Alabama Trucker, 3rd Quarter 2015

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Officers Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Greg Brown Vice Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gary Bond Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruce MacDonald Immediate Past Chairman . . .Wayne Watkins

ATA Board of Directors Steve Aronhalt, Dennis Bailey, Rhonda Bees, Joe Black, Gary Bond, Jack Brim, Will Bruser, Mike Callahan, Dan Carmichael, Fenn Church, Mark Coffman, Jeff Coleman, John Collier, Rodger Collins, Driscoll Colquett, Brent Cook, Gail Cooper, Al Cox, Jerry Davis, Ranny Davis, Amy DeFee, Joe Donald, Edmund Doss, Mack Dove, Russ Elrod, Dean Flint, Will Forbes, Jack Fricks, Beau Holmes, Terry Kilpatrick, Jason King, Susan Kirkpatrick, Mark Knotts, Jerry Kocan, Drew Linn, Hunter Lyons, Bart McCrory, Jeff McGrady, Barry McGriff, Tom McLeod, Buck Moore, E.H. Moore, Jr., Ross Neely, Jr., Tommy Neely, Butch Owens, Clay Palm, Mike Pursley, Kevin Savoy, Bill Scruggs, Danny Smith, Harold Sorrells, Ronnie Stephenson, Steve Stinson, Paul Storey, Harold Summerford, Jr., John Summerford, James Suttles, Bill Ward, Scott White, David Wildberger, Skip Williams, T.J. Willings, Keith Wise.

ATA Staff J. Frank Filgo, CAE, President & CEO Tim Frazier, CDS, Director of Safety & Member Services Jane Nixon, Executive Assistant Lynn Thornton, Bookkeeper Ford Boswell, Director of Communications Brandie Norcross, Administrative Assistant

ATA WCSIF Staff Kimble Coaker, CEO & Fund Administrator Don Boatright, COO Don Anchors, Director of Loss Control & Safety Todd Hager, Director of Claims Debra Calhoun, Office Manager Michael Smith, Loss Control Engineer Victor Whatley, Loss Control Engineer Duane Calhoun, CDS, Loss Control Engineer Kimberly Best, Payroll/Audit Coordinator Kim Campbell, Underwriting Coordinator Katie Edwards, Accounting Specialist Kim Sims, Administrative Assistant Published quarterly by the Alabama Trucking Assn., P.O. Box 242337, Montgomery, AL 36124-2337.







Focusing on Cargo Theft


Cargo theft costs the trucking industry billions annually, robbing fleets and shippers of more than just the value of stolen property or collateral damage to equipment. Losing a truck and its cargo affects insurance premiums, damages business reputations, degrades client confidence, and in rare cases even poses physical danger to employees. ATA officials say Alabama needs legislation that clearly defines criminal laws and increases fines and penalties for those who steal freight.

A Ready Leader


B.R. Williams Trucking President Greg Brown is a wellrounded businessman holding a law degree and undergraduate degrees in accounting and mathematics. He leads one of Alabama’s most respected trucking and logistics companies, continually pushing himself and his colleagues to strive for excellence at all levels. He now turns his focus to lead the Alabama Trucking Association as its new Chairman with an aggressive agenda that seeks state legislative gains, improved industry safety, and increased membership involvement in industry-led programs and events.

Understanding Sleep Disorders


Obstructive sleep apnea affects nearly a third of American commercial drivers, according to FMCSA statistics. Studies show that those suffering from untreated sleep apnea are far more likely to be in accidents than those without the condition. Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders can cause poor job performance and are usually signs of more serious health issues. But there are steps fleet owners and managers can take to help drivers better cope with the condition and be safer, more productive employees.



President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Safety Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SMMC Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Trucking News Roundup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Buyers’ Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ATA Events and New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

ADVERTISING RATES: Quoted upon request.

Alabama Trucking Association 334-834-3983 • A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015


From the President

A state fuel tax increase is needed, but how much is fair? Frank Filgo, CAE President and CEO Alabama Trucking Association

‘Since fuel is the second largest expense for motor carriers, ATA maintains that Alabama’s fuel tax should be comparable to other states. Otherwise, Alabama businesses will be at a disadvantage when competing with those based elsewhere.’



or years the Alabama Trucking Association has supported raising the state fuel tax to help fund and improve state infrastructure. State lawmakers, now faced with a serious budget funding crisis, are pushing legislation to increase the fuel tax – but the amount and the extent to which fuel tax indexing is applied is a serious concern for trucking. During the 2015 First Special Session of the Alabama Legislature, a fuel tax indexing bill (HB50) was introduced that proposed a complex indexing formula that could raise the state’s gas and diesel tax by 5 cents per gallon (CPG) the first year and by 2 cents each year for 18 years – a combined 41 cent increase! Fortunately, that bill did not gain enough traction to pass, but a similar bill (HB28) resurfaced in the second special session that began on September 8. As the state’s primary freight hauler, motor carriers understand the importance of our state’s highway infrastructure benefitting Alabama’s economic future. ATA believes that a fuel tax increase is the preferred funding method to shore up Alabama’s Road and Bridge Fund, as opposed to other funding schemes such as tolling and the vehicle miles tax (VMT) – which ATA staunchly opposes. Drafters of the legislation rationalized that in 1992, the fuel tax equated to about 15 percent of the price of fuel. Consequently, that same percentage should be applied to the current price of fuel. The actual long term effect of the proposed increase is to achieve the 15 percent tax rate plus the existing tax of 19 CPG. Potentially, the sug-

gested Alabama diesel tax rate could increase over time by adding another 41 CPG to the existing 19 CPG excise tax - 60 CPG. Since fuel is the second largest expense for motor carriers, ATA maintains that Alabama’s fuel tax should be comparable to other states. Otherwise, Alabama businesses will be at a disadvantage when competing with those based elsewhere. ATA has taken the position that the tax increase should be capped at 11 CPG. The increases should be phased. That, plus the existing 19 CPG diesel excise tax and the 2.85 CPG in other state fees, add up to 32.8 CPG. This tax rate equates to the national average for state fuel taxes. Under the proposed bill, the state fuel tax increases (5 CPG the first year and 2 CPG annually thereafter) will be put on automatic cruise control, kicking in year after year for nearly two decades. Today, the trucking industry pays 37 percent of all taxes owed by Alabama motorist, despite trucks represent only 11 percent of vehicle miles traveled in the state. At this writing, it does not appear that the proposed fuel tax indexing bill will pass. What we do know is that the state’s highway funding issue must at some point be addressed. Hopefully, the funding solution will allow Alabama motor carriers to compete in a fair environment, and thus allow the industry to fulfill its vital role as the state’s major freight transportation sector. Be assured, the Alabama Trucking Association will continue to work toward that end.


Moving Targets, Part 1

As criminals become better at stealing freight, many states are beefing up laws to protect shipping systems, cargo and equipment from theft. The trend could make Alabama a more appealing target for cargo thieves, and ATA officials want state lawmakers to pass legislation that clearly defines criminal laws and increases fines and penalties for those who steal freight. 4

Editor’s Note: This is the first of two articles on the growing trend of cargo theft across the country, and the need for Alabama to enact tougher laws to ensure a safe and secure goods movement system. The following report explains how criminals are targeting victims, what items they want most, and what other states are doing to fight cargo theft within their borders. It also introduces the Association’s plan to ask state lawmakers to better define what cargo theft is in legal terms and increase penalties for those who steal cargo. A second article later this fall will focus on how fleets and shippers can make their operations more secure and steps they can take to make their valuable cargo less of a target for thieves.

By Ford Boswell or more than a decade, cargo theft has become a multi-billion dollar thorn in the trucking industry’s side, robbing fleets and shippers of more than just the value of stolen property or collateral damage to equipment. Losing a truck and its cargo affects insurance premiums, damages business reputations, degrades client confidence, and in rare cases, poses physical


danger to employees. Criminals are targeting specific operations at specific locations for bigger payoffs with little-to-no risk. They recognize stealing a large commercial truck and its valuable cargo can be accomplished rather easily with better technology and organization. On top of that, they also know that in some states, the risk of getting caught is low – and even if they do, penalties are often not very harsh, especially when compared to the value of the stolen cargo. Because of these factors, cargo thefts across the country are approaching epidemic levels – experts estimate that trucking lost a staggering $25 billion between 2012 and 2014. Some even suggest that’s a conservative estimate because many victims chose not to report crimes for fear of damaging an operation’s reputation. According to the “U.S. Annual Cargo Theft Report” published by FreightWatch International, the number of reported cargo thefts in 2014 actually decreased 12 percent. However, what’s troubling is that the average value of those thefts was nearly $233,000 – a 36 percent increase over 2013. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015

When stealing cargo, criminals are now working smarter, and they’re often organized, traveling in gangs (or teams), perfecting their tactics using advanced tracking devices and signal jamming technology. In some cases, they are even recruiting (or planting) individuals who work for trucking operations to identify valuable payloads and easy targets. Once criminals single out a victim, they stalk trucks and routes seeking the best possible time to make a move. They follow trucks for miles waiting for an unguarded moment to steal a vehicle and its cargo. In some instances, criminals have even created fictitious companies with forged credentials to pick up loads from a shipping center and vanish. FreightWatch states in its annual report that the most stolen cargo type in the U.S. last year was food and beverages, accounting for 19 percent of reported thefts. Electronics, traditionally the most sought after items, followed closely at 16 percent. Other products sought by thieves were home and garden equipment and supplies (14 percent), building and industrial (10 percent), clothing and shoes (9 percent), metals (9 percent); auto parts (7 percent); personal care (5 percent), miscellaneous items (4 percent); alcohol (4 percent), pharmaceutical (1 percent) and tobacco (1 percent). FreightWatch International stats show that 90 percent of these thefts occurred while a vehicle was parked and unattended. Fortunately, that means that U.S. criminals have not had to resort to using more violent tactics (hijacking) that other western countries are more accustomed to. Criminals are also concentrating their efforts to specific parts of the country. California, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey and Texas are the top states for this type of crime (Alabama ranks 12th nationally). In the last decade, lawmakers in these states have enacted laws to better define what cargo theft is. This helps law enforcement agents more accurately identify cargo thefts to report to federal authorities. Most states follow a definition set by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting System which describes cargo theft as “the criminal taking of any cargo including, but not limited to, goods, chattels, money, or baggage that constitutes, in whole or in part, a commercial shipment of freight moving in commerce, from any pipeline system, railroad car, motor truck, or other vehicle, or from any tank or storage facility, station house, platform, or depot, or from any vessel or wharf, or from any aircraft, air terminal, airport, aircraft A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015

‘[Cargo theft is] the taking of any cargo including, but not limited to, goods, chattels, money, or baggage that constitutes, in whole or in part, a commercial shipment of freight moving in commerce … [and] for purposes of this definition, cargo shall be deemed as moving in commerce at all points between the point of origin and the final destination, regardless of any temporary stop while awaiting transshipment.’ —Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting System

terminal or air navigation facility, or from any intermodal container, intermodal chassis, trailer, container freight station, warehouse, freight distribution facility, or freight consolidation facility. For purposes of this definition, cargo shall be deemed as moving in commerce at all points between the point of origin and the final destination, regardless of any temporary stop while awaiting transshipment.”

Stronger Enforcement Recently, Texas and Georgia put laws on their books to more accurately define cargo theft and to significantly increase penalties for those who engage in the activity. The hope is to give law enforcement agencies a more focused approach to catching criminals.

Earlier this year, Texas State Rep. Allen Fletcher filed a bill that established cargo theft as a specific offense and imposed escalating fines and punishment based on the value of goods. It received full support from lawmakers and Gov. Greg Abbott signed it into law last June. The law took effect September 1, 2015. A year before, Georgia passed similar legislation when Gov. Nathan Deal signed the Georgia Cargo Theft Act into law, which, like other states, specifies punishments based on the value of stolen cargo and identifies penalties for tampering with transport trucks. Ed Crowell, President of the Georgia Motor Trucking Association, said his group has been instrumental in getting anti-cargotheft laws passed in Georgia since 2007. The group also worked with lawmakers in


2008 to create a cargo-theft task force in the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. According to Crowell, the task force has made headway toward catching cargo thieves, but its work exposed the need for laws with more teeth, so GMTA went back to Georgia lawmakers pushing for increased penalties. “GMTA worked with a legislative sponsor, Rep. Geoff Duncan, to develop the language and worked to support its passage by educating legislators in both houses and on both sides of the aisle,” Crowell recalls. “As a result, our [Cargo Theft Act of 2014] passed with significant margins and bi-partisan support.” But it is not just the increased fines and penalties that make Georgia’s law more flexible for law enforcement and criminal courts. “It is also a clear definition of cargo theft in the code, which is important because it gives both the judiciary and law enforcement more useful tools to work with and makes it more costly to conduct cargo thefts in Georgia,” he says. “As a result, those with criminal intent start to look elsewhere for places that have less risk.” And that’s what has ATA officials concerned. With Georgia’s law on the books and Tennessee and Florida lawmakers also working to add similar laws, Alabama could become a new haven for cargo criminals. 6

Protecting Our Freight Because of its strong manufacturing sector and a busy port, Alabama ranks in the top third of states for cargo thefts. From June 2013 to June 2015, the three highest risk areas in Alabama were Birming-

ham, Phenix City, and Mobile, as well as the interstate highways that connect them. The average value of reported cargo theft during that time frame was $62,648. To be expected, metals were the most commonly stolen products, accounting for 40 percent of the total with an average


value of $79,758 – a 344 percent increase over the national rate. Pharmaceutical thefts also outpaced the national average, making up 28 percent of thefts statewide – 300 percent more than the national rate. ATA President and CEO Frank Filgo


worries now that Georgia’s law empowers enforcement agencies to focus on cargo thefts and punish criminals accordingly, some thieves could start looking to Alabama for easier targets. “It makes sense that criminals could shift their focus toward our state,” he says. “Mobile has a

busy port, there’s lots of manufacturing across the state, and Birmingham’s steel industry is still a major shipper. Cargo thefts are becoming a real concern for carriers working these pockets of the state. If they haven’t had a truck and load stolen, they most likely know someone who has.” Cargo theft policy will be among ATA’s efforts during the 2016 Alabama Legislature Regular Session (which traditionally begins on the first Tuesday in February). ATA leaders have discussed the need to address the growing problem and are ready to take steps to push for legislation similar to Georgia and Texas that will deter criminals. “We have yet to outline specifics for a bill, but we have taken note of the success of other states’ efforts to get tougher laws on the books, and how they achieved strong support for that cause,” Filgo says. “We will align with legislators to hopefully get something passed next session. Alabama’s trucking industry deserves better protection from these criminals. Our truckers and shippers need to know that our state is taking cargo theft seriously. More importantly, criminals need to be aware that if they commit a crime in Alabama, they will be caught and they will pay for their actions.” 7

Setting an ATA’s newly elected Chairman Greg Brown is ready to make a difference for trucking. By Ford Boswell he Alabama Trucking Association’s Board of Directors recently elected Greg Brown of B.R. Williams Trucking, Inc., as its Chairman for fiscal year 2015‘16. He began his term July 1 and will serve through June 30, 2016. Brown, 56, is Chairman and CEO of the Oxford-based firm that provides transportation, warehousing and logistics services to hundreds of customers across the southeastern U.S. The company employs more than 350 and maintains a current fleet of 170 tractors, 600 trailers. It also offers more than 1 million sq. ft. warehouse space. Founded by its namesake in the late 1950s, B.R. Williams has been a member of the Association for more than 50 years, earning the respect of the industry, customers far and wide, and Association leaders for its ability to adapt and prosper in all kinds of economic conditions. The company has enjoyed considerable success under Brown’s leadership, growing from a small family operation running a handful of trucks and trailers to one of this state’s most solid trucking and logistics firms. Company leaders have remained true to its niche and have not been distracted into other risky service offerings. “Through the years, we have maintained a high standard of service and not allowed ourselves to get distracted as to what our customers want,” says Brown. “We have also monitored ourselves to keep from growing too fast. For example, we chose to get into the warehousing business at a really great time. That business has matured and diversified into


ATA Chairman of the Board Greg Brown 8



Wayne Watkins (left) passes a ceremonial gavel to Chairman Greg Brown during an officer installation meeting held last June.

many opportunities for our company.” Not surprisingly, Brown is the third executive from the company to serve as Association chairman. Other past Chairmen from the company include the late Bill Watson (200506) and Jack Brim (2012-13), who remains an active board member. “Greg brings such an incredible amount of experience to this Association,” said last year’s Chairman Wayne Watkins of Watkins Trucking Co., who handed over the Association reins to Brown during a ceremony in Montgomery on June 23. “I cannot think of a more qualified person to lead the Association A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015

at this juncture. Under his watch, we can expect improved services for our members and a stronger public image and industry presence throughout Alabama — and beyond. I know he will lead our group to accomplish many great things this year that will help us better serve our communities.” ATA President and CEO Frank Filgo said, “We are excited to have Greg as our Chairman this year. He is a dedicated and hard-working individual, having served the industry at both the national and state level for many years. His leadership qualities are well known, and he abides by the definition

of a true leader — one who always does the right thing.” Brown has served on ATA’s leadership board for five years, assuming many leadership positions for that group. He also serves as the state’s representative to the American Trucking Associations in Washington D.C. Outside of the industry his serves on executive boards for NobleBank & Trust, Knox Concert Series, YMCA of Calhoun County, Jacksonville State University Endowment Foundation, and the Anniston Museum Endowment Corp. He holds degrees in Accounting and Math9

ematics from Jacksonville State and a law degree from the Birmingham School of Law.

Goal Oriented Brown says his agenda for the year includes efforts for state legislative gains, improved industry safety, and increased ATA membership involvement in industry-led social programs such as Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT), a Colorado-based non-profit organization fighting to end human trafficking and forced prostitution at truck stops, rest areas and other locations frequented by members of the trucking industry. Earlier this year, the Alabama Trucking Association pledged its full support for TAT. ATA made an initial donation of $5,000 to the program in February — one of only two state trucking associations to donate such an amount, and also pledged to encourage its fleet members to train and certify their drivers and other employees to identify and report human trafficking. Human traffickers find safety for their work with transient populations, often targeting locations frequented by truckers to sell their wares. They also raid schools, malls, online sites, streets and neighborhoods, stealing children – boys and girls, teens and young women – drugging, raping, beating, threatening and selling them for sex, as well as labor, and making millions. Some victims are as young as 11 years old. As of August 2015 there were only 355 Alabamians certified in the TAT program – far behind other Southeastern states such as Arkansas (35,493), Florida (26,066), Tennessee (13,206), and South Carolina (722). Another goal is bringing increased fines and penalties for cargo thefts in Alabama. On average, stolen freight has increased over the

ATA pledged its support of Truckers Against Trafficking donating $5,000 and encouraging members to train and certify drivers to recognize and report human trafficking. Above, former ATA Chairman Wayne Watkins, left, stands with TAT Deputy Director Kylla Lanier and ATA Chairman Greg Brown.

past year, according to the theft prevention and recovery network CargoNet. Thieves are becoming more organized in identifying targets with greater values. California, Florida, Texas, Georgia and Illinois (respectively) are the top cargo theft states, but Alabama ranks among the top 12 to 15, depending on whose stats you examine. The average value of reported thefts in Alabama last year was more than $62,000 – and that figure does not include damage to property during the thefts. While Alabama is not among the top states with the highest instances of cargo theft, it is surrounded by some of the most targeted areas for the crime in the U.S. (North Georgia, central and south Florida and parts of Tennessee). Georgia (in 2014) and Texas (earlier this year) have recently enacted laws to increase fines and penalties for the crime, and it’s said that Florida is working on similar leg-

Chairman Brown’s leadership abilities are well known throughout the industry, and his reputation reaches nationally as the state’s representative to the American Trucking Associations in Washington D.C. 10

islation. Following those states’ lead, ATA officials are already working with our own state legislators to create similar laws. For instance, Georgia passed legislation that imposes penalties based on the value of the theft, singling out pharmaceutical cargo thefts to carry stiffer penalties. Criminals convicted of cargo theft of pharmaceuticals valued up to $10,000 will face sentences of up to 10 years in prison, as well as fines of up to $100,000. Controlled substance thefts of up to $1 million will carry sentences of up to 25 years and up to $1 million in fines, while loads stolen that exceed $1 million will be penalized with up to 30 years and $1 million in fines. Also identified in the law are penalties for tampering with fifth wheel devices that join tractors and trailers, including any anti-theft device attached to it, such as king pin locks. Fines for attempts that alter, move, or sell fifth wheels or their locks will be up to 10 years in prison and $10,000. Texas also followed Georgia’s lead with its own set of stiffer penalties which began September 1, 2015. Brown says he wants to do the same in Alabama, and he is ready to help the ATA accomplish this and many other goals this year. He adds he wants increased member participation and attendance of ATA events and plans to accomplish that by delivering value and interest to those functions. “Great leaders want to be part of an organization that truly makes a difference,” Brown said. “I know that serving as head of this great Association will allow me to help make our industry better for all Alabamians. We are blessed with a strong, well connected Association. With the support of ATA’s leadership board, we will make a difference this year.” A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015

Taking on Sleep Do you understand the risks associated with sleep They could make your employees less productive the wheel of a truck.

By Molly Smitherman


bstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects almost a third of American commercial drivers, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). OSA is a sleep disorder that causes brief interruption of breathing. These can last up to 10 seconds at a time and occur up to 400 times a night. Drivers with untreated OSA are far more likely to be in accidents than drivers without the condition, but OSA is more common in commercial drivers than in the general population, according to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. “Poor sleep is the issue,” said Dr. C.B. Thuss, Jr., at St. Vincent’s Occupational Health Center in Birmingham, Ala., of the number one cause of commercial vehicle accidents. Most people used to think drugs and alcohol were the most common causes of trucking accidents, so then came the drug testing program. “The thing is, recent studies indicate that it is actually fatigue that is the number one cause of accidents.” So far, the FMCSA has not made any formal regulation to screen drivers for OSA. Without required screening, motor carriers are left with the difficult decision of whether to be proactive in screening drivers for OSA or not. Given concerns of additional costs and time to screen drivers for OSA, motor carriers may be too preoccupied analyzing the short-term cons to fully consider the long-term pros. Although, there is no magic calculator to give a precise amount of savings versus cost, there are some factors fleet owners and managers may want to consider before deciding whether or not to screen their drivers, such as the risks associated with drivers who have untreated OSA, the benefits and savings for screening and treating OSA, and the cost of testing and treatment options.


The Dangers Ultimately, falling asleep behind the wheel is the most dangerous result of driver fatigue, but it’s not the only one. Fatigue affects a driver’s ability to quickly react, concentrate, focus and problem solve. These temporary conditions related to fatigue are similar to those caused by alcohol. In fact, a study reported by the National Sleep Foundation found that fatigue caused by being awake for more than 20 hours had many of the same impairments of those associated with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent. Second, drivers with untreated or undiagnosed OSA are more likely to have other health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Other health problems are heart disease, stroke, depression, and weight gain. These other health problems may not seemingly directly affect motor carriers, but drivers with untreated OSA may have a worsening of these other conditions with potentially disastrous consequences. Third, employees with untreated OSA are more likely to have lower productivity levels and a higher incidence of sick leave. Another study reported in the journal Sleep found a Florida corporation could save $136 million in lost productivity over ten years by screening employees at risk for sleep apnea.

Testing, Treatment There is hope for those suffering from OSA. With proper treatment and compliance, drivers are able to safely get back on the road. The most common treatment is with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. People using CPAPs generally notice a difference in energy level and alertness immediately. Over time,


Apnea apnea and other sleep disorders? and dangerous behind

CPAP therapy can also help reduce or even reverse some health problems associated with OSA. With testing and treatment trucking companies would not only have healthier drivers, motor carriers could see the benefits in a number of ways, such as lower liability insurance, higher productivity and a reduced number of accidents. Trucking companies that have implemented programs have had tremendous success with screening and treating their drivers. One trucking company ran a program to have high risk drivers tested for sleep apnea and treated according to ResMed, a manufacturer of sleep apnea equipment. The company reported a 50 percent reduction in preventable accidents. The company also saw a 56 percent reduction in medical expenses for their treated drivers, resulting in savings of over $7,000 per driver per year.

Treatment Costs It can cost thousands of dollars to test and treat one driver for OSA. Currently, Alabama’s leading private health insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, only covers sleep disorder testing in certified sleep centers or clinic labs. Sleep lab testing can cost up to $4,000 and requires patients to stay overnight. Considering most drivers are either uninsured, or have high deductibles, many drivers may be unable to afford this test. However, home sleep testing devices are a less expensive option to test for OSA. At around $300, drivers can wear these devices in the comfort of their own bed. These tests have been shown to be extremely reliable and meet the standards to be covered under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Another concern for motor carriers and drivers is keeping up with compliance reports for drivers using CPAP machines. Drivers are re-


quired to keep a record of the time they wore the machine while sleeping. For liability reasons, motor carriers are supposed to keep up with a driver’s compliance as well. This creates extra work for both drivers and motor carriers. Furthermore, compliance reports may not be accurate or truthful. Drivers have been known to wear the mask while driving in order to ensure they meet the compliance guidelines. As with all technology, we now see new software technology that is providing an easier and more convenient way of monitoring drivers who are being treated with CPAP machines. Products such as ResMed’s AirSense 10, can be monitored wirelessly. For trucking companies, this means they have access to a driver’s CPAP data within hours after the machine is used. There are many advantages to this but the main ones are easy access to the compliance information for when the driver presents for a recertification physical examination. It also can allow the company to monitor, virtually real-time, whether a drivers’ compliance is dropping to unsafe levels. This new software is also able to track advanced event detection and mask leakage as well as determine if the driver is awake while wearing the mask or even if it is not the driver who is wearing the mask. These advances in technology will help ensure motor carriers and drivers comply with the highest standard of safety while keeping the driver and the public safe. “We can wait for regulations that require testing and treatment, which will come without doubt, or we can take the lead. Fewer accidents, less liability, a more alert and productive workforce, and improved compliance are all goals to strive for while simultaneously creating a safer environment for employees and the public” says Thuss. “Sleep Apnea is the new drug testing.” Molly Smitherman is a business development manager for CPAPnea Medical Solutions in Birmingham. Email her at or visit



Despite fearmongering, the trucking industry is safe and getting safer Bill Graves President and CEO American Trucking Association

‘Over the past decade, through the industry’s diligence and professionalism, as well as improvements in vehicle technology and enforcement, the number of truckinvolved fatal crashes has fallen by a third.’ 16


t is unfortunate that the New York Times ran an opinion column Saturday, Aug. 22, titled “The Trucks are Killing Us,” without properly vetting the statements contained in it. Despite the author’s implied credentials, there are several falsehoods, both implied and intentional, in the text that deserve a response. First, the author Mr. Abramson notes that “more people will be killed in traffic accidents involving large trucks this year than have died in all of the domestic commercial airline crashes over the past 45 years,” implying the trucking industry is responsible for all these deaths. This simply isn’t true. Per the most recent federal data available, upwards of two-thirds of all serious crashes involving large trucks are caused by the actions of someone other than the professional driver. Speeding, impaired driving and other aggressive behaviors by non-commercial drivers cause far more truck crashes than do fatigue or other issues cited by the author. This is why ATA supports highway safety programs like America’s Road Team and Share the Road where our professional drivers educate the best ways for trucks and autos to interact on the roadways safely. Second, Mr. Abramson says Congress has “eliminate[ed] the requirement that drivers take a two-day break each week.” This isn’t just an implied falsehood – it is simply and totally wrong. What Congress has done is almost exactly the opposite – it is allowing drivers to take more than one two-day break each week should they need or want to – and easing an onerous restriction that these breaks include two periods between 1 a.m.

and 5 a.m. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration admitted to Congress it never studied the potential consequences of these changes, consequences we now know – thanks to an American Transportation Research Institute analysis – include increased daytime truck traffic and likely increases in crashes as a result of more congested highways during daylight hours. Mr. Abramson also cites an oft-debunked canard about Congress’ change “allow[ing] truck drivers to work 82 hours a week, up from the current 70 hours over eight days.” FMCSA itself has said such an extreme work schedule would only be possible in “an imaginary world of perfect logistics.” In the real world the average driver works 52 hours in a week – a reasonable total when compared to the average American workweek in today’s modern economy. The column also warns of the alleged dangers of allowing younger drivers to operate commercial vehicles across state lines. This ignores that at 18, a young man or woman can obtain a commercial driver’s license and drive a truck long distances within the borders of their state, the 300 miles from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia for example, but not a short interstate trip – like the three miles between Philadelphia to Camden, N.J. The pilot program Congress is currently proposing would not only fix this illogical inconsistency and provide states the ability to restrict these younger drivers in many ways; it would take a huge step toward a graduated commercial licensing system – the same type of system that has long been A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015

MANAGEMENT COUNCIL NEWS heralded by safety minded organizations, including ATA. Mr. Abramson also chastises the industry for opposing technologies like airbags, electronic stability control and anti-lock brakes. Again, this is false. ATA has pushed for a review of truck crashworthiness standards and has supported mandates for both electronic stability control (finally enacted this June) and improved braking systems. ATA has also been at the forefront of pushes to electronically limit truck speeds and better electronic monitoring of driver hours-of-service – a pair of regulations we hope will be issued soon. This column also takes the position that trucks are disproportionally involved in crashes – which is patently false. NHTSA’s most recent Traffic Safety Facts report (dated July 2015) contains the facts: 9% of miles were driven by large trucks in 2013; large trucks accounted for 9% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes and 3 percent of all vehicles involved in injury and property-damage-only crashes in 2013. NHTSA’s data makes it clear: trucks are underrepresented in crashes. Improving safety is also at the core of ATA’s support for modest increases in trailer length for some trucks. With a simple increase in trailer size from 28 feet to 33 feet, studies have shown we can eliminate the 6.6 million trips to deliver the 69% of the American economy that trucks move, and that would reduce the number of truck miles traveled by 1.3 billion. Those trips not taken and miles not driven will result, based on crash rates, more than 900 crashes not had. At the end of the day, there is no silver bullet, no magic gadget that will make roads entirely safe. But through education, by reducing crash risk through sound rules, safety technologies and tighter enforcement, we can continue the long-term improvements in truck and highway safety. Over the past decade, through the industry’s diligence and professionalism, as well as improvements in vehicle technology and enforcement, the number of truck-involved fatal crashes has fallen by a third. This is good news that some choose to ignore, but it is also a call for all of us – the industry, government regulators and motorists to look at the true roots of crashes and not use the politics of fear to impose counterproductive “solutions.” A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015

Billy Barnes Enterprises challenges ATA members to become involved with Trucks Against Trafficking Earlier this year, the Alabama Trucking Association pledged its full support for Truckers Against Trafficking, a national non-profit organization working to end human trafficking and forced prostitution. ATA made an initial donation of $5,000 to the program in February — one of only two state trucking associations to donate such an amount, and also pledged to encourage its fleet members to train and certify their drivers and other employees to identify and report human trafficking they may encounter while working. Human traffickers find safety for their work with transient populations, often targeting locations frequented by truckers to sell their wares. They also raid schools, malls, online sites, streets and neighborhoods, stealing children – boys and girls, teens and young women – drugging, raping, beating, threatening and selling them for sex, as well as labor, and making millions. Some victims are as young as 11 years old. TAT provides fleet managers with tools and information to educate and train drivers how to recognize and report incidences of human trafficking. Once drivers know what to look for and how to use their training to report what they see and hear, they become a crucial part of eliminating these horrible crimes. In six months, ATA member firm Billy Barnes Enterprises of Monroeville, Ala. has certified more than 100 drivers through the program – and according to Taryn Kilpatrick who oversees TAT training for the company, she is working toward 100 percent certification by the end of the year. “We have even made the TAT training course mandatory of all new hires.” She said. “I believe our efforts to fully support TAT’s mission are among the most important things our industry can do to make a difference in the fight end human trafficking.” Her father and company president has challenged all ATA member firms to join the fight, too. “Please consider making TAT certification part of your driver training program,” he stated in a letter to ATA members. “The process is easy, taking less than an hour per driver to complete. The course is available online, and you can even

request free training materials (DVDs, pamphlets) to show at your regular driver meetings. That way you can certify several drivers at once, and report the numbers trained to the TAT website.” There are currently 355 Alabamians certified in the TAT program – far behind other Southeastern states such as Arkansas (35,493), Florida (26,066), Tennessee (13,206), and South Carolina (722). To learn more about this important program and how to certify your employees and drivers, contact Trucker Against Trafficking directly at or visit

Hazmat haulers exempt from 30-min. break The American Trucking Associations was granted an exemption request it made in May that exempts hazardous materials haulers from the 30-minute break required by federal hours-of-service regulations. FMCSA granted National ATA’s request stating the exemption will apply to motor carriers and their drivers that transport certain hazmat loads that require security plans, which normally require a driver to “attend” to the cargo while the truck is stopped. This is considered an on-duty activity. According to the ruling, exempt drivers may now count their on-duty attendance of the hazmat cargo toward the required break as long as no other on-duty activities are performed during the stated break time. The exemption is effective immediately through Aug. 21, 2017.

State bans oversize vehicles in several construction zones Due to extensive ongoing construction projects and other hazardous conditions on several Alabama highways and roads, the state Dept. of Transportation has banned certain oversize vehicles or combinations of vehicles and loads regardless of any permits, routing authorizations carriers or their drivers may have in their possessions. The restrictions are effective immediately, and failure to comply could result in fines and penalties. The restrictions include stretches of InContinued on page 18 17

mits, or have annual permits or long term routing for the affected areas, you may contact ALDOT’s Vehicle and Oversize Weight office at 800-499-2782 for rerouting options.


National ATA continues its push for hair sample drug screens

terstate 10 in Mobile Co.; U.S. Route 72 in Lauderdale and Limestone Co.; U.S. Route 78 in Jefferson Co.; U.S. Route 84 in Conecuh and Covington Co.; State Route 20 in Lawrence Co.; State Route 22 in Chilton and Coosa Co.; State Route 26 in Russell Co.; and State Route 269 in Jefferson and Walker Co. According to ALDOT officials, this ban will remain in effect for the duration of each project. In a letter delivered Aug. 18, 2015 to state officials, law enforcement and transportation business leaders, assistant maintenance engineer for the agency’s Vehicle Enforcement Office James Braden explained that the decision to restrict oversize vehicles from these areas was a safety precaution to protect state personnel, contractor employees and the motoring public. Illegal use of these roads by oversize vehicles is now unlawful and will result in fines and other penalties. However, if you need single trip per-

In August, American Trucking Associations President and CEO Bill Graves sent letters asking Congress to move forward with legislation that would allow fleets to use hair samples as part of a federally required program of drug screening for commercial drivers. “Every day, thousands of hair tests are performed worldwide within both the private and public sectors,” Graves wrote. “Their reason for using hair testing is laudable … hair testing is an effective tool for identifying drug users due to its long detection window and because it is difficult for donors to beat the test.” Graves cited Fortune 500 companies like General Motors and Shell Oil, as well as leading trucking companies including ATA members Knight Transportation and Maverick Transportation, who already use hair testing, but said the cost of redundant mandatory urine tests prevents more fleets from using this widely accepted drug testing method.


“ATA is aware of thousands of truck drivers who have tested positive for illegal drug use on hair tests and have obtained driving positions with other carriers because they were subsequently able to pass DOT-required urine tests,” Graves said. “Several of these drivers have had crashes and, of course, future ones are likely as a result.” A survey of just four large carriers revealed that, this year alone, 706 drivers failed preemployment hair tests but passed urine tests. “If the labor organizations opposed to the legislation had their way, these individuals would be driving tractor-trailers,” added Graves. Graves also called the concerns from labor groups about environmental contamination and racial bias in hair testing “unfounded and overblown.” “Hair testing is a validated, proven and effective method for detecting illegal drug use that has been widely embraced by private industry and many governments worldwide,” he said. “Congress should remove impediments to the adoption of hair testing by trucking companies that follow industry standards. Moreover, Congress should reject efforts to protect the employment of drivers whose drug use might otherwise go undetected.” Continued on page 22


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News High percentage of adults use cellphones while driving A recent survey found that a vast majority of adults use their cellphones behind the wheel. Completed by more than 700 San Diego residents, the distracted-driving survey suggests that public health warnings about the dangerous practice need to reach a wider audience. Researchers note that the finding highlights that this behavior is not unique to only teenagers and young adults. Study author Jessa Engelberg, a Ph.D. candidate in the public health program at the University of California, San Diego said middle-aged adults admitted to using their cellphones while driving, including manual manipulations, using a phone to text, check email or other apps while driving, and talking on a handheld phone,


which is illegal in most states, including California. Engelberg and her colleagues report their findings in the September issue of the Journal of Transport & Health. The report reinforces evidence that more than one in four car accidents are caused by cellphone use, according to the U.S. National Safety Council. And the researchers added that the risk of a crash is eight times higher if a driver is texting and four times higher if the driver is talking on a hands-free cellphone. Recent statistics from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) show that more than 3,300 Americans were killed and roughly 421,000 were injured in 2012 due to distracted driving. With smartphones now in the hands of 90 percent of American adults, NHTSA pins at least 12 percent of all driving fatalities on calling and texting. Those questioned were between the ages of 30 and 64. Three-quarters were women, and nearly 70 percent were white. All drove at least once weekly, and all owned a cellphone, most often a smartphone. About four in 10 said they had children in their household. The troubling survey results: 56 percent said they made handheld calls while driv-

ing, while 75 percent said they made hands-free calls. Less than 30 percent knew that hands-free calling was as risky as drinking, and nearly 90 percent expressed confidence that they remained “capable” or “very capable” drivers while making such calls. Three in 10 said they had sent messages while driving down the freeway, while 70 percent said they never did so or would only do so in an emergency. Two-thirds said they had texted while stopped at a red light. More than a third said their calling habits were driven by a need to be available for work. Overall, cellphone behavior did not appear to be influenced by whether or not drivers were parents or whether or not children were passengers in the car.

Safety professionals start NATMI certification process Last month, six safety directors trained for a week at the Alabama Trucking Association headquarters in Montgomery as part of the initial process toward earning Certified Director of Safety (CDS) distinction through the North American Transportation Management Institute (NATMI).


2015 SMMC EVENTS September 17—Seminar/ Combined/Safety 101 (ATA Headquarters) Montgomery, Ala.

October 8 & 15—Roadside Inspections (location and times TBA) November 10—Subject: MCSU/Roadside Inspection (Pelham Civic Complex) Pelham, Ala.

ATA’s 2015 NATMI CDS candidates, from left, are Sondra Kelly, Daniel Gray, Michael Smith, Mike Boudreaux (course instructor), Jason Musselman, Ashely Cunningham and John Jefferey

Candidates sat for a five-day workshop with a written exam wrapping the week. If they pass, they then must submit an exhibit detailing their accomplishments in the field of fleet safety that is reviewed and judged by experts at NATMI. Our CDS candidates for 2015 are Ashely


Cunningham of P&S Transportation, Inc.; Daniel Gray of Vero Logistics LLC; John Jeffery of Meteor Express, Inc.; Sondra Kelly of Industrial Warehouse Services; Jason Musselman of Transportation Compliance Services and Michael Smith of the ATA Workers’ Comp Fund.

December 14—Christmas Banquet (Pelham Civic Complex) Pelham, Ala For more information visit or call 334-834-3983.



WTW Enterprises founder Wendell Williams succumbs to cancer

Wendell Williams, owner of WTW Enterprises in Roanoke, Ala. died June 17 after an extended fight with cancer. He was 60 years old. In 1995, Williams started his trucking business as a dedicat- Wendell Williams ed hauler for a structural steel manufacturer. He fell into trucking as a second career after owning and operating an automobile dealership and body repair service. Through the years, he became a valuable asset for the Association with an eagerness to help however he could. He was a strong leader in his community and church, and was well known throughout eastern Alabama. His reputation and close ties to local state legislators was also a key resource during the Association’s push to get anti-indemnification laws passed in Alabama. After gaining support from the State Legislature, the Alabama Anti-Indemnification Bill was signed into law in May 2012 by Gov. Robert Bentley. That law now prevents shippers from placing indemnity clauses in contracts with truckers to shift liability for their own negligence. Williams was also active with the ATA Workers’ Comp Fund and involved with that group’s leadership for many years. Survivors include his wife, Katherine Messer Williams of Roanoke; his mother, Betty H. Williams of Roanoke; one daughter, Kim Loveless (husband, Paul) of Roanoke; one step-son, Jeffery Mitchell (wife, Robin) of Ephesus, Ga; one granddaughter, Maegan Brooke Loveless of Roanoke; and one step-grandson, Brandon Mitchell of Ephesus, Ga.

Economists: ‘Tonnage was soft last month’ American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased 0.5 per24

National ATA predicts continued growth in freight, trucking

A new report released by American Trucking Associations projects freight volumes will increase by nearly 29 percent over the next 11 years. “The outlook for all modes of freight transportation remains bright,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello in releasing U.S. Freight Transportation Forecast to 2026. “Continued population growth, expansion of the energy sector and foreign trade will boost trucking, intermodal rail and pipeline shipments in particular.” Forecast, a collaboration of ATA and IHS Global Insight, projects a 28.6 percent increase in freight tonnage and an increase in freight revenues of 74.5 percent to $1.52 trillion in 2026. “Forecast is a valuable resource for executives and decision makers in both the private and public sector,” ATA President and CEO Bill Graves said. “Knowing where the industry and economy is headed can help shippers and fleets make key business decisions and instruct lawmakers and regulators on the best policies to move our economy forward.” For the first time, this year’s Forecast includes near-term projections for 2015 and 2016 and estimates for changes in the size of the Class 8 truck fleet. Among Forecast’s findings: l Trucking will still be the dominant mode of freight transportation, although the share of tonnage it hauls dips slightly. Even though truck tonnage grows over the forecast period, trucking’s share will dip from 68.8 percent in 2014 to 64.6 percent in 2026. l Due to tremendous growth in energy production in the US, pipelines will benefit more than other modes. Between 2015 and 2026, pipeline volumes will increase an average of 10.6 percent a year and their share of freight will increase from 10.8 percent in 2015 to 18.1 percent in 2026. l While railroads’ share of freight tonnage will drift down from 14.2 percent in 2015 to 12.3 percent in 2026, intermodal freight will be the second fastest growing mode at 4.5 percent annually through 2021 and increase 5.3 percent per year thereafter. l The number of Class 8 trucks in use will grow from 3.56 million in 2015 to 3.98 million by 2026. Forecast can be purchased as a bound volume or digital publication at or by calling 1-866-821-3468.

cent in June, following a revised gain of 0.8 percent during May. In June, the index equaled 131.1 (2000=100). The all-time high of 135.8 was reached in January 2015. Compared with June 2014, the SA index increased 1.8 percent, which was above the 1.5 percent gain in May. Yearto-date through June, compared with the same period last year, tonnage was up 3.4 percent. During the second quarter, the SA index fell 1.7 percent from the first quarter but increased 2 percent from the same quarter in 2014. The not seasonally adjusted index, which represents the change in tonnage actually hauled by the fleets before any seasonal adjustment, equaled 138.2 in June, which was 4.2 percent above the previous month (132.7). “With flat factory output and falling retail sales, I’m not surprised tonnage was soft in June,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “I also remain concerned over the elevated inventory-to-sales ratio for retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers, which suggests soft tonnage in the months ahead until the ratio falls. “I remain hopeful that the inventory correction will transpire this summer. When the correction ends, truck freight – helped by better personal consumption – will accelerate,” he said.

ASF Intermodal Recognized Among the Best Companies to Work for in Alabama ASF Intermodal has been recognized as one of the 2015 Best Companies to Work for in Alabama. The “Best Companies to Work for in Alabama” program is an annual awards program offered through Business Alabama Magazine in conjunction with Best Companies Group. ASF Intermodal President Michael Smith said, “We’re excited and honored Continued on page 26 A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2015


to be named among the Best Companies to Work for in Alabama. We take great pride in the strength and quality of our team and are committed to meeting their needs while providing outstanding customer service. This award recognizes that these efforts have created a positive work environment for our employees and contractors. The strength of our team has led to the company’s growth and expansion from just two locations in 2011 to 12 terminals with more than 450 trucks to date.” A two-part survey process was used to determine the 2015 Best Companies to Work for in Alabama. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and demographics. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking. Smith states, “We are so pleased to know that our team members know just how valued they really are, and we’re proud to be recognized among the best employers in the state where we are headquartered.” The Best Companies to Work for in Ala-


bama awards program began in 2010 for the purpose of identifying, recognizing and honoring the best employers in Alabama. The goal is to benefit the state’s economy, workforce and businesses. ASF Intermodal, part of the ASF Group, is an Alabama-based private full service intermodal truck carrier with branch offices and depots throughout the Southeast and Midwest regions of the United States. The company has terminals in Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston, Texas; New Orleans, Louisiana; Chicago, Illinois; Charlotte, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Memphis, Tennessee; Atlanta, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; and Norfolk, Virginia.

Hornady Transportation merges with Daseke Hornady Transportation of Monroeville, Ala. has merged the Texas-based mega flatbed carrier Daseke Inc. Daseke is the largest owner of flatbed, open-deck and specialty trucking capacity in North America with more than 3,000 tractors and 6,000 trailers. Hornady, which has a terminal in Birmingham, operates a fleet of 230 late-model tractors and 325 flatbed trailers. The company operates east of the Rocky Mountains

primarily supporting the building products and steel industries. Hornady joins the Daseke team including Smokey Point Distributing, E.W. Wylie, J. Grady Randolph, Central Oregon Truck Co., Lone Star Transportation, Bulldog Hiway Express and the Boyd Companies (including Boyd Bros. Transportation, WTI Transport, and Mid Seven Transportation). Hornady is the third Alabama-based flatbed carriers to merge with Daseke. Hornady Transportation was founded by G.E. Hornady in 1928, later led by B.C. Hornady and is now in its third generation of leadership under Chris Hornady. According to Chris, “By joining with Don Daseke and our new sister companies, I know we will continue on with a peoplefirst tradition. We are excited to join forces with Daseke, because our philosophies are a mirror image. We will grow with our existing management team while having access to all of the assets of Daseke. Our combined group purchasing power will make us much more efficient and competitive in the marketplace. What’s more, we’re looking forward to sharing best practices and learning from the other operating companies. When you bring it all together, we have a recipe for strong growth.” “We continue to grow with elite flatbed


and specialty carriers,” said Don Daseke, CEO and chairman of Daseke. “They’re cut from the same cloth as our other companies. Hornady is a well-regarded, third-generation family business with an enviable safety record. They care about their people and love this industry. It’s exciting to have them on board.” “We have a disciplined approach to business and many of our customers have been with us for twenty-five or more years,” said Hornady. “We’re very much about customer service and treating customers right. And we’re very much concerned with consistently and safely delivering our customer’s freight. We were recently honored with the Alabama Trucking Associations Engineers Award for excelling in our commitment to driver safety and a safe work environment. And, we have a consistent track record of being formally recognized by the insurance industry for our safety record.” Chris highlights, “We hold our drivers in deep regard and we are always looking for ways to make their lives better.”

Report says many states still in financial trouble The Rockefeller Institute of the University of New York has issued a study concluding that the patterns of economic change


and state finances since the recent recession have left the states in what is known technically as a pickle. It’s a commonplace that the recovery from this recession is far slower than other such recoveries; it’s less often heard that employment is still below 2007 levels in a quarter of the states and that consumer spending is only up half as much as it was at this time following any of the previous four recessions. This is important for state sales tax revenues, which, with the income tax, contributes more to the finances of all but a very few states. On the income tax side, corporate income tax revenues are nearly 20 percent below what they were in 2007, and capital gains – which fuel personal income tax revenues – are two-thirds of what they were then. The study also notes that today’s politics makes tax increases harder than they were after other recessions (except in the area of road funding, in which taxpayers seem willing to pay more for roads). In state government spending generally, the report goes on, social benefits (the vast majority of it Medicaid, which has increased very sharply, and will continue to do so) has crowded out investment in construction of all sorts. In fact, such investment, net of consumption (depreciation), has fallen off near-

ly 60 percent in seven years. Spending on school buildings is most affected, but while transportation spending has remained almost constant, states get less for it, as costs have risen. The report acknowledges that many states are affected by unusual circumstances, but it finds that most of these increase the level of fiscal stress rather than relieving it (the decline in oil prices in some states, pension troubles in many). The report’s final conclusion is not hopeful: with moderate to good economic growth, state governments will not, with their current resources, be able to meet the demands on them. Donald J. Boyd and Lucy Dadayan, “The Economy Recovers While State Finances Lag,” Rock. Inst. of Govt., Albany, NY, June 11, 2015, available at

Coleman Worldwide awards $16,000 in college scholarships Coleman Worldwide Moving has awarded scholarships to 16 college students who will attend various higher learning institutions across the country this fall. The company awards the Virginia M. Coleman Memorial Scholarship annually to assist with the growing cost of a college edContinued on page 28



ucation. Those qualifying and awarded the scholarship must be a son, daughter, or grandchild to a Coleman Worldwide Moving employee. For more than 15 years, the company has given some $177,000 to 177 qualifying children and grandchildren of its associates. The 2015 scholarship recipients seek varied interests in education including: counseling, criminal justice, engineering, various medical professions, music, and others. The Virginia M. Coleman Memorial Scholarship honors longtime matriarch of the Coleman family and Coleman Worldwide Moving. “It is a true honor to assist these deserving students,” says John Coleman, Executive Vice President for Coleman Worldwide Moving. “Each of them begins an exciting journey of education that will ultimately serve the world in so many ways. Virginia Coleman was a dedicated woman who personified hard work, persistence and a desire to give back to those around her. I am confident this year’s scholarship recipients will continue her legacy in their studies and beyond in their family, work and community lives.”


IRS issues guidance on fuel tax credits The American Trucking Associations reports that the Internal Revenue Service has issued guidance on how taxpayers that retroactively claimed the 50-cent-a-gallon fuel tax credit for using alternative fuels (including propane used in forklifts) in 2014 should adjust their income tax returns to take account of the increased credits. Late last year, Congress retroactively extended through 2014 a number of tax provisions that had expired after 2013. Among these were fuel tax credits for biodiesel blenders and certain sellers and users of alternative fuels. We are aware that a number of motor carriers take advantage of the latter credit for their use of propane in their forklifts. The extension of the credits through 2014 allowed these taxpayers to offset the fuel tax they may have owed when they filed their quarterly excise tax returns during calendar 2014. IRS issued guidance on that process earlier this year. Through those offsets, however, the credits served to lower the deductions those same taxpayers took on their income taxes, and so raised those taxes, which also now require adjusting. In its most recent guidance, IRS says that for purposes of the in-

come tax adjustments, a taxpayer should be careful to match the fuel used, the credits taken for that use, and the adjustments to income tax, quarter by quarter. IRS Notice 2015-56, available at pub/irs-drop/n-15-56.pdf. Congress only extended the credits we’re talking about here through the end of last year. National ATA officials anticipated that Congress will probably extend them yet again late this year or early next, but that’s still not certain.

Report: Trucks moved 65 percent of all freight in June The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reports that in June trucks moved 65 percent of all the international freight, with trains, planes, ships and pipelines picking up the rest. Land Line magazine reported the value of freight hauled across the borders is the highest this year, with a nearly 7 percent increase when compared to May. All modes, except for trucks, carried less freight when compared with last June. Although numbers are down for most modes when compared to last June, U.S.Continued on page 30



NAFTA trade flow improved when compared to the month before, according to BTS. Freight totaled $99 billion, up more than $6 billion from the previous month but down nearly $4 billion from June 2014. Pipeline freight experienced the steepest decline at 40 percent, a slight improvement from the 45.4 percent drop in May. Truck freight experienced the only net gain over the past 12 months with a 5.1 percent increase. Trucks were responsible for nearly $65 billion of the $99 billion of imports and exports in June. Rail came in second with a contribution of nearly $15 billion. Nearly 60 percent of U.S.-Canada freight was moved by trucks, followed by rail at 15.2 percent. U.S.-Mexico freight went up by 4.4 percent compared with June 2014. Of the $47.1 billion of freight moving in and out of Mexico, trucks carried more than 70 percent of the loads.

GOT NEWS? Send to Ford Boswell at


Allied News Nextran branch showcases latest Volvo truck technology

our customers and prospects of the many improvements to our Volvo product line,” said Nextran’s T.J. Willings. “We had an impressive turnout, and are appreciative for our great staff here and with the Volvo Trucks Tour for making the day a success.” Nextran Truck Centers sell and service new and used Mack, Volvo, Isuzu, Fuso and Ford heavy duty trucks in Florida, Georgia and Alabama.

Carrier Transicold South tapped OEM’s Dealer of the Year

Nextran Truck Centers’ Fultondale, Ala. branch held an open house event in late July showcasing Volvo’s latest truck and engine technology. The “Volvo Trucks Tour” made several stops at dealerships across the country this past summer, bringing with it a long multimedia trailer with sides that expand like an RV and allow visitors to view displays, marketing videos and presentations from the manufacturer. The Fultondale stop drew an estimated 150-200 attendees. “The purpose of the event is to inform

Carrier Transicold South was named the Carrier Transicold’s 2014 North America Dealer of the Year at the OEM’s recent annual meeting of dealers. This is the second dealer of the year recognition for Carrier Transicold South, having also won the award in 2005. Carrier Transicold South is headquartered in Atlanta and has dealership locations serving most of Georgia, Alabama, and parts of Tennessee. Tom Spencer, dealer network manager, Carrier Transicold, gave high praise to CarContinued on page 32



rier Transicold South for achieving “a trifecta” in exceeding key metrics: a Quota Buster Award, a Triple-Double Award and a NextLevel2 Platinum Award, which is a prerequisite for achieving Dealer of the Year recognition. NextLevel2 Platinum level is awarded for achievements in customer satisfaction, business investment, service proficiency, sales performance and growth. “Carrier Transicold South demonstrated professionalism, commitment, passion and focus on their customers resulting in its strong performance,” Spencer said. Carrier Transicold offers a complete line of equipment for refrigerated trucks, trailers and containers, and is a part of UTC Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp.

Southland International adds to marketing and sales staff Southland International Trucks recently hired Daniel Reeves as marketing manager, replacing Russ Hobbie who has been promoted to new and used truck sales servicing the North Central Alabama territory.


Reeves recently graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Public Administration. According to a release, he is excited for the opportunity to learn about the trucking industry and bring his skillset to Southland’s marketing department. He is a resident of Alabaster, Ala. Hobbie, orginally from Moody, Ala., holds a degree in Communication Studies from the University of Alabama.

Truckworx acquires Carl Carson Truck Center

Alabama’s Kenworth truck dealer, Truckworx recently acquired Carl Carson Truck Center in Birmingham, Ala., and as of September 1, the business is operating as Truckworx Body Shop. Truckworx President Will Bruser said that his dealership staff has recommended

Carl Carson’s body shop for many years because the company has a reputation for doing quality body work and being easy to do business with. “We are excited to now offer body repair services in house to our customers in a more seamless manner,” Bruser said. “We are thrilled to have the Carl Carson team join the Truckworx family!” The acquisition comes as Mr. Carson retires from the paint and body business after owning and operating Carl Carson Truck Center for 25 years. The facility offers 27,000 sq. ft. of shop space with specialized equipment including a 70 ft. downdraft heated paint booth and computerized paint matching. Truckworx Body Shop has the ability to service all make and model trucks, buses, van bodies, trailers, emergency equipment and construction equipment. The company also offers pickup, delivery and towing service. Truckworx Body Shop is located at 4600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Ala. 35222. Business hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The shop’s general manager is John Skinner; body shop manager is Eddie Cole; and office manager is Jane Smith. For more information on Truckworx Body Shop, contact the office at (205) 5929966.


“Trucking’s Voice in Alabama”

PO Box 242337 • Montgomery, AL 36124-2337 • Phone: (334)834-3983 • Fax: (334)262-6504

Application For Membership DIVISION Motor Carriers: ❑ Domiciled In Alabama ❑ All other For-Hire ❑ Household Movers ❑ Private Carriers

Allied Industry: ❑ Local and State Suppliers ❑ Nat’l Concerns, small items ❑ Nat’l Concerns, major items

Your Dues Amount: $ __________________ (see schedule on reverse)

Firm Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: (PO Box) ____________________________________(Street)__________________________________________________ City __________________________________________State __________________________ Zip ________________________ Telephone: __________________________________Fax ______________________________800/ __________________________ Email address: ________________________________________Website Address: __________________________________________ Type of Business: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Official Representative : __________________________________________________Title: __________________________________ Alternate Representative: __________________________________________________Title: __________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________Date: ____________Referred by:____________________________________




ACT ____________________

BC ____________________

Check # __________________

Exp Date__________________

ATU ____________________

DC ____________________

Dues Amt ________________

Nxt Bill Date _______________

MAG __________________

400 ____________________

Mbr Class ________________

AL Sen___________________

MC ____________________

WCSIF __________________

GC ____________________

CONTACT SHEET __________

Mbr Type _________________

AL Hse___________________

YR ____________________

WINFAX ________________

Dues Cat _________________

CG Dist __________________



LTR/PLQ ________________


Schedule of Membership Dues

A. Motor Carriers Domiciled in Alabama

1) Gross Annual Revenue Under and not over 1,000,000 and not over 5,000,000 and not over 10,000,000 and not over 15,000,000

$999,999 4,999,999 9,999,999 14,999,999 19,999,999

Annual Dues $500 600 900 1,200 1,500

2) Gross Annual Revenue 20,000,000 and not over 25,000,000 and not over 30,000,000 and not over 35,000,000 and not over 40,000,000 and over

B. All Other For-Hire and Private Carriers Schedule based on miles traveled in Alabama From 0 500,001 1,000,001 2,000,001 3,000,001 4,000,001 5,000,001 6,000,001 7,000,001 8,000,001 9,000,001

To 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000

Annual $200 250 360 510 640 750 870 960 1,040 1,150 1,250

From 10,000,001 11,000,001 12,000,001 13,000,001 14,000,001 15,000,001 16,000,001 17,000,001 18,000,001 19,000,001 20,000,001

$24,999,999 29,999,999 34,999,999 39,999,999

To 11,000,000 12,000,000 13,000,000 14,000,000 15,000,000 16,000,000 17,000,000 18,000,000 19,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000

Annual Dues $1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000 Annual $1,320 1,410 1,495 1,575 1,650 1,720 1,795 1,865 1,950 2,030 2,500

C. Allied Industry – Annual Dues • Local and State Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 • National Concerns (distributors or manufactuers of accessories, parts and small equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 • National Concerns (distributors or manufacturers of major equipment, integrated product lines, leasing companies and companies marketing statewide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600

D. Household Movers Based on intrastate revenue only - includes tariff participation

1) Gross Annual Revenue Not Over 100,001 and not over 150,001 and not over 200,000 and not over

$100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000

Annual Dues $420 480 540 660

2) Gross Annual Revenue 250,001 and not over 300,001 and not over 400,001 and not over

Payment Schedule (Dues payable in advance)

Below $500...................................................................Annually $500 - $1,200......................................................Semi-Annually

Annual Dues $780 $300,000 900 400,000 1,200 500,000

Above $1,200 ................................................................Monthly

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT – The amount of dues paid by individual members of the Alabama Trucking Association is confidential information and is not subject to publication. Dues information can only be released by ATA to the principal representative of the member in question, and requests by other persons or parties will not be honored. Members are strongly urged to honor this privacy statement and to not share their confidential dues information with other ATA members or the general public. 36


2015 ATA Buyer’s Guide

We make every effort to ensure this list is correct. For changes or corrections to your company’s listing, contact Jane Nixon at

Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. (901) 274-5424

Alabama Trucking Assn.’s Buyer’s Guide lists those companies that have taking an active role in supporting First Guard Insurance Company Alabama’s trucking industry by becoming members of the Association. We ask that each time you plan a (941) 485-6210 purchase that you consult this guide and give ATA members the opportunity to gain your business. These companies proudly support your association and deserve your support, as well. ADVERTISING/PUBLISHING Randall-Reilly Business Media & Information (205) 349-2990 BUS SALES & SERVICE Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Transportation South, Inc. (205) 663-2287 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Rushing Enterprises, Inc. (334) 693-3318 COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICS CarrierWeb LLC (770) 232-9541 J.J. Keller & Assoc., Inc. (920) 722-2848 Omnitracs, Inc. (615) 594-7565 PeopleNet (888) 346-3486 Rand McNally (501) 835-1585 SmartDrive Systems (858) 225-5550 DRIVER STAFFING TransForce, Inc. (205) 916-0259 Transportation Support, Inc. (205) 833-5855 EDUCATION & TRAINING J.J. Keller & Assoc., Inc. (920) 722-2848 JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 945-8550 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 Trucking Partners, LLC (256) 737-8788 USA Driver-s, Inc. (205) 661-0712 Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. (903) 792-3866 ENGINE MANUFACTURERS Cummins Mid-South, LLC (901) 488-8033

Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365

FINANCIAL SERVICES BancorpSouth Equipment Finance (205) 422-7111

Westport HD div. of Westport Innovations, Inc. (251) 635-7143

Comdata, Inc. 615-376-6917

EQUIPMENT LEASING H.E.C. Leasing, LLC (615) 471-9300

Commercial Credit Group, Inc. (704) 731-0031

KLLM/Equipment Solutions LLC (205) 515-1478 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716

Crestmark Bank 615-620-3523 Electronic Funds Source, LLC (615) 777-4619

Bradley Screening, LLC (334) 272-3539 Carlisle Medical, Inc. (251) 344-7988

Great West Casualty Co. (865) 670-6573

CPAPnea Medical Solutions (205) 874-6870

Harmon-Dennis-Bradshaw, Inc. (334) 273-7277

Employers Drug Program Mgmt., Inc. (205) 326-3100

Hudgens Insurance, Inc. (334) 289-2695

ErgoScience, Inc. (205) 879-6447

Johnson-Locklin & Associates (205) 980-8008 J.R. Prewitt & Associates, Inc. (205) 397-5118 Liberty Mutual Group (804) 380-5169 www.libertymutual,com

J.J. Keller & Assoc., Inc. (920) 722-2848 Life Style Solutions for Truck Drivers (334) 213-0054 Safety First-Div. of Behavioral Health Systems (205) 443-5450

GE Capital (770) 960-6307

Liberty Truck Insurance (205) 352-2598

People’s Capital & Leasing Corp. (205) 856-9354

Lyon Fry Cadden Insurance Agency, Inc. (251) 473-4600

Transport Enterprise Leasing LLC (423) 463-3390

People’s United Equipment Finance Corp. (205) 664-9374

Marvin Johnson & Associates, Inc. (812) 372-0841

Corridor Clean Fuels, LLC (256) 894-0098

EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING BigBee Steel (256) 383-7322

PNC Financial Services Group (251) 441-7286

McGriff, Siebels & Williams, Inc. (205) 252-9871

Davison Fuels & Oil (251) 544-4511

Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280

Renasant Bank Eaton Corp./Roadranger Field Marketing (334) 301-5955 (334) 398-1410 ServisFirst Bank (205) 949-3433 EQUIPMENT PARTS/ACCESSORIES Dothan Tarpaulin Products, Inc. (800) 844-8277 TAB Bank (404) 202-4870 Imperial Supplies LLC (800) 558-2808 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance (314) 374-2165 Kinedyne Corp. (334) 365-2919 INSURANCE American Claims Service, Inc. (205) 669-1177 Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems 334/798-0080 Aon Risk Solutions (501) 374-9300 Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877 Aronov Insurance, Inc. (205) 414-9575 NAPA Auto Parts (205) 510-2900 Baldwin & Lyons, Inc. (317) 452-7413 Paccar Parts/Kenworth (206) 898-5541 BancorpSouth Insurance Services (334) 272-1200 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716 The Baxter Agency (334) 678-5900 Star Truck Parts (205) 324-4681 Thermo King of B’ham-Dothan-MobileMontgomery (205) 591-2424 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

Joe Morten & Sons, Inc. (865) 392-3844 S. S. Nesbitt (205) 262-2620 Palomar Insurance Corp. (334) 270-0105 Regions Insurance, Inc. (501) 661-4880 Regions Insurance (334) 808-9441 Reliance Partners, Inc. (877) 668-1704 Stephens Insurance LLC (601) 605-5681 Trans Con Assurance, LTD (205) 978-7070 TransRisk, LLC (334) 403-4114 Transure Services, Inc. (336) 584-9494

St. Vincent’s Occupational Health (205) 930-2660 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Clean Energy Fuels (949) 437-1000

GAIN Clean Fuel – Div. of US Oil (804) 291-7892 Green Buffalo Fuel (716) 768-0611 Jack Green Oil Co., Inc. (256) 831-1038 Hunter Oil Company, Inc. (800) 607-4066 Kimbro Oil Company (615) 320-7484 Major Oil Company, Inc. (334) 263-9070 Pivotal LNG (404) 783-3550 The McPherson Companies, Inc. (888) 802-7500 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 W.H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. (205) 755-2610

BB & T Insurance Services (912) 201-4706

Turner & Hamrick L.L.C. (334) 566-7665

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting Firms: Aldridge, Borden & Co. (334) 834-6640

Benton & Parker Insurance Services (770) 536-8340

York Risk Services Group (205) 581-9283

Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP (317) 580-2068

Caribou Insurance Agency, Inc. (205) 822-7577

MEDICAL/DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES Alabama Specialty Clinic (256) 736-1460

Warren Averett (256) 739-0312

Cottingham and Butler (563) 587-5521

(Current as of 8/28/2015) Attorneys: Adams and Reese LLP (205) 250-5091 Austill, Lewis & Pipkin, P.C. (205) 870-3767 Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C. (205) 328-0480 Ball, Ball, Matthews & Novak, P.A. 334-387-7680 Carr, Allison, Pugh, Howard, Oliver & Sisson, P.C. (251) 626-9340

Drivewyze (780) 461-3355 George L. Edwards & Associates (334) 745-5166 Help, Inc. Provider of PrePass (931) 520-7170 Information Builders (770) 395-9913 J. Brandt Recognition (800) 435-5749 J.J. Keller & Assoc., Inc. (920) 722-2848

DeLashmet & Marchand, P.C. (251) 433-1577

Jeffers Trucking, Inc. (205) 808-1112

Dodson Gregory, LLP (205) 834-9170

JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 329-8183

Ferguson, Frost, Moore & Young LLP (205) 879-8722 Fisher & Phillips, LLP (404) 231-1400 Friedman, Dazzio, Zulanas & Bowling, P.C. (205) 278-7000 Hand Arendall LLC (251) 432-5511 Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black, P.C. (334) 834-7600 James M. Sizemore, Jr. (256) 409-1985 McDowell Knight Roedder & Sledge, LLC (251) 432-5300 Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow, Ireland PA (205) 980-5000 Starnes Davis Florie LLP (205) 868-6000 Webster, Henry, Lyons, White, Bradwell & Black, P.C. (334) 264-9472

Lytx Inc. (838) 430-4000 McLeod Software (205) 823-5100 Motor Carrier Safety Consulting (205) 871-4455 Pegasus TransTech & ACS Advertising (801) 349-2433 Power South Energy Cooperative (334) 427-3207 Preferred Risk Services (334) 836-0358

DriveCam / Lytx Inc. (838) 430-4000

Childersburg Truck Service, Inc. (256) 378-3101 Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111 Eufaula Trucking Co., Inc. (334) 687-0391 Lazzari Truck Repair, Inc. (251) 626-5121 Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877 Rowe Management Corp. (205) 486-9235 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

Bridgestone Commercial Solutions (770) 317-5777

Spectrum Environmental Services, Inc. (205) 664-2000

Butler Industrial Tire Center, Inc. (334) 376-0178 Inc. (866) 245-3918 TMW Systems, Inc. (216) 831-6606

Transportation Billing Solutions, LLC (205) 788-4000

Direct Chassislink (704) 571-5408

Carrier Transicold South (404) 968-3130

Safety Vision (713) 929-1057

Other Services: Ahern & Associates LTD (602) 242-1030

Delta Distributors, LLC (334) 222-3671

Carl Carson Truck Center, Inc. (205) 592-9966

TIRE DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS Best One Tire & Service (615) 207-9079

Transportation and Logistical Services, Inc (205) 226-5500

C & C Graphics (256) 727-5049

Birmingham Frame & Alignment, LLC (205) 322-4844

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (334) 207-4294

Speegle, Hoffman, Holman & Holifield, LLC (251) 694-1700

BTI Transportation Services, Inc. (205) 242-6908

Repairs: Big Moe Spring & Alignment of B’ham, Inc. (205) 780-0290

Transportation Compliance Services, USA (228) 872-7160 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 Trucking Partners, LLC (256) 737-8788 Real Estate: Mary Lou’s Team RE/MAX, Inc. (205) 566-5911

Columbus Tire Co., Inc. (706) 321-8133 McGriff Tire Co. (256) 739-0710 McGriff Treading Co., Inc. (256) 734-4298 Michelin North America (864) 201-6177 Snider Fleet Solutions (404) 361-0130 Wilks Tire & Battery Service, Inc. (256) 878-0211 Yokohama Tire Corp. (317) 385-2611

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Nextran Truck Corporation (205) 841-4450

Equipment Logistics, Inc. (256) 739-9280

Peterbilt Motors Co. (770) 330-7014

Fontaine Fifth Wheel NA (205) 421-4300

Peterbilt of Montgomery & Birmingham LLC (800) 264-4555

Great Dane Trailers (205) 324-3491 Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc. (251) 438-5521 Gulf Coast Truck & Equipment Co. (251) 476-2744 R C Trailer Sales & Service Co., Inc. (205) 680-0924 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Tennessee Valley Recycling LLC (256) 353-6351 Transport Trailer Center (334) 299-3573 Utility Trailer Sales of Alabama LLC (334) 794-7345 Vanguard National Trailer Corporation (404) 304-6676

Rush Truck Center-Mobile (251) 459-7300 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 Truckworx Kenworth - Birmingham (205) 326-6170 Truckworx Kenworth – Dothan (334) 712-4900 Truckworx Kenworth – Montgomery (334) 263-3101 Truckworx Kenworth – Mobile (251) 957-4000 Truckworx Kenworth – Huntsville (256) 308-0162 Truckworx Kenworth – Thomasville (334) 636-4380

TRUCK DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS Action Truck Center (334) 794-8505

Truckworx Kenworth – Tuscaloosa (205) 752-2886

Birmingham Freightliner (205) 322-6695

Volvo Trucks North America (336) 393-2975

Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer (334) 262-8856

Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

TRUCK & EQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613

Daimler Trucks NA LLC (803) 207-4099 Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000 Fleetco, Inc. (615) 256-0600 Four Star Freightliner (334) 263-1085 (Montgomery) Long Lewis Western Star (205) 428-6241 Mack Trucks, Inc. (678) 201-4770

Navistar TRAILER DEALERS/ MANUFACTURERS (813) 382-3113 C & C Trailers, Inc. (334) 897-2202 Neely Coble Co. (256) 350-1630 Dorsey Trailer (334) 897-2525

TRUCKSTOPS Love’s Travel Stops, Inc. (405) 202-4451 Oasis Travel Center, LLC (251) 960-1148 Pilot Flying J Centers (865) 207-3219 TravelCenters of America/Petro Shopping Centers (678) 591-4675 VEHICLE LEASING Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616



JSM Carriers, LLC P. O. Box 1021 Opp, AL 36467 Phone (334) 493-7832 Dunning, Mark Industries, Inc. 100 Race Track Road Mr. Rothel Moody Dothan, AL 36303 Phone (334) 983-1506 Life Style Solutions for Truck Drivers Mr. Mark Dunning 495 Saint Lukes Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 GNS & Associates, Inc. Phone (334) 213-0054 940 Schillinger Rd. N ahealthylifestylenow@gmailcom Mobile, AL 36608 Dr. Clinton Smith Phone (251) 634-0463 MVL Mr. Brent Smith P. O. Box 1143 Mobile, AL 36633 Harmon-Dennis-Bradshaw, Inc. Phone (334) 549-9606 P. O. Box 241667 Montgomery, AL 36104 Mr. Steve Morgan Phone (334) 273-7277 New South Express, Inc. Ms. Kayla Murphy 3700 Claypond Road Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 6378 J. Scott Enterprises, Inc Phone (843) 903-8890 198 Pawnee Rd Mr. Carl Hamilton Birmingham, AL 35217 Phone (205) 841-1930 R + T Hauling, LLC 198 Pawnee Rd Mr. Scott Tidwell Birmingham, AL 35217 Phone (205) 841-1930 Mr. Scott Tidwell

New Members (as of 9-14-2015) Adams Beverage, Inc. 316 John D. Odom Road Dothan, AL 36301 Phone (334) 983-5161 Mr. Clay Adams

Brandon Trucking, LLC 1468 County Rd. 31 Killen, AL 35645 Phone (256) 412-7131 Mr. Tom Brandon

Bryan Trucking, LLC P. O. Box 56 Citronelle, AL 36522 Phone (251) 866-5161 Ms. Ranae Bryan

CB Repair & Trailer Maintenance 29 Charlie Brown Lane Pell City, AL 35125 Phone (205) 753-4495 Ms. Alecia Adams

Safety Vision 6100 W. Sam Houston Pky. N Houston, TX 77041 Phone (713) 929-1057 Mr. Rocky Bottner

Scotch & Gulf Lumber, LLC P. O. Box 1663 Mobile, AL 36633 Phone (251) 457-6872 Mr. Jim Conner

St. Vincent's Occ. Health 2700 10th Ave South, Suite 103 Birmingham, AL 35205 Phone (205) 930-2600 Dr. C. B. Thuss, Jr. TnT Hauling, LLC 198 Pawnee Rd Birmingham, AL 35217 Phone (205) 841-1930 shawn@tnthauling,net Mr. Scott Tidwell

Vanguard National Trailer Corp. 289 E. Water Tower Dr. Monon, IN 47959 Phone (404) 304-6676 Ms. Samantha Helton

Virginia Transportation Corp. 141 James P Murphy Ind Hwy West Warwick, RI 02893 Phone (401) 821-2900

Mr. James Voyer

Wesmar Steel Corporation 9525 Cordova Park Rd Cordova, TN 38018 Phone (901) 737-4800 Mr. Mike Morgan Western Transport, LLC 533 Trinity Lane Bldg. 4 Decatur, AL 35601 Phone (256) 355-4225 Mr. Mack Gates

Transure Service, Inc. P. O. Box 276 Whitsett, NC 27377 Phone (336) 584-9494 Mr. Andy Sharpe

ATA Calendar of Events ATA Golf Classic September 29, 2015 Prattville, Ala. American Trucking Associations Management Conference & Exhibition October 17-20, 2015 Philadelphia, Pa. SMMC Christmas Celebration December 14, 2015 Pelham, Ala. ATA Board of Director’s Meeting January 26, 2016 Montgomery, Ala. SMMC Fleet Safety Awards March 21, 2016 Pelham, Ala. ATA Annual Convention & Meeting April 28-30, 2016 Las Vegas, Nev. ATA Board of Director’s Meeting & Officer Installation June 21, 2016 Montgomery, Ala. 40











(334) 834-7911

(800) 873-8494

The Baxter Agency


Dorsey Trailer




(205) 585-3895

International Trucks


(800) 844-4102

Johnson Locklin


(251) 947-3015

J.J. Keller


(888) 473-4638 ext. 7892

McLeod Software


(877) 362-5363

Nextran Truck Center


(800) 292-8685

Palomar Insurance


(800) 489-0105

Pivotal LNG



Regions Insurance


(800) 807-1412

Southland Trailer Div.


(888) 844-1821


(205) 849-4288

Trans Con Assurance Ltd.

Thompson Cat


(205) 978-7070

Truckers Against Trafficking



Truckworx Kenworth


(800) 444-6170

Turner & Hamrick


(888) 385-0186

WH Thomas Oil Co. W.W. Williams

20-21 3

(205) 755-2610 (800) 365-3780


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