The March-April 2024 Edition of the Aerial Magazine

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Your Neighborhood Watch

IT’S CRUCIAL for homeowners to stay informed about any incidents that affect our neighborhood’s safety. At the most recent Board Meeting held on February 22, over 30 homeowners were in attendance to speak about crime activity in their neighborhood. While our neighborhood

remains relatively safe, it’s essential for everyone to remain vigilant and report any unusual behavior to the authorities and the Securitas Roving Patrol promptly.

continues on page 16

1 March-April What’s Inside 3 8 How to Care for Concrete Walls Community Garage Sale 11 13 16 Primrose School Breaks Ground SNWA: Largest Cash-for-Grass Incentive City Council Corner

From the President

MOST OF THE Aliante Master Association Board members and their plus ones attended the Community Association Institute (CAI) Awards Gala on February 2 at the Smith Center. The Aliante Master Association was nominated for Master Association of the Year.Autumn Ridge at Aliante was nominated for Small Association of the Year. Sun City Aliante was nominated for Large Association of the Year, and Warren Geller and Nancy Prince from Sun City and I were nominated for Board Member of the Year. CAI has over 100 events each year. Some are educational, which many of us attend. Others are social events and CAI committee meetings. Associations and individual board members are graded on a point system for attending and participating in these events. The Aliante Master Association, Autumn Ridge at Aliante nor I were winners in our categories. However, our friends on the board of Sun City Aliante won for the fifth time in six years and Sun City Board member Nancy Prince won for Board Member of the Year. Congratulations to all of them!

Important Decisions at the January 2024 Board Meeting

1. Approved the 2022 Audit.

2. Reviewed and approved a laddered CD structure to invest funds that will not be needed in the next 12 months.

3 Approved two proposals from Gothic for tree trimming in Parcel 59. Parcel 59N is the amount of $6,595 and Parcel 59 behind Fields is in the amount of $3,995.

4. Approved, on the recommendation of the Property and Grounds committee, a proposal from Gothic in the amount of $12,405, to remove nonfunctional turf and replace it with drought tolerant plants in Parcel 58 which is located between Salerno and La Vella.

5. Opened and read aloud for the record the amount of each sealed bid for asphalt sealing in Ravenna. To ensure that the scope of work was the same for each bid, the board voted to ask the Property and Grounds committee to review the proposals at their next meeting and make a recommendation to the board.

6. Opened and read aloud the amount of each sealed bid for painting the monument walls and spheres for La Vella, Pavona, Ravenna, Salerno, San Destin, Serenata and Vialetto. As with the asphalt sealing proposal, we ask the Property and Grounds committee to review and make a recommendation to the board.

continues on page 5

Committee & Board Meetings

Please scan the QR code for the desired Committee and/or Board meeting you would like to attend. Please note, some committee meetings are not open to homeowners. Only the committees open to all homeowners are provided.

Board of Directors

Michael Breault, President

Jim Spencer, Vice President

Cherie White, Secretary

Stanley Wright, Treasurer

R. Wayne Headrick, Director

Heather McAlister, Director

Rachelle Church, Director


Aliante Master Association

c/o FirstService Residential 2590 Nature Park Drive, Suite 100 North Las Vegas, NV 89084

Phone: (702) 399-7327

Office Staff

Community Manager

Janelle Fuhrmann, CM, CMCA®, AMS®

Assistant Community Manager

Liza Chimal

Lifestyle Coordinator

Gabriella Murata

Administrative Compliance Coordinator Reina Tejada

Aliante Master Resident Portal/Website

Management Office Hours

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Securitas Roving Patrol

Roving Patrol 1: (702) 237-4724

Roving Patrol 2: (702) 237-4723

Cost Center Delegates

La Vella: Vacant • Pavona: Vacant

Ravenna: Vacant • Salerno: Joyce Pizzo

San Destin: Vacant • Serenata: Vacant

Vialetto: Vacant

Sub-Association Delegates

Autumn Ridge/Springdale: Stan Wright

Club Aliante: Fred Wilebski

The Courts at Aliante: Sarah Davi

Cove at Aliante: Vacant

Estates at Aliante: Vacant

Fields: Michael Shappley

Manor at Aliante: Vacant

Prominence at Aliante: Launa Esparza

Seasons: Vacant

Seville Etage: Matthew Olden

Terrasini: Sue DeLong

Treviso: Gene Neal

Community Hotline

(702) 399-4273

Aliante Master Association, its agents, and affiliates are not responsible for any services listed or rendered by third parties through this publication.

2 Aliante Aerial
Safety Social P & G Board

Architectural Review


Michael Breault (Board Liaison)

Dana Campbell (Chair)

Emilio Brunetti

Joyce Pizzo

Dennis Spoto

Stan Wright

Gene Neal

Liza Chimal (Staff Liaison)

Compliance Committee

Heather McAlister (Board Liaison)

Dennis Spoto (Chair)

Tiana Hudson

Lee Kaainoni

Dana Campbell

Joyce Pizzo

Harold Witherspoon

Liza Chimal (Staff Liaison)

Finance Committee

Stanley Wright (Board Liaison)

Gene Neal

Cherie White

Elie Taylor

Janelle Fuhrmann (Staff Liaison)

Property & Grounds Committee

Jim Spencer (Board Liaison)

Dennis Spoto (Chair)

P & G Committee continued

Wilson Langford

Tim Yanchisin

Oscar Mandujano

Janelle Fuhrmann (Staff Liaison)

Publications Committee

R. Wayne Headrick (Board Liaison)

Gabriella Murata (Staff Liaison)

Safety Committee

Wilson Langford (Chair)

Bill Foster

Lynn Geils

Debbie Wiechecki

Elie Taylor

Rachelle Church

Janelle Fuhrmann (Staff Liaison)

Social Committee

Cherie White (Board Liaison)

Joyce Pizzo(Chair)

Jaedene Carey

Samesha Ramadan

Delila Welch

Gabriella Murata (Staff Liaison)



North Las Vegas, NV 89084

How to Care for Concrete Walls

The word concrete comes from the Latin word “concretus” (meaning compact or condensed). We have all seen concrete walls here in Aliante. Every association has them and some are beautiful and some have white scaly residue coming from them. You have heard the saying “an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure”. When it comes to the walls that surround your community and separate your neighbor’s yards from one another, we all have an intimate love-hate relationship with our concrete walls at one time or another. When our homes were built the walls were the first thing the builders erected to separate the build site from surrounding properties. You might be thinking the walls we see are solid and resolute, but in fact they are very porous and will absorb water from any source and pass the water through the wall to the other side. Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. When aggregate is mixed together with dry cement and water, the mixture forms a fluid mass that is easily molded into shape.

the walls and allows efflorescence to occur.

What is efflorescence?

In chemistry, efflorescence (which means “to flower out” in French) is the migration of a salt to the surface of a porous material, where it forms a coating. The essential process comprises the dissolving of an internally held salt in water, or occasionally in another solvent. The water, with the salt now held in solution, migrates to the surface, then evaporates, leaving a coating of the salt. Efflorescence can occur in natural and built environments. On porous construction materials it may present a cosmetic outer problem only (primary efflorescence causing staining), but can sometimes indicate internal structural weakness (migration/degradation of component materials). Setbacks allow a distance to set your irrigation to avoid spraying the wall, minimizing the wall from getting too wet while still letting irrigation do its job, watering our landscape.

The cement reacts chemically with the water and other ingredients to form a hard matrix that binds the materials together into a durable stone-like material that has many uses. Water is not only used to produce the concrete, it is also the biggest enemy of the wall as well. We all love a lush green lawn and mature shrubbery and trees in our landscape and many people use this landscape to “hide” the concrete walls. If we don’t adhere to the approved “setbacks”, (a set distance from the wall), the wall suffers a painful blow, water. The water we use to grow the landscape also weakens

It is also possible to protect porous building materials, such as brick, tiles, concrete and paving against efflorescence by treating the material with an impregnating, hydro-phobic sealer. This is a sealer that repels water and will penetrate deeply enough into the material to keep water and dissolved salts well away from the surface. However, in climates where freezing is a concern, a sealer may lead to damage from freeze/thaw cycles. While it will help to protect against efflorescence, it cannot permanently prevent the problem.

Efflorescence can often be removed from concrete using phosphoric acid. After application the acid dilution is neutralized with mild diluted detergent, and then well rinsed with water. However, if the source of the water penetration is not addressed efflorescence may reappear.

If we all do our part, we can prevent problems with our concrete walls and enjoy the safety and security they provide for many years to come.

3 March-April From the Mailbag Upcoming Committee Meetings All meetings listed below will be held virtually. To receive updated Board meeting information please be sure to register your email address on the Aliante Master website at Architectural Review Committee Meetings as needed Compliance Committee Thursday, March 7, 2024 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 4, 2024 5:00 p.m. Finance Committee Tuesday, March 26, 2024 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, 2024 5:00 p.m. Property and Grounds Committee Tuesday,March 5, 2024 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 2, 2024 4:30 p.m. Publications Committee No meeting in January Monday, April 8, 2024 4:00 p.m. Safety Committee Wednesday, March 6, 2024 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, 2024 4:00 p.m. Social Committee Monday, March 4, 2024 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 1, 2024 4:00 p.m. Committee Members Upcoming Board Meetings
March 28, 2024 6:00 p.m. Executive session (closed to homeowners) 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors meeting (open to homeowners virtualy and in person)
April 25, 2024 6:00 p.m. Executive session (closed to homeowners) 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors meeting (open to homeowners virtualy and in person) All meetings listed above are held at the Aliante FirstService
located at 2590 Nature Park Drive, Suite 100
Residential office,

From the Treasurer


Cash in the operating accounts totaled $1,632,357.

Cash in the reserve accounts totaled $2,766,526. Cash in the Legal fund totaled $79,285. The Association is in compli ance with paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS116.3115 and that reserve funds have not been used for daily maintenance. According to the 2022 reserve study, the fully funded reserve account balance as of the end of 2023 should be $2,014,291.

Delinquent accounts receivable totaled $1,179,641. Accounts receivable balances include uncollected fines of $1,076,799. Delinquent receivables are being collected in accordance with the Association’s collection policy.

Income & Expense Statement

For the month ending December 31, 2023, Operating Income amounted to $281,410. The Associ ation incurred $369,034 in expenses which included a transfer of $48,000 to the reserve account.


Cash in the operating accounts totaled $1,808,085.

Reserve fund revenue amounted to a net of $112,321 including interest income and $48,000 transfer from the operating fund. Expenses amounted to $112,321.

The Board acknowledges that they have fulfilled their duty to review the financial statements in accordance with NRS 116.31083 subject to any current NRS or NAC required year-end audit or review.

Cash in the reserve accounts totaled $2,804,499. Cash in the Legal fund totaled $79,336. The Association is in compliance with paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS116.3115 and that reserve funds have not been used for daily maintenance. According to the 2022 reserve study, the fully funded reserve account balance as of the end of 2024 should be $2,605,464.

Delinquent accounts receivable totaled $1,178,996. Accounts receivable balances include uncollected fines of $1,094, 299. Delinquent receivables are being collected in accordance with the Association’s collection policy.

Income & Expense Statement

For the month ending January 31, 2024, Operating Income amounted to $371,239. The Association incurred $283,855 in expenses which included a transfer of $55,645 to the reserve account.

Reserve fund revenue amounted to a net of $24,501 including interest income and $55,645 transfer from the operating fund. Expenses amounted to $23,408.

The Board acknowledges that they have fulfilled their duty to review the financial statements in accordance with NRS 116.31083 subject to any current NRS or NAC required year-end audit or review

The Aliante Master now has the ability to add up to 3 addresses to a homeowner’s account.

The main mailing/billing address or primary address will receive ALL correspondences from the Association. The second (usually a property manager or management company) and third address (home) will receive non-compliance letters only. If you would like to add a third address to your account, please email management at

* Please note the request must be in writing from the deeded owner or their authorized representative.

4 Aliante Aerial

From the President

continued from page 2

7. Approved a request from the Social Committee to purchase two additional Holiday decorations for a total cost of $8,854.75. One decoration is a Dancing Tree and the other is a Happy Holidays Marquee with poinsettias.

8. Appointed Carey to the Social Committee and David Thissen to the Finance Committee.

9. Reluctantly accepted the resignation of Michael Shappley from the Safety Committee and Property and Grounds Committee. Mr. Shappley told me he purchased a business in Texas. We also reluctantly accepted the resignation of his wife Sabrina from the Social Committee.

Important Decisions at the February 2024 Board Meeting

1. The board opened sealed bids from Sunland, Holbrook and American Pavement at the January meeting to Seal Coat the asphalt in Ravenna. We referred them to the Property and Grounds committee for an in-depth review. The board approved option B from Holbrook in the amount of $29,636.98 on the recommendation of the Property and Grounds committee.

New Securitas Officer

Michael Reuben (pictured below to the right) was born in May 1963 in New York City, entered the Army at the age of 25, dedicating 27 years of service. During his military tenure, he earned a bachelor’s degree in business and an associate’s degree in liberal arts. Served in various operations, including Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom, as well as stateside duties including Noble Eagle, Deployment to West Point for the 200th

2. Gothic submitted a proposal in the amount of $50,415 to renovate the landscaping in Salerno. The board approved the proposal.

3. A proposal from Gothic in the amount of $36,650 to renovate the landscaping in Vialetto was approved.

4. The board approved a proposal from Gothic in the amount of $33,795 to remove the nonfunctional turf and replace it with drought tolerant plants in Parcel 61, the area between the Fire Station, Fields and Sync Apartments.

5. Gothic submitted three proposals in the total amount of $20,372.59 to trim trees in parcels 60, 60S and 61 to prevent them from being seriously damaged or destroyed by high winds. The proposal was approved.

6. At the request of the Property and Grounds committee the Social committee submitted a request to approve $10,791.75 for four new Holiday Decorations. The request was approved.

Anniversary of the founding of the academy, and serving as a 9/11 First Responder. Post-military, he worked for United Airlines, exploring different parts of the world until his retirement in 2020 due to Covid-19. Now, with three months at Securitas, he’s committed to utilizing his background to contribute to the thriving community of Aliante.

5 March-April
Consider volunteering on a committee! We currently have vacancies for the following Committees: Finance • Property & Grounds • Publications • Social Committees Scan the QR code to obtain a Committee Interest Form. Please email the form to Thank you for your participation!
We Want

Maintenance Report:

January 2024


• Fall clean up. As of 1-19-2024 we have removed most leaves on Aliante Pkwy S. between Centennial and I-215 –Deer Springs S. between Clayton and Aviary- Aviary between Centennial and I-215 – Centennial between Aviary and Clayton. We are currently working on cleaning up all leaves on Clayton Between Centennial and Deer Springs.

• FALL clean-up in the walking trails. As of 1-19-2024 most of the fallen leaves in walking trail 62 located between San Destin Palazzo and San Destin Ravello have been cleaned up & removed. Also, most fall debris in walking trail 59 between Fields,Treviso, and Prominance have been cleaned-up and removed.

• As we clean up the fall debris throughout the community, we are also continuing our scheduled maintenance rotation and doing selective pruning on evergreen shrubs, excluding Spring flowering shrubs. Part of this maintenance includes cutting back and prune all the dormant Lantana, Yellow Bells, Orange Jubilees and ornamental grasses.

• Clean up of the gutters throughout the community and in the walking trails.

• In February our maintenance plan will also include olive tree spraying for fruit reduction and pruning of ornamental grasses around the community.

SNWA-Turf Conversions Rebate

On Thursday Jan. 18th. we met on site with SNWA to conduct an inspection for turf conversion rebate of the following areas.

 Aliante Pkwy between Centennial & Deer Springs south –27,946 sq. ft. -$41,919.00

 Monuments on Aviary and Centennial , and Aliante Pkwy and Centennial - 2,180 sq.ft. - $3,270.00

 Aliante Pkwy between Nature Park and Deer Springs south –21,500 sq ft. - $ 37,500.00

 Parcel 64- near Springdale- 3500 sq ft. -$4,500.00

 Corner by Steve Hardy – 4,650.00 - $6,975.00

 Corner by Volleyball courts. – 5,240 sq ft. - $7,860.00

 Corner by Aliante Estates – 4,500 sq ft. - $6,750.00

 Corner by 7-Eleven 4,600 sq ft. - $ 6,900.00

 The monuments by the I-215 were previously measured and approved for rebate.

The estimated rebate for turf conversion is $ 115,674.00.

February 2024


• Between the December 2023 and February 2024, a total of 158 trees in the walking trails were trimmed. The tree species in this list includes Olive trees, Mesquite trees, Acacia trees, Chitalpa trees, and a few African Sumac trees. The tree trimming included a Clearance Prune, Crown-Raising, Crown-Thinning Dead-Wood removal, branch-ends weight reduction and balance of the canopy. We recommend a 3 year trimming plan for the large mature trees in the walking trails.

• Olive tree spraying to reduce fruit growth is on going and it will continue for the next three weeks. Weather permitting, the spraying will conclude the 1st week of March 2024

• 660 olive trees in the Master common areas.

• 122 olive trees in the northern walking trail, between Fields, Treviso, and Seville Etage.

• 78 olive trees in the southern walking trail, between Seasons, Estates @ Aliante, San Destin.

• All dormant Lantana Yellow Bells, Bird of Paradise and Orange Jubilee in the common areas and walking trails were trimmed.

• The remaining leaves from Fall have been picked up.

• As part of the Fall maintenance, we also rake the decorative rock and decomposed granite to get rid of mineral build up. As water evaporates, it draws certain minerals to the surface of soil, and leaves them there once it’s gone.

• In the next couple of weeks, we will be trimming the ornamental grasses in the property, our plan is to complete this task by the second week of March.

• During the rain in late January and early Feb. a lot of debris was removed from the arroyos and storm rain covers, the Aliante tunnel was cleaned out 3 times within a two-week period.

Landscape damage by motor vehicle

• Over the last few weeks there was over 13 vehicle accidents that caused damaged to the landscape. Most of these accidents damaged the mature Barrel Cactus’ that are in the medians within the Aliante Master. We estimate that the cost for each mature Barrel Catus is around $450.00.

• Proposals for replacement of the damaged Barrel Cactus was summited with an alternative replacement plant, a 5gl Grass Tree at a cost of $35 per plant.

• These proposals have been approved and we are in the works to get these replacements in the ground as soon as possible. continues on next page

6 Aliante Aerial

Gothic Maintenance Report

continued from page 6

• Securitas has also worked with us and has notified us of vehicle accidents that happen during late hours of the night and any accidents they came across.

• We will also continue to replace plants under warranty, we will focus our warranty plant work in the areas of Deer Springs N. and Decatur. We will continue to update the P&G on these replacements.

Potted Plants

Between the 2nd and 3rd week of March we plan on doing a Spring Color change in all the pots located through out the community. Our two options for this color change are Petunias and Snap Dragons. Both Species do well in our warmer zone. (see photos above)


• Due to the excessive rain, minimal watering has been done thorough out the community during the last week of January and part of February.

• The irrigation timers have been off for the past 3-4 weeks, depending on the weather, we plan on turning them back on Friday Feb.23rd.

• On March 1st we will be increasing our watering schedule to 3 days a week as recommended by SNWA.

• We also plan on aerating the remaining turf and fertilize with 19-3-6 fertilizer (weed & feed).

• We have been conducting irrigation audits (changing faulty valves, broken nozzles, clogged emitters, broken sprinkler heads, rotary sprinklers, fixing poly line leaks, and main line brakes through out the community to ensure that the irrigation is ready to deliver water to plants, trees and turf during the warmer months of the year.

• The two backflows that failed the test required by CNLV are schedule to be repaired on Feb 21st. Once they are repaired, they will be tested and certified.

Photos: (top row left to right) maintenance on trails, streets and cleanout grate drains. Bottom row: maintanance and cleanout of pedestrian underpass tunnel and storm drains; (far right) replace plants damaged by vechicle accidents and general warrenty plant replacement.

7 March-April
8 Aliante Aerial

Are You Missing Out?

ARE YOU RECEIVING THE AERIAL, the Aliante Newsletter, important alerts, community event reminders, and information about the Aliante Master Homeowner’s Association? Would you like to know when the next Board of Directors meeting will be or if the Community Garage Sale will take place?

The fastest and most efficient way to relay this information, and the only way to receive the Aerial, is by sending emails to all our homeowners. In the case of urgent alerts, such as a neighbor reporting a water leak at your house, we may also contact you by phone.

Please make sure your email address is on file with the Aliante Master Association, as well as your sub association, if it is also managed by FirstService Residential, and your Communication Preferences are set up to receive emails. While the Aliante Master Association and several other sub associations, such as, but not limited to Autumn Ridge, Springdale, Seasons and Treviso, are managed by FirstService Residential the Master and Sub Associations do not share databases and communication preferences. Please follow the steps below to confirm we have your preferred email address and phone numbers. (We will never share your email address or phone number.)

1. Log on to the Aliante Master Website:

2. If you are already registered, skip step 3, 4 and 5 and proceed to step 6. If you are not registered, you can self-register by clicking on: “Create Account” You will be taken to “FirstService Residential Web Access Registration” page. Enter you name and email address and click register.

3. You will be sent to an email with a verification code.

4. Once the verification code has been entered, you need to create a secure passcode.

5. Once the terms and conditions are accepted, follow the instructions by then entering either the property address or the account number. Your account number can be found in your coupon payment book, or you can request it from Customer Service by calling (702) 399-4273

6. Log in to the Connect Resident Portal

7 Click on the hamburger menu (3 stacked vertical lines) in the top left of the screen.

8. Click My Account, then select My Communications Preferences tab from the options near the top of the screen.

9. In the “Communications” box select “Email Select All” to check on the boxes to ensure you receive all emails and the box at the bottom of the page to receive payment notifications.

10. It is recommended that you also setup your Text Phone Number which will enable management to text you in important situations such as someone reporting a stream of water flowing out your front door. After you add your text phone number it will need to be verified. FirstService Residential will send you a text asking you to reply YES to confirm your text address. After verifying your text address refresh the page and the word “verified” should now be in green. Now you can select the boxes to receive text messages.

11. Be sure to click on the SAVE box on the bottom of the screen.

Gothic has set up a

hour emergency email address for homeowners to use to report any landscape irrigation leaks as well as any other issues that pertain to the landscape within the Aliante Master Homeowners Association. With this service homeowners will also be able to send up to 2 photos of the area they are reporting.

Please report any leaks to this email: Hgarcia@ Please note this is for reporting water leaks only.

Monday-San Destin (Marsh Tern, Swordbill, Corvine, Maybird, Chebec)

Tuesday-Vialleto, Serenata, and San Destin (Brian Cram, Iceland Gull)

Wednesday-La Vella

Thursday-Ravenna, Salerno


9 March-April
Aliante Cost Center Landscaping Maintenance Schedule
Important Aliante Community Link Don’t second guess yourself • If only I had reported . . . • If only I had called . . . • If only I had done . . . See Something, Say Something provides an easy method for you to act in the best interest of your family, friends, business, neighbors and community
Act Now
Leak Email Hot Line

Understanding the Leash Laws

AS WE CONTINUE to cherish the natural beauty and outdoor adventures that Aliante has to offer, it’s crucial that we also prioritize the safety and well-being of our beloved furry companions. One significant aspect of responsible pet ownership is understanding and adhering to Nevada’s leash laws.

What are Leash Laws?

Leash laws are regulations set by local municipalities or state governments that require dogs to be on a leash when they are in public areas. The primary goal of these laws is to ensure the safety of both pets and people by preventing dog-related incidents and conflicts.

Nevada Leash Laws: What You Need to Know

In Nevada, leash laws vary by county and city, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations in your area. However, there are some general guidelines that apply across the state:

1. Controlled Restraint: In most public areas, dogs must be under control at all times. This typically means they should be on a leash held by a responsible owner. Even in areas where leashes are not explicitly required, owners are still responsible for controlling their dogs and preventing them from running at large.

2. Exceptions: There are some exceptions to leash laws, such as designated offleash dog parks. These areas provide a safe space for dogs to exercise and socialize without the constraint of a leash. However, even in these designated areas, owners must maintain control over their pets and prevent aggressive behavior.

3. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Violating leash laws can result in fines and other penalties. Additionally, owners may be held liable for any damage or injuries caused by their unleashed dogs. By following leash laws, you not only ensure the safety of your pet and others but also avoid potential legal consequences.

Benefits of Leash Laws

1. Safety: Leash laws help prevent dog attacks, bites, and other incidents that can result in injuries to people or pets.

2. Environmental Protection: Keeping dogs on leashes helps preserve wildlife habitats and prevents dogs from disturbing sensitive ecosystems.

3. Community Harmony: By respecting leash laws, dog owners contribute to a more peaceful and enjoyable environment for everyone, including those who may be fearful of or allergic to dogs.

Being a Responsible Pet Owner

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to prioritize the safety and well-being of our furry friends and the community at large. By following Nevada’s leash laws and taking proactive measures to train and socialize our dogs, we can ensure that everyone can enjoy the outdoors safely and responsibly.

Remember, a leash is not just a legal requirement—it’s a simple yet effective way to show that you care about the safety and comfort of your pet and those around you.

Let’s work together to keep Aliante safe and enjoyable for all residents, both human and canine alike.

10 Aliante Aerial

Primrose School Breaks Ground on Innovative Early Learning

ALIANTE PARENTS will soon have a new option for quality early education and care with Primrose School of North Las Vegas at Aliante slated to open this summer. Construction on the new school has already begun at 6455 N. Aliante Pkwy, providing the first Primrose school in North Las Vegas located in the heart of Aliante.

Local franchise owners Kelly and Alan Maria are excited to bring exceptional early learning experiences to children in North Las Vegas, Aliante, and the surrounding communities. “Coming from a family of educators and school administrators, we were drawn to Primrose Schools because of the Balanced Learning curriculum and its strong devotion to character development,” says Kelly Maria, franchise owner of Primrose School of North continues on page 15

State Your Claim

Could Nevada be holding money for you?

What money you may ask, Items specified in Nevada Revised Statutes 120A says Nevada could hold financial assets owed to an individual or a bus iness, including securities, bank accounts, uncashed payroll checks, utility deposits, insurance proceeds, gift certificates, and other items.

The primary mission of the Nevada Unclaimed Property Division is to reunite original owners with their property.

The Treasurer’s Office is charged with safeguarding the value of these assets in perpetuity. The original owner or heir never loses the ability to claim the property value.

Note: Unclaimed Property Does Not Include Real Estate Or Vehicles.

Here is how you can check to see if you have unclaimed money.

Go to the Nevada State Treasurer website and click the yellow smiley face option that says “search for unclaimed money”. It really is that easy.

Not from Nevada? You can state your claim in other states as well. Go to There is no fee to file a claim or to search for property.

11 March-April
Architectural rendering of the Primrose School of North Las Vegas at Aliante is located at 6455 N. Aliante Pkwy., North Las Vegas, NV 89084.

The technical age is in full swing and the Aliante Master is always working on improving our communication skills. The Publications Committee, in an effort to better serve the community, is emailing the Aliante Aerial in digital form.

Please make sure we have your email address in our data base so that you may receive the most current, up to date information. See our “Are You Missing Out?” article in this issue to learn how to update your email address and stay connected.

12 Aliante Aerial With a distribution of 7500, that’s a lot of eyes on your business. Contact Aliante Master Association at to get your business seen today. 1. Patios 2. Patio covers 3. Pools and spas 4. Trampolines, swing sets, and other playground equipment 5. Auxiliary structures, including sheds 6. Exterior structural alterations, including exterior color changes 7. Any landscaping changes, including replacement of plants or trees with differing plants or trees 8. Fences, gates, and walls 9. Solar panels 10. Security doors Don’t Do It, Yet! According to the conditions, covenants, and restrictions signed by every homeowner, all improvements on a homeowner’s property require prior, written consent of the master architectural review committee and, if in a sub-association, the sub-association’s architectural review committee as well. Improvements include, but are not limited to: The Aliante Master Architectural Change Form (ARC Submittal Form) and governing documents for the Aliante Master Association can be obtained on the Community Website/Resident Portal at https:// or by calling (702) 399-4273. Contact your sub-association to obtain a copy of its form and governing documents. ARC WARNING !
Aliante Aerial in Digital Form

SNWA Offers Largest Cash-for-Grass Incentive

SPRING INTO ACTION this season by trading your grass for cash with the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) biggest incentive ever. The SNWA has temporarily increased the Water Smart Landscape Rebate (WSLR) for homeowners from $3 to $5 per square foot of grass upgraded to water-efficient landscaping for the rest of 2024.

Qualifying homeowners will receive $5 for each square foot of grass they convert (up to the first 10,000 square feet) to drip-irrigated, desert-adapted plants and trees, and $3.50 for each additional square foot. Conversions must be completed by the end of 2024 to receive the increased incentive.

Businesses, municipalities, community associations, and multi-family properties remain eligible for the current $3 per square foot incentive, which will decrease to $2 per square foot for nonfunctional, decorative grass beginning in 2025.

Outdoor landscaping is the biggest user of Southern Nevada’s limited water supply. By converting to a Water Smart landscape, you’ll use 55 gallons of water less per square foot than thirstygrass landscapes.

While it can seem daunting to consider removing your home’s grass, embracing a lawnfree landscape not only conserves water but also reduces maintenance efforts, allowing for a more sustainable and vibrant outdoor space. Here are some common myths associated with water-smart landscapes:

“It takes too long for water-efficient plants to mature and achieve SNWA’s required 50% canopy.”

You can save money on labor and plant material costs by planting smaller sized plants. It doesn’t matter if you install a 1-gallon or a 5-gallon plant; the SNWA will give you the same maturity credit. And most plants—when watered properly—fill in or grow quickly.

“All desert plants and rocks are ugly.”

Water-smart landscaping is so much more than rocks and cacti. With over 500 plant options that are resilient enough to tolerate our harsh environment and soil conditions, coupled with thoughtful design and selection, achieving a beautiful landscape while conserving water is possible.

As we enter spring, it’s also time to change your watering clock. Seasonal watering restrictions in effect March 1 through April 30, and lim-

“Water Smart Landscaping will make my house hotter.”

Shade is the key to keeping you cool in the desert. Grass feels cool because so much water is evaporating from it. There are dozens of water-efficient trees and plants that can be used to shade south and west exposure from our relentless desert sun, while using less water; consult the Plant Search Tool on to find what works best for you. Also, as part of the WSL rebate, the Tree Enhancement Program offers $100 bonuses to new participants for each qualifying tree planted during landscape conversions. It’s a shady deal you will want to take advantage of, providing much-needed shade against the urban heat island effect.

its landscape watering to up to three assigned days per week (Sunday watering is prohibited all year). You can increase your savings without harming your landscape by slowly “ramping up” irrigation schedules, adding the second and third watering days only as temperatures warm up and weather patterns permit. If you have plants and trees on drip systems, they require significantly less water, typically needing to be watered every 1-2 days in spring.

Spring is a great time to upgrade your grass to a beautiful water-efficient landscape! To apply for the WSL program, and for program conditions and criteria visit

13 March-April

Aliante Sub-Associations

A Five-Word Watering Rule of Thumb for Green Thumbs

WHEN IT COMES to landscape irrigation, you can help the community conserve water and prevent water waste—while saving money on your monthly bill—by following a simple five-word rule:

Drip It, Don’t Drown It.

Most residential landscapes in Southern Nevada feature a variety of drip-irrigated plants and trees. It’s essential to recognize that plants and trees need much less water than grass to flourish. Knowing how much to “drip it” can help you avoid “drowning it.”

Low-flow emitter (up to 4 gph): 30-90 minutes or less

Drip irrigation systems deliver water slowly and more efficiently, and they should run longer but less frequently than sprinkler systems used to irrigate grass. Water your drip-irrigated plants and trees in winter every seven to 14 days. Water grass in short cycles for no more than 12 minutes per watering day. Check your trees and plants monthly and adjust your drip irrigation as needed.

Don’t forget, mandatory winter watering

You can determine how long to set your drip irrigation by identifying whether your drip emitters have a high- or a low-flow rate, based on gallons per hour (gph ). A consistent flow or stream-like release of water means your emitters are high-flow, while a slow drip or a bead-like release of water drops indicates a low-flow emitter.

Once you’ve determined the flow rate of your emitters, follow these suggested watering times and adjust as needed:

High-flow emitter (up to 20 gph): 20-40 minutes or less

restrictions, which limit landscape watering to one assigned day per week, are in effect through Feb. 29. Sunday watering is always prohibited.

For more information on drip irrigation watering, visit

If you have questions or concerns regarding your specific community, please refer to the following list of sub-associations and contact the appropriate management company. All homeowners are entitled to speak with the listed community manager and/or attend the sub-association’s board meetings.

Aliante Cove

Nicklin Community Management Manager: Lisa Carrion (702) 851-7660

Autumn Ridge/Springdale

FirstService Residential Manager: Elizabeth Polanco (702) 737-8580

Club Aliante

Prime Community Management Manager: Alexis Bayne (702) 869-0937

Estates at Aliante

FirstService Residential Manager: Sharon Tierney (702) 215-5077

Fields at Aliante

FirstService Residential Manager: Ashley Cameron (702) 215-5044

Prominence at Aliante

CAMCO Manager: Alisca Redmon (702) 531-3382

Seasons at Aliante

FirstService Residential Manager: Ashley Cameron (702) 215-5044

Seville Etage

FirstService Residential Manager: Kellie Holt (702) 215-5077

Sun City Aliante

FirstService Residential Manager: Damian Carrasco (on site) (702) 638-5000

The Court at Aliante

FirstService Residential Manager: Kellie Holt (702) 215-5036

The Manor at Aliante

Management Trust Manager: Richard Aparis (702) 835-6904


FirstService Residential Manager: Courtney Simpkins (702) 737-8580


FirstService Residential Manager: Michelle Gonzales (702) 737-8580

14 Aliante Aerial

ClickPay It’s Free & Easy

Payments made via check will process within 24 hours when paid by 4pm, excluding weekends and holidays!

Payments received after the 15th will receive a late fee. No payments will be processed on the same day.

Online payments by credit/debit card for a nominal fee and by e-check (EFT) from a bank account are FREE.

Go to, or call toll free 888-354-0135

Primrose School Breaks Ground

Las Vegas at Aliante “As community members and parents living in North Las Vegas, we are very excited to bring a family-oriented business to our community and offer a welcoming space for children and their families to come every day.”

Balanced Learning® Approach

Children at Primrose School of North Las Vegas at Aliante will benefit from the Primrose-exclusive, research-informed Balanced Learning approach, which blends purposeful play with nurturing guidance from teachers to encourage curiosity, creativity, confidence and compassion. The thoughtfully designed

Mark Your Calendars

Republic Bulk Pickup

Schedule A

San Destin-Tivoli

San Destin-Ravello

Schedule B

Club Aliante

Sun City Aliante

Schedule C

Cove Estates LaVella

Pavona Prominence Ravenna

Salerno Seville Etage Serenata

Terrasini Courts Fields

Manor Seasons Treviso Vialetto

Schedule D

Autumn Ridge/Springdale

San Destin-Palazzo

March 4,18

April 1,15,29

March 12,26

April 9, 23

March 5, 19

April 2, 16, 30

March 6, 20

April 3, 17

Please note: Trash Containers and garbage cans may only be placed on the curb or at the end of a lot for pickup twelve (12) hours before the scheduled pick-up date and time. The containers and cans must be removed from the pickup location within twelve (12) hours after pickup.(Section 10.3 of the Rules and Regulations) If containers have not been serviced, please contact Republic Services at 702.735.5151

continued from page 11

curriculum is updated regularly and puts children first in every lesson. These age-appropriate, integrated learning experiences are

guided by teachers who are dedicated to helping each child foster a lifelong love of learning.

Community Impact

The construction of the school contributed approximately $3 million to the local economy and will create 45 jobs once at full capacity. The school is actively hiring for administrative, faculty and staff positions.

School Features

At just over 13,000 square feet, Primrose School of North Las Vegas at Aliante features 12 classrooms, three secure, age-appropriate playgrounds and can accommodate up to 200 children. The learning and fun will continue outdoors through gardening and nature activities in the school’s Primrose Patch garden.

To inquire about enrollment or job opportunities, please call (702) 867-8799 or visit

15 March-April

City Council Corner

HELLO FELLOW RESIDENTS of beautiful Aliante.

In this edition of the Aerial, I want to tell you how truly honored I am to not only represent Ward 4 residents (east side of Aliante Pkwy, including the Tule Springs National Monument and the New Villages of Tule Springs which is being developed), but also to serve all of you as one of the five councilmembers of this great city whose population is currently approaching 300,000. Your City of North Las Vegas has a council-manager form of government where your councilmembers are the leaders and policy makers, elected to represent various segments of the community and to concentrate on policy issues that are responsive to citizens’ needs. North Las Vegas’ City Council is thus composed of four councilmembers and the mayor. Each councilmember represents a ward of about 75,000 people each.

I have made it my goal, like that of my colleagues, to provide the best possible services for our residents. As the city continues to experience exponential growth, public safety remains a priority. In addition, parks and general infrastructure are on top of the list, since they all affect the quality of life of all North Las Vegas families. I am proud to say that our city employees are

Your Neighborhood Watch

In light of this we want to remind everyone of some essential safety tips:

• Always lock your doors, windows, and car doors, even when you’re at home.

• Be mindful of your surroundings when walking or jogging, especially during early mornings or late evenings.

• Install motion-sensor lights and security cameras to deter potential intruders. (Don’t forget to submit your ARC application!)

• Form or join a neighborhood watch group to stay connected with your neighbors and share information about any security concerns.

There are multiple Neighborhood Watch groups in effect across the City of North Las Vegas, helping to keep our community safe. These groups of neighbors work together with each other and with the North Las Vegas Police Department to increase collaboration within the community and empower citizens

second to none when it comes to constituent services. During the two terms that I’ve served (with my third and final term coming this year), I have always made sure that my constituents, who I have come to know and consider as friends over the years, receive timely responses for their requests and concerns. Indeed, being a public servant has given me the ability to positively impact a person’s life and that is extremely rewarding.

However, it would be impossible to mention all that is being done around our city without clearly acknowledging the construction-related traffic issues. The orange cones and asphalt patches we all deal with daily, unfortunately, are all part of thoughtful growth. I would suggest that you contact your council person with any question, suggestion, or concern. If you would like to receive my monthly newsletter or contact me, please send your name and email to with subject “Newsletter.” You can also call my office at 702-633-1194

In closing, let me just share with you two of my greatest passions: serving our veterans, and protecting to the fullest extent possible, the well-being of all our animals.

Thank you for being part of the North Las Vegas family. Respectfully.

Richard Cherchio

North Las Vegas Ward 4 Councilman

continued from cover

to play a proactive role in combating crime.

The Neighborhood Watch programs are run by citizens with assistance from NLVPD. Any resident or community can join - it’s as simple as starting a conversation with your neighbors!

How Do I Start a Neighborhood Watch Program?

• Talk with your neighbors and discuss their needs and concerns. Find out which days or hours work best for an initial meeting.

• Establish a list of volunteers and interested participants. Solicit for a Coordinator and Block Captain. The coordinator is the direct liaison to NLVPD. Block

Captains are the liaisons between the participants and the coordinator. All interested volunteers must complete an application through the Police Department.

• Four weeks prior to your desired meeting date, contact NLVPD’s Community Services Division at (702) 6331808 to schedule a Crime Prevention Specialist to attend and give a presentation on the program, home security and other crime prevention practices.

• Your group is now official! After the initial meeting, work with NLVPD to order and put-up Neighborhood Watch signs.

16 Aliante Aerial

Important Phone Numbers

Notice of 2024 Board Meetings

PURSUANT TO NEVADA REVISED STATUTES (“NRS”) Chapter 116, this notice is being published to advise you that the Board meetings have been scheduled for 2024. The meetings will take place at the FirstService Residential Aliante Marketplace Office, located at 2590 Nature Park Drive, Suite 100, North Las Vegas, NV 89084. Please be advised that there will be an open forum at the beginning and the end of the meeting, during which time all homeowners in attendance will be given the opportunity to address other Association members and the Board of Directors (the “Board”). With respect to the open forum at the beginning of the meeting, please note that any comments or questions made by any homeowners during such open forum are limited to items that are listed on

IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY of the agenda prior to the date of the meeting, you may contact FirstService Residential at (702) 399-4273 or you may view a copy on the website. Otherwise, you may obtain a copy of the agenda at the meeting. Furthermore, please be advised that minutes for the meeting will be available not more than thirty (30) days after the meeting. If you would like to obtain a copy of the minutes or a summary thereof, please contact FirstService Residential at (702) 399-4273 or feel free to visit the office during normal business hours. All homeowners are entitled to receive a copy of the

the agenda. Please note that any comments made by any homeowner during the open forum, both at the beginning and at the end of the meeting, shall be limited to three (3) minutes in order to allow time for all homeowners to speak should they wish to do so.

Pursuant to NRS Chapter 116, please be advised that the meeting will be audio recorded; provided, however, that the executive session shall not be audio recorded. A copy of the audio recording will be available to all homeowners not more than thirty (30) days after the meeting. Homeowners may obtain a copy of the audio recording by contacting FirstService Residential in writing at 2590 Nature Park Drive, Suite 100, North Las Vegas, NV 89084, or at

minutes or a summary thereof in electronic format at no charge to the homeowner. If a copy of the minutes or a summary thereof is not available in electronic format, homeowners can request a copy in paper format. All copies in paper format will be subject to a charge of twenty-five cents ($.25) per page for the first ten (10) pages, and then ten cents ($.10) per page for every page thereafter.

Please note that the Board may take action on any item on the agenda or any item that is considered an emergency pursuant to NRS Chapter 116.

2024 Board of Directors Meetings

The Executive Session begin at 6:00 p.m. General Session meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. Meetings held in Person at 2590 Deer Springs Drive Suite 100, North Las Vegas, NV 89084, please see Agenda for Webex Link.

March 28

April 25

May 23

June 20

July 25

August 22

September 26

October 24

November 21

December - No Board Meeting

17 March-April 2590 Nature Park Drive, Suite 100 North Las Vegas, NV 89084 911 Emergency Police or Fire 911 City of North Las Vegas (702) 633-1871 NLV Abandoned Vehicles (702) 633-1390 NLV Animal Protection Services - Dispatch (702) 633-9111 NLV Broken Street Lights (702) 633-3275 NLV Building Complaints (702) 633-1922 NLV Building Permits (702) 633-1536 NLV Business Licensing (702) 633-1520 NLV Code Enforcement (702) 633-1677 NLV Crime Prevention (702) 633-1810 NLV Debris in Street (702) 633-1313 311 Non-Emergency Police (702) 633-9111 NLV Environmental Hazards (702) 633-1290 NLV Graffiti Removal (702) 633-1871 NLV Park Maintenance (702) 633-1256 NLV Park Reservations (702) 633-2418 NLV Street Lights Out (702) 633-1264 NLV Street Repair (702) 633-1313 NLV Traffic Signals/Signs (702) 633-1264 NLV Water Shut Off (702) 633-1275 NLV Water Waste (702) 633-1216 Abandoned Shopping Carts (800) 252-4613

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