Smyrna Vinings Bright Side

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Smyrna Vinings

Bright Side


Smyrna and Vinings’ Community Newspaper

Volume 7, No. 12



Liz Davis, Smyrna Citizen of the Year

Liz Davis, a volunteer with Keep Smyrna Beautiful, was named Smyrna Citizen of the Year in November by the Smyrna Division of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Davis is a native of Smyrna who attended Smyrna Elementary School and Campbell High School began volunteering when she was 12 years old. She has lived here for 45 years in between traveling with her husband Col. Ron Davis (US Army, retired) for military duty. She serves as a board member for Keep Smyrna Beautiful, organizing the Work Glove Luncheon for city employees, the Spring Garden Tour and membership vice-chair. She is Ward 3 representative to the Smyrna Parks Commission, the Smyrna Tree Board and serves on Cobb Commissioner Bob Ott’s Citizen Advisory Board. She helped organize Williams Park Neighbors, a homeowners group and co-manages the polling center at Brown Elementary. “Keep Smyrna Beautiful has won the first place affiliate award for Georgia every Continued on Page 6


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The Smyrna-Vinings Bright Side 3330 Cumberland Blvd., Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30339


The Cobb County School District has released a new draft map for the pending south county elementary school redistricting. The map is available for review at The new map incorporates community input and consolidates the two options into a single draft map. District planners have tried to incorporate community preferences wherever feasible. At this time, no final decisions have been made and public input on the single draft map is welcome. The District held a final forum Dec. 7, at South Cobb High

School. A bold black line on the new draft map indicates the two areas and phases of implementation; schools on the west side of the line will be part of the Phase 1 implementation effective in August 2012, including Austell Primary, Austell Intermediate, Birney, Bryant, Clarkdale, Clay, Hollydale, Mableton, Milford, Riverside Primary, Riverside Intermediate, Russell, Sanders and Sky View. Schools on the east side of the line will be part of the Phase 2 implementation, effective in August 2013 when the new Smyrna elementary school opens its doors. Phase 2 schools include Argyle, Belmont Hills, Brown, the Fitzhugh Lee Center of H.A.V.E.N. Academy, Green Acres, Harmony Leland, King Springs, LaBelle, Milford, Nickajack, Norton Park and Teasley. The District is accepting public comment on the draft map via the December 7 public forum, the ‘Public Comment Wall’ on the redistricting section of the website, and via email at redistricting@cobbk12. org.

KIDS INVITED TO ‘NOON YEAR’S EVE’ A children’s New Year’s party is set for Dec. 31 in Smyrna. It’s Noon Year’s Eve and Radio Disney AM 590 is ready to celebrate! Join the City of Smyrna and Radio Disney for Noon Year’s Eve--a GIANT dance party for kids. Radio Disney will have tons of great games, cool contests and the best prizes. And that’s not all...there will be a balloon drop at noon! Join the music, games and prizes beginning at 10:30. The event at the Smyrna Community Center is free.


On a clear, beautiful night Emory-Adventist Hospital at Smyrna held its “Christmas for the Community” tree lighting event. Hospital CEO, Dennis Kiley, who welcomed the crowd and hospital Chaplain Casey Leno invited everyone to enjoy holiday musical performances from Life Church Smyrna Assembly of God Choir, Atlanta Adventist Academy choir, and a choir from Shiloh SDA. Cookies and cider were shared and Santa heard many wishes for this Christmas. Above, the Atlanta Adventist Academy Choir performs.

SMYRNA COMES HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Kids, families and even Santa braved the cold Nov. 29 to light the Christmas Tree on the Village Green as Smyrna celebrated “Coming Home For The Holidays.” The Campbell High Band led the parade of Santa in his sleigh and Christmas characters came to life to pose with little children. Below, Brown Elementary Chorus performs “Socks for Christmas” as a part of the choral celebration. For photos of many of the school choruses, visit and like the Bright Side Facebook page at www. Children are invited to visit Santa at the Smyrna Welcome Center between 6 and 8 p.m. on the following dates: Dec. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, and 23.

Page 2, December 2011

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The Bright Side

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By Cathy Shattles Lipsett Editor/Publisher As I take each piece from the worn, cardboard storage box, I marvel that they have lasted so well for almost 40 years. This will be the 38th Christmas that I have set up my special Nativity scene. It’s very traditional with special touches added from my childhood and throughout our married life. The first piece is the stable, looking a little worn; some of the thatch is coming off the top, probably a lot like the first stable in Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph are then placed in the stable along with a cow and a donkey. I also place two special white lambs that I have had since I was a young girl with my first Nativity scene. The Innkeeper stands outside with his lantern, making sure they are settled comfortably. It’s a humble setting for a couple awaiting the birth of such a special child. Next, I place the Shepherds and sheep into the field, off stage from the stable. I imagine the surprise of those long ago herders who were suddenly given amazing news by the Angels. The good news of the Holy birth came first to humble men in the fields, rather than to the Royalty of the land. They didn’t question the Angels, but left their flocks and went in search of the Baby Jesus. From my storage box I take out the Angels, an eclectic assortment collected over the years. I place them near the Shepherds and their sheep. None of the Angels came with my original Nativity set, but have been gifts or former Christmas tree ornaments. They are now a special part of my Christmas tradition. Hark, the Herald Angels sing; glory to the new born King! When we bought the Nativity in one of our first years of marriage, it came with only two wise men. A few years ago Allan surprised me with the third Wise Man as well as an Inn Keeper to upgrade my set. The Wise Men, who didn’t come to the Holy family until some time after the birth, are placed further from the stable, making their way, following the Star. I don’t have a Star in my collection; but it is always there in my mind. I think it is interesting that the Wise men are not mentioned in the Luke 2 story of the first Christmas but are in the Matthew Gospel. Likewise, the Shepherds

are not mentioned in Matthew but are in Luke’s story. Together, the two Gospels tell the story of the birth of Christ. On Christmas Day the baby Jesus is added to the Nativity. Okay, so many years I don’t wait and have the completed Nativity up throughout the Advent Season. But some years, I move the Shepherds and Wise Men closer throughout Advent, and on Christmas the birth of the Christ Child is represented by placing the manger and baby in the Nativity. We have many traditions and holiday symbols of the season. But to me the Nativity is the most moving, the most representative of what Christmas is all about.


Smyrna-Vinings The Bright Side™

3330 Cumberland Blvd., Ste 500, Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 426-9388

The Bright Side is published monthly by Lipsett & Associates, Inc.

Opinions expressed by individual contributors are their own and do not represent the opinions of the publisher. The Bright Side reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising content. The Bright Side is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space, nor for the claims made by advertisers. All rights reserved. © 2011 No reproduction or copying of any stories or advertising without the express written permission of the publisher.

MEMBER: Smyrna Business Association Vinings Business Association Cobb Chamber of Commerce STAFF Cathy S. Lipsett, Editor & Publisher Allan Lipsett, Editor & Publisher Anita L. Ross, Advertising Sales Sally Few, Advertising Sales Follow us on Twitter: @brightsidecobb

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The Bright Side


Page 3, December 2011


with visitors, the ER entry and recovery By Dr. Derek Conte rooms almost overflowed with patients and I arrived in mid-November to the the floors glistened pink with the blood and warmth and music of the Caribbean. juices of the day’s wounds. Dr. Lacy led People chasing around, jumping on and off me to the suture room. He grabbed a kit of moving doorless buses, hand carts full and said, “Just watch what I do and of sugar cane, pineapples and avothen you’ll do one.” He began the cados. I had one vendor open up a sterile protocol, washing and discoconut for me with his machete. I infecting a whimpering little girl’s happily drank the milk as he used toe. She wailed and squirmed as a spoon to scoop the soft, buttery he injected the anesthetic and reatflesh out of its insides for me: tached the top of her toe to hide delicious. Price: about 70 cents. I the exposed bone. When the ordeal was easily spotted as a foreigner was done, her teary little face was by the locals and gently repel led brightened by a piece of candy. numerous solicitations from husA young woman came in who tlers offering me everything from Dr. Derek Conte had a motorcycle accident and couldn’t move clothing, art, food and cigars to women her jaw. When I saw the X-Ray I understood for sale. One man angrily chased another why: the right jaw was cleanly fractured at its with a long stick, beating him with it as angle and would need percutaneous screws they ran down the street. It felt like 42nd (through the skin) to secure it. This would Sreet before Giuliani. But the chaos was be done by a maxillofacial surgeon. Next up was a Haitian teen with a superficial 1” stab wound to the chest and, under the supervision of Dr. Lacy, I cleaned, closed and bandaged his wound. I was surprised how tough the skin was to penetrate with the needle. Then I watched a medic (in this room for non-critical patients almost none of the suturing was done by MD’s) close two long gashes from a machete to the forearm and palm of a young man. He said his friend did it, “Because he wanted my phone.” Later we moved to the casting room where bones were set and cast. The X-rays showed very violent breaks involving large forces like scooter crashes or falls. I usually see X-rays of fractures after they’ve healed. It is impossible to be in the environment of an emergency room and not reflect on the specialness of the doctors and nurses who patiently and lovingly care for people who are afraid and vulnerable. I was proud to be a small part of it. “Do you want to see a brain surgery?” Dr. Lacy said. “There’s a brain injury upstairs and they’re ready to go”. We dressed for the surgical room. There, the surgeons referred to CT scans which showed a skull fracture and bleeding inside the left brain of a man picked up off the street by a cop. The man’s breathing was abnormal and he was in a coma. The force of the leaking blood had begun to crush the brain against the opposite wall of the skull (also visible on the CT) and press the brainstem downward through the top of the spinal column; a critical situation. The surgeons worked calmly but swiftly while I filmed from a few feet away. They balanced by the easy joy of the Dominireflected the skin and removed the bone can people who, though they drove their exposing the brain, which slowly pulsed cars and scooters like there was a national with the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Soon emergency, walked through the world like the bleed was found, the huge clot was they were in a dreamy paradise. But, like vacuumed out, and the head was closed, happy children, they zoomed from 0-100 hopefully saving this man’s life. in a flash. In a day, I would be stitching up What I witnessed over that weekend their wounds. reinforced my deep appreciation for the The invitation came to me from Dr. dedication of emergency medical proRod Lacy, a Chiropractor and MD, to visit, viders and made me wonder if it might learn, and assist in the emergency room of be useful to the public for chiropractors Dario Contreras Hospital, Santo Domingo, to receive additional training and lend a Dominican Republic. We were on oppohand in delivering minor surgical services site sides of a philosophical divide: Should at low cost. I don’t know. But with more chiropractors receive additional medical freedom always come more responsibiltraining sufficient to gain license to write ity. It is a very complex issue and one that prescriptions and perform minor surgery? rankles MD’s and DC’s on both sides of My readers know I have advocated that the debate. I do believe that chiropractors chiropractors remain distinct and focus on mustn’t abandon their primary mission: to drugless, non-surgical healing techniques. heal the patient through the art of adjustThere are already 500,000 MD’s in the US ing the human frame. It’s a hard thing to do and only 50,000 chiropractors and I felt well and must be practiced every day. medical duplication was unnecessary. Yet, Dr. Derek Conte is co-founder of Chiwhen the opportunity to spend time in the ropractic Specialists on Concord Rd. in trenches of a third-world ER came along, Smyrna. For questions, call: 404-784-6008 I could not refuse. In fact, I was eager for or visit Facebook: Chiropractor Smyrna the experience. Ga | Derek Conte DC The dingy hospital halls were crowded

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Page 4, December 2011


The Bright Side





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The Woodland Ridge Foundation was honored by Wells Fargo with a $1,000 grant at the company’s Days of Giving celebration at the Mansour Center in Marietta on Nov. 8. The donation to The Woodland Ridge Foundation Veteran’s Program is among contributions to 234 groups to non-profits across Alabama made at community events. The program is in its third year in Atlanta. “These unrestricted dollars will allow us to continue to help the community,” said Carrie Springer of Smyrna’s Woodland Ridge Assisted Living. “With the economy still suffering, the money couldn’t come at a better time as we help U.S. military veterans and their surviving spouses get laterlife care they need, when they need it.” “A hallmark of Wells Fargo is local decision-making and local involvement,” said Jim Lawrence, community bank president for the area. “Through Days of Giving we’re helping groups that are making a difference in local communities.” He added that Woodland Ridge’s Foundation was selected by frontline employees

Jim Lawrence presents the award to Carrie Springer. of the company for the honor. Across Atlanta, Wells Fargo has more than 5,000 employees and serves customers at nearly 200 bank locations. Added Lawrence, “We know the needs continue to be great across our area, especially now.”

FROM THE PEACE CORPS TO THE COURTROOM effort, and often, the primary motivation By Robert Meyring for their decision to become a lawyer was Before I was a lawyer, I hated lawyers. financially based. Nothing wrong with I know now it wasn’t really “hatred” as that. much as it was fear of the unknown. GrowI have met one other attoring up, I was told “You should be ney, maybe two, who said his or a lawyer” so much it could have her decision to become a lawyer made my head spin. Back then, was a calling and a devotion to the in my experience, any interaction idea of serving a higher purpose, a I had with a lawyer was never a greater good, and making a posivery good one. Why would I want tive difference through service. In to perpetrate misery upon other practice, I’ve found many attorpeople as a lawyer my self?? What neys who actually do have a sense could be the opposite of a lawyer? of mission about their legal work Maybe a Peace Corps Volunteer? Sure. So I joined the Peace Corps, Robert Meyring and others that give back to their community through volunteer or moved to a Pacific island and did pro bono legal work on a regular basis. “the Toughest Job I ever Loved.” I worked Recently, I have mentored law stuhard to be the best American representadents from my alma mater, Emory Law. tive I could be to my host country’s people. These students ask questions which force Then WHAM! I was suddenly hit with the me to explain how I practice law. As an gripping clarity that in the near future, I attorney today, I always try to see my would be an attorney and endeavor to act Firm’s legal work from the skeptical clias a force of good in all things I encounent’s point of view. I’ve learned to practice ter; essentially employing my Peace Corps law by actively seeking out and emulating philosophy through the practice of law. the attorneys I admire most. I’m profesMost people believe attorneys are sionally attracted to attorneys that serve in practice mainly for the money. I have clients first over money, that are unyieldasked many attorneys and students why ing in their honesty, and act as a force of they chose the legal field. Many said it good in everything they do. was a reasonable financial decision. Most Robert S. Meyring, managing partner lawyers endured about 20+ years of uninof the Meyring Law Firm in Vinings, offers terrupted education and a bar exam to get free 10 minute phone consultations at 678to the point of being an attorney. Truly, a 217-4369. The Firm’s website is Meyringworthy accomplishment, a marathon of

The Bright Side



The Children Of Vinings are invited to “Deck the Halls” Thursday, Dec. 15, 4 - 5 p.m. at the Old Pavilion on Paces Mill Road. Mark Sillay, a woodturning artist, will be making wooden ornaments using a lathe and will do a demonstration for the children. The children will then choose a handmade ornament to paint. This will give a great “old fashioned” twist to our Deck the Halls event and will surely be popular with the children. Cowlicks will provide yogurt and toppings and tattoos. All children of VHPS members are admitted free. $5 for non-members. Space is limited to 30 children and reservations are required. R.S.V.P. to 770-432-3343 or


Communities in Schools of Marietta/ Cobb County (CISMCC) needs your support at the 2nd Annual Cobb Galleria Festival of Trees. If you’re looking to get into the Holiday spirit, then bring all of your family and friends to this giant Christmas tree display at the Embassy Suites Atlanta Galleria, 2815 Akers Mill Rd. SE, Atlanta.. Thirty trees, each decorated by a different local charity, adorn the atrium and can be viewed for free by the public, 24 hours a day. Many of the trees tell a story. Visitors have the opportunity to vote for their favorite tree by casting a ballot along with a donation. The mission of CISMCC is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. The Festival of Trees runs through January 5.

CHURCH NEWS CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES SET Cumberland UMC Join Cumberland United Methodist Church for Candle Light Christmas Eve Service and Communion on Dec. 24 at 5:30 p.m. and Christmas Service Dec. 25 at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome! 2375 Paces Ferry Rd, Smyrna, GA 30080 770-436-7514. Smyrna Christian Smyrna Christian Church, 910 Concord Road SE, Smyrna will hold Candlelight Communion Service on Dec. 24 at 7 p.m. Carols are sung, Bible verses read and special music. The service will close with Candlelight Communion. Everyone is invited. For more information please contact Lee Delbridge at 770-435-1723.



Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas -Feliz Navidad Joyeax Noel -Christos Rzhdayetsya – Slavite Happy Kwanzza -Wesolych Swiat Glaedelig Jul -Weihnachten Happy Hanukkah ID Mubarak And Happy New Year, too! Kul ‘am wa enta bi-Khair – May Every Year Find you in Good Health No matter what holiday or what language, I wish you Peace!

Log Cabin Christmas Breakfast Log Cabin Community Church will host a Christmas Breakfast, Dec. 11 at 9:45 a.m. in the reception hall. Stay for the Service of Lessons & Carols at 10:45 a.m. Scripture readings, Christmas songs and special music. Celebrate the wonder of the season. We are located at 2699 Log Cabin Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080. DRIVE-THRU NATIVITY Life Church Smyrna Assembly of God, 4100 King Springs Road, will hold a DriveThru Nativity on Sunday, Dec. 18, 6 – 8 p.m. Experience the sights, sounds and tastes of Christmas from the convenience of your warm car, all free. Plus, free hot chocolate and candy canes. For more information call 770.435.5478 or

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Page 6, December 2011


The Bright Side


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Five finalists have been named for the title of Vinings Business of the Year, presentred by the Vinings Business Association. The Jan. 3 will mark the announcement of the winner of the 2011 VBA Business of the Year. The 2009 winner was SOHO restaurant and the 2010 winner was the Courtyard by Marriott Vinings. Nominess include Vinings Historic Preservation Society (VHPS); Paces Holdings/Vinings Jubilee; First Citizen’s Bank, Cumberland Blvd branch, Social Vinings restaurant and Cobb County Public Safety/ Vinings. Congressman Tom Price will be the speaker at the Jan. 3 VBA luncheon held at Social Vinings restaurant from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and VBA members, guests and interested citizens are invited. All attendees need to register online at at least 24 hours in advance as there will be very limited tickets at the door. First elected to the House of Representatives for the Sixth District of Georgia in November 2004, Price was re-elected with broad support in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Prior to going to Washington, Price served four terms in the Georgia State Senate – two as Minority Whip. In 2002, he became the first Republican Majority Leader in the history of Georgia. In Congress, Price’s priorities include reforming the tax system, strengthening health care and education, keeping American families safe, ensuring enforcement of our immigration laws, promoting a 21st century energy plan, and finding transportation solutions for Atlanta’s residents and commuters. Congressman Price serves on the Ways and Means Committee as well as the Budget Committee.


Continued from Page 1 year that Liz has been working with us and we have won two national Awards from Keep America Beautiful,” said Ann Kirk in nominating Mrs. Davis. Liz’s work with our board was a substantial contribution towards getting these awards.” “Smyrna is a much better place because of Liz Davis,” she said. Mrs. Davis said the award took her by surprise, “I am at a complete loss for words.” “It makes be proud to be a citizen,” she said in accepting the award. “It’s easy to be a volunteer when you are working with people who share your passion.”

The VBA program includes a buffet lunch and is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. After registering online, an invoice may be printed from the website if needed and paid at the door. Only cash or checks are accepted at the door.

ARGYLE ELEMENTARY HERE TO STAY By Melony Brown Argyle Elementary School families cheered when they heard the news that Argyle would not be affected by the South Cobb redistricting. Cumberland Community Church (CCC) rejoiced about Argyle’s good news, as well. CCC has partnered with Argyle Elementary for the last three years, helping to make it a better place for students, families and teachers. Ashley Mize, Argyle’s Assistant Principal and member of CCC, is thankful that CCC’s partnership with Argyle can continue. CCC’s Faith in Action event at Argyle on Oct. 30 came just days after the great news. Stopping for a moment from volunteering, Ms. Mize reflected on how Argyle’s partnership with CCC has benefited the school. “The Faith in Action events, like today’s, helps refresh the school with updated landscaping, new paint where it’s needed and clean windows and walls. All this gives a boost to the teachers and students. Many of our students also benefit from the Tuesday and Thursday night ECHO Effect study program that CCC hosts.” After taking a break to check on the workers in the library, she continued, “In January, Argyle students will begin wearing school uniforms. Right now in the library, church members are sorting uniform tops and bottoms that CCC donated to Argyle. This will make it possible to give two to three uniforms to each family. That really helps. CCC has also been a spiritual support to our school. The CCC staff often asks for prayer requests from our faculty and then prays for them. CCC members have participated in Faith in Action prayer walks that end at Argyle.” A CCC member and parent of a special needs pre-Kindergarten child, Tsehaya Quick, said, “I’m overwhelmed with joy because Argyle is going to stay open. I picked this school because it had the type of classroom Michael needed. It has been a wonderful experience. Today has been amazing because I love seeing how my church volunteers at Arygle.” Interested in volunteering at CCC’s next Faith in Action event? Call Rob Irvine at 770.952.8834 for details. See you there!

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The Bright Side


Page 7, December 2011

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In support of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Nickajack Elementary School celebrated PINK DAY on Oct. 19. Students donated $1 to the American Cancer Society to waar PINK for the event. The Nickajack Relay for Life team was one of the top ten fund raising teams for the 2011 Cobb County Relay for Life Event at Jim Miller Park.

USED COOKING OIL CAN NOW BE RECYCLED Frying a Turkey? Used Cooking Oil and Motor Oil Now Being Accepted for Recycling in Smyrna! You may now bring your used cooking oil and used motor oil (separately) in closed plastic jugs to the Recycling Center in Smyrna! If you have the City’s curbside recycling pickup, you may also leave the jugs at the curb. The used motor oil will be recycled and the used cooking oil will be converted into biodiesel to fuel the City’s diesel vehicles. The biodiesel fuel burns

much cleaner than petro diesel and will actually help to clean the engines. It will also save the City money in fuel costs and help to make the U.S. less dependent on foreign oil. The City obtained a grant to purchase the equipment that converts the cooking oil into fuel. The Recycling Center is located at 645 Smyrna Hill Drive and takes a wide variety of materials for recycling and is open Tuesday through Saturday. Call 770-431-2869 for hours and information.

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Page 8, December 2011


The Bright Side

Vegas In Vinings Committee members, from left, Josie Carlyle, Co Chair; Denise Serkedakis, The Vinings Club; Terri Hilderhoff, Vinings Jubilee; and Rebecca McCune, Co Chair.


The Vinings Historic Preservation Society announces the return of one of its most popular events, VEGAS IN VININGS! The “black tie or blue jeans” casino night will be held at the fabulous Vinings Club on Saturday, Jan. 21. All proceeds will go towards maintaining and preserving the historic Pace House, Old Pavilion and Yarbrough House, all located in the center of Vinings Village. Expenses to maintain these buildings are approximately $125,000 annually and are paid solely with profits from fund raising events and private donations. Chairpersons Rebecca McCune and Josie Carlyle promise that what happens at Vegas in Vinings stays at Vegas in Vinings! “We look forward to a sell-out crowd for the evening. Invite your friends and join the neighborhood as we have FUN and raise FUNds for VHPS!” said Rebecca and Josie.

The $100 ticket price includes a bountiful buffet, two drink tickets for the open bar, two raffle tickets and $2000 in fun money. Couples who would like to take home a unique souvenir of the evening may purchase a PAIR package for $300. Silent auction chair, Cheryl Spiva, promises an exceptional array of items on the auction tables. If you can donate a gift contact our office. VEGAS IN VININGS offers several unique sponsorship opportunities. In addition to knowing you or your company has helped preserve a part of American history which sits in the middle of our neighborhood, all sponsorships include your company logo and a link to your website on the VHPS website and High Roller check-in. For details on these opportunities or to purchase sponsorships and tickets visit our website: www. or contact the VHPS office at 770-432-3343 or

SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT An ADVENTure in Worship At SMYRNA PRESBYTERIAN Join us for the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons at Smyrna Presbyterian Church, PCA. We are a warm, welcoming congregation of believers. Our traditional Advent services are a soothing balm for those beleaguered by the hectic pace and moral dissipation of the current public discourse. Experience the “Peace that passes all understanding.” Sing the old hymns and share the comfort of the Lord’s loving presence. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. The church sponsoring this ad is Smyrna Presbyterian located on Atlanta Road in Smyrna. Come join us this Sunday. Bring this ad and receive a copy of the New Testament and Bible study aids.

Smyrna Presbyterian Church, PCA 3130 Atlanta Road phone: 770-435-2251 Smyrna, Georgia 30080 fax: 770-435-2256 web: www.

The Bright Side


Page 9, December 2011



Smyrna Vinings


Bright Side Smyrna and Vinings’ Community Newspaper

From the practical to the luxurious Purchase a gift certificate of $75 Receive a free The Station at Vinings Zents Candle 2810 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 206 Atlanta, Georgia 30339


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Page 10, December 2011


The Bright Side

(A full version of our calendar for Smyrna/ Vinings and Mableton/Austell is available on our website:

f o t f i g e h t n o Give s a e s y a d i l o h s i h t h t l a he Heart Screenings at WellStar Cardiac Screenings are available for $99 per individual or $149 per couple. Extended weeknight hours and Saturday appointments available.* For more information or to schedule your screening today,† please call 770-956-STAR (7827).

Imaging Center Locations for Heart Screenings:

WELLSTAR CARDIAC CT IMAGING CENTER AT 55 WHITCHER STREET 55 Whitcher Street, Suite 150 Marietta, GA 30060 678-337-7000 WELLSTAR KENNESTONE IMAGING CENTER IN EAST COBB 1070 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 100 Marietta, GA 30068 770-793-9200 WELLSTAR KENNESTONE IMAGING CENTER AT TOWNE LAKE 120 Stone Bridge Parkway, Suite 300 Woodstock, GA 30189 678-494-2440 WELLSTAR COBB CT IMAGING CENTER AT THE 1700 BUILDING 1700 Hospital South Drive, Suite 202 Austell, GA 30106 678-398-0780 WELLSTAR DOUGLAS IMAGING CENTER AT PROFESSIONAL PARKWAY 6002 Professional Parkway, Suite 120 Douglasville, GA 30134 678-838-2590 WELLSTAR PAULDING IMAGING CENTER


148 Bill Carruth Parkway, Suite LL20 Hiram, GA 30141 770-443-7700

* Prices and extended hours available for a limited time. Heart screenings are self-pay only and not covered by insurance. † To qualify for a heart screening you must be 40 years old or older, have two or more risk factors, have a personal physician willing to accept your results and not had a CT heart screening in the last four years. In order to provide you with the highest quality diagnostic scan there is a heart rate threshold for this exam. Please inquire with our screeners at 770-956-STAR for details.

DECEMBER Through Dec. 23: SANTA. The Smyrna Optimist Club and the City of Smyrna will welcome Santa again this year. Visit between 6 p.m. and 8. Dec. 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23. Santa will be at Aunt Fanny’s Cabin on Atlanta Rd. across from The Downtown Smyrna Village. ••• 12: VININGS CIVIC CLUB Christmas Party at South of La Paz on Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. ••• 14: COBB FAITH PARTNERSHIP GENERAL MEETING - Join us at Turner Chapel AME Church at 11:30 a.m. for Cobb Faith Partnership’s Holiday Celebration Meeting! We will be sharing a special holiday meal. For more information, contact us at communicatio, visit our website at, or Facebook page at ••• 31: NOON YEAR’S EVE: City of Smyrna Community Center, 200 Village Green Circle from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Music, games and prizes. Radio Disney AM 590. JANUARY 3: VININGS BUSINESS ASSOCIATION. Congressman Tom Price will speak at the Vinings Business Association (VBA) luncheon at Social Vinings restaurant Jan. 3 from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Register online at Winner of the 2011 VBA Business of the Year will be announced. For more information, contact Glenn Christian, ••• 5: SMYRNA BUSINESS ASSOCIATON: lunch meetings the first Thursday of each month at the Smyrna Community Center, 11:45 p.m. ••• 9: FIRST MONDAY BREAKFAST. Cobb Chamber event. Monday, Jan. 9. Location: Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre. 7:30 a.m. Speaker: Tim Lee, Chairman, Cobb County Board of Commissioners. Program: State of the County. General Admission: $60. Members: $25 online, $40 at door. Online Registration Closes: Jan. 5 at noon. Registration at www, ••• 12: SMYRNA AREA COUNCIL. Cobb Chamber event. Thursday, Jan. 12. Location: Smyrna Community Center at 7:45 a.m. General Admission: $30. Members: $10 online; $20 at the door. Online Registration Closes: Jan. 10 at noon. Registration at ••• 21: VEGAS IN VININGS is back by popular demand, and will be held on Saturday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. at The Vinings Club to benefit Vinings Historic Preservation Society. Call Josie Carlyle at 404-355-0406 or Rebecca McCune at 678-556-0242 with questions, ideas, or to volunteer! WEEKLY EVENTS BOY SCOUT TROOP ONE meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. New Scouts Welcome! 2845 Log Cabin Drive, Smyrna (off Atlanta Road). ••• SMYRNA BOY SCOUT Troop 11 meets at 7 p.m. every Monday evening at Smyrna First United Methodist Church. New Scouts are welcome! Please visit our website: ••• BOY SCOUT TROOP 88 meets 7 to 9 pm every Tuesday in the Troop scout hut adjacent to the Smyrna First Baptist athletic field on Church St. in Smyrna. See our web site for more information ••• RECOVERY INTERNATIONAL Self-help support group for stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Meets every Saturday at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4300 King Springs Road SE, Smyrna, in the old rectory next to the church. Contact Alicia Garcia at 678-665-5233 for more information. ••• SMYRNA BUSINESS EXCHANGE. Every Thursday from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Smyrna Community Center. 770-795-5079. ••• SMYRNA ROTARY: noon Tuesday, Smyrna Community Center

The Bright Side


••• KIWANIS CLUB OF SMYRNA now meets at the Smyrna Community Center every Wednesday from 11:30-1:00. Call 770-438-6961 for more info. ••• SMYRNA GOLDEN K KIWANIS: 10 a.m. Tuesday, Wolfe Senior Center, 811 Church Street, Smyrna. ••• SMYRNA OPTIMIST: 7 a.m. Friday, American Legion Post 160, 160 Legion Drive, Smyrna. ••• TOASTMASTERS: Interstate North Toastmasters at 3100 Cumberland Boulevard. We meet every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Visit our website: ••• TOASTMASTERS: T-Toasters. Paces West, 2727 Paces Ferry Rd., Bldg 1. We meet Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. and welcome visitors.

Page 11, December 2011 THE JONQUIL GARDEN CLUB meets every 4th Tuesday at the library in downtown Smyrna at 10:30 a.m. Anyone interested in gardening, floral and landscape design is welcome to attend. For further information, you may contact Marilynn Parker at 770-949-6640. ••• MEMORY SCREENING. Woodland Ridge Assisted Living, 4055 South Cobb Drive in Smyrna, holds free memory screenings the first Monday of each month 10 .a.m – 4. Call for info 770431-7055 ••• THE MOMS CLUBS of Smyrna are nonprofit support groups for at-home mothers. Smyrna-East chapter includes zip code 30080 west of Atlanta Road and the Vinings Estates neighborhood. Please visit www.freewebs. com/momsclubofsmyrnaeast for more. The Smyrna-Northeast chapter includes zip code


18 Years in Smyrna/Vinings


Community Calendar See updates at

Visit to find out more. ••• VININGS ROTARY: 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Vinings Club, Overlook III, 2859 Paces Ferry Road. ••• THE GALLERIA WORLDSPAN Wings Toastmasters Club Tuesdays 12 to 1 p.m., Building 300, main conference room. MONTHLY OR MORE ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA Caregivers Support Group- free 3rd Thursday of each month- 6:30 p.m. 4005 S. Cobb Drive. Smyrna, It is facilitated by a local physician. Call 770431-7055 or email woodlandridge@caravita. com for details. ••• AMERICAN LEGION, Post 160 Membership Meeting at 7:30 p.m. every 3rd Tuesday and serves breakfast from 8:am to 11a.m. on the 2nd Saturday of each month and the AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, Unit 160 Membership Meeting at 7:30 p.m. every 3rd Tuesday each month. SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION, Squadron 160 meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday each month. All of these meetings are at 160 Legion Drive, Smyrna. For more information, access or call 770-436-2501. ••• ATLANTA FREETHOUGHT, Regular Meeting at 1 p.m. every 2nd Sunday. 4775 N. Church Lane, Smyrna (a mile inside I-285, just off Atlanta Rd). Our historic building was a church in Smyrna/Vinings for 141 years. We’re a nonprofit educational organization and meetings/ programs are free and open to the public. Call 770-432-3049 or visit our website,, for more about us. ••• BLIND & LOW VISION SUPPORT Group (Pride) meets from 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. on the third Friday of each month. Contact Gloria Fisher, LCSW, for more details: 770-432-7280 ••• CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, The Star Group To help patients and their families feel more hopeful and less alone through the mutual sharing of thoughts, feelings, and concerns related to living with, and surviving cancer. Fourth Thursday of each month at Noon. (A light lunch is served) WellStar Cobb Hospital Magnolia Room Group leader: Raymond Coffman Please call 770-732-3780 to RSVP. ••• CUMBERLAND VININGS OPTIMIST CLUB: Meeting for breakfast the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Vinings Club, 2859 Paces Ferry Road NW ••• HUMANISTS OF GEORGIA. Humanism is free from any belief in the supernatural and is dedicated to the search for meaning and values for individuals on this earth through reliance on intelligence and the scientific method, democracy, and social sympathy. Monthly meeting is every third Sunday at 12:30 p.m. HGA meets at the Atlanta Freethought Hall 4775 N Church Lane, Smyrna. 770-432-9599. •••

30339 and zip code 30080 east of Atlanta Road. Please visit http://www.momsclubofsmyrnane. com for more. Smyrna-West chapter includes zip code 30082. Please visit for more. Smyrna/Vinings-West chapter includes zip code 30082 in the Nickajack & Russell school district. Please email momsclubofsmyrnaviningswest@yahoo. com for more information. ••• NAMI SOUTH COBB has monthly meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month 7 to 8:30 p.m., except Dec. Calvary Baptist Church. 4780 Flint Hill Rd., Austell. Kathleen Breen, 770-943-5322, Our programs are educational and supportive. They provide insight and share information of getting the assistance we need. NAMI South Cobb Connections – Contact: Patricia Kramer, 770222-3211, for information. NAMI CONNECTION is a weekly recovery support group for people living with mental illness as people learn from each others’ experiences, share coping strategies, & offer each other encouragement & understanding. ••• NEWCOMERS OF COBB COUNTY. We meet each month on the third Tuesday 10 a.m. for our general meeting, John Knox Presbyterian Church, 505 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta. Please call for details! 770-234-5068 or Email: Those new to Cobb County, or just looking for new friends and activities, are invited to join in. ••• SMYRNA FIRST MOPS offers fellowship with other mothers of all ages and stages. We welcome women from throughout the community, so you don’t have to be a member of Smyrna First United Methodist Church to join us! We typically meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at SFUMC. For more information, check out ••• SMYRNA LIBRARY READING GROUP: meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., at the Smyrna Public Library, 100 Village Green Circle. ••• SMYRNA STITCH-IN GROUP meets on the first Mondays of the month at the South Cobb Library - 805 Clay Road - Mableton GA in the large meeting room. If you like to cross stitch, do crewel work, needlepoint, etc. and meet women in the area, please come join us. If you have any questions, please contact Nadine Amy at ••• E-mail your organization’s calendar news to Deadline for the JANUARY issue is DEC. 23 with publication the week of JANUARY 9. Calendar items are accepted from civic groups, non-profits, schools and church organizations and run as space is available. For more information about submitting calendar items or other news, contact us at 770-426-9388 or by e-mail to Find updated calendar items on our website at

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Page 12, December 2011


The Bright Side

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Mrs. Sharon Harper’s General Horticulture class at Campbell High School displayed vegetables from an early harvest recently. Students Hannah Smith and Nikki Fisher gave Campbell High School Assistant Principal Audra Saunders some fresh lettuce from the outdoor vegetable garden. Members of the General Horticulture class are realizing personal and professional goals by participating in the vocational curriculum. Horticulture student Apiffany White said that her grandmother was an excellent gardener and she is trying to carry on the family legacy by learning how to grow plants. Classmate Maritza Garcia wants to know about enhancing the soil and choosing plants appropriate for the Smyrna area. In addition to school gardening, Hannah Smith and Nikki Fisher want to improve landscaping around their own homes and to beautify the local community. Campbell High School Horticulture activity areas include an indoor classroom, a greenhouse, a tree farm, vegetable garden, and koi pond. Organizations such as Tree Atlanta and Keep Smyrna Beautiful

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The Campbell High School School Counselors were recognized with the 2011 RAMP Award. The Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) award is given by the American School Counselor Association for outstanding data-driven school counseling programs. Campbell High School was the first school in Cobb to receive this recognition in 2008. The RAMP designation is good for a three year period and in 2011, Campbell High School received RAMP recognition for the second three year period.


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also inspire students in their activities. The tree farm includes magnolia, maple, and spruce trees. In addition to planting green peas, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and three types of lettuce, the class is also maintaining an apple tree, a pineapple, and pumpkins. Before Thanksgiving, the Horticulture students had a luncheon featuring some of their vegetables, fried chicken, and desserts. Some of the recent projects by the General Horticulture class include: Weeding the area behind the 2000 building, Planting flowers by the front office and Planting flowers outside the office of the principal, Mrs. Denise Magee Careers investigated by the class include: Indoor Plant Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Landscape Architecture, Florist, Farmer, Botanist, and Forestry.


Emory-Adventist Hospital at Smyrna recently donated medical supplies, including a nebulizer, to Griffin Middle School. Emory-Adventist Hospital is Griffin Middle School’s Partner in Education, a program coordinated by the Cobb Chamber of Commerce. From left are Stephanie Hayes, Marketing Assistant, Emory-Adventist Hospital at Smyrna; Evelyn Miller, School Nurse, and Shirley Perdue, School Secretary.

Ms. Marsha Boyd, a teacher at Campbell High School, was selected as one of two recipients of the 2011 Gallo Grant. Established in 2003, this award enables teachers to attend the ALAN (Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English) Workshop. The Gallo Grant encourages English teachers in early career stages to be professionally active.

The January issue of The Bright Side will be published the week of Jan. 6, Deadline: December 23, 2011

The Bright Side


Page 13, December 2011

KEEP SMYRNA BEAUTIFUL IS TOP AFFILIATE Keep Smyrna Beautiful places 1st in the 2011 Keep Georgia Beautiful Awards program and places 2nd in national Keep America Beautiful (for 50,000 to 200,000 population grouping). Keep Smyrna Beautiful volunteers and staff are accepting that Keep Georgia Beautiful award today at the November 14 Awards Luncheon in Atlanta. In addition to the top affiliate in the state award (for our population category), the Community Garden receives the top Nonprofit Community Improvement Project and Angie Bolton (IBM employee and tireless Smyrna volunteer) has been chosen for the Carolyn Crayton Award (Female Volunteer of the Year for Georgia). Congratulations to Angie and all of the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board and volunteers! For more than 30 years, Keep Georgia Beautiful (KGB) has been highlighting the work of organizations/individuals like Keep Smyrna Beautiful. The KGB Awards program honors ongoing efforts in community improvement, waste reduction and recycling, and litter prevention as well as honoring individual volunteer efforts with the Woman of the Year and Man of the Year awards, Public Works Employee of the Year, Code Enforcement Officer of the Year and Student of the Year. Winners were selected by a panel of judges and will be honored at the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation Awards Luncheon in Atlanta Nov. 14. “Local communities should be very proud of the efforts winning group and individuals put forth to make their part of the world a better place,” said Sarah Visser, Executive Director of the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, “We are proud to pull all of these local efforts together and highlight the great work and

progress being made statewide.” Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation (KGBF) was created in 1978 by Governor George Busbee.

Smyrna Smiles Dental Center

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ELITE GENTLEMAN’S CLUB HEADS TO DC The Elite Gentlemen Club (EGC) at Campbell Middle School in Smyrna, is requesting sponsorship for students to participate in a trip to Washington, D.C. in May 2012. Last year, corporate sponsorships provided an opportunity for some members of the club to travel to New York, where they received special permission to tour The New York Stock Exchange and visit other major attractions. This opportunity provided a sense of amazement for some of our students as they explored possibilities that exist outside of their community. Please contact Vernon Ivory at 770329-6058 or E.L. Rica Norwood at 678668-6612 regarding donations. Thanks for your Support Campbell Middle School serves over 1000 students from several ethnic backgrounds with nearly 80 percent of its students being African American and Hispanic. The Elite Gentlemen Club was formed by the male staff at Campbell Middle School because we recognize the myriad level of needs and problems confronting young men today.

The January issue of The Bright Side will be published Jan. 6, 2012 Deadline: Dec. 23, 2011

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Page 14, December 2011

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The Bright Side

SENIOR CENTER NEWS Wolfe Center Activities The Wolfe Adult Recreation Center and Therapy Pool, 884 Church St, is open to anyone 55 years of age and older. There are daily group fitness classes. Classes offered include: chair yoga, gentle yoga, yogalates, low impact aerobics, Latin fusion cardio, sculpt and tone and senior stretch. The Wolfe Adult Recreation Center also offers the following aquatic exercise classes: aqua tone and stretch, advanced water aerobics, low impact water aerobics, hip, knee and back class, ai chi, boot camp water aerobics and arthritis aqua class. There is also water walking and lap swimming times at the pool. The Wolfe Adult Recreation Center not only provides physical activities for its members but also provides several social opportunities throughout the month. The following activities are planned for December: Dec. 7 - Coffee & Canvas - - 10 a.m. Dec. 8 - The Art of Potpourri - - 1 p.m. Dec. 9 - Governor’s Mansion Tour and Festival of Trees Trip Dec. 13 - Rah Raw: Intro to Raw Foods - - 11:30 a.m. Dec. 14- -Cookie Decorating - 1 p.m. Dec. 15 - Crystal Angels and Trees - 12:30 p.m. Dec. 19 - Christmas Brunch - 10:30 a.m. Dec. 20- Cookie Exchange and Gift Wrapping - 3:30 p.m. Dec. 21 - Coffee & Canvas - 1 p.m. Dec. 28 - New Year’s Resolutions - 1 p.m. Our memberships also make great Christmas gifts!

Wolfe Adult Recreation Center Membership (annual): $20 for city of Smyrna residents; $50 for non residents. (A Wolfe Center membership is required to participate in group fitness classes or the fitness center) Freeman Poole Senior Center Here’s what is happening at the C. Freeman Poole Senior Center 4025 South Hurt Rd, Smyrna. Call 770-801-3400 for more information or reservations. Activities limited to adults age 55 and above. Monday Movie Madness -- Monday, Dec. 12: The Christmas Cottage, 1 p.m. Cost: $1 / $2 Non-resident. Treat Yourself Tuesdays -- Tuesday, Dec. 13: Pasta Bella, Austell Road. 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Cost: On your own; Registration required. Meet at restaurant Live Music & Dance -- Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2– 4 p.m. Admission: Donation of a non-perishable food item for MUST Ministries. The Muddy River Band will entertain with country music and bluegrass!! Put your dancing shoes on and dance the afternoon away! Invite your friends too. Bunco -- Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1 – 3 p.m. Free. Join us for a fun, easy game of dice that promises to be a good time and a chance to win prizes! AARP Driver Safety -- Wednesday, Dec. 14, 11 a.m. Cost: $12 AARP members; $14 Non-members. Lake Lanier Magical Nights of Lights -- Thursday, Dec. 15, 3 - 11:30 p.m. Enjoy a special holiday buffet during Magical Nights of Lights at Windows Restaurant located inside Emerald Pointe Hotel & Conference Center. Cost: $65 Senior Council Member / $70 Non-Member.

NOTES & NOTICES SERVICES THERAPIST Anne Mayfield, LAPC, a Marietta therapist with Therapeutic Associates, offers psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and EMDR and specializes in both substance addiction and sex, love, and relationship addiction. She also works with trauma, grief, depression, and anxiety. For information on sex, love, and relationship addiction, visit her website To schedule an appointment, call 404-664-7223 or MERRY CHRISTMAS And a Happy New Year from Buddy Purvine, Associate Broker, RE/MAX Around Atlanta, 3375 Dallas Hwy., Marietta, GA 30064. 678-819-9208 office; 678-819-7850 fax; 404-626-6569 direct.

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3875 Austell Road, Suite 301 Austell, GA 30106 Se habla espanol

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED General office work needed in Smyrna area. Applicant must know QuickBooks, Peachtree, A/P, A/R, payroll experience necessary. Fax resume to 770-390-0723. CAREGIVERS NEEDED Be loved by your clients. Comfort Keepers is seeking mature, dependable people to fill open positions, caring for the elderly. If you enjoy providing companionship, preparing meals, shopping for the elderly, we want to hear from you. Please call 678-354-0102. VOLUNTEERS CSB SEEKS HOLIDAY VOLUNTEERS Holiday Sponsors are needed to provide refreshments, gifts, and/or entertainment for our day centers for adults with mental health or developmental disabilities. Volunteers are needed to sort and wrap gifts approximately one week before Christmas. For more information about any of these possibilities, call Mary Robeck at 770-819-9229, ext. 226. The Cobb and Douglas Community Ser-

vices Boards provide mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services to more than 10,000 residents of Cobb and Douglas Counties annually. MEALS ON WHEELS VOLUNTEERS Meals on Wheels has a great need for volunteer drivers to deliver meals in the fowling areas: Austell, Smyrna, Mableton, Powder Springs, Kennesaw and Marietta. If you have some time to volunteer as a MOW driver, or if you belong to an organization that would like to “Adopt-A-Route,” call Shelia Perkins, Volunteer Coordinator at 770-528-5381. PLACING NOTES AND NOTICES ADS Holding a garage sale? Selling or renting your home, need an employee, tutoring, teaching, in –home child care? We accept short reader ads (up to 50 words) for a fee of $25; for both the Smyrna and the South Cobb editions, cost is $50. Be sure to indicate in which edition you want the ad placed. The ads, with check, should be mailed or delivered to The Bright Side, 3330 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30339. (No copy accepted by phone) and received prior to our DECEMBER 23 deadline with publication the week of JANUARY 9. Ad copy should also be e-mailed to: Credit card payment accepted. Home-based business ads accepted only if they do not conflict with our display advertisers. Home sale ads are for homeowners only. For information, call 770-426-9388 or e-mail to EXTRA COPIES Looking for an extra copy of The Bright Side? Copies are available each month in the Smyrna Library, the Vinings Historic Society office, the Smyrna Community Center, Chick-fil-a Cumberland Mall and at many of our advertisers’ locations. Extra copies of our Mableton/Austell edition are available each month in the Mable House Arts Center, Mableton Pharmacy, Thomas Drugs, The Treadmill and other advertiser locations. Read the current issue on the web:

The Bright Side


Page 15, December 2011


Ms. Bessie Sapp celebrated her 105th birthday in December with family members and friends at Delmar Gardens in Smyrna. Born Dec. 6, 1906 in Fairburn, she has lived in Smyrna for more than 30 years. She was able to drive a car until age 90, kept her house by herself until she was 99 years and did her yard work and kept a garden till she was 95 years old. Bessie did her sewing and alternations till she was 95, made last quilt as a gift to her daughter at 95 years. She and her husband Lester had four children, two girls, and two boys. There are seven grandchildren, eight great -grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

Acopia Home Loans is Giving Back This Holiday Season! Please Help Us By Giving a Helping Hand!

Prmrs_66435 _- Rdns Gen Ad #1776 -THIS AD CAN NOT BE EDITED-

5 x 6.5”

Why choose Primrose ? ®

Just ask a mom. Acopia Home Loans is an Official Toys For Tots Drop off Location. Help us make a child’s holiday one to remember! Please come visit our BRAND NEW beautiful offices and drop off a toy. We are now located across from Nalley Lexus, in the Galleria: 900 Circle 75 pkwy, Suite 780, Atlanta, GA. 30339.

My children are learning things I never “imagined they could learn at this point in their lives. My preschooler can write his name and recite his alphabet and numbers. I also have a 15-month old who is learning his shapes and colors. It’s just amazing how much Primrose is

teaching my children.

— Jude & Ethan’s Mom, Primrose Parent

Put some Holiday Money Back in Your Pocket…..Refinance Today!

We Make Home Loans Easy! Call today for a FREE quote 678-324-3256. WWW.ACOPIAHOMELOANS.COM

Primrose School of Providence Pavilion

770.819.1286 Primrose School of Smyrna West

678.217.4455 Educational Child Care for Infants through Private Kindergarten and After School

All toys need to be new and unwrapped. Please drop them off no later than December 14th.

GA Mortgage Licensee #23190

Acopia NMLS ID#4664

Each Primrose School is a privately owned and operated franchise. Primrose, Primrose Schools, and The Leader in Educational Child Care are trademarks of Primrose School Franchising Company. ©2011 Primrose School Franchising Company. All rights reserved.

66435_Prmrs_Rdns_Ad_ID_1776.indd 1

8/18/11 5:08 PM

Page 16, December 2011


Merry Christmas!

The Bright Side


Holiday Special

25% Off Tree Removal (with Coupon)

5 or more trees Contract with us by Dec. 31, 2011

(Work can be completed in January 2012)

“Christmas Bears”

Artwork by Karen Zwald

The Bright Side


Page 17, December 2011


Smyrna/Vinings - South Cobb 770-426-9388

Reach 40,000 homes of new customers within 5-10 miles of

s s e n i ur Bus



Combination Ad Rates 1/2 Page ad $900 in Combination 2.25¢ per household 1/4 Page Ad $450 in Combination 1.125¢ per household

Greater Acworth

At less than

2.5 cents



Kennesaw I-75


per househ


Powder Springs Smyrna

Each edition of The Bright Side: • Reaches some 40,000 upscale, single-family homes in your market area. • Reaches homes within 5-7 miles – a 10 minute driving time or less. • Is direct mailed to homes – not thrown on the driveway or left at the convenience store. • Is also distributed at select advertiser locations, Smyrna Library, Smyrna Visitors Center, Vinings Welcome Center and Cumberland Mall.





What people say about The Bright Side: “I get a call every month when the paper comes out. There hasn’t been a month when I haven’t gotten a call from the ad.” -- Jason Raper, Jasons’ Lawn Service

• Is read. People read it from cover to cover and use the Calendar page in the center to plan activities throughout a full 30 days or more.

“I am very happy with the Bright Side. It provides new business for me and is one of the top three ads I use. I highly recommend it. -- Greg Snyder, Little Bear Tree Service

• Commit to advertising three times in a row and we’ll write a story about you and your business.

“I love your paper, I read it every month.” -- Shirley Brecht, Smyrna resident.

 Smyrna & Vinings 30080, 30082, 30339 and Vinings Estates  South Cobb 30082, 30126, 30106, 30111, 30168 Greater Smyrna, Mableton, Austell & Clarkdale Each Edition has a mailed circulation of 20,000+ Homes * Based on a Half page ad at $900 in combination to 40,000 homes.

Smyrna/Vinings - South Cobb 770-426-9388 3330 Cumberland Boulevard, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30339

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