Edmonton (Alta.) - 1980 - Edmonton general municipal plan, bylaw 6000 (1980-10-07)

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(b) diminish the demand for high rise residential development elsewhere in the city; (c) utilize existing infrastructure such as utilities and transit more efficiently, with little increase in investment on the City's part; (d) increase the choice of housing available in the city; Benefits of office decentralization upon Downtown

Office decentralization is being proposed for two reasons: (a) reduction of traffic congestion; and, (b) viability of the Downtown. Traffic Congestion: Office development represents the primary single generator of employment in the city. The continued concentration of office space in the Downtown will result in significant reductions in the level of service available on major roadways entering and within Downtown. To continue to meet the travel demands associated with this development, increased investment for the widening of existing roadways or the development of new roadways will be required. This will also result in signficant impacts on the inner city communities through which these roadways must run.

(e) assist in reducing transportation congestion in the Downtown by creating less demand on the roadway network, resulting in greater use of transit; and, (f) potentially reduce the amount of energy consumed for transportation by providing more opportunities for people to live closer to their place of work. Viability of Downtown: The present concentration of office development in the Downtown and the expectations for future office development are promoting increases in the cost of land, thereby reducing opportunities for, and the feasibility of, other uses such as housing in the Downtown. Notwithstanding a policy to encourage a portion of office space growth to locate outside of the Downtown, it will still remain the single dominant employment and activity centre in the city. Thus, substantial office decentralization is not expected to detract from the viability of Downtown. This is particularly true if the office space provided for and encouraged to locate in decentralized areas is treated selectively.


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