5 uses of apple cider vinegar

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5 uses of apple cider vinegar

ACV for weight loss One of the most common apple vinegar uses is to lose weight. For years people have found that this works great even without a change in your diet. But how does this happen? People usually eat and at times overeat because they don’t feel full. ACV boosts satiety ad makes you feel full and in turn stops you from overeating. So, if you are trying to shed some kilos and lead a healthier lifestyle get the best apple cider vinegar today.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Diabetes This vinegar works wonders to prevent diabetes, so if you have a family history of this disease, make ACV your best friend. It has been known to bring down blood sugar levels when one is fasting. Having said that, you must remember that it can not act as a replacement for medicine. If you are a diabetic and are already on insulin or any other prescribed drug you must consult your doctor before turning to apple vinegar uses and adding it to your diet.

ACV helps for digestion Get rid of heartburn, bloating and improve digestion overall with ACV. Every time you feel discomfort or pain after a meal, you must listen to your body’s signs and understand that either you have overeaten, or your digestive system is not functioning properly. When there is lack of acid in the stomach, food cannot be broken down which leads to the above mentioned problems. Drinking the best apple cider vinegar can regulate acid levels in the stomach thus leading to better digestion.

Great for skin and hair Want to look your best? Drink ACV for glowing skin and healthy hair. It treats acne, soothes sunburn, comes with anti-aging properties, improves your hair’s health, reduces frizz, seals cuticles to retain moisture and more. While its benefits are endless, you must ensure that ACV is always diluted with water before using it on your skin.

Regulates cholesterol and blood pressure Drinking apple cider vinegar regularly can also help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This is because it helps control the production of renin, a hormone that is responsible for the construction and dilation of blood vessels. ACV keeps the blood vessels relaxed to prevent an increase in BP. It also reduces bad cholesterol while boosting good cholesterol.

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