June 2024 KAPPAN

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Alpha Delta KAPPAN

Features & Departments

1 International President’s Message

2 Be a Mentor. Focus on the New Member's Why

3 Mentorship Makes a Difference in the Alpha Delta Kappa Leadership Academy

4 From the Executive Director

4 Resolution #1 Committee Report: Feasibility of Eliminating Voting on New Members Studied

5 Four Sisters Accept New Appointments

6 Tools for Leadership. Let the Guiding Documents Guide Your Chapter

8 Bytes & Pieces

9 The Heritage Society - Leaving a Legacy 10 Planning Your Chapter’s Finances 11 Raffles and Drawings and Auctions, Oh My! 12 What’s in the Bag? Tips And Tricks for Enjoying Your Conference 13 Making the Most of Your Regional Conference 14 Five-Minute Fillers For the Classroom. Ways to Use Every Teaching Moment

15 New Beginning at Year End

Collegiate Clubs 18 Never Too Early, Never Too Late. The Day With the Most Light is the Day We Fight

20 10 Healthy Habits for Your Brain

21 Walk for the Cure

22 ITE Scholars Cross the Graduation Bridge 23 Chapter Anniversaries 24 Altruism

Kappan Congratulates


Omega Chapter

Retirement: Its Not for Everyone

A∆K Calendar


Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha


Susan Pelchat, CT Mu

Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi

Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron

Susan Whelan, NJ Kappa

Julie Kinder-McMillan, TN Alpha Gamma

Gwen Steele, NE Kappa

Daniel LaBorde, Digital Communications Coordinator, Int'l HQ


Ann Marie Brown, International President

Conway Blankenship, International President-Elect

Mollie Acosta, Immediate Past International President

Christi Smith, Executive Director

Alpha Delta Kappa empowers women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

The KAPPAN magazine is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators. Find the KAPPAN Publishing Guidelines online at www.alphadeltakappa.org.

Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters: 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 (816) 363-5525, (800) 247-2311, Fax (816) 363-4010

email: headquarters@alphadeltakappa.org www.alphadeltakappa.org

The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily in conformity with those of Alpha Delta Kappa or the editor.

Submitting Items for the next KAPPAN

The deadline for submissions to the September 2024 issue is July 1, 2024.

“Life is about the adventures you take and the memories you make.” Katie Grissom, author of “The Kitchen House”. Tell about your adventures with Alpha Delta Kappa and the memories you made.

Please include your name, chapter, state, province or nation, your office, and a way we can reach you if there are questions or more information needed.

To submit articles/photos, go to the A∆K website >About>Publications> Submit to the KAPPAN. Follow submission guidelines on the submission form.

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8 The cover photo is of a wooden footbridge to a beach cottage in the Maldives.
33 Homeroom Humor

International President’s Message

In the world of fine dining, the term the back of the house refers to the sou chefs, the dishwashers, the napkin folders, and all the unseen workers whose work makes the meal extra special. Without their work and creativity, the front-of-house would soon hang up the closed sign.

We have seen and benefited from A∆K’s back-of-the-house teams at recent state, provincial, and national conventions. Behind the scenes, sisters have worked for months to create the right atmosphere and provide whatever is needed for the best convention experience possible. Other sisters are working to do just that for the upcoming regional conferences and the 2025 International Convention in Austin, TX.

It is easy to get so involved with greeting old friends, participating in ceremonies, making decisions about the future of our organization, and, in general, having a good time that we forget about the months of work that went into creating that experience. Someone decided on the table decorations and developed them, someone assembled the material provided to the attendees, and someone negotiated with the hotel staff and made sure the meeting rooms were handicapped accessible.

Months ago, while some of us enjoyed the holidays, registration materials were assembled, learning sessions were decided and scheduled, committees were formed, and the sisters stepped forward to take on yet another responsibility.

Organizing a function is a lot like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. All the little pieces must fit just right to create the finished picture, and like constructing a 1,000-piece puzzle, it takes time. “Time,” said Rick Warren, author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” “is your life. It is the greatest gift you can give someone.”

When we give our time, we also give kindness and love. We are given 86,400 seconds a day to do as we choose. Sis-

ters throughout the A∆K world have chosen to spend their non-returnable seconds planning and creating experiences and memories that make our events memorable.

From the time they can talk, we teach children what are called “The Golden Words.” The three most golden are please, sorry, and thank you. We ask children, “Now, what do you say?” when they ask for something or are given a present. We teach them to apologize when they are wrong.

The most important of the “Golden Words” is “Thank You.” It is also the one most often forgotten.

American novelist and poet Gertrude Stein said, “Silent gratitude isn’t much good to anyone.” In the effort to keep to a meeting schedule, it is easy to forget to acknowledge the work of the back of the house. Do we really need to take the time for what was once dubbed a “Thank-a-thon?”

I agree with Gertrude. As International President, I stand at the front of the house with confidence, knowing that my sisters have given their time and talents to honing every detail, from the color of the luncheon napkins to the smooth registration procedure.

A significant event like a convention or conference comprises many moveable parts. Some of them, it seems, never stop moving. Like Rome, these meetings were not built in a day. Committees are meeting now to plan the roundup in Austin more than a year from now.

Standing here at the midpoint on the “Bridge to the Future,” I can say that I understand the importance of the gift of time you give in so many different ways to our organization. From your many altruistic projects, like your participation in The Longest Day, to your event participation, you give your gift of time - your gift of kindness.

For all that you are and all that you do, I say thank you.

KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 1

Be a Mentor, Focus on the New Member's Why

Members. Every chapter wants them. Chapters to grow and sustain their membership want to get new members and keep them. Research shows that many new members do not continue as lifelong members. According to Tony Rossell, author of “Membership Recruitment,” “Once a member joins, he or she immediately becomes the most likely member not to renew.” Alpha Delta Kappa needs to focus on keeping its new members. We need to ask, “Why did the new member join in the first place?” New members join for a specific reason. Let’s find out her WHY by getting to know her.

The New Member Onboarding process provides a way to get to know the new sister and her WHY. The chapter should assign the new member a mentor or co-mentor. Each new member has a sponsor, so why does she need a mentor? Won’t the sponsor and mentor be filling the same role? A sponsor brings the new sister to the chapter and already has a relationship with her that will continue. The sponsor may be the only person the new member knows. The new sister may sit in a meeting, but she still may not feel a part of the group. An additional relationship will be built between the mentor and the new sister. As the member becomes involved, the mentor will help her build relationships with other chapter members and new relationships will be formed. Soon, the new sister will have a sense of belonging.

• Meet monthly outside of the chapter meetings in person, via phone or virtually.

• To get the new member involved in an activity according to her interests.

Mentors help sisters feel included and ensure they feel a sense of belonging to the chapter. As the mentor meets with the new sister, it is important to keep in mind why she joined and what she is looking for in membership. As the mentor listens to the new member’s needs, she will be able to provide guidance to support her. Since the reason each member joined Alpha Delta Kappa is different, the mentor’s support will vary. Additionally, the mentor provides help and information about what is important to the new sister in her membership.

The New Member Onboarding process asks the mentor:

• To meet with the new member within the first two weeks after initiation.

The goal of the onboarding mentoring process is to help a new member find value in membership, feel a sense of belonging and be engaged in the chapter activities. Between the sponsors and mentors, new members will quickly be engaged in the group and feel included. How wonderful for the new sister to be valued and have a feeling of belonging making it more likely for her to come to meetings, participate and invite others to join. This is a win-win situation for the new member and the chapter.

This article written by members of the International Membership Committee - Laura Beaton, Southeast Regional Vice President for Membership; Judy Ingham, Southwest Regional Vice President for Membership; and Jennie Johnson, North Central Regional President-Elect.

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Mentorship Makes a Difference in the Alpha Delta Kappa Leadership Academy

The Alpha Delta Kappa Leadership Academy fosters strong bonds between mentors and mentees, creating a powerful support system that fuels personal and professional growth. These positive relationships benefit both parties, offering guidance and encouragement while fostering fresh perspectives. Online applications for participants and mentors for the 2025 Academy are available June 1 through October 15, 2024.

Judy Gilberti, NJ Sustaining, a mentor in the program, highlights the mutually beneficial nature of these pairings. “As a mentor, I was able to provide guidance, advice, feedback and support to Jean Jackson-Harris,” she says. “Together, we had fresh perspectives on education, personal activities, family, friends and life. We ended each meeting feeling happier and more purposeful, knowing we would be there for one another in the future.”

Mentees also reap significant rewards from the Leadership Academy. Emily Castillo, a former participant and now

LA Board member, shares her experience. “Being paired with a mentor strengthened not only my leadership in Alpha Delta Kappa but also my leadership in my own classroom. I learned and honed skills to help me build relationships and was able to lean on my strengths to better my classroom environment.”

The Leadership Academy’s mentorship program fosters a sense of community and shared purpose as the participants and mentors discuss the reading materials, attend Zoom meetings and work together to create personalized Leadership Development Plans. Mentors provide valuable insights and encouragement while mentees gain confidence and refined leadership skills. This positive dynamic empowers both individuals to excel in their roles within Alpha Delta Kappa and beyond.

What is next on your Leadership Journey? Take the Leadership Challenge and join us.

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Co-Chapter President. MO State Historian

From the Executive Director

This summer, there is an event on the horizon that promises to captivate hearts, inspire greatness, and unite nations: the Summer Olympics. With Paris set to host this monumental occasion, athletes from every corner of the globe are preparing to showcase their talents.

The Olympics have always been more than just a sporting event; they are a celebration of diversity, unity, and the unbreakable human spirit. Athletes from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life come together to compete and represent their countries with pride and honor.

The rich tradition of the Summer Olympics reminds me of the recent events at Alpha Delta Kappa, the installation of officers for the 2024-2026 biennium. Regions, States, Provinces, Nations and Chapters had the opportunity to show their appreciation to outgoing officers while installing new officers.

To the outgoing officers, thank you for your unwavering

commitment to Alpha Delta Kappa. Your leadership has been instrumental in shaping our successes and laying a solid foundation for the future. I am grateful for your contributions.

To our incoming officers, congratulations on your installments. I have every confidence that you will lead with distinction, inspire others, and uphold the values that define us. As you take on your new role, remember that leadership is not about the title you hold but the actions you take and the impact you make. Embrace the responsibilities entrusted to you. Lead with courage and empathy, ensuring every member’s voice is heard and valued.

Together, let us strive to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence. Share your story about how Alpha Delta Kappa has impacted you. Let us remain steadfast in our dedication to serving our communities, making a positive difference, and leaving a legacy for future generations.

RESOLUTION #1 COMMITTEE REPORT: Feasibility of Eliminating Voting on New Members

Background: Resolution No. 1 was submitted by the Vermont Executive Board and approved by the 2023 International Convention delegates. The resolution requested a study to determine the feasibility of eliminating voting for new members.

Research: The International Membership Committee (IMC) was appointed to research feasibility. The IMC discussed the resolution’s components. The comments were compiled, analyzed and reported to the International Executive Board at its March 27, 2024 meeting.

Analysis and conclusion: The committee recommended, and the International Executive Board agreed, not to eliminate voting for new members. The “Bylaws of Alpha Delta Kappa” were updated in July 2023 to state that chapters are permitted to vote electronically and that an educator is invited to become a member if the prospective member receives a majority vote of the chapter. In reviewing the characteristics of a 21st-century organization, IMC found that such an organization is innovative, purposeful, people-driven, user-centric and evolving. Alpha Delta Kappa continues to evolve and move forward as an organization while keeping members at the center of our work and decisions.

Before the prospective member attends a meeting or is voted for membership, the sponsoring sister can introduce the educator and describe why she will fit the chapter well. The sponsoring sister should share why membership is a good fit for both the prospective member and the chapter. IMC recognizes that chapters have a variety of methods for presenting and screening prospective members. Some chapters assess prospective members before inviting them to a chapter meeting or activity, while others wait until the educator has attended chapter events. IMC observes that chapters might need education on evaluating prospective members before voting and sharing the message of respecting the sponsoring sister’s recommendation.

Each Alpha Delta Kappa chapter is classified as 501(c)(7), a fraternal organization. For chapters to remain honorary organizations, the 501(c)(7) status also allows chapters to select members. The Alpha Delta Kappa Organization and Foundation are 501(c)(3) IRS classifications.

During the 2023-2025 biennium, IMC will monitor the outcome of the new “Bylaws of Alpha Delta Kappa” regarding membership before recommending any changes to the new member process.

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Four Sisters Accept New Appointments

International President Ann Marie Brown recently named four members to fill Regional leadership positions. All Regional officers will be installed at Regional conferences this summer and will serve in the 2024-2026 Biennium.

In June, attendees at the Northwest-Southwest Conference in Bellevue, Washington, will witness the installation of two Nancys.

Nancy Dreydoppel, AK Gamma, will be installed as Northwest Regional President-Elect, while Nancy Martinez, AZ Alpha Alpha, will be installed as Southwest Regional PresidentElect.

Dreydroppel was Alaska State President in 2016 and has served as State Historian, Membership Consultant and World Understanding Chair. She joined Gamma in 1986 and has been chapter president twice. Serving as a Northwest Regional officer will be a family affair for her. She will share the leadership of the Northwest with her sister, Barbara Nore. Nore will be installed as Regional President at the conference.

Dreydroppel looks forward to meeting and working with “the wonderful sisters in the Northwest as we build our bridge of connections. The Northwest has a history of strong leadership, and I plan to follow the leadership path.”

Nancy Martinez joined AZ

Alpha Alpha in 2014. She was Arizona State President in 2020 and State Membership Chair in 2016.

Martinez is a Southwest Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee member and presented at the Educational Symposium on Zoom in 2021. Jeanie Hinck, CO Gamma, is the new Southwest Regional President.

Martinez listed her priorities for her new position as “supporting my Southwest Regional President Jeanie Hinck and my A∆K sisters in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Hawai’i and our sister in Australia. I am looking forward to working on ways to make our membership grow, including how to help those chapters that are having trouble recruiting new members and also to help retain the members that have been the backbone of our organization. I hope to be the sounding board for all my regional sisters who

have new ideas. I have much to learn from all my Southwest sisters, and I look forward to meeting as many of them as possible. I am honored and humbled to be your Southwest Regional President-Elect,” Martinez shared.

Valerie Johnson, who just completed her biennium as Illinois State President, will be installed as the North Central Regional PresidentElect in July at the Region’s conference in Des Moines, IA. Johnson joined IL Pi in 1976 and is currently a member of IL Xi. She has served as president of IL Pi, IL Beta Tau, and IL Xi chapters on many state and national committees. She has also presented at Educational Symposiums. Jennie Johnson, IA Tau, is the new North Central Region President.

“We are fortunate to have strong North Central Regional leaders. However, we can never take this for granted. It is vital to implement successful strategies at the chapter level to retain members, welcome new and reinstated members and step up to share our leadership skills at all levels. Our homework assignment for all members in the North Central Regional is planning for our future. Together, we can do it,” Johnson said.

Gay Toomy is the new Northeast Regional Vice President for Membership. Toomy, a member of MA Epsilon joined A∆K in 1984. She was MA State President in 2016 and Regional Membership Consultant for the Northeast Region in 2021. In 2021, she was named a Massachusetts Woman of Distinction. Toomy has held the offices of chapter president and recording secretary. She will be installed with Northeast Regional President Sue McDowell, NJ Lambda, and President-Elect Ginna Alysse Allen, NJ Alpha Alpha, at the July conference in Philadelphia, PA.

At the Gulf Regional conference, Kay Spriggs, AL Beta Xi, will be installed as Regional President and Barbara Stainback, LA Alpha Sigma, as Regional President-Elect. Cheryl Sigel, KS Iota, will be installed as Regional President, and Elizabeth Ruckman, TX Epsilon Sigma, Regional President-Elect at the South Central Conference. At the Southeast Regional Conference, Pat Hardin, WV Alpha Epsilon, as Regional President and Julie Brown, KY Alpha Eta, will be installed as Regional President-Elect.

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Let the Guiding Documents Guide Your Chapter

Do your chapter bylaws and policies and procedures manual sit on the shelf or maybe get filed in your laptop and dusted off every two years when new chapter officers are installed? I certainly hope not, but then again, if you do not realize how important these tools are for effectively managing your chapter, that may be the case. My goal is to convince you that these documents contain valuable information not only for chapter leaders but also for ALL members.

Our Executive Director, Christi Smith, set the stage for my article in her March KAPPAN article “IEB Makes Changes to Guiding Documents.” She stated that policies are the established standards by which a chapter operates, while procedures are the processes necessary to implement the policies. She added that each chapter should develop policies and procedures that define that chapter’s standards, promoting consistency and avoiding issues. I would add that bylaws outline how an organization will be governed (i.e., the big picture).

I can best convey how helpful these documents are by sharing examples of where sisters came to me for help. A sister moved to another state and asked me to help her locate a new chapter. She wished to ‘transfer.’ I used the A∆K website to locate a chapter and sisters she could contact. I told her that she needed to know the process for transferring, and I volunteered to research that for her. Where did I begin? I was wise enough to know that transferring must be an organizationwide matter, not something a S/P/N or chapter can set rules on. So, I began with the International Bylaws, Amended 2023. In five minutes, I had the answer for her. The bylaws delineate how a member transfers to another chapter in four statements. Problem solved. Those bylaws are the rules from which all S/P/N and chapter bylaws and policies and procedures emanate or flow.

Recently, I was speaking with a chapter president-elect who needed to know how many committee chairs she should appoint and for what purpose. Did her chapter have bylaws? Yes, they did. Did her chapter have policies and procedures? Yes, they did. As I like to say, “Let’s go to the documents.” The International Bylaws list seven required chapter standing committees and state that a chapter may have additional standing or special committees. When we looked at the chapter bylaws,

the chapter had added three standing committees: Program/ Yearbook, Scholarship and World Understanding, and three special committees: Audit, Courtesy and Ways and Means. When we opened the chapter’s Policies & Procedures Manual, there were listings of the duties of each of the 13 committees. It was all clearly spelled out, and as I like to say – no room for doubt. The incoming chapter president-elect had what she needed to start making appointments.

According to the International Bylaws, chapters must adopt bylaws or policies and procedures that are in compliance with the A∆K Constitution and Bylaws and the S/P/N bylaws and policies and procedures. That is “a given.” What derails us is that chapters have these documents, but they do not use them to help find answers to questions that arise in running the chapter. In my chapter’s policies and procedures, we include all decisions the chapter has made over the course of time. For example, we specify under Courtesy that we purchase a gift and a past president’s gavel for the outgoing president. We do not debate that every two years. It is clearly spelled out in our policies. We specify the scholarship funding level (policy) and the selection process (procedures). These are specific to my chapter. Could we make changes? Of course, we could. If we have success in increasing the dollars raised for our scholarship fund over a few years, then the chapter may decide to raise the level of funding. Our policy would then be changed. It is that simple.

These documents can help you better manage your chapter; they can cut down on all the discussion and debate that sometimes takes place over decisions. First, go to your documents and see what they say. The documents are valuable to the leaders who take office in this new biennium. The incoming president would be wise to ask the outgoing president to provide a mini-training session on the International Bylaws, chapter bylaws and policies and procedures. These new leaders need to know how the chapter is to operate. My final piece of advice comes from an advertisement on TV years ago: “Try It! You’ll Like It!” Read your documents, know what is in them, and then use or modify them as needed. Chapter business will run more smoothly when you know that answers are at your fingertips. “Try It! You’ll Like It!”

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A∆K Schools in Vietnam Thriving

Bev Card, MD Nu, and Linda Rissell, NJ Lambda, recently visited A∆K’s World Understanding project in Vietnam. In 2010, A∆K gave the Vietnam Veterans Restoration Project (VVRP) $50,000 to build a primary school in Vietnam. A∆K members raised over $91,000 for the project. In 2011, VVRP built a second school partially funded by A∆K, and in 2012, funds were donated to add a three-room addition to a third school. The schools are Ta Rinh Kindergarten (Alpha Delta Kappa School), Ta Ri Kindergarten, and Hein An Kindergarten.

Bytes & pieces

ICP Community Provides Information for Leaders

The International Council of Presidents (ICP) is a group of Alpha Delta Kappa leaders consisting of State, Provincial and National presidents, presidents-elect or vice presidents, immediate past presidents and vice presidents for membership or membership consultants. The International President-Elect (IPE) leads this group of leaders. The single in-person meeting of the ICP takes place at the International convention.

Rissel has visited one or more of the schools eight times, and Card has made six visits. They describe all three schools as vital parts of their community. Both are Past Executive Board Chairmen.

The Vietnamese government arranged the recent visit, and two translators accompanied the visitors. The visitors said they were warmly welcomed at each school, where they gave the students high fives and passed out sweet treats. The children in the two-year-old class called them Grandma. The sisters met two teachers at the Alpha Delta Kappa School who have been teaching there since the school opened.

For 26 years, the VVRP had a partnership with the Vietnamese government. The organization always had members in Vietnam to oversee the construction of the schools and to work alongside the local builders. The Vietnamese government promised that if the VVRP would build the schools it would maintain them.

Article information provided by Bev Card and Linda Rissel

Before the 2023-2025 biennium, the IPE created an ICP newsletter and sent it to leaders via email approximately twice a year. It contained information now available in other sources, such as “The International News,” delivered to every member’s email on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month.

This biennium, an Alpha Delta Kappa CONNECT community was created to provide information for leaders across the membership. S/P/N leaders were automatically added to the community and a welcome letter explaining the new community’s purpose was emailed last fall to each member. New 2024-2026 biennium officers will be added to the community after S/P/N elections have been held.

The ICP CONNECT Community can be a good source of information if it is used. Members are encouraged to go to their profile and select how often they receive notification of entries. They are also encouraged to use this community to share ideas, problem-solve and network among other officers across the membership. Some sharing has begun to take place. Members can log on to CONNECT, the International Council of Presidents community, and look at the library to see several leadership podcasts created by members of the International Executive Board, membership information submitted by International Vice President for Membership Kathy Beatty and occasional updates from Executive Director Christi Smith.

International President-Elect Conway Blankenship said she believes a positive difference will be made by providing access to an online community where chapter and regional leaders can find relevant articles, communicate successes and request help from other leaders.

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Leaving a Legacy

Is the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation part of your estate planning? In 1995, the A∆K Foundation established the Heritage Society. Last summer, in Kansas City, Foundation Board members spoke with sisters about ways to support the Foundation. We realized that members are not aware of the Heritage Society. We are sharing the Heritage Society “basics” and some thoughts from sisters who are members of this prestigious group.

The Heritage Society was established to recognize sisters who make a bequest to the Foundation. That bequest or charitable donation only comes to the Foundation after a sister has joined the Omega chapter. Here are ways you may make such a bequest:

• Wills & Revocable Trusts: You can name the Foundation in your will or revocable trust: (a) for a specific amount, (b) for a percentage of your estate, (c) for a specific asset (e.g., stocks), or (d) as a beneficiary of your estate after the payment of expenses and gifts to loved ones. Talk to your attorney for more details.

bequest is through my revocable trust arranged by a personal lawyer.”

FL Sister: “A∆K has been a large part of my life for over 30 years. I have made so many friends and have been a leader when I desired. I was taken care of by Minnesota sisters when my late husband was a patient at the Mayo Clinic for four months one winter. And I have participated in so many altruistic activities and received so much else from my years of membership. It is one small way I can give back to the organization.”

By making such a planned gift to the Foundation as part of your legacy, you will invest in AΔK and education.

MD Sister: “A∆K has been an important part of my life since 1980. I have served as chapter president and served on the MD EB in three positions. Currently, I am co-president of my chapter. I am proud of my membership. I have met many wonderful women through my membership. Because of my involvement with A∆K, I felt I should make the Foundation one of the beneficiaries on my life insurance account.”

• Life Insurance Policies: You can name the Foundation as the beneficiary of an existing policy.

• IRAs: You can give a gift directly from your IRA or other retirement fund, which can provide you with tax benefits. You may also designate the Foundation as a beneficiary. Talk to your financial advisor for more details.

No doubt you have heard the term “leaving a legacy.” This is what you would be doing. By making such a planned gift to the Foundation as part of your legacy, you will invest in A∆K and education. Your bequest will (a) fund our many scholarships and grants programs, (b) support our major altruistic programs (e.g., St. Jude Children's Research Hospital), and (c) finance the International Teacher Education Scholars, Excellence in Education and Leadership Academy programs.

Here are responses from Heritage Society members when asked: Why did you decide to leave some portion of your estate to the Foundation?

VA Sister: “I believe in the principles of A∆K, and I would like to see future sisters benefit from our Heritage Society. The

VA Sister: “The reason I decided to leave a portion of my “estate” to the Foundation is due to what the organization has provided for me during my membership. It has offered leadership training and leadership opportunities; mentorships; highly qualified speakers who have been members or special guests at meetings; informative workshops on a multitude of topics; travel due to conferences/conventions; and the most touching of all, the sisterhood of the organization. My donation to be made has been incorporated into my will via a lawyer.”

If you consider leaving a bequest for the Foundation, we recommend two steps: (1) speak with your attorney, financial advisor, or estate planner, who can review options to help you make a gift that is most appropriate for your situation; and (2) contact Executive Director Christi Smith who can advise you on how to ‘link’ your bequest to the Foundation. This will help ensure the process is seamless. The Foundation Board expresses its sincerest thanks to all our donors--whether you give while alive or make a bequest to be fulfilled upon your passing. Both kinds of donations are vital to continuing our mission of supporting women educators for years to come.

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Planning Your Chapter’s Finances

Abudget is your chapter’s map of spending and earnings. Sometimes, you get off the main roads and take an alternate route, but having that map helps you get back on course and allows for pleasant and not-so-pleasant surprises. It is an integral part of your chapter’s financial planning. It is a plan—it is not an exact science, so rounding amounts is totally acceptable. It does not dictate your finances but guides your chapter to sound fiscal spending.

Each spring, chapters begin the process of looking at past expenses and revenue and planning for the upcoming fiscal year, which for most Alpha Delta Kappa chapters is June 1- May 31. The budget committee comes together with the chapter treasurer and president to review what expenses were incurred in the past year and the various sources of income, such as chapter dues, altruistic sales, fundraising projects, etc. Planning for the future allows chapters to have the funds needed for the chapter’s expenses as well as altruistic goals. Note I said committee, not the treasurer; the chapter finances are for the whole chapter, and participation in the budget process should include the treasurer, president, and a few other chapter members.

your chapter expect to carry over from year to year? Once the expenses are calculated, you need to “tweak” your budget so that all sources of income equal your expenses. If your chapter carries over substantial amounts each year, look for altruistic projects your chapter may consider contributing to.

Basically, the formula is beginning balance plus income equals expenses. What do you do with the leftovers? You put them in the “carry over” box or transfer the excess to your altruistic savings account. Don’t forget you also need to create a budget for your altruistic savings account, as you want to use the funds raised to support your chapter’s altruistic goals.

Chapter members sometimes say, “You are nickel and diming us to death.” If you create and follow a budget with altruistic and chapter expense goals clearly identified, your chapter should be able to use the funds collected and raised to support these goals without asking for additional contributions. An annual fundraiser with the whole chapter involved can raise enough funds to cover all planned altruistic projects and chapter expenses.

The budget committee should first identify all sources of chapter income. You know you are collecting dues, currently $40 for International and varying amounts for state and district dues. What amount is collected for chapter expenses? Is this enough to cover your chapter goals? If not, what other sources of income can you identify? Does your chapter do a fundraiser? Collect donations? Is your chapter’s money invested in an interest-bearing checking or savings account? Once your chapter completes the budget income column, you need to identify your expenses.

The first expense most chapters identify is the dues they must submit to International and the state, province or nation, and, in some cases, the district. Since International strongly encourages electronic payments of dues, there is often a small amount listed for that expense, but remember, chapter treasurers must submit the ITE fee of $20 per chapter. Does your chapter have an internet-based website or account? Does your chapter support altruistic projects each year? What is the cost of your fund-raising projects? Does your chapter print and mail items to members who are unable to attend or use electronic agendas, newsletters, treasurer’s reports, etc.? How much does

As your chapter prepares its budget, remember to support your sisters as they attend district, state, regional and International events. Stipends to attend these events are a great way to show your chapter leaders and members the importance of participating in opportunities outside of the chapter level.

Chapter treasurers should download the financial booklet on the International website (Chapter Officers, Chapter Documents and Forms, Financial Forms, Chapter Finance Forms) to create a chapter budget that can reflect monthly income and expenses on the same page. Using the finance forms can help a treasurer not only share the budget, revenue and expense information but also prepare the Annual Financial Report that will be due to International by August 31.

Using an Excel Spreadsheet or Google Sheet, the Budget Committee can share with the chapter the budgeted goals compared to the current spending. This is a terrific way to share the treasurer’s report at each meeting. Try to stay within budget and revise your budget at the end of each year as you identify spending trends of your chapter.

Budget planning will give your chapter reassurance as it grows and shares with others.

10 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

Raffles and Drawings and Auctions, Oh My!

At some conferences, members have been told that there absolutely cannot be any raffles. At others, sisters enthusiastically sell tickets in the altruistic shop to benefit their causes.

Sisters expressed the advantages of holding raffles: Everything can be accomplished in one day versus selling a product where work and sales extend over a protracted period. Chapter sisters do not like to sell things. Members have fun working together, building baskets around a theme. Many can contribute to various baskets once they know the themes. Members felt they could raise more money in one day than in several days of product sales. With donated baskets, no investment is needed by states, provinces, or nations, and ticket sales are pure profit. Raffles are fun to participate in; the anticipation and excitement emanate throughout the room.

Difficulties of holding raffles were also voiced: Assembling a prize table can be hard work. Getting all chapters to participate can be hard to achieve. Small numbers of baskets do not produce great financial results.

Alpha Delta Kappa states, provinces and nations follow a variety of guidelines. Respondents said they are allowed to hold raffles if money is used for altruism, if it is targeted to specific charities approved by members, if they save the winning ticket and information about the winner, if funds are contributed to state altruism, if the prize does not exceed $2500, if they only sell to those in attendance, and if they qualify as a non-profit. But what’s the real raffle rule, and who dictates it?

Some S/P/Ns know they comply with their local regulations for raffles. Others wonder. And some have no idea of the rules for running a raffle in their particular area. Fundraising raffles are legal and effective for most types of nonprofit organizations. However, one must ensure that a raffle is conducted following all applicable raffle laws and regulations.

Eventgroove explains that raffles are considered games of chance. Thus, selling and purchasing raffle tickets is considered a gambling activity—even for charitable purposes. In the United States, laws regulating raffles and raffle ticket sales are administered by state and county governments. For some states in which nonprofit raffles are legal, charitable organizations must obtain a raffle permit or raffle license.

Arkansas’s Patty Snipes explains that they don’t hold raffles. Rather, they hold silent auctions where attendees have opportunities to bid on themed baskets donated by chapters and valued at $25 or more. Bids must increase by specified increments, and the highest bidders pay at the end of the function. All money is contributed to the state’s altruistic project. Patty also described a ticketed drawing where state board members bring new or gently used items to a gathering, and members buy tickets to place in bags in front of a desired object. Tickets are drawn, and the winning sisters’ names are announced at the end of the meeting.

NJ President-Elect Shelley Heneley felt fortunate that NJ recently changed its laws to allow wine and lottery tickets in baskets, “which makes it a much more enticing basket!” she stated. But everything comes with caveats. Shelley pointed out that the person at the Legalized Games of Chance Commission said that sales must be on-site, and a sign must be displayed for baskets including wine, declaring that participants/ winners must be over 21, and for baskets containing lottery tickets—participants/ winners must be over 18.

Raffle practices and raffle rules are as individual as S/P/Ns themselves. To comply with laws in one’s area, those who take on the job of “raffle coordinator” may find the following resources helpful.

US - https://www.eventgroove.com/blog/us-raffle-laws-bystate/.

Canada - https://www.dojiggy.com/blog/raffle-laws-incanadian-provinces-and-territories/.

Mexico - https://iclg.com/practice-areas/gambling-lawsand-regulations/mexico.

Jamaica - https://laws.moj.gov.jm/library/statute/the-betting-gaming-and-lotteries-act

Thank you to those who responded to the query sent to the ICP community on CONNECT: NE President Nancy Bishop, ME State President Janie Bradstreet, WV Past State President Pat Hardin, NJ State President-Elect Shelley Henely, Manitoba President Sue Marlatt, Ontario President Margaret Nieradka, KS President-Elect Joyce Perkins, AR Ways and Means Patty Snipes, and MI Int’l Hospitality Chairman Amy Zacharias.

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Tips and Tricks for Enjoying Your Conference

With regional conferences coming soon, preparing a compendium of tips and tricks for making the most of your experience when traveling to meetings was a timely assignment. After I was tasked with this very directive, where else would I turn but – you guessed it – the hive mind of Facebook? After all, my Friends list is chock full of active professionals, seasoned travelers, and Alpha Delta Kappa Sisters from across the globe. Everyone from First Timers to Regioneers can benefit from the wisdom of others, after all. Posting this query on my personal page as well as in the private group for the Southeast Region yielded many wonderful suggestions ranging from light-hearted and practical to serious: what are the go-to items you always bring to conferences?

Not surprisingly, more than one person, including my fellow Tennessee sisters Marjorie Buffaloe and Teresa Clark, mentioned my absolute #1 go-to item: a sweater. The older I get, the more I consider comfort when planning just about everything! With layers, you will be able to adjust to the temperature whether the meeting room is a freezer or a furnace. A well-traveled friend shared a tip I also employ: choose one basic color – most likely black or brown – and cluster your outfits around that foundation. With this approach, you can take just one main pair of dress shoes (a real space saver in your luggage), your sweater or jacket will match everything you wear, and you can add different pops of color each day. Today, society seems to be skewing more casual in general in terms of clothing styles, but finding pieces that are professional yet still comfortable is definitely doable…but don’t forget that one extra outfit suitable for meetings just in case of an unanticipated wardrobe malfunction or, as Carol Valentine of Virginia Beta Delta pointed out, so you can change your mind.

Many of the suggestions centered around the right bag to bring and what to put inside. Your conference goody bag may or may not include a tote, but bringing your tried-and-true bag is necessary. Some people prefer a backpack so the weight is equally distributed and easier to bear after loading up on favors, purchases from altruistic sales and other items you collect along the way. Other must-haves include snacks and drinks of choice (what if the hotel doesn’t offer Coke products and you don’t love Pepsi, or vice versa?), a refillable water bottle and/or coffee cup, gum/ mints, pens/highlighters and a notebook. The more tech-savvy may prefer to carry a tablet or laptop for taking notes. One former Alpha Delta Kappa sister reported that she uses OneNote for trainings and now has many years’ of notes in one organized location. Don’t forget those charging cables, though. Having a phone with a hotspot is helpful in case of poor wi-fi as well. For the photog-

raphers among us, bringing a camera and associated accessories is at the top of the list. Still, some are just fine relying on the camera already in their pockets - their phone.

A lesson learned firsthand on a recent trip when my luggage did not make it onto the connecting flight I barely caught: if you are flying to your conference, slipping an Air Tag or similar Bluetooth-enable tracking device in your bag is a wise move. I was able to follow the journey of my suitcase as it flew over Canada toward home. Linking this type of device to your smartphone can greatly alleviate your stress over a missing bag. You may have more information about its location than your airline.

People were often surprisingly honest when sharing their survival tips. One male FB friend said to bring “swimsuits for the days you skip the conference.” We know that would never happen at an A∆K conference or meeting, but you indeed might want to bring a bathing suit, particularly if you are joining me at SER in Charleston, South Carolina. Another friend noted that earbuds are helpful if you have a free moment and want to listen to music or audiobooks. Other practical suggestions included Tylenol, Imodium, ear plugs (does your roomie snore?), batteries for hearing aids, bug spray, an umbrella, fitness clothes, a portable charger, and comfy walking shoes if you plan to explore beyond the hotel. I hope two of my FB friends do not ever end up sitting next to each other at a meeting because one always stashes hand warmers in her pockets while the other doesn’t leave home without a personal fan “for those moments when your body heats up to 500 degrees.” She also added: don’t forget batteries for the fan.

Although many of the suggestions could apply to any conference or meeting, some were more specific to Alpha Delta Kappa. Bringing business cards to exchange with sisters you meet is a great way to lock in those new connections. Becky Cook of North Carolina Phi noted that pre-printing address labels to use for raffles in the sales area can be a great time-saver. Brenda Chambers of Tennessee Alpha Beta advised bringing a favorite badge holder from a previous conference…and I know she has implemented that tip because she once gave me her extra when I neglected to order one. Two of my favorite Judys (Judy Barnhill of Tennessee Beta Zeta and Past International President Judy Ganzert of Virginia Zeta) mentioned the importance of bringing cash for everything from purchases in the sales area to tipping the Boy Scouts or hotel bellmen. Finally, in a tip gained through a harrowing experience at the last International Convention, Chambers advised sisters to carry an easily locatable card with contact information in case of an emergency.

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Not all the ideas were tangible, however. One friend recommended attending sessions with an attitude to learn; another called it “listening with an open heart.” Other items one should bring along are “a good sense of humor,” “a plan to divide and conquer so you and your friends hit the best sessions and then

share afterward,” “smiles and hugs of sisterhood,” and “an attitude that allows you to be open to new possibilities and experiences.” Diane Harwell of South Carolina Chi had perhaps the best answer, however, with her advice to “bring a friend who will watch out for you.”

Making the Most of Your Regional Conference

So, how do you get your money’s worth?

Go early, and stay late if you can. The hotels offer the same rate three days before and three days after if they have space available.

Pack accordingly. It is going to be HOT at all the regional conferences except for the Northwest-Southwest Regional conference (NW-SW) in the Seattle area, where you should take a small travel umbrella. So, pack lightweight, comfy clothing. And don’t forget to bring a sweater. They keep all those hotels super chilly for conferences; maybe it’s to keep everyone awake. NOTE: Pack your cell phone and charger, prescription medication, and all jewelry in your carry-on bag, not checked luggage. Don’t forget your scooter chargers. Vroom!

Celebrate your Alpha Delta Kappa membership - Dress up, wear your badge, or sport an Alpha Delta Kappa t-shirt. But skip the uncomfortable high heels and opt for comfortable shoes for walking.

Share, share, share a room, a cab, Uber, or shuttle, and share a meal, especially if you are a light eater and want to sample several dishes. Not only is sharing cost-efficient, but it’s also a great way to get to know someone better.

Sign up and show up - Make sure you have signed up for all the sessions and then actually attend, pay attention, and really be present for all the presentations. Talk to the speaker afterward. Engage!

Try to meet someone new—maybe a new member or just someone you’ve seen at your conference before but have never met—and exchange numbers for texting when you get home. Then, introduce them to someone else, too. And sit in a different seat every day. Mix things up.

Get up early and stay up late—have coffee with an old friend and Happy Hour drinks with a new friend. Try a fun, trendy local restaurant for lunch. Go for a walk and check out the neighborhood. Be a night owl and host a PJ party in your room. Stay hydrated and nourished –take a water bottle or pick one up at your destination. Keep snacks in your bag, especially if you have special dietary needs. If wine is your thing, the local wineries in the Seattle - Bellevue area site of the NW-SW conference are amazing. You can take a bottle or two of wine back to your room. Don’t forget snacks like cheese, crackers, nuts and fruit for a late-night girls’ chat session or oatmeal and muffins for a grab-and-go breakfast. Most hotel rooms have refrigerators, and some even have full kitchens. So, stock up.

Eat the local cuisine. Both the Southeast Region in Charleston, SC, and Gulf in Atlanta, GA, have some great Southern dishes that must be tasted. Fried Alligator tastes just like chicken. Don’t be shy, try it.

Explore the local sites - South Central Region in Rogers, AR., is home to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, a Walton family (aka Walmart) collection. The Northeast Region in Philadelphia, PA, is a historian’s dream. Ben Franklin is alive and well in Philly.

Enjoy your time together—dance, sing, laugh, and enjoy! The North Central Regional Conference in Des Moines, IA, is having a sock hop party. Pack your poodle skirts and do the twist with Chubby Checkers. Don’t sit on the bleachers.

The regional presidents and their conference committees have worked tirelessly to make their regional conferences meaningful and memorable, so make the most of them.

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Ways to Use Every Teaching Moment

Time is precious in the classroom. No matter how long you have taught or if you are an early career educator, there are those pesky, awkward five minutes when there isn’t enough time to start something new but too much time to waste. What do you do? Reach for a 5-Minute Filler activity.

What are 5-Minute Filler activities, you might ask? Tell me more. They are quick, pre-planned, ready-to-go, focused, positive and fun activities that engage, energize and reinforce students’ learning. They are skill-based and curriculum-connected. They also help with transition times and classroom management.

According to Benjamin Bloom, an academic educational psychologist, 5-Minute Filler activities offer “deliberate, focused practice with plenty of repetition, which helps students achieve automaticity in reading and math.” Automaticity is considered the prerequisite to fluency, the bedrock of deep comprehension.

Here are ten tried-and-true, successful 5-Minute Filler Activities that students love, shared by educators. Most are open-ended and may be adjusted for grade level. Have these best-of-the-best filler activities ready for those unexpected extra minutes in your day.

#1 Legs 11. Students sit in a circle, legs straight out in front of them. Start counting each leg around the circle. When you reach number 11, the child tucks that leg under. Start counting with one and repeat until only one leg is left. That student is the winner. (Variations: Change the number count 7, 15, 23).

#2 Hot Dog Skip Counting by Fives to 120. Fill a bottle with crumbled, red tissue paper, red glitter, or paint the bottle red to represent the Hot Dog. Students stand in a circle. The teacher says five and hands the “Hot Dog” to the first student. That student says ten and passes the “Hot Dog” to the next student. Continue around the circle until you reach 120. The student that says 120 also says, “Hot Dog,” and is the winner. Repeat as many times as time will allow. Variations can be changing the count to 2, 10, or 15, or changing to multiplication, fractions or subtraction.

#3 Big O. The teacher says a word. The student says the opposite word. (For example, hot-cold, up-down, lower-upper, insideoutside, frontward-backward.) Some words may have more than one word that describes the opposite. Accept any of them. Variations can be made using synonyms or antonyms.

#4 Lower/Higher. Draw a T-graph on the whiteboard. On the left, write lower. On the right, write higher. The teacher writes a number between 1-100 on a piece of paper to document the number. The student says a number. The teacher writes a number on the correct side of the T-graph. Students take turns calling numbers until someone guesses the exact number. Variations can

be using fractions, change number range, or multiplication.

#5 View and Do. Prepare cards ahead of time with action words. Use 6"x12" lightweight cardstock so all students can see them, and the cards can be used multiple times. While students stand in line waiting to go to their next class, the teacher holds up a card. Students read the word and do the action. Example words: jump, clap, snap, stretch, whisper, point, stomp, march, run, bend, wink, blink, nod, bow, turn, twist, WALK. The last card is always WALK.

#6 Number Patterns 1-3-5-7. The teacher says a number pattern, and the student says the next number following the pattern. To vary the activity, change the number pattern. This activity may be played as mental math or in print.

#7 Back Writing. The students or the teacher select partners. One student writes a number or word on his partner’s back. The student tries to guess what was written. The students take turns writing and guessing. In a variation, the teacher identifies what to write. Such as what is the capital of Kansas? Use spelling words, Try multiplication facts. Options are unlimited and may be adapted easily to grade level and curriculum.

#8 Musical Numbers. Write numbers 1-25 on individual pieces of paper and place them on the floor randomly or in numerical order. Create multiple cards for some of the numbers. Play music. Students stand and listen to the music. When the music stops, each student moves and stands on a number. The teacher calls a number. The student(s) standing on that number is out of the game. The last student standing is the winner. For variations, use sight words, theme words, spelling words, alphabet, or pieces of colored paper.

#9 Sounds of School. The teacher opens the classroom door. The students sit quietly for 30-40 seconds. The teacher closes the classroom door. Students share what they heard.

#10 3-Word Connection. The teacher says a topic word. An example might be weekend, football, lunch or dog. The student says three words associated with the topic word. Use nouns, verbs, persons, places or things for a variation.

The next time a snippet of time appears in your day, use a 5-minute Filler Activity and have fun reinforcing student learning. You will be glad you did.

Article compiled in collaboration with Julie Katingima, AZ Iota; Judy Ingham, RVPM SWR; Sara Cooper, Past California State President, CA Beta Iota; Nancy Harrison, AZ State President-Elect and a cast of creative teachers.

Editor's Note: Try these activities in a chapter meeting and let the fun begin.

14 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

New Beginning at Year End

The end of each school year is a time to look forward. For teachers, that means looking ahead to the beginning of the next school year. Successful teachers seek ways to be efficient and organized. Alpha Delta Kappa active and retired teachers shared specific strategies they employ at the end of one school year to make it easier to begin the next.

Second-grade teacher Caroline Okasako, HI Mu, decorates her bulletin boards for the beginning of the next school year and covers them with newspapers to keep them clean over the summer.

Classroom teachers know the discouraging despair of dealing with ailing copiers. Twyla Priesing, AZ Alpha Nu, an 11th-grade AP US History teacher, copies all the introductory papers she needs for her future classes when the copy room is empty, and all the machines are working at the end of the school year. It gives her peace of mind to know that she will not have to face a room full of jammed copiers at the start of the school year while trying to print materials for her classes.

ity to make sure we aren’t missing any pieces?” She says the students love revisiting some of the activities they remember from the beginning of the year, and Whitney gets set up for the following year. Talk about a win-win situation.

Sue McDowell, NJ Lambda, uses technology as her memory. Whether by film years ago or her current use of a digital camera, for each bulletin board or special project she prepared, she took pictures for future reference. She keeps each bulletin board display material in a monthly file stored in the classroom closet until needed. Before the use of cell phones, she used a camera, developed the pictures and taped them inside her classroom closet door. She found this organizing practice helpful and didn’t know what took her so long to incorporate it into her classroom management.

Health and Physical Education teacher Louisa Hammond, VA Beta Lambda, closes the school year with a complete inventory of equipment. As department head, it tells her what equipment needs replacing and if funds are available. She completes the county school system requisition form so that it is ready to submit when the budget opens up the following year. She has learned to be ready to “strike while the iron is hot.”

Unexpected things happen. For that reason, Cynthia Stricklin, TN Alpha Rho, a middle school art teacher, prepares and labels a “Beginning the School Year Emergency Plan” box or tote and places it in a convenient, easy-to-access location. She says the box can alleviate that first-day stress of scrambling to get a plan together at the last minute.

During the last few days of school, Whitney Kibler, SC Theta, a Pre-K teacher, must pack up her entire room for summer cleaning. As she packs learning center materials, she pulls out those that will be used at the beginning of the year. Sometimes, she enlists her students to help, asking, “Can you do this activ-

Nebraska Zeta’s Susan Rodda identifies what she thinks should be every teacher’s basic preparation: Put everything away in its correct place, get rid of any old papers, schedules, used-up supplies, etc., and put the room library in order.

OH Sigma’s Joanie Gedeon, a fifth-grade intervention specialist and a co-teacher reads and highlights all upcoming ETRs and IEPs, prescriptive plans for student needs, makes data charts for each goal and objective and makes an “IEP at a Glance” form for each student. She also types up mini-assessments to go with each IEP objective. She says that one or two students may change on her caseload, but doing all this is worth it in the end. She makes sure that her desk inside and out is cleaned and organized, bulletin boards are up, and papers for the first couple weeks of school are copied. She does one other thing to ensure she’s in the right mindset for the next school year. She puts a positive quote on the back of her chair or on a drawer so she can see it from Day 1. She creates a GREAT day from the start.

Successful classroom teachers implement intentional strategies to launch the school year with ease. Working to be better prepared will provide a few extra minutes to breathe as each new school year begins.

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The KAPPAN congratulates the Alpha Delta Kappa Collegiate Club (A∆KCC) members on a successful year.

Welcome, graduates, to the profession we share.

Here are the current A∆KCC’s

Ball State University- Chartered March 15, 2016

Advisor: Amy Leitze

Sponsor: Lynette Varner, IN Beta Epsilon

Colorado State University- Chartered February 2, 2019

Advisor: Inactive as of August 2023

University of Arizona-Tucson Chartered February 13, 2020

Advisor: Donna Zurich and Maria Orozco

Sponsor: Suzanne Maly, AZ Zeta

Indiana State University- Chartered September 19, 2020

Advisor: Melissa Nail

Sponsor: Nellie Remington, IN Omicron

Rowan University- Chartered December 14, 2022

Advisor: Corrine Brown

Sponsor: Debbie Ingersoll, NJ Chi and Diane Mezzel, NJ Phi

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College- Chartered May 11, 2022

Advisor: To be announced

Sponsor: Helen Valliere, AZ theta

University of Central Florida- Chartered February 5, 2023

Advisor: Caroline Pratt Marrett

Sponsor: Debbie Garrison, FL Beta, and Diane Shafer, FL Beta Mu

Baker University- Chartered December 1, 2023

Advisor: Charlsie Prosser

Sponsor: Susan Carden and Joyce Perkins, KY Beta Epsilon

University of Kentucky- Chartered March 24, 2024

Advisors: Hildi Nicksic and Heather Erwin

Sponsor: Judy Boggs and Maureen Murphy, KY Mu

A∆KCC Information provided by Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi and KAPPAN correspondent, and Lynette Varner, Ball State University ADKCC Board Chair.

University of Arizona, Tucson Collegiate Club members celebrate the holidays with the sisters of AZ Zeta and Beta. Ball State Collegiate Club's new members show their spirit at a gathering after initiation.
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Welcome Kentucky Collegiate Club

The University of Kentucky is the ninth A∆KCC chartered since Ball State led the way in 2016. Currently, there are eight active clubs. The Colorado State University Club was chartered in 2019 but went inactive last year.

Information about starting a Collegiate Club is available on the International website or from A∆KCC Board Chair Lynette Varner.

The Club advisors are members of the schools' Education Departments, and the sponsors are members of Alpha Delta Kappa.

Baker Collegiate Club

Here we acknowledge those making the Baker Collegiate Club possible, in Kansas, spring 2024, and honor these future educators for what they will do in the future. Photos by Rachelle Rasing Patterson

Kentucky A∆KCC

The 15 Kentucky University A∆KCC members hit the ground running after their chapter was chartered in March. They have participated in a BeWell walk with the students of Ashland Elementary School in Lexington, KY, and helped with the UNITE Research Showcase at the university. The club members have also met with a panel of education administrators and created vision boards for their classrooms. Heidi Nicksic, PhD, and Heather Erwin are faculty advisors.

Rowan University Collegiate Club

Rowan University Collegiate Club members are participating in celebrating the university’s 1000th anniversary. Rowan was established in 1923 as Glassboro Normal School. The club has partnered on several projects with Kappa Delta Pi, an education honor society.

Club members created and donated literacy kits for underserved preschoolers in the Love Letters for Literacy project. They also helped sponsor “Sips and Snacks,” featuring “A Conversation with our Colleagues,” a conversational panel of graduates from the university. Debra Quinn, NJ Phi, a principal and former elementary education and reading language arts teacher, participated in the panel.

Pictured (L to R) are Debra Quinn, NJ Phi; Diane Mazzei, NJ Phi, A∆KCC co-sponsor; Cori Brown, Ph.D., Rowan A∆KCC faculty advisor. The future educators as a group inside Osborne Memorial Chapel at Baker U. Baker A∆KCC sponsors and advisors with Executive Director Christi Smith among others.
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The Day With the Most Light is the Day We Fight

June 20, the day of the summer solstice, is this year's date of the Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day annual fundraising program. On this day of the most light, the Association asks “participants in the program to fight the challenging darkness of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia through fundraising activities” of the participant’s choosing.

In 2023, Alpha Delta Kappa teams and individuals raised $277,322, pushing A∆K’s total Longest Day donations since 2013 to over $1.3 million. On the Alzheimer’s Association website, A∆K is listed as second among the top 30 group contributors for 2023 and third among the top 20 global teams for contributions.

The Alzheimer’s Societies of Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Australia and the United States are members of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), a federation of 100 associations worldwide. All ADI members accept donations.

Here are the activities in the A∆K Regions.

GULF REGION - Georgia Team Captain Pippy Rogers, GA Beta Iota, said, “Nearly 170,000 Georgians are living with Alzheimer’s, and 67% of them are women. We have lost many sisters to this devastating disease. Georgia chapters plan their Longest Day events to promote awareness and build relationships. Chapters will hold game days, picnics, walks, yard sales, arts and crafts, bake sales and whatever else can be imagined, all to support the Alzheimer’s Association’s mission. Who will be the #1 Alpha Delta Kappa Team this year? GAME on, Sisters! #ENDALZ” (the hashtag for the Association). Rogers is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Alzheimer’s Association.

NORTH CENTRAL - Ontario President Marg Nieradka and Rosemary Coomber are 2024 Team Leaders for the Ontario team participating in the walks for the Alzheimer Society of Canada. Both are members of Ontario Psi. The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s was held on Saturday, May 25, from 10 a.m. to noon.  Last year, five A∆K Ontario teams raised an impressive total of $4,754.00. The goal is to match or go beyond that amount this year. Many chapters set up their teams and made choices about how they would participate. A popular choice in recent years was to count steps during May, right up to the official walk day, in support of the 250,300 people living with demen-

tia in Ontario. A final count was submitted to Chair Rosemary Coomber for a grand provincial tally. Some chapters made their May meeting an Alzheimer’s Walk event, enjoying lunch together after walking. This year, the walk date coincided with the 2024 Ontario convention, so early birds had a chance to support a morning walk before the convention began. In Canada, the number of patients with dementia has risen 48% since 2010. In 2020, an estimated 61.8% of persons living with dementia in Canada were female, and more than half of care partners were women. By 2050, projections show that over one million women in Canada will be living with dementia. Our support is crucial.

NORTHEAST REGION - Ohio State Team Leader Georgine Collette, OH Lambda, reports that on the Longest Day and throughout the year, funds are raised to work with the Alzheimer’s Association to advance research toward methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure while ensuring that all those affected by the disease today have quality care and support.  Chapters walked, read, crafted, played board games, baked, played Bingo, held lotteries and participated in many other activities to raise funds over the 2023-2024 year. Members also reach out to family and friends by phone, asking for donations in the old-fashioned way. Some hold a Facebook campaign, while others request a donation from every chapter member. “Ohio A∆K uses its strength in numbers and its dedication to the well-being of others to stay in this fight,” she said.

NORTHWEST REGION - Team Captain Marianne Nelson, WA Pi, says that the Alpha Delta Kappa sisters in Washington State take altruistic programs very seriously. They consistently rank first in per capita giving. The chapters creatively find ways to participate and strengthen their local communities through generous gifts of their time and talents to The Longest Day.

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION - According to State Team Captain Nancy Thompson, KY Alpha Alpha, the Kansas chapters were inspired by the informational presentations made by the Alzheimer’s Association at chapter meetings, and donations were made to the Kansas A∆K TLD team. Alzheimer’s staff will also provide resource materials and workshops at the Kansas State Convention and the South Central Regional Conference.

Oklahoma Team Leader Mary Lara, OK Alpha Eta, reports

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that all the Oklahoma chapters contributed to the Alzheimer’s Association last year. Many were in contact with loved ones or friends who have dementia or Alzheimer’s and wanted to help their sisters or loved ones find a cure. The chapters did different types of fundraising events for the Longest Day. OK Epsilon walked at a mall and donated to the cause; OK Chi held a bunco fundraiser; OK Alpha Eta had a luncheon at the Old Plantation and played bingo to raise funds with all 17 members donating. Other Oklahoma members donated as individuals or as a chapter.  This year, every member was challenged to donate, large or small, so that everyone in Oklahoma could be involved in this worthy cause. Chapter treasurers have kept records of how many members donated to the Longest Day since February.

SOUTHEAST REGION - Mary Futchko, VA Beta Lambda, is the VA Beta Lambda Forget Me Nots team leader. The chapter celebrated The Longest Day for three months last year. The sisters worked at three local Saturday farmers’ markets during April, May and June, collecting money for The Longest Day by raffling off themed baskets at each market, selling tickets for a 50/50 raffle and offering notecards or crafts created by the members. Winners of the baskets and raffles were picked at the end of each day’s event. Futchko said that the sisters enjoyed great camaraderie on Tappahannock Market Days when former students and families, knowing exactly where they were located, appeared at the events to greet their current and former teachers and let them know what was happening in their lives. In 2023, Beta Lambda raised over $4000 for Alzheimer’s Longest Day. “We hope to be even more successful in 2024,” the team leader said.

SOUTHWEST REGION - Team Leader Peggy Obert, CO Alpha, reports that Colorado Alpha Delta Kappa held an in-person walk at Washington Park in Denver in March. Members could walk virtually with the team or in their own city or neighborhood. Many of the walkers know someone living with or have lost a loved


one to Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia.

“We are now in the era of treatment with medications showing great promise. Alpha Delta Kappa has played a crucial role in helping make these advancements possible through our fundraisers and donations, which helped fund research. We need your help to reach all communities. This can be achieved by adding more teams and participants, sharing resources about Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, using #endalz on social media to build awareness, and working toward surpassing the team goals for 2024. It’s my hope and my goal that during 2024, we will have at least one team in every state, province and nation. Let’s work hard to surpass last year’s total of nearly $278,000 in donations in the United States. Please consider donating to the Alzheimer’s Association and the Longest Day. Every penny counts and is very appreciated,” said A∆K Foundation Chairman Sandy Wolfe.

Teams can still register for The Longest Day by following these instructions:

1. Visit alz.org/adk

2. Click “Donate to a Team” or “Start a New Team”.

3. Select New (and continue to the registration page) or Returning Participant (login and your previous year’s information will come forward).

4. If you are joining a team, you can search for it by Team Name.

5. If you are starting a fundraiser, give it a name and set an overall fundraising goal.

6. Kick off your fundraising goal. Enter promo code FIGHT and select an additional personal donation amount, if desired.

7. Complete your registration.

8. Check out your dashboard and make any needed edits.

9. Set up your participant page by clicking “My Page.” Create a shortcut link to your page and share it along with your QR code on Facebook or other social media.

10. If you are a Team Captain, you can also edit your team page to personalize it and tell about your fundraising projects.

11. Have fun. Tell everyone you know you are participating in The Longest Day and would greatly appreciate donations for this worthy cause.

The final date to submit TLD donations is August 31, 2024.

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10 Healthy Habits for Your Brain

Research shows that healthy behaviors may reduce the risk of cognitive decline and help reduce the risk of dementia. A recent poll reported that retired Americans fear developing dementia more than any other condition.

While some brain changes are inevitable as we age, there is a growing body of research to suggest that adopting healthy behaviors, including healthy eating, exercising regularly, not smoking and staying cognitively engaged may help our brain health at any age.

Based on mounting scientific evidence, the Alzheimer’s Association® offers these 10 healthy habits for your brain. Follow as many of these 10 tips as possible to achieve maximum benefits for the brain and body.

1. Challenge your mind. Be curious. Put your brain to work and do something that is new for you. Learn a new skill. Try something artistic. Challenging your mind may have short and long-term benefits for your brain.

2. Stay in school. Education reduces your risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Encourage youth to stay in school and pursue the highest level of training possible. Continue your own education by taking a class at a local library, college or online.

3. Get moving. Engage in regular exercise. This includes activities that raise your heart rate and increase blood flow to the brain and body. Find ways to build more movement into your day — walking, dancing, gardening — whatever works for you.


4. Protect your head. Help prevent an injury to your head. Wear a helmet for activities like biking, and wear a seatbelt. Do what you can to prevent falls, especially for older adults.

5. Be smoke-free. Quitting smoking can lower the risk of cognitive decline back to levels similar to those who have not smoked. It’s never too late to stop.

6. Control your blood pressure. Medications can help lower high blood pressure. Healthy habits like eating right and physical activity can help too. Work with a healthcare provider to control your blood pressure.

7. Manage diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or controlled by healthier eating, increasing physical activity and medication, if necessary.

8. Eat right. Eating healthier foods can help reduce your risk of cognitive decline. This includes more vegetables and leaner meats/proteins, along with foods that are less processed and lower in fat. Choose healthier meals and snacks that you enjoy and are available to you. Make eating right a habit.

9. Maintain a healthy weight. Talk to your healthcare provider about the weight that is healthy for you. Other healthy habits on this list — eating right, physical activity and sleep — can help maintain a healthy weight.

10. Sleep well. Good quality sleep is important for brain health. Stay off screens before bed and make your sleep space as comfortable as possible. Do all you can to minimize disruptions. If you have any sleep-related problems, such as sleep apnea, talk to a healthcare provider.

It’s never too late or too early to start these healthy habits for your brain. Visit alz.org/healthy habits today to learn more.

Information provided by the Alzheimer’s Association.

Some things come with age. Some others don’t.
7x10_ENG2.indd 1 9/12/23 11:28 AM 20 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024
Learn the warning signs of Alzheimer’s.

Walk for the Cure

Registration is open for the annual St. Jude Walk/Run fundraiser on September 28, 2024. Teams and individuals may register to participate either virtually or in person. Participants can create their own walk/run activity.

To participate, download the St. Jude Walk/Run mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Be sure to click on the stjude.org/adk link so that A∆K is credited for

your donations.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has been an A∆K International Altruistic Project for almost 40 years and the organization has donated nearly three million dollars.

The St. Jude promise is that they “won’t stop until no child dies of cancer.” The research hospital asks, “Let’s cure childhood cancer together.”

KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 21

ITE Scholars Cross the Graduation Bridge

International Teacher Education

(ITE) Scholars Vafa Alakbarova from Azerbaijan, attending the University of Massachusetts; Ambika Putri Perdani from Indonesia, attending Georgetown University; and Sonchat “Dona” Srimahachota from Thailand, attending the University of Washington, have completed their master’s degrees in varying fields of education and have crossed the bridge back to their home countries to continue their journeys to have an impact on education in their countries.

Throughout their time here, they enthusiastically connected with their co-sponsors and the Alpha Delta Kappa community. They attended chapter, state, and International gatherings where they presented learning sessions and programs and enjoyed getting to know many A∆K members. Ambika became a Virginia Honorary Member; Vafa was initiated as a Connecticut Kappa Honorary Member; and Dona has been initiated as an Honorary Member of Washington Beta Alpha.

What’s next for these remarkable international bridge crossers? Vafa has received several offers of positions in education in Azerbaijan and will choose among them after in-person meetings. Ambika will continue to develop her app to support students with Attention Deficit Disorder from her base in Indonesia. Dona is developing an English curriculum and instruction guide for distribution to rural areas as well as developing International English Language Testing System (IELST) lessons for students planning to study in the U.S. and Canada.

Information provided by ITE Committee Chair Judy Tate, VA Tau.

1: Vafa’s Connecticut Kappa co-sponsors Maureen LaFrancis, Barbara Hargraves and Charlotte Zenzick welcomed Vafa into the chapter as an Honorary Member.

2: Massachusetts Beta co-sponsors Martha Raphael and Maggie Bilodeau made certain Vafa had everything she needed, plus many personal touches.

3: Ambika had a professional colleague and warm support from Virginia Beta Gamma sponsor Lytle Brent.

4: Terry Melo, Ambika’s Maryland Beta co-sponsor, often invited her to family gatherings and celebrations to provide her a home away from home.

5: Dona was warmly embraced by Washington Beta Alpha sisters with her co-sponsors Jackie Thomas-Rask and Glad Loreen

6: Beta Alpha co-sponsor Carol Stern assured that Dona, an Honorary member, felt their warm embrace.

1 4 2 5 3 6 22 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter anniversaries as recorded at International Headquarters

Happy Anniversary!

Chapters with 30 Years

Florida Delta Psi 6/20/1994

Chapters with 40 Years

Connecticut Psi ........................................................ 9/22/1984

Georgia Beta Chi...................................................... 6/30/1984

Indiana Beta Epsilon 6/3/1984

North Carolina Gamma Pi 6/24/1984

Nebraska Alpha Eta .................................................. 9/22/1984

South Carolina Alpha Upsilon.................................. 9/24/1984

Virginia Alpha Sigma ............................................... 12/2/1984

Chapters with 50 Years

Georgia Beta Rho 6/1/1974

Georgia Beta Sigma 10/20/1974

Hawaii Iota ............................................................ 10/26/1974

Jamaica Gamma ......................................................... 6/8/1974

Jamaica Delta ........................................................... 6/16/1974

Jamaica Epsilon ........................................................ 6/15/1974

Kansas Beta Epsilon 8/20/1974

Minnesota Alpha Rho 6/3/1974

North Carolina Gamma Iota .................................... 6/15/1974

North Carolina Gamma Kappa ................................ 9/14/1974

North Dakota Eta .................................................. 10/12/1974

Virginia Alpha Lambda .......................................... 12/14/1974

Chapters with 60 Years

Alabama Beta Delta ................................................ 11/21/1964

California Beta Theta ............................................. 12/12/1964

Colorado Alpha Delta ............................................ 10/16/1964

Florida Beta Xi ......................................................... 12/5/1964

Indiana Xi 12/6/1964

Indiana Omicron 12/6/1964

Missouri Beta Alpha 7/30/1964

North Carolina Alpha Rho 10/24/1964

Ohio Alpha Eta 6/13/1964

Ontario Zeta ............................................................ 6/16/1964

Pennsylvania Kappa .................................................. 6/13/1964

Texas Beta Omicron ............................................... 10/19/1964

West Virginia Psi ...................................................... 6/11/1964

West Virginia Alpha Alpha 8/30/1964

Chapters with 70 Years

California Iota .......................................................... 11/7/1954

Florida Delta ............................................................ 6/12/1954

Florida Epsilon ......................................................... 6/12/1954

Iowa Gamma 10/9/1954

Illinois Sigma 11/6/1954

Illinois Upsilon ....................................................... 12/11/1954

Indiana Sustaining .................................................... 10/2/1954

Massachusetts Beta ................................................. 12/12/1954

Massachusetts Sustaining ........................................ 11/20/1954

Maine Alpha 10/2/1954

Maine Sustaining 10/2/1954

New Hampshire Sustaining 12/11/1954

New Jersey Sustaining ............................................ 12/15/1954

New York Alpha ....................................................... 8/14/1954

New York Sustaining ................................................ 8/14/1954

Pennsylvania Alpha .................................................. 10/9/1954

Pennsylvania Sustaining 10/9/1954

Virginia Alpha 8/23/1954

Virginia Sustaining ................................................... 8/23/1954

West Virginia Alpha ................................................. 8/11/1954

West Virginia Beta.................................................... 8/12/1954

West Virginia Sustaining .......................................... 8/11/1954

KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 23


“Around the world, members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heart-warming community based altruistic projects. Because of these projects, it is a brighter day…” ~Alpha Delta Kappa Handbook

AZ Omicron

Six members of AZ Omicron recently became Ronald McDonald House “Chefs for the Day,” preparing and serving a warm-cooked meal for 45 residents. The chefs were Maureen Means, Filomena Brooks, Robin Gilbert, Debbie Gayheart, Carol Cohn and Diana Dixon. Preparing the meal gave the members the opportunity to create an awareness of the mission of A∆K and a hands-on experience. Members also participated with monetary contributions to purchase the meal’s ingredients and gift cards for the families.

FL Phi

FL Phi sisters held a recent meeting at the Build-A-Bear® store at the Falls, where they stuffed, inserted a heart, sewed and dressed 11 bears. Members donated additional bears, making it possible for the chapter to donate 22 dressed bears to the Florida City Police Department. Officers will give the bears to children during domestic or traumatic calls. “It was a heartwarming and rewarding altruistic project,” said Phi President Debra Fisher.

The bears were delivered and received by (L to R) Carol Ackroyd, Phi member; Michelle Ramirez, Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police; Debra Fischer, Phi President; Officer Antonio Alfonso, Joyce Hood, Florida City Police Dept. and Delina Elisme, Florida City Police Dept.

IL Eta

Members of the IL Eta chapter show the ten fidget aprons they made to donate to nursing homes in their area. One of Eta’s Golden Sisters, Dorothy Morrison, suggested the project after hearing about it in a learning session at the recent International Convention.

FL Delta Gamma

FL Delta Gamma sisters have been busy with several altruistic projects. Proceeds of the chapter’s yard sale in Wildwood, FL, were used for donations to various organizations and two teacher grants. The chapter also gave a gift card surprise for a drawing at each Sumter County school. Delta Gamma is also moving an encouragement banner that supports teachers to a different school each month. Holding the Delta Gamma gift card, surprises (L to R) are seated: Betty Caruthers, Linda Mims, Joyce White; Back row: Louise Ross, Kay Wall, Sue Miller and Viki Ferrell.

GA Omicron

GA Omicron members and nurses from the Children’s Hospital of Georgia Neonatal Intensive Care Unit show the handmade blankets and the books the chapter has donated to the hospital. Providing needed items to the hospital is Omicron’s Connecting to Others (C2O) project. The C2O project was the idea of Past State President Gayle Owens. Its purpose is to teach the community what Alpha Delta Kappa is about and how the organization gives back to the community. Pictured (L to R) are Robbie Marshall, Nurse Katie Brennan, Karen McMahan, Nurse Jennifer McMahan, Omicron President Anne Way and Carol Flowers.

WV Alpha Epsilon

WV Alpha Epsilon sisters (L to R) President-Elect Nancy Russell, Lynne Gilpin and Peggy Johnson delivered food items donated by the chapter to the Concord University Food Pantry in Athens, WV. This yearly project helps students needing a midnight snack, a simple meal or food to tide them over during hard times.

24 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

LA Delta Sisters of LA Delta chapter show some healthy snacks they collected and donated to The Bridge Alzheimer’s & Dementia Resource Center in Shreveport, LA. Back Row (L to R): Melissa Elrod, Ruby Blackwell, Cynthia McCord, Mary Agnes Rambin, Kay Robinson, Emily Brown, Penny Kulp, President Debbie Blanchette, Tammy Rose. Front Row (L to R): Jane Meeks, President-Elect Sheryl Thomas, Sharon Mahony, Lucy Brewer. Historian Anne Wise is not pictured. The Bridge is a local, non-profit organization serving Northwest Louisiana by providing comprehensive services, educational opportunities and resources to those affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Members of TX Beta

Omicron display some of the games and craft supplies they recently donated to All Things Made New, an organization devoted to mentorship, character building and life skills for middle and high school students in Irving, TX.

MN Alpha Alpha

IL Theta

IL Theta’s favorite winter activity is donating hats and mittens to underserved children in the Peoria area. This winter, the sisters collected 51 hats, two ear muffs and 78 sets of gloves and mittens. The sisters say that their warm hearts warm little heads and hands. Showing their donations are (L to R) Glends Trollope, Lynn McCarthy, Pearl White, Ronna James, Becky Bullard, Bonnie Nofsinger, Carol Nelson, Linda Wetzel and Micheal Allison. JoAnn Simkins took the photograph.

MN Alpha Alpha sisters participated in AARP’s Cupid Crew project, delivering roses and cards on Valentine’s Day to residents at Johanna Shores and Amira Choice senior living residences. As part of their Wish of a Lifetime Program, AARP and its sponsors provided the 450 cards and roses the chapter delivered. Local Girl Scouts helped decorate the cards.

The members received many appreciative smiles, thank yous, and hugs. They also made special deliveries to a past chapter president and treasurer.

The members volunteer throughout the year at the Harambee Elementary School free clothes closet.

Social workers select needed items from the closet for students in the Roseville, MN, schools. The volunteers fold and organize the donations.

Pictured standing (L–R) are Kay Sorgatz, Carrie Roban, Maureen Sanger, Kathy Cleary, Mary Schultz, and Bonnie Spivak. Seated (L-R) are Sharon Copt, Janet Robb, Lana Hire, Kathy McClure, and Karol Bowman.

LA Iota members celebrated reading as part of the NEA Read Across America program. To honor Dr. Seuss’s birthday, they shared interesting facts about the author and read his books to kindergarten classes at a local school. The children received a color sheet and stickers of the characters from the books.

Pictured are (L to R) Principal Carissa Davis and members Patty Walker, Diane Vienne, Angela Mayeaux, Brenda Ingram, Co-President Susan Hargis and Co-President Sherrie Graf.

IA Alpha Zeta

The IA Alpha Zeta chapter in New Hampton, Iowa, and other chapters in the Northeastern Iowa A∆K District joined forces to collect school and activity supplies for the children at Stead Family Children’s Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa. The chapter collected 263 items valued at almost $800. Making a difference through donating to community-based altruistic projects is one of the opportunities provided to A∆K members.

President Dee Larkin and Historian Julie Freidhof display two of the sixteen fleece blankets made and donated by the members.

LA Iota - Read Across America
KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 25

Puerto Rico Fun Day

A∆K Puerto Rico’s first Fun Day was full of laughter, camaraderie and making connections between educators and the student community. Noemí Román, teacher, and the student patrol of Mariano Riera Palmer School in Mayagüez and their families took part in a day dedicated to “Unity and Joy in the Educational Community.” Silkia Obregón, president of A∆K PR, described the event as a day of brotherhood that promoted physical and mental health, strengthened teamwork and encouraged competition. “In the end, the day provided the opportunity to create bonds within the educational community in a fun, positive and enriching learning environment for all the participants,” Obregón stated,

NC Beta Phi

TN Alpha Beta

For several years, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital (ETCH) in Knoxville has been the focus of TN Alpha Beta’s communitybased project. The sisters collected necessities for the patients, and several were hospital volunteers. The members stepped right up when they heard about the hospital’s Christmas Tree Project from an ETCH volunteer specialist. During the holiday season, every child admitted to the hospital receives a three-foot lighted and decorated tree to enjoy in their room and to take home. The sisters decided to decorate two trees, one with glittery pink and purple ornaments for a girl and one for a boy with sports-themed ornaments. The members’ enthusiasm and generosity bubbled over at the decorating meeting, and they decorated four trees, according to Nancy DeNovo, Alpha Beta member. Unused ornaments and tinsel were stored because the sisters plan to repeat the project.

NC Beta Phi adopted a local Pre-K-5 elementary school with approximately 500 students as its altruistic project for this year. The school’s population is transient, and it does not have a PTA to provide extras for the students and support for the teachers. The year began with a Back-to-School Breakfast for the staff. The chapter purchased numerous items from the teachers’ Amazon wish lists for incentives and games. Members organized donations for the clothing closet and assisted teachers in classroom preparation. Sisters provided desserts for a raffle, operated a hot chocolate bar on a teacher workday, and supplied candystuffed eggs for the school Easter egg hunt. Pi Day was celebrated with mini pies for all teachers and staff. This partnership will culminate in a Grab and Go Breakfast and a gift card raffle during Teacher Appreciation Week.

WV Lambda

WV Lambda sisters recently completed two community altruistic projects. They assembled feminine hygiene backpacks to celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, donating them to the West Virginia Family Resource Network (WVFRN). The Network is a group of organizations that respond to needs in the community. December was a season of donating for Lambda. The sisters donated school supplies, toys, games and other items to the Appalachian Christmas Project for distribution in West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia. Mother Jones Center, an organization that helps the unhoused in Wheeling, WV, received monetary donations from the chapter. The members also donated to a toy drive in Cameron, WV. Pictured are Lambda sisters with hygiene packs.

TX Alpha Rho

TX Alpha Rho members show some gifts the chapter donated to Angel Tree for children at Rahab’s Retreat, a shelter in Kilgore, TX. Displaying the gifts (L to R) are Donna Mathis, Jennifer Utzman, Teresa Anderson, Marion Branum, Sarah Garasic and Rachel Brian. Angle Tree was the chapter’s December altruistic project.


MN Pi chapter is investing in its community through various altruistic projects. The sisters’ latest is their annual baby shower for Bundles of Love, an organization working with local groups to provide infant clothing. The chapter began the school year by giving $50 start-up tokens to chapter members who are classroom teachers. They followed that with a donation of over $400 to the local food shelf and began 2024 by awarding $4,551 in mini-grants. The February project was a donation of clothing for distribution by school nurses. In March, Chalkboard Capers, a teacher talent show that raises money for scholarships for high school students, was their project. “Although we are a small chapter with many longtime senior members, we continue to be active in providing our local community with support,” said Chapter Historian Diane Grigal.

Altruism, continued.
26 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

The KAPPAN Congratulates

NC Alpha Pi Sister Recognized

Juandalynn Freeman-Sankey, a member of the Alpha Pi Chapter in Sampson County, North Carolina, was recently recognized by North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, for her commitment to educating students in North Carolina public schools. Governor Cooper has proclaimed 2024 as the “Year of Public Schools.” In February, as a part of Black History Month and in coordination with the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission, Cooper invited Black leaders in public education who have had a profound impact on their students and throughout their community to the Governor’s Mansion in Raleigh, where they were recognized for their substantial and groundbreaking contribution to education in North Carolina. The governor thanked the honorees for their dedication to the teaching profession, their commitment to children, and their passion for serving the people of North Carolina.

Juandalynn is currently an instructor and Education Department Chair at Sampson Community College, where she oversees training programs for prospective teachers. She is a 2017 Sandhills Regional Teacher of the Year and NC Burroughs Wellcome Teacher of the Year finalist. She serves on the governor’s Teacher’s Advisory Committee. Juandalynn was a middle school teacher in Alabama and North Carolina for 21 years and a Teacher Advancement Coordinator for Clinton City Schools for six years before transitioning to the community college.

Juandalynn began her journey in education at home, where her parents, Linda and Livis Freeman Sr., stressed the importance of learning. She continued that journey through Clinton City Schools, eventually working as a bus driver and instructional assistant before attending Elon University, where she earned an undergraduate degree in education. She also holds a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from Grand Canyon University in Arizona. She is pursuing a Doctoral Degree of Education in Organizational

Altruism, continued

VT Beta

Leadership with an emphasis on Elementary Reading at Grand Canyon University.

Along with her job at Sampson Community College, she and her husband, William J. Sankey, Jr., own iNCredible Potential Academy, a tutoring facility created to address the needs of all students, to close the achievement gap and to increase student achievement for all. She is a strong advocate of hands-on, inquirybased learning and involves students in a variety of problem-solving and technology-infused activities.

Her passion for fostering and developing new teachers grows from her strong faith. Juandalynn believes there is a need to address students in poverty and of different cultures. She travels the state, elevating the education profession by speaking to student teachers and beginning teachers. She has spent her entire career nurturing and cultivating relationships with her students and peers.

Susan Swartz, Alpha Pi recording secretary, contributed to this article.

Superior Educator

Tiffany Scullion, a member of MI Gamma Alpha and an administrator in the Houghton-Portage Townships School, was named a “Superior Educator” by Copper Shores Community Health Foundation in the Michigan Upper Penisula. The award recognizes her for being kind and fair with the students and for going the extra mile to show everyone that she works with that she cares about them and their success.

Tracy joined A∆K in 2016 and served as chapter president in the 2022-2024 biennium. In her nomination, she was described as wanting everyone to succeed at whatever they do and working hard to maintain a positive environment for all involved in the school. MI Immediate Past State President Lisa Bartnik says, “Tiffany has a full schedule, wearing multiple hats in life as a mom and high school principal, attending events for her children and the school and serving her chapter.”

VT Beta members wrote notes of thanks to staff members at Maui Prep in Lahaina, Hawai’i, a K-12 private school. VT Alpha Delta Kappa sisters collected funds for 55 gift cards, one for each staff member on the Maui Prep campus. Those staff members have withstood the educational brunt of the Lahaina fires, from personal losses to increased class numbers, while offering up time for various causes for their students’ families. Pictured (L to R) are Donna Burnett, Sue Wood, Dianna Arthur and Susan Pratt.

KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 27


KS Beta

Charlsie Prosser, Ph. D Baker University, Baldwin, KS, A∆K Collegiate Club advisor, recently spoke at a meeting of the KS Beta chapter. Dr. Prosser spoke of her recent teaching experiences at Harlaxton College in Grantham, English. She shared insights from her cultural encounters, from the shock and delight of mass transit and its associated terminology to the fact that students at Harlaxton disclosed personal information to their teachers. Rachelle Rasing Patterson, KS Beta Epsilon, said the members found the presentation interesting and informative.


AZ Mu members recently visited the Irish Cultural Center in Phoenix, AZ. The tour included the Ceilli dances in the Great Hall, the McClelland Library, where they learned about the Book of Kells, a visit to an Irish cottage and the St. Patrick’s Exhibit. The Exhibit celebrates the saint’s life and works to promote peace and reconciliation in Ireland.

Pictured outside the Center are: Bottom row (L to R) Betty Ehret, Jan Karp, Shirley Bruns, Julie Erickson, Diane Foley. Second Row (L to R) Holly Haas, Peggy McKitrick, Sue McConnell, Faye Mclver. Third Row (L to R) Nancy Gifford, Ann Brenner, Evelyn Leone, Marty Whiting, Renee Wiess, Kathy Tisdale. Top Row (L to R) Debbie Stout, Sharon Schulze, Joy Del Giorno, Diana Campbell, Mary Simpson, Pat Ihsen

Golden Sister Anglea Florio, MX Epsilon, shares a story with the attendees at the Mexico Convention in April.

Loretta Rivera-Dominguez, MX Epsilon, is installed as President Mexico A∆K by South Central Regional President Nancy Thompson at the Mexico Convention in Mexico City. International President Ann Marie Brown and Immediate Past International President Mollie Acosta attended the ceremony.

LA Delta Recognizes Three Golden Sisters

LA Delta sisters look forward to celebrating Golden Sister Margaret Whelan’s 91st birthday this month and the contributions of all their Golden Sisters. Margaret is one of the chapter’s three in this longevity membership category. Fellow Golden Sisters Mary Agnes Rambin and Kay Robinson shared the office of chaplain in this biennium. Both were initiated in February 1973. Margaret, who joined a year earlier, was recording secretary for the biennium.

These three have 119 passionate years of working with students of all ages. Mary Agnes taught math and science for 42 years. Margaret served 27 years as a teacher, supervisor of gifted/talented students and assistant principal. Kay was in education for 50 years as a teacher, counselor, assistant principal, principal and school director. Kay was also president of the Louisiana State Counselors’ Association.

Members of NE Epsilon chapter enjoyed a Bunco Day full of fun, competition and prizes. For some members, this was their first time playing the card game..

TX Epsilon

World War II Veteran Burke Landry (seated) shared accounts of his wartime experiences with members of TX Epsilon Gamma (L-R) Darlene Hall, Martha Fielder, Pat Harper, Maribel Penaloza, Lorraine Coleman, Linda Cousins, Kristi Watson, Donna O’Brien and JoBeth Batson during the chapter’s Salute to Veterans. Landry, who joined the Navy in 1945, described seeing Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona and his life aboard the USS Intrepid, now the Sea Air Space Museum in New York Harbor.

Mexico Convention 28 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

Janet Rowden, TX Alpha Rho, shows the new banner she designed and created for Texas District V. The banner was presented at a District V meeting in Sulphur Springs, where the previous banner was retired and returned to TX Beta Nu.


CT Mu sisters, curious to learn more about famed children’s author/illustrator Eric Carle, invited CT Kappa sisters to accompany them on a Saturday field trip to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts. Sponsors Barbara Hargraves and Maureen LaFrancis of the Kappa chapter invited ITE student Vafa Alakbarova, who was living in Amherst at the time, to accompany the group. Three exhibit rooms featured Eric Carle’s illustrations, the picture book art of Seymour Chwast, and a phenomenal A-Z presentation of the many production components of picture books. The sisters agreed that the day was a great learning opportunity and a wonderful chance to get to know Vafa and sisters from another chapter. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” took on new meaning that day.

Surrounding The Very Hungary Caterpillar are (L to R) Mu chapter members Sue Pelchat and husband John, Nancy Nowak and Vafa Alakbarova, Charlene Lauria, Kappa Co-Presidents Maureen LaFrancis and Barbara Hargraves, Adrienne Snow, and CT State President Charlotte Zenzick. Lost in the book store: Meg Gaines of Mu chapter.


Celebration Time for OR Alpha Alpha

OR Alpha Alpha has much to celebrate this year. At a recent meeting, the chapter honored new Golden Sister Joyce Barber, presenting her with her Golden Sister certificate from International Headquarters, an engraved necklace and comment cards from chapter members. Joyce has served four terms as chapter president.

Alpha Alpha sisters celebrate the initiation of Beth Moore, Sarah Haley and Shen Wardlaw. Beth teaches fifth grade at Green Acres Elementary School, and Sarah is a kindergarten teacher at Riverview Elementary School. Both schools are in the Lebanon, OR School District. Shen, who is retired from the classroom, supervises student teachers.

TX Gamma Sigma

Texas State President Nancy Ballog Carr and State President-Elect Shelly Woita-Couch greeted the eight new members of TX Gamma Sigma. Pictured (L to R) are State President Nancy Ballog Carr, LaSonya Nelson, Donnetta Norris, Sheneque Williams, Chapter President Kathy Smith, Lisa Elliott, Aretina Cotton, Linda Marzoq, Louellen Brown, Colette Adams-Taylor, and State President-elect Shelly WoitaCouch.

Never forget where we came from, and always praise the bridges that carried us over.

Lou Hamer - American voting and women's rights activist, community organizer and a

leader in the civil rights movement
KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 29

Excellence in Education—Our Tradition

“In the garden of education, teachers are the most beautiful flowers.” (unknown) was the theme of the recent Excellence in Education celebration hosted by the VA Alpha Chapter. The guest speaker was Veleka Gatling, PhD, the Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence at Old Dominion University. Dr. Gatling, whose degree is in Education Leadership and Policy Studies, spoke on “Continuing the Journey - How can we further operationalize what it means to value and advance inclusion.” Attendees were given flower seed packets with instructions on how to plant them and, when they bloom, to remember that they, the educators, are the most beautiful flowers in education.

VA Alpha chapter’s first Excellence in Education celebration was a luncheon in 2009. The idea behind it was to celebrate this pillar of Alpha Delta Kappa. We decided that inviting sisters from the six new chapters that have formed over the years would be a way to promote sisterhood among us. We do that by mixing up the seating and having sisters from various chapters sit together. That way, hopefully, each sister leaves with at least one new sister friend from another chapter. Little did we know that this celebration would become an annual event with outstanding speakers and fellowship, either a luncheon or a brunch. At that first luncheon, the speaker was Tommy Smigiel, the 2008 Virginia Teacher of the Year, one of four National Teacher of the Year finalists.


SC Iota

SC Iota continues to build bridges between the chapter and its community through various altruistic projects. The members have donated supplies to local elementary schools, treat baskets to teachers and shoe boxes filled with gifts to underserved children. The chapter held an auction to fund a scholarship for a high school senior. The members took gift cards and other items on a visit to a local girls’ home. The members say that making these connections has made a difference in their community and that they have learned from those they helped. Judy Koysza and Donna Silver are chapter co-presidents. Pictured are chapter sisters with gifts for children.

Excellent educators speak to excellent educators, inspiring them to return to their classroom or office on Monday renewed in spirit. Sisters often invite prospective members to attend this event to learn more about our sisterhood. At the recent brunch, seven guests were expected to become new sisters.

For the past two years, the seven chapters have participated in the event’s altruistic projects: donating non-perishable items to their Food Pantry, donating money to help a Ukrainian family send their children to daycare in 2023, and Lasagna Love in 2024. This organization serves food to those in the community in need. This year, the grocery cart was overflowing with cans of food, and $630.00 was donated. Donating non-perishable food items and money tied in perfectly with the Virginia 2022-2024 Altruistic project, The VA Federation of Food Banks.

Among the outstanding speakers have been several Virginia Teachers of the Year, school superintendents, A∆K International Presidents Ruth Ann Griggs and Judy Ganzert, the founder of Our Sensory Farms and the Norfolk State University Dean of Students. During the pandemic, speakers presented via Zoom. The only year there was no luncheon was the year Alpha was one of the chapters hosting the state convention.

So, this wonderful event held each March now is one that we look forward to for so many reasons. Hopefully, it will continue to be an annual event for many more years.

PA Rho

PA Rho sisters helped to complete 166 school kits for the Cumberland Valley Relief Center (CVRC). The Center provides material aid and relief supplies worldwide. Rho has supported the Center for several years, donating supplies for the school kits.

The chapter members also collected and donated travel-sized toiletries and laundry supplies to the Shippensburg Area Senior High School Paw Pantry.

30 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

Faye L. Burgess

Omega Chapter


Alabama Beta Kappa

Sylvia L. Maske............................................. Alabama Beta Tau

Emily Segers...................................................Alabama Gamma

Carol Doucet

Elizabeth M. Moody

Patricia A. Cretcher

Patricia L. Ison

Suzy L. Bourgeois

Alabama Gamma

Arizona Fidelis Zeta

Arizona Omicron

Ruth Clark ............................................................. Arkansas Nu

Evelyn Lamenti

Diane E. Filice

Patricia M. Spear

California Beta Alpha

California Beta Omicron

California Beta Tau

Sue J. Doyle .....................................................

Shirley W. Smith

Ruth M. Vail

Martha Simons

Colorado Alpha

Colorado Alpha Omicron

Colorado Alpha Omicron

Colorado Gamma

Mary C. Baylie ......................................................Colorado Iota

Nancy R. Fletcher ................................................... Colorado Pi

Lucy S. Sweeney

Connecticut Gamma

Esther Bennett Connecticut Mu

Mary C. Geary .................................................... Connecticut Pi

Georgia E. Cressman ....................................

Sue Mora

Betty J. Gordon

Delaware Gamma

Florida Alpha Delta

Florida Alpha Omicron

Jeanette W. Constantini ..........................................

Gail Weston .................................................

Sue A. Kema

Betty R. Audioun

Florida Beta

Florida Beta Kappa

Florida Beta Tau

Florida Epsilon

Susan T. Beauchesne Florida Epsilon

Georgia L. Smith ....................................

Sue Sandeen

Barbara M. Gonci

Katheryn B. Hughes

Barbara J. Petty .....................................

Elizabeth M. Hendricks

Deborah R. Nicholson

Vida Rogers

Florida Fidelis Lambda

Florida Gamma Xi

Florida Lambda

Florida Pi

Georgia Alpha Epsilon

Georgia Alpha Eta

Georgia Beta Delta

Georgia Beta Eta

Samie K. Lott ............................................. Georgia Beta Theta

Sandra DeRose .................................... Georgia Fidelis Lambda

Mary Beth Smith

Mary M. Yeomans

Kentucky Alpha Eta

Louisiana Beta Beta

Lillian A. Jackson ............................................. Maryland Kappa

Diana Ramirez Mexico Gamma

Rosalie A. Sharpe ........................................ Michigan Alpha Phi

Maureen A. Austinson Minnesota Alpha Alpha

Stephanie A. Doty.............................. Minnesota Alpha Lambda

Jody L. Boedigheimer Minnesota Alpha Lambda

Phyllis L. Todd ........................................ Missouri Alpha Epsilon

Nancy Rupp Nebraska Chi

Sandra Carlson.............................................. Nebraska Epsilon

Helga J. Hanson Nebraska Lambda

Carol B. Deal .................................... North Carolina Alpha Beta

Hilda S. Black North Carolina Beta Beta

Judith A. Brown ..................................... North Carolina Gamma

Faye Roberts North Carolina Gamma

Hazel I. Reese Ohio Kappa

Joan K. Matson Pennsylvania Omicron

Elizabeth C. DuBose South Carolina Fidelis Alpha

Barbara D. Biddy ............................. South Carolina Fidelis Zeta

Yvonne P. Brown South Carolina Fidelis Zeta

Barbara E. Erickson .................................... South Dakota Delta

Barbara F. Craig Tennessee Alpha Beta

Priscila Y. Baldillez ...................................... Texas Alpha Epsilon

Esther H. Coneff Texas Beta

Monica Mireles .............................................Texas Delta Kappa

Dee Skeete Texas Delta Mu

Dee Skeete........................................................ Texas Delta Mu

Annette Stone Texas Gamma Pi

Maria E. Aguilera-Marquez ........................Texas Gamma Sigma

Janice M. Alderman Texas Gamma Tau

Dorothy L. Nelson ......................................Texas Gamma Theta

Nieves L. Corona Texas Xi

Susan S. Jones Virginia Alpha Eta

Ruth R. Palmer Virginia Alpha Sigma

Donna L. Armani Virginia Alpha Tau

Georgia Gamma Beta

Georgia Omicron

Norma F. Izumi ......................................................... Hawaii Eta

June M. Saito ................................................... Hawaii Lambda

Tina M. Jentilet

Hawaii Xi

Susan Cane Illinois Alpha

Elsie M. Utterback ............................................ Illinois Alpha Mu

Joan C. Yarwood ............................................... Illinois Beta Tau

Carol J. Poland Illinois Gamma

Judy Lehr Illinois Iota

Mary Roa

Illinois Sustaining

Patricia C. Reisinger ..................................... Indiana Sustaining

Dorothy M. Horn

Pauline M. Robinson

Betty J. Blex

International Sustaining

Kansas Epsilon

Kansas Sustaining

Ruth Midboe......................................... Kentucky Alpha Epsilon

Olivia G. Jankosky ............................................ Virginia Alpha Xi

Monica Wheaton Virginia Beta Kappa

Marilyn J. Corker ............................................ Virginia Beta Rho

Rhonda M. Steward Virginia Gamma Mu

Barbara A. Hewitt ............................................... Virginia Kappa

Nancy W. Forrest Virginia Mu

Mary W. Young ........................................................ Virginia Tau

Phyllis A. Addington Washington Alpha

Ruth Rankin............................................ Washington Beta Zeta

Ruth A. Gabriel Washington Pi

Gloria N. Durkee .................................... Washington Sustaining

Ruth J. Foley West Virginia Alpha Zeta

Shirley G. Ratliff ................................... West Virginia Alpha Zeta

Mary Jo Short West Virginia Beta

Jo Ann Lough West Virginia Mu

Shirley T. Cox Wyoming Epsilon

Ω KAPPAN • JUNE 2024 31

Retirement: It’s Not for Everyone

Say what? Huh? What do you mean retirement isn’t for everyone? After a long career of lesson planning, advancing degrees, teaching, conferencing, and collaborating, retirement is a welcome, well-deserved reward. Except, sometimes, it’s not. Again, say what?

Sleep, travel, family time and hobbies all are tangible advantages when that day arrives; that’s absolutely true. However, not everyone has family nearby, passion-driven hobbies, or a desire to travel. The 20-plus-year career that has kept you engaged, creative and connected with people, young to old, ends with the retirement date. When asked to describe our persona, we often answer, “I am an educator.” That is who we are. We will always be lifelong learners, but the emphasis, the direction of our character, shifts when the educator becomes a retiree. This shift is neither bad nor good but simply different. However, the transition from one role to the next can be an unexpected challenge.

educator to retired educator? First, take time to enjoy the new-found freedom: sleep in, sip morning coffee on the deck, read a romance novel, and enjoy an afternoon nap. And then, when you’ve had your fill, mull over opportunities and possibilities. If you miss school, volunteer a few hours a week in a classroom or tutor; if you miss people, join a book club or mah-jongg group; if you want to stay informed, sit on a committee at church or in a homeowners’ association. Or, here’s a novel idea: elevate your participation by serving on a chapter, state or International Alpha Delta Kappa committee. Our organization, our sisters and our mission are first-class. Being part of a group enhances not only your demeanor and sense of purpose but also contributes to the greater good. A perfect marriage, right?

While time is a delightful commodity, too much can be problematic. After years of concentrated effort and activity, boredom, restlessness and a lack of purpose might play culprits in the pursuit of our new life chapter’s happiness. Who am I now? Where do I fit? What is my purpose? It really can be a bit daunting. Seeking answers to these questions takes thought and motivation. Well, darn it! Isn’t retirement supposed to be easy and stress-free?! Well…

A recent Nebraska slogan, “Nebraska: It’s Not for Everyone,” rolled out with some controversy. It sounded rather negative and, well, perhaps elite. The intent, though, was to offer Nebraska up as a special place offering a unique and different quality of life. Retirement can claim that same category: it’s unique, it’s different, and it’s special.

So, what might we do to ease the transition from active

Retirement. It’s not for everyone, but then we aren’t just anyone, are we? Embrace your new life chapter. Embrace your new opportunities. Embrace your new role as a contributor to our Alpha Delta Kappa family. Retirement may not be for everyone, but we’re glad you are right here with us! You are where you should be.

Gwen Steele, NE Kappa, joined the KAPPAN this biennium. She retired in May 2020, just before the pandemic shut down. She has served as chaplain for her state and chapter, and in retirement, besides her A∆K involvement, she is active in her Home Owners Association and is a Bellevue Public Schools Education surrogate. According to Gwen, retirement allows you to explore all the possibilities.

KAPPAN congratulates the sisters who at the end of this school year turned in their room keys for the last time and loaded their car trunks with plants and memories. Welcome to the adventure of retirement.

32 KAPPAN • JUNE 2024

A∆K Dates and Deadlines


................................................ Regional Conferences hosted in June

......... H-134 & H-155 S/P/N Convention Reports due within seven days after the S/P/N Convention

June 19 ............................................................ HQ closed - Holiday

June 20-21 ................... “The Longest Day” Alzheimer’s Association

Jun 30 ........ H-114, Annual Chapter Highlights Summary deadline

June 30 ... C-1 Annual Chapter Treasurer’s Reporting Form deadline

June 30 ....... S-1 & S-2 Annual State Treasurer’s Reporting Forms to Headquarters deadline (US & Puerto Rico)

To Err is Human

The correct column heading on Page 11 of the March KAPPAN is State, Province, and Nation.

In the article “A∆K Classroom Grants Impact Students,” on page 18 of the March issue, the correct number of grants is seven grants awarded annually in each region.

The KAPPAN thanks our sharp-eyed readers.

Homeroom Humor

I asked Sam, my grandson, a preschooler, what he wanted to be when he grew up. He replied, “Nothing, Grandma.” I told him he could be anything he wanted to be, perhaps a farmer, a lawyer, a doctor or an electrician. He thought for a moment and said, “Grandma, I think I’ll be a human.” Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron

After reading the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” to my kindergarten ESL students, I asked them what they thought the three bears should do. One boy said, “She eat their food, she break their chair, she sleep in their bed. Three Bears call 911.”

Ann Berry, NJ Kappa

I was conducting a state-required listening skills test, reading a story about an ill little girl who was home alone with only an injured bird for company when a fifth-grader raised his hand. “Where,” he said, “were child protective services?”

Joanne Grimm CA Alpha Alpha



Regional Conferences hosted in July

July 1 ................KAPPAN submissions deadline for September issue

July 4 ............................................................... HQ closed - Holiday


....... Chapter and S/P/N Officer Packets posted and updated on the website *NEW

August 1 ............ International Officer Candidates Application open

August 15 .................. Distinguished Program Recognition deadline

Aloha, Hawai’i

Southwest Regional President Mary Ann Englehart installed Hawai’i President-Elect Heidi Tokuda at the state convention. Tina Young and Karen Victor are the state’s co-presidents. Susan Oakano, surrounded by her Nu sisters, celebrates the end of her biennium as Hawai’i State President.

Alpha Delta Kappa

1615 West 92nd Street

Kansas City, MO





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