October Update

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November 2013 Issue 8

What’s up Intro: Newsletter Relaunch! Friendly Reminders Canada Youth to Business Forum Coastal Train the Trainers (TtT) Portfolio Party CR Finance MarComm OGX TM Event Updates James’ EuroCo Experience Sarah’s WRC Experience Sushi Dinner Deloitte Impact Day

Newsletter Relaunch! Hello everyone, MarComm is bringing back the monthly newsletter for our LC, the purpose of the newsletter is to keep everyone informed about the different portfolios, recognize some of the outstanding people that really stood out, and showcase some of the projects that we plan implement.

Friendly Reminders

Canada Youth to Business Forum

Please take just 15 minutes of your day to fill out a survey and have your voice heard in the battle against youth unemployment. The current youth unemployment rate is at a staggering high of 14.7 percent which is an unfortunate 7.3 percent higher than the country’s average unemployment rate. What is more discouraging is that as the youth unemployment rate is rising, Canada’s standing on the Global Competitiveness Index is falling. Youth and businesses need to mutually engage and work together in order to develop a viable solution. Businesses need to understand how to ignite the spark of creativity in youth, and youth need to develop experiences that will blossom them into the thoughtful leaders organizations seek. AIESEC is the bridge that closes the gap between youth and businesses. As the world’s largest student run organization, AIESEC allows youth to develop professional skills that make them compelling and competitive anywhere in the world. As an AIESECer, we need you to represent not only the organization, but the Canadian youth. Participate as a Canadian Youth Voice and have your say in what is important for youth today. (And invite your friends to do the same!)

The survey can be found in this blog: http://blog.aiesec.ca/blog/youth-unemployment-resolution-beginswith-your-voice

Coastal Train the Trainers (TtT) The Coastal Train the Trainers (TtT) Fall Seminar is coming up next month! TtT is a 3day conference where members from all around Canada participate in a training seminar to become facilitators for future conferences. The goal of TtT is to improve the quality of training delivery across Canada. This opportunity is highly beneficial for your pipelines and for anyone that would like to develop training and facilitation skills. General Info Dates: November 22nd - 24th Location: UBC (Point Grey campus) Delegate fee: $6 Application Info Application deadline: November 8th, 11:59 PM PST Application link: http://bit.ly/CoastalTtT Coastal Trainers: Amanda Hung - amanda.hung@aiesec.net Jammay Louie - jammay.louie@aiesec.net Jennifer Liu - jennifern.liu@aiesec.net

Portfolio Party CR Currently we are hard at work on bringing in the interns and building company relations.

Finance We are busy with funding proposals from the Faculty of Arts and Coca-Cola and three on the run (OTR) submissions. We’re also working hard on planning the year end banquet with TM. Nonetheless, we still have tons of energy left to look for opportunities to partner with industries in Canada for sponsorships and traineeship nominees (TN).

MarComm We’ve been working on November’s KED Talks and I would like to recognize Nishat for his hard work in putting together the Social Media topics and stepping out of his comfort zone to contact various speakers and people. Please come join us from 12 am to 3 pm this November 21th at the Surrey campus to support this enlightening event!

What is KED talks? KED Talks aims to educate the community about personal and professional development through various topics. KED TALKS has a simple message: learning outside the classroom context. As university students, sometimes all we give our attention is to our “university education” and forget the real meaning of education. Education in itself is a transformative experience that affects the way we perceive our world and our role in it. Only it’s most narrow and technical sense, education becomes instructive and deliberate i.e schooling. Through KED TALKS we want to give students an opportunity to focus on skills needed in real life. Our workshops and amazing speakers will provide students a venue where they will learn how to support themselves after they graduate. Come learn something new about yourself, how to maximize opportunity, and connect with industry experts at KED TALKS.

OGX As of October 9th, the OGX team has successfully realized the goal of one of our exchange participants, Shri Goundar; who is now participating on a joint marketing and eco-tourism internship in Brazil, Araraquara. The project itself focuses on studying the local economy of Brazil, and by doing so, create a marketing campaign to better promote tourism. Even more exciting news; the OGX team has also lined up two more exchange participants for next summer. Jennifer Hoff, an exchange participant who joined us only a few months ago, is planning on an Educational Internship in the Asian Pacific region. Our second exchange participant; Alan Law, is a fellow member of the AIESEC KPU team and is heading towards starting on his internship next summer. Seize the moment; Take the Leap!

TM Right now we are mainly working on the GA and the Banquet. For the banquet we are planning on sending out a survey later which with have different options for food so we can figure out what the majority of people want to eat. We are also focusing on the individual portfolios in the banquet, one of the things we plan to do is powerpoint presentations and updated photos for each of the portfolios.

Event Updates James’ EuroCo Experience I just returned from a week long conference European Congress, or EuroCo for short. This is a LCP exclusive conference meant to empower LCPs from across the network to make changes in their LC and lead them to success. All the facilitators are either part of AIESEC International or they lead their AIESEC country as President. The focus of this conference was about breaking through our limits and grow like never before, it was arranged in a way that explained our limits and then gave us sessions on how we can break through these limits. The second part was about how we can grow more than ever before, and reaching the next level. I am really excited about coming back because there are so many things to share that will help us develop more global leaders than ever before. I look forward to seeing everyone there and having more conversations.

Me and the President of AIESEC International Rolf Schmachtenberg

Sarahs’ WRC Experience When I first left for WRC, I didn’t know much about AIESEC. At the time, I had only attended one MarComm meeting and one GA. So saying that I didn’t know what I was getting into might have been a bit of an understatement. When leaving for WRC, I tried not to set too many expectations for what I would experience; the only expectation I had was that it might be similar to our GA. However, what I experienced at WRC was both the same as our GA and completely different. What I found that WRC did was not just try to grow us as AIESECers, but also help us to challenge ourselves to become better and get out of our comfort zones. One of the really amazing things about WRC is the network of people. There was a huge range of AIESECers from experienced LC’s to people who just joined AIESEC a couple weeks prior. Even with the diversity of people, there was a strong positive energy that became a true support system for everyone there. What I gained from WRC wasn’t just learning a lot about AIESEC, it was really growing and getting out of my comfort zone to make myself into a stronger AIESECer.

Sushi Dinner

On October 5, we had sushi at Tanpopo Japanese Restaurant to celebrate James’ continuation as LCP and to welcome some new members. It was difficult keep ourselves from discussing AIESEC at the table, but it was a blast!

Deloitte Impact Day AIESEC SFU hosted a Deloitte Impact Day at their Burnaby campus on October 4. Angelie, one of our AIESECers, notes: “It was definitely a useful experience. Now I know how to network, listen, and even maintain my contacts. I think everyone should attend a session when they get a chance.” And that, AIESEC KPU, is what’s up!

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