Facts about ACV

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Facts about ACV You must have often heard of people raving about consuming apple cider vinegar with honey and its many benefits. Apple cider vinegar with mother or Apple cider vinegar even without mother is promoted as an undeniable, virtual cure for not one but many dozens of conditions and diseases. A quick and fast search on the net turns up and claims that it can fight heart/cardiovascular diseases, improves the lives of diabetic patients and cures the severe and serious condition of cancer. It is also considered by many world-wide to be a modern-day cure for all How so? Here are some fun facts about acv with mother and acv without mother:. 1. It kills yeast and boosts probiotics Very few across the world know of this issue but more than millions of people face issues with candida and yeast. The side effects of these are bad breath, lack of energy, digestive issues, etc. 2. It regulates Your Body’s pH Apple cider drink is acidic in nature. It balances your bodies functions and can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses like cancer. It also gives a boost in energy which can prove helpful for those who feel low on energy at most times. 3. Skincare During winters and even generally otherwise, acv has proved to be a boon for those fond of skincare and healing their skin. Even winters are mostly not easy on your skin. From the dry air outside to the lack of humidity inside, skin can easily get irritated and become dehydrated, resulting in itching and flakiness. That’s exactly where acv comes to the rescue as a skin-care boon. Consuming it on an empty stomach and applying/massaging it on to ones face makes ones skin radiant, acne-free, plump and simply gorgeous! 4. Aids in weight loss It not only regulates/speeds up your metabolism, but also has proven to be the most reliable and effective solution for those wanting to shed those few kilos or simply loose a few inches here and there. How does it work? Well, it helps detox ones body and speed up the digestion process which in return speeds up the metabolism of a person that has gone slow. It is best consumed on an empty stomach or in between meals. Many even consider it to be an exemplary fat burner. 5. Proven effective in treating conditions like PCOS As we all know, PCOS is a growing, rather unfortunately trending lifestyle disease faced by women and young girls across the globe. There is no real, 100% assured medication for this condition. It is mostly a case of lifestyle habits and choices. ACV manages to turn this condition around flawlessly and effortlessly as it detoxes and cleanses your system in no time. When consumed regularly, it fixes ones cholesterol, thyroid and regulates other bodily conditions.

Apart from the benefits listed above, the apple cider vinegar also helps in whitening teeth, improving heart-burns, is an all natural household cleaner, soothes sunburns, improves blood sugar and diabetes, protects fruits and veggies from germs and bacteria on being soaked in vinegar, heals poison ivy, reduces

swelling and inflammation, repels fleas on pets, lowers blood pressure, fights seasonal allergies and so many more such never-ending benefits! The many uses of this beauty are simply too many. But, we promise as you start with the consumption of this masterpiece, you are sure to see promising results in many walks of life.

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