5.ACURIL XL General Program

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Booth, A. and Brice, A. (eds) (2004) Evidence Based Practice: a Handbook for Information Professionals. London, Facet Publishing. 1-­‐85604-­‐471-­‐8 está disponible gratuitamente a través de la siguiente dirección: http://ebliptext.pbworks.com/f/Booth+%26+Brice+2004+EBP+for+Info+Professionals+-­‐+A+Handbook.pdf También se puede acceder por medio del wiki EBLIP text, en: http://ebliptext.pbworks.com/ Booth, Andrew. “Exceeding Expectations: Achieving professional excellence by getting research into practice.” LIANZA Conference 2000. Christchurch, New Zealand, 2000. 3 March 2006. http://www.shef.ac.uk/~scharr/eblib/Exceed.pdf Brice, A., Booth, A, & Bexon, N. Biblioteconomía basada en la evidencia: Un estudio de caso en las Ciencias Sociales. Presentado en el 71 Congreso Mundial de la IFLA 2005, en Oslo: http://www.ifla.queenslibrary.org/IV/ifla71/papers/111s_trans-­‐Brice_Booth_Bexon.pdf Civallero, Edgardo (2007). Aplicación de la metodología de investigación-­‐acción en prácticas bibliotecológicas basadas en la evidencia = Action research application in Evidence-­‐based practice for libraries. In Proceedings 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council, Durban (South Africa). Disponible en http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00011124/. Incluye texto completo. Cotter, L., & Lewis, S. (2006). Libraries using evidence -­‐ eblip.net.au. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 1(3), 98-­‐100. http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/EBLIP/article/view/102/154 Cromley, Ellen & Denise Koufogiannakis (2002). Developing evidence-­‐based librarianship: practical steps for implementation. Health Information and Libraries Journal 19 (2), 61–70. Resumen disponible en: http://www.blackwell-­‐synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1471-­‐1842.2002.00372.x Incluye texto completo. EBL glossary. http://ebltoolkit.pbwiki.com/EBL+Glossary Eldredge J. D. (2000) Evidence-­‐based librarianship: an overview. Disponible en Bull Med Libr Assoc October 88(4);289-­‐302; http://www.eblib.net/ Full text article in PubMed Central: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=35250 Evidence Based Library and Information Practice: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/EBLIP Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference, Durham, North Carolina, US. http://www.eblip4.unc.edu/papers/Brettle.pdf Evidence-­‐based toolkit for public libraries. http://ebltoolkit.pbwiki.com/ Koufogainnakis, Denise and Ellen Crumley. (2004). "Applying Evidence to your Everyday Practice." Evidence-­‐based practice for information professionals: A handbook. Eds. Andrew Booth and Anne Brice. London: Facet. 120. McKenna, June. Evidence-­‐based research, activities, interests and opportunities exist for practitioners in all library sectors in the british isles. A review of McNicol, Sarah. “Is research an untapped resource in the library and information profession?” Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 36.3(September 2004):119-­‐26. En: Evidence-­‐Based Library and Information Practice 2006, 1:1. http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/EBLIP/article/view/23/75 (23-­‐317-­‐1-­‐1PB.pdf) Recursos de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla http://bib.us.es/salud/recursos/practica_pbe_recursos-­‐ides-­‐idweb.html Siess, Judith. EBLIB Resources. En eblibrarianship: http://eblibrarianship.pbwiki.com/EBLIB%20Resources,%20from%20Judith%20Siess The University of New Castle, Australia. Evidence-­‐Based Librarianship (EBL): A Seminar with Andrew Booth. Disponible en: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/service/library/gosford/ebl/jun06papers.htm


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