Asa phoenix vol 4 no 21 24 march 1918

Page 10


to find it empty! Kitty can us see a J O~ce when tt.ero reall:j 8 table. The whirl of socin.l life has not made us forget or neglect o '" ~ork. We go regularly to the Red Cross rooms on the second satur of every month, that being our special assignment, but most of u s additional time to de vote to it individually, for we have all zed the importance not only of doing our'bit' but of doing our BEST for the brave lads who have crossed the seas to bear the of battle, that peace may at l a st come to a sad and sorrowing t one on the horizon, hut nhen there is a 'sure enuf'' joke , she

The bes~ of news has be en saved to the last,-the we lcoming to Alpha of a former member. we open our hea.rts to Mary Ranclol:;>h t. Huldah DmJiel, Hi storian .

ST. VALENTINE'S MIRROR In n.ll the re port s of the Ohaptor colobrn.tions, there has oee r • mention of the pretty custom of learning the future from st.Valen's Mirror. How many of' you know the little verse that must be r oas one gazes into the shrouded future? Here it is f.or use some st.Valentine's Day, when the boys are back from over seas. "Under the Yrintry slcy I stand , St. Valentine's mirror in my hand , Moon shining full in the. heave;1s so slear, Pray let :ne see in the m~~ror 11ere The f' o.ce of the one nho ·w:t.ll oome da~ be The dearest in all the world to ~e.


The little mention of t ,. .1e pl a ce cor d~"' -in tho Cha~ d- terrt.letter nas ono tt t·veness of the design u se . give no idea of_ tne a. rae ~ t th Central Office has yet seen. the moat attract~vo th~~~s tha e ~ o tman rr rey and a pouch rosy Cheeked cupid ~ith a visored ~ap of s Acr~ss the cap ~e t~e 111ng over vri th letters sec:-l ed -rri ~.h hear s · --~~ty letters raised and g1lded.




Al ternate - Grace stevens . Martha Fi t ·zgere.ld . Alternate-PJllle Rob erts . ALPHA. Isis Uilliams. ?anor M:tchell. Alternate-El GM.1MA. Margaret Rose· Alternate-Ed~th Rrum...,ay . BETA. Grace Paden. GAMMA. Miss Shockley· · _ na ... e-Marie Ri cht er . DELTA . Naoni Cald·:~ell . Al te~l t~rn~te -Mar garet Ro.mseyer. toN EPSILON. Maude Barrit;ar . BE'rA. f'arthest abroad 1. 8 the light "The li ght that_ s~:~~~ ~t ho:.n.e.n that shi~es br~g- "' ...,

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