Asa phoenix vol 36 no 4 may 1951

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Alpha Girls-1951

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State Days . . . .... . ..... . . ..... ... . ..... ...... 10 NUMBER 4

Region I Presents Gifts to Naval Hospital ....... ... . 14 Chapters March On .... . .. .. .. .......... .. . . .. 15 National Philanthropic Honor Roll ...... .. . . .. . ... 16 Honors for Beta Epsi Ion .... ... . ... . . ... ... .... . 17 College Workshop and Dance ..... . . . .. .. . . . . .. . 18 Kansas City Recommends It . . . .. .... .. .... .. ... . 20 Take Time to Read .. .. .. . ....... .. . . . .. ... . . .. 21 New Alumnae Chapters . .. ... .. . .. .. . . . .. ... . . . 22 News Letters-Alum nae Chapters . . . .. . . . ... . ... . 25 News Letters-Colle ge Chapters . ....... . . .. .. .. . 34 Announcemen ts .. .. . . .... . ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 44 Directory . .. .. . ... ... ... .... .... .. .. .... .. . .. 47

• Published in November, Jonuory, Morch and Mo y of each year at 30 N. Ninth St. , Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Bus iness correspondence may be addressed to e ither office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the some should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pennsylvania St., Apartment 8, Indianapolis 5 , Indiana .


Postmaster: Send Form 3578 to Indianapolis, Indiana, address. Entered as second-class matter, September 4 , 1923, at th e post office at Richmond, Indiana , under the Act of Morch 3 , 1879.




Alpha Girls of 1951 MARY JANE BELL,

• • • • •• • • • HELEN AGNEW, A Helen Agnew, a Senior from Burkevi lle, Virginia , was selected by Alpha Chapter to be a candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small award because of her outstanding personality and contributions in Alpha Sigma Alpha and many college activities. She is responsible for helping to put A'S.A in front as a leading sorority on campus and she hos proven herself a " magnet " for new girls in the sorority . Helen is a member of several honorary scholastic, journalistic, leadership, and social organizations . She was listed .in Who' s Who in American Colleges and Universotoes. Her participation in college life and athletic events all go together to make her the " best fit " for Alpha Girl. Alpha chapter is proud to hove Helen as our nominee .

JUNE MARTIN, AB She's pretty, she 's capable, she 's full of Alpha pep, and she 's June Morton, the gorl Alpha Beto Chapter proudly presents as ots cand idate for the Elizabeth Bord Small Award . June, who is a senior with o Business Education mo1or at Korksvolle State Teachers College, demonstrates her oboloty as a leader by bei ng a forst-rote sorority president, as well as the sharp looking drum mo1orette who hos lead our college bond for the lost four years. June's personality and charm hove won for her many honors on our campus. She os now president of the Ponhellenoc Council , and was elected secretory of Po Omega Po , ( Notoonol Business Education Fraternity) during her sophomore year; secretory of the Student Council durong her junior year; and secretory of Women 's Athlet ic Assoc,otoon durong her freshman year. She was also selected for membership on Cordonol Key, (Honorary Service Orgonozotoon ), and Alpha Pho Sigma, (Honorary Scholastic Organi zation).


Alpha Gamma chapter is pr_oud to present Jonie Bell as our Alpha Gori for 1951 . She is a secondary junior majoring on geography and social studies. Jonie was chairman for our homecoming float , is treasurer of our Ponhellenic Association, and os .our storehouse of ideas . Many other orgonozotions on campus ore proud to claim Jonie as a member. She is secretory of Alpha Omega Gamma, honorary geography fraternity, and is a delegate of the International Relations Club to the Mod Atlantic United Notions Model Assembly. In scholorsh io , character, and personality, Jonie rotes highly. To Alpha chapter she typifies on ideal Alpha Sogmo .

BEATRICE FRY, BB Beto Beto Chapter proudly presents Beatrice Fry, our Elizabeth Bird Small Award candidate. Bea exemplifies out· qualities for which everyone standing strives . Her friendl iness and cooperative manner hos been recognized by everyone onB~~~~;~lled in leadership as Associated Womens Student's President. While Fresh· man RepresentDtive to A .W.S. and Presi dent of her Dormitory, she helped adjust new girls to campus life. This yea~ she was included in the 1951 Who' s Who on Amer ican Colleges and Universities. Even though she hos given time and energy to such oc· tivities as Spurs, Jeans and Jones, Womens Athletic Association and the Annual , she hos maintained a high scholastic roting . Yet she hos not slighted the sorority. She w~s selected as Outstanding Pledge her freshman year and hos been Registrar and Chapla in . In Bea , Beto Beto Chapter feels they hove chosen a girl of the highest quality.

MAY, 1951




Gamma Gamma selected Miss Jo Ann Coldwell as our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award. Jody as all her friends know her, transferred from the University of Oklahoma the second semester of 1947-48 . Since that time Jody hos been active in Gamma Gamma Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha , Little Theatre, Ponhellenic , Home Economics Club, and Kopp a Delta Pi. She is also president of the girl 's dormitory, Shockley Holl. Jody hos a wonderful personality and is very sincere in her work. She t y pifies a true Alpha and en1oys all leadership responsibilities "that come to her. Jody . is _s triking in appearance . She is toll , hos brown hair, and laugh ing brown eyes. Her smile ,s also . ve ry becoming . Jody hos a high scholastic record and we know that she will make good ,n any future undertakings. She possesses the qualities that will enable her to meet the future with courage and determination.



DORIS WELLS, EE Doris Wells holds on unusual amount of responsibility but she budgets her time to toke core of all of them . She holds a job as secretory in the office of the Hotel Broadv iew to earn her college expenses. Doris also maintains the highest grade o v erage in our chapter yet she is one of the most active . girls on the campus. She hos been head cheerleader for three years and holds offices in many organizations . She hos been elected student council representative twice and served as secretory in her second year. She is president of Pi Omega Pi, honorary commerce fraternit y, and secretory of Xi Phi , honorary leadership fraternity. She is listed in Who 's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Dori s is a leader in our chapter too. She is president and hos held the offices of treasurer and co-rush captain . She was our delegate to the notional convention . Doris is always thoughtful of others and seeks to make the people around her at


JACKIE LE VESKE, ZZ Jackie LeVeske, Zeto Zeta's candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award , exemplifies the h ighest ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Though small in stature, she is gigant ic in her other qualities . She is v i v a c ious and charm i ng ; and she stands out in the many acti v ities in which she partic ipates . J ockie is a born leader, and her intriguing personality and understanding , added to her natural leadership abilities ho ve caused many high offices and positions of authority to foll her way . Some of the i mportant offices she hos held ore : President of Al:A , Editor of the school paper , Business Manager of the Annual , and Secretory-treasurer of the Junior Closs. Jackie 's social position on the campus con be said to be unsurpassed ; but her popularity hos left her untouched. She is and always shall be the some J ockie LeV eske who entered Central Missouri State College, unaffected and charming .

Margaret Ann Tinder, a smiling, willing Alpha with personality " plus " and poise , is Eta Eta chapter 's candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award. Margaret Ann hos been treasurer of the chapter and co- editor i n charge of the scrapbook. She is president of Pi Omega Pi , on honorary fratern ity for business teachers (he r major ), and hos held offices, also, in the Home Ee. Club (her minor ). Margaret Ann works in her father 's stationer y shop and several hours each day in some of the offices on the campus , as well as doing student teaching. She toke s the initiative in all acti vi t ies and goes out of her wa y to hel p anyo ne and everyone . Margaret Ann , ful I of ideas ¡ and fun, is wi ll ing to do extra, overtime work to " g et th e job done." She hos a grade point o v erage of 2.22, easily in the upper tenth of the cho at er. Margaret Ann , a fa vo rit e of all , is friendly , sincere, and , to sum it up , can be called just "ever ything good. "



Alpha Girls JANET NUTT, ;-,;;-,;



June Roberts, President of Theto Theto Chopter wos chosen as our candidate for the El izabeth Bird Small Award because she fits all the qualifications perfectly. She has been an active member in both sorority and campus organ ,zations.

Lois's achievements scholastically and in service to the University and sorority are outstanding. Her scholastic honors include constant place on the Deans ' List and membership in Phi Alpha Theta , the National History Honor Society, member of the junior honor society, Ch imes; elected into the senior honor society, Magnet, and a member of Pi Gamma Mu , National Honorary Social Studies Society . Her social and service activities at Temple have been as outstanding as her scholast ic record . She was president of the jun-

She has a pleasing personality and is always taking t ime to listen to the problems of her sisters and her fr iends . June possesses much charm and poise which makes all her sisters proud to call her our President . When she was elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities we were so very proud of this honor which came to her. Yes, June is truly an all-round Alpha Sig and that is why Theta Theta Cha pter has chosen her as our " Alpha Girl."

io r and senior class council ; vice-president of Student Senate; chairman of its May Day committee; chairman of its philanthropic committee; and chairman of the Student Senate National Student Association ' s Relationship Committee . As a sorority member she has been very popular for her steady reliability in all committee work and her sweet personality that radiates an inner serenity. She has carried the prestige of the sorority to every p art of the campus.

CAROLYN TURNER, I1 I1 What are Alpha qirls made of? Take a tall Pi Pi 'er with personal integ r ity, high ideals, sympathetic understanding , and the name of Carolyn Turner . To these you add high scholastic ability and the attainment is membership in Kappa Delta Pi and appoi ntment as Junior Councilor to a group of Freshmen. Continue by adding originality and she become a member in Art Kraft Klub, Castin() Hall Dramatic Club, and on Class Committees . Now add responsibility, and you have a President of her Dormitory, Vice President of Art Kraft Klub, and a Registrar and President of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority. In completion, a dd spiritual values and loyal friendships . The result is the outstanding Alpha Girl of Pi Pi Chapter, Carolyn Turner .

Janet Nutt, energetic and talented, 1s prominent soc :ally and scholast 1cally at college. As a leader she was twi ce elected to Student Government, once to Panhellenic Council , and clima xed her service as vicepresident and president of Nu Nu Chapter of A:EA. Jan, a Home Ee. who makes her awn clothes and works at the dormitory to earn her board , also participates in the YWCA, the swimming team, and a religious organization. Yet with all these activities she holds the highest average in the chapter and membership in three honorary societ ies and was listed in Who 's Who in American Colleges and Universities. With great pride Nu Nu presents Jan as i t s Alpha Girl for 1951.

MAY, 1951


for 1951 PATSY EARL, TT Tau Tau Chapter has chosen Patsy Earl as the i r Alpha Girl. Pat is a junior, majoring in Art. Pat has been president of Tigerettes, Campus Booster Council , and is the new prexy of Kappa Pi, nonorary art fraternity . She has given a great deal of her time to sorority work, serving us as Editor and Vice-president. She supplies us with many clever ideas for parties, stunts, and floats. Alwa ys cheerful, she is fun to know. Being sincere and dependable , Pat is popular with everyone . She hos been Revei I le Queen and The Rose of Sigma Tau Gamma. Talented , reliable , friendly, Patsy Earl is the ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha personified.



As president of Phi Phi Chapter this past year, Norine Norris has proved to her sisters that .she is a loyal Alpha Sig through and through. And Norine pos-

Berniece Bradley, our beloved president is Chi Chi chapter 's Alpha Girl for 1951. Her genuine love for her fellow man and her winning personality have given her a very special place in the hearts of not only Chi Chi Alpha Sigs, but also in the hearts of all who know her .

sesses the self assurance, poise, and personality which other girls respect. That is why we choose her to be our leader. We have had a glorious year in Alph a Sigma Alpha under her leadership . Norine is a living example of the highest inspirations of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She hos a true spirit of unselfishness, loyalty, and generosity. But , what we feel is most important, Norine inspires her sisters to Seek, Aspire , Attain.

Her ambition and wonderful attitude hove been an inspiration to al I of us of Chi Chi chapter. In scholarship Berniece surpasses many, ranks with others, and fa 11 s beneath few. Her determination to do a good job of everything she endeavors can best be described in our own motto , "Seek, Aspire,

Attain." She is ve~y acti ve in campus activities and hos become o vi tal part in our student legislature, has been secretary of the student executive council and secretary treasurer of the inter-sorority council. A true sister, Berniece has lived up to and added to the glory of our high standards . We are truly proud to say that Berniece Bradley is an Alpha Girl in mind and spirit .

DOLLIE SMITH, 'ÂĽ'ÂĽ Doll ie Smith, a junior English major, is a very acti v e and v ersatile Alpha Sig. At the annual Christmas Dance which is known as the " Potpourri Ball " (the Potpourri is our yearbook) Dollie was presented as " Miss Potpourri. " She also served on the Name Band Committee. Dollie is o member of Ka::,pa Delta Pi , National Educational Fraternity, and wrote the skit for the Koppa Delta Pi initiation for this ye ar . She also served on The Leadership Conference Committee, o conference given annuall y for the benefit of women students on the Northwestern Campus. It was none other than Dollie who wrote the skit put on by members of the Associated Women Students as a portion of the program for Conference Night. Dollie was mistre~s of ceremonies at the "Annual Backwards Dance " gi ven by the AWS. Progressing from reporter last year she now writes o column " One Coed 's Concept " for the " Current Sauce," our weekly newspaper at NSC. Besides maintaining a B average which entitles her to hold a legis lat ive scholarship, Dollie has a half time working scholarship by which she is helping put herself through school. Besides being loved by the Alpha Sigs , Dolli e is a well-liked and friendly girl and is well known on her college campus . Possessi ng leadership, scholarship , and character, she is a true Alpha Sigma Alpha girl with definite A~A ideal s" Live each day to its ultimate good " describes Dollie Smith.



Alpha Girls of '51 SALLY ANN HURST, Bl' A true Alpha Sigma Sweetheart ,s blueeyed, blonde Solly Hurst , Beto Gamma 's Alpha Girl for 195 l. Chapter members ore proud o f their petite president whose sweet manner and quiet ways hove mode her a friend of everyone on the campus at Northeastern State College. During her four-year stay at Northeastern, Soll y hos maintained a grade o verage of B, and hos worked every year in the offi ce of the Business Education deportment. Other activities in which our Solly hos po rt,c ipoted include senior student council representativ e , historian and chaplain of Pi Omega Pi, honorary business fra ternity; m ember of the Women's Student Governing Boord, and president of the Ponhellenic counc i l. This ye ar she was selected for membership in Who 's Who i n American Colleges and Universities. Lost foll , Soll y introduced a study program for pledges and members which broug ht Alpha Sigs the top grade o verage on the cam p us for the f i rst sem ester.



Mory Tom , better known as " Little M .T ." is the president of Beto Delta chapter, we all think that she is a very special person. Mory Tom hos spent her time as on Alpha Sig i n devoting her energy and efforts to the advancement of her chapter. Along with her pleasing personality and gracious att itudes, she is noted for her reliabi lity, perserverance and initiative . She is editor of the 1951 Southerner, college yearbook, member of Alpha Psi Omega, honorary dramatic fratern it y, listed in " Who 's Who in Amer ican Univerisities and Colleges, " B.S.U. and Christion Federat ion Reporter, and also served on the staff of the Student Pri ntz, college n ewspaper for three years, and was featured in the beauty sect ion of the or.nuol . Because of her endless q u al it ies of leadership and schol arsh ip, Beto Delta is su re that it 's "Li ttle M . T. " will be a success ,n

Dot hos been a co nstant inspirat ion and guiding force to Beto Epsilon with her understandin g fr i.,ndl, ness, striking po1Se, and impressive sincere,ty, thus making her truly worthy of the nomination as Beto Eps ilon 's Alpha Girl. Reg istrar of BE Chapter during her junior ye ar, Dot hos al so been on ardent porti¡ cipont in the YWCA , serving a s vice-pres ident in 1950-51 . In the summer of 1950, Dot attended the Notional Leadership Training School for " Y " campus leaders at the University of Chicago . She was chosen for membersh ip in Ko;:,po De lta Pt , Who's Who, i n Am er ican Colleges and Universities, Germon Club, and the college 's Com¡ m,ttee o n Curr iculum Planning. Through her extraordinary musical abili t y she hos fa ith full y served the Glee Club, being vicepresident lost ye ar , and for four years hos been on active member of the Aeolian

her every endeavor.

JANET DELHOMMER, BZ life. Janet Armstrong Delhommer hos d1stingu1shed herself in all fields of campus States. She 1s among the very best women debaters and college s,eokers ,n the United pl ace ,n Lost year she won first place in the Lou1S1ono Peace Oration and fourth but ten Notional come>et,t,on . Her rec:ird of debates IS equally tine, hovin::, won all Florido; of forty-four inter-collegia te debates-wit h colleges such as Un1ver51ty of she hos Texas , M1Ssouri , Alabama and Louisiana State UniverStty. Thus for thtS year and won first place in the two tournaments entered. Amon'.) several other honorary society service orgon,zotions she IS a member of the Vermilion Honor Society, a e trowhose membership require outstanding achievement both in sch:ilost,c and reliable. currtculo work. She hos a tremendous amount of drive and IS completely hove her We of Beto Zeto con only odd that ,t hos been both a privilege and a JOY to as our President .

Club. We feel that our Alpha girl t yp1f1es the highest physical, intellectual , social, and spi ri tual standards in a most effective and genuine manner .


MAY, 195¡1



Sparkling personality, unsurpassed sweetness, and capable leadership have led us to choose Jeanette Tryznka as our Alpha Girl. Her high ideals and sincere interest in others make her one of our most popular students. Jeanette is a sophomore at DSTC and in her two years here has contributed outstandingly to both sorority and campus activit ies. While a Freshman she was secretary of her class. This year we find her President of Womens' League and our Beta Eta Chapter . While - a senior at Dickinson Central High she was chosen Homecoming Queen, and just recentl y Jeanette was chosen from the Order of Roi nbow to represent North Dakota at the convention in New Mex ico . To Beta Eta Jeanette is an All-American girl who excels i n everything she endeavors.

Eve ry year our chapter has chosen a senior to bear the honor of candidate for the Small Award. This year it occurred aga in, and rightly so. Mary has been an honor student her four years here . She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi , the national education fraternity and Sigma Tau Delta , the national English fraternity. Her interests have been spread thin ', but widely and whole-heartedly. The y include her church , mus ic, her vocation, teaching , sports, and most of all, just people. Her ye ar as our president has been enjoyed b y all of us and we know she gave us her best. We wish her our best in her career and future. Andrew Johnson. Yes , she has a love ly gem on the appropriate fing er.

BETTY JEWELL FURROW, BI Betty Jewell has served as President of Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha for the school session of 1950-51 . We feel that she has done an excellent job of leading us through a successful ye ar. In her own field , Business, she has made excellent progress and has been offered the position of teach er of Business Educat io n at Radford High School , which automaticall y makes her supervisor of student teachers until th e end of thi s school session . She has always shown a genuine interest in the tasks and feelings of ot her people. On all






Da y, Ru sh , etc. , she has planned the functions so that all could take part and all enjoyed it to the fullest. She has many duties besides th ose she has in sorority and is constantly doing things for others. She is friendl y, cooperative , understanding , and every part an A"'5:.A . She is si ncere in h er thinking and act io ns.

SHIRLEY ZIEGLER, BK Wi th outstanding personality and ver y capable qualities of leadership, Shirley Ziegler sets a very good example for Alpha Sigma Alpha. Her quality of leadership was probably one of th e many rea so ns she w a s elected to se rve as Beta Kappa Chapter President during 1950, 1951. Her power in understanding and li stening to ot her people 's p roblem s help to make h er such a good leader . Although Shirley is quiet and reserved-her fri endliness and eterna l smil e make her a fr ie nd of everyone . To see the freckles on her nose on e would imagine she is an out-of-door girl-and she is! Not only does. she do ve r y well i n the tennis field but she is an all around sport in game and life. With her a bi lities she has wise ly ch osen Phys ical Education a s h er majo r, and Art as h er minor for her col lege ca reer . We wish you could meet Shirl , we know you wou ld li ke h er. Beta Kappa is proud to have a gi rl w h o is so mature in mind and sensib le i n duty for thei r Alpha Girl.


8 PATSY MINTON, B.\ PreS1dent of Beto Lombdo chapter, President of the local chapter of Future Teachers of Amer ica , and Secretory of the Student Council ore some of the off ices held by Patsy Minton, our Alpha Girl. Beside these she is organist of the First Baptist Church, pianist for the Kiwanis club and served on the Kiwanis committee on their comp for underprivileged children . Patsy is also outstanding 1n scholarship and was chosen by the faculty for Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges on the basis of her contribution to campus life and her potential worth as a citizen ofter graduation. Patsy is also a member of Alpha Chi, the honorary scholastic fraternity on the Arkansas State Teachers College campus. To be a member you must maintain on overage of B-plus or above in all work. Patsy ,s a true friend and a wonderful person , so Beto Lambda is proud to present her as their Alpha Girl.

EMILY HOBBS, Bi\[ Emily Hobbs, our Alpha Gir l, hos the qualities loyal Alpha Sigs should possess. She hos been president of three of the most important organizations on our campus, a leader in her profession, Home Econom ics, a leader in her school, Heart and Key president , and o leader in religion , Student Christion Association . Her leadership qualit ies ore well distributed , and she is certainly a versatile leader . She is o member of Koppa Delta Pi , on honor society in education. This and her high grades show Emily is scholastically on Alpha Sig . She participates in our intromurols both as spectator and player. Emily is always there and always working as a leader and also as o follower . It is the little things that count and during Em ily ' s years of service to Alpha Sig these little things hove built up to make Emil y on Alpha Girl.



Lois Piehler, is indeed a shining example of one who hos attai ned the h ig h ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha . During her four years of membersh ip Lois hos unselfishly devoted her talents and interests for the betterment of those around her . She hos continually strived to achieve recognition for our chapter through her membership in college and community activities. Lois hos always placed the welfare of the chapter above any personal benefits that she might hove gained from her extra-curricular accomplishments . Her personality characteristics ore of the highest calibre . She is friendly, sincere, loyal, intelligent, and her opinions ore regarded highly by faculty, students and fr iends. Lois hos gained o special place in the hearts of all of us and we ore happy and proud to name her. as our Alpha Girl.

LA VORA HOLLAND, B1'i Besides being so conscientious and hardworking for Alpha Sig, our Lo Vora hos worked with the Chemistry Club and Beto Beto Beto, Notional Honorary Biolog ical Fraternity . Lo 1s well-liked by all the students. She hos proven her popularity by being elected by the whole campus , as a Campus Favorite. At our M istletoe Dance which she worked for so hard, she (and her dote) were elected the Sweetheart Couple. Lo hos really given of her t ime and effort to see that Alpha Sig does and hos the best . She mode plans in the summer for our Christmas cord soles to make money for our new club room . She arranged for our selling food 1n the girls' dormitory. These hove been very profitable and enior,oble projects because of the encouragement and effort of our president, " Lo.'

JEANNE MURPHY, B'!' Beto Xi Chapter of :!:A proudly nominates Jeanne Murphy as their Alpha Girl. Jeanne IS a petite, dork haired Junior from Long Island. She may be small , but she is pocked full of vim, vigor and vitality. She is now Vice PreS1dent of A:!: and lost year held the office of Reg1Stror . Th1S year Jeanne IS on our slate of officers for President. She IS always willing and eager to toke on added respon51b1lit1es for her sorority, college and community and she IS o definite leader 1n all three . During her Freshman year she was chosen by all of her classmates as one of the class officers and th1S year was appointed Associate Editor of the Yearbook . Jeanne 1s also on active member of Modern Dance, Glee Club and the Women's Athletic Assoc1ot1on . Jeanne also volunteers her help on pro1ects such as the various Prom committees and class assembly programs. Best of luck " Little Murph," Beto Xi ' s pet name for Jeanne.

MAY, 1951

JEAN CARTER, PX Wayne University 's Rho Chi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha proudly presents as "Rho Chi 's Alpha Girl for 1951, " Miss Jean Carter. She is a graduating Senior who is on Art Education major . After graduation this June, she intends to work for her Master 's Degree the following year. Our "Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair" and laughing eyes is a talented artist. She tackles Rho Chi 's artistic problems from large display boards (used during sorority week) to eye catching Fortune Telling signs (used for our charity carni v al) without complaint . As a hobby Jeanie has been practicing her photography at many of ou r rush parties . This enables us to hove a more v ivid Al:A Scrapbook of memories . Jeanie has been a popular and very active figure in the student government at Wayne throughout her four ye aJs; being elected ¡ in the campus wide election to represent her class during her Freshman , Sophomore, and Junior years. I n her Senior year Jeanie received a high honor for herself and for our Alpha Sigma Alpha sororit y when she was elected President of Wayne University's lntersorority Council. Also Jeanie is an Assistant Teacher in the Wayne Art Department, a member of the Un ive rsity Programs Planning Committee by appointment of the President of Wayne University, Dr . Henry; and Social Editor of the Senior Yearbook .


NORMA JEAN ELLIS, BIT Norma Jeon Ellis, our Al:A Treasurer , is not only loyal to our sorority but also gives her talents to the Chamber of Commerce; directs the social acti vi ties of the Girls ' Hall, in her office as Social Chairman ; represents Beta Pi in the Ponhellenic Council , and keeps busy in her spore time working as a library assistant in the college library . She will represent Alpha Sigma Alpha this Spring b y serving as a Princess in our Moy Day Court . Norma Jean is now a senior in Concord College, working on a Bachelor of Science Degree i n Education . She is working in two major fields , Librar y Science and Business Education . Norma is well liked by both her Alpha Sisters and fel low students, and a wonderful asset to Beta Pi Chapter.

ELIZAB ETH¡ GALL, BP Known to almost everyone on the Northern Illinois campus by her winning smile and friendly personality as well as for her contributions to the organizations i n which she is acti ve, Elizabeth Gall was not only the logical but the unanimous choice of Beta Rho for its "A lpha Girl." Besides se rvi ng h er sorority as chaplain and editor, Elizabeth presided over Alpha Delta , the national h onorary journalism fraternity and was acti ve in three other honorary fraternities. Demonstrating outstanding literary ability, Elizabeth hod numerous short stories and poetry published in the college literary magazine and one poem was selected for publication in the Anthology of College Poetry w hich represents only the best work of college students throughout the countr y . As their m ember who best t y pifies the ideals of Al:A, Beta Rho presents Elizabeth Gall , their nominee for Miss Alpha Sigma Alpha .

Alpha Girls of '51

JEAN REIL LY, B:S Beta Sigma 's Alpha Girl is Jean Re i ll y, p ast treasurer and incoming president of our chapter. Jean is al so president of the Home Economics Club, Treasurer o f the Newman Club and a member of the H ono rar y Home Econom ics Fraternity. Besides th ese acti vi tie s Jean teachers dancing, entertained th e vete ran s at O' Reill y H ospi tal , performed i n Kiwanis and Shrine Sh ows . She al so is acti ve in v arious church o rganizations and worked on the Red Cross Dri ve. For the past t wo years she has been choreographer for ou r school production Folio Follies. Beside this she has worked on floats, script, dances and rummage sales, and holds th i rd ranking place i n sch o larship in our chapter.



After a delicious luncheon, Mrs. Robert C. Grady, Notional Registrar, gave a brief talk on "Our First Fifty Years." The group of approximatel y thirty-five members sang many VIRGINIA -Novembe r, 1950 ..\:S .-\ songs, after which Mrs. Norman Leek, Fifty-six Alpha Sigmas from Washingto n, President of the Richmond Alumnae Chapter, D. C., Suffolk, Charlottesv ille, Norfolk, Ports- led a panel discussion on the cooperation of mouth , Hampton, Radford, Harrisonbu rg, college and alumnae chapters regarding rushFarmville and Richmond met at the Hotel ing, proposed philanthrop ic projects, recomJohn Marshall on November 4th to observe mendation blanks, Panhellenic affiliation , and the first State Day in Virginia . the 1952 National Convention to be held at of two us with the Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia . We were fortunate to have . Mrs sorority, our of the original founders We attribute the success of the day to Miss Henry E. Gilliam and Miss Mary Williamson Virginia Wall, Adviser of Alpha Chapter, Mrs. Hundley . Also as our special guests we had L. D. Frined, Jr. , Chairman of State Day, and Miss Virginia Carpenter, National Vice Pres- - Miss Ann Ireland of Norfolk, Secretary-T reaident, of Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Virginia Wall, surer of State Day. It was determined to have Adviser of Alpha Chapter, of Longwood Col- the next State Day one year hence at Charlege, Farmville, Virginia, and Miss Marie lottesville, Virginia . Louise Boje, Advisor of Beta Epsilon Chapter, of Madison College, Harrisonbu rg, Virginia . Mrs. Robert C. Grady, National Registrar OKLAHOM A and State Day Chairman, commented on the Oklahoma' s first Alpha Sigma Alpha State offices and duties of the National organiza- Day, April 21, 1951, will be a Red Letter Doy tion at the morning session . long remembere d by each and every .\:S .\ who Miss Virginia Carpenter, National Vice registered at the Biltmore Hotel here in OklaPresident, was the luncheon speaker . She homa City. talked on the phases of Extension and . :S 's How proud we were of Virginia Carpenter, place in the fraternity world. Following Miss charming National Vice President and our Carpenter's speech, entertainm ent was proguest of honor! The morning busispecial vided by Mrs. C. R. Hol lowel I of Portsmouth which she conducted (wearing a session, ness singing "Always" and "Begin the Beguine," corsage presented her by the carnation white accompani ed by Mi.s s Emily Leitner, also of made ¡ us all feel so Alumnae), Tahlequah Portsmouth . The Alpha Chapter girls prewith her report sorority, our to closer much sented a skit. Group singing was enjoyed by on our national organizatio n and the status all. of our college chapters. Miss Carpenter' s vivid The afternoon session was a panel discus- description s of each of our National Officers sion led by Mrs . M . A. Palmer of Richmond and Committee Chairmen gave us living perand Miss Ann Ire land of Norfolk who discussed sonalities for the names we have so often seen questions about Panhellenic , Rushing, Exten- Iisted on the directory pages of the Phoenix. sion and Philanthrop ic Work . Our luncheon program, spiced with musiIt was a grand feeling to renew old friendnumbers from both the Beto Gamma and cal ships again! Gamma Gamma undergradu ates gave us even more information from Miss Carpenter on 1951 -April, VIRGINIA the goals and contributio ns of national sororenjoyable talk by Miss This being our 50th Anniversar y year, we ities, plus a thoroughly who chose " .\_ Alvo of (GG) journeyed back to Farmville, the site of the Edna Donley Gentry (GG), Jonnie . topic founding of our sorority. Historic "Longwood in 1951" as her President, Alumnae City Oklahoma House " was the scene of our 2nd Annual State our own . luncheon the at presided Day celebration on April 7th . Dr. Dabney The afternoon panel discussion, during Lancaster, Pres ident of Longwood College, and Mrs. Lancaster were among the distin- which we were especially pleased to hear digu ished guests at the luncheon . We were rectly from our college girls, concluded our hono red too, to have Mrs . Joseph L. Jones, day's business sessions in time for the Panour First National Pres ident, of Sheppards, hellenic Tea honoring our Notional Vice President. Virg inia , with us.

State Days

MAY, 1951


SPEAKERS' TABLE AT THE LUNCHEON Reading left ta right: Helen Malone, BG, Tulsa Alumnae Pres ident and Co-Chairman for State Day; Zelma Branso n, GG, Alva Alumnae President; Jonnie Gentry, BG, O k lahoma City Alumnae President; Virginia Carpe nter, Gu es t of Honor; Freda Burtner, BG, State Day Chairman; Edna Do nley, GG, Alva Alumnae, Luncheon Speaker.

Our theme for this first State Day was strictly "Oklahoma ." 1 The Day's programs were enclosed in co~ers (designed and furnished by the Muskogee Alumnae) bearing an Indian Warrior in all his bright-hued war paint. The luncheon table decorations, originated and furnished by the Tulsa Alumnae, furthered the . "Oklahoma" theme with place mats in the form of our state map, Indian teepee menu cards, and tiny tom-toms for favors. Oklahoma's oil industry wasn't omitted either: the Speakers' table boasted two oil derricks supporting a streamer saying "WELCOME A~A."


Time passed so very quickly from registration time at l 0:00 a . m . (with identification tags furnished by our Alva Alumnae for e.ach of the 50 A~A's who attended, and pinned on each Alpha by Edith Smith, GG, and Billye Hogue, BG, acting as our official "Greeters" and registrars), through our morning business meeting, our luncheon, and the afternoon panel discussion, that .we could hardly beIieve it was "all over" when-as our last business action-we elected Helen Malone, BG, Tulsa Alumnae President, to be our Chairman for the 1952 Alpha Sig State Day to be held in Tulsa next Spring.

Some of our Alpha Sigs and some of our guests at the Panhellenic Tea in th e Mirror Roo m of the Biltmore Hote l.


12 IN DIANA Hoosier Alpha Sigma Alpha's assembled at Ball State Teachers College for their second State Day observance on April 21 . From South Bend and Fort Wayne in the northern part of the state, New Albany down on the Ohio River and from Indianapolis and other nearby cities thirty-four alumnae converged on the Boll State Campus . Forty-five Chi Chi undergraduates were on hand to greet us.

their welcome. Frances Shaw responded for the out-of-town guests. The luncheon speaker was Mrs. Bert McCammon of Indianapolis whose subject was "Building Fraternity Foundations" and appropriately the place cards were small A~A houses on which was printed the slogan "Let's odd another brick." Telegrams of greetings were read from Wilma Wilson Sharp, our Notional President and from Morie R. Kingdon of Indianapolis . Following this Helen Selvage Nob Iitt presented her original record of Alpha Sigma Alpha Songs to Chi Chi chapter. The luncheon program was closed with a radio skit, "Coll Boll State if You Need a Teacher." In the afternoon session Genevieve S. Leib, Notional Editor, conducted a panel discussion . Those participating were: Shirley Trent of Chi Chi; Mildred Zoss, South Bend; Geraldine Holton, Kentuckiono; Eva Kiewett, Ft. Wayne; June Widmyer, Muncie; and Florence Lull of the Indianapolis chapter. The skies over Muncie wept copiousl y as we regretfully ported to meet again next April in lndionopol is. PENNSYLVANIA


Registration took place in the second floor corridor of the Arts Building . Here we received our name togs and programs for the day, and then proceeded into the east lounge where members of the Muncie Alumnae Chapter with Kathleen Mobess as chairman, were serving hot coffee . Nadine Le Clore, State Chairman , opened the meeting and called for reports on their chapters from Mrs. George Gamble, president of the newly organized Kentuckiono chapter; Miss Frances Show, president of the Indianapolis chapter; Mrs. Joseph Lewellon, Muncie chapter; Mrs . A Zoss from South Bend and Miss Eva Kiewett of Fort Wayne . Mrs. George Kuhn of Lafayette sent a telegram expressing her regret at being unable to attend . Following this Mrs. Richard Rice, Philanthropic chairman , gave a report on the Philanthropic work being done in Indiana and Mrs. Howard McDav itt told of her activities in the interest of extension . At twelve-thirty we hod a delicious luncheon in the college recreation room . Berniece Bradley, President of Chi Chi Chapter was toastmistress and presented J . Forry and M . Randoll , Chi Ch i undergraduates who song

Spring weather and the Alpha Sigs come out together on Saturday, April 21, 1951. The Burgundy Room of the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia was the scene of our States Day . Eight girls from Theta Theta Chapter at Boston University took advantage of " Patriots Day" (Poul Revere, remember?) a Massachusetts hol idoy on Thursday, and by cutting a few classes on Friday, were able to be with us. They were guests of the Koppa Kappa's at Temple. Jean Grady, Notional Registrar, drove up from Richmond, Virginia, bringing with her Jeon Drinkwater and Rebecca Settle. They spent Saturday night in the Panhel lenic House at Drexel Institute with some of the Nu Nu girls . We were happy to hove these visitors ot our States Day and to hove them contribute to it. Patricia Detrow Byers, Notional Constitution Chairman , came from Pittsburgh, Po . Pot, a Temple graduate, hod a real homecoming after on absence of four years. Eighty-six Alumnae and College girls hod a delicious luncheon . One of the high spots was the singing of Alpha Sig songs to the melodious? accompaniment of "Ukes" which ore now running rampant at the Kappa Kappa House. Helen Corey, Notional Secretory presided. After the introductions she read the

MAY, 1951


Theta Thetas who attended Pennsy lvania State Day

lovely telegram from our National President Wilma Sharp. A program followed. Mario~ Phillips a KK Pledge played "Claire de Lune" followed by "Night and Day." Wilma Hughes, NN, sang "Old Man River." A group of NN girls did a soft shoe routine to "Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy." A surprise number was Joanne Miller and Louise Hettler of KK and their Ukes. Dressed in old fashioned costumes they sang "Somebody Stole My Gal," "Ain't She Sweet," Mississippi Mud" and "The Sheik of Araby." The program closed with the K_K undergraduate singing the original Alpha 1 Sig song that they sang for Greek sing . (Incidentally they won first place). I


After a short recess we assembled for a meeting which provided inspiration for each of us . After hearing "Take Time to Think" written by our National President, Wilma Sharp and read to us by Clair Fritz O'Neill , six col lege girls presented their ideas on "Take Time to Work, " Jan Nutt, NN; " Take Time to Read ," Libby Boido, NN; "Take Time to Dream ," Beverly Brooks, NN ; "Take Time to Love," Nancy Munyon, NN; "Take Time to be Loyal ," Joan Holden , KK; " Take Time to be ; Friendly/ ' Joanne Miller, KK. In a few words these girls provided mature and inspiring ideas to guide, not only our discussion groups which followed but also our work after we had returned to our every day lives . The Alums met in a stimulat ing round table discussion . Their main concern was how to increase participation in Alumnae activities . It was recommended that more interest in the college girl's , activities would encourage the latter's interest in continuing association with Alpha Sigma Alpha after graduation . Alumnae should be more willing to help with such

Leaders in Co l lege Discussion

things as Rushing preparations, making party favors, etc . Representation at their rush parties, it was felt, would greatly aid in rushing . The possibilities of a news exchange between Alumnae chapters which would stimulate ideas and projects was discussed. Life Membership and ways and means of aiding with Extension work, were Iisted as important projects for Alumnae . At the same time, the college group was meeting . The th.eme for this discussion was "Accent on Rushing Techniques ." The discussion was led by the National Registrar, Jean Grady. The topics of interest were the quota system, Panhellenic rules, budgets for parties, types of parties and number of parties permitted . Although there were three college chapters represented, it was interesting to note the widely divergent campus situations. Theta Theta is one of fourteen NPC groups, Nu Nu is one of four and Kappa Kappa is one of si x. The girls were pleased with the idea of the new recommendation blank which has been found successful on many campuses. This can be a strong link between Alumnae and College groups. The two groups reconvened fo r a summarization of their separate meetings . Our final accents by Helen Corey were on Life Membership and the 1952 Conventi on. The States Day was closed in true Alpha Sig style-by group singing. The enthusiasm was vocal-"we can hardl y wait to tell the others," " We 've learned so much " and final 'ly " Goodbye see you at Convent ion ." The eagerness and interest of all who attended made us feel that we should get togethe r more often. ¡we say " thanks" t o all who were part of our States Day.





Brood Sm iles and loud exclamat ions of joy were in evide nce at the Naval Hos pital , Be th esda , Maryla nd , whe n Ell en Britton and I appea red there on a sunny wi nte r da y ca rryi ng with us two beaut ifu l M otorola television se ts. They well dese rve th e top rot ing for design accorded to th e m by the a rt ists who did the judgi ng . As Ellen and I wen t up in the elevato r, accompanied by Elsie Cobell, Head Re c reat io n Worke r at the hospi tal (who wa s on .\:::'. .\ at Farmville) several patients on the elevato r expressed their joy at the sigh t of the gifts. Where were we placing them? W ere we really giving them to the hospital? We went from the elevator to the word where oil was in readiness for the presenta t ion ceremony . Stoff doctors, nurses, and many patients were waiting for us . In presenting them I expressed hope that the bed patients, who, because of the nature of their injuries were unable to go to the recreation room , would find television of absorbing interest. My thanks go out to each Alpha Sigma

Alpha wh o contributed to the Philanth ro pic Pro ject of Reg ion I. You ho ve done a tremendous service fo r your country. Bess ie Fe rgu so n Cory, Cha irman Region I UN ITED ST ATES NAVA L HOSPITAL NATIONAL NAVAL M EDICAL CENTER BET HESDA, MARYLAND Dear M rs. Cary: We should like ta thank you and Alpha Sigma Alpha far the two television sets which you donated ta patie nts here at the Naval Hospital. Each of these sets is now in wards where there are many Korean casualties. We believe that these sets give mare pleasure rhan anything else that you and your group could have donated. The patients turn the sets an in the morning, and are watching constantly until bed time . When there 1s an extremely goad program an, the ward Medical Officer gives permission far the sets ta be kept an a little later than the usual hour. Please thank the members of Alpha Sigma Alpha for their generosity. We wish that we could thank each one personally. We trust that you and some members of your group will be able to v1s1t the hospital again soon, so that you can see far yourselves how much pleasure the two telev1s1on sets are giving these patients. Sincerely yours, Miss) D. Elizabeth Davis Field Director IM1ss) Elsie Cabell Head Recreation Worker

MAY, 1951


COMMUNITY DRIVES STRENGTHENED BY A :IE A FORCES - Again this year Beta Delta chapter is sponsoring a drive for the American Heart Association. Our drive here on the campus began February 12, and will run until the 23rd of this month. We sent in to the American He a rt Association appro ximately eighty-five (85) dollars and hope to do as we) I this ye ar. We have given a great deal of publicity to the drive by

means of posters,

radio an-

nouncements , chapel announcement . A letter has been written to every organization on the campus asking for donations. Beta Rhos are looking forward to helping with the annual Cancer drive in the community and on campus. As in past ye ars , they will take charge of that worthy cause. Beta Zetas participated again this year in the Morch of Dimes Campaign. We wore red skirts, . white blouses with

Gamma Clios Plan Parties At Cortland Children's Home For our community project this ye ar we have selected the Cortland Children 's Hom e. We have had a series of parties for them on specific holidays and enjoyed doing it very much. We have also planned other projects such as drives for toys , games and clothing . Our sorority has al so volunteered its services to several teas given in the community.

the red i n i t i a I s A'5:.A embroidered on the center front neck, and red caps with white A'5:.A initials on the bill. This time we carried '' iron lungs " instead of milk bottle. The girls looked very attracti ve and typical of Alpha Sigs in red and w hite . In spite of the rain y weather we cleared $1 l 7.4 7 that day on the Southwestern campus. The money was added to the amount collected in the city and by now is being used to help some unfortunate victim of infantile paralysis. We take great pride in this project and enjoy the wo rk it involves as well as the service it stands for. This year New York Alums decided to find opportunities in our own communities for vo lunteer service. Many of us serve civil defense through our schools. Others work in Red Cross. It seems I ittle enough but every bit helps .

Army-Navy Veterans At Hot Springs Entertained By Beta Mu Talent The work of Beta Mu Vo lunteers at the Army-Navy Hospital in Hot Springs is progressing nicel y. We are scheduled to ente rtain the first Sunday of every month in w hat we call our ward. One doesn 't realize how lucky she is until she visits any wa rd in any V.A. hospital.

NU NUS PARTY HOSTESSES AT PHILADELPHIA NAVAL HOSPITAL In December, the acti ves broughf in canned and packaged foods w hich we packed in an attractively decorated basket and delivered to the Reed Street Community Center in Philadelphia. The staff of the Center distributed it t o the most needy families for Christmas. We rec eived a letter recently asking the chapter to partially or entirely suppo rt a w ar orphan. Since we felt financially unable to completely suppo rt qne person, we and

other soro r ities brought the matter to the Panhellenic Counci l and the problem is now under discussion there . The Council will probably decide to support one child with contributions from all of the five Drexel soro rities . At the last chapter meeting the members decided to make another trio to Naval H ospital in Ph iiade lph ia to act as hostesses for dances and parties. This, we feel , is a wo rth whi le project, and is also interesting for the girls themselves.

COSMETIC SALES PROVIDE CAPITAL FOR THETA THETA PROJECTS Theta Theta chapter 's philanthropic work this yea r has had to do mostl y with elementary schoo l children and has been very successful. First semester we made stuffed dolls for the School of Ed .'s annual Christmas Party for underprivi leged children. We also helped as a group and indivi dually t o run the party. Some of us made posters, were on the refreshment committee, helped repair toys, make popcorn bal Is , etc. The day of the party we all worked as a group from 12 noon ti 11 after 6: 00 w ith other students to help

make the party a success. Second semester we are making children 's scrapbooks for the children 's hospital in Boston. Also , many of us are on the committee which is sponsoring the Campus Chest Drive th is month . Thi s is one large drive that collects money for

5 or 6 various causes at once. Another thing we did which we are al I proud of was to give our treasury a boost of almost $60 by selling cosmetics before Christmas. This was a new project that we thought was very success ful.

CHAPTERS ''MARCH ON'' BETA SIGMAS P~ESENT VARIETY SHOW AT SPRINGFIELD'S V. A. HOSPITAL Although Beta Sigmas collected money in the theatres for the March of Dimes Campaign and sponsored the Cancer Dri ve on the campus, t his didn't seem enough. Since we do have a Veterans Hospital for tubercular patients h ere in Springfield, Mo., the Special Service Director was contact ed. He seemed very apprec iati ve, so next month we wi 11 present

a "Variety Show." There is a lot of talent in the sorority. He also mentioned other volu nteer service but we are rather

Chi Chis Known By Their Good Deeds At Thanksgi v ing time we gave a needy famil y of Muncie a large basket of food. The address was obtained from the welfare department of the Community Chest. It did our hearts good to see that the two children of the family would be able to eat all they w anted for Thanksgiving. At present we are collecting comfort a rt i c I es, stamps, pocket-sized books, etc. , to send to th e patients at Indianapol is Veteran s Hosp ital. That box will go out soon. The girls of the chapter donated one Saturday afternoon to wrapping bandages at Bal I Memorial Hospital here in Muncie. We spent about two hours each , and wrapped 1500 bandages. We are planning to do more of that same work

as soon as we are needed , for other groups in Muncie do the same work as we did . Several of the girls have donated their Friday nights to entertai ning the veterans at Marion Veteran's Hospital , Marion, Ind. A total of 34 hours has been spent in this capacity by 19 A'5:.As . I ncidentally, the girl chosen from the campus to be in charge of th~se evenings is an A'5:.A herself . Also our Sorority has contributed to WSS F, World Student Service Fund , and to the Fellowship Loan Fund of sorority.

limited in doing daytime work a s the girls are in school. Next week there wi 11 be a school held for , one day for anyone interested in volunteer work. Several of us wi ll try to attend. One phase particularly interesting is Occupational Therapy. The Director said that there is need for Art Majors too. We hope we are finally getting into something that is worth w hile . The m en are very grateful and need all the help they can get.

Fashion Show Bridge Boosts Funds For Buffalo Alums' Philanthropies On April 11 we are planning our annual Fashion ShowBridge Party-to be held in the new College Union. Our publicity chairman has contacted the local newspapersand we hope to have a splurge of a write-up with pictures, etc. As the enti re proceeds of this endeavor go into our chapter's philanthropic fund we are an x ious that it be a big success. From this fund a scholarship is given at June commencement to any outstandi ng college senior. In Buffalo this schol arship replaces the time-hono red Jesse Kitch um scholarship med a I . We hope this yea r to have enough money to make an additional award to tm outstanding Alpha Sig senior. Joan Steinmiller, National College Editor, got together a few of the talented Alpha Sigs last Foll and presented an " Amateur Program " entertainment at our local veterans hospital.

Rochester Alumnae Visit Co1,1nty Hospital Ladies The Rochester, N. Y., Alumnae ha ve been busy throughout the yea r visi ting our ladies we adopted at the county hospital. We hope to be of some aid to Canandaiqua Veterans Hospital too. It 's not close enough for visiti ng , but we can collect magazines, etc., to help.

RICHMOND ALUMNAE WRAP BANDAGES FOR CANCER PATIENTS The Richmond Alumnae chapter has decided that the project for the year wou ld be helping the cancer v ictims in our community. Once a month our members go to the Cancer Center and wrap bandages to

be used for the cancer patients being cared for at home . We feel that this project. hos filled a need in the com- . munity, and we have enjoyed d oi ng this wo rk.

1A;nnnr lnll Contributors to

Alpha Sigma Alpha National Philanthropic Proiect COLLEGE




September, 1950-April 12, 1951

MAY, 1951



MAJOR OFFICERS OF MADISON COLLEGE Left to right : Marilyn Miller, President of the Y.W.C.A. ; Hiwana Cupp, Chairman of the Honor Council ; Kathryn Chauncey, Editor of "The Breeze"; and Betty Hiner, President of the Student Government Association .

As a result of the election for the six major offices on Madison College campus, Betty Hiner, Hiwona Cupp, Marilyn Miller, and Kathryn Chauncey were elected to serve as President of the Student Government Association, Honor Council Chairman, President of the Y.W.C.A., and Editor of "The Breeze," respectively . Betty ¡ Hiner, who will head the student body, is a native of Waynesboro, Virginia . Majoring in elementary education, Betty served as sophomore and junior representative to the Student Council and acted as assistant recorder of points th is year. Secretary of her sophomore class, vice-president of the Granddaughters' Club, the new Student Government President is a member of the Y.W.C.A. and German Dance Club . To assume the duties of Honor Council Chairman is Hiwana Cupp. Now residing in Bridgewater, Virginia, Hiwana, a modern language major, is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Scribblers, Curriculum Planning Commit-

tee, German Dance Club, and Alpha ¡Rho Delta . She is editor of Beta Epsilon Chapter, editor of "Le Cercle Francois," and assistant copy editor of "The Schoolma'am ." This year she also acted as junior representative and secretary of the Hc;mor Council. From Clifton Forge, Virginia, is Marilyn Miller, new Y.W.C.A. President . Marilyn, a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Curriculum Planning Committee, Student Council, the "Y" Cabinet, Stratford Players, and German Dance Club. Kathryn Chauncey is to be Editor of the college's weekly pub Iication, "The Breeze ." Coming from Alexandria, Virginia, Kathryn is a library science major. In addition to being on the advertising staff of "The Breeze," she has also acted as circulation manager, reporter, and news editor . A member of the Y.W.C.A., German Dance Club, Ex Libris Club, and Curriculum Planning Committee, Kathryn has served for two years as student government representative .




De legate and Officers from Zeta Zeta, Warrensb urg, Mo.; delegate and visitors from Alpha Beta, Kirksville, Mo. ; Phi Phi , Maryville, Mo.; Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia , Kansas; Beta Sigma, Springfield, Mo.; Eta Eta, Pittsburg, Kansa s.

An Alpha Sigma Alpha College Chapter Workshop with work glamorized by carefully planned weekend activities was held on Central Missouri State College campus, Warrensburg, February l 0-11 . Zeta Zeta chapter was hostess to representatives from the other Missouri chapters : Alpha Beta, Kirksville; Phi Phi , Maryville; Beta Sigma, Springfield; and two Kansas chapters, Epsilon Epsilon , Emporia, and Eta Eta, Pittsburg . Many factors combined to make the weekend successful including the weather which was perfect for motoring. As the guests arrived, beautiful Yeater Hall , Warrensburg, reminded one of an ~A Convention hotel. There were the joyous reunions, introductions, room assignmentsand the luggage-in large sizes to accommodate proper attire for the formal dance . The quick and warm friendliness that characterizes ,\~,\ gatherings was matched by the cordial atmosphere of Yeater Hall and the graciousness of the hostess chapter. Each guest was presented a printed schedule of the weekend events, informative for the occasion and attractive to tuck away among mementos.

Left to right : Jackie LeVeske, Zeto Zeto Chapter, Warrensburg , Mo. ; Donna Bunch, Alpha Beto Chapter, Korksv,lle, Mo.; Morine Norris, P.h, Ph, Chapter, Maryville, Mo.; Mrs. Sharp; Vorg1n10 Brox, EpS1lon Epsilon Chapter, Emporia , Kans.; Ermodeen Mers, Beto S,gmo Chapter, Springfield, Mo.; Roberto Evans, Eta Eta Chapter, Pittsburg , Kans.

Following luncheon at Yeater Holl there was a tour of CMSC's campus which ended at the Library Assembly Room where the .\~ \ Workshop was held . Mrs. Fred M . Sharp, Notional President, conducted the Workshop. Each official chapter representative was provided a work packet. Present for a portion of the discussion sessions and contributing helpfully to them were the College Panhellenic Advisers; Mrs. J . P. Morris, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 1950-51 adviser and the 1951 -52 adviser Mrs. Stella Chrisopher, Sigma Sigma Sigma. The Workshop was divided into four parts . Analyses of chapter strengths and weaknesses proved helpful in discussions of particular problems . The lively exchanges of chapter techniques and practical means of carrying out successful chapter procedures were balanced by a serious consideration of individual and group responsibilities in the present campus, national and world situation . It was the concensus of opinion that ~,\'s social, spiritual ond citizenship standards are held at higher and more effective levels by constant emphasis on chapter devotional periods, Ritualistic ceremonies and Alpha Accent Time . Participants in the Workshop were : Alpha Beta- Donna Bunch, Peggy Cullen ; Epsilon Epsilon-Virginia Br ix, Doris Wells, Betty Jo Leonard; Eta Eta-Roberto Evans; Phi Ph i-Nori ne Norris, Sergio Freis; Beto Sigma-Ermadeen Mers, Ruth Moore, Judith Bohrer; Zeta Zeto- Mrs. Loyd Grimes and Miss Reta Youmans, Advisers, Jackie LeVeske and other ZZ chapter officers. After a festive dinner at Yeater Holl most of the Alpha Sigmas attended on exciting bas-

MAY, 1951

19 12 :30. Too soon Zeta Zeta 's Golden Anniversary Dance and the regional Workshop had become another golden A::SA me mory.

Ki ng a11d Queen af the Al:A Dance Joe Newland and Barbara Ludlum.

ketball game. On its home court, the Warrensburg team met the Maryville team. For a short time A::SA's from Zeta Zeta and Phi Phi chapters were rivals as they vigourously supported their respedive teams! The climax of the day came at 9 :30 when Zeta Zeta Chapter was hostess to all A::S A visi tors and many other guests at a Golden Anniversary Dance held in the spacious Student Lounge . A special feature of the decorations which accented A::SA's Golden Anniversary was a large mural depicting in silhouette the five Founders of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The theme of the enjoyable program presented by Zeta Zeta college chapter members was "Through the Years ." The different song and dance acts represented the five decades in A::SA's history. As a grand finale the entire chapter joined in singing the always beloved Alpha Sigma Sweetheart Song . Following the program, Mrs . Sharp cut the three tiered anniversary cake . Then appropriate ceremonies attended the crowning of the King and Queen who reigned over the dance until its close at

Mrs. W i lma W il son Sharp cutt ing t he An nive rsary Cake

" Gos h, I miss getting The Phoe ni x" wa s a re mar k mad e by a recent Alpha Sig grad uate. Kn ow ing t hat th e re are many Alpha Sigs t ha t fee l the same wa y, here's the so lution-"Reme mber with every $5 payme nt on your life me mb ership you rece ive a year 's s ubscription to The Phoe ni x and upon th e complet io n of your $25 life membe rship you become a life sub'sc ribe r. Rece ntl y th e Nati onal Trea surer's offic e rece ived a $1 b payme nt on life me mbe rship from Blanche Shock ley Fertz , BB, wh o lives in Bagu is City, Ph ilipp ine Islands. Blanche we nt to a great amoun t of t raub.le to get he r pa yme nt to th e offi ce a s it is ha rd to get Ame rica n money out of t he is lands. In he r lette r with t he payme nt she wrote that she was so far a wa y fr om soro rity and so rority life that she wanted to keep up wi th th e news and gett ing The Phoe n ix was the onl y wa y to do it . Many Alpha Sigs living right he re in th e Un ited States are a s far awa y (not in miles but in knowing ) a s Blanche Fe rtz who li ves in th e Philippines, s ince t hey do n' t re ceive The Phoeni x. Why not send your $ 5 payme nt to Est he r Bucher, Nat io nal Trea surer, Suite 2 26-102 5 Grand , Ka nsas City 6 , Misso uri , so that you can kee p up-to-da te a n happenings in A"2:.A .



KANSAS CITY RECOMMENDS IT .. . For a better than best alumnae chapter meeting the Alpha Sigma Alpha Kansas City alumnae recommend a tea with guests from neighbor ing .\~ .\ alumnae chapters . On Saturday, April 21st, the Kansas City chapter entertained with a tea at the Woman's City Club in honor of the Warrensburg , M issour i, and Topeka, Kansas, Chapters. As each Alpha Sigma arrived she was given as a name tog a replica of the A::SA badge. Phan Johnson Gillespie (Mrs . J . E.), past notional constitution chairman and a special hostess for the tea extended a gracious welcome to the guests. She presented Mrs. Loyd Grimes, who is the Zeto Zeto Chapter Adviser, Lilliam Ford McMeekin (Mrs. L. A), President Warrensburg Alumnae Chapter, and Miss Nadine Welch , President Topeka Alumnae Chapter . The presidents in turn introduced the members from their respective chapters; from the Warrensburg Chapter : Elizabeth Former Hull (Mrs. Fronk), Sue Raker Epright (Mrs . John), Annabel Stephenson Sproul (Mrs . John); from Topeka : Janice Broome Rue (Mrs . Robert), Louise Thomas (Mrs . Leo E.), Dorothy Atherton Rissler, (Mrs . K. L.), Jo Ann Everett. There was a short, delightful musical program followed by on \~ A social hour. A beautifully appointed tea table held a centerpiece of red carnations and white stock . Four national officers, all members of the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, presided at the tea table: Wilma Wilson Sharp, President, Esther Bucher, Treasurer, Emma C. Frost, Alumnae Organizer, Mory K. Reiff, • Assistant Treasurer. Group singing of A::S A Songs was led by Doris Jeon Snodgrass Kline (Mrs . Orin) , with Dorothy Whitmore Kreek (Mrs . E. A.) , as her accompanist. The president of the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter is Dorothy Propst Clifton (Mrs . E. R.). Serving with Mrs . Gillespie as special hostesses for the tea were : Mory Jeon Lewis Willyard (Mrs. C. K.), Jerry Webb Wiant (Mrs. Burton), Jone Osburn Jolitz (Mrs. Gordon).

TO ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA * By Betty Barber Barre (Pi Pi)

Down on the four co rners of my heart Rests the points Pricking my memory Of laughter And a hand that mingles my own . These faces that smi le When I smile Mean Here to be see n for myself alone These I aspire And Atta in . ' Editor 's note This poem os reprinted on The Phoenix upo n request from our readers.


Se nd historicol moteriol

including onecdotcs,

humon interest stori es ond pictures to : MISS LOUISE STEWART 1 330 Blue Ave nue Zonesville, Ohio

by June 5, 1951

MAY, 1951


"Take Time to Read, it is the Foundation of Wisdom" 100 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT COMMUNISM AND EDUCATION A pamphlet having the above title is the third of a series on the Communist conspiracy and its influence in this country as a whole on religion, on education, on labor, and on our government, prepared and released by the Committee on Un-American Activities, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. It con be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. , for 10 cents per copy . Here is the introduction and the first ten of 100 questions and answers which the informative pamphlet contains : Thi s is to tell you whot th 2 master mi nds of Communi sm have planned for your child in the nome of " Educati on." They meon to toke him from the nursery, put him i~ uniform with the hammer and s ickle flag in one hand and a gun in the other, and send him out to conquer the world . If they have their way, he will be guided from the kindergarten straight through to co llege so that he will ha ve .a nything except a m ind of hi s own . He will be trained but not educated . He will be taught to solve problems thot ore handed him and to cons ider it o crime to think for himself. He will be the child-man of Communi sm . 1 Here ore the facts in thi s, the third of o series on Communism: l . WHAT IS COMMUNISM? A conspiracy to conquer and rule the world by means, legal or illegal , in peace or in war . 2 . IS IT AIMED AT ME? Right between your eyes. 3 . WHAT DO THE COMMUNISTS WANT? To rule your mind and your body fr om the cradle t :> t he grave . 4. ARE YOU JOKING? Loo k at the world today and see if the people of Europe and Asia have anything to laugh about, now th a t Communism has captured so many of them . 5 . IF COMMUNISM SHOULD CONQUER AMERICA, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO THE SCHOOLS? Real education would stop. Only training would be allowed . 6 . WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? All the difference there is between freed om and jc1il. 7. WHAT IS " EDUCATION " ? People are "educated" when they learn to go afte : fact s and t o think fo r themse lves. 8 . WHAT IS " TRAINING" ? People are "trained" when they learn how to do a particular thing well and can be depe nd ed on to do it. 9 . WHICH IS BETTER? A monkey can be "trained" but only a human being can be "educated." A man can very well improve himself by training in some specialty but only if he add s that training to independent thinking power, the hall-mark of education. l 0 . ARE COMMUNISTS REALLY AGAINST EDUCATION? Yes, but don't take our word for it . Ta ke theirs. The detail s here foll owing are all fr om their own stuff.

There follow ninety other pertinent questions with direct, enlightening answers. The 1OOth question is on inescapable one : "WHAT CAN I DO!" The answer is divided into three ports-"FIRST, KNOW THE FACTS." Let's stop with that one . If you do know the facts to your complete satisfaction you still may like the following titles to recommend to others. If you do not know the facts TAKE TIME TO READ! The following ten title·s are recommended by the Research Stoff, Notional Americanism Division of the American Legion "as elementary of basic reading for those who know little or nothing about the whole complex problem of World Communism in all its aspects and the threat it presents to America today . These titles should be in every library ." COMING DEFEAT OF COMMUNISM, Burnham <John Day, N. Y.) . . . . . . ... . . . ... THE CHOICE, Shub' (Duell , Sloan & Pearce) . .. .. .. ... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . ....... . . THE FRONT IS EVERYWHERE, Col. Kintner (Univers ity of Oklahoma Press) . . . . . . . I BELIEVED, Hyde (Putnams, N. Y.l . .... . . . . .. . .. .. . ........ ... ... .. ..... I CHOSE FREEDOM, Kravchenko (Scribners). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEN WITHOUT FACES, Budenz (Harper Bros.) .... . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. OUT OF THE NIGHT, Voltin (Alliance, N. Y.) . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . RED MASQUERADE , Calomiri s (Lippincotts, N . Y. ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COMMUNISM, Carew Hunt (MacMillan , N . Y. ) ...... THE WHOLE OF THEIR LIVES, Gitlow (Scribners, N . Y.) .. .... .. . . . . . ... . . . . ...

. $3 .50 . 2 .7 5 . 3 .00 . 3 .5 0 . l .49 . 3 .50 . 3 .50 . 3 .00 . 3 .00 . 3 .50






We've tried to put the Empire State out in front even more prominently with a new alumnae chapter of ~A. The New York State Capitol District Alumnae Chapter was organized October 24, 1950, with eight charter members . We hove been in search of any and all with in a convenient radius who may join our fold to raise our membership from its present number which is thirteen . Most of our meetings hove been social and orga n izational. We ore looking forward to a family meeting, however, when "picnic" time is fashionable . We hove found it fun to meet and exchange ideas on any interesting topicso true of Alpha Sigs-just fun to be together. FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA

P EG NELSON , p resi d e nt

Chapte r Me mbe rs

Alberta Ottenst (Mrs. P. E. Badgley) .. . . nn Margaret Hammond (Mrs . H. P. Nelson) . . JI II Edith Gaupp (Mrs. Robert Wolf) .. . ..... I!II Ruth Albright (Mrs . John Leslie) .. . .. . . . rrn Carol V. Banner ..... . .. .. . . ..... .. . BX Jean M . Hunt .... .. ... . . . .. . .. .. . . . BX Betty Larkin (Mrs . D. R. Rorick) .. . . . .. .. B Mary Helen McBride (Mrs . C. E. Van Dercook . ... . . .... . . . BX Betty Jean Omstead . ...... . ...... .. . HX Mildred Mahoney ...... . . . ..... .. ... HX Mary Ellen Downs (Mrs . R. W . Finholt) ... XX Jerry Hotten (Mrs . V icto r Tober) . . .. . .. . II rr Jeon Stratton ........ . ......... . ... nx Office rs

Pres ident .. . ........... Mrs . H. P. Nelson Vice-Pres ident . ... Mrs. Charles E. Dercook Secretory ......... Mrs. Robert W . Finholt Treasurer .............. Caro l V. Bonner Ed ito r .............. Betty Jeon Olmstead Publ ic ity Cha irman ........ . .. Jeon Hunt


Chapte r Me mbers Martha Wells (Mrs. Robert W . Catl in) Katherine Watkins Mattie Rogers Sm ith (Mrs. W . J . Sydnor) Antoinette Eastham (Mrs. Arthur Jolly) Lucie Dunnington (Mrs. Shields) Elsie Thompson (Mrs. Robert W . Burger)

MAY, 1951




President .. .. .. .. .... . . . Mrs R. W. Burger Vice-President . . .. .. ..... Mrs. Arthur Jolly Treasurer . .. . .. ... Miss Katherine Watkins Secretary ... . . . .. . . ... . Mrs. W . J . Sydnor Editor .... . . . . .. ...... . Mrs . R. W . Catlin

President .. . ...... . ... .. . Mrs. Ralph Kah Vice-President . ...... Mrs. Thane Doellmann Secretary .. . . ....... . Mrs . Margaret Klopp Treasurer ... .... Mrs . Robert McConnaughy Editor . .. .. . .. . . .. ... ... Miss Nellie Losh

The Longwood Chapter of A~A was organized in the home of Mrs . Martha Wells Catlin of Farmville, Va . Five members were present . This was in Jan . 1951 . On Feb. l 0th, we had a luncheon at Longwood House, which belongs to the College, and is the old home of General Johnstone . Eight members were present at this meeting . Early in Morch Mrs. Sharpe was here and we entertained at dinner for her. We are enjoying getting together and feel confident that our chapter wi 11 continue to grow .

After several years of inactivity during the busy war years, the Middletown Alumnae of Alpha Sigma Alpha decided to organize again . With the Dayton Alums on the side Iine to offer suport we gathered at the home of Neva Unglesby Crist and made the final plans. There are just eight of us here but this is an ideal number as we can get together around two bridge tables and then catch up on all the news . (We do have a meeting and play some bridge, too) . All of us except Alice are from the Alpha Alpha chapter; Alice is a graduate of Ohio State. We have had two meetings and are looking forward to another the last of April. It does seem good to be together again and makes one wonder why we haven 't organized sooner .


CINCINNATI, OHIO Chapter Members I Wilma Hutchison .. ...... . ... . . ...... AA Virginia Updegrove (Mrs . Geo . T . Morrison) . ............ AA Dorothy Clason .... .. ...... ... . . . ... . AA Bernadine Sutkamp (Mrs . W . Routledge) .. AA Corene Wilt (Mrs . A. Ungethuem) . . . . ... AA Ruth Musser (Mrs. Frank Johnston) . . .. . . AA Ruth Hershey (Mrs. Warren Willits) .. .... AA Ruth Snedaker (Mrs. John L. Kohl ) . . .. . . AA Blanche Cook (Mrs . Ralph E. Woods) . . .. . AA Miriam Hershey (Mrs . L. N . Harbin) . . . ... AA Evelyn Fetter (Mrs . L. M . Long) .. . ... . ... AA Margie Via (Mrs . C. A. Miller) ... .. .. ... AA Z ELMA SARGEAN T KA H, p resident

Chapter Members Mary, Elizabeth Ruth (Mrs . Thane Doellmann) . . . ... . . . . . . AA Neva E. Unglesly (Mrs . Royal V. Crist) . . . . AA Miss Millicent Bender .. ... .... . ... . . . . AA Miss Nellie Losh .. ... . . .. ... .. .. .. ... AA Margaret Deford (Mrs . Margaret Klopp) ... AA Ruth Mclain (Mrs. Robert McConnaughy) . . . ... .. . AA Zelma Sargeant (Mrs . Ralph E. Kah) ...... AA Alice Selby (Mrs . Alice James) .. . .. .... . AA

Officers President ........ . .. . Mrs . Ralph E. Woods Vice-President ... . ...... Mrs . L. N . Harbin Secretary .. .... . ... . .. Mrs . G. T . Morrison Treasurer .. .. . . ... .. . Miss Dorothy Clason Ed itor . .. . ......... Miss Wilma Hutchison On the evening of March 2, a group of Alpha Sigma Alphas of the Cincinnati area met at the home of Blanche Cook Woods for the happy purpose of forming the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha . Twelve girls met to discuss plans for the future and to become charter members of th is group .


24 The g irls a re enthusiastic about th is reunion in A~ and look forward to pleasant associations in the future . We do feel grateful for all Blanche's work in getting us together in .\~ A aga in . TWIN CITY (St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn.) Chapter Members

Carol Milsten . . ... . . .... ........ . . .. BJT Leota Swanson ... . .... . .... ... ... . .. BTI Ardyce Zempel (Mrs . E. W . Winchester) . .. BH Virginia Harrington (Mrs. J . E. Taylor) .... Br Marguerita Rowland (Mrs . C. McCue) .... EE Catherine Wilbener (Mrs. E. V. Bergland) .. TT

Chapter . The meeting was held at the home of Mrs . Clarence McCue . Four meetings a year are planned . ¡ PORTLAND, OREGON Chapter Members

Ruth Day (Mrs . Edward H. Davis) . .. ... . . BR Glenn Eva Markley .......... .. .... ... BB Marie Dolgan ... .. .......... .... .... BB Enid E. Ehrman . . . ........... .... . .. BB Mildred M . Larson (Mrs. Chester Truman) . BB Gretchen Mathews (Mrs. Geo. Otness) . . .. Bn Frances Hill (Frances Hill Baxter) ........ BB Officers


President . ... .. .. . ..... Mrs . J . E. Taylor Vice-President ....... .. Mrs . E. V. Bergland Secretary ...... .. . .. Mrs . E. W. Winchester Treasurer ....... .... ... Miss Carol Milsten Editor ..... ...... ........ Mrs. C. McCue On Monday, April 9, an alumnae chapter was organized here in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, known as the Twin City

President . . ..... . ... Miss Gleneva Markley Vice-President . ...... .. Mrs . George Otness Secretary .... .... .. . Mrs . Edward H. Davis Treasurer ... ... ... ... . Miss Marie Dolgan Editor ... ... . .. .... . .. . Miss Enid Ehrman Marie Dolgan was instrumental in organizing our chapter . We plan to have nine meetings a year . We will give you more information on our chapter next fall.


Forst who was Moesser. Vorg,n.o ; Wright.

row : Frances Hickmon , out-go ing president ; Betty Holl , 1n1t1oted; pledges, Barbaro Cole ; Dons Syckes; and Joyce Second row : Mrs. A. M. Foose , new faculty odvoser; pledges, Joyce Keyser; Carol Von Osdol ; and Barbaro

M iss Virgin ia Carpenter was a special guest of Rho Rh o chapter ove r the weekend

of March 22nd . She attended pledging and initiation services wh ich were held at the First Methodist Church . Miss Carol Van Osdol, one of the pledges, is the daughter of Mrs . L. D. Van Osdol , a charter member and past president of Rho Rho chapter and is the first representative' of the second generat ion to become affiliated with the chapter since its installation on the Marshall campus in 1927 . Preceding the ceremonies at the church a din ner was held at the Hotel Frederick for alumnae members of the group . Following the church services, a social hour was held at the home of Mrs. John Lawson . During the even ing the college members met for a discussion period with M iss Carpenter.

MAY, 1951


NEWS LETTER SAlumna e Chapter s

BALTl MORE, MARYLAND Dear Alpha Sigs: Since last writing to you, we have had two socia l meetings, one at the home of our charming Mrs. Susie Cromwell (who keeps us supplied with slips of "Wandering Jew") ond one at the home of Miriam Raynes (who hos recently added a nursery schoo l job to that of house. keepe r and mother of three). At each meeting we've chatted while the crochet needles have flown-working on an afghan for a near-by Veterans' Hospita l. Then we had a business meeting in February at the home of our president, Mabe l Mathias. Mabel, by the way, is currently president of the Uptown Lioness Club, and was telling us of a project which they have begun to operate this year - o kindergarten ot the Maryland School for th e Blind. It certainly so und s most interesting. Natalie Russe ll came over from Hyattsvi lle for that meeting and Eleanor Myers was welcomed at Mrs. Cromwell's. We hope they will be with us often. Betty Atkins and husband William have announced thl;l birth of a baby daughter Peggy Jane, born on February 12, 1951. Congratulations to the Atkins! Jean Shelley was busy this winter coaching a winning county basketball team and getting her picture, with team, in The Evening Sun. Mrs. Robert Biggs, Mrs. Clarence Gra ybeal, and Mrs. Claude Mann are new Alpha Sig Alums in our city. We hope that they will be able to be with us at our April meeting at Hazel Taxacher's and will jo in our group. While none of us was able to attend, we thought the "States Day" in Philadelphia was a grand idea and hope ' it was successfu I. How time flies! With our April and Ma y meetings in the offing, summer is around the corner and it is time to wish everyone pleasant vacations. Cordially, Zil Messenge r

BUFFALO, NEW YORK Dear A"2.As Everywhere : In sitting down to tell you the news from Pi Pi, it seems we have to start back at the New Year in order . to keep you posted on all our doings. Our first meeting in January was a dinner party and book review at Mary Blackstone's . Our guest speaker was our Patroness, Mi ss Frances Hepinsta ll. Fran reviewed "this year's best" in books in all fields . You may be sure that we all left this meeting with a firm resolution to do some reading in the near future. In February, yours truly was hostess at a Poetry Recital given by our own talented Betty Barber Barre . Betty read many of her own poems, and told us so me very interesting incidents and experiences associated with her career. Betty attended a "poetry clinic" at Middlebury College where she was able to study - under such famou s

men as William Rose Benet, Louis Untermeyer, and Robert Frost. Several of Betty's works have been publi shed in both books and magazines. After this meeting , a gentleman from the Civilian Defense Board came to speak to us about vo lunteer work for defense. Our March meeting was very different and very enjoyable. Chairman Suzanne Sato Taylor arranged an escorted tour through Albright Art Gallery where we had a review of "Paintings of Local Arti sts." Outstanding paintings qf the Western New York Art Exhibit were on display. After our tour, refres hments were served in the member's room . April was a busy month for Pi Pi . On April 11 we held our Fashi on Show and Bridge at the new Student Union at State . The proceeds went toward our Scholarship Fund which is awarded annually to the student in the graduating class at State who attains the highest scholastic record. Our ambition is to be able to rai se enough money to give a similar award to a deserving Alpha Sig. Our Fashion Show and Bridge was a huge success with our own girls modeling fashions supplied by a local dress shop. Evelyn Bell got quite an acclaim when she appeared in a daring black strapless number . It will be our pleasure thi s month to entertain Miss Virginia Carpente r, who will be in Buffalo for a few days. We are tentatively planning a tea at the Student Union at State, at which we will present Virginia to our active chapter. It is our custom to entertain the college girl s one year and the next year they reciprocate. Our final meeting for the yea r will be the luncheon on May 19th for Brides and Graduates. Jean Whiting will be chairman of this affair: Our nominating committee is busy, at present, lining up a s late to replace board members going out of office. This will be my last correspondence to Alpha Sigs everywhe re , so--1 will say it has been a pleasure keeping you posted. In closing I would li ke to say "good luck from Pi Pi " to all the Alpha Sig graduates. May you find your happiness in Alpha Sigma Alpha is just beginning as you move on into your alumnae groups. Yours in A':EA , Sue Marvin Flynn

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Dear Alpha Sigs: On March tenth, June Smith entertained our alumnae chapter in her charming home on the outsk irts of Lancaster. A delicious dinner was first on the program . It began with June's delicious homemade tomato juice cocktail , followed by roast turkey with all the trimmings and ending with the most scrumptious butterscotch pecan pie. What a repast! Our June is a most accomplished pe rso n. Twel ve girls were prese nt including Betty Rost and Betty Wallick of York, Mary Aungst of Harri sb urg , Mary Jane Wentzel of Carlisle, Kay Pratt of Siousca and from Lan caster Susan Baker, Doby Brown, Marion Lefever, Jerry Smith, June Smith, Helen Witmyer and your truly. A goodly number cons idering the wid e territory our group covers.


26 A short business meeting wos conducted by Betty Wollick our president. Doby Brown and Helen Witmyer were appointed as a Nominating Committee for next year's officers to be elected at the May meeting . Please moke a special effort to attend this meeting which will be held at the home of Mary Aungst in Harrisburg. Mary Jane Wentzel will be co-hostess. By the way, it wos a real treat to see Mary Jane after quite a long time . The date of this meeting will be on your invitations. Hostesses for next Fall were selected. So make a resolution now to come and renew your ties with Alpha Sigma Alpha . The "Stork" will be very busy in this section soon ond we will have some news to report on this subject next time. We missed Anne Yale and Johnny Nicols Ewing this time and also Hester Null. Hope to see you all at Mary's in May. Yours in A~A, Teb Lattomus

CHARLESTON , WEST VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs : Have you heard of the two excellent cooks (at least they think they are the best) in the Charleston Chapter? Well , they are Lillian Moynard and Eloise Keller. Therefore, they were hostesses for our Valentine Dinner at Lillian's house . Oh boy ! Chicken salad supreme, cranberry sauce, nuts, hot rolls, strawberry preserves, coffee, ice cream and cake. A memorial service was held at the close in honor of Mrs. Lottie Smallridge, one of our members, who died February 1 6th . I guess we love to eat because our March meeting started with a covered dish dinner and ended by Jean Wilson cooking a delicious meal. It was an equal to the Valentine Dinner. At this time our new officers were elected . Installation will be held at the home of Mrs. Alice Haworth in April. We hove recently heard the good news that Mrs. Myrna Jo Gorges, our president, will be back with us in the Fall . Maybe someone didn't know that she has been stationed with her husband in San Diego, California. We have mi ssed her very much . Love, Mrs. Lillian Maynard

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Dear Alpha Sigma Alphas : Our February luncheon was in the new apartment of Alice Carson in the Park Forrest project; Mary Hohe was her co-hostess. Ruth Petree and her sister Helen Schomaker had attended a week-e nd at Miomi University when the Alpho Alpho Chapter was reinstated and told us of the activities. We are very happy to have these two ladies in our group . March 29 and 30 the National Panhellenic Council met in Chicago. Some of our members had the pleasure ta be with Wilma Sharp, president, and Evelyn Bell , director of Alumnae, at luncheon. Louise Stewart, Historian of Alpha Sigma Alpha while in Chicago attending a Deans meeting, visited at the home of her college roommate, Ethel Wilson, our president for the past two years. M iss Stewart, who is now Dean of Girls, at Zanesville, Ohio, also had dinner with Jeanne Ramsey. The March meeting held at the home of Erva Montgomery was a lorge and jolly group. Joyce Payne the cohostess told us interesting stories of her few years as a stewardess with the American A,r Lines. Just eight days after th is luncheon, her baby daughter, Cynthia, was

born . All members brought magazines ta be taken to Hines Veteran Hospital. Eleanor Thomas, who spent a week's vacation in Pennsylvania, is investigating a Charity Project, which we may assist in the next few months. Dorathy Masters appeared on television one noon, and as president of the Toastmistress Club, told of the club activities. Sally Jo Cleuver had returned from a trip to the desert of California, and told us of getting up at 5:00 a . m. to see the atomic bomb trial blasts. We will go to Lombard for the April meeting . This suburb has a Lilac Festival yearly and we hope the flowers will be in bloom . The new officers will be announced at this time. Yours in ~A, Betty Phillips Hall

COLUMBUS, OHIO Dear Alpha Sigs: Our Annual Easter Luncheon was held at the Athletic Club on March 25th. We were very happy to welcome several of our "Sisters" from out of town - only wish they could be with us more often. Ethel DeVore, Ruth Siples, and yours truly were hostesses. Our speaker was the very personable Miss Clara Nuber, a fellow-teacher and good friend of Ruth's at South High School in Columbus. Miss Nuber spent considerable tine in the Orient, and has brought back a wealth of memories and many interesting "collector's items"-which she shared with us in a most foscinating manner. The oriental clothes brought out many oh's and ah's, and quite a few chuckles, too. Our thanks to Ruth for suggesting Miss Nuber-everyone was delighted with her. We are all avidly reading the articles in the Ohio State Journal these mornings, written by Charles Cummings (you see, he is Dorothy's husband, and a good friend of ours). Charles, the Managing Editor, a veteran newspaper man and Army colonel of World War 1 1 has flown to the Far East to give Journal readers an inti~ate glimpse of the situation in war-torn Korea, Wake Island, Japan and Formosa . He left Columb~s on March 14th ' and will be gone about two months. The Annual Spring Party of the Columbus City Panhellenic Association was held on March 5th at the Delta Zeta Sorority House with Mrs . Carr E. Dix, president of the organization, presiding . Our representatives, Doris Little, Helen Miller, and Lois Beathard, were very impressed by the speaker, Mr. Norman Nadel, who gave a resume of the current Broadway productions. Anne Rader and her husband left Columbus on Easter Sunday for an indefinite stay in the Hawaiian Islands. We'll all miss her very much . Her address is Bax 269, Lihue, Jouai, Territory of Hawaii . A letter from her friends will certainly be welcome, I'm sure. Our April meeting will be on the 19th at the home of Peg Durstine, and Loren Windom will tell us some of his experiences during World War 11 . (He is Dorothea's ~usband.l Our husbands are all invited to this party, so 1t should be quite a large affair. May will bring the election and insta llation of officers for next year, and on June 21st we will have our last get-together, o Family Picnic. If any of our friends from out of town are interested in the picnic, please contact any one of us-you ore all welcome, and bring your fomilies . Which means that this is the last news letter from me. It seems such a short time ago that I was approached about this office, and what a task I thought it would be! But I should have known that everyone could be counted

MAY, 1951


on to help, and I've really enjoyed every minute of it. And so, a thank you ta all the gals who helped, and let's give the same cooperation to next year's Phoenix Representative. Yours in A~A, Carolyne Southard


chatting that most of us took the articles home to complete . This month we are having a buffet dinner. Vivian Remley will be our charm ing hostess . Oh yes, we have had an eventful year and hope all our s isters can report the same. A pleasant summer to you all.

. Dears A~As:

Love in A~A, Mari lee Stumpff

It seems "there's never a dull moment" with the Cumberland Alums. We are all anxiously waiting to welcome one of our members, Kay Richards MacMillan, back from Europe . Kay flew to London and was married March 26 to Mr. John Henry MacMillan of New York state. The ceremony was held at the Church of the Holy Trin ity, South Kensington, London, England, and the couple visited France and Switzerlond on their honeymoon. Needless to say, we all wish we could have been there for the wedding! In March, our group met at the home of Mary Cornelius and packed food for an Easter basket to be given to a needy fomily in Cumberland; our April meeting was a social get-together at the home of our president, Helen Grosh, and our May meeting was held at Becky McClure 's home in Salisbury, Penna. We are all looking forward to our June meeting with the Pittsburgh Alumnae at the University of Pittsburgh. Our first year as an Alumnae Chapter draws to a close and the A~As of Cumberland look back upon a year of new friendships, new achievements and new interests . Margaret Reid



"Dear Alpha Sigs: " An enjoyable time was had by all" could aptly describe our luncheon meeting on Safurday afternoon, April 7th, held in the dining room of Rike's. Even the weatherman cooperated and gave us a beautiful spring day for the occasion. Imagine all of these Alpha Sigs chatting simultaneously, and you'll know what fun we had: Mary Helen Clark Ferguson, AA; Helen Boggess Swart, AA; Florence King Bland, AA; Alice Ottman Sauer, Delta Delta; Mary C. Weaver, AA; Rugy Carey Ball, Delta Delta ; Mildred Cockrell McClure, AA; Lona Ehrhard LeRoy, AA; Milicent Bender, AA; Nellie Losh, AA; Thelma Butterfield Brown; Lucille Wolfe West, AA; Mildred Solt Ryburn, LL; Erma Schmidt North, AA; Dottie B. Gillette, Eta Eta; Joy Pope Marshall , AA; and Mary Mae Mikesell Mapp, AA. We were so pleased to be joined for the luncheon by two present members of Alpha Alpha Chapter at Miami University, Rita Campbell (Act ive), and Joanne Maginnis (Pledge( Love those girls! On behalf of all the Da yton Alur;ns, I want to wish everyone a pleasant summer and a happy vacation - if you are one of those lucky people planning a vacation. Bye 'til next time. Love in A~A, Dotti e B. Gillette

DENVER, COLORADO Dear A~As: It doesn't seem possible another spr ing is here. Even colorful Colorado has had some cloudy weather recently, but we are planning for those sunny days ahead. Last month we had a meeting at the lovely home of Betty McEwen's . We were supposed to work on needle work guild articles; however, we spent so much time

DETROIT, MICHIGAN Dear Alpha Sigs: I hear that the prodigious amount of pay-dirt stockpiled at Florence Boening's March meeting was due to the foresight of ¡Norma Aliber who, prior to the meeting, engineered a production schedule of her own. Rounding up all Alpha Sigs in her neighborhood and herding them into her recreation room, she time-clocked them on a cancer-pad piece work to the point where only the finishing touches remained to be done. To lend an aurora to the sweat-shop atmosphere and as a conciliatory gesture to the labor unrest, workers were permitted to ascend from subterranean depths and partake of a delicious dessert luncheon served in the dining room as a supplement to the dinner-pail sandwiches. Among the absentees was that globe-trotting gal , Hazel Hall, who has had the good fortune to be a part of the Washington scene for the past three months. On January 27th the Halls were hosts at an honorary tea at the National Headquarters of S.A.R . (Sone of American Revolution) for Mrs. James B. Patton, President General of D.A.R. On April 16th Hazel will again accompany her lawyer-husband, Wallace, to Washington where he will speak before the National Congress of D.A.R . adding to the 17,000 mile cross-co untry trek she has made with him since September l st in the interest of S.A.R . of which he is National President. But back again to the Detroit scene. As your reporter I was very proud to see the parade of spring bonnets on Alpha Sig heads-I dare to say they were some of the grandest-at the annual Greek Letter Day and Fashion Show staged by the Detroit Panhellenic Association on Wednesday, April 4th, when 350 guests assembled at Plum Hollow Golf Club. The Alpha Sig table was well represented on the executive side of the fence by Nationa I Fell owship Chairman, Sarah Jane Bumgardner, and Vice President and Panhellenic Representative, Marie Lutz, who served on the committee for seating arrangements. Marie's name has been sprinkled frequently in the Press of late in connection with Panhellenic activities. Under intriguing head-gear, I also saw the feces of Louise Stirton, Marion Parker, Reba Fries, Flossie Boening , Helen Robinson, and Jean Siegenthaler, Rh o Chi alumnae. Two get-togethers in one week! On Saturday, April 7th, we motored to Genevieve Hopkins' Plymouth home, transporting our books and magazines for the veterans' hospitals. In feet, April is our star-studded month, fo r on the 28th we make merry with ou r husbands at Isabelle Butterfield's charming home on Ohio Avenue . Just try and keep a husband home from this event, even though he must dig deep into his jeans to pay the tax for food and drink, especially husband, Albert Boening, who has been officially crowned " Life of the Party. " Back, " again and again," we go to Isabelle's for this major event of the year, each time agreeing that she is our hostess with the "mos test."


28 In Moy, we exceed suburban lines to drive to the home of Alice Woods in Ypsilanti . June will close our year of social and philanthropic achievements with the meeting at the Birmingham home of Marjorie Chapel , where on her living-room porch we will drink deep of the garden's fragrance and relax in the atmosphere of good fellowship, knowing the satisfaction of work well done . Until we meet again, Esther Sprague

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-RHO CHI Dear Alpha Sigs: Hove a strange feeling that with the exception of the news of our April meeting all my chatter tbis time will be strictly a forecast, and a bit of a guess. I'm anxious, though, to spread our tidings, so that all will know our doings. Our April monthly meeting was held at the home of Esto Finney and commenced (well, almost) precisely on the stroke of 7 . We hod planned a Pot Luck supper featuring foods of several nationalities most of them prepared by our members. It was great fun, and extremely educational; we gorged everything from Italian Spomoni to Pumpernickel Bread. In the midst of those hazy hours ofter a huge meol, we set about the business of the evening, that of our nominations for the forthcoming year. You'll hear much of it in the foll and " the best men will win," that's certain . On April 4th, our prexy, Jeon Siegentholer, attended the Greek Letter Doy luncheon held at the Plum Hollow Golf Club not for from Detroit. Three hundred and fifty members and guests celebrated with a fashion show and beautiful surroundings. In April, too, we received a long, long letter from our Sister, Ellen Imboden, who was visiting in Switzerland with friends and relatives. Ellen hos a foblous way of making you feel as if you were there with her for her descriptions of continental places is fascinating-and her trip gove us all the wanderlust's urge . Our activities in Moy piled high, the Wayne University Alumnae Reunion Dinner (first of its kind ) was held on the 5th, and of course, it was something in which many of us were inerested . Our Mother's Doy dinner, our own annual affair, was held on the 6th (perhaps I should admit at this point that I was not among those present for I yos basking in the sunny sends of Florido the greater port of the month ). On Moy l 6th our meeting was held at the home of our new Mrs. Don Templin, heretofore known as Phyllis Inwood, and at this time our election o f officers was completed-I also missed this. We' re planning a Greyhound Mystery Trip on the second of June (this, I understand, is a Detroit venture; do the " hounds" in other cities set up such a cry? ). For a nominal fee the Greyhound organizat ion transports a load o f unsuspecting eager people through on evening that may include a dance, a dinner, a show, a tour, or mos t anything . We ' ll tell you all about it at another time, you see we know nary about it yet, ourselves. Our monthly mee ting in June will install our officers and Morion Houts will be our hostess. Jul y will bring our. family picnic and in August we ' ll grease our thumbs for a challenging bowling party. I hear news that Dor is Beauchamp hos a young son tha t's new, and that Margeret Thomson is mov ing to the west somewhe re , so you may a s well know o f it, too. So long, for a wh ile, Bobs Oickieson

FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigma Alphas: Since our orgonizotion dote we hove expanded to ten members, among whom is a charter member, Mrs. J . L. Jones, ond hove held a luncheon meeting at Longwood House to discuss our plans and to become officially "launched." On Morch 8 we entertained ot dinner Mrs. F. M . Sharp, our notional president, who was paying her annual visit to Alpha Chapter ot Longwood College. Miss Virginia Woll ond Miss Sprunt Holl, active and post chapter advisers, were guests on this occasion. Another important event followed on April 7 when our State Doy fiftieth anniversary celebration wos held at Longwood House. Twenty-five representatives were present from our Norfolk, Suffolk, Portsmouth , Rich mond, and Farmville chapters. Dr. Dabney S. Lancaster, president of Longwood College, and Mrs. Lancaster were our guests. After a delightful luncheon Mrs. R. C. Grady, of Richmond, spoke on "Our First Fifty Years." Mrs. N. G. Leek, also of Richmond, conducted a panel on our notional convention to be held in Roanoke, Virginia, August l 9-22 , l 952 . This closed with a discussion of our local and notional philanthropic work. Mrs . L. D. Friend, of Richmond, our general chairman for the day, Miss Virginia Woll and Ali:,ho Chapter, the Charlottesville Chapter, who furnished favors, and Miss Groce Moron, hostess at Longwood House, ore to be congratulated on their hospitality and success in giving us all a most pleasant day. For a small group we hove hod a lot of goings and doings : Mrs. Lucie Dunnington Shields attended the Spring Flower Show in New York. Miss Kitty Watkins went to South Carolina to the Azolio Gardens at Easter and Mrs. Martha Wells Catlin took her two daughters t~ Washington for the holidays. Tony Eastman Jolly, who groduoted at Madison, now lives in Farmville with her husband and eighteen months old daughter. Mrs. Elsie Thompson Burger lives here and is the proud mother of a son . Mrs. Mattie Rogers Smith Sydor's daughter, Martha Dillard, will graduate from Randolph -Macon Woman's College in June . Emily Clark is Assistant Professor of Music at Longwood College. Norma Soyars Watson is secretory to Dr. Finch here. Miss Lucile Peake, another graduate, is doing a wonderful job in college and church work at the Baptist Student Center. We feel that we hove mode a good start with our new chapter and ore looking forward to many happy experi ences together. Yours in Alpha Sigma Alpha , Emily Clark

FT. WAYNE, INDIANA Dear A~As : It hardly seems possible that this is the lost issue until foll. Even if we did hove on extremely cold and ¡ snowy winter, it s lipped by quickly. We enjoyed our lost meeting at Morty Wooster Quinn's so much. It was a social meeting so we decided to try our hand at making things. We did get a lot of crepe paper entwined in Morty's mixer when we tried to twist it electrically, but we must hove learned something from the woy some of our place mots look. If it isn't against the regulations of the Home, eoch of us hope to adopt on older person at the Fort Wayne Old Folks Home to remember on special occasions during the year. Perhap s we con get it straightened out at our nex t meer ing.


MAY, 1951 State Day at Muncie is ta be held an the sa me day as our usual monthly meeting , so we're dispensing with our meeting in hopes that several of us can attend State Day. It's always fun and an inspiration to be able to meet a large group interested in the same goals. So-all you Indiana gals-see you the 21st. I don't know when you usually elect your new officers, but we've decided it would be best to wait until fall thi s year. It seems that we lose or so metimes gain members during the summer months, so we'll wait until teachers and housewives make definite plans to be here all winter before choosing officers. I hope you all have an enjoyable summer and we'll be looking forward to hearing from and about you again this fall. Be see ing you, Eva Kiewitt

HUNTING TON, WEST VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs : The Huntington Alumnae Chapter has really been busy 1 We had a rummage sa le the week before Easte r, which was a great success. Now we are planning a bake sale for May 5. We are trying to raise all the money we can to go into a house fund for Rho Rho Chapter here at Marshall College . Our President Lois Long is to be married in June . We all wish her all the happiness in the world. Miss Virgin ia Carpenter, our National Vice-Presiden t, was here for pledging and initiation in March . The Alumnae had a luncheon in her honor Sunday, March 1 8. She certainly was an inspiratior to us. We are all looking forward to a busy, happy summer. Helen Clovis Nolan

INDIANA, PENNSYL VANIA The Indiana Alumnae Chapter held its Spring meeting on March 5th at the home of Mrs. Robert Kline . At this time our officers were elected for the coming year, and plans were made for entertaining the graduating seniors of Alpha Gamma Chapter. This party, featuring bridge and canasta , was held at the home of Dr. Joy Mahacheck on the evening of April (Friday) the 13th. The theme of the party centered around the superst itio ns ¡ and good luck charms characteristic of Friday the thirteenth, with decorations and prizes being appropriate to that date. Be rtha Catterall

INDIANAP OLIS, INDIANA Dear Alpha Sigs: We had our "spring " meeting on April 10th in the home of Letha Gaskins. Letha , a s you probably know, is our talented artist, and it is always a joy to go to her home for all of the walls carry the "fruits" of her labor, and one never tires of looking at these lovely, and outstanding , paintings. The attendance at this meeting was a little an the "s lim" si de due to sickness, etc., but in spite of thi s a lot was accompli shed. Fran Shaw was ill and our secretary, Bereniece Martin , ably presided in Fran's placeon account our Vice-Presiden t was among the missing, too! State Day, Extension and the Mother's Party were discussed. Our Mother's Party this year is scheduled for May 21st at Meridian Hills Country Club, and we are all looking forward to this event and to the opportunity of once again "chinning" with the mothers of the girls. We were all saddened about ten days ago to hear of

the death of Eve lyn Hall 's sister, Geneva, ond our sincere sympathy and our thoughts are extended to Evelyn and her Mother . All who knew Geneva will reme mb er her as a most charming and gracious person, and particularly will we remember the lovely party which the Mothe rs of Alpha Sigma Alpha had last yea r at Geneva 's home near Brownsburg, and how "a t home " Geneva, Evelyn and her Mother made us feel. A happy vacation to you all! Sincerely yours, Zelma Piner

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Dear A'2:-As: We in K. C. are wondering what happened ta Spring. She hasn't made her definite appearance here. Yet, ou r calendar shows us that Summer is not too far away. Considering this, we are finding it hard to believe that we are about to tie the final strings on another year's works and activities. Thi s is the last news fr om us that you will be reading until Fall comes around once more. So this is what we K. C. alumnae have been doing. March 1 7 found us at th e home of Kathryn Lamb Keirns, who se rv ed a delicious dessert luncheon . A book reviews of "Fox Fire" by Anna Seton followed the meeting . Each of us were delighted by ou r March meeting and thank our hostesses Virginia Lamb Carder, Ruth Bryant Pennell, and Hildred Fitz . April finds us looking forward to a tea ta be held at the Woman's City Club on the 21st. Our guests will be the Tope ka and Warrensburg Alumnae. In May we have the nice ceremony of installation of officers. Wedding bells rang for Eval yn Eva ns on March 28th. She is now Mrs. Larry Larri eu and is residing at 3037 Flora, K. C., Mo. Phon Johnson Gillesp ie was her matron of honor . Many of our girls' husbands ha ve been called back into service in recent months. We wish all of them the best of everything, and we extend these same wishes to all our chapters. We pray, too, for our nation, our beloved America , with hope for brighter days and years to came. Let us all unite in one praye r that God will show America the right ste ps to take. It see ms that the Alphas have experienced a successf ul year. We in K. C. have enjoyed reading about our s ister chapters and have enjoyed sharing ou r thoughts and activities with you. We look forward ta a pleasant summer and hope that yours will also be so. Until we read againLoyally yours in A'2:-A, Serena Eng e lbart

MACOMB, ILLINOIS Hello you Alpha Sigs! Can it be that the end of another Alpha Sig year has arrived? How can we hope to accomplish all we plan when years are so short! Since I last " talked" to you, all the Macomb alums busied themselves in carrying out their plans for a tea to honor the Beta Kappa chapter. March 10 was finally agreed upon by both groups, and the soc ial roo m of the college training sc hool chosen a s the setting. Being optimistic souls, we decided to use a color sche me of palm green and gold, the sorority's secondary colors and also fine spring colors. The day arrived and our table decorated with jonquils and greenery-the n the weatherman dealt us a low blow! Such volumes of wet, sticky snow you. have never seen ! Of course, our crowd was

30 smaller than anticipated, but I think everyone who ottended hod o good time. Our April meeting wos held at the home of Mrs. Jock Simpson, where we discussed the post tea and some things which might be done in the future . Here and there, yours truly put in a few (?) words about her new baby girl! We understand that the alums ore going to be well supplied with "wee ones" before long! With the hope that your year hos been as successful as you would like it to be and a wish that next year will be even better, I shall leave you with Love in ~A, Nikki Mummert

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Dear Alpho Sigs : We hove hod several very successful meetings in New Orleans since my lost letter to you. We met at the homes of Lily B. Steohling, Lois Owen, and Solly Ann Doskey. Almost hod to swim to Solly's lost week as it rained continually the entire day and night. However, that didn't stop most of us-Hilda Hebert, Ruth Eddy, Olive Bourgevis, Solly Doskey, and "yours truly" met and rolled bondages for the Red Cross. We decided it was just as easy to discuss our problems over a stock of bondages and probably more worthwhile. We hod o very pleasant surprise Wednesday when Evelyn Sorge (correction, Mrs. Jock Scott) stopped in on her way to Memphis, Tennessee, where her four precious children ore anxiously waiting her return. Evelyn and Jock hove three boys and one girl; Jock is in the service, this time stationed in Colorado. We surely did enjoy Evelyn's visit and hope she'll come bock again soon. The possibility of forming additional Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters in Louisiana hos been discussed. No definite plans hove been carried out yet, but we hope to do something along those lines soon. Another ad was placed in the local newspaper to try to contact other ~As in and around New Orleans. Through the ad we leorned of three other girls that we hope will join our group soon. We ore quite anxious to increase the si ze of our alumnae chapter. If you ore in or near New Orleans or know anyone who is, drop a cord to our president, Mrs. S. K. Eddy, Jr., at 7534 Jeanette Street, New Orleans, or to me at 8225 Sycamore Street, New Orleans. See you next month at my house. Yours in A~A, Janice Hinricks Haydel

N EW YO RK STATE CAPITO L DISTRICT Dear Alpha Sigs : Let me introduce ou r members to you-let me give you their pedigree-they're blue blood chompions. Edi Goupp Wolf : art major, class of ' 43 , Buffalo State. She's our Notional Art Director, of course-we should illustrate our meetings and events, huh? Audio visual aids, you know. Edi taught at Buffalo State . Her husband, nicknamed Red, is on F. H.A. construction examiner. They ore proud parents of a nine months old daughter, Rolein. Alberto Attenot Badgley: Alberto chose Home Ee. os her mo1or and graduated in class of 1 932 from Buffalo. She taught in Schoharie for two years; married P. Edgar Badgley, o Schoharie business man and hos o son, P. Edgar, 15, and a daughter, Ruey Ann, 8 . At present they hove just returned from Florido.

THE PHOENIX Betty Larkin Rorick : Betty went to Oneonta where she graduated in 1 948 with a Bachelor in Elementary Education. She married Donald Rorick who at present is in the Quartermaster Corps, stationed in Wisconsin . They hove on adorable little boy, Donald, aged two years. Ruth Albright Leslie : Ruth taught Home Ee. one year at Aneiell Pork, N. Y., ofter graduating from Buffalo State in 1941 . Her husband Jock is a supervisor of private trade schools under Division of Industrial and Technical Education in Albany. They hove a son Craig who is four years old, and I'll bet he would like a little sister in Moy. Jerry Hotten Tober: Jerry holds a General Elementary Diplomo from Buffo lo in 1 937 . She is teaching first grade in Clarksville, N. Y. It must keep her busy, too, for she hos a husband Victor who works for State Education Deportment, Bureau of Testing, and a son Arthur Roy, 8, and a daughter Gerry Ann, 5, to keep her spore time filled with home work . Carol Bonner: Our treasurer graduated lost June from Oneonta with her Bachelor in Elementary Education. The Bachelor hos nothing to do with Carol's future-her ring is beautiful. She is teaching in the Mohawk School in Scotia at present. Mildred Mahoney : Millie was another Oneonta graduate, class of '48, and a major in Elementary Education . She taught one year in Mempsteod, L. I., and is in her second year at Von Antwerp here in Schenectody. Mory Helen McBride Von Deercook: "Moc," another Oneonto's pride and joy, left here dear old Alma Mater in 1947 . She taught one year in Rochester and two years in Craig School, Schenectady. We hope her Bachelor's in Elementary Education is being renewed, however, since retiring as a full time teacher to substitute with full application to her daughter Christine Ellen's behavior pattern. lncidently, Christine is eight months old-plenty of time to apply it, huh? Chuck, her hubby, is o clerk in the Turbine Dept. at General Electric in Schenectady. Jeon Kunt : Jeon is in Schenectady now-a graduate of Oneonta, class of 1950-but som~thing bock there in them thor hills keeps colling-you con guess now, can't you? Me thinks Jean's thoughts go wondering . Jeon hos her Major in General Elementary Education and is making full use of it at Lincoln School in Schenectady. Jeon Stratton : Jeanie, or "Strot," seems to wend her way bock to her old Alma Mater's town, too-Oneonta must hove something to keep colling these 1950 graduates bock there. A ring on the left hand helps, doesn't it gal? Jeanie is kept pretty busy now though teaching second and third grode in Edison School in our foir city. Peg Hammond Nelson : Peg, our president, is a "Buffalo Gal ," Jon., ' 43 , Home Ee. major. She taught three years at Huntington, L. I., and at present is kept very busy coring for the needs and wonts of her husband Horry, who formerly taught at Oneido School in Schenectady but is now doing construction work ,and her children, Candace, four years, John, 2 1 months, and Alice, six months. Mory Ellen Downes Winholt : Mory Ellen attended Boll State, Muncie, Indiana. Graduated in 1946 from Purdue with a degree in Chemistry and Bacteriology. Her hubby Bob is Research Associate at General Electric in Schenectady. She worked in Research Lob in Schenectady, now at Medical Tech. at Phy. Lob . in Schenectady. lncidently, they expect to be in Erie, Penna ., in October where Bob will be with Research Lob, Div. of Locomotive and Car Equipment. Betty Jeon Olmstead: A graduate of Oneonta State Teachers College, class of 1950. Bachelor's Degree in

MAY, 1951


-engagement to Dani el Chadwick, who has just received his Master's Degree from Arizona St.ate College at T em pe. Lots of other nice things have been happening to our Alum group too. First of all we were happy to welcome Mrs. John Zimboro (who was Eleanor Mitchell from Chi Chi of Muncie, Indiana ). She has been a big help to us already and we are looking forward ta working with her. Another bright spot in our recent past was Em Frost's visit Betty Jean Olmstead at which time we had a nice luncheon in her honor. It was so wonderful to meet a id friends again-especiall y OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA when they afe a s swe ll as Em . On March 31st the Panhe llenic Associati on had a terrific fo rmal cal led the "Top Dear Alpha Sigs: Hat" Ball. There was a wonderful crowd and ~eryone As each month goes by, we ore st ill adding new memsee med to enjoy themselves. bers to our chapter . During the last two months we have Not all the news from thi s Alum group is cheerful. added three new names to our active membership: Eva We had a dark cloud pass over ou r bright and carefree Venable Pennington , Gamma Gamma ; Marjorie Ray Morlives when Mrs. Mildred Helmec ke (mothe r of our very gan, Beta Gamma ; Jimmie Short Wiggins, Beta Gamma. active and beloved member, Roberta Janney ) passed During the month of February we were entertained away. Mrs. Helmec ke was mother for the Sigma Sigma with a lovely Valentine T-ea in the home of June Lorenson Chapter at Gunnison, Col orado, and mem or ial services Londeen with Betty Jane Sponaugle Hasler ass isting her. were held in her memory by the active chapter and al so The table was beautiful with its red and white flowers and the Alum group. Roberto has a sked me to · extend her refreshments. Assisti ng the hostesses by serving at the deepest appreciation to both of these groups. table were Mrs. Freda James Burtner and Mrs. Ella Tallis On Morch 30th a group of Alpha_ Sigma Alpha alums Bardwell. met at the home of Gert rude Helmecke Reed in Montrose, Colorado, and with the assistance of Roberta Janney Our two represen tatives to Ponhellenic have been atfrom Phoeni x, Ar izo na , (her sister) formed a new alum tending the monthly meetings, they being Freda James chapter. The charter membe rs are Gertrude Helmecke Burtner and Frances Reiff Patterson. They are bringing Reed, Belle Creel of East Oura y, Evelyn Roger Cheeney, our chapter into close contact with the other sororities of the city. A Spring tea is planned by Panhellenic for . Margaret Glendening Price and La ve rn e Hopper, all of Montrose, Colorado. The best of luck to all of you and rushees from the high school se nior classes. Five of our may your group have a s much pleasure and success as chapter are invited to attend. we have had . Alice Allen Mauk held our\ March meeting in her home . So long until next yea r and the best of luck to you This was strictly a business meeting a s we had many all. Have a wonderful vacation . plans to make and complete . April 21 the Alpha Sigs of Oklahoma will hold their first State Day in the BiltLove in A"2.A, more Hotel here in Oklahoma City . Our National ViceBetty Stakes President, Mi ss Virginia Carpenter, will be with us to conduct the meeting . Activities for the day will begin PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVA NIA with registration at l 0 :00 a . m., and will include a Dear Alpha Sigs: luncheon, with Mi ss Edna Donley, of Alva, as guest T oday is a beautiful day here in Pittsb urgh. We've speaker, and an afternoon tea in addition to th e morning been having so man y April showers latel y that it' s really and afternoon business sessions, which will be conducted news when the sun shines al I day! Everyone 's busy doing by Mi ss Carpenter. Mrs. Helen Malone, President of the spring house cleaning this time of year, so fo r that reason Tulsa chapter and Mrs. Freda Burtner, our President, are we don't have too much news thi s time. Co-Chairmen of the State Day and have certainly worked I'm happy to announce that s ince writing to you last, and planned everything beautifully. Invitations have I've changed my name fr om Bec k to Berriman. Jim and gone out to over 200 Actives and Alumnae, and we are I were married on St. Patrick's Da y in Indiana , Pa., and hoping mahy will attend . Following our business session, we're now very happy in our pretty apartment in JohnsAlice served lovely refreshments in green and white. town . We were all pleased to see one of ou r girls, Ma bel Our next meet ing will be held in the home of Freda Byers, has been selected Parliamentarian of the PittsBurtner, , the Monday before our State Day, at which new burgh Panhellenic Association. Mabel has been doing a officers will be elected. Therefore, you will very likely wonderful job as ou r Representative in the Association have a new Reporter with our next letter . It certainly for the last several years . Mary Lou Marsha ll will no has been a pleasure reporting to you. doubt have many interesting things to tell about her trip Yours in A"2.A, west when we see he r at the next meeting . She's been in Gentry Lane Jonnie Arizona this last month. Thi s year has certainly passed quickly. We have just PHOENIX, ARIZONA three more meetings before summer. The nex t meeting is to be a luncheon at Blanche Landau 's next Saturday Dear Alpha Sigs: and we're all to bring · a white e lephant package for Once again our wonderful Spring greets us with all the auction. A tea and tour of antiques is being planned for beauty only an Arizona Spring can bring. Try and picture May meeting , and in June we're all looking forward our a moon, beautiful a warm night with a gentle breeze, to a joint meeting with two other alumnae chapters. Our sky full of stars (that, believe me, you can only find out chapter has invited the Indiono , Pa. , and Cumberland, here in the wide open spaces of the West) and the Maryland, chapters to meet with us. Thi s promises to be heavenly scent of millions of orange and grapefruit blosa very special event and we're all anx ious to meet and soms . With all this as a setting, it is little wonder that visit with our near-by friends. Betty Stokes of Koppa Kappa chapter ha s announced her

Elementary Educati on; employing her k now ledge and skill right now in a first grade at Riverside School in Schenectady. lncidently, I am planning to travel West this summer and would• like ta stop and see so me of the great Alpha Sigs I met at our last National Convention in Michigan . Until then Loyally in A"2.A,


22 Several of us ore planning to attend a tea in Indiana, Po ., nex t month being planned in honor of Miss Belden, who is retiring from the State Teachers College this year. Miss Belden hos been sponsor of the Alpha Sigs at the college for many years and will be greatly missed. We send many good wishes to her for her future years. Hove fun this summer! Margery Bcrrimon

We ore all looking forward to the spring dance on April 27 given by the active chapter and the TEKE fraternity. Wishing you all a wonderful summer until we meet again next foll. Your A~ Friend, Joan Hughes


RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs : The Richmond Alumnae Chapter hos selected the Cancer 'project for this year. Once a month the chapter meets at the Cancer Center and the members wrap bondages for cancer patients which ore being cored for at home . The members hove derived a great deal of pleasure from this work and we feel we hove selected a fine worthwhile project. Saturday, April 7, Virginians ore celebrating Alpha Sigma Alpha State Doy at Longwood College at Formvi lie, Vo ., and we ore looking forward to seeing many members at this event. Love in "::. A, Katherine Mathews

SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Dear Alpha Sigs : South Bend Alumnae hove hod a busy late winter and early spring . Our annual St. Valentine's Doy tea was one of the very pleasant gatherings which helped us over a long winter. The tea was held at Naomi Pehrson's apartment. Mildred Worner Zoss was invited to pour at the tea table which was lovely with sweetheart roses in on antique bisque vase as the centerpiece . Mory Houghton presided at the short business meeting before the tea. We were sorry though to learn that Velva Sere Goy was leaving New Corisle. Her husband is now stationed in Utah and she and her two boys were to leave the lost of Morch to be with him . On April 26 we will hove our lost meeting of the year, a co-operative dinner. At this meeting , which will be held at my home, we will elect officers and make our plans for the year 1 951-1 952 . This then is Good Bye from South Bend's 1950- 195 l Editor . "V .M ." Pearce Roberts

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI Dear ~A s: Springfield Alums hove been busy s ince the lost writ ing . Our latest project for making money is a gypsy ba sket. Each member bakes a pie, coke or some other pastry and posses it on to another member. This member places in the kitty what she thinks it is worth and in turn bakes some thing and posses it on to the next membe r. We hope in this way to raise some funds . The Morch meeting was held at the home of Rosie Fe llin. The evening was spent ploying bridge and canasta . A luncheon at Heer's Ozark Gorden Room was he ld in Apr il. A large crowd turned out for this. In Moy we ore planning a p ic nic for the active chapter at Phelps Grove Por k. Th is is especially to honor the graduating se nio rs. Our latest philanthropic project is to do something for the Polio Word at Burge Hospita l. There ore 24 little ch ild re n in th is word. Each month we use th e current holida y as ou r theme and ma ke tro y fav ors or some special trea t fo r them.

Dear Alpha Sigs: For one reason or another, we, the Suffolk Alumnae Chapter, decided that this year we would be just plain lazy, except, of course, for our annual spring luncheon . We even contemplated buying '' lounging pajamas. You see, it' s this way-our overage attendance is four and we hove been trying to keep up with our larger sister alum chapters and we ore so-o-o tired. Our meetings ore monthly, from September through June-'ceptin this year and then we only agreed to skip October and December; even though we can't do but so much we like to see each other and talk sorority. One thing we know, for sure, and that is the next time we wont to be lazy we will not nominate Paulo Butler Bollard for president. Seriously, thanks to Paulo for keeping the A~ spirit olive in our Suffolk chapter for this year. First Paulo compiled, typed and mode attractive year books for our chapter. Then all of you who attended State Doy in Richmond received one of the clever nut baskets with a mop of Virginia attached; Paulo designed and mode all of these baskets. In January we were invited by our friends, Dr. and Mrs. John J . Reid, to attend a lecture at the Hotel Elliott by Dr . A. M. Skeffington, director of the graduate clinic foundation of optometry; 'twos good but deep. Then on to Lois Phelps Cooley's home, where we ployed Easter Bunny to a Veteran's Hospital in Virginia by making eighty-five Easter baskets and filling them with jelly beans. Harriett Naylor, Paulo , Lois and yours truly did this at one sitting . You guessed it-Paulo was the girl who organized it and even purchased the supplies; she designed the baskets with a cute bunny stapled to one side. Just give Paulo staples and scotch tape and she con make "anything ." With spring comes our annual luncheon; Mory Bugg Holland hos been named general chairman, and reported that sixty invitations ore being moiled to Alpha Sigs in the Tidewater area . The time- Moy 19th; the ploceHotel Elliott, Suffolk, Virginia . The "Welcome" sign is hanging high for any A~A- neor or for- who 'can come . Harriett Naylor is in charge of reservations; just drop a note, if possible, to : Mrs. Robert T . Naylor, 230 N. Main Street, Suffolk, Virginia . Paulo Bollard as publicity chairman is planning to contact ten newspapers for advance notice as well as giving each of these papers a write-up of our luncheon with the girls attending from their vicinity. Then at least eight radio stations will feature spot an nouncements on their community news program . Lois Cooley and Judy Smith Brothers ore keeping their plans for the favors and decorations a s a surprise; Lois mode adorable nosegays for all of us lost year. So now we ore really busy trying to make up for lost time. Just a few tid -bits of news¡ Viola Surring Roher moved way out to Kansas City and attended one of the alum meetings there; but ZIP she was bock in Suffolk for our September meeting; she is now settled in Norfolk . Sorry g irl s, you almos t hod o good A::£ . At the very moment o f this writ ing Annette Rogers Corter is on her merry way to Son Diego to meet husband Tom-Just in from Japan. But the way she moves around, she will probably

MAY, 1951


he in Europe at the next writing. Just in case all of you -do not see the Virginia Clubwoman (magaz ine for the . Virginia Federation of Woman's Clubs), there were pictures of three ALAs-ond all in one issue, too; Harriett Naylor and Frances Hewitt were in a group picture of the Suffolk Junior Club; and Ubby Deter Appleton in a picture of the Harrisonburg Club. That is all I know. Come to our Luncheon, Frances Beaton Hewitt

beautiful lace cloth and hod a lovely centerpiece of red roses. The tea cakes were decorated with little sugar roses . Mrs. Charles H. (Nelle) Bergerhouse and Mrs. Derwood (Dorothy) Bethel poured the tea and served the coke. We had a nice attendance arid the girls hod a good vis it and a chance to see some more of the lovely little dolls dressed by Gladi s Corr for her church guild. Mrs. W. G. (Evelyn) Holderman, Mrs. Claude W . (Fern ) Jackson and Virginia Ford were co-hostesses. Our Morch meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Lorence F. (Margaret ) Weaver, with Mrs. Don J. (Erma ) Coffee and Mrs. Kelley Manning assisting. During our business meeting a plea was mode for blood donors to the Red Cross. I don't know yet how many of our girls con give blood, but I'm sure all those who can will cooperate in this very worthy cause. I hove been giving blood since l 943 to the Red Cross, and also to the Veterans Hospital, at Wadsworth, Kansas, before they were on the Red Cross receiving li st. Since coming to Wichita I hove given blood regularly. Mrs. Robert (Ardis Jeon) Lemons is bock with us ofter seeing her husband off for overseas duty. She went to California with him and while she was away, her little son, Mork, was born. The Lemons hove a little girl also. We hope Bob will soon be bock with his little fomily. We ore happy to welcome a new member to ou r growing alumnae group, Mrs. J. J. (Elizabeth Nancy) Robinson from Eta Eta chapter at Pittsburg, Kansas. We hove received the names of seve ral other girls, but due to incorrect addresses, hove not been able to contact them. We ore los ing another of our girls, Mrs. Fred (Sue) Thornberg, who is moving to Hill City, Kansas. And so, we ore coming to the close of another year and until you hear from us again in the foll, we ore wish ing all the chapters a most wonderful summer.

TUCSON, ARIZONA Dear A~As: In Morch the Tucson Alumnae Chapter welcomed bock to Tucson as visitors Virginia Callison and Em Frost, both from Missouri. They were charter members of this chapter and we hove missed them. The March meeting was purely social with good food and lots . of talk in honor of the Ladies from Missouri. While Virginia was here she and" Abbie attended a state A.A.U .W. ¡convention and heard Mayor Dorothy Lee of Portland, Oregon, speak. We ore planning a patio supper in Moy a s our lost meeting before summer descends upon us, and we hope by then to hove contacted two more ALAs reported to be living in Tucson-Mrs. King and Miss Olive Mudra . Tucson is getting bock to normal ofter the Festival of Arts, Morch 25- April 8 . It was on exciting time with many good lectures, ore exhibits and concerts. Perhaps next year's festival will bring some Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters to Tucson to enjoy the arts of the Southwest. We ore a small group here in Tucson, and we ore proud and happy that we hove been able to meet chapter requirements this year. Next year -,rit h the prospect of two new mem bers we hope to do even'\ better. Margaret A. Sparks

WICHITA, KANSAS Dear Alpha Sigs: Our Volent ine tea was given in the home of Mrs. W. W. (Gladis.) Corr. The tea table was covered with a

Yours in ALA, Ollie Moe Alexander

Ca r.ry Me BaGk WHERE.?

To 01' Virginny WHEN.9

¡August 19-22, 1952


WHY? gf,~v;JJ,e


Hotel Roanoke

Roanoke, Virginia



NEWS LETTERSCollege Cha'pters

ALPHA Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia Dear A _ As: So much hos happened since the lost letter that hos meant a great deal to us that I hardly know where to begin. We now hove o group of brand new ~ As, ond needless to soy, we ore proud as punch of them! For another successive year on A'1..A is president of Student Government here. Our own " B.B." Wilson will se rve, succeeding Helen Agnew. Not only here, but at Westhampton College in Richmond, one of our ~As will se rve in the some capacity. She is Jackie Jardine, of whom we ore so very proud . Our best wishes go to both gals! Betty Scott Berkey will edit our annual , the " Virginian," and Betty Barnes will serve as F.T .A. President this coming year. Several of us will also hold minor offices. At our next meeting next year's officers will be elec ted but until then we hove been busy planning our trip to ' Virginia Beach thi s summer. The 7th of April will find us hostesses for the State Doy he re ot Long wood-a nd we ' re hop ing to see mony A~As . A wonder ful program will be prese nted. Another great highlight of the yeor wos our visit fr om our Notional President, Mrs. Sharp. She was present ot ou r pledging ceremony, and we enjoyed hav ing her with us so much for her fri e ndliness ond inspiring tal k. We fel t so fortunate . Until nex t time, ond o new ed itor ! Love in A:'.:::A , Roberto Brown ing

ALPHA ALPHA Miami University, Oxford , Oh io Deor Alpha Sigs : We just hod our much earned spring vocation, and ore all ready to start in again. April 10 to 14 is Greek Week here, and a ve ry busy week it is going to be. Sorority workshops to pion next year's activities, o banquet for oil the sorority and fraternity presidents, dessert for the whole chapter at Acacia House, and o chariot race with sorority spo nso red chariots pulled by fraternities ore among the activities planned. Red-headed Mory Anne Haight is to be the goddess of the Phi Koppa Tau chariot, dressed in jeans and work gloves! (She is a Phi Kap pinplont, by the way.) The week will be climaxed by the Inter-Fraternity Boll and a fraternity tug-o-wor. As for past events, we held two more rush parties and pledged si girls. One was a rootin tootin Western party, ond the other was o Flapper party, complete with the Charleston . The onnuol Tribe Miom, sponsor candidate was Mary Jone Hughey, and Peg So oye of the pledge class was up for No y Boll queen. The ODK Cerni al was a huge success, and lots of fun

and hard work for everyone. We worked with another sorority and a fraternity on our booth, which was a si de show. Contortionists, Frankenstein faced wo men, Siamese twins, and other "freaks" were port of the show, "so amazing, it's hair-raising!" We had a grand pledge-active party, follow ing which initiation ceremonies were held for Evelyn Livdur, Martha Wolcott, Joan Keel , ond Dori s Dowling . The so me day, Morch 3 , formal pledging wos held for the new pledges, and we all celebrated with the new actives on9 pledges by going out to dinner. The chapter installed its new officers March 28 : Pres ident, Mary Jane Hughey; Vice-President, Rita Campbell ; Secretary, Beverly Scott; Treasurer, Doris Dowl ing ; Editor, Martha Wolcott; Registrar, Marge Heyman , and Chaplain and Song Leader, Evelyn Livdur. They will toke over ofter spring vocation . For Mother's Doy week-e nd, we are having an infor mal tea on Saturday, and Sunday a few of the girl s will toke port in the PanHell Chorus Mother's Doy sing . T he .\~A Sweetheart Song is to be included in the medley of sorority songs. We're very proud of our Deon's list girls. Morge Huff and Barbara Richards received high honors in Arts and Science, Joanne Edwards received high honors in Fine Arts, and Peg Sovoye wal ked off with high es t honors in the School of Education . Peg is olso the new pledge class president, and has been named sophomore cou nselor for one of th e freshmen dorms next year . She's a good A:::'.\ girl ! May 19, Alpha Alpha chapter is p)onning o n alumna e luncheon for the alumnae in the surrounding oreo . We' re all look ing forward to seeing some o f the fac es we so w during our installation. AA hopes everyone hos a wonderful final e to their school yeor . W e' ll see you he re again ne xt fall! Love in A::::: , Mory Jane Hughey

ALPHA BETA Northeast Missouri State College, Kirksville, Missouri Dear Alpha Sigs: Hearts 'n fl owe rs and crepe paper streamers graced the walls of the Ophelia Parr ish gym fo r our annual Sweetheart's Dance, ond os always it was one of the highlights of th e yea r. Gorn ito Morrey, chosen from the grad uat ing seniors, reigned as Sweetheart Queen-and a pretty one she was! One of our alumnae passed a Volentine box of small cords to every girl in the circle around the throne and the two who chose the mar ked Valentines become the Queen 's attendants. Donna Bunch and Willie Chester were the lucky girls. June Coral Mortin and Jeannie Jones were almost speechless the evening our sorority sponsor presented them with red carnations and announced that they hod been chosen for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award and Frost Fidelity Award, respectively. We all enthusiastically agreed that the laurels 1ust couldn't hove gone to two more deserving girls.


MAY, 1951

fast will be two highlights . Of course, we're all looking forward to our Strawberry Festival. After a long winter those red berries seem to stand for everything new about Spring. Best wishes for a wonderful Summer from all of us to, all of you. Love in A"2,A, Jon Schnell

EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers Col!ege, Emporia, Kansas


Right now, oll the girls ore scurrying around the house looking for things to toke to our sorority auction so le at the next meeting. It's loads of fun to bid on the things we all bring to the sole, and it's one really quick way to make money for our spring political campaign . This Friday we're all invited to a mixer given by our brother Phi Sigs. We're beginning to make plans for our annual Breakfast Dance . .. it's the only morning in the yeor thot no one minds roll rrg out of bed at 6:00. It's really been a wonderful year together, and as it draws to a close we're thinking of all the other A"2,A's across the notion and wishing you lots of Love ' n Luck, Mory Isobel Griffiths

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylva nia Dear Alpha Sigs: We at Indiono view the end of the year with regret because it means losing one of our sponsors, Miss Ethel Belden. Miss Belden hos been with us for 23 years and is much more than on advisor to us. The future won't be the some without her. There will be a farewell party for her on the 28th of April at the home of Dr . Joy · Mohochek . On April the 5th we installed our newly elected ofThey ore: Shirley Englehart, President; Jo Ann ficers. Wehler; Vice President; Chorlotte' Woite, Secretory; Gerry Neikom, Treasurer ; Helen Hamill, Chaplain; Betty Thomas, Editor, and Carole Kellerman , Registrar. With leaders like these we're headed for a bong-up 1952. Our alumnae ore giving a party for the seniors on April the 13th. They ore also cooperatin g with us on our plans for summer rushing . The Ponhellen ic Dance on Morch the 31st, was a beautiful affair . This year's theme was " April Showers." Before the dance we hod a banquet at the local V.F.W. club . Twenty-fi ve couples plus sponso rs, alumnae and faculty were present. Mory Sutherlan d hos been chosen to represent us as our candidate for "Sweethe art of Delta Sigma Chi.'-' The winner will be crowned on April the 20th ot o formal boll. The end of Moy is going to be very busy for all Alpha Sigs. Our Mother's Doy luncheon and Senior break-

Dear Alpha Sigs: Just coll us the singers, we won second in the onnuat Singing Bee. Every year our chapter presents three awards to its. members. Thi s year the award for the most perfect Betty Jo Leonard repledge went to Jone Pierson. ceived the award for the highest grade overage and Loui se Lister the award for the most improvem ent in grades. The Sigma Tau Rose Dance is April 14 and Betty Jo· Leonard is our candidate for Rose Queen . Cup id visited the Alpha Sigs when Rita Kemmerer and Jerry Deitric kson announce d their engageme nt lost Wednesday. Everyone is looking forward to April 28, the night of our spring formal. We're in the swing of rushing for next foll. Every Wednesda y night we hove invited three rushees to the, sorority house for dinner and next Sunday we ore having a big picnic. Love in A"2,A, Betty Jo Leonard

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri Dear Alpha Sigs: Springtim e issues forth once more, ofter those busy winter months we talked about the lost time we got totogether. Just memories remain of our Golden Anniversa ry· Formal Dance. Thanks again Mrs. Sharp for your presence, we were delighted. Porty! Porty! " Dress as a song," said our twelve pledges as the)( invited the actives to on evening's entertainment. Then their day come, our twelve little pledges become actives. Joanne Murray surpri sed all by passing out chocolates announcin g her engageme nt. She gives the credit to our anniversa ry dance, which further proves that it was a success. Avoiding all political machines, we elected new ofJeannie Findlay, Pres ident; Pot Brown, Vice ficers. President; Bonnie Brown, Secretory; Margaret Kelly, Treasurer ; Beverly White, Chaplain ; Mory Ann Vogel, Editor, and Marilyn Jones, Sports Manager. One of our Alpha Sig sisters, Patsy Martinson , hos been chosen house president of Yeater Holl , the house of the .love lies, or more commonly known as the girl's dormitory . This editor hos been elected president of ACEI. At the colleges annual Rhetor Boll , Jeon Hutcheso n, was our Rhetor Queen candidate . Spring training is toking place and whether you ore a volleyball, basketball or softball rooter, look our direction . In lntermuro l sports, we hove token fir st place in volleyball and basketball and here we go out to the old boll pork. Our Philanthro pic project come to a climax with the delivery of on Easter basket to our needy negro family .


36 It's Song Fete time on our campus Moy 2. We'll be singing that patriotic number, "This Is My Country," directed by Jeanne Sheperd. Soy it's getting late, and this editor is supposed to be in spring training, too. But first, we would like to wish the best of luck to our graduating sisters in each chapter. Hove a grand vocation you Alpha Sig gals and see you next Foll. Love in A~,\, Mory Ann Vogel

ETA ETA Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansos

Dear Alpha Sigs : Everyone of us in Eta Eta Chapter really enjoyed the wonderful write-up in the lost Phoenix obout our chopter's Courtesy Week. Recently the Pep Club held o contest ot the lost bosketboll game of the season. The winner was to be the campus organization which hod the most pep, enthusiasm, and largest amount of members present. Naturally, we Alphas went all out for the contest. We a ll mode it a point to be present in white blouses with red ties and skirts, and to cheer enthusiastically. Yes, we won a beautiful first prize trophy and we're very proud of it. A grand time was hod by all at ou r "Poverty Porty" held at the Green Top Born . We carried out our theme of "poverty" by covering our refreshment table wi th newspaper. The punch bowl contai ning pop was se t in o n oluminum tub, flanked by cand les. The guests dronk from large tin cups with ~A pointed on them in red letters. We held the formal installation of officers lost week. It was a very impressive ceremony and we wont to congratulate our new officers-we know they'll do o grand job for ~A . I've enjoyed keeping in touch with you through our letters and I hope we'll hear from all of you next year. So long for now and love in A~ Marianne Smordo

THETA THETA Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Alpha Sigs : Hi , everybody! Well, spring hos arrived in New England and it certainly hos pepped up activities at B. U. As many of you probably know, B. U. is situated beside the Charles River, and these "spring" days ofter classes you con see groups of students walking or sitting along its banks. There is a lot of activity on the Charles these days because M. I. T., Harvard, and B. U.'s crews ore practicing so as to get in shape for their future crew meets. Well I suppose you ore wondering why I om writing you obout this, but ofter the greyness of winter its really something to see signs of spring again, and I Just can't help writing you about it. Now for news of Theta Theta Chapter. Lost week we hod installation of officers and the following girls were installed . We ore very proud to let you know that Louise Peck, holder of the Scarlet Key and Student Council Secretory for School of Education is the new President of Theta Theta Chapter. Lucille Anderson, from the College of Music, and who is also a member of the all B. U. Bond, is now Vice President. Anne Merrill was re-elected to the office of T reosurer and a good one she is. Betty Gollont, o member of the all B. U. Dra matic Club was installed as Registrar. Norma Vortikeon

is our new Secretory, and our new Editor is Judy Block. You will be hearing from her soon . Also at our installation we initiated our new odviser, Mrs. Crotly. She is o charming woman with a lot of enthusiastic ideas for Theta Theta. M rs. Crotly is a nurse at the B. U. Infirmary and she gets along famously with everyone that knows her. We ore going to miss not seeing M rs. Goy's friendly face ot our meetings, but she hos promised to come and see us from time to time. Oh yes, just a few more items, most of our Chapter is journeying to Philadelphia to help their sisters observe Alpho Sigmo Alpha's State Doy. On the 2 8 th of this mont h we ore going to hove a hoy ride. We hove been planning it for two years and now at long lost we ore going to hove it. T his certainly hos been a busy mo nth for all us. T ha t's all the news for this month. Unt il next time, then. Love in ~ A, Anne M . Kinsella

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia , Po.

Dear Alphas: We've been very busy getting acquainted with our new pledges. We hod a grand time a• a dinner meeting wi th the Koppa Koppa Chapter. Our alums brought the dinner to the Pon Hel house and is was enjoyed by actives, pledges, mother patronesses, and guests . M iss Corey was wi th us, too. Lots of luck to you all, and happy vocations. Love, Betty Grouch

Pl Pl New Yark State College for Teachers, Buffalo, New York

Dear ~A Sisters: Here we ore with another college - year almost completed. We've hod more than enough to keep us busy, and I imagine you feel the some. To begin with, I'll go bock to our Sweetheart Dance held on February 17th, in our College Union. The dance proved to be one of the nicest we've ever hod . All of us A~A hod stars in our eyes as Pot Allen and her fionce were crowned Sweetheart couple at the height of the evening's enjoyment. This semester hos been a whirl of fun. After finally settling down ofter Easter vocation, we treated Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity to a party in payment for the sensational one they gave us lost foll. Now we ore slated for another party with Psi Phi Fraternity, April 10th. However gay a time we seem to be experiencing, though we manage to find time to conduct business, too. Buffalo Chapter is being honored with the visit of Notional Vice President, Virginia Carpenter, April 27th through 29th We ore all very enthusiastic about her coming visit and hope to prove our worth for dear old A~ . Sis Stork, who was chosen Junior Prom Queen of Buffalo State this year, hos been selected as a candidate for Queen of the Young Men's and Young Women's Republican Club's annual Spring Dance. We're all keeping our fingers and toes crossed that Sis will reign We couldn't hove a lovelier representative from Alpha 519 .

Planning another winning float in the Moving-UpDoy Activities hos kept us busy, too. Alpha 519 hos

MAY, 1951


SUGGESTION FOR FALL RUSHING-Pl Pl SUCCESSFUL SHOW BOAT PARTY almost established a prEiced1nt for winning a prize for the most beautiful float. Plans for House Porty this June ore almost completed. We already ore sure of having our cottage at Point Breeze, N. Y., and previous summers there ore a good indication of the wonderfully hectic times we will hove at this lost big affair of the year. It's been wonderful shoring oil of our activities this year with the rest of our sisters. I hope you hove en足 joyed hearing from us as thoroughly as we hove ap足 preciated oil of your terrific letters. Love in A""2.A,


Ginny Burke

Fort Hays Kansas State Teachers College, Hays, Kansas Dear Alpha Sigs: Another year nearly finished and it's been a grand Best wishes to oil for on even better one to cemember. one next year. The new crew of Tau Tau hos token over and ore They ore as follows: Patsy already doing top work. Earl, President; Alice Hogon, Vice-President; Marilyn Albrecht, Treasurer; Phyllis Jeffus, Secretory; Norma Arnhold, Registrar; Shirley North, Chaplain; Phyllis Aley, Editor. In February initiation was held for eight new actives, great assets to our group-Doris Albrecht, Marilyn Albrecht, Phyllis Aley, Alice- Hogon, Phyllis Jeffus, Pot After the Lytal, Ardella Nelson, and Shirley North. services they were the old actives' guests at a chicken dinner. In the sports field we won the sorority half of the basketball intromurols and won second in the school group. Softball, shuffleboard, and tennis start this week and we're hoping for winners in those sports, too.

To close our social season we ore having on informal dance April 7th. Our. lost affair was on oil-school var足 sity sponsored ofter our lost basketball game of the season. Patsy Earl, our new President hos also been elected President of Koppa Pi, Notional Honorary Art Fraternity. We're proud of Patsy, who was also art editor of The Revellie, college year book. So long until next year, and love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, Ruby Snavely, Acting Editor

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana Dear A""2.A Sisters: In the post three months, Chi Chi chapter hos been a bee hive of activity. We hod a fine time at our cord To prove we con do party, and boosted our treasury. charitable work, we helped wrap Red Cross bondages at our local hospital. We ore still going to Morion as often as possible to help entertain the veterans at the hospitar there. Most important to us now is our new group of actives. Our theme for our pledge party was "Devil's Den," in which the pledges went through many funny experiences. One of the actives dressed as a feminine devil and acted as M. C. during the proceedings. After all the "devilish足 ment," the pledges joined in with the actives in singing Our formal initiation was held and ploying cords. The alums were kind Morch l 8th, Sunday evening. enough to serve tea for us they always do. As you might guess, we ore all very proud of our new girls and know they will be on asset to our chapter as well as oil of We also hod installation of new Alpha Sigma Alpha. officers, who ore now toking over the activities for the


38 rest of this term. They will then hove vocation to get ready for next year's big 1ob. At our school's Sweetheart Ball, two of our girls were selected to reign in the Sweetheart's court. They are Lois Gradeless and Marita Hooton, o new active. These .girls were elected by different fraternities here on campus. We have just completed our spring rummage sale. It wos plenty of work, but we all enjoyed putting in our time. Spring also brought us three new pledges, who will be initiated next fall. Never let it be said Chi Chi chapter is letting anyone get ahead of them. Now, after our volley ball team proved it con win the cup for three straight years, we are starting o bowling club. We have two teams, which are headed by Char Kaysen, and Jan Schurr . We fell Jan will be an outstanding leader, since she is Indiana 's co-champion woman bowler. She was also in the court for the Freshman Dance . Every year our school has on Inter-Sorority, InterFraternity Sing in which oil so rorities and frats compete to see who can sing the very best. This is held on Parent's Day so as to show off our talents for tlie folks we strive to please. This takes plenty of time and work, ond Chi Chi chapter is doing just that. We have chosen to si ng , " W ithout A Song," for the contest, April 29th. Barb Troxler has been kind enough to donate her time to directing us. "Silver Fl utes" hos been chosen os the theme for our closed dance. We hove been flying around to line up programs, favors, band, and a date for the dance. It's one of the big events we all look forward to the last of April. Not only that, but our State Day is coming up April 21st. Things ore well in hand to make the day an outstanding success. Our final record dance will be given Moy 5th . On May 20th, we pion to entertain our mothers as we do each year. We try to give our best for the gals we think are the best. Soon after we will be saying goodbye to our se niors, giving them our good wishes as they go into the teaching profession. So until next fall, we all hope you have a very nice summer, and we look forward to a new ond better Alpha Sig year to come . Love in A~.\, Joyce Hunt

PSI PSI Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, Louisiana Hi, Alpha Sigs : All sig ns now point toward a grand spring Formal for the Alpha Sigs here. The theme o f the dance is " Harbor Lights." We have divided up into committees ond everyone is busy as a bee on her own particular project. We'll probably all be cutting stars in our sleep before the dance is over! Here on the college campus Pan-Hellenic Council has se t up new rush rules for the spring semester. Under this new system we may give bids to girls without ever having actually rushed . All the sororities like thi s new sys tem and it has proved very successful. We have received many wonderful new pledges just recently. Dollie Smith will lead the Psi Psi's next year os president . Ne t in line is Betty Choate. To record the minutes is Jeannie Cloxton's duty ond Nan Short will ta ke care of the bill collectors. These officers ond several others were installed in o beautiful ceremony lost month . They are grand gals ond I know they will be grand officers. Chaos in the Alpha Sig House ! Lost Saturday night the Alpha Sigs had o slumber en ) party. Our sponsor,

Rosemary Easley, ond some alums brought us food galore . Alice Crowford owed the sorority some candy for sporting o new shiny frot pin, so she whipped up botches of fudge . As usual, everyone stayed awoke til the wee hours ond had much fun. As o means of making money for our dance, we got busy and operated a concession stand when there were 7 ,000 visitors on the campus for a weekend. The stand was open from 8 a .m. to 6 p .m. for two days. We sold cold drinks, candles, and ice cream. The stand was very successful and we plan to do it again sometime. Jeanne Haskin and Harry Brannon will represent Alpha Sigma Alpha in the forthcoming water festival , The Aquazanza of 1951 . Jeanne and Harry will be candidates for King and Queen. Marilyn Barnette, one of us, too, will represent a campus fraternity in the same show . Good luck to both of you! We must say a fond farewell to the Phoenix until next fall. Best wishes to all you Alpha Sigs far a happy and profitable summer! Love in ~J\ , Marilyn Barnette

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma Dear \~ Sisters: Our "Cinderella-Prince Charming" dance was quite a gay affair. Lovely Joyce Payne captured everybody's heart as she ruled as Cinderella for the evening. She's a sparkling brunette with dashing brown eyes and we all were very proud of her. Second se mester found us with eight brand new pledges, ready and eage r to learn "founders and chapters and alphabet." They are Helen Ables, Maurine Camblin, Nelda Hibbard, Mae Mefford, Gladys Sharp, Barbara Sloan , and Doris Walker. They are all full cf deviltry, but then that's the way we like them- spirited . Willa Dale McCully took the step into wedded bliss March 4 , when she became the bride of Jack Thompson. Pot Bedgood followed the pattern and became Mrs. Leon Jarvis, Morch 22 . April 21 there is to be a meeting of all Alpha Sigs in Oklahoma . The meeting is to be called "Oklahoma Day" and will serve the purpose of a regional meeting . With Jean Vaughan and Betty Campbell as delegates I am sure Beta Gamma will gain a great deal from the meeting . We' ll tell you more about the meeting later. About this time every year the chapter takes on shiny new officers and the old officers bow out. Our newly elected president is Betty Campbell. Betty is a member of Rho Theta Sigma , and secretary of Alpha Chi Omega . A popular and extremely friendly girl, we are sure she will make a grand officer. Lyta Jean Davidson will assist Betty as Vice-President. Secretary is Helen Ann Biswell , Ann Mercer will keep the money with the all too willing help of Ida Keefer. Doris Johnson will keep the pledges in line . Joyce Payne is rush chairman. Doing a very good job writing for the Phoenix will be Virginia Burleson. Sara Brandon will make an excellent Chaplain. Thanks to our out-going president, Sally Hurst. She's a member of Who's Who and has held a position on the Student Council for the past two years. She is also secretary of Pi Omega P1. She has held all these offices and still done a grand job as president. We think she deserves recognition . 'Bout all for now. Love in A~ ,\ , Martha Poynor


MAY, 1951 BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Chauncey, Editor of "The Breeze;" and Hiwono Cupp, Chairman of the Honor Council. Then, as a result of minor elections, Morie Snowden was elected Treasurer of Y.W.C.A. We'll be looking forward to hearing from all of you in November. Alpha Sigs at Madi son wish for everyone a grand and wonderful summer vocation. Love in A-:i.A, Huvono Cupp

BETA ZETA Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

BETA EPSILON CABINET MEMBERS DISPLAY CHAPTER BOOKS TO A"i:.A NATIONAL PRESIDENT Back row: Martha Armistead, Vice-presiden t; Jean Young, President; Mrs. Sharp, National President; Mancha Holland, the ' President Elect; Ann Pinney, Vice-presiden t Elect . Front row: Marie Snowden, Treasurer Elect; Hiwano Cupp , Secretary; Davis, Editor; Martha Jane Bradley, Registrar; Doris Jo Almarode, Chap la i n; and Emil y Woodford, Assistant Chaplain Elect . The other officers were not present when the picture was made.

Dear Sisters: A fun-filled season l'T)ingled with many enlightenin g experiences and much hard work hos been the spring of fifty-one. To be long remembered is the year's most cheri shed high light-a three day inspection tour by ¡our beloved Notional President. Words cannot express the trul y heartfelt inspiration and sustaining encouragement impo rted thr9ugh such intimate fellowship with Mrs. Sharp . Her wise words of counsel will reveal themselves always as a powerful and guiding force and ever recall to us the deep love and binding loyalty of ou r sisterhood in Alpha Sigma Alpha . Our chapter is happy to announce one hundred per cent rushing for its spring open bidding which was held on Morch 3 . Following the big event, everyone enjoyed supper at Corter House honoring our one and only rushee . After the Easter holidays, Margaret Elliott, another of our br ides-to-be, was given a trousseau shower at the house . Margaret hod to toke on extended trip to every nook and corner before she finally succeeded in finding oil her gifts . Mrs. Jeon R. Grady, Notiono,I Registrar, and two members of the alumnae chapter in Richmond, visited Corter House the third week end in April. On Saturday aftern oon, B.E. entertained at a tea honoring Mrs. Grady. Guests of A"i:.A included alumnae, the Ponhellenic Council, other sorority officers, and members of the administration and faculty. Of course, with spring come Moy Doy and a gay and festi ve occasion it was. This year, A-:i.A chosen for the Quenn's Court included two princesses, Martha Jone Bradley and Gill Temple, and four attendants, Jeon Manue l, Joyne Pierce, Dorothy Wainwright , and Jeon Young . Ma jor elections were held on our campus in February ofter ten days of eventful campaignin g. A-:i.A winners were Betty Hiner, President of Student Governmen t Association; Marilyn Miller, Y.W.C.A. President; Kathryn

Dtor Alpha Sigs: Since I lost wrote we hove added ten new members to the roll of Alpha Sigma Alpha of Beto Zeto Chapter. You cannot poss ibly realize just how much they mean to us . We know that they will be grand members and will mean much to A-:i.A future. Our dinner dance was Morch 31st and a big success. We held it at Poor Boy's Country Club with our fraternit y brothers . It was a beautiful night and I've never seen so many pretty formals. We carried out a Springtime theme and it was very attractively decorated . Coming up on the agenda is our lost soc ial activity for this school year, the Sunrise Breakfast. Thi s is the day when all of the girls trudge sleepily out to the por k and cook breakfast at 5:30 o.m. As soo n as everyone wakes up , which usually tokes only about ten minutes, the seniors ore presented with going-away presents and everybody goes about having a grand, gay ale' time until time for us to go to c la ss. Given in honor of the se niors, this breakfast is really a grand send-off. The school year is. drawing to a close so rapidly. I'm really sorry to see this semester come to on end. I hove enjoyed this year in A'-:i.A so very much and hate to see good things come to on end. We members of Beto Zeto chapter wish the best of luck to all of those of au who ore being graduated either in June or August, and good bye to the rest of you until next November at which time you will be hearing from our new editor, Vero Smith . Love in A-:i.A, Audrey Marceaux

BETA ETA State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota Spring is sprung , The gross is riz ' I wonder where the birdies is;, Yes, it is spring here at Dickinson . We hove big plans for Senior Doy, Founder's Doy Banquet, our operetta , "Tr ial by Jury," and many other activities that rush in with the end of school. First of all , I would like to tell you that we initiated eleven new girls on Morch 19. I'm sure they will help to bless our so rority with success, honor and happiness. One of our new initiates, Les lie Werner, hos already given Alpha Sigma Alpha a boost. She ploys the girl lead in our operetta, "Trial by Jury." Plans for our Founder's Doy Banquet ore underwa y. The dote is set for Moy 19. Because our committees hove not yet reported, I cannot tell you anything definite about it. At one of our regular meetings we chose Arlys Birdsall, Secretory of SH , as our candidate for the Frost Fidelity Award. At that some meeting we chose Jeannette Tryznko, President of SH for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award . At the lost meeting we elected new of-


40 ficers for next year. They are: Joan Reilly, President; Catharine Kuylen, Vice-President; Catherine Westlake, Secretary; Darlys Christenson, Treasurer, Isobel Lapp, Editor; Jeannette Tryznka, Registrar, and Irene Werner, Chaplain. Goad luck and success to all of you new office rs ! And with that I close for this time . Happiness and success to all of you, dear sisters! Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, Arllys Treude

BETA THETA Central Michigan College of Education,

BETA IOTA Radford College, Radford , Virginia

Hi, Alpha Sigs! Spring term again-another wonderful year 1s drawing to a close. It doesn't seem like a year since e last were thinking about graduation and vacation . We now hove our new officers to guide us through the new year. They ore : Jean Pedigo, President ¡ Peggy Covington, Vice-President; Betty Jean Cook, Secretory; Alpha Phares, Treasurer; Betty Jo Thierry, Assistant Treasurer; Almodene M ills, Registrar; Connie Pendleton, Assistant Registrar; Rosemarie Compagno, Editor, and Shirley Oaks, Chaplain . With such a fine group to lead us, the future is indeed bright for our sorority. The Beto Iotas selected Betty Jewel Furrow for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award, and Nancy G. Rose for the Frost Fidelity Award. Plans ore now being mode for our annual Mother Patroness program and tea which will toke place the first week in June. The third weekend in May hos been set aside for our annual cabin party . Everyone is looking forward to getting that sun ton, ploying cords and eating to their hearts' content. So ends another school year and my term of office. Rosemarie Compagno will toke my place and I know you wil l find she is tops for this position. Beto Iota wishes good luck to all of the graduating seniors and good-bye to the rest of you until next September. Love in J\~ , Peggy Giesler

BETA KAPPA Western State Teachers College, Macomb, Illinois BARBARA IRELAND

Hi Everyone : Beto Theta hos really token a turn toward all out enthusiasm. With our new pledges, Phyl Beckett, Nanette Bondy, Betty Cooper, Pot Dillenbeck, Betty Moore, Jinx Newton, Jon Smith , Thelma Swanson, Joan Zimmerman and a brand new spirit we ore reedy for on exubera nt year. To lead us for the coming year we hove Barbaro Ireland as President; ond Pot Chic, Shirley Hansen, Bonnie Anderso n, Elaine Ireland , Claro "Zee" Zelenko, Joan Hollister as Vice-President, Secretory, Treasurer, Registrar, Ed itor , and Chaplain, respectively. Marilyn Gorthe hos also been appointed to Pon-Hellenic Council. With a slate like this, we can't miss! Barb Ireland hos also recently been nominated Vice-President of Women's Recreation Association. She's Phy Ed Major, and hails from o little town called Fenton. Thursday evening is initiation. Here we toke ou r pledges to be our sisters. Some events coming up ore : ( 1) Our traditional house party to be held at Volhollo Forms which is a very exclusive resort owned by our sponsor, M iss Jone McNamara . We've planned three days of sports, fun and rest. (2 ) On our slate, we also hove our Spring formal coming up in May. Bib time for all when we get together w,th our brother fraternity , the TAU's. (3 ) Our rummage sole is to be held this week end. We ore happy to announce thot our adviser, Miss Sm,th, ,s now Mrs. Oppenheimer-a nd is enjoying the state of matrimony. Well, best we sign off till next tome. Lots of Love to you oll in .\::A , Claro Zelen ka

Dear Alpha Sigs: We're just about to close another glorious school year. Up to dote we ore now 50 in number . It is real ly wonderful to hove so many new sisters (and old ones, too!) Since the first of year we hove been busy but happy. The 27th of January we hod our dinner donce . It is now known as the Red Slipper Boll. It was one of the largest turnouts we hove ever hod . I'm sure a good time was hod by all. In February we hod several of our members chosen for Western's campus leaders and personalities. These were June M iller, Pot Dolan, Norma Lierly and Shirley Ziegler. It is people like these that help to make us a little more proud of our wonderful group. Morch 3rd was set aside for a tea which was given for the undergraduate chapter by the Alumnae Chapter of Macomb. This gave the chance for the "old" and "new" to get together . We now hove our new officers installed . Donna Hoy was elected Presiden t; Barbaro Spillers, Vice-President; Joan Sullivan, Secreoory; Dorothy Arnold , Treasurer; Rita Runkle , Chaplain; Lerita Pence, Registrar, and Erma Gullet, Editor. With leaders such as these we ore sure to go for in the coming year. The members of Beto Koppa Chapter hove recently been guests of honor at the homes of our gracious patronesses, Mrs. Kerman and Mrs. Wolfe . We certainly appreciate the chance thi s gives us to hove our socia l gatherings. Oh, yes, spring is here again and time to try out our cotton clothes. This provided the opportunity for a gala time at our Eighth Annual Cotton Ball. This pro ed to be a very successful event and we hope to be able to continue it for many years to come. The time is slipping away fast and it will soon be

MAY, 1951


vacation time again. We hope to hove the opportunity to have our "get together" again this summer. We certainly hope that next year will be a prosperous one for everyone. , Lave in A'"2:.A, Lerita Pence

BETA MU Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas Dear Alpha Sigs: We are real proud to have a celebrity in our midst. Margaret Day, our past president, was elected ROTC Sponsor for l 951 which is the top honor of the campus for any girl. Margaret is the daughter of Mrs . Joseph A. Day ond the late Col. Joseph A. Doy, former president of Henderson State Teacher's College, Arkadelphia, Ark. She is retiring president of the Beta Mu Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Mrs. Joan Casey being crowned as proxy for her baby daughter Maureen Case y. Barbara Guelfi is doing the honors.


Our spring Panhellenic Dance will be held April 21 and plans have already been made and carried out. A "Spring Garden" wi II be the theme and it usually is real pretty and nice . We are all looking forward to that. Love in A'"2:.A, Clara Templeton


State Teac'1ers College, Cortland, New York Dear Alpha Sigs: Hi , everybody! Since our last letter to you we have had our rush parties and the outcome-thirty wondeful -girls. We just had our formal initiation and banquet. It certainly was wonderful. Gamma Clio Chapter of A'"2:.A had its first "Sweetheart Dance" this year. We held it here at the house . The band was super as were the decorations and enterIt was a tremendous success and we are tainment. planning to make it an annual affair. Our Queen was an odorable baby girl, Maureen Casey (at that time one month old). Her mother, Joan Casey, one of our sisters was crowned as proxy. We just had our elections and here are the results: President, Anice Dumbleton; Vice-Presidi:mt, Arloweene Shoemaker; Secretary, -Joan Wilkinson; Corresponding

Secretary, Joanne Contino; Treasurer, Shirley Kantor; Assistant Treasurer, Vivian Manniago; Historian, Joan Bossi; Chaplain and Assistant, Jean Zoechler and Shirly Chase; Registrar, Marge McDowell ; Editor, Frances Marion; Guard, Corrine Bittorf; Social Chairman, Joan Brumber, and Rush Chairmen, Dorothy Kull and Marge Caren. They sound like a fine group and I'm sure we'll do as well next year as we are doing now. Now that Spring is here, our foncy has turned to paint and paint folders. At long last we are to have our house painted and there is much picking and choosing of colors. We are all looking forward to Moving Up Day and let's hope that we get the cup for our singing of " Deep Purple." Fran will be your next editor and I just want to say that I hope she enjoys her job a s much as I have . Love in A'"2:.A, Joan Wilkinson

BETA NU Murray State College, Murray, Kentucky Hi , Sisters: All the Beta Nu 's are tired but happy today. We've just returned from our Panhellenic Workshop. We spent the weekend at Kentucky Lake talking over sorority problems and having a scrumptious time . We lost a few hours of sleep; but gained gobs of new friends, cooperation, and extra pounds. We had our new group of pledges with us. Rushing season is now past history. We had two rush parties this spring . Our first was an Alpha Sig South Sea


42 Island, with our actives bedecked in clever personal creations, sarongs, gross skirts and other drapes. The rushees wore jeans and our monkey pinned a shipwrecked sailor's hot on them. They left their shoes in a big block pot before they crawled through the door of our shock. The room was decorated in South Seo Island style; straw on the floor, toy freak animals peering from the corners, and the King's throne over-looking it all . We welcomed them with a war dance. To make them true islanders, we taught them a war rhythm and tested their "brave" ability by a race (conveying a nut by their nose). A native polygamy wedding was performed and celebrated by dancing and food. The guests were presented with luck charms by the bride. We sent them away singing on a Treasure Hunt (for their shoes). Our second rush party was on informal get together with dessert and punch . Greek Week is coming up on our campus. All the greek organizations work together putting out a booklet telling about each of the organizations. Each person wears a tog bearing the sy mbol of each of he r Greek Organizations. Alpha Sig is doing a foshion show of The 200 A.D. Greek styles for the Talent Night. finale is the dance the lost night. We hove elected a wonderful group of new officers. They ore : "Tony" Thompson, Prexy; Jeon Bernett, VicePrexy; Mory Eva Johnson, Secretory; Betty King, Registrar; Virginia Jordon, Chaplain; Jone Shelby, T reasurer, and Betty Robison , Editor. We certainly ore proud of them. Since this is my lost time to soy this, I wont to wish you Love in A~ , a super special gob of Mabel Cisse ll

the plans for a surprise shower. Everything worked out beautifully. School resumed ofter a grand ten days vocation for all. Everyone's bock in full swing including the new pledges. We certainly hove gained a grand group of girls. Initiation will be held the end of April or the beginning of Moy. Besides the plans for the pledgEs we ore planning for our big A'i:.A weekend . This year it falls around the Senior Prom weekend. The usual hayride, formal banquet and dance will probably work in and we're all hoping for a picnic at the lake along with a swim . This year hos been active and full of fun , we're only sorry that it's quickly coming to a close. Wishing you a happy summer I' ll close for the year. Love in A...::A , Lois E. Flint

RHO CHI Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan

BETA XI Oneonta State Teachers College, Oneonta, New York

RHO CHI INITIATES AND SPONSOR Left to right, row l : Helen Bogdono"(1Ch, Lottie Letke. Row 2: L1ll1on DeMetrol, Jone H1ahsm1th, on alumnae, and Mrs. Houts, sponsor.

Mory Quinn, Queen of Sigma Tau Gommo 's White Rose Boll

Dear Alpha Sigs : Spring hos really come to this city of ours and nature hos set a beautiful scene for our college life. I'm afraid 1t isn't too conducive to studying but we do manage to get some done . Speaking of spring 1t certainly hos hit one of our members Sister Joan Raffo was married over the Easter vocation. For weeks before the vocation you could find the whole house assembled in her room while the nightly fittings were going on. One of the sisters mode her gown and one mode her headdress When the final fitting was completed we truly hod a beautiful bride. All hese weeks we hod suggestions flying as to how the veil should be arranged and Just where the pearls should be placed and so on Many times it was a little difficult to get all twenty-one girls to agree Of course there were also

Hi Everybody, In February our chapter held the Formal initiation and dinner at the home of our President Shirley Cloud. Shirley prepared and planned a delicious meal. The theme of hearts for Valentine's Doy was carried out by a large heart centerpiece with sorority letters in the center and small hearts as place cords. Our initiates who re ceived membership at that dinner were : Helen Bogdanovich, Jone Highsmith, Lottie Letke and on alumnae Lillian Denetrol, who hod been a member of Sigma Rho Chi before they become notional. After the initiation we were busy planning our rush party . Our formal party hod a Saint Patrick's Doy touch with shamrock ice cream and various dainty sa ndwiches mode by Lottie Letke. The favors were desig ned by Jone Highsmith and the other girls helped her to make red roses. The entertainment, a Theater shadow show given by Jeon Corter was very well done . As a result of this rushing season we pledged eight girls. Joan Baxter, Zora Bogdanovich, Natalie Heil, Betty Jones, Barbaro Kugel, Betty McRoberts, Morion Storesetter, and Nancy Thorington. In honor of the pledges the actives gave a dinner, ofter the pledge ceremony, at a Chinese Restaurant . Everybody was stuffed! But no one knew the ingredients of the various dishes we were eating! We mode plans for the Mother's Doy Dinner to be held on Moy 13th. Other social events will be planned later this term .


MAY, 1951 Rho Chi is proud of its sponsors who have made several appearan ces an television programs . Both Dr. Koehl and Mrs. Houts did very well on T-V. Two of our members are on the Committ ee of Wayne Women which is designat ed to plan for commun ity service during the emergen cy. Planned activities include acting as USO hostesses , and aiding Veterans ' hospitals. As always Alpha Sigmas are anxious to help! Marilyn Mack

BETA Pl Concord College, Athens, West Virginia Dear Sisters, March 18 will always be a day of remembr ance ta four of our members . On this day Shirley Flynn, Nancy Brown, Evangeli ne Hedrick, and Arlene Miller became active members of A"'EA. The solemn and dignified ceremony took place in the college social room , followed by breakfas t at the home of Mrs. C. J. Gerald, one of our beloved patroness es. Afterwar ds the girls went in a group to the Athens Baptist Church . Our four new members are really wonderfu l girls of whom we are proud. On April 4 we installed our new officers for the coming year. The installati on service took place at the home of Mrs. Harry Winklem an, our adviser. After the service delicious refreshm ents were served to the members and to Miss Nellie Ellison, our ca-advise r. New officers are: Norma Jean Ellis, presiden t; Pansy Howell, vice-pres ident; Peggy Hambric k, secretary ; Evangeli ne Hedrick, treasurer ; Nancy Brown, registrar ; Arlene Miller, chaplain; Louise Magyar, editor; and Shirley Flynn, sergeant at-arms. I know that these girls will carry out their duties ta their best ability and will strive to uphold the aims of Yours in A"'EA, Alpha Sigma Alpha. Louise Magyar

BETA RHO Northern Illinois State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illinois Under the leadershi p of our new officers, we of Beta Rho are busily ma k ing plans for our last activities of the year.. New officers of the chapter are: Maureen Sullivan, president ; Harriet Eadie, vice-pres ident; Rita Burke, secretary ; ¡Donna Frankfot her, treasurer ; Pat Parker, registrar; Shirley Anderson , social secretary ; Nyema Lindblad e, chaplain ; and Carolyn Werner, editor. Some of our members have recently been elected to campus offices. Maureen Sullivan is vice- presiden t of the Panhelle nic Council and treasurer of Women 's. League. Jane Heidorn is the new preside nt of the Women 's Athletic Associati on . Jane also wan third place honors in the national Alpha Delta cartoonin g contest held last month. Congratu lations for outsta nding sc holarsh ip are in order for Elise Singer, our former president , who attained the rank of sixth in this year's graduati ng class. An importan t event on our calendar is the Mother's. Day Tea schedule d for the latter part of May. At this. time we plan to have our mothers became a part of Alpha Sigma when we present them with Mother Patroness pins. Our enthusia sm and a sp irations for our chapter soared' even higher last month when we received a visit from Wilma Wilson Sharp. Mrs. Sharp's interest in the chapter's achievem ents and her inspiring attitude was felt -by each and every girl a s you will see by the smiling faces. in the picture. As the days before vacation grow fewer and fewer , our thoughts are beginnin g to turn toward vacation plans, and of course we're including an Alpha Sig summer re union to be held here at NI. Carolyn Werner

NATIONA L PRESIDEN T MEMBERS OF BETA RHO CHAPTER WITH MRS. SHARP , Mrs. Jerome Winn, chapter advise r. president, chapter Sullivan, Maureen , rp Sha Mrs. : right to Seated, left k ie Ell is, Donna Frankfoth er, Ann. Elsie Hauf, Harri et Eadie, Jac_ Standing , left to right: Mary Ann Maeck, Bernadett e _Gucwa, Parker, Janice Shir ley Anderson , Charlotte Arnqu1st, Virg1n1a Brown, Pat Sauerman , N yema Lindblade , Carolyn Werner , Liz Gall, Burke. Rita Matteson, Groce Powers, Koch, Donna Jackie Mueller, Nancy Wonish , Vi rginia Burns, Kay Wi ll iams, Seated on floor left to right : Georgetta Young, Faith Riley, Elsie Singer. Schuster, Marna Chadwick, Pat Ranallo, let Vio Boyd, Elaine Baker, Barba/a



ANNOUNC EMENTS PHI PHI Evolyn Evans to L. V. Larrieu on March 28 , 1951 . At home 3037 Flora, Kanscis City, Mo. Katherine Espey to Kenneth Jones on October 27 , 1950. Patricia Russell to W . R. Moody on January 6, 1951.

MARRIAGES ALPHA BETA Joan McKee to Clifford Hayes on March 22 , 1951 . At home 31 6 S. Main, Kirksvi lle, Mo. ALPHA GAMMA Anne Schade to Wolter L. Murphy on February 10 , 1 951 . At home 235 Ward Parkway, Kansas City 2, Kansas . BETA BETA Beatrice Fry to Don Hungunburg on Morch 1 8, 1 951 . At home Greeley, Colorado. Mary Beth Curtis to Edgar Williams on March 24 , 1951. At home Denver, Colorado. Mitz Vohsholtz to Dean Franus on March 1 5, 1951. At home Gorden City, Kansas. Anna Lee Holmes to Keith Charles McPherson on May 6, 1950. At home 180 North Sonta Ana, Modesto, Calif. ZETA ZETA Marlene Markham to Bill Cox on February 28, 1951. At home 11755 East 44th Street, Kansas City, Mo. ETA ETA Normo Jeon Volentine to Floyd A. Dowson on August 26 , 1950. At home 1 18 Y2 E. First, Pittsburg , Kansas. Ruth Kruckenberg Walker to Fred R. Ochsenbein, Jr., on January 23 , 1949. At home 515 Gray, Joplin, Mo. Rosemary McCluskey to Louis Postai on March 29, 1 951 . At home Pittsb urg, Kansas . Helen Postai to Bill McCullough on March 31, 1951 . At home Kansas City, Kansas. KAPPA KAPPA Barbara Cook to Harold Byer on March 24, 1951 . At home 2076 Whorton Rd., Glenside, Pa . MU MU Robena Hooks to John Donald Vogwill on December 1, 1 950. At home 317 S. W . First Ave., Delray Beach, Florida . NU NU Constance Pennypacker to W . J . Pilkington on May 12, 1950. At home No. 4 Apt . 6, Drexelhook, Po. Margaret McCool ta Francis Denham on March 31, 1951 . At home 123 Manheim Ave., Oaklyn, New Jersey. Elizabeth Graugh to Frederick Kompass on March 26, 1951 . At home 2520 Hillcrest Rd ., Drexel Hill , Po . I XI Lillis erling to William H. Hams on August 5 , 1950. Jea nne Beswetherick to John Lloyd Balderston, Jr., an June 21 , 1950.

CHI CHI Potricia Aker to John Rasor on April 1, 1 951. Wilda Mary Harper ta John Joseph Robison on October 15, 1950. At home RFD 4, Tipton, Indiana . PSI PSI Margie Beth Barnett to Mox Allen Sandlin on February 10, 1951 . At home New Boston, Texas. Dorothy Dale to Paul Adams on March 14, 1951. At home Minden , Louisiana . BETA GAMMA Willia Dale McCully to Jack H. Thompson on March 4 , 195 l . At home Muskogee, Oklahoma . Patricia Bedgood to Leon Jarvis on March 22, 1951 . At home Tulsa, Oklahoma . BETA EPSILON Ruth Harshbarger to Clarence Edward Graybeal on Aug . 26, 1 950. At home 3217 White Avenue, Baltimore 14, Maryland . Nancy Rogers to Ralph 0 . Smith on August 13, 1949. At home 432 Sylvan Ave., Waterbury, Conn. Betty Jane Wilkins to David Henry Lowe, Ill, on June 24 , l 950. At home Menchville, Virginig . Angeline Matthews to Charles Frederick Whitcomb on June 18, 1949. At home l 04 Lexington St., Hampton, Virginia . Sue Deaton to William Lorry Ross on October 5, 1950. At home 2049 Windsor Ave ., S. W . Roanoke 15, Va . BETA LAMBDA Marian Shuster to Tom Cochran on March l l, 1951 . At home Jonesboro, Arkansas. Helen Ruth Watkins ta Dale Christy on Morch 25, 1951 . At home Foyetteville, Arkansas. BETA MU Patricia Midkiff to Bill J . Hughen on February 23, 195 l . At home Hot Springs, Arkansas. Noncy Hunter to Wm. Rettig an February l 1, 1951 . At home little Rock, Arkansas. GAMMA CLIO Harriet Baylis to Jack Tuthill on February 10, 1951 . At home Little York, New York, Box 31 . BETA NU Betty Thompson to Charles Eichorn on March 2 , l 95 l . At home Golconda, Illinois . BETA XI Joan Raffer to Edward Langdon on March 24 , 1951 . At home Oneonta, New York.

MAY, 1951 BETA RHO Elaine Anderson ta William Baker an March 1 0 , 1951. At home Adams Hall , DeKalb, Ill inois. Adele Auringer to Bernard Grover on March 24, 1 951 . At home RFD 3-2, Harvard , Illino is. Donna Hasher to Robert Beil on March 24 , 1951 . At home 516 N. Maple Ave., Oa k Par k, Illinois.

BIRTHS ALPHA BETA Mr. and Mrs . E. L. Forbach (Betty Asbury) a so n, Thomas Edward on December 21, 1950. ALPHA GAMMA Mr . and Mrs. Ralph Theopleus (Helen Wirth) a daughter, Helen Kay on January 24, 1 951 . GAMMA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McFadden, Jr ., (Gloria Hutchinson ) a son, on February 1 7, 1 951 . New address: 3622 N. 12th Street, Albuquerque , New Mex ico. EPSILON EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharp (Celeste Conklin ) a son, Jack Gregory on March 8 , 1 951. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kaarbo (Evelyn Cooper) a so n, Ronald Neal 11 , on January, 6 , 1951 . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Foster <Jeanette Gardner ) a daughter, Susan Jean on July 14, 1950. ZETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. W illi s Pettigrew (Patricia Foster) a son . Ronald Keith , on February 9 , 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Winter <Judy DeMosters ) a son, on February 8 , 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steffan (V irginia Nofft y) a daughter, Mary Anne, in February, 1 951. ETA ETA Mr. and Mrs. John Bertoncino (Jackie Braw n) a so n, Jeffery, in March, 1951 . Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Ochsenbein (R uth Kruckenberg) a daughter, Nancy Ruth on March 14, 1950 . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kreutzer (Ina White ) a so n, Curtis Scott, on March 26, 1 951 . NU NU Mr. and Mrs. T . Goff Miller (R uth Sutherland) a daughter, R~th Pri scilla on March 1 8 , 1950. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Landau (Blanche Ball) a so n, Robert Alan an Octobe~ 12, 1 950 . X I XI

Mr. and Mrs . Monte Meyers (Marian Lee Jones) a daughter, Marsha Lee on January 25, 1951 . Pl Pl Mr.. and Mrs. Glenn Bernreuther (Marjorie Platt) a daughter, Beth Elaine an February 22 , 1951 . Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Snyder (Gertrude Hemstreet ) a so n, David Leslie an March 15, 1951. Mr . and Mrs. Richard H. Pendleton (Margaret Brawn) a daughter, Patrice Elizabeth on March 27 , 1951 .

45 Mr . and Mrs. Ja hn M . Dal y (Deborah O' Hagan ) a daugh ter, Maureen Ann on February 2, 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph DiCamill o (Olga Parenti ) a so n, Gary Thu mas on December 1 0 , 1950. SIGMA SIGMA Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mi on (La u Anna Banks) a daughte r, Martha Jan e on September 2 4 , 1950 . Mr. and Mrs. Jac k Ritter (A nne Fordham ) a so n, J ohn Fordham on June 14, 1950. TAU TAU Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Morri ssey (Marilyn Slayton) a so n, Michael Lee on March 4, 1951. CHI CHI , Mr. and M rs. John R. Zimbaro (Eleanor Mitchel l) a daughter, Rosalie Marie on September 14, 1950. BETA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Isaacs (Norine Garrett) a so n, Garrett Andrew · on January 4, 1 945 ; a daughter, Jeanne Marie an August 22, 1946; a daughter, Norine Anthony on January 29, 1 948; a so n, Anthony Joseph II , on September 24, 1949; a son, David Dennis on January 23 , 1951 . Mr. and Mrs. Paul 0 . Neal (Dorothy Bartl ett) a daughter, Deborah Paula on January 19, 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs . Franci s Taff (Edith Joyner) a daughter, Sheila Marie on March 2, 1951. BETA EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Long (Frances Mullen) a so n on December 30, 1 950. Mr. and Mrs. Stoneburner (Anna Bow man ) a daughter in November, 1 950 . BETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bartlett (Vivian Tal bott ) a son, Thomas William on January 14, 1951. BETA KAPPA Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mummert (" Ni kk i" GodsilJ a daughter, Darla s Kay, in March , 1 951 . BETA NU Mr. and Mrs. Peterson (Bess Wallwork ) a so n, Ray Les lie on November 27 , 1950. BETA Pl Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Ad k ins (Betty Van Reenen ) a daughter, Peggy Sue , on February 12, 1951.

IN MEMORIAM ALPHA BETA Loui se Barnes (Mrs. Charles Moore), died Aug. 24, 1950 Gladys Fow ler, died Novembe r 26, 1947. ALPHA ALPHA Georgeanna Robin so n (Mrs. William Mose r), died Octobe r 24, 1950 . Ruth M . Sloneker Hye r. BETA BETA Leora Rausler Jackso n, died January 20, 1942. Constance Morford , died March 1 8 , 1 951 .



MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT . Send to Alpha Sigma Alpha Cen tra l Office 1405 Hardy Avenue Independ ence, M is-souri Maiden Nome - - - - - - - - Former Address - - - - - - - -Married Nome - - - - - - - - New Addres s - - - - - - - - --

Dote of Morrioge - - - - - - - Chapter - - - - - - - - -- - -


MAY, 1951

Dir ect ory 1950-1951 ALUMNAE EDITO R-Miss Eloise Proctor , 31 10 N. Delaware St. , Ind ianapolis 5, Ind iana. Mrs. Wolte r Spiers, 332 Akron , Ohio Shawnee Poth , Akron, Oh io. A llentown-B ethlehem , Pennsylv ania-Mrs. Edmund White, Parkhurst Apts. F-1 , Bethlehem , Po. Roberto Brown ing , Box 195, Alpha , Oklahom a-Miss Marguerit e Elli ott, Alvo Vo. ville, Longwood College, Farm 916 8th St. , Alvo, Okla. Wells Alpha Alpha-M ory J. Hughey, 37 Baltimore , Maryland -Miss Minerva MesHoll , Miami Uni versit y, Oxford , Ohio . s ing e r, 4416 Marbl e Holl Rood , Balt iBlan, Griffith more 18, Maryland. Alpha Beto-Mo ry Isobel Mo. Kirksville, Holl, ton Miss Morie Boston , Massachu setts Rovesi, 856 Main St. , Molden, Moss. Alpha Gamma- Jon Schnell, 1026 Church St ., Indiono , Po. Buffalo , New York-Mr s. J. Joseph Fl ynn , 138 Deumont Te rrace, Kenmore, N. Y. Beto Beto-An n Grant, 1731 11th Ave., Greeley, Colo. Canton-M a ssi llon , Ohio-Mrs . Bryo n Giltz, 868 Ph il lips Rd., N. E., Massillon, Ohio . Gamma Gamma- Maxi ne · Haeger , 1006 6th St., Alvo, Okla. Mrs. Lawre nce Ce ntral Pe nnsy lvania Lottomus, 207 E. Orange St., LanEpsi lon Epsilon-B etty Jo Leonard, 627 . Pa caster, Lawrence, Emporia Kansas . Charl eston , West Vi rg in ia - Mrs. Lillian Nancy Sue Elde r, Yeater Zeto Zeto Maynord, 5509 Virginia A venue, S.E. , Holl , Warrensbu rg, Mo. Charleston 4, W. Vo . Eta E1"o-Mor ionne Sonordo, 716 W. 2nd Charlottes vi lle , Virginia- Mrs. Betty N. St., Pittsburg , Kansas . Moorefield , 140 Goodmon St. , CharTheta Theta-A nn M. Kinsella , 117 Pork lottesville, Vo. Moss. , 22 r Dorcheste St., icago, Illinoi s-M rs . A. Howard Holl , Ch 2076 Cook, Barbaro Koppa Koppa 6710 N. Sheridon Rd. , Ch icago 26, Ill. Whorton Rd. , Glensi de , Po . Cincinnati , Ohio-Mis s Wilma Hutchi son, Nu Nu-Eliza beth Grouch , 2520 Hillcrest 3420 Middleton Ave, Cincinnati 20, 0 . Rd. , Drexe l Hill , Po. Miss Morion Powell , Clevel and, Ohio Pi Pi-Virgin ia Burke, 89 Hording Rood , 13715 Te rrace Rd. , East Cleveland , 0. Buffalo 20, New York . Colorado Springs, Colorado -Mrs. Robert Betty Purdue , College Holl , Rho Rho Crowder, 2132 N. Nevada, Colo rado, Huntingto n , West Virginia. Springs, Col o. 215 , Lorig Belle Roso Sigma Sigma Columbus , Ohio-Mrs . Earl Sout hard, 537 Chipeto Holl , Gunnison , Colo . S. Terrace Ave., Columbus , Ohio . Ruby Snavely, Custer Holl , Tau Tau Cortl~nd , New York-M rs. Richard Reif, Hays , Kansas. 64 Vi Floral Ave. , Cortland , N. Y. Katie Espey, Residence Holl , Ph i Phi Cumberla nd, Maryland - Miss Margaret Maryville, Mo . Reid , 123 Cumberl and St. , Cumberla nd , Chi Chi-Bett y J . Sill, Lucina Holl , MunMd . . Ind cie, Dallas, Texas-Mi ss Pauline Phillips, 4203 Ps i Psi-M aril yn Barnett, Northwest ern Wycliff, Dallas, Texas. State College, Natchitoc hes, Lo. Dayton , Ohio-Mr s. Do rothy Gillette, 359 Martha Poynor, Wilson Beto Gamma Castlewoo d Ave ., Dayton , Ohio . Holl , Northwest ern State College , TahColo rado-Mis s Marilee Stumpfs, Denver, . Okla le quah, 1119 S. Steele, Denver, Colo. Beto De lta-Aime e Tindall, Box 422, Sta. Des Moines, Iowa - Mrs. E. N. Jacobson , A, Hattiesbu rg , Miss . 740 Che rokee, Des Moines , Iowa. • Beto Epsilon-H iowono Cupp, Box 241, Detroit, Michigan -Mrs. Gail Sprague, Madison College, Harrisonb urg , Vo. 853 He nrietta, Birmingha m, Mich. Beto Zeto-Aud rey Marceau x, 210 East Det roit, Michigan (Rho Chi ) -Miss Bobs St. Mory, Lafayette, Lo . Dickieson , 9660 Burnette, Detroit 4, Beto Eto-Arll ys Treude, Dickinson , N. Mich . Dakota . Farmville, Vi rginia- Mrs. Robert W. CatBeto Theta-Lo uise McAnollen , Central lin , 1101 Hi g h St. , Farm vi ll e, Vo . Michigan College of Educat io n, Mt . Fort Wayne, Indiana-M iss Eva Kiewitt, Pleasant , Mich . 706 W . Water St., Be rne, Ind . Peggy Geisler, Ingl es Holl , Beto Iota Ft . Wo rth, Texas - · Mrs. Judson Dixon, 304 Radford Coll ege, Radford, Vo. 2709 He mph ill , Apt. C, Ft . Worth , Lerito Pence, 721 W. Beto Koppa Tex as. Adams , Macomb, Ill. Mrs. David Royer, Greeley, Colorado Beto Lombdo- Mimi vo Holbrook , 1315 173 1 Mountview Rd. , Greeley, Co lo. Co llege , Conway, Ark. Hampton , Virgi nia- Mrs . He nr y El ksnin, Clo re Templeton , Box 469 , Beto Mu Hi dden Acres , Seaford , Vo . Henderson State Teachers College , Arkadelphia , Ark. Harrisonb urg , Virginia- Mrs. J . K. McGrath, 2 10 New York Ave ., HarrisonJoan Wilkinson , 22 W. Gamma Cl io burg , Vo. Court St ., Cortland , N. Y. Miss Sarah Hatties burg , Mississipp i Beto Nu-Mabl e Cisse ll , Box 145 , Co lDever, Station A, Hatti esbu rg , Miss•. Ky. lege Station, Murray, Hays, Kansas-M rs. Re x Pearson, 129 W . Beto Xi-Lo is Flint, 50 Map le St ., One10th St. , Ell is, Kansas. onta, N. Y. Hono lulu , Hawaii-M rs. H. T. Wilson, Jr., Rho Chi-Mar ilyn Mock , 16730 Broil e, P.O . Box 128, A.P.O. 953, c / o PostDetroit, Mich. master, Son Francisco, Calif . Beto Pi-Joyce Stoner, Box 312, Athe ns, Houma , Louisiana -Mrs . Russell Hebert, W. Vo. 511 Williams Ave. , Houma , Lo . Beto Rho-Eliz abeth Goll , Adams Holl Huntingto n , West Virginia- Mrs. Horry North, DeKalb, Ill. H. No lan , 2022 Enslow Bl vd. , HuntingBeto Sigma-B etty Poeppel, 927 E. Belton, W. Vo. mont, Springfiel d, Mo.


Mrs. B. F. Leib, NATIONA L EDITOR 35 15 N. Pennsylva n ia St., Apt. 8, lndi ono;,o lis 5, Indiana. COLLEGE EDITOR- M iss Joan Steinmille r, 89 Keswick Rood , Eggertsvil le 21, N. Y.


Mrs. W. B. Carper (Louise Cox) 505 Montrose Drive, South Charleston , W. Vo. Mrs . H. E. Gilliom (Juliette Hundley) 2608 Gro ve Ave., Richmond , Vo. .Miss Mory Williamso n Hundley, 506 N. Boulevard , Richmond 20, Vo. Mrs . Joh n Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd) 617 Allison A ve., Roanoke, Vo. ,Mrs. P. W . Wootton (Calvo Hamlet Watson) 2020 Motrox Ave., Petersburg , Vo. "NATIONA L COUN CIL

Mrs . Fred M. Sharp, 1405 !President Hardy Ave ., Independe nce, Mo. Vice-Pres ident-Mis s Virginia Carpenter , 13605 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland 20, Ohio. Miss Helen L. Corey, 631 O :Secretory Sherwood Rd ., Overbrook , Philadelph ia 31 , Pennsylva nia. Treasure r-M iss Esther Bucher, Suite 226, 1025 Grand Ave ., Kansas City 6, Mo. .Registrar - Mrs. Robert C. Grady, 2400 . Swartwou t Ave., Richmond 28, Vo. Editor-M rs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pe nnsyl van ia St., Apt. 8 , Indianapo l is 5, Ind . Miss Eve lyn G. !Director o f Alumnae Bell , 767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo 22, New York. :NATIONA L CHAIRME N

Miss Eloi se Proctor, Alumnae Editor 3110 N. Delaware, Ind ianapolis 5, Ind . Mrs . Donald L. .Alum na e Organizer Frost, 4007 Holmes St., Apt . 2, Kansas City 4 , Mo. .Art-Mrs . Robert Wolf, RD No. 1, Rexford , New York. ·College Ed itor-Miss Joan Steinmille r, 89 Keswick Rood, Eggertsvi lie 21, N. Y. ,Constitu tion-Mrs. Wayne W . Byers, 1696 Skyline Dr., Apt. 5 , Pittsburgh 27, pa . ·Conventio n-Miss Helen L. Corey, 631 O Sherwood Rd., Ove rbrook, Philadelph ia 31, Po. ,Fellowsh'i p-M rs. Harvey E. Bumgardn er, 2010 Roseland, Ro yal Oak, M ich . Mrs. Robert T. Naylor, ,Founders ' Doy 230 N. Main St., Suffolk, Vo. Miss Louise Stewart, 1330 Historian Blue Ave. , Zanesville , Ohio . Mrs. Arthur L. Hellrich , Apt. Music 5028 , Allenhurs t Rd ., Buffalo 14, N.Y. Mrs. R. A. Rice , 4651 ,Philanthro pi c Kenwood Ave., Indianapo lis, Ind . Assistant Treasurer -Miss Mory K. Reiff, 3000 Tracey Ave., Kansas City, Mo. -Scholarsh ip -Mrs . Rei nard Schlosser, 2800 De xter St ., Denver 7, Colo . •NATIONA L PAN H ELLENIC CONFERENCE

•Chairma n-Mrs. E. Granvi lle Crabtree, 85 Deon Rd., Brookline , Moss . Al:A Rep rese ntati ve-Mrs . Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave ., Independe nce, Mo.


48 lndtono, Pennsylvon, o-Mrs . Robert Kline, 1122 Woshtngton St., Indiana Po. lnd,onopol1s, Indiana-Mos s Zelma Piner 4 I Bonkers Lone, Apt. D lnd,onopohs'' ' Ind. Joplin, Missouri-Mr s. C. 0. Smith, Jr., 710 N. Jackson, Joplin, Mo. MISS Sereno Kansas City, Missouri Englehart, 4132 Virginia, Kansas City 4 , Mo. Mrs. Jomes Block, 138 Kentuckiono Southland Blvd. No . 3, Lou1sv1lle, Ky. Kirksville, Missouri-Mr s. Joc,el Pearson , 408 S. Elson, Kirksvtlle , Mo . Miss Helen Wehr Lafayette, Indiana ' Chalmers, Ind . Lafayette, Louisiana-M rs. Merry Gerom, ' 127 S. Orange St., Lafayette, Lo. Miss Licking -Muskingum Volley, Ohio Jone Jackson, 105 N. 12th St., Newark, Ohio. Lit t le Rock, Arkansas-M iss Betty Barnett, Rose Inn, Crossett, Ark. Los Angeles, Cal ifornia-M iss Edna Bergman, 680 S. Catalino, Apt. 9 , Los Angeles 5 , Calif. Lynchburg , Virginia-Mr s. R,chord Clark, Mayflower Apts ., Lynchburg , Vo . Macomb, lllino,s-Mrs . H. L. Nummert, 426 N. McArthur, Macomb, Ill. Maryville , Missouri-Mi ss Beverly Johnson, 401 W . 4th, Maryville, Mo. Middletown , Ohio-Miss Nellie Losh 801 ' W . 4th Ave, Middletown, Ohio. Muncie, Indiana-Mrs . John Bagley 309 ' W. Centennial , Muncie, Ind . Mrs. Gene Allen, Murray, Kentucky Spring Street, Apt. 6, Anno, Ill. Mrs . William Muskogee, Oklahoma Lagoni , 2204 Lampton, Muskogee, Okla . Natch itoches, Lou isi ana- Mrs . Ar lin Bice, 1115 W ill iams Ave., Natchitoches , Lo .

Mrs . Wayne New Orleans. Lou,s,ono Haydel, 8225 Sycamore St., New Orleans, Lo. New York, New York-Mrs. Mory Smythe Grady, 192 Doowood Ave., Volle Stream, L. I., N. Y. Moss New York Stole Cop,tol D1stnct Betty Jeon Omsteod, 409 Furman St , Schenectady, N. Y. Niagara Falls, New York-Mrs. Nosseo Hodge, 2938 Grand Ave ., Niagara Falls, N. Y Oklahoma City, Oklahoma-M rs. Byron Gentry, 2825 N. W. 41st, Oklahoma City, Okla. Mrs. Glenn BernOleons, New York reuther, Box 11, Limestone, N. Y. Peoria, Illinois-Mrs. V,rg,nio Huson, 225 Groveland, Peoria, Ill. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -Moss Eugenio Griffith, 127 School Lone, 5pnngf1eld. Po. Miss Betty Stokes, Phoenix, Arizona 7002 Merriwood Courts, East, Phoenix, Arizona . Miss Camillo BumPittsburg , Kansas gardner, 409 W. 6th St., Pittsburg, Kansas. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvon1 0-Miss Marjorie Beck, 45 N. Bolph Ave ., Pittsburgh 2, Po . Miss Enid Ehrman, Portland, Oregon 9016 N. Ida, Portland, Oregon . Queen City, North Dokoto-M,s s Janice McBride, Glen Ullin, N . D. Mrs. Ruth Jewell , Radford, Virginia 1019 Fairfax St., Radford, Vo. Richmond, Virginia-Ka therine Mathews, 2021 Monument Ave ., Richmond, Vo . Roanoke, Virgin,o-Mr s. Wm . L. Ross, 2049 Windsor Ave., S. W ., Roanoke 15, Vo .

Rochester, Ne" Yor -Miss Beth Cloney, 1045 Arnett Blvd, Rochester N. Y. St. Louis Missouri-Mr s W G. Ferguson, 1335 Mc Cut h n. Apt F Monhosset Village, St. Louis County Mo. Mrs, Pearl E. Son Diego Cohtorn10 Stork 4544' Hom,lton St Son Diego 16, Calif. South Bend lndrono-Mrs . H. A Roberts, 2517 Erskine Blvd. South Bend. Ind. Miss Elotne Southern New Jersey Schnieder, 12 W Browning Rd., ColJ N. lingswood, Springfield, M, souri-Moss Joan Hughes, 717 Hovl'y, Springfield, Mo. Mrs. Robert Hewitt, Suffolk, V,rg1n10 100 E Pinner St Suffolk, Vo Tahlequah, Oklohomo-M 1ss Fern Pascoe, Tahlequah, Okla . Topeka. Kansas - Miss Jo Ann Everett, 1601 College, Topeka, Kansas. Mrs . Robert Triple C1t1es . New York Spencer, 2707 North St, Endicott, N.Y. Tucson, Arizona- Mrs. W,11,om Ambocher, 2709 E. Hedrick Drive, Tucson , Arizona. Miss Mo one Line, Tul,o, Oklahoma 1311 S. LNmvill , Tulsa 4 , Okla. Tw,n City, M,nnesoto-M rs C McCue, 5729 Oliver Ave., South, Minneapolis, M.nn. Wtlmo Wilson Warrensburg , M1 sourt Sharp Chapter, Mrs. J. W. Eller 117 W. Russell, Warrensburg , Mo . Washington, D. C.- Mrs. R. C. Johnson , 11713 Lytle St , Silver Springs. Md. Wichita, Kansas-Mrs . Claire Ale onder, 731 S Hillside, W,ch,to, Kon Wtlmongton, Delaware-M rs. Horry Gorman, 700 Tyrone Ave ., Woodcrest, Wtlmongton, Delo.







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