ALC The Messenger August/September 2014

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The ALC Messenger Volume 58 Issue 7

Early Fall 2014

The mission of the American Lutheran Congregation is to bring people of different nations and denominations together, and in the English language, empower them into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


The ALC Messenger Monthly Newsletter for the American Lutheran Congregation




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American Lutheran Congregation Office Secretary: Rie Melhoos Council President: Robert Sebro Messenger Editors and Helpers : Mel Engebretsen, Eric Mandeville, Bob Sebro, Rie Melhoos, Visiting address: Fritzners gate 15, 0264 Oslo, Norway Mailing Address: PO Box 3012 Elisenberg, 0207 Oslo, Phone: + 47 22 44 35 84 Fax: +47 22 44 30 15 Email: Webpage:

Bank account number for offerings :5081.07.47827 The mission of the American Lutheran Congregation is to bring people of different nations and denominations together, and in the English language, empower them into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 2

Pastor’s Corner Dear Friends, Grace to you and peace! Thank you all for a lovely farewell last Sunday. Mary Ann, Isaac, Annika and I truly appreciate it. And thank you also for the thoughtful, beautiful gifts. They will remind us of the many good people and experiences that have largely made up our time in Oslo. You were even kind to laugh at my silly visual joke with the funny photo we presented to the church. Rest assured I have arranged for a more appropriately-sized copy of the real Stewart family photo which now hangs in Hanson Hall. Serving here as your pastor has been a privilege. Many of you likely don’t know that four years ago in the last days of our conversations with the call committee, as Mary Ann and I were praying hard for discernment about the possibility of coming to serve in Oslo, we were struggling to know what God wanted from us in our lives. This move meant many significant changes for us and some challenges amidst all the wonderful opportunities. When I shared our struggles with the call committee, one member reassured me that they had prayed very hard over this decision, and where we may not be entirely clear, they were absolutely clear that they wanted us to come live and work with you. That was all we needed. Sometimes another person’s clarity is what you need to be opened to God’s leading. I will be forever grateful to the call committee for their faithfulness and their generosity in sharing their confidence with me. Through that gift we came to Oslo and had the rare pleasure of being your pastoral family these past four years. In the Lutheran church we call the process of hiring a pastor ‘a call’. It is specific and intentional language that reminds us that this is more than a job, but something which ultimately lays in the hands of the Spirit. Our work as pastor, call committee and congregation is really the work of listening to uncover what it is the Holy Spirit is sometimes murmuring, sometimes shouting, but always guiding us with. It is why the faithful prayer and conviction of the call committee four years ago was the shout I needed to quiet the distracting other voices in my life at the time. It is why I am so certain that somewhere today, as you read this, the Holy Spirit is at work murmuring in the ear of some man or woman, preparing their heart to hear and discern the call to come be your next pastor. This is why this time is one of hopefulness and excited expectation. Part of my leaving is to go to Copenhagen to build on the foundations my friend and colleague, Ron Rentner, has laid there. But part is also now to make way for the one whom the Holy Spirit will soon introduce to you. He or she will come to build 3

Pastor’s Corner (continued) on what we have done together, doing so with their unique set of gifts and skills. However, this time is not just waiting, or at least not passive waiting. There is something I believe you should do. Pray. Pray for the call committee, the church council, the congregation. Pray for their work, their discernment, their strength and their well-being. Pray in your own way. On your knees or in the garden. Eyes closed or lips moving in a murmur. With the familiar words of worship or thoughts too deep for words. Pray in your own way as the Holy Spirit guides you and you’ll be fine. And pray for your next pastor. You may not know their name yet, but you can hold the idea of them in your mind and offer it up to God. Pray for their work, their discernment, their strength and their well-being. Finally, pray for your next pastor’s current congregation, who will one day soon learn that they must say good-bye and let go of one they love so that God might send another to serve them. I will pray for you, and watch with hope and excited anticipation for what God will work here. God bless and keep each of you. And again, thank you for everything! In Christ, Pastor Tim Stewart

We will miss Pastor Stewart, Mary Ann, Isaac and Annika! Thanks to the whole family for your wonderful service and love shown to our congregation! 4

President’s Corner Footprints in the sand August 2014 Summer vacation is over for most in Norway now; I hope everyone has enjoyed the warmth and sunshine, had some good rest and relaxation, and are ready for the fall. The coming season will bring some noticeable changes at the ALC; We will be welcoming our interim Pastor Peter Rogness and his wife Geraldine, as Pastor Stewart and family will be transitioning into their next call. At the same time our call committee will be working to find our new pastor. The fall schedule is full of activities for you to plot into your calendars. Take a close look at the ALC calendar and website for details! I would like to thank Pastor Timothy and family for sharing the last 4 years with us here at the ALC in Oslo. His pastoral work and spiritual leadership has been the core of the ALC’s life throughout this period. We have benefitted greatly from Pastor’s focus on hospitality, and Mary Anne’s initiation of the women’s fellowship. May God bless you all, and best wishes for your new call in Copenhagen. On another note this summer has reminded me how life is filled with both joy and sad times. We rejoiced in the baptism of our granddaughter Lea Aurora, and enjoyed spending time with her as well as family and friends. At the same time my mother was hospitalized with stroke related complications. She went into a rehabilitation facility; there it became clear that she needs to have 24 hour care from now on. During this period we also received news that our lifelong friend and former neighbor had died following a tragic traffic accident. Her son shared the following story with me, which I found very comforting, and want to pass on to all of you! One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him, and the other, the Lord. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his life. And he questioned the Lord saying "I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there were only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you the most you would leave me" The Lord replied, "My precious child, I love you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you". Author unknown Soli Deo Gloria Bob Sebro ALC Council President 5

Youth and Young Adults September 6th Youth Group kick-off at Amalia’s place. If you are interested and did not receive an e-mail, please contact the ALC office. September 12th Young Adults Kick-off at Østmarkskapellet. This group is open for you as short term or longer term expect in Oslo. More detailed program at Østmarkskapellet will be sent out by e-mail so if you would like to join us, please contact ALC office. We leave on Friday afternoon and we come back on Sunday after we have served waffles …

Contact Amalia Prodan or the Church Office for Details 6

News About our Interim Pastor As most everyone now knows, Pastor Timothy Stewart and his family have begun a new pastoral call in Copenhagen. While the call committee works on getting a new pastor for the church we will have an interim pastor to shepherd the church. We hope that he will be here from September 1st until the beginning of next year. There will also be the possibility of extending the interim’s contract by two more months should the work of the call committee take a bit longer. Our interim pastor will be Pastor Peter Rogness, a retired ELCA bishop with his last posting in Minnesota. He will be joined by his wife Geraldine (Gerry). They also have a daughter who is married to a Norwegian, living in Bergen. Pastor Rogness is originally from Iowa, but attended Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota and has worked both in Wisconsin and Minnesota, having also presided as bishop in both states The Board of Trustees and the church Council hope everyone will welcome Pastor Rogness and his wife with open arms and help them settle into life in Norway as soon as possible. We said good bye to the Stewart family on Sunday, August 10th and to Pastor Timothy on August 17th. They will be sorely missed and we pray God’s blessings on their new call. We also ask that the congregation pray blessings on the interim call of Pastor Rogness and we remember that our Lord is always in charge! Karin Mandeville The Board of Trustees

Key Upcoming ALC Events during the next Weeks August 26 - Work Evening to get the Parsonage ready August 27, September 3, 10 17– Prayer Group August 29-30 - Women’s Retreat September 4 - Knitting and Craft Group September 6 - Square Dance and Chili Fund Raising Event September 6 - Youth Group Kick Off September 7 - Sunday School Start up/Ice Cream Sundaes! September 12—14 - Young Adults at Østmarkskapellet September 13 - Congregational Retreat at Østmarkskapellet September 15 - ALC Council Meeting 7

Call Process – Mandate, Method, Time Table, Communication Mandate The Call Committee consists of six members, who have been duly appointed by the Church Council according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Congregation. The Committee has also been duly installed during a service of the Congregation in the beginning of June. Its assignment is as follows: Provide a job description, based on the needs of the Congregation Consult with the ELCA according to the guidelines of the ALC ConstitutionMust be an ELCA roistered pastor Select a candidate or candidates to be presented to the Congregation and to be voted upon by the Congregation (2/3 majority needed) Follow up on the decision made by the congregation and see the process to the end.- installment ceremony. In order to enable the Congregation to make a qualified decision, communication in regard to the call process is necessary and the responsibility of the Call Committee. As it is not feasible that we employ a pastor before our current pastor leaves , we will need an interim pastor for a number of months. Securing an interim pastor and establishing terms of contract (such as salaries and other financial issues, personal terms etc.) are the responsibility of the Board of Trustees/Church Council. Supervision (Global Mission) and ecclesiastical accountability (synod bishop) are the responsibility of the ELCA. Method Describe the church profile and needs Define absolute and desirable qualities/qualifications Advertise the position Review and interview candidates (also presentation in church) Selection Process – united decision strived for Presentation of selected choice(s) to be voted on Follow up activities until the pastor is installed Tentative Time Frame September 15th – Work completed with writing the Congregational Profile and Position Description. The position will then be open for applications for approximately 4 weeks time or until approximately October 15th. We have not decided any further dates beyond October. We will inform you regarding our progress during the autumn. 8

Communication – Confidentiality The Congregation, all voting members are the top authority of the ALC, the Call Committee will, 1)Inform the Congregation of its progress throughout the process 2)Invite the Congregation to give input to its work, in the first instance, in composing the Congregational Profile and Position Description i.e. the needs of the church and also what qualities/qualifications would you like to have in a new Pastor by September 1st either directly to a Call Committee member or via an email to the following email address: or via a post box which is placed on the table in the narthex. Should members know of people who maybe or are interested in the position, please ask them to apply through the official channels and to do not contact the Call Committee. 3)All mail/messages received will be distributed to all Call Committee members for consideration and held in the strictest confidence within the Call Committee. Please keep the Call Committee in your prayers during the coming months. Call Committee Members: Arthur Melhoos

Viva Combs Thorsen

Eric Mandeville

Mabel Killmer

Espen Strai

Ragnild Roderburg

Knitting and Handicraft Group We encourage you to join us for fellowship once a month and if you can't make it that’s okay as you can knit or do some handicraft at your convenience in your own homes. We are scheduling our fall meetings which will take place on various Thursdays at 7:00 PM at the Fireside room. Our next meeting is planned for September 4th . If you are interested in meeting or want more information please call Perpetua Mohr or speak with her during the fellowship hour after the worship service. Best regards Perpetua (Mobile no: 46 91 96 71). 9

Why take the time? This women’s retreat is time and space set aside by you, for you. It is an opportunity to get your bearings; to get away from the day to day aspects of your life and reflect on where you are, where you came from and where you need to go next. Pausing is a very simple and extremely effective way to be still and focus your mind on making the best use of your future. “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6 v 16 10

Join us for the ALC Congregational Retreat!

Saturday, September 13th from 9:00 AM - 17:00 A wonderful opportunity for rest, renewal, and the strengthening of bonds within our community of grace. Come away with us to the beautiful Østmarkskapellet (southeast of Oslo) for a time of fun, food, fellowship and a bit of learning for all ages.

Things to know about the ALC Retreat Sign Up Today! Help us to plan for this special day retreat. A signup sheet will soon be up on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

Young adults and Youth are invited to participate from Friday after 15.00 to Sunday.

Walking in: we will park and walk in approx. 2 km, with a gradual to moderate incline, on a well maintained dirt road. We are coordinating transport to the trail start for those of you who don’t drive. If the walk is too difficult for you, we have been allowed to provide limited transportation to the chapel, please speak with Amalia Diana Prodan who can give you specific details or contact the church office. Mel’s email address is

Cost: is only 100 kr for adults, 50 kr for children. Musically inclined? We are looking for a piano player or acoustic guitar player or two to help with music. Could you help?

Come Join Us! 11

Happy Birthday - God Bless you! August Birthdays 1 - Sudha Richard

15 - Ian Horden 15 - Sheryl Swenson 16 - Piia Pretsch 17 - Jackie Ekgren 19 - Anders Østrem 19 - David Briggs 21 - Jennifer Crantz 23 - Aneeshiya Kajal 23 - Kaitlyn A. Dahl 23 – Lisa Crystal-Larsen 24 - Danute Grønn 25 – Muwopashe Ariellah Nyenya 26 - Jean Brøvig 26 - Rie Melhoos 28 - David Strai 28 - Peter Holby, 28 Filip Ryan Sarmiento Paulsen 31 - Luca Mellilo E.S. Pompa

2 - Ørnulf Johansen 3 - Max Myrmo 4 - Maren Lande 4 - Amanda Limseth 5 - Dale Brattli 6 – Majid Alipour 7 – Song Shi Jun 9 – Mohamad Thomas Rozeh Dari 9 - Johannes Grønn 9 - Qian Meng 10 - Einar Kjesbu, 10—Louise Kepley 10 - Laura Kumwenda 11 - Amanda Goonetilleke 13 – Jonathan Brian Alcoriza 15 - Melisande Mattson Engebretsen 15 - Barbara Skeie

September Birthdays 2 - Himali Ghosh 3 - Kari Dubbel 3 - Daniel Håbesland 3 - Kristina E. Diseth 4 - Ratan Cyril Seth 5 - Reed Waldo 5 - Bjorn Radtke 6 - Espen Strai 7 - Ken Burton 7 - Kristine Myrmo 7- Liana Loose Berge 8 - Hendrix Liam 9 - Alexander Lien 10 - Leif Erik Mattson Engebretsen 10 - Erik Flekke 11 – Linore H. Crouts-Olsen 13 - Harry Liam 14 - Hardy Liam 14 - Wendy D.B. Wabende 15 - Torill Sebro

17 - Jacob Daniel Schmidt 17 - Camilla Emilie Crystal-Larsen 18 - Carl Staff 19 - Andreas Knudsen 20 – Pastor Timothy Stewart 21 - Isabelle Ringnes 21 – Amir Alwand Wahed 21 - Inese Johansen 22 - Danyal Ahmadi 23 - Kirsten Lanham 24 - Faggie Mdala 25 - Ann Alexander Lal, 25 - Ben Jones 26 - William Andersen 26 - Sundar Rat Mathuram 27 - Adam Edwards 27 - Tora Lande 28 - Thomas Kjølseth 28 - Mutsawashe Elise Nyenya 29 - Hagos Mengstab


Call for Sunday School Teachers - Fall 2014

A new season of Sunday School (S.S.) is rapidly approaching, and we are in need of additional teachers. Volunteering to teach is rewarding and a blessing. This is truly to touch the life of a child forever. There will be S.S. classes this fall for ages 3-12. Sunday School will take place every Sunday during the Worship Service (approx. 11:20am – 12:10pm). We recognize that the ALC Sunday School teachers can’t always commit to every Sunday; therefore we will try to organize it so one only needs to teach one Sunday a month if one so chooses. The main focus is on singing, Bible stories, games and crafts for all involved. If you don’t feel called to teach you can always volunteer as a helper and substitute teachers are warmly welcomed. Prior experience is not required; just a heart for children and a desire to share God’s Word with children. We provide interesting and easy to use teachers’ guides and material. Please keep in mind that men also make good Sunday School teachers - young boys need role models to see that Sunday School is not just a girl thing. Please consider this prayerfully and if you feel called to volunteer please contact: Sunday School Coordinator Karin Mandeville at 93 20 73 99 or or the office at 22 44 35 84 or


Summary of Council Approved Minutes May 2014 In attendance: Bob Sebro, President; Karin Mandeville, Vice-President; Arthur Melhoos, Treasurer; Mel Engebretsen, Secretary; Bjorn Radtke, Outreach; Mark Lanham, Stewardship; Ingrid Fossland & Hakon Berger, Fellowship; Joshua Schmidt ,Properties; Viva Combs Thorsen,Su-Jung Mundal, Worship Timothy Stewart, Pastor. Call to Order – 19:00

Refreshments Mark and Kristin Devotions - Hakon & Ingrid’s devotion was based on the book Creation Power and Truth by Tom Wright The council was happy to welcome Bjorn Radtke. We were happy that he is well enough to take part at the council meeting. Bob took us on a quick walk through of the building – some notes One of the first items Bob showed us was the fire alarm box in the hall near the church office. He pointed out the board which should tell where a fire is if there is one in the building. Bob also emphasized that it costs NOK 5000 if the fire department comes to the church because the fire alarm goes off. Bob also showed us the heat and smoke sensors in the balcony in the Sanctuary The gas tank is located outside at the front corner. It is very important that someone measures the amount of gas in the tank on a regular basis There is a Fire Department key box located outside the entrance to the church. The fire department has a special key to open up the church door if they need to get into the building. The fire hose door on the middle floor, should be open, so that if we need to get ahold of a hose it is readily available. Fuse room – The large fuse room is the original fuse room built with the church.

Administrative Meeting Reviewed Agenda Reviewed Minutes from April

Karin Mandeville moved to approve the minutes from the April meeting and Mark Lanham seconded. The motion carried with eight council members voting to approve the minutes and two abstaining. (The two abstaining were not in attendance at the April meeting)


Summary of Council Approved Minutes (2) Treasurers Report for April - Arthur Offerings are behind - the results for April showed a surplus of NOK 18,400 but a deficit of NOK 62,400 for the first 4 months of 2014. Offerings for April were NOK 90,000. This brings us to NOK 242,000 under budget for the year. Compared to last year, offerings through April are NOK 54,000 lower than that was received during the first 4 months in 2013. We have lost some of our largest givers. This makes a definite difference in the offerings received. We do not know how much people are giving. Using the money terminal makes it difficult to find out who does the giving A huge bulk of our offerings comes from a small amount of people We do not have a good overview of attendance at the services. The head usher should be taking the count. One temple talk is planned for June 15th, 2014 The alter guild does keep track of the number of glasses used for communion. The number of glasses used for communion would give a good idea of attendance at the worship service. Benevolences for 2013 have been paid out in May. Guy Redfield’ concert money raised for malaria has been sent to the ELCA. Income received for the 50th Anniversary totalled NOK 11,000 in April giving a total of approximately NOK 13,000 for the year. On the expense side, Fellowship expenses are higher than budget due to expenses booked in April for the Seder Meal and also the Salad lunches. The Seder meal will just about break even. The accounting expense in April of NOK 11,000 is for a payment for the Accounting system to Mamut/Visma Arthur reported that he had looked into the reason for the high expense figure booked for Cleaning Supplies. This is due to the cleaning of the mats, which was NOK 10,400. It was incorrectly booked in January and should have been booked as Other facility expenses not cleaning supplies. Pastor’s Report The council expressed that they were very sorry that the Pastor and his family have decided to take another call and are leaving. The council is very thankful for their time here and their ministry at the ALC.


Summary of Council Approved Minutes (3) Committee plans, discussions and feedback Congregational picnic – June 15th - Pastor We will plan to have the picnic at HUK – We do not need to get permission from them. Huk is open to all, as long as we are orderly. We will have the picnic at the church if there is rain. New refrigerator in kitchen - Marielle/Fellowship The freezer works – but the cold is not holding according to Marielle There was some discussion that the refrigerator was working to some extent. It was decided to keep it for now. It is not a priority. When it reaches a point that it has to be replaced, we will buy a new one Light bulbs in Sanctuary, Windows (Oslo BRE) Joshua We had a good work day on April 26th The Sanctuary light bulbs – are very expensive – Still the same wiring 9-10 years ago we installed/bought reflector lights which were supposed to last 20 years. They have not lasted so long. Now the problem is, that the fixtures are starting to not work….We need a new lighting strategy We do need to find a fund raising activity for the lighting Proposed August workday – August 26th. Budget – for the 50th Anniversary We need a list of prices of the chairs, tables and other items that we want to replace for the 50th Anniversary. People may like to have the possibility to donate money for a chair or a table etc. We raised the rent nominally for the preschool this year. New Business Call committee ‘ Bob Section C 14. 4 of the ALC constitution states that 6 voting members shall be appointed by the congregational council to form a Call committee. In looking at the make up of the committee. The board has put some thought into who should be on the call committee. Cross section of the congregation Both Male and female Both Older and Younger members New members as well as long time members We need the call committee to work fast. We should have the job posted by July 1 at the ELCA website with applications received by August 1, 2014 It has been the custom to bring two finalists to Oslo. They do not usually preach but we have in the past asked for copies of sermons or tapes of sermons. The Board came up with a slate of proposed members of a call committee for the council to consider . The council also discussed other people who could be on the committee. 16

Summary of Council Approved Minutes


After discussion It was decided that the following would be asked to be on the committee Arthur Melhoos Eric Mandeville Espen Strai Viva Combs Thorsen Tulla (Ragnhild) Bjorvik Mabel Killmer Joshua Paul and Ingrid Fossland are the alternatives Interim Pastor from September Bob In section C9.6 of the constitution it states that the congregation or congregational council can appoint an interim pastor. Arthur moved that the congregational council can make the decision about appointing an interim Pastor and that a separate congregational meeting need not be held for that purpose. Ingrid seconded. All were in favour… Next Meeting: Monday June 16th – 18:00 at Bob and Torill’s Closing Prayer Respectfully submitted, Melisande Mattson Engebretsen ALC Council Secretary

Prayers The ALC is fortunate to have many individuals who lift up other members, friends, and relatives to the Lord in prayer. If you are in need of prayers or know of others who who would like to be prayed for or with. You may want to contact: Our Prayer Chain administrator, Gillian Holby, at Our Prayer Group which meets Wednesdays, at 7 PM in the Fireside Room. The prayer group is lead by Richard Blucher. Please contact Richard Blucher at In addition please contact the church office directly with any requests for prayers.















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Mar Apr









May Jun
















ALC Monthly Offerings 2012-2014















ALC Sunday School Registration & Ice Cream Sundae Social 2014

It’s time to get ready for Sunday School again! Ice Cream Social On the 7th of September the ALC Sunday School will be hosting an “Ice Cream Sundae Social” following the service and conducting registration for Sunday School both before and after the service. Please join us in Hanson Hall (fellowship hall downstairs) after Church. Classes There will be Sunday School this fall for ages 3–12. Sunday School will take place every Sunday during the Worship Service (approx. 11:20 am – 12:10pm) with singing, Bible stories, games and crafts. When you register your child they will receive a complementary 5 Bible Bucks to shop with at the Bible Bucks store which will be open that Sunday. If you are not able to register on the 7th of September, please contact the Church office at 22 44 35 84 or Karin Mandeville at 93 20 73 99 or


HEY Y’all -- Grab your boots and cowboy hats cause we're having a hoe down. That’s right a real-live square dance here at the American Lutheran Church! The Oslo-based string band Feleboga will provide the music as Mary Seim (the caller) leads us through every do-si-do and promenade. Don’t worry if you’ve never done it before, we’ll start out slow and pick up the pace once you’ve gotten the hang of it. It’s easy and fun! And don’t worry if you don’t have a partner, but we encourage you to bring as many family members and friends as possible. The more the merrier! We will provide you with a warm bowl of homemade chili and cornbread to get you in the mood to dance those calories away! We look forward to you joining us for some good ol’ wholesome fun for a great cause!


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