Gymnastics Meet

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Gymnastics Meet

by Madison

Gymnastics Meet By Madison Knights Press Co. Schuster, Morris and Trutschmann Copyright 2013

Dedicated to my Gymnastics coaches and friends and family

I watched my team mates soar through the air, their legs pushing them into a perfect handstand on vault. It was my turn my heart thumped I ran my feet pounded on the floor, I jumped “Boing” it sounded like lightning, my hair and body went upside down as I balanced on my hands. I walked back to my team and plopped down on the bench. My score went up “almost a perfect score” I whispered to myself. Today was the biggest meet of the year, the championship meet for my age. “Since everyone is done the awards will be in five minutes” someone reassured us. I Walking with my best friend Addi “Do you think we are going to win anything?” I asked Addi.

“We might” she responded. She handed her score card to her Mom. “What if I don’t win anything” I asked myself, now I was really worried. “Let’s go look at the awards” I said to Addi to get my mind off of it. “I want this one” I pointed to the shining glass first place trophy for first place overall with the highest score. Just then my other friend Frida cart wheeled up to us. “It’s almost time” she said happily. I ran to get some water it was as cold as ice but my hands felt hot and sweaty. “It’s time” my Mom said quickly. I ran inside. I sat with my team.

“First” someone said “will be the awards for vault” my heart jumped “3rd is Frida, 2nd is… just then I heard my name “Madison” my heart my jumping for joy! I put one foot down after another quickly to get a beautiful second place medal “and 1st is Sopia!” ISB my team clapped I skipped back to my seat. “Next is bar” someone said “3rd is Frida, 2nd is Madison and 1st is Sopia” ISB clapped like crazy. I sat with my team as my medals clinked. “Great job Madison” she looked disappointed she had not won. “Madison” I heard my name again, I nearly ran up for floor awards a beautiful silver again! “Next is beam” “I didn’t do so well on this” I thought

quietly. “It’s now time for the overalls 3rd is Frida I clapped as loud as I could I was so excited for her. “2nd is Madison” I felt like I was walking on clouds. I took the beautiful second place trophy, it shine in the light, BISAC the letters spelled. “The biggest tournament of the year and I had won” I thought happily. “And first is Sopia!” I smiled all my hard work is paying off. “It’s now time for team awards… first is ISB” everyone clapped for us I was so proud! “Clink, clink” my medals said to me, they sounded like bells ring as loud and happy as they could. I ran over to my Mom and Dad, my arms flew around. I looked around the other teams were leaving some were happy others trying

to hide all their feelings. “Clink, clink” my medals whispered to me, “Great job” it sounded like they said “great job.”

About the Author Madison lives in Vienna, but is from America and Canada and has been writing books since Kindergarten, she loves doing gymnastics. She has a brother and two sisters. This is her first e book ever.

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