Alabama Trucker, 2nd Quarter 2017

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Driver of the Year

A self-described backroads trucker, ATA’s Driver of the Year, Larry Parker, shows why cream eventually rises to the top. Parker’s road to the award actually began in a cotton mill in Stonewall, Miss., where he was raised and spent 10 years out of high school working in a local mill. Now 36 years later and 4.6 million miles, he’s finally getting his due.

Published quarterly by the Alabama Trucking Assn., P.O. Box 242337, Montgomery, AL 36124-2337. or call 334-834-3983 PUBLISHER Ford Boswell EXECUTIVE EDITOR Frank Filgo

Convention Coverage


Salter Scores Big at TDC



Charlie Salter, a veteran truck driver for FedEx Freight’s terminal near Montgomery, won the Alabama Trucking Association’s State Truck Driving Championships’ Friday, May 26, near Birmingham, Ala. He and the nearly 100 other Alabama-based truck drivers from more than a dozen trucking firms, competed at the annual event, produced by the Association’s safety council.

DIRECTOR OF SAFETY & MEMBER SERVICES Tim Frazier, CDS EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Jane Nixon DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Ford Boswell ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Brandie Norcross ATA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steve Aronhalt, Dennis Bailey, Nick Balanis, Aubrey Baugh, Rhonda Bees, Joe Black, Gary Bond, Jack Brim, Greg Brown, Will Bruser, Dan Carmichael, Fenn Church, Mark Coffman, Jeff Coleman, John Collier, Rodger Collins, Driscoll Colquett, Brent Cook, Gail Cooper, Al Cox, Jerry Davis, Ranny Davis, Amy DeFee, Joe Donald, Edmund Doss, Mack Dove, Will Forbes, Jack Fricks, Kevin Henderson, Beau Holmes, Terry Kilpatrick, Jason King, Mark Knotts, Jerry Kocan, Drew Linn, Hunter Lyons, Bart McCrory, Jeff McGrady, Barry McGriff, Bruce MacDonald, Tom McLeod, Rollins Montgomery, Buck Moore, E.H. Moore, Jr., Ross Neely, Jr., Tommy Neely, Greg Orr, Butch Owens, Clay Palm, Mike Pursley, Kevin Savoy, Bill Scruggs, Danny Smith, Ronnie Stephenson, Steve Stinson, Paul Storey, Harold Sumerford, Jr., John Summerford, James Suttles, Tim Tucker, Bill Ward, Wayne Watkins, Taylor White, David Wildberger, Skip Williams, T.J. Willings, Keith Wise.


The Alabama Trucking Association’s 79th Annual Convention & Meeting in April attracted more than 445 attendees and guests representing 139 member firms for three days of networking and professional improvement to move the state’s trucking industry forward. Held April 20-22 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Destin, Fla., the event drew its largest attendance on record.




President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Safety Insights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SMMC Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Trucking News Roundup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Buyers’ Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ATA Events and New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

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An Affiliate of the American Trucking Associations


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From the President

2017 Legislative Session WrapUp Frank Filgo, CAE President and CEO Alabama Trucking Association

‘Of the 35 trucking related bills monitored, ATA won some and lost others. But in the end, the 2017 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature proved positive for the industry.’



his year, the Alabama Trucking Association focused on several legislative priorities benefitting the trucking industry. At the top of ATA’s wish list was a fuel tax adjustment to provide adequate funding for Alabama’s highway infrastructure. ATA joined with other parties of the same interest, under the umbrella of the Alliance for Alabama’s Infrastructure, to adjust Alabama’s gasoline and diesel excise tax with a 9 cent per gallon increase spanning over a five-year period. The bill sponsored by Rep. Bill Poole (R-Tuscaloosa) drew widespread support. Unfortunately, the agreed upon bill did not materialize until late in the session, and time simply ran out. Thus, the bill never made it to the House floor. Though the billed died, the accomplishment of achieving such widespread support was a major success. That success will be built upon for future efforts. ATA remains committed to pursue the bill’s passage. Alabama’s highway freight movement system is at a crossroads, and the ATA will not rest until its needs are adequately addressed. Next on ATA’s legislative agenda was an effort to negate excessive nonconsensual towing fees. Several Alabama motor carriers urged ATA leadership to address the issue. To that end, we pushed legislation which authorizes and directs the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) to establish a dispute procedure for nonconsensual towing and recovery fees; heightened ethical restrictions on state trooper relationships with the private towing industry; and authorized assessment of civil penalties for violations. The bill received overwhelming support in both the House and Senate and becomes effective on the first day of the third month

following the bill’s signature. Senator Greg Reed (R-Jasper) was the bill sponsor. With regard to compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) powered commercial vehicles, ATA worked to increase vehicle weight limits for use on the interstate highway system. The FAST Act allows for a vehicle weight increase of 2,000 lbs., but implementation requires state authorization. The bill passed the Senate but ran into a log jam in the House during the final days of the session. More than 20 states have passed similar legislation, and ATA will again push for passage this next session. On the other hand, an ATA supported bill to establish a standardized procedure for the collection of excise tax on compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) did pass. Revenues generated by the bill benefits Alabama’s Road and Bridge Fund. Rep. Ken Johnson (R-Moulton) was the bill sponsor. Of the 35 trucking related bills monitored, ATA won some and lost others. But in the end, the 2017 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature proved positive for the industry. No anti-truck bills (right lane restrictions included) became law. Going forward, your Alabama Trucking Association is currently putting together its legislative agenda for the next session. High on the list will be the fuel tax adjustment, weight exemptions for vehicles using CNG and LNG, among other new introductions. And we’ll work for the creation of a onestop-shop for payment of truck registration fees and property taxes. Thank you ATA members for your support as the Association continues to work on your behalf to move Alabama forward.


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‘Backroads kind of guy’ named ATA Driver of the Year 4


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By Dan Shell


hen the folks at Buddy Moore Trucking told Larry Parker they wanted to nominate him for the 2017 Alabama Trucking Assn. Driver of the Year Award last year, Parker was initially reluctant. “I said, you know, that’s not me, I’m more of a backroads kind of guy and I don’t need all that,” he remembers. However, a quick conversation with Buddy Moore, founder of Buddy Moore Trucking, and the man who gave Parker his start in trucking, helped Parker change his mind. “He came to me and I said, ‘Larry this is a bigger deal than you think it is,’” Moore remembers. “But we finally talked him into it and he’s been happy with it. The award has been good for us as well as him.” Indeed, sharing in the award’s glow with Moore, who’s such a big part of his trucking career, has been enjoyable, Parker says. “I have a lot of respect for Mr. Moore, and he’s right: It is a lot bigger deal than I thought.” Parker says the magnitude of being ATA’s Driver of the Year didn’t really sink in until he was leaving the ceremony back in March. “I thought to myself ‘Mercy, now I’ve really got to double down on my efforts to avoid those situations where everything is upside down,” Parker says with a laugh. “Now I’ve got more to look out for than just myself.”

Long Road

—Photography by Ford Boswell & Paul Beazley

“I may have the miles, but I didn’t do it by myself.”

—Larry Parker


Parker’s road to the ATA Driver of the Year award actually began in a cotton mill in Stonewall, Miss., where Parker was raised and spent 10 years out of high school working in a local mill that operated from 1868 to 2002. “I eventually realized I’d rather be working outside,” Parker says, adding that outside of the cotton mill or logging and log hauling, there weren’t many good-paying jobs in the area at the time. Moore, who went to work for Deaton in 1959 as a driver, was good friends with Parker’s dad L.D. “Stonewall” Parker, who came to Deaton as a driver in 1960. Moore got out of driving and into management and eventually worked his way to president of the company. L.D. Parker had put in 21 quality years behind the wheel for Deaton when Larry expressed an interest in driving in 1981. “Larry’s dad came to me and said his son wanted to ride along to see if he might want to be a trucker,” Moore remembers, adding that though the arrangement was a Continued on page 6 5

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bit unusual at the time, he and other company officials thought so much of L.D. Parker that they allowed him to train his son. By March that year Larry Parker was driving for himself, beginning a career that’s still rolling down the road and will hit 5 million miles soon. The Parkers and Moore parted ways as all ended up eventually leaving Deaton. Larry drove for several companies over the years, including Independent Freightways and Skipper Transportation. In 2000, Moore decided to form his own trucking company, and one of the first drivers he called was Larry Parker. “We knew he was out there, and that was one of the first calls we made,” Moore says, adding that the company started out with 15 trucks plus one owner-operator driver, and the driver—Parker—is the only one left with the company out of that original group from 17 years ago.


Parker has 4.6 million miles on his record, which includes being part of four non-chargeable incidents where he wasn’t at fault. “I really don’t have a goal,” Parker says of his mileage, adding that at age 65 now, he’d like to work at least two more years.

As a truck owner, Parker is a bit of a throwback in that he does all his own maintenance and mechanic work, including overhauling engines and transmissions. “My

Larry addresses attendees at the recent ATA convention while his mentor and boss for nearly 20 years Buddy Moore couldn’t be more proud. Award is sponsored by Nextran. 6


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granddaddy had a service station and a shop, and I grew up around people working on cars and other things,” Parker says. “I’ve always done mechanic work, and I don’t mind it, because it gives me some time at home and off the road.” Parker is currently running a 2000 International tractor with a N14 Cummins engine. His first truck was a cab-over he kept for seven years, the second rig he kept 15 years, and now he’s gone more than 15 years and 2.1 million miles on his current truck. “Oh, he does pet that truck,” Moore says. “I don’t know what model it is, but you’d think it was a brand new one.” For a guy who gets so many miles out of each rig, maintenance is huge. “In trucking, there’s a lot of preventive maintenance involved,” Parker says. “What you’re trying to do is solve a problem before it becomes a problem.” In doing so, what’s required is eternal vigilance on everything from basic rig inspections to keeping up with parts and services and repair work performed. “Every time you stop you need to walk around and inspect to see if anything has gone wrong,” Parker says. “You’re really just watching and looking to head off anything before it happens.”

The good trucker’s wife: Parker’s high school sweetheart and wife of 45 years, Dorothy.

The same care goes into safe driving and safety in general. “When you’re working with your load you have to be careful not to fall or slip, and when you’re driving safety has to always be on your mind,” Parker says. He adds that the same care must be taken as when working with other

types of heavy machinery, but in trucking, “It’s definitely not gonna be a small hurt if you mess up.” Parker has 4.6 million miles on his record, which includes being part of four non-chargeable incidents where he wasn’t at fault. “I really don’t have a goal,” Parker says of his mileage, adding that at age 65 now, he’d like to work at least two more years. “It’s something you don’t really think about,” Parker says of racking up the miles. “It just takes so long, and you have to do it in a safe manner.” Accidents are going to happen at times despite the best intentions, he adds. “You just don’t know what’s going to happen day-to-day, so you had better do your best to stay out of trouble.” As a flatbed freight hauler working a good bit in and around Birmingham, Parker has hauled his share of heavy steel—and he was one of the drivers ATA safety officials contacted for advice several years ago when there was a rash of steel coil-drop accidents in the area that led to a set of controversial coil-hauling regulations that were later thrown out because they superseded federal load securement regs (Read more about that in the Safety InContinued on page 8 Long time running: Larry Parker’s first truck was a cab-over he kept for seven years; the second rig he kept 15 years, and now he’s gone more than 15 years and 2.1 million miles on a 2000 International tractor with a N14 Cummins engine. The secret, he says, is strict maintenance, which he does himself.

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away from her spouse tend to run the Southeast and maybe some sights column on and wanted to try into the Midwest,” he says. page 26). her hand at truck Moore says Parker is a “standout guy” in “Coils are one of driving. every way, including being a leader in his the most dangerous church and in the company, where younger “She qualified but loads you can put on drivers may ask him for advice or pick his didn’t do too much a flatbed,” Parker brain to learn from all that experience. “You driving,” Parker says says. “You have to don’t see him going over the speed limit, of the five years or so change your driving and he does his hours of service like they they spent on the habits going into and road together. “But need to be done,” Moore says. “He’s just a out of curves, and model driver.” at least she was with stopping quickly is With characteristic humility, Parker says out of the question.” Larry’s not one for the spotlight. He’s more at home in the cab, me.” but you’d be hard pressed to find a more complete driver. another big key to his driving success over Parker remembers There are formulas the years has been good dispatchers. “A at the time—the early 1990s—they were and requirements for securement chains and good dispatcher will find out if you want to making long runs, staying on the road four straps per load weight that are taught in drivreally work, and then they’ll put you to to six weeks at a time, and Dorothy decided ing school, so Parker says he’s not sure if drivwork, and I’ve had some really good ones to stay home and take care of the farm. ers involved in the coil incidents were careless over the years who’ve helped me a lot.” There, she looks after a spread of 50 head, or lazy, “But once the state knuckled down Parker is well aware plus a large garden on it, it’s pretty much solved now.” that reaching driving and all the work that (Note that despite the state coil regulasuccess takes more goes with both. tions being thrown out by the Feds in Parker adds that than just the man be2013, not one coil incident has happened going back on the hind the wheel and insince they were initially enacted in 2009.) road by himself cludes supporters like roughly coincided Moore, Dorothy and Down On The Farm with his getting back those helpful demanding dispatchers. “I may with Moore and Parker’s high school sweetheart and wife have gotten the miles, Moore’s new compaof 45 years, Dorothy, was still working at but I didn’t do it by ny, and he’s able to the cotton mill when Parker started driving, myself.” make shorter hauls. “I Hands on the wheel, eyes on the road. and she soon decided she didn’t like being



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Moving Trucking Forward Trucking leaders gather on the Gulf Coast to celebrate ATA’s past and plan for its future. By Ford Bosswell • Photos by Paul Beazley DESTIN, Fla. — The Alabama Trucking Association held its 79th Annual Convention & Meeting in April, attracting more than 445 attendees representing 139 member firms for three days of networking and professional improvement to move the state’s trucking industry forward. Held here April 20-22 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa, Destin, Fla., the event drew its largest attendance on record. According to Convention Chairman Terry Kilpatrick, president of Billy Barnes Enterprises, Frisco City, Ala., this year’s attendance greatly surpassed the previous year, when the Association took its annual meeting to Las Vegas. But even compared to previous meetings at the Hilton, this most recent meeting still grew in terms of participation,


sponsorships and attendance. The big surprise, however, was the $254,750 in sponsorship money raised, Kilpatrick noted. According to ATA officials, that amount was the most ever collected for ATA’s annual meeting (See a full list of sponsors on pages 14 & 15). “The key to the success of each Convention is linked to its sponsorships and registration fees,” Kilpatrick stated in his convention report to the ATA Board of Directors. “Sponsorships this year totaled nearly $255,000, while registrations accounted for about $151,583. That’s incredible support from our members. They fully support this event, and their reviews of the programs, presenters, and the overall meeting experience were very positive. I am grateful for the support of our many sponsors, my convention committee, the ATA staff, and

everyone who attended. An event of this magnitude is certainly a group effort.” Kilpatrick said he is especially indebted to his Convention Finance Committee, which was chaired by Will Bruser of Truckworx Kenworth. The committee also included Joe Black of McGriff Tire Co.; Gary Bond of National Bank of Commerce; Fenn Church of Church Transportation & Logistics, Inc.; Rodger Collins of Industrial Warehouse Services, Inc.; Edmund Doss of Deep South Freight; Terry Kilpatrick of Billy Barnes Enterprises, Inc.; Mark Knotts of Regions Insurance; Kevin Savoy of Greenbush Logistics, Inc.; Bill Waechter of Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc.; and Wayne Watkins of Watkins Trucking Co., Inc. “These business leaders are some of our Association’s most dedicated members,” Kilpatrick said. “They are industry leaders we


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can always count on. Their effort to drum up support for our meeting was a crucial element in its overall success. They spent countless hours of their own time making sure we reached our goals. I am so thankful to each of them. They really delivered for the Association.”

Events & Sponsors ATA’s annual convention is always a good balance of work and play. On the eve of the opening morning session, the group gathered for a few hours on the hotel sundeck for a welcome reception. Hospitality during the reception was provided by the Act I Level Sponsors and door prizes provided by Century Dedicated, Inc. Friday’s business meeting featured presentations from business leadership and motivational gurus Lt. Clebe McClary, USMC (Ret.) and John Foley, former Lead Solo Pilot with U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels. Both men gave outstanding presentations that challenged attendees to consider their roles in the trucking industry beyond the daily grind of operating a business, and to make


the most of chances and opportunities that come from it. Breakfast was sponsored by Benny Whitehead, Inc., Columbus Tire, Great West Casualty, Navistar – International Truck, Palomar Insurance Corp., Progress Bank, and Watkins Trucking Co. Door prizes were provided Evergreen Forest Products. Later that evening, the ATA Workers’ Comp Fund leaders hosted a reception in honor of the Fund’s previous chairmen who have served since the Fund was started in the early 1990s. Saturday morning’s Membership Meeting focused on the general affairs and current business of the Alabama Trucking Association and the ATA Workers’ Comp Fund. Saturday’s breakfast was collectively provided by B&G Supply Co.; Coleman Worldwide Moving; Evergreen Transport; Four Star Freightliner; Service1st Bank, Taylor and Martin Auctioneers. Inc. and TMW Systems. Ladies door prizes were sponsored by Boyd Bros. Transportation. Door prizes were sponsored by R.E. Garrison Trucking. Other weekend highlights included: More than 80 attendees played in the

Convention Golf Tournament sponsored by Wilson & Berryhill, P.C. and Carrier Transicold South. For those not interested in golf, poolside cabanas with full bars were provided by BBVA Compass, Industrial Warehouse Services, Pilot Flying J, Volvo Trucks North America LLC, and Wiregrass Construction Co., Inc. on Friday afternoon; and EFS – a WEX Co., P & S Transportation, PNC Bank, Southeast Logistics, and Transport Enterprise Leasing LLC on Saturday. Another special option for attendees on Saturday was a two-hour boat cruise, sponsored by Cummins Sales and Service, Deep South Freight, Dolphin Line, Eaton/Roadranger, Kenworth Truck Co., Love’s Travel Stops, Inc., Mid State Thermo King, Warren Averett Co.’s, LLC, and WTI Transport. Bus transportation to the dock was provided by PeopleNet and Storey Trucking Co. Female attendees were treated to a complimentary spa treatment provided by Equipment Solutions KLLM – FFE, UPS, Utility Trailer Sales of Alabama, LLC, Vertical Alliance Group, Wal-Mart Transportation, and Ward International Trucks, LLC.


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Chairman’s Dinner Capping the meeting was a dinner honoring current Chairman of the Board Gary Bond whose term ends June 30. Chairman Bond has been a hands-on leader who isn’t afraid to work hard for what he believes. He’s spent his entire career in equipment financing and he knows the business as well as anyone. He is known for seeing the big picture for trucking, and also knows well the obstacles many trucking execs face. His service to the Association has been tremendous and his enthusiasm and good


spirit make him a great advocate for trucking. “He has been exactly the leader we needed,” said ATA president Frank Filgo. “We are so grateful for his dedication to this Association.” Meanwhile, Alabama Truck Driver of the Year, Larry Parker of Buddy Moore Trucking was honored. Parker was recently selected by the ATA Safety and Maintenance Management Council for his commitment to industry safety and professionalism in a career that has spanned nearly five decades. And the highlight of the night was the announcement of Ward International Trucks founder Bill Ward, as this year’s H.

Chester Webb Award recipient, which is this Association’s highest honor for a member. Last year’s winner Tom McLeod of McLeod Software made the announcement. The Chairman’s Reception and Dinner was provided in part by Action Truck Center, Baldwin Transfer Co., Church Transportation & Logistics, Greenbush Logistics, Inc., J. Scott Enterprises, Inc., Mack Trucks, Nextran Truck Center, Thompson Carriers, Inc., and Shoreline Transportation. Next year’s convention returns to the Hilton Sandestin, April 26-28, 2018. For more information visit www.alabamatruck


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AMX Assured Neace Lukens Insurance Agency dba Turner & Hamrick Austill, Lewis, Pipkin & Maddox, PC Baggett Transportation Company Ball, Ball, Matthews & Novak Bank of America Best One Tire BMO Transportation Finance Bridgestone Commercial Solutions

Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer Carlisle Medical Carr Allison Coffman International, Inc. Comdata, Inc. Davison Fuels & Oil Dunn Building Company Empire Truck Sales Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. FleetPride Truck & Trailer Parts

Freightliner / Daimler Trucks North America Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc. Heritage Freight Warehouse & Logistics, Inc. Hill Hill Carter Hornady Transportation LLC J.J. Keller & Associates Johnson-Locklin & Associates, Inc. Long Lewis Western Star McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc. Meritor, Inc.

Michelin North America Montgomery Transport, LLC Omnitracs, LLC Osborn Transportation, Inc. Ox Bodies, Inc. PACCAR Parts People’s United Equipment Finance Corp. Premium 2000+ Warranties Rand McNally RangeWay Carriers

Re Re Ro Ro Sm Ste Su Th Th TL

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Regions Insurance Renasant Bank Robbie D. Wood Ross Neely Systems, Inc. SmartDrive Systems Stemco ITMS Summerford Truck Line, Inc. The Baxter Agency Thompson/Caterpillar TLS – Transportation & Logistical Services

Transport Trailer Center Travel Centers of America W. H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. Wells Fargo Equipment Finance Wilks Tire & Battery Service, Inc. Wright Transportation, Inc. Yokohama Tire Corp.

Avondale Trucking Canal Insurance Co. Continental Tire the Americas D T & Freight Co., Inc. ErgoScience Fuller Warehouse & Gin, Inc. Hand Arendall, LLC Highland Technical Services, Inc. Iberia Bank

J P Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C. McAbee Construction, Inc. Moundville Warehouse Rushing Enterprises, Inc.

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Big Night for Fleet Safety ATA honors state’s safest drivers, managers and fleets at annual awards ceremony. By Ford Boswell

He’s also an activist for the industry, regularly writing letters to his congressman regarding issues that the trucking inPELHAM, Ala. – For nearly 80 years, dustry faces. the Alabama Trucking Association has He and his wife Dorothy are active championed the industry’s commitment members of Union Baptist Church in to excellence through lobbying and repreMeridian, Miss., where he serves as Sunday sentation of its interest in Montgomery. school teacher and Church Deacon. The That mission further serves its members’ couple are also active cattle farmers, rungoals by fostering sound fleet safety. ning a herd of about 50 cows. Being a Part of the latter is accomplished model “trucker’s wife”, Dorothy takes care through member recognition programs of the cattle while he is on the road. from ATA’s Safety & Maintenance Man“I could not do this kind of work agement Council, which honored dozens From left: Bruce Graham of Nextran (award sponsor), Driver of the without her support,” he says. “We drove of the state’s safest trucking fleets, manYear Larry Parker , Tim Tucker of Nextran, and ATA Chairman as a team for a few years until she decided agers and drivers March 27 in Pelham, Gary Bond she’d had enough and told me she was Ala. during the group’s annual Alabama ready to stay home.” Fleet Safety Award Banquet. Larry is still a bit surprised by the Individual candidates are nominated honor. by ATA members, and winners are cho“This award really means a lot to me,” sen by an independent panel of judges he says. “It’s not something a driver really composed of state troopers from the Alaever thinks about reaching. There’s just so bama Law Enforcement Agency’s Motor many years and miles involved that you Carrier Safety Unit. only focus on doing all you can to make The highlight of the evening was the sure you and everyone around you gets announcement of Larry Parker of Buddy home safely. This job is such an imporMoore Trucking, Birmingham, Ala. as the tant responsibility. All you know to do is Alabama Driver of the Year. The award is work hard, do the right things, and prosponsored by Nextran Truck Corp. vide for your family. If you do that, you’ll Parker has more than 37 years of probe alright.” fessional driving experience, with more Parker says he owes his success to so than 4.6 million career miles. He’s President’s Award (Safest Fleet): Representing Golden Flake Jimmy Price many. “By His grace, I’m so thankful for worked for Buddy Moore Trucking for (left) and awards sponsor Barry McGriff, McGriff Tire & Co. this honor,” he says. “Nothing is possible the past 16 years as an independent conwithout the grace of God.” tractor. Prior to that he worked with Moore willing to share his knowledge and expertise He also is thankful for the faith the as a 36 year veteran.” at the former Deaton, Inc. Moore family and the team at Buddy Not only is Parker a professional driver His supervisor Connel Coggins says, Moore Trucking has placed in him all these with an impeccable record, he is also an ac“Larry is first and foremost a man of inyears. “They’re such awesome people – realcomplished diesel technician, performing all tegrity and character who lives his Christian ly the whole company is outstanding. I have of his own repairs, including major engine faith every minute each day. He has a great enjoyed working with them.” overhauls. relationship with his fellow drivers and is

Safety Professional of the Year: Johnathan Marshall, P&S Transportation (center) and award sponsor Ronnie Stephenson of Southland International (left) and ATA Chairman Gary Bond 16

Maintenance Professional of the Year: Keith Allred, American Proteins (center), award sponsor Allan Hicks of Vertical Alliance Group, and ATA Chairman Gary Bond

Fleet Manager of the Year: Randy Watkins, Watkins Trucking Co. (center), awards sponsor Josh Wood of Birmingham Freightliner, and ATA Chairman Gary Bond A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

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Individual Safety Awards President’s Award (Safest Overall Fleet) – Sponsor, McGriff Tire Co. Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc. Driver of the Year – Sponsor, Nextran Truck Corp. Larry Parker, Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. Driver of the Year 1st Runner Up – Sponsor, Nextran Truck Corp. Tim Flack, American Proteins, Inc. Safety Professional of the Year –Sponsor, Southland International Trucks, Inc. Johnathan Marshall, P&S Transportation, Inc. Safety Professional of the Year 1st Runner Up – Sponsor, Southland International Trucks, Inc. Avery Baine - ABC Transportation, Inc. Maintenance Professional of the Year – Sponsor, Vertical Alliance Group Keith Allred, American Proteins, Inc. Fleet Manager of the Year – Sponsor, Birmingham Freightliner Randy Watkins, Watkins Trucking Co., Inc.

Fleet Safety Awards The following trucking businesses maintained the safest accident frequency rate for miles driven within the state of Alabama for calendar year 2016. General Commodities Linehaul Under 1 Million Miles 1st Place: : ABC Transportation, Inc. 2nd Place: Red Mountain Transport, LLC 3rd Place: Greenbush Logistics, Inc. General Commodities Linehaul 1 to 3 Million Miles 1st Place: : R M Logistics, Inc. 2nd Place: Billy Barnes Enterprises, Inc. 3rd Place: Watkins Trucking Co., Inc. General Commodities Linehaul 3 to 5 Million Miles 1st Place: : Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. 2nd Place: ABF Freight System, Inc. 3rd Place: Montgomery Transport, LLC General Commodities Linehaul 5 to 10 Million Miles 1st Place: : P&S Transportation, Inc. 2nd Place: AAA Cooper Transportation, Inc. 3rd Place: Blair Logistics, LLC A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

General Commodities Linehaul over 10 Million Miles 1st Place: Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc. 2nd Place: Wal-Mart Transportation, LLC 3rd Place: FedEx Freight, Inc. General Commodities Local under 1 Million Miles 1st Place: Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. 2nd Place: BR Williams Trucking, Inc. 3rd Place: Watkins Trucking Co., Inc. General Commodities Local 1 to 3 Million Miles 1st Place: Greenbush Logistics, Inc. 2nd Place: ABF Freight System, Inc. General Commodities Local 3 to 5 Million Miles 1st Place: AAA Cooper Transportation, Inc. 2nd Place: Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc. 3rd Place: FedEx Freight, Inc. General Commodities Local 5-10 Million Miles 1st Place: Billy Barnes Enterprises, Inc. General Commodities Combined Under 1 Million Miles 1st Place: Church Transportation & Logistics, Inc. General Commodities Combined 1 to 3 Million Miles 1st Place: Watkins Trucking Co., Inc. 2nd Place: Greenbush Logistics, Inc. General Commodities Combined 3 to 5 Million Miles 1st Place: Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. (FB) 2nd Place: Montgomery Transport, LLC 3rd Place: Wright Transportation, Inc. General Commodities Combined 5 to 10 Million Miles 1st Place: Billy Barnes Enterprises, Inc. 2nd Place: P&S Transportation, Inc. 3rd Place: BR Williams Trucking, Inc. General Commodities Combined Over 10 Million Miles 1st Place: Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc. 2nd Place: AAA Cooper Transportation 3rd Place: FedEx Freight, Inc. Tank Truck 1st Place: J & M Tank Lines, Inc. 2nd Place: Action Resources, Inc.

Miscellaneous Category 1 to 3 Million Miles 1st Place: Massey Hauling Co., Inc. Household Goods 1st Place: Changing Spaces Moving, Inc. Private Carrier Under 1 Million Miles 1st Place: Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc. 2nd Place: Scott Bridge Co., Inc. Private Carrier Over 5 Million Miles 1st Place: American Proteins, Inc. Heavy Haulers Category 1st Place: Scott Bridge Co.

ATA Workers’ Comp Fund Awards The ATA Workers’ Comp Fund also recognized several of its Fund members for excellence in workplace safety and risk management. The Fund has served Alabama trucking firms since 1993. Today, it ranks among the leading workers’ comp self-insured funds in the U.S. and is as committed as ever in providing affordable coverage for all members. Recipients of ATA WCSIF’s safety awards are chosen on factors including, annual contribution, loss ratio, a commitment and receptiveness to instill a culture of accident prevention; a willingness to implement the Fund’s risk management model ; and utilization of its loss control services. Small Fleet B & T Mineral, LLC Dora, Ala. Medium Fleet Johnston Trucking, LLC Brundidge, Ala. Large Fleet Southern Haulers, LLC Calera, Ala. Allied Four Star Freightliner, Inc. Montgomery, Ala. Engineer’s Award TeamOne Logistics Alpharetta, Ga.

Hazardous Materials 1st Place: Georgia Tank Lines, LLC


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WH Thomas Oil Co. Clanton, AL 205-755-2610 Decatur, AL 256-351-0744

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Think of us as your lubrication experts for the long haul.

As your Chevron Distributor, we do more than just offer high quality motor oils, transmission fluids and gear lubricants for your fleet. We provide effective lubrication solutions that can reduce your operating costs and improve your bottom line.

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FedEx’s Charlie Salter scores

Article & photos by Ford Boswell

Alabama TDC Grand Champion Charlie Salter (center) accepts his award from TDC Chairman Tony Smith (left) and ATA Chairman of the Board Gary Bond during the TDC Awards Banquet held Friday, May 26 in Pelham, Ala. 22

PELHAM, Ala. — Charlie Salter, a veteran truck driver for FedEx Freight’s terminal near Montgomery, won the Alabama Trucking Association’s State Truck Driving Championships’ Overall Champion award, Friday, May 26, at the Pelham Civic Complex near Birmingham, Ala. The Alabama TDC Grand Champion Trophy is sponsored by Southland International Trucks. Salter and the nearly 100 other Alabamabased truck drivers from more than a dozen trucking firms, competed at the annual event, produced by the Association’s Safety & Maintenance Management Council (SMMC), a subgroup of the Association composed of fleet safety managers and fleet vehicle maintenance supervisors. The competition showcases professional truck drivers’ skill and commitment to workplace and highway safety, but also serves as a qualifier for the American Trucking Associations’ National Truck Driving Championships scheduled for later this A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

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big at Alabama TDC

Robert Davis of FedEx Freight (Step Van)

Ross Garner, FedEx Freight (Tanker)

Mike Manzella, Walmart Transportation (Flatbed)

William Downs, FedEx Freight (Twins)

Steve Brannen, Walmart Transportation (4-axle)

Daniel Thompson, FedEx Freight (3-axle)

David Hawk, FedEx Freight (Straight)

Rodney Cosper, UPS Freight (Sleeper)

summer in Orlando, Fla. Competitors are scored on a written exam covering driver safety and industry best practices; a pre-trip vehicle defect inspection; and vehicle obstacle course, where contestants navigate a truck and trailer through a series of obstacles. At the end of the competition, contestants’ cumulative scores are ranked, and winners from nine categories are announced at an awards dinner that evening. The three highest scorers from each class receive trophies and prizes, and special awards are also given for the event’s top rookie and highest score for the vehicle defects inspection. Other class winners with Salter were Robert Davis of FedEx Freight (Step Van); Ross Garner, FedEx Freight (Tanker); Mike Manzella, Walmart Transportation (Flatbed); William Downs, FedEx Freight (Twins); Steve Brannen, Walmart Transportation (4-axle); Daniel Thompson, FedEx Freight (3-axle); David Hawk, FedEx A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

Freight (Straight); and Rodney Cosper, UPS Freight (Sleeper). Meanwhile, William Cousins of FedEx Ground posted the highest score in the Vehicle Defects portion of the contest, and Brandon Bunt of AAA Cooper Transportation earned the award for the highest scoring Rookie. To qualify for the state competition, a driver must be employed by a member company of the Association and have had no accidents for the previous 12 months. Some competitors are handpicked by their supervisors for overall experience and work ethic, while others win company competitions. While not a record, SMMC officials said this year’s event attracted more drivers than more recent years, but spectators and attendance numbers for the awards ceremony have grown tremendously. Officials said the event drew about 500 volunteers and contest officials and the awards dinner banquet drew nearly 300 — one of the largest

crowds on record. “Our event keeps getting better and more polished,” said ATA Director of Safety & Member Services Tim Frazier. “Our safety council and its TDC committee do an outstanding job planning and executing this event. We received incredible sponsorship support this year – more than we have in a long time. I think that’s a testament to the quality of the event. We are grateful for all the volunteers and sponsors. Without their support, we couldn’t pull off an event of this magnitude — and the drivers really appreciate the effort.” Winners now prepare to take their skills to the next level at the National TDC. “We’ve had a good amount of success before, but it’s not easy to win there. Through the years, we’ve had a few class winners, and even one Grand Champion in Al Lewis of YRC. We have an experienced team going to nationals this time around, and I have confidence they’ll do well.” 23

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The Alabama Trucking Association wishes to thank the following businesses for their support of the Alabama Truck Driving Championships:

Major Contributors

Gold Level

ATA Workers’ Comp Fund B.R. Williams Trucking, Inc. Continental Tire Co. Dolphin Line, Inc. EATON Fitzgerald Peterbilt J&M Tank Lines Meritor McGriff Tire Co. Montgomery Transport LLC Nextran Truck Centers


PeopleNet R.E. Garrison Trucking Shoreline Transportation of Alabama TA/Petro Wright Transportation Inc.


Dothan Tarpaulin GBM Services P&S Transportation Inc. Mid State Thermo King Ward International Trucks

Bronze Sponsors

B&G Supply Co. Bridgestone Commercial Solutions FedEx Freight Hunter Oil Co. JP Transportation Safety Consulting McGough Body Shop McLeod Software Corp. Star Truck Parts Yokohama


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SAFETY & MAINTENANCE Safety Insights By Ford Boswell


arry Parker has all the experience and credentials one expects from a professional driver who’s logged more than 4.6 million accident-free miles. He’s honest, resourceful, and by all accounts, one of the most knowledgeable flatbed drivers around. Parker is the Alabama Trucking Association’s current Driver of the Year for good reason (Read more about his career on page 4). Most who know him will share their admiration for the man’s professionalism and abilities, but few are aware of one of his most important contributions to the state’s trucking industry: That time he helped this Association devise a plan to train thousands of flatbed drivers of the rules of proper load securement, particularly those pertaining to large metal coils. Around the spring of 2008, at the recommendation of ATA’s then Director of Safety Gene Vonderau, Parker and another veteran Buddy Moore driver, Dale Harrison, were asked for their advice and expertise to assist trucking leaders, steel shippers, local politicians, and lawmen end a troubling streak of accidents involving flatbed haulers dropping large metal coils that caused serious damaging to sections of Interstate 20/59 and In-

Alabama’s top driver is no stranger to ATA terstate 65 that pass through downtown Birmingham. Hundreds of these coils are produced each day by area steel mills, and they can weigh as much as 46,000 lbs. each. Federal regulations mandate procedures and rules governing their safe shipment on a trailer. If followed precisely, a coil should not fall from a trailer. Yet, from the mid-1990s to 2008, truckers dropped nearly two dozen heavy metal coils that damaged area roads, causing an estimated $7.5 million (collectively), and injured two motorists. The situation reached a boiling point in early 2008, after a half dozen coils were dropped in an 18month stretch. Local media fanned the flames of public outcry, which in turn pressured state politicians and law enforcement agencies to act somewhat irrationally to stop the accidents. Some of the ideas floated, such as placing the coil flat on the trailer (“eye to the sky”) or requiring haulers to use special drop deck trailers were costly and would place undue burden on haulers who were already doing their jobs perfectly. Vonderau even recalls some of the more draconian options, such as mobile escorts for trucks hauling coils or inspections for coil shipments coming into weigh stations at the state line.

‘Every Driver of the Year ATA has ever honored deserved that recognition, but when I saw Larry Parker dressed in a suit last spring at the Fleet Safety Awards, I knew what was about to happen.’ —Gene Vonderau, former ATA Director of Safety


A few weeks before Larry joined the fray, Vonderau sat at a long table in a dark, wood-paneled office where then Alabama Gov. Bob Riley made a stern directive to him and other representatives for the trucking and steel industries: “You guys better fix this problem, or I will.” “It was a serious issue, but one we wholeheartedly believed could be corrected by training drivers of proper load securement,” says Vonderau. “One of the first things we did was to publish and distribute thousands of brochures with federal regulations for metal coil securement. We also held training sessions at local steel yards and weigh stations. We then held a large press conference at Buddy Moore headquarters to show the public how the best trucking operations handle load securement.” Larry was involved in all demonstrations – he was a critical part of the effort. Parker also shared ideas with ATA officials on what was needed to make sure drivers knew the federal regulations. For instance, there were certain types of chain, as well as the requirements for how many of them were needed to secure a coil. It could get confusing, to say the least. But ATA leaned on Parker’s expertise to hone in on the essentials for drivers. “Larry’s one of the more experienced flatbed drivers I’ve even known,” Vonderau says. “I worked with him at Deaton, Inc. in the early ‘90s, and he was always one of my go-to guys when I needed advice from a driver’s perspective.” After the Association wrapped up its training and informational blitz, ATA leaders then worked with legislators and law enforcement officials to develop a bill that would later become Alabama’s Metal Coil Securement Act of 2009, which increased fines for drivers who dropped metal coils and also required all those who hauled metal coil loads that originated or terminated in the state to be certified. That certification process required drivers to pass a written test on proper load securement. Once certified, a A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

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driver was required to keep proof of certification in the cab when hauling metal coils. As expected, blowback from the industry was immediate, and the legislation made ATA no friends with carriers, particularly those from outside the state. Eventually, in 2013, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration posted in the Federal Register that it had granted a petition from the American Trucking Associations asking that Alabama’s metal coil requirements be usurped by federal securement rules, saying Alabama’s law placed “unreasonable burden on interstate commerce.” In its ruling, the FMCSA stated that Alabama’s law was more stringent than federal law and federal law preempts state laws when they have no safety benefit, and aren’t compatible with federal regulations. “FMCSA has determined that there is insufficient support for the claimed safety benefits,” said the announcement in the Federal Register. Vonderau, now retired, says the metal coil episode was one of the more trying times he’d experienced during his 12 years of leading ATA’s safety department. Even though the Alabama Metal Coil Act was eventually struck down, he still firmly believes the Association did the right thing, or at least the best it could, considering the circumstances. “We trained a lot drivers (more than 50,000, by some estimates), and the accidents stopped as soon as we started focusing on making sure drivers knew what the feds expect in terms of load securement,” he says. “Larry Parker and the folks at Buddy Moore were key elements in that campaign.” Vonderau adds, “I’ve known Larry a long time. I know how good of a driver he is. Of course, every Driver of the Year ATA has ever honored deserved that recognition, but when I saw Larry Parker dressed in a suit last spring at the Fleet Safety Awards Dinner, I knew what was about to happen. If any driver ever deserved the recognition, it’s Larry.” A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

ALDOT updates oversize-overweight regulations for carriers The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) recently updated its promulgated rules and regulations regarding oversize and overweight laws. Alabama Trucking Association officials say the changes could positively impact trucking operations because some of the changes relieve several requirements for escort vehicles. The following are the most important changes for carriers: l Previously, widths exceeding 12 ft. required front and rear escorts. The new regulation states that widths from 12 ft. up to 14 ft. now require only one escort. The escort will be in front on two lane roads and in the rear on multi lane highways. Loads exceeding 14 ft. still require two escorts. l Previous vehicles/loads exceeding 75 ft. in length required a rear escort. The new regulation states vehicles/loads exceeding 90 ft. require rear escorts. l Loads exceeding 15 ft. 6 in. now require a front escort with height measuring device. To read ALDOT’s full report on the changes, visit: www.alabamaadministra

Southland Trailers service center relocates Southland International Trucks, Inc.’s full trailer service center has moved from Tarrant, Ala. to downtown Birmingham on 2nd Avenue North, just off the Red Mountain expressway. Southland officials say the new location provides the opportunity to become more efficient and deliver more supreme assistance to current and future customers. Services offered are trailer pickup and delivery, parts delivery and warranty work for a broad range of trailer manufacturers. Southland Trailers’ Vice President Bill Scruggs speaks enthusiastically about the additional space, which “will continue to grow our parts and service department and allow us to increase our workforce and broaden our service capabilities to ultimately better serve our customers.”

Qualified trailer technicians employed by Southland Trailers are experienced in body work and repair. Service Manager, Charles Young is also excited about the move. “I foresee a huge increase in the size and volume of our parts and service departments,” Young says. “We plan to implement more outside sales, once every moving part is in motion quick repair turnaround will be the primary goal.”

Great West recognizes Swing Transport for workplace safety Swing Transport, Inc. was presented a Platinum award by Great West Casualty Co. and Joe Morten & Son for the 2016 National Safety Awards Program. Additionally, they received another Platinum Award for the Workplace Safety Program for 2016. Continued on page 28 27

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Southland International appoints news service director for Tuscaloosa branch

News This marks the 10th consecutive year that Swing has earned the highest honor from Great West. This award recognizes motor carriers who have achieved minimal yearend crash results and have demonstrated a commitment to promoting safe driving practices and workplace safety within their company. Swing Transport is a dry goods carrier who began operations in 1975. With corporate headquarters located in Salisbury, NC and terminals located in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, the management team at Swing is constantly striving for safety improvement. Great West Casualty congratulates their efforts for making the roads safer for the motoring public. “Without companies like Swing Transport and others in the trucking industry, our country would come to a virtual standstill,” said Randall Oligmueller, President of


Southland International Trucks recently announced that Mike Sanford has joined its service team in Tuscaloosa. With 30 years of experience in the industry, Sanford has worked as a diesel technician, owner/operator and served 19 years as a major fleet Service Manager. “I’ve worked on river boats, all kinds of equipment and heavy trucks,” Sanford says. Sanford Southland officials say Sanford brings a true commitment to service, providing a unique combination of technical skills and leadership that will allow better service for customers. A long-time resident of Tuscaloosa, Sanford graduated from Shelton State where he specialized in diesel mechanics. He has been married for 32 years to his wife Sonya, and also has two children, three grandchildren – and one grandchild on the way. In his spare time, he loves to hunt and participate in drag racing events across the southeast. Southland International Trucks, Inc. is an award winning truck dealership with more than 235 employees. With locations in Birmingham, Homewood, Huntsville, Montgomery, Tarrant and Tuscaloosa, Southland offers a full range of International Trucks, IC Buses, Transcraft, Wabash and Benson Trailers, parts, service and Idealease truck leasing and rental. One of North America’s largest volume International Truck dealerships, Southland was recognized as the American Truck Dealer (ATD) Dealer of the Year in 2013, and is a continuous winner of the Circle of Excellence award recognizing excellence in customer satisfaction. Additional information is available at Joe Morten & Son, Inc. “More than 32 million trucks are traveling down the road daily. With this award, Swing Transport sets the standard for other trucking companies to follow.” Joe Morten & Son, Inc. has been part-

nering with trucking companies for more than eighty years. Joe Morten & Son, Inc. is the only agency owned by Great West Casualty Company, the premier provider of insurance products and services for truckers.


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ALEA Director Jack Clark retires after 32 years in law enforcement

Lt. Col. Jack Clark has retired after 23 years with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. Clark has served in law enforcement for more than 32 years, rising through the ranks to Director Jack Clark of the agency in 2016. In 1984, following his father and an older brother into law enforcement, Clark joined the Montgomery Police Dept. (MPD) as a cadet. His father worked for the Public Service Commission’s Enforcement Division, while his brother served as a state trooper. After nine years with MPD, he joined the state trooper academy in 1993, and worked as a highway patrolman before moving to the Protective Services Div. In 2004, he was promoted to Sergeant, and then made Lieutenant in 2007. A year later, Clark was appointed head of the then Alabama Dept. of Public Safety’s Motor Carrier Safety Unit, a division of the state troopers that enforces laws and regulation pertaining to large commercial vehicles. “This is something I’ve always wanted to do.” he told Alabama Trucker magazine in January 2009, a few months into his tenure with MCSU). “I love my job and enjoy putting on the uniform and going to work each day.” According to Alabama Trucking Association president and CEO Frank Filgo, Clark’s genuine enthusiasm and dedication in helping Alabama’s trucking industry improve was immediately apparent. “This Association has always had a good working relationship with the motor carrier safety unit, but Jack made it clear to me that he wanted his agency and the industry to be better partners in improving highway safety, not adversaries,” Filgo says. “And even after Jack moved on to other positions with ALEA, we have maintained very strong ties with our state troopers. In my opinion, the mutual respect that the troopers and this association share is a direct result of Jack’s leadership there. Our industry is proud to have served with him.” Filgo adds that he is sad to see Jack leave ALEA, but pledges that his Association will 30

continue to offer its full cooperation and support. “When I travel to industry meetings outside the state, I am always asked about our relationship with state law enforcement,” Filgo says. “I can tell you that not many state trucking associations have the close working relationship that we enjoy here in Alabama. Jack has been a large part of that. We are grateful for his leadership, and we wish him all the best for the future.”

ATA honors Chairman Gary Bond for leadership On the last night of the Alabama Trucking Association’s recent 79th Annual Convention, held last April in Destin, Fla., the Association hosted a reception and dinner recognize the contributions Gary Bond of Chairman of Board Gary Bond over the past year. From the start of his term (ATA operates on July 1 fiscal year), he vowed to improve the Association’s overall standing as the Alabama’s preeminent voice for the trucking industry. His agenda included initiatives to bolster member services, increase existing membership involvement with ATA events and special projects — especially among trucking firms; and fortify and improve the industry’s public image for economic development, and industry safety and professionalism. ATA president Frank Filgo says Bond accomplished those goals, and the Association is better because of his leadership. “It is a tradition that the Alabama Trucking Association elects a Chairman of the Board from the allied sector once every four years,” Filgo explains. “Having served this association for 22 years, it was obvious to me from day one that Gary Bond would someday serve as the chief elected officer of ATA. He’s was elected to the ATA Board of Directors in in 1999, and worked hard fulfilling every assignment and responsibility given to him. I recall a five-year period that he served as our Convention Finance Chairman raising the necessary funds to afford our successful annual meeting events.” Bond’s people skills, along with his knowledge of the financial side of the trucking industry, make him a great fit for

the duties awarded to the Chairman of the Board, Filgo adds. “As chairman, the Association continued to grow in stature and distinction under his leadership,” Filgo says. “Member participation and involvement was at a record high. For instance, more than 445 member company representatives attend this year’s annual convention, and the ATA Golf Classic set a record for sponsorships. This Association is lucky to have had a person of his stature and expertise to serve as our Chairman of the Board. Because of his leadership, ATA is better equipped to serve its members.”

OEM taps Carrier Transicold South its Dealer of the Year For the third time in its 14 years Carrier Transicold South was named Dealer of the Year – North America at the annual meeting of Carrier Transicold’s Truck/Trailer/Rail Americas dealers. The award follows previous Dealer of the Year distinctions for Carrier Transicold South for 2014 and 2005. Part of the dealership’s formula for success, according to its president, Bruce MacDonald, is a highly experienced and enthusiastic team that subscribes to the philosophy “We don’t say ‘no’ to our customers.” Located in the Atlanta metropolitan area, the Lake City operation serves customers in Georgia and parts of Tennessee. With nine branches, including facilities in Alabama and Louisiana, the entire Carrier Transicold South organization is the Southeast’s largest transport refrigeration dealer. “Carrier Transicold South is fully committed to excellence in their customer sales and service support processes,” said Tom Spencer, dealer network manager for Carrier Transicold. “Their focus on the customer has resulted in strong growth of their customer base, leading to yet another winning performance.” In addition to being named Dealer of the Year for its 2016 performance, Carrier Transicold South earned the prerequisite NextLevel Platinum Award, recognizing achievements in customer satisfaction, business investment, service proficiency, sales performance and growth. Additionally, Carrier Transicold South’s A LABAMA T RUCKER • 2 ND Q UARTER 2017

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David Cervini of the St. Rose, Louisiana, operation was recognized as Dealer Parts Manager of the Year, the eighth on the dealership’s honor roll of employees recognized in prior years for performance in sales, parts and service. Carrier Transicold South’s achievement was celebrated before a gathering of hundreds of dealer representatives and Carrier Transicold employees from the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil and the Netherlands.

Trucking Industry congestion costs top $63.4 billion Traffic congestion on the U.S. National Highway System (NHS) added over $63.4 billion in operational costs to the trucking industry in 2015, according to research released today by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). Utilizing a variety of data sources including its unique truck GPS database, ATRI calculated delay on the NHS totaling more than 996 million hours of lost productivity, which equates to 362,243 commercial truck drivers sitting idle for a working year. ATRI’s analysis also documented the states, metropolitan areas, and counties that


were most impacted by these delays and subsequent cost increases. The top 10 states experienced costs of over $2 billion each, with Florida and Texas leading with over $5 billion each. As expected, traffic congestion tended to be most severe in urban areas, with 88 percent of the congestion costs concentrated on only 17 percent of the network mileage, and 91 percent of the total congestion cost occurring in metropolitan areas. This concentration of congestion has been well-documented in ongoing work by ATRI which annually identifies the worst truck bottlenecks in the U.S. The analysis also demonstrates the impact of congestion costs on a per-truck basis, with an average increased cost of $22,676 for trucks that travel 100,000 miles annually. As part of this analysis, ATRI has updated its congestion cost database with 2015 data to provide granular cost information to transportation planning officials on the hours of delay and associated cost by major jurisdiction type and road level. “Congestion-related costs continue to rise and impact our supply chains. A five minute delay for each UPS vehicle, every day, costs UPS $105 million annually in additional operating costs. ATRI’s report quantifies this drain on the economy which must be addressed through targeted infra-

structure investments,” said Rich McArdle, President of UPS Freight. ATRI is the trucking industry’s 501(c)(3) not-for-profit research organization. It is engaged in critical research relating to freight transportation’s essential role in maintaining a safe, secure and efficient transportation system. To request the full report, visit

Supreme Court denies hearing on ELD lawsuit According to a recent Transport Topics report, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association’s request for a rejection of a federal rule requiring electronic logging devices will not be heard by the Supreme Court, the court announced on June 12. The decision by the court essentially clears the way for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s ELD mandate to take effect at the end of the year. OOIDA had argued the mandate would subject drivers to potential “warrantless, suspicionless” searches and seizures. The group also argued the rule would violate the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment guaranteeing “the right of the people to Continued on page 32


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be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” “An ELD integrates with a vehicle’s engine and uses GPS technology to automatically record the date, the time, the vehicle’s geographic location, the number of engine hours, the number of vehicle miles and identifying information about the driver and the vehicle,” OOIDA said in its petition to the high court for a writ of certiorari. On Oct. 31, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit denied OOIDA’s request for a review. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration said it completed the ELD rule as a way to provide greater compliance with hours-of-service regulations for truck drivers. The rule’s compliance date is Dec. 18.

ATRI seeks motor carrier input on operational costs Alabama Motor Carriers are encouraged to participate in the research effort by The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) to update its annual Operational Costs


of Trucking report. The brief online questionnaire seeks to capture basic cost information from for-hire motor carriers such as driver pay, fuel costs, insurance premiums and lease or purchase payments. Carriers are asked to provide full-year 2016 cost per mile and/or cost per hour data. To participate, visit 2017/05/31/operational-costs-of-truckingsurvey-2017/.

Forbes names AAA Cooper Transportation among nation’s top employers

AAA Cooper Transportation is one of three Alabama-based companies among the best midsize employers in the country, according to Forbes. The family-owned, Dothan-based transportation and logistics company is No. 268 out of 301 on the list for 2017. “It is a great honor to be named to the list of America’s best midsize employers by Forbes,” Scott Bowers, director of Human Development and Risk Management at AAA Cooper Transportation, said in a statement. “This award is a tribute to all of the outstand-

ing staff members of AAA Cooper Transportation. We are delighted to be included with such an impressive group of companies.” Each year, Forbes ranks companies operating in the U.S. that are “best at making their employees feel happy, inspired and well-compensated.” It works with the research firm Statista to form a roster of employers in two categories: large ones with more than 5,000 employees and midsize ones with between 1,000 and 5,000 workers. Statista surveyed 30,000 employees in compiling data for the lists. The survey was conducted anonymously through online panels. The most weighted question was whether employees would recommend their company to others, on a scale of 1 to 10. Employees were asked to rate their employers on factors such as pay, diversity or avenues to advancement. Those results did not affect the overall score, but were a way of gauging what a company was doing right or wrong in gaining employee approval. The University of Alabama at Birmingham was No. 69 on the magazine’s list of the best 500 large employers in the nation. It was the only Alabama-based employer to make the large employer list. Continued on page 34


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Among midsize companies, Austal USA of Mobile was No. 206 and American Cast Iron Pipe of Birmingham was No. 294. According to its website, AAA Cooper Transportation has 4,600 employees. It operates 2,400 tractors and 6,000 trailers. The company has directly operated facilities in the Southeast, Southwest, Midwest and Puerto Rico along with carriers with coverage into Canada, Mexico and across the globe.

DOT formalizes regulatory reform effort David Cullen of Heavy Duty Trucking reported that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Deputy Secretary Jeffrey Rosen will serve as DOT’s Regulatory Reform Officer and chairman of the department’s Regulatory Reform Task Force. The RRTF was formed earlier this year in accordance with President Trump’s Executive Order 13777, which directs each federal agency to establish such a task force to make recommendations to alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens. DOT Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao “directed the RRTF to consider ways to accomplish DOT’s primary safety objectives in less burdensome ways and to further review ‘midnight rules’ that were issued at the end of the last administration.” DOT has provided no details as to which rules might fall under that description or even which subordinate agencies, such as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, might be home to such rules. Cullen noted that while the text of Exec-


Four Star Freightliner names its 2017 Zachary Sizemore Memorial Scholar The recipient of the first Zachary Sizemore Memorial Scholarship has been named. Bryson Stevens, a senior at Providence Christian School in Dothan, Ala. received the $1,000 scholarship in honor of Four Star Freightliner employee Zack Sizemore. Zack, 32, worked in the accounting department at Four Star Freightliner in Dothan. Sadly, he lost his battle against cancer late last year. Four Star FreightBryson Stevens (center) with his parents Stacie and Mark Stevens. liner’s Dealer Principal Jerry Kocan said Zack was such an inspiration because of the way he never gave up in his fight. This scholarship is the company’s way of honoring his memory and paying it forward to the next generation. Bryson works part-time and is involved in several school and community activities, all while maintaining an A-average. “This scholarship will benefit me tremendously not only by helping to pay for some of my books and fees, but also helping to show others that if you apply yourself in high school, it may not pay off at that exact moment but it will eventually come back around to you later in life,” Bryson said. “I am beyond thankful and will put your scholarship to good use and show you how responsible of an individual I am.” Lorri and Stevie Sizemore, Zack’s parents, called Bryson an “awesome” recipient for the scholarship given in their son’s memory. “We are so blessed by this young man,” Lorri said. “Hearing how smart and well-rounded he is reminds us of our son, Zachary. The one thing that stands out to us is that he’s so busy with his life, enjoying every second, filling it with things that matter, not taking life for granted because life is a gift from God. Zachary would certainly approve of this fine young man receiving this scholarship.” When Bryson graduates, he plans to attend Wallace Community College and then transfer to a four-year college to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy. utive Order 13777 indicates the president seeks reforms “regarding offsetting the number and cost of new regulations,” the directive also plainly states that, “Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency…” He added that, “In other words, it would

appear that the work of the Regulatory Reform Task Force is not to be directed at regulations that have been mandated by Act of Congress.” Contacted by HDT about which if any rules might be in line for review by the task force, an FMCSA spokesman declined to comment.

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PO Box 242337 • Montgomery, AL 36124-2337 • Phone: (334)834-3983 • Fax: (334)262-6504

Application For Membership DIVISION Motor Carriers: q Domiciled In Alabama

q All other For-Hire

q Household Movers

q Private Carriers

Allied Industry: q Local and State Suppliers q Nat’l Concerns, small items q Nat’l Concerns, major items

Your Dues Amount: $ __________________ (see schedule on reverse) Firm Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: (PO Box)____________________________________ (Street)__________________________________________________ City__________________________________________ State__________________________


Telephone:__________________________________ Fax______________________________ 800/__________________________ Email address:________________________________________ Website Address:__________________________________________ Type of Business:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Official Representative :__________________________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Alternate Representative:__________________________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Signed:______________________________________ Date:____________ Referred by:____________________________________





Check #__________________

Exp Date__________________



Dues Amt ________________

Nxt Bill Date_______________



Mbr Class________________

AL Sen___________________



Mbr Type _________________

AL Hse___________________



Dues Cat _________________

CG Dist__________________






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Schedule of Membership Dues A. Motor Carriers Domiciled in Alabama 1) Gross Annual Revenue Under and not over 1,000,000 and not over 5,000,000 and not over 10,000,000 and not over 15,000,000

$999,999 4,999,999 9,999,999 14,999,999 19,999,999

Annual Dues $500 600 900 1,200 1,500

2) Gross Annual Revenue and not over 20,000,000 and not over 25,000,000 and not over 30,000,000 and not over 35,000,000 and over 40,000,000

$24,999,999 29,999,999 34,999,999 39,999,999

Annual Dues $1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000

B. All Other For-Hire and Private Carriers Schedule based on miles traveled in Alabama From 0 500,001 1,000,001 2,000,001 3,000,001 4,000,001 5,000,001 6,000,001 7,000,001 8,000,001 9,000,001

To 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000

Annual $200 250 360 510 640 750 870 960 1,040 1,150 1,250

From 10,000,001 11,000,001 12,000,001 13,000,001 14,000,001 15,000,001 16,000,001 17,000,001 18,000,001 19,000,001 20,000,001

To 11,000,000 12,000,000 13,000,000 14,000,000 15,000,000 16,000,000 17,000,000 18,000,000 19,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000

Annual $1,320 1,410 1,495 1,575 1,650 1,720 1,795 1,865 1,950 2,030 2,500

C. Allied Industry – Annual Dues • Local and State Suppliers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

• National Concerns (distributors or manufactuers of accessories, parts and small equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 • National Concerns (distributors or manufacturers of major equipment, integrated product lines, leasing companies and companies marketing statewide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600 D. Household Movers Based on intrastate revenue only - includes tariff participation 1) Gross Annual Revenue Not Over 100,001 and not over 150,001 and not over 200,000 and not over

$100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000

Annual Dues $420 480 540 660

2) Gross Annual Revenue 250,001 and not over 300,001 and not over 400,001 and not over

Annual Dues $780 $300,000 900 400,000 1,200 500,000

Payment Schedule (Dues payable in advance) Below $500...................................................................Annually $500 - $1,200......................................................Semi-Annually

Above $1,200................................................................ Monthly

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT – The amount of dues paid by individual members of the Alabama Trucking Association is confidential information and is not subject to publication. Dues information can only be released by ATA to the principal representative of the member in question, and requests by other persons or parties will not be honored. Members are strongly urged to honor this privacy statement and to not share their confidential dues information with other ATA members or the general public. 36


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2017 ATA Buyer’s Guide We make every effort to ensure this list is correct. For changes or corrections to your company’s listing, contact Jane Nixon at

Alabama Trucking Assn.’s Buyer’s Guide lists those companies that have taken an active role in supporting Alabama’s trucking industry by becoming members of the Association. We ask that each time you plan a purchase that you consult this guide and give ATA members the opportunity to gain your business. These companies proudly support your association and deserve your support, as well. ADVERTISING/PUBLISHING Daniel Signs (205) 229-3115 Randall-Reilly (205) 349-2990

BUS SALES & SERVICE Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Transportation South, Inc. (205) 663-2287 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Rushing Enterprises, Inc. (334) 693-3318 COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICS AllCOMM Wireless (334) 264-4552 J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 Omnitracs, LLC (615) 594-7565 Orbcomm, Inc. (703) 433-7763 PeopleNet (888) 346-3486 Rand McNally (865) 856-0584 SmartDrive Systems (858) 225-5551

DRIVER STAFFING TransForce, Inc. (205) 916-0259 Transportation Support, Inc. (205) 833-6336

EDUCATION & TRAINING J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848 JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 945-8550 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 USA Driver-s, Inc. (205) 661-0712 Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. (903) 792-3866

ENGINE MANUFACTURERS Cummins Sales & Service (901) 488-8033

Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365

Comdata, Inc. 615-376-6917

EQUIPMENT LEASING CB Repair & Trailer Maintenance, Inc. (205) 753-4495

Crestmark Bank 615-620-3509

KLLM/Equipment Solutions LLC (205) 515-1478

Electronic Funds Source, LLC (615) 777-4619

Metro Trailer Rental (205) 985-8701

First Tennessee Bank (615) 734-6046

Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280 Trailer Sales of Tennessee A Fleet Equipment Co. (615) 259-3301 Trico Trailer Leasing & Sales (205) 759-2484

Crum & Forster (334) 313-1619

York Risk Services Group (205) 581-9488

Dozier Insurance Agency LLC (334) 420-3798

MEDICAL/DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES Alabama Specialty Clinic (256) 736-1460

Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc. (901) 274-5424 Great West Casualty Co. (865) 392-3752 Hudgens Insurance, Inc. (334) 289-2695 JH Berry Risk Services, LLC (205) 208-1238

Safety First-Div. of Behavioral Health Systems (205) 443-5450

People’s Capital & Leasing Corp. (205) 856-9354

J.R. Prewitt & Associates, Inc. (205) 397-5118

Workforce QA dba EDPM (205) 326-3100

People’s United Equipment Finance Corp. Liberty Mutual Group (205) 664-9374 (804) 380-5169 www.libertymutual,com PNC Financial Services Group (205) 767-7235

Lyon Fry Cadden Insurance (251) 473-4600

Renasant Bank (334) 301-5955

McGriff, Siebels & Williams, Inc. (205) 252-9871

ServisFirst Bank (205) 949-3433

Joe Morten & Sons, Inc. (865) 392-3844

Southern Truck & Equipment, Inc. (251) 653-4716

Aronov Insurance, Inc. (205) 414-9575

Reliance Partners, LLC (877) 668-1704

Star Truck Parts (205) 324-4681

BancorpSouth Insurance Services (334) 272-1200

Robinson Group LLC d/b/a Robinson Bryant Agency (334) 356-3665

W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

FINANCIAL SERVICES BB & T Commercial Banking (205) 445-2464 BMO Transportation Finance (770) 960-6307

J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848

Johnson-Locklin & Associates (205) 980-8008

Regions Insurance (334) 674-9810

Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365

ErgoScience, Inc. (205) 879-6447

National Bank of Commerce (205) 422-7111

EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Eaton Corp./Roadranger Field Marketing Signature Financial, LLC (423) 290-9986 (334) 398-1410 TAB Bank (404) 202-4870 EQUIPMENT PARTS/ACCESSORIES Dothan Tarpaulin Products, Inc. (800) 844-8277 Trucking Partners, LLC Sales Agency & Factoring (256) 737-8788 Imperial Supplies LLC (920) 496-4334 Trustmark National Bank (205) 995-4604 Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems 334/798-0080 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance (314) 374-2165 Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877 INSURANCE Paccar Parts/Kenworth Aon Risk Solutions (206) 898-5541 (501) 374-9300

Thermo King of B’ham-Dothan-MobileMontgomery (205) 591-2424

Carlisle Medical, Inc. (251) 344-7988

The Baxter Agency (334) 678-5900 BB & T Insurance Services (912) 201-4691 Benton & Parker Insurance Services (770) 536-8340 Caribou Insurance Agency, Inc. (205) 822-7577 Cottingham and Butler (563) 587-5521

NON-PETROLEUM FUEL PRODUCTS GAIN Clean Fuel – Div. of US Oil (804) 291-7892 Pivotal LNG (404) 783-3550 Spire Natural Gas Fueling Solutions (314) 499-5682

PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Davison Fuels & Oil (251) 544-4511

S. S. Nesbitt (205) 262-2620

Jack Green Oil Co., Inc. (256) 831-1038

One Beacon (609) 613-0010

Kimbro Oil Company (615) 320-7484

Palomar Insurance Corp. (334) 270-0105

Major Oil Company, Inc. (334) 263-9070

Protective Insurance Co/Baldwin & Lyons, Inc. (317) 452-7413

The McPherson Companies, Inc. (888) 802-7500

Regions Insurance, Inc. (501) 661-4880

Stephens Insurance LLC (601) 605-5681 Trans Con Assurance, LTD (205) 978-7070 TransRisk, LLC (334) 403-4114 Transure Services, Inc. (336) 584-9494 Turner & Hamrick L.L.C. (334) 566-7665

W.H. Thomas Oil Co., Inc. (205) 755-2610 Waring Oil Company (251) 433-8000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting Firms: Aldridge, Borden & Co. (334) 834-6640 Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP (317) 580-2068 Warren Averett (256) 739-0312

Attorneys: Adams and Reese LLP (205) 250-5091 Austill, Lewis & Pipkin, P.C. (205) 870-3767 Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C. (205) 328-0480

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(Current as of 06/12/2017) Ball, Ball, Matthews & Novak, P.A. 334-387-7680

J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. (920) 722-2848

Birmingham Frame & Alignment, LLC (205) 322-4844

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Neely Coble Co. (256) 350-1630

Burr-Forman LLP (205) 458-5393

JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC (205) 329-8182 (205) 329-8183

Carrier Transicold South (404) 968-3130

Equipment Logistics, Inc. (256) 739-9280

Nextran Truck Corporation (205) 841-4450

Carr, Allison, Pugh, Howard, Oliver & Sisson, P.C. (251) 626-9340 DeLashmet & Marchand, P.C. (251) 433-1577 Dodson Gregory, LLP (205) 834-9170

Lytx DriveCam, Inc. (858) 430-4000 Max Coating, Inc. (205) 849-2739 McLeod Software (205) 823-5100

Ferguson, Frost, Moore & Young LLP (205) 879-8722

Motor Carrier Safety Consulting (205) 871-4455

Fisher & Phillips, LLP (404) 231-1400

North American Commercial Vehicle Show (416) 459-2365

Friedman, Dazzio, Zulanas & Bowling, P.C. (205) 278-7000

Porter Billing Services LLC (205) 322-5442

Hand Arendall LLC (251) 432-5511

Power South Energy Cooperative (334) 427-3207

Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black, P.C. (334) 834-7600

ProBilling & Funding Service (256) 736-4349

James M. Sizemore, Jr. (256) 409-1985 McDowell Knight Roedder & Sledge, LLC (251) 432-5300 Porterfield, Harper, Mills, Motlow, Ireland PA (205) 980-5000 Speegle, Hoffman, Holman & Holifield, LLC (251) 694-1700 Starnes Davis Florie LLP (205) 868-6000 Webster, Henry, Lyons, White, Bradwell & Black, P.C. (334) 264-9472

Other Services: ACTS/Anytime Consulting Transportation Service (334) 405-4971 Agile Distribution, LLC (334) 220-2621 Allstate Beverage (251) 476-9600 Ext. 1231 AngelTrax (334) 692-4600 Delta Distributors, LLC (334) 222-3671 Drivewyze (780) 461-3355 George L. Edwards & Associates (334) 745-5166 HELP, Inc. Provider of PrePass (931) 520-7170

Spectrum Environmental Services, Inc. (205) 664-2000 Spire Natural Gas Fueling Solutions (314) 499-5682 Swift Supply, Inc. (251) 929-9399 Inc. (615) 942-6219 Team One Logistics (205) 232-9902 TMW Systems, Inc. (440) 721-2260 Transportation and Logistical Services, Inc (205) 226-5500 Transportation Billing Solutions, LLC (205) 788-4000 Transportation Compliance Services, USA (228) 872-7160 Transportation Safety Services (251) 661-9700 Trico Trailer Leasing (205) 242-6908 Trucking Partners, LLC Sales Agency & Factoring (256) 737-8788

Real Estate: Mary Lou’s Team RE/MAX, Inc. (205) 566-5911 Repairs: Big Moe Spring & Alignment of B’ham, Inc. (205) 780-0290

Childersburg Truck Service, Inc. (256) 378-3101 Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

Fleetco, Inc. (615) 256-0600 Fontaine Fifth Wheel NA (205) 421-4300

Performance Peterbilt of West Florida (850) 352-9901 Peterbilt Motors Company (770) 330-7014

Eufaula Trucking Co., Inc. (334) 687-0391

Great Dane Trailers (205) 324-3491

Lazzari Truck Repair, Inc. (251) 626-5121

Gulf City Body & Trailer Works, Inc. (251) 438-5521

Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc. (205) 323-2877

Gulf Coast Truck & Equipment Co. (251) 476-2744

Rowe Management Corp. (205) 486-9235

R C Trailer Sales & Service Co., Inc. (205) 680-0924

Southern Truck Center, Inc. (205) 226-0880

Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226

Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280

Star Leasing Co. (205) 763-1280

Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365

Trailer Sales of Tennessee A Fleet Equipment Co. (615) 259-3301

Truckworx Kenworth – Montgomery (334) 263-3101

Transport Trailer Center (334) 299-3573

Truckworx Kenworth – Mobile (251) 957-4000

Utility Trailer Sales of Alabama LLC (334) 794-7345

Truckworx Kenworth – Huntsville (256) 308-0162

Vanguard National Trailer Corp. (219) 253-2000

Truckworx Kenworth – Thomasville (334) 636-4380

W.W. Williams (205) 252-9025 (334) 279-6083

TIRE DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS Best One Tire & Service (615) 207-9079 Bridgestone Commercial Solutions (334) 791-0045 Butler Industrial Tire Center, Inc. (334) 376-0178 Columbus Tire Co., Inc. (706) 321-8133 Continental Tire North America (850) 420-6354 GCR Tire Centers (407) 466-5907 McGriff Tire Co. (256) 739-0710 McGriff Treading Co., Inc. (256) 734-4298 Michelin North America (256) 483-2291 Wilks Tire & Battery Service, Inc. (256) 878-0211 Yokohama Tire Corp. (317) 385-2611

Rush Truck Center-Mobile (251) 459-7300 Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613 Thompson/Caterpillar (205) 849-4365 Truckworx Kenworth - Birmingham (205) 326-6170 Truckworx Kenworth – Dothan (334) 712-4900

TRUCK DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS Volvo Trucks North America (336) 210-3075 Action Truck Center (334) 794-8505 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616 Birmingham Freightliner (205) 322-6695 TRUCK & EQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS Capital Volvo Truck & Trailer Insurance Auto Auction, Inc. (334) 262-8856 (478) 319-8574 Coffman International Trucks (334) 794-4111

Taylor & Martin, Inc. (662) 262-4613

Daimler Trucks NA LLC (803) 207-4099

TRUCKSTOPS Love’s Travel Stops, Inc. (405) 202-4451

Empire Truck Sales, LLC (601) 939-1000

Oasis Travel Center, LLC (251) 960-1148

Fitzgerald Peterbilt (205) 379-8300

Pilot Flying J Centers (865) 207-3219

Four Star Freightliner (334) 263-1085 (Montgomery)

TravelCenters of America/Petro Shopping Centers (678) 591-4675

Long Lewis Western Star (205) 428-6241

TRAILER DEALERS/ MANUFACTURERS C & C Trailers, Inc. (334) 897-2202

Mack Trucks, Inc. (678) 201-4770

Dorsey Trailer Company (334) 897-2525

Navistar (813) 382-3113

VEHICLE LEASING Southland International Trucks, Inc. (205) 942-6226 Ward International Trucks, LLC (251) 433-5616

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New Members (as of 6-14-2017) Bambarger Wrecker Service, Inc. Tuscaloosa, Ala. 205-758-6598 Heath Bambarger Christopher’s Moving Red Bay, Ala. Chris Kounelis F & T Transportation, LLC Sylacauga, Ala. Melvin S Flenord Insurance Auto Auction, Inc. Macon, Ga. 478-319-8574 Jay D Burgess

JTA Trucking, LLC/Tri State Lawncare Eufaula, Ala. 334-695-0135 Tyler King National Bank of Commerce Birmingham, Ala. 205-422-7111 Gary Bond ProBilling & Funding Service Decatur, Ala. 256-736-4349 Jeff Kirkland Scott Robertson LLC Hamilton, Ala. 205-495-2769 Scott Robertson

Signature Financial, LLC Signal Mountain, Tenn. 423-290-9986 Billy Hudson

Tractor and Equipment Co. Birmingham, Ala. 205-591-2131 Andrew Allred

Southern Sweepers & Scrubbers Birmingham, Ala. 205-560-0422 Chad Will

Trustmark National Bank Birmingham, Ala. 205-995-4604 Jake Rogers

Swift Supply, Inc. Daphne, Ala. 251-929-9399 Ida R Hicks

Wade Transport, Inc. Collins, Miss. 601-765-0116 Bryan Wade

Team One Logistics Alpharetta, Ga. 770-232-9902 Patsy White

Waring Oil Co. Mobile, Ala. 251-433-8000 Steve Rials


Alabama Trucker (AT), the official publication of the Alabama Trucking Association (ATA), is an award-winning trade publication highlighting the Association's activities while documenting the business environment of the day. AT is published quarterly and distributed to more than 2,500 trucking executives, regulatory officials, and political figures. Want to reach decision makers at more than 1,500 Alabama-based trucking firms? Consider this: Advertising in AT reaches the most concentrated readership of trucking professionals in the state. Our rates are affordable, but on top of that, your helping ATA send positive messages about one of the state's largest employers.

Contact Ford Boswell at or 877-277-TRUK (8785) For More Information 40






Agile Distribution


(334) 220-2621



(334) 834-7911

The Baxter Agency


(800) 873-8494

Borg Warner


(800) 927-7811

Carrier Transicold


(205) 328-7278

R.E. Garrison


(800) 643-3472

Great West Casualty


(800) 228-8053



(866) 427-8219

International Trucks


(800) 844-4102

J.J. Keller


(888) 473-4638 ext. 7892

Johnson Locklin


(251) 947-3015

Nextran Truck Center


(800) 292-8685

Palomar Insurance


(800) 489-0105

Pivotal LNG


(713) 300-5116

Regions Insurance


(800) 807-1412

Southland Trailer Div.


(888) 844-1821


(205) 849-4288

Truckworx Kenworth


(800) 444-6170

Turner & Hamrick


(888) 385-0186


(205) 755-2610

Thompson Cat

WH Thomas Oil Co.



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