The Alexander House Fall 2016

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The Alexander House Fall Update 2016


TRUST IN THE LORD the perfect time is now

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." - PROVERBS 3:5-6 As I grow up I find the Lord directing me in His ways to learn the love and mercy He has for me and His people on this earth. I traveled down many winding roads and overcame obstacle after obstacle to finally be where I am today -- The Alexander House. I feel The Alexander House has not only given me a great opportunity to live out my faith and share the Good News of our Lord but has also allowed me to be a witness to numerous miracles to know there really is a God. This God is all forgiving and all merciful and is always waiting for us to come back home. He is patient, which in marriage we find to be very difficult. But if we give our lives to God and allow Him to truly be the reason we live in each moment, you will be surprised at how better you become as a mother and father, as a man and woman, as a brother and sister, as a family and most importantly as a husband and wife. The foundation of family stems from the foundation of marriage and the foundation of marriage stems from the foundation you have together as one with God. I do not know about you but from the research I have found there does not seem to be a lot of information on how to live out marriage. The great thing I have found, is there are people like YOU! People like you who care about marriage and family enough to have partnered with The Alexander House to see a society of no more divorce and happy families by the mercy and love of God. Because of YOU there is a place where those who find themselves losing hope can come to The Alexander House to receive the information they need to live a marriage that will last based on God's plan. For that, THANK YOU! I am humbled and blessed to be part of this ministry and in awe of your generosity and support. Please continue to spread the word about The Alexander House!

Know that you are in my prayers, Lauren Alexander - Rihn


MADE FOR EACH OTHER until death do you part

Dear Patrons, We have had an incredibly busy summer and just want you to know that we appreciate YOU! We are excited to announce the great turnout of The Alexander House "Made For Each Other" conference this 2016. We had great speakers such as Curtis and Michaleanne Martin (Founders of FOCUS – Fellowship of Catholic University Students), Fr. Anthony Anderson SOLT, Fr. Clay Hunt, Matt and Adrianna Birk (NFL Man of the Year and Super Bowl Championship), Dcn. Dom and Teresa Tomeo Pastore (National Talkshow and radio host) and Greg and Julie Alexander (Founders of The Alexander House). The Made For Each Other, Marriage Conference was a positive start to the full schedule. Each speaker was a nudge from the Holy Spirit and touched on various topics pertaining to marriage. The theme was, “Our Father’s Plan” and the talks were inspired by the prayer. Participants came from all over and as far as Wisconsin. Before and after each inspiring talk, we had great music played by Dave and Lauren Moore. The love they have for the Lord filled the hearts of everyone in the room and all sang with joy as we learned the great news about God's plan for marriage brought by The Alexander House.

Throughout 2016, Greg and Julie Alexander have continued traveling from places like Colorado and here in Texas giving Marriage on Fire talks as well as Enjoy Your Marriage workshops. The love and mercy of God they are able to witness with those who attend is "by far the most amazing experience and a true miracle" as Julie would say. Without your participation, this would not be possible. Couples are helped daily with the hope of renewal and reconciliation. Their hope is that Christ will “make all things new”. It is a gift and a blessing that with us you are touching the hearts of so many families. The stress you help relieve for a child whose parents make their marriage the foundation of everything gives the child a sense of comfort that nothing can replace. Please continue to pray for us as we pray for each and every one of you and your families. God bless you Sincerely, The Alexander House


MARRIAGE DISCIPLES God's plan is worth it

The Alexander House in MEXICO "In my sin, I met the greatness of His mercy" Marriage Disciples, Thomas and Ivonne Ream, were asked by the "Mexican Episcopal conference" represented by father Oscar Lomelín Blanco to give a workshop at the "National meeting of pastoral agents and family life." The forgiveness of God is real and when we repent from the heart and untie His hands and say "FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA"-thy will be done- the miracles start to happen! "I no longer live, for it is Christ who lives in me". (Gál. 2, 20). "As the words from above captured the hearts of the participants I realized the confidence my Lord had in me to be an instrument to His people. I will keep the tears of hope that flooded the room tattooed in my heart and pray for each couple to have a renewed love as they go home and live out God's plan for marriage instead of their own. It was an honor to take The Alexander House to our country as it is an honor to be able to spread the news to more souls throughout the world by helping The Alexander House to now speak Spanish! I thank the Blessed Mother, my sure path to heaven and to the Heart of the Lord, for this opportunity and look forward to helping serve. Thank you, my Lord because these are the fruits of the inferno that we lived."

- Ivonne Ream



SAVE THE DATE Cowboys, lasso your family and bring 'em on down to





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