Asa phoenix vol 64 no 3 spring 1979

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. . . To find dominant beauty in art, literature, nature and friendships, . . .


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WHAT IS IT? It is the international symbol of access which tells the handicapped person , particularly one using a wheelchair, that a building or facility is accessible and can be entered and used without fear of being blocked by ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS.

WHATARESOMECOMMON BARRIERS? ... a door that is too narrow - less than 32 inches wide. . . . an uneven floor or threshold higher than one in ch. ... a hall less than four feet wide- too narrow for two wheelchairs to pass. ... a diml y lighted corridor. ... a table that is too high; too low; one with legs that prevent wheelchair access. . . . a telephone placed too high up on the wall or in a narrow booth. ... towel conta iners placed too high to be reached by a person in a wheelchair. ... objects s u ch as fire extinguishers, bulletin boards, etc. protruding more than four inches from the wall. .. . revolving doors, turnsti les, and narrow ticket gates. . .. elevators without bell indicators of arrival no provision for blind by having raised numbers indicating floors, and doors that close quickl y . . . . sta irs. ... narrow walks - less than 48 inches wide. ... no curb ramps. . . . ign age not appropriate or lac king. .. . lavato ri es inaccess ible . . . . safe parking spaces abse nt.

. .. sponsor an educational program with other Panhellenic groups . . . . be informed of legislation which will require accessible public buildings . . . . write your congressman indicating your support of legislation . . . . survey your chi ld 's school, your campus buildings, your church, and your polling place to be sure they are accessible to the handicapped . . . . survey local businesses and urge the owners to make their facilities easily accessible . . . . check to see if a committee on barriers exists in your community. If not, run an ad in your local newspaper asking interested persons to contact you to form such a committee. ... work within your own organization, whether civic, religious, professional or fraternal, to organize a coalition against barriers among other organizations. . .. urge your local radio and television stations to donate public service time to the topic of barners. ... as k local civic groups (such as the Lions Club, which has a guide dog project) about sponsoring a drive in your community to make citizens aware of barriers . ... survey your community - from parks to shopping centers- for barriers and encourage local media to publicize your findings. . . . plan an access guide to your community as a project of your barrier-free committee and/or a service to your community; your local chamber of commerce may help underwrite its printing and distribution. . .. encourage candidates at all levels to openly support a barrier-free environment. ... consider official recognition - an award of some kind- for individuals or gro ups that work toward barrier removal and prevention. ... try someth in g small at first, like getting a ramp or curb cut at a public building your taxes built or local shopping centers to designate more parking areas for handicapped persons (many local ordinances require this) . For more information about how you can help, write to . .. NATIONAL EASTER SEAL SOCIETY 2023 WEST OGDEN AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60612 Adapted from Lyre, Vol. 82, # 1, Fall 1978.




Dr . Hel en marie Hofma n 62 2 5 W ashin gton Bl vd .


Arl ing ton , Vi rgini a 22 2 05



Alumnae Editor


Nancy I. Z . Reese 1566 M iner St. , B- 1 Des Plaines, Ill inois 60016

Collegiate Editor Li ll ian Ford Don nelly 2108 Cherry Hi ll Lan e Chesapeake, Vi rgin ia 23325

Feature Editor Rosemary Caru cci Goss 2305 Capistrano St .

5 6 7 7 8 9 I0

Blacksburg , Virg in ia 24060


Historian Hi wana Cupp Crompton


CA REE RS One Writer's Route Caro lyn Mulford On the Road With AIA Dale Harrison Admissio ns Co un selor Candy Dowdy J ournalism as a Career N ancy R eese A Priso n Recreatio nalist Nancy R eese Q uee n o f the Junkyard M argaret H orrigan Careers in H ome Eco no mics R osemary Goss T elevision T echnician Nancy R eese H os pital Pharmacy Caro l B ertoldi Field Re prese ntatives Refl ections Candi Lacy and Marsha Brenner Collegiate Co rner Lillian Donnally

91 Be lmont Dr . Leesburg , Vi rg in ia 22075

THE PHOENIX of Alpha Sigma Alpha

Volume 64

Number 3

THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, an educational journal, is published in the fall , w inter, spring and summer of each year at 1 201-05 Bluff St ., Fulton, Missour i 65251. The subscription pr ice $1 .50 a year . Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc ., Fulton, Missouri . Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield , Missouri 65802 . Address a II correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Dr . Helenmar ie Hofman , 6225 Washington Blvd. , Arlington , Virginia 22205 . ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be subm itted to the editorial staff for cons ideration . Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial rev iew . Articles published are the personal express ions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of ASA. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251 . Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Notional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802 . SPRING 1979

One Writer's Route So far I've been a farm laborer, are earch assistant , a movie box office ca hier , a hospital admi sions clerk, a bookkeeper, a secreta r y, a teacher of Engl ish as a second langu age , a ca rpenter in a leprosarium, an editoria l assi ta nt on a national education magazine, editor of an international industria l development magazine, public information officer for a volunteer program , a tour guide and escort, a travel writer and photographer, and the editor of a national journal for educators working with student community service programs. During and in between these various jobs I've written seven unpublished novels and traveled in 60 countries . My parents and my hairdresser consider me a success. Former colleagues who watch the best-seller lists for my novels regard me as a failure. The Washington , D.C. , A'l.A a lumnae who in sisted I write this see me as an interesting oddity. They are a ll wrong. The y are all right. I'm simp ly one of the millions who, while still in grade school, became fascinated with the world opened up by the wriuen word . Reading instilled two desires: to write stories and books and to see and experience the wonders I read about. Those two desires have governed my professional - and personal - life and are lik ely to continue to do so. The fo llowing account, th e n , is (I) a warning to those in whom these two desires are whim and (2) an affirmation for those in whom they are compu lsion. By the time I was a senior in high school! had learned enough to rea li ze I could not start out supporting myself by writing fiction.Journalism seemed the best a lternative, and a year as co-editor of the school paper confirmed it. Five years later I had undergraduate degrees in English and Education and a graduate degree in journalism. Because women typically got dull assignm ents on newspapers and I lacked the looks and voice for televi ion , I cast my lot in the magazine sequence. As I finished my thesis and prepared to take a job with an agricultura l association in

Illinois, I received a telegram inviting me to train to go to Ethiopia in a Peace Corps secondary education project. The decision took me one hour. Illinoi really didn't have a chance. My two years in Dessie, Ethiopia, were frustrating , exciting, rewarding, demanding, stimulating, and aggravatin g. My major assignment was to teach Engli sh to e leventh graders in the on ly secondary school in a province with one million inhabitants. During the summer months (the rainy season) several of us Volunteers helped build a five-room school at a mission's leprosarium near Dessie. An experienced Ethiopian carpenter supervised us and those lepers whole enough to work with us. Construction materials cons isted of rocks (for the foundation) , a very liule cement, euca lyptus saplin gs, and sheets of metal. Living in an ancient culture with a love ly natural sett in g and ugly unnatural poverty, working with students convinced the world is Oat, and striving to understand what I saw and felt, I gained littl e to put on my job history and much to direct my job choice. The experience s h adows me, though it ended 15 years ago. My curiosity about people in other cultures can never be completely satisfied . My criteria for choosing a job include the contribution that work will make. My reactions to the Peace Corps ex perience are important on ly because they are , to the best of my knowledge, representative of many Peace Corps Volunteers' reactions. The majority of those in my project are now working for non-profit institutions in some service-re lated occupation. Before coming home to my parents' sma ll farm in Missouri, I spe nt five months looking over the Middle East and Europe. After writing some terrible short stories, I wrote a round of leuers to magazines and associations in Washington, D.C. , and got promises of three interviews - mostly beca use they never expected me to show up . But I did, and I did well enough on a test to become an ed itorial assistant for the NEA journal (now ca ll ed Today's Education), the

chief publication of the ational Education Association. This job was as important to me professionall y as the Peace Corps had been to me personally. Even though I had completed a Master's degree at one of the top journalism chools in the country, I had no real concept of magazine editing or organization. The two women I worked under taught me both. My work for an issue usually con i ted of the following: • Conducting library research to find specifi c subjects and authors for severa l genera l topics; • Editing- with heavy rewriting- two or three articles ; • Editing, rewriting, or creating short items for an idea exchange co lumn ; • Writing an article eith er from material avai lable or from observation and interview ing; • Reading a dozen unsolicited articles, mo l of them awfu l; • Proofreading. The editor carefu ll y balanced the content accord ing to academic areas, grade levels, geographic areas , internal and external materials. Detailed letters went to the authors assigned to write articles. Inquiries were answered promptly. Illustration s were chosen with great care. I li stened and learned. In less than two years the urge to go abroad again became ve r y strong. A friend told me of the international recruitment office in the Department of State, and I told a personnel officer there I would like an editorial job with the United Nations in some developing country. The U.S. quota to the U.N. is rarely filled, but finding a job there is difficult and time consuming. Because the U.S. personnel officer approved (or had approved) my app li cation and submitted it to the proper U . . personnel officer a lm ost imm ediate ly, I was invited to ew York for an interview in about two months, virtuall y offered the job, and sent back to Washington to wait for clearance for four months. The lapse between my initial U.S. government interview and my reporting to New York U. . headquarters was about eight months- unusua ll y fast. The U.N. is run a lot like a developing country suffering from attacks of American

.... Looking over the last issue. Photo: Kathy Talking with an author on the phone with Discussing article with my researcherM cBride, Art Production Company. recorder on. Photo: Kathy M cBride, Art writer, Kathy McBride. Photo: Ursula Production Company. Harscheid, Art Production Company. 2


civil servicitis. In my first week I knew the problems would be enormous, and the people fascinating. The biggest problem was my job. I had come to be the assistant editor of a semiannual journal called Industrial Research and Development News. I had pointed out that I had absolutely no technical background, but the unit chief had assured me that the organization -the United National Industrial Development Organization , UN IDO- was full of technical experts. So it was (and is), but few of them had mastered enough English to translate technical jargon into comprehensible terms. UNIDO was new and moved from New York to Vienna to its own headquarters. Fortified with a brief Berlitz course in German , I went to Vienna for three years. During that time the magazine became a quarterly and a quarterly newsletter that l took over became a monthly. I almost worked myself sick, particularly the first year. Throughout the three years inter-office politics - based more on personality than nationality- sapped my energy. International politics- I had to maintain a careful East and West, North and South balance in content - presented few problems. Austria is a beautiful and interesting country bordered by equally appealing nations. Working with people from 60 nations is a challenge and a delight. But my editorial skills were deteriorating because of U.N. style and the content I had to deal with. I had no energy left to try to write anything on my own. I resigned. It took me six months to make my way home through Asia, the Far East, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii . In Bangkok I got a great idea for a book . Several publishers agreed when I submitted it to them a year later, but nobody bought it. After discovering that Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago had few publishing jobs and a history of paying women less than men for doing them , I headed back to Washington, D.C. Targeting associations , organizations , publications, and government agencies for which I would like to work, I began making the rounds with my resume and portfolio. Between interviews l started my second novel. After three months I landed a three-month contract with one of AC-

TION's smallest programs, the University Year for ACTION . Students spend full time in a service job while taking related courses. In this job I wrote a newsletter, studied projects suitable for publicizing in ACTION (the umbrella agency for such volunteer programs as Peace Corps, VISTA , and RSUP) and external publications, and wrote press releases. The three months stretched to seven, and I went back to my novel and then to Europe for a long vacation. Jobs were scarce, and I really didn't want one. I worked on a children's book and a Gothic , and finally started to go stir crazy. It was time to get out of the apartment and make some money. I had very little idea how to start freelancing. I lacked those most essential elements , an established market and many contacts for potential markets. During my first freelance job - reporting on a threeday meeting for a national senior citizens group - I made a big mistake: I worked long hours and completed the report in record time; it looked so easy they decided to do the next report in the series themselves. They called me for the third one, but by then I had other things going. One of those things was writing travel articles for distribution in six other countries for the United States Travel Service, Department of Commerce . Another was working part time as a tour guide for bus groups visiting Washington. And , of course, writing another novel. Being a tour guide is something I pass over very quickly in my resume, but the experience had its uses : I learned I could function in a job on the basis of my personality as well as my brain ; I got ideas for two books (one still in progress); I learned techniques of managing tour groups. This last proved useful in my nextjob, a one-year contract with the U.S. Travel Service . (Many freelancers end up working full time for someone they have done freelance work for.) I assigned work to other freelan cers, edited it, and made sure we had photos to accompany each article. I also collected and dispersed materials on the Bicentennial and led foreign travel writers on crosscountry familiarization tours. Bicentennial summer I left the country, spending about four months in Latin America. Before leaving I spent six weeks planning my itinerary and writing query

letters to travel editors to try to line up some assignments. I got only two, but I went anyway, and I sold enough articles and photos to pay for the trip. I was unable to use a lithe material I gathered because I had to make a living at more profitable things- primarily freelance writing, editing, and photography for the Travel Service. I managed another novel or two, but I found that the freelancing was taking so much of my time- with marketing being a big portion -that I had little time to work on fiction. Then a job fell into my lap . A person I had talked to six months before about possible freelance assignments gave my name to the Art Production Company , a small graphic arts firm looking for an editor. As is often the case in Washington, the company had written a proposal to earn the right to bid on a contract to produce a journal for a government agency . Part of the proposal had to include the names of those who would work on the journal. The company's proposal and budget won the contract, and I became a magazine editor once more. The journal is Synergist. It goes to secondary and post-secondary educators in this and 57 other countries. Its purpose is to assist them in initiating and operating programs in which students combine academic learning with community service so that both are enhanced . This form of experiential education is called servicelearning, and I'm all for it. That's why I took the job. Much of my time goes to planning the content of the journal, which comes out three times a year. Working closely with the agency, ACTION 's National Student Volunteer Program , I look for outstanding programs , useful management techniques, innovative thinking , and the people to write about all of th ese. My assistant writes some articles and columns, as do I. I edit everything, often doing major rewrite (a standard procedure of most editors using authors who are not writers). I also coordinate the production, working with the art director and the typesetter to get each issue ready for printing. For the moment I am content, but I haven't worked on my latest novel since Au gust and I'm eager to see more of Mexico. Carolyn Mulford Alpha Beta Alumna

tlf,,J Looking over photos to accompany an Drafting an article. Photo: Kathy Discussing content with Lyn Baird, Director of ACTION's National Student Volarticle. Photo: Kathy McBride, Art McBride, Art Production Company. unteer Program. Photo: Levon Buller, Production Company. NSVP. 3 SPRING 1979




Tonight is spent in White River Junction, Vermont. Through the rest of the week I'll work my way back over to the New Hampshire shore. The following weeks will be divided among New York, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. It's all in a month's work for the only saleswoman of an Atlanta based chemical company. These past three years have, in one word, been "satisfying. " Timing has been critical in my professional plans, more so than I at first realized. If only I had had Father Time on my side while in college. My vocation had direction prior to leaving elementary school. I was going to have an active career in the life sciences. In 1972 I began studying biochemistry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. By the time I had reached my junior year, I was well on my wa y to becoming a "basket case." Competition with those aiming for medical and dental schools was not quite what I had in mind. My life was revolving around classwork and a part-time lab technician job which helped me with expenses. Meeting those first few people in A~A was a blessing. Why hadn't I found them sooner? Spring quarter of my junior year I became a pledge. Better late than never! The support and understanding A~A gave to me was priceless. In June, 1976, I left Blacksburg, Virginia , with a hard earned degree in biochemistry. The disappointt~en~ of not . h.a~ing a definite job was temporarily stdehned by JOimng my family in a move from New Jerse y to Atlanta, Georgia. With a thriving, young city to explore, I wasted no time in beginning the job search. ~ y hopes of chemical sales work had been put to rest dunng the few interviews I had on campus. No one will hire ~ou without experience! So how does one get expenence? The research lab position I held during m y last two years of school provided me with more than I initially realized . Aside from the financial boost I had experience in a lab situation, and an invaluabl~ collection of professional and personal references. Jul y was devoted to finding a job, the job, my job. I took full advantage of an y name or connection that co ~ld. be us~d . Many times this at least granted me a bnef mtervtew. Most interviews appeared successful, although there were a few obvious di asters. The morning' classified ads were served with breakfast. Phone ca lls were made concerning an ything 4

remotely related to chemical lab work. Days when I was without afternoon appointments I would check in with a new employment agency. Several that I dealt with did have ties to prospective employers, however, the timing was off. Occasionally I received calls from them months after I had found employment. After four weeks and 1500 miles of exposure, I began to get some response. It couldn't have happened soon enough. There is great satisfaction in knowing I will never feel that worthless again! Early in August I began work as a quality control chemist for Bio-Lab, Inc., a manufactm:er of industrial and agricultural chemicals. They appeared to be a rapidly expanding company that showed genuine concern and appreciation for their employees. That first year saw me train my replacement and move on to a position as an industrial chemist. My only frustration was not seeing the how's and why's of what I was doing. Where were the befores and afters of my projects? It was this lack of involvement in the total picture that influenced me to look elsewhere- sales. In discussing my feelings with fellow employees, I got two drastically opposite responses. Seeing the discouragement as a challenge and the encouragement as support, I set my sights on chemical sales, hopefully with Bio-Lab. Between interviews with pharmaceutical companies, I was told that Bio-Lab was looking for a swimming pool chemical salesman in New Jersey. My family had spent ten years in New Jersey. It was a place I could easily call home again. It seemed like now or never. My persistance won out and I was flown to Boston to travel New England with the regional manager. At the end of that week I had my mind made up. Fortunately so did Bio-Lab. In September, 1977, I became th~ company's first and only female salesperson. I was

Dale Harrison spends much of her time conducting educational seminars throughout N ew England. THE PHOENIX

moved to New Jersey and equipped with a company car, and an expense account. I began doing some educational seminars and learning about marketing- so different from the analytical tones of the lab. And the travel ... San Francisco, Atlanta, New York, New Orleans, Philadelphia! That was almost two years ago. Since then I have been transferred to New England where I cover most of that area. To talk about involvement now ... I could work 80 hours every week and still find more. Although I do spend a lot of time on my job, it lacks the pressure of college - a welcome relief. Bio-Lab has continued their concern and appreciation, morally and financially. The frustrations and efforts of college paid off. I only wish I could have seen this my last year of college. Next month I am taking several days vacation and going to Chicago. There I will meet with a dietician from Rochester, New York, a pharmacist from Philadelphia, a designer from New York City, and a government computer technician from Washington to attend a group insurance agent's wedding. We'll all have a lot of socializing to do . You see, we're all career Alpha Sigs. Dale Harrison Delta Lambda Alumna

Admissions Counselor I entered Longwood College in 1965 as a Home Economics Education Major with no real idea of what I wanted for a future. As things go- I did what I never planned to do- I married a local boy after graduation in the Spring of 1969 and knew my home would always be Farmville, Virginia - a small town of 7,000-8000 population with the surrounding counties mostly agricultural areas. I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time and was offered ajob with the Southside Electric Cooperative in Crewe, Virginia, as an Assistant Home Economist. I began that summer and traveled a good deal of the first few months of my married life. The job was a fun one for me. I worked with rural area families in house planning, designing new and existing home lighting and helping with old home remodeling. I gave demonstrations to all types of groups on a wide range of subjects. Women's groups would request programs on "Oven Meals," "Diet Menus," "Casseroles with Leftovers" "Meals with Fruits," "Cake Decorations," etc. and tl~e requests were endless. I worked with children's groups on "Good Lighting for Good Eyesight" and "Lamp Construction Workshops." Many times I would spend my time in school classrooms these concepts to children. We also presented Chnstmas decorating ideas each fall and traveled throug?out our territory giving demonstrations to be done m connection with special promotions which they would be running. It was fun to plan programs that emphasized the good qualities of various appliances. In the Spring of 1972 I took a job with Longwood College in the Admissions Office. As an Admissions SPRING 1979

Counselor my major responsibility at that time was traveling to the College Day and Night programs throughout the state, and visiting high schools and community colleges in Virginia and neighboring states. During these visits I would talk with prospective students about Longwood and help in their choice of a college. After my first child was born in 1973, I became a part-time Admissions Counselor. I do not travel to the various areas throughout the state or do out-of-state recruiting. Rather I work in the main office and answer questions from the students who are interested in Longwood and request information. I plan for many prospective students to spend a day and night on campus and I keep a cadre of Longwood students to assist me with these overnight arrangements. I train and set up the schedules for the tour guides who work for the Admissions Office. I plan extracurricular programs both at the college and out in the field for guidance counselors and prospective students. This entails planning and scheduling the location of certain events and activities, arranging for necessary transportation, selecting menus for special banquets or luncheons, preparing and having printed any written materials needed. I also talk with prospective students and parents who are visiting campus. (Actually it's a full-time job completed in part-time hours!!!) This is a fun job and a challenging one. It is a job which almost any college graduate could learn , especially for his or her own college or university, regardless of the degree which they received. This week for instance I will be making final arrangements for Spring Weekend 1979 to which we have invited several thousand prospective students. I will need to complete the layout for the program, get it to the printers, and finish checking the set-up for the Academic Information Center. The Longwood Scholars Program applications will be collected and their files readied for the Review Board. After their selection, I will notify the students who are invited to campus for interviews. I need to complete the plans for the Reception and Light Supper planned for these candidates who will arrive in two weeks and make final arrangements for their overnight accommodations. I have three letters from students who want to visit the campus and spend the night and these arrangements must be scheduled. And as I plan these events, several of our other Admissions Counselors are attending breakfast meetings which I arranged in two different areas of the state. It's fun and exciting and I can be assured of never being bored with my day. Candy Dowdy Alpha Alumna


Journalism as a Career If someo ne had told me I 0 yea r ago whe n I started co llege th at I wo ul d be a jou rna li st now , I wo uld 've thou ght they we re crazy. I was going to be a teac her. After a ll th ere was a shortage of teache rs, or at least th at's what we we re to ld in high sc hool back th e n. But by late 1968 when I sta rted at In d ia na State niversity it wa th e beginni ng of th e e nd . T he th reat o f no job u po n gra d ua tio n an d seein g all th e wor k th at teache rs had to go thro ugh - lesso n pla ns, bull etin boa rd s, correct ing p ape r s - made me decide against teac hin g. But what do you do with Histo ry (my maj o r) if yo u're not going to teac h ? In add ition to goin g th ro ug h r ush a nd pl edgin g AI A durin g my fi rs t se meste r , I also went to o ne of those activity nights whe re eac h uni vers ity cl ub h as a boo th . T h ro ugh that ! beca me invo lved in the ca mpus newspa per. I h ad never ta ke n a jou rnalism class , no r bee n in volve d in th e hi gh school pa per , bu t! wan ted some thin g fun to do. Bes ides th e ex p erie nce of be in g o n th e newspaper sta ff I received a small sa la ry.

So wh en I decided not to teach , my cou nselor (a history professo r) sugges ted th at sin ce I enjoyed m y wo rk with th e co ll ege paper I kee p m y hi sto ry maj or but ad d a mi nor in j o urn ali sm. H e be li eved th at a libera l a rts bac kg ro un d with a smatterng o f jo urn a li s m was wh a t n ews p a p e r s we r e loo kin g fo r in new e mployees. Wh ile it was tru e then a nd is still tru e today, yo u need to ad d experi e nce to wh at newspa pe rs a re loo king fo r . And th e o n ly way to get th a t e xpe ri e nce is to get a job at a s mall wee kly wh ere th e edito r is loo king fo r j-schoo l graduates. Beca use o f Waterga te a nd All the P resident's Men j o urn ali sm h as ta ke n o n a po pul a rit y way beyo nd wh a t the sa la r y ex pectati o ns justify. As a res u lt it is very difficult to fin d a j ob, eve n a t small wee klies . Ma n y j ourn alism g radu ates go o n to publi c re latio ns wor k a ft er seve ral yea rs o n a newspap er beca use th e pay is so poor. Eve n wi th a Guild (unio n) news roo m , yo u n eed to be in a la rge-sized cit y to ma ke good mo n ey. Eve n th o u gh I hadn 't g raduated wh e n l

ancy I. Z. R eese, copy editor for T he Dail y H e rald is sitting at an editor's VDT (visual display terminal) . Photo: Chuck Cherney, Da il y H e r ald . 6

was loo kin g fo r m y first j ob, m y exp erience on th e sc h oo l p a p er a nd a summ e r inte rn ship with th e Gmy Post-T ribune helped me obtain m y first p o itio n on a ubu rban wee kl y. From th er e I ca me to T he Dmly Herald, whi ch cove rs Chicago's n orthwest suburbs. Beca use l fe lt th at my lack of a d egree limited my o pportuniti es , I resumed college pa rt tim e a nd fini shed this pas t Au gust a t th e ni ve rsity of Illin o is C hi c~go Circl e with a d egree in htsto r y a nd pollltcal scie nce. O ne of th e reaso n I'll p robabl y alway find it fairly easy to find n ewspa pe r work is beca u se l wo rk in a n a rea mos t peop le don't think abo u t. Wh e n yo u think of newspa pers, you ge n era lly think o f rep o rters , but behind th e re po rte rs is a wh ole sta ff th at is neces ar) to get th e pa p e r o n th e stree t. My j ob as cop y editor in volves worki ng with re porte rs' sto ri es a nd read yin g th em fo r th e printing process. I edit th e sto ri e~. which mea n s th at I ca re full y read th e m fo r e rro rs in sp elling, pun ctu a tio n , a nd grammar. I a lso chec k fo r accuracy a nd ma ke sure th e sto ry is und e rsta nd ab le to th e newspa per rea d er . Then I a m assign ed a headlin e to write on th e sto r y. I n a fe w words I atte mpt to interes t th e read e r in wh at th e re porter has sa id in h is articl e. I also lay out pages whi ch in vo lves arra nging th e sto ri es o n th e page in a n inte resting ma nn e r . A lot o f m y tim e is spe nt runnin g be tween my de p artm e nt a nd th e sh op wh e re th e pages a re put togeth e r to h e lp th a t sta ff wjth proble ms th ey mi ght ha ve . Whil e all th at wi ll basica ll y re main th e sa me, th e way we wi ll be d oing it i changing as we cha n ge ove r to a co mputer sys te m. All th e stories will be typed d irectly into th e co mpute r , a nd we will be editin g th e m as th ey a ppea r on wh at loo ks like a TV sc ree n. All th e wo rk we did be fore with pa pe r will now be d o n e o n th e co mpute r . Th e exce ptio n will be page layo uts which still will be d o ne with pa p er a nd p encil. Th e Da ily H e r a ld is a uni versa l d es k which mea ns th at we h a ndle a ll types of co py fro m th e fea ture pages to sports. I find my j ob ve r y e xcitin g beca use we se e a ll pa rts of th e produ ct be fo re it goes to press. I also like th e challe nge o f lea rnin g th e ne w co mputer syste m. It will ma ke th e cop y d es k (th at's wh a t pa pe rs ca ll th e ir sta ff o f co p y edito rs) a n eve n mo re imp orta nt pa rt o f th e newspape r, sin ce co mputers e limin ate th e need fo r typists a nd proo fr ea d ers a nd to a la rge extent we will fill th ose ro les. Becau se th e Daily H erald is a m o rnin g pa per, I wo rk a 3 p .m. to midni g ht shift. I reall y e nj oy it a nd wo u ld find it hard to switch back to a d ay tim e hift. Fort un ately my hu sba nd also wo rks a seco nd shift as a ma nager o f a te nnis cl ub . Daytim e coll ege cl asses fit into this sc hedul e quite well so I' m curre ntl y wor kin g o n m y mas te r's in p o litica l scie nce . I a lso bow l in a mo rn ing league a nd I a m vice preside nt o f th e Chi cago o rth a lumn ae cha pte r . a ncy I. Z. Reese Editor's No te. Nancy, a Beta Upsilon, is a lumna~ editor for T h e Ph oe ni x. S he cont ributed three articles for this edition a nd will edit her first Alumnae Action section of T he Ph oe ni x in the S路u mmer issue.


A Prison Recreationalist How does a woman come to work in a prison? Why would she even want to? Well for Franny Keyes, a Beta Iota from Radford College, Radford, Virginia, it started with her field experience as a recreation major. She was assigned to Danville, Virginia, and prepared a program for the state prison farm there . She became so intrigued with prison work that she became a volunteer at a prison while she worked as the city program coordinator in Franklin, Indiana. She came to Chicago to get out ofthe recreation field for awhile but she was still drawn to prison work. She started as a part-time GED instructor at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a holding center for persons waiting trial or finishing up their sentences. She was later assigned to recreation and eventually put in charge of recreation full time. What kind of recreation is there in a prison? Franny organizes tournaments in various sports and brings in plays and singing groups for the prisoners to see. One of the programs she has started is a bridge club which brings in men from the community to play bridge with the prisoners. Franny finds her work with the inmates very rewarding. I saw her with some of the prisoners and she has very good rapport with them . Through recreation and education she believes she contributes to the development of the prisoners as persons. Because she encourages the prisoners to develop their own recreational programs, some have decided to go into the field once they get out of prison. Franny's degree from Radford was in recreation administration. Currently she is receiving para-legal training so she can aid prisoners working on their court cases. She hopes to work up to the position of supervisor of recreation and education at a prison facility. The field of prison recreation is an open field because so little has been done in the area. In most prisons the recreational supervisors are former guards or retired professional athletes. They are not trained in recreation. Franny is excited about the opportunity for her to be able to contribute to how the area of correctional recreation- or leisure as Franny likes to call it- is developed. She hopes eventually to obtain a Ph.D. and develop a program in correctional recreation at the college level. One difficulty for Franny was being accepted for her current position because she is a woman. The prison (Continued on page 10)

Franny Keyes, recreational supervisor at the U.S. M etropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago.

Queen of the Junkyard Calling Buffalo, New York, her home and the State University College of New York at Buffalo her alma mater, Cheryl Ann Bugelski has washed a lot of sand from her socks since first pledging Alpha Sigma Alpha. Stepping off the graduation stage with a baccalaureate she entered the field of special education at the West Seneca Developmental Center of New York. This career continued at the Middletown High School, Middletown, Rhode Island. Why Rhode Island? When you marry a Naval Academy graduate as Cheryl did, you travel with the fleet. In addition to Newport she lived in many other Eastern seaboard cities. In between moves Cheryl found time to start a family, explore Europe, and the Bermuda Triangle, and drive cross country. At the end of her husband's Naval service, Cheryl and her husband, Paul, decided on self-employment. Ruling out the noble professions as too time consuming and a hamburger franchise as merely buying a job, they looked for a small, vertically economic industry in which they could control the product from raw materials to consumer. Auto salvage seemed to fill the bill. In March of 1977 Cheryl opened the gates, threw the switches and started Cheryl's Backyard, Retailer of Used Auto Parts . A junk lady? "Why not?" retorts Cheryl. When the idea blossomed in their minds Cheryl and her husband decided that managerial expertise was their strongest asset. After all, in addition to managing various classrooms, Cheryl was the resident business operator during her undergraduate membership in Alpha Sig. In her resume are: Rush Chairman, fund raiser, summer vacation manager and social event organizer. Management must maintain a view from the top . In this light Cheryl was the natural since her husband's role in their plans was to be too close to everyday operations to maintain a proper long range perspective. To keep everyone believing, Cheryl's name appears not only on the billboard but also on the deed and business certificate. Cheryl is no absentee business manager. Among her regular duties are advertising, tax and insurance management, labor and payroll and inventory control. What Cheryl enjoys the most is the open competition of a salvage auction. Here she bids head to head with other auto wreckers, some with 30 years experience . "Beating the competition is the most exciting part of the industry," sa ys Cheryl. Outside of raising two children and managing a business Cheryl is attending China painting class and is teaching a class in ceramics. She is Vice President of her Parish Council and is chairperson of the Education Committee and is Corresponding Secretary of the Buffalo Chapter of the AlA-IT Chapter Alumnae Association. During the summer Cheryl manages the Buffalo based Pol-Am racing team, which enters stock car competitions. Margaret Horrigan 7

Careers As a professional Home Economist I could hardly edit all the features on the varied careers that Alpha Sigma Alphas are pursuing without including my own. The problem with writing about careers in Home Economics is that the field is so broad. Gone are the days of the "cooking and sewing" stereotype of Home Economists. Recently one prominent Dean of Home Economics, Dr. Laura J. Harper, stated that the field of Home Economics "has to run fastjuh to stand sti ll." 1 The di cipline of Home Economics began over 70 years ago. Much of the emphasis then was to assist the rural homemaker in caring for her home and fam ily. Today Home Economics has taken on a new emphasis -that of assisting individuals and families in improving their quality of life and adapting to the rapidlychanging lifestyles of today. Careers in Home Economics run the gamut from work in the sciences to the arts, from the helping professions to business and management. It is unlikely that you will see ajob description for a "Home Economist." Home Economists come in a variety of packages. Take myself, for example: when a ked what I do, I respond by saying that I teach housing at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. I almost always get a blank stare followed by, "You teach housing. What is that?" I explain that housing is a multifaceted discipline wh ich includes the economic, governmental, consumer, and socia lpsychological aspects of a dwelling unit and its impact upon the fami ly. How did I choose housing as a career? I had a lways wanted to enter the helping profession as a teacher. , During my first year of college I decided that if I wanted a job when I graduated I'd better change from the socia l studies curriculum- fast. I began to consider Home Economics. I had taken one course in the field my senior year of high school, a lthough students in the college preparatory curriculum were discouraged from taking Home Economics courses as e lectives. After my first college semester in Home Economics I was hooked! However, during my six-week student teaching experience with se~enth and eighth grader I knew teaching Home Economics was not for me. So I entered graduate school to pursue a Master's degree in Housing and Equipment. I was going to work for an appliance manufacturer. While I was in graduate school! served a a graduate teaching assistant. Teaching college students was entirely different from teaching junior high students! So when a teaching position opened at VPI & SU I applied and have now taught there for two years. The aspect of college teaching that has been the mo t rewarding is the fact that I am able to teach and work closely with students, yet I am able to on duct research in the areas of hous8

Home Economics

ing and equipment at the same time. I thoroughly enjoy my work in housing. In fact during this past year I have been on leave from VPI & SU to work on my Ph.D. in housing at Florida State University. I enjoy school very much and could probably be a career student if the pay were better; however, I am anxious to return to my role as a housing professional in this cha llenging time of increased housing costs and greater emphasis on energy conservation. What other kinds of jobs are students in home economics qualifying for today? Students in clothing, textiles, and related arts are pursuing careers in fashion merchandising, marketing, garment pattern design and promotion, textile design, interior design- residential and contract (with business firms), textile chemistry, fashion illustration, furniture manufacturing and sa les. Those with degrees in foods and nutrition might seek employment in dietetics, in food service management (hospitals, colleges, restaurants), as a foods editor of a magazine, or as a test kitchen researcher. Also many choose to become product development directors or public health nutritionists. Those with degrees in chi ld and family relations might choose from many options such as day care directors; kindergarten or pre-school teachers; family counselors; directors of alcohol and drug abuse centers, battered women's shelters, or run away houses. Positions may also be avai lable in homes for the elderly or juvenile detention centers. Students who have degrees with emphasis in the areas of management, housing, consumer studies, or equipment might seek emp loyment with appliance manufacturers as researchers, consumer specia lists, or as sales representatives; as h ousing managers for both federallyfunded or private complexes, and as financial and energy counselors for families. Employment is also available with loca l, state, or federal housing or consumer agencies, with the manufactured housing industry or with housing sales or real estate. Two of the most popular careers for those with Bachelor of Science degrees in any aspect of Home Economics or Home Economics Education are, respectively, as a cooperative extension agent or as a Home Economics teacher. Even the role of a Home Economics teacher has changed in recent years. Connie Peyton, former A!A field representative and now province director, is a vocational Home Economics teacher in Missouri. Connie and another Home Economics teacher work with about 250 of the 550 students in their school per year. Subjects taught this past year included Health and Home Nur ing, Family Living, Basic Home Economics, Clothing, Foods, Home Survival, and Housing and Home Furnishings. Other classes which may be included during a year are Consumer Education, Personal Culture, and THE PHOENIX

Child Development. The typical student is no longer the young girl who wants only to be a wife and mother. Sex roles in the home are changing. Both men and women are assuming homemaking roles as more wives enter the work force and as more men and women choose to remain single but have their own households. Thus males are taking courses in Home Economics as well as becoming members of the Future Homemakers of America. The goal of these Home Economics classes is to help students meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world in such areas as management of time, energy, and resources, as well as coping with changes in the family structure . . Connie received her B.S. in Home Economics Education from Central Missouri State University. She chose this field because she wanted to "lead and help others." At CMSU she served as President of Zeta Zeta Chapter. Her sorority experiences were helpful in her chosen profession because, as Connie said, "I not only saw how to work with people but how to lead and guide them." Another Alpha Sigma Alpha Home Economist is Cathy Merrell of Norfolk, Virginia . Cathy is a ~ales consultant for Kitchen Towne/Towne lntenors. Measuring kitchens, discussing with customers their needs and wants, and designing a functional kitchen plan to meet their needs are all a pa:t of h~r work. Recently, she was given the opportumty to direct the Towne Interiors program. Here, Cathy and another decorator work with area builders and new homeowners in helping them select and coordinate interior wall and floor coverings. To prepare for this position Cat.hy m~jored in interior design at Virginia Polytechmc Institute and State University where she was a charter member of Delta Lambda Chapter . Her specific training in kitchen design was received at the St. Charles .Kit~hens' manufacturing plant in St. Charles, Illinois. At Kitchen Towne she received additional training from two CKD's (Certified Kitchen Designers). Cathy finds her career to be challenging and rewarding. She finds it very satisfying to see customers pleased with the functional kitchens she has designed for them. Cathy especially enjoys this type of position beca':'se i~ gives her the opportunity to specialize with design m one area, yet gives her the opportunity to do some general interior decorating. These are just three examples of what some A~A Home Economists are doing. Variety- yes! In fact the field is so broad in scope that it is often difficult f~r those with advanced degrees in one area to commumcate with those in another area because the language has become so specialized. It is no wonder that peo.ple with many backgrounds and interests find rewa~dmg careers in home economics- not just those who hke to cook and sew! Rosemary Carucci Goss National Feature Editor 1. Willis , Trudy . "Home Ec More Than Cooking." The Roanoke Times, July 23, 1978.


Television Technician To me Karen Kors has an exciting job. As a TV technician she works with people you and I see only on TV. Every time I visit her at the TV studio, I think, "How glamorous!" But for Karen it's just a job, even though she will admit it's a good one. A job as a TV technician can be very demanding. Many times Karen is called in to work on her days off. She is also sent out of town to work on assignments, especially for football games - Karen's favorite. She finds the demands of football very rewarding. She is challenged by live TV and with fewer shows being live, sports is an area where she can test her skills against the clock. With football, as with any live spor~, TV crews never know what's going to happen and If they make a mistake they can't redo it. The daily news shows that Karen works on are live also but they are more predictable. Karen, who was a Beta Upsilon at Indiana State University, graduated with a degree in radio and TV. While this and an FCC First Class Radio/Telephone license got Karen her job at Chicago's CBS-TV affiliate, Channel 2, she is seeing more and more that a person interested in technicians work at TV stations needs a solid background in electronics . When Karen moved to her presentjob in TV, opportunities for women in the field were just beginning. Opportunities are still good, although one can expect to have to start at a small station with poor pay and work ones way up to a larger market with dramatically better pay. Karen 's background for her TV job came from work as traffic manager for various radio stations and of course her degree. (Continued on page 10)

Karen Kors, TV technician, is seated in front of the character gen erator in the studios of WBBM-TV. 9

Carol Bertoldi, pharmacist, at the Presbyterian University of Pennsylvania M edical Center Hospital. Television Technician (Continued from page 9) While Karen's pay, enhanced by a union contract, is very lucrative, the hours of a TV technician are nothing to brag about. As Karen puts it, "It's tough to work other than 9 to 5 in a 9 to 5 world." Because she has to work when the evening news shows are being broad cast, her hours are basically 3 to 11 p.m. and she works most weekends . Then there is the overtime and traveling she is asked to do . She regrets not being able to become involved in either sorority activities or the activities of professional groups. On the job, Karen is primarily responsible for the operation of two machines. One is the electronic character generator which projects words onto the TV creen. This is particularly important when she is working football games and doing the statistics . The other is the electronic still storer which projects background still shots on the screen. One of the challenges of TV work for Karen is that because of the constantly expanding technical requirements she will have the prospects of learning new skills and operating new equipment. When Karen isn't working (which is rare), she likes to spend time with her boyfriend and travel to sunny re ort areas. ancy I. Z. Reese National Alumnae Editor Prison Recreationalist (Continued from page 7)

administration was skeptical of her ability to program for men's activities. The prison has only about 20 women and ma ny times more men. Finally federal regulation won out and she got the job. Being a woman, however, actually helps in her contacts with the inmate . When Frann y i not working - and most of her work is in the evenings and weekends he likes to learn new crafts and participate in man y outside ports. ancy I. Z. Reese National Alumnae Editor 10

The options available to a young graduate are so varied, the problem these days is choosing the direction which will contribute to a happy and satisfied working woman. I believe the best and most direct method to attain the ultimate position is to begin by choosing the position or goal and then , plan, plan, plan . Choose a curriculum in college that will qualify you academically and distinguish you from competitors. A second degree or work experience program may even be necessary, but surely worth the extra work. My desires were in the sciences when I first started college at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. As a biochemistry major for three years, I eventually began to see that specialization would be the direction necessary to seek ajob satisfying my interest and financial needs. With some good advice I found myself in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science for a three year professional program. Now, as a recent graduate in pharmacy, I have learned that the options are still very different and desirable. There is the retail and manufacturing world of pharmacy plu industry and my choice, hospital pharmacy. Presently I am a registered clinical pharmacist a1: the Presbyterian University of Penn sylvania Medical Center Hospital in Philadelphia and very much a part of the health team. Responsibilities such as nursing lectures, patient discharge planning services, making medical rounds with physicians and drug information services allow me to utilize my academic background and still continue my learning experiences . One advantage of working at a teaching institution is that it allows me to instruct a laboratory course at the pharmacy school. Three years prior to pharmacy school during my stay at Virginia Tech, I became involved in the Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha in which I was a charter member. AlA was a learning experience for me also, showing me a world of friendship, love and real people . In looking at my desires and goals , I have not yet gotten there but I am on my way. I am presently enrolled in a local college beginning my primary courses for my Master's in Business Administration. Where this will take me, I cannot be sure, but hopefully to an administrative position in a small hospital. Carol Bertoldi Delta Lambda Alumna


THE WHITE HOUSE COMMISSION SEEKING QUALIFIED CANDIDATES The President's Commission on White House Fellowships will be seeking highly qualified candidates for its 1980-81 competition. Fourteen to nineteen positions are open for this extraordinary but highly competitive opportunity. President Lyndon B. Johnson established the program in 1964 to give outstanding younger Americans firsthand experience in the process of governing of the nation. The White House Fellowship program is a non-partisan effort to draw in a few of the brightest and most promising people from all over the country to work at a unique level in the Federal government for a year. Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter have continued the Fellowship program with a high level of support. President Carter has removed the specific age limitations. The program is now open to all those who are early in their careers. Fellows have been chosen from a wide variety of careers and professions including law, medicine, teaching, state and local government and the arts . The Fellows serve for one year, usually as a special assistant to the Vice President, a member of the President's Cabinet, or to a presidential assistant. The Fellows may be involved in the development of special programs, assist in speech writing, engage in inter-

departmental task forces, or do other tasks assigned by their principals. The knowledge that each Fellow gains in his work assignment is shared with the other Fellows during the year-long educational program which is conducted in addition to the work assignments and provides the Fellows an opportunity to meet with government leaders, journalists , and others related to government. The Commission is looking for persons who will be the future leaders of their chosen career or profession and of their community. Applicants shou ld possess enough credentials of accomplishments to show their potential for their leadership and of community or professional contributions. The competition for the Fellowships is open to all United States citizens. There are no occupational, age, sex, racial, or religious restrictions. However, current employees of the Federal government are not e ligible with the exception of career military personnel. For additional information or an app lication send a postcard with name and address to the President's Commission on White House Fellowships, 1900 E Street NW, Room 1308, Washington, D.C. 20415 or call (202) 653-6263. Application information will be available in August 1979.

WASHINGTON, D.C. ALUMNAE RESOURCE PILOT PROJECT The Washington Alumnae Chapter is piloting a resource service for Alph a Sigma Alpha sisters who may be considering or planning a move into the Washington, D.C ., Northern Virginia, Maryland area. To secure information about careers, comm unities, schools, housing, etc. in the D.C. area, contact: Mrs. Robert Scheuble 2921 Dubarry Lane Brookville, MD 20729 This is NOT a counse ling service, a job agency nor a real estate agency BUT rather what these sisters - who have lived and worked in this area and know where "the ropes" are- are willing to do is to help show someone new the same "ropes" in order to make her move into the D.C. area easier and backed by Alph a Sigma Alpha Love. _____________________________________________________ Chapter Name Address _____________________________________________________ Phone City



NEEDS: Career Categories -----------------------------------------------------------------Housing Other _____________________________________________________________________ Move Planned --------------------------------------------------------------------------Date SPRING 1979


THOUSANDS SERVE WITHOUT ''PAY" AS VOLUNTEERS FOR SORORITIES "Wanted: Professional in the field of law, money management, public relations, public affairs, program planning and career development. Must often work week-ends and overtime. Must work out of home. Occa ional travel required. No salary available." What if this advertisement were to appear in the classified section of our daily newspapers? We'd probably think it was a misprint or maybe even a joke. We'd probably wonder who in their right mind would answer such an ad. The truth is, that while the ad has never actually appeared, thousands of women have been answering it for years . They are the dedicated "professional volunteers" who provide their expertise and time to the 26 ational Panhellenic Conference sororities. The dictionary defines a "professional" as someone having great ski ll or experience in a particular field of activity. In a world that is increasingly becoming more business oriented and specialized, we often think of professional women as those confident careeroriented women in their three piece suits who sit behind large corporate desks and make important decisions daily. These women are professionals, but they make up only a small part of the world of professiona ls. Those of us who have worked with the fraternity movement over the years realize the professional volunteer is an integral and vital part of our organizations. Many ofthese professional volunteers are career women who take time from their jobs to devote their expertise and talents to all areas of the fraternity.

Still others make their offices in their homes, in the den or maybe on a corner of the kitchen table. Their busy days are often filled with community interests, family needs and their own interests. Their busines phone is their home phone, and their paychecks come in the form of the satisfaction at seeing their fraternity's accomplishments. Their skills, their experience, their loyalty and their excellence in service all mark them as true professionals. For the 14 paid staff members we have (in Phi Mu), we have 2,000 volunteers. This volunteerism is as old as the fraternity movement and a trademark of the system. Think about the network of volun teers who serve a national counci l members, collegiate advisors, alu mnae chapter and house corporation officers to the 26 NPC groups. Incredible, isn 't it? There are actually hundreds of thousands of women providing guidance and expertise in every facet of the fratern ity. What would these services cost the fraternity system if these women were not "volunteers"? What if these "volunteers" were paid for the hours they spend visiting chapters, trave lin g, attending leadership training and making phone calls? It's plain to see that Phi Mu and all other sororitie wou ld find it a lmost impossible to exist without our professional volun teers. - Adele Redditt Willi amson, Phi Mu, National Panhellenic Conference Chairman Article from IR AC Bulletin, February 1979

Alpha Sigma Alpha

Alpha Sigma Alpha

announces the reorganization of

announces the formation of

Southern Illinois Alumnae Chapter

Albuquerque Alumnae Chapter

Carbondale, Illinois

Albuquerque, New Mexico

March 22, 1979

November 4, 1978



Field Representatives Reflections

Marsha, Candi, Leslie - Convention '78

How many times have you wished you could have a year just to travel throughout the United States? Or better yet, how often have you wished that you could major strictly in sorority? Well, there was many a time that I had wished those two dreams would be possible and in April oflast year, it actually came true for me. I was appointed a Field Representative for AlA. My decision to represent AlA nationally didn't happen overnight. My training actually began in 1974 when I began my college career. Being a student at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Missouri, gave me my first opportunity to learn about people and college life. The next step was my decision to pledge Phi Phi Chapter of AlA. Needless to say, my experiences during my four years of college and sorority life certainly served as my background and my motivation for wanting to serve AlA in a national capacity. I'll have to give my Phi Phi sisters credit for giving me a great experience in sorority and preparing me for the many experiences I've seen throughout my travels. And while we're giving credit, naturally, my parents, jim and Betty had quite a hand in my training also. Although this has been a very busy year for me, I feel this experience has helped me grow and mature. My knowledge of sorority and sisterhood has been expanded by leaps and bounds. I never realized that there could be so many special people in this world . One of my most often asked questions is "Do you ever get lonely?" My answer, dear sisters is this. How could anyone get lonely with so many exciting and beautiful people to work with? Everywhere I go, every chapter I meet, I find smiling faces and new friends to be made . The people that make up this sorority are really special and I just wish everyone could have this opportunity to meet so many of the beautiful people that make this sorority "tick." Not only do I speak of all the collegiates who stay up endless hours to work on SPRING 1979

rush, or homecoming, but of our fine group of National Officers who invest time and energy to plan for the welfare of AlA. And don 't forget the alumnae who also give of themselves to show that AlA lasts much longer than just those four years of college. My training at National Headquarters began just prior to National Convention and continued on at Convention. I then returned to National Headquarters in August to complete my training and to work there until my travels began a few weeks later. After traveling for over half a year, I can honestly say that this opportunity has shown me the true value of sisterhood and belonging to a family. I have learned what it really means to "Give Full Measure" and as I worked with some of our colonies, I've seen fine 路 examp les of"Aspire, Seek, Attain." I actually have felt the full extent of sisterhood. My only wish now is that those that I've shared this year with will remember me a nd our times together, and share their life and love of AlA as I have. You are the best form of publicity we have. I look forward to meeting those of you whom I haven't met, and I send my memories to those I have . Best wishes for happiness to all of you. Alpha Love, Candi

After reuniting my flame at the 1978 National Convention, I was ready to travel again for our beloved sorority as a full-fledged field rep veteran. Much like the first year, my sorority education continued, with each visit bringing new experiences and invaluable memories ... flying here, getting snowed in there, and meeting new sisters everywhere - it was great! Traveling for almost a year and a half for AlA led me to confirm my first expectations, that we do indeed have a special sisterhood to offer others. A sisterhood that is growing each day. In order to assist that growth, each of you, as sisters of Alpha Sigma Alpha need to continually "give full measure"- for you, my sisters, are important to the future of your chapter and our sorority. It is through your devotion and hard work that AlA continues to flourish. I hope that man y of you have found the field rep's visits to be helpful. We try to assist you whenever and wherever possible, as well as, learn many valuable ideas from you that we can carry with us to other Alpha Sigs across the country. Hopefully, through this process and the strength of our national council, chairmen and province directors we can keep AlA striving and growing for another seventy-seven years. I thank each of my sisters for making my job so fu lfilling and worthwhile. The experience was unforgettable and the friendships, priceless. Love in AlA, Marsha 13

MEMORIES OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA I look over my shoulder and wave at time, for it pas es quickly. My college years are coming to an end, time cannot be topped. I long to hold it, to go back to the past, to stand in the stillness of time, and reflect on the Class of 1979. And through the mist of tears, I see Alpha Sigma Alpha. You who were there during my first encounter with GMI. You who were there to share my last encounter. We've shared so many moments. We've laughed so hard we cried, and we've cried so hard we laughed.

You've supported me through my victories and my defeat , you've helped me to grow into a woman. . .. And through it all, you were my friend. But now the years are gone. The time ha come to release your hand, to say goodbye to college life, to take a forward step on my own. But I will always feel the rays of your friendship, the warmth of your love and understanding, and the happiness of days gone by. And, someday, we'll meet again, and time will stand still, as memories reawaken and sisterhood lives on. - Carol A. Van De Voort Delta Nu-B

Thank You, Sister I spent this past weekend visiting a friend- a sorority sister I shared my college experiences with not quite ten years ago . What a boost to the spirit it is each time we visit, either in person or by phone! Months pass between these visits and phone calls, but it never seems like it once we get past the "hello's." And I've decided today to write her this thank you - a testimony to a friendship founded in a sorority sisterhood years before. Since graduation my friend and I have gone in two diverse (but not really) directions. She's single, sharing a home with another roommate and kept busy with the challenges of her teaching career. I have married and share my home with a husband and child, and find myself busy with the daily routine of home and family. Her friends since college are those in her field and I could say the same applies to me. She is most at home on a basketball or volleyball court, coaching her students and players in class and after school. Sports for me hasn't gone much beyond helping a preschooler do a somersault - I'm much more at home reading a bedtime story, playing pinochle with the neighbors, or getting involved with the ladies' group at church. I guess when it comes right down to it, we don't have a whole lot in common on paper. And yet, in spirit, we remain close in that which drew us together in Alpha Sigma Alpha initiall y. Friendship defies definition and a close friendship that survives the years and the distances of our ever changing, mobile society is even harder to find and certainly i something to be trea ured. This is such a relationship - and it is, indeed, a cherished thing. Time is alway too hort when we talk or visit. The memorie we recall are always the laughable ones, the 14

ones that shave the years away and always leave me thinking, "Was it really that long ago?" Our time together is a long overdue and very welcome pause in two often frenzied life schedules. Remembering the times when I had the time to sit around and get to know another person really well, remembering the times of a sisterhood and of women learning together, growing close, always there, remembering all there is to remember - this makes facing busy days and too many responsibilities and never enough time, a notably easier task . My friend - my sister. Thank you for those times and these. You have shared my doubts, my term papers, my moodiness, my inanity, my growth and best of all, my laughter. Because of this, you share my love of and for so many undefinable things. God bless and keep you in the spirit of life you continue to share with those around you. And God bless us both with an even deeper knowledge of the word "friend." Carol D'Amore Covert (Gamma Mu) Livon ia, Michigan


Collegiate Corner Lillian Ford Donnally,


Winter and Spring Rush Alpha Alpha Chapter of Miami University was one of four sororities o n th e Miami campus to go thro ugh wi nter Pan h ell enic Ru sh this year. Despite the sma ll turnout of rushees, the ch apter gained two terrific pledges and so me va lu able rush experie nce. T he new members and pledges lea rn ed the kind of wor k which goes into preparing for a formal rush. The seasoned veterans h ad an opportun ity to improve their rush techniques. Everyo n e worked hard on decorations , name tags a nd food for the th ree r ush parties, and the French party, disco party, and Miami Beach party were s u ccesses thanks to the effort and enthu siasm of all members. Beta Beta Chapter at the University of Northern Colorado gave three Ru sh parties for all interested girls Winter quarter. The first was a "Casino" party. All the AlA members dressed in black, red, and whi te and entertained the guests with card games. Coupons were used in p lace of money, a nd were later exchanged for ca ndy cigarettes, gum cigars, and drinks . The theme of the second party was "Grease." T h e chapter members dressed in costumes of the fifties. A simu lated "Grease" scene proved to be amus in g to everyone. Rootbeer floats were given to the guests, "Grease style ," by a waitress o n roller skates. AlA music alo ng with the "bopping" music added to the even in g. More on the serious sid e , the final party opened wit h a fo ndu e buffet. A cand le ceremony followed which included AlA songs, disp laying the love and sisterhood of Beta Beta. Spring rush was a n exciting time for the girls of Phi Phi Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University . Members h ad a chance to meet many new faces as well as having a very successfu l rush. The chapter experimented with a new rush party call ed an icebreaker party. Field representative, Candi Lacy , brought new ideas from another chapter she h ad rece ntl y vis ited . It was a very informal and fu n party that was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. One of the main and helpful aspects of the rush was getting to know the girls during every day activities , not merely j ust the rush parties. This allowed members to get to know the girls better as well as being enjoyable for members and the rushees. The members of Beta Iota Ch ap ter at the Radford Coll ege returned from Christmas break full of enthusiasm for upcoming events in particular winter rush. The first fu ll week back, members need formal rush which was sponsored by Pan hellenic. Members wore traditional red dresses. Members helped to decorate the sorority room by bringing paddles, thought books , jerseys , and wa ll hangings for display. It was certain ly evident which sorority occupied the room. The rushees were excited at the very


fact of being there and all of them see m ed very impressed with Alpha Sigma Alpha. They left hopeful of receiving an invitation to the second party. The second party was held two days later. The th eme, the Scarlet Garter, was based on the Roaring Twenties. Members decorated the sorority room as a speakeasy and everyone dressed the part. Members placed backgammon sets, cards, and dice aro und the room a nd se rved crackers, cheese , and hot dogs. The fa ll pledges performed a skit in which one girl portrayed a torch singer and the oth ers, her backup. Beta Theta Chapter's winter rush at Central Michigan University is a one week event in january, jammed pack with much; Ru sh parties a nd meeting new people. By the end of the week, members' hopes run high on which girls wi ll choose their ch apter. Formal rush ends with a presentation of the girls declaring the sorority of their choice. There is much excitement in the air and a closeness between all the so rorities on campus. After Formal Bid Sig n , the Beta Thetas returned to their house for a traditional Pizza dinner. A few Alum s also made it for the festivit ies, a n even ing filled with food, so ng , and old stories of Bid Signs in the past. The hi ghlight of the evening was Sea Breeze. Depending on the day of the week in which Bid Signs fa ll s, alum s come and help to welcome the new pledges. This too is celebrated with just the members' so ngs, tales, and plans of the future. Spring Ru sh at Beta Lambda Chapter at the

The Beta Nu suite became Arnie's Soda Alley during formal rush. H ere joe Cool (Debbie Simmons) and "his" fan s (Patty Provow, Suzanne Byars, and Linda johns) pose around the juke box during a break between parties.

University of Ce ntral Arkansas brought new ideas and seve n new pledges. Alpha Sigs held two formal rush parties. Ginger ale , punch, and petit fours were served to rushees, who were greeted at the door to the tune of " I Don't Know How to Love Him ," su ng by two of their new members . Several members and a lumnae gave talks on the importan ce that Alpha Sigma Alpha has made on their li ves and afterwards, actives talked to the rushees and sang songs. The idea of the forma l rush party went over well and allowed members to get to know the rushees and brought the sisters closer together, too. Spring Rush gave Beta Lambda Chapter at the University of Central Arkansas a new pledge class. Because spring rush is put into motion on a much smaller scale, open rush parties are the principal ru sh activ iti es. This year Beta Lambdas tried an angle new to them in rushing . Instead of a principal theme with skits and costum es , members concentrated more on talking to each girl so that they co uld get to know her and she, in turn, cou ld get to know them . In this way it was hoped the party cou ld be more meaningful for each prospective member. Bids were exte nd ed the fo ll owin g day a nd four more girls became Aiph a Sigma Alpha pledges. Beta Rho's spring rus h at Northern Illin ois Un iversity consisted of four different sets of parties. The first set was called 路路opens." Ru shees went to a ll eleven houses on cam pus for 20 minutes each . Members served hot apple cider and had a display of AlA objects su ch as p a ddles, pictures, party favors , pledge books, and pillows . The seco nd set of parties was " in forma ls." This time the rushees went to eight different houses; each of which had entertai nm ent and refreshments. T h e entertainment was a skit call ed "Sigmarella" about a girl in the dorms, her wicked roommates , and how she gets invited to a party (by an Alpha Sig) that changes her whole life . "Cokes" was the next set. Ru shees co uld on ly go to four houses . Again , there was entertainment and refreshments. The theme for this party was a toy shop . The chapter had a toy maker who trys to se ll " his" toys (5 of wh ich sing and one of which reads a poem about AlA and then realizes how a lone "she" wou ld be witho ut them and how a me mber wou ld be without her sisters). After the skit, members he ld a friendship circle. The final set of parties was "forma ls." Here the girls only went to two houses. The first house serves dinner and the second party has dessert. The theme is Hawaiian . Members dressed in muu-muus and wore leis and sanda ls. Eac h gi rl that came got a lei. "Entertainment"路 consisted of a sisterhood poem read by a member in the house and the n everyone joins in a song ca ll ed "Friends." After the song, members have a cand le- li ght ce remony and give each girl flowers. After both parties, the girls were taken to a centra l, uninfluential p lace and as ked to sign a pledge. The next day , they received their bids. Ribbon pledging was that night. Bad weather did not keep the Beta Sigma Chapter at Southwest Missouri State University from having a successful spring rush. Despite snow and ice, there was a good turn-


out at the open hou e. The new sc rapboo k depicting the past years' eve nts was preented along with posters highlighting special activitie . On th e second night of rush , th e traditio nal La Vegas party was held . Red and white checked tablecloths covered the tables wh ere members erve d the rush ees cookies and soda in champagne glasses. The final rush party was the Preferential Tea, whe re me mbers prese nted our slide show an d sa ng songs . The n ex t da y after new pledges picked up their bids, member had the informal initiation ce remony. Later, members all we nt ou t for pizza, where th ey had a great time eati ng , singing songs, and posing for num ero us pictures. Officer training for Gamma Xi Chapter at Slippery Rock State Coll ege took pl ace th e second week of school during th e spring se mes ter. The girls all met at th eir advise r's house to discuss each office. The old officers talked about their offi ce to the incoming on es. T h ey discussed th e mea ning of th e o ffi ce, what has to be don e an d sugge ti ons as to what improve ment could be made for that office. After the n ew a nd old officers met , a bri e f informal meeting was held to plan for th e co ming semester. The main topic talked abou t was ru sh . Rush to Gamma Xi is very important sin ce Alpha Sigma Alpha at Slippery Roc k is sma ll. The Gamma Psi Chapter of Ed inboro Sta te Coll ege had a new twist for Rush. Since me mbership has bee n d ow n in numbers , me mbers have been trying ex tra hard to think of new id eas to ca tch th e interest of th e ca mpus . One idea, which seems to ha ve cr eated the best r eact io n , is th e n ew ly formed group of " Ph oenix Men ." Gamma Psis have ch ose n 16 me n (including th e Sweetheart) at Edinboro State who ha ve helped th e chapter co untless tim es with both large a nd small tasks. These "chose n few" were awarde d s hirt s with letters a nd " PHOENIX MAN" written boldly across the front. This ha prove n to be excell e nt publi city, and th e new Ph oe nix Me n a re helping very mu ch with rec ruiting possible p ledges. It has ge nera ted interest, and h as also allowed members to show chap ter appreciation to these men for th eir help. Th e cha pter plans to make thi s a n a nnu al eve nt. Gamma R ho Ch apter at East Stroudsburg State Co llege in Pe nn sy lva ni a rece ntl y held elections for new offi ce rs . Deb Maslin was elected a ru sh chairm a n so she cou ld prepare for th e upcom in g rus h es . The ru sh dates fell close to Val e ntine's Day, and George Washington's Birthday; therefore, rush th e me fell alo ng th ese lin es. For winter rush members had a "greaser" rush , due to the new found popularity of th e 50' . Advisors we re on ha nd to give a demon tration on th e SO's d a nce steps. T he seco nd rush was entitl ed " Lettu ce Entertai n Y ou:· It was h eld in the lobby of o ne of the dorms . Durin g the rush , th e membe rs separa ted into gro ups a nd explained to th e ru shees th e diffe rent aspects o f sorority li fe including activiti es , me mbership new . fees, and res po nsibilities. The eve ning wa a great uccess, and it was capp ed with a se lection at th e alad bar. Gamma R ho Chapter at East Stroudsburg tate Coll ege also held three ru h parties


this spring. The first rush was th e traditional soro rity tea. Each sorority has a room to decorate, an d meets a different group of rushee every fifteen minutes . The th eme was " Wintertime Is Fun with AlA , but An ytime Is Fun With Us. " The ro o m was brightly d ecorated with symbols o f every season alo ng with padd les a nd scra pboo ks . "Let AlA Be the Key to Your H ea rt" was th e th eme of the seco nd ru sh held th e day before Valentine's Day. There was mu ch food, informal dis cussi o n s, and fun when everyone sat a ro und si nging as one of th e sisters gave a guitar acco mpanim e nt. The third rush was e ntitled "Som ew h e r e Over th e Rainbow You'll Find AlA" where members held th e forma l wishing well ce rem o ny wh ich was preced ed by an informal Rainbow Ce re mon y prese nted by th e rush co mmittee. Afterwards, th e ce nter of attraction was a six-foot long h oagie and es pecially mad e rainbow ca ke. Spring rush was a busy and exciting tim e as usual for Gamma Zeta Chapter at the Uni versity of Arkansas a t Monti cell o. New rul es implemented b y Pan hellenic proved to be an exce ll e nt id ea. The numb e r of pl e dges wh ich co uld pi ck up was limited , and as a r es ult, the chapter received a very high qualit y pl edge class o f nin e girls. Me mbe rs bega n ru sh activities with an info rmal party carrying out th e th e me of " Radio Days." Rush ees were se r ve d in a miniature ice cream parlor, and the members prese nted a va ri ety show co nsisting of old radi o acts and shows. About 32 rush ees were pres e nt. One wee k later, members e nte rtain ed 25 girls at th e forma l rush party. T h e girls were served special ca kes and membe rs presented a program. Me mbe rs sang a song as each girl dropped a tin y pearl into th e water, and each girl was presented with a red rose. Delta Iota Chapter at th e University of Delaware started o ff spri ng rush with many parties, including a St. Valentin e's Tea, two rush mixe rs , a fondue party, and Ice Cream Sundae Revival, 6-foot Sub Nite, Spaghetti Dinn e r , Bake-o ff, We inie Roas t, Pretzel Pa rty, a nd Breads· around the World. The in creased numbe r of rush functions were n eed ed to permit th e large number of new membe rs to meet a ll th e rush ees. The fall pledge class had twe lve members.

Aspire Seek Attain ASPIRE - a verb mea ning to have great a mbitio ns and to strive toward a n e nd . AlA teac hes us to be ambitious and to stri ve for the e nd prod uct o f humanitylove. SEEK - a ve rb mea ning to e ndeavor , to searc h for or to attempt. AlA teac hes to e nd eavo r always to find the good in eac h individual and to love th em for th at good. ATTA I - a verb meaning to gain or to accomplish . As a sister in AlA we find that we have gained th e love of oth er by being able to express it ou rselves. So now, my sisters, I as k of you o nl y one thing: Aspire for love in your minds, Seek it in your sou ls, and yo u will Attain it in yo u r hea rts. Pamela J. Re hak Gamma Eta

Take the Time When I take the tim e to loo k and su all the beauty and wonder that surrounds me I'm ove rwhelmed. The world and all of nature is so uniqu e, su inspiring. The natural beauty of our earth can never be recreated o r unde rstood. Mother Nature is an elusive, mysterious woman in this res pect. When I take tim e to op e n myse lf up to /ot•r a nd be loved , I'm suddenly aware of how beautiful people can be. Th ey are o f God , just as nature ... They ca rry th e same uniqu e ness , the same elusiven ess, The same radian ce and shower of giftsIf we only o pe n o ur eyes to see. Wh e n I take time to not only see but touch the peo ple and things That beautify m y life, beco me aware o f not on ly th e ir visual bea uty , But th e bea uty of the sensations they create in me. With a simp le tou ch , the radian ce I admired from afar is now mine ... Rosa m ond Elizabeth Larm our Beta Epsilon Me mbe rs of Delta Lambda Chapter at Virginia Tech co mbined good planning and hard work to pull off a rush that proved successfu l this fa ll. Work began immediately after th e sisters return ed to sc hool, th e third week in Se ptember, with an all day workshop at which time favors, boo klets , and posters were co nstru cted fo r th e upco ming parties. "The Wizard of Alph Sig," theme and skit for the first party , d e picted a girl away from ho me fo r the first Lime, who discove rs that tru e friendship ca n be found with sisters of AlA. The skit went over well as did th e who le party. A Hawaiian Luau was th e scene o f th e second rush party. Tro pical refreshme nts were served; leis were distributed a nd a hula dan ce was perform ed by one sister. To close th e party, a Hawaiian poem of friendship was read . Finally, rush we ek was co mpleted with a Pre fe rentia l Cheese Fo ndu e Pa rty , at which time ca rnations were distribute d to rush ees and th e me mbe rs were given an opportunity to bette r acquaint th e mselves with th e girls. Delta Lambda Chapte r at Virginia Tech also loo ked forward to a good set of ru h parties when they return ed fro m their brea k in th e spring. Ru sh began with a workshop in which the mem be rs m ad e favors a nd practiced for th e upco ming parties. The first set of parties includ ed th e Int ernati on al pa rt y, where each sister portra ys a diffe re nt co untry a nd a Mex ica n pinata was stuffed a nd bro ke n by the ru h ees. At the second pa rty, a bingo part y was the spot of interes t for rush ees and sisters. The AlA bing o game car d s rep laced traditi o nal BINGO ca rds a nd the numbers will be replaced by characteristics of AlA. Wrapping up th e first se t of pa rti es, m e mbe rs held a cove red dish prefe re ntial party with th e sca rl e t ribbo n ce re m o ny in lud ed in th e eveni ng . Later in the spring, me mbe rs will


rush again with a casino night party and another preferential party. The winter rush for Delta Nu A Chapter at General Motors Institute has been an informal medley of parties, outings and singa-longs which have all contributed toward members getting to meet new people on campus. and getting to know o ld friends better. Just prior to the Christmas break , members invited some freshmen over to the chapter house for popcorn and lemonade. They joined in singing Christmas caro ls with members. Another activity consisted of a Sorority Ski Night at a nearby skiing recreation area and several parties. Members recently co-sponsored a Winter Carnival party with the Alpha Tau Omega brothers here at GMI. New members also organ ized a party with the pledges of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. The successfu l fall rush at General Motors Institute inspired a new ceremony between all sororiti es on ca mpus. Delta Nu-B Chapter participated this winter in a ceremonia l introduction of pledges by all sororities. The lntersorority Organization set up and conducted the ceremony beautifully. All members and new pledges were present. The evening began with a short devotional by the chaplain of each sorority. A poem was read symbo li zing the feelings of excitement and sisterhood beginning between the new girls and the members. The membership director of each sorority then introd u ced their pledges. Each pledge of Alpha Sigma Alpha received a white carnation as a symbol of the pearl and the learning that will come. The evening ended with punch , cookies, and a time to get acq uainted. A closer feeling between the separate sororities was growing through this one united event. Working together is necessary today , for a better tomorrow.

During the spring rush, Delta Omicron Chapter at York College took in three new pledges. Rushing went we ll , except that one of the rushes was postponed due to a bad snow storm. In the pledges' program , pledges must strive for 15 pearls all of which follow the sorority's 4-fold aim. There are approx imately four requirements for each aim. This program also emphasizes the closeness of the chapter. Pledges receive their Star Light Review in April. Delta Phi Colony at Virginia Wesleyan College posted signs all over the campus and put a notice in the Campus Crier for interested girls to come to the rush party on March 6, 1979. Delicious refreshments were served. Two new girls were very interested in becoming members. Members encouraged them to participate with the group. The sisters of the Delta Rho Chapter at Elon College were eager to begin their spring rush activities. Members began preparation for rush week very early, knowing th ey would benefit in the long run . Early in the semester members planned a wine tasting party ofor their prospective pledges in hopes of getting to know them a little bit better and having them become more acquainted with members . Members a lso schedu led several closed weekends to get orga nized and also to plan activities for the sorority as a whole.


Fall Pledges Alpha Chapter's fall pledges at Longwood Coll ege have kept the sisters very busy this fall. While it was still warm outside, pledges decided to accomplish their physical aim. Everyone left th e chapter room to jog to the Red Lion Inn where members restored our ach ing bodies with cold liquids . This was just the beginning. Next pledges presented their intellectual aim. Nikki Fallie, Placement Director at Longwood , spoke to the me mbers about how to find a job. The pledges have also had many cake wa lks and candy sales to boost their treasury. The pledges gave the members a Hawaiian theme party whic h all will remember. An improvisation of the Dating Game by the pledges left many of the members screaming with laughter. The wonderful even ing ended with the presentation of a much needed fan for the chapter room and a song of love. The Alpha Beta Chapter of Northeast Missouri State had a hectic but Productive pledge period this fall. The period began with the member pledge picnic held at the state park after Yell-In. Members had a second opportunity to treat pledges at the steak banquet following the pledge initiation ritual. As things picked up , the pledge class began to sell candy bars for their moneymaking project while visiting with members each day to become better acquainted with the chapter. In order for th e pledges to get to know the seniors before graduation , the pledges treated them to a pledge skip to Iowa City, Iowa. Soon afterwards was the pledge- member party with the theme of " Happy Days - The Alpha Way," a 50's party. At the party, the pledges presented a skit, served refreshments, and sang their pledge class song. The Chi Chi Chapter fall pledge class was kept really busy. Every day pledges were in the suite having their coke dates , and working their merits. The 26 great pledges were really enthusiastic about pledging and did an excellent job with their program. The pledges put on two Friday Night

suppers in the suite for the members. The last one, near Christmas, was really a surprise. The pledges went out and bought a Christmas tree for the su ite. They then decorated the tree and the suite. As an added surprise, they made little stockings fill ed with ca ndy as a surprise for each member. For one of their pledge projects, they played Secret Santa to the members for a week. They anonymously left little Christmas notes , cards, ca ndy , and little gifts to get members in the Christmas mood. Then , at the Christmas Party, members found out who th eir Secret Santas were and exchanged gifts. Other projects that pl edges did included giving a party with the ~AE fraternity, spending a pledge overnight, and attending National Pan hellenic meetings and lectures. The pledges of Phi Phi Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University participated in various activities throughout the fall semester. They held a car wash and collected empty pop bottles to raise money for their pledge class. Some of the money that was raised went towards paying the expenses on their out-of-town pledge skip. The pledges ventured to Kansas City, Missouri and stayed with three of the alumnae from the Phi Phi Chapter. The pledges also cooked breakfast for the members of the sorority. One of the most beneficial activities for the sorority was an informal discussion at the end of the pl edge program. The pledges and th e members discussed the program and everyone co mmented upon it. This provided a chance for the program to be evaluated while at the same time brought th e pledges and members closer together. After pin pledging, Beta Iota Chapter's fa ll pledges at Radford Coll ege immed iate ly beca me involved in Alpha activities and pledge requirements. The traditional fa ll picnic introdu ced them to one of our favorite pastim es, eating. Our picnic took place at the Cascades. Founde rs' Da y was one of the biggest activities of the year. It took much planning and work from both the pledges and the

Waiting to cheer with the pledges on bid day are Gamma Mu members: R enee Robins, Dora Stephens, Linda Riffenberg, Nancy Oetting, Cindy H ensen, Sandy Miller, Michelle Miller, Mim Scott, Vicki Witt, Vicki Wagner.


i te rs. T he ce lebrati on was held a t RoxLynn in Dublin , Virgini a . Th e ce re mo n y included ague t pea ker a nd a traditio n al skit per fo r med by th e pl edge . T he H all owee n party was rea ll y a hit. Me mbe rs spo nso red a pa rty fo r we lfa re hildre n in whi ch th e sisters d ressed in th eir Halloween costumes a nd pl ayed ga me with th e childre n. Chr istm as was a ve ry busy tim e fo r Beta Io ta C ha pte r. Me mbe rs h e ld traditi o n a l Christm as pa rty in th e so ro rity roo m . This was a n exciting eve nt fo r th e new pledges a nd th e new me mbe r . Fall pled ges of th e Beta La mbda Cha pter a t Uni ve rsity of Ce ntral Arka n sas mu st co mpl ete seve ral acti viti es to be initi ated . So me of th ese acti viti es includ ed a n AIA scra pboo k of eac h girl's parti cipati o n in p ledge acti viti es, a pa ddl e d eco rated Alph a Sig style, a ruby a nd p earl syste m wh ere each girl ea rn h er four rubi es and eight p ea rls by ac ti ve ly d e mo n stra ting th e AIA a ims , a noteboo k co ntaining ten qu es ti on intervi ews of each me mber , and a tes ted know ledge o f eac h m e mb e r' s n a m e, h o m e to wn , a nd major . Th e pl edges pa rti cipated in man y oth er activiti es su ch as teas, a mon ey- m aking proj ect, a nd pledge progra ms fo r th e membership. Beta Nu's fall p led ge class a t Murray State Uni versity sold bumper sti ckers (" Fo rever a nd a Day With AIA"), note ca rd s, cand y, a nd he ld slave d ay sa le to earn money fo r th eir upco ming wa lk-out. Th ey kidnapped th eir big sisters at 6 :00 a. m. for a "co me as you are" brea kfast , a nd it was evident th at so me big sisters reall y ca me as th ey were ! T he pledges togeth er wrote several beautiful sorority so ngs, as well as a skit th at ke pt th e acti ves in stitch es! Th ey prese nted th eir songs and skit at a n ove rnight retrea t for th e e ntire chapter. Th e pl edges were also invo lved in h elpin g with th e H o m eco ming Brunch , Founde rs' Day, and a u e nd ed several ball ga mes a nd lectures toge th er as a pledge cl ass . Gamma Rho Chapter at Eas t Stro udsburg is pro ud to introdu ce th eir fa ll ple dge class; Debbi e Duffy, Sharo n Engle h art , Debbi e Broc k , Kate Doy le, Kell Do rsey, Ca thi e Rin aldi , Delee Ca n er , a ndj ean ann Purnick. Each girl did ve ry we ll with th e pledge progra m se t up by Marj i Orl off. Fund raisin g wa a ve ry importa nt pan o f th e girls' pledge peri od . T hey ca me up with man y id eas includin g ca nd y a pp le sa les, pi zza a nd turkey ra ffl es, a nd a ca nd y ki ss guessin g co nte t. T here we re man y acti viti es pla nn ed for th e pl ed ges. Me mbe rs h ad a Ha ll owee n a nd Chri stm a pa rty whi ch th e me mbers sha re with Alph a Chi Rh o a nd Ta u Kappa Epsilon . Me mbers we nt o n a hayride with Th e ta Chi . T h e H all oween pa rty with th e pled ges was fun . Eac h pl ed ge was required to get as ma n y "Gree k" ignatures on th eir pumpkins as possibl e. Later in th e eve nin g th e girl dres ed in th eir costu me a nd we nt to eve r y member's house. a pa rtm e nt, or do rm . T hat was foll owed by a pa rty with all th e sisters where eve ryo ne d unked for a pples a nd sa ng ongs. T he me mber a lso gave th e pl ed ges a party at a h ouse wi th th eir d a tes. T h e girls were busy wor king o n th eir paddl es for th e ir big si ters and th e paddle for th e si te rh ood. T h e pledge 路 p irit never wave red th rou gh-


Thought For the Day Don't wo rry abo ut a n ything; Instead pray abo ut eve rything ; Te ll God yo ur n eed s, And d o n' t forget to th a nk Him fo r His a nswers. Phil. 4.6 TH E WAY ubmiued by Beta Beta Ch a pter.

o ut th e ple dge p eriod. Fa ll se m es te r 's pl edging fo r Delta Iota Cha pter at th e Univ ersity o f Dela wa re was exce pti o na l. Me mbe rs secured twe lve o f th e fin es t pledges wh o mad e this se m e ter a tre me nd ous o n e fo r th e chapte r. Pledge activiti es includ ed th eir weekl y pl edge meetings with th e me mbership directo rs h e ld on Sunday eve nings. The pledges parti cipated in th e traditio na l pumpkin carving night. They th e n d e live red th e maste rpi eces to each o f th e frat ernity h ouses o n campu s. At o ne of th e cha pte r mee tings , p ledges prese nt e d m e mber s with a s kit call e d "Pi ed ge re ll a" a nd also h ad a so ng prep ar ed for me mbe rs that we nt to th e tun e o f " Impossibl e Dream ." T h e sisters we re ecstatic a nd scream ed fo r an e nco re . Th e pledges aid ed with a children's parad e th at was he ld upto wn. Th ey h elped with th e cl eaning o f the soro rity ho use and with th e publicity o f our fund raising d an ce . One o f their biggest activiti es was o f co urse d esigning th eir paddles a nd going to th e fraterniti es to get th e m sign ed . This activity was called "frat ernity night." On e e ve ning me mb e rs kidnapped th e pledges a nd afte rward treated th e m to sund aes. In r e b e ll io n th e pl e dges turned ar ound a nd kidn a pped th e siste rs. Th ey drove membe rs to o ne o f th e p ledge's h o mes a nd held a ca ndl elight ce re mo n y fo r m e mbers . At th e e nd , each me mber was prese nted with a bea utifu l ca rn a ti o n . Eac h o f th e me mbe rs was ve ry tou ched by th e ceremon y. After wa rds, th e pl edges had a small party for m e mbers. Fa ll qu a rte r prove d to be a ha rd but en joyable tim e for Delta Lambda Chapte r's onl y p ledge , Nan cy. With h elp fro m all o f th e me mbers, she ma naged to h old o ut until sh e was initi ated th e first wee k of Dece mber. Fo r he r social a nd spiritua l proj ects, an cy had th e me mbers get togeth e r for a Christm as o rnam e nt making p a rt y, a nd se ve r a l reading fro m th e Bible. All th e siste rs enjoyed thi s pa rty, as it put th e m into th e spirit o f Christm as. a ncy's ph ysica l proj ect was getting th e me mbers togeth e r in th e gym fo r an hour o f wo rking out with weig hts a nd/or sw immin g. H e r intell ectu al project was a crossword pu zzle she mad e fo r each sister to fill out, whi ch co ntain ed both Christmas and soro rity re la ted wo rds. Th e phila nthro pi c project whi ch a ncy chose was to wo rk with th e retarded citi zen s o f th e a rea on a Sa turd ay mornin g, h elping th e m with Christmas proj ects, a se rvice th at th e siste rs h ave bee n pa rti cipatin g in all q ua rter. It was ind ee d ha rd wo rk fo r a ncy, but wi th a few add ed projects by th e sisters, such as kidn a pp ing h e r a nd ta kin g h e r out a coupl e of tim es, sh e pull ed thro ugh with fl yin g co lo rs!

Delta u-A Cha pter pledges at General Motors In stitute h ave bee n livel y involved in seve ral acti viti e including dinn e rs , parues. a nd sing-a-l o ngs with m e mbers. As to bt' expe ted , pledges we re in volved in several pranks su ch as sh o rt sh ee ting th e me mber ' bed s, tealing me mbe rs' pill ows , and kidna pping th e edito r , leaving clues as to her wh ereabo uts . Th e pl edge proj ect was visil ing a h os pital childre n's ward with Santa and d e liv e ring th e ir h o m e mad e ginge rbread me n.

Phi Phi Recognizes Homecoming Queen The Phi Phi's o f o nhwe t Misso uri Slate Uni ve rsity wer e pro ud to h ave a me mber of th eir chapte r re ign as th e 1978 H o meco ming Quee n . Dia nn Pipe r was crow n ed at th e sch ool's H o meco ming variety sh ow o n October I I. Diann re ign ed ove r su ch activitic' a s th e Hom eco ming para d e, A lumn a e lunch eo n , football gam e, a nd H o meco ming Da nce as well as rece ptio ns and teas in vari ous ca mpus o rga nizatio ns. Diann was ch ose n fro m an initial list o f 19 ca ndida tes spo nso red by Unive rsity o rganiza tio ns a nd r eside n ce halls. Eac h candidate was required to h ave 15 credit ho urs a nd at least a 2 .5 gra d e po int ave ra ge. A commiuee o f stude nts and fa culty me mbers narrowed th e list to fi ve fin a lists by judging th e candi dates on p erso n ality, poise, appea ran ce and pa rti cipa ti o n in co m.nunity acti viti e . Th e stud e nt elected th e H o m eco ming Quee n fro m th e fiv e fin alists. Dia nn , wh ose maj o r is voca ti o na l home eco no mi cs, is fro m King City, Misso uri. She plans on a teaching caree r and co ntinuing he r edu cation in graduate sc hool fo ll o wing gradu ati o n fro m o rthwes t. Di a nn has se rved as a res id e nce ha ll assista nt a nd hea d resid e nt assista nt in th e d ormitories . She has bee n a vo luntee r in the Alpha Sigma Alpha Specia l O lympi cs Progra m , has bee n a Unite d Way voluntee r , a nd has wo rk ed with se nio r citize ns. Diann has also se r ve d as th e co-cha irpe rso n of th e stu 路 d e nt H o meco ming co mmittee as we ll as se r vin g as th e Vi ce-Pres id e nt fo r th e Phi Phi ch a pte r. Th e Phi Phi's are pro ud o f Di a nn fo r he r m a ny achi eve me nts a nd rece iving th e ho n or o f No rth west Misso uri State Unive rsity H o meco ming Quee n . Lo ri Erm e ntro ut, Cha pte r Edito r

Pledge Song A C TIV ES PL EAS E H EA R , Kl DLY LE ND US A EAR , AND LET PLEDG ES L EAD TH E T U N E. W E AR E THE PL EDG ES WH O HAV E JOI E D TH E. B EST GROU P. H ERE IS T H E SCOOP. WI'.. AR E T H E ALPHA S IC PL E DG ES. PL EDGt. BOO K A N D PIN S, AR E OU R PROUD R ECO G IT IO I N T H E GRO U P OF AIA ! (Do n e to th e tun e o f "Eve r y On e H e n 路 Kindl y Ste p to th e Rea r") A 1977 Fa ll Be ta T h eta Pledge


Panhellenic Activities The Panh e ll en ic activities h ere o n the Emporia State University ca mpus function to draw the sororities together. The members of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter all take part in any activities. Panh ellen ic writes and e nforces all the rush rules. Th ey organize the fall formal rush and take applica tions from those girls interested in informal rush . Th ey held a rush party in January to let th e freshmen and sophomore women, not in a sorority, meet a ll the Gree ks. To r a ise money , Panhelle nic held a beer bust. It was called "Goblin Fever" and was held on October 26 . Over $500 was raised. Wh e n th e blood mobile visits , Panhellenic spo nsors a " Vampiress" award. This is given to th e sorority who has the largest percent parti cipation. At the prese nt tim e all th e sororities are working togeth er on a rush brochure. Each sorority is responsible fo r two pages. EE member , Bre nda Stolle, plann ed th e chapter's two pages. Interfraternity co un cil is worki ng with Panh elle ni c to plan Greek week. They have a banquet, a sing out, and th e Greek games on th e agenda at this tim e. A new award has bee n created this year to honor the most improved sorority. Wishing to continu e the excell e nt start, Kappa Kappa Ch apter had this fa ll , Templ e University Panhelle nic me mbers decided to ki ck off this semester with a re ce ption. Kappa Kappa Chapter planned and spon sored a fa culty tea . For the last few years , Panh ell enic has played a vital but unobtrusive part in campus activities. Now Panhelleni c is trying fo r more recognition so that so me badl y need ed re pairs to th e Panh ellenic house ca n be mad e. The h o use pla ys not o nly a n importa nt role in rushing , but also is th e ce nte r o f all activities yea r long. Kappa Kappa me mbers a lso fe lt th at this eve nt wou ld be a cha n ce to m ee t with teachers, administrators , and d ea ns o utsid e th e co nventio nal trappings of classrooms and offi ces, giving members a ch a nce to show off th eir true Greek spirit in their "home." In order to get to know th e oth er sorority o n ca mpus, Di c kinson State Un iversity Panhelle ni c co un cil sc h edul e d a s kating party for th e two soro riti es. Beta Eta Ch a pter of A'i.A , De lta Zeta's t:.Z eligible bach elo rs and the Beta Eta Chapter sons all met together at th e "W heel a While" for a few ro unds of roller skating fun . Who ca n think of a better way to visit than to ta lk wh il e helpin g each other a ro und th e rink . Betwee n laugh in g and falling, all participants became better friends whi le h aving mu ch fun. Afterwards , so me of the group we nt o ut for co kes and mun chi es. This wasn't just a o n e-night get-together. Sororities and frat ern iti es fe lt just a littl e closer-now a nd all recovered from th e sores, bruises a nd pull ed muscles together! As for th e future activities , a ll Greek orga ni zatio ns met togeth er for a Valentine's Day party. This party was sponsored by th e Tau Ka ppa Epsilo n frat ernity o n cam pus . The Panhellenic cha pters on the camp us o f Central Mi chigan University hav e bee n given the o pportunity to "Get to Know" th e oth er cha pters in th e Greek System o n campu s. Pa nh elle ni c a nd IF C have been quite


busy th e past few years trying to rid th e old stereo-types of th e early 70's put forth on th e ca mpus. Beta Theta Chapter attempted to help parti cipation in various activities. In th e fall , the Gree ks hold an all Campus Ta lent Show during Homeco ming weekend. Twice this year , with th e coo pe ratio n of th e Red Cross, the chapter sp onsored an all ca mpu s Blood Drive .

Collegiate-Alumnae Activities Kappa Kappa Chapter at T e mpl e University has bee n very fortunate with th e reorganization of th e Philad e lphi a a lumn ae chapter. Since th eir re-establishme nt , th ey have played an active rol e in ma ny o f th e activiti es. During rush , they helped spo nsor one of th e chapter's p arties by stopping by and talking with the pros pective m e mbe rs. During th e co urse of th e semester, they h ave lent th e chapter finan cial support by helping th e chapter "get th e mon ey upfront" to organize th e various fund raisers. After initi ati o n and pledging ce re moni es, me mb ers were treated to r efreshm ents through their co nside rati o n. Prior to Christmas break, me mbers had a cha nce to "do" for th e alums. With handmad e ite ms by members , th e chapte r held a silent au ction in efforts to raise m oney. It was a fin a n cial su ccess for th e "alum s" while a ll me mbers had a chance to benefit with some pretty nifty Christmas gifts. These , h oweve r , a r e o nly th e tangibl e ben efits. Me mbers hav e gained mu ch du e to th eir prese nce. Perhaps th e thing for which to be most gratefu l is th e spirit of co mrad eship which exists betwee n m e mbers and alums. Often an "alum" will dro p in just to say " Hi" a nd " H ow are things?" The chapter maintain s the inte rest of the a lu ms who are n't even in th e a rea by way of le tters and greetin g ca rds. T h e p e rsonal touch a nd giv in g•of eac h se lf h e lps to cr eate and strengthen the warm bo nd be tw ee n co llegiates a nd alumnae.

Gamma Eta Chapter honors Sonya Wolfe. A health and physical education major, she is also involved in both university and sorority activities. She is a student counselor, an hono1· student, and teaches mentally retarded children to swim. She is sorority social chairman and suite chairman and has also received the pledge class's best Fiend award.

Philanthropic Activities Alpha Ch apter at Lo ngwood Coll ege has bee n ve r y active thi s year with philanthro pic activities . The chapter sponsored a young woman at the Virgin ia H o me for th e In curables whom mem be rs visited each semester. Sh e is forty-two years old a nd has been stricken with MS. This lovely lady says she enjoys cha pter me mbers' cards and visits. For Christ mas Alpha Cha pter gave h er a ca mera. Members also wrote letters weekly to a yo un g child. H e is a boy whom th e chapter spo nsors thro ugh the Christi a n Children 's H ome. H e li ves in WeH Be ngal , India and enjoys hearing fr om th e cha pter. Alpha is also loo king forward to working with th e Special O lympics in April. In February , me mbers helped with a Bloo dm o bil e at Lo ngwood . The Alpha Beta Cha pte r at Northeast Misso uri State University led by philanthropic chairm a n, Kass Lea r , raised a pproximately $ 1000 for th e co mmunity fire station in a six-day teeter-totter marathon that was he ld through rain a nd the co ld mo rning ho urs. With th e help of the loca l merchan ts, th e marath on was a great success. Another major proj ect thus far this year was th e chapte r's pa rticipatio n in the United Way Drive. Kass was appo inted as ca mpus chairman and brought th e ca mpus over its goal! The chapter helped by making poste rs, co ll ec tin g money as h obos in the H o mecom ing pa rad e, and running a ka ngaroo jai l in whi ch me mbe rs arrested stud e nts wh o d omfted their bail mo ney to the Un ited Way. The cha pter did not sto p the re! Me mbers d onated blood to the Bloodmobile, spo nsored a d a ncer in the ca mpu s MS Da nce Marathon, and at H alloween took the children fr om th e di agnostic cl inic trick-ortreatin g. Members a re now loo king forward to th e Special Olymp ics. T he Beta Beta Chapter of the Unive rsity of Northern Co lorad o showed a stro ng interest in the philanthropic project this fall. Th e cha pter me mbers departed for Birch Aven ue Manor, a ho me for eld erl y, retarded or handi capped persons. Me mb e rs were dresse d in all kinds of costu mes, to host a Hallowee n party for th e res id e nts. Those res idin g in th e h ome were delighted with th e arriva l. T h e even ing bega n by co n versing with th e residents, in getting acqua inted with th eir na mes, interests a nd home tow ns. Each resid e nt was then given a pumpkin , a nd soro rit y members aid ed eac h person with drawing a design, cutting a nd clea nin g the pumpkin. Many unusu aljack- o-l anterns were made, and each person was proud of his ow n. Cook ies and app le cider were th e n served. The H all owee n party came to a close whe n we guided the residents back to th eir roo ms and sa id good night. It was a new and memorable ex perie nce for a ll invo lved. Spring activities for Pi Pi Chapter at Buffa lo State in cluded a Tasting party a nd Microwave coo king demonstration by Margaret H orrigan on Apri l 6. The Spring Lun cheo n held at the Buffalo Sheraton East H ote l included In stall ation of Office rs. C h a irm e n for this eve nt we r e Joan Richmond and Pat Plante. On Saturday , Jun e I 0, members held their annu al garage


sale at Beth Lucia' in Wi lli amsvi ll e. Member of the co llege chapter and alumni also helped with the pecial Olympic this year. A donation was made by the chapter for tee shirts a nd jackets for th ose children participating. The Beta Ddta Chapter of University 'of Southern Missi sippi has been very busy and co ncern ed with philanthropic activi ti e . T hese activities include the Christmas party at Ellisvi ll e State School , tuffing e nvelop e for the Heart Fund , and presenting a donation to the Lung As ociatio n. The Ellisvi ll e Christmas party 1~as a co mbined effort of all the girls in the chap ter. Needless to say, it was a great success beca use of the work and coo pe ration that went into the plans. The patients seemed to have a good time o pening presents and indu lgin g in the festivities. In January th e chapter stuffed e nve lopes for th e H ea rt Fund. o t o nl y was it a philanthropic activit y, it was fun. The me mber all got together in the chapter room and got th e job done qu ickl y. Last fall we ent in a donation to the Lung Association and rece ived re co gnition for it. Upcom ing philanthropic eve nts includ e activiti es with Special O lympics a nd a n Easter Bas ket Drive for th e children at Ellisville State School. For on e of the chapter's philanthropic projects, Beta Epsilon at james Madison Universi ty had a night o f prepa rati o n for Va le ntin e's Day on February 7, at Pleasa nt View Resid en ti al Home. Pl easan t View is a ho m e for fift ee n re ta rd ed citi zens in th e Harri so nburg area. Twenty-five si ters he ld three activiti es for the residents. T hese included helpin g residents ma ke Va le ntin e ca rds, a ce nterpi ece for their table, a nd Valent in e coo ki es. T h e BE' pr ovi d e d th e supp li es a nd helped ma ke th e night into a

fun evening for a ll . It was h ard to ay who e njoyed the eve ning more; th e residents , or the Beta Ep ilons. The Beta Rho Chap te r at o rth e rn Illin ois Univer ity held a philanthropic project in which they hauled to the childre n's ward of the comm unity hospital in De Kalb . Members took th e childre n small gifts and dessert . Members a lso decorated eggs a nd he ld a n Easter egg hunt for the children. A specia l a pp eara nce was made by the Alpha Sigma Alpha Easter bunn y. After visiting th e chi ldr e n , members s topped in and visi ted with th e old e r people also. They, too, received eggs a nd shook hands with the Easter bunny. This fall has bee n a busy and produ cti ve season for the Beta Upsilon Chapter o f Indiana State University. The first day that residence ha ll s op en ed th e me mbers served le monad e to the residents mov ing into th e halls. Durir~g regi tratio n , the Beta Upsilon chapter old starter plants as a phila nthro pic mo n ey- ma king proj ect. The plants were donated by A'I.A a lums a nd a loca l fl orist. T he chapter won a n I FC trop h y for having a o ne hundred pe rce nt cha pter participating in th e philanthropi c e nd eavo r. In Se pte mb e r , seve r a l A'I.A m e mb e r s from De Paul University vis ite d for a weekend. We all atte nded a football game a nd afterward a trad e party was held at th e Pi La mbd a Phi frate rnity ho use. Gamma Eta Cha pter at Pe nn State University entered th e IF C d a nce marath o n on February 2-4 , 1979 with .:lT.:l fra ternity. Members spent a week before th e date collect ing m o n ey fo r th e Four Di a m o nds cance r fund for leuke mic childre n at Hers h ey Med ica l Cen te r in Hersh ey, PA . Through coll ecting in man y tow ns through-

Nu Ntt member Fran Vittori pedals away in th e tricycle race during Greek Week.

Nu Nu member Mary Ann Angelos risks life and limb in the chariot race. Pulling the chariot during the Greek Week race were Mindy Skull and T erry Goodwin.

Delta Eta Honors Seniors This year, for the first time, th e Delta Eta Chap ter held a party in h onor of o ur graduati n g se ni o rs. When live of th ese se ni ors pledge d th e chapt e r , th e who le chapter was able to fit in o ne ca r , in co mfort. Since then the chapter has grown considerably. It too k mu ch ha rd work and d ed icatio n to build th e chapter to its pres e nt me mberhip of fo rt y-five active me mbers . It seemed imposs ibl e to show how mu ch pride and gratit ud e th e siste rs fe lt for th e se ni ors who gave all their tim e and effort for th e benefit of th e orority. Though me mbers are sad to see th e m leave, th ey rea li ze that this is not th e end of their friendship . It i th e beginning of new thing to co me for th e m , and a time for new me mbe rs to take ove r where th ey le ft off. A part y ee med th e perfect ce le brat ion. in ce th e chapte r didn ' t have a sorority hou e. o ne o f the iste rs volunteered her a partme nt. All the sisters were th ere, tuffing th c mse lve as usual , and everyo ne having a good time. T he noi e wa in credibl e. It see med as th o ugh eve ryon e hadn' t seen each other for years . eve n th o ugh it was onl y th e prev ious weekend that we he ld our annu a l Boa t Dance. At th e Boat Dan ce we had white rose for th e sen ior . They were deli vered to o ne of th e sist er' h omes and not knowing they were for the


them and put th e m in a vase instead o f bringing th e m to th e boat. Everyone th o ught it was funny a nd a ll was forgiven. With all th e reminiscing abo ut th e Boat Dance a nd oth er e-vents which had ta ken place over th e yea r , th e party co ntinu e d in a festive ma nn er. With disco d a n ce lesso ns , singing, baby pictures o f all th e se ni o rs , and a pro ph ecy was given for each senior. The prophecies were funny an d everyo n e was la ughing hyste ri ca ll y. T he n gifts were given o ut to a ll th e graduates. They were plaqu es, and th e mood of the party cha nged to sentim e nt as the poe m o n th e plaques was read . It was written by on e of th e cha pter's me mbers, Donna Ozog, and it goes as follows: Life is a n e ndless spectrum of goodbyesVivid memories painted by the sun , With th e co lors of the rai nbow, Un cat hed by Time's decaying ha nd . H ere we stan d on the thre h old of a new beginning, Once agai n em bryos in Destin y's wo mb, Reac hin g back, grasping for th at whi ch is familiar and afe. It eems lik e such a ad twist of fate , Th at th e bad seems to linger, like parasites ucking every drop of spirit we posse s, While the good times whiz pa t in a hasty tumult.

Yo u m y friend have bee n a precious and familiar part of my lifeOne who dared to probe beneath thi s m ystifying ex teri or. Like o ne who ex pl ored th e d e pths o f an oyster On ly to h ave discovered th e bea uty a nd wea lth hidd en within . Toget h er we h ave faced th e co nfusi on, growth , cha nge, And co nstant reve la ti o n that is Life. Partners in crim e, co mrades in friendship forever bound . In d ays to come, when my heart, d e o latc a nd barre n , Yearns for the comfo rt of a s mil e lo ngkn own, I wi ll reach down-deep into the ice cavern Deli cate ly fingering the treasures buri ed within, And warm myse lf with yo ur presence. Kn owi ng you have enriched m y life. The poem says somet hing that a ll me mbers ca n feel. T he graduates we re h onored and howed new members their ap preciation. The party e nd ed with so ngs a nd everyo ne went home bound closer together instead of feeling separated by graduation. - Dee Muratori


out PA, AIA and .6.T.6. raised over $1700 . The actual marathon was a 48-h o ur dance which the chapter's dancer completed fo r the second year in a ro w! Ove rall , th e ma rathon raised over $72 ,000. In th e spring, members will be involved in thre e major philanthropies : the .6.X runathon , the Phi Psi 500, and th e BIB regatta . In both th e .6.X runathon and th e BIB regatta, th e cha pter will be co-sponsors wh o help set up the activiti es, publi city, and tim e schedul es al ong with collecting mo n ey. The y will enter th e Phi Psi 500 as participa nts. We h o pe to regain th e numbe r one position in th e ca noe races, and also hope to kee p th e e nthusiasm troph y for a second co nsecuti ve yea r . (Enthusiasm e ntails both spirit a nd a mo unt o f mon ey collected.) Starting in Fe bruar y, th e Gamma Mu Ch apter at Adrian College began working at their philanthro pic activiti es. The chapter works well and hard to provid e o pp o rtunities for th e reta rd ed citi ze ns o f Le n ewee County . Eve ry Thursd ay night fro m 6 :3 0 to 8:00 p.m. , members provid e gym acti viti es for th e citi ze ns in which th ey p arti cipate in basketball , d odge ball , cards , games, music, dancing and various activiti es. Also eve ry Saturda y, fro m 10:30 to noon th e cha pter sponsors swimming at th e Adrian college pool fo r th ese citize ns. The chapter prov id es water volleyball and instru ction if citize ns desire it. On Saturday fo ur people fro m th e cha pter wo rk with these citi zen s. Th e Delta Epsilon Cha pter at Ma nsfi eld State Colle ge has bee n d oing ma n y acti viti es to benefit Philanthropic projects. Fo r th e mo nth o f Se pt e mbe r , m e mb e r s h e ld a clothing drive for th e n eed y peo ple in Man sfi eld . All o f th e me mbers o f th e collegiate cha pter d o nated articl es of cl othing wh e n th ey return ed fo r th e fa ll semeste r. Fo r th e Christmas seaso n , me mbe rs sang fo r th e elderl y p eo ple in th e tow n . Eve ryon e sa ng at eith er th e nursing ho m e o r at th e hos pi tality house o n campus. Me mbers went to each house to sing C hristmas carols , h elp th e m d ecorate th e tree, and invited a ll th e peo ple to j oin in . Th e mo nth o f April was a sp ecial time fo r me mbe rs. Me mbe rs worked with the Special Olympics at th e Mansfi eld State College track. They we re a ll busy with th e re fr eshm e nt stand , ge tting th e c hildren lin ed up fo r each eve nt , checking th e m in as th ey arrived to th e Olympics, running the results to be ann ounced , a nd getting all th e children to their stati on s o n time. T h e day was a long o ne for a ll , but a ve r y exhil arating time for everyo ne. In Ma y, membe rs h eld a food drive o n campus. Stude nts d onated cann ed foo ds o f all kinds a nd me mbers distributed th e m to the need y fa mili es in th e area . Th e Della Kappa Cha pte r o f Alpha Sigma Alpha co-sp o ns o r ed a ca ndy drive with WJPS , a local radio statio n . Th e cand y dn ~e was held O ctober 26 at th e radto statio n m d o wntown Evansvill e. The m e mb e rs, pledges and a disc j ockey broadcasted fro m th e street a nd collected ca nd y fro m d o nors as th ey drove o r walked by the statio n .. Th e coll ected candy was th e n put mto se parate bags whi ch we re d e live~e d to various locatio ns in the city. The chtldre n that received th e cand y were th ose who were underprivile ged or handi capped and we re un-


able to go o ut trick or treating for their own Hallowee n ca ndy . This is a n a nnu al phil anthro pi c proj ect h eld by th e me mbers o f the Delta Ka ppa Cha pter each fa ll. Della Lambda Cha pter at Virgini a Tech has h ad a busy year o f philanthro pic activities a nd with more to co me . This past fa ll , severa l m e mbers wor ke d with th e reta rded citi ze ns o f th e Blacksburg a rea o n Saturday mo rnings. Th e workshop ke pt th e childre n as well as th e me mbers bu sy making cr afts fo r th e H a ll owee n , Thanksgiving a nd C hri s tm as h o lid ays. Anoth er proj ect in whi ch AIA pa rtoo k was th e Panh e lle nic coo kbook sa le. Me mbers d o nated recipes, helped co nstru ct th e coo kboo ks, and sold th e m. Th e pro fits for th e cookboo ks went to th e Osteogen es is Imperfecta Fo undatio n , a nati onal h ealth organizati o n d e di ca te d to r esearchin g a brittle bon e disease. One lo ng te rm phila nthro pic proj ect has bee n th e ma king of puppets for childre n in th e local h ospital. Siste rs eac h brought m a te rial b ac k a ft e r brea k a nd wo rked o n th e puppets a fter va ri ou s meetings. During spring qu a rter , th e Alph a Sigs parti cipated in three activiti es d esign ed for philanthro pic mo ney m aking . De rby Day a nd Gree k Wee k co mbin ed fun a nd service for cha rity a nd Sig ma Chi fr aternity's n ati o nal phil a nthr o p y. Seve r a l m e mb e r s wo rk e d o n co mmitt ee s sp o n sor ing t h e hunge r hik e, a nd me mbe r J o Poe pa rti cipated in th e d an ce ma rath on for Mu scular Dystro ph y. Th e Delta Chi colon y at Bloo msburg State College bega n its first pl edge period with th e pinning o f th eir pledges on Friday, j anu a ry 26. Me mbers of th e Mansfi eld and Yo rk Sta t e Co ll e g e ch a pte rs o f Alph a Sigm a Alpha atte nd ed. Delta Chi 's phila nthro pic acti vities incl ud e diffe re nt g ro ups of girls volun tee rin g th eir se rvices o nce a wee k at a loca l sta te hospital. Th ey d evote th eir tim e to playin g ca rd s and providing a rts a nd cra fts to th e me nta ll y ill a nd me ntall y retard ed res ide nts.

A Strong Sisterhood T he stre ngth of a sisterh oo d comes fro m the soro rity's ability to wor k togeth er to iro n out proble ms. T his ability did no t co me natu ra ll y, but instead , had to be earn ed by ha rd wo rk whi ch fin a ll y led to th e und ersta ndin g we h ave achi eved . Each girl in th e sorority is a n indi vidual a nd th e individual needs o f eac h gir l mu st be met or a su ccessful sisterh ood ca nn ot co me abou t. Confli cts in in terests mu st be overco me satisfac toril y in ord er to do this. Each girl mu st reali ze th at eve ry oth er girl has need s a n d wa nts too a nd must t ry to fill these to th e bes t o f h er ability. In th is way , beca use each girl cares e nough to d o this for th e oth ers, th e bond of sisterh ood stre n gth e ns, thus lea ding to a strong so rority.

Distant Planet Loo kin g at the sky late o ne night, Wa tchin g man y stars far above Wonde ring if th ere is so meo ne like me , You my fri end on a distant pla net. Peo ple in th is wo rld of mine, Are too busy to ta ke the tim e, To loo k u p a nd simpl y see, T he oth er p lan ets like you a nd me, But if th ey did ta ke th e tim e , For th e simpl e pleas u res o f yo urs a nd min e To ta ke th e time to loo k in space, T h e world of o urs wo uld be a bette r place. T he n I wo nd er as I loo k in space , Are peopl e there th e sa me as he re, To avoid th e co mm on pleas ures of yo u rs a nd mi ne , Yo u my frie nd o n a dista nt pl anet. Michelle M. Mo rga n Beta T h eta Cha pte r

Founders/ Day Celebrations

Beta Nu Chapter honors M artha Boles. M artha, a senior, is serving as the president of the Student Government on the M urray Stale University campus. Only the second woman to hold this position , Martha also serves on the President's Board of Regents.

Found ers' Day 1978 fell two d ays before fa ll ter m fin als bega n for Gamma Eta Cha pter at Penn State Uni ve rsity. T he Ga mm a Eta me mbe rs, pl edges, a nd ph oe ni x men all too k a Sunday a fte rn oo n off fro m stud yin g to enj oy a n AIA Founde r's Day Luncheo n. Ever yon e h ad a meal of ha m , turkey, a ~d roas t beef at a n o ld -fashio ned resta u ra nt m d ow nt ow n s ta t e co ll e g e ca ll e d " T h e Gad spy's. " After th e luncheo n , th e pl ed ges and phoe nix me n left to sociali ze in th e lobby whil e th e sisters and ad visors stayed to take pa rt in th e Found ers' Day celebratio n. Whe n th e cere mon y was co mpl eted , th e pled ges a nd ph oeni x me n retu rned . It was th en a nnoun ce d th a t we wo uld h ave a su r pnse ca ndl eli ght , a n d alas, a noth er on e of the sisters j oin ed th e group of pinn ed girls. (This Sig ma Alph a Epsilon me mbe r ts now on e of o ur h onorary p h oe nix men !) For t he pas t fe w yea r s th e Bela T heta Chapter at Ce ntra l Michigan U ni versity has had a re prese ntati ve runnin g for th e ca mpus H o meco min g q ueen. T his yea r Lu ane Fro n re prese nted th e cha pter.


How a Chapter Survived Beta Lambda me mbers of Alpha Sigma Alpha in trying to fulfill the aims of Alpha Sigma Alpha have redis cove red the meaning of sisterhood. Because of the individuality of each girl, a void bega n to form between each sister. Girls began to pursue individual interes t and instead o f this h elping th e sisterhood , it hinde red the d evelopment of true sisterhood. Girls bega n to disagree with eac h oth er and cliques bega n to d eve lop. It seemed that th e cha pte r was go ing to fall co mple tely a part. When eve rything seemed to be at its bleakest, the girls showed that they trul y did ca re about th eir sisters and began working toward a strong sisterhood once more . They began to tolerate things th ey didn't like a bout their sisters and to pra ise th e things th ey did like. Now Beta Lambdas are on the road to success onu~ mo re and true sisterhood is the reason .

Gamma Eta Chapter honors Paula Geletei. Majoring in pre-medicine, Paula also works at the student health center and carries a flag for the Penn State Blue band. She performed a flag dance routine before 78 ,000 people at a home foot ball game halftime. Paula Geletei stands to the far right of her two little sisters Anitia H ofmann and "Mike" Calhoun.

Beta Thetas had their a nnual Fo und ers' Day celeb ration as a Pot Lu ck supper, held at their sister so rorities' rec- roo m . The Po t Luck Supper was an eco nom izing id ea to keep costs to a minimum . A n added in ce ntive was th at the girls could di spl ay th eir talents as a ch ef. A th e me was set for th e dinn e r and th e girls brought d ish es to fit th e theme. T he Alpha Alpha Cha pter house at Miami University was the location for th e a rea's Founders' Day celebration. The cha pter e ntertained visitin g alumn ae from seve ral alumnae gro u ps providing lun ch a nd en tertainment after th e trad iti o nal cere mony. Luncheon was he ld on the university ca mp us and included chicken a nd tuna sa lad , appetizers , a nd ch eeseca ke for dese rt. Entertai nm ent after lunch was provid ed by a wa hboard band sin ging severa l parodies of college li fe . To hi g hlig ht this all of the sisters including a lumn a e joined in singi n g a fri endship song. Delta Kappa Chapte r at 1ndiana State University at Evansvi ll e ce lebrated Founders' Day on the Sun da y be fore at a smorgasbord in Mount Vernon , 1 . All the gi'rls attended with th eir famili es a nd gu ests . All th e gi rls' p a r e nts a nd gu ests ca m e to know one a noth e r. One me mbe r read a sto ry of AlA a nd th e n read a histo r y o f Delta Kappa Chapte r. It wa reall y interes ting to know h ow so me o f the chapter's traditi o ns we re tan ed a nd are still co ntinuing onward.


Kappa Kappa Fields Tearn The Ka pp a Kappa Chapter at Temple University take their co mmitment to physica l d evelo pm ent very seriously. How co uld th ey not? Six out of o ur sixtee n me mbe rs are a part o f Temple U.'s field hockey team. No small feat, co nsid ering all have varsity status on a tea m with a final r eco rd of eight wins , five losses , a nd three ties. This season's tall y was good enough to gain th e m entran ce into th e Eastern Co nfe re nce Regio nal Finals , where th ey adva nced to th e second round after hard ea rn ed victories over La Salle and a numbe r o ne ranked Pe nn State. Eventua ll y, th ey went o n th e road to Seattle, Washington after ca pturing th e Co nfere nce titl e h ere. At th e Nationals, th ey advanced we ll into the late round s of th e tourn ey, only to be kn oc ked o ut by a to ugh West Ch es ter State team. We'd like to ta ke a little tim e a nd space here to show all members just how proud we are of th e accomplishments of th ese Alpha Sigs. Mindy Jacobs, our Presid ent , is th e crucia l link between th e offe nsi ve and defensive lin es. Mindy's job is a large one. As sh e covers the field from goa l to goal , Mindy is respons ibl e for being at the right place at th e right time- ALL THE TIM E. This H ea lth Ed ucation major has had key plays a nd some rather impre sive ass ists through out th e seaso n. A vetera n of the varsity tea m , in ce h e r freshma n year , Mindy assis ted in the winning goa l aga inst Pe nn State. Anot h e r player meriting ap pl ause is freshman Nan cy Rega l. Nan cy did not have th e opportunity to play for the varsity team the entire season ; however, as a "sub" for the Regiona l , she showed great depth. ext season holds the bright promi e of future

advancement fo r Nancy as she wi ll try to help fill th e void soon to be created by the ex itin g seniors. One such senior is Steffanic J oy ner. Like Nancy, Ste f ca me up from the junior varisty tea m for th e pla yo ffs. Our vice-president ca me through when th e situa tio n merited it- with a two-ze ro shutout fo r a m agnifi ce nt victory. Helping contribute to th e almost invin cible defense, T erri Nodle h as shown he rself to be o n e o f th e mos t co nsistent pla yers o n th e team . Temple co uld n ot have advanced as far as th ey had without th e fine offense it boasts. And not too surprisingly, a noth e r Alpha Sig has mu ch with which to be ha pp y. Lorrain e " Rain y" Lo dis e h eld th e tea m record as lea ding scorer no t o nl y throughout th e e ntire season, but also during th e pla yo ffs . The junior fro m Bucks County, Pe nnsylva nia led the tea m to seve ra l d ecisive viCLo ri es. All our Kap pa Ka ppas, h oweve r , are no t in th e lim eli ght. Sandy H edy t, a senior in Social Welfare, is the team tra in e r. She has bee n instrum e ntal in kee ping th e tea m together with e ncou rage me nt, along with mil es of trainer's tape. Off th e fi e ld , Sandy a lso shows he r co hesive (adhesive?) abilities by running th e pledge progra m. Temple U nivers ity's fame o f Alpha Sigma Alpha also ex te nds to o ur alumna, Robe rta " Bert" Koe rn er , who has been n a m ed as th e trai n er of th e United States Lacrosse Touring Team. As of this mo me nt , sh e is currently on to ur with the n ati ona l tea m in Eng la nd . Be rt is a lso a n a lum of the field hoc key a nd lacrosse teams. She a lso ju t happens to be Kappa Ka ppa's adviso r. With Bert as a leader, all of us h e re a t Kappa Kappa win.







at Bloomsburg State College Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania January 26, 1979 SPRING 1979


AIA's First Western Province Day On October 28, 1978, the Valley of the Sun Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha held the fir t Western Province Day ever in the Southwe tern United States. This meeting was held at the Double Tree Inn Resort Hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona. Esther Gatseos, ational Philanthropic Chairman from Denver, Colorado, was the principle speaker. Virginia Turney, Region V Director from Phoenix welcomed two ladies from Tucson, Arizona, eleven from Sun City, Arizona, two from Chula Vista, California, and fourteen from the Scottsdale-Phoenix area. Committee members, Lynn Luke, Mary Lou Moseke,Jane Davis , Carol Maes, and our Valley of the Sun President, Claudia Keyser, had set up displays of convention pictures, scrapbooks, and gift items. After our Continental breakfast, Virginia Turney opened the morning session with introductions, slides and a talk by Esther Gatseos. At noon we were served a delightful luncheon on the patio outside our meeting room. The favors of red and white clothespin horses were made by Carol Maes of the Phoenix Chapter. The afternoon session was highlighted by a candl~light Founder's Day Ceremony performed by the Sun City alumnae with Mrs. Stuart McCullum , President, presiding. We were honored by the attendance of Brenda Sadler, Director of Special Olympics for the State of Arizona, at the afternoon session. She showed movies of Arizona chi ldren and adults participating in the Maricopa and Pima County Special Olympic meets and also the state meet at Arizona State University. We closed our day by dividing into three groups for workshops: Special Olympics, Money Making Projects, and Panhellenic Programs. -Eleanor Zimbaro L. tor.- Claudia Keyser, Valley of the Sun President, Esther

Gatseos, National Philanthropic Chairman; and Ginny Turney, R egion V Director. Group of Sun City alumnae just before the opening gavel. Margaret N eff, Phoenix, Past National Treasurer and Past National Vice Pres. of Alumnae, with Esther Gatseos before the luncheon . L. to r. - Rozelle Riggin, Tucson, Mrs. Stuart M cCullum,

Sun City, and Mrs. Claude Rogers, Tucson.



CAREERS When did Alpha Sigma Alpha's come looking like career women? ans. almost always. When did Alpha Sigma Alphas come in many professional flavors? ans. as early as 1922 or before. What career "flavors" do Alpha Sigma Alphas come in? ans. lawyers, counselors, accountants, engineers, marketing specialists, editors, biologists, pilots, nurses, professors, executives, teachers, home economists, librarians, mathematicians, secretaries, administrators, etc. etc. etc.Every Alpha Sigma Alpha went to her University or college with gaining an education, training and pursuing a career in mind. This career choice may have been realized and it may not have been realized . It may have shared a place with marriage and motherhood and maybe not. It may be the only career in her life but probably not. The following are some reasons why siste rs should share career experiences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

In the 1980's half the workforce will be women. Nine out of ten women high school graduates will work for pay. Half of the women who work have children in school, another third have pre-school children. Women work because they need the money. More women with professional training are working as non-professionals. Career changes are common for women in our mobile society.

When one is compiling the ever-growing list of the advantages to Greek Life, the word career surfaces more and more often. Women are beginning to take more advantage of sorority contacts to investigate, seek, and secure a job. We not only provide contacts and assistance to our sisters in the job market but we also provide role models. It is important that young women have role models particularly in the fields that have not been traditionally filled by women. It is important that we share our professional roles , pathways and experien ces with our sisters. This is indeed a valuable resource, an asset to being an Alpha Sigma Alpha. Sorority provides valuable job background through its officer, committee and member positions. For example, a chapter treasurer could state that she had successfully performed budget preparation, billing and collection, tax preparation, bookkeeping, disbursements and accounting. Other chapter positions also provide good training and skill development useful in a woman's future career. Our sisters will and have emerged into the business world and community at large carrying with them our high Alpha Sigma Alpha ideals, lady like standards, rich heritage of volunteerism, outstanding academics , selfconfidence, and leadership skills . Sharing these assets with sisters is part of our ongoing obligations and responsibilities as an Alpha Sigma Alpha. Helenmarie Hofman Editor References - Careers. Career Education: What It Is and How to Do It. 2nd. ed. Kenneth B. Hoyt et al. Olympus Publishing Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1974. "Chapter Finance." Ann Schull Lauterbach. The Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine, Winter 1978-79; George Banta Company, Inc., Menasha, Wisconsin. Guide to Professional Careers. Walter Ducat. Julian Messner Publishers, Inc., New York. 1970. I Can Be Anything- Careers and Colleges for Young Women. joyce Slayton Mitchell. Bantam Books, Inc., New York. 1978. Occupational Outlook Handbook. United States Department of Labor. Washington, D.C. 1978. Sourcebook: Science Education and the Physically Handicapped. Chapter on Careers, 9. Helenmarie Hofman , Kenneth Ricker. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, D.C. 1979. "Tradition Combines with Changes as Sororities Face Future Challenges." Norris L. Williams. The Bulleti~ of Interfraternity and Research and Advisory Council, Inc., Bulletin Number 288 , Nov. 1978, Danv1lle, Indiana. Cover photos by: Phyllis Marcuccio, Editor Science and Children National Science Teachers Association Washington, D.C.

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