Apostila de Inglês Básico

Page 163

TASK Agora que você sabe como se diz batedor de carteira em inglês procure associar a coluna A com a coluna B a seguir:



1. smuggler

a. ( ) vigarista

2. burglar

b. ( ) escroque, quem desfalca

3. embezzler

c. ( ) falsário

4. shoplifter

d. ( ) contrabandista

5. counterfeiter

e. ( ) arrombador

6. con artist

f. ( ) ladrão de loja


I. Say when you have to use only the present perfect simple or when both the simple and continuous forms can be used:

1. Melinda has lived in Ipanema for decades. _______________________________________________________

2. I have read ‘The Da Vinci Code’ twice. _______________________________________________________

3. Tess has waited for you the whole afternoon, Mr. Lampard. _______________________________________________________


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