Identifying the best apple cider vinegar

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Identifying the best apple cider vinegar The best, most organic form of apple cider vinegar contains a substance called ‘mother’, which supposedly gives the product the health benefits it contains. Unfiltered acv with mother consists of proteins, enzymes and bacteria that are all good for the body. While acv may not be high in vitamins and minerals, acv with mother is rich in potassium. Good acv may help regular blood sugar levels While the best way to regulate high blood sugar levels might be to reduce or completely avoid the intake of carbs and sugar, apple cider vinegar may also be beneficial. Diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, is identified by high sugar levels caused because of insulin resistance or insensitivity. Several batches of studies conducted on a small scale have shown that regular intake of apple cider vinegar may increase sensitivity to insulin. However, the best apple cider vinegar is not just beneficial to those with type 2 diabetes. It also has proven to regulate blood sugar in those with other chronic and age-related issues caused due to high sugar levels. Good acv may help in weight loss The easiest way to reduce is your intake of calories is when you feel full. This is exactly what vinegar helps in doing. Studies indicate that including apple cider vinegar in a high carb diet can give the perception of fullness, thus stopping one from gorging on more calories, and hence aiding in weight loss. Apple cider vinegar by itself is also very low on calories – one tablespoon contributes roughly three calories. Further, since apple cider vinegar also helps regulate blood sugar levels, it may induce satiety also thus helping in weight loss. However, it is imperative to note that merely adding or deducting ingredients from your intake may not promote weight loss. It requires a complete lifestyle and diet overhaul, effectively monitored by a professional. Good acv can help kill bacteria Often used as a food preservative, acv is a natural way to save food from getting spoilt. How come? ACV is rich in acetic acid, which is a primary ingredient in vinegar, and is effective in stopping harmful bacteria from multiplying. Similarly, in traditional medicine, acv was also used to clean wounds and disinfecting infections such as lice, warts and bodily fungi. Good acv may improve skin lustre In traditional medicine, apple cider vinegar was used to remedy dry skin. Considering that the human skin is more acidic in nature, apple cider vinegar can help maintain the natural pH balance of the skin. In fact, some people use natural apple cider vinegar in a diluted form as a toner or wash to sanitise their skin with. Further, since apple cider vinegar also has properties that dissuades bacteria and other fungi from multiplying, it can be used to treat infections related to the skin.

However, always consult a dermatologist before taking to using substances such as apple cider vinegar to treat skin conditions as it may also lead to irritation, as is the case with several nonmedicated substances.

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