Activating adult participants in non-formal education

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Activating adult participants in non-formal education based on the slow life idea A compilation of methods and best practices

© Copyright 2022 Catch the Balance Project Partners






Catch the balance


Poleski Ośrodek Sztuki, Poland


EU WAREHOUSE; Belgium, Sprachendienst Konstanz, Germany, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, Asociația Solidart, Romania


EU WAREHOUSE; Belgium, Sprachendienst Konstanz, Germany, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, Asociația Solidart, Romania

Layout and editing

Universität Klagenfurt






Łódź, Brussels, Konstanz, Klagenfurt, Timişoara

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................4 1. METHOD: ACTIVE BREAK.................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. METHOD: KEEP CALM AND RELAX ................................................................................................................................ 6 3. METHOD: SHIATSU .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 4. METHOD: YOGA ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 5. METHOD: VOICE IN THREE DIMENSIONS – THREE DIMENSIONAL ASPECTS OF VOICE TRAINIG .......... 12 6. METHOD: THEATRE IMPROVISATION ......................................................................................................................... 14 7. METHOD: CREATIVE WRITING ....................................................................................................................................... 21 8. METHOD: CADAVRE EXQUIS .......................................................................................................................................... 21 9. WORKSHOP ON BARRIERS FOR TEACHERS / TRAINERS ...................................................................................... 23 10. METHOD: CREATIVITY SLAM ....................................................................................................................................... 26 11. CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................................................. 28 9. CARDS – INSPIRATION FOR THE EDUCATOR .......................................................................................................... 30 10. EDUCATOR’S CODE OF ETHICS .................................................................................................................................. 40


INTRODUCTION CATCH THE BALANCE – ABOUT THE PROJECT Our Erasmus+ project called „Catch the Balance”

sonal skills. The the project partners are all

is dedicated to learners and teaching staff in adult

experienced facilitators in adult education, the arts

education. We have noticed that people,

and non-formal educational methods. They have

including our audiences, have difficulties in

exchanged good/best practices on integrated

staying focused on one task. The effects are: lesser

learning and teaching methods appropriate to

energy to work on self-development and key

activate adults to enhance learning performances

competences as well as low social and interper-

and outcomes.

Photo: Brianna West, Pexels

AIM OF THE COMPILATION The results of the project, the exchanged and

education professionals (in the broadest sense) to

elaborated methods, are presented in this online

the benefits of participating in non-formal

compilation. The compilation provides examples

education activities, in order to stay balanced and

of activities as a base for a broader work on the

healthy. The mix of methodologies presented in

strategy of familiarizing audiences with non-

this compilation supports the objective to meet

formal learning activities. Our goal is to stimulate

the prerequisites to keep fit, mentally, physically

a discussion and to sensitize our other adult

and spiritually – to catch the balance.



1. METHOD: ACTIVE BREAK ABOUT THE METHOD "Active Break" is a short but effective exercise

Through this active movement break, the

program directly at the workplace.

employees return to the workplace after 15

Under the guidance of an exercise instructor,

minutes, mobilized. The exercise instructor brings

targeted intervention measures take place once a

along all the necessary materials and equipment

week for ca. 15 minutes involving stretching,

and also caters to the individual wishes of the

strengthening, mobilization and psychomotor

participants. The exercises are designed to be

exercises that are conducive to a successful "work-

done in a normal work outfit.

life balance". A key feature of this concept is that

We used this method at a German teacher

the mobile exercise program comes directly to the

conference in the Sprachendienst Konstanz, with

individual's workplace and does not have to be

the goal of having teachers integrate concentra-

visited by the participants as is usually the case.

tion, movement and relaxation exercises in class.

PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE The method’s general objectives are contributing

 the rhythmization of the daily work routine

to a healthy lifestyle and improving the mental,

 alternation between tension and relaxation

physical and social well-being. Thus, the method

 increase of concentration and attention

aimes to make for a healthy lifestyle for everyday

 counteracting restrictions of the sitting world

life and leisure time. A series of fine goals can be

 development of body & condition awareness

distinguished, among them:

 movement-related leisure activities

Photo: Sprachendienst Konstanz



2. METHOD: KEEP CALM AND RELAX ABOUT THE METHOD Weekly planner for appointments and time off

These tips concern physical and mental activities,

with tips and exercises for stress reduction.

as well as recipes and nutrition tips such as:



"Myth chocolate makes you happy, but only if you

promote programs for relaxation and stress

let it melt very slowly in your mouth. The cocoa

management. One of them offers a booklet in the

butter melts at 37 degrees and conveys the

style of a school notebook, in which daily entries

feeling of happiness via taste buds and thus calms

can be made about the course of everyday life. In

the nerves".

addition, this booklet contains tips on how to

We used this method at a German teacher

avoid or cope with stress. This booklet is used by

conference in the Sprachendienst Konstanz, with

Sprachendienst Konstanz in a German course as

the goal of having teachers integrate concentra-

a method to firstly practise the language and

tion, movement and relaxation exercises in class.




secondly to recognise, cope with and avoid one's own handling of stress.

Photo: Sprachendienst Konstanz



Photo: Alexas_Fotos,

PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE The method’s general objectives are contributing

 the rhythmization of the daily work routine

to a healthy lifestyle and improving the mental,

 alternation between tension and relaxation

physical and social well-being. Thus, the method

 increase of concentration and attention

aimes to make for a healthy lifestyle for everyday

 counteracting restrictions of the sitting world

life and leisure time.

 development of body & condition awareness

A series of fine goals can be distinguished, among

 stimulation








3. METHOD: SHIATSU ABOUT THE METHOD Shiatsu is a contemporary form of body and

who gives and the one who takes Shiatsu. Both

energy work adapted to the needs of Western

sides must be able to get involved in this contact.

people. It relaxes and stimulates the healing

The focus of Shiatsu lies on the vitality, which

powers of body, mind and soul. Shiatsu touch

refers to the strength and power of the ki-

works in depth, it comes into contact with

circulation. Ki describes the vitality strengthening

peoples’ indwelling resource. It is a way to help us

every physical activity, but also works in the

feel better about ourselves. If we feel better and

mental, emotional and spiritual sphere. Shiatsu

perceive ourselves, dialogue with ourselves and

acts as a support, regulates the flow of the Ki and

our environment is easier for us. Shiatsu supports

corrects any existing blockages. The treatment

this multi-faceted dialogue, The touch itself is

runs along specific channels, the meridians, in

created by the open contact between the one

which our life energy is expressed.

Photo: iStock

A workshop introduced the project partners,

as well as receiving shiatsu. A shiatsu teacher from

multipliers and learners into the method. The

the European Shiatsu Institute in Vienna, Austria

participants worked in pairs in both roles giving

instructed and supervised the learning session.



Photo: Agnieszka Kowalska-Owczarek

PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE The method works for people of all age groups

applied for general relaxation and regeneration

interested in working in pairs on relaxing body

against all kinds of stress, as a supporting method

techniques. Shiatsu is used in health care and as

in senior citizens' homes, in the work with mentally

general support, e.g. during pregnancy, as an

or physically disabled people as well as in the field

accompaniment for children and adolescents with

of education with children and adults. In addition,

regard to concentration and learning disorders or

we can recommend Shiatsu as a spiritual

hyperactivity, at the work-place in companies. It is

accompaniment for everybody at any time.



4. METHOD: YOGA ABOUT THE METHOD The creator of modern yoga is B.K.S. Iyengar

The roots of the tree are the yamas: the general

(1918-2014), who collected and elaborated the

principles. The trunk are niyamas or self study. The

yoga postures in a book called "The Light of

branches of the yoga tree are the asanas. The

Yoga". He was the first yogi to teach yoga

leaves are the breath and the ability to control its

techniques in the West and was able to modify

various phases during prānāyāma. The bark that

the postures so that anyone (even a person with

covers the tree from pests is a symbol of
















developed the therapeutic path of yoga, where


working in sequences and with props such as

attention on one thing is like the sap that spreads

blocks, belts and chairs has a healing effect.

from the roots to the crown of the tree, giving

B.K.S. Iyengar is also the author of commentaries

power to the tree, in time bearing flowers and

to the ancient text of Patanjali's Yogasutra, where

fruit, and bringing to yogi a state of meditation

the eight-step path of yoga is compared to a tree.

(dhyāna) and liberation (samādhi).

Photo: Maria Goldstein



PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE Yoga as described by B.K.S. Iyengar is both a

Yoga is a deep learning process, which begins

discipline of art when asana is performed with

with conscious positioning of the body in one of

elegance, a science in terms of systematic learning

200 postures, the so-called asana. The practice

through experience, and a philosophy in terms of

begins with Tadasana - a mountain pose, or

theoretical considerations and the development

standing position with a straight back and

of consciousness.

balanced weight. Asanas are a process involving

First of all, you have to fall in love with yoga.

all parts of the body. Each movement is

Energy and enthusiasm combined with discipline

accompanied by an opposing movement, which

are the basis for effective practice. Regular

must be integrated with each other to be in

practice of asanas improves overall health. Yoga

perfect balance. The muscular effort is combined

restores contact with the body, gives the courage

with the breath and the mind, which together

to express movement through the body, frees the

move in one direction to achieve an effortless

body from blockages, restores mobility. It is also


an ability to observe one's own reactions to what is new, to a challenge, to silence.

PRACTICE IN THE PROJECT Within the framework of the strategic partnership for the activation of adults to participate in non-

women and men, with different ideas about yoga.

formal education using the idea of slow life, a

All were adult educators or volunteers interested


in alternative ways of education.





combined with practice in pairs and a theoretical

It was an opportunity to share experiences of

lecture on yoga philosophy, took place in Vienna

yoga classes in different countries and age groups

in 2019. The practitioners were project participants

and to place yoga in the context of other practices

from Poland, Romania, Germany and Austria. The

that integrate body and mind, i.e. shiatsu or qi

group consisted of people of different ages,





corpus. The process of sound emission requires



the work of the whole body. The character of our

conditioned by the awareness of one’s body,

culture, and especially its stressogenity and not

space and, most of all, social relations. The aim of

developing body techniques in religious practices

the workshop is to get to know the natural, often

block this natural process. We also lose our

not realized

vocal possibilities influencing our

spontaneity by adjusting to the schemes of social

relations with other people and balance between

behaviours. The forms and conventions, in which

professional activity and rest. It is also a way of

we are forced to put our bodies, deprive us of

expressing yourself through the body.

natural means of expression.

We use voice, but we are not aware of the

Stress blocks the body and divides it into three

complexity of this process. Two individual vocal

parts. The fist block is located on the level of the

cords which we have are not enough to produce

throat, the second one around the stomach. They

intensive and strong sound. They need to be

limit the access to the place which is the centre of

supported by some places in our bodies called

gravity of our bodies, to the place from which our

resonators. The resonators are located in the skull

bodies may generate the effective movement,

and on the spine line in front and back of the

and also full sound.






Photo: from the archives of the Voice Laboratory. In the photo Agnieszka Kowalska-Owczarek



PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE The basis of the Laboratory of Voice training

based on acting tasks oriented onto space and

Agnieszka’s Kowalska-Owczarek are physical and

relations. This exercise lets us recognize our

breathing exercises which reduce stress and let

possibilities and means of expression connected

our bodies be integrated in movement. That is to

with working with voice and body in building an

say, they let the body be more effective. For


example, if we deal a blow with an arm only, its

Voice is a medium which may be directed in a

force won’t be great. If, however, the movement

specified direction. A speaker may emit his or her

impulse starts from the center of gravity, it will

stream of voice into all directions, even towards

engage the whole body, the gesture will become

his or her back! The stream of voice may be very

clear and effective. It is similar with voice. To be

narrow, but also very wide. The speaker or singer

able to understand and experience it, I suggest

may direct his or her message towards one

two kinds of exercise.

person, but may also embrace with his or her

The first group of exercise is ‘the Preparation’. It is

voice the whole group, or even address the

a form of a breathing-movement warm-up with

people around him or her, including those whom

some elements of sound in motion. I use elements

he or she cannot see.

of tai-chi and yoga in the exercise, as well as

By emitting the voice in a chosen direction, we use

biomechanics, which lets us find resonating places

resonators, and thus we influence the change of

in the body.

the colour and intensity of our voice.

Another part of the training is original concept of ‘Exercise on relation to space and people’. It is

PRACTICE IN THE PROJECT Within the framework of the strategic partnership

women and men. All were adult educators or

for the activation of adults to participate in non-

volunteers interested in alternative ways of

formal education using the idea of slow life, a




It was an opportunity to share experiences of work

combined with practice in pairs and a theoretical

with voice classes in different countries and age

lecture, took place in Timisoara in 2019. The

groups and to place this kind of work in the

practitioners were project participants from

context of other practices that integrate body and

Poland, Romania, Germany and Austria. The





group consisted of people of different ages,




Modern life is increasingly hectic and the strain to



which the individual is subjected can lead to an

psychological responses.

overload of information. This in turn leads to

Inside this project, methods of improvisational

stress, a lack of balance and the feeling that

theatre were discussed and explored in order to

everything is moving far too quickly. That life has


become ”fast-forward”.

mechanisms can be used in order to relieve stress

In these circumstances, many methods used in

and frustration.

theatre improvisation can be adapted in order to

Participants must act in real time. The purpose is

help the modern individuals take a step back and

to make individuals practice quick thinking, relax

”slow down” in order to find their balance.

and enjoy themselves.

Focused most of all on the body and the concept

Several can be used as ”ice-breakers” or as

of action and movement, improvisational theatre

communication exercises for large groups.








uses different methods and exercises which can

Photo: cottonbro, pexels




The players go around doing this. By the end of

As participants will move around and use their

the exercise, most people will have learned each

bodies, it is essential that everyone is properly

other’s name.

warmed up.

3. Questions only

Start with gentle rotations of the head and neck.

A game for beginners. First, the group decides a

Then focus on the shoulder joints, elbows, wrists

scenario. Then, participants must act out the

anEach player takes a turn sharing two facts and

scene speaking only in questions. You can turn

one fiction with the group. Other players must

this exercise into a competition by deducting

decide which statements are real, and which are

points or striking players out for hesitating or

inventions. This game is a quick way for large

answering in statements. The game continues for

groups to learn surprising facts about each

a set amount of time, until the scene ends

other.d fingers.

naturally, or until the last player remains.

Continue with arm extensions, the flexing of

4. Rhymes

elbows and the relaxation of the joints.

Rhymes has one simple rule, which is that every

Move on to the waist, then focus on the thighs

line must end in a rhyme. You can either require

and the ankles.

that every line rhymes with the same end word

Finish with a short run around the room, some

until a player messes up, or allow certain players

hopping and maybe a couple of push-ups.

to introduce new rhymes to the game. However,

2. Name Game

each line must still make sense within the

A fun way to learn all the names of people in a

proposed scene. To keep the game organized

group. Stand in a circle. Use the first two or three

when playing with big groups, you can assign an

letters that start the name of a person and double

order so that each player must answer in turn.

it. For example Claudia becomes Cla Cla, Rudolf

5. One word at a time

becomes Ru Ru, etc.

As the name suggests, participants devise a story

The person who begins the game start by naming

one word at a time. The game is over when the

themselves and then the person they pass on the

story reaches a natural finish, and the player who


spoke the first word announces “THE END.”

For example, Claudia names Rudolf. Claudia must

6. Tableau

utter Cla Cla Ru Ru. Rudolf in turn must then name

In groups of 2 or 3, participants create different

someone else – Anya. He utters Ru Ru An An.

scenes and strike poses, remaining frozen. Other



Photo: mostafa_meraji,

participants try and interpret what was being

8. Excuses

shown. This can lead to a lot of funny interpre-

Excuses is a game that encourages participants to

tations. The purpose of the exercise is to have fun

concoct crazy stories. The game starts with a

and not to guess exactly what the groups were

simple accusation such as, “why are you late?”,

trying to show.

“why didn’t you take the garbage out?” or “why

7. Yes And

don’t you ever listen to me?” The point of the

Participants rely on each other to continue the

game is to think up excuses that are extraordinary

story. Only by working together can participants

and entertaining yet not too outrageous.

finish the scene. First, one player makes a

9. Two truths and a lie

statement, and another responds with “yes, and…”

Each player takes a turn sharing two facts and one

and extrapolates. When playing in a large group,

fiction with the group. Other players must decide

participants must silently give cues as to who

which statements are real, and which are

should pick up the story thread. Players trust not

inventions. This game is a quick way for large

only that another participant will pick up the plot

groups to learn surprising facts about each other.

without hijacking it, but also that other players will give them a turn.




It is not true that only the ”chosen” can write. Any

which the individual is subjected can lead to an

person can do it. What it takes is courage and

overload of information. This in turn leads to


stress, a lack of balance and the feeling that

Inside this project, methods of creative writing

everything is moving far too quickly. That life has

were discussed and explored in order to discover

become ”fast-forward”.

which mental and emotional mechanisms can be

In these circumstances, many methods used in

used in order to relieve stress and frustration. The

creative writing can be adapted in order to help

purpose was not that of creating new literary

the modern individuals take a step back and ”slow

works, but using the mechanisms and tools of

down” in order to find their balance.

creative writing in order to explore internal

Being a creative and very personal process, the

psychological processes, and determine the way

act of writing is primarily a journey turned first of

in which these are affected by writing and

all inwards. It is a process of evaluation and self-

imagination exercise.

reflection of internal emotional and psychological mechanisms.

Photo: Agnieszka Kowalska-Owczarek



LIST OF METHODS AND EXERCISES 1. Creating a character

How does it dress? What is its favorite food? The

Start by imagining a character. A man, woman, a

questions are only limited by imagination.

supernatural being, an animal etc. Think of a

The idea of this exercise is to try and activate your

name, an occupation. Add physical traits. Now

thought processes that kick-start the mechanism

think about yourself. What is the thing that

of imagination. As we are primarily subjective

frightens you most? Is it something that this

beings i.e. we perceive others, the world and

character would be afraid of too, or on the

ourselves from our point of view, we can use this

contrary, would you create a character that has

exercise to try and discover ourselves without

none of your weaknesses and all of your

having to be exposed. We can detach and create

strengths? Does this character have a deep, dark

a character that speaks about ourselves, what we

secret? Do you? What did the character dream a

feel and think in a certain moment in our lives.

night before? What did you dream? Does this

The more characters you can create or imagine,

character have a deep desire? An enemy? Is it

the deeper you can go into exploring what you

really funny, does it laugh all the time, or is it

feel, think and observe about yourself, others and

introverted? Why? Is it curious? Does it have a

the world. The next step is choosing one or more

really big appetite? What does it want most of all?

characters and creating a story.

Photo: Agnieszka Kowalska-Owczarek



2. Creating a story

This exercise has to do with discipline, but it is not

The important thing to remember about a story is


that it must have a beginning, a middle and an

It is a process of small steps. Start by choosing a


notebook in which to keep your journal. Then

Choose one of the characters you have already

decide on how many times a week, or per month,

created, or invent a totally new one, and insert

you want to write in it. When the first day comes,

them inside a situation. That will be the start of the

open the journal, and for five minutes, write inside

story. It can be a long story, or a very short one,

it what comes to mind. How are you feeling?

but the most important thing it must have is

Why? Who did you meet? Who did you talk to?


How did it make you feel? Are you excited, sad,

Conflict is established when one or more

happy? Just write it down without thinking. You

characters want something, feel something or are

might discover that you spent more than five

about to do something, but other characters

minutes doing it. The key is to write by hand. The

inside the created world itself will not let them get,

physical act of writing, being slower than using a

feel or do what they want.

keyboard, winds you down, grounds you and can

The story is nothing more than the resolution of

get you to be more in touch with yourself and

the conflict. The more conflicts you can think of

your physical reality.

and link together, the more interesting the story

4. People watching

will become.

This is a fairly simple exercise, and can be done

Of course, the point of the exercise inside the

anywhere and at any time.

project was to use the set up of conflict to enable

Go somewhere where there are a lot of people. It

participants to use certain situations (real or

can be a bar, a public square, a waiting room.

imagined) that caused them stress and try to find

This is an exercise you can do if you are bored or

ways in which said situations could be navigated.


The effect is holistic and empowering, and can

Just watch the people around you, and try to

help with self-reflection, can allow participants to

imagine their stories. They are complete strangers

vent their frustration, invent outcomes or discover

so you can invent different names, occupations or

things about themselves, others and the world.

motives for them being in the same place as you

3. Keeping a journal

find yourself in. Try to invent their history, their

Although nowadays this concept has all but

fears, what makes them happy, what they want

disappeared, as most people use social media to

most. What their biggest disappointment was.

express themselves, keeping a journal is one of

What they had for breakfast. What their favorite

the best ways to stay in touch with your emotions

drink is, etc.

and ground yourself, allowing you to slow down.

This exercise can be used to create characters for your stories, or it can be a fun way to remember



about what you came up with when writing in

your life story can have interesting emotional and

your journal. Similarly, it can be used to pass the

psychological benefits.

time and make you focus on something exterior,

Again, you can use this exercise to write directly

if you feel anxious or stressed.

about yourself, or use a ”creative double”, a

5. Fly on the wall

character you invent, that went through events

An exercise in social ”invisibility”. It is about trying

similar to the ones you experienced.

to become an objective observer of a situation.

It is an exercise in introspection and honesty.

When you find yourself in a social setting, try to

Try to be as objective as you can, and not too

become as quiet as possible, as still as possible. If

hard on yourself.

a conversation starts, do not participate, just

7. The Movie Camera

observe other persons speaking. Notice their

This is an exercise in detachment.

facial expressions, their body language. Focus on

Imagine you are nothing more than a movie

the details.

camera. Your eyes are the lenses. Your ears the

This is an exercise in discipline, but it is best usually


done inside groups where you do not know the

Do this exercise when you have a day off.

people all that well, and can do this without

Wake up and go through your normal routine,

coming off as ”weird”. Of course, if someone talks,

then take a walk. Take a notebook with you.

address them, be pleasant etc. If not, you will find

Try and ”record” everything you see. Weather,

that you can learn a lot about the way other

birds chirping, sounds of traffic, children at play,

people behave, their idiosyncrasies and quirks. Be

people walking, talking How does it make you

careful to remember the details, as you can use

feel? Write it down. Good and bad emotions, but

them to create new characters.

try and stay objective and honest.

When you have some time, write down what you

If you meet someone you know, let them do most

remember, invent new characters, situations and

of the talking. Just listen and ”record”.


Take mental snapshots of scenery, the corner of a

Keep in mind that you are the same as the people

building, a certain smell or color. Write it down in

you just ”observed”, so be gentle with others and

your notebook as soon as you can.


This is an exercise meant to ground participants in

6. Life story

reality, and help them become aware of their

We all have one, and we are creating it as we go

surroundings. Done right, it slows everybody

along through life.

down. The simple act of observing sunlight filter

One of the best ways to get in touch with yourself

through the leaves of a tree, or grass being

in the moment, or to look back at how you grew

moved by the wind, can become an enlightening

and changed throughout your life, thinking about




8. METHOD: CADAVRE EXQUIS ABOUT THE METHOD “Getting visual and creative” describes best the

to collect words or images in an assembled way.

using of the well-known playful method “cadavre

Each participant adds to a composition in

exquis”. It was invented by Surrealists and is

sequence, either by following a rule or by being

connected to famous names like André Breton,

allowed to see the end of what the previous

Man Ray or Henry Miller, just to name a few. The

person contributed. In order to create a learning

name is derived from a phrase that resulted when

space to “catch the balance” and to initiate a

Surrealists first played the game, "Le cadavre

learning process, not only the right method is

exquis boira le vin nouveau." The general idea is

needed, but also the right buy equipment.


PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE The method could be seen as an “ice breaker” in

The setting allows making diverse groups work

adult education group settings, but has much

together, using playfulness and imagination to

more to offer, being playful and eventually

open their minds for new experiences. The

enriching to the learners. Many variations can be

“rules” of the methods don’t limit the expression

added to the set up.

of the participants, but create a trustful and fantasyenhancing






can be applied at almost any place. The target

Facilitators need to bring paper and crayons in

group is almost limitless; the method can be

different colours.






PRACTICE IN THE PROJECT The example picture shown in our group was

the different stages of collaboration can be used

composed of four “body parts”, which can be

be the facilitator: opening the minds of the

show-cased on a wall. Name, age, size of shoes,

participants, challenge their comfort zones in a

profession and the person’s motto can been

friendly way and make their imagination and

added. The best practice example showed, that

fantasy ready for more.

Photo: Pexels,



9. WORKSHOP ON BARRIERS FOR TEACHERS / TRAINERS ABOUT THE METHOD In order to “Catch the Balance”, a teacher/trainer

The results of this discussion are summarized and

needs to be aware of what the barriers/

different groups of barriers detected are created

challenges for learners are or could be. Learning

on a flipchart.

barriers and obstacles can impact on the learning

The knowledge about barriers will provide the

result – understanding and acknowledging them

training-provider with hints and ideas how

is very helpful in order to provide methods and

methods in order to improve learning (in the

practices, which “catch the balance”. In the

broadest sense) can be balanced out. And some

barriers workshop, the participating staff is firstly

obstacles might even be out of reach, as they lie

being asked to think about which forms of barriers

with the community, the region, the state etc.

and obstacles there are.

Photo: Mary Taylor, pexels

In order to start the discussion / workshop, you

• If we do have the right measures what possibi-

can use the following questions:

lities do we have to solve the problem of

• How do people choose their way of


education? • How can we support them in realizing that there are options for their future? • How can learners be encouraged to join adult education schemes and finish them?

• What recommendations can we give to promote a more outcome-oriented assessing of competences and even their validation? … or let the participants design a catalogue of guiding questions as part of the workshop.



PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE It is helpful to describe the situation in your

The fears/barriers from European partner institu-

organization/at your workplace as well as the type

tions and their target groups are pretty common.

of learners you are in general working with. One

The following good practices were suggested:

of the group´s main interest is to find out, how the

• Show success stories;

target group can be supported with "balancing”

• Open door courses;

measures in order to achieve better (in the

• short time between the decision to start the

broadest sense) learning result. In a next step the

course and the beginning of course;

group bundles the findings and develops

• give positive examples;

strategies and tools. E.g. your work group can

• mentoring on personal level;

focus on psychological barriers that prevent

• measures for each group are very different;

learners from participating education / learn

• for some groups you need qualified staff to

successfully. Measures and best practices to overcome psychological barriers which hinder participation in adult education will be collected and presented:

apply measures. • Peer learning for 2 groups: one who is trying to fit and one who is not; • Eye to eye, not “we know better” approach.

PRACTICE IN THE PROJECT We had a review of the barriers in order to

With regards to the psychological barriers e.g. we

complement and cluster them. We discussed the

discussed the potential value of prior/experiment-

reachability of target groups (on which level). In a

tal learning and the adaptation of adult education

second step we looked at different kind of settings

offers based on needs.

needed to be addressed for activities/measures.



Tab 1: Example from the “Catch the Balance” online learning activity in Brussels



10. METHOD: CREATIVITY SLAM ABOUT THE METHOD A "Creativity slam" is based on the idea of

open to the learner group. The decision how to

slamming, a type of competition open to all who

perform is a vital part of the learning experience.

wish to compete, given the number of slots

The facilitator will give a list of words or phrases

available (e.g. used in poetry or hip hop).

to mixed and/or diverse learner groups, which are

Creativity slams can feature a broad range of

reflecting aspects of the ongoing learning

voices, styles, techniques, cultural traditions, and

process, adding surprising or unfamiliar or

approaches to learning, writing and performance

seemingly unconnected aspects.

and all other kind of expressive learning

The method contains has a massive element of


empowering, expressed in the extraordinary

The idea is to let learner groups work on a (e.g.

performances shown by the team members. The

project or course related) given topic, but

more trust there is in the group, the more daring

challenging them through adding different /

the performances will be. So, it might be best, to

opposing aspects and obliging them to present

apply this method to group which have been

their topic in an unusual form (like e.g. poetry,

working together for a while and use it to reflect

singing, drama etc.). The styles of expression are

in a creative way on their learning experiences

PREREQUISITES AND SCOPE OF THE TECHNIQUE Participants will be hugely challenged to go out of

The method should be well prepared with regards

their comfort zones. Adding the absurd or

to choose the “to-do-list”, in order to create the

unexplainable, liberates the learner to limit

right positive tension. There needs to be the rights

himself/herself to the boundaries of a “given”

mixture between the known and the unknown. It


can be applied to various learner groups, but it

Audience members can be included in the

should be done, when there is already a base of

process, becoming part of the output’s presence.

team spirit developed in the group.



PRACTICE IN THE PROJECT In this learning activity the partnership referred to

in combination with project related topics, which

a best practice example, where quotes of a book

all had to be used in the performance:

by William S. Burroughs (Naked Lunch) were used

GROUP 1:  soul-searching  social responsibility  attentiveness  Naked Lunch – And Start West

GROUP 2:  non-traditional training methods  human development orientation  mindfulness  Naked Lunch - The Vigilante

GROUP 3:  identify projects/aspects the people themselves felt they needed and to help them find the resources  challenge basic beliefs and assumptions  guiding and supporting them in exploring alternatives  fantasy  Naked Lunch - Hospital …more groups possible, depending on the learning situation


HOW TO GATHER A GROUP FOR PERMANENT FORMS: It is worth to provide the clearest possible message about the classes and their character, choose an interesting graphic defining the activities and competences that we will acquire during the classes. In the first place, the characteristics of the recipient at whom we direct the message are important. We must also take into account the person and style of work of the instructor. The graphics, therefore, should characterize how knowledge will be transferred and what effects the recipient will achieve. We need to know the answer to the question of what the most important goal of the classes will be, e.g. developing creativity in some area, expanding expert knowledge, preparing for an exam, spending free time in an interesting way with people of similar interests, supporting a community group, e.g. young mothers, etc. A properly constructed message should reach the environment at which it is directed. That is why it is worth looking for a variety of means of communication that best correspond to the form of communication of the recipient and thus will reach environments potentially interested in the subject of our organization's activities. In some cases, it will be social media, in others a leaflet, a poster, or an advertisement in a newsletter for seniors. A good method is to establish a network with a person who has direct contact with the recipient group, e.g. during classes addressed to seniors with the group’s supervisor.

HOW TO CONDUCT A CLASS IN A GROUP OF RECIPIENTS IN A DIFFICULT LIFE SITUATION: When conducting classes in a group of people in a difficult life situation, coming from disadvantaged environments, one should not focus on things that are related to their dysfunction or condition, or the reason for their discrimination. For example, in case of people with disabilities, we do not pay excessive attention to their disability while allowing them to carry out tasks according to their capabilities. The person conducting the classes must show empathy, the participant of the classes should feel like a full-fledged partner in the dialogue with the instructor. It happens that people from disadvantaged backgrounds are very sensitive to the assessment of their person, so during the course of conducting classes you need to clearly separate the description of the activities, activities of the participant from himself/herself. It also happens that these people treat themselves as people who need to be taken care of, have a demanding attitude, rebelling against the situation in which they find themselves. In such a situation, these attitudes should not be supported and strengthened, because they harm the participant.

HOW TO PURSUE ONE’S PASSION WITHOUT FEELING BURNED OUT: Sometimes it's hard to strike a balance between work, family life and rest. It happens that we neglect one of these areas. More and more often, work consumes our entire lives. When this happens, it's easy to burn out. Work, even the one we have been striving for, can become its source. Therefore, it is worth taking care


of various activities in our lives, the balance between intellectual work and physical movement, the variability of our activities. What comes useful are different tasks in our professional work, so as not to fall into routine; we need different sources of inspiration, additional vocational training, shaping soft skills. It is also vital to form good relationships in the work environment.

HOW TO CREATE A GROUP AND MAINTAIN INTEREST: Creating a new group must be well planned taking into account the factors described in the point: "how to assemble a group for permanent forms." At first, the group may not meet our expectations regarding the number of participants. Don't worry about that. The best showcase is a good opinion of the participants, and it is them who will attract others. To maintain interest, the instructor should find his/her own style of communication, something that will be his/her signature. He/she should follow his/her own ways, which have worked well in the group. Follow what seems particularly valuable in the message. The most important in conducting classes are not the quantitative indicators, but the qualitative ones. And if we perfect the latter, the former ones will also rise. In order to maintain interest, it is good to introduce new elements into classes, refer to the current trends, ways of working, development opportunities, past and present contexts in which the classes function. The instructor should take care of his/her own development, training, workshops, deepening knowledge and skills. It is also important to observe one’s participants and to meet their expectations without lowering the level of teaching.



Cards designed by Agnieszka Kowalska-Owczarek











EDUCATOR’S CODE OF ETHICS 1. A good educator does not judge a person, but describes their actions – in this way it strengthens the person's sense of value. It is especially important in case of activities related to the body, i.e. selfpresentation, recitation, singing, voice emission, etc. 2. A good educator praises – he/she points out to the positive sides of created activities and other effects of the training created by his/her student, so that the learner can also rely on the example of their own activity, thus being able to deepen and develop it more easily. 3. A good educator listens to his/her student to choose the right key or a way of learning beneficial for that person. 4. A good educator knows his/her own limitations and ignorance, and if necessary, he/she can talk about them openly. 5. A good educator respects every student. 6. A good educator does not favor. 7. A good educator stimulates creativity, does not just give ready-made recipes. 8. A good educator learns throughout his/her entire life  9. Professionalism – this is a competence that determines effectiveness. The educator should have knowledge that is a guarantee of quality, continuous improvement of his/her competences. An uneducated educator does not fulfill his/her duties and thus negatively affects the image of the educational process. Continuous improvement is necessary and is motivated by the progress of life or the specialization of professional life. 10. Honesty – is a feature especially required from educators. Often, while working with older people, the educator faces dilemmas whether his/her help does not do harm, or if, by pushing through the educational process, he/she really responds to the needs of the participants. 11. Impartiality – this is a desirable feature, especially for those working with Seniors. A social group is a network of interdependencies. The educator, when positively motivating participants, must at the same time be sensitive to bias and different treatment of individual members of the community. The bias of the educator is unacceptable. 12. Dignity – is a feature that allows you to maintain the right distance from the participants. In Maslow's pyramid, dignity is listed as one of the most important human needs. The educator should ensure that participants are treated subjectively. Regardless of their views, emotional and psychological development, intellect or declared faith, the educator should treat people using his/her resources with due dignity.


CODE OF EDUCATOR – WHICH ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS MAKE A GOOD EDUCATOR? Expert knowledge / know-how A crucial skill of any teacher / trainer / coach is to “know your stuff”. They should be experts in their field and be well prepared for each class. Additionally the willingness to learn and up-date the expert knowledge is of outermost importance Methods skills A good educator should be able to prepare understandable presentation of the teaching content and know/be able to use various learning techniques (which need to be updated). This requires also the ability to choose the adequate methods for the specific learner target group(s). Teaching style A good teacher should provide transparent evaluation criteria and be consistent in all levels of his/her work. He/she should have a structured approach and be goal and result-oriented, in order to achieve / stimulate responsible action from the pupils/learners Personal skills • empathy (but knowing your boundaries is very important!!!); • justice and fairness; • patience; • dialogue and criticism skills; • enthusiasm and open-mindedness; • sensitive communication of norms and values. Intercultural competence: In more and more diverse classrooms a “good” educator/teacher should have intercultural competences in order to dealing with cultural diversity and to provide intercultural learning. • physical, cultural and ethnic diversity • culture, cultural diversity and intercultural competence • awareness of your own intercultural “programming” as a teacher/trainer • Delivering definition on interculturality, diversity, intercultural diversity, culture etc. • Understanding the key concepts of diversity, equality, discrimination • Understanding the need for and the advantage of developing /improving social/intercultural competence and getting a social/intercultural competence profile.


The trainer needs to be encouraged to realize, that his/her way of programming, organizing and providing training is (inevitably, and most of the time unconsciously) influenced by the interaction of different cultural, religious, ethical and moral heritages. Understanding the cultural norm(s) which cause our learning-styles and way of comprehending knowledge etc. can facilitate learning and enhance personal growth, interpersonal relations and intercultural interactions.


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