KAPPAN March 2023

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MARCH 2023 KAPPAN ALPHA DELTA KAPPA 75 Years of Sisterhood Share The Adventure Convention Information PAGE 15

Alpha Delta KAPPAN


Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha


Susan Pelchat, CT Mu

Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi

Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron

Susan Whelan, NJ Kappa

Erin Worthington, TN Chi

Sara Armstrong, CA Alpha Alpha

Daniel LaBorde, Digital Communications Coordinator, Int'l HQ


Mollie Acosta, International President

Ann Marie Brown, International President-Elect

Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President

Features & Departments

Three Easy Steps

Share the Adventure

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure,” said William Feather, author and publisher. We asked our readers to share how they keep the A∆K spirit of adventure alive in their chapters and lives. Oprah Winfrey reminds us, “The greatest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” In this issue, we share our sisters' past, present and future adventures. Adventure is out there waiting for you.

Share Your Love

The KAPPAN invites you to send seventy-fifth-anniversary greetings in a message of 25 words or less to be included in the June commemorative issue. Please include your state and chapter. Send your greeting through the submission process described at right.

Bev Card, International Executive Board Chairman

Christi Smith, Executive Director

The KAPPAN magazine is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators. Find the KAPPAN Publishing Guidelines online at www.alphadeltakappa.org.

Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters: 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 (816) 363-5525, (800) 247-2311, Fax (816) 363-4010

email: headquarters@alphadeltakappa.org

Internet: www.alphadeltakappa.org

The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily in conformity with those of Alpha Delta Kappa or the editor.

Submitting Items for the next KAPPAN

The deadline for submissions to the KAPPAN is two months before the publication date. The deadline for the June 2023 issue is April 1. Authors should include their name, state/province/nation and chapter, the highest office held and when.

The theme for June is Share the Love. In the last two years, we gave and shared many things, but in the end it is the love we share that means the most. (See submission request at left.)

To submit articles/photos, go to the A∆K website >About>Publications> Submit to the KAPPAN. Follow submission guidelines on the submission form.

Alpha Delta Kappa empowers women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.
15 10 13
Bytes and Pieces 3 It’s Easy As Pie, Making Foundation Donations Online 4 Headquarters Happenings 5 Honor A Sister 6 Distinguished Program Award 7 Collegiate Clubs 7 Homeroom Humor 8 The KAPPAN Congratulates 9 #A∆K 10 Sister Tales 12 Altruism 15 SPECIAL 2023 CONVENTION SECTION 36 Omega Chapter 37 A∆K Calendar
1 International President’s Message 2 Reinstatement of Membership Process:

International President’s Message

Share the Adventure

Adventure–it means something different to each of us. One person’s grand adventure might be another person’s idea of torture. There are many pathways to adventure, which is the fun of it! How many of us never predicted an adventure which we ended up considering a highlight of our life? I know this journey as Alpha Delta Kappa International President is certainly an adventure I didn’t anticipate–and yet it has been a wonderful adventure many times over.

Having the opportunity to meet and work with so many different sisters across our organization has been a joy; learning what we share and what our unique challenges are in different states, provinces and nations has helped me to grow as a person and a leader. Along the way, I have had many grand adventures, including a dog sled ride in Alaska while there for their state convention. Watching the sled dogs work–do what they were born to do–was wonderful, and being transported across the beautiful Alaskan snow-covered countryside was spectacular. Being “arrested” at the Arizona State Convention in Prescott was a different kind of adventure–so much fun, and it was rewarding to help raise funds for veterans to further their education. Attending Puerto Rico’s convention included learning from our Puerto Rican sisters and dancing to exhilarating live music. My time in Mexico was equally enlightening. Their national convention was held in beautiful Cuernavaca, a lush city at about 5000 feet elevation and the capital of Morelos state, south of Mexico City. I was also able to visit Teotihuacan and the pyramids of Mesoamerica. I taught seventh graders about Mesoamerica, so to see the majestic pyramids created almost 2000 years ago was definitely an adventure. And the food–definitely my kind of adventure. I was treated to dinner on my 66th birthday with sisters at San Angel Inn in Mexico City, a beautiful venue and delicious food. Having new experiences is its own adventure, and I love it.

Attending each of the six regional conferences this past summer was a most wonderful adventure and included many mini-adventures. Experiencing each region’s unique culture and tradition was enriching beyond measure. The diversity showcased in Hawai’i, presented entirely by Hawai’i sisters during

their banquet, was an experience like no other. Dancing to The Brothers Blue as they sang “Margaritaville” in Wichita was an adventure (brought back my visit to Jimmy Buffet’s restaurant in Atlantic City with a dear sister and her husband–definitely an adventure), as was Georgia sisters’ St. Johns river cruise during the Gulf Regional Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Too much fun, and then there was the Flamingling!

At the North Central Regional Conference in Frankenmuth, Michigan (an adventure in itself), listening to author Jane Enright as she quoted Henry Miller, “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things,” was like taking an adventure within oneself. Fortunately, you will all have that opportunity when Jane speaks at the International Convention next July. Atlantic City, New Jersey’s Sheraton Hotel reminded us of the adventures of so many Miss Americas. It is a wonderful adventure to watch Sue Pelchat portray a Miss America of the past, 1967’s Jane Anne Jayroe. Watching Sue do her magic reminded me of the adventures I had while in Minneapolis at the 2019 International Convention. So many memories.

The Southeast Regional Conference was the final adventure of an amazing summer. We Captured the Moments as we enjoyed International Vice-President of the Southeast Region Ginger Greene’s beautiful photos of her own adventures. There really is nothing like sharing adventures with sisters, which brings me to my wish that you will choose to Share the Adventure of our International Convention, “Journey of Love,” in Kansas City from July 13 through 16. Together we will honor and celebrate our sisterhood; we will certainly Share the Love as we gather together in our organization’s hometown and the site of our International Headquarters. Read on in this issue to find much useful information about voting prior to Convention, sightseeing in Kansas City and specific tours being offered. While in Kansas City, you will also be able to visit our home, the Alpha Delta Kappa Headquarters. There you will see displays of our past 75 years honoring outstanding women educators and making the world a better place. By the time you receive this KAPPAN, registration materials for the 2023 International Convention will be out. So plan with your sisters and get your registrations in. I am so looking forward to our time together as we Share the Adventure.

Alpha Delta Kappa 2021-2023
Mollie Acosta

Reinstatement of Membership Process: Three Easy Steps

It is true–recruitment and retention of our members are crucial for the longevity of Alpha Delta Kappa, but let’s not forget about the reinstatement of former members. Contact a former member and invite her to rejoin your chapter. If this is her desire and the chapter welcomes her back, she is ready to be reinstated. This is accomplished in three easy steps:

1. Obtaining information needed to register online

2. ONLINE registration

3. Paying dues and reinstatement fee

In preparation to register ONLINE, she will need to contact Headquarters and get her username and password. She should have a credit card or PayPal available to pay her dues at the end of the registration process. With these things in hand, she is ready to go ONLINE to register. The process is like registering a new member. Follow these easy steps:

• Type in the Alpha Delta Kappa.org URL.

• Click on the MEMBERSHIP tab.

• Click on “Reinstate Membership”

Follow these directions:

• Log in using your Alpha Delta Kappa username and password.

• Complete professional and educational information.

A Time Share

Just For You!

How often have you been to an Alpha Delta Kappa function and wondered how you could help? Wonder no more. A few good women are needed to serve as sergeants-atarms/pages at the International Convention in July. This is your opportunity to share your love and time when you come home to Kansas City to celebrate the 75th anniversary. A list of duties and responsibilities is on the International website. The list includes checking credentials, assisting with balloting, distributing and collecting materials and helping with meals and workshops. Some comfort with technology will be an asset, but is not required.

• Choose your payment method.

• Pay International dues and reinstatement fees using PayPal or a credit card.

• Contact your state, province, or nation and chapter for information regarding their dues, if applicable.

International Chapters and Puerto Rico, please contact Headquarters for International dues.

There is one important fact to remember when calculating recognition years such as Violet Sister, Silver Sister, etc.; the date the reinstated member pays her reinstatement dues and fee is the date her years of service is reinstated also. Recognition years are calculated on actual years of membership and do not include the years between the time a member resigns and is reinstated. That’s it! Welcome back, sisters.

Bytes & pieces

Alpha Delta Kappa International Convention 2023 Host Hotel

Hotel reservations at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown site of the 2023 International Convention may be made using the online booking site on the Homepage of the International website. Room rates are $179 plus tax for single/double occupancy. Based on availability, the rates will be honored three days before and after the convention dates. The address of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown is 200 W 12th St, Kansas City, MO 64105. The phone number is 816-421-6800.


“Don’t miss this opportunity to share your time. I promise it will be fun and rewarding,” said Linda Rissel, International Convention Sergeant-at-Arms. For questions, contact Linda at jlrissel@msn.com.

Paula Lindsay, chairman of the International Fine Arts Grant Board, is a member of FL Gamma Tau. Her chapter affiliation was incorrect on page 23 of the December KAPPAN. Our apologies for the error, and thank you for your work on the Board.

Reinstatement U.S. Dues: January
$40 Reinstatement Fee........................................................ 25 $65 Total Reinstatement U.S. Dues June 1 –
$20 Reinstatement Fee........................................................ 25 $45
May 31 ..........
December 31 .......

It’s Easy As Pie, Making Foundation Donations Online

The Foundation’s Donate page on the Alpha Delta Kappa website has been updated with new descriptions and information. Now it’s easier than ever to decide which categories best serve your needs.

Donation categories are:

• Honor A Sister–With a minimum donation of $25, Honor A Sister is a means for honoring an individual living sister.  The member making the donation and the honoree will be recognized in the KAPPAN.

• Honor a Special A∆K Group–With a minimum donation of $150, this new donation category enables members to recognize an A∆K group such as a chapter, committee, executive board, mentoring group, S/P/N, Collegiate Club, HQ Staff, A∆KA, A∆K book club, etc. The name of the donor and the name of the group honored will be recognized in the KAPPAN. Individual group members’ names will not be printed.

• Memorial Donation–With a minimum donation of $25, a member or chapter can make a donation in memory of a member, friend or loved one. The member making the donation will be recognized in the KAPPAN.

• Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation–The Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 1981. Donations help support A∆K Foundation scholarships, grants and International altruistic projects.

• Alpha Delta Kappa Organization–The Alpha Delta Kappa Organization is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations will be used to support the operation of our beloved organization. Donations by check should be made out to the A∆K Foundation and mailed to Alpha Delta Kappa, 1615 W. 92nd Street, Kansas City, MO 64114. Be sure to use the memo line to note the category or categories for your donation.

Now, which type of pie do you want? Oops, which type of donation do you want to make?

Join the Adventure and Become a Member of DEI in Your Region

Becoming a member of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee is certainly an adventure. I have learned a lot about the history and cultures of my A∆K sisters.

The A∆K DEI committee has certainly begun an adventure of learning, loving and, yes, even laughing as we get to know and celebrate our sisters through inclusivity.

We applaud Eugenia Cooley, NJ Epsilon, for sharing her heartfelt sentiments of not feeling included or celebrated as a sister of A∆K in a letter to Judy Ganzert. We applaud Judy Ganzert for hearing our sister and reaching out to our A∆K family of sisters to ask how we can embark upon this adventure to embrace our sister’s concerns and learn more about the cultures and ways of life of our sisters who are a part of marginalized communities all over the world.

It is from this bold request of Judy Ganzert that the International Chapter Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, now the International Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, was formed, and the adventure began.

The A∆K DEI Committee Equity Statement empowers women educators to advance inclusion and promote educational excellence, altruism and world understanding. A∆K strives to serve its members by:

• Seeking out and providing opportunities to appreciate how experiences mold perspectives,

• Bringing greater diversity to our membership to reflect the educational communities we support,

• Increasing diversity in A∆K leadership, and

• Addressing biases in a safe, welcoming and inclusive manner.

It is also stated that by deepening our appreciation of diversity, equity and inclusion, we will develop a strong sense of belonging and respect for each other’s unique qualities.

The DEI Committee’s adventures have included action-packed regional conference presentations, sharing relevant resources to enhance this learning adventure and power-packed book discussions. The discussions included titles that challenged us to discuss “White Fragility” and the notion that “Jews Don’t Count.”

Embarking upon the book discussion adventure in a remote world was actually a blessing in disguise. We were virtually able to come together from time zones across the nation and Canada.

Pat Valle set norms for the book discussion zoom meetings. One of the norms stated: “You may experience discomfort, and that’s okay.” Some of us experienced discomfort from the book titles themselves. We experienced discomfort when some of the authors used strong language, but most of all, we felt discomfort when we listened to the lived experiences of our sisters. I believe we all grew in some way.

Sisters, join us on this adventure. A contribution from one of us contributes to the growth of all of us.


Headquarters Happenings

Greetings from Kansas City. This past winter season I challenged International and Regional leaders to help us End the Darkness on Alzheimer’s by Shining the Light. We captured a short video for you. To view the video, use your camera settings on your phone to scan the QR code or enter the link in your web browser to view.

In January, we welcomed Daniel LaBorde, Digital Communication Coordinator. Daniel is responsible for managing and developing the creative design and digital media, maintaining the website and resource library, capturing stories that reflect the Mission, Vision and Purpose of A∆K and collaborating with the KAPPAN editorial team. Daniel has an extensive background in corporate communications and previously worked with the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired as the administrative manager. He was responsible for IT and intranet management, donation management and fundraising, and employee engagement.

Daniel is originally from Minnesota and in preparation for the International Convention in Kansas City, I asked him to share with you why he chooses Kansas City as his home.

Kansas City has been my home for around 4 years now and I still have not had a single boring day here. The city is located smack dab in the middle of the country and has a culture to match bringing both history and culture, along with its own Kansas City flair. Sites, sounds and tastes are there to excite your senses and leave a lasting impression.

This history of Kansas City can be seen in almost everyone of its districts. Country Club Plaza is noted for its incredible shopping scene and unique European style offering amazing restaurants all within a uniquely walkable area. Ever wanted to ride a gondola down a canal but can’t quite make it to Italy? Country Club Plaza has got you covered with that! Stop by Brush Creek and see for yourself. Something to keep an eye out for as you stroll the plaza is the wide array of fountains. Kansas City rivals Paris in the number of fountains it has throughout and gives that extra amount of charm.

Are you a foodie? Kansas City has you covered with three words: World. Famous. Barbecue. Home to dozens of barbecue stops ranging from small grab-and-go style to large restau -

rants, the barbecue here is absolutely insane. Make sure you declare your favorite before you leave as each locale has theirs! Personally, Q39 is my top pick! Aren’t a barbecue person? No worries. Kansas City has some of the best food in the country. Take Southwest Boulevard for example, Mexican restaurants nearly every block offer great tastes. Each neighborhood has their own specialty and there is no shortage of great foods!

History buffs will absolutely love taking a stop at Union Station. Just north of the WWI Museum and Liberty Memorial you’ll find this beautiful station. It’s truly a breathtaking experience to walk in and look up at the huge chandeliers and art deco style ceilings. If you want a photo opportunity, that will be the spot!

Hop on the streetcar and head on down to River Market! Every weekend, vendors come and set up shop in this large farmers market. The smell of fresh flowers is nearly overwhelming and if you’re looking for a unique souvenir, it’s sure to be found here. Make sure you check out the steamboat museum while you’re down there and stop for a quick bite at one of the numerous local restaurants.

Daniel is originally from northern Minnesota and has two brothers. He is the middle one . He is also the uncle and godfather of his seven year old niece Hailey Grace. Daniel also is a pet owner with one cat named Peach Bellini. When not supporting Alpha Delta Kappa, his many hobbies include writing, performing, and being a self-proclaimed reality tv star in the making. In Kansas City see if you catch him at one of his storytelling nights at the Black Box theater or maybe even find him doing standup at a comedy club.

Daniel shows flowers from the outdoor Flower Market

A∆K Honor A Sister

The following members contributed to the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation to recognize fellow members. Gifts received after December 15, 2022 will be published in the June 2023 KAPPAN.

Amy Blocher, Florida Beta Lambda

In honor of Karen Othoson, FL Beta Lambda

Anonymous Donor

In honor of Carol Morgan, LA Iota

In honor of Kathy Bundrick, LA Iota

California Beta Omicron

In memory of Carol Castlen, CA Beta Omicron

In memory of JoAnn Ford, CA Beta Omicron

Curt Krueger, Silverleaf Wealth Management Omaha

In memory of Rosemary Lucky, NE Kappa

Deborah Carter, Virginia Theta

In honor of Jayne Perala, VA Lambda

Drew Cutright

In memory of Marion Bailey, FL Delta Delta

Ellen Roderick, MD Beta

In memory of Janice Weeks, NC Beta

In memory of Harriett Edwards, SC Alpha Tau

In memory of Doug Seif, son of Sharon Seif, ID Epsilon

Frances Hobgood, GA Alpha Eta

In memory of Dorothy Youngblood, GA Alpha Beta

Georgia Fidelis Xi

In memory of Glenn Kesler, husband of Marlene Kesler, AΔKA

Jayne Perala, Virginia Lambda

In honor of Diane Higgins, WV Fidelis Gamma

Julie Sorensen, Nebraska Alpha Lambda

In memory of Rosemary Lucky, NE Kappa

Judy Kimbrough, AZ Alpha Beta

In memory of Rosemary Lucky, NE Kappa

Judith Webb, MI Psi

In memory of Patricia Matuszak, MI Psi

Kentucky Alpha Eta

In honor of Mary Civey, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Sue Eager, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Sandy Connor, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Jackie Hoffman, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Judy Isaacs, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Pat Ison, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Priscilla Lane, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Doris Lash, KY Alpha Eta

In honor of Rosalee Edwards, KY Alpha Eta

Lynn Hildenbrand, Maryland Xi

In honor of Liz Wildasin, MD Xi

In honor of Pat Clark, MD Xi

In honor of Florence Lednum, MD Xi

Marlea Steiner, WI Omicron

In memory of Melva Tschanz, WI Omicron

Maryland Xi

In honor of Florence Lednum, MD Xi

Maxine Sachs, Virginia Beta Epsilon

In honor of Linda Spellman, VA Beta Epsilon

In honor of Eileen Burgwyn, VA Beta Epsilon

Michigan Beta Alpha

In memory of Janet Davidson, MI Beta Alpha

Nick, Debbie and Grace DeRosa

In memory of Marie Campanella, NJ Alpha Alpha

Pennsylvania Iota

In honor of Mary Joan Wilt, PA Iota

Peggy Wing, Texas Beta

In honor of Minetta Smith, TX Beta

Suzanne Maly, Arizona Zeta

In honor of Brenda McDowell, AZ Zeta

In honor of Casey Woods, AZ Zeta

Susan Okano, Hawaii Nu

In honor of Jeanne Chang, HI Zeta

Terry Nakaoka, Hawaii Lambda

In memory of Lily Kido, HI Lambda

In honor of Elaine Ching, HI Lambda

In honor of Christine Chun, HI Lambda

In honor of Lori Endo, HI Lambda

In honor of Janet Fujimoto, HI Lambda

In honor of Barbara Hashimoto, HI Lambda

In honor of Sue Kaizawa, HI Lambda

In honor of Cherylanne Lee, HI Lambda

In honor of Amanda Nelson, HI Lambda

In honor of Lori Bruner Okamura, HI Lambda

In honor of Verna Rabacal, HI Lambda

In honor of Jane Shirafuji, HI Lambda

In honor of Joan Tanigawa, HI Lambda

In honor of Janice Tashiro, HI Lambda

In honor of Barbara Yamamoto, HI Lambda

In honor of Annette Young-Ogata, HI Lambda

In honor of Naomi Yap, HI Lambda

Texas Gamma Tau

In memory of Nancy Chapman, TX Gamma Tau

Virginia Alpha Delta Kappa ~ Commonwealth District

In honor of Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President

In honor of Jennifer Thomas, VA Gamma Iota

In honor of Kathy Beatty, VA Gamma Epsilon

In honor of Florence Bishop, VA Zeta

In honor of Barbara Hargraves, CT Kappa

Virginia Alpha Delta Kappa

In honor of Annie Evans, VA Alpha Upsilon

Virginia Alpha Pi

In memory of Shirley Sypolt, VA Alpha Pi

Washington Nu

In memory of Dorothy Campbell, WA Nu


Distinguished Program Award

Five chapters received the Distinguished Program Award recognizing “outstanding programs that reflect the purposes of Alpha Delta Kappa.” “Distinguished programs,” according to the program application, “are unique, creative, and/ or innovative, and they promote attendance and involvement of members and prospective members.” One program is selected from each region. The current Distinguished Programs focus on altruism.

Gulf Region

AL Alpha Iota–English Language Learner Program

Maria Franco, Alabama Department of Education English Learner (EL) administrator, shared the content of The Alabama Framework for English Learner Success with members and guests at a chapter meeting. The framework provides a vision for EL success giving specific strategies and goals that help teachers and administrators implement a systemic approach to providing high-quality instruction for English language learners. Refreshments of traditional Mexican snacks were served.

Northeast Region

OH Lambda–Virtual Book Buddy Program

The Book Buddy Program was created to encourage reluctant readers. Sisters were paired with young readers who shared their interests in letters to them. The sisters purchased books and sent them to the students’ teachers to distribute. Some sisters chose to exchange letters with the students. Some sisters also sent a book for the student’s classroom, while others sent books for the students to take home over the summer. Lambda is continuing the program with even more sisters involved.

Honorable Mention

OH Alpha–Social, Emotional, and Technological Changes

PA Gamma–May Salute to Excellence

South Central Region

TX Epsilon Omicron–Let’s Get Physical

The program Let’s Get Physical was presented by Amanda Novoa, a local health and fitness advocate, to members and guests. Amanda explained the importance of doing physical

activity, whether sitting or standing. She said that with these simple exercises, our bodies would continue to burn calories throughout the day. All age groups participated in standing and sitting exercises and in the laughter that went with them. Many members continue to engage in exercising through community organizations and events.

Honorable Mention

KS Beta Epsilon–Benefit of Fidget Aprons

Southeast Region

TN Alpha Psi–Race to the Rescue

After learning about Dogs2ndChance organization and its 5K fundraiser, “Mutt Strutt,” chapter members adopted Race to the Rescue as their community project. Members filled bags decorated by second graders with snacks for the runners and handed them out at the finish line. The sisters also helped with registration.

Honorable Mention

VA Alpha–Trex Recycling Program

VA Beta Nu–Sisters’ Movie Night

VA Nu–Eco-Soap Bank

Southwest Region

CO Eta–An “Arresting” Program

Adam Mentor and Jason Newton of the Colorado Springs Police Department presented the new Play COS, to the sisters. The program is a bridge between the police and children and teens. The officers play ball with the young people and leave the balls for the use of the young players. In this program, young people and police officers see each other in a new light. Both have their minds open to a future where they can work together.

Honorable Mention

CA Zeta–Scholarship Tea

Program descriptions have been condensed in the interest of space.


CollegIATE Clubs

Ball State University

One of the goals of the Ball State ADKCC is to interact more with the local A∆K chapters. The members have had four meetings with IN Beta Epsilon, sharing ideas to make better connections and relationships between the groups. The club will present its ideas for connecting at the International Convention in July.

Welcome, Rowan

The latest club to join the growing list of A∆K Collegiate clubs was chartered in December at Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey. The first collegiate club in New Jersey was the special project of Rowan alumni Deborah Ingersoll, NJ Chi, and Diane Mazzei, NJ Phi.

After hearing speakers from the Ball State Collegiate Club in Minneapolis in 2019, Deb nudged Diane and said, “We can do this at Rowan. With your connections, we should be able to establish a club there.”

Diane currently serves on the Rowan Alumni Board of Directors. Along with Rowan professor Meredith Brown, Ph.D., the process of building interest with potential members began.

Dr. Brown is the club’s faculty advisor. Alexis Davis and Rachel Campbell were installed as co-presidents, and Emma Avis was installed as vice president.

Rachel, a double major in special education/early education and psychology, expressed her excitement about mentoring the new club will receive from established A∆K members. She said, “I just like the idea of mentoring because many of us are not familiar with school districts. Alexis, an inclusive education major, hopes to “create that sisterhood, that community that a lot of times we don’t have in the field of education.” Emma, a junior inclusion major, sees her role as a way to further opportunities for women.

Article information provided by Susan Cicchini, NJ Phi

Thirteen new members will be initiated in the spring.

Arizona Collegiate Clubs

University of Arizona, Tucson, members work with A Place to Call Home, an agency for the placement of foster children. Recently, they participated in Trunk or Treat in October and in gift wrapping and a holiday picnic for 80 families. Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership, arranged for club members to visit the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum.

“World of Words,” a world understanding project, is the club’s yearlong altruistic project at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers’ College, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

AZ State President-Elect Helen Valliere and her sisters in Theta chapter sponsor the club. Among the recent club activities were the sponsorship of a free petting zoo at a crisis center and the donation of books to the center. Cindy Coffman is the academic advisor.

Information provided by Shannon Lorenzo-Riveria, TN Chi and KAPPAN staff.

As the first-grade teacher took roll at the start of the day, she saw that Tom was missing. She asked his best friend, Jim if he knew if Tom was sick. Jim said, “He’s not sick. I walked to school with him. He was out in the hall a minute ago”. She looked out in the hall and seeing no one, immediately notified the office. After a search of the building did not turn up Tom, the secretary called his home. Much to her surprise, Tom answered the phone. When she asked him why he wasn’t at school, he said. “Well, when I couldn’t get my boots off, I just knew it was going to be one of those days - so I came home.”

As I walked down the hall, I saw Teddy, one of our first graders, coming out of the nurse’s office holding his head to the side and rubbing his neck. I asked him if he was all right and he looked at me and said, “I’m all right. I’ve just been looking at the teacher too long.”

Homeroom Humor

The KAPPAN Congratulates

Honoring Susan

CA Beta Eta member Susan Goto received a Lifetime Achievement award from the Roseville City School District Board of Education for her 50 years of service to Roseville and Placerville students. In their press release, the RCSD Board of Education stated that they were “honored to recognize Susan Goto and her contributions to education in our district and throughout the region. Susan, you are one of a kind, and we cannot thank you enough for all you have done for our students and educators.” Susan is a Sapphire Sister. She was California State President from 1994 to 1996 and International Vice President of the Southwest Region from 1999 to 2001. “We, in California Alpha Delta Kappa, truly appreciate Susan’s wisdom, generosity and leadership both within our organization and in her community,” said Mary Ann Englehart, CA Xi, Southwest Region President-elect.

North Carolina sisters in the leadership of North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) smile for the camera after attending a recent state conference. (L to R) NCCTM Conference Co-Chair Julie Riggins, NC Phi; NCCTM President Stefanie Hill, NC Beta Upsilon; and NCCTM Rankin Award Chair Emogene Kernodle, NC Tau.

NJ State President Cathy Pierson (right) congratulates new Golden sisters Phyllis Scardena, a NJ Lambda charter member, and Patty Hayes, NJ Psi and Past International Vice President for the Northeast Region, at a Founder’s Day celebration.

GA Alpha Sigma Teacher Grant Success Story

A grant from Georgia Alpha Sigma paid the tuition for John Green, a Douglas County GA teacher, to spend three weeks in Rouen, France, in an intensive language course, “French in Normandy.” Green, who teaches French, spent his summer vacation studying the language and culture to improve his conversational skills and update his knowledge of contemporary France.

“The Program offered instruction entirely in French eight hours a day, five days a week,” Green explained. “By the end of the day, my ears and brain were truly fatigued.” Yet, his immersive experience continued even after leaving the classroom. He acquired even more French language and culture through daily interactions with his local host family. In addition to improving his fluency and adding new strategies to his pedagogical repertoire, Green learned about Normandy, a province steeped in French and American history. Rounding out his stay in francophone Europe, the teacher journeyed to Luxembourg and Belgium. His most vivid memories are those of Mont St. Michel, le Tour de France and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial.

Green last studied in France in 2007. He said teachers often forget what it’s like to sit still and listen intently for long periods. As he approached this school year with renewed enthusiasm, he was reminded of what it’s like to be a student rather than an instructor in a foreign language classroom.

“Engaging, interactive lessons that teach practical skills— all in the target language—held my attention and improved my language proficiency,” he said. Green remains convinced, now more than ever, that delivering high-quality instruction helps students master the basics of French. He looked forward to sharing his experiences with his high school students and getting them excited about another year of learning.

Article submitted by Lynda Clark, GA Alpha Sigma

Alisa Fong, School Board President; Rob Baquera, Board Clerk; Susan Goto, and Susan’s granddaughter.
John Green visited the American Cemetery on the D-Day beaches during his stay in Normandy

Illinois Alpha Chapter Celebrates Newest Sapphire and Silver Sisters

IL Alpha sisters celebrated the many contributions of two new Sapphire Sisters and four new Silver Sisters at the chapter’s Founders’ Day program. These six sisters represent 170 years of service to Alpha Delta Kappa and Alpha chapter. Sapphire Sisters (seated left to right) Alison Wiedle and Donna Holinga have been an essential part of the chapter for 35 years, serving in several offices. Silver Sisters (standing from left to right) Denise McCann, Nancy Leach, Ann Rowley and Esther Bruns have served as officers and on several committees. Ann is the chapter presidentelect, and Esther is the chapter co-treasurer.

Peggy Scott, a 40-year chapter member, planned and presented the celebration.

Sisters from four Treasure Valley, Idaho, chapters sit in front of the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise, ID, after a guided tour of the memorial. Zeta chapter co-presidents Donna Battazzo and Sue Preston organized the field trip. “All went away with a heightened sense of understanding the world at that time in our history and were personally enriched from the experience. This type of ‘field trip’ for the Idaho sisters encouraged others to think of ways to join for other meaningful experiences,” said Idaho State President Sue Beitia.


LA Alpha Xi

LA Alpha Xi President Geri Settoon looks on as Jenna Alario receives the LA District V annual scholarship award from Diane Nowik, Alpha Xi Treasurer. Jenna was chosen for the award by LA Chi. LA Alpha Xi hosted the District meeting, which included an original skit written by Connie Tiliakos of Alpha Xi honoring the Founders and attributes of A∆K. LA State President Leslie Koenck was the guest speaker.

CA Beta Alpha sisters donned birthday hats, blew horns and played games at a luncheon to celebrate the chapter’s 60th anniversary and A∆K month. Two representatives from START,

a local foster youth program, were guest speakers. The chapter awards scholarships to students in the program.

For three years, the sisters of IL Alpha Mu have had a “July Fun Day” where members and guests from central Illinois enjoy the outdoors, visit new shops, eat out and stop for wine before heading home. Last summer, they toured the Illinois State University Horticulture Gardens and ended the day at PK Unkorked in Pontiac. Other trips have been to visit a sunflower field and the shops in Utica, finishing the day at August Hill Winery and a walk around Streator and Ottawa, observing the Walldog murals and enjoying drinks at Cat’s Eye.

To Our Readers,

We wish we could print all your stories of chapter activities and altruistic projects, but space doesn’t permit it. We want to share your stories with your sisters and print them in future issues, space permitting. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Please keep telling us about your amazing members and your chapter life.

Blowing bubbles and wearing purple crowns, NC Tau, Eta and Gamma Phi sisters celebrated A∆K’s 75th anniversary.

Southern Sisters Connect Over Dinner

Isaw her from a distance at the 2022 Southeast Region Conference in Wilmington, NC, and tried to introduce myself. However, she was surrounded by a group of sisters, all smiling, laughing, and chatting.

One can see a petite woman with beautifully styled dark hair and a smile from a great distance. I was lucky to discover she would be seated next to me at the banquet on Sunday. I introduced myself, and for the rest of the evening, we engaged in the best conversation I had ever experienced. We had so much in common. She was from Columbia, SC. My mother was born and raised there and as a child, I spent many summers at the home of my very strict grandmother. We shared so many similar experiences. We shared stories about animal welfare, injustices to children and the plight of the elderly population. She was, just as I was, a middle child. She became an instant friend, something that A∆K sisters often experience.

Let me introduce my new friend, Rebecca Swanson, Ph.D. and a Golden Sister in SC Alpha Chapter. She was born in Winnsboro, SC, about 30 miles from Columbia. Her mother was a homemaker and mother of three; her father was a bookkeeper for Winnsboro Blue Granite Company. “The company had a railroad with two old-fashioned steam engines used to transport granite to Winnsboro and to connect with Southern Railways for multiple destinations within the US," she described. The quarry where the granite was harvested was a “local phenomenon.” Her home was near the quarry.

The family received notice when dynamiting was scheduled and grew used to the noise. Her childhood home still stands today. It is on the National Registry of Historic Places.

Swanson feels that she was destined to become a teacher. Like the stories many of our A∆K sisters tell, she “played school” with her dolls, even teaching them to play the piano. Now, at 87, she is amazed at the numerous career opportunities available for young women. Loving every moment of


her Columbia College experience, she majored in Piano, Piano Pedagogy and Elementary Education.

She enjoyed teaching in the public middle and high schools in South Carolina and the American Dependents’ Schools in Okinawa, Japan. She was a Professor of Education at Columbia College for 29 years and chaired the department for the last 18 of those years.

She joined SC Alpha Chapter in May,1968 and loves being a Golden Sister. Looking back, she has witnessed changes and advances that have astounded her. She knew that Agnes Shipman Robertson’s vision was not static and has seen that vision grow and change over time. New actions, policies, and ways of accomplishing the goals were always on the agenda. And yes, she remembers the handshake. She says she is pleased that even with updated procedures and policies the organization has kept the original goals, mission and purposes in place. “It’s hard work,”

Swanson received the “Order of the Violet,” the highest award in SC A ∆ K given to members who show exemplary service to their chapter and their community.

She held as she says, “a gazillion” offices at the chapter, state, regional and International levels. She started as chapter president, became SC State President in 1976-78 and went on to be Southeast Region IVP. At the International level, she was Chaplain and for six years a member of the International Scholarship Board.

In what she calls “semi-retirement” Swanson continues to explore her interest in spectator sports, the piano, reading, quantum physics and her favorite, being with people especially her A∆K sisters. When she turned 80, she zip-lined the Saluda River in SC. “For my ninetieth birthday, I hope to repeat some of the experiences I have had during my life.” Her list, entitled “100 Coolest Things in My Life,” has already expanded to about 185, and the list of things she wants to do is currently at one dozen.

10 KAPPAN • MARCH 2023
Betty Sherrod ( left) and her new friend, Rebecca Swanson

My Journey as an Organ Transplant Recipient

My journey as a liver transplant recipient began at my yearly physical in September 2010. Everything had been great the year before, but this time my doctor wanted to refer me to a hematologist because my platelets were half of what they should have been. After tests ruled out cancer, my doctor was mystified as to what was going on. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, psoriatic arthritis, after having psoriasis most of my life. I became anemic, and blood transfusions and iron infusions became my way for the next few years.

In 2014, my hematologist discovered that my liver enzymes had risen tremendously. He referred me to a hepatologist who ordered a liver biopsy. The results revealed that I was in stage four cirrhosis of the liver. My body had attacked itself, and now I needed a new liver. However, I did not qualify yet to be on a transplant list. After being monitored for two years, I had an encephalopathy episode—toxins had gone to my brain, and I was rushed to the hospital. I totally lost track of time for three days. It was then that my doctor started the process to get me on the transplant list. I was notified on June 26, 2016, that I was on the list for a new liver.


During the next two years, I received 17 blood transfusions, 14 iron infusions and three platelet infusions. I became weaker, my memory failed, and other organs began to not work properly. I had tremendous support from my Virginia Beta Beta sisters before, during and after this journey. On April 4, 2018, I received the call that I would receive a new liver! My donor was a 48-year-old woman who had passed due to heart failure, but her liver and other organs were viable. My donor, Sabrina, I would learn later, saved five people that day and helped with research on the two autoimmune diseases that she had had for most of her life, even though she had been bedridden for the last 15 years. I met her family a year after my transplant, and we have become friends, more like family. I am thankful every day for the decisions her family made on her behalf.

You can make a difference and save many lives. One donor can save up to eight lives and help up to 75 people. You might think you are not healthy enough, that you are too old or that it will cost your family money. All of these are not true. The oldest recorded organ donor was a 102-year-old woman. There are many ways that you can donate. Please become an organ donor. Register nationally at registerme.org. More than 120,000 people are waiting for a lifesaving organ. If you would like more information or would like me to speak at your chapter meeting with more details, please contact me at annette.wauchop@gmail.com.

Puerto Rica Celebrates Sixty Years of Sisterhood

With the theme “60 Years of History, Honoring Educators of Excellence”, the International Honorary A∆K Puerto Rico celebrated the 60 years of its foundation. The anniversary was dedicated to the two chapters, Alpha and Beta, that were chartered in 1962. Founders’ Day was celebrated with a play full of humor, in which Founders Agnes, Marie, Marion and Hattie were gathered in the sky reminiscing about the founding story of A∆K International. The play concluded with the Founders sitting in the front row looking from heaven as they honored their memory in Puerto Rico.

The president of A∆K Puerto Rico is Silkia Obregon, 2022-2024.

KAPPAN • MARCH 2023 11
From left to right, personifying the Founders of A∆K International in tribute of A∆K Month; Raquel Vélez, Marlyn Galiano, Daydamia Irizarry and Gerdmary Alvino.


“Around the world, members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heart-warming community based altruistic projects. Because of these projects, it is a brighter day…”

VA Gamma Sigma Supports Veterans During the Holidays

Sisters of VA Gamma Sigma coordinated with the local Leesburg VFW to bring some holiday cheer to veterans in The Martinsburg Veterans Medical Center, Martinsburg, WV. They donated 92 blank holiday cards and postage for veterans to send to their relatives and friends. The cards arrived in time for veterans to add personal notes to each card.

California Eta Sisters Gather for Altruistic Projects and Sisterhood

CA Eta raised over $2,000 for two community organizations at the chapter’s annual Holiday Silent Auction. Reading Legacies and the Aseltine School are the recipients. Both organizations help underserved children and their families.

In November, chapter members made custom candles at the Candle Shop in Old Town, San Diego.

“Alpha Delta Kappa is an important vehicle for us to maintain our connections while we work on our varied altruistic endeavors and offer hope and support where we can,” said Barbara Campbell, Eta president.

FL Beta Psi

FL Beta Psi members decorated small Christmas trees for individual family rooms and a special A∆K-themed tree for the Ronald McDonald House in their community. The House provides comfort, compassion and a “home away from home” for families who need to travel for their children’s medical needs.

Pensacola Florida chapters Alpha, Delta Chi and Fidelis Nu celebrated A∆K Month by participating in FL President-elect Caroline Gilmore’s project, “Supporting the Talents of Our Youth.” To support the project, members are encouraged to reach out to schools by donating supplies and gift cards and inviting teachers to speak at chapter meetings.

MA Xi members celebrated the 75th anniversary of A∆K by donating $100 to the Quincy High School People of Color Student Union.

~Alpha Delta Kappa Handbook
12 KAPPAN • MARCH 2023

CT Epsilon

Members of CT Epsilon shared the spirit of giving, donating an assortment of socks to the Rocky Hill Veterans Home and a collection of hats and mittens to the International Elementary School in Waterbury, CT.

Sisters of MO Beta Xi display the laundry products they donated to the Rockwood School District’s program, “Rockwood Gives Back.” The program generates multiple levels of support for underserved students and families. The program accepts food, personal care items and gently used clothing and household items. Beta Xi members volunteer monthly to help organize incoming donations.

NE Epsilon

NE Epsilon sisters, wanting to reach out following the Fourth of July parade shooting in Highland Park, Chicago, IL, collected school supplies for students in the Highland Park school district. Under the leadership of Rebecca Hoobler, chapter altruistic chairman, and Norma Gauthier, chapter president, the members started Nebraska Sisters Helping Highland Park. Along with the school supplies, the sisters wrote notes of encouragement to staff and students.


Baby of the Year

When KS Upsilon celebrates Founders’ Month, they deliver a whole lot of something delightfully different to the observance–a basket overflowing with many gifts for the first baby born in October, delivered at the local hospital. Every member contributes to this standing September altruistic project with baby items ranging from clothing, pacifiers and diapers to the brightly colored baby quilt in the Sunsprite pattern crafted by Bev Love, a long-time A∆K member. A cloth label on the back identifies A∆K KS Upsilon as “honoring a future educational journey.” “The mothers are surprised, shocked and very appreciative,” said Rachelle Rasing Patterson, KS Beta Epsilon.

Mayor James R. Barberio of Parsippany, NJ, holds the certificate of appreciation presented to him by NJ Mu, after he recognized the chapter’s outstanding work in the fifty years since its chartering in June 1972. The chapter thanked the mayor with a donation to the Parsippany Food Pantry in his name. Chapter CoPresidents Mary-Jo Solomon and Pauline Spiegel organized the celebration of the combined anniversary and Founder’s Month. Charter Member and Golden Sister Marion Clark also attended. The sisters also organized the eleventh annual Pumpkin Caper, delivering over 70 pumpkins to the Children’s Circle Daycare for its fall projects.

MS Iota sisters hold the gift bags they assembled for the residents of the Bedford Care Center and Beehive Homes of Petal, MS. The chapter also made a monetary donation for a holiday meal to the Petal Children’s Task Force. Chapter retirees provided snacks for the chapter’s holiday project.
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Sisters of Beta Xi, St Louis, MO, celebrated A∆K’s 75th anniversary while simultaneously supporting The Circle of Concern, the children’s program of a local food pantry. Pictured are chapter members with the birthday bags they assembled for the Circle’s “Birthday Club.” The bags containing cake and icing mixes and party supplies are given to children under 12. The chapter contributed $600 to the Circle’s “Holiday Family Adoption” program. The program collects monetary donations and distributes them to families, so the families can shop for holiday gifts.

Altruism in Action in Minnesota

MN Alpha Lambda chapter Little Falls, MN, decorated one of the 75 trees and wreaths auctioned off to raise funds for the MN Fishing Museum and Fishing Hall of Fame. A tour of the Charles Lindbergh home and museum and other historical homes and the donation of winter hats and mittens for elementary school students were part of the chapter’s annual holiday festivities. Sherri DeLaHunt, MN Xi chapter and Alpha Lambda “big sister”, joined in the tree decorating.

VA Chapters Gather for “Wreaths Across America” Ceremony

Twenty VA A∆K sisters representing Epsilon in the Azalea, Alpha Epsilon and Eta in the James River and Gamma Kappa in Pocahontas Districts joined in December to lay donated wreaths on the graves of fallen veterans following a “Wreaths Across America” ceremony at Hampton National Cemetery in Hampton, VA. Local officials highlighted the threefold purpose of the “Wreaths Across America” organization: remembering fallen veterans, honoring those currently serving, and teaching children respect for veterans. VA Alpha Epsilon and Eta donated 88 wreaths.

“Wreaths Across America” started at Arlington Cemetery in 2007. An act of Congress designated the third Saturday in December as the day to place the wreaths.

NM Eta Starts a Life Time of Reading

NM Eta chapter donates children’s books to the parents of the first baby born in the new year at Lincoln County Medical Center in Ruidoso, NM. Books are gathered at the December chapter meeting and given to the hospital to present to the parents.

TX Theta Makes Terrific Tuesdays More Terrific

Texas Theta sisters began and ended the fall semester in service to students at Bailey Elementary School. After school on Tuesdays, students participate in Terrific Tuesday, a program that has existed for over 20 years. They come to learn new skills and play games. They paint, construct catapults, act, cook, hear about and pet police dogs, and more. The Tuesday program begins with snacks, and that is where Theta sisters joined in. The sisters undertook two tasks: to put together snack bags for the entire semester and to assemble three carts to be used to take supplies to arts and crafts, science and game rooms. At the end of the semester in December, each child took home a large bag of snacks prepared by the Theta sisters to be enjoyed over winter break. The sisters also chose a family from the local Angel Tree, providing gifts for their children and gift cards for the parents.

MD Xi chapter celebrated A∆K’s founding month with a contribution to the Talbot County Public School Education Foundation. (L to R) Florence Lednum and Pat Clark, co-presidents of Xi, present a check to Debbie Gardner, Coordinator of Communications of the Talbot County Board of Education, while Xi officers Lynn Hildenbrand, treasurer and Liz Wildasin, membership chairman, look on.

Altruism, continued.
14 KAPPAN • MARCH 2023

Thirty-Third Annual International Convention

Come Home...

75 Years of Sisterhood

Pictured is an entry from the Parade of Hearts. Watch for these large heart displays throughout Kansas City.
July 2023

Come Visit the Heart of America

Kansas City, MO, has been Alpha Delta Kappa’s home since 1947. How insightful our leaders were to select the “City of Fountains” for the celebration of our 75th Anniversary International Convention, July 13-16, 2023. Ask sisters who have attended International conventions, and they will tell you that visiting cities across the USA and Canada is an enriching travel experience. What does Kansas City, the “Barbeque Capital of the World,” hold in the way of enriching cultural and dining experiences for you?

The #1 attraction is our Headquarters at 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City. Visits have been scheduled, and staff and our leaders will welcome us home. You will have an opportunity to sit in the Boardroom, the site of all major decisions affecting our organization since the new building opened in 1965. Do not miss the beautiful paintings of our four Founders who “watch over our leaders.” Visit the Social Room that hosts celebrations. Gaze up at the beautiful painting of our Founder Agnes Shipman Robertson.

Sisters like options in their sightseeing, so we are offering preand post-convention tours. If you like exploring on your own, read on. Do not miss these five major attractions in the downtown area:

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (closed T/W): Impressionist, Asian, and Egyptian collections, Italian courtyard, sculpture park, café, museum shop; 10-5; reserved tickets are required for museum non-members; admission is free.

National World War I Museum and Memorial; Liberty Memorial Tower: the largest set of WWI artifacts in USA; 10-5 daily; $23/$19 senior; fee includes 217 ft tower city view.

Arabia Steamboat Museum: KC River Market area; boat sank in MO River, 1856; boat deck full-scale replica, tools, dishware, toys; 10-5; $14.50/$13.50 senior.

Hallmark Visitors Center (closed S/M): fun, educational; museum with tours, exhibits and displays; learn about J. C. Hall, Founder; free.

Country Club Plaza: est. 1922, Moorish revival style (architecture of Seville, Spain); statues, murals, mosaics, fountains, highend shops and restaurants.

Presidential libraries are a major attraction in our country and provide us with a global perspective of US relations in addition to insights about our presidents. Many sisters visited Boston’s Kennedy Library during the 2001 convention. We hope to visit the LBJ Library in Austin, TX in 2025. On this trip, plan a visit to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence. Open daily 9-5, $12/$10 senior. The new exhibit“Harry S. Truman: An Ordinary Man, His Extraordinary Journey” expands appreciation of this Midwestern farm boy who never went to college, his remarkable rise, and his enduring character. Visit the courtyard where he, his wife Bess and his daughter Margaret are buried.

Dining and shopping are integral to your visit. Sample BBQ, strip steak, burnt ends, and cheesy corn. For BBQ, try Fiorella’s Jack Stack, Gates Bar-B-Q, and County Road Ice House, while for steak, try Bristol’s or 801 Kansas City Chophouse. Unique gifts may be purchased at the museum shops at Nelson-Atkins, Arabia Steamboat and Truman Library. For KC gifts, check out the Made in Kansas City Marketplace in Country Club Plaza and The Best of Kansas City in Crown Center.

And how do you move around this town?

• KC Streetcar: free, ten stops, 2 mi through downtown, stops one block from the hotel.

• KC Fun Trolley Tours: 90 min, 24 locations, departs Union Station.

• Any one of a number of walking tours available.

So, whether you sign up for a tour or do the town on your own, think about taking in some music in the Jazz District, watching the Kansas City Royals play major league baseball at Kauffman Stadium or attending a performance at the Starlight Theater or Kansas City Music Hall. Come home to Kansas City. You will leave with memories that will last a lifetime.

Kansas City, MO, is 250 miles from the geographical and population centers of the United States, making it the Heart of America.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood

Pre and Post Convention Tour Opportunities


All reservations are made through Just One Day Travel Tours at https://justonedaytraveltours.com/tour_categories/ convention-private-events. Use the code J1DCT22 when requested.

Early registration is recommended. All registrations should be received no later than June 1, 2023. Any registration received after June 1, 2023, will be subject to the availability of space. An email confirmation will be sent upon receipt of registration with details for departure and location. A final reminder will be emailed one week prior to the tour.

All tours include snacks and water. Expanded information for all tours may be found at www.justonedaytraveltours.com.

Just One Day Tours is totally independent from Alpha Delta Kappa and Alpha Delta Kappa is not a party to any agreement relating to tours. Any arrangements that are made will be directly between Just One Day Tours and the individual organization member.


Requests for refunds must be received no later than June 1, 2023. All cancellations must be made in writing. After June 1, 2023, there will be no refunds.

Just One Day Tours reserves the right to cancel any tour should registration not reach sufficient numbers. Should a tour be canceled for this reason, a full refund for the canceled tour will be given.

Tour Information

All departures are from the hotel. Plan to board the bus 15 minutes prior to the departure times as listed.

1. Welcome to Kansas City

Price: $60

Join us as we hop around the city, sightseeing and discovering the history that shaped our city. This tour of Kansas City (KC) is an interactive bus tour (hopping on and off) around KC to see the best sights up close and personal. Step off the bus and see the WWI Monument, shuttlecocks on the lawn of the Nelson-Atkins Museum and go inside Union Station in all its glory; BBQ history, Garment District, Stockyards, City Markets, Murals, Mafia, Jazz, and more. The tour will end at Country Club Plaza. Hop off the bus to see J.C. Nicholas Fountain

and the area. The option is available to return to the hotel on the bus or stay at the Plaza to explore on your own.

1a – Tuesday, July 11: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

1b – Wednesday, July 12: 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

1c – Wednesday, July 12: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

2. Truman Library Tour and Lunch

Price: $125

2a – Wednesday, July 12: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

2b – Monday, July 17: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

The new permanent exhibit, “Harry S. Truman: An Ordinary Man, His Extraordinary Journey,” expands appreciation of this Midwestern farm boy who never went to college, his remarkable rise, and his enduring character. Through the biography and achievements of Harry Truman, future generations will come to understand both the possibilities and the responsibilities of American citizenship.

Choose from two opportunities to see The Truman Library and enjoy KC’s Best BBQ lunch. Vegan and gluten-free options are available. The tour includes admission to the Truman Library, meal and non-alcoholic drinks, , water and a highlight tour around downtown KC to see the sights.

3. Missouri Star Quilt Company – Hamilton, MO

Price: $95 for early bird before May 1, 2023, and $115 after May 1, 2023

Hamilton, MO, is a quilter’s paradise, attracting folks from near and far to come to find inspiration, encouragement and education at the Missouri Star Quilt Company. Join the journey to Hamilton to tour the Missouri Quilt Museum, shop the wide variety of fabric stores and more. The tour includes two guides, Quilt Museum tickets, snacks and drinks.

Hamilton is also the hometown of J.C. Penney and the J.C. Penney Memorial Library and Museum. The museum is a oneroom exhibit with many artifacts. The museum presents a look at Penney’s life and career–a 20-minute video to view. When you come for a visit to our quilt shops, you will want to leave some time to visit the JC Penney Museum and boyhood home. And since Hamilton is a (fabulous) small town, everything is right within walking distance.

J.C. Penney Museum and boyhood home are free to visit. Lunch is on your own and at your own pace. Hamilton has many local restaurant options, including close-by comfort food establishments, sweet shops and quaint tea shops.

3 – Monday, July 17; 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood

Foundation Presents the Oak Street Singers in Evening of Entertainment

The Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation is proud to present the Oak Street Singers for a stroll through global events, A∆K history and the music of seven decades at the International Convention Evening of Entertainment on July 14. The curtain time is 8 p.m. The ticket for the evening is $30.

“The Evening of Entertainment is always a highlight of our International conventions. More significantly, it is an exciting and entertaining way to support the A∆K Foundation. All proceeds go to the work of the Foundation, awarding scholarships and grants, and supporting our altruistic projects,” said Barbara Stanfield, Foundation Board Member.

According to Foundation Board Member Ann Quinlan, there will be time to dine and return to the hotel in time to enjoy the excitement, energy and talent of ensembles and soloists of the Oak Street Singers. Chris Drogemueller, Oak Street Singers director, remarked, “I suspect at least one of our students is headed to Broadway.”

The Oak Street Singers is a Chamber Choir/Show Choir from Oak Park High School in the North Kansas City School District. The group has been under the direction of Chris Drogemueller since 2004. It has received numerous awards. In addition to ten Grand Championship trophies through the years at local and national competitions, the group won the 2014 Christmas Choir competition through 99.5 FM in Kansas City. It was also invited to perform at the 2015 MO Music Education Association Convention. This is the top honor a Missouri choir can receive.

The Singers enjoy performing all kinds of music, from pop to jazz, classical to contemporary, and folk to Broadway. Drogemueller stated, “The students are excited to perform selections from all the decades that your wonderful organization has been around. We hope you will enjoy the various solos and ensembles that our group is preparing for your celebration.”

Foundation Board Members Barbara Stanfield and Ann Quinlan. Barbara served as the 2015 - 2017 International Executive Board Chairman, and Ann serves on the 2021-2023 International Executive Board.

A∆KA Supports Sisters and Has a Good Time

On my first visit to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Jane Miller asked why my husband wasn’t a member of A∆KA. I was surprised; I never knew he could join if he didn’t attend a convention.

The Alpha Delta Kappa Association (A∆KA) brings together men interested in supporting the members of Alpha Delta Kappa. Membership and A∆KA event registration are available on the convention registration form. Dues are $25 per biennium and may be paid with convention registration. Men may join or renew their membership by completing a form on the website and mailing their dues to Headquarters.

A∆KA was formed in 1961 by J. Ernest Hill, Alabama, and Thomas H. Neal, Sr., Missouri. Hill, the association’s first president, announced, “The objectives of this organization are stated in part as follows: ‘to assist and aid one of the most outstanding groups of people in our country,’ which, of course, means the ladies of Alpha Delta Kappa.”

Convention activities typically include daily coffee and social hours, a golf scramble, tours, and supporting the members of Alpha Delta Kappa when needed. Headquarters staff assists A∆KA as they plan activities and promote membership onsite.

Jim Johnson, past president of A∆KA and husband of IVP NWR Janet Johnson, has been an active A∆KA member since he joined at the 2003 convention in Dallas. This year, he will organize the golf scramble. Jim said there are always enough people with cars to accommodate the group getting to the course and other events. Of the nearly 100 members of record, Jim estimated that about 50% are convention-goers and participate in A∆KA events. And now that COVID is behind us, he’s confident that attendance and energy levels will be high

Dave Sadler, husband of Sue Sadler, TX Delta Beta, serves as A∆KA president. Dave hopes to arrange a trip to a Royals baseball game, lunch at a noted BBQ spot and a visit to the salvaged Steamship Arabia. He said he looks forward to the A∆KA reunion and spending time with this group of great guys, cheering, eating, exploring, discovering and bonding as friends for life.

So, sisters, encourage your male counterparts to sign up for A∆KA adventures in Kansas City this summer. They’ll have the experience of a lifetime.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood

What’s New for International Convention Voting in 2023

hether you have attended Alpha Delta Kappa conventions for decades or are a first-timer, you need to read this article. A number of changes have been made that impact the role of members who participate in the International Convention. These changes are a result of questions and requests from members. International, S/P/N and chapter leaders were surveyed in October 2022. The response was clear. These leaders believe that members should have more opportunities to participate in the official business of A∆K.

NEW this year: All members with full registration will be granted delegate status and have one vote on each matter of business.

Technology allows us to involve more members to have a voice in the decisions of Alpha Delta Kappa. We are no longer bound by the use of expensive voting pads that limit the number of delegates who may participate. We have the opportunity to allow more member participation in the official business of A∆K. Voting is no longer limited to two delegates per chapter.

What Do YOU Need to Know? Registration

February 15 ............................ REGISTRATION OPENS

May 1 (11:59pm CDT) .................... REGISTRATION for DELEGATE STATUS CLOSES

Once registration for delegates is closed, there will be no additional opportunities to register as a delegate. NO EXCEPTIONS and NO REFUNDS. Late registration will reopen for non-delegates on May 2.

Online Voting

ALL voting will be done online. Each delegate will receive an email with log-in and voting instructions.

Tuesday, May 9-12 ........................... PRACTICE VOTING

SESSIONS for delegates

Watch your email for notices to vote or notify headquarters of issues related to voting. You will need to participate in this practice session to confirm that all delegates have received access and can successfully participate in the process.

Each block will open at 12:00 Noon CDT and close at 11:59 PM CDT on the dates specified

May 15-22 VOTING OPEN for Candidates

May 15-22 .................... VOTING OPEN for International Altruistic Project

May 17-19 ....... VOTING OPEN for amendments coming from delegates for proposed Bylaws and Resolutions

June 9-16 .............. VOTING OPEN for proposed Bylaws and Resolutions


To provide opportunities for a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of each issue, specifically the proposed bylaws and resolutions, a detailed schedule has been created.

March 9 ....................... Bylaws Proposed Amendments and Resolutions posted on the International website

Before opening the debate, members will have the opportunity to amend any proposal.

March 15-May 1... A motion form (JotForm) is available to propose amendments on the International website. *Only registered delegates may make or second a motion.

If any amendment is offered, delegates will have the opportunity to advocate the pros and cons of the new proposal:

May 2 .......... Motions from delegates who propose amendments to amendments will be posted on the website

May 3-5 .................. Comment Block #1 OPEN for amendments made by delegates

May 8-9 ................ Comments from Block #1 posted to the International website

May 10-12 ................... Comment Block #2 OPEN for proposed amendments to the amendments, if necessary

May 15-16 ............. Comments from Block #2 posted to the International website

May 17-19 ............ VOTING OPEN for amendments coming from delegates

May 22 ......................Amendments that are adopted will be included as part of the main motion presented by the committee and posted on the website for consideration by the delegates.

Delegates will have the opportunity to advocate the pros and cons of the newly amended proposal as follows:

May 23-27 ................... Comment Block #1 OPEN for proposed Bylaws and Resolutions

May 30-June 16 .... Comments from Block #1 posted to the International website

May 31-June 5 ............. Comment Block #2 OPEN for proposed Bylaws and Resolutions

June 8-16 .............. Comments from Block #2 posted to the International website

June 9-16 ................. VOTING OPEN for proposed Bylaws and Resolutions

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WKAPPAN SPECIAL CONVENTION SECTION • MARCH 2023 19 Updatedversion availableonline

2023 Rules Governing a Hybrid Convention


1. Each member will use her assigned member ID in order to enter the hybrid convention meeting room.

2. Convention business meetings all begin promptly, as scheduled.


1. New business shall be brought before the convention by motions that have been processed by the proper committee. Such motions may be reported to the Convention by the committee chairman or a designee with one of the following recommendations: that the motion is “adopted,” or “not adopted,” or “considered without committee recommendation.”

2. All motions shall be in written form, including the names, S/P/N, and chapter of the originator and seconder, and sent to the International President by the deadline established in the voting schedule prior to consideration of the motion.

3. All committee and officer reports shall be posted on the International website in advance of the convention.

4. Voting shall be done electronically as provided by the JotForm. Voting for Candidates, Bylaws Amendments, Resolutions, and International Projects will be conducted in advance of the convention unless determined by the Presiding Officer or upon the advice of the Parliamentarian to be done during the hybrid convention.

5. Applications for the International office submitted after the initial deadline set by the Candidate Qualifications Committee must be completed online and received by the Chairman of the Candidate Qualifications Committee no later than February 15. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements of this office. The Candidate Qualifications Committee must verify the applicant’s eligibility before her name may be added to the ballot.


1. All members who choose the full registration option for the convention by the published deadline will be granted delegate status and have one vote on all business matters.


1. All Registration will be ONLINE ONLY. Once Registration for delegates is closed, there will be no additional opportunities to register as a delegate. NO EXCEPTIONS and NO REFUNDS. Late Registration will reopen for non-delegates on May 2.

a. Patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. This is critical to finalize the confirmation of delegates and prepare for online voting.

2. All attendees will register via the International website online registration form. If you know of someone who does not use the

Internet, please reach out to assist them with this process. Headquarters staff will also be available to answer questions and assist members.


1. All debates will be online. The debate will take place over a specified period of time while providing delegates and chapters ample time to consider the issues.

2. Any registered delegate may participate in the debate.

3. Only delegates may make or second a motion.

4. Two blocks of time will be open to offering both a first comment and a rebuttal comment. Each delegate is limited to one comment per issue during each debate block.

5. Each proposal will be posted and considered individually. A separate JotForm will be provided for member responses for each proposal. Each form will include the following:

a. a place to enter the member’s unique ID code

b. a copy of the proposal


c. a space to indicate her name, S/P/N, chapter, and email address on record with A∆K.

d. a multiple-choice option to select if you are commenting in favor of the proposal, against the proposal, or offering a question or point of information

e. a space to write a comment of a maximum of 150 words

6. Amendments from the floor. Any amendments to the printed Proposed Bylaws Amendments or Proposed Resolutions from registered delegates must be received by the International President by the deadline established in the voting schedule. The motion must include the name of the delegate making the motion, her S/P/N, and the chapter. The same information must be provided for the member who will second the motion. The motion must be clearly stated and offer a rationale. An electronic motion form will be available on the International website. Attendees will be notified of all motions ruled in order, and a separate debate and voting time period will be established for these proposed amendments.

7. After each debate block is closed, the Presiding officer, along with the Parliamentarian, will receive a spreadsheet that contains the comments. Together they will determine that all comments are in order. Any comment determined to be out of order will be removed from the document. The document will separate the comments into Pro and Con sections.

8. A compilation of the comments will be posted online. All attendees will receive notice that the document has been posted. Sufficient time shall be provided to allow for chapter delegates to discuss these proposals with chapter members.

9. The same process as described above will be repeated for the second comment block.

Hybrid Convention, continued on next page

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood

International Convention 2023 Election Procedures

he election of officers for Alpha Delta Kappa is a very serious activity charged to the delegates at the International Convention. The selection procedure should be considered within an honor system.

Under the Rules of Convention, Alpha Delta Kappa members do not campaign for their favored candidates. Because of these regulations, members are reminded that there are things they can do with good intent which can cause serious problems for a candidate. A candidate can be disqualified if the rules are not followed.

1. Information about candidates from the Candidate Qualifications Committee is printed in the KAPPAN. Personal or group letters to promote candidates for the International office are not permitted. An announcement may be made ONCE in the chapter, state, provincial, national and regional newsletters. ONLY the candidates’ names, S/P/N, and chapter may be included as described in the information provided to S/P/N and regional leaders from the Candidate Qualifications committee.

2. It is not permissible to distribute campaign literature, favors, or other material on behalf of, or bearing the name of, a candidate before or during the election.

3. Lobbying, caucusing, or blanket endorsements are NOT acceptable. IN ADDITION: Open Houses or receptions honoring candidates are not permitted.

4. CAMPAIGNING PROHIBITED: Gifts, food, and flowers may be interpreted as campaigning and are NOT permitted before the election.

Improper activities relating to the election process will be dealt with in the following manner:

1. The complainant(s) must have positive proof verified in writing and signed that there has been a violation of the rules. This must be presented to the Chairman of the International Executive Board or the International President.

2. The complainant(s) must be willing to appear at a hearing before the International Chapter.

3. The candidate is entitled to a hearing before the International Chapter.

4. The International Chapter will consider the facts and make the final determination.

Candidate Protocol:

1. At any event prior to the opening of the online elections, a candidate may be announced as such.

2. Candidates are encouraged to speak to each other and to pledge support to whoever is successful.


4. Attendance at A∆K meetings or participation in Alpha Delta Kappa activities shall not be considered campaigning. All candidates for the International office were asked to respond to a specific topic in an essay of no more than 100 words for publication in the March KAPPAN. Prior to the balloting process, each candidate will create a one-minute video response to a second question. The video will be published on the International website for all delegates to consider before casting their ballots.

10.The Voting Center will be for a designated period of time for the purpose of voting on Bylaws and Resolution proposals.

11.The election results can be announced either prior to the Convention meetings or during the Convention. This could be either a video announcement or a written announcement.


1. Each delegate will be assigned a unique number or code upon full registration. Using this code upon login will allow the delegate the opportunity to vote.

2. Each code will be specific to allow for general voting as well as specific regional voting.

3. Delegates will receive notice when the Voting Center will open and a reminder before the Voting Center is to close.

Notice: Out of respect for other members, all online members will be muted unless they have been recognized by the President to speak.

* Based on Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition: Meetings Held Electronically - Meetings, conferences, and conventions shall be conducted through the use of electronic meeting services designated by the presiding officer that support anonymous voting, if required, and support visible displays identifying those participating, identifying those seeking recognition to speak, showing (or permitting the retrieval of) the text of pending motions, and showing results of votes. These electronic meetings shall be subject to all rules adopted by the Board or by the organization to govern them, which may include any reasonable limitations on and requirements for Board members’ participation. Any such rules adopted by the Board shall supersede any conflicting rules in the parliamentary authority, but may not otherwise conflict with or alter any rule or decision of the organization. An anonymous vote conducted through the designated electronic meeting service shall be deemed a ballot vote, fulfilling any requirement in the bylaws or rules that a vote be conducted by ballot.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood
TKAPPAN SPECIAL CONVENTION SECTION • MARCH 2023 21 Updatedversion availableonline
Hybrid Convention, continued from pg. 20

2021 International Convention Resolution #1 Report


The result of the International Executive Board feasibility study of Resolution #1 submitted by the California Executive Board to add a pearl criterion for attendance at a S/P/N convention as an alternative to attendance at a regional conference is as follows.

After researching the capability of our present data processing system, analyzing the results of a survey of S/P/N presidents, and much discussion, the International Executive Board does not recommend the adoption of Resolution #1. The rationale for the decision is four-fold:

Convention Chaplain Thoughts

Excitement is building for our 75th Convention. I was a bit anxious at my first International convention because we still used the “handshake.” I was afraid I would not do the handshake properly. But, perhaps the most powerful moments for future conventions came as I attended the beautifully-planned memorial services. How special that our organization chooses to honor not only our Founders but also the pioneers who paved the way for our organization to celebrate 75 years. When you see the names of sisters who have joined the Omega chapter since our last convention, stop and reflect, and be thankful for their legacy. What a blessing to be a part of such a group. See you in Kansas City.

• The present data processing system will not handle the volume of entries required to record every member who attends one or more of the 55 S/P/N conventions.

• This type of record-keeping would need to be performed manually, which would overload staff.

• At this time, it would require a bridge to accommodate this type of record-keeping.

• The results of the survey showed it would make no significant difference in increasing attendance at S/P/N conventions. Changing the pearl criteria for attendance at S/P/N conventions could be possible in the future.

Essay Questions for Candidates

Candidates for the 2023-2025 biennium were asked to respond in a 100-word essay to the following question relating to their office.:

Regional Vice President for Membership

Membership is essential to preserve A∆K. How would you effectively promote the growth of membership and/or develop new chapters?

Regional President-Elect and Regional President

What would your priorities be as the Regional President, and how will you implement these priorities?

Two and Four years Executive Board Members

How have your experiences prepared you to become an integral part of our changing leadership structure?

International Vice-President for Membership

What is an important change you would implement to bring about chapter growth?

International President-Elect

What would you like to accomplish during your terms as an international leader?

The essays are at the end of the candidate’s information.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood

The International Executive Board is pleased to announce the election of Roberta Casabon, Ontario Zeta, and Susan (Su) Wade, MA Epsilon, as Four-Year Members of the International Executive Board of Alpha Delta Kappa. Their term will begin at the close of the 2023 International Convention.

Roberta Casabon

S/P/N and Chapter: Ontario Zeta

Year initiated: 2006

International Conventions Attended: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012

Chapter President: Ontario Zeta: 2022, 2012; SPN President: Ontario 2014-2016

Leadership Experience International Level: International Chapter (2019-2021); International Vice President NCR (2019-2021); Handbook and Ceremonies Committee Chairman (2019-2021); Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member (2021-2022)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: NCR Recording Secretary (2017-2019); workshop presenter at Regionals (2022, 2018)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: 2022 Ontario Alpha Delta Kappa Sister of Distinction; Ontario Provincial President (2014-2016)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Core team member of Pan Canada Palliative Care Research Collaborative; Advisor to TrueNth (Movember) initiative – Pan Canada Peer Navigator Program – Pan Global model; Patient/Caregiver/Survivor panel representative for research grant application scoring and ranking process for Prostate Cancer Canada, Canadian Cancer Society, and Pan Canada Palliative Care Research Collaborative; Patient Scholar and mentor for BioCanRx; Past member of Movember Pan Global committees; Ted Tichnor Memorial Award for Prostate Cancer Awareness

Susan (Su) Wade

S/P/N and Chapter: Massachusetts Epsilon

Year initiated: 1985

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, and 1993

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, and 1998

Chapter President: Massachusetts Epsilon, 1998-2000; SPN President: Massachusetts 2010-2012

Leadership Experience International Level: International Executive Board (Two-Year Member 2019-2021); Leadership Academy Board (Chair 2021-2023); International Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Co-Chair, 2021-2023, 2020-2021); International Membership Committee (Northeast Membership Consultant 2015-2017); International Credentials Committee (2015, 2013); IEB Sergeant-at-Arms (2019-2021); Leadership Development Committee (Member 20192021); IEB/IC Policies and Procedures Update (2019-2021); IEB Ad Hoc Possible Funding for Membership Development (2019-2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Northeast Regional Conference Workshop Coordinator (2018); Regional Membership Consultant for the Northeast (2015-2017); Northeast Co-Historian (20132015); Northeast Regional Conference Co-Chair (2012)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Fraternity Education Chair (2018-2020), Alpha Delta Kappa Month Chair (2016-2018), Chaplain (2014-2016); Immediate Past State President (2012-2014); Massachusetts State President (2010-2012); PresidentElect, Bylaws/Policies and Procedures Chair (2008-2010); Altruistic Chair (2006-2008); State Membership Consultant (2004-2006, 2002-2004); Historian (2000-2002); Sergeant-at-Arms (1998- 2000); Recording Secretary (1994-1996)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Ryan Quirk Medical Fund (committee member, organized fund raisers 2015-2016); Volunteer for student with autism (2013-2017)

According to the AΔK Constitution: Section 4, a member elected to serve a four-year term by the International Executive Board shall possess the following qualifications:

a. She shall have been an active member for at least twelve consecutive years from date of initiation, and she shall be an active member at the time of her election.

b. She shall have served at least one term on International Chapter.

c. She shall possess superior qualifications; she shall have demonstrated executive ability; she shall have made outstanding contributions to Alpha Delta Kappa.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Conway Blankenship

S/P/N and Chapter: Virginia Gamma Kappa Year initiated: 1986

International Conventions

Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006

Chapter President: Virginia Gamma Kappa 20222024; 2005-2008

Leadership Experience International Level: International Vice President, Southeast Region (2019-2021); Alpha Delta Kappa Handbook Committee (20192021); International Vice President Guidelines Committee (2019-2021); 2021-2022 Theme and Logo Committee (2019-2021); International Membership Committee (2019-2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Immediate Past International Vice President, Southeast Region (2021-2023); International Vice President, Southeast Region (2019-2021); Southeast Region Membership Consultant (2017-2019)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Virginia Ad-Hoc Membership Committee (Chairman 2021); Immediate Past State President (2016-2018); Virginia State President (2014-2016); Virginia President-Elect (2012-2014); Virginia Vice President/Membership Consultant (2010-2012); Pocahontas District President (2008-2010); Virginia Gamma Kappa President (2005-2008)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Powhatan Education Foundation Vice President 20222023; Powhatan Education Foundation Classroom

Innovation Grants Committee Chairman 20222023; Powhatan Education Foundation Classroom

Innovation Grants Committee Member

Essay: Our organization has a strong foundation for honoring and supporting excellent educators. Increased membership depends on providing opportunities to dialogue with today’s educators to discuss issues they currently face. Leaders make strong decisions with all members in mind and provide increased opportunities for input from their members. I believe we need more pathways for our members to share ideas and further develop their leadership talents Working with others I will continue to promote visibility and recognition for Alpha Delta Kappa members in all our states, provinces and nations. Together, we will make a positive difference.

**Conway's essay, in the digital publication, correctedtoreflectoriginalsubmission.

Charlene Lauria

S/P/N and Chapter: International

Year initiated: 1985

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997, 1993, 1991

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1992, 1990

Chapter President: Connecticut Kappa 1990-1992

Leadership Experience International Level: International Executive Board Four-Year Member (2019 present); International Vice President for the Northeast Region (20132015); International Sergeant- at-Arms (2009-2011); International Executive Board Two-Year Member (2007-2009); Resolution #2 Committee Member (2021-2022; Resolution #1 Committee Member (2019-2011); Resolution #2 Committee Member (2019-2021); International Altruistic Committee Liaison (2019-2021); International Archives Committee Chairman (2017-2019); International Bylaws/Resolutions Committee Member (2013-2015); International Electronic Communication and Media Committee Chairman (2013-2015); International Educational, Professional and Leadership Development Committee Chairman (2021-present); International Executive Board Meeting Minutes Review Committee Member (2021-present); International Chapter Meeting Minutes Review Committee Member (2021-present); Northeast Region Newsletter Editor (2021-present); International Funding and Business Sponsorship Committee Chairman (2019-2021); International Leadership Development Committee Member for Leadership Academy (2019-2022); International Membership Committee Member (2013-2015); International Strategic Plan Committee Member (2007-2009); International Chapter Leadership Development Committee Member (2007-2009); International Convention Credentials Committee Chairman (2005); International Convention Credentials Committee Member (2003)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: International Executive Board Representative to the North Central Regional Conference (2022); International Executive Board Representative to the South Central Regional Conference (2008); Northeast Regional Technology Chairman (2011-2013); Open Forum Panelist for the South Central and Northeast Regional Conferences (2008); South Central Regional Conference Workshop Presenter (2008); Northeast Regional Conference Workshop Presenter (2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2012, 2010, 2008. 2006); Northeast Regional Conference CoChairman (2001-2004)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: International Representative to State Conventions (2022, 2020, 2014, 2010, 2008); Arkansas Founders’ Day Presenter (2021); Connecticut Website Manger (2017-present); Connecticut Policies and Procedures Manual Revisions Committee Member (2015-present); Connecticut Candidates’ Qualification Committee Chairman (2012-2014); Connecticut Membership Committee Chairman (2002-2004); Connecticut State President (2000-2002)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Friends of the Enfield Public Libraries Member/ Contributor (2016-present); A Walk in the Woods for Parkinson’s Event Booth Coordinator (2012 present); American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Team CoCaptain (2010-2022)

Essay: Our two ships (membership and leadership) require a captain who will guide us through both calm and turbulent waters. I can be that captain. Tackling challenges that impede our mission, vision, and values is my focus. Leading us to achieve our goals is my motivation. My experience gives me the flexibility and knowledge to handle situations that will confront us. I want to ensure we refuse to just settle, find our deep passion and embrace those pursuits that will support the continuation of the organization we love. Never doubt what we have built and what we will continue to foster.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Joyce McAloon

S/P/N and Chapter: Connecticut Alpha Gamma

Year initiated: 2001

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004

Chapter President: Connecticut Alpha Gamma (2022-2024, 2020-2022, 2016-2018, 2012-2014, 2006-2008, 2002-2004)

Leadership Experience International Level: International Vice President for the Northeast Region; International Balloting Committee Member (2015); International Sergeant-at-Arms (2021-2023); International Ceremonies Committee Chairman (2021-2023)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: International Vice President for the Northeast Region (2021-2023); Northeast Region Workshop Chairman (2020-2022); Northeast Region Secretary (2015-2017); Northeast Region Conference Program Booklet Chairman (20132015)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Connecticut Vice President for Membership (2022-2024); Connecticut Immediate Past President (2020-2022); Connecticut Membership Chairman (2020-2022); Connecticut President (2018-2020); Connecticut President-Elect (2016-2018); Connecticut Corresponding Secretary (2014-2016); Connecticut Alpha Delta Kappa Month Chairman (2012-2014); Connecticut Historian (2010-2012); Connecticut Recording Secretary (2006-2010); Connecticut President of the Presidents’ Council (2004-2006)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Southington Education Foundation Board Director (2017-present); Relay for Life American Cancer Society Event Lead (2007-present); Sandra Labarvee Volunteer Award American Cancer Society (2014); Connecticut Elementary Science Teacher of the Year Award (2005-2006); Connecticut Walmart Teacher of the Year (2005)

Essay: Through my years, I have had many experiences in leadership from Chapter to State/Provincial National to Regional to International. These levels have provided me opportunities to guide and lead sisters. During these times, leadership has gone through many changes. By being adaptable with changes and blending them with new ideas will provide the structure for us to move forward. As International Vice President, creating a conference has strengthened my skills as a leader. I have learned, you need to be a listener, be clear on expectations, provide growth in leadership and be part of the team to bring success.

Terry Peyton

S/P/N and Chapter: Louisiana Alpha Psi

Year initiated: 1983

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997, 1995

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1990, 1988

Chapter President: Louisiana Alpha Psi (1996-1998)

Leadership Experience International Level: International Vice President for the Gulf Region (2019-2021); International Convention CoChairman (2015-2017), International Credentials Committee Member (2015); International Credentials Committee Chairman (2011); International Vice President Guidelines Committee Member; International Communication and Professional Development Committee Member; International Handbook and Ceremonies Committee Member; International Membership Committee; Alpha Delta Kappa CONNECT Committee Member (2021-2023), 75th Anniversary Committee Member (2021-2023)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Gulf Regional Conference CoChairman (2014); Gulf Regional Secretary (2010-2012)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Louisiana Past State President (2010-2012); Louisiana State President (20082010); Louisiana State President-Elect (2006-2008); Louisiana State Treasurer (1998-2000); Louisiana State Historian (1996-1998)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Louisiana Association of School Executives (2010-2016)

Essay: Experience as a teacher, administrator, instructional coach, member, committee and officer taught me the importance of working together. A viable future depends on visionary leadership that embraces communication, acceptance, encouragement, and support for all members. John Rockefeller said, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” Let’s take Alpha Delta Kappa from great to greater!

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Kathy Beatty

S/P/N and Chapter: Virginia Gamma Epsilon

Year initiated: 2002

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2007, 2005

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2012, 2010, 2006, 2002

Chapter President: Virginia Gamma Epsilon 20042006; 2014-2016

Leadership Experience International Level: International Membership Committee (2021-2023); International World Understanding Committee Member (2011-2013); International Balloting Committee Member (2011); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Southeast Region Membership Consultant (2021-2023); Southeast Region World Understanding Committee Chairman (2011-2013)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Virginia Immediate Past President (2020-2022); Virginia President (20182020); Virginia President-Elect (2016-2018); Virginia Vice President and Membership Consultant (2014-2016); Virginia Honor and Remembrance Committee Chairman (2012-2014); Virginia World Understanding Committee Chairman (2010-2012); Virginia Excellence in Education Committee Chairman (2008-2010); Virginia Fraternity Education Committee Chairman (2006-2008)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: P. E. O. Virginia Chapter K President (2010-2011); Fairfax County Public Schools

Teacher of the Year Finalist (2011); Centerville High School Teacher of the Year (2011); Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Teacher of the Year (2014); Robinson Secondary Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee (2016)

Essay: Members are the heart of our organization. Sisters often share the connections they have with others as to why they joined or why they have remained a member. Those connections are formed when a sister feels heard and supported. Each members is valued and deserves a voice. I will work with the International Membership Committee and leaders at all levels to provide opportunities for members to listen, share, and bond. Together we would implement structured and unstructured gatherings for sisters to engage with each other to create meaningful connections to strengthen chapters and the organization as a whole.


BOARD 2023-2025

Julie Kidd

S/P/N and Chapter: Virginia Beta Gamma

Year initiated: 1988

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006. 2004, 2002

Chapter President: Virginia Beta Gamma 2018-2022; 2002-2004

Leadership Experience International Level: International Resolutions Committee Member (2015-2017); International Convention Sergeant-at-Arms (2019-2021); International Convention Presenter (2007)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Southeast Region Sergeant-atArms (2013-2015); Southeast Region Scholarship Committee Member (2012); Southeast Region Conference Presenter (2002, 2006)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Virginia Immediate Past President (2012-2014); Virginia President (20102012); Virginia President-Elect and President of the Chapter of Council Presidents (2008-2010)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Albert J. Mazurkiewicz Special Services Award (2020); Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Presidential Track (Vice President, President-Elect, President, Past President, Past Past President) (2013-2018); Virginia Infant and Toddler Specialist Network Leadership Council Member (2020-present); International Literacy Association Diversity Committee Member (2011-2014); College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University Scholarly Achievement Award (2011)

Essay: I have engaged in a variety of leadership experiences that have prepared me to be an integral part of our changing leadership structure. My leadership in Alpha Delta Kappa provides a foundation for understanding our organization, which is vital to navigating change. Leadership in professional organizations and at the university has enhanced my ability to work collaboratively to identify problems, design and implement creative and evidence-based solutions, support success, and evaluate the effectiveness of the changes. These experiences also highlight the importance of developing strong and productive relationships as we work together to effect change.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Nancy Bishop

S/P/N and Chapter: Nebraska Epsilon

Year initiated: 1979

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2011, 2005

Regional Conferences Attended: 2018, 2010, 2004

Chapter President: Nebraska Epsilon 2016; Nebraska Theta 1989

Leadership Experience Regional Level: North Central Regional Conference Assistant Sergeant-at Arms (2018); North Central Regional Conference Delegate (2018); North Central Region Professional Development Chairman (2021-2023); North Central Region Secretary (2022); President-Elect for the North Central Region (2022-present)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Nebraska President (2020-2022)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: PEO President, Treasurer, Secretary (1994-present); Special Olympics Coach, Treasurer and Secretary (1992-present); Ladies of St. Leos President, Treasurer (1991-present); AOK Ladies Committee Chairman (2018-present); NWAGA Club Representative (2021-present)

Essay: In this age of ‘technology’ we have several ways to communicate with our sisters. Zoom and e-mail seem to be the most popular, but I feel the telephone is still an important means of connecting with all sisters. As Nebraska State President I sent a monthly newsletter to officers, chairpersons’ and chapter presidents, hoping they would send on to their sisters. If elected to this position, I would like to continue a monthly newsletter with contact to chapter presidents for articles. As a leader, I feel it is crucial to know what is happening in the chapters of all the states and provinces of thisregion.


Nancy Thompson

S/P/N and Chapter: Kansas Alpha Alpha

Year initiated: 2000

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017,2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002

Chapter President: Kansas Alpha Alpha 2004-2006

Leadership Experience International Level: International Excellence in Education Committee Member (2021-2023); International Future Educator Grant Committee Member (20172019); International Innovation Grant Committee Chairman (20172019); International World Understanding Committee Member (2015-2017); International Credentials Committee Member (2017); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2015)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: South Central Region World Understanding Committee Chairman (2015-2017); South Central Region Secretary (2013-2015); South Central Regional Conference Learning Session Chairman (2020-2022)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Kansas Qualifications Committee Chairman (2003); Kansas President of Chapter Presidents’ Council (2004-2006); Kansas Corresponding Secretary (2006-2008); Kansas President-Elect (2008-2010); Kansas President (2010-2012); Kansas Immediate Past President (2012-2014); Kansas Membership Chairman (2012-2014); Kansas Parliamentarian (20142018); Kansas Alzheimer’s Longest Day Chairman (2016-present)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: NEA/NEA Retired (1993-present); JCARSP Retired School Personnel (2018-present); Johnson County Christmas Bureau Book Chairman (2018-present)

Essay: As Regional President I will have four main priorities. The first will be engaging members in leadership roles by identifying sisters with diverse skills and encouraging them to participate at a higher level. Another priority will be to enhance professional development through a variety of learning opportunities. A major priority will be to increase membership by enacting strategies to recruit, reinstate, retain and revitalize. I will encourage participation in altruistic projects at all levels through newsletters and social media. As Regional President I will guide South Central to grow and expand our sisterhood.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Kay Spriggs

S/P/N and Chapter: Alabama Beta Xi

Year initiated: 1998

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2007

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002

Chapter President: Alabama Beta Xi 2016-2018, 2004-2006

Leadership Experience International Level: International Classroom Grant Committee Member (2021-2023); International Balloting Committee Member (2015-2017); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021-2011, 2007); International Assistant Sergeantat-Arms (2017, 2015); International Chorus (2017); International Convention Page to International President, June Bellamy (2015)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Gulf Region Co-Chaplain (2022); Gulf Regional Conference Workshop Presenter (2004-2022); Gulf Regional Conference Page to International Vice President for the Gulf Region, Debby Stubing (2016); Gulf Regional Conference Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (2016, 2014, 2012); Gulf Region Professional Development and Scholarship Committee Chairman (2013-2015); Gulf Region Professional Development and Scholarship Committee Member (2011-2013); Gulf RegionExcellence in Education Committee Member (2011-2013)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Alabama Immediate Past President and Advisory Council Member (2022-present); Alabama Policies and Procedures Manual Committee Chairman (2022-2024); Alabama President (2020-2022); Alabama President-Elect (2018-2020); Alabama Recording Secretary (2016-2018); Alabama Excellence in Education Committee Member (2018-2020, 2016-2018); Alabama Sergeant-at-Arms (2012-2014); Alabama Special Events Committee Co-Chairman (2014-2016); Alabama Music Committee Chairman (2010-2012); Alabama Southeast District Chairman (2008-2010); Alabama Southeast District Chairman-Elect (2006-2008)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Alabama Education Association Resolutions Committee (2022-2023); Alabama State Association of Emblem Clubs Convention Co-Chairman, Laws and Resolutions Chairman (2022-2023); Supervisor of Practicum Students at Auburn University (2021-2022); Supervisor of Interns at Auburn University at Montgomery (2018-2019); First Baptist Church of Opelika Adult Choir Member (1978-present)

Essay: Supporting each other to be stronger and more successful in our endeavors and to grow in membership would definitely be priorities. This can be achieved through sharing ideas that have been proven successful and expanding beyond what we already know by exploring and observing other ideas that have worked in other places. Communicating, via every way known, could move this forward. Alpha Delta Kappa needs to no longer be “the best kept secret.” We need to shine our light brighter than ever before.

Barbara Stainback

S/P/N and Chapter: Louisiana Alpha Sigma

Year initiated: 1984

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 1998

Chapter President: Louisiana Alpha Sigma 19901992

Leadership Experience International Level: International Convention Site Selection Committee Member (2022); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Gulf Regional Conference Workshop Coordinator (2022); Gulf Regional Conference Presenter (2020); Gulf Region Co-Sergeant-at-Arms (2020); Gulf Regional Conference Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (2016)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Louisiana Altruistic Chairman (2022-2024); Louisiana Immediate Past President (2020-2022); Louisiana Bylaws Committee Chairman (20202022); Louisiana President (2018-2020); Louisiana Budget Committee Member (2016-2022); Louisiana President-Elect (2016-2018); Louisiana Membership Committee Chairman (2016-2018); Louisiana Chaplain (2014-2016); Louisiana Sergeant-at-Arms (2012-2014); Louisiana Recipient of the Excellence in Education Award; Louisiana Convention Parliamentarian (2008, 2010); Louisiana Resolutions Committee Chairman (2006-2008); Louisiana Excellence in Education Committee Chairman (2004-2006); Louisiana District II Chairman (1996-2000)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Louisiana Association of Principals State President (2008-2010), High School Trustee, Executive Board Member (2010-present); Louisiana Department of Education State Region 7 Principal of the Year (2011); Vernon Parish School Board Middle School Principal of the Year (2011); Saint Michael’s Catholic Church Knights of Columbus Council #4156 2017 Mardi Gras Queen; Saint Michael’s Catholic Church Ladies Circle Recording Secretary (2020-2022)

Essay: Alpha Delta Kappa and its opportunities have afforded me experiences to grow in leadership and shape my professional career. Meeting the needs of sisters at every level of membership is crucial to the sustainability and growth of our organization. I seek to build on the foundations already laid by our past Gulf leaders. I pledge to use any means necessary to collaborate, communicate, cherish and value each sister. As Alpha Delta Kappa sisters, we need to keep growing, encouraging each other, and welcoming future educators with the mission set before us by our Founders. Let’s keep sharing the gift.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Jennie Johnson

S/P/N and Chapter: Iowa Tau

Year initiated: 1997

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016

Chapter President: Iowa Zeta 2012-2014; 2010-2012

Leadership Experience International Level: Classroom Grant Committee (2021-present)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: North Central Regional Conference Sergeant-at-Arms (2022); North Central Regional Conference Workshop Presenter (2018)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Iowa President (2020-2022); Iowa President Elect (2018-2020); Iowa Chaplain (2016-2018)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Penn Avenue ChurchOttumwa Board Secretary and Member (2016-2019); Penn Avenue Church-Ottumwa Missionary President (2014-2019)

Essay: Membership is key to growing Alpha Delta Kappa. However, technology and diversity both impact membership. To attract active teachers, we must keep pace with and utilize modern technology. To become a balanced organization reflecting an increasingly diverse society, we must have member heterogeneity. A diverse membership has much to offer all members. From a rounded diverse membership, we will be able to offer programs, scholarships, grants, altruism and services that meet all members’ needs. While membership is our ultimate goal, we must remember both technology and diversity will support that growth.

Sharon Copt

S/P/N and Chapter: Minnesota Alpha Alpha

Year initiated: 1996

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2002

Chapter President: Minnesota Alpha Alpha 20182022. 2008-2010

Leadership Experience Regional Level: North Central Region Excellence in Education Committee Chairman (2019-2021); North Central Region Scholarship Committee Chairman (2017-2019)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Minnesota Vice President for Membership (2018-2021); Minnesota Immediate Past President (2016-2018); Minnesota President (2014-2016); Minnesota President-Elect (2012-2014); Minnesota Recording Secretary (2008-2012); Minnesota Sergeant-at-Arms (2004-2008)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: St. Andrew’s Choir (1990-2017); University of Minnesota Women’s Club Recording Secretary and Luncheon Chairman (2003-2022); St Andrew’s Lutheran Church Inclusion Committee; Chairman of the English conversational teaching group in Slovakia (2004-2012)

Essay: I would like to ensure that Alpha Delta Kappa remains a vibrant organization reaching out inclusively to all educators and expanding our membership with people of color. I would like to encourage our members to continue programming that stresses inclusion, altruism, world understanding and making a difference in our communities. Each chapter needs to devise ways to become visible in their local schools so that we can enlist teachers who are active in education. I would provide practical ideas to states and chapters that they could use to reach out to teachers in their communities.


Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Sue McDowell

S/P/N and Chapter: New Jersey Lambda Year initiated: 2002

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2005

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2004

Chapter President: New Jersey Lambda 2022-2024, 2020-2022, 2014-2018, 2004-2006

Leadership Experience International Level: International Candidate Qualifications Committee Chairman (2021); International Candidate Qualifications Committee Member (2019); International World Understanding Committee Member (2017); International Balloting Committee Member (2015); International Convention Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (2015)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Northeast Region Historian (2019-2021); Northeast Region World Understanding Committee Chairman (2017-2019); Northeast Region Scholarship and Grant Committee Chairman (2015-2017); Northeast Region Annual Program Committee Member (2013-2015)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: New Jersey Scholarship Committee Member (current); New Jersey Candidate Qualifications Committee Co-Chairman (2020-2022); New Jersey President of the Council of Chapter Presidents (2019-2021, 20062008); New Jersey Bylaws Committee Co-Chairman (2014-2018); New Jersey Immediate Past President (2012-2014); New Jersey President (2010-2012); New Jersey President-Elect (2008-2010); New Jersey Vice President for Membership (2006-2008)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Ocean Township School District Board of Education Vice-President (2016-present); Ocean Township School District Master Board Member Certification (2021); Greenbriar Oceanaire Women’s Club Community Outreach Chairman and Executive Board Member (2021-present); Ocean County College Adjunct Associate Professor (2018); The College of New Jersey Alumni Board Homecoming Committee Co-Chairman/ Scholarship and Events Planning Committee (2008-2013)

Essay: My initial priority would be the importance to plan ahead while working closely and listening to the advice of the Regional President. Listening to others gives a better understanding of the diversity of programs and the goals each state and chapter provides for members. The priorities of communicating, encouraging, and respecting the diversity of ideas as states and chapters incorporate and celebrate the qualities of Alpha Delta Kappa is important. As a Regional- President Elect, my priorities will be to listen, to learn, encourage creativity, explore opportunities, enthusiastically inspire involvement of our members and to value their ideas.


Barbara Nore

S/P/N and Chapter: Alaska Gamma

Year initiated: 1988

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018

Chapter President: Alaska Gamma 2016-2018

Leadership Experience International Level: International Resolutions Committee Chairman (20212023); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Northwest Region Secretary (2021-2023, 2019-2021); Northwest/Southwest Regional Conference Presenter (2018)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Alaska Immediate Past President (2022-2024); Alaska President (2020-2022); Alaska President-Elect and Membership Consultant (2018-2020); Alaska Historian (2016-2018); Alaska Convention Music Presenter (1988)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Alaska Music Educators Association Educator of the Year 2011 and Board Member (20042010); Order of the Eastern Star Worthy Matron (2022, 2006, 2005, 2004); First Presbyterian Church Moderator of the Deacons (20212023, 2016-2020); Division of Elections-State of Alaska and the Fairbanks North Star Borough Precinct Co-Chairman (2021-2022) and Canvass Board; Alaska State Legislature Citation for Dedication to the Youth of North Pole Middle School (2002-2016)

Essay: Leadership is the act of leading others. We are leaders in our classrooms. We influence and help grow new and future leaders every day. There is no magical time or tenure that determines when it is your time to become a more involved leader; that decision can only be made by you. Clear communication is essential in growing leaders. The Northwest region has an abundance of strengths that may encourage future leaders through in person and online trainings. Creating a Google drive that is shared and accessed by the Northwest Leadership Team enhances the slogan, “Together Everyone Achieves More.”

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Patricia Hardin

S/P/N and Chapter: West Virginia Alpha Epsilon

Year initiated: 1977

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 1993, 1991, 1989

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2002, 2000, 1996, 1994, 1992, 1990, 1988

Chapter President: West Virginia Pi 1988-1990

Leadership Experience International Level: International Leadership Academy Mentor (2020-2022); International Educational Symposium Committee Member (2017-2019); International Convention Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (1993, 1991)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Southeast Regional Conference Educational Symposium Presenter (2016, 2014)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: West Virginia Immediate Past President (2022-2024); West Virginia Candidate Qualifications Committee Member (2022-2024); West Virginia President (2020-2022); West Virginia President-Elect (2018-2020); West Virginian Convention Chairman (2014-2016); West Virginia Convention Site Committee (1992-1994); West Virginia Budget Committee Member (1990-1992); West Virginia Bylaws Committee Member (1988-1990)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Blennerhassett Chapter, NSDAR (1986-present); Active Substitute Teacher Mercer County, West Virginia (2013-present)

Essay: I believe there are two issues a regional president must be address. One, I will work with the regional and state membership personnel to maintain as well as increase sisters for our organization. Second, developing leaders is vital to the future of our organization. “Programs and information” will become my focus. From international and regional level officers to members of each chapter, we must develop and encourage sisters to step forward and upward to become leaders if we are to survive.

Yvette Keel

S/P/N and Chapter: North Carolina Beta Upsilon

Year initiated: 1986

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2001, 1997, 1989

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2006, 2004, 2000, 1998, 1992

Chapter President: Georgia Alpha Omicron 19941996; 1992-1994

Leadership Experience International Level: International Convention Program Coordinator (2023); International Council of Presidents Secretary (2017); International Convention Educational Symposium Presenter (2015); International Convention Assistant Sergeant-atArms (2011)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Southeast Regional Conference Choir Member and Workshop Presenter (2022); Gulf Regional Conference Choir Member (2018); Gulf Regional Conference Presidents’ Workshop Presenter (2016); Gulf Region Secretary (2015-2017); Gulf Regional Conference Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (2006); Gulf Regional Conference Registration Committee (1992)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: North Carolina Vice President for Membership (2022-2024); Georgia Policies and Procedures Committee Member (2018-2020); Georgia Policies and Procedures Committee Chairman (2016-2018); Georgia State Directory Chairman (2016-2018); Georgia Immediate Past President (2016-2018); Georgia President (2014-2016); Georgia President-Elect (2012-2014); Georgia Fun Day Chairman (2012-2013); Georgia State Convention Chairman (2013-2014); Georgia Vice President for Membership (2010-2012); Georgia Sergeant-at Arms (2006-2008); Georgia Altruistic Committee Chairman (2004-2006); Georgia Corresponding Secretary (2002-2004); Georgia Golden Isles District Chairman (2000-2002); Georgia Music Chairman (19961998)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: HART Theatre Volunteer and Music Director (2022); Liberty Country School Board Elected official (2015-2018); Wallace State Community College Outstanding Alumni Award, Academic Division (2011); Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (2004, 2005, 2006); Georgia Music Educators Administrations Award (2002);

Essay: My priorities would be: to be in contact with Southeast Region State leaders to assist as needed; to assist with membership growth and retention as requested; to assist the Regional President as requested; and, to “train” to step into the Regional President role. I would implement my priorities by being available to Southeast Region sisters through email, phone calls, ZOOM and in person meetings. Serving at district, state and regional levels gives me a good knowledge base of our organization, and I can assist with ideas to help grow membership and prepare sisters to step up to leadership.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Cheryl Sigel

S/P/N and Chapter: Kansas Iota Year initiated: 2004

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2015, 2013

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012

Chapter President: Kansas Iota 2010-2012

Leadership Experience International Level: International Leadership Academy Mentor (2023)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: South Central Regional Conference Treasurer/Registrar (2022); South Central Regional Vice Chairman (2020); South Central Regional Conference Sergeant atArms (2012)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Kansas Immediate Past President (2022-2024); Kansas President (20202022); Kansas President-Elect (2018-2020); Kansas Vice President for Membership (2016-2018); Kansas Recording Secretary (2014-2016); Kansas Historian (2012-2014)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Miami Country Quilt Guild (2015-present); MOKAN Quilt Guild Treasurer (2017-present); Marias des Cygne Master Foods Volunteer (2007-present); Eastern Kansas 4-H Judge (2000-present); Miami Country Open Class Foods Superintendent (2010 present)

Essay: My first priority would be to support our Regional President in her endeavors within the South Central Region. I would hope that through this experience as well as being a Leadership Academy Mentor, I would develop more communication skills by listening to our sisters and supporting them through the many avenues that Alpha Delta Kappa has to offer our sisterhood. Membership is the heart and soul of our organization so I would like to help conquer the membership qualms that we all share and help chapters to discover their unique ways of building and maintaining chapters.


Jean Hinck

S/P/N and Chapter: Colorado Gamma

Year initiated: 1993

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 1997

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2006

Chapter President: Colorado Gamma 2004-2006

Leadership Experience International Level: International Membership Committee Member (2019-2023); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Southwest Region Membership Consultant (2019-2023); Southwest Regional Conference Educational Symposium Presenter (2022, 2020)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Colorado Treasurer (2022); Colorado Membership Consultant (2018-2020); Colorado President (2016-2018); Colorado President-Elect (20142016); Colorado Historian, Chaplain, Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms (2006-2016)

Essay: As Regional President-Elect my priority will be to totally support all members through my words and actions. I will promote making connections and building relationships using new technologies as well as traditional methods: verbal, print, virtual, and in-person communications. Sharing our successes and ideas to strengthen our chapters and States/Provinces/Nations will be a priority. Serving as the Southwest Region Membership consultant has taught me when we work as a team, we learn much from each other to further our growth and understanding. Knowing and serving sisters from the entire Southwest Region is a joy and continuing priority.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Minie Coon

S/P/N and Chapter: Alabama Mu

Year initiated: 1976

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000

Chapter President: Alabama Mu 2016-2018, 1980-1982

Leadership Experience International Level: International Resolutions Committee Member (2015-2017)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Gulf Region Membership Committee Chairman (2021-2023); Gulf Region Sergeant-at-Arms (2014)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Alabama Vice President for Membership (2018-2022); Alabama President (2012-2014); Alabama President-Elect (2010-2012); Alabama Treasurer (2008-2010); Alabama Chaplain (2006-2008); Alabama Sergeant-at-Arms (2004-2008); Alabama Southeast District Chairman (2002-2004)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Alabama Retired Teachers President and Treasurer (2002-present); Alabama Retired Teachers Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chairman and Secretary (2018-2023); Butler County Retired Teachers President and Treasurer (2002-present)

Essay: Being a member of Alpha Delta Kappa is an honor and a privilege, and it is what I do for myself. The feeling membership gives me MUST be shared. As Regional Vice President for Membership, I would use my sense of purpose to encourage others to feel those same wonderful feelings of sisterhood. Alpha Delta Kappa membership builds educational excellence, altruism and world understandingthe values I hold strong inside. I would empower women to share their unique qualities as I introduce them to Alpha Delta Kappa sisters who embrace cultural differences and help them make an impact on our world.


Ann Ainslie

S/P/N and Chapter: Michigan Alpha Upsilon

Year initiated: 2002

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010

Chapter President: Michigan Alpha Upsilon 20052008

Leadership Experience International Level: International Vice President of the North Central Region (2021-2023); International Membership Committee Member (2021-2023)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: North Central Region Secretary (2013-2015)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Michigan Vice President for Membership (2016-2021); Michigan Immediate Past President (2014-2016); Michigan President (2012-2014); Michigan President-Elect (2010-2012); Michigan President of the Council of Chapter Presidents (2008-2010)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: American Speech Language Hearing Association (1975-present)

Essay: Alpha Delta Kappa faces serious membership challenges. Collective creativity and flexibility are solutions to those challenges. I will remind members why Alpha Delta Kappa membership is valuable, and work with chapters to keep them vital. There must be consideration of alternative formats for chapter leadership and meetings allowing members to participate as they are able. I recommend promoting/ introducing Alpha Delta Kappa at colleges and universities through the establishment of collegiate clubs and supporting future educators through mentorship, scholarships, and grants. Convincing new, active educators that Alpha Delta Kappa has the potential to enhance their professional careers and professional lives.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood


Ginna Alysse Allen

S/P/N and Chapter: New Jersey Alpha Alpha Year initiated: 1978

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2013

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2008

Chapter President: New Jersey Alpha Alpha 20122014, 2004-2006

Leadership Experience International Level: International Ad Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee Volunteer (2020)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Northeast Region Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (2021-present)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: New Jersey Immediate Past President (2022 present); New Jersey Fraternity Education Committee Chairman (2022-present); New Jersey President (2020-2022, 2018-2020); New Jersey Budget Committee Chairman (2019-present); New Jersey Budget Committee Member (2017-2018); New Jersey President-Elect (2016-2018); New Jersey Excellence in Education Committee Chairman (2016-2018); New Jersey Corresponding Secretary (2014-20160; New Jersey Recording Secretary (2010-2014); New Jersey Sergeant-at-Arms (2008-2010); New Jersey Chaplain (2006-2008); New Jersey Alpha Delta Kappa Month Committee Chairman (2004-2006)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Hammonton Historical Society (2020-present); Harbour Pointe Resident’s Association Recording Secretary (2010-present); First Ward Civic Association (2019-present)

Essay: Advancing membership begins with chapter growth and attracting the new wave of educators to Alpha Delta Kappa. Flexibility in scheduling and creativity in programming for current members is important! Entice former members, invite them to chapter activities. Reach out to new educators with information on the benefits of Alpha Delta Kappa. Forming collegiate clubs is a key to the future of Alpha Delta Kappa. They bring enthusiasm and contemporary experiences of today’s education. As Regional Vice President for Membership, I would serve as a resource, encouraging initiation of new members, reinstatements, and be an active communicator to all members.


Carol Johnson

S/P/N and Chapter: Texas Beta Omicron Year initiated: 1987

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 1997, 1995

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 1996, 1994

Chapter President: Texas Beta Omicron 1996-1998

Leadership Experience International Level: International Candidate Qualifications Committee Member (2019-2021; International Bylaws Committee Chairman (2017-2019); International Bylaws Committee Member (2017-2019); International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021); International Convention Chorus (2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: South Central Regional Conference Workshop Presenter (2022, 2018, 2016, 2014); South Central Regional Conference Chorus (2022, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2010)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Texas Vice President for Membership (2022-2024, 2020-2022, 2016-2018); Texas Corresponding Secretary (2014-2016); Texas State Convention Chorus (2022, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Women of Irving High Event Planner (2106-present); Texas Retired Teachers Association (2007-present); First Baptist Church Choir (2009-2020); Lewisville ISD, McAuliffe Elementary School Math Tutor for First and Second Grades (2018-2020)

Essay: I will take an active role to promote growth by fostering enthusiasm within leadership of the states, nation and chapters, assisting chapters in developing innovative recruitment and retention ideas, and working with leadership to find locations for new chapters. Thinking creatively about how to find new members is important as is keeping all members involved, enthusiastic, and committed so that they want to reach out to others. Through video conferencing I will provide training as well as a sounding board for each State/Province/ Nation. I am willing to travel to facilitate growth and share my heart for membership.

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood
There is no candidate for Regional Vice President for Membership in the Northwest Region. The International President will make an appointment to fill the position.

Laura Beaton

S/P/N and Chapter: Virginia Beta Chi

Year initiated: 2004

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012

Chapter President: Virginia Beta Chi 2010-2012

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Virginia Immediate Past President (2022-2024); Virginia President (2020-2022); Virginia Vice President and Membership Consultant (2018-2020); Virginia Leadership Team-Commonwealth District President (2014-2016); Virginia Emergency Relief Committee Chairman (2012-2014)

Essay: Members truly are the heart and foundation of Alpha Delta Kappa. The stronger the foundation of an organization determines its prosperity. To promote membership, each sister should take an active role based on her strengths. It is essential that all have a voice and paramount that they feel valued. With the opportunity to serve, I would encourage sisters to strengthen their relationships and to show others the positive components of the vision, mission and purposes of Alpha Delta Kappa. It is time to become more visible to our communities and take a hands-on approach to gain new members and chapters.


Judith Ingham

S/P/N and Chapter: Nevada Delta Year initiated: 2001

International Conventions Attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2013, 2007

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2012, 2010

Chapter President: Nevada Delta 2006-2008

Leadership Experience International Level: International Convention Choir (2017, 2013); International Convention Education Symposium Presenter (2007)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Northwest Regional/Southwest Regional Conference Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms (2022); Southwest Region Nevada State Membership Service Award (2022); Southwest Region Altruistic Committee Chairman (2017-2019); Southwest Region St. Jude’s Walk Chairman (2018); Southwest Regional/Northwest Regional Conference Choir (2016); Southwest Regional Conference Choir (2012); Southwest Region Excellence in Education Recipient (2006-2008)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Nevada Vice President for Membership (2022-2024); Nevada Membership Consultant (2020-2022); Nevada Chaplain (2022-2024); Nevada Immediate Past President (2020-2022); Nevada President (2018-2020); Nevada President-Elect (2016-2018); Nevada Recording Secretary (2014-2016); Nevada Treasurer (2012-2014); Nevada Excellence in Education Committee Chairman (2008-2012); President of Southern Nevada Presidents’ Council (2008-2010); Nevada Excellence in Education Award Recipient (2007)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: American Association of University Women, Las Vegas Branch Co-President and Nevada State Executive Board (2021-2023); The Smith Center and The Rogers Foundation Heart of Education Award Finalist (2018, 2017); Clark County School District English Language Learner Student Success Advocate Appreciation Award (2016-2017); Clark County School District Distinguished Education Award (2014); Clark County Education Association Dedicated Education Award (2010)

Essay: Membership is vital. Recruit, Revitalize, Retain, and Reinstate. Looking for new members? Ask superintendents and principals for a list of excellent teachers. Generate a pool of teachers to invite to meetings. Volunteer your expertise at a Collegiate Club meeting. Get a list of Collegiate Club Members and their contact information. Mentor new graduates. Invite them to join your chapter. Help them develop a new chapter. Start “Service Saturdays,” where retired teachers assist active teachers. Bridge the gap by including past members and nonAlpha Delta Kappa teachers. Make your meetings fun and engaging. Spread the word and let membership thrive!

Come Home... Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood

Omega Chapter


Brenda I. Alford FL Xi

Ann D. Anderson TN Sustaining

Marion Bailey ....................................................... FL Delta Delta

Christina R. Baker............................................. NC Beta Kappa

Patricia Baldridge ................................................ IL Alpha Delta

Clara S. Bernstein NC Fidelis Delta

Peggy C. Bierach NJ Iota

Emma Jean Blank IA Tau

Renae E. Bock .................................................... MN Alpha Phi

Billie Borgquist ..................................................FL Epsilon Delta

Sarah B. Brown FL Fidelis Zeta

Mary Camezon CA Alpha

Marie T. Campanella NJ Alpha Alpha

Dorothy J. Campbell WA Nu

Lynda M. Carney ................................................ NY Alpha Zeta

Lynne K. Chun ............................................................. HI Theta

Dorla D. Collins LA Upsilon

Diane K. Deaton MI Alpha Lambda

Fern Dewees CA Fidelis Iota

Dorothy Diver................................................................. OH Phi

Virginia B. Doherty ....................................................... NH Beta

Mabel I. Domae ........................................................ HI Gamma

Phyllis J. Eckert NJ Sustaining

Pauline R. Egner MI Alpha Lambda

Mary L. England OH Sustaining

Billie R. Friesen ................................................................ LA Nu

Janet L. Glasner ......................................................... WY Delta

Kaye G. Hausbeck MI Fidelis Gamma

Mildred L. Herman IA Alpha Beta

Vivian C. Higgins WV Alpha Alpha

Lois Hill WI Fidelis Epsilon

Debbie Hisashima..................................................... HI Gamma

Janice Holcomb .............................................MI Alpha Gamma

Elizabeth A. Jackson TN Beta Zeta

Kathleen B. Jennings KY Upsilon

Sandra L. Jewell OH Phi

Luda Johnson ........................................................ KY Lambda

Clara R. Joyce ................................................... OH Beta Alpha

Rebecca L. Kim ......................................................... HI Epsilon

Kathleen E. Lamy CT Alpha Alpha

Nouna H. Lee SC Fidelis Alpha

Helen L. Lenkerd GA Beta Gamma

Jo Ann Long ................................................................ FL Theta

Rosemary Lucky ........................................................ NE Kappa

Shirley W. Mann NC Alpha Rho

Patricia A. Mann CA Zeta

Bernice D. Marsala AZ Zeta

Susan I. Martin SC Alpha Epsilon

Theresa Martinac NJ Sustaining

Ann Maslanka OK Chi

Carol A. McCormick ...................................... MI Alpha Lambda

Oma McNabb ............................................................. TN Theta

Tuller J. Merrifield AZ Alpha Lambda

Karen Mlaker MI Eta

June Morton ......................................................... TN Beta Zeta

Diane Mory IN Alpha Gamma

Barbara Moulton ME Epsilon

Florence O’Malley ................................................. CA Alpha Psi

Ruth K. Parten ....................................................... GA Fidelis Xi

Jeryl W. Peebles NC Alpha Psi

Rebecca C. Pierce LA Chi

Judy D. Plymale ................................................... NC Alpha Iota

Eleanor E. Porter SC Alpha Psi

Wenna Ratliff MI Psi

Elizabeth Reeves ............................................. CA Beta Upsilon

Agnes S. Rehorn ................................................. TN Alpha Rho

Jacqueline M. Reynolds OH Alpha

Mary W. Riggsbee NC Alpha Zeta

Jo Roeske .............................................................. IN Alpha Psi

Joanne M. Rondini NJ Alpha Alpha

Jewell L. Rose VA Alpha Beta

Margaret Russo .......................................................... NY Alpha

Lila E. Ryti MN Pi

Betty Schmid OK Sigma

Mary V. Schroeder WI Delta

Peggy M. Shell .................................................................NC Pi

Sara Shelley MO Alpha Epsilon

Mary F. Smitley OH Alpha Gamma

Marianne H. Stacy .......................................... CA Gamma Beta

Cheryl N. Steinke OH Alpha Iota

Sydney A. Suiter IN Alpha Upsilon

Dorothy A. Swan ............................................................ NY Nu

Joyce Taylor ....................................................... NY Alpha Zeta

Jewel W. Trotter AL Sigma

Jean Verley AZ Alpha Zeta

Nancy J. Webster .......................................................... NJ Iota

Diana S. Welch LA Beta Eta

Carolyn J. Witten VA Alpha Sigma

Reba K. Wood .........................................................VA Lambda

Ginny A. Wortman ....................................................... WA Beta

Loretta Yajima HI Sustaining

Ruth Young IL Alpha Delta

Darlene Zaverzence ................................................. MI Beta Mu

36 KAPPAN • MARCH 2023

A∆K Dates and Deadlines


March 1 ................... Future Educator Scholarship Applications deadline (for A∆KCC Students only)

Making a Better World Initiative deadline Volunteer Applications for International Committees deadline (2nd round)

March 4 ......................................... March Forth and Do Something Day

March 14 ........................................................................ National Pi Day

March 15 Chapter Altruistic Report submission deadline

Chapter Bylaws or Policies & Procedures Official Statement to S/P/N Bylaws Chairman deadline


April 1 KAPPAN submissions deadline (June publication) April Fool’s Day

April 7....................................................................... No Housework Day

April 15 .......... S/P/N Altruistic Report to Regional Altruistic Chairman deadline

Regional Mini Spring Scholarship application deadline

April 17........................................................................... St. Patrick’s Day

April 22...............................................................National Jelly Bean Day


May 1 ... Automatic suspension on May I for nonpayment of dues (if not received at HQ by 5/1)

Early Bird / Voter Registration for International Convention deadline

May 2 .................................................................. National Teacher’s Day

May 14 ............................................................................... Mother’s Day

May 29 Memorial Day

June 15 Regular registration for International Conventions deadline H-142 S/P/N President’s report to IVP for the Region deadline

June 21 “The Longest Day” Alzheimer’s Association

June 30 .. H-114, Annual Chapter Highlights Summary to HQ deadline Chapter Treasurer Financial Form to Headquarter deadline

S /P/N Treasurer Financial Form to Headquarters deadline (US & Puerto Rico only)

A Letter of Gratitude from World Understanding Chairman

Dear sisters,

Past New Jersey State President Mimi Veres Taylor was nominated posthumously to the Parsippany Hills High School Hall of Fame. Mimi, a charter member of NJ Mu, was an educator in Parsippany for 54 years. She joined the Omega chapter in 2020. Mimi was nominated by Susan Bonnet, who had never met her but knew of her kindness and the long-lasting memory she left with everyone she met.

Mimi’s Mu sisters remember her for the meetings she held in the funeral home where she lived and for her love of “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Thank you for joining in the adventure of supporting Project C.H.E.A.R. (Making a Children’s Home with Education and Agriculture a Reality). Together, we explored the nuts and bolts of building the new Manyara Holistic Centre (MAHOCE) in Babati, Tanzania and contributing to its improvement. What an exercise in encouraging excellence in education for the 90 underserved children we support and the 33 who live there! This adventure is available only by being an Alpha Delta Kappa sister. Through July 31, 2023, we can continue to donate beyond our target of $50,000 to make more dreams become a reality for C.H.E.A.R. If you or your chapter have not yet contributed, there is still time to do so. Joshua Johnston, who is Cam Johnston’s son, continues to oversee the project and has compiled a list of additional items needed, including library materials, computers, extra beds, mosquito nets, mattresses, linens and solar panels to ensure a steady supply of electricity. Security cameras will also be important. By continuing to donate, we will help Joshua acquire the items on the list. Thank you for your generous hearts.

Grete Lima, CA Beta Iota, International World Understanding Chair, Cam Johnston, PA Eta, State and Chapter World Understanding Chair

NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LIBERTY, MO PERMIT NO. 1092 Alpha Delta Kappa 1615 West 92nd Street Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 Kansas City, Kansas City, here we come! 2023 International Convention July 13-16, 2023

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