School no 29 Galati

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Headmasters: The Principal: Bトネan Rodica Assistant Principal: Andronic Florin

The Secretariat

Classes: Elementary school: 24 classes Secondary school: 19 classes

There are approximately 1200 students in the school. There are 38 teachers (4 Romanian language, 1 Latin language , 4 maths, 3 physics, 2 history, 1 geography, 1 chimy, 2 biology, 4 English, 2 French, 6 sports, 1 technology, 2 religion, 1 music, 1 drawing, 3 informatics). All of them are amazing people that are good friends to the students. They learn us, first of all, how to be humans.

This school is number one of top 10 schools from our city. The students won a lot of contests and Olympics. Many of our teachers are known in the whole country. It’s a school with a good reputation. It has an Impact group that charity actions.

The Physical Laboratory

The Computer room

The Gym/ The Sports holl

The Library

We take part to the attractively activities.

The lessons propose by our teacher are atractive and intresting. She combine traditional and modern methods using the latest tehnology.

At school we write,we read, calculate, learn how to speak English and draw in Paint.

We take part to the attractively activities ‌.. and outside. .

We love and we protect the nature ! We are little ecologists

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