AILC Annual Report 2015-16

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Performance = Reward A

graduate of both of the AILC’s accredited Indigenous Leadership courses, Gordon has seen his perspective on leadership change vastly over the last year. A proud Noongar man, Gordon has been highly successful in his business endeavours, heading two of his own businesses in G Cole Consulting and Cole Workwear (both based in Western Australia). Both businesses are Supply Nation certified, with Cole Workwear recently being named in the “Supplier to Supplier Partnership of the Year’ award alongside Pacific Services Group Holdings at the Connect 2016 Supplier Diversity Awards. In years prior, Gordon was a Director and the Chief Operating Officer at Kooya Enterprises as well as the Program Manager for the implementation of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement for the Western Australian Department of the Attorney General. Gordon decided to take the Certificate II in Indigenous Leadership course in late 2015 in an effort to re-engage with his personal and professional development. After successfully completing the course, Gordon then

went on to complete his Certificate IV in Indigenous Leadership in the first half of 2016.

standing, particularly now having done some self-analysis of my own leadership style,” Gordon says.

“I am involved in business, native title, community organisations and have an interest in leadership, coaching, mentoring and governance,” Gordon says.

“I can see where in the various styles that I fit in with what I do and how I conduct my leadership, and am learning to understand the theoretical side of leadership.”

“I participated in the Certificate II and now the Certificate IV with the AILC to enhance and build on my leadership journey and to reaffirm that I am doing things correctly.”

One of the biggest things Gordon was able to take away was affirmation that he was conducting himself correctly in leading his businesses.

“I wanted to learn more about leadership, particularly around the different styles and aspects of leadership from a theoretical framework point of view and gain an understanding of how I can apply it in my professional and personal life.”

“I think I am on the right track and the courses have reaffirmed that,” Gordon says.

Gordon says the courses changed his perspective on leadership and have given him a greater depth of understanding around what it means to be a leader.

“I see it as a two-way learning process.”

“My perspective has changed and broadened in the sense of under-

“It has given me new skills, tools and knowledge and I imagine others will benefit from that due to me being more aware and understanding of my own leadership and supporting, mentoring and guiding others in their leadership as well.”

AILC courses give students the chance to meet people of a wide range of backgrounds and ages from all over Australia. One of the highlights for Gordon in the Certificate IV

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