China Hotel Starlight Awards (Chinese)

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The 8th China Hotel Starlight Awards 本届评选活动现正接受报名。 自星光奖评选活动举办至今,已成功举办至第八届。在这段 期间,联合全国跨地区、跨媒体合作的平台,星光奖评选活 动得以不断完善,影响力日益扩大。通过整合和组织业界优 质资源,中国酒店星光奖对本年度酒店业发展的辉煌业绩作 出年度总结,表彰那些曾作出突出行业贡献、推动中国酒店 业界竞争发展的酒店企业,并嘉奖那些具备真知灼见、领导才 能和卓越成就的业界领袖。 星光奖评选活动因其评选范围的全面性、评选制度的公平性、 评选委员会的权威性而获得各界认同及普遍关注。本届中国酒 店星光奖将继续以“大众推选、媒体测评、专家把关”的综合 评定方式,评选及颁发全国消费者和行业公认的最有影响力 的年度酒店大奖。 China Hotel Starlight Awards are jointly conceived and summoned by Chinese mainstream mass media, the hotel industry and the banking and investment industry. As the “Oscar Awards” of China hotel industry, China Hotel Starlight Awards are to recognize the great achievements of those excellent hotels and hoteliers. The Award-winners are decided by the consensus of a group of shrewd and seasoned hotel experts and appraisals of the Advisory Committee of AHF, recommendations and nominations from members of the industry and online voting. Due to its representativeness and justness, China Hotel Starlight Awards stands for the unmatched award-conferring authority in China hotel industry.


Assessment Committee

魏小安 Wei Xiaoan 王大悟 Wang Dawu 戴 斌 Dai Bin 何建民 He Jianmin 邹益民 Zou Yimin 马 勇 Ma Yong 谷慧敏 Gu Huimin 潘红星 Pan Hongxing 吕尚怀 James Lu 张健中 Kenny Cheung 陈俊廷 Chen-Chun Ting

中国旅游研究院学术委员会主任 Doctoral Supervisor of The Central University for Nationalities 国家旅游标准化技术委员会委员 上海社科院旅游研究中心主任 Sciences Chief Editor of Shanghai Academy of Social 国家旅游局中国旅游研究院院长 President of China Tourism Academy, China National Tourism Administration 上海财经大学国际工商学院教授 获国务院特殊津贴专家 Professor in School of International Business Administration Shanghai 浙江大学饭店研究所副所长 教授 Director of Tourism College of Zhejiang University 教育部工商管理教指委旅游与酒店学科组组长 Dean of Hubei University Tourism Institute 北京第二外语学院旅游管理学院副院长 教授 Deputy Dean of the School of Tourism Management, Beijing International 凤凰卫视 副台长 Deputy Head of Phoenix InfoNews Channel of Phoenix Satellite Television 香港酒店业协会执行总干事/美国康奈尔大学 客座导师 Executive Director of Hong Kong Hotels Association 澳门酒店旅业商会副理事长 秘书长 Vice President of Macau Hoteliers & Innkeepers Association 台湾温泉学会 会长 President of Taiwan Hot Spring Association

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China Hotel Starlight Awards Eight Years, Top Glories

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