Lída Holá – Pavla Bořilová: Čeština expres 4 (A2/2) – ANGLICKÁ

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CZECH EXPRESS 4 http://www.policie.cz/clanek/informace-pro-pobyt-cizincu.aspx. You use the services of the foreign police to report your place of residence in the Czech Republic after your arrival, to extend the time period of a shortterm visa, to issue a certificate of short-term residency etc. Městské úřady (magistráty) nebo obecní úřady City halls (magistrates) or town halls https://www.statnisprava.cz/rstsp/ciselniky.nsf/i/d0055. Go to the city or town hall if you need to have a driver’s license issued or changed, to apply for a passport or personal identification card, to apply for a marriage certificate, to report the birth of a child etc. Živnostenské úřady (odbory) Trade Licensing Offices (Trade licensing departments) https://www.statnisprava.cz/rstsp/ciselniky.nsf/i/d0056. The Trade Licensing Office or Department is part of the city or town hall. There you can get živnostenské oprávnění trade license i.e. confirmation that you can independently run a business in the Czech Republic. When you report your trade you must, among other things, complete a jednotný registrační formulář Uniform Registration Form (https://www.mpo.cz/cz/podnikani/zivnostenske-podnikani/crm-jednotny-registracni-formular/jednotny-registracni-formular--159758/). Finanční úřady Tax Offices http://www.financnisprava.cz/cs/financni-sprava/organy-financni-spravy/financni-urady. If you run a business in the Czech Republic you also must register with the Tax Office. All taxes (daně) are paid there, e.g. income tax, real property tax, Value Added Tax (DPH VAT). Úřady práce Labour Offices https://www.uradprace.cz/ At the Labour Office you can arrange for state social security benefits (e.g. child allowance, housing allowance, parental allowance), unemployment support, benefits for people with disabilities, assistance for those in material need etc. Zdravotní pojišťovny Health Insurance Offices http://www.pojistovny.com/zdravotni-pojistovny/ Every person who lives in the Czech Republic is obligated to pay zdravotní pojištění health insurance. The right to participate in the public health system is available to Czech citizens and also to EU citizens, foreigners employed by a company with a registered office in the Czech Republic, foreigners with permanent residence in the Czech Republic, asylum applicants, foreigners receiving temporary protection and persons born to foreigners who have permanent residence status. Everyone else must use commercial health insurance.

QQ 9.9 Traditions, customs and conventions Apologies In the Czech Republic keeping a set time for a meeting is the norm. If you cannot make an arranged meeting or if you are going to be 10 to 15 minutes late, then it is expected that you will make an apology (for formal meetings we make apologies for even a shorter delay). Depending on the situation, the following apologies are appropriate: Promiňte, že jdu pozdě. Sorry I’m late. Promiňte, přijdu asi o 10 minut později. Excuse me, I’ll arrive about 10 minutes late. Promiňte, jsem na cestě, mám zpoždění asi 10 minut. Excuse me, I’m on my way. I’ll be about 10 minutes late. Omlouvám se, ale nestihnu přijít včas. I’m sorry, but I won’t make it on time. Moc se omlouvám, ale dneska nemůžu přijít. I’m very sorry, but I can’t come today. The most common reasons for apologizing: Zaspal/a jsem. I overslept. Ujel mi autobus. I missed my bus. Stojím v koloně./Je tady zácpa./coll. Je to tady zacpaný. I am stuck in traffic./There’s heavy traffic./I am in a traffic jam.


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