5 Ways On How To Clean A Clogged Sink Drain...

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5 Ways On How To Clean A Clogged Sink Drain One of the best drain openers is Xion Lab's Safer Drain Opener. You can find more information about Xion Labs Safer Drain Opener in this link....http://xionlab.com/saferdrainopener/ 1. Drain cleaner This seems like the most obvious choice but its also very effective. This is because drain cleaners are specifically made for this problem. But be careful because drain cleaners are highly toxic and dangerous in nature so you will always need to wear a mask, gloves and goggles to prevent yourself from inhaling or being exposed to the chemicals in the drain cleaner. There are special drain cleaners that come for sinks so be sure to pick the one out that is made for sink. You wouldnt want an extremely dangerous kind of cleaner that is used by plumbers in sewers or with pipes now would you? The instructions on the back of the drain cleaner should provide you with information on . A drain cleaner should ideally be the last resort in fixing your clogging problems but if you want a quick fix and an extremely effective one then a drain cleaner is a good choice. 1. Baking soda and vinegar If a drain cleaner is not your choice then a concoction of 2 of your everyday kitchen items can be of help to you. Take a third of a cup of baking soda and a third of a cup of vinegar; mix them together to form a paste that will start to fizz. Take this fizzy concoction and pour it over the sink and leave it for an hour or two. Normally it would be better if it is left overnight for better results. Or alternatively, you can also throw in some baking soda first then pour in the vinegar. It will do the same thing more or less. So if anyone asks you then this is a good solution that you can pass on to others. 1. Boiling water This has got to be the cheapest yet effective solution to knowing . You literally have to do nothing but pour down boiling hot water down the sink drain. But be careful because one wrong move can leave you with burns. Make sure that you are wearing protective gloves even while pouring the hot and boiling water. The boiling water melts whatever dirt, grime and gunk that has solidified down the drain and unclogs the drain by pushing all those things out of the way. 1. Dish detergent What better way to clean the clogged sink than by using one of the most used things in the kitchen? The dish detergent should not be underestimated because if used correctly then it can help unclog the drain. Soon enough you will be telling everyone using the dish detergent. Simply take half a cup of dish detergent and pour it down the drain, then pour in some good old boiling water on top of it and see the magic. The greasiness of the liquid dish detergent will catch the stuck things beneath the drain and the hot water will clear everything out along with it. It will also clean out any dirt and grime stuck and there will be no smell either. 1. Salt and baking soda Pass the salt is usually something heard over the dinner table but when it comes to knowing , you will be saying this as well. This is one is also easy and like some of the above mentioned solutions, is another good everyday household item that can be used to unclog a drain. All you need to do is to mix half a cup of baking soda and table salt in equal parts and pour it down the drain followed by boiling water. The chemical reaction of these three ingredients will take out all the dirt and grime that is causing your drain to be clogged.

Source: http://xionlab.com/5-ways-on-how-to-clean-a-clogged-sink-drain/

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