place: JMT circular furniture

c oncept – t ogether with Plastic Whale and Vepa

While the current line of Plastic Whale’s furniture is not ‘rental proof’ due to the heavy weigh t, the size and the fragility, Plastic Whale and Vepa are currently working hard to bring the successor to their high-end collection to the market.

28 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award
Plastic Whale Circular Furniture by Vepa set

To get started with circular furniture right away JMT offers the “Felt” series. A lso developed and produced by Vepa and winner of the Green Product Award 2018, is already available. 60 PET bottles receive a second life in each Felt tub. The process from PET bottle to Felt scale is one of upcycling, making this chair extremely suitable for circular furnishing concepts.

Partnering up with this great initia tive challenges JMT to keep l ooking at other things within our

organisa tion which we can do be tter, more efficient or in a more responsible w ay to bec ome more sustainable. And the funny thing is, more sustainable is often more efficient.

For example, finding a better w ay to transport or package our furniture is on the one hand more efficient, but on the other hand also more sustainable.

Products remain in a better s tate which automatically leads t o less repairing, cleaning and pain ting, which means less use

o f w ater, heat and electricity and it also leads to a longer ‘life’ and perhaps less transport movements because of the more efficien t w ay of packaging. And this is just one example, sus tainability and efficiency go hand in hand.

Statement of the Jury

The best ideas are often very simple. And this concept is one of this kind of ideas. C ongratu la tions!

Detail Plastic Whale table
Mood with Felt chair
Meeting room setting with Felt chair


FOTOBODEN™ is a photorealistic printed vin yl fl ooring for trade fairs, stands and events. It is used for large area floor advertisement, visual communication and for decoration. It is eas y to use, long-lasting, and has a brilliant appear ance. The product w as developed by visuals united AG, Germany, and is patented in the core European markets.

3 rd
30 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award

Before the invention of Fotoboden there w as no custom prin ted vin yl flooring. The only options for custom flooring for tr ade shows were printed carpe ts, floor-stickers or pain ting. Carpets have usually l ow printing resolution. Fl oor-stickers can hardly be used for large areas: one needs a perfectly even surface and a l ot of time to apply them. P ainting is, of course, the c ostliest option. The material is a 2mm-thick cushioned vin yl flooring. It has a hard, anti-slip (R10) surface, especially designed to adhere with ink. By using large format digital printing, it is possible to crea te photorealistic designs with 1,080 DPI.

Fotoboden is 100% recyclable. I t is a vin yl flooring that can bec ome, via recycling, a new vin yl flooring. 100% of the product is turned into a high-qualit y flooring again. The production w aste and all products that are returned to visuals united are being recycled free of charge for our customers. Even Cradle-to-Cradle projects are using the flooring.

Statement of the Jury:

The printed flooring material give new marketing opportunities on show grounds and during e vents which were extremely c ost intensive before. This will help in times of never ending budge t discussions.


R unner up:

Expocloud collects performance data just like google analytics: With Event Metrics sensors the service detects automatically and GDPR compliant the behavior of trade show visit ors. The collected da ta is available in real time either in the Portal

ExpoCl oud or in the Insights App.

It captures visit or flows automatically. With Event Metrics an exhibitor can use data to rate the perf ormance of its live-communication-actions at the touch of a bu tton. For this a small sensor is placed at your trade fair booth. It captures, privacy compliant, the behavior of the event visit ors based on WiFi technology.

This data is available in real time on the platform. With the collected information you can analyse visit or behavior at the booth, optimize the trade fair c oncept and assess the success o f the live-marketing actions

based on defined KPIs. Event Me trics offer a long-term and v alid decision basis for the s trategic direction of live-communication.

Expocl oud helps to collect and analyse Key da ta, jus t like google analytics does in online marketing, of your entire exhibition stand. I t can focus on separ ate areas like c ounters, meeting poin ts or terminals, as well as individual exhibits.

Statement of the Jury

Looking at the shift of Marketing

B udgets, Expocloud is a tool to prove and improve the quality of Live-C ommunication. Using this t ool will bring a new thrill in the R OI of Exhibitions + Events.

Brand Awareness Interest
32 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award

R unner up: Paperwood by

Using “Paperwood”

The nature of the board makes it an ideal material to use in the expo industry, for activation’s, bulkheads in retail environment and signage. The board is made from recycled pulp, using products not harmful to the en vironment and is 100% rec yclable. The board comes in v arious thickness’s – typically 8mm to 16mm and is cut or f olded to make up structural elemen ts. The board is printed direct and can also be laminated.

The board is an engineered fiberboard manufactured from po st consumer paper w aste. The finish is either print ready white or craft.

The natural, fiber based board c onsists of the high crush s trength craft core sandwiched be tween the liners, offering designer s and board convertors a VOC free alternative to MDF, particle board or rigid of foam filled plastic sheeting.

J oining of boards during c onstruction there are v arious options available. Most common used are locks made from the board, threaded bar and nuts and bolts. To strengthen a span, aluminum channel bar is used. P ost event the board can either be re-used or rec ycled.

Statement of the Jury

Paperwood is a smart alternative t o heavier or less sustainable w all elements. It helps to make tr ade shows more Eco-firendly.

we are able to design and build tempor ary s tructures quickl y, cleanly and more cost effectivel y.
34 | IFE S Development + Innovation Award

IFES insights


IFES Global Village

In 2020 IFES is exhibiting together with 13 of its member s at EuroShop. A s one of the biggest Exhibit ors the GlobalVillage can be found in Hall 4, S tand E39.

But the Global Village is more than just a joined Pavillion. Here the international Exhibition indus try has its homebase. Furthermore, it showcases the premier of the IDIA Award. The Award honours the best developments and innovations in the event industry for the first time.


| EuroShop
Sponsors Hub
Your exhibition partner in Africa // We offer innovative turnkey solutions for exhibitions and events. // Johannesburg // Cape Town // Port Elizabeth // Durban // Botswana // Rwanda // Eswatini // Ethiopia // Kenya // Lesotho // Mozambique // Namibia // Nigeria // Zambia // Zimbabwe Distributors Branches www.scandisplay.co.za 39

Some of the Highlights a t the Global Village

Sunday, 16.02.20

11:30 Han Leenhouts

“In the temple of Live c ommunications”

At Euroshop potential and existing exhibitors will be treated with the best suppliers in the exhibition world who all do their bes t to gain the visit ors’ trust. Mo st people w ant to grow their business, grow their network or spread their ideas. They need c ommunicative platforms to achie ve that. Both engaging and energizing. You will find that at the show floor. The best stands and concepts all ready in time f or and matching your goals and budget.

Not many will talk about the las t station, the last step. The human beings who make the final and last conversion from c ontact into contract. How does tha t work? How to turn a nice c oncept into an awesome c oncept which makes you spend even more budget next year on Events and Tr ade Shows. C ome to the session of Han Leenhou ts from the Netherlands and find out the importance of the Human Factor.

15:30 Dr. Bonnie Higgins + Mitch Blessing

“Exhibit Design Education in the United States“

In academia, Bemidji State U niversity (BSU) in Minnesota, US A, boasts one of the selected few design programs in the en tire na tion tha t prepares young designer s specifically for the exhibition and event industries. S ince the early 1990s, the BSU Experien tial Exhibit Design program has educated a steady s tream of qualified specialized designer s, ready to accept job po stings all over the world. In additional to US nationals, recent Experien tial Exhibit Design gr aduates include citizens of Malaysia, Moldova, China, India, Nepal, J apan, Uzbekistan, and man y other countries.

16:00 Guided Tour English

16:30 IFES Blue Hour

sponsored by Coastal

Monday, 17.02.20

10:00 Newcomer/ YIFES

Breakfast @ IFES Global Village

11:00 Guided Tour for YIFES

12:30 Ketaki Maadan

“Hire Leader s for what they can do, not what they have done” How can Youngsters contribute t o the exhibition industry.

With a background of media s tudies and film production, I had never thought this would be the line of work I would be the mo st joyous in. For me, the work is wha t brings in my ROI, but the people within it are wha t makes me w ant to stay here and learn abou t the global capacity of ca tering to people and their br ands.

14:00 Sophie Chénel

“Paper in architecture and art – a way to sustainability”

Through many examples, paper is an important source of inspir ation for architecture and design as well as a real sustainable media to make temporary architecture.

Procédés Chénel gathers artis ts, architects and designers on to many projects to test its paper s in order to improve knowledge, increase creativity and happiness in the creation process.

Through this trends review, and this marvelous journey among paper artists Procédés Chénel w ant to share its sustainable solutions with its creative c ommunity.

40 | EuroShop

14:30 Jeff Hannah

“Cultural Frameworks”

Na tional culture is one of the mo st ignored aspects of in ternational trade show programs. Neglecting subtle nuances in cross-cultural business can be devastating, as unrealized components of cul ture can damage business rela tionships and nullify marketing efforts. Recognizing that all business is conducted within the “c ontext of culture” helps one to see things from a t otally differen t per spective. This session provides a brief overview of the v arious dimensions of culture which should be considered when exhibiting in other countries, such as:

e thnocentric v s. cultural

c ontext approach individualism v s collectivism

age v s. youth

per spectives on time

power distance index

c ommunications – verbal and non-verbal gender views and masculinity index

15:00 Hannes Bäuerle

“materialREPORT 2020 –Latest trends and material developments”

The keynote lecture will highligh t which surfaces, materials and c olours are currently in use or will be in trend in the future with numerous practical examples. The focus is on the topic of ho tels. The latest design c oncepts of boutique hotels, in ternational chains and o f course luxury homes will be shown.

The main focus is on the special use of materials. Various Top 10 lists will be presented, the most frequently requested ma terials at raumprobe.

In addition, selected new developments are presented, whose creative use designers can already look forward to today.

15:30 IDIA-Award Ceremony

@ Expo + Event Forum

16:00 Guided Tour English

16:30 IFES Blue Hour

sponsored by Coastal

Tuesday, 18.02.20

11:00 Guided Tour German

15:00 Dr. Christian

C oppeneur-Gülz

“D igitalization in Event-Marketing – Shall we leave the stage t o Google & Co.?”

With a clear focus on process optimiza tion, automation and measur ability, Online-Marketing is increasingly expanding its share of marketing budgets. A lthough the effectiveness of Event-Marketing is never called in to question, the event industry s till owes the quantitative proof. Learn how technologies like IoT (In ternet of Things) and the increasing digitalization enable the Event-Marketing to automate processes, increase efficiency and make its effectiveness measur able. Do we really w ant to leave the stage to Google & Co?

16:00 Guided Tour English

16:30 IFES Blue Hour

sponsored by Coastal

17:00 IFES Block Party

Wednesday 19.02.20

11:00 Guided Tour German

11:30 Elizabeth Niehaus + Christoph Rauch

“No Exhibit – no S how”

How are you dealing with the challenge of having more shipmen ts being delayed by lack o f capacity or bureaucracy?

How digitization is impacting the w ay exhibits and stands reach show destinations?

How exhibition & event l ogistics professionals meet the special requirements that stand designer s and exhibitors are f acing?

Join the session and find out new resources and w ay outs to difficul ties of customs imports in emerging countries or specific difficul t markets as Russia.

15:00 Paco Collazo

“Why consider LATAM in your program?”

Producing events overseas always has a bigger risk factor than when playing as a local, e ven if you have done it in the pas t or have gone to a similar c ountry, each new city has it trick s and secrets that can make it either a w alk in the park or a nigh tmare for you

16:00 Guided Tour English

16:30 IFES Blue Hour

sponsored by Coastal

Thur sday 20.02.20

11:00 Guided Tour German

12:30 Internationalisation in Tr ade show business

14:00 Panel Discussion

„The Future of Exhibitions in a Globalizing Market“

16:30 IFES Blue Hour

sponsored by Coastal

42 | EuroShop
“In total, there are almost 30 companies tha t t ogether contribute to the success of the Gl obal Village through their sponsoring. The v olume amounts to a third of a million Euros”
Thank y ou for sponsoring … 43



IFES will exhibit from 30 March to 01 April with 10 members at the Global Village. Here “residents” and visitors meet, exchange inf ormation, tackle one or more projects together or just have a cup of coffee. However, not only members, partners and friends are welcome to the “market of the international trade fair world.” If a visitor is interested in international business, he or she is in exactly the right place at the IFES Global Village.

EXHIBITOR LIVE is the most important conference and exhibition for exhibitors and trade fair service providers in America and represents an important ga teway to the American trade show market.

World Summit 2020 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Winds of Change


Tuesday, 23 June

Dinner @ Bierfabriek

Wednesday, 24 June

C ommittee Meetings

@ RAI + (Sustainable, Association, YIFE S)

Welcome to the WS 2020 & Lunch @ RAI

AGM | New Member Induction

Welcome Reception organized by YIFE S

Thursday, 25 June

Registration & Welc ome Coffee @ Compagnietheatre

K ai Hattendorf – UFI

Marius Smit and the boat story

Marius Smit PlasticFishing

BirdMan Fares Boustanji

Gala Dinner @ Compagnietheatre

Friday, 26 June

Peter v an Lier

Daan Roosegaarde

Laura Capell-Abra

Program & Handover to WS 2021

Saturday, 29 June

S aturday Tourist Program

© AdobeStock, Yasonya
46 | World Summit 2020, Ams terdam



RAI Amsterdam

is an international exhibition and conference organization.

S ince 1893, RAI Ams terdam has actively tried to create the right c ontext for inspiring meetings t o take place in and strong ties t o develop in.

As one of Europe’s busiest convention centers, RAI Ams terdam hosts around 600 exhibitions, conferences and (larger and smaller) events a year

The RAI is a non-stop business during the exhibition season, with a wide range of (international) people and equipment crossing paths in quick succession. Every day the RAI team works with its clients and suppliers to f acilitate v aluable encounters be tween people from around the world; meetings that stimulate the sustainable growth and

de velopment of people, markets and the environment. In doing so

R AI has designated three focal areas:

People & society

The RAI w ants people to perf orm to their best, serve as a safe place to meet and gener ate social return in order to stimulate the growth and development of those with whom the business in teracts.

S ustainable organisation & f acilitation

Zero w aste, climate-neutral operations and a sustainable product range is the aim so that an environment can be ensured that enables mee tings both now and long into the future.

S timulating development & growth

The active creation of

inspiring e vents tha t s timulate the sustainable growth and de velopment of people and marke ts in the Netherlands and abroad is one of the goals.

C ompagnietheatre

The Compagnietheater is housed in the former church of the Res tored Lutheran Congregation from the 18th century. The church w as permitted by the city c ouncil on the condition that the buil ding would not have the ou tward features of a church, with a tower and a clock.

After a period of v acancy, the former church w as renovated in 1995 to be a theater. Many high-profile performances by the theater company de Thea tercompagnie took place here until 2009 when it became a stage f or the next generation of artists, crea tors, and makers to

DRAFT COMPAGNIETHEATRE © Deen van Meer © Janneke Aronson

present art that reflects on the world around us.

Compagnietheater has the ambiance of an 18th-century mansion, combined with the modern appliances of a contemporary event venue. It is both hip and styled but above all w arm and welc oming. It is situated in the center of Ams terdam in w alking distance to the central tr ain station. Outside the Building the Canals of Ams terdam are fl owing, wha t makes the venue perfect for the IFES Summit.


Kai Hattendorf

“And now the wea ther - From UFI’ s perspective”, K ai will gíve an “indus try wea ther f orecast” in line with our ‘Winds o f Change” theme, covering the ongoing climate change in the e vents industry business models,

and share wha t will drive fu ture growth. Bring sunscreen. And an umbrella…”

Marius Smit

Smit is the founder o f the company “Plas tic Whale”, an initia tive that has se t itself the task o f clearing the Ams terdam canals of plastic w aste. But that’s no t all: the discarded bags, bo ttles, buckets - and everything else you can find - have turned in to heralds of excursions or, more recently, furniture. A ll clear upc ycling products that are far away from “eco charm”, but real design highlights. Smit uses his own example to show how you can win people over to your ideas by motivating yourself and belie ving in the project. Initially ridiculed as one of the many ec o-spinners, he now runs a c ompany with 30 employees and has sponsors like the city o f Amsterdam or PWC who

support his ideas for up-cycling plas tic w aste.

Fares Boustanji

The New Leadership Awareness is changing from doing to being!

Thrown off track by a burnout, the trainer, also known as “Bird Man”, sought a re treat as a falconer. It soon became clear to him: “You also have to communicate with birds – but this happens much more directly. Birds react much more sensitively to body language, voice modulation, facial expressions and gestures. Or to put it ano ther w ay: If I manage to get a bird of prey to trust me, I am also able to gain the trust of a human being. The art here is t o get involved with one’s own needs and to understand them intuitively.

Photo: Boudewijn Bollmann
48 | World Summit 2020, Ams terdam
Photo: www.mirre.nl, images lifetime



Dutch artist and innovator Daan


(19 79) is a creative thinker and maker of social designs which explore the relation between people, technol ogy and space.

He founded Studio Roosegaarde in 2007, where he works with his team of designers and engineer s towards a better fu ture. Together they develop ‘Landscapes of the Future’ buil ding smart sustainable prototypes for the cities of t omorrow.

Roosegaarde: “I don’t believe in a utopia, I believe in a protopia: a prototype world that we are improving step by step. We do not know what the future looks like and what challenges that en tails. What we do know is that there is no way back. If we do not invest in new ideas, we will die. We are all part of the prototype.

Le t us not be afraid, but be curious and work together.”

Roosegaarde has been driven by nature’s gifts such as light emit ting fireflies and jellyfish since an early age. His fascination for nature and technology is reflected in his iconic designs such as Waterlicht (a virtual fl ood) and Smog Free Project (the largest outdoor air purifier in the world which makes jewellery.

Laura Capell-Abra

This engaging and interactive session will encourage individuals to become more aware as to their wellbeing and business leaders to think differently about the wellbeing of their team. The Don’t Just Be methodology will be discussed and each attendee will walk away with an action plan as to how they are going to put their biggest asset centre stage.

Value based design, key to groundbreaking exhibition projects A f ocus on br and and cultural v alues is an enduring successful basis for developing groundbreaking projects for high profile international clients. The search for the client‘s DNA - for wha t lies at the heart, wha t makes it tick. A complex of influences certainly. But filtering through we find a single essential emotional v alue or two that c onnect the client or story with the time, location and visit ors of a project - resulting in innovative spa tial concepts and experiences. The presentation is a visual and imaginative journey through some spectacular project examples, ranging from large scale automobile industry presen tations to World Expo pavilions for nations.

Photo: Willem de Kam Pieter van Lier

EXPO 2020 – VIP trip to the first World Exhibition in an Ar abic Country

EXPO 2020 runs 173 days from Oct ober to April, and in addition t o the theme, the subthemes, “Opportunit y, Mobility and S ustainability” will provide additional opportunities for inspir ation and discovery.

Once again, IFES is planning an inspirational study trip to the World EXPO. Our VIP program will include a guided tour fea turing behind the scenes background information from pavilion organizers, opportunities t o exchange ideas and network with industry colleagues, and perhaps best of all, “Easy Access” to the highlights of EXPO 2020 – saving you from hour s of w aiting in the scorching sun of Ar abia!

D ubai – the first World EXPO in an Ar ab country!

The IFES Study Tour will host an arrival dinner on 6 December and three days of visits to the EXPO, 7 – 9 December, with guided tours, VIP status, networking, lunches and evening program. An optional desert excursion is available for 1 0 December.

| Dubai – EXPO 2020
“Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” is the theme of EXPO 2020

EXPO 2020 Dubai – Connecting Minds, Creating the Future

6 mon ths exhibition

20 October 2019 – 10 April 2020

190 national Pavilions

The World EXPO combines the introduction of the Ar ab culture, with incredible architecture, in ternational friendship and business possibilities.

3 dedicated areas: Mobilit y S ustainability Opportunit y

Study Trip EXPO Dubai Join the family: 06 - 09 December 2020

Exclusive insights & fast-track access to the main pavilions

Ne tworking in an inspiring and unique surrounding Making of – Background information

Study Trip EXPO Dubai Including:

Acc ommodation in 5*****-Hotel, incl. Breakfast for 4 nights

EXPO visit, incl. entrance fee and transfers

VIP-program + background information

Se veral meals (lunch/ dinner)

Tr avel cancellation expense insurance


Sunday, Dec. 6 th

Individual Arriv al and Welcome Dinner

Monday, Dec. 7 th

Visit EXPO (guided tours, VIP-status) Incl. Lunch Evening program/Dinner

Tuesday, Dec. 8 th

Visit EXPO (guided tours, VIP-status) Incl. Lunch Evening program/Dinner

Wednesday, Dec. 9 th

Visit EXPO (guided tours, VIP-status) Incl. Lunch Evening program/Dinner

Thursday, Dec. 10 th

Optional Extension Program „Day in the desert“: Experience an incredible day in Dubai and surroundings. Get a feeling for the culture and let the days at the EXPO c ome to a memorable end.


Price List

Single traveller / 1 st person in double room (6 – 9 Dec, 2020)

Member: EUR 2.590.-

Non-Member: EUR 2.890.-

2 nd person in double room (6 – 9 Dec, 2020)

Member: EUR 1.290.-

Non-Member: EUR 1.490.-

Extension program (10 Dec, 2020)

Single Tr aveller: EUR 490.-

2nd person in double room: EUR 250.-

JA Lake Vie w Hotel 5*****-Hotel

Newly opened in September 2019:

Two pools with swim up pool bar

Several restaurants plus roof top bar for unique dining experiences

9-hole Golf course

800m private beach

Near the EXPO area

52 | Dubai – EXPO 2020
RECYCLING CARPET Via Stazione Vecchia, 110 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) Italy Tel. +39.030.983361 - Fax + www.montecolino.it - info@montecolino.it

Inspirations 2019

IFES Global Village a t the EXHIBITOR LIVE

February 25 – 27, 2019

During the EXHIBITOR LIVE , IFE S and 7 of its member s presen ted at a pavilion in Las Vegas (Mandalay Bay C ongress Center). It once again lived up to its name “ Gl obal Village”: it w as like a good village where “residen ts” and visit ors met, e xchanged ideas, wen t on some projects t ogether or just had a cup o f c offee.

This made the Global Village a special kind of community participa tion. The companies presen ted themselves on an area of 90 m². However, not only member s, partners and friends were welc ome at the “Market of the International Tr ade show World. If a visit or w as interested in the global trade show business, he or she w as in exactly the right place with us,” said Gore tzky.

Since w armth and hospitality have always been a top priority a t IFES and the familiar atmosphere has always been emphasised, there w as a hospitality area throughout the fair that in vited visit ors to come back and s tay for a while.

Flashback 56 | Flashback

At this stage we want to thank our Sponsors:



IFES, invited the industry to A thens f or the 21 st World Summit

June 26 – 28, 2019

After the official Annual General Meeting and presentation of the 13 new members, some 250 guests accepted the invitation to a party over the rooftops

o f Athens at Lycabettus Hill. The World Summit Opening Night as a prelude is a fixed part of the e vent, as is the Gala Diner which w as situated at a peninsula in the middle of the Ionian Sea.

For the second time, the World S ummit w as preceded by the S ustainable Starter: a mini c onvention about sustainability. This year, the winner s of the Ufi S ustainable Award presented their award-winning projects.

The speakers’ line-up w as also true to the motto “Summit of Inspir ation”: Pure Inspiration.

D imitris A. Tsouchlos inspired with extensive experience in managemen t, psychology and team dynamics and accompanied the audience on a transformative journey. 40% of our state o f mind depends on our

beha viour – this has to be activel y used.

Myrto Dimitrou, Origami Mas ter, showed with the help of a Din A4 sheet wh y communication can go wrong every day. A s a social anthropologist, she c ombined Greek folk art with the Japanese art of paperfolding and an educational program: Re thinking.

The “Design Ambassador” Vassilios Bartzokas introduced f our extraordinary Greek architects under the heading “The Greek Inspiration”. Ermis Adamantidis, Director at Not a

Number Architects, presented spa tial installations through to urban planning. Helen Brasinika, designer & co-founder at BllendDesign& Research Office, presen ted the architectural link be tween creation and environment. Dimitris Koliadimas, owner/creative director at Semio tik introduced “The Volvo Ocean Race” and Ilias Papageorgiou, Greek architect and f ounder of PILA, “Mini living!” Jochen Wit t (JWC Consulting) can look back on a success s tory of many year s in the r anges fair strategy, price

58 | Flashback

structuring of fair achievements, B usiness development, planning and building of meeting places and Business Intelligence. A s desired, his presentation w as a follow-up to the World S ummit in Chicago and with a f ocus on China.

Pe ter Economides presented a motivating and appealing narr ative based on a strong belief and v alue system, which o ffers a strong brand and c ontrols it while defining external expectations. And Charles P appas discussed how the World Expo sitions changed life.

P anagiotis Podimatas dealt with the thought “When the ec onomy drives your creativity” using the example of the Athens Fligh t Week before Dr. Christian C oppeneur-Gülz in a fascinating lecture asked himself whe ther we should leave the stage to Google & Co.

The Eugenides Foundation, as a venue, has been committed to scien tific and technical education for more than fifty year s and is looking forward to a future with completely renovated and renewed facilities by creating a mul ti-storey education centre to

the highest standards in the Faliro Delta. Dimitris Protopsaltou, General Director of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation’s Cultural Centre, invited to an informative virtual tour of the Foundation before the Y-IFES ( Young IFES) presented itself and its aims.

The impressive Hand-over to Ams terdam, World Summit 2020 (25- 27 J une) concluded the three-day event.



6 th MasterClass

Rotterdam, Dec 1 – 3, 2019


The 6 th MasterClass, a state-of-the-art seminar sho wing market trends and improving presentation skills, took place in December in Rotterdam.

60 | Flashback

The undisputed highlight w as the falkner Fares Boustanji, be tter known as the Bird man. I t quickly became clear to B oustanji that communicating with birds must be done much more directly than communicating with humans. Birds react much more sensitively to body language, voice modulation, f acial expressions and gestures. B oustanji puts it another w ay, “If I manage to get a bird of prey t o trust me, I am also able to gain a person’s trust. The art here is to get involved with one’s own needs and to understand them intuitively.”

Han Leenhouts and JeanPierre Brouwers, the two mas terminds of this year’ s Mas terClass, and Riemer R ijpkema, Chairman of CLC Vecta, are well known among tho se in the Dutch live communica tions scene. In three days they mediated and collaborated with international participants t o define: “What stands out and helps most in differentiating from the competition,” How t o proceed in the fight for the marke ting/sales-Euro” and “How to find solutions to overcome the Top 10 refusals from customers” – all of this, within the framework of sus tainability.

This recent IFES MasterClass was somewhat different in location and form. The meeting took place on the SS Rotterdam, a 60-year-old luxury liner firmly moored as a museum event space in Rotterdam Harbour. A look out of the porthole provided new inspiration and the hospitality of Rotterdam provided the necessary relaxation.

62 | IFES Members List 2020

Members List 2020


IFES Members List Find your Partner in the Global Collaboration Network

IFES is the international federation of national associations and individual companies active in the design, conception, production and services used at exhibitions, tradeshows and events. IFES provides a platform of global collaboration achieved through networking and sharing knowledge.

The following pages provide you with an easy way to find IFES Members by country, region and city. We are also providing information on major exhibition centers so you can easily see which IFES Member is situated next to an important trade show place. This List starts on degree


of longitude “0” and moves to the East.

In addition you will find information related to the venue capacity on a global scale provided by the UFI World Map of Exhibition Venues. Venue Capacity is an important element for the exhibition industry and the resulting economic developement it generates.

Our association’s strength lies in our ability to provide a platform for knowledge and experience exchange among industry peers and to support your business initiatives. While IFES supports you to expand your networking value,

you need to actively participate and contribute to the association. It is a “Give and Take” philosophy and we encourage you to use the network by collaborating on projects abroad since this will help you to gain recognition from the whole IFES community.

Nowadays, IFES represents more than 270 members. To satisfy customers’ needs in the exhibition and event industry is one of the core objectives. To achieve this, IFES passed its code of which IFES Members have to sign up before being accepted as a member.

Exhibition and Events Mean Business
UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry 17 Rue Louise Michel 92300 Levallois-Perret www.ufi.org European Exhibition Industry Alliance Rue de l’Amazone 2 1050 Bruxelles www.exhibition-alliance.eu
12700 Park Central Drive, S uite 3 08, Dallas, TX, 75251 USA www.iaee.com
ASSOCIATIONS AT IFES Mexico | AMPROFEC Medellin 338 2° piso – Col Roma S ur Entre Bajio y Tehuan tepec DF 06760 Mexico City www.amprofec.org Czech Republic | AVF Fisova 28 602 00 Brno www.avfcr.cz USA | EDPA Experiential Designers and Producers Association 19 Compo Road South Westport, CT 06880 www.edpa.com 64 | IFES Members List 2020

Iran | ESBAT

Exhibition Stand Builders

Association of Tehran

no 4-73 – Sheikh Bahaie

S homali – Vanak, Molsadra Tehran, 1995854415


Belgium | Febelux

Association for the Live Communication Industry Place de la Belgique 1 1020 Brussles



66 Spain & Portugal 68 France

70 United Kingdom 71 Scandinavia 72 The Netherlands 73 Belgium

74 Germany

78 Austria, Switzerland & Italy

80 Eastern Europe

United Kingdom | ESSA

Event Supplier and Services Association

119 High Street

Berkhamsted HP4 2DJ Herts



11 Rue Friant 75014 Paris


82 Greece & Turkey

84 Russia

86 Northern A frica & Middle East

88 South A frica

89 India

Austria | I.M. Austria

Switzerland | Expo-Event. Live Communication Verband Schweiz

Kapellenstraße 14, 3001 Bern


Schlickgasse 4/1/4-5 1090 Vienna


90 China

92 Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, S ingapore, Vie tnam & Thailand

93 Japan & Korea

South Africa | EXSA

Ground Floor, Gallagher House, Gallagher Estate, Richards Drive, 1685 Midrand


South Korea | KEDA

Korean Exhibition Design Ins tallation Association

Dong Woo Kim 3F, Seong ji Building

23 Samsung-RO 104-GIL, Gangnam-GU 135-878 Seoul www.keda.in

94 Argentina, Brazil, Colombia & Mexico

96 Canada & USA


Described country

Germany | FAMAB

Kommunikationsverband e.V.

Berliner Straße 26

33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück


Turkey | SSTD

Exhibition and Stand

Designer s Association

Evren Sanayi Mah.

Hoşdere Yolu No:37 34510 Esenyurt, Istanbul

Main trade show venues in the country

IFES Members in the country

www.sstd.org.tr City

1 1

Spain & Portugal


Difer Event Crafting 2 www.difer.es

Grupo ALC 6 www.grupoalc.com

2003 Dylunio, S. L. 2 C/ de l’Or n 38 Entresuelo 08012 Barcelona www.dylunio.es

Mr. Eliseu Sancho eliseu.sancho@d ylunio.es

Expoforma 1 www.expoforma.com

Expomedia 1 www.expo-media.com

Grupo Intermedio 3 www.intermedio.es

NOE BARCELONA (NOE GROUP) 2 www.noebcn.com

4 for everything 1 Puerto de Cotos, 18, Móstoles 28935 Madrid www.4foreverything.com

Mr Miguel Angel Barr agan Rodriguez miguelangel@4foreverything.com

M&P Stands 2 carrer Pere IV nº 29-35, plan ta 1, puerta 6 08018 Barcelona www.mpstands.com

Mr. Roger Nin Puntonet roger@mpstands.com

MEMBERS PORTUGAL CBS – Creative Building Solu tions SA 4 www.cbs.pt

Expoforma 4 www.expoforma.pt

OBJECT MAKERS, LDA 5 www.objectmakers.pt

Stands offer custom built stands for any booth size or budget delivering a unique conception of idea and a stress-free experience.
Project Exhibition Stands Events Contact: mkt@mpstands.com Phone +34 93 426 00 99 www.mpstands.com
Since 1989 Located
Barcelona, Madrid, Frankfurt and Milan Turnkey
Bilbao SPAIN PORTUGAL MOROCCO MEDITERRANEAN SEA FRANCE Zaragoza Barcelona Madrid Valencia ATLANTIC OCEAN Maia Porto Lisbon Murcia Spain & Portugal Halls Hall-capacity OutsideWebsite 1 Bilbao Exhibition Centre BEC1 6 108.000 m 2 6.500 m 2 bilbaoexhibitioncentre.com 2 Feria de Zaragoza 88.480 m 2 35.000 m2 feriazaragoza.es 3 Fira Barcelona Montjuic 118. 000 m 2 firabarcelona.com 4 Fira Barcelona Gran Via 8 203.106 m 2 firabarcelona.com 5 Feria de Madrid (IFEMA) J uan Carlos I 12 200.000 m 2 ifema.es 6 Feria Valencia 17 223.090 m 2 feriavalencia.com MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² 29 9 6 VENUE
SMALL less than 20.000 sqm MEDIUM 20.000 –100.000 sqm LARGE more than 100.000 sqm 2 3 4 5
© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018, 2018 67 1 6
4.4 % 9.7


LARGE more than 100.000 sqm

6.5 % 14.2 %



France 65

SMALL less than 20.000 sqm



Agence R2 Stand 1





4, rue Louis de Broglie, P arc de l’esplanade 77400 St Thibaul t des Vignes www.galis.fr

MEDIUM 20.000 –100.000 sqm


344, rue J ardin Colar

34130 Lansargues


Mr Nicolas Crestin nc@duodisplay.com

Mr Quentin Nicaud Quentin.Nicaud@galis.fr

Mythiqs 1 www.mythiqs.fr

OSSATURE Production 3 www.ossature-production.com

Procédés Chénel 1

70, rue Jean Bleuzen

92170 Vanves


Ms. Sophie Chénel




Sommer Needlepunch sas 4






| IFE S Members List, Europe
© ufi
World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018

1 Paris Le Bourget

2 Paris expo Porte de Ver sailles

3 Paris-Nord Villepin te

4 Eurexpo Lyon

5 C ongrès et Expositions de Bordeaux (CEB) 6 Parc des

Hall-capacity 80.000 m 2 202.036 m 2 246.312 m 2 138.336 m 2 81.897 m 2 48.895 m 2 Outside Web site viparis.com viparis.com viparis.com eurexpo.com bordeaux-expo.com montpellier-events.com Halls 5 8 10 4 MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² 69


Abbo tt Fox Ltd 1 www.af-grp.com

Backstage Synergy 1 104 Queens Road RH19 1BD www.backstagesynergy.com

Mr. A lessandro Barbisotti alex@backstage-catering.co.uk

Bray Leino Events 3 Old Rectory Filleigh Devon, EX32 0RX www.brayleinoevents.com

Ms. J oanna Hilliard jhilliard@brayleino.co.uk

C ORE Exhibitions 4 www.core-exhibitions.com

DSA Design 5 www.wearedsa.com

Freeman Corporate UK 2 www.freemanuk.com

MEMS International Ltd 1 www.mems.co.uk

RB Design & Display Ltd 1 www.rbdisplays.co.uk

Smart AV (UK) Ltd 6 www.smart-av.com

Whitespace Exhibitions Ltd 1 www.skylinewhitespace.com

UK IRELAND Birminham London Devon Ludgershall Stratford upon Avon Harlow Coventry
United Kingdom 1 National Exhibition Centre 2 Olympia London 3 ExCeL Hall-capacity 198.983 m 2 43.000 m 2 100.000 m 2 Website thenec.co.uk ec o.co.uk excel.london MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² | IFE S Members List, Europe United Kingdom 1.9 % 4.2 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF EUROPEAN VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE © ufi – World
Venues, 2018 70
Map of Exhibition



0.7 % 1.5 %


© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018


Wulff Entre Ltd 1

Riihitontuntie 7 C 02200 Espoo


Ms. Ninni Arion

ninni.arion@wul ffentre.com


Messetjeneste AS 2 www.messetjeneste.no


Wulff Entre Ltd. Filial 3

Telefonvägen 30, v aning 1

12626 Hägersten


Ms. Ninni Arion

ninni.arion@wul ffentre.com

NORWAY RUSSIA FINLAND SWEDEN DENMARK GERMANY BALTIC SEA Helsinki Stockholm Goteborg Herning Copenhagen Oslo Padborg Scandinavia 1 Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre Messukeskus 2 S tockholmsmässan 3 Svenska Mässan 4 Messecen ter Herning 5 Bella Center Hall-capacity 57.800m 2 66.500 m 2 41.000 m 2 110.000 m 2 45.000 m 2 Website messukeskushelsinki.fi stockholmsmassan.se svenskamassan.se mch.dk bellacentercopenhagen.dk MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M²



JMT 5 Oliemolen 2, 4671 HB Dinteloord www.jmt.nl

Mr. Jean-Pierre Brouwers jean-pierrebrouwers@jmt.nl

KOPexpo 6 www.kopexpo.com



ENGLISH CHANNEL GERMANY LUXEMBOURG FRANCE NETHERLANDS BELGIUM Flanders Brussles Amsterdam Utrecht Charleroi Tielt Kampen Eindhoven Ulvenhoud Dinteloord Schijndel Deventer Almelo Vaassen Rotterdam Deinze Gent Expo Team B.V. 1 www.expoteam.nl
Expovorm International BV 2 www
Specialists www.ges.com
GES Global Experience 3
Interiors & Exhibitions 4
Mansveld Expotech 4 www.mx.nl S ales & Pepper BV 7 Van der Hoevenplein 340 3072 MK Rotterdam www.salesandpepper.com
Han Leenhouts han@salesandpepper.com Tausch brand sensations 8 www.tausch.com The
BV 9 Teugseweg 13 7418 AM Deventer www.theinside-standbuilding.com
MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² Belgium 1 Flanders Expo 2 Brussels Expo 3 Charleroi Expo Hall-capacity 54.000m 2 114.400 m 2 40.000 m 2 Website flandersexpo.be brussels-expo.be charleroiexpo.be Halls 8 12 7 Netherlands 4 Ams terdam RAI 5 Royal Dutch J aarbeurs 63.060 m 2 102.000 m 2 rai.nl jaarbeurs.nl 11 11
Michael Hermans Michael@the-inside.nl Wit Design 10 www.witdesign.nl
NETHERLANDS | IFE S Members List, Europe 2 % 4.5 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF EUROPEAN VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE © ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018
The Netherlands



1.3 % 2.9 %


© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018


A&P Flooring Systems 11 (Art & Press Dimensions bvba) www.artandpress.be

Aluvision nv 12

Clemence Dosschestraat 44

9800 Deinze


Ms. Stephanie Tee taert stephanie@aluvision.com

beMatrix BVBA 11 www.bematrix.be

Expodoc 13


Publiganda nv 14

Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 717

9000 Gent


Mr. Steve v an Damme steve.vandamme@publiganda.be

| IFE S Members List, Europe 74
Hamburg Leipzig Frankfurt Nürnberg Karlsruhe Stuttgart Augsburg München Friedrichshafen Hannover Dortmund Düsseldorf Köln Berlin Bad
Bremen Halle/Westfalen Gütersloh March


Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 1 85464 Neufinsing bei München www.damboeck.de

Mr. Simon Damböck simon@damboeck.de

Beckmann Fair Partner GmbH 6 www.beckmann-gmbh.com

Messe Essen
Koelnmesse 9 Leipzig Messeglände Hall-capacity 87.000 m 2 170.000 m 2 463.275 m 2 78. 000 m 2 60.000 m 2 110.000 m 2 262.000 m 2 284.000 m 2 111.300 m 2 Outside 10.000 m 2 129.000 m 2 58.000 m 2 20 .000 m 2 43.000 m 2 100.000 m2 70.000 m 2 Website hamburg-messe.de messe-berlin.de messe.de messe zentrum.de westfalenhallen.de messe-essen.de messe-duesseldorf.de koelnmesse.de leipziger-messe.de Halls 11 26 24 9 18 17 11 5 10 Messe Frankfurt 11 Nürnberg Messecentrum 12 Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress GmbH 13 Stuttgart Tr ade Fair 14 Messe A ugsburg 15 Messe München 16 Messe Friedrichshafen 367.000 m 2 170.000 m 2 52.000 m 2 105.200 m 2 48.000 m 2 180.000 m 2 86.200 m 2 96.000 m 2 50.000 m 2 62.000 m 2 70.000 m 2 10.000 m 2 425.000 m 2 messefr ankfurt.com nuernbergmesse.de messe-k arlsruhe.de messe-stuttgart.de messeaugsburg.de messe-muenchen.de messe-friedrichshafen.de 12 15 4 9 12 16 12 Germany 9.3 %
1 Hamburg Messe und Congress
2 Berlin Expocenter
3 Deutsche Messe AG 4 Messecentrum Bad Salzuflen 5 Wes tfalenhallen
Düsseldorf 8
Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018
AKTIV KommunikationsMarketing GmbH 10 www.aktiv4u.de
Atelier Damböck Messebau GmbH 9


Bluepool GmbH 8


BTL Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH 5 www.btl.eu

CHRITTO International AG 6 www.chritto.com

conform GmbH 9 www.conform.cc

CT Creative Technology GmbH & Co. KG 8 www.ctgermany.com

Czarnowski GmbH 8 Schanzenstr. 39 D4 –D6 51 063 Köln


Mr. Torsten Heinze theinze@czarnowski.com

D4 Projekt GmbH 4 www.d4projekt.de

dcp Werkstatt für Werbung

GmbH & Co. KG 12


DEEG exhibition & more GmbH 6 www.deeg-more.de

Engelmann Messe & Design GmbH 2 www.engelmann-messebau.de

Europfast Internationale Spedition GmbH 8 www.europfast.com

Expo Display Service GmbH 7 www.expodisplayservice.de

Expo Speed GmbH 6 www.expospeed.de expoprojects KG 4 www.expoprojects.biz

Exposervice GmbH 5 www.exposervice.com

Heilmaier GmbH

Messedesign 9 www.messedesign.de

Holtmann GmbH + Co.KG 3 www.holtmann.de

i.xpo GmbH & Co. KG 5 www.i-xpo.de

Kühne+Nagel KN Expo & Event Logistics 6 www.kuehne-nagel.com

mac messe- und ausstellungscenter Service GmbH 7 www.mac.de

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 7 Stockumer Kirchstr. 61 40474 Düsseldorf

www.messe-duesseldorf.de Ms. Elke Moebius


Messe-Marketing/ Karla Juegel 9


Müller Messebau GmbH 13


OCTANORM Vertriebs GmbH für Bauelemente 8 www.octanorm.de

Public Address Exhibition & Design GmbH 7 www.public-address.com

Schenker Deutschland AG 7 www.logistics.dbschenker.de

schnaitt International Trade Fair & Exhibition Services 6 www.schnaitt.de



Design in Berlin GmbH 4 Am Winkel 13a

15528 Spreenhagen


Mr. J an Lechler j.lechler@designberlin.de

MC 2 Europe GmbH 5 www.mc-2europe.com

VOK DAMS.Events GmbH 5 www.vokdams.de

Werbebaugesellschaft mbH 7 www.werbebau.com

Duo Messesysteme GmbH 5

Ellerstr. 101, Geb. A3

40721 Hilden


Ms. Anja Kunze akunze@duodisplay.com

Meissner Expo GmbH 1 Industriestr. 11

25469 Halstenbek

mail@meissner-expo.de www.meissner-expo.de

Mr. Bruno Meissner

Meplan GmbH 9 www.meplan.de

ZEISSIG GmbH & Co. KG 3 www.zeissig.de

| IFE S Members List, Europe

Austria, Italy & Switzerland

MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² Austria 1 Messe Wien 2 Messe Wels 3 Messezentrum Salzburg 4 Congress- & Messezentrum Innsbruck 5 Messes Congress Graz Halls 4 21 5 6 Hall-capacity 58.000 m 2 60.000 m 2 40.000 m 2 40.000 m 2 40.000 m 2 Outside 98. 000 m 2 22.000 m 2 10.000 m 2 Web site mbg.at messe-wels.at messezentrum-salzburg.at cmi.at mcg.at Italy 10 fieramilanocity 11 fieramilano 12 VeronaFiere 13 Fiere di Parma 14 Bologna Fiere 15 Rimini Expo Centre 16 Fiera Roma 17 Fiera del Levante 8 18 16 43. 000 m 2 345.000 m 2 155.000 m 2 116.000 m 2 200.000 m 2 113.000 m 2 167.000 m 2 120.000 m 2 60.000 m 2 fier amilano.it fieramilano.it veronafiere.it fiereparma.it bolognafiere.it riminifiera.it fieraroma.it fieradellevante.it Switzerland 6 Messe Basel 7 Olma Messen St. Gallen 8 BERNEXPO Groupe 9 Palexpo 5 8 1 41.000 m 2 40.000 m 2 41.000 m 2 108.000 m 2 12. 000 m 2 100.000 m2 21.000 m 2 mch-group.com olma-messen.ch bernexpo.ch palexpo.ch | IFE S Members List, Europe
0.9 % 2.1 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF EUROPEAN VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE 1.4 % 3.1 % 6.6 % 14.6 % © ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018 Austria Switzerland Italy 78


blu donau atelier damböck GmbH 3


Bruckschwaiger GmbH 1 www.bruckschwaiger.at

EECS – Exhibition-EventCongress-Service GmbH 1 www.eecs.at

SCHIFF MESSEBAU GmbH 1 www.schiff.at

STANDout/ System Standbau GmbH 2 www.standout.eu


A&M Production 9 www.aemproduction.com

ABS Group srl 8 www.absgroupsrl.it

Backstage Hospitality Group 7 via Bissone 11

27 010 S. Cristina e Bissone www.backstagecatering.com

Mr. A lessandro Barbisotti alex@backstage-catering.co.uk



NGexhibitions 11 www.ngexhibitions.com

OPR S.p.A. 12 www.opr.it

STANDART SRL 7 www.standart.it


Campbell Live Communication GmbH 4


Nüssli (Schweiz) AG 5 www.nussli.com

Montecolino S.p.a. 10

Via Stazione Vecchia, 110 25050 Provaglio D’Iseo (BS) www.montecolino.it

Mr. Nico Fontana nico.fontana@montecolino.it

Stipa S.p.A. 7 www.stipa.it

Tecnolegno Allestimenti S.r.l. 7 www.tecnolegno.it

Z3 Live Communication AG 6 www.z3livecommunication.com

Innsbruck Graz St. Gallen Mailand Basel Bern Genf Verona Bologna Rimini Rome Bari Parma MEDITERRANEAN SEA ADRIATIC
Frauenfeld/ Hüttwilen Linz Olten Vittorio Veneto
Brescia Bozen
Reggio Emilia
GREECE GERMANY MOLDAVIA GEORGIA TURKEY UZBEKISTAN KAZAKHSTAN POLAND Poznan Brno UKRAINE Budapest MZ Plodiv Sofia Warschau Arad Kiew BULGARIA Walbrzych Bulgaria 4 InterExpo Center 5 InternationalMesse Plovdiv 42.000 m 2 64.500 m 2 95.000 m 2 en.iec.bg fair.bg/en 6 17 MAIN TRADE SHO W VENUES > 40 .000 M² Poland 1 MTP P oznan Expo Hall-capacity 108.000 m 2 Outside 35.000 m 2 Website mtp.pl Halls 6 Romania 6 Rom Expo Bukarest Exhibition Center 55.000 m 2 romexpo.ro/en/ 8 Czech Republic 2 Veletrhy Brno 11 0.000 m 2 80.000 m 2 bvv.cz 16 Hungary 3 Budapes t Fair Cen ter 380.000 m 2 hungexpo.hu | IFES Members List, Europe, Asia 45.000 m 2 80

Eastern Europe


Sun Drive s.r.o. 1 www.sundrive.cz


A.B.Z. S.C. 3 www.abz.com.pl

ELSTAR S.J. 3 www.elstar.poznan.pl

FM Team Sp. z.o.o. 3 www.fmteam.pl

Intermark Group Sp. z o.o. Sp. kom. 3 www.intermark.com.pl

Melinski Minuth Sp. z.o.o. 3 www.melinski-minuth.com.pl

PARTNER TARGI Sp. z.o.o. Sp. k. 3 www.partner.targi.pl

Public Address Polska Sp. z o.o. 6 www.public-address.com.pl

SENSATIONS WORLDWIDE Sp. z o.o. 3 www.sensationsworldwide.com

SQM Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. 3 www.sqm.eu

MEMBERS R OMANIA eXpo Design System, XDS 4 www.xds.ro

Kamrad Advertising 2 www.kamrad.ro

Smart Design Expo Sp. z o.o. 3 Sparagowa 12, Wy sogotowo 62-081 Prze zmierowo www.smartdesign-expo.com

Ms. K atarzyna Rzadkiewicz kasia@smartdesign-expo.com

MEMBERS UKR AINE Alpaca Expo Group, LLC 5 www.alpacaexpogroup.com

Greece & Turkey



Greece Turkey


A+E Prokaki 2 www.prokaki.com

Interform SA 3 www.interform.gr

OCTAPUS LTD 3 www.octapus.com.gr

Orphee Beinoglou S.A. 2 www.beinoglou.gr

PPDA archdesign group Ltd. 2 www.ppda.gr

Studio Image Expo 2 www.siexpo.gr

TIF-HELEXPO SA 3 www.helexpo.gr


A sel Uluslararasi Fuar Hizmetleri Ltd.Sti 1 www.aselexpo.com

Dizaynarti Mim Hiz. ve org. Ltd. Sti. 1 www.dizaynarti.com

EDI Design 1 www.editasarim.com

FUARDIZAYN Ltd. 1 www.fuardizayn.com

Sedef Grup (Mosem Tasarım ve Modüler Uygulamalar San.ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.) 1


Sothis Mimarlik A.S. 1


Stand Tasarim 1


Vision LTD 2 160, Lavriou Avenue 19002 Peania / Athens www.vision.gr

Mr. Peter Theodorides pt@vision.gr

TERMINAL Design and Space Solutions 1


1.7 % 3.8 % 0.6 % 1.4 %
© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018
| IFE S Members List, Europe, Asia

MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² Turkey 1 CNR Expo

Tüy ap Fair 3 Fuar izmir – Fair Izmir

Konya Chamber of Commerce

An talya Expo Center (AEC)

TURKEY Istanbul Ankara Izmir Thessaloniki Konya Antalya Athens
Hall-capacity 81.000m 2 120.000 m 2 75.000 m 2 66.000 m 2 40.000 m 2 Outside Web site cnrexpo.com tuyap.com.tr/en fuarizmir.com.tr en.kto.org.tr anfas.com.tr/ Halls 8 14 7 6 6 Greece 6 Thessal oniki International Fair 180.000 m 2 tif.gr


2.2 % 4.0 %



© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018




Com-Unit Group 1


Dart-Expo 1

Azovskaya str, bld 24/3, s tage 3, office 44, B usiness Centre Az ovsky 117452 Moscow


Mr. Pavel Korzhavin


EBR group 1


EMG INTERNATIONAL LLC (Expomaster Group) 1




ExpoGlobal Group Moscow 1


Petersburg Moscow BALTIC SEA
Kazan Tatarstan
MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² Russia 1 Lenexpo 2 ZAO Expoforum 3 Expocentre 4 A ll-Russia Exhibition Centre VVC 5 Crocus Expo Hall-capacity 40.000 m 2 40.000 m 2 105.000 m 2 132.700 m 2 226.339 m 2 Website lenexpo.ru expoforum.ru expocentr.ru/en vdnh.ru/en crocus-expo.ru | IFE S Members List, Europe, Asia

Expos-M LLC 2 Tazi Gizzata st. 3 420111 Kazan Tatarstan www.expos-m.com

Mr. Adel Nagumanov info@expos-m.com

Interform Design Spb 3 www.interform.spb.ru

INTERFORM EXPO LLC –Exhibition&Event Service 1 www.interform.ru

NEGUS EXPO International, LLC 1 www.eng.expoclub.ru

NOE RUSSIA (NOE GROUP) 1 www.noerussia.ru

Privet-Media LLC 1 www.en.privetexpo.ru

UFO Group LLC 1 www.ufogroup.ru


LARGE more than 100.000 sqm


SMALL less than 20.000 sqm


VARS Expo LLC 1 www.vars.ru 19

MEDIUM 20.000 –100.000 sqm

© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018

Northern A frica & Middle East

United Ar ab. Emirates

0.6 % 15 %


© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018


Expo sign 1 www.exposign.dz


United Group 2 www.ug-expo.com



Eclipse Group 6 www.eclipsegr.com

Barsa Design Co. 3

Hall 8C, Iran Wood Improvement Industrial Zone, Ahmad Abad Mostofi 33131 36686 Tehr an www.barsadesign.com

Ms. Irandokht Ghazinejad I.Ghazinejad@barsadesign.com

Chistafair Co. 3 www.chistafair.com

Kadmon-Brin ltd. 4 10 Ha’meyasdim St, P.O Box 206 73160 Moshav Mazor www.kadmon-brin.com

Mr Zeevik Brin Zeevik@kadmon-brin.co.il

MEMBERS SAUDI AR ABIA Must Bee 5 www.must-bee.com

Samaya Holding 5 www.samayaholding.com


BEAUTY SKY SERVICES LLC 6 www.beautisky.com

Creation House 6 www.creation-house.com

Dubai World Trade Centre 6 www.dwtc.com

Electra Exhibitions LLC 6 www.electrasolutions.com

ExpoGlobal Group Dubai (MES) 6 www.expoglobalgroup.com

Exteam Global Management FZC 6 www.exteamme.com

GLOBAL BRANDING Events & Exhibitions 6 www.globalbrandings.com

Maple Exhibition Organizing 6 www.mapleexpo.com

NOE EMIRATES (NOE GROUP) 6 www.noe-emirates.com

| IFE S Members List, Africa, Asia


A lgeria 1 Palais des Expositions (Pins Maritime) Hall-capacity 45.000 m 2 Outside 25.000 m 2 Website safex.dz Halls 6 Libya 2 Tripoli International Fair 40.000 m 2 tripolifair.com Egypt 3 Cairo Exhibition Grounds Nasr City 57.000 m 2 50.000 m 2 eeca.gov.eg 32 United Arab Emirates 4 D ubai International Convention + Exhibition Centre 5 Expo Centre Sharjah 80.000 m 2 80.000 m 2 dwtc.com expo-centre.ae 87


South A frica


0.7 %


16 %


© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018


369 Design 2 www.369-int.com

Compex Pty. 1 www.compex.co.za

Cape Town

MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² South Africa 1 Expo Centre J ohannesburg

2 Tshwane Events Centre

42.000 m 2 42.000 m 2


ConCept G Exhibitions @ Events (Pty) Ltd 1 www.conceptg.co.za

HOTT 3 Dimensional Marketing cc 2 www.hott.co.za

Resource Design 2 www,resourcedesign.co.za

SCAN Display Solutions 1 www.scandisplay.co.za



| IFE S Members List, Africa, India

India 1.0 %

© ufi



Axis Designer (P) Ltd. 1


Display House 2


INSTA Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd 2



702, Ruby Crescent Business

B oulevard, A shok Nagar

Kandivali (E)

400 101 Mumbai


Mr. Rohit Saraogi


PREZENS Advertising Pvt. Ltd. 2


Roots Global 2


Studio 360 1


Swift Corporation 1



1 Pr agati Maidan

2 B ombay

C onvention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)

3 BIEC Bangalore

I nter national Exhibition Centre

New Delhi
Hall-capacity 62.650 m 2 41.000 m 2 40.000 m 2
indiatradefair.com nesco.in biec.in
4.3 % 89
World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018


16.5 %

70 %



LARGE more than 100.000 sqm


SMALL less than 20.000 sqm


MEDIUM 20.000 –100.000 sqm



AMC (Exhibits) Ltd. 3 www.arconmarketing.com

Beijing Eagle International Exhibition 1 www.eagleinter.com

BVE Holdings Co. Ltd. 2 www.bvestand.com

Dolphin International Culture Media Group Co., Limited 1 www.dolphin-media.net

Encore Advertising Agency Shanghai Ltd. 2 www.encoreexpo.com

EXPO-ONE (CHINA) LIMITED 1 en.expo-one.com

Horizon Exhibition Co.,Ltd. 2 www.inhorizon.com

LANKAM BUSINESS SOLUTION CO., LTD. 2 5 Floor, Building A , Bl ock 5, NO. 128, Huayuan Road 200083 Shanghai www.lankamlink.com

Ms. Linky Liu linkyliu@ lankamlink.com

LINGTONG Exhibition System Co.Ltd. 2 www.ling-tong.com

Milton Exhibits Group 2 www.milton-exhibits.com

NOE CHINA (NOE GROUP) 2 www.noechina.com

Teeyoo Expo Asia Pacific Co.,Ltd. 2 www.teeyoo.cn

Xi’an Qujiang International Conference & Exhibition Center 4

www.qiceg.com/huizhan/ index.asp

YiMu Exhibition Services Co.,Ltd. 2


| IFE S Members List, Asia
© ufi –
World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018


1 S henyang International Exhibitions Cen ter (SYIEC)

2 New China International Exhibition Cen ter (NCIEC)

3 Na tional Convention and Exhibition Cen tre Tianjin

4 S hanghai World Expo Exhibition & C onvention Center

5 S hanghai New International Expo Cen tre 6 Na tional Exhibition & Convention Center (NECC)

Beijing Tianjin Chengdu Chongqing Yiwu Wuhan Guangzhou Shenyang Shanghai INDIAN OCEAN INDIA BANGLADESH PACIFIC OCEAN LAOS Hong Kong Xi‘an Shenzhen
Chongqing International Expo Centre
China Import & Export Fair Complex Guangzhou
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center 12 S henzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center Hall-capacity 105.200 m 2 106.800 m 2 200.000 m 2 240.000 m 2 200.000 m 2 404.400 m 2 120.000 m 2 190.000 m 2 110.000 m 2 84.000 m 2 340.000 m 2 105.000 m 2 500.000 m 2 Outside 100.000 m 2 Web site syiec.net ciec-expo.com mjcec.com shexpocenter.com/en sniec.net neccsh.com yiwu tex.com whicec.com cqcec.c om ciefc.com szcec.com/en Halls 16 16 9 MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² 91
7 Yiwu International Expo Center 8 Wuhan International Expo Centre 9 New International Convention & Expo Center

Australia, Indonesia, Mala ysia, Myanmar, Philippines, S ingapore, Vie tnam & Thailand 0.6

AUSTRALIA INDIAN OCEAN PHILLIPPINES MALAYSIA INDONESIA THAILAND VIETNAM Singapore Bangkok Ho-Chi-Minh Bumi Serpong Damai Kuala Lumpur Sydney MYANMAR Manila MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² Singapore 4 Ma trade Exhibition and C onvention Center 5 S ingapore Expo 130.000 m 2 102.000 m 2 mecc.matrade.gov.my singaporeexpo.com.sg Thailand 1 Bangkok International Tr ade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 2 IMPACT Muang Thong Thani Hall-capacity 53.000 m 2 140.000 m 2 Website bitec.co.th impact.co.th Vietnam 3 S aigon Exhibition & C onvention Center (SECC) 40.000 m 2 secc.com.vn Indonesia 6 Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) 130.000 m 2 ice-indonesia.com MEMBERS A USTRALIA Display Builders 1 www.displaybuilders.com.au Euro Displays Pty. Ltd. 1 www.eurodisplays.com.au Expocentric 1 www.expocentric.com.au Exponet 1 www.exponet.com.au MEMBERS MALAYSIA ES Exihibition Services SDN BHD 2 www.es-corp.co MEMBERS MYANMAR ES Signature Co., Ltd. 5 www.es-corp.co MEMBERS PHILLIPPINES Centrex Corporation 4 www.centrex.ph MEMBERS SINGAPORE Concept Coummunications 3 www.conceptcoms.com Kingsmen Creatives Ltd 3 www.kingsmen-int.com Studio Mojo Pte Ltd 3 www.studio-mojo.com | IFE S Members List, Asia, Australia
2.7 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF ASIA PACIFIC VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE Singapore © ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018 92

Japan & Korea


ENDLOS Co Ltd 1 www.endlos.jp

IDEA International Inc. 2

Senrichuo Twin Bldg. Bekkan 4F, 1 -1-4 Shinsenri-nishi-machi, Toyonaka-shi 560-0083 Osaka www.idea-intl.com

Mr. Christopher Dorn cdorn@idea-intl.com

NOMURA Co., Ltd. 1 www.nomurakougei.co.jp/english

Sakura International 2 www.sakurain.co.jp

welkam Ltd. 1 www.welkam.co.jp


NARA Design Co. Ltd. 3 www.naradesign.co.kr

Podo International Corp. 3 www.podoint.com

RISH IYAGI CO., Ltd. 3 www.rishiyagi.com

Sou th Korea 1 Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX ) Hall-capacity 108.000 m 2 Website kintex.com Japan 2 Makuhari Messe 3 Tokyo Big Sight 4 In tex Osaka ´ 72.000 m 2 80.660 m 2 70.000 m 2 m-messe.co.jp bigsight.jp intex-osaka.com MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M²
1.1 % 4.4 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF ASIA PACIFIC VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE Japan © ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018 93
MEXICO ARGENTINA Rio de Janeiro Sã o Paulo Buenos Aires URUGUAY GUIANA FRENCH GUIANA SURINAME BOLIVIA PERU VENEZUELA BRAZIL PARAGUAY CHILE PACIFIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEAN COLOMBIA Bogota Mexico City Guadalajara MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² Brazil 1 RIOCENTR O 2 Expo Center Norte 3 P arque Anhembi 4 São Paulo Expo Hall-capacity 78.000 m 2 76.000 m 2 100.000 m 2 Total Area O utside 242.000 m 2 Website riocentro.com.br expocenternorte.com.br anhembi.com.br saopauloexpo.com.br/en Halls 8 Argen tina 5 Cen tro Costa Salguero 6 La Rural Predio Ferial 40.000 m 2 45.000 m 2 1 0.000 m 2 centrocostasalguero.com larural.com.ar 6 10 | IFE S Members List, North America, South America 94

Argentina, Brazil, Colombia & Mexico

Brazil Mexico

2.3 % 63.7 %


1.4 % 6 %




Grupo de E ventos 2 www.grupodeeventos.com.br

Hotmacon –Projetos e Eventos 2 www.hotmacon.com.br


Dodecaedro Group 1 Av. Belgrano 873 - 5th floor C1 092AAI Buenos Aires


Ms. Marcela Medrano mmedrano@ dodecaedrogroup.com

NOE BRAZIL (NOE GROUP) 2 www.noebrasil.com

Surreal Promotional Arquithecture 2 www.surreal.com.br



DIPER DISENADORE S LTD 3 www.diper.com


Custom Display 4 www.customdisplay.com.mx

GPO Exhibits (GPO DISplay) 4 www.gpo-display.com.mx

Grupo Escato, SA de CV 4 www.escato.com

Grupo Omega (LatinoAmerica LAGO) 5 www.lagonetwork.com

SISTEXPO 4 www.sistexpo.com.mx

© ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018
MAIN TR ADE SHOW VENUE S > 40.000 M² USA 7 IX Center International Exposition Center 8 McCormick Place 9 J acob K. J avits Center 10 Kentucky Exposition Center 11 Mandalay Bay Convention Center 12 Sands Expo & Convention Center 13 Las Vegas Convention Center 14 Kai Bailey Hutchison Convention Center 15 Anaheim Convention Center 16 Georgia World Congress Center 17 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 18 NRG Park 19 Or ange County Convention Center 97.548 m 2 242.000 m 2 80.000 m 2 102.193 m 2 86.000 m 2 115.000 m 2 184.465 m 2 90.402 m 2 75.000 m 2 130.100 m 2 102.230 m 2 120.402 m 2 195.096 m 2 ixcenter.com mcc ormickplace.com javitscenter.co kyfairexpo.org mandalaybay.com sandsexpo.com lvcva.com dallasconventioncenter.com anaheim.net/1117/ Anaheim-ConventionCenter-Arena gwcca.org/gwcc mccno.com nrgpark.com/nrg-stadium occc.net Canada 1 International Centre Missisauga 2 Stampede Park 3 Palais des Congrès de Montréal 4 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 5 Toronto Congress Centre 6 Enercare Centre Hall-capacity 46.500 m 2 45.000 m 2 46.300 m 2 42.700 m 2 50.100 m 2 58.500 m 2 Outside Web site calgarystampede.com internationalcentre.com congresmtl.com mtccc.com torontocongresscentre.com enercarecentre.com Halls | IFE S Members List, North America 96 Canada & USA 2.4 % 10 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF AMERICAS VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE 19.7 % 84 % OF GLOBAL VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE OF AMERICAS VENUE SPACE AVAILABLE © ufi – World Map of Exhibition Venues, 2018
Toronto Montreal New York Missisauga Calgary Anaheim Las Vegas Dallas Atlanta Orlando Chicago Houston Louisville New Orleans Cleveland CANADA USA MEXICO PACIFIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEAN Boston Milwaukee Detroit Rochester Denver San Francisco Laguna Beach Mount Laurel, NJ MEMBERS CANADA accordex Inc. 12 1530, 46e Avenue H8T3J9 Montreal www.accordex.com Mr. Giacinto Laurelli glaurelli@acc ordex.com stevensE3 11 2101 Oxford Street East N5V2Z7 London, Ontario www.stevensE3.com Mr. Cam Stevens cams@stevensE3.com MEMBERS USA 3D Exhibits, Inc. 1 www.3dexhibits.com Access TCA 2 www.accesstca.com CEP Exhibit Productions, Inc. 1 www.cepexhibits.com Coastal International Inc 10 www.coastalintl.com CORT Trade Show & Event Furnishings 9 www.cortevents.com Czarnowski Exhibit Services – Corp. 1 2287 South Blue Island Avenue 60608 Chicago, IL www.czarnowski.com Mr. Bob DeFacci bdefacci@czarnowski.com DERSE 3 www.derse.com DesignShop Holdings LLC 13 www.teamdesignshop.com DIPER DESIGNERS, LLC 13 www.diper.com 97

Duo Las Vegas 9 6825 Speedway Boulevard S uite B105 Las Vegas NV 89115 www.duodisplay.com

Mr Sebastien The venin sales@duodisplay.com

EWI Worldwide 4 www.ewiworldwide.com

EXHIBITOR Media Group 5 www.exhibitoronline.com

Exhibitus Inc 6 www.exhibitus.com

Group Delphi 12 10 www.groupdelphi.com

Happy Projects US 6 www.happyprojects.us

Larry Kulchawik Consulting 7 www.larrykulchawik.com

Las Vegas Expo 9 www.lvexpo.com

Moss Inc 1 www.mossinc.com

Mueller International Exhibit Services Inc. 13 www.mies-inc.com/en/

Occurrent Marketing Inc 7 www.occurrent-marketing.com

RND Exhibits 1 www.rndexhibits.com

Southwest Displays & Events 8 www.southwestdisplays.com

Team One Display Services, Inc. 6 www.teamoneexhibitions.com

Willwork Exhibit & Event Services 2 www.willworkinc.com


Rue de l’Amazone 2 1 050 Bruxelles, Belgium



Dany Kupczik

John Pavek

COVER Uta Goretzky

DESIGN Meike Adler, Hamburg

FINAL ARTWOK scherrer, Hanover

PRINT PRODUCTION Metzgerdruck, Obrigheim

Laguna Displays 14 960 Skyline Drive Laguna Beach, California 92651 www.lagunadisplays.com

Mr. Steve Riches sriches@lagunadisplays.com

XS Worldwide Exhibits Inc. 15 www.xs-worldwide.com

Zenith LaborNet, Inc. 6 www.zenithlabornet.com








t o
IMPRINT | IFE S Members List, North America MEMBERS USA 98
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