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MC CEEDER IGET Application Package


Dear AIESECer, Opening this application package is your first step into all this process! Congratulations! This can be the most challenging and thrilling experience that you can face in the next months! Why? There are some reasons for it: the dimension of networking at the South African market the diversity of cultures and country dimension, and the opportunity to be in one of the biggest cities in the world: Johannesburg! The experience doesn't promise you to be easy and relaxed, but full of commitment, willingness and striving for excellence to drive you for the results aimed and desired to the entity! Hope you go further through this process so that we can receive you and work together in South Africa soon. AIESECly yours, MC Team of AIESEC in South Africa



- Sales for the corporate market of South Africa

#partnerships raised

-To raise/establish 12-15 new opportunities/partnerships


- Ensure new partnerships for the growth of the programs of AIESECÂ in South Africa.


- Product Development and packaging


- Constantly revision of pricing and ROI in synergy with Finances.

%contribution for national budget

-International Cooperation and co-delivery strategy


-Account Management of the future national TN Takers incoordination.

#saes meetings

-CRM and iGET auditing.

Note: To be track/adressed on weekly basis



VP experience

Understanding of South African Market

Sales Skills

Partnerships for National Level

Partners Management Skills

External Representation through the Entity

Understanding of Global Timeline

Sales with Big and SMEs in the country

Strong Understanding of all AIESEC programs

Management of national processes

Problem solving skills Emotional Intelligence ICX experience 40 hours a week

MC CONDITIONS 1. Living Conditions. - The CEEDer will be based at the MC Residence & Office (30 Forbes Rd, Randburg, Gauteng). - The CEEDer will have a room sharing with sleeping area allocated to them. - The CEEDer will have meals (Lunch and dinner) with the MC team that are provided on the MC Budget. -The MC will have access to house facilities to enable them to co-habit with the MC Team. 2. Working Conditions. - The CEEDer will have a working space in the MC office area of the house (30 Forbes Rd, Randburg). - Office hours start at 09:30 and last 8 hours. - The CEEDer will have access to all Office facilities such as printing, telephone and internet. - All transport expenditure within SA for the purpose of Partnership creation & Management will be included in the MC budget. 3. Payment Conditions. - The CEEDer will get flight reimbursement on a Return ticket to their Departure country of up to R6800 (USD 580). - VISA costs incurred by the CEEDer will be re-imbursed up to R1000 (USD 80). - All transport costs within SA for the purpose of partnerships creation and management will be reimbursed subject to approval of tickets provided to VP F. - The intern will get enumerated up to R2400 a month based on their performance in that time frame. Not meeting 100% of monthly goal means getting less remunerated.

Process APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Your application should include the following documents: - PDF with General and Specific Questionnaire in max of 10 pages - 1 endorsement letter from your entity MC - 1 video (max lenght 4 min) where you present yourself and main strategies/goals for the position [public link on pdf ] - Blank paper challenge (despict how AIESEC can tap into the African Business hub (SA) ) - Personality test (https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test ) [results on pdf]

REQUIREMENTS 2nd March: Application Launch 18th March: Deadline at 23.59 19,20,21 March: interviews 22nd March: Announcement 8th April: Physical start date 30th June: End date

Questionnaires GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Who are you and what is your main motivation for this position and to work with MC team of AIESEC in South Africa? 2. What are your 3 main core values? What are your 3 main strenghts and weaknesses? How do you expect to overcome your weaknesses with your strenghts for your experience in South Africa? 3. What was your main challenge in life and how did you manage to solve it/undertake it? 4. What are your main motivations and goals in life and how your path is connected till now?

SPECIFICÂ QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Depict a SWOT Analysis of iGET of AIESEC in South Africa and describe 3 action steps in order to improve it. 2. What current market trends are shaping South African market and can turn into an advantage for AIESEC in SA? 3. What should be the main focus for iGET? What key strategies do you belive need to be ensured in order to make it grow? 4. Build a goal plan with 3 strategies and 3 action steps to grow disruptively the current state of the portfolio in the short (your term) and the long-run.

VISA - The intern will be required to obtain the INTRA-COMPANY TRANSFER WORK VISA. (which means that they are transferring from their AIESEC Entity to the SA entity for a defined time. - Upon selection the CEEDer will be required to collect all the relevant documents and submit them to his/her Embassy within 7 days of selection or we will annul the selection. (CEEDer) will have to send the VISA application receipt to the election manager. - The CEEDer should be able to obtain the following documents that the MC SA will send templates for. They include: 1. Letter from MC of their country acknowledge Intra-company Transfer 2. Correct filled INTRA COMPANY TRANSFER VISA application package, 3. Medical certificates.Â

Check list KEEP IN MIND! 1. Save all the documents in a pdf and then merge into a rar/zip file with the file name "Name_Surname_MCCeederSA1718" 2.- Send the application to migueluis.oliveira@aiesec.net and southafrica@aiesec.net 3.- Deadline of application is 18th March 23.59 GMT+2 4.- Check all condition offered 5.- Your position as official start in South Africa on the 8th April 6.- Talk with as many people you need to build your application Enjoy the process!

CONTACTS Fabiola Venegas MCP- fabiola.venegas@aiesec.net

Frederik Kibogoya MCVP oGET/Fin - frederick.kibogoya1@aiesec.net

Miguel Luis Oliveira MCVP ICX- migueluis.oliveira@aiesec.net +27 61 057 5003

Thank you, and good luck!

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