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Print journalism celebrated in Tubac Tubac Presidio State Historic Park will present “Print Journalism Celebrated Since 1859” on Saturday, March 7, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Historic Schoolhouse. The event honors Arizona’s 150-yearold newspaper, The Arizonian, which is still being printed on the original hand press at Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. There will also be speakers from the State Library and Archives and Hollis Cook, former manager of Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. An Arizona Newspaper Project representative will be there to show how they are digitizing all of Arizona’s historic newspapers from 1880-1922. Although Arizona Library and Archives has

just begun this project, they hope to have the papers digitized by 2012. Reporters will be able to

search historic stories and compare what happened in years past to 100 years later. This is a national program and other states are doing the same digitizing. Readers will see why Arizona’s inclusion in the Union took so long, the voices on either side of the debate and the

complex process by which Statehood eventually occurred. Other significant moments in Arizona’s history will also be brought out for the public to see such as the Indian Wars, the development of education and social institutions, border issues with Mexico, mining and other related labor, ethnic, economic and land-use issues, early years of the State’s tourism industry, reclamation money for dams, irrigation and agricultural subsidies. Hollis Cook will speak on the seven-year process it took to bring the historic Washington Hand Press back to its original glory. The press had been in Tombstone and was found in a garage in the back of a house in the late 1970s. It took State Parks staff and a very dedicated volunteer many years to find all the parts to put it back together. This was the hand press that actually printed Arizona’s first newspaper, The Arizonian, and continued on page 3

Executive Director takes time to visit with members “It is our job to reach out and stay in touch our membership,” said Arizona Newspapers Association Executive Director Paula Casey. “It’s important to keep in touch with the people you are working for,” she said. Last month, Casey visited with Bill Toops, publisher of the weekly newspapers the Glendale Star and the Peoria Times. Casey takes the time to touch base with ANA members. She discusses industry concerns, explains ANA services and challenges members to become more involved and engaged. The ANA board of directors has made it a goal of the executive director to visit with as many members as possible. It has been a busy year, especially in the legislature, and Casey hopes to visit more members in the second half of 2009, after the legislative session winds down.

Bill Toops, publisher of the Peoria Times and the Glendale Star, and ANA Executive Director Paula Casey.

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How to keep public notices in the newspaper - and why Tonda F. Rush EditorandPublisher.com Newspapers have taken it in the chops recently. The roundhouse blows haven’t come the Internet, but from well-intended judges and legislators, who are believing too many newspaper deathbed stories and doing too little to protect the public’s right to know. Two questionable court actions involve newspaper public notices. One comes in gratuitous dicta from the Maine Supreme Court setting aside a default judgment against a Colby College student sued for damages from a fistfight. The court said a newspaper notice to the defendant was insufficient. (It was. The attorneys should have also found the guy and served him in person.) Then it went on to suggest people do not read newspapers any longer. The other is from the Connecticut Supreme Court, which is about to open a Web site for foreclosure notices, to be run there instead of in a newspaper. Add in a spate of state legislative bills dressed up as money savers by driving public notices to government Web sites. Suddenly, the citizenry is awash in public notice attacks. The New

Mexico House of Representatives, for example, just passed HB 237 that takes a thorough school accountability notice out of the newspapers and makes citizens issue a special request at the school district office to get a copy. The bad news about newspapers is infecting conversations all over the country, from cocktail parties to courtrooms. How will we get along without newspapers, people are asking? (See Governing Magazine’s January 2009 issue on the Disappearing Press Corps). The public notice debate logically follows. I’ve been involved in newspaper public notice for more than 25 years. In 2002, I assisted a group of concerned publishers that included the American Court and Commercial Newspapers, Inc., and shortly thereafter, the National Newspaper Association, in developing the Public Notice Resource Center (PNRC). PRNC tracks trends in public notice, provides materials to explain notice and speaks out to the nation about its value. One of its chief missions is to help our own industry understand that public notice isn’t dead or dying. But we could kill it ourselves, by doing the wrong things. If we’re going to remain the

choice medium for public notice, we need to take notice ourselves. Here are five things newspapers need to know on the subject and five things they need to do to keep public notice alive.

Five Things to Know 1. The Internet cannot yet replace printed notices. It is vulnerable to manipulation, loss of content and technological change. It cannot easily provide a reliable, enduring record. Even though Internet experts say there are ways to ensure today’s electronic notices can be read tomorrow, no one can predict the cost or likelihood that the information will be properly maintained and carried into future applications. The printed notice has what the archivists call “fixity.” 2. Publishers like to point out that not everyone is on the Internet. That’s not our best argument, but it’s true. The Pew Internet and American Life Project has concluded that some people just aren’t going to use the Internet. Whether they can’t afford it, are technophobes, can’t get broadband access, or simply don’t like the idea, at least 20% will never read a public notice online. continued on page 3

Calling all publishers, editors and reporters Every year, the Arizona Newspapers Association swaps contest judging duties with another state. This year, that state is Mississippi. ANA needs 35 volunteers to help judge Mississippi’s Better Newspapers Contest. The judging will take place:

April 30, 2009 Best Western Central Phoenix Inn & Suites 1100 N Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004

The judging will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ANA understands that many judges will not be able to judge the whole day, but any time you can contribute is much appreciated. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to the judges. Arizona will be judging the editorial portion of Mississippi’s Better Newspapers Contest, so please spread the word to other publishers, editor and reporters. Use this as an opportunity to see what newspapers in other states are doing and take some great ideas back to your office.

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How to keep public notices in the newspaper 3. Government Web sites are not free. The argument over whether municipalities can save money by posting their own notices on their own websites is specious. Of course web postings -- whether on a government site or on a newspaper site -- create a lower incremental cost than running a printing press. The price of print will always look more costly over the short run. But the government sites do have a cost, in development, in maintenance and, above all, in obscurity. Before going down that path, ask for a report of the viewers of government site that excludes all of the .gov users and the famous indexers, like Google and Yahoo. There won’t be many. 4. Even if those sites were free, it’s a question of getting what you pay for. They don’t accomplish the same things as a newspaper notice. They are not independent of the political forces that run them. They are not easily archivable. They are not easily verifiable. They are often not accessible. They typically aren’t kept up to date very well. Go to your local official Web site and make a screen print of the broken and outdated data. Put in new ink cartridges first. 5. It really is about transparency. Newspapers fight hard for public records. But in an era of smaller newsroom budgets, some information needs to be pushed out by governments, not pulled out

by enterprise reporting. That’s what public notices do. They give readers their own decisions whether to read or not. If they don’t, the sin is in the reader. If they do, it’s because newspapers have several centuries of history in building readerships. No one can say that about any website, government or private.

tolerance, as other revenue streams falter. That was the genesis of the issue in Connecticut. We need to treat the public notice advertisers like any other valued customer. 4. Read them. PNRC looks for great examples of things that happened because of newspaper public notices. The examples are out there, but pitiably few are Five Things To Do reported in our own newspapers. 1. We have to get over ourYet great stories lurk. Ask Adriselves. We cannot simply lecture enne Packer of the Las Vegas Refrom the editorial pages. Besides view-Journal how she unearthed the fact that politicians don’t fear a developer’s attempt to turn the editorial pages as they once did, cemetery-only zoned land into a that’s not how laws are made. Publucrative commercial site. lishers have to talk to lawmakers 5. Be the paper of record. about public notice. Yes, we get paid for them. The bridge contractor gets The really good public notice papers know the laws, when paid to build bridges. There is no notices must be run and how difference. they must appear. They help the 2. This may be a surprise to public bodies meet their obligasome, but weekly newspapers are tions. They make notices noticenewspapers. They aren’t dying. able, so people can find them and Neither are the hundreds of niche promote their value. and neighborhood newspapers, any When all of this is mastered, of which may be the expected place we need one more public spirto find public notices. Now that some dailies are leaning toward less ited step. Post the notices about frequency, maybe we can overcome public business on the newspaper Web site. For free. And upload a certain elitism about community them to a state press association papers. I was once at an industry meeting where an editor said, “There aggregation site where people who want to use their browsers are only two newspapers in North to find them can do so. It is all Dakota.” There are 90 newspaper about transparency, and that is members of North Dakota Newspaour real entitlement. per Association. Tonda F. Rush is counsel 3. Public Notice isn’t our last entitlement. It isn’t an entitlement at to National Newspaper Associaall. I’ve witnessed newspapers large tion and Public Notice Resource Center. and small jacking up rates beyond

continued from page 1

Print journalism celebrated in Tubac today volunteers operate the press on weekends for visitors. For more information contact Tubac Presidio State Historic Park at (520) 398-2252. The park entrance fee is $3 per person for

adults and teens aged 14 and older. The fee for youths aged 13 to 17 years of age is $1 per person. There is no charge for children 12 years of age or younger. Tubac Presidio State Historic Park is

located at One Burruel Street in Tubac, Arizona. For information about Arizona State Parks call (602) 542-4174 or visit www.azstateparks.com.

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Prepare NOW for Sunshine Week, Mar. 15-21 David Cuillier University of Arizona Prepare now for national Sunshine Week, March 15-21, which educates citizens about their right to access government information. Tons of free information is provided online by the American Society of Newspaper Editors that you can use in your reporting, at www.sunshineweek.org. Here is a sample of some of the materials you can retrieve, either now or right before the week, under the Toolkit tab: online ads, opinion columns, calendar of Sunshine Week events, a national public opinion survey on secrecy and FOI, results of a national survey of state government information online (a good peg to localize to your community). Also, if your organization produces content regarding FOI, submit it to the Sunshine Week folks and they’ll showcase it.

ASU Sunshine Week panel features Goddard Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication marks Sunshine Week, a national initiative encouraging dialogue about open government and freedom of information, by offering what promises to be a free-wheeling exchange on public records access featuring Attorney General Terry Goddard and other leading voices from media, government and public relations. “Sunshine Week Scenarios: Examining Open Government,” will take place March 18 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Cronkite School’s First Amendment Forum. It is free and open to the public. The panel also features: Jeanine L’Ecuyer, former press secretary for Gov. Janet Napolitano who is now

director of communications for Ziemba Waid Public Affairs; Teri Hayt, managing editor of the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson; and David Bodney, a partner in the Phoenix law firm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP. Moderated by Steve Elliott, print news director for Cronkite News Service, the discussion will take participants through various scenarios to explore the rights and responsibilities each has when it comes to government records and proceedings. “Access to the workings of government is an issue for the public, not just the news media,” Elliott said. “We hope this discussion, as part of a national dialogue, will lead to greater public participation in government and stronger communities.”

D.O.J. questions potential Tucson Citizen buyers Renée Schafer Horton Tucson Citizen The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the sale of the Tucson Citizen by querying potential buyers about contact with the broker handling the sale. Two of those potential buyers contacted the Citizen last week and said broker Robert Broadwater would not reveal specifics of the sale without the interested parties first supplying proof of their financial viability. Broadwater did, however, say one condition the Citizen’s owner had placed on the sale was that a buyer would have to continue producing a printed newspaper. Gannett Co. Inc. announced Jan. 16 it was selling the Citizen archives, Internet domain name and subscriber list, but not its 50 percent interest in the joint operating agreement it has with the owner of the Arizona Daily Star. That agreement covers non-news functions of the two papers, including printing and distribution. The former chief of the Litigation III section of the Department of Justice Antitrust Division said inquiries to potential buyers are “standard procedure” in the sale of newspapers involved in JOAs, but it would be “highly unusual” for the government to impose specific conditions requiring the production and sale of a printed version of the paper. “The alternative explanation is that the seller is imposing that condition,” said James R. Wade, now a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Haynes and Boone LLP. Tara Connell, spokeswoman for Gannett, responded to a phone call seeking comment about the conditions of the sale with an e-mail saying, “Sorry, but we are not going to comment on this.” Get more details about this story at http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/daily/local/111364.php

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House committee bars reporters from meeting Steven Falkenhagen Amber Dixon Cronkite News Service The head of a House committee denied reporters access Tuesday to a posted meeting and tour of a fuel terminal that included briefings by the state Department of Homeland Security and representatives of companies that use the plant. A House Republican spokeswoman later apologized, saying lawmakers shouldn’t have excluded the public from the briefings. The House Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety posted a special meeting agenda for a tour of the Phoenix Fuel Terminal in west Phoenix. Before excluding two Cronkite News Service reporters from briefings that preceded the tour, participants distributed an agenda that included discussion of a bill dealing with fuel facilities. Tim Grubbs, a legislative liaison for the state Department of Homeland Security, initially said reporters could attend his presentation but then told them to leave because the discussion involved sensitive information. The committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerry Weiers, R-Glendale, noting concerns raised by Grubbs, said the meeting wasn’t public because there was no quorum and asked the reporters to leave. Two others on the eight-member committee, Reps. Ray Barnes, R-Phoenix, and Patricia V. Fleming, D-Sierra Vista, were in the conference room before the reporters were told to leave, as was Rep. Chad Campbell, D-Phoenix, who isn’t on the committee but is the primary sponsor of the bill that was to be discussed. In a telephone interview later in the day, Weiers said he didn’t know beforehand that the meeting would include sensitive information. He

said allowing the public at the Becky Blackburn, a spokesbriefings would have stifled what woman for the House Republican presenters could have said. leadership, said lawmakers should “I have no doubt in my mind have canceled the briefings when that it would have been a total there wasn’t a quorum and moved waste of time,” Weiers said. on to tour the facility. Weiers said he didn’t expect a “It shouldn’t have happened,” quorum, which requires five memshe said of the removal. bers, but posted the meeting in case Blackburn said part of the there turned out to be one so the reason for the incident is confusion committee would be in compliance over how to handle fact-finding with the Arizona Open Meetings trips by lawmakers. She said legLaw. islative staff would develop proceCronkite News Service produres to balance the public’s right tested the removal to the House to know about the visits with the Republican leadership, noting that needs of lawmakers seeking inforthe proceeding was posted and that mation. the agenda distributed before the According to the agenda disbriefings included discussion of tributed at the meeting, lawmakers legislation before the committee. discussed HB 2548, sponsored Craig Morgan, an associate by Campbell, the House minorattorney for Perkins Coie Brown ity whip. The bill would require & Bain, a law firm that advises owners of fuel facilities to update for the Arizona First Amendment an automated critical asset manCoalition, noted that a state Attoragement system maintained by ney General’s Office opinion says the U.S. Department of Homeland governments shouldn’t hold disSecurity and the Arizona Countercussions with less than a quorum terrorism Information Center. when the objective is excluding the public. “It is fair to say that this was improper conduct by the committee,” Morgan said. Amy Bolton, public information officer for the state Department of Homeland Security, called the incident a misunderstanding and said the agency is committed to transparency. “It was an error if our employee asked reporters Register to win 6 months of free access to the latest sales-generating ideas to help grow your business—even during a recession. Visit to leave an open www.recas.com/recession to register. meeting,” Bolton Questions? 800.245.9278, ext. 5324 • sales_builder@multiad.com said.

Looking for recession-proof ad dollars?

February 2009 ■ ANAgrams

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ANA Excellence in Advertising breakdown This year, the Arizona Newspapers Association has received 610 entries from 32 newspapers for the Excellence in Advertising competition. Entries will be judged by the Mississippi Press Association and the awards reception will be held May 22, 2009 at the Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in downtown Phoenix. In keeping with the advancements in technology, ANA has implemented an online entry system that allows members to upload a .PDF file of their entry, instead of having to mail bulky tearsheets to the office. “We really liked the new system,” said Sue Shinneman, publisher of the Lake Powell Chronicle. She said it was easier to locate and upload the ads. “Overall, it was quick and easy,” said graphic artist Deanna Biddulph, East Valley Tribune.

“No reason to panic. Entering the contest was a piece of cake,” said Wiley Acheson, advertising director for the White Mountain Independent. “The thing I liked most about the electronic submission is the convenience to upload entries to the site. That made everything a lot easier,” said Vernon Yazzie, display advertising sales manager for the Navajo Times. Thanks to all of the positive feedback, ANA will continue using the new entry system for the Better Newspapers Contest. So start saving .PDFs of your best stories, because ANA will begin accepting entries for the BNC in late May. Questions about ANA contest can be directed to Perri Collins, ANA communications manager, by email at p.collins@ananews.com or by phone at (602) 261-7655 ext. 110.

Upcoming webinars and seminars Mar. 4, Noon NewsU: Five Simple Ways to Write More Clearly Do you wish your writing was more clear? More persuasive? In the latest Webinar from Poynter’s NewsU, Michael Schwartz, former manager of editorial training for Cox Newspapers, will teach you the skills you need. Whether you are in print or online, you can put these five simple tools to work for you. Mar. 11, Noon Borrell Associates: Automotive Online: What’s Next? Automotive has been the No. 2 advertising category in the country. Will it remain so? The online segment ended 2008 at nearly $4.7 billion, but will it go up in the coming years? Where are manufacturers focusing their ad spending? What types of online ads are car companies going to support? This webinar features in-depth analysis of local trends for new-car, used-car and private-party ad spending and the forecasts through 2013. Mar. 17, 1 p.m. Inland Press: Selling More Strategically to Integrate Web and Print Learn how to better control the sales process by building relationships and trust quicker; differentiate yourself from the competition by the quality of your interaction, questions, business acumen and engagement style; find out why you should be calling at higher levels and how to locate true decision makers and why you must have a deep and thorough understanding of your customer’s business to be successful at selling strategically not transactionally.

Education is at your fingertips! See a list of all webinars and events on our Web site:


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Tribute to the Tribune exhibit through March 27 Newspapers have told the life stories of Tempe and Scottsdale going back 121 years in the earlier days of the Arizona Territory. The “Tempe Daily News” and the “Scottsdale Progress” eventually gave way to the “East Valley Tribune,” continuing the chains of ink and newsprint that have shed light on important news and information across three centuries. It is this history that will be represented at the Tempe Historical Museum. The display includes a timeline of the newspaper’s history, local political cartoons, newspaper clippings and original newspapers dating back to the 1800s. Some metal plates used to print the paper are included and feature the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. For information, visit www.tempe.gov/museum or call (480) 350-5100.

Newspaper Project promotes importance with ads

The Newspaper Project, a new grassroots organization launched last month to support a constructive exchange of information and ideas about the future of newspapers, released its second round of advertisements this week. The two ads, scheduled to run in newspapers nationwide, feature the taglines “Defending Freedom Daily Since 1776,” promoting the role of newspapers in our democracy as the eyes and ears of the American people and “America’s First Portable Information Device,” stressing the high quality journalism that newspapers provide. The ads are available at www.newspaperproject.org and on the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association web site at http://www.snpainfo.org/newspaperproject. The Newspaper Project also announces that the Pulitzer Prize-winning, nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Mike Luckovich, has contributed two original cartoons about the importance of newspapers, which are available for downloading today. The Newspaper Project’s website attracted more than 40,000 unique visitors in its first three weeks. To learn more and download the latest advertisements and two original cartoons, visit www.newspaperproject.org.

Scholarship program in jeopardy of being cancelled Contribute to the 2009 Arizona Newspapers Foundation 3for3 Scholarship Fund and help a young journalist pay for college. We can’t do it without YOUR help! Without your support, this worthy program is in danger of being cancelled. Every $5 or $10 you donate will help a talented journalism student achieve his or her dream. And your donations are tax-deductable. A very special thank you from ANA to The Tribune-News (Holbrook), the Arizona Capitol Times and The Catholic Sun for being the first ones to step up and make a donation. In 2008, the ANF selected two worthy students to receive a $1,000 scholarship to Arizona State University, the University of Arizona or Northern Arizona University. If you are ready to donate or have questions regarding this fundraiser, please contact Sharon Schwartz at (602) 261-7655 ext. 108 or s.schwartz@ananews.com. Both individual and corporate donations are welcome. Fill out the slip below and mail it to us with your donation, today! Arizona Newspapers Foundation

- PLEDGE CARD Your pledge will fund scholarships as well as provide resources to train Arizona’s next generation of journalists.

□ This is my pledge for the 2009 campaign. □ $10

□ $20

□ $50

□ $100


□ Check enclosed. □ Bill Me. □ Charge to: □ VISA □ MasterCard □ AMEX □ Discover Card No._________________________________________ Exp. Date________ Your name________________________________________Signature__________________________Date___________ Newspaper/Organization_____________________________ Address___________________________________________

Get a pen. I’m going to show you how to make money on your Website Kevin Slimp Institute of Newspaper Technology kevin@kevinslimp.com I’ll never forget my first business. It was a publishing company. I came up with the idea and shared it with a friend during a water skiing outing on Thanksgiving Day 1988. Yes, I lived in Florida back then. We were soon in business and looking for a way to make a profit. Somewhere, we’d both heard the adage, “You have to spend money to make money.” Spend money we did. And we made a tidy profit in return. One of the questions I get asked the most when I’m speaking to groups of publishers is, “How can I make money on my newspaper Web site without spending a fortune?” I’m going to tell you how. Get a pen. I’ll wait. Robert Zimmerman, president of Metro Creative Graphics, has been pestering me for months to look at a product they’ve been working on. Boy, am I glad he did. Here’s the idea: Metro has created special sections - much like the special sections in your print edition - for newspaper Web sites. Not one or two page sections. Full

blown special sections. You find an advertiser or two to sponsor one of these “Microsites” and voila, you’re in the money. These Web sites are a snap to configure and they end up right on your Web site, not on some obscure URL out in the Netherlands. People go to your Web site, click on a link to your special section and they are taken directly to it. Here’s how it works. For around $200 per month, a newspaper can subscribe to the “Timely Features Microsites” service. For this, you receive three special section templates per month. There are special sections related to autos, homes, holidays and more. In a year, you’d receive 36 special section templates to choose from. You can create as few or as many special sections for your newspaper Web site as you’d like. There’s even a handy calculator at timelyfeatures.com to help you calculate just how much money you can make on this service. For example, let’s say you thought you could sell ads for one special section each month for twelve months. Let’s assume you sell three box ads and skyscrapers for $300 apiece in each Microsite. That’s $21,600 in a year. Obviously, if you run a special section related to travel and highways, you should be able to sell a lot more than six ads. But I don’t want

Institute of Newspaper Technology Announces October Lineup Many of you know that Kevin directs a training program for newspaper designers, publishers and I.T. related staff called the Institute of Newspaper Technology. The schedule for the October 15-17, 2009 session is complete and includes classes in InDesign, scripting, photo editing, video production for Web sites, Flash, Illustrator, InCopy, Adobe Bridge, digital photography, audio slideshow creation, fonts, editing photos in camera raw, Photoshop, font management and more. Basic and advanced classes are offered. Instructors include Lisa Griffin, Russell Viers, Jay Nelson, Rob Heller and Kevin Slimp. Guest speakers will also be on hand. For more information, visit newspaperinstitute.com.

Kevin created this “Microsite” in a matter of minutes using Metro’s new product for creating online special sections.

you to get too excited. You can also sell site sponsorships, directory listings and more. According to my calculations, even a small weekly newspaper could make a lot more than $20,000 per year using this service. Here’s the catch. There’s not one. No catch. It works as advertised. I went up to Metro’s Microsites area and created a couple of special sections in about an hour. My favorite is a spring travel section. All the stories and layouts were done for me. I simply uploaded the ads, along with link information, and uploaded the site. Oh, speaking of uploading the site, you don’t even have to do that if you don’t want to. You can hit a “publish” button and the site will be uploaded to your Web site for you. As my friends in New England say, “I kid you not.” If you want to see for yourself, just look at the Microsite I uploaded a few minutes ago. You can find it at KevinSlimp.com. Just click on the “Spring Travel” link on the right side of the home page. A little more detail, to whet your appetite. You can upload JPEG files or animated GIF files in the ad areas. You can also create your own stories and pictures to add to those already available. If you visit the Microsite I created, you’ll notice two stories on the front page that

were placed there just to show you it can be done. As you move between stories, you might also notice that the ads rotate. I created a couple of “skyscraper” and “box” ads for my Microsite. While reading one story, you might see a skyscraper ad for Braincast webinars. When you move to another article, you might seen a different ad in the same place. OK. That’s it. No one is allowed to tell me they can’t make money on their newspaper Web site. For more information, visit timelyfeatures.com.

Where’s Kevin? March 25: Columbus, Ohio March 30-31: Syracuse, New York April 3-4: Saratoga Springs, New York April 17-18: Des Moines, Iowa April 23: Frankfort, Kentucky April 25: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Want to bring Kevin to your office or training event? It’s easy. Email him at:

kevin@kevinslimp.com Catch Kevin’s live webinar training. Get more info at braincast.biz .

ANAgrams ■ February 2009

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Another day, another dollar

Sharon Schwartz Network Advertising Manager Or as the correct 1897 version goes… more days, more dollars. This referred to sailors being paid by the day: the longer the voyage the greater the financial reward. This can refer to newspapers as well. For instance, a newspaper printed and delivered weekly may become a newspaper published and delivered daily via an Email Edition. Verican’s turnkey newsletter tool enables newspapers to create and send out an interactive electronic publication daily or weekly. It even allows you to send out Breaking News editions. This is an incredibly easy way to create new ad space, increase brand loyalty and drive traffic to your home site. Data shows web site traffic increases dramatically on days the Email Edition is distributed. Not only does this product allow you to track reader interest, it allows readers to utilize a search agent to customize their

interests in classifieds, community personals and recruitment ads. Now, that’s impressive! I like the saying “Newspapers Deliver” but I’d like to add “and the more days, the more dollars”. Verican will even create your Email Edition for you. You could be selling ads this week for your Email Edition to publish next week. To learn how to get started or find out where to see other newspaper’s Email Editions, please contact me by phone (602) 261-7655 ext. 108 or by email at s.schwartz@ananews.com.

ANA Calendar March 7, 2009 • Arizona’s first printing press celebration, Tubac March 9-11, 2009 • NAA mediaXchange, Las Vegas March 23, 2009 • Schatt Memorial Lecture, Tempe April 3-5, 2009 • SPJ Region 11 Conference, Phoenix April 17-19, 2009

Contact ANA Staff Executive Director Paula Casey............... Ext. 102 p.casey@ananews.com

Network Ad MGR. Sharon Schwartz........ Ext. 108 s.schwartz@ananews.com

Deputy Executive Dir. of Network Sales Rep. Government Affairs Don Ullmann............. Ext. 111 John F. Fearing....................... d.ullmann@ananews.com j.fearing@ananews.com Ad Services Assistant Communications Mgr. Kay Wilmoth.............. Ext. 103 Perri Collins............... Ext. 110 k.wilmoth@ananews.com p.collins@ananews.com Reception/Tearsheets Accounting Assistant Lorraine Bergquist......... Ext. 0 Liisa Straub................ Ext. 105 l.bergquist@ananews.com l.straub@ananews.com

2008-2009 ANA/Ad Services Board of Directors

First Vice President Teri Hayt, Arizona Daily Star Two-Year Dir./At-large Second Vice President Ginger Lamb, Arizona Capitol Times Two-Year Dir./Non-Daily

April 30, 2009 • ANA contest judging, Phoenix May 9, 2009 • Arizona Press Club annual banquet, Phoenix May 22, 2009 • ANA Excellence in Advertising awards reception, Phoenix

STAY in touch with ANA on the Web!

Media Buyer Cindy Meaux............. Ext. 112 c.meaux@ananews.com

President Dick Larson, Western News&Info, Inc. One-Year Dir./Daily

• Journalism Education Association annual national convention, Phoenix

Facebook: www.facebook.com/group.php ?gid=30800632683

Directors Tom Arviso, Navajo Times Two-Year Director/Non-Daily

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com /photos/ananewsflash

Nicole Carroll, The Arizona Republic Two-Year Director/Daily

Myspace: www.myspace.com/ananews

Elvira Espinoza, La Voz Two-Year Dir./At-large John Naughton, Payson Roundup One-Year Dir./Non-Daily

Third Vice President Don Rowley, Arizona Daily Sun Jody VandenHeuvel, Two-Year Dir./Daily East Valley Tribune One-Year Dir./Daily Secretary/Treasurer Rick Schneider, Eastern Pam Mox, Green Valley News Arizona Courier and Sun One-Year Dir./Non-Daily Past President

Twitter: twitter.com/ananewsflash YouTube: youtube.com/ananewsflash

ANAgrams is an official publication of the Arizona Newspapers Association 1001 N. Central Ave., Suite 670 Phoenix, AZ 85004



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For more information or a demo, please visit www.verican.com or contact Sharon Schwartz at Arizona Newspapers Association 602-261-7655 ext. 108 or s.schwartz@ananews.com




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