Alabama Trucker Magazine, 4th Quarter 2021

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Introducing the Alabama Trucking Titans

Published quarterly by the Alabama Trucking Assn., P.O. Box 242337, Montgomery, AL 36124-2337.

A new super-supporters program is the power boost behind Alabama Trucking Foundation’s ongoing workforce development and public relations efforts. The Titans program signifies the Association’s ongoing objective to promote and protect the trucking industry. or call 334-834-3983 MANAGING EDITOR Ford Boswell CREATIVE DIRECTOR Cindy Segrest PRODUCTION EDITOR Brandie Norcross


Dispelling Myths About ELDT Standards


Most have heard about the FMCSA’s entry-level driver training requirements that go into effect in February. These new rules create a national base training standard for drivers entering the industry. Read about the new rules and what they mean for your business inside.

ADVERTISING Ford Boswell 205-999-7487


Road to Redemption

VICE PRESIDENT OF SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE Tim Frazier DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP & EVENTS Brandie Norcross DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Cindy York MANAGER OF SPECIAL PROJECTS J.J. McGrady SENIOR ADVISOR Ford Boswell ATA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steve Aronhalt, Dennis Bailey, Nic Balanis, Brian Barze, Chris Bisanz, Joe Black, Gary Bond, Lacy Brakefield, Leigh Ward Breal, Greg Brown, Will Bruser, Craig Burgess, Dan Carmichael, Fenn Church, J.J. Clemmons, Kimble Coaker, Mark Coffman, John Collier, Driscoll Colquett, Brent Cook, Chris Cooper, Bo Cross, Jerry Davis, Amy DeFee, Joe Donald, Edmund Doss, Mack Dove, Wesley Dunn, Steve Dupuis, Jack Fricks, Beau Holmes, Jim Jenkins, Steve Johnson, Bryan Kilpatrick, Terry Kilpatrick, Mark Knotts, Jerry Kocan, Ben Leach, Alphonso Lewis, Andrew Linn, Drew Linn, Hunter Lyons, Jeff McGrady, Barry McGriff, Tom McLeod, Buck Moore, E.H. Moore, Jr., Tommy Neely, Butch Owens, David Padgett, Clay Palm, Emmett Philyaw, Kelly Robinson, Kevin Savoy, Bill Scruggs, Ben Smith, Ronnie Stephenson, Steve Stinson, Paul Storey, Harold Sumerford, Jr., Gene Sweeney, Gaines Thomas, Bill Ward, Bo Watkins, Wayne Watkins, Taylor White, Keith Wise, Daniel Wright


Twenty years ago, ATA 2020 Truck Driver of the Year Runner-Up Jason Webber was addicted to meth and living under a bridge until a job in the trucking industry helped him get sober, change his ways, and set him on a career path he never imagined possible.

Cover photo by Cary Norton. D


Opening Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Safety Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SMMC Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Trucking News Roundup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Buyers’ Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ATA Events and New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Advertising rates are available upon request. An Affiliate of the American Trucking Associations


334-834-3983 • 1

Chairman’s Message

Titans Light the Pathway to a Brighter Future for Trucking Will Bruser ATA Chairman of the Board Alabama Trucking Association

‘The Titans are industry leaders who are aggressively supporting our Foundation’s efforts to bring more qualified people to trucking.’


t’s no secret to those of us in the trucking industry that the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the challenges we were already facing in our workforce. A shortage of qualified professional drivers and diesel technicians, among other jobs, has plagued the growth potential of the trucking industry for many years. Numerous factors impacting this issue, but one thing is now certain, the Alabama Trucking Association and its members are taking responsibility and action to drive solutions for our future workforce. In September, ATA president and CEO Mark Colson laid out during our group’s annual meeting a strategic plan for how we will recruit the next generation workforce for our industry and issued several significant challenges to the leaders of the trucking industry: 1) That we must be the tip of the spear to tell the real stories of the great job opportunities in our business, 2) we must be great partners to training institutions and help improve the workforce pipeline for those who want to enter our industry, 3) we must confront barriers to new entrants to trucking such as insurance requirements, and 4) we must adopt a culture of mentoring new individuals into the industry. The Alabama Trucking Foundation was created in 2018 for this very purpose, and in just a few short years, we are making an impact throughout the state. The workforce challenge is not unique to Alabama. At its annual meeting last October, the American Trucking Associations announced it was creating a Workforce Development Subcommittee to address the critical issue of recruiting, training and retaining Americans to work in the trucking industry. In an address to the membership, National ATA President and CEO Chris Spear said, “We have heard about the worsening of the driver shortage, as well as the shortage of qualified diesel technicians, and the impact they have on our industry. We will now, through this effort, fully engage with our local, state and federal leaders to find real solutions to these shortages. Our industry has openings today that could provide a middle-class standard of living to tens of thousands of Americans – we just need to find ways to identify these people and provide them adequate training to put them to work building our industry’s future.” In recent years, National ATA and many state trucking associations, including the Alabama Trucking Association, made workforce development a priority because you told us time and time again that you can’t find enough qualified candidates to fill positions at your businesses. You’ve said that you particularly need more drivers and service technicians and that the lack of a sustained talent pool is keeping you from reaching the goals you’ve set for your businesses. Our utmost mission as Alabama’s leading voice for the trucking industry is to help you continue to provide the most efficient and effective goods movement system for Alabama’s economy, so when you ask us to take on a specific issue, we jump to action. About a year ago, we entered into a partnership agreement with the strategic communications agency Markstein to develop effective solutions to attract more qualified applications to the industry. The Markstein team has been involved in this work for years, creating and implementing successful campaigns for other trade industries such as aviation, corrections and construction. These other sectors have spent millions of dollars in recent years addressing their own workforce needs – and it’s working. What’s more, they are poaching qualified Continued on page 10



Transforming Alabama The Mission of the ATA A new super-supporters program is the power boost behind Alabama Trucking’s ongoing workforce development and public relations efforts. By ATA Staff In December 2018, led by its then Chairman of the Board Terry Kilpatrick, the Alabama Trucking Association formed the ATA Foundation to elevate the industry’s public image and invest in workforce development. Kilpatrick had lobbied the ATA Board for years to create a nonprofit foundation that worked only to strengthen the state’s industry through education, charity and promotion. Since its inception, the Foundation has been well received by the membership providing scholarships to deserving diesel technician students at Alabama community colleges, while also working to improve the industry’s image through paid and earned media campaigns that showcase the industry’s hardworking workforce and its many contributions to the state’s economy. With financial support from key Association members and a modest revenue stream from the elected apportionment of membership dues, the Foundation enjoyed steady growth, creating successful programs that yielded a few wins to push trucking ahead. However, without a consistent plan for sustained long-term funding, those projects were limited and sporadic.

SHAPING THE TITANS In late 2020, ATA leaders began working with the Birminghambased communications agency Markstein to launch an industryleading, next-generation workforce development initiative. As the program quickly took shape, the need for a more formal plan and financial consistency emerged. Through a series of strategic planning meetings, the Foundation’s Board of Directors and the ATA staff formulated a plan to sustain the Foundation’s primary mission of improving the workforce for Alabama’s trucking industry. This plan included engaging the Association’s most ardent supporters and key influencers. That group was named the Alabama Trucking Titans whose focus is funding strategic action to address the industry’s need for truck drivers and services technicians. 4

Funding from the ATA Foundation Titans goes directly to programs and initiatives that attract new talent to the trucking industry. Photo by Cary Norton.

“This program signifies our ongoing objective to promote and protect the trucking industry,” said ATA President and CEO Mark Colson. “Markstein specializes in developing and implementing integrated marketing campaigns designed to increase awareness of career, training and education opportunities within high-demand industries such as trucking, construction and aviation. Other industries spend millions of dollars in Alabama on strategic campaigns to attract workers while the trucking industry spends zero. That is about to change. We have high hopes for this new program, A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021

Trucking: Foundation Titans and we can’t wait to share its complete mission, and the team we have assembled to facilitate it.” According to ATA Foundation President Kilpatrick, this group of business leaders is investing in the industry’s potential to improve lives by showcasing how and why to get a trucking job. “We took this idea to our board and immediately signed a group of about 10 founding Titans,” he says. “These were mainly the men and women who were there at the very beginning when we launched the Foundation in 2018, and who donated very generously to seed our Foundation’s launch.” The Board also gave its stamp to introduce this program to the entire membership at last fall’s ATA Convention. Kilpatrick continues, “To be a Titan, a commitment of at least $5,000 each year for the next three years is required. Our initial goal was to recruit a core of Titans from our Board of Directors by the time we unveiled the program at the Convention and showcase these men and women to the membership — which we believed would inspire others to become Titans. We signed up about 15 more. We couldn’t be more pleased with the support we received.” Also during the Convention, ATA leaders held drawings for new Titans with prizes including a Talladega Driving Experience and a pair of Iron Bowl tickets (the latter of which was donated and raffled by the ATA Comp Fund). The group was also singled out during a ceremony during one of the morning meetings at the Convention. Going forward, there will be events periodically throughout the year exclusively for the Titans, including a premier VIP event at Barber Motosports Park that no one will want to miss. There are other perks for Titans such as swag and lapel pins to be worn at ATA events to distinguish themselves, but what drives members the most is the sense of duty to improve and secure the future of Alabama’s trucking industry. “One of the more valuable results of the Titans program to me is the Foundation’s use of funds to help facilitate the creation of more CDL and career training programs – important concerns that my business is facing,” says Hornady Transportation President Chris Hornady, an original member of the ATA Foundation and a member of the Titans program. “There is no better time than now as we emerge from the pandemic and work through the supply chain problems that it created to gain some ground for the industry’s public image. The work the Foundation is doing will go far beyond just helping with (industry job creation) and recruiting. It will also carry over into helping with public perception for when we are dealing with juries.” Kilpatrick adds, “Really, the biggest win with the Titans is that it signifies that the best of the best in Alabama Trucking are committed for the long haul to improve our workforce. We have spent years complaining about the problem, but now the Titans are leading the charge to do whatever it takes to find solutions.” A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021

CAREERS IN HIGH GEAR In September, the Foundation unveiled its next-generation workforce development program, “Careers in High Gear,” which seeks to fill thousands of vacant commercial driving and diesel service technician jobs in Alabama. The program is the result of more than a year of research and analysis to find the most effective ways to showcase driver and technician jobs as viable choices for Alabamians interested in finding a new career. “The timing for the creation of the Foundation could not have been better,” says Hornady. “Right as we created the Foundation, we had a transfer of leadership at ATA, and I think the new ideas and energy were a positive force in helping get the Foundation heading in the right direction. I also think that the ATA and ATA Foundation leadership are now better focused on the actual needs and concerns of their members, especially in areas such as CDL training, industry recruitment and public image.”

Changing perception: Part of the Careers in High Gear campaign’s mission is to dispel traditional negative bias against trucking and seek to attract a more diverse workforce. Photo by Kyle Carpenter. 5

According to Markstein officials, key messaging will build the future workforce by inspiring interest in commercial trucking among high school students through clearly identifying career pathways and providing career and training resources. Collaborating with training and education programs throughout the state, ATA officials want to develop a network that can fully explain and cultivate the next generation of highlyskilled and safety-focused commercial drivers and diesel technicians. Ad campaigns will begin in February 2022 targeting two personas. First is The Career Changer, which is someone seeking a stable, purpose-driven career with the opportunity to see things and find new life experiences. “This person may have been in the job force for a while, but perhaps is underemployed or was affected by the pandemic either losing a job or maybe forced to take a significant reduction in pay,” Colson says. “Maybe this person doesn’t feel they are getting all they need from their current career path, and they want a job that makes them feel they belong to something bigger than themselves, or maybe they want a job that allows them to travel and see the country.” The other persona is The Student. For years, there has been a stigma about pushing students into skilled trades, but with rising higher education costs and an abundance of technical jobs, this campaign will seek to change biases against these lucrative fields. “So much has been focused on getting a fouryear degree,” says Alan Alexander, a former Markstein manager who was instrumental in the development of the “Careers in High Gear” program. “Part of our strategy is to provide educators with tools and information to dispel common misinformation and biases against trucking.” The program will further showcase the advantages of taking on lower or no debt to attend a training program as either a service technician or a commercial driver. The campaign will also fully explain and map pathways that one might take for training and landing a trucking job. Messaging will humanize the professionals behind the wheel or under the hood of a truck with positive and compelling storytelling. Print and digital format ads will showcase “The Real Faces of Alabama Trucking,” creating authenticity for the commercial driver and diesel technician workers. Markstein’s creative team will focus on positive stories of real professionals within each messaging theme and showcase the diversity of the workforce — all of the featured workers will come from ATA member companies and most of them from companies represented by a Titan. Ads will point back to a landing page hosted on the ATA website that will provide more information and resources to connect people to training institutions across the state. Alexander adds that the media buy has been made, and the campaign will begin as a 3-month pilot program in targeted areas of the state. “The campaign will be strategic and measured,” he says. “Analytics and data collected will allow campaign managers to adjust or change tactics quickly.” 6

JOIN THE TITANS ATA officials encourage those interested in joining the Titans to visit the program’s landing page at There, visitors can access more details about the program, contact us to ask questions, or enlist to become a Titan. “We understand we are making a significant ask of our members to help fund this important initiative, but we believe the investment will pay hefty dividends for years to come,” says Colson. “Other industries spend millions of dollars in Alabama on strategic campaigns to attract workers while the trucking industry has traditionally spent nothing. We must act now or risk falling even further behind these other sectors for attracting qualified candidates to the many great jobs we offer.” The Foundation’s sole mission is to promote and protect the industry. We will always seek innovative ways to invest in trucking’s future. Anything we do in the name of the ATA Foundation is to make our industry stronger, safer and better. With the full support of the membership, we believe we can bring about real change for trucking in Alabama and beyond. The Titans are the muscle behind making this successful. It will take all of us united to impact our future workforce. We must be strategic and committed to it long term. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021

MEET THE TITANS As of this printing, there are more than two dozen Titans. These men and women have stepped up for the overall benefit of Alabama’s trucking industry, regardless of their own specific needs. These leaders come from all industry sectors and have made a long-term commitment to the ATA Foundation. Their financial support will allow the ATA Foundation to expand its Careers in High Gear initiative, creating scholarships and increasing dual enrollment and apprenticeship opportunities for those interested in trucking careers. Our Association is blessed to have them among our ranks, and we are grateful for their leadership. Alabama Trucking Foundation Titans Roster: Chris Bisanz Birmingham Freightliner Greg Brown B.R. Williams Trucking *Will Bruser Truckworx *Fenn Church Church Transportation and Logistics *Kimble Coaker ATA Comp Fund Jeff Coleman Coleman Worldwide Movers


Chris Cooper Boyd Bros. Transportation

Mike Limbaugh White Oak Transportation

Ben Smith S and M Transportation

Reid Dove AAA Cooper Transportation

Drew Linn Southland Transportation Group

Harold Sumerford J&M Tank Lines

*Tom McLeod McLeod Software Corp.

Scott Tidwell Dixie Trucking Co.

Wesley Dunn Rangeway Carriers Steve Dupuis Nextran Truck Centers *Chris Hornady Hornady Transportation Steve Johnson, Action Resources *Terry Kilpatrick Bill Barnes Enterprises Jerry Kocan Four Star Freightliner

Rollins Montgomery Montgomery Transport Buddy Moore Buddy Moore Trucking Kelly Robinson Service One Transport Kevin Savoy Greenbush Logistics Scott Smith PS Logistics

*Bill Ward Ward International Trucks *Wayne Watkins Watkins Trucking *Daniel Wright Wright Transportation

*Foundation founder


Chairman’s Message Continued from page 2

applicants directly from us. That is about to change. As you know, through the ATA Foundation, we have been working hard behind the scenes to bring trucking up to speed to better showcase the many great-paying jobs we offer. Soon, we will launch our “Careers in High Gear” initiative to push job seekers to the training programs where they can earn CDLs and degrees and certificates for diesel technology. Once they are trained, we will push them towards openings at trucking businesses across Alabama. This campaign will feature the “Real Faces of Alabama Trucking’ showcasing individuals who are thriving in our industry in Alabama. Additionally, our members are taking leadership roles at the local level. Thanks to the leadership of Terry Kilpatrick with Billy Barnes Enterprises, Alabama now has a state-endorsed apprenticeship program for trucking and one of the first Career Technical Education CDL programs for high school students. We have also created a Talent Task Force to work with the Alabama


Community College System’s Innovation Center to create a streamlined CDL program that will enhance CDL training opportunities throughout the state. There are numerous other advancements in this space, too many to mention here, but know that your association is now in the room where it happens when it comes to workforce development in Alabama. This is important work, and we will be strategic and organized in our approach. But to accomplish our mission, it will take your support. On page 4, we have prepared an article detailing our new super supporters’ group: the Alabama Trucking Titans. In short, the Titans are industry leaders who aggressively support our Foundation’s efforts to bring more qualified people to trucking, among other things. This group will be the backbone for our efforts with Markstein. They are the men and women who believe that trucking is a great pathway to a sustainable career for hardworking Alabamians. Careers that can enable them to care for their families. There are already nearly 30 Titans, including myself. We believe that we can change the course for this industry. It will not be easy, but I know we have the right team and plan in place to achieve our goals. Won’t you join us?

Alabama Trucking is grateful for the financial support of these leading trucking businesses during the ATA’s 82nd Annual Convention held Sept. 23-26 in Destin, Fla. Our event topped all previous meetings for funds raised and member participation – a truly amazing feat considering the current business climate. ATA has always been blessed with outstanding member support and this tradition continues. We look forward to building our partnerships in 2022 to improve and protect our industry. Make plans to attend our next Convention, which will be held at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Ala. from April 28 through May 1, 2022.


Least of All Saints: A Trucker’s Road Twenty years ago, Jason Webber was addicted to meth and living under a bridge until a job in the trucking industry helped him get sober, change his ways, and set him on a career path he never imagined possible. By Ford Boswell Driving a truck helped save Jason Webber’s life. The Alabama Trucking Association’s 2020 Truck Driver of the Year Runner-up has overcome setbacks that would bury most. Looking back over his 20year career, he believes his job as a commercial truck driver is among the things that kept him going when it would have been easier to just give up. He credits his family, faith, and experiences for also playing significant roles in his transformation, making him a stronger, more grateful man. Through everything, he believed in himself, worked 12

hard doing the little things it takes to be successful, and now he’s considered among the trucking industry’s elite.

Background Webber is a throwback to when truck drivers didn’t worry about a public image. Back in the industry’s pre-regulation Golden Era, truckers were regarded as Knights of the Highway for always seeming to show up at the right place and time to help a motorist in need. Those who know Mr. Webber, a driver for LB3, Inc. in Wedowee, Ala., say his professionalism and commitment to doing what’s best for his employer and the customers he serves are what set him above the crowd. His rise as an industry leader has been years in the making, but it wasn’t easy for the 42-year-old. A difficult childhood, personal issues, and plenty of bad luck held him back for years. At 19, he was a high school dropout married with two children and working low-wage jobs to support his family. By his early twenties, he had settled into trucking but, not long after he got his start, his marriage fell apart, and he subsequently turned to drugs and alcohol. For several years, he battled addiction, and at his lowest point was living under an overpass so he could afford to pay child support and still buy drugs. He makes no excuses for his past struggles. He embraces them A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021

now, saying they are an important part of his story. He adds that another key element of his development as a person was a rocky relationship with his late father, Jan, a troubled man who did the best he could but was oftentimes difficult to be around. “My father had paranoid schizophrenia and struggled all his life with mental illness and a learning disability,” Webber says. “But he always worked hard, and I admired him for that. He couldn’t read or write and struggled socially, but he was great with numbers and became a master carpenter who built homes from the ground up.” His father was strict and expected a lot from Jason. Sometimes the relationship was abusive. “Daddy didn’t tolerate being lied to, and one time he got after me with a belt for lying to him,” he recalls. “Momma tried to move us out of the house, but I wouldn’t leave. I told her that I deserved what I got and I wanted to stay.” Webber says it sometimes felt like he couldn’t measure up to his father’s expectations, but realizes now that it was just his dad’s way of showing love and pushing him for what he thought he lacked in himself. “Looking back on it, I now understand where he was coming from,” he says. “All he wanted was for me to be my best. Truth is, my dad was my hero, and all I ever wanted was to make him proud of me. I think me wanting to live up to his expectations is part of what still drives me today.”

Becoming A Trucker

to Redemption

Webber worked several jobs after high school, including gigs as a cashier at a gas station, a service tech at an oil change shop, and a forklift operator at a truss manufacturing facility where he worked his way up to plant supervisor by the time he was 21. He says the position was too demanding for the pay and offered no further advancement opportunity. Loading trucks at the plant, he got to know a few truck drivers who encouraged him to give trucking a try, so he enrolled with a local CDL program. After completing the program, he signed on with Werner Enterprises because of the fleet’s comprehensive entrylevel training and sign-on bonuses. During his initial eight-week training, his then-wife, who he had been supporting while she attended college, told him she was leaving him for his best friend. “I had no idea that she was going to do that,” he says. “She told me she wanted a divorce while I was on a payphone in Colorado. I hadn’t been driving a truck all that long, but it had already cost me my marriage. I went home to sort out our affairs, and tried to start over.” The breakup of his marriage began a downward spiral, and he soon turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with the disappointment. At his lowest point, he contemplated suicide and decided to go on one final drug binge. He estimates he used several thousand dollars in methamphetamine that weekend. “At the end of it, I had been up for days and was completely out of my mind,” he says. “I tried to go into a house I hadn’t lived in for years. A relative of my ex-wife was living there at the time, and fortunately, he didn’t shoot me or anything. Instead, he called a friend to come and get me, who talked to me for hours trying to convince me that I needed help. When I calmed down and started listening, he said something that changed everything for me. He told me that if I were to die that day he’d have to tell my kids that I loved my drugs more than I loved them. It was that moment when I learned the respect for brutal honesty and it made me put down the drugs cold turkey. It was the start of my sobriety.” He remained sober, kept working to straighten out his life, and returned to trucking for a career that has since offered him redemption, self-esteem, and quality of life he never dreamed

Jason Webber A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021


Top drivers: LB3, Inc. commercial drivers Nathan Heflin (left) and Jason Webber finished one and two for the 2020 Alabama Driver of the Year Award.


possible. Now, nearly 20 years later, he has safely logged 2.8 million miles and serves as a senior driver for the fleet, training its new hires and mentoring younger drivers. “Jason means so much to our operation,” says LB3 Director of Operations Valerie Lindley. “We have been blessed with him for three years, and we appreciate his hard work and faithfulness to our LB3 Family.” Alabama Trucking Association Vice President of Safety and Compliance Tim Fraizer notes that this year, two LB3 drivers placed in the top spots for ATA’s Driver of the Year Award with the top spot going to Nathan Heflin. “Our judges had a difficult task in selecting our winner and runner-up,” Frazier says. “Mr. Webber’s career speaks volumes about his dedication to highway safety and his passion for the work. On top of that, he has a great story and a long history of serving his employer, his customers, and his community. He personifies the true professional driver.” Through it all, Webber is proud to say he kept pushing to improve himself. He made his peace with his past, built a career, married the love of his life, Isabella, and successfully raised his adult


son, Alex, who works for a subsidiary of Alabama Power and training to earn his CDL. He says he’s happier than he has ever been. He adds that he recently turned his life over to the Lord. When he started going to church a couple of years ago, he says it was more for Isabella than himself. “She told me she wanted to start going to church, and I told her I would, but was only doing it to support her,” he says. One Sunday a Bible verse struck him. It was Ephesians 3:8, which states: “Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.” “That verse spoke to me because after all the things I had Webber accepting his award from Past ATA Chairman Tom McLeod (left) of McLeod Software and award sponsor Andrew Linn of Southland Transportation Group done, and all I had been through, it’s a comfort knowing the Lord loves and accepts me no of great family, friends, and co-workers. But he’s most thankful for matter what,” Webber says. “I am so grateful for that. I now know the career that’s given him steady work, the ability to take care of how I got to where I am today. I am blessed.” his family, and the self-esteem to push through the toughest of Of course, age and wisdom played a part in his transformation, days. too, and he credits the help and guidance from Isabella and a lot




SMMC Rebounds in 2021: Looking back on a great year


Tim Frazier Vice President of Safety & Compliance

‘I encourage all our safety, maintenance, HR, and boots on the ground managers to get involved. The contacts and networking opportunities available are worth your time and effort.’ 20

s the year comes to an end, I can’t help but look back and think about how much we have overcome over the past 20 months. We survived 2020 basically functioning in a hibernated environment, but by most measures 2021 has been considerably better for events, on-site visits, and networking. The year kicked off with a hugely successful SMMC Safety Awards program where we were able to conduct it live and in-person after going virtual the year before. Our awards banquet was a huge success, and, wow, what a great list of winners we had, including the largest list of motor carrier awards that I can remember. And to have the Driver of the Year, Nathan Heflin, and the Runner-up, Jason Webber, both come from the same company was a fantastic development – (See Runner-up Jason Webber’s story on page 12). I am looking forward to next March for hopefully an even bigger and better night of awards. Keep your eyes peeled for registration materials for that in early January and make plans now to get your entries ready. Unfortunately, as hard as we tried, we just couldn’t find a way to conduct our annual Alabama Truck Driving Championships this year. We were, however, able to participate in a cool virtual driver contest hosted by the American Trucking Associations. As fun as that event was, it just wasn’t the same as having all our drivers gathered in one place to celebrate their outstanding efforts and professionalism. Be assured, however, that discussions and plans are already in place for May 27 for 2022 Alabama TDC in Pelham. The TDC committee will meet soon to iron out specifics, and I assure you this group is looking forward to putting together a great event for our drivers. Our plan is to have a big event this year that will be fun and entertaining for drivers and families. Who knows, we may even have some new activities and ideas to share soon. We also held several informative and

educational SMMC meetings that were very well attended. The safety council’s officers and steering committees have already developed a full calendar for next year with fantastic subjects and speakers on tap. Your participation in these meetings and training sessions is vital to the continued success of our three SMMC chapters. And while I am on the topic, while participation this past year was better than 2020, it has still been a little off. I encourage all our safety, maintenance, HR, and boots on the ground managers to get involved. The contacts and networking opportunities available are worth your time and effort. So get ready for a busy 2022 when we will kick the year off with what could be one of the most important SMMC meetings we have had in a while. Our partners at the FMCSA and ALEA will join us in January to cover the new Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) Rule that goes into effect February 7, 2022 (Check out the fact sheet on these new rules starting on page 8). Our guests next month will provide an overview of the rule and cover the effects this will have on the licensing process. While writing this article and trying to make sure all the T’s were crossed and the I’s dotted, I’m reminded of one of my favorite songs I try to refer to often. Looking back at a tough but better year I think, “When it’s all been said and done, I know I did my best.” My hopes are all our companies, employees, drivers, and managers will have a successful and prosperous 2022. Let’s do our best even amid the challenges around us, and we can look back next year to a great 2022. So, with that, I ask you to keep safety first always and urge more of you to participate in all that our safety council has to offer your business and your career. For those who came to meetings and/or supported events, we thank you and we look forward to serving your needs next year. I hope each of you has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021

MANAGEMENT COUNCIL NEWS Former ATA Safety Pro of the Year Avery Baine dies at 48 A former top SMMC official and Vulcraft Carrier Corp. Safety and Compliance Coordinator Avery Baine of Fort Payne, Ala. died November 21, 2021, after an extended illness. He was 48. Avery Baine Avery was a fixture among ATA’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council for more than a decade, serving as chairman of the group’s Wiregrass Chapter, and was selected for the Alabama Trucking Association’s top safety professional in 2019. He worked in the industry for more than 22 years, first as a commercial driver safely logging more than 900,000 miles and then as a driver trainer for ABC Transportation in Eufaula, Ala., where he worked for 19 years. As his career progressed, he became interested in operations and safety compliance and shifted his focus towards the management side. He first moved into dispatch becoming


more involved in daily functions of the operation, and eventually moved into ABC’s safety department, which he led for several years training and working under his mentor, Al Lott, himself a former ATA Safety Professional of the Year. A selfless leader, Avery took pride in seeing those around him succeed. He told this magazine in 2019 that among his career highlights was watching one of his drivers at ABC, Moses Thomas, accept ATA’s Driver of the Year award in 2018. In his spare time, he volunteered many hours with the Eufaula Pee Wee Athletic Association, serving as a former president, coach, and athletic director. Avery was a loving man and touched the lives of all those who knew him. He was affectionally known as Opa by his granddaughters. Avery had a strong love for faith, family, friends, and football. He is survived by his wife of 27 years, Mindy Baine; children Yhonna Sparks (Kyle), Sierra Baine (Austin White), and Ricky Baine; brother Jeff Baine (Karen Gautney); and grandchildren Kenleigh Sparks, Madi Sparks, and Maya White.

Alignment Simple Solutions brings innovative alignment tools to Alabama Trucking QuickTrick Alignment Tools is excited to announce its new partnership with the Alabama Trucking Association. By supporting ATA’s efforts to increase commercial vehicle safety, the manufacturer will raise the visibility of QuickTrick Tools with the goal of benefiting Alabama’s great trucking industry and fleets. According to CEO and co-founder Tess Winningham, the company is changing the way trucking fleets approach preventative maintenance with patented portable alignment tools manufactured right here in Alabama. QuickTrick tools are utilized in more than 100 countries and have saved thousands of tires, parts, and downtime across many transportation sectors. “We began manufacturing QuickTrick tools in the garage in 2011,” Winningham said. “In the past decade, we have grown from home garage to 5,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing power to serve both small and large Continued on page 22


ALDOT launches campaign to inform drivers of new work zone fines

News customers with efficient alignment solutions that won’t break the budget.” She added that the company wanted to shift its focus to reaching Alabama trucking businesses and believe ATA will be a great partner to assist in that goal. “We look forward to bringing our solutions to ATA members so they can focus on safety on the road and savings for their maintenance budgets,” she said. “ATA is a perfect partner to accomplish this goal close to home.” Gary Gann, inventor and Chief Operations Officer of Alignment Simple Solutions, said “As Alabamians, it means a lot to us to bring safety and savings to our neighbors within the state. We spent the first decade focusing on a broader audience, but home is where the heart is and we look forward to becoming more involved with ATA’s mission to improve commercial trucking public image and safety performance.”

Mobile carriers are sunsetting 3G. Have you checked to see if your ELD is affected? As reported by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in November, mobile carriers are shutting down their 3G networks to make room for more advanced network services, including 5G. As a result, many older cell phones and other mobile devices will be unable to use data services. Once a 3G network is no longer supported, it is highly unlikely that any ELDs that rely on that network will be able to meet the minimum requirements established by the ELD Technical Specifications, including recording all required data elements and transferring ELD output files. Therefore, ELD systems that requires 3G

Recent deaths of road workers along Alabama highways are a sober reminder that there is little room for error when driving through a work zone. A new campaign from the Alabama Department of Transportation promotes work zone safety while making drivers aware of recent changes to the state’s construction zone law. Fines for any moving traffic violation committed in a construction zone where workers are present will now result in a $250 fine or double the regular fine, whichever amount is greater. Double fines aren’t just for speeding anymore. Work Zone Safe Driving Tips Distracted driving, tailgating, aggressive driving, or any moving violation will result in a double l Drive alert. Don’t drive distracted fine under the amended Alabama law. The Alaby texting, eating, or other bama Legislature’s amendments to the construcactivities that take your hands off tion zone law went into effect July 1, 2021, as the the wheel. Look for highway number of injuries and fatal crashes in work zones workers, reduced speed limits, and increased in 2020. There were 2,378 work zone changes to the roadway. crashes in Alabama in 2020, resulting in 19 fal Move over. Give workers more talities and 616 injuries. These numbers include space if the roadway allows. road workers and motorists. l Don’t tailgate. Keep a safe distance “Not a game,” is the theme of the new Drive from the vehicle ahead of you. Safe Alabama work zone public service announcement (PSA) from ALDOT and the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. The PSA uses the popularity of game shows to bring attention to the state’s current work zone safety law. TV and radio stations statewide will broadcast the PSA, and the campaign will be shared on the Drive Safe Alabama Twitter and Facebook pages. “We want drivers to be aware not only of the new fines in a work zone but of the people who are putting their lives at great risk to keep Alabama roads in good condition,” said Allison Green, Drive Safe Alabama Coordinator with ALDOT. “Driving through a work zone is not a game, and our new PSA highlights some of the violations that will result in double fines and could cost a road worker their life.” “As Rebuild Alabama projects begin to cover the state, more and more traffic-related work zones will be encountered,” said John Whitman with Mobile Asphalt Co. and current president of the Alabama Road Builders Association. “With the implementation of the new “Double Fines” law, we anticipate slower speeds and heightened awareness from the traveling public, which will no doubt provide a much safer environment for the dads, moms, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters who wear the vest every day.” cellular connectivity to perform its functionality will no longer be in compliance with the technical specifications in the ELD Rule after the 3G network it relies on is sunset. When in an area that does not support 3G, a 3G device will register a malfunction. In accordance with 49 CFR 395.34, the carrier has 8 days to get the malfunction resolved, in this case by replacement, unless an extension is granted. The announced sunset dates are below.*

ALDOT ends weight increases for vehicles involved in COVID-19 and storm relief On November 1, 2021, the Alabama Dept. of Transportation ended temporary weight increases for five- and six-axle vehicles involved in relief efforts for Covid-19 and Hurricane Ida. ALDOT deputy director of operations George Conner issued the following notice: “The September 3, 2021 memorandum from ALDOT with the subject “Movement of 90,000 lbs. Gross Weight Vehicles on Five and Six Axles, Hurricane Ida and COVID-19” is EXPIRED effective October 31, 2021, in accordance with the Governor’s State Public Health Emergency Proclamation, dated August 13, 2021, and supplemented on October 8, 2021, which included a termination date of October 31, 2021.” For more information, visit 22

These are dates for completing the shutdowns. Mobile carriers are planning to retire parts of their networks sooner. AT&T 3G: February 22, 2022; Sprint 3G (T-Mobile): March 31, 2022; Sprint LTE (T-Mobile): June 30, 2022; T-Mobile 3G: July 1, 2022; Verizon 3G: December 31, 2022. Many carriers, such as Cricket, Boost, Straight Talk, and several Lifeline mobile service providers, utilize the AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile networks. Contact your mobile carrier for up-to-date information. So what actions do motor carriers need to take? First, confirm whether your ELD relies on a 3G network. If you are unsure, contact your ELD provider. Next, ask your service provider for their upgrade or replacement plan. If your ELD relies on a 3G network, ask about a plan for upgrading or replacing your device to one that will be supported after the 3G sunset, and to complete the necessary actions as soon as possible. For questions email A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021


J&M Tank Lines’ CEO Harold Sumerford elected National ATA’s 77th Chairman

ATRI releases analysis findings of small verdicts and settlements on industry

American Trucking Associations closed out its 2021 Management Conference & Exhibition in October with a celebratory evening after electing Harold Sumerford Jr. as the federation’s 77th chairman. Sumerford Sumerford, who is CEO of Birmingham, Ala.-based J&M Tank Lines, said ATA is “stronger than it has ever been” during his remarks at the annual MCE banquet on Oct. 26. “Every member makes a difference.” He also highlighted the essential work performed by trucking companies throughout the coronavirus pandemic, even while facing labor shortages. “The men and women of the trucking industry have risen to the challenge and continued to move America’s freight,” Sumerford said. Moving forward, ATA must remain focused on key issues such as tort reform, nuclear verdicts, tolling and infrastructure funding, he said. “We must stay engaged with these problems. If not, the costs for carriers will continue to escalate and risk our association’s progress,” Sumerford said. “At the end of my time as chairman, I hope to look back and see many wins accomplished.” Sumerford succeeds immediate past chairman Sherri Garner Brumbaugh, CEO of Findlay, Ohio-based Garner Trucking.

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) recently released a follow-up analysis to its 2020 hallmark report on The Impact of Nuclear Verdicts on the Trucking Industry. The new report investigates the impact of verdicts and settlements under $1 million on the trucking industry. During its research on nuclear verdicts, ATRI determined that a different plaintiff litigation model is impacting the industry: small cases. The research used a new ATRI dataset of more than 600 cases resulting in either a settlement or verdict award of less than $1 million. The report provides rich insight into key crash characteristics and litigation factors that contribute to substantial payments to plaintiffs. This study showed that settlement payments are approximately 37.7 percent larger than verdict awards, and 393 percent more likely to occur in incidents involving a fatality. Additionally, incidents involving a severe injury were 217 percent more likely to settle and 199 percent more likely to result in payments to plaintiffs over $600,000. The report provides an overview of the small litigation landscape in the trucking industry as well as strategies to assist carriers and attorneys in preventing more costly litigation outcomes. “This analysis proves a theory that I have always had; there are two markets as to the value of cases – the settlement market and the trial market. There should be one market and that is what a case is objectively worth,” said Doug Marcello, Attorney at Marcello & Kivisto LLC.

Truckworx Holdings Co. announces change in ownership Truckworx, Alabama and Mississippi’s longtime Kenworth commercial truck dealer recently announced that Will Bruser has acquired Truckworx Holding Co. and all related entities from outgoing CEO Bob Mitchell. Bruser has 19 years of experience in the trucking industry, and he began his journey at Truckworx in 2004 in truck sales. Bruser then took over the day-to-day operations of the company upon his promotion to President in 2013. 24

The Bruser Family, from left, Hayden, Will, Mitchell, Tracy, and Will

With this acquisition, Bruser now serves as president and CEO of the company. “This is an important step toward the future of the Truckworx family and all the families that are represented within this company,” Bruser said. “I am very proud of the incredible team that we have built and am fully confident in our ability to bring this company into the future.” Bruser has served the Truckworx team in a variety of capacities, including truck sales, Mobile’s branch manager, Vice President of Sales and his current roles. Bruser is also the current Chairman of the Board of the Alabama Trucking Association, a position he assumed in July of 2021. Since serving as president in 2013, the company has expanded to 16 locations including eight full-service dealerships across the Southeast. Truckworx also represents Hino and Isuzu commercial trucks, as well as six heavy-duty trailer manufacturers, allowing Truckworx to provide the solution for all commercial trucking needs. The company added a commercial truck rental and full-service lease division through PacLease in 2019 and became Alabama’s exclusive Blue Bird bus dealer in 2013. Truckworx also acquired a commercial body shop in 2015 and has recently opened three TRP Parts locations and four Truckworx Fleet Solutions locations. “My wife Tracy, my family and I could not be happier to carry this family-owned business into the future,” Bruser said. “We are honored to be a part of the Truckworx team and the transportation industry as a whole. We are grateful for everything this industry does for our family and this great country.”

PS Logistics expands with purchase of two fleets Shipping company PS Logistics has announced two recent major acquisitions. First, one of PS’s subsidiaries, P&S Transportation, LLC, has completed its purchase of Nauvoo, Alabama-based JLT Services, LLC’s transportation assets. Second, the company’s DMT Trucking, LLC subsidiary brokered a deal for the transportation assets of Broken Bow, Oklahoma-based Daryl Thomason Trucking. Continued on page 26 A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021


JLT maintains a fleet of 32 trucks, according to a PS Logistics news release. “We are proud to welcome JLT to the PS Logistics family,” said Houston Vaughn, President of PS Logistics. “JLT brings great drivers, employees and freight expertise to our company as well as a new key customer to PS Logistics. I am pleased PS Logistics will continue JLT’s family-oriented atmosphere and strong culture and we look forward to providing JLT’s customers with the same service commitment.” According to the news release, the JLT acquisition “continues PS Logistics’ acquisition strategy of partnering with families and owners within the flatbed trucking segment. Since 2014, PS Logistics has successfully acquired and integrated 23 trucking and logistics operations.” Daryl Thomason Trucking has approximately 108 trucks and 167 53-foot flatbed trailers, along with “excellent drivers and a seasoned management team leading the company,” the PS Logistics news release stated. “The transaction will further strengthen PS Logistics’ operations in the Southwest U.S. and provide it with additional terminals in Oklahoma, and Arkansas,” according to the news release. “The combination of DMT Trucking and Daryl Thomason Trucking provides PS Logistics with further inroads to the 53-foot trailer market and the ability to enhance its over-length service to existing and future customers.” Scott Smith, chief executive officer and co-founder of PS Logistics, said he is proud to welcome Daryl Thomason Trucking to the fold. “We look forward to working with their great flatbed drivers and operations group while continuing their top-notch customer service,” he said. Daryl Thomason, President and founder of Daryl Thomason Trucking, said: “I have known the PS Logistics team for many years, and I am happy to be partnering with them. Over the last four decades, we built a successful flatbed trucking operation serving outstanding customers with dedicated employees and we will strive to continue that tradition with the same commitment to excellence.” The Daryl Thomason Trucking acquisition “continues PS Logistics’ acquisition strategy of partnering with family-owned and culturedriven companies within the flatbed trucking segment,” the news release stated. “Since 2014, PS Logistics has successfully acquired 26

and integrated 22 trucking and logistics operations.” “PS Logistics has been a great partner for us at DMT Trucking and we are thrilled to welcome Daryl, Shelly and the entire Daryl Thomason Trucking family to our company,” said Harold Smith, who will manage the combined entities.

FedEx plans $57M logistics facility in Dothan as Alabama hubs multiply This Is Alabama’s Jerry Underwood recently reported that FedEx Ground plans to open a $57 million logistics facility in Houston County, adding another hub to the robust network of distribution and logistics centers that has been expanding across Alabama through a series of new projects. Officials in Houston County said the 317,000-sq. ft. FedEx Ground facility will stand on a 70-acre site off Sam Houston Boulevard located in the Sam Houston Industrial Park. The facility will create 200-plus jobs. “This project is an excellent example of area cooperation as we worked with all the state, city and county entities to bring about this distribution project in the Dothan area,” Mayor Mark Saliba said. Since 2020, Alabama locations have attracted a slew of distribution and logistics projects from companies responding to changing consumer demand. FedEx Ground plans to build a $57 million logistics facility in Houston County that will create over 200 jobs. During 2020, these projects involved nearly $550 million in new capital investment and the creation of at least 2,000 jobs in the state, according to estimates from the Alabama Dept. of Commerce. Construction on the FedEx facility is expected to begin in December with completion scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2022.

John Lynch tapped Trucking Cares Foundation president The American Trucking Associations has announced John Lynch, senior vice president of federation relations and industry affairs, has been named president of the ATA Trucking Cares Foundation, the trucking industry’s charitable arm. “This is a great day for the Trucking Cares Foundation, as we move forward with a renewed mission for our industry’s charitable efforts – playing an important role in supporting disaster relief efforts, community programs and a vast array of worthy causes,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “I’m

excited to welcome John Lynch as the president of the Foundation, and believe he is the right person to take the organization’s efforts to the next level.” Those efforts will be focused on several core areas, including humanitarian and disaster relief; eradicating human trafficking; leadership development; strengthening the industry’s relationships with law enforcement, the military and veterans’ organizations; safety and research opportunities. “I’m honored to be named president of the Trucking Cares Foundation,” Lynch said. “Being able to play a leadership role in the important work the Foundation does is a tremendous challenge and opportunity that I’m looking forward to.” “I have tremendous confidence that John is going to take the work that has been done in establishing the Trucking Cares Foundation to the next level in what promises to be a strong and successful future for the organization,” said Foundation Chairman Phil Byrd, president and CEO of Bulldog Hiway Express. “Now, is the time to build on our early work, and I’m confident John will provide strong leadership for the Trucking Cares Foundation in service of our mission.” In addition to the change in leadership, the Trucking Cares Foundation is announcing a new fundraising drive – the Trucking Cares Foundation Founders Club – challenging members of the trucking community to commit to the Foundation today, and into the future, by pledging to donate $100,000 over the next decade. “In order to truly fulfill our mission, the Foundation needs to not just increase our fundraising efforts, but to ensure those efforts are regular and sustainable,” Lynch said. “By establishing the Founders Club, we are creating a mechanism where the Foundation will be able to raise funds and direct them in service of the causes we support well into the future.” For more information about the Trucking Cares Foundation, and the Founders Club, please visit

Two Alabama drivers are finalists for America’s Road Team Two Alabama-based commercial drivers have been selected as finalists for America’s Road Team, a public outreach program of the American Trucking Associations that promotes the industry and highway safety. Darrien Henderson, a driver for J&M Tank Lines, Inc. Mobile, and Lloyd Howell, a driver for TCW, Inc. in Birmingham, are among 36 finalists for the 2022-2023 term Continued on page 28 A LABAMA T RUCKER • 4 TH Q UARTER 2021


industry officials and trucking news media representatives, will judge the contenders on their knowledge of the trucking industry, dedication to safety, ability to communicate the industry’s messages and overall of the Road Team. safe driving record. The finalists, “These men and women were with a combined total of 75 million selected as finalists for America’s safe-driving miles and 923 years as Road Team because they have professional truck drivers, are outstanding safe driving records, highway safety experts eager to share share a passion for the trucking their experiences with the motoring industry, and are role models among public. their peers,” said ATA President and The new Road Team will be CEO Chris Spear. “We owe these announced on January 19 following Darrien Henderson professional drivers our gratitude, a ceremony on Capitol Hill in without them the American Washington. New Captains, after economy would come to a halt.” receiving their signature navy blue America’s Road Team, a group of America’s Road Team blazer, will professional truck drivers with begin working to share the superior safety records, was created industry’s message of safety, in 1986 to represent the trucking essentiality and sustainability with industry and is sponsored by Volvo the motoring public, media, Trucks. Captains, with support from business and community groups, their companies, dedicate a few days public officials and their fellow truck each month to attend industry drivers around the country. Lloyd Howell events, speak at schools, or meet Captains from previous teams policymakers on behalf of the trucking continue to serve as ambassadors to the industry. industry and are called upon frequently to Finalists advance to a selection process that participate in safety events, speaking will take place in January in Arlington, appearances and industry conferences. Virginia. A panel of evaluators, including “Being named a finalist for America’s Road


Team is a major achievement for professional truck drivers and ATA congratulates each of them for this accomplishment, said Elisabeth Barna, executive vice president of industry affairs. “America’s Road Team will continue to serve as a voice for the industry, which benefits from their professionalism, dedication and safety as they educate the public on highway safety, the role trucking plays in our economy and why the trucking industry is a great career option.” To be nominated to serve as an America’s Road Team Captain, professional truck drivers must be employed or leased to an ATA member company. Each nominee should have an excellent safety record and should demonstrate an ability to communicate his or her commitment to safety and passion for the industry. Nominees should also portray a positive image of the professional truck driver in all that they do. This year’s finalists hail from 21 different states, haul a diverse assortment of products and materials, and range from short-haul drivers to over-the-road drivers operating in all of the lower 48 states. The finalists represent a cross-section of the industry with experience ranging from four years to 43 years as professional truck drivers with anywhere from nearly 400,000 to 3.9 million safe driving miles.


PO Box 242337 • Montgomery, AL 36124 • Phone: (334) 834-3983 • Fax: (334) 262-6504

Application For Membership Motor Carrier: ___

Private: ___

Household Goods: ___

Allied Industry: ___

Your Dues Amount: $ __________________ (please fill in by using dues chart) Firm Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: (Box)________________________________(Street) ____________________________________________ City, State & Zip: ________________________________________________________________________________ DOT Number: ______________________________________ Number of Trucks: __________________ __________ Telephone: (______) ____________________ Fax (______) ____________________ 800/ ______________________ Website Address:


Type of Business: ________________________________________________________________________________ Official Representative : ________________________________Title: ______________________________________ Email address:


Alternate Representative: ________________________________Title: ______________________________________ Email address:



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Exp Date _____________________

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MAG ______ MC ______ GC ______ YR ______ LTR/PLQ ______ RSL ______ BC ______



Schedule of Membership Dues (Effective July 1, 2017)

A. For-Hire Motor Carriers (Membership dues are based on truck count; maximum of $4,000) $500 plus $20 per truck

B. Private Carriers (Schedule based on miles traveled in Alabama) $300 ..............................for up to 1 million miles $600 ..............................for 1,000,000 up to 4 million miles $900 ..............................for 4,000,001 up to 7 million miles $1,200 ...........................for 7,000,001 up to 10 million miles $1,500 ...........................for 10,000,001 up to 13 million miles $1,800 ...........................for 13,000,001 miles up to 16 million miles $2,100 ...........................for 16,000,001 up to 19 million miles $2,400 ...........................for 19,000,000 up to 21 million miles $2,800 ...........................for 21,000,000 up to 24 million miles $3,100 ...........................for over 24 million miles

C. Household Goods Carriers (Schedule based on intrastate revenue only) $420 ..............................for under $100,000 $480 ..............................for $100,001 up to $150,000 $540 ..............................for $150,000 up to $200,000 $660 ..............................for $201,001 up to $250,000 $780 ..............................for $250,001 up to $300,000 $900 ..............................for $300,001 up to $400,000 $1,200 ...........................for $400,001 and over

D. Allied Industry (Those who service and equip the trucking industry) $600 annually

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT – The amount of dues paid by individual members of the Alabama Trucking Association is confidential information and is not subject to publication. Dues information can only be released by ATA to the principal representative of the member in question, and requests by other persons or parties will not be honored. Members are strongly urged to honor this privacy statement and to not share their confidential dues information with other ATA members or the general public.

2021 ATA Buyer’s Guide

We make every effort to ensure this list is correct. For changes or corrections to your company’s listing, contact

Alabama Trucking Assn.’s Buyer’s Guide lists those companies that have taken an active role in supporting Alabama’s trucking industry by becoming members of the Association. We ask that each time you plan a purchase that you consult this guide and give ATA members the opportunity to gain your business. These companies proudly support your association and deserve your support, as well. ADVERTISING/PUBLISHING Pitts Media (205) 792-1280 AUTO DEALER (SERVICE OR REPAIR) Faucett Motors of Boaz, Inc. (256) 593-7162

KLLM/Equipment Solutions LLC (205) 515-1478 Metro Trailer Rental (205) 985-8701 Reliable Trailer Sales, Inc. DBA Storage Trailers of Alabama (205) 808-0042

BUS SALES & SERVICE Southland Transportation Group (205) 942-6226 REPOWR (205) 908-0540 Transportation South, Inc. (205) 663-2287 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616 Southland Transportation Group (205) 942-6226 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Rushing Enterprises, Inc. Star Leasing Co. (334) 693-3318 (205) 763-1280 COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICS J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848

Trailer Sales of Tennessee A Fleet Equipment Co. (615) 259-3301

Netradyne (833) 476-9663

Transport Enterprise Leasing, LLC (423) 214-4027

Omnitracs, LLC (615) 594-7565

Vacuum Truck Rentals, LLC (205) 277-6190

Orbcomm, Inc. (201) 510-0424

EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Allison Transmission, Inc. (678) 367-7011

PrePass Safety Alliance (602) 601-4779

Daehan Solution Alabama, LLC (334) 301-3498

FINANCIAL SERVICES Arvest Equipment Finance (866) 745-1487 Bank of America Merrill Lynch (205) 298-7467 BMO Transportation Finance (770) 960-6307 Comdata (615) 376-6917 Commercial Credit Group, Inc. (704) 731-0031 CorpFinancial, LLC (334) 215-4499 Crestmark Bank 615-620-3509 Electronic Funds Source, LLC (615) 777-4619 Fifth Third Bank (770) 510-8123 FirstBank (256) 970-1618 First Horizon Bank (615) 734-6046 Hancock Whitney Bank (251) 665-1667

IBERIABANK Eaton Corp./Roadranger Field Marketing (251) 345-9676 Trimble Transportation (334) 398-1410 (407) 347-5121 People’s Capital & Leasing Corp. (205) 856-9354 EQUIPMENT PARTS/ACCESSORIES DRIVER STAFFING Dothan Tarpaulin Products, Inc. Transportation Support, Inc. (800) 844-8277 People’s United Equipment (205) 833-6336 Finance Corp. (205) 664-9374 Imperial Supplies LLC EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONSULTING (920) 490-6707 Central Alabama Community College PNC Bank N.A. (256) 215-4301 (205) 421-2764 Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems 334/798-0080 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. ProBilling and Funding Service (920) 722-2848 (256) 736-4349 Paccar Parts/Kenworth (206) 898-5541 JP Transportation Safety Progress Bank Consulting, LLC (205) 527-5692 (205) 329-8182 (205) 945-8550 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. Renasant Bank (251) 653-4716 (334) 301-5955 Transportation Compliance Services, USA Star Truck Parts ServisFirst Bank (877) 268-7347 (205) 324-4681 (205) 949-3433 Thermo King of B’ham-Dothan-Mobile- TRW Solutions, LLC Montgomery-Chattanooga Signature Financial (251) 362-2275 (334) 263-5782 (615) 982-4375 Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. (205) 585-3895 W.W. Williams South State Bank (205) 252-9025 (205) 422-7111 (334) 279-6083 ENGINE MANUFACTURERS Trustmark Bank Cummins Sales & Service (205) 995-4615 (901) 490-5232 Werts Welding & Tank Service, Inc. (205) 238-9277 EQUIPMENT LEASING Wells Fargo Equipment Finance CB Equipment, Inc. (314) 374-2165 (205) 338-0943

INSURANCE Aronov Insurance, Inc. (334) 277-1000 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc. (334) 386-3317 Benton & Parker Insurance Services (770) 536-8340 Boozer & Associates (205) 223-3108 (800) 325-4368 Byars|Wright Insurance (205) 221-3621

ErgoScience, Inc. (205) 879-6447 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 Safety First-Div. of Behavioral Health Systems (205) 443-5433

PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Davison Fuels & Oil (251) 544-4511 Jack Green Oil Co., Inc. (256) 831-1038

Caribou Insurance Agency, Inc. (205) 822-7577

Major Oil Company, Inc. (334) 263-9070

Cottingham and Butler (563) 587-5521

Myers Oil Company, Inc. (954) 938-7211

DMC Insurance, Inc. (317) 436-4909 Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. (901) 274-5424 Great West Casualty Co. (865) 392-3752 Key Benefit Administrators (317) 284-7753 Lyon Fry Cadden Insurance (251) 473-4600 McGriff Insurance Services (334) 674-9810 (205) 583-9641 Joe Morten & Sons, Inc. (865) 392-3844 Palomar Insurance Corp. (334) 270-0105 PR Companies (334) 836-1377 Reliance Group, LLC (205) 504-4841 Reliance Partners, LLC (877) 668-1704 The Baxter Agency (334) 678-6800 TransRisk, LLC (334) 403-4114 TrueNorth Companies (616) 690-5856 Turner & Hamrick L.L.C. (334) 566-7665

MEDICAL/DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES Alabama Specialty Clinic (256) 736-1460 Carlisle Medical, Inc. (251) 344-7988

RelaDyne (205) 384-3422 Shell Oil Products US (601) 529-7244 W.H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. (205) 755-2610

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting Firms: Aldridge, Borden & Co. (334) 834-6640 Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP (317) 580-2068 Warren Averett (256) 739-0312

Attorneys: Adams and Reese LLP (251) 650-0861 Ball, Ball, Matthews & Novak, P.A. 334-387-7680 Bradley Arant (205) 521-8837 Carr, Allison, P.C. (251) 626-9340 Constangy, Brooks, Smith & P rophette, LLP (205) 252-9321 DeLashmet & Marchand, P.C. (251) 433-1577 Friedman, Dazzio, Zulanas & Bowling, P.C. (205) 278-7000 Hand Arendall Harrison Sale LLC (251) 432-5511 Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black, P.C. (334) 834-7600 Moore, Young, Foster & Hazelton, LLP (205) 879-8722

(Current as of 12-8-2021)

Brandie Norcross at Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow, Ireland PA (205) 980-5000 Speegle, Hoffman, Holman & Holifield, LLC (251) 694-1700 Starnes Davis Florie LLP (205) 868-6000

Other Services: Alignment Simple Solutions, LLC (205) 475-2419 Allstate Beverage (251) 476-9600 Ext. 1231 AMG Driver Recruitment (205) 325-2446 AngelTrax (334) 692-4600

QuikQ LLC (678) 591-4675

Rowe Management Corp. (205) 486-9235

MAC LTT (330) 474-3795

Nextran Truck Centers (205) 841-4450

Randall-Reilly (205) 349-2990

Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280

Manac Trailers, Inc. (404) 775-2619

Rush Truck Center-Mobile (251) 459-7300

Rand McNally (877) 446-4863

Thompson Tractor Company (205) 244-7812

R C Trailer Sales & Service Co., Inc. (205) 680-0924

Ryder Vehicle Sales LLC (205) 492-2428

REPOWR (205) 908-0540

W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

Reliable Trailer Sales, Inc. DBA Storage Trailers of Alabama (205) 808-0042

SelecTrucks of Alabama (205) 322-6695

SET Logistics, Inc. (205) 849-6309 Soar Payments LLC (888) 225-9405 Spectrum Environmental Services, Inc. (205) 664-2000

C Cross Logistics, LLC (205) 759-1818

Swift Supply, Inc. (251) 929-9399

Charity Steel (205) 668-2200

Talent Recruiting Partners, LLC (205) 500-0562

Corporate Billing, LLC (256) 584-3600 Davis Direct, Inc. (334) 277-0878 Enterprise Holdings, Inc. (205) 823-4599 Drivewyze (780) 461-3355 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 329-8183 M & N Transport, Inc. (256) 657-5161 Max Coating, Inc. (205) 849-2737 MCG Workforce (251) 652-5244 McLeod Software (205) 823-5100 Inc. (866) 245-3918 TeamOne Logistics (770) 232-9902 The National Transportation Institute (612) 263-9983 TMW Systems, Inc. (440) 721-2260

TIRE DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS Southeast Trailer Mart, Inc. Best One Tire & Service (404) 361-6411 (615) 244-9611 Southland Transportation Group Bridgestone Commercial Solutions (205) 942-6226 (205) 514-8341 Star Leasing Co. Butler Industrial Tire Center, Inc. (205) 763-1280 (334) 376-0178 Columbus Tire Company dba Complete Tire and Service (706) 321-8133 Continental Tire North America (662) 549-7570 Love’s Truck Tire Care and Speedco (800) OK-LOVES McGriff Tire Co. (256) 739-0710 McGriff Treading Co., Inc. (256) 734-4298 Michelin North America (859) 661-0855

Transportation and Logistical Services, Inc (205) 226-5500

Wilks Tire & Battery Service, Inc. (256) 878-0211

Transportation Billing Solutions, LLC (205) 788-4000

Snider Fleet Solutions (336) 691-5499

Transportation Compliance Services, USA (877) 268-7347

Southern Tire Mart (251) 457-9915

Vomela Specialty Company (205) 310-2151

Yokohama Tire Corp. (317) 385-2611

Repairs: Big Moe Spring & Alignment of B’ham, Inc. (205) 780-0290

Motor Carrier Safety Consulting (205) 871-4455

Birmingham Frame & Alignment, LLC (205) 322-4844

Pitts Media (205) 792-1280

Childersburg Truck Service, Inc. (256) 378-3101

Porter Billing Services LLC (205) 397-4079

Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

Power South Energy Cooperative (334) 427-3207

Lazzari Truck Repair, Inc. (251) 626-5121

PR Companies (334) 836-1377

Mann Automotive Diesel, Inc. (334) 792-0456

PrePass Safety Alliance (602) 601-4779

MHC Carrier Transicold (404) 968-3130

Southland Transportation Group (205) 942-6226 Taylor & Martin, Inc. (402) 721-4500 Trojan Industries, Inc. dba Lyncoach Truck Bodies (334) 566-4330

Transport Trailer Center (334) 299-3573

Truckworx Kenworth - Birmingham (205) 326-6170

Transtex (877) 332-3519

Truckworx Kenworth – Dothan (334) 712-4900

Utility Trailer Sales of Alabama LLC (334) 794-7345

Truckworx Kenworth – Montgomery (334) 263-3101

Wabash National Corp. (270) 206-1877

Truckworx Kenworth – Mobile (251) 957-4000

Werts Welding & Tank Service, Inc. (205) 238-9277

Truckworx Kenworth – Huntsville (256) 308-0162

TRUCK DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS Action Truck Center (334) 794-8505

Truckworx Kenworth – Thomasville (334) 636-4380

Alabama Freightliner (205) 322-6695 Birmingham Freightliner (205) 322-6695 Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer (334) 262-8856 Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

TRAILER DEALERS/ MANUFACTURERS C & C Trailers, Inc. (334) 897-2202

Daimler Trucks NA LLC (803) 554-4831

Dorsey Trailer, LLC (334) 897-2525

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 933-5190

Fitzgerald Peterbilt (205) 379-8300

Fleetco, Inc. (615) 256-0600

Four Star Freightliner (Dothan) (334) 793-4455

Fontaine Fifth Wheel NA (205) 421-4300

Four Star Freightliner (334) 263-1085 (Montgomery)

Great Dane (205) 324-3491

Mack Trucks, Inc. (678) 201-4770

Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc. (251) 438-5521

Navistar (813) 382-3113

Gulf Coast Truck & Equipment Co. (251) 476-2744

Neely Coble Co. (256) 350-1630

Volvo Trucks North America (336) 508-4950 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

TRUCK & EQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613 TRUCKSTOPS Love’s Travel Stops, Inc. (904) 738-4019 Pilot Flying J Centers (865) 207-3874 TravelCenters of America/Petro Shopping Centers (678) 591-4675

VEHICLE LEASING Penske Truck Leasing (757) 603-2853 Penske Truck Leasing – Birmingham, AL (205) 942-6985 Southland Transportation Group (205) 942-6226 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616



New Members 9-1-21 through 12-8-21 Blu Eagle Logistics LLC Helena, Ala. Laetitia Coleman

Manac Trailer, Inc. Flint, TX Charmyst Amie

Safety Plus Mobile, Ala. Gina Dalton

Blue Goose Transportation, LLC Florence, Ala. Kent Clark

Penske Truck Leasing – Birmingham, AL Birmingham, Ala. Johnny Love

Signature Financial Brentwood, TN Rob Vlach

Crossroads Transportation Gardendale, Ala. Jeff Robinson

R & E Trucking, LLC Clanton, Ala. Reece Green

TRANSTEX Indianapolis, IN Doug DeJong

Lila Kate Trucking, LLC Roanoke, Ala. Matthew Brown

S & L Transportation, Inc. Brewton, Ala. Angelia Hammac


Events Please note: Due to restrictions on large gatherings caused by the coronavirus pandemic, event locations and dates are subject to change. Please contact Brandie Norcross at bnorcross@alabama or visit for updates and changes.

SMMC Regional Meeting Wiregrass January 13, 2022 Montgomery, Ala.

SMMC Regional Meeting Birmingham February 7, 2022 Pelham, Ala.

SMMC Spring Roadside Inspection April 14, 2022 Tuscaloosa, Ala.

SMMC Regional Meeting Gulf Coast January 20, 2022 Mobile, Ala.

SMMC Regional Meeting Wiregrass February 17, 2022 Montgomery, Ala.

ATA Annual Convention April 28 - May 1, 2022 Point Clear, Ala.

SMMC Regional Meeting Birmingham January 11, 2022 Pelham, Ala.

ATA Board of Directors Meeting January 25, 2022 Montgomery, Ala.

SMMC Fleet Safety Awards Banquet March 21, 2022 Pelham, Ala.



ADVERTISER Alabama Trucker (AT), the official publication of the Alabama Trucking Association (ATA), is an award-winning trade publication highlighting the Association's activities while documenting the business environment of the day. AT is published quarterly and distributed to more than 2,500 trucking executives, regulatory officials, and political figures. Want to reach decision makers at more than 1,500 Alabama-based trucking firms? Consider this: Advertising in AT reaches the most concentrated readership of trucking professionals in the state. Our rates are affordable, but on top of that, you’re helping ATA send positive messages about one of the state's largest employers. Contact Ford Boswell at or 877-277-TRUK (8785) For More Information



Alabama Truck Driving Championships May 27, 2022 Pelham Civic Center





Alignment Simple Solutions


(205) 475-2419

Assured Partners


(888) 385-0186

ATA Comp Fund


(334) 834-7911

The Baxter Agency


(800) 873-8494


(205) 322-6695

Great West Casualty


(800) 228-8053

International Trucks


(800) 844-4102

McGriff Insurance


(334) 674-9803

McGriff Tire


(334) 674-9803

Nextran Truck Center


(800) 292-8685

Palomar Insurance


(800) 489-0105

R.E. Garrison


(800) 643-3472

Southern Tire Mart


(877) STM-TIRE

Southland Transportation Group


(205) 254-1821

Truckworx Kenworth


(800) 444-6170

WH Thomas Oil Co.


(205) 755-2610

Birmingham Freightliner


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