Agape 25th Anniversary Campaign Success

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Celebrating our 25th Anniversary Campaign Success












25TH ANNIVERSARY C A P I T A L C A M PA I G N Thank you for your generosity during Agape’s 25th anniversary year in 2022. We are delighted to report that we exceeded our $2.5 million capital campaign goal, with $2,752,590 pledged. We are pleased to provide an update on our campaign components, as well as some photos of our progress.

A G A P E B A C K YA R D Construction of The Agape Backyard, a place where our children can play, learn and grow, was completed by BrightView in early September 2022. Our students, families and staff began utilizing this outdoor space immediately for classroom engagement, group study, and social-emotional learning. Adding The Backyard allows us to meet the National Afterschool Association’s HEPA standards for physical activity and provides new space for outdoor learning. These standards will help Agape meet our overall wellness goals for our students.


A G A P E T R A N S P O R T AT I O N Our two new 72-passenger buses were delivered in June 2023, just in time for the start of Summer Camp. These buses were wrapped with a colorful design to add visibility for Agape in the community. This fall, we are taking our buses into the community for a “Stuff the Bus” campaign to collect new coats, toys and books to prepare for the Holiday Gift Store.

AGAPE TECHNOLOGY LAB Enhancing our ability to engage student learning and achievement, our STEAM and Tech Labs have been updated, thanks to the success of our capital campaign and your generosity. Our afterschool program will integrate STEAM through all areas of our program to provide students with more opportunities to enhance their critical thinking skills and explore potential career paths.

To date we have added the following equipment: 20 Chromebooks and 1 mobile charging cart 20 iMacs and10 Apple TVs Tables, Stools, and storage cabinets for STEAM and Tech Lab

AGAPE STEAM LAB We have purchased new furniture to retrofit the space to encourage collaboration on group projects and support autonomy when completing individual homework assignments. We have also added new graphics to the walls to inspire our students as we create a welcoming and inspiring look and feel for the space.



To h el p en s u re t h e s u s t ai n ab i l i t y o f A gap e an d t o h el p s t ab i l i z e an n u al f u n d i n g, A gap e s eed ed an en d o w m en t as a res u l t o f t h e cap i t al cam p ai gn . We are co m m i t t ed t o s eed i n g t h e en d o w m en t w i t h o n e m i l l i o n d o l l ar s b y 2024.

DONOR WALL Our Donor Wall was installed in August 2023 featuring a beautiful butterfly design. We are proud to display all of our capital campaign donors prominently on the wall adjacent to the Library. $100,000+ Anonymous David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund Fraser-Parker Foundation Gay and Erskine Love Foundation, Inc. The James M. Cox Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation The Mansfield Family Procure Analytics Trinity Presbyterian Church Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Zeist Foundation, Inc.

$25,000-$99,999 A Friend of Agape Argo Foundation The Balloun Family June R. Bishop Kaki and Mike Behr Blanche Lipscomb Foundation Lesley and Jamie Carroll Correll Family Foundation, Inc. Caroline and David Crawford Ellis Foundation Cindy and John Ferguson Bonnie and Jay Harris Elsie and Jim Henderson John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Novelis Allen and Melissa Moseley Brenda and Charlie Moseley Brian and Laura O’Neill Nancy and John Oglesby O. Wayne Rollins Foundation Bob and Margaret Reiser Truist Trusteed Foundations: Elkin Foundation The Vasser Woolley Foundation, Inc. Sarah and Neal Williams


Rev. Joanna M. Adams and Alfred B. Adams III Paula and Brant Andrews Anonymous Elaine Armstrong Lisa and Joe Bankoff Anne and Peter Barratt Nell and Brian Benn Berney Bridges Rev. Jane E. Fahey and Emmet J. Bondurant Gordon and Laurel Buchmiller Victor R. Bellido Danielle N. Boyd and William Boyd Jr. Butler Snow Foundation Rachel M. Byrd Anne H. Carson Paul and Carla Corley Sally and Reynolds Couch Cousins Properties Catherine H. and John H. Crawford Foundation Andrew and Corrie Crews Meredith and Billy Daniel Alex Díaz Eve Foy Eckardt Maggie and Joel Foster George M. Brown Trust Fund of Atlanta Graves Foundation Jane and Derek Hardesty Uma and Dan Haynes Lacy and Julio Hernandez Raphael Holloway Laurie and Chad Hood Meghan James Clara Jefferson Elinor and Tom Jones Julie’s Dream Inc. Katie and Nick Kittredge Tiffany and Jon-Michael Lloyd Garry Long Martin and Ginny McLendon Aubrey and Andra Martin The Mel and Julie Landis Charitable Giving Fund Kris Molter Sally and Bill Montgomery Anne and John Mori Yendelela Neely

Swati and Rahul Patel Peachtree Road United Methodist Church Lucille Perry Pittulloch Foundation, Inc. Rhoda and Bert Ponder Nancy and Dan Robitaille Brian and Sharickah Rogers Rotary Club of Buckhead Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Joe and Eileen Scherberger Peggy and John Shepard Forrest and Mary Kelly Speed Ann M. Speer Jim and Esther Stokes Lauri Strauss Karen and Haynes Taylor April Tesmer Tracey and Chip Thompson Nichole and Robert Thornhill The Clyde C. Tuggle Family Brandon and Scarlett Van Orden Betsy and Bill Verner Freda and Kelvin Walker Stuart and Chip Watson Elizabeth and Mitch Wickland Dede Woodring Carolyn and Jon York

AGAPE THANKS YOU Agape 25 Committee John Oglesby, Co-Chair Eileen Scherberger, Co-Chair Lisa Bankoff Lesley Carroll Caroline Crawford Marie Foster Bonnie Harris Laurie Hood Laura O’Neill Chip Watson

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