Alabama Trucker, 1st Quarter 2018

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Trucking Needs New Blood Published quarterly by the Alabama Trucking Assn., P.O. Box 242337, Montgomery, AL 36124-2337. or call 334-834-3983 PUBLISHER Ford Boswell

Truck drivers are aging, and the industry desperately needs new blood to meet growing demand. Attracting a younger generation has been increasingly difficult with regulation, insurance and competition for talent with other industries. But trucking leaders want to double down on recruiting the next generation of drivers. So, what do potential drivers want in a career, and what does it take for fleets to attract (and keep) them?


PRESIDENT & CEO Frank Filgo, CAE DIRECTOR OF SAFETY & MEMBER SERVICES Tim Frazier, CDS EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT Jane Nixon DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Ford Boswell MANAGER OF MEMBER RELATIONS Brandie Norcross ATA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steve Aronhalt, Dennis Bailey, Nick Balanis, Rhonda Bees, Joe Black, Gary Bond, Jack Brim, Greg Brown, Will Bruser, Dan Carmichael, Fenn Church, Mark Coffman, Jeff Coleman, John Collier, Rodger Collins, Driscoll Colquett, Brent Cook, Gail Cooper, Al Cox, Norman Crow, Jerry Davis, Ranny Davis, Amy DeFee, Joe Donald, Edmund Doss, Mack Dove, Wesley Dunn, Jack Fricks, Kevin Henderson, Beau Holmes, Terry Kilpatrick, Jason King, Mark Knotts, Jerry Kocan, Drew Linn, Hunter Lyons, Jeff McGrady, Barry McGriff, Bruce MacDonald, Tom McLeod, Rollins Montgomery, Buck Moore, E.H. Moore, Jr., Ross Neely, Jr., Tommy Neely, Butch Owens, Clay Palm, Mike Pursley, Kelly Robinson, Kevin Savoy, Bill Scruggs, Danny Smith, Ronnie Stephenson, Steve Stinson, Paul Storey, Harold Sumerford, Jr., John Summerford, James Suttles, Tim Tucker, Bill Ward, Wayne Watkins, Taylor White, David Wildberger, T.J. Willings, Keith Wise, Pat Wright.

Trump’s Tax Cuts & Trucking


With the ELD mandate enforcement date behind us, fleet owners and managers can now focus on the next sweeping change to impact their business: implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by President Trump last December. Taxpayers have not been subject to this kind of overhaul to the tax code since The Reform Act of 1986, and there are many changes that fleet owners should be aware of.

Funding America’s Infrastructure


America’s truckers pay 45 percent of total Highway Trust Fund user fee revenue – even though trucks account for only 14 percent of vehicle miles traveled on our roads. No one knows America’s roads and their worsening condition better than truckers. The industry is willing to pay more, and its leaders recently proposed what they call the Build America Fund to improve and maintain America’s crumbling roads system.



President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

SMMC Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trucking News Roundup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buyers’ Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATA Events and New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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An Affiliate of the American Trucking Associations


334-834-3983 • 1

From the President

Building a Foundation


Frank Filgo, CAE President and CEO Alabama Trucking Association

‘[The ATA Foundation] was created to operate exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary or educational projects, which could include seminars, conferences, lectures, classes and other forums to inform and educate the public…’


t its meeting in January, the ATA Board of Directors approved the creation of a charitable 501 (c)(3) organization named the Alabama Trucking Association Foundation or ATA Foundation, for short. This new organization is designed to “operate exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary or educational projects,” which could include seminars, conferences, lectures, classes and other forums to inform and educate the public regarding the transportation industry in Alabama, and beyond. The foundation provides an additional funding source for these projects and programs to augment the mission of the Association. Sources of foundation revenue include corporate and individual gifts, government grants, memorial gifts, etc. ATA Chairman Terry Kilpatrick spearheaded the effort noting that many other state trucking associations have well established and well-funded foundations. Several state trucking association foundations such as in Texas, Mississippi and Iowa have more than a million dollars in net assets. In reviewing the activities of these trucking association foundations, we found that many of their efforts mirror what we as an Association aspire to do, but have limited funds to implement them. As an example, the Tennessee Trucking Foundation is reaching out to introduce the “Teens & Trucks Share the Road” program to all public and private high schools, commercial companies that teach driver’s education and the Tennessee Highway Patrol Special Program Officers that teach safety education across the state. Such an activity like this in Alabama, along with our Road Team efforts, would further highlight our industry’s emphasis on highway safety. Last year, the Texas Trucking Foundation awarded 37 scholarships to dependents of trucking industry employees pursuing a higher education. The Mississippi Trucking Association Foundation awarded sixteen

scholarships with the same intent. Since 1989, the Iowa Motor Carriers Foundation has awarded $180,000 to 223 scholarship recipients. We can build a similar scholarship program here. Building a positive image for the trucking industry is another mainstay of foundation activity. The Texas Trucking Foundation contributed $50,000 to the American Trucking Associations’ image campaign Trucking Moves America Forward. The Alabama Trucking Association budgets a minimum amount for an image campaign, but we desperately need to expand that effort. The ATA Foundation held its organizational meeting on January 31, electing its officers and defining its initial activities. Those elected were: Gail Cooper (Boyd Bros. Transportation) as President, Daniel Wright (Wright Transportation) as Vice President, Collins White (AMX) as Treasurer, and Frank Filgo (ATA) as Secretary. Tom McLeod (McLeod Software) and Chris Hornady (Hornady Transportation) serve as Board Directors. The short-term priority of the Foundation will be to duplicate the efforts of the Tennessee Trucking Association with its “Teens & Trucks Share the Road” program in Alabama’s public and private schools. Motor vehicle crashes are the single biggest killer of teenagers. Currently, driver’s education in the State of Alabama does not have a state standard of curriculum. Another priority in its first year is to award scholarships to young adults, encouraging them to pursue a trucking-related profession. This year, the foundation will dedicate at least $25,000 to the scholarship campaign, and we hope to grow the foundation scholarship program each year. In the months ahead, you will hear more about how the Association and its new Foundation together can and will make a difference as we continue to serve the membership in a variety of ways. There are opportunities on the horizon and by building a foundation, we intend to take advantage of them. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

Trucking’s Youthful Jessica Dunn, 26, has been driving trucks for nearly three years.

Truck drivers are aging, and the industry desperately needs new blood to meet growing demand. So what do young drivers want in a career? And what does it take for fleets to attract and keep them?


Article and photos by Ford Boswell

ow many times in the past few years have you told someone, “I’ve got trucks parked on the yard because I can’t find people to drive them?” Probably a few times lately, right? The trucking industry is at a near crisis: There are simply not enough qualified drivers to meet growing economic demand, and the current driver pool isn’t getting any younger. Attracting a younger generation has been difficult with growing regulation, insurance and competition for talent with other 4

industries. But trucking leaders want to double down on recruiting the next generation. Normally, high demand is a nice problem to have, but the trouble for the trucking industry is the average driver is about 48 years old, depending on which study you reference (some estimate it’s closer to 55). And while that’s not exactly put-out-to-pasture, by any stretch, the fact is the average age driver is a lot closer to retiring than not. Experts agree the industry will need to hire nearly 1 million drivers and technicians over the next decade just to meet demand. To do so, during its annual meeting last fall in Orlando, the American Trucking Associations’

pledged to find ways to fill the industry’s human resource gap. The group’s president Chris Spear said during the conference, “To build trucking’s future, we need to look beyond the hood. We need to stop talking about problems and start addressing them.” Experts agree trucking needs new blood. Some estimate that by 2025, 75 percent of the American workforce will be made up of millennials (those born between 1981 and 1997). That’s a huge chunk of the workforce. But currently, older millennials are only just now reaching their mid-20s and early 30s, so it’s time to start working to bring them into the fold, especially the ones who are comA LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

pleting high school and looking to either go to school or go to work, or both. National ATA wants to establish a workforce development subcommittee to partner with federal and state officials to find solutions to the driver and technician shortages. They want to establish apprenticeship programs to build a steady pipeline of trained workers, reaching out to high school students, veterans who’ve recently completed their enlistment obligations, and residents of underserved communities where major industrial facilities have closed or relocated. ATA’s new workforce development subcommittee will be led by John Smith, National ATA’s secretary and chairman of CRST International. The panel will look at a variety of ways to address the labor shortage, including job training, apprenticeships and raising the minimum age requirement for interstate drivers. Another potential solution is to encourage more fleets to hire and train more 18- to 21year-olds to get them interested in the industry before they head down other career paths. This is no easy task and trucking has a very stubborn image problem to overcome. And as older, more experienced drivers retire, or even drop out of the profession early because of the hassles of growing regulation (ELDs for example), the industry is struggling to replace them, and there isn’t a

Corey Dunn dropped everything to become a long-haul truck driver for Transport America in Birmingham. He later moved to day cab hauls for B.R. Williams.

wave of younger drivers ready to jump into the truck cab. The problem is a matured industry like trucking just doesn’t have the sparkle to attract a generation raised on the Internet. These are people who have lived most of their lives online. They are extremely tech savvy — way beyond other generations – and even more so than their older Genera-


Some estimate that by 2025, 75 percent of the American workforce will be made up of millennials. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

tion X cousins. And it’s not even close. But they’ve also been told since they were children that the road to a successful career runs through a four-year college, and anything less probably isn’t good enough. That may be true for some, but college isn’t for everyone, and there are many opportunities in trades like trucking for those willing to give it a look. Reaching these young people is the catch.

Different type of Driver

Shawn Nelson, Vice President of Driver Relations for R.E. Garrison Trucking of Vinemont, Ala., says that working with younger drivers isn’t as tricky as one would think. To be sure, there are concerns that younger drivers may not be as loyal or dedicated to the profession as older ones, but according to Nelson, that just exemplifies the need for a shift in thinking when dealing with a younger set. “A lot of 25-34-year-olds don’t have mortgages or car payments, so their (financial) needs aren’t that of a 45-year-old,” he said. “Most aren’t married or have children – and a large percentage of them still live with their parents. Many times, they’re coming from other jobs they might have been doing for a while and found they didn’t like what they were doing and are giving truck driving a try.” But once you get them in, keeping them is the trick. Kenney Smith, Director of Orientation and Recruiting for R.E. Garrison says the company is gearing its trucks now to bring in a younger driver. “We’re buying top of the line trucks, with heated seats, satellite 5

radio, Direct TV and all forms of satellite communication,” he says. “We’re doing our best to give us the best opportunity to attract these younger people.” Millennials love technology and new equipment and they use it to their advantage, Nelson adds. “Once you get them into the operation, they adapt their resources and become some of the easiest drivers to work with,” he says. “For instance, some older drivers just prefer to talk to someone on the phone no matter what. That’s just how they’ve always done it, and they don’t want to change. On the other hand, you can simply text a younger driver where the next load is and get a reply like ‘got it, gone!’ And that’s all you’ll need to do with that guy.”

Breaking into the Industry

In talking to young drivers, the most common things you’ll hear from them for employment expectations are good pay, career advancement opportunities, and worklife balance. Trucking can offer these things, and despite the obstacles and issues many young people face to get into the cab of a truck as a professional driver, it can be done rather easily with a little persistence and research. Alabama Trucking Association’s Director of Safety and Member Services Tim Frazier says, “Younger drivers have no desire to spend days and weeks on the road away from home. Long-haul trucking as we once knew it will no longer work for these 21-35 year old drivers. “Carriers will need to review their operation to see what customer and freight adjustments might be made to accommodate this desire. Carriers that move toward more regional type freight, relay runs, and dedicated runs, can most often get the drivers home more often, and in some cases, they are able to get them home multiple times throughout the week.” In 2015, 26-year-old Jessica Dunn and her husband Corey, 27, were newlyweds both working full-time general labor jobs and barley making ends meet – Jessica was at Honda’s Manufacturing of Alabama, an automobile factory located in Lincoln, and Corey was working at a lawn and garden equipment distributor. Jessica was working a rotating schedule, which meant a lot of the time their schedules didn’t overlap, and they rarely saw each other. “It’s my fault that we got into trucking,” laughs Jessica. “I wanted something we could do together, and driving a truck as a team was something I thought we’d do and see the country. I researched online and started con6

tacting companies to see what was out there.” Truth be told, Jessica’s father was a truck driver for nearly two decades, so she was familiar with the lifestyle. Yet, once she started contacting trucking companies, she and Corey were hooked in with a recruiter for a large carrier based in Utah. The company paid their tuition to Affordable Truck Driver Training in Moulton, Ala. Classes took only a few weeks to complete, and once they had their CDLs and got their personal affairs in order, they boarded a bus to Utah to attend driver orientation at the carrier’s Salt Lake City headquarters. According to the Dunns, their days in Salt Lake City were frustrating and several of the recruiter’s promises weren’t kept. After sitting in a hotel for more than two weeks with no car, cash or the slightest idea

I like it a lot because we’re home a lot more now, and that was what we wanted.” Twenty-four-year-old Zach McCormick of Greenville, SC, has been driving big rigs for nearly four years. He recently joined R.E. Garrison, as an owner-operator and is the company’s youngest driver. “I turned 21 while I was in driving school and started working for a company as soon as I graduated,” he says. “That company was here in South Carolina, but that job ended, so I came here with about three years of driving experience (R.E. Garrison requires two years of experience for new drivers). McCormick says trucking seems easy now, but it took him a little time to get comfortable. “Just getting on and off the highway used to be difficult for me,” he recalls. “I mean, for instance, if you pull off the inter-

R.E. Garrison Director of Driver Orientation and Recruiting Kenney Smith says his firm requires new drivers to have at least two years of experience. He says the company does spec its fleet to attract tech-savvy millennials with newer trucks that offer amenities such as heated seats, automatic transmissions, satellite television and radio.

when they would be paired with a company trainer, the couple headed home. Within a week, they signed on with Transport America’s terminal in Birmingham (formerly Southern Cal Transport). Transport America had them driving by January 2016. “We loved driving for them and we learned a lot there, but we were on the road constantly and were never home,” Jessica says. “We had a house we were paying for, and my mother was having health issues, so we decided maybe this wasn’t the best situation for us.” After a little more than a year with Transport America, the Dunns contacted B.R. Williams in Oxford, Ala. which has daily runs in day cabs, picking up and dropping two loads a day for the local Honda plant. “[Dedicated day running] is a lot different from what we were used to,” Corey says, “but

state somewhere and go down the wrong road, you can get into some trouble quick. You might end up somewhere where trucks aren’t allowed and a low bridge ahead of you or a weight limit you weren’t expecting and you got to get turned around. Those are the kinds of things that scared me. I admit I got hung up a few times, but I never tore anything up, though. I usually managed by just taking things slow.” He eventually landed a “gold run,” delivering auto parts back and forth from Greenville and Auburn, Ala. – a 525 mile round-trip and home every night. “I was 22, leasing my own truck and making about $2,000 a week, which was awesome,” he says. “That was a really good run. I knew I was fortunate and it wasn’t going to last forever.” After it ended, he bounced around, tried hauling flatbed, but hated it. “I tell people A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

now not to haul flatbed unless they’re driving for a really good company,” he says. “Flatbed is a lot of extra work and pressure. There is tarping loads or chaining coils, and on top of the extra work, I wasn’t making as much as I am now. I prefer no-touch loads.” Still, each of these drivers is happy and doing well. It hasn’t been easy or all they expected, but they all say they are staying in it – at least for the foreseeable future. “I never would have never in a million years thought I’d be driving a truck – even if you had told me in high school this is what I’d be doing I wouldn’t have believed you,” Jessica says. “But I love driving.” McCorkmick agrees, it’s been a great career choice – albeit, he does somewhat regret leasing a new truck. “I wish I had kept the older truck I was using before I started running reefers (a 2005 International Eagle),” he says. “When I started here, I signed a lease for a 2016 Volvo 670. It’s a nice truck, but it’s an expensive payment. I really have to hustle each week to make my money – if the wheels ain’t turning, I ain’t earning.”

what is your Alabama Trucking Association doing to attract young talent to trucking? First, for years, ATA has produced a Share the Road program to expose high school students to the industry’s safety efforts. ATA’s Road Team was established almost 20 years ago to serve as a public awareness program to educate the motoring public on how to drive near large commercial vehicles. The lion share of these presentations occur at high school driver’s education classes across the state. A portion of each presentation by team members is intended to expose kids to the many employment opportunities trucking offers from truck cab to shop to dispatch office. The Road Team is composed of professional drivers selected for outstanding safety record and an ability to communicate with audiences from many different walks of life. These individuals are ambassadors for the trucking industry and take a few days each month away from their regular driving duties to speak to civic organizations, classrooms, businesses and media.

Alabama Road Team Captain Dan Thompson gives a Share the Road presentation to students at Fairhope High School, Fairhope, Ala.

Still, McCormick says, he’s in it for the long haul. “I’m happy doing this. Being younger, there are always going to be challenges, but I know I have to put in my time, learn on the job, and one day I’ll have seniority and get better runs. Maybe even one day I can start my own operation.”

What ATA is doing

The current and planned measures national trucking organizations are implementing to attract young people to the industry – public outreach, training programs, relaxing age requirement, etc. – are certainly a step in the right direction, but 8

The program is a free service to the public and available upon request to any group wanting a speaker to inform or entertain. Presentations include Share the Road demonstrations, driver safety, industry promotion, and a variety of other topics. Current Road Team Captain Dan Thompson, a 35-year veteran truck driver for FedEx in Mobile, says he makes it a point in each presentation to tell students how satisfied he is with his career choice. “I started in this industry as a young person and have never second guessed my decision to become a professional driver,” he says. “I want kids to know that trucking has been a very good way for me to provide for my family. Through my

school visits, I now have an opportunity to showcase the trucking industry’s efforts in safety and professionalism.” Another avenue ATA reaches out to young people is through scholarships at trade schools and community colleges. For years, ATA’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council has supported diesel technician and driver training programs at the state’s community and tech schools. Over the past several years ATA’s Safety Council members have raised thousands of dollars in scholarship money for aspiring diesel techs and truck drivers. More recently, ATA has engaged in a public awareness campaign promoting the industry’s value to the American economy. This campaign has included short videos for online distribution through ATA’s various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. “These videos focus mostly on the industry’s commitment to safety and professionalism, but they’ve also showcased the industry’s employment opportunities with the hope that we can attract new people to the many types of jobs trucking businesses offer,” says ATA President and CEO Frank Filgo. “The campaign is called the Truths of Trucking. It features weekly video messages that are less than 30 seconds and can be shared on our members’ own social media accounts, if they wish.” Filgo adds that there are longer more scripted videos in production that the Association will unveil during its upcoming annual meeting. “These longer videos showcase trucking’s role as a major contributor to the public’s quality of life,” he says. “Other themes will showcase the commitment of industry professionals who don’t actually drive a truck but manage terminals, fleet safety departments, shops and other jobs the industry offers.” UPDATE: Right before press time, Alabama Trucker learned that the Dunns left B.R. Williams so Corey could take a job with the City of Clearwater, Fla. working in its maintenance department. Neither is currently driving over-the-road trucks. Corey still drives larger vehicles that require a CDL and his expericene in trucking helped him land his new gig. He admits he is enjoying a traditional Monday-Friday, nine to five schedule. Jessica, on the other hand, is currently not working but says she’s strongly considering continuing her driving career at their new locale. “I really enjoyed driving a truck, probably more so than Corey,” she says. “If I find the right situation here in Florida, I’ll definitely get back in it. Right now we’re just settling in and getting to know the area.” A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

Tax Cuts & Trucking: How Trump’s tax reform By Troy Hogan

ith the ELD mandate enforcement date behind us, owners of trucking companies can now focus on the next sweeping change to impact their business: implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was signed into law by President Trump on Dec. 22, 2017. Taxpayers have not been subject to this kind of overhaul to the tax code since The Reform Act of 1986. We will provide more details as we continue to analyze this extensive new legislation, but below are some key provisions that will likely affect most trucking companies.


Changes to depreciation and equipment transactions

For equipment acquired and placed in service after Sept. 27, 2017, taxpayers will be allowed to write off 100 percent of the cost under the revised bonus depreciation rules. The 100 percent write-off will begin to phase down 20 percent per year starting in 2023 until it is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2026. Under the old law, bonus depreciation only applied to new property, but has now been expanded to include used property as well. Keep in mind that many state jurisdictions do not allow bonus depreciation and require an adjustment to taxable income. Section 179 limitations have been increased to allow for expensing of up to $1 million of equipment as long as total equipment purchases for the year do not exceed $2.5 million. The Section 179 limit for heavy SUVs remains at $25,000. Both these amounts will be indexed for inflation for tax years beginning after 2018. As with bonus depreciation, many state jurisdictions require an adjustment to taxable income for Section 179 deducted more than $25,000. Interestingly, some states allow the bonus deprecia10

tion but not the Section 179, and vice-versa. This will create some tax planning opportunities for trucking companies that have significant mileage in one of these states. Like-kind exchanges have been a popular tool to defer gains on equipment sales, but, going forward, their use will be limited to real property transactions. While at first this might seem detrimental, the tax effect will be mitigated in the mid-term with the 100 percent bonus depreciation allowance. S corporations with built-in gains exposure (was a C corporation within the last five tax years) will be impacted by this law change as Like-kind exchanges were an effective tool used to defer built-in gains.

Changes to per-diem programs

Many trucking companies have successfully implemented perdiem programs to aid in driver retention and to put more money in the drivers’ pockets. There are no changes in the new tax law to these company sponsored per-diem plans. For employee drivers of companies that do not offer a per-diem plan, under old law, they were able to claim their own per-diem deduction as a two percent itemized deduction. Under the new law, two percent itemized deductions have been suspended and it is possible that your employee drivers may now face a tax increase. However, the standard deduction has also been doubled, and tax rates overall have decreased, so the actual tax impact will be unique for each A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

impacts your business employee driver. For companies that have previously considered adding a per-diem plan, but have yet to do so, now is a great time to reconsider your recruiting strategy.

Changes to tax rates and entity tax considerations

One of the primary goals of tax reform was to enhance the competitive landscape of United States businesses through a reduction in the corporate tax rate. The new law was successful in this area, slashing the C corporation tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. S corporations and other pass-through entities were not left out, as there is a new 20 percent deduction for domestic “qualified business income.” The deduction is generally limited to the greater of either 1.) 50 percent of the allocable W-2 wages paid with respect to the qualified trade or business, or 2.) the sum of 25 percent of the allocable W-2 wages with respect to the qualified trade or business plus 2.5 percent of the unadjusted basis, immediately after acquisition, of all qualified property.


Trucking companies that are currently S corporations might be wondering if switching to a C corporation may be beneficial to take advantage of the lower corporate tax rate. Careful consideration must be given before deciding to revoke your company’s S corporation election. C corporation earnings will continue to be subject to double-taxation, and therefore under many scenarios, S corporations will still have an overall lower effective tax rate. Additionally, S corporations are not subject to gross income limitations when choosing the overall cash method of accounting that many trucking companies enjoy. As an additional consideration, S corporation shareholders that have suspended losses would forfeit those losses upon revocation.

About the author

Troy Hogan is a director at Katz, Sapper & Miller’s Business Advisory Group. Troy consults with clients to manage business concerns specific to the transportation industry and crafts solutions related to tax deferral, per diem, fuel tax credits, and entity restructuring. Connect with him on LinkedIn.



Attracting millennials to trucking jobs

C Tim Frazier Director of Safety & Member Services

‘If your company has a positive image, offers good pay, more home time, and respects drivers, then you’re well on your way to attracting younger drivers…’ 16

onsidering the driver shortage in our industry today, one of the greatest obstacles we have is attracting younger people to the profession. Realizing this, here are a few points to consider. Younger drivers have no desire to spend days and weeks on the road and away from home. Long-haul trucking as we once knew it will no longer work, as a whole, for the 21-35 years old drivers. This age group has a desire to be home more frequently and spend time with family. Carriers will need to review their operation to see what customer and freight adjustments can be made to accommodate those desires. Carriers that move toward more regional type freight, relay runs, and dedicated runs, can most often get the drivers home more often and, in some cases, they are able to get them home multiple times throughout the week. Old school trucking that consisted of bad communication, no personal touch considerations, and low pay, have changed drastically in recent years. Companies that have increased pay, consistently and clearly communicate, and treat their drivers like professionals, have a much better opportunity to attract younger drivers. Most companies will tell you they are able to attract a few of the younger drivers simply by word of mouth and some online advertising. If your company has a positive image, offers good pay, more home time, and respects drivers, then you’re well on your way to attracting younger drivers – as well as the more senior ones.’ One of the most recent tactics I’ve seen becoming successful for carriers wanting to bring in younger drivers is a mentor program. What these companies are doing is

hiring CDL school graduates and placing them with senior drivers for an extensive training period. This allows the younger driver to gain road time under the guidance and watchful eye of an experienced driver. Companies that are adapting to this type operation and conducting it in a professional manner are gaining quality, professional drivers who are most likely to stay with the profession. Federal rules state an individual must be 21 years old to acquire a Class A CDL allowing the driver to operate a tractor trailer in interstate commerce. Several states have laws that allow an individual to gain a CDL but restrict the driver to operate in intrastate commerce. This along with the insurance industry not wanting to cover the younger drivers, hampers companies from hiring 18- to 20-year-olds. Most companies have very few intrastate runs that would fit this type need. Companies can attract millennials with solid mentor programs that are geared for drivers or individuals who choose to work inside the daily operations of the business, such maintenance shops, dispatch or safety. Not everyone can or wants to go to a traditional two- or four-year college. High school graduates who choose not to attend college can go immediately into the trucking industry workforce. These people will be looking for employers that have above average starting pay and care for meeting personal needs. We know firsthand that trucking has a wealth of opportunity for young people ready to go to work. But our industry must change its recruiting approach to bring these new drivers, services techs, and fleet managers to the fold. A LABAMA T RUCKER • 3 RD Q UARTER 2017

MANAGEMENT COUNCIL NEWS States eye bills to suspend ELD enforcement, ask Congress for mandate repeal Commercial Carrier Journal’s James Jaillet reports that legislators in at least four states have introduced proposals in recent weeks to stymie enforcement of the electronic logging device mandate, either by suspending funds for enforcement within their state’s borders or by asking the federal government to reconsider the mandate, enforcement for which began in December. According to CCJ, the bills mostly cite concerns of small business truckers as the reasons to repeal the mandate or suspend its enforcement, as well as the potential for the mandate to drive up prices of goods for consumers. Legislators in South Dakota, Missouri, Tennessee and Idaho have introduced resolutions taking aim at the mandate. Lawmakers in South Dakota and Missouri have called for an outright repeal of the mandate. Both the South Dakota House and Senate passed earlier this month a resolution “encouraging Congress and [FMCSA] to overturn the rules regarding” ELDs. The state cites the cost of compliance, ELDs’ tracking requirements (which the state contends is “an invasion of privacy) and FMCSA’s self-certified device registry as reasons to repeal the mandate. Missouri’s General Assembly has issued two ELD-related bills this year. One, like South Dakota’s resolution, asks Congress to repeal the ELD mandate, calling it “an imposition of corporate welfare that…[benefits] politically powerful large corporations at the expense of small business.” The state’s other ELD bill forbids state personnel from enforcing the mandate and forbids them from keeping records — or transmitting any records to FMCSA — of truckers who aren’t compliant with the mandate. Neither of Missouri’s bills have seen action since their recent introduction. Likewise, the Tennessee Senate has introduced a bill that prohibits state funds from being used to enforce the mandate. It also has seen no action since its introduction. Lastly, both chambers of the Idaho legislature have introduced a joint resolution that would permanently exempt ag and livestock carriers domiciled in the state from complying with the mandate. FMCSA has given livestock and ag haulers until mid-March to adopt an ELD. More SMMC News on page 20 A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

AMX finds safety success through technology Alabama firm adds videobased safety, logistics platform to entire fleet.

Special to Alabama Trucker Alabama Motor Express, a full-service transportation logistics company based in Ashford, Ala., recently adopted the SmartDrive video-based safety program and transportation intelligence platform. After a lengthy competitive review and trial, Alabama Motor Express (AMX) chose to install the program across its entire fleet of 221 tractors to better protect and effectively coach drivers. “After the trial, choosing the SmartDrive platform was an easy decision for us,” said Dan Banner, safety director and recruiter at AMX. “The speed of installation and easy-to-use, effective coaching tools were important factors for us. We knew we wanted a fully-managed service like SmartDrive versus just a dash cam in order to actually help our drivers improve and be safer on the roads. It was also important for us to have a system with durable hardware to withstand extreme operating environments and enterpriselevel support, keeping total cost of ownership within the plan.” Already, AMX has been able to leverage the technology to reduce costs associated with claims and litigation and has seen noticeable improvement in driver safety. Since adoption, the fleet has achieved a 37 percent improvement in its safety score and has reduced speeding by 89 percent. As a result of coaching drivers to reduce speed, hard braking and other fuel-wasting habits, the company has also achieved a 1.7 percent increase in miles driven per gallon. Staunchly dedicated to safety, AMX sees the value in sophisticated technologies to protect its own drivers as well as others on the road. In addition to the new safety program, the fleet also utilizes an automatic braking system and a leading collision avoidance system. Although the SmartDrive program is the first videobased system to be rolled out fleet-wide, many AMX drivers have long had a personal dash cam installed on their trucks, recognizing the clear benefits in terms of

exoneration that only video provides. “I was thrilled when management told us we were getting a commercial-grade video-based system for the entire fleet,” said Ronald Batts, a driver for AMX. “I’ve had my own dash cam on my truck, but it’s a relief to have a reliable solution provided by the company — something I don’t have to worry about. With the SmartDrive system, my manager can send the video footage to my cell phone within minutes of an accident. I can then show law enforcement on the spot to clear myself of blame and get back behind the wheel quickly.” In addition to exoneration, AMX uses the program to coach drivers on improving safe driving skills and recognize drivers for good performance. A designated coach reviews video clips provided by the program and, depending on the level of risk, either calls drivers to offer quick tips for correcting unsafe habits or meets with them in person to review the footage and discuss safety skills. The coach also recognizes drivers for avoiding collisions. “It’s hard to argue with video,” continued Banner. “Our drivers are professionals and pride themselves on their skills, but almost everyone has room for improvement. When they watch the video and see how habits they have may be risky, they’re very motivated to change.” Founded in 1988, AMX operates in 48 states and Canada. The company stresses product safety, on-time delivery and customer support, and invests in the technology to ensure superior service across all three facets. In addition to leading safety solutions, AMX also equips every tractor and trailer in its fleet with satellite communication to provide constant access and visibility to deliveries. “Alabama Motor Express places a premium on the safety of its drivers, as well as the motoring public,” said Steve Mitgang, CEO of SmartDrive. “As the pace of video adoption continues to accelerate, the measurable benefits and cost savings provided by a managed service have been proven by our customers. We’re honored to partner with such a safety-conscious company, and to support their commitment to protecting drivers, and upholding superior customer service.” 17

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News OEM taps Southland International for excellence Southland International Trucks, a locally owned fullservice dealership, was recently honored with the International Truck Presidential Award. The award, introduced in 2017, honors the top seven per- Linn cent of dealerships— those that achieve the highest level of performance in operating and financial standards, market representation and customer satisfaction. Southland International Trucks has been locally owned and operated since 1986 by president and owner, Drew Linn. Southland has a full-service dealership in Homewood


and employs more than 235 people statewide. The company has six locations throughout Alabama including Birmingham, Homewood, Huntsville, Montgomery and Tuscaloosa. Winner of the 2013 American Truck Dealers Award, Southland stocks new and used trucks, trailers and buses. They also offer one of the largest parts inventories in the Southeast and have more than 90 service bays. “This award is yet another accolade for the tremendous team we have at Southland International Trucks,” Linn said. “I’m extremely proud of our team members. It’s also indicative of the new products and services we offer, and it speaks well to the future of our brand.” According to Mark Belisle, senior vice president of distribution at Navistar, the International Truck Presidential Award is the highest honor an International dealer principal can achieve from the company. Southland is one of only 14 International dealerships in the United States and Canada to earn this recognition in 2017. “The Presidential Award also recognizes the effort and dedication of all the dealership’s employees,” Belisle said. “A highly skilled, professional staff is a critical success factor for any commercial dealership. Drew Linn is clearly committed to growing his

business and being recognized by customers as the dealership of choice.”

Controversial glider kit environmental study comes under fire A Tennessee Technical University study that was funded by Fitzgerald Glider Kits and played a key role in reintroducing a glider kit loophole to the 2017 greenhouse gas regulations is being called into question by the faculty of TTU, who say that the questionable study hurts the reputation of the university. After the Environmental Defense Fund attacked the study’s credibility earlier this year, the faculty of TTU requested an investigation into the study from the university president Phil Oldham that would submit the study to peer review, according to a report in the Herald Citizen. The study was conducted by TTU’s associate vice president of research Tom Brewer, who the faculty asked to be suspended pending the investigation’s outcome. In addition to funding the research, Fitzgerald announced around the same time period in late 2017 that it would be building a new academic research center for TTU. In the TTU faculty’s request to investigate the University’s study, it stated, “Our reputation and integrity as an institution Continued on page 22




News and, by extension, the faculty, staff and students, are two of the most valuable assets of the university. Our reputation has recently been damaged because of a study funded by Fitzgerald Glider Kits and used to influence federal policy.” The study in question purported to show that glider kits would not have a significant environmental impact and may pollute less than modern engines, going against an Obama-era EPA study that determined the opposite. The TTU study was used by Fitzgerald when it petitioned the EPA for the repeal of regulations restricting the use of glider kits under GHG Phase 2. The study was also featured prominently in a recent Trump administration EPA proposal to repeal the glider kit restrictions, seeming to indicate that the agency, now led by Scott Pruitt, agreed with Fitzgerald’s reasoning. During the Obama administration, the EPA capped the number of glider kits produced by any one company at 300 per year


after a surge in production following the latest greenhouse gas emissions regulations. Some truck owners have found putting older preemissions engines in new glider kits offers both up-front price savings and maintenance savings over later engines with troublesome emissions aftertreatment gear. In a recent New York Times report, the newspaper examined the relationships between Fitzgerald Glider Kits with political figures that may have allowed it to curry favor with the EPA. The Times found that Fitzgerald donated $225,000 to Rep. Diane Black’s (R-TN) campaign for governor. Black unsuccessfully pushed to keep the glider kit loophole intact in 2015 and also reportedly played a role in introducing the TTU report to Scott Pruitt prior to the EPA’s proposal to rollback restrictions. A spokesperson for Black told the Times that she was not influenced by the campaign contributions and was merely supporting her constituents. Tommy Fitzgerald, the owner of Fitzgerald, also characterized Black’s actions as “good public policy” because of the number of jobs at stake as a result of the EPA’s decisions. In addition to environmental interest groups, the glider kit loophole is opposed by some truck and engine manufacturers, such as Cummins, Volvo and Navistar, who say that

the loophole unfairly favors groups that are skirting the official emissions regulations and may encourage more dealers to enter the glider business, further compounding the issue.

Real-world truck platooning test with real truck drivers Aiming to see if trucks digitally connected on the highway as platoons are ready to roll in the real world, German OEM MAN Truck & Bus AG, a unit of Volkswagen Truck & Bus GmbH, has placed a number of units with a customer for months of evaluation in revenue service. The trucks were turned over to Hamburgbased global logistics giant DB Schenker on Feb. 13. Munich’s renowned Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Science will provide scientific support for the pilot program. Drivers will first receive specialized training, included with simulators, before hitting the roads beginning in April. The truck convoys will be evaluated over a period of several months as part of DB Schenker’s scheduled operations in actual traffic on the A9 freeway that runs between Munich and Nuremberg. Man noted that the testing will mark “the first time that professional truck drivers from DB Schenker will replace test drivers at the wheel.”


The drivers’ experiences, assessments and evaluations of platooning will feed a study that Hochschule Fresenius is conducting. “We want to find out what impact the new technology has on the drivers,” said Prof. Dr. Christian T. Haas, Head of the Institute for Complex Health Research at Hochschule Fresenius. “The study focuses on the neurophysiological and psychosocial levels. He added that results regarding the human-machine interface will be “fed back directly into developing the technology.” Before hitting the roads within a platoon, which is slated to begin in April, DB Schenker drivers will receive specialized training, included with simulators. Once the training phase has been completed, there will be weekly and then daily test runs. These will be extended to include regular operations with actual cargo over the rest of 2018. The platoons will be deployed up to three times daily between DB Schenker’s logistics centers in Munich and Nuremberg. “Autonomous and networked driving will fundamentally change road haulage,” said DB Schenker COO Ewald Kaiser. “This project will focus on testing platooning for the first time in daily logistics operations. So we’re excited that we can now integrate the vehicles into the operational test runs.” Member of the Management Board for


Research and Development at MAN Truck & Bus AG Frederik Zohm pointed out that the truck maker has “already proved that platooning technology works in various predecessor projects, such as the European Truck Platooning Challenge in 2016. Adapting this technology to the real every day conditions of the logistics sector is the challenge we are now tackling.”

Court: Pre-employment screening lawsuits must show ‘concrete damage’ A federal appeals court recently ruled that truck drivers cannot be awarded legal damages merely because of inaccurate information about their safety violations and crash data listed in the federal Pre-employment Screening Program database. According to Transport Topics, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia decision came from six-year-old lawsuit involving several drivers seeking damages for inaccuracies in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s database that provides employers with reports containing crash data from the previous five years and inspection data from the previous three years. The appeals court sent two of the drivers back to the lower court on remand to seek monetary damages because some of the inac-

curate data was disseminated to prospective employers but said the other three drivers did not suffer “injury sufficiently concrete to confer standing to seek damages.” Maintaining the data contained in the Motor Carrier Management Information System database used for the Pre-employment Screening Program requires collaboration among state and federal authorities, the appeals court said. “States serve as the primary reporters of information: they are obligated by statute to collect and report accurate, complete and timely motor carrier safety data,” the court said. “For its part, the department [FMCSA] must ensure, to the maximum extent practical that all the data is complete, timely and accurate, and prescribe technical and operational standards to ensure uniform, timely and accurate information collection and reporting by the states.” The court said that motor carriers, shippers and other firms looking to hire truck drivers can access the driver information in the database. As a further way to guarantee the accuracy of the database, FMCSA established the DataQs web-based dispute resolution procedure to allow drivers to challenge data. The appeals court said the Supreme Court standard requires drivers to prove “concrete injury,” not just a procedural violation.



Federal energy tax breaks extended for 2017

As a part of the federal budget deal signed into law on February 9, Congress extended several federal tax provisions that had expired at the end of 2016. These provisions, most of them involving tax credits, have been extended by Congress from year to year, and are collectively known as extenders. Those of the most interest to interstate carriers are: the biodiesel blender credit under Internal Revenue Code section 40A and the alternative fuel refueling property credit under section 30C (both applicable to the federal income tax), and the 50 cent per gallon fuel tax credit for the use of propane and other alternative fuels (including the use of propane in forklifts). All these credits have now been extended, but through 2017 only, not into 2018. As in earlier years, the fuel tax credits must be claimed under procedures to be announced later this year by the Internal Revenue Service. Congress may have opportunities later this year to extend all these provisions for 2018 and possibly beyond.

Truckers Against Trafficking launches industry-supported campaign Truckers Against Trafficking in conjunction with the Alabama Trucking Association and the American Trucking Associations has launched a new industry-supported effort called the “Man to Man Campaign,” developed to eliminate demand for human trafficking throughout the transportation. The program trains industry participants, primarily professional truck drivers to speak out about the inhuman practices of sex traffickers to individuals who demand their services. “Our industry’s voice is powerful. From truck drivers to dock workers to dispatchers throughout the supply chain, if we can continue talking to one another about the atrocity that is human trafficking, we can make substantial progress toward our goal of eliminating it,” said National ATA’s Elisabeth Barna at a recent press conference in Washington D.C. “Now that our industry is aware that human trafficking is a problem, we want to challenge trucking to take the next step in 24

its eradication. That starts by having difficult conversations with people in our communities, but we know we’re up for the challenge.” Truckers Against Trafficking, as the preeminent trucking organization focused on addressing the issue of trafficking, has long fought to raise awareness about the problem and train industry professionals to identify and report instances of trafficking. The Man to Man Campaign is founded on the belief that if there were no demand for commercial sex, then sex trafficking would not exist. Truckers Against Trafficking seeks to join a chorus of voices by putting the spotlight on some of the most vigilant professional drivers in the trucking industry. To that end, TAT is featuring drivers who advocate strongly against and keep an eye out for trafficking on their website, social media pages, and on banners at speak-

ing engagements throughout the country. The banners will also flank TAT’s Freedom Drivers Project, a touring tractor-trailer exhibition about human trafficking that stops at trucking’s major events. According to national survey results from Demand Abolition, 20 percent of adult men ages 18-64 have bought or would consider buying commercial sex if the circumstances permitted. Further, approximately 35 percent of men have searched online sex ads but not engaged in the transaction. Data suggests that of the men who search online sex ads, most of their search activity happens during the work day and many prostitution transactions happen on the way to work, during lunch, or immediately after work. Employers can create policies to mitigate the potential risk and protect employees

BCA honors Frank Filgo for business leadership and advocacy Alabama Trucking Association President and CEO Frank Filgo was awarded the second annual Jo Bonner Spirit of Leadership Award at the combined Business Council of Alabama/Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama annual meeting held last month at the Harbert Center in Birmingham last December. Presenting the award were BCA President and CEO William J. Canary and former U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile, for whom the award is named. The award is in honor of individuals who are tireless advocates for the state of Alabama and who are unwaveringly committed to economic development, job creation, and an improved quality of life for all Alabamians. Filgo has led the ATA for more than two decades, and has been a champion for sensible pro-business legislation and industry regulation. “This really doesn’t belong to me,” Filgo said, “It belongs to the board of directors of the Alabama Trucking Association.” Mr. Filgo has more than 40 years of experience in association management and previously served as president of the Alabama Alliance of Business & Industry before becoming president of ATA in December of 1995. He is a Certified Association Executive (CAE) as awarded by the American Society of Association Executives, and a graduate of Mississippi State University and the National Institute of Organization Management at the University of Delaware. He is a member of the American Society of the Association Executives and is past president of its state affiliate – the Alabama Council of Association Executives. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Business Council of Alabama (BCA), and is past chairman of the Region II Trucking Association Executive Council and currently serves as its Secretary. Mr. Filgo received ATA’s 2015 H. Chester Webb Award for Distinguished Service.


from harm. Increasingly, major transportation brands and corporations are positioned to leverage their industry leadership and economic influence to raise awareness about the issue and effect change. “At the very root of the sex trafficking and sexual exploitation epidemic sweeping our nation and world is the demand,” said Truckers Against Trafficking Deputy Director Kylla Lanier. “The prostituted person, and more recently, the traffickers have been the focus of attention and arrests, while the buyer goes home with a warning. This must change. Traffickers meet the demand for commercial sex by luring their victims into this life and keeping them there through force, fraud or coercion. If there were no money to be made, they wouldn’t pursue this criminal activity.” Truckers Against Trafficking, as part of the new campaign, created a webpage dedicated to the Man to Man Campaign. Users can visit the webpage to learn more about how private sector stakeholders are addressing the issue, learn how to react to signs of human trafficking, and discover ways to share the Man to Man Campaign message with individuals in their communities. The Alabama Trucking Association joined TAT’s mission in 2015 as Silver Level Sponsor and awareness sponsor, pledging cash and resources to the program each year since. The trucking industry plays a central role in eradicating modern-day slavery from the nation’s transportation systems. As part of ATA’s efforts to help train the industry’s 7.4 million trucking industry employees in human trafficking awareness, ATA recommends trucking companies and drivers visit the official Truckers Against Trafficking website. Truck drivers are also asked to call the National Human Trafficking Hotline to report suspicious behavior related to human trafficking at 1-888-373-7888.

Poll: Voters are split on raising the gas tax Naomi Jagoda, writing for The Hill, reports that voters are split on whether the federal gas tax should be increased to pay for infrastructure improvements, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released recently. According to her report, the 46 percent of respondents said that raising the tax would is a good idea, while 44 percent said it’s a bad idea. The 2-percentage point difference falls within the survey’s 3.4-percentage-point margin of error. The survey comes after President Trump backed an increase in the gas tax A LABAMA T RUCKER • 1 ST Q UARTER 2018

Infrastructure inaction puts Alabama lawmakers in tough spot By Ty West Alabama needs significant infrastructure upgrades, but years of inaction by lawmakers have put the state in a tight spot. The lack of action on the part of the Alabama Legislature when it comes to the state’s crumbling infrastructure will soon come back to haunt the state. The only question is: Who’s it going to harm? For years, it’s been clear Alabama needed to address its infrastructure challenges by finding additional revenue. Many groups – including some of the heaviest hitters in the state’s business world – believe the best answer to tackling the severe problems facing the state’s roads and bridges is raising the gas tax. As we’ve noted many times before, Alabama hasn’t increased its gas tax since 1992. While that sounds enticing for citizens and businesses, the reality is a little less rosy – as anyone who drives U.S. 280 or Interstate 65 can attest. Over the past 26 years, the cost of road and bridge construction has soared, which means Alabama is trying to address significant challenges like congestion and bridge maintenance with considerably less buying power than it had a quarter-century ago. The result is an infrastructure in severe need of improvements and repairs. Alabama isn’t the only state with that problem, and some level of help could be on the way in the form of President Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan. The only problem is Trump’s plan is depending heavily on matched funds from state and local governments, which Alabama – thanks to lawmakers’ inaction over the years – doesn’t have nearly enough of. Lawmakers had plenty of opportunities in recent years to increase the gas tax, particularly when gas prices dipped, and the hike would have been more politically digestible. But they didn’t, and now they’ve backed themselves into a corner. For Alabama to reap the full rewards of Trump’s infrastructure plan – or whatever version of the plan emerges from Congress – lawmakers will probably need to increase the gas tax in an election year. It’s hard to feel sorry for the Alabama Legislature, since their own lack of vision and an unwillingness to make tough decisions over the years is the very reason they find themselves in this situation. But we are scared for the state and the many people, industries and entities that want to see the state’s infrastructure improve. History simply hasn’t shown us that Alabama lawmakers will act in the best long-term interests of the state, and we’re not optimistic they will act – even with millions of dollars and much-needed infrastructure repairs and upgrades at stake. In a state that unfortunately has no term limits for lawmakers, the priority all too often appears to be re-election bids. That’s where the business community could come in. Many business groups have been clear in their support of increasing the gas tax to pay for infrastructure. Those same business groups, in many cases, represent key donors and endorsements in political campaigns. That presents an opportunity for the business community to take a leadership role on this important issue, which will affect economic development and the overall economy. We hope the business community will make a conscious effort to support candidates who support investments in the state’s aging infrastructure. If lawmakers want to find an alternative source of funding other than a gas tax hike, that’s fine too. Maybe they’ll be able to find a win-win situation. If so, we’re open ears. We’ve been dragging our feet on infrastructure for far too long. We can’t let this opportunity pass us by. Printed with permission. Ty West is Editor-in-Chief of the Birmingham Business Journal. He may be reach at during a meeting with lawmakers in February on infrastructure proposals. “The tax hasn’t been raised since the 1990s, and an increase has been endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,” wrote

Jagoda. “But some conservative groups have blasted the idea.” Voters’ level of support for increasing the gas tax was similar across the political specContinued on page 26 25


trum, with 48 percent of Republicans, 49 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of independents saying that such a move would be a good idea. But attitudes about a gas-tax hike varied by race. White voters were more likely to say that a gas-tax increase is a good idea than a bad idea, but the opposite was true for black and Hispanic voters. Support for a gas-tax increase is down compared to May of last year. Back then, 51 percent of voters said an increase would be a good idea, while 41 percent said it would be a bad idea. The Quinnipiac poll was conducted from Feb. 16-19 and surveyed 1,249 voters, according to the report.

ATA’s Costello says driver shortage will press fleets Speaking at an industry event focused on industry recruitment, American Trucking Associations’ Chief Economist Bob Costello said that despite freight markets booming, the industry, especially carriers, will suffer


unless companies can find enough drivers. But he warned that attracting and retaining drivers has been a challenge for freight companies during the current economic growth trend. Costello, who was speaking at the 2018 Recruitment and Retention Conference in February, added that the Gross Domestic Product is projected to grow 2.7 percent this year. “Freight is fantastic. I think it’s going to remain that way for a while,” he said. “Drivers is the biggest challenge. At the end of the day, trucking’s only as good as the drivers of freight.” According to Eleanor Lamb’s coverage of Costello’s presentation in Transport Topics, the current driver shortage has regained its status as the trucking industry’s most pressing concern for the first time since 2006, the American Transportation Research Institute reported earlier this year. ATA last year reported the shortage at more than 50,000 drivers. Although the U.S. Department of Labor calculates there are 10 million commercial driver license holders, far fewer are viable candidates for companies hiring because some people, such as retirees, maintain a CDL even though they no longer drive for a living. The Labor Department estimates that about 1.7 million people classify as

heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers, but this potential pool is even smaller because that figure factors in trash truck and construction truck drivers. Costello said there are 864,000 for-hire trucking heavy and tractor-trailer drivers on the market, but even that number is high because it includes less-than-truckload and garbage truck drivers. “[There are] probably around half a million drivers in that over-the-road, for-hire truckload space. We are short just under 51,000 drivers. When you’re short 51,000 on a base of 500,000, that’s a lot,” Costello said. “If things don’t change, and we continue up this progression, by 2026, we will be at 170,000 drivers short. If we get there, not only is our industry in a world of hurt, our economy is in a world of hurt.” In addition to struggling to attract drivers, many fleets encounter difficulty keeping them. Costello said the factors comprising the freight market, namely consumers, construction, factory output and inventory output, are all growing. He said U.S. withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement would disrupt these positive trends. Cross-border trade supports 46,000 jobs in the United States, of which 30,800 are driving jobs.


Martinez confirmed as FMCSA Administrator Bloomberg News recently reported that the Senate on Feb. 13 easily confirmed Ray Martinez to lead the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administra- Martinez tion as the Trump administration promotes a comprehensive infrastructure funding proposal. As the country’s top trucking regulator, Martinez will oversee a revamp of a safety performance scoring program agency-wide, as well as advancements in autonomous vehicle technology. The Senate Commerce Committee had advanced Martinez’s nomination Nov. 8, 2017, garnering bipartisan support. Martinez had told senators at an Oct. 31 hearing he would “have an open-door policy to work with all stakeholders to meet with them and hear their concerns.” He also said he supported the electronic logging device mandate, which went into effect last December. Martinez was most recently chief admin-


istrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. At FMCSA, he succeeds former deputy administrator Daphne Jefferson, who retired on Nov. 3 after serving as acting administrator.

Trump tolls would help Wall Street, hurt Main Street Following the leak of the draft Trump White House infrastructure plan, the Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates issued a statement condemning the measure. “The leaked Trump infrastructure plan is a complete reversal of President Trump’s commitment to putting America First,” said ATFI’s Stephanie Kane. “Although then-candidate Trump campaigned against lining the pockets of Wall Street and promised to be the voice for the working class, this plan does the opposite. President Trump is choosing Wall Street over Main Street. It would take money from hardworking Americans and give huge profits to toll road investors – many of which are foreign companies.” According to ATFI, the leaked document allows ‘states flexibility to toll on interstates’ and reconciles ‘the grandfathered restrictions on use of highway toll revenues with current law.’ “That translates to a complete reversal of

the current federal ban on tolling existing interstates. Tolls are simply a new tax,” Kane said. “They are wildly inefficient, sacrificing money that could go toward construction instead going to corporate profits and administrative costs. In addition to the diversion onto secondary roads which causes congestion and public safety issues, tolls will do unimaginable harm to businesses, as shipping and manufacturing prices skyrocket to account for these new costs. “The current Trump plan could result in a patchwork of tolls that span coast to coast. This plan is not innovative or good policy - it is simply a nationwide plan for #TrumpTolls. There is a real opportunity for a long-term solution to our transportation infrastructure needs, but it shouldn’t include tolling our interstates.”

National ATA pledges major contribution via New Build America Fund The American Trucking Associations has called on policymakers to endorse its Build America Fund plan – its plan to fund the modernization of the nation’s deteriorating network of roads and bridges. National ATA’s Build America Fund Continued on page 28



would be supported with a federal fuel user fee built into the wholesale price of transportation fuels collected at the terminal rack, phased in at a nickel per year over four years. The fee would be indexed to both inflation and improvements in fuel efficiency, with a five percent annual cap. “Tax reform has reignited the American economy, and it is paramount that this new economic growth is supported by a strong national infrastructure. A 21st century transportation network cannot be sustained with financial tricks and finance schemes – it requires real and substantial investment,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “The Build America Fund is the most efficient – and conservative – way to generate infrastructure investment and adheres to the bedrock principal that users only pay for what they use.” ATA estimates the Build America Fund would generate $340 billion in new revenue over the first ten years. Although trucks account for 14 percent of vehicle miles traveled on our roads, the trucking industry currently covers approximately 45 percent


of the Highway Trust Fund through the commercial truck diesel and gas tax and other trucking-specific excise taxes. “The trucking industry is putting our money where our foot is. Trucking already pays half the nation’s highway funding tab, and we are ready to pay more,” said Spear. “Through the Build America Fund, the trucking industry would invest upwards of an additional $112 billion into our nation’s roads and bridges over the next decade. Solving a challenge of this size requires big and bold solutions, and we call on Washington to step up with us.” The average passenger vehicle would pay approximately $100 over the course of a year into the Build America Fund. “The cost of doing nothing is far greater,” said Spear. “The typical motorist is losing $1,500 each year in wasted gas and vehicle repairs because of our crumbling infrastructure, which is far greater than what they would pay into the Build America Fund. “So-called ‘creative financing’ tools are a road to nowhere, as study after study shows the shortfalls of tolling and the unintended consequences that tolls impose on motorists and surrounding communities,” he said. “There is nothing ‘conservative’ about tolling.”

Studies by the Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences reveal that, even when using modern technology, 12 percent of tolling revenue is wasted to administrative, collection and enforcement costs. By way of comparison, 99 percent of revenue collected through a fuel user fee is allocated to its intended purpose of maintaining infrastructure. A June 2017 national survey found that 57 percent of Americans agreed that a 20cent per-gallon federal fuel user fee is the preferable way to fund the nation’s needed four trillion dollars of road, bridge and highway improvements. Comparatively, only 23 percent prefer placing new tolls on interstate highways, and eight percent favor a per mile fee charged to motorists. Furthermore, 67 percent of Americans support the Build America Fund when they learn that it would result in the government borrowing less money and reducing the debt burden on future generations. “We support President Trump’s vision to ‘go big or go home’ on infrastructure. To build America, we must invest in America,” said Spear. “It is why President Trump has repeatedly said he wants to launch a serious infrastructure investment plan, and we call on Washington to join us in doing just that.”


PO Box 242337 • Montgomery, AL 36124 • Phone: (334) 834-3983 • Fax: (334) 262-6504

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Mbr Class____________________

Exp Date_____________________

CG Dist______________________

Dues Amt ____________________


AL Hse______________________

MAG ______ MC ______ GC ______ YR ______ LTR/PLQ ______ RSL ______ BC ______



Schedule of Membership Dues (Effective July 1, 2017)

A. For-Hire Motor Carriers (Membership dues are based on truck count; maximum of $4,000) $500 plus $20 per truck

B. Private Carriers (Schedule based on miles traveled in Alabama)

$300.............................. for up to 1 million miles $600.............................. for 1,000,000 up to 4 million miles $900.............................. for 4,000,001 up to 7 million miles $1,200........................... for 7,000,001 up to 10 million miles $1,500........................... for 10,000,001 up to 13 million miles $1,800........................... for 13,000,001 miles up to 16 million miles $2,100........................... for 16,000,001 up to 19 million miles $2,400........................... for 19,000,000 up to 21 million miles $2,800........................... for 21,000,000 up to 24 million miles $3,100........................... for over 24 million miles

C. Household Goods Carriers (Schedule based on intrastate revenue only)

$420.............................. for under $100,000 $480.............................. for $100,001 up to $150,000 $540.............................. for $150,000 up to $200,000 $660.............................. for $201,001 up to $250,000 $780.............................. for $250,001 up to $300,000 $900.............................. for $300,001 up to $400,000 $1,200........................... for $400,001 and over

D. Allied Industry (Those who service and equip the trucking industry) $600 annually

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT – The amount of dues paid by individual members of the Alabama Trucking Association is confidential information and is not subject to publication. Dues information can only be released by ATA to the principal representative of the member in question, and requests by other persons or parties will not be honored. Members are strongly urged to honor this privacy statement and to not share their confidential dues information with other ATA members or the general public.

2018 ATA Buyer’s Guide

We make every effort to ensure this list is correct. For changes or corrections to your company’s listing, contact Jane Nixon at

Alabama Trucking Assn.’s Buyer’s Guide lists those companies that have taken an active role in supporting Alabama’s trucking industry by becoming members of the Association. We ask that each time you plan a purchase that you consult this guide and give ATA members the opportunity to gain your business. These companies proudly support your association and deserve your support, as well. ADVERTISING/PUBLISHING Randall-Reilly (205) 349-2990 BUS SALES & SERVICE Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Transportation South, Inc. (205) 663-2287 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Rushing Enterprises, Inc. (334) 693-3318 COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICS J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 Omnitracs, LLC (615) 594-7565 Orbcomm, Inc. (703) 433-7763 Peloton Technology (650) 395-7356 PeopleNet (888) 346-3486 Rand McNally (865) 856-0584 SmartDrive Systems (858) 225-5551

DRIVER STAFFING TransForce, Inc. (205) 916-0259 Transportation Support, Inc. (205) 833-6336

EDUCATION & TRAINING J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 945-8550 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 USA Driver-s, Inc. (205) 661-0712 Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. (903) 792-3866

ENGINE MANUFACTURERS Cummins Sales & Service (901) 488-8033 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365

EQUIPMENT LEASING CB Repair & Trailer Maintenance, Inc. (205) 338-0943 KLLM/Equipment Solutions LLC (205) 515-1478 Metro Trailer Rental (205) 985-8701 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Trailer Sales of Tennessee A Fleet Equipment Co. (615) 259-3301 Trico Trailer Leasing & Sales (205) 759-2484

EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Daehan Solution Alabama, LLC (334) 301-3498

FINANCIAL SERVICES BB & T Commercial Banking (205) 445-2464 BMO Transportation Finance (770) 960-6307 Comdata, Inc. 615-376-6917 Crestmark Bank 615-620-3509 Electronic Funds Source, LLC (615) 777-4619 First Tennessee Bank (615) 734-6046 IBERIABANK (251) 345-9676 National Bank of Commerce (205) 422-7111 People’s Capital & Leasing Corp. (205) 856-9354

People’s United Equipment Finance Corp. Eaton Corp./Roadranger Field Marketing (205) 664-9374 (334) 398-1410 PNC Financial Services Group EQUIPMENT PARTS/ACCESSORIES (205) 410-6102 Allison Transmission, Inc. (678) 367-7011 Renasant Bank (334) 301-5955 Dothan Tarpaulin Products, Inc. (800) 844-8277 ServisFirst Bank (205) 949-3433 Hwaseung Automotive America Holdings, Inc. (334) 348-7516 Signature Financial, LLC (423) 290-9986 Imperial Supplies LLC (920) 496-4334 TAB Bank (404) 202-4870 Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems 334/798-0080 Trucking Partners, LLC Sales Agency & Factoring (256) 737-8788 Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877 Trustmark National Bank (205) 995-4604 Paccar Parts/Kenworth (206) 898-5541 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance (314) 374-2165 Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716 INSURANCE Aon Risk Solutions (501) 374-9300 Star Truck Parts (205) 324-4681 Thermo King of B’ham-Dothan-MobileMontgomery-Chattanooga (205) 591-2424 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

Aronov Insurance, Inc. (205) 414-9575

The Baxter Agency (334) 678-6800

Transure Services, Inc. (336) 584-9494

BB & T Insurance Services (912) 201-4691

Turner & Hamrick L.L.C. (334) 566-7665

Benton & Parker Insurance Services (770) 536-8340 Caribou Insurance Agency, Inc. (205) 822-7577 Cottingham and Butler (563) 587-5521 Custard Insurance Adjusters (404) 702-0851 Dozier Insurance Agency LLC (334) 420-3798 Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. (901) 274-5424

York Risk Services Group (205) 581-9488

MEDICAL/DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES Alabama Specialty Clinic (256) 736-1460 Carlisle Medical, Inc. (251) 344-7988 ErgoScience, Inc. (205) 879-6447 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848

Great West Casualty Co. (865) 392-3752

Safety First-Div. of Behavioral Health Systems (205) 443-5450

Hudgens Insurance, Inc. (334) 289-2695

Workforce QA dba EDPM (205) 326-3100

Hudson Insurance Company (317) 810-2038

NON-PETROLEUM FUEL PRODUCTS GAIN Clean Fuel – Div. of US Oil (804) 291-7892

JH Berry Risk Services, LLC (205) 208-1238 Johnson-Locklin & Associates (205) 980-8008

Pivotal LNG (404) 783-3550

PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Davison Fuels & Oil (251) 544-4511

Liberty Mutual Group (804) 380-5169 www.libertymutual,com

Jack Green Oil Co., Inc. (256) 831-1038

Lyon Fry Cadden Insurance (251) 473-4600

Kimbro Oil Company (615) 320-7484

McGriff, Siebels & Williams, Inc. (205) 252-9871

Major Oil Company, Inc. (334) 263-9070

Joe Morten & Sons, Inc. (865) 392-3844

Myers Oil Company, Inc. (954) 938-7211

S. S. Nesbitt (205) 262-2620 One Beacon (609) 613-0010 Palomar Insurance Corp. (334) 270-0105 Regions Insurance, Inc. (501) 661-4880 Regions Insurance (334) 674-9810 Reliance Partners, LLC (877) 668-1704

Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. (205) 414-2655

Trans Con Assurance, LTD (205) 978-7070

BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc. (334) 386-3317

TransRisk, LLC (334) 403-4114

The McPherson Companies (205) 661-4400 W.H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. (205) 755-2610 Waring Oil Company (251) 433-8000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting Firms: Aldridge, Borden & Co. (334) 834-6640 Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP (317) 580-2068 Warren Averett (256) 739-0312

Attorneys: Adams and Reese LLP (205) 250-5091 Austill, Lewis & Pipkin, P.C. (205) 870-3767

(Current as of 2/26/2018) Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C. (205) 328-0480 Ball, Ball, Matthews & Novak, P.A. 334-387-7680 Burr-Forman LLP (205) 458-5393

J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848

Carrier Transicold South (404) 968-3130

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Neely Coble Co. (256) 350-1630

JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 329-8183

Childersburg Truck Service, Inc. (256) 378-3101

Equipment Logistics, Inc. (256) 739-9280

Nextran Truck Corporation (205) 841-4450

Lytx DriveCam, Inc. (858) 430-4000

Carr, Allison, Pugh, Howard, Oliver & Sisson, P.C. (251) 626-9340

Max Coating, Inc. (205) 849-2737

DeLashmet & Marchand, P.C. (251) 433-1577

McLeod Software (205) 823-5100

Dodson Gregory, LLP (205) 834-9170

Motor Carrier Safety Consulting (205) 871-4455

Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111 Eufaula Trucking Co., Inc. (334) 689-8586

Fontaine Fifth Wheel NA (205) 421-4300

Lazzari Truck Repair, Inc. (251) 626-5121

Great Dane (205) 324-3491

Mann Automotive Diesel, Inc. (334) 792-0456

Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc. (251) 438-5521

Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877

Ferguson, Frost, Moore & Young LLP (205) 879-8722

North American Commercial Vehicle Show (416) 459-2365

Rowe Management Corp. (205) 486-9235

Fisher & Phillips, LLP (404) 231-1400

Porter Billing Services LLC (205) 322-5442

Southern Truck Center, Inc. (205) 226-0880

Friedman, Dazzio, Zulanas & Bowling, P.C. (205) 278-7000

Power South Energy Cooperative (334) 427-3207

Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280

ProBilling & Funding Service (256) 736-4349

Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365

QuikQ LLC (678) 591-4675

W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

Hand Arendall Harrison Sale LLC (251) 432-5511 Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black, P.C. (334) 834-7600 James M. Sizemore, Jr. (334) 215-9330 Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow, Ireland PA (205) 980-5000 Speegle, Hoffman, Holman & Holifield, LLC (251) 694-1700 Starnes Davis Florie LLP (205) 868-6000

Spectrum Environmental Services, Inc. (205) 664-2000 Swift Supply, Inc. (251) 929-9399 Inc. (866) 245-3918 Team One Logistics (770) 232-9902 TMW Systems, Inc. (440) 721-2260

Webster, Henry, Lyons, White, Bradwell & Black, P.C. Transportation and Logistical (334) 264-9472 Services, Inc (205) 226-5500 Other Services: ACTS/Anytime Consulting Transportation Billing Solutions, LLC Transportation Service (205) 788-4000 (334) 405-4971 Transportation Compliance Agile Distribution, LLC Services, USA (334) 220-2621 (228) 872-7160 Alliance Secondary (205) 821-5478 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 Allstate Beverage (251) 476-9600 Ext. 1231 Trico Trailer Leasing (205) 242-6908 Corporate Billing, LLC (256) 584-3600 Trucking Partners, LLC Sales Agency & Factoring (256) 737-8788 Drivewyze (780) 461-3355 Repairs: Big Moe Spring & Alignment of B’ham, Inc. George L. Edwards & Associates (205) 780-0290 (334) 745-5166 HELP, Inc. Provider of PrePass Birmingham Frame & Alignment, LLC (931) 520-7170 (205) 322-4844

Fleetco, Inc. (615) 256-0600

Gulf Coast Truck & Equipment Co. (251) 476-2744 R C Trailer Sales & Service Co., Inc. (205) 680-0924 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280

Performance Peterbilt of West Florida (850) 352-9901 Peterbilt Motors Company (770) 330-7014 Rush Truck Center-Mobile (251) 459-7300 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 Truckworx Kenworth - Birmingham (205) 326-6170 Truckworx Kenworth – Dothan (334) 712-4900

Trailer Sales of Tennessee A Fleet Equipment Co. (615) 259-3301

Truckworx Kenworth – Montgomery (334) 263-3101

Transport Trailer Center (334) 299-3573

Truckworx Kenworth – Mobile (251) 957-4000

TIRE DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS Best One Tire & Service Utility Trailer Sales of Alabama LLC (615) 244-9611 (334) 794-7345

Truckworx Kenworth – Huntsville (256) 308-0162

Bridgestone Commercial Solutions (205) 514-8341

Vanguard National Trailer Corp. (219) 253-2000

Truckworx Kenworth – Thomasville (334) 636-4380

Butler Industrial Tire Center, Inc. (334) 376-0178

TRUCK DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS Action Truck Center (334) 794-8505

Volvo Trucks North America (336) 210-3075

Columbus Tire Co., Inc. (706) 321-8133 Continental Tire North America (662) 549-7570 GCR Tire Centers (407) 466-5907 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (708) 557-3406 McGriff Tire Co. (256) 739-0710 McGriff Treading Co., Inc. (256) 734-4298 Michelin North America (859) 661-0855 Wilks Tire & Battery Service, Inc. (256) 878-0211 Yokohama Tire Corp. (317) 385-2611

TRAILER DEALERS/ MANUFACTURERS C & C Trailers, Inc. (334) 897-2202

Birmingham Freightliner (205) 322-6695

Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer (334) 262-8856

TRUCK & EQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS Insurance Auto Auction, Inc. (478) 319-8574

Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613

Daimler Trucks NA LLC (803) 554-4831

TRUCKSTOPS Love’s Travel Stops, Inc. (405) 202-4451

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Oasis Travel Center, LLC (251) 960-1122

Fitzgerald Peterbilt (205) 379-8300

Pilot Flying J Centers (865) 207-3874

Four Star Freightliner (334) 263-1085 (Montgomery)

TravelCenters of America/Petro Shopping Centers (678) 591-4675

Long Lewis Western Star (205) 428-0161 Mack Trucks, Inc. (678) 201-4770 Navistar (813) 382-3113

VEHICLE LEASING Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616



New Members (as of 1-27-2018)

Hwaseung Automotive Holdings, Inc. 100 Sonata Drive Enterprise, AL 36330 334-348-9516 Mr. Minwook Kim

Martin Environmental Services, Inc. P.O. Box 8623 Dothan, AL 36304 334-702-4477 Mr. Brandon Hurst

Chandler Furniture, Inc. – dba Ashley Furniture HomeStore 3414 Hwy 84 E. Daleville, Ala. 36322 334-299-0300 Mr. Dan Chandler

JD Farms, LLC 19633 Blake Pruitt Road Andalusia, AL 36420 334-493-2126 Mr. Jon Davis

Maxx Holdings, Inc. 124 One Madison Plaza, Suite 1400 Madison, MS 39110 601-672-9536 Mr. Marc Daniels

Osborn Brothers, Inc. 509 N. 5th Street Gadsden, AL 35901 256-547-8601 Mr. Wyman Osborn

Daehan Solution Alabama, LLC 9101 County Road 26 Hope Hull, AL 36043 334-301-3498 Ms. Betty Fogarty

Loftin Bros. Transportation Co., Inc. 100 Owen Court Montgomery, AL 36108-1711 334-262-2188 Ms. Dianne Brooke

Montgomery Logistics, Inc. 2563 Commerce Circle Birmingham, AL35217 205-725-8300 Mr. Steve Monson

Peloton Technology 1060 La Avenida Mountain ViewCA 94043 650-395-7356 Mr. Steve Boyd

Evergreen Hauling, LLC 619 Beams Drive Eufaula, AL 36027 334-687-6000 Mr. Shayne McCallie

Mann Automotive Diesel, Inc. 240 Fortner Street Dothan, AL 36301 334-792-0456 Mr. Foy Mann

Alachua Straw Co., LLC P.O. Box 357 Hartford, AL 36344 352-870-2456 Ms. Andi Miller


Alabama Trucker (AT), the official publication of the Alabama Trucking Association (ATA), is an award-winning trade publication highlighting the Association's activities while documenting the business environment of the day. AT is published quarterly and distributed to more than 2,500 trucking executives, regulatory officials, and political figures. Want to reach decision makers at more than 1,500 Alabama-based trucking firms? Consider this: Advertising in AT reaches the most concentrated readership of trucking professionals in the state. Our rates are affordable, but on top of that, your helping ATA send positive messages about one of the state's largest employers.

Contact Ford Boswell at or 877-277-TRUK (8785) For More Information


Myers Oil Co., Inc. 221 Commercial Blvd., Suite 202 Lauderdale By The Sea, FL 33308 954-938-7211 Mr. Hunter Chambliss



QuikQ LLC 501 Corporate Centre Dr., Suite 520 Franklin, TN 37067 678-591-4675 Mr. Eric Davanport Ram Tool Supply 4500 5th Avenue S. Birmingham, AL 35222 205-714-3313 Ms. Sandy Martin Ranger Resources & Logistics, LLC 10601-A Highway 43 Creola, AL 36525 251-656-5675 Ms. Gypsy Turner







(334) 834-7911

The Baxter Agency


(800) 873-8494

Counteract Balancing


(800) 572-8952

R.E. Garrison


(800) 643-3472

Great West Casualty


(800) 228-8053



(866) 427-8219

International Trucks


(800) 844-4102

J.J. Keller


(888) 473-4638 ext. 7892

Johnson Locklin


(251) 947-3015

Nextran Truck Center


(800) 292-8685

Palomar Insurance


(800) 489-0105

Pivotal LNG


(713) 300-5116

Regions Insurance


(800) 807-1412

Southland Trailer Div.


(888) 844-1821


(205) 849-4288

Truckworx Kenworth


(800) 444-6170

Turner & Hamrick


(888) 385-0186


(205) 755-2610

Thompson Cat

WH Thomas Oil Co.



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