Asa phoenix vol 26 no 2 jan 1940

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19 4 0 "Always I Shall Remember'' ... . . . . ... ... .... . .... . . . ... 3 VOLUME XXVI

\ Call for Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 NUMBER 2

Association of Education Sororities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alpha Sigma Alpha, Honor Unto Thee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Alpha Sigma Alpha's Regional Meetings ........ . .. . ...... 6 Alumnae Support for N a tiona! Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 A lpha Sigma Alpha Financial Study Sheet ... .... . .... . .. . 10 Football is Over, But. ...... . .. .. . .... .. . . ............. 10 Pertinent Facts Relative to Organization of Chartered Alumnae Chapter ..... . .. .. . .... . ....... 11 Don't Be a Silent Sister .. . ... .. .... .. ......... . ........ 12 What's \i\f rong with This Picture? ....................... 12 Pre-Initiation Preparation Program ... . . ................ 13 ASA Fellowship Loan Fund Quiz . ... ... ............. . . . 14 Directory

.......... ... . .... . .... . . .. ........ . .. .. ... 1 ~

• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North N inth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana.


Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1870.










I Shall Remember"

a dear and appropriate finale in T thesel\IEIait路t ishours of 1939, to write a message, however inadequate, for Alpha Sigma Alphas to read in TnE PHOENIX. As I sit here at my Alpha Sigma desk on the eve of a new decade, the time and . etting is perfectly given to reminiscence. The nineteen thirties leave me with so much Alpha Sigma Alpha treasure "in the roundtower of my heart" and so many Alpha Sigma Alpha facts and figures in my mind. But when ~路au read these lines the New Year wi ll be well on its march of days "for Life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday." Even so, always I shall remember 1939 as my first full year of work for Alpha S igma Alpha. Truly, it has been full- "full of a number of thing "-too many to faithfully enumerate here. I ju t want to tell you that as I think back over the year, I am grateful for the blessing it has brought me in Alpha Sigma Alpha. It is heart warming to recall hundreds of personal contacts, little natches of intimate conversations, beautiful acts of courtesy and consideration, shared hopes and pla1is, discussions of knotty problems. . . . And oh, the chapter visits both college and alumnc.e! ever will I cease to wonder at the miracle of friendship which is cemented by common ideals and efforts. or do I ask to fully understand the mysterious depth that fraternity can reach

even in a f w brief hours. I am content in the knowledge that it belongs to us, that it is ours to experience. There is ample proof of the reality of it in my heart each time goodbyes must be said and each time reunion brings its thrill. Such privilege wou ld be meaningless did it not have its price. Fraternity membership is valuable to its owner because it deals in friend hip and love. These are rare qualities and good, but qualities that require constant cultivation for full growth. "Love," Clovis Chappell has aiel, "is restless and inventive. It will do the big thing if possible. If not, it will do the small thing grandly." There is so much to do in Alpha Sigma in 1940-big things and small. Wonderful plans we have: regional rneets and sectional organization, new college chapters almost ready for announcement, greater alumnc.e support, increased prestige, new goals, high hopes, and work for all of us. Tonight in our Alpha Sigma relationships, I ask a gracious benediction on 1939, a year beyond recall. I look hopefully to 1941 with its promise that we will meet in national convention. But my most earnest prayer is for 1940, the present, which is strangely and richly ours-if we will make it so. WILl\I[A VIILSON SH ARP.

The night before New Year's Eve

A Call for Leaders " G OOD leadership in fraternities is essential during the next few years." This, in brief, was the gist of a recent article in Banta's G1'eek Exchange. For fraternities everywhere recognize that they are on the defensive. More than that, they know that ultimate success comes not alone from defending, but primarily from waging an offensive battle. And to go forward requires leadership. Alpha Sigma Alpha has the desire to go forward. Her present leaders are forward looking, but to find the trails which haven't been blazed and to see the opportunities which haven't been uncovered is the big job awaiting new, untried leaders. Members of your National Council feel that it is not enough to do their respective jobs well. They know that it is likevvise their responsi-

bility to train others to carry on, to give others the chance to lead. It is impossible for the Council to know all college and alumnc.e members through correspondence, let alone through personal contact. They must learn potential .leaders through other channels. Do you know an A. S. A. who would be a good leader in sorority work? Send her name to any National Councilor and tell of her particular interest or talent. Are you one of those A. S. A.'s who would like to share in blazing new trails? Don't wait to be drafted for service. Speak for yourself. \!\Trite a National Councilor of your willingness to help. The new regional organization of our sorority calls for many new leaders. At the coming meetings in each section, leaders will be needed for round table discussions, chairmen wi ll be needed


4 for each vent on the program, while other leader will be needed to care for hou ina, reai tration, and entertainment of deleaate , publicity. \\'hat can you do for your orority? \\hat better way to begin training for national leader hip than through the meeting in your own ection? New leaders bring a fre hne , a vi ion, and


a Yigorou enthu · ia m to a movement which far over hadow any lack of exper ience .. \lpha . igma \lpha need :yo u-we need your talent. your idea . . and your un elfi h devotion in ord r that we may wage a ucce ful offen ive and go for\\'ard to new and greater achievement . Don't put it off- end your name today! E\' EL\'N



Association of Education Sororities Conference White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, November 2, 3, 4 DY


A . S. A . Chair111an of Publicity

HE thirteenth biennial conference of the T ciation of Education ororitie met at

othe reenbrier at White ulphur pring , \ Vest Virginia, November 2, 3 and 4, 1939. Miss Mabel Lee Walton, igma Sigma igma, pre ided at all meet ing . The official delegate were a follow : hairman: l\Iis l\Iabel Lee ·walton, 1gma Jgma igma, Clermont, :florida. ecretary: l\Ir . Fred l\1 . Sharp, lpha Sigma lpha, Independence, Mi souri. Trea urer: l\Irs. C. P . Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, Cincinnati. Ohio. Director of City Panhell enic : l\Ii Carrie E. Walter Theta 1gma p ilon, Philadelphi a, Penn ylvania. hairman of E ligibility and Nationalization: Ii E dith l\1an ell, lpha Sigma Tau, H ighland I a rk l\I ichigan, who was represented by l\Jr . H. E. taehle, olumbu O hi o. hairman of P ublicity: Mr . Edward . Beidler, P i Delta Theta, Binghamton, 1 ew Yo rk. Other attending the conference were: ::\[i Evelyn G. Bell , National P re iclent of .-\lpha iama .-\lpha, Buffa lo, ' ew York. ::\frs. L. . a r on National ocial ervice Cha irman of .'iama iama ~ igma, \l exandria, Vir1 ' at ional Pre ident of Thet.1 wma p ilon, Lockport, ~ ew York. ::\Ii.. ::\Iary onnerman, • lumna Repre entativc of Pi Kappa igma Kan a ity, l\Ii ouri. ::\[i. ::\fary IIa tina IIolloway, .\ i tant to the :\at ional Pr ident of ~ iama ~ iama 1g ma, \\'a. hinaton, D.


:.\Irs. ::\Ieacle l\Id\'eill, Chairman of outhern Di trict of A lpha Sigma Tau, then , \ e t Yirgmm. l\Ir . ylvanus F. Nye, Kational Trea urer of Delta igma Epsilon, I enmore, New York. ::\Ir . Ludwig Schmidt. i tant to the ociation of Education ororities Repre entative of 1gma Sigma igma, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Mi s Hilda . tein, National Organ izer of Delta Sigma Epsilon, Carbondale, Illinoi . T he chief function of the A ociation of Education Sororities i to furni h a forum for cliscu sion of mutual problem In the Teacher ollege field. The mo t important bu ine of the conference wa to con ummate an agreement between the National Panhellenic ongres and the ociation of Ed ucation ororities which define the continuance a nd exten ion of both group . Plan· \\'ere made for the revi ion and printing of new handbook for the organization. ne of the out tanding feature of the prog ram wa the pre entation of a paper, "Interfraternity Relation mong Educational ororitie ·'' by ::\Ir . Fred I. harp. Thi paper wa. al o read at the Inter-Panhellenic forum luncheon of the \\' omen' Profe ional Pan hellenic sociation for ctober 29, 1939, at \ a hington, D. ·. .\ econd paper, "Fraternitie at tat e Teacher. 'ollege ·· by l\[ i· Pauline a mper of Farnwillc, \ ' irginia. official r ep re entative of ' igma igma igma to the \\omen' Profe ional Panhellenic ,\ ociat i n wa read at the conference. . \ m m rial ervice to :\I i . cia • · orton, f under of Alpha igma 1 au, and former reprc-



sentative to the \ ssociation of Education oro rities, was read by :;\J 1" . H. E. taehle. Dr. C. . l\Iarsh, \'ice-Pre ident of the merican "o uncil on Education, spoke to the ational Panhellenic Cong re s on ''Some Trends in Collegiate Education" on November 2, to which lecture the members of the Association of Education Sororities were invited. On the evening of ~ovembe r 3, PC held a banquet in the ballroom at the Greenbrier to which all delegate ' and visitors of A. E. S. were invited. One speaker of the evening was .Mrs. . \rthur Vandenburg, Delta Gamma, and wife of enator Vandenburg of .M ichigan. She gave an intere ting picture of the lives of foreign diplomats in Washington. challenge to the \ i\Tomen of the United States was made by Mr . Schuyler Foster, Jr., in her address on "vVoman's Work Has Just

5 Degun." l\Irs. Fo ter is very active in the League of Women Voters and the Peace Council. Her home is in Columbu , Ohio. The incoming officers of the Association of E ducation Sororiti es for the period 1939-1941 are: Chairman: l\Irs. F reel .M. Sharp, Alpha 1gma Alpha. Secretary: Mr . C. P . Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma. Treasurer: .Mrs. Robert S. Hi ll , Delta Sigma Epsilon. Director of Local Panhellenics: Miss Carri e E . \i\Talter, Theta Sigma Upsilon. Chairman of Eligibility and Nationalization: :;\/fiss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau . Chairman of Publicity: .Mrs. Edward A. Beidler, Pi Delta Theta. Chairman of Interfraternity Relations : M iss Mabel Lee \i\Talton, Sigma Sigma Sigma.

Alpha Sigma Alpha, Honor Unto Thee BEHALF of the National Council, your ONA.E.S . representative wishes to thank college and alumnce chapters for their expressions of confidence and for the thoughtful reactions and pertinent questions received. The sane attitude and sound position which our membership advanced on this long mooted question adds strength to our own convictions and courage to our spirits. It testifies to the unity and loyalty of Alpha Sigma Alphas that so important a matter could be presented and acted upon without the expensive necessity of a called convention. It is with much satisfaction that we report the respect and consideration accorded the Association of Education Sororities and Alpha Sigma Alpha during the conventions at White Sulphur Springs. Although Alpha Sigma Alpha's place on the Field Committee has demanded much time and work, it has also served as a means to broaden our sorority contacts and to interpret the high standards of our organization. We have many fine friendship in National Panhellenic Congress, V\Tomen's P rofessional Panhellenic Association and A. E. S . Let us continue to merit the esteem in which Alpha Sigma Alpha is held . For the benefit of alumnce who do not enjoy the good fortune of membership in an alumnce chapter, we again repeat the exact wording of the recommendations passed by the National Panhellenic Congress. The following statement was ic:sued by N. P. C. to A. E . S .

This represents the unanimous action of National Panhellenic Congress at its twenty-six conf erence upon the following recommendations : The Committee on Eligibility and Nationali zation of Social Groups recommends that National Panhellenic Congress agree not to enter fields already occupied by the Association of Education Sororities, and agree to consider a the fi eld of the Association of Education Sororities the institutions accredited by the A merican Association of Teachers' Colleges . The Committee on Eligibility and Nati onali zation of Social Groups recommend s that National Panhellenic Congress go on record as approving a cooperative, non-governing affiliation with the \i\Tomen's Professional Panhellenic AssoCiation, the Association of Education ororities, and similar National Associations in the collegiate fi eld. It is recommended that the ob jective of such an affiliation be to further the welfare of fraternity women by giving greater emphasis and more widespread recognition to fraternity standards, and safegua rd and point the direction of future fraternity life in the educational system. It is further recommended that the Committee on Eligibility and Nationalization of Social Groups be authorized to complete details of such an organization and report same to the next Panhellenic Congress.




Alpha Sigma Alpha's Regional Meetings HE YE R 19-+0 mark another mile tone in the hi tory of lpha igma Alpha. t that time . A.' will convene at regional meeting in yariou ection of the country. It wa at the 1938 ational Convention that A. . adopted the three-year plan whereby re ional meetings will be held one year, in pection · the econd year, and our national convention the third year. In accordance with the convention ruling, the National Counci l announces the e tentative plan for lpha igma's first regional meeting .


HOW? College and alumn;:e chapters are to be divided according to geographical location into five region . Your chapter i li ted below. The r gional meeting in each ca e will be held at the place leading the li t.

Region I College

Washington, D. C.

Alpha Kappa Kappa

~u u Rho Rho

Beta Epsilon Theta Theta

A I lllltllae Hampton Road harleston Ea tern Pa. Philadelphia Delaware Boston Uuntington, \ V. Ya. entral Pa. :0: ew York

Region II College


lpha Gamma Alpha eta

Iu Mu

Pi Pi Chi Chi


Pitt bu rgh Pa. ," ford, Ohio Detroit Duffalo Indianapoli

lev eland Yp ilanti hicago John town

Toledo Kent olum bu Canton ~1uncie

Region III Kan a City Collcge lpha Beta amma Gamma

Ep ilon Zeta Zeta

Eta Eta Phi Phi

A lunwa c Yirk ville it\·

. \Iva E mporia \\ .ichita

Region IV New Orlean College P i Deta a mma .Jii/IIIII OC

Tul. a

Pitt burg. Kan ::.raryville D e.: :.\Joine

Beta Delta

Region V College Beta Beta


Xi Xi



Tau Tau

Alwmuae Denver

Greeley Lo ngele

Hay an Diego

WHY? The e regional meeting are embryonic conventions. They are de ignecl to give college aml alumn;:e member an opportunity to eli cu their mutual problems in maller and more intimate g roups; to make forward looking plan for our national program; to meet the lpha Sigmas in their particular ection; and to enjoy to the fulle t the fellowship of our orority.

WHAT? The program a include :

tentatively planned would

aturdayGeneral get-together and luncheon Openi ng Meeting Round table discu ton 1. lum nee 2. College Fo rmal Banquet and program Informal get-together tunts, ong fe t undayClo ing Breakfa t General meeting.

WHO? The definite date for the e regional meeting will be announced shortly, but it i n't too early to tart your plan to attend. Don't a k "Who hall we end?" Rather a k, 'How many can <YO?'' The big motive back of the e regional meeting i to bring them o clo e to your individual chapter that it will be po ible for many of your group to attend. Perhap you've never had the chance to attend a national convention. . •o doubt y u have alway wanted to get that "feel' ·J i cotwention that delegate alway menti n. Th :ro r gional meeting offer each .\. . .\. that chanc · to et the feel of what it m an t be an ,\lpha igma • lpha. Let's get behind thi new movement. Let' plan to ha,·e a large rer re entati n from ach colle e and alumn;:e chapt r. It' a week-end you'll anticipa te, and a week-end y u'll later rem mber with in urmountable pi a ure. E\' ELYX





Alumnae Support for National Growth A LP IJ.'\ l"\. wtth

J G~r. ~ ALPHA eme r~e. victorious along the tx other Assoctat10n of Education Sororilie in the long struggle to obtain a satisfactory olution to the problem of field. The Iational I anh ellen ic Congress accepted unanimously the recomm endation that our field be clearly defined and Alpha Sigma lpha sets her st ride for achivements un equalled in her past history. \iV hat form wi ll th ese new achievements take? Growth! New college chapters. Growth! New alumnc:e chapters. Growth! Regional Convention bringing college and alumnc:e members together in groups of national significance. A nd again Growth! Alumnc:e interest to bring about a co ntinuing alumnc:e support of thi s National program of expansion. Such a program will mean a greater development of alumnc:e interest than Alpha Sigma Alpha now has. A growing alumnc:e interest has been hown by the establishment of many new alumnc:e chapters and increased alumnc:e attendance at N ationa! Conventions. But there is need fo r g reater financial support on the part of our alumnc:e if the sorori ty is to embark upon this program of expansion and growth . To maintain its enviable position as a leader among the A. E . S . groups A lpha Sigma Alpha must engage in new and costly ventures. It cannot maintain its place in th e forefront by standing still. As an organization it must move forward with its rivals in the field. It must follovv the trend in fraternity activity as a changing world shapes the course of action for all fraternities. Regional organization seems wise and feasible for a widely scattered membership_. so Alpha Sigma Alpha embarks upon her program of growth with plans for it. And it is hoped that the regional organization will have a wider purpose than the Regional Conventions themselves. It can lead into other means of growth and achievement as it has done for other fraternities. \ iVe have prided ourselves that we have been able to achieve much as an organization and still keep our clues and fees at a minimum. S ince 1934 there has been no pressure brought to bear on our alumnc:e m~mbers for financial support. The college graduates have been sent only one letter concerning alumnc:e dues. Payment of alumnc:e dues has been entirely voluntary and consequently ver y li ttle money has come into the National Treasury. Alumnc:e dues are fi xed at $25 and there are no annual dues. The pledge fees of new members have been credited to alumnc:e dues therefore reducing th e amount to be paid after leaving school.

Payments of any amo unt are acceptable at anv time after initiation. By diverting the alumnc:e dues to the Convention F und and defraying a part of the alumnc:e delegates' expense to National Convention, theresponse of individual members through their Alumnc:e Chapters has been commensurate with the amount needed for alumnc:e Convention expenses. But to finance these new ventures in fraternity growth, regional organization and expansion of chapters, Alpha Sigma Alpha asks for the individual support of her al umnc:e members. And to have individual suppo rt a plan of individual contact by chapter members with their own chapter siste rs is presented. The Alumnc:e Loyalty Committee with Thelma Stortz Moyer, Kappa Kappa and National Secretary, as I ational Chairman will go into action as soon as this number of the PHOENIX is off the press. W ith her will serve five Regional Chairmen, twenty-three College Chapter Chairmen and thirty-nine Alumn c:e Chapter Chairmen. This Committee will f unction until the 1941 Convention when it is hoped that the possibilities of th e plan will be enlarged and the organi zati on perfected for pem1anent service. \iVho but the very members hav ing made outstanding contributions to their chapters in college days are the alumnc:e selected to serve on the Alumnc:e Loyalty Committee. We honor these by giving them the opportunity to contribute their most precious gifts to their sorority; their leadership, their initiative, their expe ri ence and time. The duties of all who will function to make the plan a success are listed. Those persons with tentative appointments to the Alumnc:e Loyalty Committee a re asked to write at once to Thelma Stortz Moyer at Laurel, Delaware, of their willingness to serve in thi s capacity.


THELliiA STORTZ l\IoYER, Kappa Kappa

Region I Regional Chair111an

MARJORIE CH .\liiTIERS SEELY, N u N u College Chapter Chainn e11

Katharine R oberts, Alpha Alice Carl, Kappa Kappa. Marjo rie Chambers Seely, Nu N u l\Iayme Sias, Rho Rho \iVini f recl Rew, Beta Epsi lon



Alumnae Chapter Chairmcu Grace Gowan, Trea . Bo ton Elizabeth \Vii on Ro t, Trea entral Pa. Eloi e Keller, Trea .. harle ton Trea urer, Delaware Helen Poser Heckert, Trea ., Ea tern Pa. Yirginia Guy Steigler, Trea .. Hampton Road Ed ith hafer, Trea ., Huntington Trea urer, New York ity Betty . lbrecht, Treas., Philadelphia

Region II

Region IV Regi01wl Chairman ::-L\XETTE


P ·i Psi

College Chapter Chair/lieu .:\Iary Beer-. Deta Gamma Joyce Newcomb, Beta Delta :2\Ianette \\·ett. P i P i .·cJ!u mua e Chapt er Chairmen \ elma \ ' an Horn, Treas., Tul a Trea urer. hreveport

Region V

R egional Chairman J r ETTE P .\U \V .\)J"G, Pi Pi

Regional Chairman

Co'!lege Chapter Cha irmen cia t. lair, \ lpha Gamma Bertha Rolfe, Theta Theta Lyla tenzel, Mu l\Iu Annette Pau wang. P i Pi race Richey, hi hi

College Chapter C!tainnen Helen N el on . Deta Deta Doniece Ro e, Xi Xi Marvell a ch ridcle. Tau Tau l\lary Lee ::-Iiller, 1gma 1gma

.-:l lumnae Chapter Chairmen :2\Iary Carmello Carfagne, Trea ., Canton Gertrude McKernan Palmer, Trea ., Buffalo Elizabeth Grig y Foyer Trea ·., Chicago Ruth elby Vorhee , Treas., levelancl F lorence immon Dane, Tr as., Detroit Bereniece Lamb, Treas., Inclianapoli Treasurer, John town ~aom i John on Hob on Kent Yirginia McCarty, Trea ., :2\Iuncie ~ ellie Lo h, Trea . Oxford ::-rr . Glenn Bicker taff, Trea ., Pitt burg ::-Ir . eorge Condit, Trea ., Toledo Trea urer, Yp ilanti ::-rr . J ohn \ • uichet. Trea ., olumbu

Region III Regioual Chairman ~ EORGL\



Phi P hi

College Chap ter Chairm en ::-Iary ::-Iargaret hou h, . lpha Beta .-\nne old mith, Ep il on Ep ilon \\'alcl ine avanaugh , Eta Eta reer amma amma utton, Zeta Zeta chulte P hi P hi




1lu1111tae Chapter Chairmeu ::-Jaro-aret Xichol - Kitt , Trea .. Dem·er Grace l\IcKinney. Trea . Greeley Katherine Pratt Mermi , Trea ., Hay Glady Lud lam, Trea ., Lo Ano-eles .:\!arion Campbell, an Diego

DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS National Chairman 1. Prepare form letter to accompany peronal contacts of College hapter hairmen. 2. end alumm:e li t received from Regional hairmen to College hapte1• hairmen \\"ith corre poncling number of form letter · needed h) each . 3. Provide College hapter Vice-Pre iclent with name and ad eire e of Regional hai rmen and ollege hapter hai rmen. 4. ProYicle ollege hapter - hai rmen with name and addres e of Reo-ional hairmen. 5. Provide Regional hairmen with name., and ad clre e of oll ege Chapter hairmen . 6. Ove r ee \\" Ork of entire omm ittee h) keeping in touch with per~onnel.

National President 1. end alumme li t f r 1 37-3' and 1 3.'· 3 f r each chapter to Reo-ional hai rm en.

National Vice-Pre ident 1. end complete member ·hip li t of . \lumnce 'hapter for 1939--+0 to Regi nal hairmcn on February fir t. R ,.i ·i n · or chang he ·ent annually. end · l\\" duplicate f each li t t • ationa! Tr a ur r. : uch data a::. maiden name. , married name · and chapt r: a r ' impe ratin:~.


National Treasurer 1. end ' complete member hip li t of each chapter with Life 1embership tatu of each member to the allege Chapter hairmen. 2. end membership lists of lumnze haoter indicating Life Membership status to !tunnee hapter Chairmen. 3. Report annually to the entire Committee the amount of Alumnze due received and to the College Chapter Chairmen the individual payments and the changing Life Membership status of the members.

Regional Chairmen 1. \1\T rites National Chairmen accepting appointment as Regional Chairman and College Chapter Chairman . 2. Receives membership li ts of Alumnze Chapters for 1939-40 from National Vice-President. 3. Receives alum nee lists for 1937-38 and 1938-39 for each college chapter in her Region from the National President. Indicates on these lists affiliations already made with Alumnze Chapter , noting name of chapter. Alumnze affiliated with lumnaze Chapters will not be contacted by the College Chapter Chairmen. These li sts are then sent to the National Chairman. 4. Receives alumnze lists for 1937 and each year back to the in tallation elate of chapter from college chapter vice-presidents . Indicates on these lists affiliations already made with Alumnze Chapters and sends li sts to conesponding C allege Chapter Chair111e11.

College Chapter Chairmen 1. 路w rites National Chairman accepting appointment as College Chapter Chairman. 2. Using lists provided by the National Chairman, contact all alumnze members of your chapter, not affiliated with any alumnze chapter and not life members, who left school during 1937-38 and 1938-39, at once. This contact may take the form of a personal letter supplementing the form letter of the National Chairman, copies of which will be provided . The purpose of the contact being to urge alumnze members to start and continue payments of any amount on Life :M embership or Alumnze clues. The contact may take the form of a personal call whenever possible. All clues are to be sent to the National Treasurer, .~\Irs. Polly Schlosser, 2800 Dexter, Denver, Colorado . 3. using li sts provided by the Regional Chairmen, contact all alumnze members of your chapter not affiliated with any alumnze chapter and not life members, who left school during 1937

and o on back through each year to the in tallation date of the chapter. T hese lists must be checked with th e chapter' life membership status lists received from the N a tiona! Treasurer because some of the girls are Life Members and will not need to be contacted. O th ers will need to be notified a to the amount wh ich has been credited to their life membership. 4. Request from the ational Chairman the number of form letters needed as alumnze li ts are received from the Regional Chairmen. The necessary stationery will be provided and allowance will be made for postage.

Alumnae Chapter Chairmen 1. Writes National Chairman accepting appointment as Alumnze Chapter Chairman and stating willingness to serve on Alumnze Loyalty Committee in the capacity of Alumnze Chapter Treasurer until the 1941 Convention. 2. Receives from Tational Trea urer the membership lists of Alumnze Chapter indicating Life Membership stat"us of each member. 3. Makes personal contacts through Alumnze meetings and in other ways to urge members to start and continue payments on Alumnze dues. 4. Collects individual payments and sends to National Treasurer annually. Make every effort to collect the minimum $10 annually so as to assure payment of hotel expenses of delegate to N ational Convention.

Chapter Vice-Presidents 1. Sends up-to-elate alumnze lists of members graduating or leaving school during 1937 and so on back through each year to the installation elate of the chapter, to the Regional Chairman of her Region. Research will be necessary to bring such lists up-to-elate as to marriages and addresses. Lists for the first several years mentioned can be compiled first and forwarded as soon as possible, other yea r's lists should follow as oon as accurate data is obtained. It is suggested that the registrar work with the vice-president and much data tran sferred to the red membersh ip book. For "lost members'' cards might be sent to parents and alumnze chapters in your region can be appealed to for their membership list with addresses. 2. By May first sends list of graduating members to her Regional Chairman. This list should be complete for data such as school and hom ~ addresses . 3. By November first send s a complete list of member who graduated or did not return to school from the previous year. This list should be complete for data such as home and teach ingaddresses. PoLLY ScHLOSSER.




Alpha Sigma Alpha Financial Study Sheet January 1940 - 0ffice of National Treasurer ALUMNAE


In 1930 lpha igma Alpha revi ed her financial policie . The realization that the reource of college tuclent are limited prompted the 1930 onvention body to make the college initiate's fee a low as po ible. Thi plan wa made po ible only becau e of a companion plan. The feeling then a now wa that following graduation .A. . \. ' would be in a better po ition to contribute to the support of the orority than during their college clay . Therefore, ince 1930 lpha igma lpha has looked to her Jumn~ members to complete payment on their individual life member hip through mall annual contributions. For those initiated in 1930, 1931 and 1932 through ugust, 10 of the fee paid at the time of initiation is credited to you r Life ~Iembership. In other word s to complete your life membership dues you would make three annual payment of 5 each. For those initiated since A ugust, 1932, when the lowered fee went into effect, $5 of the fee paid at the time of initiation is credited to your Life Membersh ip and four ann ual payment of $5 each would complete your life member hip dues. Prior to 1935 all Alumn~ dues were placed in the Endowment Fund and through the years a substantial fund of $66,050 ha been accumulated. ince $18,275 of this fund represents 25 payment by 73 1 member for Life Sub cription to the PHOE NIX, a certain portion of the

annual intere t i - u ·ed to lefray the xpen ·e oi publi hing the magazine. The remainder of the intere t ha been u eel to lefray the expen e of ~ ational Convention . ince 193-, by YOte of the ~ ational ouncil. all alumn~ clue paid to the ~ ational Trea · urer have been placed in the onvention F und , thu enablin rr the orority to finance in part, alumnte repre entation at our 1936 onvention. The ame plan will be u eel for the 19-l-1 onvention. lumn~ or Life ~Iember hi p Due , 25 Life ubscription to the PHOENIX, 25 additional nnual ubscription to the Pnoonx, 1 additional

Life ~Iember or ~Iember who haYe paid 25 .00 do not receive the PrroENIX except by paying $ 1 annually. end ub cripti n to the. Tational Trea urer, givinrr full 11a111 e, chapter and current addre . Hermes Roll Members or Member who have paid $50 are Life ::\1ember and Life ub criber . Members may make payment of any amouut on Life Member hip due direct to the National Trea urer, M rs. Polly chlo ser 2800 Dexter treet, Denver, Colorado, or through lumn<"C Chapter Trea urer . ll lumnre due paid through Alumme hapter Trea urers will count tOWSlrd the requirement that each lumme Chapter collect ten dollar· annually in lumn ~ due from it member . This amount i placed in the Convention Fund to help defray expen e of delegate from chartered lumnre hapter to ~ational onven iton .

• Football IS Over, ButI \\ \ ITY i "on the map"! 11 of you You

who are intere ted in thi port have become familiar with th e name of ~ ile Kinnick of Iowa it) - the out tanding .\ll-American Rei man , ward Winner and one of the plucky little ixtyminute iron-men of the niver ity of Iowa Football T ea m. .\nd what connection doe thi have with .\.lpha igma ? ~I e rely thi - LiYing in thi ame renowned town i one of yo ur N ational fficer ; a n \lpha ig who i trying to keep a watchful eye on all you alumnce not affiliated with an a lumn, chapter.

hould ee how readily I move a i ter from klahoma to Colorado and from per hap alifornia to Ohio; preci ely o a the notice of addre change come to m . h, for the I ower to move you at random! Then there'd be two more Alpha ig in Ft. \\ ayne to make the nece ary eight for an alumnce group; and everal more in altimore o that our girl in that city might organize a chapt r. . \nd wh n I go day dreaming I vi ualize many other chapter in new localitie : \\'e e tabli h a chapter on th \\'e tern lope in olorado another in atchitoche Loui iana and bring ur alumn~ from



Richmond, Pueblo and Washington " into the fold." But wi hing and dreaming alone will not foster growth in lpha Sigma's Alumnce Roll; follow-up are made by letters and contacts with alumnce in these various parts of the country. lf perchance you are in a locality which could organize an alumnce chapter and haven't as yet been contacted, won't you take the initiative and write me? Our alumnce can do much to advance the interests of our orority and make A . S. A . a leader in the fraternity world. Right now th ere are still many places where A. S. A. should have influential chapters. There are no stringent requirements and it doesn't cost a cent. On another page you will find listed the "Pertinent Facts


Relative to rganization of bartered lumn ce Chapters." Reflect on your college clays and the things you promised you would do for the sorority once you were alumnce. Ce rtainly we all loved . S . A . Surely our loyalty deepened by the friend hip she gave us and the poignant memories of her lovely rituali tic se rvices are too precious to let go. o gather round - You and You and-YOU. Lend your support to Alpha Sigma Alpha's Alumnee expan ion program.

" In service and love each day; And to give full measureyour w hole life tlwough Is your pledge to A. S. A ." HELEN BRADLEY.

Pertinent Facts Relative to Organization of Chartered Alumnae Chapter PETITION In accordance with the Constitutional requirement the petition must be signed by at least eight alumnce. Upon receipt of this petition and its acceptance by the National Council the petitioning group is granted a Charter.

NATIONAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS To be an Alumnce Chapter involves no financial obligations. The following contributions can be made at the will of the Chapte路r.

Fellowship Fund: Once a year our well established groups contribute ten dollars to the .Fellowship Fund of the sorority which provides loans for our college girls. Many Alumnce chapters consider this their philanthropic work for the year. A. S. A . does not expect newly organized groups to be able to make this contribution but the sorority is glad when alumnce feel that they can help in the carrying out of our various activities.

Life Membership Fees: A chartered Alumnce chapter contributing at least ten dollars annually in Life Membership Fees is entitled to full hotel expenses to Convention for one alumnce delegate. The ten dollars collected ( for example, one dollar from each of

ten members to be applied on their respective life memberships) is placed in the Convention Fund to help defray alumnce expenses.

OFFICERS OF ALUMNAE CHAPTER When the chapter is sufficiently large the Constitution suggests a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and PI-IOE TIX Correspondent. The latter is asked to send news of her chapter to M rs. John Horter, 219 East Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania, by the 5th of October, December, Feb ruary and April.

MEETINGS In accordance with the Constitutional requirement an Alumnce Chapter is expected to hold at least four meetings a year. A definite alumnce program is not suggested .

LOCAL DUES To be determined by the A lumnce chapter. Some groups set yearly dues, wh ile others have an assessment for each meeting.

ALUMNAE CHAPTER ROLL The National Alumnce Organizer will furnish the names and addresses of alumnce living in a given locality.




Be a Silent Sister

T long ago, I read of a mall town weekly new pape r who e ub cribers received the surpri ·e of their new paper-reading live when, after reading the fir t page of new in a recent i sue, opened the paper to find the page blank, with the fo llowing note in a block in the center of the page, 'Don't laug h, but ''"e had a heck of a time filling up the fir t page." Fortunately for your PHOENIX editor , there i alway news of our college and alumn<e chapter . T hen too, some member have been good nough to make contributions to the literary department, telling of their tra Yel . bobbie or other experi ence that have intere ted themwhen they have been asked to write about them . ne thing that would brinu gladne to your ditor ' heart and econd ight to their wea ry eye would be the receipt of a manu cript po ted to them-un olicited. o often you have read article of interest to you, and after putting them down, have made the mental ob ervation that you have had just as intere ting experiences and that you would put your thought in black (or blue, depending upon the color of the ink ) and white. and send them off to an editor . But it proved to be only a Aeeting though. albeit incere_. when orne other matter pre en ted itself and your authorin g impul e were relegated to the ubcon cious until some late r elate, and you would begin the proce a ll ove r aga in. Th u far, your ed itor have been fo rtun ate enough to have fr iend throughout the orority wh would drop a hint uch a , "Mary mith's hu 1 and has just been tran ferrecl f rom Hawaii to a new ba e in ent ra l A merica · he write intere tin u letter ; maybe he would write an art icl e for the PH E ' Ix.'' The idea i po unced upon and Mary i traightway a ir-mailed a letter to the effect that we would like to have her write an articl for the P rrooux on her life, or a pha · of it, in Hawaii . \ -ery often . when approached for an art icle, a preYiow ly ilent i ter ay that he ha not the . lighte ·t idea of what t wr ite-and what doe ·he cJ that would be of intere t to other ? \\'her upon. we make the following ugge tion · : "hri topher ::\I rley ha written a delightfu l piece on " ·hy h n ver awwcr letter ; J. H. Prie tly has r c ntly publi · heel hi impres ·i n on "Th First 'nowfall": in a recent i ue f The ,·ltlantic .lfontllly ther appear cJ '' ur In tituti n I · nrick." an abs rbina account. written in diary f rm hy a hi h ·ch ol irl wh had be n an in-



mate of an orphanage ; and one of the em · of Enali h literature i a "Di ertation on Roa. t P ig. ' In a more eriou vein, but I contend. no more profoun I. one may write about uch things a n Explanation of the E in t in Th ory, or Recent Development in r aanic hemi try. or Problem onfronting the -' 'ew E ngland Lob ter Indu try, or urvey of theRe earch on\ itamin C Content in F rozen Foo I . A nything that i intere ting to a per on can be the ubj ect of a fa cinating article if he ha the will to write it. It is your privilege to end your editor what you write. Maybe you ha\·e written omething but think it not worth the ending. In such a ca e remember 1\Iargaret Mitchell expenence with "Gone \' ith the v\ incl .. , he had to be coaxed to let a publisher read it In th e pi ri t of genero ity, hare •our experience with other by etting th em clown in wo rd s and ending them off to you r editor . THE PI-IOE IX i a magazine compiled by the sorority for the o rori ty and an organ in which we all should ha re. Don't be a ilent i ter! Co ntribution for TuE PHOENIX may be mail ed to: l\'lr . B. } . Leib. partm nt T, 3540 No rth Penn ylvania treet. Indianapol is, Indiana. o r l\Ir . John l\I. Horter 2 19 Eat T hird treet. Beaver, Pen n ylvania. .\ LLY HoRTER.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH -THIS PICTURE? •·.Believe It or Not" There are approximately 7,000 member of lpha S igma lpha. T here are approximately 800 ub criber THE PHOE IX . The latte r figure include life and ann ual ubscription . ny enterpri ing per on intere ted in any undertaking that he ha been a igned or that he ha taken by choice, or both, mu t be intere ted with all her might in ' hat he i doing. To be intere ted he mu t haYe a knowledge f her ubject. In oro rity lif e. a girl learn. about her or rity by talkin g with member and by reaclina the orority publi cation . T h refore, may we ventur the que ·tion: can a member f lpha ' igma lpha, pecially a girl holding fficc. on cientiou ly, r acle 1uat ly, carry out h r dutic.., a a memb r and officer without ub cr il ing to TilE P I WE~IX? PnoE~Ix ub cription ar one dollar a year . payable to: ::\fr .. Rina rd :chlo er, 2 00 Dexter. Dem·er, · I racl . .' .\Lf.Y [J ORTER.



Pre-Initiation Preparation Program AS fi

II ell \ \' eek vvalk out with the wallflower Pre-initiation P reparation P rogram a nd th~ glamour girl ta ke their place on the college campi. T he glamo ur girl i always welcome and most popular on college campi. W hat has been clone to popul arize P re-ini tiation P reparation P rog ram ? T he - igma ~ u 's of \ i\f isconsin tell of th eir Sigma Xu v\ eek in Ba nta's Cree l~ E :rchange, July, 1938, in an article entitled, ' 'Vle Gave Up Hell Week and In titute I S igma N u Vleek. " May we quote from thi article? ''Th ursday night each pledge was required to bring a prominent Greek pa rticipant in extracurri cul ar activities to the chapter house fo r dinner. D uring the dinn er the pledge made a few informal rema rks on hi s guest's activity, hi s frate rni ty, and our a sociations with that activity and fratern ity. In each instance the guest responded \\路ith imila r rema rk s, praising, incidentally, . N. . . . . F riday at the noon meal the group sang songs until we were satisfi ed that they had been learned .. . . F ri day evening each pledge gave a talk at the dinner table about Sigma :\ u chapter in a neighboring unive rsity and about the school it elf . . .. Afte r dinner an acti Ye gave what he called a "Chalktalk" on Greek houses on our campus. . . . their rating, outtand ing members and accomplishments, and ou r relation hip with them, draw ing pictures of pledge and actiYe badges as he talked. Saturday a di'> cus. ion about the fraternity included our fin anci al policy, our campus politics, our ideas about fraternities. our alumni, our nati onal organi zation, our local organization, and countl ess oth er pertinent que tions about the frat . . . At three in th e afternoon on Sunday formal initiation was held and follo\Y ed by a banquet. Every pledge knew the inside and out of the f ra ternity." Soro rities and fraternities are making preini tiati on \Y eek a more profitable experience and enterpri se. "Social P recedents and Sorority Ethics" remi nd us that "customs have changed radicall y in recent years regarding the statu s of pledges. I nstead o f making their lives miserable by unrea sonable, ri diculous requirements, the entire abo li tion of all obj ectionable pre-initiation 路tunts and practi ces, sometim es g rouped under the name of 'Hell '"' eek,' has been sancti oned by the leading sorori ties and fraternities as obsolete and oppo eel to the ideals and dignity of the fraternal \\路oriel. This means that there shall be no publi c exhibitions, demonstrati ons, rough or ttn digni fiecl tunts."

F rom our resea rch of the many orority and f rate rnity publications we fi nd that th e following P re-Initiation P r eparation Prog am has been hi ghly successful. "On Monday night, active and pledges hold an open meeting with the pledge entirely in cha rge. T he pledge group sings ongs and then invites questions about A. S. . to be asked them by th e actives. O n Tuesday night, the pledge group sponsors a F ireside Chat. T he pledges have th e entire responsibility fo r the success of the evening. A Panhellenic adviser will probably be the speaker fo r the evening, her topic being '"W ould I Make a Good So rority Girl ?' O n Wednesday night, a quiz fo r actives and p ledges is held . It is more or less a contest seeing whether the actives or the pledges a re up on their material. T he quiz includes history, finances, chapte r roll, national organization and general information. On T hursday, upon the invitation of alumn re and patronesses the prospective initiates make fi ve or more calls during the clay (or perhaps during the week ) . T hese calls a re the pledges' entire respo nsibility. It is more or less an open house fo r the pledges . O n F riday, initiation is held followed by a fo rmal dinner honoring th e initiates. T here is an exchange of gifts between pledge moth ers and ini tiates." T hu s using Pre-Initiation Preparation \Neek a a climax the individual initiate realizes that through her own endeavor s she has qualified her set f to take f ull oppo rtu nity of the pri vilege that is offered her. M ARY M AE PAUL.


Order of Business I. Call to order . I I. Opening exerCise. (Devoti onal, Singing, E tc. ) III. Reading of minutes. (Always say of P1'evio~ts meeting not last meeting.) IV. T reasurer's report. ( Do not acc ept treasurer's report, say " will be fi led subject to audit or auditor's report") . V. R epo rt of Comm ittees : A. Standing B. Special V I. U nfinished business. ( Do not call it "old" business. ) \ II. 1\ ew business.


\ 'III. Program. IX. Roll all. (:.\lay be before reading of minute . ) Any forgotten item. XI. \djournment. ( lotion to adjourn, no remark . Be certain to take both affirmative and negative vote; declare re ult, and ay, "v\ e are adjourned." If no motion ay 'If there are no objection , we will be adjourned." If meeting ha gone beyond time limit. ay, "\ e are adjourned becau e of limitation of time.") b olutely no bu ines may be tran acted after adjournment. The gavel should be ounclecl once a the word , "vVe are adjourned," are aiel.

11 . Are fund m·ai lable at all time ? 12. \ \ hat i the pre ent ·tat us of the Fund? 13. I there a pecific time to end the annual 10 contribution? 1-J.. Do chapter receive any pecial rat ing for early contributions? 15. \l\1hat percentage of chapters contribute? 16. \\ h n is K ational F llo\\' hip \\ eek thi: chool year? 17. \ Vill contribution ent in after that date be <Yiven credit? 1 . From whom may additional informati n be obtained?


1. An A. . A. revolving fund. 2. 1926; a isting worthy members to comApproval of Minutes plete coll ege and remain active in . A. fter minutes have been read, say " re there 3. Any member or pledge of A. any correction ?" If no correction , say "Hear4. A member, not in exce of $200 fo r colin()' none, they are approved." If corrections, lege expen e; a pledge, not in exec of $-J.O for "They are approved a corrected ." (Sound gaYel initiation. once.) Do not ay acorrectio11s, additions or 5. \ recommendation from the Dean of \ Yoomissions," a additions or om1 ton are cor- men the Chapter Aclvi er, and one other per on. rection . 6. " promi ory note for one year with th option of ful l payment or partial payment and Nine Points in a Motion renewal at the end of that it me; end or ement of 1. Obtain the floor (by r ising). the note by a property owner. 2. Address the chair (Madam Pre iclent). 7. Financia l respon ibi lity to meet terms of 3. Recognition by chair. l~an; mo:al .responsibi li ty to reduce loan if po 4 . l\Iaking of motion i always in affirmative. tble; a 1 t 111 making funds available fo r others. Do not ay, "I move we do not".) 8. Fellow hip Loan Chairman. econd of motion . 9. National Trea urer. 6. tatement by chair . ("It ha been moved and seconded that we . . . . . Are there 10. Twenty-three during 193 -1939: eightyany remark ?") five over a peri od of twelve year 7. ffirmat ive vote. 11 U ually. Dependent on chapter contribu1 egative vote. tion and promptne of payment on out. tanding 9 . Declare re ult (carried or lost) with one loan . ound of gavel. E THER Bucr-IER. 12. 5, 165.24. At pre ent 99 per cent loaned out. 13. :'\ ational Fell ow hip \\' e k. . \cceptablc ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FELLOWSHIP any time . LOAN FUND QUIZ 14. Rated according to date of contribution. ee May, 1939, PHOENIX. Que tions 1. Twenty-one active chapter out of twenty1. \ hat i the Fellow hip Loan Fund? three· nineteen alumme chapter out of thirty2. \ hen wa it created? For what purpo e? e en ( 193 -1939). 3. \ ho i eligible? 16. :\larch 15 to 23 . ..J.. How much can one borro\\'? 17. \pril lOth i the deadline for PIIOEKIX 5. \Vhat are the requirement ~ r c gnition. \\' hat are the term ? 1 . :\lr . linton .:\ . Berrv 1 7 \\'apello 7. \\hat i the re pon ibility? Lane, ,\ltadena California. To whom doe one make application? ·II w far that little candle throw · it beam. ! \ \ 'ho i ue the not ? o hine a Fellow hip Loan in me . \lpha 10. Ilo\\' many have tak n advantage of thi ig' world." pp rtunity? :.I.\RIE DERRY.




Directory National Council 1938-1941 President-Miss Evelyn G . Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, BuiTalo, New York. Vice-President-Miss Esther Bucher, 4134 Eaton, Kansas City, Kansas. Secretary-Mrs. Charles M. Moyer, Laurel, Delaware. Treasurer-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 28oo Dexter Street, D enver, Colorado. Registrar-Miss Mary Mae Paul, 413 Yz West Sixth Street, Hays, Kansas. Editor-Mrs . B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment "T", Indianapolis, Indiana. Educational Directot路-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri .

National Chairmen Alumna: Organizer-Mrs. Lewis Bradley, r 175 Court Street, Iowa City, Iowa. Alumna: Editor-Mrs . John Horter, 219 East Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 6r4 North Market Street, Maryville, Missouri . Fellowship-Mrs. Clinton Berry, r87 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Scholarship-Miss Joy Mahacheck, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, Y. W. C. A., Zanesville, Ohio.

Roll of College Chapters Alpha-State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia. Alpha Beta-State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missoun. Alpha Gamma-State Teachers College, Indiana Pennsylvania . Beta Beta- Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma-Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Centra! Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta Theta-Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa- Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mu Mu-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Nu Nu-Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Xi Xi-University of California, Los Angeles, California. Pi Pi-Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York. Rho .R.ho-Marshall College, Huntington, West Virgtnia. Sigma Sigma-Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi-Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri . Chi Chi-Bail State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana. Psi Psi-Louisiana State Normal, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Beta Gamma-Northeastern State Teachers College, Tallequah, Oklahoma. Beta Delta- State Teachers College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virgtnia.

Board of Advisers Alpha-Miss Grace Moran. Alpha Beta-Miss Alma K . Zoller. Alpha Gamma-Miss Ethel Belden. Beta Beta-Miss Elizabeth Lehr. Gamma Gamma-Miss Racine Spicer. Epsilon Epsilon-Miss Edna McCullough. Eta Eta-Miss Jane Carroll and Mrs. Perva Hughes. Zeta Zeta-Miss Myrtle Downs. Theta Theta-Miss Mabel C. Bragg. Kappa Kappa-Miss Helen Corey. Mu Mu-Miss Katherine Harris. Nu Nu-Miss Natile Edwards. Pi Pi-Mrs . Carolyn W. Heyman. Rho Rho-Miss Doris Henry. Sigma Sigma-Miss Lucy E . Spicer. Tau Tau-Miss Mary Mae Paul. Phi Phi-Miss Miriam Waggoner. Chi Chi-Mrs. L. H . Whitcraft. Psi Psi-Miss Clio Allen. Xi Xi-Miss Gladys Ludlum. Beta Gamma-Miss Helene Henderson. Beta Delta-Miss Mary Pulley. Beta Epsilon-Miss Boje and Miss Schneider.



College Chapter Officers A lpha. Virginia Lee Pettis President ...... Anne Billups Vice-President ...... . . ..... Jean Scott ecretary . . . ... . . .... Roberta Latture Trea urer . . . .... . Shirley nn Stephens Collegiate Represe ntative ... Mary A. Mahone Editor ... .Frances lvis Chapl ain Registrar ..... · .· .· .· ...· .· .· .· . ....· .· .· .· .· ... Patsy Smith Alpha BetaPre ident . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Edith La Bonta Vice-President ... Mary Bess Monroe Secretary . . . . . . ........... Mary Margaret Smith · t rar . ·. . ... ...... Mary Jane Bowling R eg ts Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Caroline Krembs Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Marian Porter Collegiate Repersentati ve . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Burns Editor . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . June Western Alpha Gam maPresident .. Katherine Dietrich Vice-President ... Ruth Taylor Secretary . . . . . . .. Beatrice May Treas urer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lice Moorhead Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Jean Liddicoat Collegiate Representative ......... Helen Strassner Pan hell enic Representatives, Geraldine Shanabrook, Rheva Miller Editor ....... . ..... . .... Gwendolyn Griffith Beta BetaPresid ent . . . . . . .......... Barbara Bousman Vice-President .. . . Dorothy Hughes Secretary . . .. . ........ Miriam Lancaster Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Grace Bel wood Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peggy Cullen Chapl ain .............. Evelyn D e Mary Editor . . . Lydia nn Cicmanec Coll egiate Represe ntati ve ........ Patri cia Meehan Gamma Gam maPresident .... Vice-President Secretary .. Treasurer .. haplain . Registra r . oll egiate Representati ve Editor . . . . . .

....... Erl Lene Cline . . . ..... Phyllis Card . Betty Lou H eaton . ... Katherine Quinton . .... Barbara Hedges . .Dorothy Riggs . .E lsie Con ver e .. Leota L eeper

£psi/on EpsilonPresident . . . Dorothea bilgard ice-Pre ident ola e• ton Recording ec retary Carroll H a rman Corre po nding ecertary . Ja ne Findl y Regi trar adea n Cravens ocial Trea urer . . Jane Loomi s haplain F erne Enoch Edi tor Betty Lou K ille ollegiate Repre entain·e nne Gold mith, Betty (oore, H elen Tubb

Eta EtaPresident .............. Dolores Sheward Vice-President ............. .. .. Juanita Jame Secretary ..... . ........ . Leota Lance Trea urer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irene Brannum Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nadine Hirni Chaplain ....... . ................. Donna Loy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Kay Reiff Collegiate Representative . . ... Dorothy Burcham Zeta ZetaPresident . . . . ........... . ... . Kathryn Hopkins Vice-President . . ........ . Patsy Hagemeyer Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Doris Barker Treasurer . . . . . . . . . Anna Margaret McDonald Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patsy Hagemeyer Chaplain . . . .............. . ... .. . Peggy Taylor Editor ......................... Peggy Taylor Collegiate Representative ....... . ... Doris Barker Theta ThetaPresident ... . ............. Wilhelmina Milne Vice-President .. . . .............. . . Jeane Adam Secretary . . . ... .. ........... Edna Lyttle Treasurer ...................... Mable Peterson Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . Nellie Walent Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . Grace Monie Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Martha Kelly Collegiate Representative . . ...... Martha Kelly Kappa KappaPresident . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Alvadee E. Hutton Vice-President ................. Marie E. Bauerle Recording Secretary ........ . . . .. Betty Woodman Correspondnig Secretary ........... Evelyn Wolf Treasurer ...... . ... .. .. . ........ Betty Gardner Registrar ...... . . . ... . .... : .... Dorothy Alcorn Editor ................ . ........ Marjorie Block Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helen Ritter Pan helleni c Representati ve . Dorothea Dodd Mu MuPresident .. . .. Dorothy Beach Vice-President . . . .. Helen Berger Secretary A nne Frankenberry Treasurer ... . ... . ... . ............ .. Elsie Novy Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dorothy Lovell Registrar . . . . . . . . . . ... Jean ayre Coll egiate Representati ve . . . . . . . . Marion ark Editor .... .. . Myrtle Warner


uPresident Vice-Pre ident Secretary Treasurer ollegiate Repre entati ve Chapl ain E ditor

Pi PiPreside nt Vice-President ec retar

Betty Towner laire Bowman Joan Coffman Dorothy Hutton Helen Burton Dorothy Michel . Marion Powell Muriel R. Sullivan orma William\ fargaret Kabel



Treasurer . . . . . . . ... Virginia Blake Chaplain . . . . . . . . . .. Betty Jean Williams Registrar ................. Betty-Marie Schreiner Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Jane Gilliat Collegiate Representatives: .. Lurissa Jane Childress Senior ....... .. . .. .... Jean Mayer Junior

Rho RhoPresident .......... ....... Josephine Peters Vice-President ............ Rose Louise Williams Secretary . . . . . . . .... Esther Boyce Treasurer . . . . . . . Esther Boyce Registrar . . . . . . . . . . ....... .. Josephine Peters . . Elizabeth Step Chaplain . . . . . . . Editor ............... . . Esther Boyce Collegiate Representative .... Rose Louise Williams Sigma SigmaPresident ......... . ... . .... Alice Shanks Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christena Sinding Secretary . Justine Kelleher Treasurer ..... . . Celia Rescorla Chaplain ... Phyllis Y ewell Registrar . ... . Helen Ruth Wilcoxon Editor .................... Evelyn Slane Collegiate Representative . . . Eleanor Pricco Tau TauPresident .... Kathryn Brenemen Vice-President . . . ........... .. . . Billie Wirshing Secretary ...... . .......... Mary Alice Wiesner Treasurer ........ Mary Scherer Registrar ........... . . .. .. . . Cornelia Dale Page .......... ..... Bernice Betthauser Editor Collegiate Representative . . . Jane Louise Isaacks Chaplain ............ . . . Ruth Augell Phi PhiPresident ........................ Virginia Page Vice-President .. . ........ . . Mary Margot Phares .. Mary Louise Turner Secretary Treasurer .................. Iris Ebersole Registrar ... Mariana Obermiller Collegiate Representative . . Mary Winifred Caton Pan hellenic Representative . . Bernice Owens Editor . . . . . . . . . Mary Jeannette Anthony Chi ChiPresident . . . . . . . . . . Jeanne McCarty ..... Jean Mitchell Vice-President Secretary .......... . . Mary Tennell Treasurer . Mary Jane Howard Registrar . . . ................ Angeline Yovich Chaplain . . . Betty Harroff Collegiate Representative . . . Dorothy Mabes Editor . . . . . . . . . . .... Mary Ellen Cornwell Psi PsiPresident . . . . . . . . Jo Talton Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . Mildred Rhodes Secretary . . .. Mary Allen Caraway Treasurer ........... Carolyn Gibson Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iva Blanche Butler

Chaplain ...................... Yvonn e Jones Editor . . . . ..... . Virginia Downs Colleg iate RepresentatiYe .. .. Frances Mae Fournet Xi Xi. .. El eanor Bohn President . . . . . . . . Vice-President . . ..... . .... . .. J uant't a H emper Iey Secretary . . . ........ Betty lou Rose Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Ruth Loree Denton Registrar . . . .. Dorothy Brown Chaplain . . .Juanita Hemperley Editor ......... . .. Patricia Arndt Collegiate Representative . . ..... Leola Hetzler

Beta GammaPresident .. Norine Garrett .. Mary Ann Masters Vice-President Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sylvia Adams Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Faye Levy Chaplain . . . . . . . . . ... Betty Harmon Editor ......................... Treva Davidson Collegiate Representati ve . . . Betty Harmon Beta DeltaPresident ...... Ruth Martin Vice-President ...... Statia McNeese Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Mary Sue Cox Treasurer ... . ........... Mary Louise Barksdale .. Clarice Ice Chaplain ......... Clarice Sherman Registrar Ed itor ....................... Jeanette Coleman Pan hellenic Representative ........ Bebe Newcomb Beta EpsilonPresident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frances Barnard Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Winifred Rew Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Catherine Curling Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Ireland Pan hellenic Representative ...... Frances Drewrey Chaplain ......... . . Naomi McAllen Editor ............ . ... Frances Beaton Registrar ........... Maxine Calfee

Alumnae Chapter Officers-1939-40 Alva, OklahomaPresident, Alma Lois Rodgers, 916 Third St. Vice-President, Ada Smith Lane, 904 Third St. Secretary, Pauline Haworth, 1027 Center St. Treasurer, Luella Harzma n, 916 Flynn St. Phoenix Correspondent, Emogene Cox, 22 7 Center St. Boston, MassachusettsPresident, Doris Atwood, 230 Plain St., Campello, Mass. Vice-President, Mrs. Louis Fletcher, 141 Marked Tree, Neeham , Mass. Secretary, Mary Winchenbaugh, Bedford Rd., Concord, Mass. Treasurer, Grace Gowen, 29 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass. Phoenix Correspondent, Katherine Hale, 393 Randolph St., South Weymouth, Mass.


18 Buffalo, New YorkPresident, Mrs. E. G. Pierson 23 Henley Rd. Vice-Pre ident, Mrs. Donald Strickland 8 Morgan St., Tonawanda, N.Y. Secertary, Mary Lennie, 52 Bremen St. Treasurer, Mrs. Floyd J. Palmer, 23 E. Winnspear Phoenix Correspondent, Dorothy A. Fricke, 309 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, . Y. Canton, OhioPresident, Mrs. Paul H . Holsing, 4II Eleventh St., N .W. Vice-President, Mrs. Pressley Campbell, Jr., Enfield Rd., Avondale, Ohio. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Felix Carfagne, North Canton, Ohio. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Park U rban, I622 Twenty-eighth St., N. W . Charleston, West VirginiaPresident, Mrs. W . W. Maynard, 409a Wyoming Vice-President, Mrs. Joe Adams, I542 Quarrier St. Secretary-Treasurer, Eloise Keller, 612 Main St. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. J. W. McGrew, I009 Valley Rd. Central PennsylvaniaPresident, Mrs. W. H. Bishop, I430 . Thirteenth St., Reading, Pa. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Alvin Rost, Red Lion, Pa. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Christine Kline, 454 . Second St., Steelton, Pa.


Denver, ColoradoPresident, Mrs. George Bailey, I440 Wadsworth Vice-President, Mrs. H. C. Switzer, 2538 Krameria Secretary, Mrs. Lucius Dugan I13I Emerson Treasurer, Mrs. Ray Kitts. Arvada, Colo. Phoenix Correspondent, Gracy Dalby, Louisville, Colo. Des Moines, IowaPhoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Ralph Whitten, 434 Sheridan Detroit, MichiganPresident, Mrs. William C. Butterfield, I8435 Ohio Vice-President, Mrs. Albert Vredenberg, 15791 Vartlelawn Recording Secretary, Mrs. Harold Chapel, 336 uffield, Birmingham, Mich. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Forest Geary, 1383 Cadieux, Grosse Pointe, Mich. Treasurer, Mrs. Paul B. Dain I56o1 Deerfield, East Detroit, Mich. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Albert Vredenberg, I 579 I Vartlela wn Eastern PennsylvaniaPresident, Eleanor Carpenter Tista, I 12 S. Thirteenth, Allentown, Pa. Vice-President Margaret Brenholtz Gohn, 517 Third Street, Catasauqua, Pa. Secretary, Phyllis Kittleberger, 474 Columbia Ave., Palmerton, Pa. Treasurer, Helen Poser H eckert, 320 Ridge Ave., Allentown, Pa. Phoenix Correspondent, Anne Willauer, 23 S. Sixteenth, Easton, Pa.

Chicago, IllinoisPresident, Mrs. G. L. Ball, 436 Mitchell Ave., Elmhurst, Ill. Vice-President, Mrs. Grover C. Ramsey, 4937 Race Ave., Chicago, Ill. Secertary, Ethel Llewellyn, _322 W. Lincoln Ave. Wheaton, Ill. Treasurer, Mrs. H arold Foyer, I063r S. Claremont, Ch icago, Ill. Phoenix Correspondent, Dorothy Masters, 7252 Bennett, Chicago, Ill.

Emporia, KansasPresident, Mrs. Frank Clough, I624 Sherwood Way Vice-President Mrs. Everett Fish, 105 W. Twelfth Secretary, Mrs. Paul Kutnick , 210 W. Thirteenth Treasurer, Mrs. Homer H enning, I737 E. Wilman Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. E. S. Dumm, 1626 E. Wilman

Cleveland, OhioPresident, Mrs. R. S. Detchon, 3643 valon Rd. Secretary-Treasurer, [rs. R. D. Vorhees, 3300 Greenway Rd. Phoenix Correspondent, fr . R. D. Vorhees, 3300 Greenway Rd.

Greeley, ColoradoPresident, Mrs. Clarence Baab, 1706 Eighth Ave. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. M. B. McKinney, I90I Tenth ve. Phoenix orrespondent, [rs. Clarence Baab, 1706 Eighth \'e.

Columbus, OhioPre ident, Mrs. H erbe rt Loechler, 1007 tuder ve. ice-President, frs. James Oden 1267 Bryden Rd. ecretary-Treasurer [rs. John Wuichet 424 Fallis Rd. ' Phoenix orre pondent Loi Wuichet 2057 Westover Rd.

Hampton Roads Area, VirginiaPresident, Mrs. Burn ice Jones, 291 r tr Walter Raleigh Terrace, Hampton, Va. ice-President 1rs. Richard Ca ry Lee 255 Cary t., Hampton, Va. Secretary, Mrs. Kempner Kellott, 100 Park A\'e., Newport ews, Va. Trea urer, Mr . 0 car tiegler, 95 Twenty-ninth t., I ewport ew , a. Phoenix orre pondent, Gertrude nugde n, 51 Victoria \ \"e., Hampton, Va.

DelawarePresident Florence Rimlinger 513 \ ilmington.

. Broom




Hays, KansasPresident, Marion Holzmeister, 3II W . Seventeenth St. Vice-President, Mrs. Gene Holmes Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Richard Mermis, 4I7 W. Fifteenth St. Phoenix Correspondent, Ruth Twenter, I32 East Eighth St. Huntington, West VirginiaPresident, Mrs. J. G. Johnston, 205 Eighth Ave. Vice-President, Mary Lilyan Gorsuch, 123 Yz E. Third Ave. Secretary, Mrs. Helen Maxwell, 2722 Fifth Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Loren Shafer, Ohio River Rd. Phoenix Correspondent, Florence Davis, I 328 Elm Indianapolis, IndianaPresident, Mrs. Richard Rice, 5829 Guilford Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Edward Karrmann, 529 Powell Place Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Noblitt, 670 E . Twenty-third Treasurer, Bereniece Lamb, 4509 E. Washington Phoenix Correspondent, Wilma Wolf, 3IIO E. Eleventh St. Johnstown, PennsylavniaPresident, Mrs. George L. Berkebile, 2I3 Dibert Secretary, Mary Jo O'Connor, Mineral Point, Pa. Kansas City, MissouriPresident, Dulcie Baird, 7 E. Sixty-second Terrace Vice-President, Mrs. George Waterbury, 6839 Oak Secretary, Daphne Copenhaver, I9I9 Olathe, Kansas City, Kans . Treasurer, Mrs. H . L. Fisher, 305 N . Lawn Ave. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Robert Harmon, 4311 College Ave. Kent, OhioPresident, Mrs. Marie Wolcott, II4 S. Chestnut St. Secretary, Helen McGuigan, 623 E. Main St. Treasurer, Mrs. Naomi Hobson, IOI4 Meredith Dr. Kirksville, MissouriPresident, Mrs. Wendell E . Spears, 803 E. Normal Vice-President, Mrs. Worth Lindley, La Plata, Mo. Secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Lewis, La Plata, Mo. Treasurer, Mrs. Ulysses Gramsch, 505 E. Missouri Los Angeles, CaliforniaPresident, Barbara Held, 368o Vinton Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Catherine Bolton, 3846Yz S. Arlington Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Virginia B. Loving, 6049 Allston Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Catherine Kelly, 8027 Mariposa Ave. Treasurer, Gladys Ludlum, 43I5 Ambrose Ave. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Catherine Bolton, 3846Yz S. Arlington Ave. Maryville, MissouriPresident, Mrs. Benjamin F . Weir, Maryville, Mo. Vice-President, Mary Louise Lyle, Maryville, Mo. Secretary, Barbara Zellar, Maryville, Mo.

19 Treasurer, Mrs. Frederick Maier, Maryville, Mo. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Robert Geist, Maryville, Mo.

Muncie, IndianaPresident, Anna Marie Yates, 315 W. Adams St., Muncie, Ind . Vice-President, Esther Arnott, 308 Delaware Court, Anderson, Ind. Secretary, Helen Reed, Craigsville, Ind. Treasurer, Virginia McCarty, Noblesville, Ind. Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. M. J. Montgomery, 302 Alden Road, Muncie, Indiana. New York CityPresident, Mrs. J. Donald Peterson, 2954 East I96th St. Oxford, Ohio President, M. Alma Molitar, Russel Point, Ohio Vice-President, Mary Lou Hubbard Secretary, Mary Jane Falknor, I5 E. Spring, Oxford, Ohio Treasurer, Nellie Losh, Middletown, Ohio Phoenix Correspondent, June Harpster, 204 Progress, Hamilton, Ohio Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaPresident, Mrs. J. Curtis Hoyt, 216 S. Carol Blvd., Upper Darby, Pa. Vice-President, Betty Frankenfield, Wyncote, Pa. Secretary, Eleanor Temple, 49 W . Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer, Betty Albrecht, 64I6 Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenix Correspondent, Sara Ogden, 6557 Park Ave., Merchantville, N . J. Pittsburg, KansasPresident, Mrs. W . R. Hagman, 210 E. Belleville Vice-President, Mrs. D. E. Webber, 702 W . Eighth Secretary, Mrs. Victor Gerwert, 502 W. Fifth St. Treasurer, Mrs. Howard Cowden, 904 S. Locust Phoenix Correspondent, Ann Prell, 322 S. Catalpa PittsbUI路gh, PennsylvaniaPresident, Mrs. Harold E . Simpson, 429 Sulgrave Rd. Vice-President, Mrs. T . Groff Miller, 205 . Fourth St., McDonald, Pa. Secretary, Mrs. T. J. Davey, 5726 Beacon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer, Mrs. Glen Bickerstaff, Summit Ave., Coraopolis, Pa. Phoenix Correspondent, Virginia Straw, I 30I S. Braddock, Swissville, Pa. St. Louis, MissouriPresident, Margaret Sutton, Forest Part Hotel Vice-President, Elizabeth Dodson Carpenter, 3815 Magnolia Secretary, Ruth M. Bryant, 5738 Enright Treasurer, Louise Cosby, 5738 Enright Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. Kennerly Woody, 322 Arbor Lane, Webster Groves, Mo.



San Diego, CaliforniaPresident, udy Peterson, 1 25 Meade Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Helen Williams-Foote, 3765 T enth ve . ecretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Marion L. Campbell, Rt. I, Box 530, ational City, Calif. Phoenix Correspondents, Mis Ellen Christenson, 9I 4 Twenty-fourth St., Miss Ma rgaret Standi h, 174 I St., Chula Vista, Calif. Toledo, OhioPresident Mrs. Olen Osmun, 3924 Revere Vice-President, Mrs. Merrill Cook, 2103 Calumet ecretary- Treasurer, Mrs. George Condit, 2424 Rosewood Phoenix Correspondent, Mrs. James Haworth, 24I I Barrington Tulsa, OklahomaPresident, Mrs. Cline L. Chamberlain, 3233 D enver Bldg. Vice-President, Mrs. Fred Halladay, 1528 . Main Secretary- Treasurer, Velma Van Horn, 6or S. Elgin St. Phoenix Correspondent Lorena Long, r 342 S. Boston St. Wichita, KansasPresident, Ann Cleveland, 333 S. Water Vice-President, Mrs. Faye Martin, 943 Woodrow Secretary, Mrs. \ V . G. Halderman, 945 N. Rutan Trea urer, Mrs. E. W. Yockey, 646 N. Belmont Phoenix Correspondent, Margaret Abildgaard, .p 6 . Topeka Y psi/anti, MichiganPresident, Mrs. Otto Kress

Editorial Staff ATIO AL EDITOR-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 orth Pennsylvania Street Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indi ana.

llpha- Mary . Mahone, Farmville, trgmta.

tate Tea~hers College,

Alpha Beta-June Western 207 East ville, Missouri.

ormal, Kirks-

Alpha Gamma- Gwendolyn Griffith, utton H all tate Teachers College, Indi ana, Pennsyl ania. Beta Beta- Lydia ley, Colorado.


icmanec, Snyder Hall, Gree-

Gamma Gamma-Leota Leeper, onh western Teacher allege Iva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Betty Lou Kille, Kansa er allege Emporia, Kan as. Zeta Zeta- Peggy Taylor, 110 Wet Warrensbur , Mi souri .


tate Teachouth


Eta Eta- lary Kay Reiff, 201 Ea t Williams Pitt burg, Kansas.


Theta Theta-Martha Kelly, chool of Education, Bo ton University, Boston, fas achusetts. Kappa Kappa- larjorie Block 19 17 Broad trc~:t, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mu Mu-Myrtle Warner, Michigan tate _ -ormal ollege, Ypsilanti, Michigan. u Nu-Marion Powell, Drexel Institute of Tech nology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Xi Xi-Patricia rndt, 8or Hilgard , W et Lo .-\ngelt. California. Pi Pi-Jane Gilliat 2164 Bailey \venue, Buffalo, ew York. Rho Rho-Esther Boyce, Laidley Hall , Marshall Col路 lege, Huntington, West Virginia. Sigma Sigma-Evelyn Slane, Western State allege, Gunnison, Colorado . Tau Tau-Bernice Betthauser, Fort Hays Kan a State College, Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi-Mary Jea nette Anthony, 621 rorth 1arket Street, Maryville, Missouri. Chi Chi- Mary Ellen Cornwell Lucina Hall , Ball State Teachers College, Munc;e, Indiana. Psi Psi-Virginia Downs, Box 1283, Louisiana tate Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Beta Gamma- Treva Davidson, Wilson Hall, State Teachers College, Tallequah , Oklahoma. Beta Delta- Jeanette Coleman, 301 Miller Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon-Frances Beaton Madison College Harrisonburg, Virginia . LUM AE EDITOR-Mrs. John Horter 219 Ea t Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Alva, Oklahoma-Emogene Cox, 227 Center h路a. Oklahoma. Boston, Massachusetts-Katharine M. H ale, 393 Randolph Street, South, Weymouth , Massachusett . Buffalo, New York-Dorothy A. Fricke, 309 Richew York. mond Avenue, Buffalo Canton, Ohio-Mrs. Park Urban, 1622 2 th treet, . W . Canton Ohio. Central Pennsylvania- fi ss hri stine Kline, 45 orth 2nd Street, Steelton, Pennsylva nia. Charleston, West Virginia-Mr . John Gilbert lcGrew, 1009 Valley Road harleston West \ irgtn ta.

Chicago, Illinois- Dorothy Ma ters, 7252 Bennett venue, Chicago, Illinois. Cleveland, Ohio-M rs. Ralph D. orhees, 3300 Greenleveland, Ohio. way Road, haker Height Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. Le ter Leppert, Amlin Ohio. Delaware-Mr . . tanley ahall, 220 Weiner A\c., Harrington, Delaware. Denver, Colorado-Grace Dalby Loui vi lle Colorado. Des Moines, Io wa- Irs. Ralph Whitten, 4340 heridan De foine Iowa.


Detroit, Michigan-Caroline Evans, 557 West Lewiston, Ferndale, Michigan.

Pittsburg, Kansas-Ann Prell, 322 S. Catalpa, Pittsburg, Kansas.

Eastern Pennsylvania-Miss Anne Willauer, 23 South J6th, Easton, Pennsylvania.

San Diego, California-Margaret Basinger, 3748 Meade Street, San Diego, California; Marion Campbell, Chula Vista, California.

Emporia, Kansas-Mrs. E. S. Dumm, r626 E. Wilman A venue, Emporia, Kansas .

Sh1路evep01路t, Louisiana-

Greeley, Colorado-Mrs. Clarence Baab, 1706 8th Ave., Greeley, Colorado.

St. Louis, Missouri-Mrs. Kennerly Woody, 322 Arbor Lane, Webster Grove, Missouri.

Hampton Roads Area, Virginia-Miss Gertrude Sugden, sr Victoria Avenue, Hampton, Virginia.

Toledo, Ohio- Mrs . James G. Haworth, 24II Barrington Drive, Toledo, Ohio.

Hays, Kansas-Ruth Twenter, Hays, Kansas .

Tulsa, Oklahoma-Rena Mae Long, 1019 South Main Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Huntington , West Virginia-Florence Davis, 1328 Elm Street, Huntington, West Virginia. Indianapolis, Indiana-Wilma Mae Wolf, 3110 East r rth Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Wichita, Kansas - Margaret Abilgaard, 426 North Topeka, Wichita, Kansas. Ypsilanti, Michigan-

Johnstown, PennsylvaniaKansas City, Missouri-Mrs. Robert C. Harmon, 4311 College Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Kent, Ohio-

Officers of Association of Education Sororities

Kirksville, Missouri-Dorothy Lewis, La Plata, Missoun.

Chairman-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri.

Los Angeles, California-Mrs . Catherine Fitzgerald Bolton, 3846 Yz Arlington Avenue, Los Angeles, California.

Secretary-Mrs . C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 1503 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Maryville, Missouri - Mrs. Robert Geist, Maryville, Missouri. Muncie, Indiana-Mrs . M. J. Montgomery, 302 Alden Road, Muncie, Indiana. New York City-Mrs. J. Donald Peterson, 2954 East 196th Street, New York City. Oxford, Ohio-June Harpster, 204 Progress Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-Sara L. Ogden, 6557 Park Ave., Merchantville, New Jersey. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- Virginia Lee Straw, 1301 South Braddock A venue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Treasurer-Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 8r6 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. Director of Local Panhellenics-Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, sao West Chelton Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. C hai1路man of Nationalization and Eligibility- Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, r6r Highland Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan.

Chairman of Publicity-Mrs. E. A. Beidler, Psi Delta Tau, 3 r Schubert Street, Binghamton, New York. Chairman of Interfraternity Relationships-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, P. 0. Box ro8, Clermont, Florida.



List of Missing Addresses The followmg i the Ii t of name and addre e from which the PHOENI X ha beeu returned. If you know of any cor rection , pl ea e send them to the ational Editor, 1lr . B. F. Leib, Apartment T, 35-W r. Penn ylvania treet, Indianapolis, Indiana. D E LTA D E LTA . Vv., WashBerkshire, Esther, 2717 Quarry Road ington, D . C. Fry, Luella, r5o Ing ram ve ., Ing ram , Pittsburgh, Pa. !M Landers, Mrs. Gerson, Box 314, Hot Springs, Ark. Mellick, Leslie, 526 . !arket St., Wichita, Kans. EP ILO EPSILO G ilbert, Mrs . C. Otis (Camille L. Tracey) , 701 S. Oak St., Pratt, K ans. Miller, Frances, 1205 East 42nd St., Seattle, Wash. THETA THETA Servoss, Mrs. Evard, 3950 6oth St., Apt. B62, Woodside, Long Island, . Y. KAPPA KAPPA li fe r, nn a R., 726 . 2nd Street, Reading, Pa. Beaver, Mrs. Ralph (Alice H art) 4000 Lexington Rd., Colonial Park, Pa . JOT IOTA rnold, Mrs. Lloyd (Eula Fisher) 515 ussex Road, Townson, Md. Stevens, Mrs. Paul W. (Bernice Samuelso n) , 1247 York St., D es Moines, Iowa.

xr xr Fellows, Elizabeth, 2100 Victoria Cali f.

ve., Los Angele ,

Pf Pf

Rockicki, Mrs. Richard (Julia tepien), 3748 Ninetyfifth t., Jackson H eights, Long Island N . Y.

u u Mueller, Jean 719 E. Butler St., Philadelphia Pa. LAMBD


Haas, H enrietta, Maryville Ohio. OMICRO


Kirchner, Mrs . orman . (Ruth A. Winter) , 299 W. Market St., Warren, Ohio. T UTAU ickels, Frances, 416 S. Elwood, Tulsa, Okla. PHI PHI Lawrence, Ruth, Barnard, Mo. Hastings, Alyce E., 430 Glenwood, Russell ville, Ark.

ADDRESS CORRECTION Please send my PHOENIX to the following address:

Name ······--···································-··············-·-·········-········-·--·-·· ···--······-----······--·· ···--·····--········--······--···················

Address (Permanent, Teaching) ..................................................................................................... .

Chapter ........................................................................................................................................................... . Former Address -----················································-·············----········-················--·······-·········-······················


Name ..................................... ................. .. ......... .............................................................................. .

Former Address ........................................................................................................................................ .. Married N arne ............................................................................................................................................. New Address ............................................................................................................................................... ····-··--·-······-···-·····-·· ············--················---· ··· ········ ·------ ---- ----- ----··········· -···· ·········· ·--·········· ··· ··--·········--········ ····· ··········-

Date of Marriage ...................................................................................................................................... . Chapter ........................................................................................................................................................... .

IN IGNIA 1. Replace the mi placed badge. 2. A i t er or mother pin make ideal gift .


STATIONERY Crested stationery i impre ive. Club together for quantity orders to get 75c (or les ) boxed stationery. Write for FREE SAMPLES.

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FAVORS AND LEATHER Favors to fit your budget and put your party over. Leather is the thing thi year. Write for FREE COPY of the BLUE BooK.


FOR BETTER SERVICE JJ give us f'ull infon nation: (1) Quantity. (2) Kind of merchandise. (3) Idea for which to be useds uch a s party motif. ( 4) Quality. (5) Budget.

1940 BLUE BOOK N ew and distinctive gifts and favors are brought to you in all their colorful appeal. Fine rings, lockets, bracelets, gift , favors. Paste CoUPON BELOw on penny post-card and mail to u today.


date L. G. BALFOUR. COMPANY A ttleboro, Massachusett

Gentlemen: Plea e send me the following : t ationer y Sampl e I nvitation Samples Progr am Samples 1940 BALFOUR. BLUE BOOK

H ave a salesman call

Buy only from your Official ] e t eler

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L. G.





Cit y- tate



The ancient shields hang on the walls of the old castles-symbolic of the protection given in bygone days . Today protection is provided for those thing which we hold dear, by con tant vigilance and cooperation. Your insignia stands as the proud emblem of your member hip in Alpha Sigma Alpha. In it has been built the ymboli m of ideals exemplified in your initiation. As your official jeweler, it is our privilege and duty to protect this insignia-first, by the maintenance of quality and price; and, second, to keep it from falling into hand of non-member . During the dark days of 1918, we maintained insignia specifications and price at great acrifices. The price of gold zoomed, Government restrictions drastically curtailed upplie , taxe multiplied-and again today, we are faced with the same problem. Yet badge price are lower now than twenty year ago. Protection must be carried further in order to di courage indi criminate manufacture of your in ignia. You are urged to make purcha e only through the channel set up by the officer whom you ha e elected.

A T T L E B 0 R 0 ,



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