Asa phoenix vol 1 no 21 apr 1915

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has a 5- ye or subocription . Our girls have a·ntaine a 1i 0 of s.c ho larship so far t .hie year. During t he fir t quarter Lucy one of 11 honor students. To be on the onor Ro l l a s t •u-!id•e'"n-:'" t .........-..~;.;;;:.. a grade of "E" in four subjects. The fo l l owing te; m Leo Celeste Noel were t he SA re presentatives out of a grou AL ?.t.IA. G

The Chapter has sent out a lett er to all its alumnae and as The returns are not so satis actory as we might eg Veil, one of our alumnae, is w1s h! but_st1ll t hey are encouraging. work1ng w1th .us and we hope to send i n a splendid report soon. Those that have subscribed to date are Mary ~uncan edora Graff Eleanor Lowry .c..azel ! cCreight, Mary e. iller , Sarah 'rosser ·• ranc;s Shiffer .l!'lo' ~toneseipher, Margaret Veil, Oka oley , Edythe' .it hington and Ailee eyman. Some of the girls who subs cribed and who are planning to return for t ~ e initiat ion and banquet have asked us to tell them whom we expect. At t he time of writing we have promises to attend from argaret Veil: E~eanor Lowry, Hazel cCreight , Clara Laing, Edythe ithington, orma P1.per "' , .!!'ranees Shiffer , tary !f.: . iller, Alice rV eyman. and .Mary Duncan, Oka iley, .Jrlo Stones eipher , .Medora ~raff , ary C. Miller, :::>arah rosiser . We hope t hat t he publication of these names in the ' P.!::iOEHlX" will be t he means of bringing many more girls back for the ~pring Initiation, and that those who can not come for t he next one will surely return for the J·une lni tiation. e are sure after our own experience and that of our alumnae as are already members that thew will never regret it. This is our last week at school and that means that we are still rushing. We always rush in the dance hall, a f ter lunch and dinner, but as this is Holy Wekk, we may not use the hall, so are trying to entertain t he girls otherwise . We had a chicken dinner yesterday out at Hanxhurst , a little aountry home about two miles out of town. The alumnae who read this will envy us that dinner. Mrs • .l::ianxhurst is noted as a famous cook, and the 21 of us that sat down at the table did full justice to the waffles. rlow we wish that our old girls could have been there to join in the frolic. At the beginning of the new term we shall know whom we shall get after our long , hard, rushing season. e sent out our invitations on Wednesday a f ternoon , but we shall not know results until we return. One of our rivals, hi Kappa 2 i , is rushing hard two of t h e girls we want . We have had a few hints that we shall get the girls and naturally we are all smiles, for people have a habit of saying that Phi appa r i gets t he gi rl is goes after. " Our alumnae will smile when they hear of our expec tation of getting ahead of t his strong rival, but we are almost s ure t hat we s hall. ve are not expecting many initiates, gecause we have not sent out many bids. Desirable girls are very scarce this y ear. tlushing has been particularly difficult, because we are up against five ot her soto rities. These rivals of ours may not be known elsewhere, but they have good bun•hes nere. ~he SSS group does not worry us yet. ~hey nave some nice gi rls, but will not hurt us for several years at least. ~ hei~ bunch was jus t gotten toget her for t he purpose, ~o_lacks organ1zat~o~ . we leave for home on ~hursd8¥• Sehool w1ll not open of f 1c1ally until ~pril 13th , but we are all coming back before then, because we are to have an all-sor ority dance. You oan imagine how excited we are in antic ipa tion of t his event, because we shall know our f ate by that time. tler,e's bo oing t hat as good l uck will come our way as has favored our other chapters t his year. We extend the heartiest kind of welcome to all our alunmae to come back and celebrate. we need and want every one of you , so please be here in force at initiation time. h~ard from q~ite a fe w.


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