Australian International Islamic College

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Founder’s Message Bismillahir-Rahmaanir Raheem In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Alhamdu Lillahi Rabil Aallameen Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds Dear Parents, teachers, staff members, students and friends. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you)

I would like to congratulate all Australian International Islamic College families for the successful completion of the 2016 academic year, a year full of events, activities, ceremonies and development. May Allah accept and bless all our efforts. During this year’s school FETE on 28 August 2016, I welcomed, met and greeted the dignitaries, officials, politicians, parents and students. Among the people I met was a group of young people who came to me and greeted me and said, “Do you remember us Imam?” “Yes, I do, some of you were AIICs students.” I remembered these students because they were the first batch of Rohingyan Refugee students of 2009 and 2010. These were the students who came to AIIC with NIL English and had never been exposed to any school system. I asked them what they were doing now. One of them said he was doing medicine; another is doing law, while another one said biomedical. The forth one told me he was doing engineering. I felt great and proud. What a wonderful feeling. It is rightly said that to educate a child the whole village is to be involved, the whole community to be concerned for academic advancement and personal achievement. The student must have the desire to learn. The teachers and educators must help them to learn, prepare them and motivate them to learn. It is equally important that the parents and the community must come together and provide them the educational environment, support and resources to help assist them both with the students and educators. We would like to see our students to be focused on acquiring key academic skills, the capacity to contribute to their community, well-grounded knowledge and an understanding of Islamic values and discipline. We would also like to see our students develop an understanding of middle path and appreciate the inclusive approach to promoting peace and harmony within the Australian multicultural context and to serve the human society as a whole. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our honourable Principal, learned teachers, honoured Imams, administration and secretariat, supportive staff members, bus drivers and volunteers. My special thanks go to the P & C and all parents for entrusting their children to our care during the 2016 academic year. I look forward to welcoming you all back for the 2017 academic year. Insha Allah. Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Imam Abdul Quddoos Azhari Founder of Australian International Islamic College, Brisbane Muslim School, Darul Ullom Islamic Academy of Brisbane, Gold Coast Islamic College, Al Qalam Educational Trust Chennai Justice of Peace for Australian Government Authorised Marriage Celebrant by Australian Government M.A. (History, Culture and Civilization) Al Azhar Cairo Grad Dip Education – Darwin, Australia ESL Massey University - New Zealand Australian Medal by Queen Elizabeth UK & Prime Minister of Australia

Australian International Islamic College - 2016 Yearbook

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