Alabama Trucker, 2nd Quarter 2016

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ON THE COVER: or call 334-834-3983 PUBLISHER Ford Boswell EXECUTIVE EDITOR Frank Filgo CREATIVE DIRECTOR Cindy Segrest PRODUCTION EDITORS Jane Nixon, Brandie Norcross CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ford Boswell, Frank Filgo, Tim Frazier, Dan Shell ADVERTISING Ford Boswell

Driver of the Year

AAA Cooper Transportation veteran driver Frank Calvert is ATA’s Professional Truck Driver of the Year. With more than 60 years of experience and a whopping 5 million accident-free miles, he was a unanimous choice for ATA’s most important award.

Thank You Mr. Chairman

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Jane Nixon ACCOUNTING Lynn Thornton DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Ford Boswell ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Brandie Norcross ATA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steve Aronhalt, Dennis Bailey, Aubrey Baugh, Rhonda Bees, Joe Black, Gary Bond, Jack Brim, Greg Brown, Will Bruser, Dan Carmichael, Fenn Church, Mark Coffman, Jeff Coleman, John Collier, Rodger Collins, Driscoll Colquett, Brent Cook, Gail Cooper, Al Cox, Jerry Davis, Ranny Davis, Amy DeFee, Joe Donald, Edmund Doss, Mack Dove, Russ Elrod, Dean Flint, Will Forbes, Jack Fricks, Beau Holmes, Terry Kilpatrick, Jason King, Susan Kirkpatrick, Mark Knotts, Jerry Kocan, Drew Linn, Hunter Lyons, Bart McCrory, Jeff McGrady, Barry McGriff, Bruce MacDonald, Tom McLeod, Buck Moore, E.H. Moore, Jr., Ross Neely, Jr., Tommy Neely, Butch Owens, Clay Palm, Mike Pursley, Kevin Savoy, Bill Scruggs, Danny Smith, Ronnie Stephenson, Steve Stinson, Paul Storey, Harold Sumerford, Jr., John Summerford, James Suttles, Bill Ward, Wayne Watkins, Scott White, David Wildberger, Skip Williams, T.J. Willings, Keith Wise.


Over the past year, ATA Chairman of the Board Greg Brown has been an outstanding representative for the state’s trucking industry. His extensive experience and education have served the Association well as it navigated a pivotal year for Alabama’s vital trucking industry.



One for the Ages


With more than 285 members and guests representing 107 trucking related firms in attendance, leaders of the Alabama Trucking Association brought its annual meeting to Las Vegas this past spring to celebrate its successes, elect new leadership, and plan for its future at one of the world’s most exciting destinations.

D E P A R T M E N T S President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Safety Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SMMC Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Trucking News Roundup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Buyers’ Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ATA Events and New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Published quarterly by the Alabama Trucking Assn., P.O. Box 242337, Montgomery, AL 36124-2337. Advertising rates are available upon request.

Alabama Trucking Association An Affiliate of the American Trucking Associations


334-834-3983 • 1

From the President

Thank You Mr. Chairman Frank Filgo, CAE President and CEO Alabama Trucking Association

‘I was fortunate to work closely with Greg Brown of B.R. Williams Trucking. He is one of the most dedicated, talented, and hardest working individuals I have ever met.’



ver the years, I have had the great pleasure of working with the Association’s chief elected officers (20 and still counting), whose title is Chairman of the Board. This past year, I was fortunate to work closely with Greg Brown of B.R. Williams Trucking, who recently completed his term as ATA’s Chairman. He is, in fact, one of the most dedicated, talented, and hardest working individuals I have ever met. Because of his dedication and service, the Alabama Trucking Association continues to be recognized as one of the state’s most influential trade organizations. Through his actions, this state trucking association and the trucking industry grew in stature and distinction. Here are just a few of his many accomplishments as ATA’s Chairman of Board for year 2015-16: l As of January 1, 2016, property taxes on new truck purchases were reduced to reflect a tax base that better reflects the vehicle’s fair market value as opposed to the exorbitant manufacturers’ suggested retail price (MSRP). The change came from the result of a lawsuit filed by ATA. Alabama motor carriers should realize a significant tax reduction on newly purchased vehicles. l Alabama now has one of the nation’s strongest cargo theft bills which defines the act of cargo theft, including fifth wheel tampering, and increases fines and penalties for the theft of cargo. l All ATA major events were well financed and attended. Sponsorships for the

ATA Golf Classic and the Annual Convention exceeded expectations topping receipts in prior years. l $288,667 was raised benefitting ATA’s political action arm – TRUK PAC for the support of pro-truck candidates in upcoming elections. l As many as 21 Alabama motor carrier companies have trained their drivers to help combat domestic sex trafficking. ATA is a Silver Sponsor of Truckers Against Trafficking. l Alabama’s safest motor carrier fleets and safety and maintenance professionals have been recognized, promoting the Alabama trucking industry’s commitment to highway safety. l ATA was a primary contributor towards the legislative effort to increase revenue for the state’s highway infrastructure. Though the initiative did not pass during the 2016 legislative session, the attempt provides significant impetus for future highway funding discussions. l The Alabama Trucking Association remains one of the state’s most persuasive proponents of highway safety, thereby helping to reduce highway crashes and fatalities. The Alabama Trucking Association is grateful for Mr. Brown’s leadership, and we look forward to his continued counsel as our new Chairman, Gary Bond, moves this association and the trucking industry forward. On a personal note, it’s been an honor to have worked with you this past year. Because of leaders like you, I’m convinced I have the best job in the world.


Driven to Succeed After a long successful career as a professional truck driver, AAA Cooper’s Frank Calvert saves his biggest accomplishment for last. By Ford Boswell BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Sitting at the head table in the main ballroom of the Westin Las Vegas resort hotel, Frank Calvert, looked to his right at his wife Virgie and flashed an easy smile. She smiled back. Without saying a word, they knew what the other was thinking: “It sure has been an interesting couple of months.” 4

Less than a month before, during the Alabama Trucking Association’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council’s Annual Fleet Safety Awards Banquet in Birmingham, Calvert was tapped the Association’s Driver of the Year, which is its most popular, if not most important, recognition. Now the Calverts were in Las Vegas for the Association’s 78th Annual Convention waiting to be introduced to the nearly 300 attendees during the final day of the Association’s biggest event of the year. ATA’s Professional Driver of the Year Award is given annually to a driver working at

one of the Association’s more than 400 trucking fleet members. Fleet safety managers from those firms nominate drivers they feel exemplify the trucking industry’s ideals and mission of customer service, professionalism and highway and workplace safety. Managers submit packets for each driver showcasing experience, training and accomplishments, and a panel of independent judges from state and federal enforcement agencies, including the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) picks the winner. The award is sponsored by Nextran Truck Centers. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

Frank Calvert stands with his truck. He and a partner, Alan Brooks, usually start their regular run on Monday afternoons and work until Thursday evenings, depending on load and delivery locations.

Model Driver Calvert, a driver for AAA Cooper Transportation’s terminal in Birmingham, has been with the Dothan-based trucking firm for more than 21 years, accumulating 3 million of his 5-million career accident-free miles there. He’s a people person, and when talking to him, you immediately feel at ease. He’s armed with an easy smile and a polite, down-to-earth demeanor, and gives the vibe of your favorite uncle or the nice neighbor down the street who always waves or speaks when your paths cross. During his six decades in the business, he has worked as a dock hand, a local LTL driver and a line haul driver. He says he’s had plenty of opportunities to stop driving a truck and take other roles within the industry, but that never interested him, in the least. He just loves driving a truck. His supervisors praise him for his work ethic and stamina. Tony Smith, a regional safety supervisor for AAA Cooper, calls Calvert, “(The) perfect example of what a A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

Calvert and his wife of 57 years Virgie give each other a smile during ATA’s recent convention.


true professional driver should be.” Smith adds, “On top of all that, he’s among the hardest working, most dependable individuals we have at AAA Cooper. Other than scheduled off time, he has missed a total of 5 days in 21 years.” Calvert has won numerous awards and recognition for his many professional accomplishments through the years. He’s also a leader in his community and local church. He and his wife of 57 years, Virgie, have two adult daughters Joan and Lesha, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. “I want to thank ATA and its safety council for the honor,” he said. “AAA Cooper is an incredible company to work for, and I have always appreciated the owners’ commitment to safety and doing things the right way both in and out of the truck. I’m also grateful that my supervisors have allowed me to just be me. I love working with people and interacting with them. My supervisors have always encouraged me to take care of my customers the best way I know how. “But, I especially want to thank Virgie and our daughters for always supporting and encouraging me in whatever I needed to do to provide for my family. As a truck driver, I missed a lot of things in their lives, but I always did my very best to be there for those things that mattered most. I am so blessed for their support and love.”

But even when things were at their worst, when it seemed no one would give him a chance to build a life for himself, he never considered giving up on his future. At an age when most kids think about afterschool or summer jobs, high school sports, and what automobile they’d like to drive when they get their driver’s license, Calvert was already thinking about the big picture. He already knew the kind of life he wanted for himself. He wanted stability, and that meant having a good job, a happy home, and a family that loved and helped each other no matter what. And once he made up his mind what he wanted, it was up to him to make those things happen, and nothing was going stop him from finding hope and happiness. His family troubles worsened after his two older brothers left home to join the military. After they left, Frank, a self-de-

thinking I’d get hired on. So I was stuck waiting for my ride after the interview for an hour or so. I guess someone saw me out there alone and felt sorry for me. Someone came out and asked me to come back in and told me that the manager wanted to give me a chance. They put me to work on a truck that day as a helper, loading and unloading the truck and assisting the driver. In those days, industry regulation wasn’t as strict, and it wasn’t long before the driver asked him to take the wheel occasionally. Within a couple of years, he moved into the driver’s seat full time and he’s never wanted to do anything else. Trucking afforded him the opportunity to provide a stable home for his wife and two daughters, both of whom have finished college and have successful careers of their own. “I’ve only worked for a handful of companies during my career,” he says. “TruckATA Director of Safety Tim Frazier (left) introduces Calvert during an awards ceremony at ATA’s recent annual convention.

Overcoming the Odds Calvert overcame a difficult childhood to be where he is today. Born in 1939 to a farming family in rural Cullman County, his father was an alcoholic, who according to Calvert, was likely most affected by undiagnosed mental illness. He admits that his dad was basically a good man who always provided the essential needs for the family, but he was abusive when he drank, especially to Frank’s mother. That family dynamic was further complicated by the economic and social fallout from the Great Depression, which devastated the U.S. economy leading up to World War II, and was particularly difficult on rural parts of the nation. The Calvert family was very poor, and Frank says he was aware how unusual his home situation was compared to those of his classmates and neighbors. That experience gave Calvert a different outlook on life compared to other kids his age. Everything he’s accomplished in his 77 years, he earned on his own. Growing up with such an unstable home life, he learned how to fend for himself at very early age. 6

scribed “mama’s boy”, says the protection of his mother from his father’s drunken tirades became his burden. Fights with his father became more physical. “During one of the more severe ones,” he recalls, “he pointed a shotgun at my face and told me that he ought to just blow my brains out. I told him that he might as well do what he felt he needed to do but he wasn’t going to hurt my mother.” Not long after that Frank left home for good. He headed to Birmingham seeking work through a friend who had offered to help him get on with a grocery company that maintained its own trucking fleet. “But when I showed up to apply for a job there, I was told they weren’t hiring,” he says. “I had someone drop me off that morning,

ing is all I’ve ever done. I guess I’ve been blessed to work for great people. I love meeting people and that’s the part of the job I enjoy most. Trucking has been wonderful to me. I’ve raised my family as a truck driver, and I’m grateful for that.” Calvert says he has no immediate plans to retire but he believes he’ll probably start slowing down within the next year or so. “I’ll be 78 this August,” he says. “I’ve been blessed with good health. I thank God every day for that and for taking care of me and my family all these years. Even after 60 years, I still have the urge to work. I love what I do. I really don’t know how much longer I can stay with it, but the Lord will let me know when it’s time to quit. I’ve been so blessed.” A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

Wayne Watkins hands ATA’s “Chairman’s Gavel” to Greg Brown at an installation ceremony in June 2015.

Chairman Greg Brown

Time Well Served ATA President Frank Filgo (left) Kylla Lanier of Truckers Against Trafficking and Chairman Brown

Greg Brown, Frank Filgo, Tom McLeod and Danny Smith during last fall’s ATA Golf Classic. 8


By Ford Boswell

I The B.R. Williams executive team and family: Jack Brim with his wife Jan; Dee and Greg Brown; Craig Burgess; and Allan and Judy Hicks during ATA’s recent convention.

ATA’s major events this past year were well financed and attended. Sponsorships for the ATA Golf Classic (above) and Annual Convention exceeded all expectations.

A look back (in photos) at Chairman Greg Brown’s year as leader of the Alabama Trucking Association.

ATA’s Frank Filgo, Alabama Driver of the Year Frank Calvert and Chairman Greg Brown A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

B.R. Williams safety director Allan Hicks and Greg Brown

n its nearly 80 years of existence, the Alabama Trucking Association has had its share of outstanding leaders. Men and women from all walks of life, who’ve owned or managed all types of businesses, have come through the ranks of this Association at one time or another to guide the state’s trucking industry through thick and thin. The Association’s mission to serve and protect Alabama truckers is a responsibility our leadership board has never taken lightly. Their dedication to the Association has always been its strongest asset. And at the close of another year (ATA operates on a July 1 fiscal year), current Chairman of the Board of Directors Greg Brown can now be added among the Association’s most successful leaders. Mr. Brown, 57, is Chairman and CEO of the Oxford, Ala.-based B.R. Williams Trucking, Inc., a firm that provides transportation, warehousing and logistics services to hundreds of customers across the southeastern U.S. The company employs more than 350 and maintains a current fleet of 170 tractors and 600 trailers. It also offers more than 1 million sq. ft. of warehouse space. Founded by its namesake in the late 1950s, B.R. Williams has been a member of the Association for more than 50 years, earning the respect of the industry, customers far and wide, and Association leaders for its ability to adapt and prosper in all kinds of economic conditions. The company has enjoyed considerable success under Brown’s leadership, growing from a small family operation running a handful of trucks and trailers to one of this state’s most solid trucking companies. With his extensive industry experience, notwithstanding his considerable training and education (He holds degrees in both accounting and mathematics as well as a law degree), Mr. Brown served the Association very well as it navigated a transitional year for the industry. His agenda included efforts for state legislative gains, improved industry safety, and increased ATA membership involvement in industry-led social programs such as Truckers Against Trafficking, a Colorado-based non-profit organization fighting to end human trafficking and forced prostitution at truck stops, rest areas and other locations frequented by members of the trucking industry. By all accounts, he accomplished those goals and many more, and he did so with thoughtfulness, perseverance and grace (Read a more detailed tribute to those accomplishments from ATA President Frank Filgo on page 2.). As a result of his leadership, the Alabama Trucking Association remains on solid footing and is well-positioned to lead this state’s trucking industry for many years to come. 9

Keynote speaker Robert Darlings addresses the audience during Friday’s Business Session.

Doing It Vegas Style! The Alabama Trucking Association brought its annual convention to Las Vegas for three days of informative meetings; thought provoking discussions; and endless world class entertainment. By Ford Boswell • Photos By Paul Beasley LAS VEGAS, Nev. – Seeking a bit of a change in scenery, the Alabama Trucking Association gathered for its 78th Annual Convention at the Westin Las Vegas Hotel, Casino & Spa, Las Vegas. April 28-May 1, 2016. With more than 285 members and guests representing 107 trucking related firms in attendance, leaders of the state’s trucking industry celebrated its successes, elected new leadership, and planned for its future at one of the world’s most exciting destinations. Because of the distant location, attendance was down slightly from previous years, but ATA leaders say they were still extremely pleased with the event’s content and programs. Convention Chairman Gary Bond said the meeting’s goals to highlight the Association’s accomplishments for the year and recognize ATA leadership and honorees for the year were met. And the meeting served as an excellent networking opportunity between the Association’s member carriers and allied sector.

Meeting Highlights Friday morning’s Business Session featured presentations from several ATA lead10

ers discussing topics affecting the Association and the trucking industry as a whole. Keynote speaker for the meeting was Retired Marine Lt. Col. Robert J. Darling, author of “24 Hours inside the President’s Bunker: 9-11-01: The White House.” Mr. Darling is a former White House military office airlift operations liaison officer with more than two decades of active military service. He also held high-level federal government assignments, including several years as a top adviser for the George W. Bush Administration and the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. His presentation detailed his time with the president’s emergency operations center on September 11, 2001. Following Mr. Darling’s presentation, the meeting was turned over to the Alabama Trucking Association Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Fund for its Annual Membership Meeting where it reviewed the Fund’s financials and showcased plans for moving the Fund forward. Friday afternoon, attendees chose options to join one of several planned excursions to area sights and locations, including Hoover Dam, historic locations of Las Vegas, and the Downtown Summerlin shopping dis-

trict. Later that evening ATA Workers’ Comp Fund hosted cocktail party at the Hyde Nightclub at the Bellagio. Saturday morning ATA leaders conducted the Association’s Annual Membership Awards Ceremony, which honored several men and woman who helped ATA reach its goals the past year. Recognitions included the introductions of the Alabama Truck Driver of the Year, Frank Calvert, a driver for AAA Cooper Transportation’s terminal in Birmingham and Alabama Road Team captains Rodney Cosper, Rusty Holmes and Daniel Thompson, honoring them for their work of delivering a message of road safety and driving tips to the motoring public. Wrapping up the meeting, ATA leaders announced Tom McLeod of McLeod Software as its 2016 recipient of the H. Chester Webb Award for Outstanding Service to the Industry, ATA’s highest recognition for a member (Read more about the Webb Award presentation on page 24). That evening, ATA Chairman of the Board Greg Brown was honored with a reception before attendees were shuttled over to the Bellagio Hotel for Cirque Du Soleil’s O Show. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

A pair of legends: Former ATA chairmen Drew Linn of Southland International Trucks and James Suttles, formerly of Suttles Tank Leasing (now retired).

Chairman Greg Brown

Bruce McLeod of McLeod Software

Despite the slight drop in attendance, sponsorships of the event once again reached a record amount grossing $239,452 – nearly $5,000 more than the previous year’s record totals. “This Association has incredible member support,” says Convention Chairman Bond. “That kind of support makes my job so easy. It was a pleasure serving this great Association, but I am indebted to my Convention Finance Committee. They did an outstanding job.” Those on the committee included Fenn Church of Church Transportation & Logistics, Inc.; Rhonda Bees, Shoreline Transportation of Alabama, LLC; Jack Brim of B. R. Williams Trucking, Inc.; ATA Chairman Greg Brown of B. R. Williams Trucking, Inc.; Will Bruser of Truckworx/Kenworth; Mark Coffman of Coffman International, Inc.; John Collier of Transport Trailer Center; Rodger Collins of Industrial Warehouse Services, Inc.; Kevin Savoy of Greenbush Logistics, Inc.; Bill Waechter of Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc.; and Wayne Watkins of Watkins Trucking Co., Inc. “I also can’t stress enough my gratitude to our Convention sponsors,” Bond says. “Their generosity and support was the main catalyst for the success of our convention.” ATA’s 2017 Convention will return to the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Destin, Fla. April 20-22, 2017. For more information or to see more coverage and photos of this year’s meeting visit www.alabama More convention photos available at alabamatruckingassociation/albums/72157666136422643


ATA Workers’ Comp Fund hosted a cocktail party at the Hyde Bellagio Sunset Lounge.

Tim Frazier

Buddy Moore is all smiles with some attractive new friends.

Room with a view.

Buck Moore, Frank Filgo and Dan Carmicheal

Four Star Freightliner’s Jerry Kocan and John Collier of Transport Trailer Center 11

Alabama Motor Express Arab Cartage & Express Co. Austill, Lewis, Pipkin & Maddox, PC Baggett Transportation Co. BancorpSouth Equipment Finance BMO Transportation Finance Bridgestone Commercial Solutions

Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer Carlisle Medical, Inc. Coffman International, Inc. Columbus Tire Co. Comdata Crestmark Bank Davison Fuels & Oil

Equipment Solutions/KLLM/FFE Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. FleetPride Truck & Trailer Parts Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc. Hill Hill Carter J.J. Keller & Associates Long Lewis Western Star

McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc. Meritor, Inc. Michelin North America Montgomery Transport Osborn Transportation, Inc. Ox Bodies, Inc. PeopleNet

Premium 2000+ Warranties Quantum Logistics, LLC Rand McNally RangeWay Carriers Regions Insurance Renasant Bank Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

Robbie D. Wood, Inc. Ross Neely Systems, Inc. Servis1st Bank Summerford Truck Line Thompson/Caterpillar Transport Trailer Center Transportation and Logistical Services

Travel Centers of America/Petro Turner & Hamrick Vernon Milling Company, Inc. W. H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. Wilks Tire & Battery Service WTI Transport Yokohama Tire Corp.

ABC Transportation D T & Freight Co., Inc. Continental Tire the Americas ErgoScience Fuller Warehouse & Gin, Inc. Hand Arendall LLC Highland Technical Services, Inc.

McAbee Construction, Inc. Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C. Moundville Warehouse, LLC Move & Store, LLC PR Companies R. C. Trailer Sales & Service Co., Inc.

Rushing Enterprises, Inc. WilMar Trucking LLC

Recognized for Excellence ATA’s Safety and Maintenance Management Council showcases the state’s safest fleets, managers and drivers at annual awards ceremony.

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Alabama Professional Truck Driver of the Year Frank Calvert (second from left) of AAA Cooper Transportation stands with award sponsor Tim Tucker and Bruce Graham of Nextran Truck Centers and ATA Chairman Greg Brown.

By Ford Boswell PELHAM, Ala. – Last spring the Alabama Trucking Association’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council recognized its safest trucking firms, fleet managers and professional drivers at its annual Fleet Safety Awards Banquet held at the Pelham Civic Complex, near Birmingham. The awards are given annually to Association member firms and their employees for excellence in industry safety and leadership among the state’s trucking community. Candidates are measured by accident frequency scores from the previous calen-

dar year, while individual winners are nominated by supervisors who submit packets describing a candidate’s credentials and efforts in fleet safety and/or maintenance. Winners are chosen by an independent panel of judges composed of employees from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Motor Carrier Safety Unit. Candidates remain anonymous to the panel until all winners are selected. The highlight of the ceremony was the announcement of Frank Calvert of AAA Cooper Transportation as this year’s Profes-

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Alabama Maintenance Professional of the Year Billy Busby of Blair Logistics, LLC stands with award sponsor rep Allan Hicks of Vertical Alliance Group (left) and ATA Chairman Greg Brown 14

ATA Safety Professional of the Year Heather Darnell of Watkins Trucking Co. (center), stands with ATA Chairman Greg Browm (left) and award sponsor representative Henry Zaiontz of Great Dane Trailers

sional Truck Driver of the Year. With nearly 60 years and 5 million miles of professional driving under his belt, Calvert was an outstanding choice for the Association’s most popular award. Calvert drives for AAA Cooper’s terminal in Birmingham and has been with the company for more than 21 years, accumulating 3 million accident-free miles for the company. (Read more on Mr. Calvert on page 4.) “I want to thank ATA and its safety council for the honor,” he says. “AAA Cooper is an incredible company to work for and I have always appreciated the owners’ commitment to safety and doing things

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Alabama Fleet Manager of the Year Tim Davis, center, of American Proteins, accepts his plaque from award sponsor Ronnie Stephenson of Southland International Trucks. Standing with them is ATA Chairman of the Board Greg Brown. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

the right way both in and out of the truck. I’m also grateful for my supervisors for allowing me to just be me. I love working with people and interacting with them. My supervisors have always encouraged me to take care of my customers.” First Runner Up for the award was Moses Thomas of ABC Transportation, Inc. ATA’s Driver of the Year Award is sponsored by Nextran Truck Centers.

Individual Winners ATA’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council also honored several other individual fleet professionals for industry excellence. This year’s Alabama Safety Professional of the Year is Heather Darnell of Watkins Trucking Co. in Birmingham, Ala. Darnell has been with Watkins Trucking for more than eight years and is currently responsible for the company’s entire fleet safety operations, including regulatory compliance, accident investigations, and HOS auditing. Watkins officials say they have never had an employee with such an outstanding relationship with drivers as Mrs. Darnell. First Runner Up was Connel Coggins of Buddy Moore Trucking in Birmingham. The ATA Safety Professional of the Year Award is sponsored by Great Dane Trailers. Billy Busby of Blair Logistics, LLC was tapped Alabama’s top maintenance professional during the ceremony. Busby is an 18year veteran of fleet maintenance who spearheads a maintenance department that keeps a fleet of 420 tractors and 480 trailers rolling. The award is sponsored by Vertical Alliance Group. Another professional award winner was Alabama Fleet Manager of the Year Tim Davis of American Proteins, Inc. That award is sponsored by Southland International Trucks. Meanwhile, Golden Flake Snack Foods’ Transportation Division earned ATA’s President’s Award for lowest overall accident rate frequency for miles driven in Alabama in calendar year 2015. Accepting the award on behalf of Golden Flake was safety manager Jimmy Price and Director of Transportation Butch Owens. The award is sponsored by Billy Barnes Enterprises.

Many Thanks Association officials said the awards were very well attended and expressed their appreciation to all who entered, won, sponsored, attended, nominated, judged, or presented during the selection process A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

ATA Workers’ Comp Fund honors members for loss control excellence The Alabama Trucking Association Workers’ Compensation Self Insurance Fund recognized five of its top performers regarding loss control and safety performance during the Alabama Trucking Association Fleet Safety Awards.

Allied Fund Member Award: Coffman International Coffman International was established in 1976 and has been a Fund Member since 2011. They have established and implemented specific safety policies/procedures for their service department, as well as, an employee safety incentive plan. They have monthly safety meetings that encourage employees to work smart, safe and be more aware of their surroundings.

Small Fleet Award: RangeWay Carriers, LLC RangeWay Carriers, LLC has been a Fund Member since 2013. They now have over 30 employees operating 25 trucks. With a proactive emphasis on safety and risk mitigation, they have kept WC losses extremely low. They have designed and implemented their safety program around a culture of accident prevention. They prioritize safety above all else, knowing what is on the line every time that a truck departs their yard.

Medium Fleet Award: Church Transportation & Logistics Church Transportation was founded in 2000 and has been with the Fund since 2003. Church’s safety management process is a top down program, promoted, trained and enforced by every associate. They have implemented an extensive safety program with special emphasis on driver hiring and safety orientation. They also stared an annual Driver Appreciation Weekend to recognize employee’s successes.

Large Fleet Award: Baldwin Transfer Baldwin Transfer has been serving the Gulf Coast and Southeast for over 40 years. They have been in the Fund since 1993. They are committed to safety through their online safety training, quarterly safety meetings, specific written Safety and Operations Manual and constant Driver Manager communication with drivers.

Engineer’s Distinguished Award: Evergreen Forest Products Evergreen Forest Products has been in business since 1992 and with the Fund since 2002. They took their safety program to the next level back in 2013 making safety their number ONE goal. Mr. Edwards gave his commitment to change the company’s safety culture by implementing numerous safety initiatives such as: hiring a dedicated and passionate safety director, revamping their hiring and orientation process, along with upper management and driver manager involvement to help change driver behaviors. and award ceremony. “This year’s event was by far our most successful to date,” says Association Director of Safety Tim Frazier. “We raised more than $6,000 for the event, drawing more than 100 nominees for various awards, and attracting more than 205 attendees for the ceremony.”

Association leaders also expressed special thanks to the following businesses for sponsoring the event: Billy Barnes Enterprises, Great Dane Trailers, Nextran Truck Centers, Southland International Trucks, and Vertical Alliance Group. “We are grateful for their continued support and participation,” Frazier added. 15

FedEx’s Dan Thompson takes top honor at Alabama TDC Class winners in nine categories qualify to compete at the national competition later this summer in Indianapolis. By Ford Boswell

To qualify for the state competition, a driver must be employed PELHAM, Ala. – Dan by a member company of the AsThompson, a veteran professional sociation and have had no accitruck driver for FedEx Freight’s dents for the previous 12 months. terminal near Mobile, won the Some competitors are handpicked Alabama Trucking Association’s by supervisors for overall experiState Truck Driving Champience and work ethic, while others onships’ Overall Champion win company competitions. award, Friday, June 10 at the PelWhile not a record, SMMC ham Civic Complex in Pelham, officials said this year’s event atAla. The award is sponsored by tracted more drivers than recent Birmingham Freightliner. years, but the spectators and atThompson and nearly 100 tendance for the awards ceremoother Alabama-based truck drivers ny has grown tremendously. Ofrepresenting two dozen trucking ficials said the event drew an esfirms, competed at the annual timated 500 spectators, volunevent, which is produced by the teers and contest officials and Association’s Safety & Maintethe awards dinner banquet drew nance Management Council more than 300 (which is an SMMC and ATA board member Dennis Bailey presents TDC Overall Champion Dan (SMMC), a subgroup of the Asevent record). sociation composed of fleet safety Thompson with his award plaque. “This event keeps getting betmanagers and fleet vehicle mainter and better,” said ATA DirecThompson won the Straight Truck class. tenance supervisors. tor of Safety & Member Services Tim FraMeanwhile, Kevin Hunter of FedEx The competition’s main purpose is to zier. “Our safety council does an outstandGround posted the highest score in the Veshowcase professional truck drivers’ skill and ing job planning and executing these conhicle Defects portion of the contest, and commitment to workplace and highway safetests. We are most grateful to all the volunMichael Schrader of AAA Cooper Transty. It also serves as a qualifier for the American teers and sponsors of the event. Without portation earned the award for the highest Trucking Associations’ National Truck Drivtheir support we couldn’t pull off an event scoring Rookie. ing Championships scheduled for later this of this magnitude.” summer in Indianapolis, Ind. Competitors are scored on a written exam covering driver safety and industry best practices; a pre-trip vehicle defect inspection; and vehicle obstacle course, where contestants navigate a truck and trailer through a series of obstacles. At the end of the competition, contestants’ cumulative scores are ranked, and winners from nine categories are announced at an awards dinner later that evening. The three highest scorers from each class receive trophies and Umphrey Brannen Knight Staples prizes, and special awards are also given for the event’s top rookie and highest score for the vehicle defects inspection. Other class winners were Chason Norris of FedEx Express (Step Van); Thomas Garner, FedEx Freight (Tank Truck); Tim Staples, FedEx Freight (Flatbed); Michael Umphrey, XPO Logistics (3-Axle Van); Steven Brannen, Wal-Mart Transportation (4-Axle Van); Mark Knight, AAA Cooper Transportation (5-Axle Van); Darryl Dodd, WalMart Transportation; (Sleeper Berth); and Dodd Norris Garner Kimbrell Darrell Kimbrell, FedEx Freight (Twins). 16


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Washington... Still Dysfunction Junction?


Dave Osiecki American Trucking Associations Executive Vice President & Chief of National Advocacy


e’ve all heard about the dysfunction in Washington DC, and how the lack of meaningful action by our Congress is harming our great country. Having spent 28 years living and working in Washington, I’ve seen first-hand how Congress’ inability to tackle tough issues has hurt us all. In trucking, we need to look no further than the continued underfunding of our highway infrastructure. But there’s good news: Congress may be getting its mojo back. As I write this in late May, I’m happy to report that both Chambers in Congress recently took action that just might make a difference for our industry. On May 19, the U.S. Senate passed an important bill that includes fiscal year 2017 funding for transportation projects. That bill also includes important language to protect the hours of service restart provision moving forward. ATA actively supported this language (except the part that adds a new weekly hours cap) since it fixes the legislative glitch that occurred late last year. The Senate introduced this bill, moved it through two committees, and passed it on the Senate floor in a matter of a few weeks. Real progress. And the good news doesn’t stop there. The U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee advanced its FY 2017 transportation spending bill on May 24 and the legislation includes two important ATA sought provisions. Similar to the Senate bill, the House version protects the 34-hour restart provision by prohibiting funds from being used to enforce the July 2013 restrictions on its use. Equally important, the bill also includes a provision relating to federal preemption of state-imposed meal and rest breaks, and the language makes the preemption retroactive back to 1994. Prior to committee approval of the bill an amendment to remove these two provisions - and strongly opposed by the ATA Federation - was soundly defeated. While the House bill still has a few steps to go, if it’s passed, it could be reconciled with

the Senate-passed bill and move to the President as early as this summer. Shifting to the federal executive branch, we, of course, find ourselves in the last year of the Obama Administration. This means we will see President Obama and his Department heads try to finish as many rules as possible in order to establish their ‘legacy.’ This rush to issue rules by a President in his final year is common practice, no matter which party holds the White House. Here are a few of the rules affecting our industry that we expect President Obama and his lieutenants to finish before the end of the year. The Phase II Large Truck Fuel Economy rule – Part of the President’s climate change action plan, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will partner to issue this rule that will include new large truck fuel economy targets resulting from truck, engine and trailer changes. Expect this rule in late summer, with effective dates that start in 2018. The Drug & Alcohol Test Results Clearinghouse – We expect this Administration to finish this MAP-21 required database which, if implemented properly by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, will provide trucking employers with a more complete picture of a driver-applicant’s past drug and alcohol testing and use history. Expect this rule in Fall 2016, with a 2-year implementation window. And, finally, new ‘Entry Level’ Driver Training Standards – The FMCSA also plans to finish and issue its new training standards for drivers seeking a CDL, or upgrading it from one class to another. FMCSA has been working on this rule for years, and 2016 is the year it will finish it. Expect a 3-year implementation window. Busy times in Washington. Thank you for your involvement in, and support of, your state trucking association. Send an email if you have a comment or question about something raised in this article.


MANAGEMENT COUNCIL NEWS Citing safety concerns, ATA urges Congress to protect the HOS restart The American Trucking Associations recently renewed its request for Congress to quickly advance legislation that would maintain the current restart rule, which gives professional truck drivers flexibility in taking extended off-duty periods without restrictions. “We have said since the broad framework of the current hours-of-service rules went into effect in 2004 – complying with these rules improves safety,” said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. “The flexibility to take additional rest that the restart provided for a decade, and is providing now, allows drivers to get additional off-duty time and rest, and we shouldn’t be putting restrictions on that – certainly not ones that have been shown to push truck traffic into riskier daytime hours.” National ATA officials noted that despite sensational media reports, and misinformation fomented by anti-truck advocacy groups, both the House and Senate have advanced legislation that would remove the threat of the restart being eliminated as a result of a drafting error in last year’s Omnibus appropriations bill. Basic facts to consider in support of current rule: 1.) Truck-involved fatal crashes are down 21 percent since the current hours-of-service and restart rule went into effect in 2004; 2.) Fatigue is not the leading cause of truck-involved crashes according to the federal government; speeding and aggressive driving by other vehicles far outpaces truck driver fatigue as a contributor to crashes; 3.) The American Transportation Research Institute found an uptick in crashes after the restart restrictions were imposed in 2013 as a result of a shift of more truck traffic to daytime hours; and 4.) In surveys, professional drivers consistently say the current restart rules aid them in getting more rest and allowing them more time at home. “Congress’ intent in last year’s Omnibus spending bill was clear: Unless these new restrictions on the restart are shown to measurably improve safety and driver health, they should not be imposed,” said Dave Osiecki, ATA Executive Vice President of National Advocacy. “As it stands, because of this glitch in the wording of that bill, the restart could be eliminated, and Congress

SMMC Mock Trial

In May, ATA’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council held its annual Mock Trial and Legal seminar in Montgomery with more than 70 in attendance. Attendees gained valuable insight into the confusing and often unnerving process of giving testimony during lawsuits and court proceedings pertaining to a truck accident. Thanks to the team from the law firm of Hand Arendall, LLC and several ATA and SMMC members for serving as witnesses and other courtroom players.

should address that swiftly so our industry can continue safely moving America’s goods without needless upheaval and confusion.”

Federal statistics show decline in truck-involved crashes The Department of Transportation recently announced that fatal truck crashes fell 3.7 percent in 2014, continuing the decade-long improvement in safety the industry has experienced. According to industry advocates, there were a number of important findings in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2014, including 1.) The injury crash rate for large trucks (0.29 per 100 million miles) continues to be roughly half the rate for passenger vehicles (0.58 per 100 million miles; 2.) The number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes fell 5 percent to 3,744 from 2013 to 2014, and is down 23.6 percent since 2004: 3.) The number of miles traveled by large trucks rose by 1.5 percent in 2014, which coupled with the decline in truck-involved crashes, dropped the truck-involved fatality rate to 1.40 per 100 million miles, a 2.9 percent decline from 2013 and a 40.1 percent decline since 2004; and 4.) Speed, an issue where ATA has urged action at both the state and fed-

eral level for more than a decade, continues to be the number one driver-related factor in fatal crashes. “For 10 years, ATA has advocated for return to a national maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour, and for mandatory use of electronic devices to limit the top speed of large trucks,” said ATA Executive Vice President of National Advocacy Dave Osiecki. “Today’s FMCSA report, coupled with recent research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety linking rising speed limits to increased highway fatalities, underscores the need for DOT to quickly advance a rule limiting top truck speeds, and for states to re-think the setting of higher and higher speed limits.”

Researchers say truck operations and safety impacted by 34-hour restart The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) recently released the results of a new analysis of the safety and operational impacts from the 34-hour restart provisions. In this latest of an ongoing series of Research Tech Memos, ATRI analyzed an extensive truck GPS database to identify changes in truck travel by time-of-day and day of the week that may have occurred after the July 1, 2013 change to the Hours-of-SerContinued on page 22



Take advantage of free fleet safety webinars from Vertical Alliance

News vice (HOS) restart provisions. ATRI also examined several years of pre- and post-July 1 federal truck crash data to quantify safety impacts resulting from the HOS rules change implemented by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The truck GPS data analysis identified a shift of truck traffic from nighttime to daytime and a shift of truck traffic away from the weekends to more congested weekdays, with the biggest decreases in truck activity occurring on Sunday nights. The crash data analysis showed a statistically significant increase in truck crashes after the July 1, 2013 rule change, specifically with injury and tow away crashes. In particular, the increase in injury and tow away crashes would be expected based on the shifting of trucks to more congested weekday travel due to increased traffic exposure. The crash increases and operational shifts would ostensibly be independent of overall economic improvement since the statistical tool utilizes percentage change, and tonnage growth percentages over the 2-year period were relatively constant. In addition, truck unit position points are a better indicator of physical truck movements than freight volumes. ATRI’s report features some possible explanations for the GPS and crash data findings as a result of operational changes the industry had to make post-July 1, 2013. Among these are: Drivers abandoning use of the more restrictive 34-hour restart in favor of the rolling recap; expanded use of weekend productivity by drivers, particularly Friday into early Saturday driving; and earlier weekend dispatches for drivers to avoid disruptions to early week (MondayTuesday) operations. “After many years of crash decreases, everyone knows our industry has experienced an uptick in crashes,” said Dean Newell, Vice President, Safety of Maverick USA, Inc. and a member of ATRI’s Research Advisory Committee. “This latest analysis from ATRI validates both changes in operations and crash risk that seems to be associated with the restart rule. Regulations should serve to improve safety, not create additional safety risks.” 22

As a valued Alabama Trucking Association member, we want you to know that our group continually strives to provide top value for your dues investment. Part of that effort is to offer affordable educational opportunities to help you make your businesses stronger and more profitable. As a reminder, you are entitled to take advantage of free fleet safety webinars from our online fleet and workplace safety training partner, Vertical Alliance Group (VAG). Each month, VAG offers on a variety of webinars to help you and your employees operate more safely and efficiently. These webinars are free to ATA members – all you have to do is register for the ones you’d like to sit for. Not only that, Vertical Alliance Group (VAG) provides business solutions, consulting and online training to multiple industries, with the bulk of its business focused on the trucking, warehouse, safety, and pupil transportation industries. Several years ago, ATA partnered with VAG to provide our members more affordable driver and fleet safety training. The response to the program has been overwhelming. Hundreds of Alabama trucking businesses have trained their employees with VAG’s web-based program. The range of topics for VAG’s training is outstanding, and trucking businesses of all sizes can utilize simple, web-based driver safety training that can streamline costs on orientation and ongoing training; mitigate legal liabilities; and maximize operational efficiency; and much more. We hope you take advantage of VAG’s free webinars, and if you’re seeking flexible and comprehensive solutions for fleet safety training, we ask that you consider Vertical Alliance Group. For more information visit or contact Allan Hicks at 205-585-3895 or by email at

TMC meeting, national skills competition set for September 18-22 The American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council will hold its 2016 Fall Meeting and annual National Technician Skills Competitions, the TMCSuperTech 2016 and TMCFutureTech TMC’s Fall Meeting will feature such im-

portant technical sessions as the evolution of engine coolants, 48-volt electric systems, preventive maintenance strategies, electronic stability control and operational awareness of electronic logging, hydraulic system component failure analysis, technician retention and implementing green architecture for fleet operations. More than 100 Task Forces will meet on September 19 to continue work on recommended practices, information reports and position papers. TMC’s annual Fleet Talk will provide the opportunity for maintenance and equipment professionals to exchange information related to equipment problems. During the opening Town Meeting, TMC’s Fleet Operator’s Forum will provide the opportunity for maintenance and equipment professionals to seek redress for unresolved equipment issues they have with manufacturers. Concurrently with the TMC Fall Meeting, technicians from across the country will compete in the National Technician Skills Competition and National Student Technician Competition. TMCSuperTech 2016 activities begin on September 18, with orientation and a qualifying written test, and qualifying rounds of diagnostic skills competition to be held Monday with a reception and announcement of competitors advancing to Tuesday’s hands-on skills challenge. Information and registration for TMC’s 2016 Fall Meeting, National Technician Skills Competition and National Student Technician Competition is available online at

State enforcement agencies test the waters for electronic documentation Alabama is among several states participating in a new pilot program to test various methods and devices for presenting to law enforcement officers electronic versions of required driver and vehicle credentials. The 2016 Motor Carrier Electronic Credential Pilot began last month and was developed to promote the acceptance and use of electronic motor carrier credentials with devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptop computers, instead of paper documentation. The intent is to save time for carriers, drivers and law enforcement agents, as well as to keep in-cab credentials current and readily available. Effective immediately in Alabama, a driver can simply offer electronic documents to law enforcement on a mobile electronic device. No enrollment is necessary. The pilot proA LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016

gram will last through September 30, 2016. Alabama is now among a growing number of states participating in the program, which along with Wisconsin, includes Illinois (some agencies), Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia. Federal and State law enforcement agencies will gather information during the pilot program to shape eventual official policies and procedure for maintaining and exhibiting required documentation. International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) credentials may be downloaded from the Alabama IRP/IFTA system as an electronic (PDF) document. The IRP/IFTA credentials may be stored on the electronic mobile device. During the pilot program, paper credentials must continue to be maintained within the motor vehicle so that they may be presented to non-participating law enforcement agencies. Alabama Trucking Association officials say they have confirmed with state law enforcement agencies that their officers are ready to accept digital versions of required vehicle and driver documentation. “This pilot program will give drivers and companies the opportunity to streamline


the paper trail we are required to keep and provide quick access to forms needed during an inspection,” said ATA Director of Safety and Member Services Tim Frazier. “As we continue work to provide tools to simplify our industry’s daily tasks, this electronic capability is definitely a step in the right direction. Our State Department of Revenue and the ALEA Motor Carrier Division have teamed with us to make this opportunity successful.” For questions regarding the pilot program, please contact the Office of Motor Carrier Services with the Alabama Dept. of Revenue at 334-242-2999.

Seat belt requirement for passengers in large trucks begins Aug. 8 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration published a final rule in the Federal Register on June 7 requiring that all passengers traveling in property-carrying commercial motor vehicles wear seat belts. The rule, effective Aug. 8, holds motor carriers and drivers responsible for ensuring that passengers riding in property-carrying CMVs are using seat belts. “Occupants

would include instructors, evaluators or any other personnel who might be seated in a property-carrying CMV, regardless of their status,” the agency said. Since 1990, federal regulations require manufacturers of trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds to install seat belts or a “complete passenger protection system” at every seating position in a truck, the rule said. FMCSA’s most recent research from 2014 found that commercial motor vehicle passengers use seat belts at a lower rate (73 percent) than CMV drivers (84 percent). The agency rejected arguments in comments on the proposed rule that a carrier would have no control over nondrivers riding in a truck. That notion contradicts existing requirements that prohibit the transportation of anyone without specific written authorization from the carrier. “The motor carrier, therefore, has knowledge of each occupant of the property-carrying vehicle and can easily require that authorized passengers buckle up,” FMCSA said. FMCSA did not address the topic of current sleeper berth restraints because commenters “provided no information that would enable the agency to address that topic in this rulemaking.”



ATA honors Tom McLeod for industry service and leadership

During its recent 78th Annual Convention in Las Vegas, Nev., the Alabama Trucking Association gave McLeod Software founder Tom McLeod its highest honor for a member, the H. Chester Tom McLeod Webb Award for Distinguished Service. Known simply as The Webb Award, the honor is given annually to recognize individuals for service, leadership and contributions to Alabama’s trucking industry, the Association and the communities where they reside. “All that ATA has accomplished in its eight decades of serving and protecting the state’s trucking industry is the result of dedicated businessmen and women who sacrifice time and resources from their personal endeavors to make our industry better and safer for all,” said ATA President & CEO Frank Filgo. “Many of these leaders do this without any expectation of return; it’s simply their way of giving back.” Filgo, a Webb Award winner himself in 2015, described McLeod as a “selfless leader” who shies from the spotlight, but is always prepared to do the right thing even if the payoff for him personally isn’t there. “He personifies the ideal Alabama Trucking Association member with consistent efforts and dedication to the Association,” Filgo said. “He is intelligent, strong, deliberate, reliable, and loyal to the core.” Starting the business from his home in 1985, McLeod’s company now employs more than 360 people with offices in Birmingham, Ala. Salt Lake City, Utah, and Chicago, Ill. For more than 30 years, McLeod Software has been a leading provider of transportation dispatch, accounting, operations and brokerage management software and document management systems. Despite his company’s incredible growth 24

in recent years, his dedication to this state trucking association is as strong as ever. He’s been one of this Association’s most supportive members, volunteering time, money and expertise to the group’s many projects and events. McLeod has served on the ATA Board of Directors since 2002, lending his talent and resources to numerous committees and special projects. Several years ago, Association leaders proposed a complete overhaul to its annual ATA Golf Classic, the sole fundraiser for the ATA’s political action committee, TRUK PAC. McLeod Software was among the project’s first major financial contributors. The company’s $15,000 donation spurred sponsorship totals and participation that year that were, at the time, the most the Classic had ever collected. Since then, McLeod has appeared as the Classic’s marquee sponsor three more times (2013, 2014 and 2015). At the national level, McLeod serves on the Truckload Carriers Association Board of Directors, spearheading that group’s Scholarship Committee. He is also active with the American Trucking Associations and its Technology & Maintenance Council. His articles on fleet management and technology have appeared in numerous industry publications, including Transport Topics, Commercial Carrier Journal and Fleet Owner. He and his wife of 38 years, Annette, are supporters of numerous charitable organizations, including Birmingham Boys Choir, Big Oak Ranch, Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Hale Mission, Trucking Moves America Forward and Wreathes Across America.

Gary Bond ready to serve as new ATA Chairman Long-time Alabama Trucking Association board member Gary Bond will be tapped as the Association’s new Chairman of the Board, June 28, 2016 at a ceremony in Montgomery. His term as Chairman officially begins on July 1 and runs through June 30, 2017 (ATA operates on July 1 fiscal year). Mr. Bond is Vice President of Bancorp South Equipment Finance, which offers equipment financing and leasing options

for various business sectors, including trucking and construction industries. He has been in the financing business for more than 30 years – 15 of those with Bancorp. He holds a degree in business from the University of Alabama. Gary Bond He lives in Hoover, Ala. with his wife of 34 years, Joy. The couple has two adult children, Lori Anna and Michael. “I am so honored and privileged to serve our great Association,” he says. “I have always admired the outstanding leaders that have come before me, and I look forward to working with the ATA Board, the membership and the staff to continue to improve Alabama’s trucking community.”

Tonnage climbs 2.7 percent in May American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index increased 2.7 percent in May, following a revised 1.7 percent drop during April. In May, the index equaled 139 (2000=100), up from 135.3 in April. The all-time high was 144 in February. Compared with May 2015, the SA index jumped 5.7 percent, which was up from April’s 2.4 percent year-over-year gain. Yearto-date, compared with the same period in 2015, tonnage was up 4 percent. The not seasonally adjusted index, which represents the change in tonnage actually hauled by the fleets before any seasonal adjustment, equaled 138.9 in May, which was 2.4 percent above the previous month (135.6). “Following two consecutive decreases totaling 6 percent, May was a nice increase in truck tonnage,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “Better consumer spending in April and May certainly helped, but economic growth remains mixed and I’d expect Continued on page 26 A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2016


Allied News Truckworx Kenworth opens fullservice facility in Montgomery

the recent choppy pattern in tonnage to continue for the next quarter or two. “We recently received good news on the inventory cycle, with the total business inventory-to-sales ratio declining for the first time in nearly a year. While one month doesn’t make a trend, this was good news for the trucking industry,” he said. Trucking serves as a barometer of the U.S. economy, representing 68.8 percent of tonnage carried by all modes of domestic freight transportation, including manufactured and retail goods. Trucks hauled just less than 10 billion tons of freight in 2014. Motor carriers collected $700.4 billion, or 80.3 percent of total revenue earned by all transport modes.

Truckworx Kenworth has relocated its full-service facility in Montgomery into a new $6 million, 39,000-square-foot building with 21 service bays, including three dedicated for washing and reconditioning trucks. The service shop also includes a diesel particulate filter (DPF) cleaning machine, flywheel resurfacing machine, overhead cranes for faster and safer service of heavy components, truck diagnosis, and dedicated express lube bays. The new building, locat-

ed adjacent to the dealer’s previous facility, features a large lounge area with flat screen televisions and recliners where drivers can relax while waiting for their trucks to be serviced. The Montgomery dealership is at 3401 Industrial Dr., and sits on 7 acres off of U.S. Highway 31, west of Maxwell Air Force Base. “By investing in the latest technologies and top-of-the-line equipment for this new facility, we can now provide local customers a level of service unmatched by anyone else in our area,” said Will Bruser, Truckworx Kenworth president. “We’re able to keep Continued on page 28

GOT NEWS? Send to Ford Boswell at

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wait times to a minimum while meeting the needs of our growing business in the construction, agriculture, pick-up and delivery and government markets.� The existing 18,000-sq. ft. facility will be renovated and transformed into an additional parts warehouse. Mike Henderson will continue to serve as branch manager. Jerry Speigner manages the service department and Cullen McDavid manages the parts department. Parts and service are available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the truck sales department is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The service department offers full warranty support for PACCAR MX series engines. Founded in Birmingham in 1978 by Bob Mitchell and his father, B.B., the family-owned and operated Truckworx Kenworth runs six dealerships in Birmingham, Dothan, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery and Thomasville, Ala., and one in Jackson, Miss.

Mid-State Thermo King opens Mobile branch

Mid-State Thermo King has opened a new full-service branch near Mobile. Doing business as Thermo King of Mobile, the new facility is located at 5310 Willis Road, Theodore, Ala., just off of I-10 W at Exit 15A. According to Mid-State officials, the new location will better serve growing business in the Mobile area and along the Gulf Coast from Destin, Fla. to Pascagoula, Miss. Last month, the dealership hosted more than 100 people for an open house to celebrate. Guests were treated to a low country boil with fresh locally caught shrimp, crawfish, and Conecuh sausage. There were also door prizes and product displays showcasing the complete line of aftermarket parts and accessories that Thermo King offers. Likewise, popular models of Thermo King equipment were on display, including the Precedent trailer refrigeration unit; T1080 model refrigeration unit for straight trucks; and the V200 Vehicle Powered refrigeration unit for small trucks and vans. Also on display were a TriPac Evolution Auxiliary Power Unit and Idle Reduction System. Guests were welcomed by company owner and President Tim Partin and his management team including Vice Presidents Steve Stinson and Bill George, and sales managers Brien Repp, Randy Graham, and Tim Edwards. Thermo King Corp. was Continued on page 30 28



well represented by Dwayne Cowan, VP Sales North America; Mark Kelly, Eastern U.S. Region Director; Dave Schnelly, Region Aftermarket Manager; Nick Stack, District Sales Manager; and Morris Valenzuela, District Service Manager. Thermo King of Mobile is also a distributor for Red Dot Heavy Duty and Off Road Air Condition Systems and aftermarket parts. A selection of replacement parts and Air Conditioning Equipment was on display as well. The branch also offers road service for the area with three fully stocked and equipped service trucks. For more information call the new branch at 251-3167083.

GOT NEWS? Send to Ford Boswell at


The Coffman family: Mark, Bob and John

Coffman International celebrates 40 years of business This year marks Coffman International Trucks’ 40th year of business, and last month, the Coffman family celebrated the milestone with a barbecue and open house for approximately 200 customers, friends and colleagues. Established in 1976, the Dothan, Ala.-based dealership employs more than 40 people with a focus of servicing customers with commercial truck sales, parts, service, and a rental and leasing operation. Primary lines include new International trucks, Mitsubishi trucks, and an extensive used truck inventory of various makes and models. Service Department specialties include DPF cleaning, towing, mobile repair, alignment, and southeast Alabama’s only authorized Allison Transmission repair facility.


“Trucking’s Voice in Alabama”

PO Box 242337 • Montgomery, AL 36124-2337 • Phone: (334)834-3983 • Fax: (334)262-6504

Application For Membership DIVISION Motor Carriers:

q Domiciled In Alabama

q Household Movers

Allied Industry:

q All other For-Hire

q Local and State Suppliers q Nat’l Concerns, small items

q Private Carriers

q Nat’l Concerns, major items

Your Dues Amount: $ __________________ (see schedule on reverse)

Firm Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: (PO Box) ____________________________________(Street)__________________________________________________ City __________________________________________State __________________________ Zip ________________________ Telephone: __________________________________Fax ______________________________800/ __________________________ Email address: ________________________________________Website Address: __________________________________________ Type of Business: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Official Representative : __________________________________________________Title: __________________________________ Alternate Representative: __________________________________________________Title: __________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________Date: ____________Referred by:____________________________________




ACT ____________________

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Check # __________________

Exp Date__________________

ATU ____________________

DC ____________________

Dues Amt ________________

Nxt Bill Date _______________

MAG __________________

400 ____________________

Mbr Class ________________

AL Sen___________________

MC ____________________

WCSIF __________________

GC ____________________

CONTACT SHEET __________

Mbr Type _________________

AL Hse___________________

YR ____________________

WINFAX ________________

Dues Cat _________________

CG Dist __________________



LTR/PLQ ________________


Schedule of Membership Dues

A. Motor Carriers Domiciled in Alabama

1) Gross Annual Revenue Under and not over 1,000,000 and not over 5,000,000 and not over 10,000,000 and not over 15,000,000

$999,999 4,999,999 9,999,999 14,999,999 19,999,999

Annual Dues $500 600 900 1,200 1,500

2) Gross Annual Revenue 20,000,000 and not over 25,000,000 and not over 30,000,000 and not over 35,000,000 and not over 40,000,000 and over

B. All Other For-Hire and Private Carriers Schedule based on miles traveled in Alabama From 0 500,001 1,000,001 2,000,001 3,000,001 4,000,001 5,000,001 6,000,001 7,000,001 8,000,001 9,000,001

To 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000

Annual $200 250 360 510 640 750 870 960 1,040 1,150 1,250

From 10,000,001 11,000,001 12,000,001 13,000,001 14,000,001 15,000,001 16,000,001 17,000,001 18,000,001 19,000,001 20,000,001

$24,999,999 29,999,999 34,999,999 39,999,999

To 11,000,000 12,000,000 13,000,000 14,000,000 15,000,000 16,000,000 17,000,000 18,000,000 19,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000

Annual Dues $1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000 Annual $1,320 1,410 1,495 1,575 1,650 1,720 1,795 1,865 1,950 2,030 2,500

C. Allied Industry – Annual Dues • Local and State Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 • National Concerns (distributors or manufactuers of accessories, parts and small equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 • National Concerns (distributors or manufacturers of major equipment, integrated product lines, leasing companies and companies marketing statewide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600

D. Household Movers Based on intrastate revenue only - includes tariff participation

1) Gross Annual Revenue Not Over 100,001 and not over 150,001 and not over 200,000 and not over

$100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000

Annual Dues $420 480 540 660

2) Gross Annual Revenue 250,001 and not over 300,001 and not over 400,001 and not over

Payment Schedule (Dues payable in advance)

Below $500...................................................................Annually $500 - $1,200......................................................Semi-Annually

Annual Dues $780 $300,000 900 400,000 1,200 500,000

Above $1,200 ................................................................Monthly

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT – The amount of dues paid by individual members of the Alabama Trucking Association is confidential information and is not subject to publication. Dues information can only be released by ATA to the principal representative of the member in question, and requests by other persons or parties will not be honored. Members are strongly urged to honor this privacy statement and to not share their confidential dues information with other ATA members or the general public. 32


$8,995 installed plus applicable taxes

Some units may require additional labor to install, call for details.

4 year need to purchase an extended warranty l Kohler diesel engine that meets CARB criteria for operation without a DPF exhaust system...... no additional exhaust system required l

Heat pump climate control that operates like your home unit......simple to use l Automatically controls the temperature set...... eliminates your driver having to wake up and make adjustments l

For more info on how an APU can work for you and your fleet, call David or Ronny at Birmingham Freightliner……….205-322-6695 or 800-749-3220. To calculate just how much you could save, visit or savings calculator at *Statistics based on findings from Graph assumesa truck idling 6 hours per day, burning one gallon per hour with diesel priced at $4 per gallon.

2016 ATA Buyer’s Guide

We make every effort to ensure this list is correct. For changes or corrections to your company’s listing, contact Jane Nixon at

Alabama Trucking Assn.’s Buyer’s Guide lists those companies that have taken an active role in supporting Alabama’s trucking industry by becoming members of the Association. We ask that each time you plan a purchase that you consult this guide and give ATA members the opportunity to gain your business. These companies proudly support your association and deserve your support, as well. ADVERTISING/PUBLISHING Randall-Reilly (205) 349-2990 BUS SALES & SERVICE Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Transportation South, Inc. (205) 663-2287 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Rushing Enterprises, Inc. (334) 693-3318 COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICS AllCOMM Wireless (334) 264-4552 CarrierWeb LLC (770) 232-9541 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 Omnitracs, Inc. (615) 594-7565 PeopleNet (888) 346-3486 Rand McNally (501) 835-1585 SmartDrive Systems (858) 225-5551

Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 EQUIPMENT LEASING CB Repair & Trailer Maintenance, Inc. (205) 753-4495 KLLM/Equipment Solutions LLC (205) 515-1478 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Trico Trailer Leasing (205) 242-6908

USA Driver-s, Inc. (205) 661-0712 Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. (903) 792-3866 ENGINE MANUFACTURERS Cummins Mid-South, LLC (901) 488-8033

Hudgens Insurance, Inc. (334) 289-2695

Crestmark Bank 615-620-3523 Electronic Funds Source, LLC (615) 777-4619 First Tennessee Bank (615) 734-6046 business-credit People’s Capital & Leasing Corp. (205) 856-9354

Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems 334/798-0080

TAB Bank (404) 202-4870

Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877

Trucking Partners, LLC Sales Agency & Factoring (256) 737-8788

Star Truck Parts (205) 324-4681

Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700

Commercial Credit Group, Inc. (704) 731-0031

ServisFirst Bank (205) 949-3433

EDUCATION & TRAINING J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 945-8550

Comdata, Inc. 615-376-6917

Imperial Supplies LLC (920) 496-4334

Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716

Thermo King of B’ham-Dothan-MobileMontgomery (205) 591-2424 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083 FINANCIAL SERVICES BancorpSouth Equipment Finance (205) 422-7111 BB & T Commercial Banking (205) 445-2464 BMO Transportation Finance (770) 960-6307

MEDICAL/DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES Alabama Specialty Clinic (256) 736-1460

Harmon-Dennis-Bradshaw, Inc. (334) 273-7277

Renasant Bank (334) 301-5955

Transportation Support, Inc. (205) 833-6336

Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. (901) 274-5424 Great West Casualty Co. (865) 670-6573

Dothan Tarpaulin Products, Inc. (800) 844-8277

Paccar Parts/Kenworth (206) 898-5541

York Risk Services Group (205) 581-9488

Citizens Asset Finance, Inc. (407) 734-3746

EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Eaton Corp./Roadranger Field Marketing People’s United Equipment Finance Corp. (334) 398-1410 (205) 664-9374 EQUIPMENT PARTS/ACCESSORIES PNC Financial Services Group Allison Transmission, Inc. (205) 583-3651 (678) 367-7011

DRIVER STAFFING TransForce, Inc. (205) 916-0259

Cottingham and Butler (563) 587-5521

Wells Fargo Equipment Finance (314) 374-2165 INSURANCE American Claims Service, Inc. (205) 669-1177 Aon Risk Solutions (501) 374-9300 Aronov Insurance, Inc. (205) 414-9575 BancorpSouth Insurance Services (334) 272-1200

JH Berry Risk Services, LLC (205) 208-1238 Johnson-Locklin & Associates (205) 980-8008 J.R. Prewitt & Associates, Inc. (205) 397-5118

ErgoScience, Inc. (205) 879-6447 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 Life Style Solutions for Truck Drivers (334) 213-0054 Safety First-Div. of Behavioral Health Systems (205) 443-5450

Lyon Fry Cadden Insurance (251) 473-4600

St. Vincent’s Occupational Health (205) 930-2660

McGriff, Siebels & Williams, Inc. (205) 252-9871

Workforce QA dba EDPM (205) 326-3100

Joe Morten & Sons, Inc. (865) 392-3844

PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Davison Fuels & Oil (251) 544-4511

S. S. Nesbitt (205) 262-2620

GAIN Clean Fuel – Div. of US Oil (804) 291-7892

One Beacon (609) 613-0010

Jack Green Oil Co., Inc. (256) 831-1038

Palomar Insurance Corp. (334) 270-0105 Protective Insurance Co/Baldwin & Lyons, Inc. (317) 452-7413 Regions Insurance, Inc. (501) 661-4880 Regions Insurance (334) 808-9441 Reliance Partners, LLC (877) 668-1704 Stephens Insurance LLC (601) 605-5681 Sterling Risk Advisors (770) 710-3404 Trans Con Assurance, LTD (205) 978-7070

BB & T Insurance Services (912) 201-4706

TransRisk, LLC (334) 403-4114

Caribou Insurance Agency, Inc. (205) 822-7577

CPAPnea Medical Solutions (205) 874-6870

Liberty Mutual Group (804) 380-5169 www.libertymutual,com

The Baxter Agency (334) 678-5900

Benton & Parker Insurance Services (770) 536-8340

Carlisle Medical, Inc. (251) 344-7988

Transure Services, Inc. (336) 584-9494 Turner & Hamrick L.L.C. (334) 566-7665

Kimbro Oil Company (615) 320-7484 Major Oil Company, Inc. (334) 263-9070 Pivotal LNG (404) 783-3550 The McPherson Companies, Inc. (888) 802-7500 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 W.H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. (205) 755-2610 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting Firms: Aldridge, Borden & Co. (334) 834-6640 Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP (317) 580-2068 Warren Averett (256) 739-0312 Attorneys: Adams and Reese LLP (205) 250-5091 Austill, Lewis & Pipkin, P.C. (205) 870-3767

(Current as of 6/18/2016) Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C. (205) 328-0480 Ball, Ball, Matthews & Novak, P.A. 334-387-7680 Carr, Allison, Pugh, Howard, Oliver & Sisson, P.C. (251) 626-9340 DeLashmet & Marchand, P.C. (251) 433-1577 Dodson Gregory, LLP (205) 834-9170 Ferguson, Frost, Moore & Young LLP (205) 879-8722 Fisher & Phillips, LLP (404) 231-1400 Friedman, Dazzio, Zulanas & Bowling, P.C. (205) 278-7000 Hand Arendall LLC (251) 432-5511 Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black, P.C. (334) 834-7600 James M. Sizemore, Jr. (256) 409-1985

JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 329-8183 Lytx DriveCam (838) 380-3511 McLeod Software (205) 823-5100 Motor Carrier Safety Consulting (205) 871-4455 Porter Billing Services LLC (205) 322-5442 Power South Energy Cooperative (334) 427-3207 Preferred Risk Services (334) 836-0358 Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (678) 378-2740 Safety Vision (713) 929-1057 Southeast Transportation Safety, LLC (334) 798-5806 Spectrum Environmental Services, Inc. (205) 664-2000

Childersburg Truck Service, Inc. (256) 378-3101

Fontaine Fifth Wheel NA (205) 421-4300

Performance Peterbilt of West Florida (850) 352-9901

Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

Great Dane Trailers (205) 324-3491

Peterbilt Motors Co. (770) 330-7014

Eufaula Trucking Co., Inc. (334) 687-0391

Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc. (251) 438-5521

Peterbilt of Montgomery & Birmingham LLC (800) 264-4555

Lazzari Truck Repair, Inc. (251) 626-5121 Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877 Rowe Management Corp. (205) 486-9235 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083 TIRE DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS Best One Tire & Service (615) 207-9079 Bridgestone Commercial Solutions (770) 317-5777 Inc. (615) 942-6219

Butler Industrial Tire Center, Inc. (334) 376-0178

McDowell Knight Roedder & Sledge, LLC (251) 432-5300

TMW Systems, Inc. (216) 831-6606

Columbus Tire Co., Inc. (706) 321-8133

Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow, Ireland PA (205) 980-5000

Transportation and Logistical Services, Inc (205) 226-5500

GCR Tire Centers (407) 466-5907

Speegle, Hoffman, Holman & Holifield, LLC (251) 694-1700

Transportation Billing Solutions, LLC (205) 788-4000

Starnes Davis Florie LLP (205) 868-6000

Transportation Compliance Services, USA (228) 872-7160

Transportation Safety Services Webster, Henry, Lyons, White, Bradwell (251) 661-9700 & Black, P.C. (334) 264-9472 Trico Trailer Leasing (205) 242-6908 Other Services: Trucking Partners, LLC Ahern & Associates LTD Sales Agency & Factoring (602) 242-1030 (256) 737-8788 Delta Distributors, LLC (334) 222-3671 Real Estate: Mary Lou’s Team RE/MAX, Inc. Drivewyze (205) 566-5911 (780) 461-3355 Repairs: Big Moe Spring & Alignment of George L. Edwards & Associates B’ham, Inc. (334) 745-5166 (205) 780-0290 HELP, Inc. Provider of PrePass (931) 520-7170 Birmingham Frame & Alignment, LLC (205) 322-4844 Information Builders (770) 395-9913 Carrier Transicold South (404) 968-3130 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (708) 557-3406 McGriff Tire Co. (256) 739-0710 McGriff Treading Co., Inc. (256) 734-4298 Michelin North America (601)497-1259 Snider Fleet Solutions (404) 361-0130 Wilks Tire & Battery Service, Inc. (256) 878-0211 Yokohama Tire Corp. (317) 385-2611

Gulf Coast Truck & Equipment Co. (251) 476-2744 R C Trailer Sales & Service Co., Inc. (205) 680-0924 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Transport Trailer Center (334) 299-3573 Utility Trailer Sales of Alabama LLC (334) 794-7345 Vanguard National Trailer Corporation (404) 304-6676

Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 Truckworx Kenworth - Birmingham (205) 326-6170 Truckworx Kenworth – Dothan (334) 712-4900 Truckworx Kenworth – Montgomery (334) 263-3101

TRUCK DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS Truckworx Kenworth – Mobile Action Truck Center (251) 957-4000 (334) 794-8505 Birmingham Freightliner (205) 322-6695

Truckworx Kenworth – Huntsville (256) 308-0162

Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer (334) 262-8856

Truckworx Kenworth – Thomasville (334) 636-4380

Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

Volvo Trucks North America (336) 393-2975

Daimler Trucks NA LLC (803) 207-4099

Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

TRUCK & EQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613

Fitzgerald Glider Kits (205) 470-5814 Fleetco, Inc. (615) 256-0600 Four Star Freightliner (334) 263-1085 (Montgomery) Long Lewis Western Star (205) 428-6241 Mack Trucks, Inc. (678) 201-4770

TRAILER DEALERS/ MANUFACTURERS C & C Trailers, Inc. (334) 897-2202

Navistar (813) 382-3113

Dorsey Trailer Company (334) 897-2525

Neely Coble Co. (256) 350-1630

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Nextran Truck Corporation (205) 841-4450

Equipment Logistics, Inc. (256) 739-9280

Rush Truck Center-Mobile (251) 459-7300

TRUCKSTOPS Love’s Travel Stops, Inc. (405) 202-4451 Oasis Travel Center, LLC (251) 960-1148 Pilot Flying J Centers (865) 207-3219 TravelCenters of America/Petro Shopping Centers (678) 591-4675 VEHICLE LEASING Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616



New Members (as of 6-22-2016) A-1 Trucking P.O. Box 705 Grove Hill, AL 36451 0705 Mr. Theodore Robinson Phone (251) 769-6350 About The Move, LLC 145 Hwy 129 Haleyville, AL 35565 Mr. Joshua Williams Phone (205) 265-9959 AES Mechanical Services Group, Inc P. O. Box 780115 Tallassee, AL 36078 Mr. Jason Kujala Phone (334) 252-0380 AllCOMM Wireless 1576 Mt. Meigs Road Montgomery, AL 36107

Ms. Michelle Pilgreen Phone (334) 264-4552 CCS Transportation LLC 8752 Will Newton Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 Mr. Cornelius Shufford Phone (334) 300-7014

Citizens Asset Finance, Inc P. O. Box 952457 Lake Mary, FL 32795 Mr. Erin Shields Phone (407) 734-3746 Diversified Contractors, Inc. 3350 Ball St. Birmingham, AL 35234 Mr. Perry Towns Phone (205) 322-2868

Fitzgerald Glider Kits 3354 US Hwy 78 Leeds, AL 35094 Mr. Russell Wright Phone (205) 470-5814

Contact Ford Boswell at or 877-277-TRUK (8785) For More Information 36

Southern Classic, LLC P. O. Box 250 Locust Fork, AL 35097 Mr. Bryan Hicks Phone (205) 681-3452

M & P Investments, LLC 14094 US Highway 84 W Newton, AL 36352 Mr. Brandi Bruner Phone (334) 229-9668

SunSouth, LLC 1975 Forbes Drive Montgomery, AL 36110 Mr. Clyde Luster Phone (334) 678-7861

Metals USA 1251 Woodland Ave. Mobile, AL 36695 2763 Ms. Rebecca Boyington Phone (251) 432-5050

Wootten Logistics, LLC 15295 Al Highway 157 Vinemont, AL 35179 Mr. Zachery Wootten Phone (256) 615-6329

Performance Peterbilt of West Florida 3067 Main Street Cottondale, FL 32431 Mr. Nathan Ried


Alabama Trucker (AT), the official publication of the Alabama Trucking Association (ATA), is an award-winning trade publication highlighting the Association's activities while documenting the business environment of the day. AT is published quarterly and distributed to more than 2,500 trucking executives, regulatory officials, and political figures. Want to reach decision makers at more than 1,500 Alabama-based trucking firms? Consider this: Advertising in AT reaches the most concentrated readership of trucking professionals in the state. Our rates are affordable, but on top of that, your helping ATA send positive messages about one of the state's largest employers.

Phone (850) 352-9901









(334) 834-7911

The Baxter Agency


(800) 873-8494

Birmingham Freightliner


(205) 322-6695

R.E. Garrison


(800) 643-3472

Great West Casualty


(800) 228-8053

International Trucks


(800) 844-4102

Johnson Locklin


(251) 947-3015

Nextran Truck Center


(800) 292-8685

Palomar Insurance


(800) 489-0105

Pivotal LNG


(713) 300-5116

Regions Insurance


(800) 807-1412

Southland Trailer Div.


(888) 844-1821


(205) 849-4288

Trans Con Assurance Ltd.


(205) 978-7070

Truckworx Kenworth


(800) 444-6170

Turner & Hamrick


(888) 385-0186


(205) 755-2610

Thompson Cat

WH Thomas Oil Co.



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