Keeping On May 2022

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Celebrating Matariki, Page 11

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MAY 2022


A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE How the time flies by so quickly. Here we are nearly halfway through the year. We need to be prepared for winter and protect ourselves from the ills that come with the colder weather. Make sure you get your winter flu vaccination, keep warm and well hydrated with nourishing drinks and soups. The winter warmth payments start with the first National Super payment in May and continue until October. The COVID virus is everywhere so make sure that you keep safe. Wear a mask where necessary, wash you hands and use the sterilising gel whenever you see it. If you do get sick, stay at home and isolate from other family members. If you need help while you are unwell call on the staff at Age Concern Canterbury, they are there to help in any way you need. On a more cheerful note we do have some more freedom in the orange traffic light scale.

I hope you have had some time to walk in our lovely city when the weather was fine and warm. But there is no need to stop now. Just wrap up warmly and enjoy the gardens in your neighbourhood or further afield. If you walk around the Heathcote River from The Princess Margaret Hospital you can hear bellbirds. The walk from Ferrymead to Sumner is invigorating and you can reward yourself by having a coffee or lunch when you get there and catch the bus back to your car. Or walk along the beach at Brighton. Take a picnic afternoon tea with a friend to a park near you and just sit for a while. Here are a few places to start with, Millbrook Reserve, on Helmores Lane, Merivale Reserve, a bit more difficult to find, goes between Rugby Street and Office Road. Kaiapoi Rose garden by the river in Kaiapoi. Look at the white crosses for ANZAC day by the river In Kaiapoi opposite Blackwells. I will have more places for you to explore next time. Take care and look after yourselves, families and any lonely neighbours. Trish Adams President


Page 3, Kate Fraser, renowned journalist and writer

Page 14, Epilepsy in the older person

Hello, and thank you for picking up our latest copy of Keeping On. We have been putting together the publication for over 50 years and I am very proud of the quality and content that the team compile every 3 months – I know for them it comes around quickly. We are always looking for ideas for articles so if you have any please get in touch. COVID is still a dominant force in all of our lives. It has affected our staff, volunteers and the older community we support. All the staff and volunteers are vaccinated, and we encourage everyone to get their booster - it’s the best way to protect yourself from a severe illness if you contract COVID. Age Concern Canterbury’s vision is to have a society where older people are connected, celebrated, respected and valued. Whilst this is a reality for many older people there is still work to be done. I think the best thing we can all do is keep in touch with the older people in our lives – particularly at this time when we know people are feeling more isolated from their communities. You will find our ‘Year in Review’ document in the centre pages of this Keeping On edition. It highlights well, the work we have been doing across the organisation, and some of the outcomes we have achieved for

older people. Steady As You Go (SAYGo) is an amazing falls prevention class that we are now running at 40+ locations across Christchurch and North Canterbury. Strength and balance are the key to falls prevention and the peer led classes are proven to reduce falls, and they are also a great way to stay socially connected. If you have had a fall or feel concerned that you might – join a class near you. A new and exciting service we are offering is the Ministry of Social Development funded Community Connector Service. Read more about the service further in the magazine. We have 3 amazing Connectors on board – get in touch if you need their support. Age Concern Canterbury recommends never engaging with any person or company who cold calls, just turning up and knocking on your door. Never let them in and ask them to leave. If you need a tradesperson, handyman, gardener or cleaner give us a call at Age Concern Canterbury and we will put you in touch with someone who you can rely on. This includes heat pump cleaners! To finish on another health note - if you haven’t had your influenza (Flu) vaccination - it is not too late. Protect yourself, your friends and family and get vaccinated today at your GP or at some pharmacies. It is FREE for over 65’s. Ngā mihi nui Simon Templeton Chief Executive


Page 7, Rose Kerr, happy to be where she is now

Page 16, It’s time to retire the word “retire”

Page 8, New Zealand Memories

Pages 17 to 20, A Year in Review Page 26, Some tips to combat rising costs Page 31, Meet Age Concern Canterbury’s Page 25, You’ve got Community a friend in me Connectors

Keeping On is distributed by Age Concern Canterbury to Christchurch Malls, Senior Citizen Clubs and Groups, Libraries, Medical Centres, Rest Homes, Hospitals and Institutions, Housing Complexes and Agencies working with older people and individuals. Keeping On is published quarterly in February, May, August and November each year. Written contributions for consideration can be emailed to the Editor at or contact Deirdre on (03)366-0903. The Keeping On Team: Deirdre McGrath - Editor, Mike Crean - Journalist, June Peka - Journalist, Anna-Marie Hunter - Advertising Representative/Desktop Publisher. Keeping On is printed by Inkwise, Rolleston. Age Concern Canterbury is very grateful for the support we receive from our advertisers. Without advertisements this publication could not survive. Some of our advertisements are the traditional type and others include advertorial (an advertisement that’s written in the form of editorial content). To be transparent to our readers each of these advertorial pieces is labelled with the symbol A. Views and opinions expressed in Keeping On are not necessarily those of the Editor of Age Concern Canterbury. Neither does publication of an advertisement imply endorsement by Age Concern Canterbury.

MAY 2022



Kate Fraser, renowned journalist and writer by Mike Crean

A young New Zealand woman stepped down from a train and into the darkness. Where was the man who was to pick her up? The distressed Kiwi could see nothing beyond the tiny, unmanned station. She plonked down on her suitcase and cried. Only when dawn began to banish night did she stand and gaze at the empty desert around her. Then, far away, she caught a swirl of dust. The cloud came nearer and soon a car pulled up beside her. The driver called out, but with the wrong name. He drove off again. The Kiwi flopped back onto her case and cried some more. But the car came back. The driver called the right name. Relieved, the Kiwi got in and they headed to the Australian Outback sheep station where she would work as governess and cook. She was Kate Collins then, better known as Kate Fraser now, renowned in Christchurch as journalist, writer and forthright character. Kate was born in 1940 at Kurow, North Otago, where her father ran his own trucking company. Her primary schooling was at Kurow, then she boarded at Waitaki Girls’ High in Oamaru. She excelled in English and sports, especially running. She developed her rebellious streak, devising ways to avoid mathematics and defy school rules. She chose teaching as the least tedious of the usual female career options and enrolled at Dunedin Teachers’ College. She trained as a primary teacher. Her rebelliousness re-appeared when she took a Saturday night job as a solo dancer at “The Dancing Lobster”, a Dunedin night-club. She created her own risqué dance routines. College staff did not frequent the joint so they never knew. Had they found out, she

Kate Fraser, when she was editor of the award-winning Zest food and fashion section of The Press.

would have been dismissed. The best part of her training was being “on section” in various schools, she says. She found she had a flair for teaching – except in maths, which she detested. She breached College regulations and traditions frequently. “I got away with it despite warnings from the college principal,” she says, adding that her reports showed: “the schools liked me as a teacher”. After her probationary teaching year at Otematata, she drifted to Queenstown, doing various jobs and having great fun – but not teaching. Well, not until she “was hunted down” and posted briefly to Waikouaiti, and again to Otematata. Then she shifted to Australia, where she taught at a Sydney boys’ school. From there she embarked on her remote outback experience, tending three youngsters and cooking on a wood fire for roughshod boundary riders, shearers and fencers. When Kate’s father became ill she came home to help run the business.

She met Chad Fraser, an engineer on the Benmore Dam project. As an aeronautical engineer he had worked in North and Central America and on flying boats for TEAL at Auckland. They married in 1963 and settled in Christchurch where Chad worked for NAC. Kate returned to teaching, at boys’ school Xavier College. She says the Religious Brothers who ran the college were uneasy with their first female colleague but their admiration for Chad’s rugby prowess broke the ice. Twin Fraser boys were born in 1964 and another son followed in 1970. Tragically her husband and youngest son would die within six months of each other at the time of the Christchurch earthquakes. While raising her sons she tutored individual pupils in reading and writing. She found helping people with reading difficulties rewarding. Her most memorable reward, years later, was a rugged bikie in black jacket and gang patches pulling up on a grunty motorcycle and bellowing: “Hello Mrs Fraser!” Kate has always loved books. In 1971 she saw an advertisement for a course in journalism at the Polytechnic. Suddenly she realised – “this is what I want to do; I want to write”. At the end of the course she reflected – “I have come home”. But how could she break into journalism? She discussed this with an assistant editor of The Press who invited her to send in samples of her work. Soon Kate was writing articles for the newspaper’s “Women’s Page”. She well remembers her classic piece explaining how airlines could fly nonstop between New Zealand and the USA. “Chad was at my side. He talked

me through it,” she admits. Positive responses to her work led Kate to attempt free-lance writing. Soon she was selling stories regularly to popular national magazines Eve and Thursday. These drew the attention of Merivale shopkeepers. They wanted her to write entertaining pieces on their shops as advertisements, on a regular basis. This venture “boomed”, Kate says. Producing catchy advertisements was such fun that, when a copy-writer vacancy at the Christchurch branch of a large Wellington-based advertising agency appeared, she applied – successfully. Writing advertisements for newspapers, magazines, radio and TV for customers ranging from Watties to Firestone, would test most scribes; but not Kate. She was happy but increasingly felt the desire to run her own business. So, after 10 years, she resigned and established a book shop. Her lack of experience in retailing led to the shop’s closure after one year. The Editor of The Press invited her back for a part-time job as Fashions’ Editor for six months. Six months became 11 years. Then she was offered the full-time job of Food Editor. After a further 10 years she retired, at 74, to the dismay of many Press readers. In retirement she did a course in writing poetry and short stories, at Hagley. “I absolutely loved it,” she says. Five of her poems have been published in an anthology. More are coming, she says. Kate’s tips for up-and-comers are: “Always say yes to opportunity” and “never ask how much you will be paid”.


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MAY 2022


The Canterbury West Coast Welfare Guardians Trust needs volunteers The Canterbury West Coast Welfare Guardians Trust is a charitable trust established to provide, recruit, approve and train suitable volunteers to apply to be Court-appointed Welfare Guardians for people who are unable to make, or communicate, decisions for themselves. Once appointed the Trust provides ongoing support for the volunteers. The Trust consists of a Board which brings various fields of expertise and experience to ensure the Trusts aims are met. The current Trustees have expertise in social work, aged care representation, family court processes and health and disability issues. Approved volunteers are needed when the subject person lacks any suitable local relatives willing to apply to become their Welfare Guardian.

Once appointed by the Family Court the Welfare Guardian is the only person legally able to make decisions about the day-to-day care and welfare of their Subject Person. These may include decisions about non-urgent medical treatments, accommodation and any day-today matters that the person would normally make for themselves but, who the Court has ruled, lacks the capacity to do so. (Please note that Court-appointed Welfare Guardians have NO right to make any decisions about the property and assets of the subject person. These decisions can only be made by a Court appointed Property Manager. Volunteer Welfare Guardians are only appointed as Property Managers in exceptional circumstances as this work is

Aspire Canterbury ‘Moving’ forward In June/July 2022, the Disabled Persons Centre Trust T/A Aspire Canterbury will move to a Wellness Centre supporting local people to live their best life. This Centre is called the BrainTree Wellness Centre at 74 Langdons Road, Papanui, Christchurch. The Disabled Persons Centre Trust which trades as Aspire Canterbury (‘Aspire’) supports a broad range of people with disabilities and impairments. Children and adults living with neurological and/or physical disabilities and impairments often have complex needs which require integrated supports. With significant data showing that a total wellness approach has a hugely positive impact on people’s lives, BrainTree is creating this reality. We share the vision of BrainTree and want to make a difference to the communities we serve in living a life full of purpose

and meaning. As well as a shared vision, working collaboratively and becoming a tenant of BrainTree, the Centre will boost organisational efficiency, increase effectiveness and drive a broader social change. Within the BrainTree Wellness Centre, you will also find Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson’s Canterbury, Dementia Canterbury, and the Stroke Foundation. The Centre will have a couple of seminar rooms, a studio, and a social area with whole food café allowing individuals to have an experience whilethey visit the charitable trust/s. The Centre will also be available for use by the wider local community groups, providing a ‘place-based’ approach focused on engagement to access services, benefiting the people we serve. So, come along to BrainTree and see us, we are here to A help you!

inspiring independent living ASPIRE is a not-for-profit organisation, established over 40 years ago ASPIRE CANTERBURY CANTERBURY ŝƐ Ă ŶŽƚͲĨŽƌͲƉƌŽĮƚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶ͕ ĞƐƚĂďůŝƐŚĞĚ ŽǀĞƌ ϯϬͲLJĞĂƌƐ ĂŐŽ͘

ŝƐĂďŝůŝƚLJ /ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ Ͳ ƵŶďŝĂƐĞĚ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ QShop and hire of assistive technology. ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ŚĞƌĞ ƚŽ ůŝƐƚĞŶ ĂŶĚ ŚĞůƉ LJŽƵ͘ Total Mobility Scheme - 50% off Taxi’s up to a maximum QofDŽďŝůĞ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ Ͳ ŽŶŶĞĐƟŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͘ $35 (terms and conditions apply) dŽƚĂů DŽďŝůŝƚLJ ^ĐŚĞŵĞ Ͳ ϱϬй Žī dĂdžŝΖƐ ƵƉ ƚŽ ŵĂdžŝŵƵŵ Ψϯϱ QMobile Services - connecting with the community. ;dĞƌŵƐ ĂŶĚ ŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐ ĂƉƉůLJͿ͘ Information Service - unbiased ^ŚŽƉ ĂŶĚ ,ŝƌĞ ŽĨ ĂƐƐŝƐƟǀĞ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ͘ QDisability information, we are here to listen and help you.


invariably undertaken by professional business organisations such as the Public Trust). What does the Trust do? The Trust recruits, approves, trains and supports suitable volunteer Welfare Guardians. The Trust Co-ordinator receives requests for volunteers from a range of people including lawyers, rest home managers and family members who live outside the local area or are unable/unwilling to act as a Welfare Guardian themselves. The Coordinator matches the needs of the subject person to a suitable volunteer and supports the volunteer to apply to the Court for an Order appointing them the Welfare Guardian. How do I apply to become a volunteer Welfare Guardian? Complete an Application Form available from www. and

return to Canterbury West Coast Welfare Guardians Trust, 1 Rimu St, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440, or email the application cwcwgt@gmail. com. You will be required to consent to a Police check form, and to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. Once your referees have been contacted you will be invited to an interview and subsequently advised if you have been approved. What happens next? When you have been approved the Trust will contact you with details of the next training sessions. When you have completed the training your name will be added to the Trust’s list of available volunteer Welfare Guardians. You will be contacted by the Coordinator when an appropriate request has been made to the Trust. Email: Phone: 02041893045.

Canterbury West Coast Welfare Guardians Trust

Volunteers Needed The Canterbury West Coast Welfare Guardians Trust is seeking suitable volunteers to apply to be Courtappointed Welfare Guardians for people who are unable to make, or communicate, decisions for themselves. Training and on-going support are provided.

For further information please contact or phone 02041893045.


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MAY 2022




MAY 2022


The value of virtue: seven reasons why Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s crisis leadership has been so effective The war in Ukraine would test even the most hardened political operator: millions forced to flee their homes, thousands (including many civilians) killed or injured, evidence of Russian war crimes mounting. Yet Volodomyr Zelenskyy, a relative novice head of state, has not just risen to the challenge, he has been widely praised and admired for his exemplary crisis leadership. So, what explains this prowess? Zelenskyy’s acting experience has been credited with his ability to connect powerfully with different audiences, using facts and emotions to build support for the Ukrainian cause. His commitment to serve his people has been called pivotal. He has been described as charismatic – although this alone is no guarantee of success, given charismatic leaders can still lead their nations to destruction. And it’s Zelenskyy’s repeated displays of courage that seem to really strike a chord with many. This leads us into the territory of character virtues, which we argue hold the key to Zelenskyy’s abilities as a crisis leader. Ancient wisdom for today’s world Aristotle is credited with first proposing that virtues play a central role in forging a strength of character that can navigate and weather life’s challenges with moral fortitude and integrity. Over the past few decades, scholars concerned with preventing unethical leadership have developed Aristotle’s insights further, using modern social scientific methods.

Dressed in trademark fatigues, Zelenskyy arrives for a press conference in late April 2022.

Recently, we drew on this knowledge to examine crisis leadership and how character virtues guided 12 heads of state through that first, tumultuous wave of COVID-19. We’ve used the same approach to analyse Zelenskyy’s leadership. We closely examined an extended filmed interview with Zelenksyy by The Economist. Being unscripted and more spontaneous than his pre-prepared speeches, it offered a clearer insight into his character. We found all seven of the key character virtues – humanity, temperance, justice, courage,

transcendence, wisdom and prudence – evident in Zelenskyy’s responses to the interviewers’ questions. Character virtues in action The virtue of humanity relates to care, compassion, empathy and respect for others. Zelenskyy demonstrates this primarily through his focus on protecting Ukrainians from Russian aggression, but it even extends to his enemy’s suffering. Zelenskyy expresses concern that Putin is “throwing Russian soldiers like logs into a train’s furnace”, and laments that the Russian dead are neither mourned nor buried by their own side. This refusal to simply give way to hate and anger when speaking of his enemies also reflects a second virtue, temperance – the ability to exercise emotional control. Zelenskyy’s modesty also reflects this virtue – in the interview he shrugs off praise for being an inspirational hero, preferring to keep to the main issues. Temperance serves to maintain emotional equilibrium, thus enabling Zelenskyy to make difficult decisions in a level-headed manner. The virtue of justice means acting responsibly and ensuring people are treated fairly. It involves citizenship, teamwork, loyalty and accountability. Zelenskyy speaks of his “duty to protect” Ukrainians and to “signal” with his own conduct how others should act. By remaining in Ukraine, he becomes a role model of this virtue while simultaneously demonstrating the virtue of courage. Zelenskyy’s own courage has been widely noted, but we observed that

he also repeatedly acknowledges that of his fellow citizens, thereby encouraging them to act with virtue. A formidable opponent By expressing the seemingly unshakeable hope that Ukrainians will secure victory because of their courage, Zelenskyy demonstrates the virtue of transcendence – the optimism and faith that a cause is meaningful, noble and will prevail. Zelenskyy’s views about what motivates other countries display his wisdom. In the interview he demonstrates a broad strategic perspective and insight into the varying interests that shape other nations’ responses to the war. This helps him craft his appeals to allies, and to Russia, which then have a greater chance of resonating. The final virtue, prudence, complements that wisdom. It involves an ability to gauge what is the right thing to do and is something of a meta-virtue, guiding the choice of which other virtues are needed from moment to moment. We found repeated instances of Zelenskyy demonstrating just that, weaving together multiple virtues in his responses to questions. Our analysis of his leadership indicates Zelenskyy possesses strength of character and emotional, intellectual and moral clarity about what is at stake. This explains his effective crisis leadership to date. Despite the clear military mismatch between Russia and Ukraine, Putin has taken on a formidable opponent. (Source: www.the

Thinking of downsizing? Call Cathy and Ian Thinking of downsizing, moving to a village or curious about the value of your home in the current market? Cathy and Ian Falconer at Mike Pero Real Estate are the ones to call for free, no obligation advice about your home. Cathy and Ian understand and relate to the process of downsizing and moving to a retirement village having assisted both their mothers through this process in the last five years. They are with their vendors every step of the way and go above and beyond to ensure their vendors have a smooth transition from their home to a village or smaller unit. See below a recent testimonial from a vendor’s son: Cathy was key to the successful sale of my mum's home. Mum was moving into a retirement home, so not only was timing and pricing

important, but supporting mum in a caring way was necessary. Mum had to down-size considerably, and Cathy offered endless help to sort out her possessions and keep her on track - and that wasn't a small task. Cathy communicated with us well the throughout the sales process. The whole family thanks you Cathy and Ian. Moving to a retirement village is a big decision and one that can take time as vendors consider what option best suits them for their lifestyle after selling their home. Cathy and Ian pride themselves on their personable service and together with a network of experienced professionals can help you start this daunting process. Call to see how they can assist you Cathy 027 660 1920 or Ian 0278490404 or Freephone 0800 888 A 426.

MAY 2022 Bike theft is on the rise, and the Christchurch City Council is encouraging bike owners to register their bikes on a new portal that is free, easy and helps Police return stolen bikes to their rightful owners. The Council has partnered with bike security platform 529 Garage, the world’s largest community powered bike recovery service. This is also a collaboration with Project 529, Canterbury Police, Bike Auckland and Cycle Wellington to help address increasing levels of bike theft. 529 Garage is a free and easy to use portal that enables you to register your bike details such as photos, descriptions and serial numbers in minutes. Once registered, you can obtain an unique 529 Garage code on a tamper-proof shield that sticks to your bike. This acts as a warning sign to thieves to back off because the bike is registered, and Police will have no trouble identifying it’s stolen. Other great advantages of registering your bike: * Your bike will be included in a secure nationwide database. * If your bike gets stolen, you can use 529 Garage to send an alert to the local 529 community and have all the details on hand to report the theft to the Police. * If someone sees your bike, they can contact you anonymously through the app, or you can choose to display your contact information. * 529 Garage makes it easy for Police to return your bike to you if it’s found. * You can use the database to check if a second-hand bike you’re considering purchasing has been flagged as stolen. Visit the App store (Apple) or the Google Play Store (Android) on your smartphone and download the 529 Garage to register your bike now.

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Rose Kerr, very happy to be where she is now by June Peka

Just a few years ago, Rose Kerr would’ve been called an open book. These days people like her are called WYSIWYGs. Say whizzywig – what you see is what you get. Both monikers suit her very well. Five minutes after meeting Rose you know that at 66 she’s new to the pension, loves cats, advocates for the underdog (human and animal), a battler of depression, hairdresser supreme, adopted (with resultant abandonment and rejection issues), a recovered drinker, likes a flat white, reads prolifically, lives with a debilitating illness and drives a 30 year old car. Sometimes she doesn’t finish her sentences, and her latest claim to fame is slipping on a free banana regurgitated by a child in a supermarket. An hour later we’ve padded out those bones to find a woman who is very happy to be where she is now, but it’s not been plain sailing. Rose was born to a young single mother in Auckland and two weeks later was escorted by train and ferry to her new parents and siblings in Invercargill. Although she got on well with her dad, she never felt she belonged in her new family, a feeling she has found in common with other adopted people. As a result she developed identity issues and little self-confidence and was “a bit of a handful of a kid ”as a result. At high school Rose was drawn to writing, which wasn’t at all encouraged by her parents, even though she’d had pieces printed in school publications. They weren’t that supportive of her decision to take up hairdressing at 15 either, and although she didn’t think she was a “natural” as some of her workmates appeared to be, hard work and a passion for the craft saw her make great strides early on in her career under the tutelage of a strict German taskmaster. “It was the time of shaggy cuts and teased bouffants and lots of hairspray and no male clients. Even I went to bed with dinkys in my hair and toilet paper wrapped around my head to

Just a few years ago, Rose Kerr would’ve been called an open book.

keep the style in longer, back in those days. ” It wasn’t long before Rose had her own salons, the first in Invercargill. In 1999 she was NZ Hairdresser of the Year, by popular vote. Marriages and family ensued but Rose realised she needed to know her background to understand herself, particularly the addictive side of her personality which had fuelled her liking for alcohol. She made contact with her birth mother in Auckland and found the answers, which set her on a journey of learning. “I learned that the issues and habits adoptees have can be either learned or inherited. That’s called nature versus nurture. And I wasn’t surprised to find my mother was an alcoholic too. When you get to know and care for yourself you care about others too, including animals. I feel so sad when a cat is in trouble or lost or homeless.” Rose has three very pampered

rescue cats – all of whom declined to be interviewed or photographed when I called, although they have previously featured in The New Zealand Cat, a glossy coffee table book by Rachel Hale McKenna. As well, she does her bit for animal charities, offering advice and leg work when needed. Six years ago Rose’s working life came to an early halt when she developed crippling rheumatoid arthritis. Times were tough on a benefit. Rose depleted almost all her savings so was very grateful to get the gold card last year. Bartering the odd hair cut for vegies and whatever else is on offer, she and her charges live simply but well in their sunny cottage. Talk of tough times ahead does not frighten this strong woman. And it’s never too late to listen to that writing muse Rose Kerr.


MAY 2022


New Zealand Memories, the creme-de-la-creme by June Peka

If you need a bit more of our Mike Crean this month, check out the most recent issue (No 155) of New Zealand Memories - in my opinion the creme-de-la creme of NZ magazines. I began collecting NZM many years ago, but not as long ago as those folk who haven’t missed an issue since No 1. I trawl op-shops and second-hand bookstores for back issues although many are available on back order for those who’ve become ‘hooked’ even further down the track. And speaking of tracks, Mike’s poem “Trains” is in excellent company this issue, with 70+ pages of black and white and colour photographs illustrating personal accounts of our own history from the 1920s to more recent times. This magazine never disappoints, although I admit to just occasionally lightly skimming over the “bloke stuff”, such as dockyard history and mountaineering, just as chaps may skim over stories of rug-making and preserving. This issue however is one that I can say I’ve read and hugely enjoyed every word of, and will keep forever– from tales of the 1908 Blackball strike, country schooldays of the 1920s, and motoring through Porter’s Pass in an already ancient vehicle in 1923, to tales of milkbars and submarines in Wellington in the ‘60s, 1970s dinner


parties featuring Cold Duck and avocado (very nouveau), and insider accounts of the record industry and radio stations. John Richardson’s matter-of-fact account of his time at Bari Hospital after capture in Libya in 1941 will impact anyone whose fathers, uncles and grandfathers went to war. We can marvel at the stories of his, and their, bravery and resilience, thanks to Renee Hollis’s “Voices Of World War Two, from which this extract was taken. (Another must-read.) Only the third editor of the magazine (since issue 11 in 1997) Wendy Rhodes says it’s always a joy to

Belching smoke, a soot-stained loco stamps up the track. Rods punch and pull through mushroom steam. Like bows on strings while brass, wood and drums Build symphonies of sound in a rhythm that thrums. In my dream KA flees from a dastardly crime, Pursued by a posse of flatdecks, wagons And a guard’s van in hues of once-was-red. Jerking to a halt, KA snorts at the wagons behind. “You can never catch me,” he proudly huffs. “You can stomach my foul coal smoke,” he puffs. From my bedroom window I watch the trains, A kid so entranced I mist the glass panes, Drawn by a drifting, wavering, mournful whistle. KA shuffles to stop, its chasers bump and bristle. Now I lament the station, a mere wasteland blot, For rail has been sacrificed in favour of roads For go-anywhere trucks with voluminous loads. The goods shed has gone, the sheep yards too, Cattle yards, ticket office, waiting room with open fire, Rails, sleepers, a crane for stacking freight, The station master’s house; all met their fate. But indestructible, the loading bank remains Spindly beige grass caresses stunted trees And fractured concrete nurtures staunch weeds. Scrawny sheep nibbling in arid dirt Sip at a bath sunk in this desert. I see, at discreet distance, bunted by breeze. The old “Gents” toilet titled near collapse, As a loose sheet of iron clatters and flaps. Mike Crean

produce. Her husband David joined her 10 years into her tenure, making theirs the ideal team of wordsmithery and graphics. “Several of our authors have been contributing all that time. We have

NEVER run out of material, which was always a bit of an unknown factor in the early days.” New Zealand Memories is available in all bookstores, by subscription and from your library.

Burning smoke-free means a warmer, more efficient fire Winter is almost here, and we want everyone in Canterbury to be warm and cosy in their homes. A smokefree fire means a warmer, more efficient fire – and cleaner air for us all to breathe. There are three components to ensure a smoke-free fire: 1. Use of dry, well-seasoned wood, 2.Adopting good burning techniques, and; 3. Use of a modern, well-maintained burner. Ensuring your wood is dry and wellseasoned is key to burning a hotter fire with less smoke. It’ll also save you money as you’ll use less wood to achieve a better result. See our list of Trusted Good Wood Merchants at Adopting a good burning technique is also important. Fires built using the ‘upside-down’ technique can last up to an hour before they need reloading. See how to do this at

Finally, a modern, well-maintained burner with a clean flue will achieve the best results. You can buy ultra low-emission burners from home improvement shops or heating companies. Older, non-compliant wood burners produce more smoke than modern burners and can no longer be used. Environment Canterbury provides subsidies for people who meet certain criteria to upgrade their home heating. For more information about how to apply, visit heating-rules We understand that not everyone is able to upgrade their home heating this year. If you are experiencing hardship, you may be eligible for a temporary waiver to operate your non-compliant wood burner. Get in touch so we can discuss your situation: • Visit for help with burning technique and a list of Trusted Good Wood Merchants.

• Go to for our Clean Air Zone rules and information about wood burners. There is also information

on subsidies that may be available to you to access. • Call us on 0800 324 636 to talk to A our Customer Services team.

Smoke-free burning means a cosy nest… Learn more at

… and better breathing for our o tamariki. m

MAY 2022


Enjoy better health through Puawai-Kai at Pegasus Health The Puāwai Healthy Lifestyle Service at Pegasus Health set out to create a new lifestyle programme that improves health and wellbeing across the generations. The new programme, Puāwai – Kai (to blossom through food), takes the best from the team’s previous programmes, Senior Chef and Appetite for Life. The best approach to changing our lifestyle is to make small changes that become part of our daily and weekly rituals. That’s the approach taken at Puāwai-Kai, a free 8-session programme (two hours each week). The first three sessions focus on lifestyle changes, with kai to support each session. Topics include looking after health with food; managing stress; moving more and sleeping well. This is followed by five cooking sessions – putting the ideas into action. All eight sessions end with sharing kai together. As an older person what can you expect to get out of PuāwaiKai? Seniors who were part of the pilot spoke of managing lifestyle disease, such as diabetes, better and improving their overall quality of life. They became more confident and adventurous cooks trying new foods like legumes and sharing ideas with other family members. They enjoyed a connection with other participants and sitting down to chat over a meal. You can choose to attend Puāwai-

“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” Mark Twain

Participants enjoying the new Puāwai-kai programme.

Kai with seniors or in an intergenerational group. To give you “a taste” of Puāwai-Kai, here’s a very popular recipe from the programme, Curried Kumara Soup. Make yourself a batch to share with a friend or neighbour. For more information visit the Puāwai-Kai website: www.puawai., or give us a call on 0800 333 405.

FR ANCO DAL DIN 027 484 2739 03 355 6555 Licensed Agent REAA 2008

The final word goes to Dan Buettner, author of the Blue Zones. Puāwai-Kai is about living a long life with great health! “Aging offers us two options: We can live a shorter life with more years of disability, or we can live the longest possible life with the fewest bad years. As my centenarian friends showed me, the choice is largely up to us” – Dan Buettner.


Curried Kumara Soup

Ingredients (four serves) 1 teaspoon Oil 1 medium Onion, chopped 3 teaspoons Garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon Curry Power, or Red Curry paste 3 medium (375g) Orange Kumara 4 cups Chicken or Vegetable Stock 1 can Light Coconut Milk 1 can Evaporated Milk Method 1. Heat oil in large saucepan; add onion and garlic and stir over medium heat until onion softens. 2. Add curry powder or red curry paste and cook a further minute or two. 3. Add kumara and stock and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes or until the kumara is soft. 4. Blend the mixture using a stick blender or food processor. 5. Add light coconut or evaporated milk and heat through without bringing to the boil. Tip! Use pumpkin instead of kumara in autumn to keep the cost down!


MAY 2022


My Book Club recommends Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf Reviewed by Aimee Bloy Published in 1925, Mrs Dalloway is a “classic” that still feels very fresh and relevant to today’s hectic lifestyles. The story takes place over the course of one day, beginning with the activities of Clarissa Dalloway, a woman of London high-society preparing the last-minute details for a party she is hosting that night. Through the course of the day we hear her thoughts, fears and musings and meet different characters that all interweave in Mrs Dalloway’s life, including that of shell-shocked WWI veteran, Septimus Smith. The book is complex, with all the switching between different characters and various trains of thought, but the language, descriptions, humor, and sadness make the book feel personal and accessible. I loved that Mrs Dalloway is written in the narrated monologue style — there aren’t many pauses or breaks and it quickly leaps from one train of thought to another — that’s how my brain works most of the time! It gave me such a great insight into Clarissa Dalloway’s relationships; the highs, the lows, her insecurities, her

judgements and her observations. We get to see how she views the world and how she appears to others. However some may be put off at how dense the writing on the page seems. I would encourage groups to persevere with this book though, to appreciate the beauty of the language. Read it in small bursts if you need to — it is not a long read

and there’s no need to rush. There are also many themes to discuss which are still relevant to us in 2022: mental health, war, rules of society and repression, to name a few. Our book group has been together nearly ten years and we always include a “classic” in our selection for the year. It’s a great way to read and discuss those books that have been around to stand the test of time. It’s a great insight into different writing styles, different eras and acknowledging those incredible authors from the past! Our book group is a member of Book Discussion Scheme, so we pick our books from their catalogue, which has a great selection of classics to choose from: Our book group has also enjoyed Breakfast at Tiffany's (Truman Capote, 1958) The Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger, 1951) and The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath, 1963). About Aimee A busy mother of three, Aimee enjoys a gripping story that makes it easy to turn the page. She also has an appreciation for many different styles of writing and her book group selects a mix of lighter

reads, mysteries, classics and new releases. Working part time in Book Discussion Scheme’s dispatch team means she plays a key role in putting together her book group’s reading list, but with eight women who often have extreme differences of opinion, she never quite knows how each book will be received. It does make for interesting meetings though!

Book Discussion Scheme (BDS) provides enough copies for your club to read the same book at the same time, as well as professionally-prepared discussion notes. Membership starts from $70 per person for a year’s membership and includes delivery. Find a group to join (or find members to start your own) at

A new, simple technology to connect with family Technology can be challenging, seemingly impossible at times. Despite this, connecting with family through technology can bring so much joy. Younger generations rarely pick up a phone to talk – but they will happily share photos and videos with their families using touchscreen devices. This is where NZ company Kitcal can help those who, up until now, have

struggled to use these technologies. Kitcal (it stands for Keep in Touch Calendar) has developed a unique electronic tablet (like an iPad) and special software that is very different from ordinary technology. The Kitcal tablet is simple, personalised, ready to go straight out of the box and most importantly, offers local ongoing support and service. Many Kitcal tablet owners have never

used computers or electronic tablets before but are now enjoying receiving photos, messages and video calls from their families. The Kitcal tablet doesn’t access websites or receive emails so there’s no risk of viruses or scams. It’s also keyboard free, with Seniors replying to messages and photos using a series of pictures. This makes messaging easier – particularly for those who do not have keyboard skills or whose skills have diminished. There is no need for Wi-Fi or a separate internet account with Kitcal as the subscription includes internet data. Family members simply download our free app to their smartphones to keep in touch with their seniors’ Kitcal tablets. The tablet costs $690 and comes with a choice of monthly subscriptions to suit your use (from $39/month), plus everything you need - stands, cleaning cloth, Help Guide and easy-to-use magnetic charging connections - all included in our courier pack ready to go as soon as it’s opened. Tablets can be purchased directly from the Kitcal website A or call 0800 437 696.

Live with Mum and Dad

New four bed house in Rolleston for Sale or Rent. This unique design has a separate wing with tiled level entry shower, ensuite bedroom and own lounge. Ideal for an elderly parent and the rest of the house for the extended family.

A must view for a great set up for elderly or disabled care.

Phone Ian on 0273724609

MAY 2022



Celebrating Matariki, a special occasion Matariki is a special occasion in the New Zealand calendar and marks the start of the Māori New Year. This year we will celebrate our country’s first Matariki Public Holiday. Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky, this is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead. Matariki is a star cluster that appears in the early morning sky in New Zealand during the mid-winter months. The star cluster is well known throughout the world and at different times of the year can be seen around the globe. It is one of the brightest clusters in the sky, containing hundreds of member stars. Matariki has different names around the world. In English, it is called by its ancient Greek name, Pleiades or the Seven Sisters. In Hawaiian it is Makali’i, ‘eyes of royalty', and in Japan it is Subaru, meaning ‘gathered together’. Matariki takes place in mid-winter from late May to early July. The dates vary according to tribes and geography. This year (2022), the first public holiday to celebrate Matariki will be on Friday 24 June, marking the reappearance of the constellation. The best time to view the Matariki cluster is early morning,

just before dawn. Traditionally, Matariki festivities included lighting ritual fires, making offerings and celebrations of various kinds to farewell the dead, honour ancestors and celebrate life. Nowadays, people all across Aotearoa come together to remember their ancestors, share food, sing songs, tell stories and play music. Matariki is about reconnecting with your home and whānau. As one of the star clusters nearest to Earth, this constellation is one of the most obvious to the naked eye. To find them, look to the northeast horizon before sunrise. Then, search for the distinct line of stars that forms Tautoru, or Orion’s belt. Keep moving your gaze north

of these three stars until you see a cluster of tiny stars that are roughly as wide as Tautoru is long. These are the Matariki stars. The Matariki star cluster contains hundreds of stars but only nine are visible to the naked eye. Each of these nine stars has a distinct story and significance in Māori culture. According to one Māori myth, the cluster represents a whaea or mother - Matariki - and her six daughters Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Waipunarangi, Waitī, Waitā and Ururangi. The name Matariki refers to both the star cluster as a whole and a specific star, which signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the environment and the health and

wellbeing of people. Pōhutukawa is the star that serves as a reminder of those who have passed on, encouraging us to take the time to remember them and acknowledge their impact on our lives. Tupuānuku (“tupu” means ‘to grow’ and “nuku” is the shortened version of “Papatuanuku” meaning ‘Earth’) the star connected with everything that grows in the ground to be harvested or gathered for food. Tupuārangi is the star associated with food sources that come from the sky, such as birds, or fruit and berries from trees. Waitī is connected with all freshwater bodies and the food sources sustained by those waters. Waitī watches over freshwater environments such as awa (rivers), roto (lakes), kūkūwai (wetlands), and waipuna (springs). Waitā represents the ocean and the seafood that can be harvested from it. This star encourages us to respect our coasts, oceans and marine life. Waipuna-ā-Rangi is connected with rain, hail and snow. Ururangi is connected with the various winds. Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is a wishing star, helping us to realise our hopes and aspirations for the coming year.

Memories “The richest bank of all is our memory bank. For years we deposited experiences there. Now we can withdraw them. The interest accruing is our enjoyment.” by Mike Crean Visit school on Grandparents’ Day and see pupils sprawled on beanbags in barn-sized rooms, their fingers tapping laptop keys. You will shake your head and think, this is not like our day! We sat at desks on upright wooden chairs, in strict silence. Chalk dust hung in the air, as did the teacher’s threat to send us out of the room, or worse, to the headmaster for some whacks on the hand with a leather strap. Progressing through the Primer classes in two years, we began to read, thanks to such dynamic dialogues as “Look John look”, in the Janet and John books. Along the back wall was a row of little blackboards. We broke sticks of chalk trying to copy letters of the alphabet. Remember those helpful

tips, like “b has a bag on his back, d has a drum”? When we had mastered this, we could put pencil to paper. Next, we were promoted to “dip-pens”. These were wooden sticks with steel nibs attached. A hole in the top of the desk held a container of ink. We dipped our pen in and blobbed it onto the paper, then cleared the mess with blotting paper. Next came the graduation from

printing to writing. This was a military exercise, with strict orders on how to hold the pen and how to push the upward strokes and pull the down ones. Then, in Form 1 (Year 7) we could use fountain pens. How I longed for a flashy Conway-Stewart. Ballpoint pens were vetoed! After morning play, Milk Monitors from a higher class lugged crates of milk to the classrooms. We each took a half-pint bottle and paper straw to our desk and gulped the warm milk – warm because it had travelled by train for two hours before the carrier picked it up at the station and delivered it to school. Forms 1 and 2 pupils carried canvas stretchers on metal frames into our room during lunch hour. After the break we would file in, flop onto a stretcher for 20 minutes, and maybe

nod off. Genuine sleepers won a sticky star. We pretended to sleep but it was hard not to smile or giggle. Why the siesta? Some kids, like me, lived in the township but most came in school buses from outlying farms. The school day was up to 10 hours for some. When I was about nine, I raced to school by bike to grab the school’s only cricket bat in summer, or rugby ball in winter. When others arrived the battle was on to hold the bat or kick more goals, until brawny farm kids poured from the buses and took over. I loved school in those days and made progress, even as far as teaching at primary schools for some years. Now I wonder about today’s beanbag and barn scenario.


MAY 2022


Grandfather and grandson “HOOP” the pool at Golf Croquet event Patrick Conolly (aged 14) and his Grandfather Owen Evans (71) competed together in their first tournament, and won. This was against some of the top players in Canterbury Croquet. The event held at the Fendalton Park Croquet Club on February 20th attracted 12 doubles combinations. Patrick (Handicap 12) and Owen (3) qualified top in their block winning all their games. They played out the final against two experienced players from Hornby, Nigel (2) and Helen (4) from the other block, and won 7.5. Patrick lives in Dunsandel, and last year started at Christchurch Boys High. One day a week, after school, he goes with his grandparents, Owen and Janet Evans, to Cashmere Croquet Club where all three are members. Owen plays association and golf croquet, and is a senior player in both codes. Patrick has often held a mallet and

Patrick and his grandparents.

played for fun when at the club with his grandparents but this season has been his first as a competitive player. It is often commented that he is a formidable player for one so young and inexperienced.

The Cashmere Croquet Club has a proud record with junior players. The current NZ National Champions in both singles and doubles started at Cashmere, while students at Cashmere High. Patrick has been ably mentored by coaches at the club and of course his grandparents. This was a proud moment for Owen who had reached the final of this tournament two times previously, and with grandson Patrick who played exceptionally well and has the family name engraved on the trophy for the first time. Patrick and Owen both played in the CCA Golf Croquet Open on March 12th, but not as partners this time around. Patrick and his partner cleaned up winning all of their games, including that against his grandfather and partner to take the CCA Open Doubles title for the season. (Article contibuted to Keeping On)

Residential care subsidies help with long-term care

Protecting you through all stages of life Our friendly and experienced Seniors Law team offers specialised legal advice so you have peace of mind and feel confident when it comes to making decisions that are right for you and your family. Our Seniors Law team can help with: Wills Trusts Funeral Trusts Occupation Right Agreements Enduring Powers of Attorney

Rest Home Subsidies Estate Planning Asset Protection Sale and Purchase of Property

Visit us in our new offices within the Central City, or we can come to you with our home visit service and other alternative locations. Contact Phillipa Shaw P (03) 379 7835 E A 79-81 Cashel Street, Central City, Christchurch 8011

The Residential Care Subsidy was introduced to assist people assessed as needing long-term residential care, in a hospital or resthome, with the financial costs of their care. The Subsidy is financially means assessed, and you qualify if you have both assets and income under certain thresholds. Asset thresholds have increased each year since 2005. As at July 2021, you must have assets below $239,930 (including your house and car) if you are single or if you and your partner are both in care. If you are a couple with one partner in care and one still living in your family home, you can choose between the $239,930 threshold or a threshold of $131,391 excluding your family home and car. You are also entitled to have an amount of up to $10,000 each set aside in a prepaid funeral or in a funeral trust which is not included in your asset assessment. If you are under the asset threshold then an income assessment is applied. Any income you and your partner receive will be assessed. Income received from your assets is also included except for the first $1,042 for a single person, $2,083 for a couple where both partners are in care or $3,125 for a couple where one partner is in care. Income received from paid employment of the partner who continues to live in

the community is also excluded. Gifting You are presently still able to make gifts in the period leading up to your application for a subsidy but the assessment will include “excess” gifts as part of your assets. Gifting of up to $6,500.00 per couple per year made in the five years before you apply for a subsidy is not counted in the financial means assessment. Any gifts made above this total of $32,500 per couple over the five years will be considered “excess” gifts and will be included. However if you and your partner are both assessed as requiring long term residential care and are applying for a subsidy at the same time, this limit doubles to $65,000. Any gifts of more than $27,000 per couple, per year, made before the five year period are considered “excess” gifts and are included in the financial means assessment. If you are looking at making a gift to a family member or settling assets into a Trust, or winding your Trust up, Harmans have a team who understand the implications of these decisions and how they may impact on you. We can also assist with the completion of an application for a residential care subsidy and to set up a funeral trust if required. Give Phillipa Shaw a call on 379-7835 to arrange an appointment to discuss your situation. A

MAY 2022


Living Well Apartments available now in central Christchurch

Scaling down? A Living Well Apartment gives you room to move! Arvida’s St Albans community has brand new Living Well Apartments available now. These two-bedroom homes are light and modern, you’ll love the spacious open-plan living. Your weekly fee also offers you: • Three delicious meals a week, lunch or dinner • A weekly house clean and the use of shared electric vehicles • Membership to Arvida Good Friends Living Well Centre at Park Lane, with gym, heated indoor pool and exercise classes • Priced from $495,000 (LTO).

For a private tour call Kathie on 021 392 446 or visit 41 Caledonian Road, St Albans, Christchurch



MAY 2022


Causes, care and concerns - epilepsy in the older person Epilepsy is a neurological condition (affecting the brain and nervous system). Having epilepsy means that you tend to have seizures that start in the brain. Epilepsy is not a mental health problem and will not cause dementia. Causes There are many causes of epilepsy and seizures. The cause of your seizures should be investigated. This will help determine which types of management and support are suitable for you. Common causes of epilepsy in older people include: *Stroke * Brain injury * Brain Tumour * Degenerative conditions such as dementia * Medical conditions affecting the brain function Care It can be difficult to diagnose epilepsy in individuals in their later years. Epileptic seizures in older people can be mistaken for another condition (such as dementia), or the ageing process. Everyone’s experience of a seizure will be different. Some people experience seizures every day, while others have seizures rarely. It is not unusual for the person to be unaware that they have had a seizure; for this reason, it is important that, Whanau or friends, take notice of any behavioural changes. Observations or notes/records made by others, may be helpful in a prompt diagnosis

by the specialist. The specialist may also follow up on some other tests to confirm this diagnosis Further tests may include: * Taking a full medical history * Blood Tests * EEG (electroencephalogram) * CT Scan (computed tomography) * MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Please note not all these tests may be undertaken if the specialist already has a strong case that confirms the diagnosis of epilepsy. Depending on the seizure type, it may take some time to recover after a seizure. The individual may have a headache or feel very tired and want to sleep. They may have a ‘period after the seizure where they feel confused or lose some memory for a while. They may feel back to normal again after a short time, or it may take hours or days to feel fully recovered. The main supporting carer for this individual needs to have an

understanding not only of the seizure but also the aftercare or support that may be required after the seizure is over. Concerns - Emotions and Reactions The individual that has developed epilepsy may take time to come to terms with this new diagnosis. They may experience many emotions. They may feel shocked, angry, numb, or non-believing. These emotions are not unusual, but the family/carer need to have empathy and patience, while their loved ones try to come to terms with the diagnosis. You (the carer) may also have your own set of emotions to deal with. You may wish to phone Epilepsy New Zealand on 0800 374537 to speak to someone that can help and support you through this new way of life. Epilepsy New Zealand may be able to help you to find ways to adapt your lifestyle, while still being able to do the things you would normally do.

Reactions of family and friends can vary. Some people may not understand epilepsy, they may shy away, or they may become overprotective. Epilepsy New Zealand educators can talk to family and friends and help people have a better understanding of what is going on and how to move forward together. Taking Medication The individual is likely to be given Anti-Seizure Medication and may wonder why they need to take this. This medication works by stabilising the electrical activity in the brain. If a person with epilepsy does not take the medication as prescribed, there is a risk that seizures will continue and possibly get worse in intensity or frequency. It is important to work with your specialist to find the right medication with the least amount of side effects. It is not unusual for modifications to medication in the early stages. The specialist works to understand the individual’s seizure types and the bodies capabilities in absorbing and reacting to the new medication. If you or a family member would like support, advice, or guidance around epilepsy, please phone 0800 374537 to get through to an educator from Epilepsy New Zealand. There are many ways they can support you.

Natural arthritis and circulation booster Exercise while sitting watching TV or reading. Affordable, effective and so easy.

Gentle exercise while watching TV or reading

Twelve years ago when a lady from Te Horo devised a means of relieving her husband’s severe arthritic pain,

Arthritis aid and circulation booster Helpful for:

$44.90 incl. postage

* Relieving arthritic and joint pain * Diabetic foot care * Cold hands & feet * Aiding prevention of DVT * Sciatica * Reducing swollen ankles * Stroke rehabilitation * Cramps & restless legs * Parkinsons & MS * Building muscle/preventing falls View and order at or phone Sue in Levin on 0800 141415.

stiff joints and swollen ankles, she didn’t anticipate the demand for her Aircycle. The inflatable cushion, shaped like a pair of feet, allowed her husband to exercise his ankle, knee and hip joints, lower back, wrists, fingers, arms and shoulders while sitting. It was so effective an arthritis educator requested more be made for other sufferers. Word spread and now it’s used by thousands of people here and overseas. The gentle exercises not only help aching joints but hugely improve circulation in legs, feet and hands. Users report swollen ankles, night cramps and restless legs greatly improved. Diabetes related problems are eased. Leg muscles are strengthened and balance improved helping users to walk further with greater confidence. Those who derive the greatest

benefit from the Aircycle use it several times a day. "Aircycle is even better than the information says. The pain in my knees has gone and although I use a walker I don’t need it around the house anymore. I can move more freely and have much less pain in both my hands and feet. My feet are warmer too and now I don’t need bed socks which I’ve worn for years," Gay, Rotorua. “After using for only four days my Uncle’s swollen ankles disappeared before his eyes,” Susan, Cambridge. Aircycle is made in NZ, registered with Medsafe and has a lifetime warranty. Visit www.aircycle. to see it demonstrated and read testimonials from health professionals and people whose lives have been changed as a result of regular use. Order on line or call A Sue in Levin on 0800 141415.

MAY 2022



Stay active and strong with Arvida Good Friends Just a number Stay active and strong for just $20 per week with Arvida Good Friends. Staying flexible, fit and strong is the foundation of living well. Arvida Good Friends supports older adults to keep and improve their mobility and as a Moving Well member of Arvida Good Friends, you can follow a personalised programme in our specialist 50+ gym and private 15 metre heated pool, supported by exercise scientist Laura Organ and her expert team. You can attend all classes and activities as part of your membership and make new friends at the same time. Come and see the beautiful new community centre for older adults in Addington You’ll get a warm welcome from our friendly team. Bring a friend, park right outside and have a look around, learn about all the activities available and finish with a coffee and homemade treat at Natter Café. You are always welcome and we’d love to see you. Free meeting space for local friendship and community groups If you are looking for a new or different venue for your club, meeting or activity – the Arvida Good Friends Community Living Well Centre is a great option. All members, community groups and not for profit

organisations can book the upstairs space at the community centre for free. Parking is good, we are fully licenced and there is great value catering on site. Contact Vanessa Bottomley on 0800 20 41 20. Arvida Good Friends gives older Cantabrians support to live best lives in the homes they know and love. There’s a vibrant community centre, plus private home help and home care support, as well as the Good Friends Go members’ rideshare transport service for appointments,

shopping and socialising. Arvida Good Friends Living Well Community Centre, 47 Whiteleigh Avenue, Addington (parking on site and gate connection to Show Place). Open Monday to Saturday 8.00am to 4.30pm. 0800 20 41 20. Check out all our activities and book online - www.goodfriends. A

Age means nothing, it’s your energy that counts. Some people age before their time, others are endlessly young. If you fear growing old my friend, stop. Fear is something which will age you faster. As is bitterness, regret, envy and greed. Drop them like hot potatoes, they are weighing you down and draining your joy. Embrace your journey and the place you’re at. It’s only a number. Your energy will determine how ‘old’ you are. And if your looks are a worry as the years tick by, remember, a beautiful young woman is a happy accident of nature but a beautiful older woman, is carved and chiselled by a life well lived and a heart full of love. Time can’t erase your beauty my friend, only anger can do that. Beautiful words by Donna Ashworth Words


Stay active and strong with a Moving Well membership at the Arvida Good Friends Community Centre in Addington. Enjoy a personalised plan in our specialist 50+ gym, as well as access to our pool, spa and classes 6 days a week. All supervised by qualified exercise scientists. Get a member discount at the café after your workout too. To become a member call 0800 20 41 20 or visit today.

$20 A WEEK Subscription benefits include: — Access to the Living Well Centre gym, pool and spa — An exercise plan tailored to your needs — Four assessments per year — Free member access to all Living Well activities and classes like aquarobics, tai chi, line dancing, strength and balance and brain gym.

Keep doing you


MAY 2022


It’s time to ‘retire’ the word retire by Mason Head, Content Creator at The Eldernet Group

It’s 2022; so why are we still using a word from the 16th century to describe life after full-time work? When I stopped to google the word ‘retire,’ I was shocked at how ageist the definitions were: to withdraw, to retreat, to stop working because of old age or ill health, to cease to participate, to take a machine or piece of equipment out of use because it is old and no longer useful. Yet for many people, ‘retiring’ from a 9 to 5 doesn’t mean stopping work entirely; in fact, almost 1 in 4 people aged 65 and over remain in paid employment. Both of my parents (who are in their late 60s) work three or four days a week. For them ‘retirement’ means choosing when

Photo credit: Greta Hoffman-Bexels

and how often they wish to work. Others may choose not to work at all when they reach 65 (or earlier if

Introducing Gratitude Videos Have you ever wanted to thank your family and friends, truly thank them, for everything they’ve done and shared with you in life? Me too! I’m Jo from Gratitude Videos. I was recently at a wonderfully moving funeral where many lovely words were spoken about the person who had passed on, and it occurred to me that if it was me lying there, (and I’m fine that one day it will be), then I’d equally like the chance to express my gratitude and love back to my nearest and dearest. You know the ones, the people who make all the difference in life - a partner, individual children, girlfriend buddies or mates, God, ancestors, life itself! So I did. I made a Gratitude Video, and one day, as part of my Celebration of Life service, there will be a 7 minute video from me, that the Celebrant will integrate into the service. I hope it will delight my loved ones. I hope it will reassure them, and at the same time, I hope it will help them to move forward and make the most of their own lives. I’ve got it put away with my other important

documents and instructions for that stage. And now I don’t need to think about it anymore. I must admit it’s been a very liberating experience, knowing that these are the final words I’ll be saying to my nearest and dearest. But the awesome part is - I get to say them. Even though I regularly and often express gratefulness in life, this is different. It’s about being intentional in expressing that gratitude. Publicly acknowledging the difference these few special people have made to me, well, it just feels so right. So, now, I make Gratitude Videos for all sorts of people, from all walks and stages of life. There’s no ‘right time’ to make one, but no time like the present, I always say. So, if you feel it’s something you’d like to consider, please don’t hesitate to call. It just may be one of the most precious experiences you can have, and give. Joanne, 0274 802765 or head to A Thank you!

Gratitude - Express it your way! A Gratitude Video is a 5-8 minutes clip, made by you, for the specific purpose of being shown at your Celebration of Life Service, thanking and acknowledging your nearest and dearest, as only you can. Gratitude - it’s worth sharing.

they have the financial resources). My father-in-law, for example, is set to retire in the middle of this year on his 65th birthday; he can’t wait to spend his days on the golf course, traveling the country, and having the time to give to volunteer work. New Zealand’s economy certainly

reaps the benefits of these people who apparently ‘cease to participate’ in society. By 2036, it is predicted that those over the age of 65 will contribute $50 billion of consumer spending to the economy, $25 billion worth of unpaid or voluntary work, and $13 billion in taxes. So, can we establish that the word ‘retire’ doesn’t do justice to the 759,800 Kiwis who are 65 and older? A better definition for this stage of life is ‘Third Age’ (a term coined in the 1980s by English historian Peter Laslett) referring to ‘the period after middle age where people remain active.’ The Eldernet Group is New Zealand’s most trusted provider of information for older people and their whānau. Head to or freephone 0800 162 706 for your free copy of our ‘Where from here’ handbook.

Acting with warmth and understanding at Simplicity At Simplicity we act with warmth and understanding, our goal is to empower you to have the farewell that suits your needs. Our Location is in the heart of Sydenham easy to find with enough parking, simply park out the front. We have just completed our ‘Memories Room’ this is a modern and warm inviting space large enough for family viewings or gatherings. We have a sound system and TV screens to play favourite music and photos, either on your own device or using ours. We also have a modern kitchen for those wanting to have a cuppa. Our Chevrolet Caprice Hearse is parked in the building behind a graphically designed glass wall for those wanting to farewell or follow the hearse to the

crematorium or cemetery. We have funeral plans to suit everyone with a wide range of options. We can always custom design a funeral plan to suit your needs whether it’s something simple or a full service in a venue of your choice, with burial or cremation. Our pre-arrangement plans and pre-paid options through the Funeral Trust NZ are an excellent way to help guide your family through at the time. This takes quite a lot of pressure off, and can be peace of mind for you. We also do funeral based talks to groups, if you would like one of us to come to your group and answer all those questions, please get in touch. A

Plan Ahead Today Pre-Arrangment Plans Available We pride ourselves on the very highest level of service. If you are thinking about the future, we can help you explore pre-payment and pre-planning options. Contact us for a Free Information Pack. We offer funeral information talks to groups. Please call us for a speaker to come to you. OTHER FUNERAL PLANS AVAILABLE

Video production $399. Phone Joanne Cormack on 027 4802765 or visit Christchurch | Corner of Coleridge St & Gasson St, Sydenham | Ph 03 379 0196

MAY 2022


Age Concern Canterbury Inc.

2021: A Year in Review For the year ended 31 December 2021 Vision To be the recognised organisation in Canterbury that connects, supports, empowers, celebrates and respects all older people in an inclusive community. Mission Statement Age Concern Canterbury works to achieve wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people.

“Age Concern Canterbury has always supported me and my friends. It is a great organisation.” Like all people and organisations, Age Concern Canterbury was greatly affected by Covid-19. This is reflected in the numbers of older people we supported and in our financials.

Accredited Visiting Service The Accredited Visiting Service (AVS) team in Canterbury, the West Coast and Timaru continue to co-ordinate thousands of volunteer visits to socially isolated people 11,776 in Canterbury. (12,783 in 2020) Across the three regions, 44 percent of the volunteers are under 65.

“Things have changed for the better now I have a visitor, we go out for coffee and have been to the art gallery and even a ride on the tram! My life has really turned around and I couldn’t be happier.” from an AVS client. Age Concern Canterbury’s Accredited Visiting Service has over 172 volunteers (191 in 2020).

Social Connection Service

The Social Connection Co-ordinators utilised the 3 mini buses that we have to facilitate 5,461 outings for socially isolated people. (3,754 in 2020)

“I love helping to bring a smile to people’s faces. We have a lot of fun.” from a Minibus driver

“I really enjoyed my first outing. The host was lovely.” from a Minibus client.



MAY 2022


Elder Abuse Neglect Prevention Age Concern Canterbury delivers the Elder Abuse Service across Canterbury, the West Coast and Timaru. 466 referrals were received with 251 closed cases of Elder Abuse. (There were 469 referrals in 2020 and 199 closed cases).

78% of abuse was by a family member

Number of Elder Abuse referrals 700 600

“I am feeling more relaxed and able to deal with (the) mental and physical abuse.”

500 400 300 200 100 0 2019



Home Support Services

2,235 clients were assisted with home help, a trade/handyman or gardener from our database. (2,119 in 2020) All service providers on our database are police checked and interviewed.

MAY 2022



Volunteers In 2021 volunteers contributed over 13,000 hours to improving the lives of older people (16,000 in 2020). This enabled us to deliver on our vision – of being the lead agency that connects, supports, empowers, celebrates and respects all older people in an inclusive community. In pure economic terms, volunteer involvement equates to over $260K per year*. (* Based on minimum wage).

Steady As You Go (SAYGo) Courses 125 new participants completed the ten week course and continue to attend the 48 classes across Christchurch and North Canterbury. (41 classes were running in 2020)

“I feel more confident to leave the house.” “I feel safer and stronger on my feet.” SAYGo Course attendees.

Keeping On

Keeping On

Keeping On is published four times a year: February, May, August and November.


51,000 copies of Keeping On were printed and distributed throughout Christchurch and the South Island. (39,000 copies last year). At the end of 2020 we began distributing Keeping On through Christchurch New World supermarkets.

Keeping On wth Antonio Yuge, Page 3

Phone (03) 366-0903, Fax: (03) 365-0639, Email:,

“Keeping On is a wonderful magazine and I always read it right through with much enjoyment. It is a credit to Age Concern Canterbury.” “I really enjoy Keeping On - lots of really good information in it.” Keeping On readers.

Charities Commission Number: CCC29446

Website and Facebook Our Website was visited by 45,239 people, viewing 124,777 pages (34,814 people in 2020, with 109,250 page views). We currently have 1,275 followers on our Facebook page (up from 893 in 2020) – and this is growing daily, with an increased focus on connecting with people via this medium.


MAY 2022


Our Finances Income 2021

Grants 11%

AVS contract 9%

Membership 2%

Interest and dividends 27%

EARS contract 27%

Health Promotion 4%

Bequests 9%

Keeping On 5%

Donations 4%

Other 3%

Expenses 2021

Salaries 72%

Travel and vehicle 3%

Accounting and audit 1%

Other 5%

Depreciation 5%

IT, computer software and expenses 2%

Stationery, Photocopying and postage 4%

Professional fees 3%





i t






Acknowledgements Age Concern Canterbury wishes to acknowledge with thanks the financial assistance of: Age Concern Canterbury Trust Community Trust of Mid and South Canterbury Christchurch City Council Margaret Burns Charitable Trust Jones Foundation Canterbury District Health Board Ministry of Health Ministry of Social Development

Estate of Margaret Olive Burns Estate of Jen Isabel Marshall Estate of Hugh Malcolm McDonald Estate of L Lummis Estate of Alexander Murray Ireland Estate of C N Grandi

MAY 2022


Elder Abuse Awareness Week: 15th to 22nd June Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. The types of abuse we see can be psychological, physical, financial, sexual, institutional, and neglect. Elder Abuse Awareness Day is on the 15th of June, during the week (15 – 22 June) in which we raise awareness of the abuse and neglect that some older people experience every day. At Age Concern Canterbury we have four staff members - registered nurses and social workers, who work with elder abuse and neglect cases in the greater Christchurch area. We also have a clinician in Timaru and one on the West Coast. Referrals are received from a variety of places and people; Police, doctors, friends, family, self-referrals, neighbours, health professionals. Every case is unique, and the level of intervention and support is different for every person. Statistics show that one in ten older people in Aotearoa New Zealand experience elder abuse, and this is only the cases we see! People can be afraid to share what they are experiencing for many reasons: * They depend on the abuser for support. * They have low self-confidence and self-esteem. * They don't want to make a fuss. * They are afraid that if they complain the abuse will get worse. * They are isolated, so it is difficult for them to tell anyone. * They do not know who to tell or how to get help. * They have dementia or an illness which prevents them from telling anyone. * They blame themselves for the abuse.

* They are ashamed that the abuser is a family/whānau member. The following signs may raise suspicion of potential elder abuse, but it's important to avoid jumping to conclusions – the whole situation needs to be considered: * unexplained behaviour, sleeping or eating habits. * confusion, withdrawal and/or edginess. * unexplained injuries. * drowsiness (due to overmedication). * fear of a particular person or being anxious in familiar situations. * recoiling from touch. * unusual withdrawals from bank accounts or decisions around property or other assets. * unpaid bills and/or not enough money for necessities. If you are concerned about yourself or someone else experiencing elder abuse do one of the following: * If you or the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger, ring the Police on 111. * Talk to someone you trust - a friend, family, doctor, nurse, member of your church. * Call the national elder abuse 24 hour free phone line on 0800 32 668 65 or text 5032 or email support@ * Talk confidentially with us at Age Concern Canterbury on 03 366 0903. * Put a referral through our website at * Visit us at Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui, Christchurch for more information or support By looking out for and responding to concerns about older people in the community, we can support them to make changes to their situation. If you are experiencing elder abuse, you are not alone and there is free, confidential help available for you.

One Stop Mobility & Independence Shop Hire, Sales and Service More Moblity has over 500 products in store to keep you independent * Mobility Scooters * Power Wheelchairs * Standard Wheelchairs * * Walkers/Rollators * Walking Sticks, Canes & Crutches * Rehabilitation Aids * Toilet & Bathroom ware * Lift Chairs * Kitchen & Grooming Aids



ELDER ABUSE HITS CLOSE TO HOME Cupcake and Coႇee Morning Tea Wednesday, 15th June 2022 10.00am-12.00pm Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Christchurch.

Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Come along any time members Please between 10.00am to 12.00noon for a free hot drink and cupcakes at our awareness raising event. There will be information, resources and sta௺ to talk with about elder abuse and how we address this issue.

phone 366 0903 to register.

All Natural harmoney Body & Joint Rub Great for all manner of joint and muscle stiffness, sprains and strains and dry flaky skin. EXCELLENT FOR SENSITIVE SKIN Phone: 027 517 2347 Email: Natural Harmony Body & Joint Rub is $45.00 for 200ml and $35.00 for 100ml and includes delivery with an addiitonal $5.00 for rural delivery. You can purchase by visiting our website www.florentinegold., by emailing us at or by phoning us on 0275172347.

TESTIMONIAL “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I received the body and joint rub on the 5th April and started using it on he 6th. This is the first time in nearly 7 years that I have been pain free. I have osteoarthritis in my lumber spine region and am waiting for a hip replacement. A friend rang me last week to tell me about your product, she had just discovered it. I will be recommending it to others that I know who have trouble with pain. Once again, thank you so much.” Ann Mason, Waikato 2022.

113 Blenheim Road, Riccarton. Christchurch. Ph: 348 3460 or 0800 666222

The All Natural Harmony Body & Joint Rub would make a wonderful present for family and friends.


MAY 2022


HAPPY FEET DANCE CLASS Test your crossword skills Wednesday at 1.00pm at St Albans Community Centre, 1049 Colombo Street, Edgeware. $2.00 per session Come along and shake your boogie! Will suit low to midlevel of fitness. It’s all about having fun! All are welcome.

If interested, please phone Rowena on 027 4040 897.

Jayne works for the benefit of her clients Jayne Martin is a Licensed Sales Consultant with Harcourts, Kaiapoi. Jayne brings the discipline and organisational skills of a dedicated Police Officer in the London Metropolitan Police and a Probation Officer here in New Zealand. The wealth of knowledge and interpersonal skills she acquired in these diverse positions works to the benefit of her real estate clients. She has travelled and worked extensively and understands the diverse needs that reflect a multicultural market. Being passionate about property Jayne has bought, renovated and sold many times in New Zealand. Working with her own properties was so gratifying, she knew she had found her lifetime career. Her career move into the Real Estate arena was fuelled by her passion for engaging with and helping the public.

You will find that her work ethics are second to none; an admirable quality that makes Jayne stand out from the crowd. Her work is meticulous and detailed, not only because it’s good business, but because she prides herself in her work. Residing in North Canterbury with her partner, Jayne is down to earth and has a warm personality to match. Of more importance is her work ethic, commitment towards the job, and knowing that her clients can both trust and rely on her - whether it be a sale or purchase. Doing what is right for her clients is first on her list. Awarded the Top Sales Consultant at Harcourts Kaiapoi from 2015 to 2022 you will see that customer satisfaction still exists when you use Jayne to market your property! Mobile: 027 517 7937 Office: (03) 327 5379 Email: jayne.martin@harcourts. A

ARE YOU thinking OF DOWNSIZING, RELOCATING TO A RETIREMENT HOME OR SIMPLY WISH TO KNOW THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME? Jayne can help you with all three, she has helped many of her clients with an easy stress free transition, covering Christchurch and North Canterbury, Jayne prides herself on going the extra mile for her clients. If you would like +, , )&$ 1&,+ % 1 +! ,ƛ""Ǿ give Jayne a call. Jayne Martin 027 517 7937 | 03 327 5379

Four Seasons Realty Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008


ACROSS: 1. Wins (9), 6. Dreads (5), 9. Winnings (7), 10. Initiating (7), 11. Stop (4), 12. Old sign (4,5), 14. Plant is unsupported (8), 15. Avoid (5), 16. Not there (5), 18. Snipped (8), 20. Announcer (5,4), 21. Entrance (4), 24. Historic (7), 25. Malady (7), 26. Pole (5), 27. One who praises (9) Cryptic Clue Across: 1. & 6. Beats anxieties, from high drops-in worries (9 or 4 - 5, 5) DOWN: 1. *Iris’s scent stock (5), 2. Plead (7), 3. Acre (Anagram) (4), 4. Floating story? (7, 2, 6), 5. Wins case (10, 5), 6. Balked (10), 7. Stir (7), 8. Imply (7), 13. Tin pot omen (anagram) (10), 16. Missed payments (7), 17. Postal markings (7), 19. Not finishing (7), 22. Stunner (5), 23. *Projectile (4) Cryptic Clues Down: 1. *Car seller takes a thousand off famous car for smells (5). 23. *Garden pest can be fired (4)

MAY 2022



Try another world - Golden Bay by Mike Crean

Tired of this world? Want a better one? Try Golden Bay. It’s a leisurely two-days drive from Christchurch. “Out on a limb”, it feels like another world. Beauty abounds, people smile, life dawdles, history thrives, nature reigns. Golden Bay is further north than Levin, so days are warmer. Drive north through Lewis Pass, Shenandoah and Murchison, on Highway 6. Cross the Motueka River and turn left immediately, at Kohatu. Follow the river all the way to Motueka town. It’s a good road through interesting scenery. If you pack a Thermos and sandwich, a good place to tackle them is Ngatimoti, about 10km before Motueka. Drive over the low hill on the right and the vista of Orinoco’s hills and hollows will make you gasp. Ngatimoti’s war memorial commemorates the first New Zealand soldier killed in World War I. Local farm worker William Ham died of wounds inflicted as the Kiwis resisted a Turkish attempt to capture the Suez Canal in February, 1915. His mates would meet the Turks again, three months later at Gallipoli. Leaving Motueka you climb possibly the highest hill you ever drove over. It’s the Takaka Hill. Stop at the summit, hop out and look down on

Rock formations at Wharariki Beach

the left. A feeling of giddiness will set in; your teeth will chatter a “Tarkarkar” sort-of-sound. The remedy is simple. Descend the other side of the hill to a mystic valley where lush green pasture and bush welcome you. This is Golden Bay. Twenty minutes later you reach Takaka, principal town of Golden Bay. It has everything you need on holiday. Interested in museums? Take a look – learn about Abel Tasman sailing into the bay to seek fresh

water, about things going wrong and fighting breaking out with the Maori, about Tasman re-calling his men and sailing away. This raises a question: is it true that one of his men was left behind and became a treasured member, taonga, of the local hapu? You may fancy a swim; try Pohara Beach, just outside Takaka. Perhaps you want to explore further north. Grab some brochures from the local Information Office first. Use them to discover the many interesting places

in Golden Bay. You have an urge to go out on Farewell Spit, the South Island’s most northern point. Drive to historic Collingwood. From here you can take a daytrip by coach along the Spit, where private cars are not allowed. However, you can drive on a sealed public road to the start of the Spit, at Puponga. Some of New Zealand’s earliest gold diggings were inland from Collingwood, up the Aorere Valley. Perhaps this explains how “Golden” became part of the Bay’s name. The quaint Bainham Store survives amid the 170-years-old diggings. Old wharf piles at Onekaka and Puponga are skeletons of dead endeavours. At Puponga I once jogged about 3km from Wharariki Beach on the Tasman Sea to the shore of Golden Bay, to be able to boast that I had run the Coast-to-Coast! The only way to exit Golden Bay by road is over the Takaka Hill again. This accentuates Golden Bay’s “other-world” feeling. So, up you go, and over. You can take a break in Motueka to choose your route homewards: via Nelson-BlenheimKaikoura, or back the way you came. Either way, warm memories will surely accompany you.

Physical activity is important for everyone We have heard it time and again, physical activity is important for everyone, no matter your age! Physical activity not only helps increase muscle strength, flexibility, balance and co-ordination but can help manage health conditions and reduce anxiety, depression and improve mood. Now that the peak of Omicron is over, here are some tips to getting back into exercises that you love: Start slow and build steadily— be realistic about your current abilities and what you have/haven’t done over the last few months. If you have had a break from exercise, try not to compare yourself to what you used to do. For every week off exercise, it takes at least double that to get back to where you were. Eat well— try to have a well-balance diet with emphasis on protein and a variety of coloured vegetables. Protein is especially important for older adults during times of stress. A variety of coloured vegetables also

offers various vitamins and minerals, important when recovering from illness and protecting our bodies leading into the winter months. Re-establish routines— when life is sometimes out of our control, focusing on what we can control is a powerful thing. Establishing routine during the day, can help to reduce anxiety, help with sleep and improve our mood. Once you start back into exercise, try to establish a routine and time-frame in which you will get your exercise done. This will empower you and help you to get back to where you were. Community Group Strength and Balance classes focus on improving lower body and core strength and balance which will, ultimately, lead to gains in movement confidence. These classes are social, fun and adaptable to each individual. A great place to start when you are new or returning to exercise! Find a class near you by giving Sport Canterbury a call on 03 373 5060 or go A

Join an approved class near you: Visit or phone Sport Canterbury on 0800 228 483


MAY 2022


New Christchurch South Men’s Group now meeting

National Volunteer Week 19th to 25th June 2022 honours the collective energies and mana of all our volunteers in Aotearoa. Here at Age Concern Canterbury we have over 400 volunteers who support our activities through visiting, driving, assisting drivers, writing and proof reading and delivering our magazine. We would not be able to deliver our services as well as we do without the assistance of these wonderful people. We will be celebrating with our volunteers at a special lunch for them on Thursday June 23rd. More than one million people across Aotearoa volunteer for an organisation, contributing $4 billion to the economy. Much more happens within communities and informally between people. Covid-19 has put a spotlight on the voluntary sector. It highlighted the sector’s vital contribution to unity, kindness, and the wellbeing of New Zealanders. It mobilised younger

people to fill in when vulnerable volunteers had to stand down. It saw whānau and friends uniting behind things that mattered most to them. Now let’s recognise and celebrate all that volunteers do to connect communities. This year, National Volunteer Week coincides with the new public holiday for Matariki (24 June). Matariki is the time many Māori and an evergrowing number of Tauiwi in Aotearoa and around the world gather family and friends and reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. This Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu / National Volunteer week, the theme is ‘Time to Shine / He wā pīataata.’ Let’s take the time to reflect / whaiwhakaaro on all those who give mahi aroha / volunteer for their communities. It’s a time to recognise and celebrate volunteers, a time to shine / pīataata. It’s Matariki, a new year and a fresh start; a time to dream / moemoeā and make plans.


Following the success of the North Men’s Group, the Social Outings service is pleased to announce that we now have a Christchurch South Men’s Group. We had our first well-anticipated outing late last year when we headed to the Hornby Working Men’s Club for a pint or coffee with our pie and chips! Great fun was had by all! If you are keen to come join in with our Men’s Groups, please give the Age Concern Canterbury Social Connection Team a call on 03 366 0903.

Men’s groups are proving popular.

AGE CONCERN CANTERBURY Staying Safe Refresher Driving Courses 10.00am to 2.00pm. Light lunch provided 2022 Monday, 13th June, Amberley Wednesday, 15th June, Rangiora Monday, 20th June, Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui Tuesday, 21st June, Cheviot Tuesday, 28th June, Addington Tuesday, 12th July, Kaikoura Tuesday, 18th July, Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui Wednesday, 27th July, Addington Course dates are continually being updated so please phone 03 366 0903 to register or to enquire about future courses.


Hosts, H ostts d drivers rii ers and dd drivers’ rii ers’’ assistants assiisttantts needed need ded d for our well-loved Social Outings Service. Drivers transport clients in our minivans to a morning or afternoon tea in and around Christchurch, supporting them to make new friends. No special licence required. Casual basis. Hosts provide a morning or afternoon tea on a monthly or casual basis to a group of 5-9 clients. Drivers’ assistants support the drivers and help clients.

Please contact Katie Faithful on 331 7801 or Debbie on 331 7814 for more information. Email or

The Accredited Visiting Service at Age Concern Canterbury has caring volunteers who are keen to spend time with an older person. Our volunteers visit on a regular basis for about an hour each week. They tell us that they enjoy the opportunity to get to know an older person, and that they benefit and learn from the experience.

Please call Rebecca on 331 7816 if you would like to find out more.

MAY 2022



You’ve got a friend in me by Emma Parker, Social Connection Advisor, AVS

Nerida has been a visitor with the Accredited Visiting Service since March 2019 and told us, ‘It is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and I understand how important meaningful relationships are to people and the impact it can have on their wellbeing.’ Nerida initially visited John and now visits his wife, Jocelyn. Nerida remembers her initial visit fondly, ‘I visited them in the home they had lived in for 68 years! We shared a cup of tea and I was thrilled they wanted me to come back and visit John every week.’ Jocelyn was relieved someone would be on hand to stop John climbing up ladders, either pruning trees or cleaning the spouting while she wasn’t there. Jocelyn expressed concerns for John as he had withdrawn from socialising, having once been very active within the community. While Nerida visited John, Jocelyn was able to enjoy her arts and crafts group with friends and relax knowing John was in safe hands. It didn’t take long for John and Nerida to form a lovely friendship. Nerida loved John’s wicked sense of humour. Nerida recalls how John once convinced her to help him clean out his bird Aviary using the vacuum cleaner without Jocelyn suspecting a thing! As John’s confidence grew, they would venture out for coffee and cheese scones. They often talked

Jocelyn and Nerida.

about current events, Gus (John’s precious cat) and always Jocelyn whom he loved so much. In October 2019, and after 70 years together, John passed away unexpectedly. This devastating loss brought Nerida and Jocelyn closer together as they shared in their grief and stories of John. Jocelyn and Nerida have enjoyed many adventures during their time together including a visit to the local Indian restaurant as Jocelyn has


always wanted to try Indian food. Jocelyn has attempted to teach Nerida to crochet, and they often play cards showing one another no mercy! Jocelyn is especially appreciative of the regular coffee and treats Nerida brings her. Nerida has made sure Jocelyn has sampled everything in the café cabinet but knows Jocelyn’s favourite treat is lolly cake. Jocelyn moved to a retirement village in 2021 and has settled into her new home with the ever-faithful Gus at her side. Their friendship is still going strong. Jocelyn tells us ‘Nerida is a ray of sunshine in a dark sky and I feel very free to talk to Nerida about John, as she knew him well.’ Jocelyn said she misses John terribly but she has so many happy memories which she shares with Nerida. John is still very much included in their time together as his photo takes pride of place when they meet, and they endearingly call John a ‘stinker!’ for leaving them. Nerida says they know each other so well that Jocelyn feels she can talk to Nerida about how she is feeling and her daily life there.

As for Gus, he has become a star within the retirement home. Nerida’s son even made a ladder for Gus to venture in and out as he pleases from Jocelyn’s window. Everyone has fallen under Gus’ spell and is in love with him, not only does he bring joy to Jocelyn but also the other residents. Jocelyn tells us she has a great appreciation for the support her and John received from Age Concern Canterbury over the years and both Nerida and Jocelyn are so grateful they were matched up. Nerida says ‘Both of us know we each play a special part in each other’s lives and always look forward to seeing and spending time with each other. Every time I leave Jocelyn, she always makes sure I am coming the following week. I tell her I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’ Jocelyn says the rest home is very good to her and there is so much kindness there, and as both Jocelyn and Nerida well know… ‘sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life’.

New Kaiapoi Social Group If you live in Kaiapoi and are keen to get out more, we now have a fun Kaiapoi social group. This once-amonth group is intended for people over 65’s who live in their own home and would enjoy more company. Transport is available or you can drive and meet the group. Donation: Gold coin (not compulsory). You will need to pay for your own morning tea at the café. Pick up: is between 9am and 10am with a meet time of 10:30am at the cafe. Contact: Katie Faithful on 331 7801

or email kfaithful@ageconcerncan. or contact Debbie Garraway on 331 7814 or email dgarraway@

GAMES MORNING Starting Friday, 3rd June 2022 January 2022 Wayne and Judy Woodham, both Minibus Hosts and Wayne is a Minibus Driver. February 2022 Bryan Watson, Visitor, Accredited Visiting Service March 2022 Terry Murray, Visitor, Accredited Visiting Service April 2022 Warren Taylor, Minibus Driver May 2022 Carol Mercer, Visitor, Accredited Visiting Service

First Friday of every month: from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Complimentary tea, coffee, water & biscuits.


MAY 2022


Tips to combat rising costs There is no doubt the cost of living is on the rise. Petrol, groceries, and rent are just some of the costs that are increasing at a steady rate. Everything and everyone are to blame; Covid-19, the Government, the war in Ukraine – you name it and you have the reason! However, when managing day-to-day living costs, we also need to check if there is anything we can do to help alleviate the rising expenditure. Age Concern Canterbury Liaison Officer, Peter Gwynne, has a few ideas. When looking at your costs, it is important to check with your current supplier that you have got the best deal for your situation. Then, if necessary, make a comparison with other suppliers. I had a recent experience with my gas company supplier. Over

the summer months I had received 3 notifications of price increases. I rang the company to find out what the latest price of a bottle was as the last delivery was back in July 2021. The July price was $130.50. The current price (March 2022) after the 3 increases was $152 (without gold card $180).

What legacy will you leave? There are many ways to leave your mark on the world. Everything you do, such as your connections with your family/whānau and friends, your work, sporting or community activities, all contribute to memories of you. You may also like to leave a gift in your will to an organisation that is important to you. This way your kindness can live on, improving lives long after you have gone. Having a detailed and up to date will is an important way to ensure that your wishes are clear when you do pass away. How to leave a gift in your will 1) Discuss your plans with your loved ones so they understand your wishes. 2) Decide which organisation or organisations you wish to leave a gift to and how much you would like to give. The best way to do this is to

give a share of your estate after your other commitments have been met. Because the value of your assets and investment can fluctuate, a good way to do this is to apportion your estate in percentages so that it is divided as you intended. 3) Seek advice from your lawyer to ensure that your wishes are clearly documented. It is usually straightforward to include a charitable gift in your will. If you have an existing will, you may add a “codicil” that provides an update of your wishes. Making a bequest to the Cancer Society If you would like to leave a gift to the Cancer Society in the CanterburyWest Coast region, you will need to advise your lawyer of our correct legal name which is “Cancer Society of New Zealand Canterbury-West A Coast Division Inc”.

A gift in your will can support people affected by cancer now and fund world-class research for a cancer-free future.

They then advised as I was a longterm customer, they would give me a special price of $115 which would not be subject to future increases! This special price would not have been offered if I had not made the phone call. If you have a plan for your mobile phone, it is worthwhile checking to see if it is best suited to your particular usage and needs. The plans are revamped on a regular basis and what you signed up to several years ago may not now meet your current usage habits. Also check that you are getting everything you are entitled to from MSD. If your costs for accommodation and/or medical costs have risen it may be that your accommodation supplement or disability allowance need adjusting. Remember though, everyone’s needs and payments are different. The winter warmth payment will now be included in your superannuation which will give you a little bit extra to

cover those increased heating costs. Remember too that public transport is currently half price. This, of course, makes no difference if you make use of your Goldcard in the allocated times, but if you have a Total Mobility Card the current discount for taxi fare is 75% until the end of June 2022. Tips to save money on your groceries * Buy store brands. * Plan meals for the week based on what is on special and what is in season. * Make use of loyalty cards and coupons. * Change where you shop to compare price and quality. If you are internet savvy use the Grocer NZ webpage which allows you to compare prices of items at your chosen supermarkets. This clever programme will create your list and compare the costs if you shop at multiple or just one supermarket. (There’s no point in spending $5 on fuel to save $1 on groceries.

New Zealand Super or Veteran’s Pension (Standard Rates) Net weekly rate (after tax at 'M')

Net weekly rate (after tax at 'S')

Gross weekly rate

$462.94 $427.33

$444.09 $408.48

$538.24 $495.10







Only one of you qualifies $676.96 and you include your partner in your payments (combined) – grandparented since November 2020



Only one of you qualifies $338.48 and you include your partner in your payments (each) – grandparented since November 2020



Only one of you qualifies $356.11 and you don't include your partner in your payments



Single Single, living alone Single, sharing Couples Both you and your partner qualify (combined) Both you and your partner qualify (each)

New Zealand Super or Veteran’s Pension (Non-Standard Rates)

Cancer Society of New Zealand Canterbury-West Coast Division Inc. Phone: 03 379 5835 email:

Couple, with nonqualified spouse included before 1 October 1991 (total)




Couple, with nonqualified spouse included before 1 October 1991 (each)




Hospital rate


Note 1


MAY 2022



A word to care partners - “Look after yourself” The material for this article was taken from the Living Well with Dementia course held at Dementia Canterbury.

If you are the care partner for someone living with dementia, chances are that you will have noticed some changes in your life. One big change is less of spouse and more of care partner. You may well have taken on more household tasks and you could also be coping with changes in communication and behaviour brought about by dementia. Other changes include coping with irregular sleep or eating patterns and managing more of the physical aspects of your loved ones’ care. You may also have your own health needs to consider. It may be more difficult to go out, either together or alone, or you may have fewer visitors at home. You may well have to cope with relationship changes with friends and family. The picture painted feels quite somber. That’s why, if you find yourself noticing such changes, it is important that you put measures in place to take good care of yourself. Maintaining physical wellbeing When others depend on you, it is important to ensure you are receiving enough nutrients to keep you going, by including fruit and vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains in your diet. It is also a good idea to limit alcohol, sugar and coffee. Keeping physically active with regular exercise is vital. The secret here is to do what you love this could be anything from riding a bike to chair exercises. Getting enough sleep can be tricky, especially if your loved one’s sleeping pattern has changed. The advice we give to young mums holds true here too, rest when your loved one is resting. Remember that this is a marathon not a sprint, so your strategy needs to reflect that. Give yourself permission to have a rest. Maintaining physical health also involves going to the doctor for regular check-ups and medication

reviews so that your own health needs are being met. Maintaining mental wellbeing Caring for someone in such a fulltime capacity can be very isolating. It’s easy to feel forgotten. That’s why it’s imperative to prioritize your relationships with family and friends. Throughout your life, you will have enjoyed many roles. Family roles such as mother, father, sister, and social roles such as friend, club member, workmate, or church member. You need those people in your life so work hard to maintain the relationships that are special to you. Relaxation is about having some down time to feed your soul by doing something that you find relaxing and pleasurable. This could be anything from craftwork to yoga. The old saying, “a change is as good as a holiday” springs to mind here. Often getting time to do something different and relaxing is all we need to give us renewed energy. It may mean that you need to ask for help so that you are free to take the time. This could be another family member, a friend or a volunteer from Dementia Canterbury who comes in to spend some time with your loved one while you have some time out. Or it may mean organising respite care if you require longer time to recharge your battery. This process begins with a trip to your GP and a Needs Assessment referral. Practising “gratitude” is also helpful. Being thankful is a guaranteed way to boost our spirits and change any unhelpful attitudes that creep into our minds from time to time. Maintaining emotional wellbeing Building a solid network of people to support you is a lifelong process but is especially important now. Support comes in many different forms, it could be a home cooked meal delivered to your door, or having the lawns mowed or a visitor to sit with your loved one while you do some errands.

Seeking to understand as much about dementia and how it may affect you as a family helps you to respond appropriately and is a first step towards emotional wellbeing. Dementia Canterbury runs several different educational courses, both in person and via zoom to share information. There are also talks, given by experts, on a range of subjects pertinent to dementia at A “listening ear” is often exactly the support you need. Talking things through as you cope with all these

changes is paramount. Care Partner support groups run by Dementia Canterbury are a huge boost as they give an opportunity for people to share concerns and offer help. Dementia Canterbury Café groups also enable networking, both for the person living with dementia and their care partner. Kia Kaha as you seek to give the best possible care to your loved one. Remember- no man (person) is an Island. Look after yourself and seek help when you need it. (Article contributed to Keeping On.)

Did you know your Will can be overturned? After you pass away, there is potential for your Will to be challenged and a claim made for further entitlement. There are five main grounds in which this can happen, making it important that your Will is written properly to avoid this. If you have children and you do not provide for them in your Will (regardless of their age) they are able to bring a claim under section 4 of the Family Protection Act. When assessing claims the Courts focus on the idea of a moral duty to provide for your children and the importance of recognition of belonging to the family It is important to make your Will sooner rather than later. If you lose capacity, you are unable to execute a valid will. If you have executed a will and family or friends have concerns about your capacity at the time of signing, they can question the validity of the Will. Undue influence is where a will maker has had an influence on them to such an extent that they could not exercise their free will in making their will. Where possible we recommend you make your own appointments and engage with your lawyer directly, not through a partner or friend. Attend the appointment by yourself. Think about what you want to happen to your belongings. If you have been in a relationship for

over three years, then your partner or spouse can decide under section 61 of the Property (Relationships) Act (“PRA”) if they want to make an application under the PRA or receive what you have left them under the Will. Unless you have entered into a contracting out agreement the presumption is your partner will receive 50% of the estate under the PRA. The executors of your Estate must act in the best interest of the beneficiaries and execute the instructions in your Will. If they don’t, they can open your Estate up to potential claims, cause disruption among your family and hold up the process of administration. If you have concerns that you do not have an adequate executor you can appoint an independent executor, for example your lawyer, an accountant or other trusted professional to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled. A will is an important document that you need to ensure it is thoroughly drafted to protect and ensure your wishes are carried out and your estate is not open to claims. The Life Law team at Godfreys law can help you through the process of creating your Will and protecting your Estate. For more information contact A Gina Dobson on 03 366 7469.

IS AGEING, DISABILITY, INJURY OR ILLNESS MAKING LIFE DIFFICULT? Therapy Professionals Ltd’s physio, speech language, music and occupational therapists and dietitians can make life easier. We can help. We come to you. For more information contact: Telephone: (03) 377 5280 Fax: (03) 377 5281


For expert planning and advice in your twilight years

Gina Dobson Solicitor (03) 366 7469


MAY 2022


Crossword Answers #120522 Fire and Emergency NZ offer ACROSS: free home fire safety visits 1. Overcomes, 6. Fears, 9. Returns, 10. Causing, 11. Stem, 12. Aged trace, 14. Stemless, 15. Avert, 16. Alibi, 18. Neutered, 20. Radio host, 21. Adit, 24. Ancient, 25. Illness, 26. Shaft, 27. Eulogiser Cryptic Answer Across: 1. & 6: Overcomes fears DOWN: 1. Orris, 2. Entreat, 3. Care, 4. Message in bottle, 5. Successful trial, 6. Frustrated, 7. Agitate, 8. Suggest, 13. Omnipotent, 16. Arrears, 17. Indicia, 19. Endless, 22. Taser, 23. Slug

Fire and Emergency New Zealand offer free Home Fire Safety Visits to people, family and whanau who require fire safety advice. This includes: * Checking smoke alarms and providing advice on where they should be installed and how they should be maintained. We can also install free smoke alarms for qualifying homes.

* Talking through escape plans and ensuring that everyone can get out of the home quickly and safety in the event of a fire, and that you have an agreed safe meeting place. * Discussing fire safety to ensure we cook, heat and live in our homes safely.

Cryptic Answer Down: 1. Orris (M = 1000 removed from car name). NB: Common name is Queen Elizabeth bulb. 23. Slug (Either a garden pest or a shot from air pistol)

Talk on Home Fire Safety from Fire and Emergency NZ

Mature Moves is all about helping people

Come and hear Fire and Emergency NZ talk about free Home Fire Safety visits.

If you are considering moving into a smaller home, perhaps a retirement village or residential care and you feel you could use some help Mature Moves could be your answer. It is a Christchurch based company with local people helping older people to downsize and move when the need arises. They understand that sometimes your family are not positioned to help as they might like to or have time restraints. True to their motto ‘to treat you like they treat their own families’, the team at Mature Moves can pack up, declutter and move all of your belongings and furniture to your new home. Then they unpack and set up your new home to the very last detail, setting up the home just the way you like it. Decluttering can be a bit overwhelming. However, it is made much easier with some understanding

help. Step-by-step you can have things sorted and organised with minimal fuss and stress. Along with this wonderful service, they can also organise selling things you no longer require, or if you desire gifting them to family or charities. They can also clean homes inside and out, and complete the gardening to get houses ready for sale. Mature Moves is about helping people. You let them know what help you need and they will set about showing you just what they can do to help you. A visit and consultation is free of charge, with no obligation to use their services. However, if you feel they may be of assistance a quotation can be provided for your consideration. You can phone Mature Moves on 0800 777 214 to talk about your move. We are sure Mike and the team can help you to lighten the load and make A your move a smooth transition.

Are you thinking of moving? Could you use some help?

Thursday, 16th June from 2.00pm to 3.00pm. Age Concern Canterbury Seminar Room, Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Christchurch 8053. Limited numbers RSVP by Monday, 13th June on 366 0903.


We can help you .... Downsize Declutter Pack Up Relocate Unpack Storage

Setting up your new home Preparing your house for sale Cleaning: inside & out Rubbish removal/gardening Selling & gifting items Estate Clearance

Phone Mike on

0800 777 214 Mobile 021 0837 8251


MAY 2022


Research participants needed Registered Social Worker and student Tyler Davies is seeking participants in a research project towards a Masters in Social Work at the University of Canterbury. The purpose of this research is to learn about the experiences of Kaumatua and older persons (55 years and over) from the Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, Aotearoa, New Zealand and any strengths, challenges, and barriers they have experienced in social and agebased services. Some topics of interest include ageing in place, the notion of place, intergenerational care, autonomy and community participation, culture, and socioeconomic status.

If you choose to participate in this study, you will be involved in a face-to-face interview with Tyler in a place which is comfortable and accessible to you. You will be given a brief questionnaire covering the following components: age, gender, ethnicity, what suburb you live in and whether you are currently involved in

social and age-based services. Then you will be asked a set of questions about your experiences within your community. Examples of the questions include “What do you like about your community?” “What have your experiences been with social services?” and “Tell me about a place that is important to you” Nothing is compulsory, and you may withdraw at any research stage. Participation is voluntary however, if you need to travel you will be given a $20 petrol voucher". Anyone interested in taking part in the research can contact Tyler on 027 2701134 or tyler.davies@


“Old age is like everything else, to make a success of it you’ve got to start young.” Theodore Roosevelt

There is no quick fix to the cost of living issue You may have noticed the brisk mornings and cold nights of late – I certainly have. Winter is fast approaching and the Labour Government is committed to helping our seniors stay warm and dry over the next few months. Once again, we’re making the Winter Energy Payment available from 1 May. Single people will receive more than $80 a month and couples more than $125. This payment has made a real difference for seniors in Banks Peninsula and beyond, and this year will be no different. You don’t need to apply – if you’re eligible, you’ll get the Winter Energy Payment automatically, along with your other regular payments from Work and Income New Zealand. There’s no quick fix to the cost of living issue, but we’re taking a range of actions that together, will

make things easier for Kiwis, and build on the measures we’ve already implemented such as cheaper doctors’ visits, petrol subsidies, halfprice public transport and the recent review of supermarket pricing. Seniors Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall recently announced that Carolyn Cooper, New Zealand’s first Aged Care Commissioner, has commenced her new role, to which she brings immense experience. She will ensure that services for seniors, such as health care, are less fragmented and more readily accessible. The appointment of Ms Cooper fulfils an election promise and is part of this government’s broader commitment to listening to, caring for and protecting our senior citizens. You may have heard about the long standing issues with the Living

Earth organics processing plant in Bromley. The odours from the plant have had a significant impact on the lives of local residents (and often further afield), so it was vital to find a solution. I organised a petition that attracted hundreds of signatures and presented it to the Christchurch City Council. The council could not ignore the strong, united community voices and has agreed to relocate the plant. It’s a huge step forward and one that couldn’t have happened without people like you making their voice heard, so I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has taken an interest in this important issue. Our COVID-19 Protection Framework has effectively managed the Omicron outbreak, and while we’ve seen a sustained reduction in cases and hospitalisations, Omicron

is still in the community and with new variants emerging, wearing a face mask and getting boosted are still important. If you are self-isolating and need help with things like food, medicine or paying the bills, support is available. The best way to request this is to phone the COVID-19 Welfare line on 0800 512 337, but the team in my office is also happy to help. As always, if my team or I can help you in anyway, or if you’d like to raise an issue that’s affecting our community, please do get in touch. We’re here to help. You can reach me and the team at Tracey.McLellanMP@parliament. or on 03 376 4512, or by popping in to our office at 642 Ferry Road, Woolston. In the meantime, I hope you stay safe, healthy and A warm.

We're here to help Please get in touch if you need any assistance.

Tracey McLellan

Duncan Webb

Megan Woods

Poto Williams

MP for Banks Peninsula

MP for Christchurch Central

MP for Wigram

MP for Christchurch East

Sarah Pallett MP for Ilam

03 376 4512 642 Ferry Road, PO Box 19 661

03 366 5519 282-290 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central PO Box 1096, Christchurch 8140

03 338 6347 Shop 8, McCarthy Street Shops Corner of McCarthy Street & Rowley Ave, Hoon Hay

03 382 0288 Level 1, Eastgate Shopping Centre PO Box 18898, Christchurch 8641

0800 727 244 Shop 5, 376 Ilam Road, Bryndwr, Christchurch PO Box 36195, Christchurch 8146

Authorised by Tracey McLellan, 642 Ferry Road, Woolston


MAY 2022


Warmth key to staying in own home Many older people are keen to stay in their own home for as long as possible. However, health issues can make that more difficult. To stay healthy in your own home, it is important to make sure your home is warm and easy to heat and more insulation is key to that. For many people over 65 who own their own home, insulation is free. The majority of homes these days have some insulation but the energy assessors of charitable trust CEA are finding that many homes have insufficient or old insulation. If there is not enough insulation in a house, it will be harder and more costly to heat. With the ongoing COVID pandemic and the Omicron variant now widespread in our community, it would be easy to forget that there are other cold-related illnesses around. And with the borders opening, they are likely to become more common in the months ahead especially now we are going into winter. Every winter, many people end up in hospital with illnesses that are related to cold homes. Customers of the free insulation programme of CEA are commenting on how much warmer and easier to heat their homes are and how much

better heat is retained after an extra layer of insulation was installed. “We noticed almost immediately the difference in the house," said Bill from Halswell after insulation was installed. And Judi from Wainui wrote: “I noticed the difference in the warmth of the home the first night after the install of insulation batts. I am very grateful to CEA!” “I wanted to drop a line and say how wonderful and warm my house is, thanks to CEA! You guys gave me free underfloor insulation and a topup in the ceiling, and it has made a

big difference to my home, we are all noticing the increased warmth! The house has always been reasonably easy to heat as it's small, but now it holds the heat so well that it still feels warm and dry in the mornings,” Jo from Birdlings Flat wrote. And Jane and Gary from Blackball emailed: “At last we are toasty warm!” Over 65s who own their own home and who have a CSC endorsed GoldCard qualify for free insulation if the house was built before 2008. CEA can help if you are not sure whether your GoldCard is CSC endorsed. The process of getting insulation is

simple and straightforward and CEA is there to help its customers through the process. There is very little disruption. All CEA assessors are fully vaccinated, and use appropriate PPE such as gloves and masks. Both assessment (to measure up how much insulation is needed) and installation by CEA’s own (vetted) insulation installers is done with minimal contact. "I would like to pass onto you how impressed I am with your company. Very professional and what wonderful people you have working for you so polite and very aware of the client’s needs," said Carole from Woolston. And Bev and John from Rangiora wrote: “What fine young men, came and undertook the job of installing this insulation. They were very polite, worked hard and very easy to have around our home." CEA does free, no-obligation insulation checks so anyone unsure whether they have enough insulation or not, is encouraged to give CEA a ring (toll-free) or email them so an assessor can come and have a look for peace of mind on 0800 GETWARM (0800 4389276) or

The newly strengthened WEA building Having spent a year with builders on site at the WEA, they now have a newly strengthened building, with solar panels and a modern teaching kitchen, which still retains its heritage character. The Term 2 programme offers 50 classes and workshops including, art and science, gardening and cooking, travel and politics, as well as some new offerings. Find out about * Lunchtime talks looking at local and government organisations, with speakers this term from The Press,

Rear view of refurbished WEA with completed solar panels.

Habitat for Humanity and the NZ Police.

* Together We Grow – a kiwi made documentary telling the inspirational

story of a thriving hub helping to build resilience into its local community by growing, sewing, repairing and sharing. * Yoga Retreat – Jennifer O’Neill teaches Nidra and Hatha Yoga regularly at the WEA, but this ‘Retreat’ will be for a whole day, giving participants a place to get away and try something new. To find out more, you can visit www. or the WEA office at 59 Gloucester Street between 9:30am and 3:00pm, Monday to Friday.

St Martins Voluntary Library Open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 2.00-4.00pm. Wednesday & Saturday 10.00am-12.00pm

We have the latest fiction/non fiction books and large print. Books by - James Patterson, Stephen Leather, Lucinda Riley, Ann Cleeves etc! Yearly subs: $12.00 per person, $18 for double membership.

! " # #


$ ! $ %

St Martins Community Centre, Cnr Wilsons Road and Wades Avenue, St Martins. Christchurch.

MAY 2022



Age Concern Canterbury’s Community Connectors Meet Beverly, Trudy and Robyn - Age Concern Canterbury’s friendly Community Connector Team. Community Connector’s support over 65’s to remain independent and connected in their communities. Connectors assist seniors to navigate systems they may otherwise have trouble with, due to limited internet access, absence of other support systems, cultural or language barriers. This includes filling out forms of all descriptions, accompanying to appointments and ensuring awareness of entitlements within MSD. The role also includes connecting potentially lonely, isolated seniors with Age Concern Canterbury’s visiting service, social outing groups and community activities. Introducing Beverley Mason I have been working for Age Concern Canterbury for 11 years in a variety of roles. I started out after the earthquakes in a community health role supporting older people in our community who were impacted by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Needless to say this role continued for many years as the impact of repair and building issues continued to be felt. When this role was disestablished, I took over the role of Steady As You Go (SayGo) Coordinator, where I have been supporting the group

From left; Bev Mason, Trudy Lyford (sitting), Robyn Palmer.

leaders and establishing new classes around the city. I have also been involved in establishing Companions on Paws (a dog visiting service) and a Companion Walking Service. In my spare time I enjoy spend time with friends and walking my dog Toby.

Enduring powers of attorney - “A Stitch in Time” The old saying “A Stitch in Time saves Nine” is very relevant when having an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) put in place. How often do we talk about doing things then put it off for a rainy day? We all need to prepare for the unexpected. Taking the time to have these important documents put in place means less stress for you and your family should the unexpected happen. It also gives you certainty that, should the necessity arise, your Attorney can step in take care of your affairs. It is imperative that the person appointed is someone you trust and that they are aware of how you would want your affairs handled should the need arise. There are two types of EPAs. An EPA for Personal Care and Welfare allows your attorney to make decisions about your personal matters, including medical care or deciding about rest home care. It is only activated when you no longer have capacity. An EPA for Property allows the Attorney to manage any transaction that involves your property (assets), including finances, and all household expenses, household

bills etc. You can choose when an EPA for property becomes activated, either immediately on signing, or once your doctors confirms that you no longer have capacity. If you become incapacitated and you do not have an EPA in place then an application will need to be made to the Court. This is not only very expensive and time consuming, but the Judge will be reliant on the information provided to the court and will not know who among your family and friends is most able to be trusted, and if you would have wanted that person to act for you. It may be that the Court ends up appointing someone who you would not have chosen. As we get older, we can feel like our choices and control of things diminish, however by putting your EPAs in place now, it not only relieves some future stress for both you and your family, it also allows you to take control and make your own choice as to who you appoint to handle your affairs. That’s a win win situation. Please contact the friendly staff at Pier Law who would be more than happy to assist you. A

Trudy Lyford I have been working with Age Concern Canterbury for only a short time but have settled in already and am absolutely loving the challenges the Community Connector role brings. My previous working background has always been in dealing with people, with the last five years being a companion driver with Driving Miss Daisy in North Canterbury. I am married with two adult daughters and live on a small lifestyle block in North Canterbury. I love my vege garden, pet sheep and hanging out with my very spoilt chooks. My husband and I enjoy camping and getting away and exploring different places on our electric bikes, fishing and boating. Robin Palmer I am the Newbie, the latest edition to the Community Connector Team, starting in April 2022. I returned to NZ at the end of 2020 after almost 10 years living on the Mid-North Coast of NSW, Australia. I met my partner in Australia and since moving back to NZ have moved in with my parents and inherited a dog. So my family is expanding while most of my peers are downsizing as their children move out of home. Life is busy but when I have time, I love a good book and to be creative writing or painting. Sophie, the dog, loves to take us out for walks on the beach and to any café that will let her in.


MAY 2022


South Elder Care We provide a programme for older people living in South Christchurch who are suffering from: * Dementia * A disability or mental health related issue * Loneliness * A need for social support. We offer: * Morning tea and a home cooked lunch * Social interaction and fun * Bowls, croquet and Rummy-O * A chance to keep up with daily news * Gentle exercises and walks * Quizzes.

Tuesdays, 10.00am to 2.30pm at St Martins Presbyterian Church, 43 St Martins Road. For more information contact Jeanette on 027 323 0256 or email

Our mission is to make your life easy SMM understands selling your house and moving home is hard, both physically and emotionally. And we're also committed to helping our community so $1,000 will be donated from every sale to Age Concern that comes as a direct referral from Age Concern and the Age Concern community. We've created a solution to take

the hassle out of selling and moving. We streamline the entire process from listing your property for sale to helping you settle into your new home. Every client receives a complimentary $5,000 moving package, free marketing and a competitive commission rate. Our mission is to make your life easy!

Let Paul and the SMM team know you got in touch due to seeing the SMM advertisement in Keeping On and Age Concern Canterbury will benefit from a generous $1,000 donation from SMM Real Estate.

Welcome to the new regular column for the LGBTQI. group that we have initiated at Age Concern Canterbury. We will be reporting back on our monthly get togethers/meetings etc and welcome contributions from all members of the group. Meetings for this quarter are as follows and ALL are welcome: June 9th at 10.30am at Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Christchurch. Speaker Janet Brown, Retirement Village Association. July 21st at 10:30am at Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Our inaugural meeting was held on the 20th January at 10:30am at our offices here in Main North Road. Many excellent ideas and suggestions were proffered and discussed: * Monthly meeting/ not too formal/ member driven. * Topic for discussion and or speaker. * Informal coffee locally. * Discussion around Retirement Facility options, community living, what is available etc. Any other suggestions and ideas

gratefully received. Please let any over 65year friend/family/supporter know about us.

Thursday, 9th June 2022 at 10.30am Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Christchurch Speaker:

Janet Brown (Wellington), on behalf of the Retirement Village Association. Janet is wanting to gain as much as she can in the way of opinons, ideas, desires for what you would like to see Retirement Vilalges providing for rainbow people. Please come along and have your say. Morning tea provided.

Organiser: Liz Barnard (Clinician), Age Concern Canterbury. Phone: 03 331 7811. (Office Hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).

UPDATE FROM THE CLUBS Amberley Welcome Club members spent 3 nights in Picton in March enjoying touring Havelock and going on a boat trip. The Cub’s mystery trip in April saw members go to lunch at Tai Tapu. In May the Club went to a Classic Cars meet in North Canterbury. Further trips will be dependent on Covid illness/restricitons. Meet: Wednesdays at 12.00 midday at Church Hall, Church Street, Amberley. Contact: Ann McKenzie on 021 1012086. Christchurch Red Hatters members enjoyed punting on the River Avon followed by lunch at Antigua Boatsheds. Members also enjoyed a scrumptious morning tea at Raspberry Cafe at Tai Tapu. Further trips have included lunch at the Old Vickerage in Halswell which serves contemporary European dishes in a 19th century home and a Japanese dinner at Sakura Restaurant which was a new experience for some. Further trips include pin bowling at Waltham and a visit to Merivale Toy Museum in June. Contact: May Stuart on 027 4071909. Lincoln Area Senior Citizens Club members enjoyed a coach trip to Akaroa with a buffet lunch at the Duvauchelle Hotel in February. In March Maria Romero spoke to members about the Butterfly Musketeers who promote the conservation of Monarch butterflies. In April members visited Waikuku followed by lunch at The Good Home in Papanui. In May Phil Deane will speak on safety in and outside the home from his experience as a Police Officer. Contact: Claire on 325 7302. Papanui Combined Probus Club members enjoy listening to interesting speakers, going on great outings and making new friends. Meet: 1st Tuesday of the month at 10.00am at the Papanui RSA, 1 Harewood Road. Good parking. Contact: Marie 03 3517708 or Sian 03 3590057. Somerfield Garden Club members enjoyed a talk on moss and what can be done with it. The Club’s Annual General Meeting will take place in May. New members are very welcome. Meet: Monday at 1.15pm at the Cashmere Club, South Colombo Street. Contact: Colleen Davis on 03 338 7117. Sumner Senior Citizens Club members were unable to meet in April due to Covid restrictions. However, members are looking forward to a bus trip to Hawarden which will include lunch in May. Meet: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1.30pm, Sumner Surf Club. Contact: Lola Bouckoms on 384 9889.

MAY 2022



Steady As You Go (SAYGo) Falls Prevention – Exercise Classes in Canterbury (May 2022) For more information about groups please phone Age Concern Canterbury 366 0903. A koha of $2.00 is appreciated. Each class is a one - hour session.



Location of class

Mon 10.00am St Albans Mon 10.00am Redcliffs Mon 10.00am Parklands Mon 10.30am Wainoni Mon 10.30am Hei Hei Mon 11.00am Harewood (1) (On Hold) Mon 1.00pm Harewood (2) (Waitlist) Mon 1.00pm Halswell (1) Mon 2.00pm Harewood (3) Mon 2.00pm Papanui (1) Tues 9.00am Sydenham (On Hold) Tues 9.30am Papanui (Waitlist) (2) Tues. 10.00am South Brighton Tues. 10.00am St Albans Tues 10.30am Upper Riccarton (On Hold) Tues 10.30am Bryndwr (Waitlist) Tues 1.30pm Hornby Tues 2.00pm Waltham Wed 11.30Halswell (2) 12.30 Wed. 1.00pm Opawa Wed 1.30pm Lincoln Wed. 2.00Papanui (3) 3.00pm Thurs 9.30am Riccarton Thurs 10.00am Heathcote Thurs 9.30am St Albans Thurs 11.00am Avonside/Linwood Fri 9.30am Hoon Hay Fri 10.00am New Brighton (Waitlist) Fri 10.00am Opawa NORTH CANTERBURY

St Albans Community Centre, 1049 Colombo Street Port Hills Uniting Church, Augusta St Parkview Lounge, Parklands Community Centre, Queenspark Dr Celebration Centre, 81 Bickerton St Wycola Ave Community Centre Hei Hei St James Church Hall, Harewood Road, airport end St James Church Hall, Harewood Road, airport end Te Hapua, Halswell Service Centre and Library, 341 Halswell Rd St James Church Hall, Harewood Rd, airport end Papanui Village Presbyterian Church, Frank Street Nazareth House, 220 Brougham Street, Sydenham Age Concern Centre, cnr Main North Rd and Loftus St South Brighton Community Centre, Beattie Street. Lamb of God Community Centre, 21 Thames Street, St Albans Fletcher Place Residents Lounge, off Bowen Street Bryndwr Chapel, 179 Idris Road Community Care Centre, Goulding Avenue Waltham Community Cottage, 201 Hastings St East Te Hapua, Halswell Service Centre and Library, 341 Halswell Rd

Day time


Location of class

Tues 10.00am Wed 10.00am Wed 11.00am Thurs 10.30am Thurs 10.00am Thurs 11.00am Thurs 1.30pm Thurs 1.30pm Thurs 2.00pm

Rangiora Rangiora Amberley Rotherham Oxford Amberley Beach (in recess) Rangiora Pegasus Kaiapoi ($3.00 koha)

RSA Hall, Victoria Street, Rangiora Ballarat Retirement Village, 21 Ballarat Rd Amberley Library, RSA Room Rotherham Hotel, 42 George St Oxford Town Hall, 34 Main Street Amberley Beach Hall RSA Hall, Victoria Street, Rangiora Pegasus Community Centre, corner Pegasus Main and Tahuna St Anglican Church, 23 Cass Street, Kaiapoi

Opawa Community Church, Cnr Opawa Rd and Aynsley Terrace Lincoln Community Care, Lyttelton St, Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Kauri Lodge, 148 Riccarton Road Malt Works Villa Hall, Port Hills Rd St Albans Community Centre, 1049 Colombo Street Holy Trinity Church, 168 Stanmore Road Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church Lounge, 5 Downing St New Brighton Library – in the Pay and Display Room Opawa Community Church, cnr Opawa Rd and Aynsley Tce

New Classes are highlighted


ENGERGETIC AND RELIABLE GARDENERS TO MAINTAIN GARDENS Fit, keen, energetic, reliable, own lawn mower and a current drivers licence. Needed in Burnside, Hornby, Russley and Wigram areas. Casual work only. Payment is on an hourly rate.

For more information please phone Deb on 366-0903

Book your advertising for the May 2022 issue of Keeping On. Deadline for ads is Friday, 5th August 2022. Contact Anna-Marie on 331-7804.

Advanced care plans Have you thought about what care you want to receive when you reach the end of your life? During our lives we spend a lot of time planning what we want to achieve during our lifetimes, but we don’t spend much time planning what we want to happen at the end of our lives. If you have a major health event that robs you of the ability to make your wishes known to your family, or to the health professionals responsible for your care, taking some time now to discuss what is, and isn’t, important to you will provide vital guidance for the people tasked with making those decisions for you. An Advance Care Plan (“ACP”) is a way to help you communicate your wishes regarding your future health care and sits alongside your Enduring Power of Attorney in relation to Personal Care and Welfare as a guiding document for your Attorney. Under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights you have the right to use an ACP to make your health care wishes known. The Code gives a person, who has capacity, the right to make an ACP. However, you should be aware that at present an ACP has no specific statutory status

in New Zealand and is therefore not enforceable at law and may not be followed. When deciding on whether to follow your ACP, your health care professional will try to ensure that: • you had capacity at the time the ACP was made; • you made your ACP of your own free will; • you were informed and understood the decisions you were making; and • your ACP applies to the current circumstances, whatever they may be. The trickiest part of an ACP can be discussing your wishes with your loved ones. Many of us don’t like to give much thought to the decisions we may be called on to make should our loved ones become ill and be unable to communicate their wishes but talking about your ACP with your loved ones is an important conversation and should be an integral part of your estate planning. Start the conversation with us at Fleur McDonald Legal on 03 365 1595 or Together we can explore how we can help you find the best solution and provide you A with advice from the heart.


MAY 2022


Take time to look after your bones Osteoporosis literally means ‘porous bone’. It is a condition that causes bones to become thin and fragile, decreasing bone strength and making them more prone to fractures. It is often called the ‘silent disease’ as bone loss occurs without any external symptoms. The result is that bones break easily, even following a minor bump or fall. Healthcare professionals may refer to these broken bones as fragility fractures or osteoporotic fractures. These terms all mean the same thing. Fractures (bone breaks) can occur in any part of the body, the most common sites of a fragility fracture are the wrist, spine, shoulder and hip.Osteoporosis is sometimes confused with osteoarthritis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease; osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints and surrounding tissue. Fractures due to osteoporosis are a major cause of pain and often means that there is long-term disability and loss of independence among older adults. Osteoporosis can even result in premature death. The good news is that there are many ways to prevent and manage osteoporosis at every stage of life. Take charge of your bone health today! Children and adolescents need to BUILD maximum peak bone mass. Adults need to MAINTAIN healthy bones and avoid premature bone loss. Older people need to SUSTAIN mobility and independence. Building strong bones throughout your lifetime means you can continue to do the things you enjoy for longer. To reach optimal peak bone mass and continue building and maintaining bone tissue as you get older: • Exercise regularly

Exercise and Vitamin D through sunlight are two great ways to help prevent osteoporosis.

• Eat well • Create healthy lifestyle habits • Talk to your doctor about the risk factors you might have Exercise regularly Ideally you should aim to do at least 30 minutes of weight-bearing physical activity every day. The best exercises for bones are ones that work your muscles against gravity. Some examples are walking briskly, jogging, tennis, dancing, low-impact aerobics, or golf. Resistance training or muscle strengthening exercises that suit your needs and abilities will help improve coordination and balance. This helps to maintain mobility and reduce the risk of falls and fractures. Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium from the diet, bone development, control of cell growth and immune functioning, and has also been linked with the prevention of muscle weakness, which is important for preventing falls.

When vitamin D levels are very low your bones suffer. The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Vitamin D is naturally created in the skin from exposure to sunlight. For Vitamin D synthesis, exposure must be to direct sunlight as UVB does not pass-through glass. In New Zealand exposure should be restricted at high

UV times. For most people, vitamin D deficiency can be prevented by 5 – 15 minutes’ exposure of face, arms, and hands to sunlight 4 – 6 times per week. In winter (May to August) a brisk walk or other form of outdoor physical activity around the middle of the day is a good way to increase your vitamin D. In Summer (September to April) it is important to understand that any sun exposure between the hours of 10am to 4pm can increase the risk of skin cancer. Remember it is essential to slip, slop, slap and wrap during these hours. It is best to schedule outdoor activity to early morning or late afternoon. Individuals who never go outside (if they are frail or unwell), those who are veiled, and those who have dark skin, are at risk of vitamin D deficiency, so might benefit from a vitamin D supplement. The use of supplements by those who are not deficient does not improve bone health. Most healthy European New Zealand adults living independently do not require vitamin D supplements.

Osteoporosis New Zealand Our vision is better bones and fewer fractures for New Zealanders. Our mission is to make this happen by engagement with the public, health professionals, policymakers and the private sector, through programmes of awareness, advocacy and education, to prevent fractures caused by osteoporosis.

Phone 04 499 4862 or Email Osteoporosis New Zealand, PO Box 688, Wellington 6140




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Book your Trade size ads (4 x 1 column or 8 x 1 column ad) for the August 2022 issue of Keeping On. Deadline for ads is Friday, 5th Aguust 2022. Contact Anna-Marie on 331-7804.

MAY 2022


Blueprint for the future The Retirement Villages’ Association (RVA) has recently completed a national programme of meetings with retirement village residents to share its Blueprint for the Future. The blueprint, launched last year, includes providing residents with a stronger voice, strengthening the complaints process and working with the Te Ara Ahunga Ora – Retirement Commission (formerly the Commission for Financial Capability) to monitor re-licensing times so best practice standards can be developed. The forums in Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland were chaired by former Seniors Minister and MP the Hon Tracey Martin, who has recently stepped down as an independent member of the RVA’s Executive Committee. RVA Executive Director John Collyns said the meetings were extremely positive and excellent progress was being made with the industry collaborative approach aimed at addressing residents’ concerns and issues. “We understand that a review of any legislation as proposed by the Retirement Commission is appropriate at some time but we have always felt that more pressing issues currently exist for government,” said Mr Collyns. “The growth of our sector, the fact more than 100 Kiwis are choosing

to move into a retirement village every week and the overwhelming satisfaction levels among residents clearly demonstrates we have struck the right balance between robust regulatory oversight and effective self-governance. “However, we accept there is always room for improvement and refinement around certain practices as our sector and our offering evolves. The blueprint sets out the tangible and definitive steps we will be taking to achieve that goal.” The Blueprint for Change addresses weekly fees (fixed or a predictable increase, ceasing when a unit is vacated), commits to making sure operators re-licence vacant units as quickly as possible, pledges to ensure the terms around transfers to care are transparent, and addresses perceived or real “unfair” clauses in Occupation Right Agreements (ORAs). Mr Collyns and RVA president Graham Wilkinson attended all forums to give presentations and answer questions. One question was about the role of Statutory Supervisors, who monitor the financial position of a village and the security of residents’ interests. “There appears to be a lack of clear understanding over the legislative role of the Supervisor and the RVA will explore how we can improve awareness and understanding of this,” said Mr Collyns.

Support Group for Significant Others A support group for people living with or supporting those who have issues with anger or who drink, gamble or struggle with an addiction. The aim is to provide information and support, some education and guidance. The group would be run by an experienced trained AOD (Alcohol and Drug) Clinician. Is this the group for you? Have you been embarrassed or felt the need to apologise for this person’s behaviour? Does this person’s behaviour stop you doing things for yourself? Are special occasions ruined by this person? Do you tend to focus on this person and ignore your own needs? Do you suffer financially because of this person? Have you stopped inviting people to your home? Have you considered ringing the Police and feared for your own safety? Does this person discourage you from being social? Do you carefully consider what you are going to say as you fear how they will react?

Tuesdays from 1.00 to 3.00pm Re-starts: 29th March 2022 Age Concern Canterbury, 24 Main North Road, Papanui. Christchurch. Cost: Free and tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. There is a bus stop right outside the door and parking is available around the back of the building. If anyone has problems with transport let us know and we will see how we can assist.

Please call Diane on 03 3317812 or 027 2486249 to enrol or talk to any of the staff at Age Concern Canterbury. Looking forward to seeing you here.

Other points included the use of ‘relicensing gains’, transparency around the business income and outgoings and greater ability to negotiate terms of ORAs. Mr Collyns and Mr Wilkinson addressed all points, providing details wherever possible on where residents could access the information they required. “We agree there is a role for continuously educating operators and residents about the re-licensing process and to encourage best practice including dealing with potential drawn-out re-licensing times,” said Mr Collyns. Ms Martin said the RVA has committed to exploring what more could be done to support a more streamlined transfer to care both inside the sector and where they could with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development. “The retirement villages sector agrees that the move to care should be transparent. The RVA is identifying where improvements can be made, and will work with operators and regulators to ensure the process around the move is as transparent as possible.” “It was also acknowledged by both the RVA and residents at the meeting that there could be some more clarity on wording in the ORAs around ‘intentions’ to provide care facilities.” Ms Martin said that following each forum she enjoyed informal discussions with residents. “There were very few who were not happy with their village and none who wished to leave their village.” “At the Auckland forum, a member of the residents spontaneously asked all those residents who felt that their village had kept them safe during Covid to raise their hands. Almost the entire room raised their hands. Residents attending again and again verbalised how happy they were in their villages.” The RVA recently commissioned research into retirement village residents’ degree of vulnerability. “The research covered almost 1,700 residents across 105 member villages. It showed that there was a very small minority of residents who might be considered vulnerable,” said Ms Martin. “Nevertheless, the RVA is launching a trial with Fairway Resolution across 11 Auckland villages with a confidential service to allow residents to discuss any problems no matter how small, with a skilled person.” Ms Martin is stepping down from her RVA role with former MP and former Senior Citizens Minister Hon Jo Goodhew taking on the position. Please contact the RVA’s Executive Director John Collyns on 021 952945 or the Hon Tracey Martin on dugdale.



I'd always loved my kitchen It's the place I liked to be And each newfangled gadget Would soon belong to me. I had a pressure cooker Which I really thought was great But then we got the microwave And could cook right on the plate! It was so fast, but soon A different gadget came to town The crockpot or slow cooker And the temperature went down. The instant pot was next And so of course I got that too But I'm too scared to use it So now what do I do? The chopper and the slicer, Which is called a mandolin, Oh lord if you could only see The state my pantry's in. The food processor, blender and the Nutribullet too The favourite Kenwood mixer Without which I just can't do. I've started dehydrating The food, that is, not me I'm quite obsessed with drying things My display you need to see! The toasted sandwich maker The gadget that makes pies And one that makes those sausage rolls But now, surprise surprise. I'm into the air fryer It makes such crunchy chips Pizza, chicken tenders And sadly larger hips! I haven't used the oven I've misplaced the frying pan Everything I used to use Is now an 'also-ran'. I scour the supermarket now For all that frozen stuff Pub style onion rings are great I just can't get enough. I must admit it's crazy for There's only me to feed So somehow I must call it quits As there's nothing else I need! by Jan Beaumont ©


MAY 2022


My two cents by June Peka

Grandfather’s family rift is healed finally It was said to have been about money ( isn’t it usually?) the rift that split my grandfather’s family apart around eighty years ago. In the midst of it all was his kindly mother Louisa who had lovingly raised the four children of her husband James’ first marriage, along with their own two. When James (known as Gonger) died and left her with the lot in 1903 she variantly carried on the fur business, keeping the four eldest in employment, and her two younger at school, until times got hard and allegations of mismanagement flew about. Someone was accused of losing money stuffed in bags of wheat (or under mattresses in another variant of the story) to mice and rats. Whatever, it was serious enough for my mother (born an only child in 1919) to grow up not knowing much at all about cousins. One of them, Geoff, who was born in the same year and had lived nearby, moved away with his family when “it” happened. Family photos showed they’d been pals though.

Greens are good for everything

When Mum was in her seventies we tracked down Geoff and his family. He and Mum didn’t get to meet again but we all met his younger sister Roseanna and we’ve kept in touch by letter and phone. When I rung them to tell of Mum’s death in 2004, it was to find Geoff had died on the same day. Fast forward another 18 years, and my brother and I are blessed to have had cousins galore come out of the woodwork since. A whole bunch of clever Smiths have made themselves known! They are so ‘our kind of people’ we should have known them forever. And Roseanna said she just knew in her bones that Colin (Geoff’s son) and I would get on like a house on fire if only we could wangle a meeting. He’s good at poetry, she said. As a two-poem person myself (and those written under instruction for an Okeover House anthology) poetry wasn’t the impetus to meet Colin in Hanmer recently. However, we filled the air with spoken words, marvelling

There’s been a mulberry tree in my life since the day I was born. I’ve written treatises galore and know where the oldest in the world grow. I wallow in their legends, even the story of Pyramus and Thebe. Until our earthquakes I had a reliable map of all in Canterbury and have had the pleasure of winding gold from silk cocoons onto pencils. Most visitors to our jungley garden need to ask the name of our special tree, but a Korean visitor recently went into raptures at first sight. Fixes everything wrong with you, she explained, filling a

Leithfield Gums South of Leithfield on the main road if you’re not distracted by cumulus clouds and the whiff of pigs you could count five Australian gums over a mile or three each sculpted by the easterly. Number six citified, grew straight and tall its density darking the space of people. We should’ve left it on State Highway One

over our similar life experiences, jobs, humour, our taste in oblique books, and many things Australian, like our grandfathers. At last here was another person who’d heard of bokes, mooning, flickers, “yap” music and dreadnoughts and coves. And

bag with leaves. Sure enough, they make lovely tea, dried or green. I’m a convert. And after we’d eaten numerous salads comprised of a new leafy thing in the vegie patch I thought perhaps we should know what we’re eating. Goodness knows how it got here, but NZ spinach has taken a hold and we love it. Dr Google says it’s full of essential goodies but should be cooked. We’re jumping out of our skins! And in our almost 100% hydrocotyle “lawn” have sprung up great clumps of plantain. Also touted as a wonder cure,

“mopping raisins and ginger ” for seasickness. Our Smiths were either tall, slim, swarthy types like Colin, or pale Aussie magic puddings like me but we all talk ninety to the dozen it seems. There were no awkward silences, we could’ve carried on for many more hours. Our very capable and talented family seemed to have been split pretty evenly into fullblown alcoholics or died-in-the-wool teetotallers, and we’ve both lost loved ones to the curse. We threw back a few coffees and carafes of water on the day, in their memory. We’re planning another gettogether, but in the meantime are getting to know each other by way of text messages. I asked Colin how he feels about magpies and am surprised he’s ambivalent. I LOVE them! I ask him to write a piece of poetry about our meeting but he says poetry isn’t really his thing. What was Roseanna thinking? He asks if I like gum trees. Hahaha! I think must’ve written this poem for you 40 years ago Colin.

infused with the mulberry leaves or biffed in the salad, we have a veritable and “good for all that ails” feast at our fingertips. Mac, greatly bothered by sandflies and mozzies will try the plantain as a topical application too. My ancient brother in the far north wonders if this green bounty might include a boost for flagging libido. On a recent facebook post he has asked for two thousand kilos of our mixed greens, ten vestal virgins and a defibrillator. Watch this space.

Keeping On readers’ feedback and letters Hi Deirdre I enjoyed reading the November 2021 Keeping On. Very informative. I collected a copy last month from the Fendalton New World. I noted on page 13 "Where are the Mothers' Gold Stars?" a photo of 3 mothers. The lady on the left is not the mother of Charles Upham VC and Bar but my Grandmother Isobelle Upton. Quite often there is a mix-up with names between Upham and Upton. The photo attached is of my Grandmother who sadly lost her brother Frank Wakefield Boucher in WW1. She then lost her son Frank Wakefield Upton in WW2. As I am the self appointed family tree researcher for the Upton family I was not aware of the Mothers' Gold Star. Frank Wakefield Upton medals have been misplaced in time but I have a replica set. He served with the RAF (75 NZ) Squadron Bomber Command in

Isobelle Upton

WW2. Uncle Frank was killed returning from a Bombing Operation on Rostock, Germany, 21 April 1943 along with the other crew. Three Brits and three other kiwis shot down over Denmark and all the crew are buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery Esbjerg Denmark.

I have been fortunate to visit the cemetery three times, with my husband, and the crash site twice. After 3 years of research locating family members, on the 21 April 2013 we attended a memorial service at the crash site along with family members from the other crew. Mostly nieces and nephews plus the daughter of one of the British crew who was only 2 years-old when her dad was killed. A very moving and humbling memorial service as the local Danish Homeguard gave us all the full VIP treatment and hosted by the local Mayor. It is very comforting to know that even though our uncles are buried so far away, the Danish Home guard and the local community and school pay tribute to the 7 brave boys every 21 April by laying wreaths and poppies. Regards and thank you in advance, Diane Ramsay (nee Upton)

Thank you so much for putting this right Diane. Hannah, daughter of Mrs Collins ( centre ) proudly gave me that information some years ago. I’m sure she would’ve been just as proud to know the lady on the right of her mother was your grandmother. Hannah believed she could see the sorrow in the eyes of those bereaved mothers who lost so much. Your additional information is very special too. JMP. Cheers, June Dear June Peka and readers Not being as mobile as you, I can’t go to another Post Office when the dragon behind the counter at the local flames my green customs form (almost every time, like you). Instead, I wheel over to the excellent magazine section, and 10 minutes later jockey myself back into the queue to be served by the tall smiley young man to whom nothing is a bother. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Bill Wardle

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