Asa phoenix vol 50 no 2 winter 1964

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CONTENTS THE PHOENIX CELEBRATES GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ------ --- -- --- ----------- -------- --------- ----- -


EXCERPTS FROM YEARS PAST -- ------ ------------------------- --- ---- ---- --- ------ --- ----- ---- ---- -- -- ----- --------




REFLECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



GoEKE -------- ---- ----------------- -- -- ------- ----------------


------------------------ --- ------------------------------ --- --- -------------------------------------


NATIONAL CHAIRME N ---- ---- --- -- ------ ----- ------ ---------- --- ---- --- -- ---- -- -------- --- -- ----------- ------- ----- --- ---


WELCOME To GAMMA LAMBDA ---- --- -------------------- --- -- ---- --- ---------- -- ---- ---- --- --------- -- ------ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA ANNOUNCEs GAMMA Mu CoLONY --- --------- --- ---- -- ---- -- --- ------ ----

21 24

BETA ZETA's SouTHERN BELLES ----- --- ---- ------------------------------------- -- -------------- -------------- -


FIVE SCHOLARSHIPS GRANTED --- -- -- --- ---- -- --- ---- ------ -- ------------------------ ------ ------- ---- -- ------------




ALPHA SIGS MAKE NEWS ---- ----- --- ------- --- -- ---- ----- --------------------------- -- ------------------------------





BIRTHDAY -------- ------- ------ ------------------- ------ ------------------------------

1965 ----------- --- ------ ------------------- ---- --- ------------------------ -------------- ---------- 30 YEAR "\1\TITH CHRISTMAS MAGAZINES -------- ---- ------ --------------- --- -- ------ 31



CAMPUS Q UEENS ---- --- -------------------- --------- --- ------------------ --- ---- -- ------------ --------- --- ----- --- ----------




REALITY -------------------------------- ------------------- -----------------

CAMPUS LEADERS ----------- ----- ----- ----- ------------- -- -- ---- ---- ------- ----- -- ---- -- ---- ---------------- -----------------


ALPHA SIG TRAVELERS ---- -------- ----- --- --- ---- ------- --- -- -- ----- --- -- ---------- --- --- -- --- ------------ --- ---------


ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA SPOTLIGHT ------- --- ------------- ---------------- -- ------- ------------------------------


COLLEGE N E WS L ETTERS ------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


IN MEMORIAl\1 ------- ------------ --- ------ -------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------- -----


ALUMNAE NEWS L ETTE RS ---- ---- --- --------- --- ---------- --------------------------- ---- ---------- ------------------


ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA DIRECTORY ----- ---- ------ ------- -- ----------- -- ----------------------------- ------------





THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is published in the fall, wi nter, spring and summer of each year at Eden Publishing House, 1724 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63103, official publishers fo r the sorority. The subscription price is $1.50 a year. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha Central Oflice, 314-C East Pershing, Springfield, Mo. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Mrs. Stewart Koenemann 1230 Hoyt, St. Louis, Mo. 63137. Second-class postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri .

Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Alpha Sigma Alpha, 314-C East Pershing, Springfield, Missouri.

The Phoenix Celebrates Golden Anniversary First Magazine

Music by Code

THE PHOENIX of Alpha Sigma Alpha has been published for fifty years. Volume I, Number 1 appeared under the date line of November 1, 1914. THE PHoENIX was not the sorority's first m agazine. Alpha Sigma Alpha Magazine made its appearance in May, 1906, and was printed by the State Company Printers, Columbia, South Carolina.

THE PHOENIX began as a weekly in 1914 and was edited during its early years by the National Council committee on publications. The college girl of today accustomed to convenient methods of communication would be pJJZzled by the ingenious method used in sending original music to the membership through the medium of THE PHOENIX. The code was deciphered by such instructions as: Half notes are indicated by the use of capitals. Eighth notes are indicated by the use of J through small letters. Chords are separated by the semicolon and bars by the asterisk. Rests are indicated by the use of =. What good training for future code breakers!

Rapid Changes The magazine contained advertisements of various southern firms dealing in commodities ranging from groceries to real esta te. Sorority news, reprints of outstanding articles on the fraternity system, and Alpha Sigma Alph a songs were included in this first publication. The second edition came out one year later in March, 1907, without advertisements, and contained an account of the 1906 Convention at the Charleston Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina. In May, 1908, the name was changed to Th e Aegis of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The magazines during the 19091912 period bore the coat of arms in crimson on a gray cover with the legend, "Devoted to the interest of all Alpha Sigma Alphas." 2

Echoes of World War I Echoes of the first World War appeared in the chapter letters of 1917. The term "First Aiel" appeared many times, and Red Cross units were organized on campuses. In Virginia, Alpha chapter at Longwood College participated in a campaign for Belgian children for which the chapter had a week of self-denial in order to contribute the twelve dollars necessary to feed a baby in Belgium. THE PHOENIX

The Aegis The 1918 Convention in Chicago made provision for THE PHOENIX to be published monthly in charge of an editor-in-chief and a staff. Miss Ann Brewington, then a student at the University of Chicago, who later became known as one of the University's outstanding professors in commercial education and the proponent of the direct method of teaching shorthand, was elected editor. Wartime restrictions on paper made it expedient to publish THE PHOENIX quarterly, and from November, 1919, until the present the magazine has been published four times each year. For a period one issue each year was called Th e Aegis and served as an esoteric publication. Miss Ida A. Jewett, professor of English in Columbia University, became editor of THE PHOENIX in 1922. She was followed by Miss Gertrude Halbrittor and Miss Julia Lancaster, who served consecutively until 1934 when Mrs. B. F. Leib (Genevieve Steel) of Indianapolis became the Editor.

For over twenty years THE PHOENIX was printed by the Nicholson Printing Company, Richmond, Indiana, under the personal supervision of Mr. R. B. Nicholson until 1952 when the company went out of business. After eighteen years of service to her sorority, Mrs. Leib resigned at the Convention in 1952; and Miss Esther Bucher was elected Editor. Leland Publishers, St. Paul, Minnesota, became the official publishers at this time.

Growth of the Phoenix Mrs. Eugene H. Crompton (Hiwana Cupp) and Miss Mary C. Goeke each served a three year term as Editor and can look back with fond memories on their work on THE PHOENIX which had grown from a four page issue off the Rotaspeed machine to its present size. The Phoenix was used to designate a fabled bird, which upon attaining a certain age built itself a nest to which it set fire and within which it was consumed. Out of the warm ashes there arose a new Phoenix, more beautiful than before. It is our hope that The Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha will continue to raise as the fabled bird, "more beautiful than before."

Mrs. Leib Editor 18 Years During the eighteen years Mrs. Leib was Editor, from 1934 to 1952, the format, size, and cover style was changed. Mrs. Leib developed a high standard of material, well balanced to be of interest to the readers of varied ages and interests. A history of the sorority was published in 1945 as an issue of THE PHOENIX. It was written by Louise . Stewart, Historian. The 1952 Convention presented to the membership, Th e Years B ehind Us, A History of Alpha Sigma Alpha, in which Miss Stewart related the development of the sorority during its first fifty years, dedicating it to the five founders .

Unique Cover of 1934

War News News of \1\Torld War II was not unique with THE PHOENIX as all fraternity publications were filled with it. Many Alpha Sigma Alpha members joined the various women's branche of the armed services. WINTER 1964

Expressing Unity in A. S. A. By Dorothy Morrison, TT


"The beautiful silver scholarship cup awaits its first inscription. Our National President has presented the sorority with the cup as a stimulus to higher scholarship in the chapters. This cup owing to its beauty of outline, its distinction, and dignity, should be the coveted prize of every chapter. Each year the cup will have engraved upon it the name of the chapter ranking highest in scholarship, and then that chapter will have the great privilege of keeping the cup in its possession for one year." (It should be noted here that Zeta Zeta chapter was the first winner. Rulings of later years provided a new award to be made at each Convention, this award to become the permanent property of the winning chapter.) Miss Minnie Shockley, National Vice President in 1924, wrote concerning scholarship as follows: How TO BECOME A SCHOLAR "Study diligently, acquire thoroughly, review frequently; plan your work and work your plan. Seize the moment of excited curiosity for the acquisition of knowledge. Make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder sister and hope your guardian genius. If you will follow these instructions, you will reach the goal with the highest honors. In addition to a Bachelor's or Master's degree granted by your school there are some others which every true Alpha Sigma Alpha should strive for. These are: A.B.-Ardent Believer. Belief, not doubt, accomplishes things in this age. M.D.-Magnificent Dreamer. Dream true and high ideals and move toward them. Litt.D .-Devotee of Literature. Become a lover of the best literature. Remember that the Bible stands at the forefront of all books. F.R.S.-Fellow of Regular Supplication. Present yourself daily before God. D.D.-Doer of Deeds. "By their fruits ye shall know them." These degrees are not dependent upon academic requirements, but the possession of them will mark you as an educated person." 4


The National Convention was the big concern in the 1934 issues of THE PHOENix. Alpha Sigma Alpha was to meet in Virginia, the state of its birth. Wilma Wilson Sharp, National President, wrote concerning this Convention. CELEBRATION- REDEDICATION "August twenty-second to the twenty-sixth, Alpha Sigma Alphas are to again hold reuniona reunion in Virginia, the state of our Founding. Our 1934 National Convention will be more than a conclave for the transaction of important sorority business. Its inspirational value will be even greater than that found in 'fellowship of kindred minds.' w路ith Alpha chapter members we will celebrate the re-instatement of our Mother chapter. In their own stimulating presence we will honor our Founders and our early Alpha members. Convention-in-Virginia will be unique in Alpha Sigma history. It calls Alpha Sigma Alphas to jubilant celebration of 'dreams come true.' And out of that celebration will spring glorious rededication to our sorority's ideals-with vision for future greatness and plans for its attainment.'' THE PHOENIX

THE PHOENIX NOVEMBER 1944 Convention postponed

"Alpha Sigma Alpha National Councillors and Chairmen held a conference at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, July 1-8. The conference con~erned with sorority business and plannmg which under normal conditions would have been carried on by a 1944 National Convention. ~ review of the general condition of the sorority smce the last <?onvention showed increased chapter memberships. Alpha Sigma's War Services, under the direction of the National Vice Preside~t, received additional impetus through the enhstm.ents of two National Officers, Lt. (j.g.) Katherme M. Hale, former National Treasurer and Sgt. Virginia Carpenter, MCWR, Alumnae Editor." In .November, 1944, a new sorority publication was Issued, Leadership in Alpha Sigma Alpha. It was a manual for chapter presidents written by Wilma Wilson Sharp. The 1944 winner of the Wilma Wilson Sharp award was S. June Smith. "Here is one more girl who really li ves the Alpha Sigma Alpha CreedTo fill my days with satisfy ing activ ity To find dominant beauty in art, literature, nature and friendships, To love life and joyously li ve each day to its ultimate goodThis is m y creed in Alpha Sigma Alpha." Another award winner that year received the Elizabeth ' Bird Small Award. She was Evelyn Merrifield (Carnal) , now one of our newest alumnae chapter editors from Central Louisiana. Helen Corey was introduced as the new National Secretary. THE PHOENIX NOVEMBER 1954

This issue carries m any interesting stories of the work of Alpha Sigma Alphas in Veteran's Hospital throughout the land. As a fitting tribute to this issue and those to come this message is repeated: WINTER 1964

FouNDERs' DAY, 1954 . "November is a significant month for Alpha Sigmas everywhere. As we recall the founding of our sorority, we are reminded of a small band of Pilgrims whose courage, determination, and endurance enable them to carry on in sp ite of all hardships. Frontiers h ave been conquered, great advances have been made in science, education is no longer limited to a few-for such progress we are grateful. Yet there is a challenge in the year ahead for each American-for each Alpha Sigma Alpha. America will remain the hope of the world as long as it possesses the freedoms won by our Pilgrim forefathers. Just as these founders worked, dared, ventured to give us these gifts of freedom to worship, to speak, to li ve in pursuit of happ iness, to assemble peaceably, may we ever strive through our daily living to preserve these freedoms-the hope of the world! " EVELYN G. BELL National President


"The 1964 Convention theme, 'A Changing Time', focused our attentio n upon the fact that change is constant and necessary to assure survival in a changing world. As such, it is evident that one of the most valu able legacies that the founders of Alpha Sigma Alpha could have bestowed upon its future members was a base or foundation broad but firm enough to encompass and support whatever changes might occur. Fortunately, this is precisely what those five women did leave to us; and it is for this reason that all members pause once each year to pay tribute to them. As the fifteenth day of ovember approaches, let u s concentrate on making ourselves and our chapters aware of and thankful for the legacy of our foundation; and when Founders' Day h as act ually arrived, it will be a true inspiration to know that more than seventeen thousand sisters will be giving homage in many individu al ways to our fi ve founders of Alph a Sigma Alpha ." MARY C. GOEKE National President 5


Ida A. Jewett

I am responding promptly without giving myself time to recall anything of those far-away days w hen I was Editor of THE PHOE N IX. As to m y years as Editor of THE PHOENIX) I recall no interesting tidbits wit h w hich to regale your readers. I rem ember that the job was not one that I wanted or felt that I should add to my heavy load as a teacher) but that I yielded to the urgings of the National President and promised to understake the work for one year- or was it two? However) in spite of my reluctance to take on the job ) the work went smoot hly and I enjoyed m y contacts with the m embers of other chapters than m y own. Sin ce) in my capacity as National Vice President) I had visited many of the chapters and had helped install several of them ) it may be that the reporters responded more satisfa ctorily than they otherwise might have done. At any rate) I have only pleasurable m emories of my time as Editor. Ida A. j ewett National Editor 192 1-22


When I was Editor of THE PHOENIX) we were a much smaller sorority. We were concerned with the creation of standards and traditions. It was important to make all the chapters feel their importance to th e National organization. THE PHOENIX nee ded to flap its wing vigorously! From the beginning I urged all members) not merely the chapter editors) to contribute material of interest to the entire sorority. I had art competitions for new cover designs and department captions. We printed favorit e receipes and detailed information about rush party techniques. You ne ver knew w hat the next PHOENIX would look like) nor what might be inside of it! Now that Alpha Sigma Alpha has an established place in the sorority world suc h capers are no longer needed) but it is always fun to pioneer and a great satisfa ction to look back on the early days of foundation building. In 1939 I left the field of education and changed to orthoptics. This is a little-known medical specialty in which we work with ophthalmologists for the treatment of amblyopia and eye de viations. Most of the patients are children) and it is basically an educational procedure. None of my pre vious experience in teac fiing physical education was wasted .

Julia Lancaster THE PHOENIX

My organizational experience in Alpha Sigma Alpha was vastly helpful when I helped to start our American Association of Certified Orthoptists. In 1951 I published a Manual of Orthoptics. I urge every member of Alpha Sigma Alpha to accept all the challenges offered by her membership. All life is experience and every new experience opens new vistas of happiness through achievement. julia E. Lancaster . National Editor 1930-34

the Los Angeles chapter for the year I live d in California. In .January 1961 I returned to In dianapolis and my home chapte r.

Genevieve Foltz

Esther Bucher

Since becoming a charter m ember of C hi C hi chapter in In dianapolis, I ha ve continued as an enthusiastic participant in A lpha Sigma Alpha. I attended my first National Con vention in 1932 and was elected Na tional Editor in 1934 . I held this office for eighteen years) resigning at our Golden Anniversary Convention in 1952. It was a long and happy time . I was Genevieve S. L eib then, and I expect many of you remember me by that name. During that time I attended eleven National Conventions and was chairman of numerous regional meetings and state days . I also served as one of th e installing officers for nine college chapters. For the three years I lived in Florida I belonged to the Greater Miami chapter and joined

Congratulations are in order on the 50th Anniversary of the first PHOENIX OF ALPHA SrcMA ALPHA. THE PHOE IX has had a long and colorful life. I t is read by hundreds of A lpha Sigmas of all ages in all parts of th e world. I t brings news of our belo ved sorority to colleae m embers and to alumnae w ho ha ve been out of schools for many years but w ho are still vitally interested in accounts of ac hievem ents and activities of m embers and chapters.


Through these many many years I have watched THE PHOENIX grow along wit h our sisterhood. My contacts ha ve all been pleasant and rewarding. Thank you Alpha Sigma Alpha for all you have given m e. Genevieve S. Foltz Nationa l Editor 1934-52

During my six years as Editor of THE I had the privilege of reading some of the early issues of our magazine. Prior to the birth of THE P HOENIX, news was sent fmm chaPter to chapter via round robin letters. In 1914, w hen THE PHOENIX became the official publication of A lpha Si ama Alpha, there were no artiPHOENIX,


cles about members who were serving with the Peace Corps or teaching in schools in far-away places, but it did report the then changing world for women in the professions. At the time our sisterhood was founded, the Twentieth Century was just starting. Our chapters were in colleges for women where the prime purpose was to prepare them to be "ladies" r路ather than to enter the few professions then open to women. In 1914 World War I brought about great changes in attitudes toward women in business and the professions. They would be expected to be "ladies" always, but also to compete with men more than ever before in the classrooms and employment opportunities. I'm certain the editor's concern was the same then as now, to compile news and accounts of personal activities to interest every reader. It is a challenging experience, and I'm happy I had the opportunity to be associated with THE PHOENIX if only for a short time. Mrs. Genevieve Foltz had been the Editor for a number of years before my term, and she had developed the magazine into a publication of which Alpha Sigma Alpha has been very proud. Styles change in publications as they do in other things, and during Genevieve's administration the format was updated to the present size and character. Mary K. Reiff was College Editor in association with three Editors, and much credit goes to her for ideas of lay-out and subject classifications. Each time THE PHOENIX appears in my mail, I can scarcely wait to read it through from cover to cover. Each picture is that of one of my Alpha Sigma sisters, and every article is of as much interest to m e as though I knew the m ember about which it is written personally. May THE PHOENIX have as glorious next half century as the past 50 years! Esther Bucher National Editor 1952-58 Congratulations to THE PHOENIX on its Golden Anniversary! During its existence, our magazine has reported the news of our sorority, it has helped to fur路ther our goals, and it has sought to remind us of our heritage. For fifty )'ears, THE PHOENIX has served well its purpose. Being, at one time, an Editor of THE PHOENIX was, indeed, a privileged experience for me. I shall ever be grateful for the opportunity of


working so closely with Alpha Sigma Alphas everywhere and sharing with them the same hopes for the future and the same memories of the past. My tour of duty taught me many valuable lessons, and among them was the responsibility for meeting the printer's deadlines. I now use that training in meeting different" deadlines" -bottles, feedings, naps, and baths-for our son and daughter, Corey and Carol. However, I still look forward to each issue and treasure the time I spend in reading a copy of THE PHOENIX. Hiwana Cupp Crompton National Editor 1958-61

Corey and Carol Crompton This Fiftieth Anniversary edition truly represents a significant milestone in the long history of THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA; and I think that no one can more fully realize the extent of this achievement than can the former Editors of this publication. I, myself, am very appreciative of this opportunity to express m y most sincere gratitude for the tradition that THE PHOENIX has become; and at the same time to know that we can look forward with confidence to the continuing excellence of our publication. Although my three year term as Editor must certainly be described as a very insignificant link in the chain of Alpha Sigma Alpha Editors, I am extremely proud and honored that I can claim my place in this chain, for it is truly a rewarding experience to be able to claim a kinship with our great Editors of the past and our promising Editors of the present and future. Mary C. Goeke National Editor 1961-64 THE PHOENIX


Alpha Alpha chapter at Miami University is extremely proud of MARY CAROLINE GOEKE, who has been elected to Alpha Sigma Alpha's top leadership for the next triennium. Their pride is shared by all who have had the opportunity to meet Mary personally. Mary graduated from Miami University in 1955 with an A.B. degree. As a member of Alpha Alpha chapter she served as vice president, Panhellenic delegate, and served on various other committees. She was on the school paper staff, House Council, a member of Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honorary) , a member of Phi Delta Delta (legal sorority), and also served as a playground leader and lifeguard for the Cincinnati Recreation Commission during her summar vacations from college work. After graduation from Miami, Mary enrolled in Law School at the University of Cincinnati and received her LL.B. degree there. Mary is associated with her father in the firm of Goeke & Goeke. In connection with her work she belongs to the Cincinnati Bar Association and serves on the Junior Bar Association Committee, Juvenile WI NTER 1964

Court Committee, and Membership Committee. She is a member of the Ohio State Bar Association, American Bar Association, Cincinnati '!\Tomen Lawyers Club, and served as co-chairman of the Probate Judges Convention-women's division-in 1960. She is also active with several service and charity organizations in Cincinnati. Mary has been active in the Cincinnati alumnae chapter, serving as its president, vice president, Panhellenic delegate and alternate, and as Ohio State Day chairman. Mary has served Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Council as Editor for the past three years. She was chairman of the constitution revision committeee for 1964 and a member of the finance committee for 1962-64. She was privileged to attend the NPC Editors Conference in 1961 and 1963. Mary lives with her parents and enjoys the frequent visits of her sister Lois' two small sons who live nearby. In her spare time she enjoys bridge, golf, tennis, sewing, and all spectator sports. Mary brings her to the office of National President a wealth of knowledge, dignity, and poise. 9


Helen Malone HELEN HOOPER MALONE (Mrs. George ]. , Jr .) has been elected as Nationa l Vice President. Helen 's national work started in 1958 when she was appointed Magazine Subscription Chairman. ln 1960 she was appointed Philanthropic Chairman, and in 1961 she was elected to the National Council as Membersh ip Director. Helen attended ~ onheastern State College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where she was initiated into Beta Gamma chapter. She has been an active member of the Tulsa alumnae chapter, holding offices from contact committee chairman through the presidency. Helen is secretary to the vice president of MAPCO Production Company, a subsidiary of i\ 1id-America Pipeline Company. She is a member of the Oil Capital Toastmistress Club holding the office of treasurer at present. Helen's church is Second Presbyterian. Helen 's hobbies are handcrafts and baking, but she spends most of her spare time with her husband , nicknamed "Dick," and an ever so smart little parakeet, Tony IV. 10

VIOLA (SIS) CARAWAY BREWER (Mrs. Joe H.) succeeds Helen L. Corey in the office of National Secretary. Sis was initiated into Psi Psi chapter at orthwestern State College, atchitoches, Louisiana, where she graduated with a B.S. in chem istry. She served her chapter as registrar and president. Following graduation, Sis was employed in Tulsa as a chemist with Mid-Continent Petroleum. It is interesting to note that while in a strange city and in a new job Sis turned to her alumnae where she met many fine friends including Helen Malone. Through the Tulsa alumnae chapter and their work with ation al, Sis and Helen have worked together in A"i..A for twenty years-a long and cherished friendship. Sis held the office of president of the Tulsa alumnae chapter and was that chapter's delegate to the Biloxi Convention in 1955. Since 1956 she has been a member of the \1\Tichita alumnae chapter and has held various offices in this chapter as well. She has served as National Ritual Chairman for seven years during wh ich time she served on the Ritu al Revision committee. Sis and her husband, Joe, have two daughters, Julie (17) and Beckie (15) and are active members of the Presbyterian Church in Wichita. She enjoys bridge, sewing, bowling, and goJ.f and is never too busy to h elp in her community duties.


Viola Brewer THE PHOENIX

fARIE SCANLON BROWN (Mrs. Harold C.) was elected to the newly formed position of Extension Director. Marie attended Mississippi Southern College (now University of Southern Miss.) and was a member of Beta Delta chapter there. In 1946 Marie was selected as Beta Delta's Alpha girl. Marie was graduated from the University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, with an A.B. in Journalism. For Alpha Sigma Alpha Marie served as Fellowship Chairman from 1958 to 1961, was cochairman of the A'LA Cookbook, "Go urmet's Guide," was elected as Vice President for 1961 to 1964, and served as chairman of the finance committee for the past two years. In South Bend Marie works with the alumnae and city Panhellenic serving currently on the scholarship committee. Marie serves her church as superintendent of the Junior Sunday School Department, vicechairman of Board of Education, publicity chairman of vVomen's Social Board, and a member on Children's Board of Council of Churches. Marie and Harold have one so n, Brad (II) , and two shelties, L ady and Sandy . Gardening and collecting antique colored glass are Marie's favorite hobbies.


Marie Brown WINTE R 1964



Rose Marie Fellin

ROSE MARIE FELLIN, Alph a Sigma Alpha's newly elected National Treasurer is known quite well by many Alphas from Beta Sigma chapter at Springfield, Missouri, si nce she has served that chapter as adviser for eleven years. A business major at Southwest Missouri State College, Rosie h as used her training in many ways for her sorority. While in college, she served her chapter as treasurer and was also act ive in Newma n Club and the Commercial Club. She is now president of the Beta Sigma House Corporation after serv ing as treasurer for ten years. Active in the Sprin gfield alumnae chapter Rosie h as served as president, trea urer, and editor. Rosie's parents live in Marsh fi eld , lVI isso uri , a brother is a professor at St. Louis Un ivers ity, and a sister is a Benedictine Sister at Mt. St. Scholas ti ca College, Atchison , Kansas. In add ition to the many hours Lhat Rosie devotes to A'LA , she is also a member of Venture Club, serves many hours as a volunteer worker with St. John's Hospital A uxili ary, belongs to St. Agnes Altar Society, and is treasurer of Unic Investment Club. She enjoys knitLing, bridge, and golf. II


Nancy Mathisen NANCY GIBSON MATHISEN has been a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha for twenty-five years. A native Milwaukeean, she studied for her A.B. and M.A. degrees at vVestern State College, Gunnison, Colorado. Nancy became a member of Sigma Sigma chapter and held almost every chapter office. She went on to hold numerous offices in the Los Angeles alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha and served as its delegate to the 1955 Convention in Biloxi. The 1958 Convention at Galen Hall, Pa., first elected her to her present office of Alumnae Director. ancy serving in the v\Torld '!\Tar II found ' 1\TAC for three years, eighteen months of which were spent in 1 ew Guinea and the Philippine Islands. These years have made a definite contribution toward her outlook on life. Currently la ney, her husband Alex, Tommy, Terry, Teddy, and Monica live in Anaheim, just five minutes from Disneyland. Alex is an employee of the Los Angeles Times, and ancy works part-time as a cashier-bookkeeper for a children's shoe store. The entire family takes an active part in the ' 'Vest Anaheim Little League, which demands their energies from early March through late July each year. A Brownie troop, PTA, and church activities added to the usual household chores and family demands occupy Nancy's remaining waking hours. 12

JUDY MATTHEWS, youngest member of the National Council, was elected to serve as Membership Director after serving as Traveling Secretary for six months following her graduation from Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in January, 1964. During her years in college, Judy was active in all phases of campus life. She was co-business manager of the campus newspaper, co-editor of the 1963 yearbook, and president of her dormitory. She was a member of Panhellenic Council, the Associated 'Nomen Students Council, Heart and Key Service Organization, Kappa Delta Pi, the Student National Education Association, the Student Christian Association, Alpha Chi Honorary Fraternity, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She served Beta Mu chapter as scholarship chairman and vice president and received the chapter's Outstanding Member Award. She was chosen Senior Class Favorite by her classmates. Judy is presently teaching plane geometry in orth Little Rock, Arkansas, maintaining memberships in several educational associations for teachers. In addition to her work on a ational level, Judy also is active in the Greater Little Rock alumnae chapter. She is a sponsor for theY-Teen club and takes part in church work by serving as Sunday School pianist and teacher.


Judy Matthews THE PHOENIX

BONNIE PAYNE KOENEMANN (Mrs. Stewart W.) was appointed National Editor at the National Convention in July. Prior to this time the office of Editor had been elective. Bonnie was initiated into Zeta Zeta chapter at Central Missouri State, Warrensburg, Missouri, where she graduated with a B.S. in Education. She taught at vVindsor, Missouri, before her marriage and has taught as a full time and as a substitute teacher in the Riverview Gardens School District in St. Louis County. She has been an active member of the St. Louis alumnae chapter and has served the chapter in various capacities, including the office of president. She was the St. Louis delegate to the 1961 Convention after which she received the appointment of National Fellowship Chairman. In 1963 she assumed the combined office of National Fellowship and Philanthropic Chairman. In addition to her interest in sorority work she has been active in various community and church organizations. The Koenemanns are proud of their three sons, Barry (16), Chris (14), and Kent (7), all very athletic minded with their baseball, football, basketball, track, and swimming teams. Bonnie is always there in the cheering section and finds time to bowl on a weekly league as well.


Bonnie Koenemann WINTER 1964


Juanita Rowe

JUANITA ROBERTS ROvVE (Mrs. Harry G.) has been appointed Central Office Executive succeeding Mrs. Harry P . Nelson and will carry out her work from Alpha Sigma Alpha's new headquarters in Springfield, Missouri. Juanita graduated from Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, Missouri, in 1963, with a B.S. in Education with a major in English and a minor in business. Following her graduation Juanita taught in Tucson, Arizona, but returned to her home in Springfield in January, 1964, after the sudden death of her sister Cathy, who was路 a sen ior at SMS and member of Beta Sigma chapter. Juanita served Beta Sigma chapter as treasurer, vice president, and president. She also received the Lucy Mae Smith award, which is given by the alumnae chapter each year to the outstanding sen ior student of A2.A in leadership, scholarship, and service. Juanita's husband is an architectural draftsman and was a Sigma Nu at Ka nsas University. Juanita is a member of the Springfield alumnae and enjoys water skiing, bowling, reading, and following the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.



Betty Hall

BETTY PHILLIPS HALL (Mrs. A. Howard) is another devoted Alpha Sig from Alpha Beta chapter at ortheast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mo. She is now our new AL..A Store Chairman and formerly served as Tatjonal Magazine Subscription Chairman, ationa! Constitution Chairman and has been the National Panhellenic Conference Delegate for the past two and one-half years. Betty is active in the Chicago alumnae chapter and has been a delegate to Chicago City Panhellenic and the Park Ridge Panhellenic Club. She has also served on the installation team for three new chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Betty is a member of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs and the Federated Illinois Republican Women's Clubs. Presen tly, Betty is busy working as a volunteer at Republican headquarters and taking extension classes with the University of Illinois. 14

ALUMNAE EDITOR LONNA McCOMAS HENDREN (Mrs. Gary) is very happy with her new job as National Alumnae Editor. Lonna was graduated from the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Ed ucation. Lonna served Alpha Beta chapter as recording and corresponding secretary and was president of her pledge class. She is now a member of the St. Louis alumnae chapter. v\Thile on campus, Lonna was active in organizations both scholastically and socially. She was a member of Cardinal Key, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Phi Sigma, WAA, PE i Club, Wesley Foundation, and the Student Social Committee. Scholastically, Lonna was named to the Dean's Honor Roll , "E" Honor Roll, received the Sheryl Fullerton Grimm Memorial Scholarship, and ranked fifth in her graduating class. During her senior year, Lonna was selected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Lonna is now busy maintaining a home for her daughter, Sheri and husband, Gary at 92 Eileen Lane, Bridgeton, Missouri.

Lonna Hendren



Mary K. Reiff

MARY K. REIFF HH will continue as National Alumnae Organizer, the position she assumed in 1963, and to wh;ch she has brought a wealth of experience to both college and aftercollege A'LA chapters. As College Editor of THE PHOENIX, and later as ational Magazine Subscription Chairman, she worked diligently to standardize procedures and to widen the scope of each office. In the Greater Kansas City alumnae association of A'LA, Mary K. has held numerous offices, including the presidency, and at present is program chairman. The Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska State Officers, for a number of years, have called upon her for advice and guidance. Mary K. continues ta serve as alumnae secretary of her own Eta Eta chapter. Mary K.'s professional position is Manager of Estimating and Production Planning for The Glenn Printing Company of Kansas City, Missouri. She is a member of the Women's Chamber of Commerce in Kansas City, whose membership is limited to women in executive positions in business and the professions. The Alumni Association of Kansas State College of Pittsburg has a large membership in the Greater Kansas City area, and Mary K. is a past president of the Assoc ia tion and has served on several of its committees. WINTER 1964

ART CHAIRMAN EDITH GAUPP WOLF (Mrs. Robert J.) , Pi Pi chapter, will serve as National Art Chairman for the next three years, an office she has held since 1945. She was graduated from Buffalo State Teachers College where she was president of her college chapter during her sen ior year. After graduation, Edith taught. art at Schoharie Central School and later returned to teach at her Alma Mater. Edith did graduate work at Penn State and Union College in Schenectady and received her Masters degree from Union College. Edith is m arried to " Red" Wolf who is employed by Federal Housing. He is an architectural supervisor for Northeastern Un ited States. They are the parents of fourteen year old Robin and twelve year old Andy. Currently, Edith is teaching elementary art in three Schenectady schools, doing an elementary art TV program, serving as a member of the Outdoor Education Committee and is chairman of the Commission of Education in the Shinendihowa Methodist Church where she is the sixth grade Sunday School teacher.

Edi Wolf




J.) is finding her office as National College Editor

Ruth Fletcher

RUTH EWCOMB FLETCHER (Mrs. Louis E.) will continue to serve as Awards Chairman as well as adviser to Theta Theta chapter at Boston University. Ruth was recently elected president of the Boston University Women's Guild. She served as registrar at the School of Education for five years and editor of the Bulletins of the university since 1955. Long active in local and state organizations, she is presently a Town Meeting member in Needham and a member of the Future School Needs Committee. She has been a member of two school building committees, served on the Council of Girl Scouts and a member of the Board of Directors of the Public School Association. Ruth is active in the League of Women Voters and served as president of the Boston Branch of the National League of American Penwomen. She is a member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, and she has been active in education legislation. Ruth is engaged in public speaking and has given commencement addresses at several state teachers colleges. She is also author of numerous publications. Ruth and her husband live in Needham but enjoy frequent trips to their cottage in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. They have two daughters -Carol, who just recently presented them with a grandson, and Martha, an Alpha Sig teaching on Long Island. 16

challenging and fun. Before graduating from Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri, with an A.B. degree, she was a member of Alpha Beta chapter. She served her chapter as membership director and Panhellenic representative, was voted outstanding pledge, AL..A sweetheart, and was her chapter's Frost Fidelity Award candidate. During her college years, Barbara majored in English and minored in journalism. She was the only girl, up to that time, to be editor of the college paper, "The Index," for three quarters. She also belonged to Cardinal Key, Student. Social committee, served as secretary to both the Dormitory House Council and Missouri Collegiate Newspaper Association, and was elected to Who's Who . She was an exchange student to the University of Madrid, Spain. Following graduation, she obtained a position as editor of "The \1\Tooden Barrel," which is the magazine of the Cooperage Association in St. Louis. After her marriage to Lewis (Jack) Maddex, they moved back to Kirksville for three years where she served as president of the AL..A alumnae chapter. Barbara and Jack now live in St. Louis and have two children, Pamela (4) and Jeffrey (2).

Barbara Maddex THE PHOENIX


Sidney Allen SIDNEY GREMILLION ALLEN (Mrs. John H.) has accepted the position as National Fellowship and Philanthropic Chairman. She received her A.B. degree from Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, La., where she was a member of Psi Psi chapter, and Master's degree from Louisiana State University. Sidney taught school fifteen years on elementary and secondary levels and was a superv ising teacher in college for the teacher-training program. Sidney has devoted much of her time and energy to A'LA. She served Psi Psi chapter as treasurer and president and later became advisor to Beta Delta chapter and served in that capacity for six years. She has attended three National Conventions, being a collegiate delegate to one and an alumnae and advisor delegate to the other , two. Sidney is active in civic affairs as well as sorority activities. She is past president of Hattiesburg AAUW, a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, a member of the Junior Auxiliary, helped to organize a south Mississippi Arts Association, was chairman of March of Dimes, and is an active member of Faculty Wives' Club on USM campus. She is married to John Horton Allen, Dean of the University of Southern Mississippi. They are the parents of John Horton Allen, Jr. and Lisa Jane. Sidney's special interests are her family and their activit ies plus community, church and university activities.


CONVENTION CHAIRMAN HELEN L. COREY, a loyal and devoted Alpha Sigma Alpha, retains the office of Convention Chairman, a position she has held since 194 1. Helen served as National Secretary for twenty years and as adviser to her own Kappa Kappa chapter at Temple University for many years. She was elected to the first edition of Who's Who in American Wom en and also Who's Who in American Education. Helen is Dean of Girls and Director of Guidance at Drexel Hill Junior High School, Upper Darby Township. She is a member of the Assn. of Women's Deans and Counselors and The American Personnel and Guidance Assn. She is a member of the National and Pennsylvania Assns. for the Mentally Retarded, the Pennsylvania Governor's Conference on Children and Youth, Delta Kappa Gamma, and many other local organizations. Helen is a member of the Episcopal Church and shares an apartment with a longtime friend and co-worker. Both are fond of antiques, music boxes, figurines , and good records. Helen has traveled extensively but always enjoys her return trips to Florida to visit her brother and family. Helen likes to collect recipes and served as co-chairman of " Gourmet's Guide." Other interests include the theatre, cooking, bridge, reading, and sports (especially baseball) .

Helen L. Corey 17


Jeannie Redmond

JEAN IE ROETTO REDMO lD (Mrs. Robbert F.), Beta Sigma chapter, is now holding the otlice of National Rush Chairman . Jeannie, former president of the Greater Kansas City alumnae chapter, is very active in alum work. She has served as Panhellenic alternate and Panhellenic delegate and as assistant rush chairman and rush chairman for the Panhellenic Association of Greater Kansas City. Jeannie takes an active interest in PTA by holding a local office in that organization. She has served two years doing volunteer work in the classroom for the mentally retarded and handicapped children at the Kansas University Medical Center. Civic-minded Jeannie serves as committeewoman in Auxiliary to the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City. She also attends church regularly at the local Catholic church. Jeannie finds time to keep house for husband, Robert, and daughter, Teresa Ann, seven years old. IS

MAGAZINE CHAIRMAN SUE HENDERSON KING (Mrs. Allan E.) will serve Alpha Sigma Alpha as Magazine Chairman for the present triennium. Sue attended \!\!estern Illinois University in Macomb where she became a member of Beta Kappa chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She married Allan King in 1957; and they now have two children, Cathy Jo and Russell Edward. Allan works at Continental Bank in Chicago, and both Sue and Allan manage three apartment buildings in Berwyn. Sue is very active in the Chicago-West Suburban alumnae chapter and has served as the chapter's president since its founding in 1959. She was also a delegate to Chicago City Panhellenic and was Ways and Means Chairman. Sue directed the fashion show for the formal banquet at the 1961 Convention. She has been a member of the Riverside-Brookfield Panhellenic Council for three years and has served as secretary. In September Sue took part in the installation of Gamma Lambda chapter at Loyola University. Also, Sue enjoys participating in church work. She and her family attend the Riverside Presbyterian church where she teaches Sunday School for pre-school children and gives much of her time for committee work and fund raising activities.



Shirley HeUrich

SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN ANNE PETREE IEMEYER (Mrs. William B.) , Alpha Alpha chapter, is serving her second term as National Scholarship Chairman. Anne is not a newcomer to the National offices as she has served as National Membership Director for six years and National Alumnae Editor for three years. She has also held several offices in the Cincinnati alumnae chapter over a period of ten years. Her mother, Ruth Petree, and aunt, Helen Neff Schomaker, are members of the Chicago-South Suburban alumnae chapter. Anne not only devotes much of her time to sorority life but to civic and church activities as well. She is a member of the Christian Education Commission in the Presbyterian Church and has served as director and teacher in vacation church school. Anne is active in PTA and is a substitute school teacher. Anne possesses the honor of being listed in the first edition of "Who's Who in American Won~en."

SHIRLEY AINSWORTH HELLRICH (Mrs. Arthur L.) will continue to serve as at ional Music Chairman, a position she has held since 1946. Shirley attended Kansas State College at Pitts路 burg for two years where she became a member of Eta Eta chapter. She later transferred to the Eastman School of Mus ic in Rochester, T. Y. , where she graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree and Performer's Certificate summa cum laude. Following her graduation, she was an instructor of voice at the University of \IVichita, Kansas, for two years; and she taught at the Emma Willard School in Troy, N. Y. , for two years. Shirley has done concerts and oratorios in the Mid-West and New York State. She has served as soloist with the Rochester Symphony, Wichita Symphony, Buffalo Philharmonic, Tri-City Choral Society, and won the Buffalo, New York, "Voices of Tomorrow" contest. In 1961 she was invited to return to Kansas State to sing at the dedication service of the new music building on campus. Both Shirley and Art are active in community and church activities in Glen Rock, New Jersey. Their two teenage daughters, Karen and Lisa, a ttended Convention this summer and had a marvelous time. WINTER 1964

Despite her busy schedule, Anne finds time to be a mother to her two sons, Billy who is eight and Kurt who is six.

Anne Niemeyer


SHIRLEY PALLATTO BONE (Mrs. Kendall F.) wi ll serve in the capacity of Ta tional Historian for the next three years. She was the National Alumnae Editor for the past triennium. Shirley was initiated into Alpha Alpha chapter at Miami University and served her chapter as treasurer. She taught second grade for two years in Cincinnati where she is now very active in the AL..A alumnae chapter. Shirley and husband, Kendall , have two children, Steve who is five years old and Beth who is two. They recently added a new member to their fami ly-Casper, a small bl ack kitten. The Bone Family enjoy participating in church activities together.



T 0 R I A N

Shirley Bone JEAN RAUP GRADY (Mrs. Robert C.) will again serve Alpha Sigma Alpha as a National Chairman. Jean previously has served as Registrar, Constitution Chairman, Convention Parliamentarian , and as National President from 195861. She will serve at this time as Constitution Chairman. Jean was initated into membership at Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, and took a very act ive part in the Beta Epsilon chapter there. She and her husband Bob, a lawyer, live at "v\Toodhaven," their farm in Orange, Virginia, with their two young chi ldren.

c 0 N










N Jean Grady





A N Pauline Olson 10

PAULINE SMITH OLSON (Mrs. Donald D.) has accepted the appointment of National Ritual Chairman after serving in the capacity of Ta tional College Editor for the past three years. Pauline was initiated into Beta Nu chapter at Murray State College, M urray, Kentucky. She later transferred to Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. She worked on the staff at Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum in Detroit before her marriage. Pauline is active in the Cincinnati, Ohio, alumn ae chapter as well as the Cincinnati Panhellenic Association. She is active in P.T.A., and she enjoys gardening and bowling. The Olsons are the proud parents of three ons, Douglas (9) , Curtis (7) , and Eric (3) . THE PHOENIX




How unforgettable the weekend of September 25-27 was for thirty-nine brand new Alpha Sigs. Chi Theta Upsilon, a local sorority at Loyola University, Chicago, h appily became the Gamma Lambda chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The weekend began on Friday night in the midst of a downpour, but it couldn't dampen our enthusiasm. There was a coffee from 8 until 10 and by the end of the evening Alpha Sigs were arriving from just about everywhere. There were sisters from Beta Kappa, Western Illinois; Beta Rho, Northern Illinois; Beta Phi, Stout State; Gamma Beta, Wisconsin State; and Gamma Epsilon, University of vVisconsin. There were national officers and alumn ae from the Chicago area, Waukegan, De Kalb, and Macomb. The spirit of Alph a Sigma Alpha was everywhere, and the evening was a total success.

Gamma Lambda

Saturday morning began with fear and trembling as we the pledges took our membership

examination. Our anxiety was dispelled within the hour, and at 10 the installation team, Mrs. Harold C. Brown, Nat ional Extension Director; Mrs. A. Howard Hall, Nation al Store Chairman; Mrs. Allan E. King, National Magazine Subscription Chairman; and Mrs. \t\1. Lawson Blackstone, former Ta tional President, began the induction of the officers and then the other members of Gamma Lambda chapter of Alph a Sigma Alpha. The ceremony was beautifully symbolic and we cou ld hardly believe that our dream had at last come true, especially Miss Joan Steinbrecher, our adviser, and Ginger Meares, who were initiated earlier at the National Convention. After initiation a luncheon was served in the Georgetown Room of the Campus Center at Loyola. This was followed immediately by the indu ction of many alumn ae of the former local and finally by the installation of the chapter. Then we were off to o ur individual homes to change for the evening ancl chat for awhi le with our new sisters from vis iting chapters.

Visiting Alpha Sigs sing for Gamma Lambdas.

Sing along with Alpha Sigma Alpha .




Mrs. W . Lawson Blackstone presents the charter and gavel to Mary Corr with Mrs. Harold C. Brown, Mr. Harry L. McCloskey, Mrs . Geo-Karis Lambros , M iss Mariette LeBlanc , and Karen Torme looking on from the speakers table .

At the formal re ception from left to right Mrs. W. Lawson Blackstone, Karen Torme, Mrs. Harold C . Brown, Mrs. Allan King, Mrs. A. Howard Hall , and Mrs . Mary Beth Cooley.


Attain," by the president of Gamma Beta chapter, Patricia Strozinski, Mrs. Kenneth Kutlik, Chicago-South Alumnae chapter, and Mrs. Harold Brown, National Extens ion Director. Mrs. Adel ine Geo-Karis Lambros, one of our newly initiated alumnae, gave an inspiring speech on "women's place in the world ." T he highlight of the banquet came for us when Mrs. "\1\T. Lawson Blackstone presented Mary Corr, Gamma Lambda's president, with the charter and then an engraved gavel. Mary was also very happy to receive a silver tray from Mrs. Mary Beth Cooley, president of the President's Counci l, representing the Chicago area alumn ae. The banquet was the perfect ending for a wonderfu l clay, bu t more of the weekend was yet to come.

The Installation Banquet on Saturday night was also held in the Georgetown Room. Among the notables present at the banquet were Rev. ' 'Valter Krolikowski S.J., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Mr. Harry L. McCloskey, Dean of Students; Miss Mariette LeBlanc, Dean of '"' omen; Mr. Michael E. Hawkins, Assistant to the Dean of Students; Miss Virgini a Webb, Assistant to the Dean of \1\Tomen; Mr. John A. Tosto, Ass istant to the Dean of Students and Director of Student Activities; and our adviser, Miss Joan Steinbrecher, Ass istant Dean of Women. In the tradition of our sorority three toasts were g iven on the open motto, "Aspire, Seek,

Receiving line at Gamma Lambda's formal tea on Sunday.



The University Center of Loyola University on the Downtown Campus

CHURCH SERVICES TEA AND RECEPTION On Sunday morning church services were attended by the Gamma Lambdas and their gue-sts. This was followed in the afternoon by a formal tea and reception in the Georgetown Room. Representatives of other sororities, fraternities, and other organizations on campus were present to meet our national officers and get acquainted with the newest national sorority at Loyola.

FOND MEMORIES Suddenly the weekend was over, the guests began to leave, and the new Alpha Sigs felt these were perhaps the most thrilling three clays of their lives. One of the most wondrous things of the weekend was the way the new Alph a Sigs really got to know their sisters. Gamma Lambda doesn't, as yet, have a sorority house and so the visiting sisters stayed at individual homes. The atmosphere was informal, and we spent many an hour exchanging campus gossip. Best of all our new sisters gave us the Alpha Sigma Alpha spirit in the form of songs that we'll sing for a lifetime. The weekend was over too soon, but we'll remember it often and lovingly. WINTER 1964

LOYOLA UNIVERSITY LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOL Loyola University is a privately controlled coeducational liberal arts school in Chicago. It is conducted by the Jesuits. Loyola was established in 1869 as St. Ignatius College, and the name was changed to the present form in 1909 when the University moved to the Lake Shore Campus on Sheridan Road. There are four campuses: Arts and Sciences on Sheridan Road; the Graduate School, University College; and the Schools of Commerce, Law, Social \1\Tork, and ursing on North Michigan Avenue; the Schools of Medicine & Dentistry at West Side Medical Center. The West Baden College in Indiana offers advanced education for Jesuits. The graduate school and evening arts college at Lewis Towers are coeducational. Alpha Sigma Alpha is happy lo welcome Gamma Lambda chapter into membership know- 路 ing that these fine girls at Loyola University will uphold the high ideals of our sorority.



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA announces th e p ledging




October 8, 1964



Beta Zeta's Southern Belles

The pride and joy of Beta Zeta is their new fall pledge class. They are, from left to right, row one: Sandy Simmons, Kitty Wattigney, Mary A. Marshall, and Jane Thibodeaux. Row two: Karen Clark, Kathy Barnes, and Kay Roane. Row three : Nance Blancq, Anne Ferguson, Ruth Duhon, Mary Lou Johnson, Johnnie Watson, and Marsha Ar路 ceneaux.

Beta Zetas get in tune for rush. They are from left to right, row one : Connie Soileau , Ann Schwalenberg, and Claudette Colomb. Row two : Mary Margaret Guillotte, Pat Thompson, and Linda Creighton .

Phoenix Ball of Beta Zeta, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafaye-tte, La.



FIVE SCHOLARSHIPS GRANTED Additional scholarships have been granted at Columbia University in New York for study in the field of mental retardation. Frances P. Connor, head of the Department of Special Education, announced that these people were the most recent recipients of the Alpha Sigma Alpha stipends. MRs. AGNES CAMBELL was able to take eight points of credit which would not have been possible without the grant. She continued to teach in special classes until the birth of her child last year. She now plans to resume her education towards a Master's degree and possibly a Professional Diploma. MR. JosEPH PASONELLA appreciated the grant as it enabled him to take subjects he felt he needed in teaching mentally retarded children. The year he received the scholarship was the year he gained tenure. He is continuing his study towards the Master's degree. M1ss SHEILA PAKTER took her first courses in mental retardation on the strength of the award . She has continued to teach in this field and now has her Master's degree. She plans to continue study towards a Professional Diploma. MRs. GERTRUDE BucKWALTER, another grateful recipient, is currently teaching handicapped children. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, recently granted a $ 1000.00 Alpha Sigma Alpha scholarship to Miss MARY A. MALLOW, who has begun her graduate work in this field.

Mary is the second of three girls in her family, twenty-one years old, and a graduate in elementary education. Her family home is now in Phoenix; however, the family formerly lived in W isconsin. When still living in Wisconsin, Mary worked in Bethesda Lutheran Home for the retarded where she became interested in furthering her education in this direction. In a letter to Dr. S. June Smith, Mary writes: "I want to thank you again for your fine scholarship. I am very grateful that I have been given the opportunity to obtain my Master's degree. Now that school has begun once more, I thought you would like to know what I will be doing. During the summer I obtained six hours toward my degree. This semester I will complete twelve. The courses will involve the curriculum for the retarded, the emotionally maladjusted child, educational psychology, and one to guide my research. I find these courses to be of great interest. Dr. Abraham, chairman of my advisory committee, will arrange for me to observe and participate in various schools and institutions around the valley. I am looking forward to this part of my master's program very much. In addition to my classes I have renewed my membership in Kappa Delta ?i and student NEA. These meetings should provide excellent information about the progress in education today." Sincerely, Mary Mallow

OHIO UNIVERSITY Master's Degree Gradu.ate Assistantships Available to women interested in pursuing careers in: student personnel, guidance and counseling, community service, human relations, education, p3ychology, and administration. Each graduate assistant is assigned a single room in a residence hall. The stipend is $2,200 the first year and $2,400 the second year, plus waiver of registration fees, which is sufficient to pay expenses incurred for living. For additional information contact:


Miss Margaret M. Deppen, Dean of V\Tomen Ohio University Athens, Ohio THE PHOENIX

A Special Fitness Award, a bronze statue designed by Joseph Brown, Professor of sculpture at Princeton University, was presented to President John F. Kennedy by Dr. Anita Aldrich on October I 0, 1963. Dr. Aldrich is the president of the American Association of Health, Physical Education Recreation, and was a member of President Kennedy's Fitness Council. She has recently been appointed cha irman of the women 's physical e ducation department at Indiana University.

Alpha Sigma Alpha's own Sallie Newton at left, is shown helping other officials cut the cake at an open house at the West Medford Community Center. Sallie is program director of the Center.





Chapt er Editor

A half century is now behind Alpha Gamma on the campus of Indiana State College. The school itself was founded in 1875 as a normal school, serving the western portion of Pennsylvania. It is loca ted sixty miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in the farm community of Indiana, whose main claim to fame is that of being the home of Jimmie Stewart, the movie star. Gamma Pi Beta, a local sorority, was the forerunner of Alpha Gamma chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. On J a nuary 18, 1915, with the active membership of twenty-one members, Gamma Pi Beta joined A lpha Sigma Alpha, and this year is celebrating its fiftieth birthday. A prerequisite of a good historian is that he b e unbiased and present only the facts; but in writing a fe a ture article on Alpha Gamma chapter, I could not help but express pride in my account of tl1e growth of the sorority. \IVh ile leafing through the scrapbook, I chuckled at the long skirts and the si lly things they did, but then what wi ll the editor of Alpha Sigma Alpha say in fift y more yea rs when she reads of sorority act ivities now. I came across the engagement

announcement of the former Mary Emerson, who is now Mrs. W. Lawson Blackstone, our past National President. A picture of Miss Joy Mahachek, taken the first year she became our adviser .. . an honor she held for almost thirty years, until she retired two years ago . .. made me stop and think of how many events and personalities she must have come to know through her relationship with Alpha Sigma Alpha. She, much better than I, could write a history, a proud and colorful story of how Alpha Gamma b ecame the fine sorority it is now. On its fiftieth birthday Alpha Gamma can boast of its fruitful past and its present success. The key to a soror ity's success lies in its capacity to be versatile, to include all types of girls, who individally make a group, while the group in turn does not submerge the individuality of the girl. This I believe exemplifies the attitude of our chapter. \IVe have won the _scholarship cup for the third semester in a row and yet. none oi our girls so limit their stud ies as not to include outside activities. Out of fifty-seven members of our chapter, fourteen sisters hold major offices

One of the rush parties last year was held at the Sigma Tau Gamma house. All the members and rushees borrowed fraternity jackets for the evening .

Everyone has their eyes on the rushees as they present a quick skit at one- of the fall rush parties.




Three new pledg e s taken this fall are, Carol Fassbach, Kathy Miller, and Marcia Gallo.

in extra-curricular act iVIties. Two sisters are presidents of the only three major campus women's organizations, Women's Collegiate Association, Judicial Board, and Panhellenic. In elementary club Alpha Sigs hold every office but one. In every class one Alpha Sig is a class officer. All brain and no brawn does not apply either, for we have always won inter-sorority sports events and currently are undefeated for the season again in volleyball. Also, all brain and no beauty does not apply either, for in the past two years one of the girls has been on the homecoming court. This year our contestant came in fourth out of ten other cand idates. Two fraternity sweethearts, Theta X i and Theta Chi, have we in addition to three R. 0. T. C. military kaydeens. Alph a Gamma chapter in its fiftieth year would be a proud accomplishme n t if it cou ld be viewed by its original founders. Alpha Gamma sets its idea ls high and accomplishes them, not through the threat of fines and lectures, as some sororities do, but by example, and by an immense sel拢 pride we have within the group to prove ourselves as worthwhi le women in our college society. 路 Indiana State College, as an ever grow ing inWINTER 1964

"Yearnin' Fer Learnin '" was the title of Alpha Gamma's homecoming float this year. The overall parade t heme was symbols of freedom .

stitution with an enrollment of 4路,700 fu ll time students, is to become within the yea r, the Un iversity of '"' estern Pennsylvania. Alph a Sign13. Alpha's chapter of Alpha Gamma expects and promises to be an increasing and important part of th is growth.

At the "Come As Your Favorite Record" Party, Polly Sinkus, Charlotte Mayberry, and Linda Risolitti went as the Beatles.



ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI-LOUISIANA DATE-April 2-4, 1965 PLACE-Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana CHAIRMAN-Ann Schwalenberg ll5 Cherry Street Lafayette, Louisiana

OHIO DATE-April 10, 1965 PLACE-Sciota Country Club 2196 Riverside Drive Columbus, Ohio CHAIRMAN-Mrs. Helen Snyder 2617 Sand Run Parkway Akron, Ohio 44313

ILLINOIS DATE-April 24, 1965 PLACE-To be announced CHAIRMAN-Mrs. E. Wayne Haydel 903 South Waverly Avenue Mount Prospect, Illinois 60057

OKLAHOMA DATE-To be announced PLACE-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma CHAIRMAN-Mrs. Alvin Stamman 4420 N.W. 44th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

MICHIGAN DATE-April 10 or March 20 PLACE-Student Center Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan CO-CHAIRMEN-Mrs. Edwin Lawrence 5429 Clato, Kalamazoo, Mich. Miss Karen Wystra 4227 azreth, Kalamazoo, Mich. MISSOURI-KANSAS-NEBRASKA DATE-To be announced PLACE- Student Union Building, CMS Warrensburg, Missouri CHAIRMAN-Patsy Gosney Houts-Hosey H all-CMS "\1\Tarrensburg, Missouri 30

PENNSYLVANIA DATE-April 3, 1965 PLACE-Temple University Philadelphia, Penna. CHAIRMAN- Mrs. Herbert Collins 1812 Roberta Avenue Abington, Penna. WISCONSIN DATE-April 2, 3, 4 (tentative) PLACE-Student Union, U. of W-M 3203 N. Downer Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin CO-CHAIRMEN-Ann Wollenberg 3902 N . 24th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin Meribeth Hodges W199N9308 Wellington Drive Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin THE PHOENIX













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Do your Christmas shopping the easy way in I964. Magazines are enjoyed by all and say "Merry Christmas" to your relatives and fr iends the year around . Name and address of the donor must accompany gift orders. Attractive gift cards wi ll be sent to announce your gift. Send your Christmas orders early.

ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA MAGAZINE AGENCY Mrs. Allan E. King 3109 South Harlem Avenue Berwyn , Illinois 60403



Q Ul IE lE

N LESLEY FLEENOR B:L Miss Springfield Southwest Mo. State College Springfield, Missouri

s PAULA KURZW EG BZ Mardi Gras Queen University of Southwestern La. Lafayette, Louisiana


LYNDA JO HUTCHERSON AB American Royal Beauty Queen Candidate Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri


JODY ENDSLEY BM Reddie Day Queen Candidate Queen of Stars Candidate Henderson State Teachers College Arkadelphia, Arkansas

PATII MOORE B8 Homecoming Queen Candidate Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

SALLY CRAVE N <1><1> American Royal Beauty Queen Candidate Northwest Mo. State College Maryville, Missouri



NO N ~s


A IR. IE A IL I ll Y

The EPSILON EPSILON chapter held an Open House on October 18, 1964. Guests were shown through the new house from 2 until 4 in the afternoon. Approximately three hundred a ttended. This is the first year in the new house and Epsilon Epsilon is extremely grateful to the alumnae who h ave worked so tirelessly toward m aking their dream come true.

Ruth Stoskoph and Terri Morris greet Mr. Davis as Mona Davis takes her father through the Epsilon Epsilon house .


Judy Wilson shows Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Nimmo, Mrs. Brewer, National Secretary, and Julie Brewer through the house .

CAROL GRIGGS B\f' As so ciated W o me n Students Vic e Pre sident We stern M ic h iga n Un iversity

CAROLYN SWENSON BH Juni o r C las s SecretaryTreasurer Dickin so n State Col lege

CAMPUS LEADERS JUDY COONROD HH Pre}id ing Officer AWS House of Representative s Kansas State Col lege

MARY LOU LANDIS XX Clo vi a Pre sident Kappa De lta Pi Juni o r Marshal l Bal l Sta te Teachers C oll ege

CAROL HORTON B\f' A ssoc ia ted Women Students Trea surer Phi Beta Lambda Me mbership Cha irman W est e rn Mich igan Un ive rsi ty


BARBARA KIST IH Dormitory President Association of Women Students Pennsylvania State University

ROBERTA LENNOX IH Phi Sigma Iota President Scrolls Junior Honorary Vice President Undergraduate Student Government Representative Pennsylvania State University


A/pita Sill <:ravelers

Three Beta Gammas, Linda Miller, Marty Adair, and Sherelle Peterson as they boarded a bus for a seven week trip to Mexico.

Three Beta Gamma members spent a delightful seven week holiday in Mexico this past summer.

The members, Sherelle Peterson, Linda (Cricket) Miller, and Marty Adair attended a six week session of school in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, where they took classes in Spanish. After the termination of the summer classes in Saltillo, the girls spent a week touring Mexico City. While in Saltillo they took short side trips to nearby historical places and went cave exploring and mountain climbing. In Mexico City they took a Sunday afternoon tour of Chapultepec Castle and spent an evening viewing the world famous Ballet Folklorico of Mexico. Side trips for the threesome included the popular floating gardens of Xochimilco, the Friday market in Toluca, and "the city of Cuernavaca. In addition to seeing the beautiful sights oL Mexico, the g irls made many valu able friends. Linda has a job opportunity after her graduation in May to work in a speech and hearing therapy clinic recently founded in Saltillo. Marty and Sherelle hope to return to Latin America with governmental jobs. The girls wi ll be glad to share their traveling tips with other Alphas planning a similar trip. Their addresses are: Sherelle Peterson, 238 E. 15th St., Baxter Springs, Kan.; and Marty Adair and Cricket Mi ller, Scholars Inn, Apt. 54, Tahlequah, Okla.

Send orders to:

Mrs. A. Howard Hall 342-0 Higgins Road Park Ridge, Illinois



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA • Carol Hoaglan r A, a senior at Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, has been elected to membership in Gamma Pi Epsilon, National Jesuit Honorary Society for Women. Carol, who plans to teach high school English next year, is president of the Student National Education Association, treasurer of the French Club, and corresponding secretary of her Gamma Alpha chapter. As a sophomore, Carol placed second in the national Intercollegiate Jesuit Essay Contest.


• Koeta Dunham HH, is a senior at Kansas State College, Pittsburg, Kansas, majoring in English. Her chapter activities include assistant treasurer, social chairman, and rush chairman. Koeta has served as a representative-at-large to the Student Assembly, was social chairman of the Language and Literature Club and has served on the Special Events Committee of the Student Union Board. She is an A WS senior Senator and a member of Kappa Delta Pi, an honorary education fraternity, and a member of KST A. In her junior year she was cheerleader and has served as president of Pitt Peppers. Koeta's over all grade average is 3.4.


• Jamie Sue Shell BM, is president of her chapter at Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Having been named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, Jamie has also been an officer in her class, the Senate, Colhecon, and Heart and Key. She has been crowned Queen of Stars, Reddie Day Queen, Miss Pine Bluff, and participated in the Miss Arkansas Pageant. ROTC Sponsor, Class Favorite, Collegiate Choir, and the Honor Dormitory complete her list of honors.


• Patty Goodwin XX, is a member of Clavia, the senior women's honorary at Ball State Teachers College at Muncie, Indiana. She is president of her chapter this year, and also belongs to Kappa Delta Pi, education honorary; Phi Upsilon Omicron, home economics honorary, the Student Center Governing Board, Student Senate, Hall Committees, and the Student Orientation Corps. Patty was also a Junior Marshal.




SPOTLIGHT • Linda Jane Miller AB, is president of her chapter at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri. She was recently initiated into Cardinal Key, a national honorary sorority, for her outstanding leadership and scholastic ability. Linda is also a member of Alpha Phi Sigma, honorary education fraternity; Student National Education Association, Association of Childhood Eudcation, and has served as a Student Mentor. Last year she served her chapter as treasurer. LINDA JANE MILLER

• Patricia Scannell Hogoboom XX, initiated a very successful philanthropic program for Kalamazoo alumnae and Beta Psi chapter of Western Michigan University. Twice a month representatives from both groups meet with retarded young adults for an evening of games, crafts, and refreshments. Now completing its third year, this program was instrumental in promoting an expanded curriculum at the Kalamazoo School for Retarded Children. Largely because of her work Alpha Sigma Alpha was honored with a citation for outstanding service in 1963. Pat has five children, but still find's time to assist in girl scout activities and be active in P.T.A., Mother's Study and her church.


• Susan Thurber rH, of Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, has been presented the Borden Home Economics Scholarship Award. She is a senior in the College of Home Economics. A scholarship is presented by the Borden Company Foundation, Inc. to the senior student in home economics who has achieved the highest grade average in all-university work preceding her senior year. Susan plans to graduate in June and has achieved a grade average of 3.52. She is president of Omicron Nu, and secretary of Phi Upsilon Omicron, both are home economics honoraries; and a member of Scrolls Junior Honorary.


• Jeanne Van Winkle BY, a junior at Indiana State College has been elected president of Reeve Hall for the present school year. She is a member of the college's Sycamore Roundtable, and the newly formed Woman's Inter-Hall Association. Jeanne served as chairman of the Freshman Representative Committee during her freshman year, and last year was a member of Reeve Hall's Social Committee. She was also event chairman for the annual Christmas Open House and Mother's Week-end.




• • • • NEWS LETTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Longwood State Teachers College Farmville, Virginia Ready for the first big "early" rush in many years are A"2.A 's Alpha members. Work began in the summer and continues as Alpha gals polish, sweep, plan, and smile their way into the hearts of all the freshmen on the Longwood College campus this year. Since we are allowed to have ten parties, we are using a variety of themes and entertainment. The new attractions are our white outfits with red monograms. The A-line dresses are collarless and shortsleeved and were designed by our own Judy Cundiff. Everyone likes them, and the rushees a ll remember the girls that are dressed alike. During the first nine weeks of school we find Pam Gustafson, Ginny Petty, Henrietta Gilliam, and J oAnne Norman student teaching. We will be glad to have them back with us next month. We have some news to tell everyone about our members. Sarah Wohlford, a top rat, has been busy with freshman ratting. Also, this summer Winnie Walker was chosen as Miss Mecklenburg County, Virginia. She will compete in the 1965 Miss Virginia Pageant. We are all excited about being back at school. Fran Heath, our representative to the National Convention this summer, brought back many new ideas that we are eager to try. All the A"2.As here at Longwood wish all of you the best of luck with rush this year.-J uov CuNDIFF

Alpha Alpha Miami University Oxford, Ohio FIRE UP! was the cry as all the working and planning of spring and summer materialized into fall rush. And, fire up we did to make this year's rush one of the most successful ever. The spirit and enthusiasm generated by each and every member combined to bring us new pledges. A great deal of credit must be given our outstanding rush chairmen, Melodie Haida and Brenda Fraley. These two girls worked long hard hours to make our rush the success it was. This year's rush theme was "HOUSE OF A"2.A." The outside decorations gave a Paris effect with candles lighting the walkway to the house. A huge Eiffel Tower in the yard, a Paris mural, and a large pink and white canopy over the door with House of A2A written in gold completed the scene. Inside there were pink cherry blossom trees, a white trellis entwined with green vines and pink flowers, a grass walk leading through the trellis and across the room for the models use. Combinations such as shoes, scarves, and jewelry were sitting about the room to give a fashion show atmosphere. One of the highlights was a fountain of three tiers in which there floated pink carnations. At the end of the third period parties each rushee was given a pearl to drop into the fountain and wish on. The entertainment was a fashion show. The show was divided into sections; and, after each section, the models did a song and dance such as "Everything's


Coming Up Fashion" and " The Alpha Sig Drag." R efreshments were cherry sodas, cookies, and nuts. This year's favors were triangular pink and white reversible scarves with A2A written on them in white . The rushees were also presented with programs and pink carnations. The rushees left with tears in their eyes as the members stood on the walk and sang, ending with the candlelight song.KAREN YouNG

Alpha Beta Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri Alpha Betas are busy planning our rush parties to come in the following weeks. The first one will have a "Cowboy" theme and the second "Cape Cod Holiday." We're really looking forward to our new pledges! Homecoming, too, is soon. Again this year Alpha Betas are helping to boost enthusiasm for the football game by selling cowbells, and we are entering a float in the beauty division. Our candidate for Homecoming Queen is Gayle Snyder. We are looking hopefully forward to a winning H omecoming team and an Alpha Homecoming Queen . Fall quarter has been an active quarter for us. Alpha cheerleaders are Kay Richard and Judy Wade; members invited to join honorary organizations are Sara Mosley, J ane Miller, and Sue Davies; Student Mentors from Alpha Beta are Marilyn Black, Sara Mosley, Ruthie Hall, Linda Moore and Jane Miller. Gayle Snyder was chosen as senior class treasurer, whil e K ay Richard was sophomore class councilwoman. We wish Lynda J o Hutcherson luck as she represents Missouri State T-eachers College in the American Royal Contest. Marilyn Black was elected vice-president of the NEMOS, the coll ege choral group. It looks like Alpha Beta chapter wi ll have another exciting and eventful year and we are looking forward to it with great enth usiasm.-R UTHIE HALL

Alpha Gamma Indiana State College Indiana, Pennsylvania Waiting for Alpha Gamma chapter on our return to campus this fall was the coveted scholarship cup. For three consecutive semesters the sorority has won the Student Council floating scholarship cup for the highest sorority average on campus. As a result of these three wins, the chapter keeps the cup on permanent display in the sorority room. Pledging day this semester was on O ctober 1, and homecoming on October 10, so the members have quite a busy time with the commencement of school. The theme of this year's homecoming is "Symbols of Freedom," and our chapter is constructing a float entitled "Freedom of Education." Last year we won third prize for our float. This year, "We're looking optimistically for first prize," says Karen Kalinik, our float chairman. P olly Sinkus is a cand idate for homecoming queen. Three informal rush parties were held this fall. This was the first chance we've had to conduct parties in the


brand new sorority room. Our pledge project, a piano, came in handy for singing sorority songs at the parties. With a new year we can enthusiastica ll y claim new pledges. In additi on to sorority ac tivities, many of the members are intent with vari ous campus organiza tions. Anni Finnicum, Kathy Campbell , a nd P a t Prengeman are senior, junior and sophomore class offi cers respective ly. D ee Asbeck, Sondy Burns, Suzi Zipf and Barb M usgrave are officers of A.C. E., the elementary education club . Alph a Gamma can proudly boast fourteen maj or offi ce holders on camp us. Songleader, Leanne Calve rt, besides acquiring a brand new husband this past summer , has gained a whole sorority of nonsingers who are trying to sound melodi ous for

Miss Nancy N ewkerk, De an of Wom e n, pre se nts th e scholarshi p cup t o Alpha Gamma pre sid e nt, Judy Davis. In add it ion , t he chapte r re ceive d i-he Tau Kappa Epsilon scholarship award.

two up a nd comin g p innings with the Theta C his and Sigma T a u G ammas. Another ma rri age taking place this sum mer, was that of our ad vise r, Miss Gomez. T a king her place is Miss Bezila, a new teacher in the ph ys ical education d epa rtment. O ff to a busy start, we hope to con tinue working hard throughout th e college year.- LI NDA KA UTZ MANN

Beta Beta Colorado' State College Greeley, Colorado After th e excitement of ori enta ti on wee k ha d end ed , the Beta Betas sta rted on a seemingly end less schedule of ac tivities and deadlines. First on the age nd a was a supper given by th e G reeley a lum cha p te r. A short p rogra m included a re-cap of N a ti ona l Conve ntion by Carol Boxell an d K ay M cK ee, our two delega tes, a nd a recoun t of so me of the a dve ntures and excitement our Miss C SC, M ary H elen L opez, ha d durin g the Miss Colorad o pagean t this past summer. The first maj or even t was All -G ree k Wee k, wh ich J ean H ovda plan ned as ge nera l cha irma n. Some of the activities included a Panhellen ic tea for all freshmen women, an a ll-Greek se renade, a nd fun day. This found several of th e Beta Betas donnin g football jerseys, p ract icing six


"touchdown gua ranteed" plays, a nd comp eting against the other sororities in a fl ag football game . We won the first round, then lost in the semi-finals by a " sudden-death" passing contest. Other activities included a turtle race tricycle race, tug-of- war, chari ot race, and football th row: The week will be climaxed by the Greek Ball and th e crownin g of the new Miss Sorority and Mr. Fraternity. Kay M cK ee is our chapter's candidate for this title. Next on the list is H omecoming, with this year's overall theme being "Diamond J ubilee," in honor of the 75th annive rsa ry of C olorado Sta te College. Our decorations will featu re a h uge replica of Cranford Ha ll b urn ing, with two large papier-m ache bears dousing the flam es. Sirens, lights, and smoke will add to the confusion in what we hope will be a first place win for the Alpha Sigs. J ean H ovd a is one of th e five finalists for H omecoming qu een to be crown ed on the eve of the big day. With fa ll rush around the corner Beta Betas held a popcorn " ge t-toge th er" here at the house for some of the fall rushees. L ots of talk, laughter, and songs made for an enj oyable evening. Another similar pa rty is in th e pla nn ing before formal rush begins durin g winter quarter. Sigma Chi D erby D ay isn' t too far off, and alread y we' ve bee n tra ining our little rabbit, D ebbie D erby, so she will be sure to win th e race. Who knows what else is in store for us on that day, but the Beta Betas are looking forward to a good time. With only four weeks of this quar te r gone, it is ha rd to think about it being ove r so soon . The way time fli es it wo n' t be long before th e Christmas Ball a nd the "coketai l" tha t the Al p ha Sigs a nd th eir da tes enj oy before a ttending this formal affa ir . Another annua l event is the Christmas party for a ll. Tree trimming, popcorn , a gift exchange a nd surprise " Alpha Sa n ta" a lways makes this last gettogeth er of fall qua rter a memorable one. Eve ryone is anxious to get horne fo r the holidays and then back to school an d fri ends an d sisters. -LI NDA LEE M EYER

Epsilon Epsilon Kansas State Teache rs College Emporia , Kansas We of the Epsilon Epsilon cha pter were thrilled to return to school and a t last move into our beautifu l new house. We cann ot th a nk ou r a lu mnae enough for realizing this dream for us. We began the year with a n enthusiastic and successful rush . The decorations a nd favors reflec ted the th eme of " A "'i:. A H eave n ." H owever, at one party we reve rsed the th eme a nd ha d a "D evil's Party." We pledged wonderful girls, of wh ich we a re extremely p roud . Ou r pledge class was expa nded when we took in more girl"s during open rush . Pla ns for H omecoming have a lready begun with committees being selected and ideas being submitted for decora tions. Pa tty Kiefer was chosen as the Alp ha Sig ca ndida te for M iss Peggy Ped agog. Wh oever is chosen wi ll reign over the H omecoming ac tivities. We are a ll behind Pa tty in her qu est for this honor. Our fir st mo ney-ma kin g project for this year is under way. We a re sell ing tickets a nd wi ll raffl e off a clock ra di o, a camera, a nd a n ala rm clock. We are ex treme ly pleased ove r the cooperation of the studen ts in buying th e tickets a nd the enthusiasm of th e girls selling them. Epsi lon Epsilon held its cha pter initia ti on where D ebbie Duffield was chosen as the ideal pled ge. We have beg un the p la nnin g of our ope n house wh ich will be held in O ctobe r. We a re a nxiously awaiting it as it will be th e first real chance to show off our new house.


If the beginning of the year is any indication of the remainder, we feel that this year at Epsilon Epsilon will be one of the most rewarding and wonderfuL-NANCY SRADER

Our fall rush has begun, and we are looking forward to a tremendously successful season.-BARBARA-RUTH SILETSKY

Eta Eta

Temple Un iversity Philadelphia , Pennsylvania

Kappa Kappa Kansas State College Pittsburg, Kansas The Eta Etas returned to campus early in September full _of enthusiasm and ready to work. Vicki Consolino, ~resident, was full of new ideas after attending the Natwnal Convention in Asheville, N. C . Rush week was a busy and hectic time with each member eager to do her part. The work and toil proved successful when we pledged the largest pledge class on campus. With rush week out of the way the girls turned to their studies but not for long. Soon it was time to begin work on Homecoming. It is traditional for Eta Eta to win the Sweepstakes Trophy for Homecoming decorations路 and not wanti~g to disappoint the rest of the camp~s, w~ worked tw1ce as hard this year. Angie Moorehouse represented the Alpha Sigs in the Homecoming Queen contest . Ot?er _Eta Etas _nominated were Judy Way, representing Ph1 S1gma Epsilon ; and Lois Young, representing Xi Omega. Honors going to individual members: Nancy Quarton, elected Chairman of the Advisory Board of Willard Hall 路 Cindy Kreutziger, selected as a majorette; Judy Hevene; an d Barbara Howerton, elected vice-president and secretary respectively of Pitt Peppers; and Karen Coaker, elected to a second term on the Student Assembly. Events scheduled for the coming month include Mothers Week-End in November and the annual Founders' Day celebration. Eta Eta chapter wou ld like to wish all of our Alpha Sigma sisters a very happy and successful year.- KAREN COAKER

Theta Theta Boston University Boston, Massachusetts This fall we Theta Thetas got off to our usual enthusiastic start. During the week of registration Joanne Sullivan worked on an orientation program for transfer students an~ on the Boston University Parking Committee. Our president, Beverly Evans, worked on the registration desk, Judy Alberto worked for the Bursar Linda Bowman ~orked in the Office of Financial Aid, Barbara-Ruth Siletsky worked in the Book Store, and Robin Conrad worked on the switchboard in Shelton Hall, one of our larger dorms. ~t our first me~ting we received a full report on the National Conventwn from our advisers, Mrs. Louis F let?her and ~rs . Donald Rockstrom. We are hoping to put mto practice the ideas they brought home. As p_art of Boston University's Library Fund Raising Campa1g_n a wall was auctioned off, brick by brick. The wall, wh1ch now closes in the Link of the Student Union will be torn down when the library is completed路 and th~ two buildings will be joined. Our name is print:d on one of the br~cks, _ signifying that we bought it, and everyone :-vho sees 1t ~Ill know that Alpha Sigma Alpha had a part m the new library.


Happy and rested were the faces that greeted Maryann Graham at her house for Kappa Kappa's first fall meeting. All of the members were glad to see each other after the summer vacation and eager to exchange their memories of the summer. Vacation trips and marriages were the topic of talk for most of the time, however, we did discuss the future p lans for our chapter. As soon as school starts-rush starts. We have three coke parties and a Mother-Daughter Tea honoring the rushees. After these activities, we will have a dessert for the girls. We p lan .to have an artist theme complete with a cake in the shape of a pallet, and expresso. We plan to give coffee mugs with A"2.A decorations on them. Games, songs and pictures will also be part of the festivities. After this we will have a dress party with a Greek theme. Socrates will present his philosophy on the worth of joining A"2.A. We often wonder who has more fun at the parties-the rushees or the members! . !mme~iately after rush, Kappa Kappa will again participate m Homecoming. This year we play Bucknell. Their mascot is the bison and our theme is "By Son." We will have a mama bison waving goodbye to her baby bison as an owl ( T emple's owl) looks on . T here will be a western theme with some members dressed in western costumes. The work involved will be all worth it as we can proudly look at our float on the day of Homecoming. On T hanksgiving our members a long with our brothers of_ Alpha Chi R ho plan to give their annual party for neighborhood children in the fraternity house. A complete turkey dinner will be served to the children and of course, the "adults" will clean up afterwards. Pres~nts be_ given to the children, and singing and dancing w1ll fimsh the afternoon. Everyone has such a good time that no one really minds cleaning up. All of the members enjoyed hearing of the fun our delegates had at the National Convention this past summer. From souvenirs and p ictures of the Convention everyone could see that the setting was perfect for enjoyment and meeting other sisters of A"2.A throughout the country. Needless to say, many sisters wish they could have gone to the Convention and look forward to attending the next one. The Alpha Sigs of Temple are again joining the volleyball tournament. We hope to have a winning season this year, but no matter, win or lose, we will all have barrels of fun. The Kappa Kappas are ready to go this year in all directions so that they may seek and attain their aspirations.-JOAN WEISBEIN


Nu Nu Drexel Institute of Technology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Freshmen, freshmen, all over Drexel's campus. Nu Nus are ready for them, too. Several of us were in school this s~mmer and did a lot of work on our rush party preparations. We are impressing the frosh girls with our new Alpha


Sigma Alpha sweatshirts. Kay Krawchu ch even wore her sweat.shirt to freshman camp. With her sparkling personality she has attracted many freshmen girls to the red and wh ite. Kay Krawchuch was also fortunate to be our representative at National Convention this summer. She's come home bursting with enthusiasm and new ideas. We're all still excited by the news brought to us from convention. Nu Nu president, Noreen Malice, had a most interesting summer as a hostess at the World's Fair where she met many fascinating people and made some lasting friend ships. We hope that among her good friends are the girls at Queens College whom N oree n visited several times. Our best wishes for a happy year to our sisters at Queens College and all our other chapters .- HILDA SO RELLA

Sigma Sigma Western State College Gunnison, Colorado The Sigma Sigmas began the school year quite successfully with formal rushing. Our first datebook was an ice water party where we explained to the rushees the purpose of our sorority. We displayed pictures and favors from some of our activities and souvenirs from the National Convention. Our second datebook was a night club affair called, "Alpha Cabana. " The rushees were refreshed with "coketails" and entertained by the talented members of our sorority. The party was a huge success. I d on't know who had more fun , the rushees or us. The last datebook, our formal dessert, had the theme of a castle. It was a very pretty party with all the long formals. We had a very lovely dessert and then a friendship ce remony. I d on' t think there was a dry eye in the room. We wish to thank Judy Seaverns for doing such an excellent job as rush chairman. Everything went smoothly and we all had fun working together on rush. Right after rush we had to plan for Homecoming activities. Our first project was a skit for "Mountain De wings." Kay Babey wrote and directed our skit called "Romeo and Juliette." It was an ex tremely funny success. Our next und ertaking was a fl oat for the Homecoming parade. We worked with the Kappa D elta Mu fraternity for this venture . The theme was "Trap th e Indians" because we played the Adams State College Indians for our football game. We are very proud to say that Patti McKendrick, our chapter pr_e sident, was crowned Homecoming queen. We are a ll very happy for her. There is a long year still ahead of us and all Sigma Sigmas are looking forward to the com ing events.-J um FONTANELLA

Phi Phi Northwest Missouri State College Maryville, Missouri Phi Phi sisters returned to Northwest Missouri State Campus in September ready to begin festive homecoming preparations and fall rush. When rush season began, we were ready with our A'2.A "Pirate Cove." The rushees were given treasure chests for name tags and pirate bookends for favors. The results of rush will help make this yea r a most successful one.


Phi Phi members and rushees at their "A'2.A Pirate Cove" rush party.

The campus is buzzing with the homecoming spmt. This year's homecoming theme is "Famous L egends." Our skit is based on the musical score of "Peter Pan." The float will be Peter Pan's fam ous ship and the house decoration will be the giant crocodile. Our congratulations went to Ann Trotter when she was chosen Sigma Tau Gamma White R ose Queen . Linda Bouska was a lso chosen Alpha Kappa Lambda Sweetheart with Sharon Elwick as one of the princesses. Many of our members have received camp us honors . Shirley Moore is president of the R oberta Hall dorm council , and Sally Craven has been chosen as the North west Missouri State College representative to the American R oyal Beauty Pageant. All in all much has happened in the past, and we anticipate much in the future. We of Phi Phi are looking forward to a busy, bright, an d successful semester !CAROL GREGORY

Chi Chi Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Indiana Chi Chi members returned to Ball State campus with more enthusiasm and pep than eve r before. You might say the entire gro up had very high expectations for an other busy and exciting year of many varied campus activities. The la ughter and excitement was tremendous as the Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters were happi ly reun ited at their first meeting of the 1964-65 school year. Our long term decoration program was we ll under way up on returning. The loveliness of the su ite with the new drapes and slip covers made an inspiring and meaningful setting for the annual consecration ceremony . Our first big money making proj ec t was quite successful. We had an a ll campus record hop on the first Friday back ; and as you ca n guess, many were there to renew old friendships and to make new ones. Chi Chi members were inspired and drawn close r together at our annual retreat held at Camp Munsee. During th e first few hours of the night, we enj oyed our


Summ er prove d a good ti me fo r Chi Ch i membe rs t o get t og e t her t o d iscuss fu tu re pla ns. Th ey are shown here at th e sum mer hom e of Jul ie Ann Re dmond on La ke Man itou in Indian a.

favorite pastimes, whether it was playing ukes and singing, or playing spoons or euchre. During our informal meeting we discussed such things as rush rules, homecoming plans, and reports from National Convention. After a good night's sleep, we talked about our money making project, and our philanthropic project. Before it was time to leave, we all had fun when we tried to learn some new songs. Although it rained during our whole stay at the camp, it didn' t dampen anyone's spirit ; and everyone had a real A "'2.A funtime. Chi Chi chapter will be well represented by Jane Templeton as A"'2.A Homecoming Queen candidate. The theme of Homecoming this year is "Cavalcade of Comedy. " Our float is centered around the theme and will be titled "Quit Clowning- Cage Them." Construction of the float is well under way with Judy Mikesell serving as the float chairman. We are very proud of our new Homecoming outfits. They consist of blue and white checked skirts, white Oliver Twist blouses, and blue blazers. We think they will be outstanding for both Homecoming and rush teas. Although the year is just beginning, A "'2.A is a lready busily making plans for Greek Week, Little Sis Week End, guest coffee hours, and rush activities. With these and many more fun-filled activities in store for Chi Chi chapter, we are looking forward to many wonderful experiences and another memorable year in A"'2.A.- Juoy KECK

Psi Psi

took many of the girls over to our house for cokes and popcorn. The second week of rush kept all of us very busy getting ready for the parties. Each sorority held three parties. The first being an informal ice water tea, the second, a theme party, and the final party was the preferential tea. For our theme party, we had an A "'2.A election. Each member wore a red dress and a big Uncle Sam hat. Each rushee received a smaller hat for a gift. Campaign speeches, balloons, and signs were all in order. R efreshments were all-American hot dogs, potato chips and lemonade. We held our preferential tea in one of the residence halls. This year each active had made a palm green long formal. There was some opposition to the identical formal idea before we decided definitely ; but after we were all together in our formals, everyone agreed it was a wonderful idea. After the preferential tea, we made out our lists and waited- and wa ited- and waited! At noon of the next day, we found we had our wonderful prospective members. On pledge Sunday we all went to church together and then to our adviser's house for dinner. Pledging was held at the house later that afternoon. Mom and Dad 's Day was October 10, and many of our parents went to the house for coffee and cookies. This was our first meeting with the pledges' parents. After the football game that day, we had a slumber party. This gave us all a chance to get to know each other a little better. -BETTY BLOCH

Beta Gamma Northeastern State College Tahlequah, Oklahoma Beta Gamma chapter held its annual cabin party in Noel, Missouri, in August. Approximately thirty girls were on hand for the week end activities,- one of the largest groups ever to attend the annual event. We were excited to hear the news of the Convention from our president and vice president, Donna Griffi th and Sharon Prentice . Anxious ears were also turned when we discussed our fall rush plans. August fo und us with practically all our rush p lans in order. Many of us d isplayed our black and white striped shifts made especially for our Alphatraz rush party. At our first meeting this year we began our first money making project, a raffle. We discovered people are interested in buying chances for more than one thing and so we included several. We're well on our way to a great year for prodigious growth in A"'2.A.- MARTY ADAIR

Northweste rn State College Natchitoches, Louisiana

Beta Epsilon

Psi Psi chapter has been quite busy this fall. We started work for rush last spring, but it really got under way at the summer work shop. We all went to Lake Charles, La., to Sherry Gormly's grandparents' house on the river. Ann Bloch taught us several new songs that she had learned at Convention this summer. At the beginning of school, rush was off to a flying start. The first week of school was open visiting week. Visits could start with the opening of the d orms in the morning and proceed until the close of the dorms at night. We

Upon the return of our members in September, Beta Epsilon began making big plans for rush activities. As a result of careful planning by our rush chairman, much of the work was accomplished this summer. T he first week of school, however, found us scampering busily about Baker House making preparations for our final rush party. Our theme was a night club, Club Asa of course, and the house was decorated elegantly in red, black, and gold.


Madison College Harrisonburg, Virginia


Plans are now under way for our Founders' Day celebration, when we will again return to Bear Trap Farm. F ollowing the buffet dinner, a program will be presented in commemoration of our sixty-third anniversary.- JU DY }ARRETT

Beta Zeta University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana

The final rush par+y for Beta Epsilon was Club Asa . Shown standing from left are Mary Johnson, Nancy Howard, and Gail Bryant. Seated are Pat McCool and Kathy Welkener, rushees.

Summer found many of the Beta Zetas in summe r school to collect extra hours and others at thei r respective jobs . H owever, on certain weekends the Beta Zetas were found at the home of our president, Claudette Colomb, to work on rush. There we planned each of our five parties and were fitted for our new white outfits, which are smock shifts of whipped cream. Another week we gathered at the home of Frances and Pa ula Kurzweg to practice skits an d songs and to make decorations for our parties. During the week of rush, we were all pleased to have Mrs . H arold C. Brown, National Extension Director with us. She helped us a long in the right direction with her many suggestions and ideas, and for this we are gratefu l. We wou ld a lso like to exp ress our appreciation to the girls who came down from Psi Psi and Beta Lambda for our rush. Rush here at USL consists of five days and five parties. The first two d ays were open houses at which we wore our outfits and showed the rushees our trophies a nd scrapbook.

Beta Epsilon welcomed their new pledg es with AL..A hats and swea-tshirts, and corsages.

This fall we initi ated a new rush system on Madison's campus, which included three rounds of parties. First, ope n houses we re held for a ll girls who had entered rush. These open houses were held in our new Panhellenic dormitory; Hoffman Hall. At the second round of parties members a nd rushees had a chan ce to become better acquainted by talking and singing toget her. Our final party found us at the Club Asa, entertaining our royal guests with such talented performances as a strip tease by our own Pagan Page and a goss ip colu mn written about our g uests by Grapevine Gary . The climax of rush wee k activ ities came when we were happy to welcome our new pledges. Beta Epsilon is now one of the two largest sororities on campus . We have a group of won derful girls and have much of wh ich to be proud. In connection with our philanthropic project we are planning a visit to W estern State Mental Hospital, Staunton, Virginia. At this time, clothes and various other articl es which have been collected will be distributed among the patients.


Ann Schwalenberg shows the National Award for the Best Chapter Scrapbook at the National Convention this summer. Ann is chapter editor of Beta Zeta and was a delegate to the Convention .


The last three days we gave theme parties and presented skits. Our first theme party was the Ski Lodge party at which we wore ski outfits and had a hootenanny that the rushees a lso participated in. We have found that this party is liked by nearly every rushee, and we enjoy giving it. Our second theme party was the Alice in A:LA-Land party. In our skit Alice is lost in A:LA-Land but likes it so much that the Queen makes her a royal citizen and presents her with a pin. Our last party was the Phoenix Ball. Here we all wore long white formals and presented a serious skit based on our four goals and our Phoenix symbol. We had all the rushees light a small candle from the candle of friendship. After rush we were all excited to meet our new pledges. We treated them to a swimming party at the home of Frances and Paula Kurzweg. Later that week we had a coke party in our sorority room for the pledges. The next week we had a surprise breakfast at which the pledges found out the identity of their big sisters. Our delegate at the National Convention this summer was Ann Schwalenberg. We were all very excited when she came back with an award for the best scrapbook. Early this school year work was begun on a new Panhellenic dormitory. The dorm is expected to be finished by next September and all the sororities on campus will be moving into the new rooms which will be twice as big as the ones we are now in. Right now we are working on Homecoming to try to win the School Spirit Award as we did last year and also try for the Decorations Award. We expect it to be a lot of work but also a lot of fun and we hope to profit by it.ANN SCHWALENBERG

Beta Eta Dickinson State College Dickinson , North Dakota The members of Beta Eta chapter again got together on retreat to breathe the clean air at Camp Nyoda. It was a fun-filled reunion with the girls relating their summer experiences and at the same time planning ahead for the school year. Our first gathering at college took place at our annual Blue Tea. President Jeri Peterson pointed out the pride that we share and feel as members of A:LA . Our new adviser, Miss Loraine Schumacher, gave the welcome ad dress. Faye Thompson gave the history of A:LA, and Florence Putman informed the girls of the requirements for membership. The first regular meeting of the school year was held at the home of Miss Schumacher and Miss Woods, our past adviser. We discussed our plans for selling our very popular "mums" at Homecoming. We also started making plans for our float- this year we uttered those famous words that it would be "bigger and better." Our meeting ended (satisfying our more earthly wants) with a delicious lunch prepared by Miss Woods and Miss Schumacher. As usual, our members are active in college activities, and we are proud to note that Johanna Hecker, Jeri Peterson , Florence Putman and Velia Montemayor are maidens in our Homecoming ceremonies. Jeri Peterson was this chapter's official delegate to the National Convention and came home most enthusiastic and chucked full of new ideas for our sorority.


Bet a Eta wa s proud whe n Karen Mad son wa s crowne d Sweet hea rt of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

Presently we are all looking forward to the Al umnae Homecoming Tea given by our mother patronesses at the home of Mrs. Wienbergen after the iootball game.VrRGINIA BAILLOD

Beta Theta Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant , Michigan Twenty-five Beta Thetas escaped to beautiful Chimney Corners near Traverse City, Michigan, for our spring houseparty last year. We nestled among pine路 forests between sunny ski slopes, covered with leaves instead of snow, and gorgeous Crystal Lake. Away from school tension, we hiked, sunned, swam, visited the Traverse City resort area and Lake Michigan sand dunes, held informal initiation of new pledges, performed ridiculously funny skits, ate too much , and generally became a much closer group. We ecstatically received more new pledges this fall than all but one other sorority on campus. Homecoming, with the theme of "That Was the Year That Was," is our next project. We are working together with Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity. Patti Moore is our Homecoming queen candidate. Homecoming festivities for Beta Thetas will begin with our alumnae breakfast. We will be selling candy and magazines to raise money for our chapter. Our dads will be spending a weekend with us in October. They wi ll see our football game with Illinois State University, dine, bowl, play pool, and stay overnight in fraternity houses.- JEA o 0LGILVIE

Beta Iota Radford College Radford , Virginia As school opened this fall the members of Beta Iota were eagerly anticipating the rush season . A Panhellenic coke party was held for all non-freshmen interested in sororities . At this affair, along with an explanation of the rush rules, some members of the various


sor?rities put on a skit symbolizing the meaning of a soronty. On October 7 each sorority held an open house . Then on October 14, the first rush party was held. The Beta Iotas again he ld Cafe L' Alpha with its Bohemian decor. For the first time Beta Iota's second invitational rush was done in the theme of "Alpha Traz." All the members were very excited and pleased about it. The entire party was done in a prison atmosphere. T he rushees were given black and white striped shifts while being entertained by the Alpha "jail birds." For their good behavior the rushees were given bread and water. The Beta Iotas were all a bit wore out after rush but very p leased to welcome all the new pledges.-MOLLY LATTERNER

Beta Kappa Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois Some Beta Kappas filled with enthusiasm for the new school year came down to Western a week early to begin redecoration of their rooms at the house. The energetic spirit caught on and now plans are underway to make major changes on the second floor of the house. A"2 A's Judy Emmerson and Pat Benes were busy during Welcome Week working as Freshmen Student Counselors. The return of Mrs. Gaylord as housemother has made the 16 girls living in the house fat and sassy. Her tremendous cooking ability is really appreciated. Fall rush for upper classmen brought Beta Kappa the largest and (we think ) best pledge class. Rushees were entertained at our tea by a skit entitled "A Letter to Grannie ." Lorene Tutell as Grannie read the letter. Gail Benes and Tomi Kenn edy depicted the real truth behind the lines. After formal pledge initiation, all actives and pledges spent a delightful evening serenading all the fratern ities. Two exchanges have been held so far this quarter. One was a breakfast with the Theta Xis. The second exchange was in the form of a fo otball game between A"2As and the men of D elta Sigma Phi. Again the Alpha Sigs displayed their abilities and came out winners. In the next month our social chairman has plans for a "Golden Ages" party with the Phi Sigs, and a roller skating party with the TKEs. The front yard of the Alpha Sig house is currently cove red with the "insides" of the mechanical cow, a 10 foot barn, an old-time fire engine, and Mrs. O'Leary in preparation of our Homecoming house decorations. The theme of Western's Homecoming this year is "Great American L egends." We are all hoping our depiction of Mrs. O 'Leary's cow and the Chicago fire will be a winner. Diane R opp is the candidate of Phi Sigma Epsilon for Homecoming queen. Taffy, a pedigree kitten given to Freida Ru ggles, is the newest resident of our house and has become our offi cial mascot for the year. Diane R opp, Barb Brow n, and pledge Betty Verdict are now three out of the four girls leadin g th e shouts and cheers of Western fans at football and basketball games this year. November 8 has been set aside by th e Beta Kappas for an all sorority retreat to discuss specific local sorority problems and a re-evaluation of ourselves in our roles as students and sisters striving to fulfill the aims and ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha.- ToMr K ENNEDY


Beta Lambda Arkansas State Teachers College Conway, Arkansas This fall the Beta Lambda chapter had many of its girls return. All of us had quite an enjoyable summer- some j ust relaxing at home and or on vacations and others working at summer jobs . ' On Ju ly 25-26 we held our workshop on Petit Jean Mountain again. Twelve of us, and our adviser Miss Marie Schichtl, attended the workshop. We all had a wonderful time and accomplished many things. Wh ile we were there, we selected a pattern for a new fall and spring outfit. We wore these outfits the first week of school and have had many compliments on them . The Beta Lambdas really proved that working and having fun can go hand in hand. Homecoming is just a week away, and this year the Beta Lambda chapter is most proud to say that an Alpha Sig is the Homecoming Queen. Barbara Jo Rogers was selected as queen over seven other girls. Our float for the parade will consist of an enormous clown licking a sucker with the theme being, "Lick'em Bears. " The Beta Mu chapter at Henderson State T eachers College is observing State Day, O ctober 10, and the Beta Lambdas are very excited about attending. State Day brings back memories to us of last year when we were hostess to the first State Day in Arkansas for Alpha Sigma Alpha. We do hope that their State Day proves as beneficial to them as it was to us. In O ctober we will give out open bids to those upper class girls who signed up for rush. All of the Beta Lambdas really came back to school this fall with an incentive to rush . W e are on the honor system , and this method seems to be working more effectively than any other we have tried . K aren Larson was elected as dorm representative to Bernard Hall. Also, Betty Alexander and R ose Hubbard were selected as T-Steppers, th e A. S. T. C. marching group. We now have more girls in this group than any other sorority on campus. Good luck to all in spring rushing and in a ny project you attempt.- DrA NA THOMA SO •

Beta Mu He nd e rson State Tea chers Coll ege A rkadelphia, A rkansas Beta Mu has been busy creating a recipe for a successful year in Alpha Sigma Alpha. In July we en joyed a weekend together in Hot Springs. There was skiing, swimm ing, and just being together. On Saturday night we attended the Miss Arkansas P ageant in a body . It was wonderful seeing all our sisters after being away. We plan many interesting projects for this year. Soon a fter we got back from the summer holidays, we moved into our new sorority rooms. We still have n' t finished ur remodeling, but we're a ll working hard at it. This is really stirring up our base ingredien t, sisterhood. State Day was held by Beta Mu this year. Friday night we had registration and served refreshments. A skit was given by several of the members. Saturday morning we met in gro ups for discussion and to get ideas and guidan ce in our sorority leadersh ip . Cokes, coffee, and doughnuts were served during a short break in the middle of the morning. A luncheon at Homer's Restaurant was


enjoyed by all. Parting Saturd ay afternoon was sad since we knew it would be another year before we would see our sisters again. We felt that State Day was a great success and that much knowledge had been gained in this short time. A "Get-Acquainted Party" was held by all the H STC sororities near the first of the term. The party was for all the freshman rushees. Our theme was "Around the World," and each sorority represented a country. We represented France. Our skit was darling, impressive, and lots of fun! We added a little spice to our recipe when we whipped in our new outfits. They are red corduroy slim skirts and blazers with white high-standing round collars . We'll wear them one day each week. Our leavening agent, to he lp our sisterhood rise, is charity. The first project was a rummage sale. We are planning to have many more money-raising projects such as bake sales and car washes. Rush is coming up soon so we' ll have to stir very fast to be ready in time. Our informal party will be soon after nine-week exams. We' ll serve refreshments and chat with all of the rushees. We plan to use the same impressive ceremony at the forma l rush party that has been used the previous two years. Our recipe has just begun to cook now. We know it' ll be a great big success !-AucE WHEAT

Beta Nu Murray State College Murray, Kentucky Beta Nus came bustling back to campus just before the leaves began to turn. Before classes started, however, we found time for the annual outing at Kentucky Lake to catch up on everyone's summer fun and to make a few plans for the coming year. The plans soon had to be put into effect for fall rush was right at hand. The theme of the party was "Go Greek," and our skit was based on a very liberal interpretation of the myth of Pandora. The party was he ld in the sorority room which was decorated as the interior of a Greek temple. Entertainment was presented by the Muses, including "Super-Greek" the Muse of Comedy, Janice Broadbent, and an original poem on friendship was presented by Beta Nu's "poet laureate," Wi lma Hook. After completing the weeks of rush , we headquartered in an old barn near campus to hammer and stuff our float for the Homecoming parade. The float theme was "Reign over the Eagles." It featured an enormous crown, the queen and her court complete with a bubbling fountain, princesses and pages. Plans are in the making for our two annual dances, the fall Harvest Ball , and the Christmas Mistletoe Ball, which we hope to make big successes. Our president, Waynette Doran, and Nancy Shaw brought back many new ideas from the National Convention. We were very happy that the president of Murray State, Dr. Ralph H. Woods, was chosen to speak at the National Convention. A few of the campus organizations which have Beta Nus as officers are the Association for Childhood Education, Carolyn Fresen, president; Shield staff, Waynette Doran and Frances Armstrong ; and Religious Council, Wilma Hook, secretary, and Bobbie Lee Boyd, music di rector. Diana Lynn is our candidate for Football Queen, as well as being an officer of the Woods Hall Council. Fran Williams is also on the Council.


With sisters serving in the many fraternity open-houses and smokers and so many of our own plans to carry ou t, Beta 路Nu has a fu ll and interesting fall schedule.-WILMA HooK

Beta Rho Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois The year at Northern Illinois University where Beta Rho is active has begun. We began it by moving into a new sorority house on 427 Normal Road, D eKalb, Illinois. T he 43 capacity house means that sisters are living and working very closely together. R ush was the first major project in the calendar year - it began with ten open houses he ld in the student union. Then followed four informal parties he ld in our living room, and two formal parties held in our huge recreation room. The theme for the formal parties was Caribbean Capers. It was carried out in a nightclub atmosphere comple te with floral baskets decked with fol iage hanging from the ceiling, refreshments of melon balls and tropical fruits served on toothpicks. Entertainment consisted of J uanita D iller and husband Harry Belafang, a native dancer, and a pair of banana kids singers. Our pledges from r ush have a lready started into their program under the excellent guidance of our pled ge trainer, Pat Kain and her two assistants. We are still in the process of open rush which will give us several more p ledges. Our Homecoming float will consist of two and one half hayracks with the theme of "Remember When." This is a large undertaking for a single entry, but we are hoping we do well. As the proud owners of la st year's trophy, we hope to keep up our image. We will be h aving a Homecoming tea at our new house after the game and wi ll have a party at the house that night. We of Beta Rho chapter fe lt a heavy loss when our sister, J udy R icholson, was killed in a car and train accident. Her death has made each of us value to even a greater extent the relationship of sisters. We have he lped to initiate our new chapter at Loyola University. We were thrilled to have this honor as well as pleased to have another chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha in Illinois. Hopefully, we wi ll have many p leasant experiences together. To acquire 52 new sisters is indeed a thrill , and we do wish them the best of success in their endeavors as a national sorority on their campus. Dad's Day wi ll be celebrated by Alpha Sigs and their fathers in November. We will have a banquet for them at the house, attend the football game and then have a tea afterward. We will be having pictures of our fathers and their daughters taken as an extra special event for the day. Our informal is scheduled for December 12th. The pledges have the responsibility for organizing and formulating plans for it as one of their learning experiences. We of Beta Rho hope that all of our chapters will have a year that is most memorab le and most he lpful to the fulfillment of the fourfo ld goals of Alpha Sigma Alpha. - MARY ALICE ERNST

Beta Sigm_ a Southwest Missouri State College Springfield, Missouri The past several months have been very successful for Beta Sigma. Last Spring Vicki Henry and Stephanie


Selove r were chosen attendants to the Ozarko Queen. Sue H erd was selected as first attendant to the Barnwarming Queen. Fran Stochl and Vicki Henry were selected as attendants to the Sigma Tau Gamma White R ose Queen. After winning the Miss Springfield beauty contest, Lesley Fleenor participated in the Miss Missouri contest held here in Springfield. Lesley was chosen as second runner up from twenty-nine lovely girls from all over the state. Shortly after she was asked to attend the National Miss Sweetheart contest in H oopston, Illinois. This contest is composed of first and second runners up from each state. Lesley was selected as fi rst runner up to the N ationa! Miss Swee theart. Ann Chamberlain was our delegate to the National Convention , along with our alumnae president, Liz Sweet, and our alumnae adviser, Miss R ose Marie Fellin , who was elected National Treasurer. This fall started out with a big bang-rush. W e had three rush parties. Our Safari party was held in the basement of our house, which we decorated as an African

Beta Sigma 's first rush party this year was " Safari" which featured an African jungle and a witch doctor.

jungle, witch doctor, hut and all. Our second party was the traditional Las Vegas party, complete with imitations of Gypsy R ose L ee, Phylis Diller, and many more. Both parties were very successful and we were rewarded with wonderful new pledges. We are now looking forward to our Homecoming activities and our Christmas projects. W e hope that the next few months are as successful as the last have been. -



Beta Upsilon Indiana State College Terre Haute, Indiana The sound of music rang out in the Alpha Sigma Alpha suite on the first night back at school that the Beta Upsilon girls got together as we tried out our newly


acquired piano. The piano, a baby grand, was presented to us by a Terre Haute alumnae. On the fi rst Sunday night that the Beta Upsilon girls were all back we gathered in our suite to eat supper together and listen to J oyce Hardebeck, chapter president, relate to us her experiences at the National Convention. She made it sound so interesti ng and so much fun that by the time she finished we were all wishing we could have been there a lso. Beta Upsilon participated in the annual Campus Carnival in September. Barbara McPherson and J oann Barr were in charge of constructing our booth for us, and they did a very fine job. Our booth challenged the spectator to sit a coke bottle in an upright position by lifting it from a lying position by the use of a metal ring attached to a string on a stick. If the spectator was able to perform this trick in thirty seconds, he won a small stuffed bear. The annual Panhellenic Tea, which introduces interested girls to sorority life, was held in October ; and ten of the Beta Upsilon girls participated as hostesses . The prospective rushees were shown slides of last year's rush parties and given tours through the individual sorority suites. Beta Upsilon was quite proud to show th eir suite which has had several things added to it already this year. As H omecoming draws near Beta Upsilon is spending much time planning for it. Once again this year we wi ll sell mums to th e differen t organizations and individual students. On the evening before H omecoming we will participate in the annual trike race around the quad. H omecoming day wi ll begin when we all go to the parade and watch our D ebbie Hopkins ride by on the queen 's float. Following this, we wi ll have a luncheon for our members and our a lumnae. After th e luncheon we will hold an ope n house in our suite for anyone who wishes to see it. On Sunday following H omecoming we wi ll hold a Mother Patroness ceremony for the mothers of our pledges who were initiated last spring. Rush is still in the distant future, but Beta Upsilon is already preparing for it. This year our split parties wi ll have no skit as in previous years. The intention is to get to kn ow the girls at split parties. The first forma l party has no name as yet, but its theme is Scottish. We plan to make use of our Scottish costumes from Camp us Revue last year. Our second formal party is called "ASA Brau Garten" and centers around a German "Brau Garten. " Our third formal party is called " High H opes" and is th e story of three little bunnies and how they decide on Alpha Sigma Alpha. So, as usual , Beta Upsi lon has much in the planning stages with many things to come before us soon and a busy year ahead. We extend our hellos to our sisters across the nation and wish them a happy an d successful year.- LI NDA L. CoMBS

Beta Phi Stout State University Menomonie, Wisconsin The days are getting hectic for the Beta Phis as H omecoming an d a visit from our National President draw near. The campaign for our Homecoming candidate, Charllotte Nehring, is about to go into full swing. Meanwh ile, a ll the chapter's counci l members are tidying up their files in anticipation of Miss Mary Goeke's arrival. All the Beta Phis are very happy that Ellen Lahl was chosen to be an alternate chee rleader and will become a


regular member of the squad in January. The junior class will have two excellent officers in Kay Bauman as vice p resident and Verna Lange as social chairman- two very deserving Beta Phis. In appreciation of the many years of devoted service to the Beta Phis, Miss Mary Killian was honored with the Mother-Patroness ceremony and was given the crown badge of this degree. The Beta Phis are very proud of th eir adviser, who always manages to find time to help " her girls," regardless of how busy she is as head dietician at the university. Stout's Beta Phis, including their wond erful new pledges, wish all the chapters a good and fruitful year. - MARJORIE BRAK ER

Beta Psi Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan With the fall semester underway Beta Psis had no sooner greeted each other enthusiastically when they found themselves caught up in a myriad of exciting plans and activities. The first week of school found the members wh o had composed the spring pledge class busily constructing a boo th for the annual Freshmen Carnival. Visitors to Alpha Sig's boo th found the girls, dressed in long black stockings and heels, short skirts, long-sleeved white shirts, and jaunty top-hats, tending an old-fashioned bar. By throwing rings over bottles, many at the carnival were able to win flashy red Alpha Sig garters . . . and help our house fund, too ! No sooner was this event over than Beta Psis found themselves in the midst of the annual A"LA all-campus mixer. With the theme of " Fall Fling," all of us greeted the 1600 students who attended in white blouses and skirts of fall shades. Needless to say, the dance was a huge success! Because Pa nh ellenic has begun a deferred rush system on campus, Beta Psi has found itself staging informal coke-parties in the dorms and student centers in order to meet the many upper-classmen that are rushing. With many wonderful girls a lready pledged, we are looking forwa rd to a truly outstanding p ledge class. H omecoming is the activity whi ch is taking much of our time from now until th e beginning of the festivities in O ctober. With the theme this year of "Salute to the U nited N ati ons," Beta Psi is busy preparing a fl oat and house display for " Malta . . . the newest and the smallest." The alumnae H omecoming tea which will be held a fter the game is also undergoing careful planning. H opefull y, we will be able to proudl y point out our plot of ground in Fraternity Village to the alums at H omecoming time. Al ong with all the other excitement which traditionally pervades H omecoming is th e pride th a t all of us feel in Mary Luoma who is one of the twe lve fin alists for the Queen contest. We' re all hoping tha t Mary will be the lucky one to wear the crown as a resul t of the campus vo te ! The coming wee ks will bring much excitement and ma ny rewardin g moments for Beta Psi as we keep busy with H omecoming, plans for D a d 's Day, and our biweekl y work on our p hilanthropic projec t a t th e Kalamazoo School for the M enta lly Handicapped !- ELLEN R u NKEL


Beta Omega Bucknell University Lewisburg , Pennsylvania The Alpha Sigs of Beta Omega have returned to campus full of ideas and enthusiasm. Much of the optimism of the chapter is due to the exceptionally stimulating summer that many of the sisters enjoyed. Pat M cGovern, president, and Sue Springer, second vice president, toured Europe for eight weeks with the Bucknell tour and are eagerly sharing their experiences with the sorority at every opportunity. The National Convention was a titillating adventure for Janis Schnabl, treasurer, and she has delighted in recounting the highlights to th e members of the Beta Omega chapter. F our of our members used the summer to augment their kn owl edge in their major fields by summer studies. L ee Winia rski, Carol Dobbie, J ean Borries, and Salle Richards were so encouraged by their summer courses that they are approaching the regular school term with great vigor . M onica l Myers also spent her summer at a university but rather in the capacity of teacher for a foreign institute . Rather than being exhausted by their hectic summers, the members of Beta Omega have returned to campus with plans for a rummage, a pillow, and a bake sale, a tea for the foreign students, decorating a float with Lambda Chi Omega and various other social activities. The sisters already have a new and very vigorous rush program well underway and are also starting a more intensive drive to sell magazines for the benefit of Alpha Sigma Alpha's philanthropic project. Although the year has barely started, activities are in full swing at Beta Omega chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha, and the campus is becoming aware that the Alpha Sigs have a lively and worthwhi le sorority.- SALLE E. RICHARD S

Gamma Alpha Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska Gamma Alphas stepped into the fall rush season in new red sling jumpers and ascot blouses. White blazers over red swe ater and skirt outfits will be retained as th e winter ou tfits . Rush cha irma n, Virginia H ogan, led the " party" to victory under a seasonal p olitical convention theme. Gamma Alphas donned in blue and white outfits, and topped with traditional Uncle Sa m hats, made it obvious to ever yone what fun we have. State delegation signs, bunting, and our adaptation of " H ello D olly" into "Hello Rushee" heightened the festivities . A mock skit nominating our presidential candidate, president Annette Maus, provided top-billing entertainment. After punch and cakes decorated with flags were served , rushees were given white coffee cups enameled with an Alpha Sigma Alpha crest. New pledges were initiated at a ceremony and acceptance pa rty buffet dinner. Pat M cGrath was the Alpha Sigma Alpha candidate for campus " Miss Cutie." M oney d onated in the fonn of votes for each organization's candidate goes to th e Omaha R ed Feather Charity Drive. Several hundred dolla rs was collec ted by Gamma Alphas and our campaign chairman An gela Nestegard .


A revised pled ging program, organized by J ane McCarty, has been la unched . Our new pledges received a card in the mail this week, devised by J oEllen Duggan which read s "H appiness Is A New Pledge" and depicts

Each week we partiCipate in inter-sorority volley ball matches. We hope to be champions this year. In _addition to sports, the Gamma Deltas a re eagerly plannmg for the fall rush which starts in the middle of October. Our first rush is traditionally called "Autumn Leaves." At this party the rushees receive beautiful corsages of chrysanthemums. The pledges of last semester will present their second place skit. There will be singing and talking and eating as the members get to know the rushees. After the rush parties are over and p ledging begins, the members have to begin to p lan for the dance wh ich we sponsor on campus. This will surely be a busy semester.-NANCY HoPPER

Gamma Epsilon University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin

En joying refreshments at a Gamma Alpha prefere ntial ru sh party are Kay Da iley , Ann ette Maus , pre sid e nt, and Linda DePa squal e.

the typical pledge with her Alpha Sigma Alpha p ledge pin and ribbon. The Gamma Alpha forecast for this year is fun times and new ideas!-CATHERINE WATSON

Gamma Delta Queens College Flushing , New York The members of Gamma Delta d id not have to travel far this summer for a taste of excitement. The World's Fair was at our doorstep. Not only did we spend many exciting times at the Fair but two of our girls worked there. Maureen Cuocci was a hostess at the Brass Rail Restaurant, and Kae Peet was an instructor of miniature helicopter operation. Both of the girls met many interesting people from all parts of the world. It was not unusual for Maureen to serve women in saris, men in turbans, and children in kimonos. T he World's Fair was not the only source of excite路 ment for the girls this summer. During the month of August, there was a wedding each weekend. However the old song "Those wedding bells are breaking up that old gang of m ine," had no reference to the members who were married . We did not lose them. We gained four supporters. Unfortunately, the summer fun at the World's Fair and the celebrating at the weddings had to come to an end. Classes began on September 24. It always takes a bit of adjustment to settle down to the school routine, but the members were happy to be together again in school. As usual the fa ll semester promises to be a busy one.


This year has started off well for Gamma Epsilon chapter. Our fall activities commenced as soon as we got back to school. On the first Sunday the Panhellenic Council held a workshop . Mrs. W. Lawson Blackstone and Mrs. A. Howard Hall came up for this. It proved to be very interesting and profitable. Everyone gained many new ideas as we ll as a fee ling of greater un ity among the sororities. This semester we have open rush which means having the rushees for lunch, coke dates, and informal parties from now until Christmas vacation when it ends . We had a pot luck supper fo llowed by a mixer with Phi Sigma Epsilon. Everyone had a good time. For our other rush parties we have planned a hootenanny, a western round -up, a backwards party, at which everything will be done backwards, and a come as you are breakfast. We fee l confident of getting our limit of pledges. Rena Rohleder, Mary Ellen Hickey, and Deirdre Kozlowski went to Chicago for the initiation of our new chapter at Loyola. Welcome Gamma Lambdas. All three had a wonderful time and especially enjoyed meeting our newest sisters as well as members from other chapters. They came back with many new ideas and songs. This year, for the first time, the Sorority Woman of the Year will be chosen at the Panhellenic Ball. Selection wi ll be based on leadership in the sorority and other activities, service to the sorority and the university, scholarship, character and reputation. We have our fingers crossed that Carol Cutter will win it. We are also working busily on our Homecoming float. We hope to repeat our last year's victory and win all the trophies. This year, however, we can take only two trophies instead of three as we did last year. They changed the rules after we wa lked off with all of them. Th is year the theme of our float is solution to UW-M's parking problem. It will consist of a horse with a parking sticker on it, a no parking sign, and a policeman. We will a lso run four girls for Homecoming court- Jan Koehler for freshmen court, Joan Winter for sophomore, K lara Ruppert for junior, and Carol Cutter for senior court. We wish them luck. After Homecoming is over, we will start planning for U-Sing and Ice Scu lpture. As you can see this semester promises to be a busy one for us.- Juov RuscH


Gamma Zeta A rkansas A&M College Coll e ge Heights , Arkansas Gamma Zetas, after being separated for the summer, arrived in September anxious to begin their fourth year in Alpha Sigma Alpha. Buzz sessions were frequently held in the rooms of various members as we talked of the past summer and the future of our chapter. Favorite topics of conversation were the summer workshop ~eld in August at Hot Springs and the summ~r party g1v~n by our brother fraternity, Phi Lamb?a Ch1. We a.lso listened intently to reports on the Nat10nal ConventiOn attended by our delegate, Jodie Stuckey. Gamma Zetas could waste no time because rush plans had to be made. A get-acquainted party, a mixer with our brother fraternity and a formal dinner are the parties planned for Rush Week which begins October 12. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new sorority outfits . They consist of a red wool blazer with the J:"i:.A crest and a red wool skirt. We plan to wear these wmter outfits to pep rallies, many athletic events, and on other special occasions. Alpha Sigs are well represented in various positions of importance on the A&M campus. Nine Gamma Zetas are members of the Student Senate. They are Kaye Bennett, Ann Ellington, Jodie Stuckey, Linda Kaye Roberts, Anne Echols, Karen Trotter, Beverly Bulloch, Nancy Goggans, and Mary Jayne Offutt. Beverly Bul.loch and Linda Kaye Roberts are members of the steenng committee of the Senate. Karen Trotter also has been elected to serve as cheerleader and secretary of the upperclassman dormitory. Kay England was elected treasurer of the junior class and Kaye Bennett and Nancy Goggans serve as president and vice-president respectively of the Pemm Club. Linda Kaye Roberts is the newly elected president of the Women's Recreation Association. We of Gamma Zeta extend our love in A"i:.A to all other members of Alpha Sigma Alpha and our heartiest wishes for continued progress during this new academic year.- BEVERLY BuLLOCH

Gamma Eta Pennsylvania State University University Pa rk, Pennsylvania Gamma Etas kept in touch during the summer months via a newsletter compiling information on the sisters at their various summer pastimes. It made the vacation time seem shorter and heightened the anxiousness of beginning a new year with Gamma Eta. Gamma Etas had little time to get adjusted upon returning to the campus before we began working on up perclass rush. Much of the organization, and making of name tags was completed during the summer and when a ll the final trimmings were added rush began . Several sessions were held during registration week and continued through the first week of classes with the usual chatterdates and coffee hours. On Friday, October 2, we ribboned our new Gamma Etas. Having little time to catch our breath, we immediately began planning for Homecoming weekend. Gamma Eta is working with Sigma Pi fraternity on a lawn display and motorcade and jointly sponsored a member who is a semi-finalist for Homecoming Queen. Most of these plans are still in the preliminary stages but our fingers


are already crossed in hopes of winning the trophy. Wish us luck! Gamma Etas have had a rather busy and exciting

Diane Get hing of Gamma Et a wa s c rowned Swe e t heart of Theta Delta Ch i.

beginning for a new year and are looking ahead with antiCipation to even higher goals and a closer spirit of sisterhood.- CHERYL BoND

Gamma Theta Syracuse University Syracuse, New York "Ooos and ahs" were heard continuall y this fa ll when the Gamma Thetas returned to campus. Our chapter house had been painted white with a dark maroon trim, and inside our dining room looked warm and cheery with its new shade of pink, complemented with bright, flowered drapes. But that wasn't all . .. we a lso purchased new chairs, end tables, and coffee tables for our living room. And, still, that wasn't all . . . we had new laundry equipment installed in the basement, an area which our energe tic sophomores are now busily painting and fixing up. A new "face" was also waiting for us. It was Miss Gladys Brown, our wonderful new housemother. The first week literally flew by as we settled down and decorated our rooms . Ellen MacDonald and Katri Sellendi won "first prize" for their room creation- an oriental theme, carried out with lowered tables, colorful cand les, and bamboo curtains. They even moved out their bed frames and have their mattresses on the floor! Upperclass rush is in session right now under a new experimental system. After a weekend , during which the rushees were required to attend parties at the fourteen open houses, an "informal" r ushing period started. D uring th is time, the favorite rushees are invited fo r afternoon coke parties, dinner or evening dessert. Need less to say, we are hoping for lots of new pledges to go with all the other new things. As usual, the A"i:.As are busier than ever outside the house also. Whenever Carol Thorp and Carol Jantz are missing we can be sure that they are working at the radio station, WAER . Sue Hamilton and Diane Wagoner, members of the selective Goon Squad, are running all over campus helping to orientate those eager freshmen,


a long with Carol Thorp and Barbara Belmon t, our Association of Women Students campus guides. Harriette Peters is now assistant to the chairman of Rush Counselors, a group of Panhellenic representatives who must explain Greek life to freshm en and transfers in an effort to encourage them to rush in the spring. Midge Patrick is now an active member of the A WS sophomore commission. Cheerfu l letters have been arriving from Jane H olleran, a senior, who is spending this semester in Fl orence, Italy. H ow we envy her! Social plans for th e semeste r are accumulating rapidly, and we have several fraternity coffees on our N ovember schedule along with a big open house after the UCLASyracuse football game. The biggest eve nt before Thanksgiving vacati on is the annual Panhellenic Ba ll , the only real "formal" event on campus each year. So as the Gamma Thetas start pulling on their wool socks and mohair sweaters to prepare for th e lon g, cold winter, everything promises to be warm, busy, and happy inside the house at least !-CARO L Yo uNG

We were lucky to have about fifteen members at school th is summer so we accomp lished a lot. Our president, Susan Gray, attended the N ational Convention and came back with many new ideas and new fri endships. One of our projects was to make a chapter map, which we had on displ ay durin g freshmen daze week. We also had two successful bake sales, whi ch made our treasurer very happy. Our biggest projec t this summer was to plan ou r rush program. Rushin g for Gamma Iota informally began durin g freshmen daze week, where we displaye d our trophies an d scrapbooks in a booth we shared with ou r brother fraternity, Sigma Pi. In the immediate future there will be an intersorority tea followed at later dates by individual coke parties. We a re sure all our p la ns wi ll mean a successful year as far as both Gamma Iota and pledging a re concerned . Not only are we interested in our sorority functions, but we a re active in school fun ctions as wel l. Our charity work includes the R ed C ross and a charity fami ly. We are now plann ing our magazine sales. The members of Gamma I ota are working hard on grades for we wan t to keep the scholastic trophy, which we proudly received last year.

Gamma Iota Rochester Instit ute of Technology Rochester, New York With great expec tations and h appy smiles the Gamma I otas are looking forward to our first year as A Z.. As.

The members of Gamma I ota wish a ll A Z..As a successfu l and rewarding yea r and best wishes to our newes t chap ter, Gamma Lambda.- D oROTHY LEWIS

memoriam Alpha B eta

B eta Delta

Marcy Carmen Fi sher

Susanne Frances Hicks (pledge)

Epsilon EjJSilon

B eta Pi

Sarah Frances Price Thomas (Mrs. Dale)

Shirley Faye Wriston Blume ( frs. Charles)


Beta Rho

Catherine Louise Seltzer


Jucl ith

R icholson



Our September meeting was held in the home of Helen Frame Snyder who served a delicious dessert on our arrival. Our president, Ruth Yauger 6.6. called the meeting to order by initiating our lovely new gavel which the girls brought back from the Convention. At the conclusion of the business meeting Helen showed beautiful colored slides taken on their trip this summer through several of the National Parks in western United States. We enjoyed them very much. Lillie Greer 6.6., Ruth Yauger 6.6. , Louise George Holt 88 and Dorothy Hollinger Scott t.. t.. all reported a wonderfully pleasant time at the Convention at the beautiful Grove Park Inn in North Carolina. It was a very satisfying occasion for them as one of their number, Lillie Greer, served efficiently on the nominating committee and also graciously as toastmistress at the National Panhellenic Luncheon. The greatest thrill came when the Akron alumnae chapter was awarded the gavel for winning first place in the Magazine Subscription Project for this threeyear period. Of course this all came about because of the dedicated service of Lillie Greer as our magazine subscription chairman. Several of our members and their husbands are looking forward to a pleasant evening at the Panhellenic Dance at the Silver Lake Country Club on October 17. This dance is an annual social event of Akron Panhellenic Association for the purpose of making money which is presented to Summit County Children's Home for their allowance fund. This is a philanthropic project of Panhellenic. Our October meeting will be held in the home of Rhea Fetzer Yoder rr with Maude Murphy Barrere AA as assisting hostess . It will be a dinner meeting to which the husbands will be invited guests. A social time will follow the dinner. Founders' Day will be observed with a suitable ceremony and luncheon at Woman's City Club on November 14. After a very pleasant summer of vacations and traveling to interesting places, we anxiously anticipate the activities of the coming year that have been planned by our president, Ruth Yauger.- RHEA FETZER YoDER

in the garage at the home of Sally Weals Clyde XX, and the result was most gratifying. Much business concerning our activities for the coming year was taken up at our October meeting at the home of Mary Graves. Now for a few words about the activities of our present membership. That big bird is hovering over the homes of Rose Kaiser Baden XX and Delores Barnes Rinehart, BT and by our November meeting we hope to have a couple of little Alpha Sigs or future husbands for Alpha Sigs. Marilyn Brundage Davis XX is a coed again as she is attending Ball State for some additional work. Martha Glentzer will be moving to Yorktown soon as Lee is now superintendent of the new Mount Pleasant Township Community Schools. Since she is still teaching in Anderson she will continue to attend our meetings. Jean Anne Ketner Huffman XX has moved to Greenfield where Jack has opened his own Art Store. There are several beautiful stained glass windows throughout the United States that have been designed and put in by Jack . We are most happy that she is driving about thirty-five miles to be with us for as many meetings as weather will permit. Nan Gallipo Grove XX accompanied Earl to Boulder, Colorado, where he attended a principal's conference for a week. They also did some sightseeing in several other western states. In addition to her convention trip Mary Graves vacationed with her grandchildren for two weeks at Potoskey, Michigan. Nora Fuller Hanson XX is kept busy with scouting and band activities for four young sons. Gloria McDermott Nipple BT has plenty to do taking care of her family in their recently acquired new home. She is also quite active in the Anderson Art League. Sally Clyde finds time for many church and community activities. Marian Truax McLaughlin XX and her family have moved from Daleville to a lovely new home in Anderson, and Marian is teaching sixth grade in one of the Madison County Schools. Phyllis Weir Norris BT is teaching at Highland High School near Anderson. Joan Reger Pugsley XX is an elementary teacher in Daleville and Lola Sparks is teaching in the high school at Charlottsville. - MARTHA GLENTZER.



We feel our new sorority year is off to a good start as we have had two meetings and a rummage sale. Our September meeting was held at the home of our president, Lola Erne Sparks BT. Our Convention delegates, Martha Stuckey Glentzer XX and Mary Wilhoit Graves XX gave us an enthusiastic report of their trip to Asheville and the Alpha Sig activities. On the evening prior to our meeting Martha and Mary had attended a dinner meeting of the Indianapolis alums at the beautiful home of Jean King. There they had the pleasure of going over their trip with the Indianapolis delegates, Catherine Castor and Nancy Martin. The four along with the South Bend delegate, Jan Schrader, made the trip by auto. The rummage sale was held the middle of September

In July seven Bartlesville alums had dinner at the local Holiday Inn. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and pleasant conversation following. Shirley Lloyd Neal Br was hostess for the August meeting with seven members present. Plans for this year's philanthropic project were discussed. The home of Flora Duffendack Sears ZZ was the setting for our September meeting. Ten members were in attendance and voted to adopt the Dewey Special Education Class as philanthropic project for the year. We hope to have the teacher meet with us and give us her ideas and suggestions of ways we may assist her. Everyone was eager to learn of the action taken at the National Convention as our President Shirley Lloyd Neal Br read ex-




cerpts from the letter of the National President and Alumnae Director . We are looking forward to a very busy and interesting 1964-65 year.-IDA KEEFER

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS The Boston alums held their first meeting of the 1964-65 season on October 3, at the h ome of Laura McQuide in Wellesley. We a ll enjoyed the ride through gorgeous New England foliage and the beautiful weather which for once cooperated with us. Our summer activities were many and varied; included was Convention for Ruth Fletcher, Charlotte Adams, Sallie Newton and K athyrn Barclay. Other members camped in the White Mountains, took trips on the Skyline Trail to the Shenandoah Mountains, vacationed on Cape Cod, traveled to Quebec, M on tana, to the Thousand Islands, to the World's Fair, and to Chicago. Others made the trip via ship along the St. Lawrence Seaway, visiting our National headquarters at Buffalo just before the "Big Move. " The really thrilling trip was taken by Jean Barbarick, ou r new president, who covered twelve countries in Eu rope and th e Far East in six weeks! "We Bostonians sure do get around!" Many activities are p lanned for the following season, both individually and chapter-wise. Ellen D aly will attend a workshop for the Florence Crittenton L eague and several members are to serve at Boston University cleaning house during rush week . We shall a ll bring a filled tarl eton stocking to our next meeting to be sent to th e mentally retarded children at the Fernald School. On October 1 Charlie Adams started her new duty as head of the Foreign Language D epartment at the R oslindale High School. Kay Barclay, our chapter delegate to Convention, gave a very complete and interesting report on her trip to Convention at our last meeting.- CHARLOTTE LouiSE ADAMS

climbing the Leaning T ower of Pisa a ll the way to the top, in spite of the lack of guard rails, and braving the subways of L ondon and P aris. Dangling in a cable car en route to the peak of Mount Pilatus in the Swiss Alps, and threading our way through the Catacombs in R ome provided the opposites in unique experiences. The six traveling Alphas shared many adventures and misadventures, 路 including losing our hotel in Paris at 1:00 a.m. After quite a few disturbing moments, we gratefully discovered that it was only a half a block away. We ate more hard rolls and drank more cokes than we thought possible and returned to the States loaded down with pictures and souveniers and wonderful memories. All in a ll it was a memorable experience-the perfect way to enjoy each other's company.-CAROL EDDY

CENTRAL LOUISIANA The Central Louisiana alumnae held thei r October meeting at the home of Betty L ou Jacobs \f'\f' with Patricia Kennedy Davis \f''f' assisting as co-hostess. Barbara M oles Brumfield AB, president, conducted a short business meeting during which time she brought the group up to date as to activities since the April meeting. The chapter charter had been received and was displayed. Plans were made for a meeting to be held the latter part of the Thanksgiving H olidays. This time was decided upon so that we could extend an invitation to the college members in the area to meet with us since so many of them would be at hom e. We will gather for a luncheon at Congress Inn on the four teenth to make a few final plans. Kathy Gaddis \f'\f' attended the meeting and gave us the details of the wonderful rush season of the chapter. Several of our members visited the chapter during this time and were so pleased at all they saw. Kathy also gave us a few hints, at our suggestion, as to how we can best be ~f service to them. Pots and pans and dishes have top pnority on the want list so we are go ing to help them acqu ire a few. - EVELYN MERRIFIELD CARNAL

BUFFALO, NEW YORK The Buffalo alumnae chapter opened the fa ll season with a potluck supper on October 8, 1964. Most of us contributed either a casserole, a salad, or a dessert. The resulting deli cious assortment proved that we kn_ew all along- Alpha Sigs are excellent cooks. The leisurely, cheerful reuni on gave us an opportunity to catch up on the summer' s activities. Peg Hammond Ne lson and Caryl Bren~an Forest rep_resented us at the Alpha Sigma Alpha Natwnal ConventiOn on July 6-10 at the Grove Park Inn, Ashev_ille, . North Carolina. Judy Matthews, our new membersh ip director, was in Buffalo prior to the Convention and traveled to North Carolina with Peg. Caryl's interesting and in formative report of Convention activities, given at our first board meeting _and at ~he supper, left us wishing we could have been m Ashev ille to get to know and work with so many of you whom we know by name only. While the Convention was in progress, six other Buffalo Alphas enjoyed a "convention" of . their. own on a nother: continent. Cindy Theiss, J oann Gnmald1, Sal ly Conca rd1 Crino Barbara and Carol Eddy, and Anne Rinebolt were part ~f an Erie County Education Association gr~up touring Europe by scenic-cruiser bus. !he bonds of Sisterhood were certainly strengthened by th 1rty-threc days together in the same bus! We shared such notable adventures as


CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA W e had no thought of dire consequences as thirteen members sat down to eat a delicious meal prepared by Frances Nucci NN at her home in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The business meeting was presided over by our new president Frances Nucci. Jan e Shaffer Peters Ar, our delegate,' gave an interesting report of the A"2.A Convention in Asheville North Carolina. An impromptu report of an Alpha Si~ Convention of forty years ago held in Chicago was highli ghted by Anne Slifer KK. It was good to see Olive Wirth Eckenroth after these many years. We learned from June Smith KK that Eleanor Dobler Brown KK devotes much of her time to the work of the "Gray Ladies" at Lancaster General H ospital. Our next luncheon meeting will be in Ephrata at the home of Winifred Eitneir Lentz Ar in December.- ALICE HART BEAVER

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Chicago a lums were delighted to welcome a new college chapter, Gamma Lambda,. into t_h~ _C~icago ~rea, a_nd many of the alums helped 111 the mitJatwn ser~1 ce ~vh1 ch was held in the Student Center at Loyola Umvel"Sity on


Saturday, September 26. Mary Blackstone and Betty Hall, together with the deans, advisors and members of the new chapter, planned all the activities and did a fine job of co-ordinating all of the groups so that the whole weekend was a very memorable one. The first regular meeting in the fall always seems like something special. It's good to see those that have been away on summer vacations and to catch up on all the news of the busy stay-at-homes. Nine members responded to the call for the first meeting of the 1964-65 season with our new president, Rosemary Johnson XX, having just returned from California. We missed one of our most popular members, Eleanore Smith Thomas KK, who, with her husband and two sons, has moved to Orlando, Florida, to make her home. Eleanore has been an active member of the Chicago alumnae group for twenty years and has served loyal ly in all the offices of the chapter. Bess Wallwork Peterson BN, our Convention delegate, reported on all the excitement of the recent Convention in Asheville and of the new policies that will affect us all. In August we had our annual fami ly get-together at the home of Mary and Lawson Blackstone in Wilmette. Steaks are always featured , broiled to perfection by Lawson on an outdoor grill. This pot luck affair has come to be one of the highlights of our social year. Your reporter is still slightly breathless from a three week tour of five countries in the Middle East and is still busy sorting out her impressions.- DoROTHY MASTERS

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-NORTH SUBURBAN The fall September meeting of the Chicago North Suburban alumnae chapter was held at the Chicago apartment of Fran Chuey BK. The featured highlight of our first meeting of the season was our guest speaker, Mr. Lannie Morreau, who gave an interesting talk concerning "Educable Mentally Handicapped Children." Professionally qualified and experienced, Mr. Morreau teaches the educable mentally handicapped students at H igh land Park, Illinois, High School. His informal talk was fo llowed by an interesting question and answer period. Our President, Sonnie Lubinetz Swanson BP, gave us all the details and high lights of the National Convention of AL.A which she attended during this past summer. Sonnie and Gretchen Werner Oster BP, our Pan hellenic officer and representative, attended the installation ceremonies of Gamma Lambda chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha at Loyola University, Lewis Towers, in downtown Chicago, on September 25-27, 1964. They gave us a fu ll description of our new, energetic and elated sisters. We welcomed them to our sisterhood and pledged our support since our alumnae group is in such close proximity to this college chapter. During the remainder of our September meeting, our meetings for 1964-65 were tentatively outlined to include additional speakers, philanthropic work, and tours to the Merchandise Mart and Marina City. New members welcomed to our first meeting of the season were Susan Lowe Kempner BK of Northbrook Elaine Pedderson BP of Glenview, and Mary Ellen Liv~ ingston B<ll now of Chicago. Mary Uecker BP of Evanston, Illinois, was appointed Instructional Specialist by Dr. Homer C . Harvey of District 28 of Northbrook, Illinois. She is involved in a pilot program teaching children with psychoneurological learning disorders. Our president, Sonnie, attended the American Speech and Hearing Association Convention in San Francisco on


November 20-24, 1964, and personally guided Terse Norgaard B P back to Chicago where she will resume her former position with Scott Foresman. Terse lived in San Francisco, "The Enchanted City," for over a year and returned to the Chicago North Suburban Alumnae group with many marve lous ideas and suggestions from the West Coast! Helga Winker BP of Chicago has accepted a one-year teaching position in Germany and has written to us telling a ll of her new, unusual and happy experience encountered en route to Germany and in her classroom. Her address : BAD Kreuznach, Elementary American School, APO 252, N.Y., New York . Fran Chuey BK attended the 50th Annual Meeting and Educational Exhibit of the Association of School Business Officials in San Francisco, October 16-22, 1964. She is employed by th is educational association as assistant editor. Following the convention, she visited AL.A sisters from Beta Kappa chapter at Western Illinois University who are teaching in Long Beach, California, and vicinity -Harriett Struck, Betty Stotler, and Mary Fisher. The Chicago North Suburban alumnae group has another tremendous season outlined for 1964-65, and we welcome all new members !-FRAN CHUEY

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-WEST SUBURBAN Our September meeting was held at the home of Carol Herbert Catanzaro B P . At this meeting we made p lans for the coming year. We were happy to welcome Pat F inch B P and R ose Bunta BP and we hope they will continue to join us. At this meeting we turned in orders for cards and wrapping paper to Sue Stapel Mack BK who was in charge of this money-making project. Georgiana J aglinski Calvert BP, R ose Bunta BP, and Sue K ing BK attended various activities for the initiation of Gamma Lambda chapter at Loyola University in Chicago. Pat Ramos Vlahos BP who also attended the ceremon ies, contributed her share by making lovely name cards for the banquet. She a lso worked on a felt crest for the Gamma Lambda ch apter room. O ur new sisters were presented with an engraved silver tray from the alums in the Chicago area. We are looking forward to a close working relationship with the Loyola girls. October will be a work meeting for us as we are sponsoring Founders' Day this year at Plentiwood Farm in Bensenville. The committee chairmen include J ean Bramm BP, Audrey Herbert Gedart BP , Marilyn Kanwisher BP, Nancy Cepuder R eagan BP and Fran Stellmach Ducy BP . Our special honored guest for the day wi ll be Mary Blackstone, past National President, who will soon be leaving the Chicago area. Nancy Cepuder Reagan BP and Bev Walden Inlow BP will be co-hostesses for the October meeting.- NANCY CEPUDER R EAGAN

CINCINNATI, OHIO We of the Cincinnati chapter are as proud as peacocks for being the chapter from which your National President, Mary Goeke, is a very active member. We are so happy for her. The chapter held a re-dedication service in her honor at the home of Mary Zech R ockhold late in August. We presented her with a gold gavel with a ruby insert to be worn with her Alpha Sigma Alpha badge. Our fa ll season has gotten off to a running start with a successful card party and fashion show. Along with November comes our Founders' Day Luncheon with the


Alpha Alpha chapter to be held at th e M ohawk M otor Inn . We are still busy with our philanthropic wor k at the Cerebral P a lsy Center even th ough our annual trip to the zoo this fa ll was cancelled because of a virsus-type of illness which some of th e ch il dren contacted. W e are p lanning to purchase toys for th em this winter at Christmas time.- R UTH HERSH EY WILLITS

DAYTON, OHIO T he Dayton a lums have had a busy spring and summer. Our M ay mee tin g was a coffee held a t the home of L ola Lakin E E . W elcome to our new a lumnae : J a ne T erhune Brelsford , Tam~ y Orr F ox P P, Julee Illner, c .olleen M cKinley AA , Carolm e Upton XX, and C oze tt Zon o Brown PP . W e a re delighted to have Ginny Black XX back in our midst a fter havin g resided in Wausau, Wisconsin, for th e past year . Bouquets to Lucille W olfe Wes t ZZ for th e tremend ous job she perform ed for us this past year a s president of the Da yton P a nh elleni c. The Nationa l Conve n tion in July at Ashevill e, N orth Carolina, welcomed two of our members, Beverly Scott Ayles AA and Thelma Butte rfield Brown AA . Both return ed with great inspi ra ti on and en thusiasm for the coming year. During the summer seve ral of our members helped with the D ayton Panhellenic Information T ea for p rospec tive college freshmen girl s interested in so rorities . W e a re deeply sorrowed by the dea th of one of ou r dear siste rs, Alice O ttm an Sa uer . Our O ctober mee ti ng will be a M exican party held a t the home of our world traveler, Mild red Kin sey Beeghly A A.- JA NET BEC KETT ALL EN

DEKALB, ILLINOIS The D eKal b a lum nae ch apter opened th e 1964-65 year with a m ee ting in the home of our vice-president, J oyce V olcheck L othson BP . T wo new members, K athl een Kiddell Hill BP and Sha ron L amb R osenow B P, we re present. W e had as visitors M a ry Blackstone, Betty H a ll , an d Mrs. H erbert Coll in B P, a lumnae a dviser. As our mee tin g coincided with formal rush on the campus of N orthern Illinois Uni ve rsity, severa l m em bers ha d a ttend ed the rush pa rty before our m ee ting. W e a re p la nnin g a m ee tin g in C hi cago with Sa ll y Lundin Preissig BP a fter Christmas. Ou r nex t. mee tin g will be a t th e home of M ary L ou N elson Schaeffer BP . A report by Ph yllis H ollowell Ba rker Br on the housing project of th e BP cha pter a t N orthe rn was given, a nd p lans are being m ad e w ith th e active chap te r for a housewarmin g. Our group is growing, a nd we are p leased to welcome new members into th e sisterh ood of Alpha Sigma Alph a. W e were happy to a ttend the initiati on of th e L oyola University cha p te r a nd se n t as our representa tives, Sa ll y Lundin Preissig a nd Ph yllis H ollowell Barker.- P HYLLIS ANN BARK ER

DES MOINES, IOWA D es M oines alumnae will m ee t N ove mber 1 for a desse rt l un cheon a t th e home of Rita Walters Selvey. M a rsha


Wheeldon <1><1> , Betty Ann Stori B<l>, Betty Schnoebelen BB and Evelyn Anderson <1><1> are co-hostesses and in charge of the program.- LILLIA N R . JACOBSON

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-DELTA RHO R uth Mawson Rudie hostessed our first mee ting of the fa ll season. Our usual wa rm sisterly feelings were enh a ~ ce d by the vivacious greeting of Ruth's dau ghter, Anne E hzabeth, who ha d bee n seriously inj ured in an a uto accident earl y in th e sum mer . This lovely four year old has m ade a n excellen t recove r y, but Ruth is exhaus ted from trying to " hold her dow n." A beautifu l si lve r cha rm bracelet is a la sting m omento of Barbara Grisda le's recent European tour. The Dutch windmill a nd th e Eifel T ower were from only two of the co untries she visited . Betty R amm Graham ann ounced tha t her family was movin g to Ann Arbor to be closer to husband Stanley's new job with the University of Michigan's Publi cati ons a nd Editori a l depa rtme nt . J ea nne T yler Turner's son, R ichard, is a freshma n a t the same school a nd is a ttending on a R ege nt's Schola rship . C on grat ul a tions a re in ord er for Elizabe th Dickieson who has received a p romotion a t the D etro it Pu blic Libra ry. "Babs" specialty is children's literature. We a ll send greetin gs to J ani ce H aydel who is in M t. Prospect, Illinois. We miss her fri endl y grin and southern acce nt.- MARY ELL EN S NID ER Busc H

ELKHART- GOSHEN, INDIANA The Sep tembe r meeting of the El khart-Goshen Alums found th em ready for a new year of fun , friendsh ip, a nd phi la nthrop ic work. Patsy H a rtman Boardma n XX a nd Sha ron L a nker XX joined us as new members. Sall y Weyler Consta ntin ou XX reported tha t the six wee k speech a nd hearing p rogram she conducted this summ er was ve ry successful. D olores (D ee) J a necze k Wa tson BK will be schola rshi p cha irman of Elkha rt Pa nh elleni c Associa tion. P la ns for th e yea r we re discussed . O ctober will be "Guest" n ight. I t will be a desse rt party with each member bri nging her favo ri te desse rt a long with th e recipe. M a rch is to be our fi ft h birthday pa rty wi th a surprise p rogram of " Some thing Specia l for Spring." Phil a nth rop ic pla ns includ e cu rta in-making for the retarded chi ld re n's center.- D OLORES J ANECZE K WATSON

EM PORIA, KANSAS Empori a a lumn ae 's d ream of a new modern home for E psilon Epsil on chap ter is at long last a rea lity. We moved th e week before r ush wee k started so everythin g was sh ip-sha pe by the time rushees were enterta ined . The living room (or drawing room) is truly lovely a nd spacio us. For it we ha d th e help of a p ro fessional d ecora tor a nd it is do ne in soft tones of green and accents of m uted gold . The res t of the furni shin gs were pla nned by an a lumn ae co mm ittee headed by Dixie D ay Sigler E E . Emma J ense n H a hn E E did bea utiful work on re fini shin g some of our old furniture a nd J ackie C ripps C usic E E a nd E ve lyn R eid D we lle ZZ supe rvised th e ma kin g of curta ins for a ll of the bed rooms .


We are most grateful to all who have made contributions and payments for our house and are eager for others to send any amount of money whether large or small. Our bills are heavy and all of us in Emporia have worked hard. Open house will be held on Sunday, October 18, for facu lty, town's people, fraternities and sororities. Homecoming for E E members will be on Saturday, November 7, 1964. We are looking for many of you to come and see your new house. The Topeka alumnae are invited to our regular monthly meeting on Monday, October 19. The annual alumnae Salad Supper for the college chapter will be held at the house as nearly as possible to Founders' Day. We are happy to have Mary Gertrude Tholen Evans EE as a new member of Emporia alumnae chapter. She has been living in Kearney, Nebraska ; but since the death of her husband, she has come back to be with her father. Recent EE alumnae visitors were Helen Brickell, Mount Vernon, New York; Hazel Ronen Bruton, Seattle, Washington ; Mi ldred Garrett Youngblood and daughters, Hearn, Texas ; Carolyn Ray Cary, Arlington, Virginia ; Harriet Hover McGinnis, Eureka, Kansas; and Lois Koontz Jarvis and daughters, Winfield, Kansas. Mrs. Rose West, mother of Doris West Jensen and former housemother, came up from Eureka, Kansas, to see the new home .- ED NA McCuLLOUGH

HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI After returning from Convention, we met in the home of Ethel M. Graves to give a full report on the marvelous time we had in Asheville. Mary Pickel Maxey and Penny Stewart Currie reported chapter activities. Colored slides of Biltmore and the Cherokee D rama were shown. We had a real party and a record attendance. In late J uly Mary Maxey played host to Beta Delta's workshop. Our alums had a covered dish luncheon for them at the home of Mildred Gillis Bailey. Most of August was spent assisting our University of Southern Mississippi chapter with recommendations and rush parties. We provided refreshments for several parties in their lovely chapter room. Our October progressive dinner meeting was so much fun. We first went to the home of Peggy Bowling Gates for the entre, salad at Minna V. Phelps, and dessert with Patsy Burk Haralson. During the summer months our alumnae also gave lovely bridal showers for our two newest members, Selina Parker Moore and Mary Maxey Cranford. Mary is teaching at our state school for the mentally retarded . We have sent swim suits, clothing, and costume jewelry to her pupils. A number of these children were brought to Mary's wedding.- MILDRED GILLIS BAILEY


Th is will prove to be an extremely busy year for the Fort Wayne alumnae as we prepare for hosting Indiana State Day. Gini Dunn Burke XX is keeping spirits high as she forges ahead with preparations for THE DAY. Her motto seems to be "never put off until tomorrow what you can do today." To add to our excitement, we are fortnuate in having three new affiliates. We are happy to welcome (and put to work) Gonda Hiatt XX, Jane Worley Scudder XX, and Virginia Bowyer White rr. It is so wonderful what "new blood" can do for us. Building a more substantial philanthropic fund is also a goal for the year. Selling parties and a white elephant sale will be added to the usual money-making projects. As well as raising our ability to give material assistance to Fort Wayne State School and local hosp itals, we also intend to spend "love hours" in these areas. Indiana gals- see you at Fort Wayne in the spring!JA NET CuRTS McCLEAD

At our September meeting we entertained the members and pledges with a dinner held in our suite. Special guest was Mrs. Kathryn Bannister, our housemother, who has returne d after an absence of several years. We have a bake sale planned for October. We are hoping it will be even more successful than last year's. November is really going to keep us busy! The main attraction, of course, will be our Founders' Day Dinner. Invitations have been extended to the members and pledges of Rho Rho and to the alumnae chapter from Charleston, West Virginia. A dinner will be held at one of our local restaurants with one of our outstanding alumnae as speaker. We are having our annual rummage sale Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14. In the past this has always been a big success. We are also raffling two pieces of Sarah Coventry jewelry. T he drawing will be held Wednesday, December 16. Our December meeting will be in the form of a party held at the home of an alumnae. We will have as our guests the members and pledges of Rho Rho.- KARLENE SPOKS BLANKENSHIP



We are sorry to lose three of our members. We wish Mary Pierce Homing Be, Lauralee Pearson Be, and Kathy Weihe Be , much happiness and success in their moves to other cities. To open our 1964-65 season we met at the home of Sharon Ballard Wieland BN for a card party. Our October meeting was held at the home of Doris Betzner Green MM where we discussed plans for our Founders' Day luncheon and program. In November we plan to have a fudge booth at the Gil Hanke Memorial Center bazaar. This center for retarded adults is our philanthropic project.- SHARON BALLARD WIELAND

College members of Alpha Sigma Alpha living in the Indianapolis area were guests of honor at a punch party on Sunday, August 23, in the home of our new Indianapolis alumnae president, Mrs. Charles Castor. The committee planned clever get-acquainted games and stunts and each guest was presented with an A '2.A bookmarker. The next event was a delicious buffet supper in September at the home of Mrs. Philip King. A tour of the house and gardens preceded the meeting. If you are ever in their vicinity, you must stop at the King's to see the fabulous collection of art treasures they have acquired during their "around-the-world" travels. Guests included members of the Anderson and Muncie alumnae chapters




who had attended Convention and representatives from the college chapters at Indiana State and Ball State. Reports and pictures of the Convention gave each of us who hadn' t been there a share in the excitement of that neverto-be-forgotten five days at Grove Park Inn and the points of interest nearby. Mrs. Frank W. Messing was hostess for the October meeting. Mrs. Philip C. Allen, a representative of the League of Women Voters, spoke on "Be an Informed Voter." This was preceded by the impressive Founders' Day program that gave each of us that renewed pride in being a member of A'LA . The following cameo notes will give an idea of what some Indianapolis alum did this summer. Genevieve Foltz spent a month in Pacific Palisades, California, with her son, Bill Leib, and his family. Paula McKay attended the NEA Convention in Seattle, Washington. P aula has been appointed a consultant in th e Indianapolis Public School System. Letha Gaskins spent half her time at home, half her time at Brown County, painting, fishing and swimming. Jean King spent the summer getting rested from the around-the-world trip with Phil, planned a new garden patio, and entertained their thirteen grandchildren. Helen Noblitt taught summer school, a new enj oyable experience. Eloise Proctor, my principal at school #57 , supervised academic summer school in Indianapolis School system ; after work activities included bridge- J ean King was a favorite partner. Marie Kingdom was the busiest grandmother with two weddings, a grandson in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and a granddaughter in Indianapolis. Judy Elder commuted to Indiana University campus at Bloomington to complete work on her Master's degree. Nancy Williams attended Convention. Betty Bliss spent most of her time at her summer home at Lake M ax in Kuckee but took tim e for a qui ck trip to Minnesota. Frances Shaw traveled d own th e Skyline Drive and th e Blue Ridge Parkway through Virginia a nd N orth Carolina. Kathy Sandberg mad e several trips to Lake Michigan. Mona Miller visited Fort Way ne and Hammond and kept quite busy wi th her small daughter. Shelley Belt spent th e summer in school completing her d egree with just enough tim e for a trip to Chicago before school teaching duties began. Sue Maehler taught summer school and then she was off to Washington and New York for the World 's Fa ir. Berniece Martin stayed h ome for the first time a nd loved it. Betty Soland and husband , Em, had fun being grandparents. Burdella Cullison made a fl ying trip to Pompano Beach to survey th e damage to their Florida home by hurricane Cleo. Mona W oodward was caught in the excitement of "her sister's wedding. H elen Emick spent a month in California with her nephew and his family . D orothy Karrman traveled the length and breadth of the United States accompanying her husband, Ed, on business trips. The other members who were present could not be reached for comment, but everyone must have had a delightful summer and all were enthusiastic over th e program our new offi ce rs presented for 1964-65. The yearbooks are the best ever.- JA E L. M cDAVITT

KALAMAZOO, INDIANA September found Kalamazoo alums asking direc ti ons to the new home of Barb Evans J ohnson B'l', where our first meeting was held.


A'LA FUN-ER-AMA, a rotating game night for couples to be held once a month through May, was one of the ambitious plans made that night. Operating like a marathon bridge, this will be a treasure builder as well as a night of recreation. We are continuing our recreation activities with retarded young adults again this year under the capable leadership of our philanthropic chairman, Pat Scannell Hogoboom XX. We are especially proud of this participation program that requires " Giving Full M easure" because it is the only one of its kind in the nation. Also planned for the year is an Every Member Visitation to the college chapter at Western Michigan University. Nancy Wheaton B'l' and Sue Modderman B'l', two new members, entertained us at their apartment in O ctober. Sylvia Superits Bacon B'l' gave a rep ort on her exciting time spent at Convention last July. Many of us also enjoyed Homecoming activities at Western Michigan University in this busy and bea utiful month . We brightened gray November with a combined alum and college chapter meeting. Kalamazoo Association F or Retarded Children provided a speaker for this information exchange night. -SA NDY LANG LAWRE NCE

GREATER KANSAS CITY W e started the 64-65 year rolling with an August board meeting where interesting plans were made. The September meeting was held September 18 at the home of Marty Albers Byron HH. Everyone enj oyed renewing old acquaintances and making many new fri ends. The assistant hostesses were LaNell Binn Boese HH, June Burr F ord ZZ, J eannie R oetto R edmond B'L. The program was "Conve ntion Hi-Lites" presented by Mary K. R eiff HH, and J eannie R oe tto R edm ond B'L. The O ctobe r mee ting was held Saturday afternoon, O ctober 17, at Esther Bucher's home . An inspiring program was presented by Anita Begola Wa de, a member of

Child at Stat e Training Center No . 12 using materials made by Greate r Kansas City alumnae chapter.

the Family Life Education Staff, K a nsas C ity, Missouri, Public Schools. The assista nt hostesses were Artye M arx ZZ, J o Dixion M cMilla n ZZ, M ary K. R eiff HH. We arc very pleased to an noun ce that our own J ean nie R oe tto R edmond B'L is the new N at ional Rush Chairman . As our local philanthropic project, we again worked


very hard on our Christmas Unlimited Bazaar. Just as in the preceding years we are happy to report a tremendous success. The proceeds from the bazaar will again go to the mentally retarded children. Our president, Peggy Irwin Scheloski HH was very pleased to receive some pictures from the State Training Center # 12 showing the children using some of the items that we mad e for the children.-GRACE Du RE N LI NDSEY

LICKING- MUSKINGUM, OHIO A pre-convention mee ting was held in June in the home of our president, L ouise Stewart TT. The program schedule for the year was also drafted at that time. It was decided to renew the "Pinkie" project due to the success which this project enjoyed during the past year. " Pinkie" is, of course, th e gay little hand puppet wh o greets every child up to 12 years of age entering the Newark General Hospital. Ethel Guthrie /\/\, our sister from Marietta, Ohio, has invited our group to her lovely home for the October meeting. Ethel 's job as State President of AA UW keeps her quite busy, so we greatly appreciate her kind invitation. The August meeting opened with a smorgasbord prepared by a ll the Licking-Muskingum gals and served in the home of Ann Howell Stump B~ . Ann attended Ohio State University during the summer to do post-graduate work. Prior to going to summer school Ann conducted a two-week workshop for elementary teachers at Muskingum College in New Concord, Ohio. The workshop dealt with "Speech Improvement In the Classroom ." F ollowing the smorgasbord, members enjoyed a very interesting and enlightening Alpha Sigma Alpha Convention report given by our delegate, Helen Smith BT. Obviously Helen represented us well. Early in the summer our president, Louise Stewart TT, traveled to England where she toured the continent and visited one of our sisters, Jane Jackson. Ann Howell Stump very much regrets having to say good-bye to her Licking-Muskingum sisters come November 15. During these past two-and-a-half years she has grown indeed fond of them! However, her reason for leaving is a very rewarding one. Her husband, Harold, has accepted a position with Babson Brothers, a dairy firm. You can be sure her Licking-Muskingum sisters will hear from her.- ANN HowELL ST UM P

LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK We Long Island Alpha Sigs have been so busy these last months. Our philanthropic project has surpassed our hopes. W e made pocket charts for the Association for the Help of Retarded Children School in Brookville. The school was delighted with them and we are now making exp erience charts for them. Our Christmas project for years bee n the " adoption" of a less fortunate family, and th1s year we have gotten our family from the school. This pleases us as our hearts and hands are with these little ones. Anoth er outgrowth of this project has been th e fin e work of J ola Williamson Tilley BQ. She now teaches a Sunday school class for the retarded at her church. We are so proud of her. At ou r O ctober 5, 1964, mee ting at th e home of Patricia O 'Brien Malloy rcli o, we planned our annual card party. This fund raiser will be held in N ovembe r at Jola Williamson Tilley's home with Barbara H odgkins Smith


BQ as chairman. We are glad Barbara is back with us after recent surgery. She has also been appointed to her PTA's Executive Board. Two of our staunch PTA sisters were honored recently. Our newspaper, The Long Island Press, gives a Distinguished Service Award yearly to the outstanding person on Long Island. This year's recipient was Mrs. Margaret J enkins, past national president of the PTA . Virginia Dobbins Hess rClio as president of her unit and Karen Enterline Kerr BT were invited to attend the presentation banquet. Karen is first vice-president of her PTA Unit and was a recipient of the Jenkins Memorial Teacher Scholarship in college. They had a wonderful evening. Nancy Daly B:=: is on sabbatical leave from the P ort Washington schools and is studying for thirty hours beyond her M.A. at the State University of New York. Carol Canale Kelly BT, Mary Chase Abrams n and Kay McSweeney Cross B<l> presented us with three little potential Alpha Sigs. Kay is now recuperating in Wisconsin after surgery. We hope she is back home real soon. Kathy McCann O ' Shea rCiio just returned with her husband Frank, from the New York Magistrates Justice Convention in Kerhonkson, New York. At our last meeting we received a lovely note from Irmajane Krecker BQ. lrmajane has been unable to attend as beyond her teaching duties site is president of several organizations. We hope to see her soon. We are in the process of composing a letter to send to Alpha Sigs in our area. It will contain our purpose, our projects a nd activities, dues information and a calendar of meetings. We hope we will reach new members through this.- KAREN E NTERLI NE KERR


MARYVILLE, MISSOURI The alums had their first meeting m September to make plans for the year. These include a December meeting, something new on the agenda ; buying a washing machine for the ungraded room which had been flooded out this past summer, and also collecting magazines for the room ; and raising dues according to the new bulletin on both the local and national levels . Gertie Tindall , our peppy prexie, spent a few days in the hospital in Kansas City but is back on the job feeling great. Mrs. Nell Martindale Kuchs, patroness, represented the University of Kansas at the inauguration of Dr. Robert P. Foster as new president of Northwest Missouri State College. Nancy Rainey Long is teaching dancing in the women's physical education department at NWMSC this year. Elinor Simerly spent four weeks traveling in Europe during July and August with an NEA tour visiting London, Amsterdam, Munich, Zurich, Milan, Venice, R ome, Paris, and outlying territory. They visited the World's Fair going and Washington, D .C ., on the return trip. The group is looking forward to seeing returning alums at the Homecoming Dinner, October 31, which is also the Founders' Day Dinner.- KATHRYN BELCHER

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN-ALPHA The Milwaukee Alpha chapter had their annual summer picnic at th e home of Myrtle Swette O 'Reilly rE at Beaver Lake in August. Convention news reported by Patricia Murphy Daleiden rE and H elen Hansen Martin rE was the highlight of


the September meeting at the home of Charlotte Campbell J elenchick rE. In October we were busy with two events. A box auction, gifts not less than fifty cents with the proceeds to our philanthropic fund, was the highlight of the regular meeting at Loraine Nienow H entschel's home. On Sunday, October 25, the board of the a lumnae of Milwaukee welcomed Gamma Epsilon chapter from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the Alpha and th e Beta chapters of a lumnae, to a tea at the home of Erva Richter Horn rE . It was a wonderfu l get-to-gether. Barbara Huntington Herman rE chairmaned the event. The Alpha and Beta chapters will celebrate Founders' Day on Friday, November 13. Our December meeting will be held at the home of our president, Jane Henrichs Stadler rE . Dr. George CoHentine of the Milwaukee Burn Center at St. Mary's Hospital will be the speaker. Patricia Murphy Daleiden rE, Loraine Nienow Hentschel rE, and Helen Hansen Martin rE represented the Milwaukee a lumnae at the tea given for the new chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha at Loyola Uni ve rsity. - CHARLOTTE JELENCHICK

Miss Judy Matthews, Mrs. Blackstone, and Mrs. Hall help Pat Strozinski , far left, and Barbara Epple plan a new alumnae chapter for Central Wisconsin.

Japan for two years to teach in th e armed forces schools. She told us many of the interesting things th ey have done so far, with th e promise of more letters to come. We are greatly lookin g forward to them .- MARY BETH BoRDS EN FI NE


Wisconsin delegates traveied far to stand before the great stone fireplace of the Grove Park Inn at Convention.

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN-BETA The first m ee ting of the new year was held on September 16 at the home of Jackie Thate. N ot only were many of our old members present, but also some of th e recent graduates of th e Gamma Epsil on chapter at th e University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The main ord er of business was to map out some of our alumnae activities for th e next year. Am ong th ese were p lans for a formal tea on O ctober 18 with th e Alpha a lumnae chapter. Plans for the future include our F ounders' Day dinn er in N ovember and our philanthropic project. One of th e highlights of the evening was a letter from Nancy Hagerty rE, who, with her husband, has gone to


Summer vacati ons are over and many of us have returned to our homes to keep house, teach and to work as volunteer workers in various organizations or charities. It was good to see each oth er again wh en eleven of our members met at th e home of Nancy Fickle Dickson for our September mee ting. We welcomed into our alumnae group Linda Anderson XX and Sue Legg XX wh o are 1964 gra duates of Ball State T eachers College. Linda is teaching at Garfield Elementary and Sue is in M cKinl ey Elementary. Eil ee n Bowman a nd D onna Pierce Beave rs gave reports on Nationa l Conve nti on at Asheville, N orth Caroli na. Ei lee n is from the Ch i Chi chapter at Ball Sta te T eachers Coll ege. At our September mee ting Shirley Feight Isenbarger XX insta lled the offi cers for this yea r. Th e rest of the evenin g was spent cutt ing out articles th a t we a re makin g for our philanthropic project for th e bazaar for the D elaware County Society for the M entally R eta rd ed . With Fall in th e a ir our O ctober meeting was held at th e home of Betty Huston Miller XX. Pa t Wheeler XX was welcomed to our group a nd a former acti ve alumnae member, Elinor K eller Ritchie, was with us. Our president, Sarah Stalhuth Phillips, was able to be with us. The d ay after our last mee ting she presented her older son with a baby brother. Congratul a ti ns, Sarah! The articles for our phi lanthropic proj ec t were finish ed durin g this mee ting and a requ est was made for clothin g a nd articles suitable for a rummage sale. This will go towa rd the project. Our next mee tin g wi ll be at Ba ll Sta te T eachers College wh en we will mee t a t the suite of C hi C hi to attend th eir mee tin g a nd join with them for th e Found ers' D ay Prog ram .


We expect to see many of our alums at the sorority suite for the annual H omecoming Tea. We all enjoy seeing the girls and renewing old acquaintances.-BETTY H us TO N MILLER

NORTHERN NEW JERSEY The Northern New Jersey alumnae chapter held a meeting September 26, 1964, at the horne of Mickey Bowles Sinicrope. There were seven present including one new member, Jean Forseid Dorschu NN . After a lovely luncheon prepared by Mickey and co-hostess Ruth Worm Duty, stencils were prepared for the Nancy Luzon School for Retarded Children in Elizabeth, New J ersey. This has been an annual philanthropic project for five years. The schedule of meetings and programs for the 1964-65 season was announced and certainly should attract a good attendance. November 21, 1964, members will meet for lunch in New York City and will attend the matinee performance of "Barefoot in the Park. " January 23, 1965, the annual cocktail party and buffet supper- this is when the husbands meet-will be at Mary Beers Wiggins' in Plainfield, New Jersey. April 3, 1965, will be a luncheon at Lois Flint Becker's with business as the main program. May 1, 1965, a large group, we hope, will travel to Absecon, N ew Jersey, for lunch at the famous Smithville Inn followed by browsing and shopping in quaint colonial shops.- MARY BEERS WIGGINS

NORTHERN VIRGINIA In June the women of the Northern Virginia alumnae enjoyed the climax of months of work when we acted as hostesses at an open house reception at Holly Hall Horne for Exceptional Children in Vienna, Virginia. Since March we had been busy ordering and addressing invitations, preparing a brochure, arranging publicity, and planning refreshments for this event. This open house was to honor Mrs. Esther Thomas, who runs Holly Hall , and to give the public an opportunity to view a newly built addition. At this afternoon reception we served punch and cookies to approximately three hundred friends, parents, and interested citizens of the Northern Virginia area. In addition to serving refreshments, we guided people through the new building which contains dormitories, nurseries, classrooms, a kitchen, an office, and a recreation room. We also handed out printed brochures prepared by Barbara Tucker Wheatley BE and Lynda Lewis McConnell PP . At the end of the day we presented Mrs. Thomas with an engraved wall plaque to acknowledge her untiring service to exceptional children and to commemorate the opening of her new building. Ginger Blair Ralph BE was chairman for the whole reception project. We greeted the beginning of the new year with a covered dish dinner and recipe exchange at the horne of our president Martha Duke Britt BE . After a deli cious dinner, we completed plans for the year's programs, which include a "dinner out" meeting, a flower arranging demonstration, as well as the Christmas workshop for the annual party at Holly Hall and Founders' Day with the Washington, D . C. , alums. We were sorry to bid D onna McGinnis Gilbert PP good-bye. The Gilberts are moving back to their horne town of Buffalo, New York.- PAT GREENE Lo NG AND LY NDA LEwis McCo NNELL


PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIADELAWARE VALLEY The Delaware Valley alumnae opened the season's activities with a delicious home-cooked luncheon at the horne of Dorothy Murray Fredd NN on September 26. Frieda Bornemann Lenthe NN was co-hostess for the luncheon. Highlights of the A-:i:.A Convention were given by Lois Meadowcroft Baker NN, and Janet Benedict n n, who represented the alumnae of Delaware Valley. Among those attending our first meeting was Kathy Callas NN, a new member who just graduated this past June. Christine Carew Townsend NN is assisting Lois Meadowcroft Baker NN as adviser to the Nu Nu chapter. Loretta Franks Johnson EE had to resign as president of the D elaware Valley alumnae as she moved to Arizona this summer with her family. Her husband accepted a position as librarian of the University of Arizona. Janet Benedict Welch will complete Loretta's term of office as president. Ruth Pike F ooskas KK plays field hockey on Saturday mornings with the Swarthmore team. Ruth toured the "Great Srnokies" with her fami ly this summer and while there attended the A-:i:.A Convention for a day. Dorothy Murray Fredd NN and her husband visited their daughter this summer in Greeley, Colorado. While there, Dorothy attended one of the Greeley alumnae meetings. Carol Brinkman Scharf AA visited relatives in Cincinnati, Ohio, this summer. While there Carol saw several members of the Cincinnati alumnae chapter. Carol and her family also visited relatives in Pardeeville, Wisconsin, and spent some time at the New York World's Fair. Miriam Hipple FitzGerald KK visited her sister, Doris Hipple Williams KK in Geneva, New York . Doris was formerly a member of the Delaware Valley alumnae chapter. Miriam and her family also visited the New York World's Fair and relatives in Buffalo. Janet Benedict Welch and her family spent their vacation camping at Camp Hatteras. Gladys Clement Slarner AA and her husband vacationed in Maine visiting New Brunswick. After "catching up" on the exciting vacations of our members, we are now ready to begin work on our program for the winter.-DORIS RowAN FALI N



PHOENIX, ARIZONA After summer vacations were over we gathered for a tea at Bernice Nielander's horne. Members present we lcomed Marty Barnett Hollcroft AB and Jean Frye J ones AB as new alums to the area. A good number of alums turned out for the first business meeting of the sorority year when it was held at the horne of Nancy Humble Kiser BX . Plans were discussed for upcoming events. Our October meeting is set aside especially each year for our annual Christmas card party. We each brought guests, and the evening was spent picking out cards and small gifts for Christmas from the many samples. The money from this sale goes to the mentally retarded children in this area. Mary Lou Peet Chaney BX opened her horne for the November meeting which was an enjoyable report with slides on the Convention. Responsible for the interesting evening were our Convention goers Pat Talla, Suzie Henshaw, Analee Zirnan and Beth Wickham, all Beta Chis.-MYR NA Lo NG BERTOLINO


RICHMOND , VIRGINIA The Richmond a lumnae chapter began a new year under the leadership of its new president, Glenna Snead Chesley A , who will be assisted by Judy Pollard Hawthorne A , Elaine P ierce Palmer A , Frances Jobson Francis B E, and Margaret Deacon Austin BE. We were proud to have Glenna Snead Chesley A represent us at National Convention and expect to profit by her experiences there. Continuing our interest in Camp Baker, a summer camp for retarded children in the Richmond area, we served as camp assistants for two weeks. Our work with these youngsters was very challenging to us. In August we entertained college members and alumnae in the Richmond area at a "Coke Party" which was held at the home of Nita Hodnett Chandler BE -FRANCES JoBSON FRANCIS

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORN IA San Diego Alumnae held their annual June potluck luncheon at the home of Kay Faust Davey XX. Sixteen members-enjoyed sharing their favorite dishes with their sisters. September will see us enjoying a potluck dinner with husbands attending at the new La Jolla home of Myra "Tee" Aaron Low B E. Future events to be announced at this meeting include our Founders' Day Luncheon at the Valley Ho restaurant, which will feature a surprise speaker. San Diego chapter continues to sponsor a Girl Scout troop for mentally retarded, and plans to branch out further this year in our philanthropic projects.- CAROLY N MIXON

SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Our first meeting of the year was held in the home of Sue Woods Synder XX. We were happy to welcome two actives from Ball State to this meeting and share with them the Convention report. Marie Scanlon Brown B tJ. and Janice Hays Schrader XX were our delegates to Convention. Their glowing reports were truly an inspiration for us to become more loyal and active members of our alumnae chapter. We also were happy to welcome a new member, Judy Heuman XX, to our roster. After the meeting we had quite a bit of hilarity. Each member brought a white elephant, and they were the prizes for the bingo. Of course they were wrapped and the strangest things emerged from the most conventional-looking packages. In October we met with our president, Janice Hays Schrader XX. Our program for the year was discussed , and we are looking forward to a most interesting and varied agenda. In November we are having a candle demonstration by a most talented lady of our community. Preceding the demonstration we will all participate in our most meaningful ceremony commemorating Founders' Day. We will be meeting together that evening in the home of Barbara Etchison Pearce XX. In December we are planning our usual Christmas party in the home of Mildred Warner Zoss XX. Naomi Pehrson MM and Millie generally get all the "fixings" together to make an unusual Christmas decorati on during


our meeting time. We always enjoy this activity together. Until the next publication, good-bye. We all enjoy reading the activities of the other chapters to get ideas and to look for the names of old friends .- MILDRED WARNER Zoss

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI The Springfield alumnae association begins this fall season with strong feelings of pride, enthusiasm, and excitement. We are proud and honored to have one of our own members, Rose Marie Fellin B:L, elected to the office of National Treasurer at the National Convention in Ashevi lle this past summer. Rosie and Elizabeth Hoover Sweet B:L represented the Springfield alums at the National Convention. Secondly, we are proud and excited to have Springfield chosen as the new home of the National Central Office of Alpha Sigma Alpha. I'm sure this in itself will give many of us a new feeling of closeness to our sorority as well as teach us or refresh our knowledge about our sorority on the national level. Juanita Roberts Rowe B:L is the Central Office Executive. Another alum, Rosalie Clark Padgham ZZ is working in the Central Office too. We are proud of both these members, and we wish them the very best in their new endeavors. We met in July for our annual summer luncheon at the Hereford Room of Raines Dinner House. Following a delicious lunch, Rose Marie Fellin and Elizabeth Hoover Sweet reported on their trip to the National Convention. Rose Marie was presented a corsage of white sweetheart roses as a token of our affection and extending our congratulations to her on her election as National Treasurer. Norma Norton Russell B:L was a welcomed guest alumna from Fort Walton Beach , Florida. In August Elizabeth Hoover Sweet B:L entertained us in her home with a dessert bridge party. This was an informal get-to-gether for those of us who are "Bridge Bugs." Come September, we got into the swing of the busy fall season. We met at the Beta Sigma sorority house for the House Board reports. Marilyn Ramsey Garbee B:L was elected as a new member to serve on the House Corporation Board for a five -year term. Alumnae members serving this year in an advisory capacity to the Beta Sigma chapter are: Rose Marie Fellin, chapter alumnae and finan ce adviser; Juanita Roberts Rowe, standards adviser; Elizabeth Hoover Sweet, membership adviser ; Peggy Stone Thomas, B:L recommendations ; and Mary Lou Strever Daniel BL, activities. - MARILYN RAM SEY GARBEE

ST. LOUIS, MI SSOU RI The St. Louis alumnae chapter is very proud of three of their members. Bonnie Payne Koenemann ZZ is th e new National Editor, Lonna M cComas H endren AB is the Alumnae Editor and Barbara Kerls Maddex AB is th e College Editor. We hope our chapter can live up to this honor. In August our National President, and retiring Editor, Miss Mary C. Goeke, was the week-end guest of Bonnie Koenemann . The chapter officers entertained with a dinner at one of the hotels. To know Mary is to love Mary.


The first meeting of the new season was held at the home of Judith Bohrer Minderman BL with a Fall Tea. Mildred Brenner Bell AB and Martha Reynolds Miles AB were co-hostesses. Reports were given from the National Convention by our delegate, Phyllis Pollitt Urberger AB and our National Editor, Bonnie Koenemann. Plans were made for the Panhellenic tea which will be held at the home of Audrey Blodgett Tegethoff AB with one-hundred fifty guests expected. Plans were also made for the annual card party ; the proceeds to go to the Panhellenic scholarship fund. Three new members were present: Judy DeMasters Winter ZZ, Sandy Hays Ford AB, and Margaret (Peggy) Panhorst Crawford ZZ .-FRANCES PoiNTER CREWS

TOLEDO, OHIO The monthly meetings of the Toledo area group have been much relaxed since April when last year's efforts culminated at State Day in Columbus. Helen Bennett Pauly AA entertained us in May at her home. We officially ended State Day by hearing the minutes and the treasurer's report which had been sent to the state coordinator, national officers, and to Akron who will be in charge next year. We made plans for attending the annual June tea for high school girls and their mothers which is given by the Toledo Panhellenic Council. On August 13 the officers met at Helen Robinson Cook's AA to get the list of Toledo girls ready for the rush chairman at Miami University, On August 31, 1964, our chapter met for lunch at the Crown Room where we heard first hand information from Mary Stoltenberg A A who had been activated at the National Convention. She was certainly thrilled and displayed a wonderful scrapbook which she had kept of the Convention. We were especially pleased to have Dorothy Smelker Stockton AA and Clara Kuney 6.6. from Bowling Green and Harriet Eckel Harper XX from Napoleon, Ohio, with us that day. Grace Fultz Haworth 6.6. was hostess to the group on September 9 when Helen Pauly reported on the meeting that she and Grace had attended at Toledo University with the dean of women and the scholarsh ip committee of Panhellenic Council for the purpose of choosing the girls who would be recipients of the awards. We also studied the constitutional changes that were voted on at the Convention. A very worth-while money making project was held at the home of Dorothy Brewster Cummins AA on September 29 where we had a showing of Beeline Apparel. We each invited three or four guests and with Helen Klag Osmun 1.JI1.jl assisting Dorothy at the tea table, we felt it was a financial success as well as a very enjoyable evening. The recording secretary of the Toledo Panhellenic Council this year will be our own Grace Haworth who has done such a noteworthy job of representing us on that council ( in different capacities) for eleven years! Dorothy Stockton has invited us to Bowling Green to have lunch in the Pheasant Room at the University's Student Union on October 17. Afterwards we will proceed to her home for our mecting.- HELEN KLAG OsMuN


ing the program. She was so enthusiastic about the wonderful A L A fellowship, fun, and delicious food, we all wished we could have attended! Nancy Kelley Sorensen BZ, our president, was hostess for this meeting in Libertyville. We were happy to welcome as new members: Donalda E . Morrison NN and Barbara Hermetet Aten BK. The Waukegan area a lumnae had three representatives he lping with the installation of the new Gamma Lambda Chapter at Loyola University, September 26. Freida Phillips B P was in charge of the initiation ceremony, with Doris Dowling Adams AA and Dolores Nystrom Petrosky BP assisting her. Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros, a prominent lawyer of Lake County, was made a charter member of Gamma Lambda chapter. She also had the honor of being the guest speaker at the forma l installation banquet. On October 26 the Waukegan area alumnae group will welcome her with a tea. Our philanthropic project this year will be to collect much needed items for the patients at the State Mental Hospital, Dixon, Illinois.- ALTA MroDLEHURST WALLACE

WICHITA, KANSAS Wichita alums added to their fun-filled summer with a very successful garage sale. It was wonderful for everyone to be working together again. In September we had our first meeting of the year. We all enjoyed a delicious picnic supper at the home of Jane Miser Balch E E . Her co-hostesses were Judy Dirks Lair E E and J oann Huggins E E . After supper we had our regular meeting and finished by seeing movies of the ALA Convention this summer. They were shown by Sis Caraway Brewer 1.JI1.jl and Vera Hickman Salyer A B, who both attended the Convention. On September 22 we gave the annual tea in honor of the new president of Wichita Panhellenic Council. Also honored were other officers and last year's president, Catherine Green Colberg E E. H ighlights of the tea were talks by both the outgoing and incoming presidents, installation of new officers, and a very humorous skit presented by G lenna Burke Nimmo EE.- SuE KEYES BAUMGARTNER



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA CENTRAL O FFICE Wilhoit Bldg., 314 E. Pershing Springfield, Missouri

Our September meeting was especially interesting with Pat Finch BP, our National Convention delegate, present-



• • • • • • ALPH ·A


DIRECTORY FOUNDE RS Mrs. W. B. Carper (Louise Cox), 4000 52nd St., Bladenburg, Md. Mrs. H . E . Gilliam (Juliette Hundley), Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va. Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va. Mrs . John Walton N oell (Virginia Boyd), (deceased) Mrs. P . W . Wootton (Calva H amlet W atson), (deceased)

Alumnae Director-Mrs. Alex 0 . Mathisen (Nancy Gibson), 2453 W. Theresa, Anaheim, Calif. 92804. Editor-Mrs. Stewart W. Koenemann (Bonnie Payne), 1230 H oyt Dr., St . Louis, Mo. 63 137 Officer in Charge of Central Office-Mrs. Harry G. Rowe, (Juanita Roberts), Wilh oit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield , Mo. 65806


NATIONAL CO U N CIL President Em erita-Mrs. Fred

M. Sharp (Wilma Wilson) , 1405 H ardy, Independence, Mo. 64053 Pres ident-Miss Mary C . Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Vice Pres ident-Mrs. George J. Ma lone, Jr. (Helen Hooper), 26 14 S. Vandalia, T ulsa, Okla. 74114 Secretary-Mrs. Joe H. Brewer (Viola Caraway), 62 14 E . Murdock, Wichita, Kan . 67208 Treasurer-Miss Rose Marie Fellin, 1001 E. H arrison, Springfield, Mo. 65804 . Extension Director- Mrs. H a rold C. Brown (Marie Scanlan), 3105 Rexford Dr. , South Bend, Ind. 46615 Membership Director-Mi ss Judy Matthews, 1818 Poplar St., North Little Rock, Ark. 721 14

AT.A Store Chairman-Mrs. A. H oward Hall (Betty Phillips) , 342-D Higgins Rd., Park Rid ge, Ill. 60068 Alumnae Editor-Mrs. Gary H endren (Lonna McComas), 92 Eileen Lane, Bridgeton, Mo. 63044 Alumnae Organizer and Chapter Alumnae Secretary-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 219 East 46th St ., Apt. 2W, Kansas City, Mo. 64112 Art-Mrs. Robert J. Wolf (Edith Gaupp), R. R. #1 , Rexford, N. Y. 12148 Awards-Mrs . Lou is E . Fletcher (Ruth Newcomb), 141 Marked Tree Rd ., Needham, Mass. 02192 College Editor-Mrs. Lewis J. Maddex (Barbara Kerls), 1121 As hford Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63137 Constitution-Mrs. Robert C. Grady, (Jean Raup), Box 686, Orange, Va . 22960

Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd ., Philadelphia, Penna. 19151 Fellowship and Philanthropic-Mrs. John H. Allen (Sidney Gremillion) , 1206 Carter Dr ., H attiesburg, Miss. 39401 Historian-Mrs. Kendall F. Bone (Sh irley Pallato), 3263 Vittmer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 Housing-Miss Mary C. Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Magazine-Mrs. Allan E. King (Sue Ann Henderson), 3109 S. Harlem Ave., Berwyn, Ill. 60402 Music-Mrs. Arthur L. H ellrich (Shirley Ainsworth), 27 Abbingto n T errace, Glen Rock, N. J. 07452 Ritual-Mrs. Donald D. Olson (Pau line Smith), 8632 Pringle Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Rush-Mrs . Robert F. Redmond III (Jeannie Roetto), 6408 Nall Ave., Mission, Kan. 66222 Scholarship-Mrs . William B. Niemeyer (Anne Petree), Box 54, R. 2, Loveland, Ohio 45150

NATIONAL P A NH E LLEN IC CONFER ENCE Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate-Mrs. George j . Malone, Jr. (Helen Hooper), 2614 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla., 741 14

HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Cut this out and mail to the OHicer in Charge of Central OHice:

MRS. HARRY G. ROWE Alpha Sigma Alpha, Wilhoit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo . 65806 Please change my address or name and a-dd ress on the A2.A files as follows : COLLEGE CHAPTE R .................... DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE .................... DEGREE .................... FROM MAIDEN MARRIED

NAME NAME (P lease o b serve t his f orm : M rs. Jo hn A . Jones)

ADDRESS TO NAME (I f yo u are rep o rting your marr ia g e, give yo ur husban d 's fu ll name)

ADDRESS PLACE OF MARRI A GE .......... .............................. ....... .



Ye ar )

ACTIVE IN ................................................ ALUMNA E CHAPTER, ARE YOU A N OFFICER ................... . WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN AN ALUM N AE CH A PTE R IF ONE W ERE FORMED N EA R YOU YES .................................. .. NO ................................... . REMARKS .................................. .................................................. DATE RETU RN ED



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