Asa phoenix vol 2 no 11 dec 1915

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. . . DECEHBER ... . . .. . . . . .1,. 1915 ... • •


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This is the first day in ASA for our eleven new girls and wr c nll so happy together. lbere ie such a di~ference between our little pledges of laet week anf our ner1 ASAs of- today . At our initi& ti n lust night the serYiocs were most impressive. we gathered in thb new Pierian LiteraTy· Hall, a most becttftul room . Its furtiiure conaiets of ~~o tea tn~~s, a large table, a piano and rows of chairs. By a~sligbt rearrangement of the furniture ancl ~lith our altar in the front of the room, we had n very pretty and impressive setting . As the l7alls are and v1hit€, we banked the comers v,rith le.rge quantities of pine, wh~h ~e arranged also around Rnd above the piano, as r~ell as around the foot of tbe altar. Then we u~ed glass candlesticks with red shades. The whole effect was 1lovely. · Jl.fter the services we went to the "Chocolate Shop" :Cor our banquet. The table wcs qu1te lo~ as there we re 31 places. From the c~delier hung n large vrmm 0f cedar. from whinh fell a shouer.eof stars. thus empha$izing our ·green and gold. On the table v1ere eight cQD!lestioks, foU% on either side of the star shower, and at each place uas a large white chrysanthemum, thru uhich was tied the plac€ eard by ,earl white and orimaon ribbons. The oandil shades uere red nith our letters cut into tho sides. The menu ~as excellsnt , and a most delightfnl additional feet~re was our having a pieno and cellQ, 'S7b1oh played throughout the evening. Our guests of honor Pe re !I1Ss :Iamtlton, Dean of \!omen, and our patronesses, r.:rs. Kuhne, Mrs . Richards Helen Boggess, Helen Lincoln nnd Ruth Stephenso~ and tliss Molyneaux. re~eaented our alumnae- . Everything went off beautifully. Thele vras only one rfJgre t, and that V7as because two of our patronesses , Hrs. Clark ana Mr'3 . Culler wqre unable to be present on account of !llness. Ruth Elder was toast mistress. l7ith the Opera, "Hermes , the Guod tuck God" as her theme. Our President uas the Prima Donna, the Patronesses the Orch&stra ttnder the direction rf Mrs. Riehards, the Audience our Alumnae represented b7 Ruth Stepher.son. while Miss Hamilton ~erved as Crit"c . The Scener- · ~tkout which no opera could be staged, ~as represented by the Fresh'!D41Jl. with HortensiJ Btlrkhe1mer as spokesman. Every toast r.ras attractitf ( ant'tnteresting. One of the uniqu~ things about the banqu€t was tht Place card. Isabelle Key conceived the idea of v1ri ting to :Mrs. Martm for an advanoe copy of our coa t-of-arms. Mrs. Martin sent a little sketch which was copied and r.i th v1hich every one is in lov , 1Je are so engernbw to see the Shil}.gles on nhich thi~ design occurs an~ t7hich Mrs. Mart~ hQpes to have ready for distribution at New Year's. Alp~a Alpha hopes very much to secure as honorary member. _ r:1ss Uolynea.ux, a cousin of onr University President . She i s a brl lliant woman and n most int r sting one, a woman whose,___ close personal i r1endship would mean u great deal to our girls. She has _not ~efu8e -. our bid and ue trust that she ,,r ill find o. uay to acoept, ~n sp"l to the fact that she has so ronny home care s and an invalid f ather Pho he= personnl attehtion. Alpha hlpha u ill be very fortunate if it co~ seoure her. ~ l




Our Chapter is just starting out on the second Quarter of There will not be very much class uork this v1eek ~ouever, as on T~ursday and Priday a Rurll Life Conference is to k~ ~~ld 1~ out buildings. On Thursday nisht the Home ~conomics Depart.lent g1vee an elabQrate bnnquet. r.iany ASA girls are going to help . ~oDD Newmyer is to be one of the ~o head watt?esses. There vill be several hundred out-of-tovnt tcaohers present at the conference. Jeann "fillet, our Chapter Presid~nt, during Summer Session, Hill mpke an adr~ l' ess before the Mathematical Association. . . Alpha Beta is rejoicing in the great honor that has come ·~o 1 ts faculty memberJ Ida A. Jewett, and of course Vle feel that r:e ~re :.;hining a - l~ttle bit too with the refleotea glory. Miss Jewett has bee. do~g work 1n absenci·a for her University degree. but, in addition to ga1ning that, she secured Pn election to Phi Beta Kappa, the nonorary scholarship society. aboutvwhicb you may all read in tbe Imandbook". Tbe Chapter wants to give Miss Jevrett her Phi Beta Kappa pin which as you know. iS al;l old-fe.shionei watbh key. · ' ' _ Alpha Beta has qecided te hold weekly meetings. These nill come on Monday night.. Heretofore, we have been meeting every two weeks, but now that Ye have a REAL rival tn Sigma Sigma Sigma, which aboorbed our local Sigma. Delta Chi, ue see the need of meeting oftener. AB rYe ~re the first National installed here, the responsibility o£ establishing the local Panhellenic devolves-upon us. Netta Brawford is enr represen·ta.tive from the Advnnced Class and will serve a.s Chairman. Ruby Wells iS the Lower Class represent~tive, ~d ~e have suggested Mrs . .Bessie Smith Starr for Alumnae Met!1be'r. The week-end of rushing stunts just before bidding da,- was moat strenuous, but ~e are very well pleased with results, as rre have si· splendid new pledges to introduce t~ the Sorority, Alta Victor, s.ister 'Jf Virginia. Louise Estell~. Gladys Howey, Mn Grubb, Elizabeth Frazer end ].label Lulpkes. We are fjtill ~ngratulat ourselves over our sucoess, for such it wa$,as we'got the material the S~gmas wanted, and thai too. tn spite of the fact that our rival had all the attracti~ns of an Installation to offer rushees. 'ro make our happiness complete Eunice Sohofield. a former Kappa Theta Psi, but now Critic teaober at the Stat.· Norcal School at Macomb, Ill., came for 1n1t1at·ion. Flot·ence York Stebl who is back with her baby from Cclifornia on • vieit to her nothE was ~ble to attend some of our rushing parties. On Founders Day Miss Jev1ett entertained the active and l~ lum­ nae Chapters with an informal reception. VIe nll had a del i~htful get to8ether good time. ~e often wonder wh~tevP-r would we do without our wonderful Uiss Jewett. She represented us P.t a conference with Miss Jalton National President of sss . ~e were exceeGingly sorry not to entert~in for Miss Walton and for Mrs. Devor, National Vice President , but unfortunately the Installation took place during the Thanksgivine Recess. This meant that none of our nonresident girls wer~ in t~m . so it proved quite impossible to arrang" for any social affairs in h~ n of the visiting officials . Ui~s Jewe~t, houever, reports n very ~le a "nt meeting '"~ith Miss \'/alton and a del1.c;htful interchange of soror1 t y :;he school year·


?he Teaeh<"rs ConvPntion nt ::nnsa.s Ci t y n as saeldnned for b .·- . students by the C!enth of I'rofcssor Gentry, head of our- I _. tin Department. He 7 US so bndly injured in 2 street cor accid~t . _. ~7h1le in zan3os City, th4: t he fn 1.led to recover. Fe vra:J Breatl:l 1 · ,

faculty and



A r• -.:.J •

nre just br:;ck from our Thanksgiving vaca.tiop. It enr domt to good hard \70rk ngft1n. Thetc ~re only three uee~s be~ore Christens nnd ue shall have to get busy on sorori ·~ ~~tte~s. ~or t~e has a hnb1t of flyine nuay £rom us here at Indi ana . A short time before ·the Thanksgiving Recess·, there was n big f'ootbal l ~ame here on the horne ground n1'th one of the rival t~ nms of the Stat . DQur of our alurr~ae, Beatrice Jeffries, Helen Hartsock, Is abelle and Ruth Young were buck for the occasion. we had expected Rutr. ~itohey, but she was too ill ct the time to lenve h~me. The gnme ~as one of the grea.t.e st S'U.ocesses of the sonson the score, much to our delight~betng 13-6 in Indiana's fnvor. ' ~ · Just before t . e left for our vr.cntion wA gave ~ rather pre .tent1ous ruehing party in our raomc. ~e have three of these, all on the same hall, so we were able to cnrry out a color sahcme vGry nicely. ~nty {;trls \7ere present. ~Jo spent most of the evening playing oaD88, but after the luncheon ue denaed to- the music of a victrola until time to leave. · All our decorc.tiot!s were in yellov1 and white . fbe~e ~ere fou~ tables set for tho feast and in the oentre of each was t1 Oll~uUe shaded in yellow. This uas the only light in the room, and the etfeot was fairy-like. We served frutt salad, ~andwiches, grnpejuioe, ioe cream and oake. Two members ,of our faGulty were there to GJl3oy OUJ' good time. · ne a~ aow busy planning onother .rushing perty to given in twp weeks. It is to be n little dance, but only girls are to be tbere. All our girls uho cnn lead are to be rmen 1 for the evening a.n&l rr~ll invite the new girls as their guests. The victrola. ilill agntn ser:ve as our orchestra. Alpha. Gamma has never eiv~n ·a party like this be£o:re. so t1e a ·r e all very anxious for it to be a success. Alpha Gw. ma ha.s started on c a ign to interest its alumnae, both. in the Sorority ~nd in our attractive magazine . . We are sure· ·every one of .our pa4t members will be on the s\tbscript'ion ld!st , if we could only get them tp v.nderstand whnt it means to belong to ·· suoh a Na'bional e.s Alpha S igmn A lph~ r.nd to receive so3splendid n publicnt1on a.s the PHOENIX. Ottr big diifi·c ul ty is in getting thei!J to uh4erstand the$e thine&. Our only r.1eans of'" COl'Ili!lUnicntion is thru -· le~ters. anct•ns praetically nont:" ·o f our girls live in the-tovm ,-:here ou\•· Sobool ·1 s, tt hns been exceedingly difficult · to make our gradu ctes see the great adv-ntnge of beloneing to ~ fir~t-olass nnttonnl or8an!:astion. · -· Until rather recently a.ll the aoc ieties in our Soho"ol hav~ be•n preotieally only local organizations , but little by little th~r~ 18 more. and more of the true fraternity atmos~here, so in a short tinF. we may hope to have aom~thing of the lifo that is so delightful n p ~ rt of student days at :Miami. and K1rkav1lle. V.'hen that r..ay oom-.s, both the s't\tdent body and the"School will bE> the gainers, for there is ce·r ·· tatnly not~ing like so~ority affiliation for inter€sting girls in on~ anotbor and tn the School that fosters their bel ~ve d sooiety. · But this is enough of Indiana ana its specinl atmosphere. Ue ha~~ ~elt on it, b&cnus~ we want you nll to understand Qb~t hAv~ been bur handicap~ to date, what our hop~s fo~ the future, how d~~pl ~ 1nt~re~ted are P~ all in dear ASA. Ittclosing. every membtr of LlphiC~a desires to send her heartiest goJd ~ishcs for n very Happy Christ~as for ev~ry member of the Sorority, and the gl~ddest kin~ of Uetor Yea::, full o'f aohieve.mE=nt, for dear Alpha Si.grnn i:.lpha. Espec ir:.l:.: do t7e hop~ that a ll good things may come to her rvho he.s 1n so l 2.r g9 : me~~ been our ~tiding st~~ to such suceess ns has been ours sin~2

t.:: a








Th.a.nlm giv ·J)J g 1914 .


_ · · · He:nnes. god o·:r things nfl they ought to be . has smiled ~:t 1-~kt., bu~ b~ did not llnger with us quite so long as we would have lik~ - ­ 'e eent ou~ seven bid~ and have four nccoptanccs to dat~. but this is io~g qDlti well, as you wtll see. for ss~ got on~ three and our lncs~ t~ same· W&< got the only- girl vthat was bid by all three sore -rlt1es. we-·loet one to sss, but none to tho local Ftroup . Altr.e;cthc1· ViG .. feel.l'&therproud, oonsi"deJ~ing tho -odds rush"d against. Two b ~.~:~ a?e still not tn. ~ut we are rather su~e of gPtting them too, in spite


oZ the faot 'hat ass also extended an invitation to membership.



busy g.e~ting the girls reac!y for tb&ir sorority mtaminat1on, as tro 3zptct to have the Int,tiatioli December 16th. to be :follol':ed by a banqutt •t one Qf th' hotels here. This ~ill be just a few days before l 0\"7"


home fQr the Holidays. . Alpha is very much pleased v:tth the recommendations of the IJ'OUP at Tea~hers Oollege. Greeley, Colo. VIe hope that the bunch v1il :


meet l?1th the approval of ourvCouncil, as mr ax-e just oraz~r to wear fU.l'l att~~Qtive little ribbons in honor Of a new chapter. sss is strutting a:roecl in honor ot tts two new llissouri :1hapters. and rre should like to let them see that we too can sport ribbons as well as they. A gir~ bid both ASA and SSS was told that SSS was better than ASA a tionall;:~r, ~oaus& tt has so ' anany more ohapters, but she added that she liked the !8~ gtrls better just the same. We are sure, hor.everJ that the destinies of our beloved Sorority are in wise hands, that wnen the right · ttme oomes, ASA will add· chapters too .

A- lone as Alpha

* * * * Chapt~r

has brought up the subject of t~e petition ·from Greeley, the Central Office deems it v1ise to say jus t va fer. thlngs allout the · institution ond the eroup. Colorado Statf.> Teache-1

Oollege 1s o~ the best of 1ts kintr. A fine quality of rrork is done and of snob a high grnde that the degree given at the end of the four rears r course is oonsidere·d the equivalent of a similar ono granted b 'j~ tbe State University. There is no question r·hatever about the tnsti .... tution. may ~ell be pro~a to add it to her ~oll. The only qn.estion at all, th'en , vras about the group. !~­ c;u1:r1ee from t~ National Council ~_ brought replies that 3horre .R that the group had been organize (1 for a number of ye a rs , that as a group it had made a name for itself on the oa~pua, that many of its members haa at- · tamed to the distinction of honora:ry fellowships. The Dean C'tf Vv.Omen·; leading members the faculty , heads of Departments , Port glad to speak a good wprd for the group as a v:hole and for the individualti tbe:reof, as girls of character and ability. Copies of thGSe :recbrr~~; ;':! · dat1ons and much literature c0ncerning the Co ll ege have · oc~n sent t o al~ mambet,es of the Council, before tybich noiT lies t he question of voting for or against acbnission . To dute t vro f &vor ablc vetcs aro on hand at the central Office, so things look bright forTbeta Seta Beta rs ehanc~ s



ot Alpha Sigrnu Alpha. · A Qharter grant to Colora do s tate Tr:achers Coll(ge will:

co 'be a part

::·.a. a

large chapter to Our Sorority. It is cus t. o~ary for societies a t ·;reeley to ~arey oetw·e~n thirty and forty mernb t rs . Th~ scbr: vl i s ;, lnrge on& and there is always plenty excell@nt s or crity material , ~c ~ he adci1ssioh of Theta Zeta Beta would nDt ba t~€ cause of a~y cnx~ 7 oODOe:ntne the future o£ ASA . there. . Colcra d.o 1s a· s i ra t':rn~t ~ Ct&t&, as a result of man~r chapters of f amcus Greek-tetter ~~ i~~ -:. ~


of its col1eges.


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